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Thursday Nov. 24, 2011 $1.50

Daily Corinthian Vol. 115, No. 280

• Corinth, Mississippi •

Sunny Today




28 pages • Two sections

City sets property cleanup hearings

2011 Christmas Basket Fund ‘A Community Tradition’

Donations begin to arrive for this year’s basket fund

BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

‘Tis the season for giving as donations are beginning to arrive for the 16th Annual Corinth Rotary Club / Daily Corinthian Christmas Basket Fund. A $25,000 fundraising goal has been set so 1,100 food baskets can be given to local families on Saturday, Dec. 10. So far $11,725 has been received, which includes the generous $10,000 Caterpillar gift in hopes the community will

The city has scheduled a public hearing for four additional properties in December for cleanup matters. The Board of Mayor and Aldermen had a special meeting Tuesday for a few items, including setting an adjudication public hearing for 5 p.m. on Dec. 20 for the following properties: n 815 Fourth Street — a dilapidated house and overgrown lot that has prompted complaints on the west side of Fourth Street;

Staff photo by Steve Beavers

Land, ho! Glendale Elementary School kindergarten and first-grade classes continued their traditional celebration of Thanksgiving by dressing as pilgrims and Indians. Keturah Hutson’s first-grade class constructed their own Mayflower ship and took the voyage by sea. First-graders Reed Johnson (left), Tret King and Joshua Trosell look for land as they sail the Mayflower.

Please see BASKETS | 2A

Please see BOARD | 5A

Small Business Saturday promotes local support BY BRANT SAPPINGTON bsappington@dailycorinthian.com

The weekend after Thanksgiving brings one of the busiest shopping periods of the year and local residents are being encouraged to keep the cash registers ringing at their local merchants and support the businesses that

support their community. One promotion designed to encourage shoppers to head to their local shops and businesses to do their holiday shopping is known as Small Business Saturday. Playing off the traditional Black Friday shopping period, Small Business Saturday encour-

ages everyone to spend Saturday exploring the unique offerings to be found at local businesses. American Express Corporation is heavily promoting the initiative and is offering its cardholders a $25 credit on their bills when they use their cards to shop at participating local businesses. Details

on the credit card offer and much more can be found at www.smallbusinesssaturday.com. Alliance Community Development Director Andrea Rose said the promotion is an excellent way for shoppers to bag an extra benefit when visiting their local shops and retailers.

Rose said local small businesses are the backbone of the local economy and it’s more important than ever to support these merchants whose businesses make a direct impact on the community in the form of taxes and commuPlease see SATURDAY | 2A

Square pickers find new winter home Police urge safety on Black Friday BY BOBBY J. SMITH


Corinth’s premier Bluegrass gathering has found a new home for the winter. During the winter months, Pickin’ on the Square will hold its weekly Bluegrass sessions at the old East

Corinth School Auditorium. While the pickers gather on courthouse square during warm weather, Pickin’ on the Square was formerly held at the downtown Coliseum Civic Center in the wintertime. “The Coliseum is so big and the ceiling is so high it’s hard for us to

heat it for just that one night,� said Lanell Coln, organizer of the annual Alcorn County Bluegrass Festival and Pickin’ on the Square enthusiast. “In the auditorium it pulls us closer together — I think it’s going

Alcorn County had 95 new unemployment insurance claims during October compared to 148 a year earlier and 1,254 continued claims, compared to 1,409 a year earlier, according to the Mississippi Department of Employment Security.

While shoppers hunt for big bargains on Black Friday, thieves will also be on the hunt. Law enforcement warns that the holiday retail kickoff is a time to be extra cautious in order to avoid becoming a victim of a purse snatching or other crimes. The Corinth Police Department plans to do its part by stepping up patrols of retail areas during Friday’s consumer frenzy. “One of the best things people can do to protect themselves is to go shopping in a group with friends or family,� said Police Chief David Lancaster, “because a thief is less likely to approach a group of people than someone who is alone.� Those who take advantage of 4 a.m. sales or who shop later in the evening should look for well-lit parking areas.

Please see UNEMPLOYMENT | 2A

Please see FRIDAY | 5A

Please see PICKERS | 5A

County sees slight decline in unemployment BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

Alcorn County saw a modest unemployment decrease in October but has a higher unemployment rate than it did a year ago. Mississippi’s not seasonally adjusted rate declined from 10.6 percent in September to 10.2 percent

in October, while Alcorn County experienced a decrease from 12.4 percent to 12 percent during the same period. In October 2010, the county’s jobless rate was 11.5 percent. The county had 1,790 unemployed, up slightly from 1,720 a year earlier, and 13,160 employed, down from 13,320 last October.

Index Stocks...... 7A Classified......9B Comics......3B Wisdom......2B

BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

Weather......5A Obituaries......3A Opinion......4A Sports......8A

On this day in history 150 years ago In Kentucky, a little known Confederate cavalryman, Col. Nathan Bedford Forrest, sets out on the first of many raids. By Tom Parson, NPS Ranger



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Quinisha Logan, M.D. | Jason Cesario, M.D. | Diane Evans, D.O., M.S.

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