Daily Corinthian, E-Edition 113011

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Wednesday Nov. 30,


50 cents

Daily Corinthian Vol. 115, No. 285

Partly cloudy Today




• Corinth, Mississippi • 24 pages • 2 sections

Snowfall short on expectation, but still a record BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

Monday night’s snowfall fell short of forecasters’ expectations but still found a place in the record books. It is the region’s first measurable November snowfall since 1991, when Tupelo recorded

one-tenth of an inch and Memphis recorded six-tenths of an inch, said Meteorologist Chris Duke of the National Weather Service. Although a winter storm warning was posted for Mississippi’s northeast corner with the promise of as much as 5

inches of snow, accumulations were minimal, with an estimated half to three-quarters of an inch in Corinth. An official snowfall total was not available for the city. Booneville received threetenths of an inch, while totals were greater to the west, with

Ashland recording 1.5 inches. “Most of north Mississippi didn’t get as much as we thought they would,” said Duke. “It was not quite as cold as we expected at the surface, and the track of the low was more favorable for northeast Arkansas and the Missouri Bootheel.”

Searching for angels

2011 Christmas Basket Fund ‘A Community Tradition’

Temperatures in the mid to upper 30s limited accumulation to grassy surfaces, roofs and cars. “It was melting just about as fast as it hit the ground,” said Corinth Street Commissioner Please see WEATHER | 2A

City plea: Please bag your leaves BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

A good figure to spend on each is $50-$75 according to Miles. Those who adopt a child should put the items in a black garbage bag and tape the tag taken off the tree on the outside. They need to drop off the bag at the Salvation Army by Dec. 15. Miles says that 90 percent of those that went through the process, from 0-12 years of age, are on the tree for the first time.

With many residents continuing fall cleanup around their homes, the city of Corinth is making a plea for people to keep leaves out of the streets, ditches and gutters. Leaves are always an issue when fall arrives as they contribute to drainage problems during heavy fall rains. “By raking your leaves in the ditches, it’s going to stop up your drainage,” said Street Commissioner Jim Bynum. “By raking them into the streets, it stops up your underground drainage. This is quite costly when we have to bring extra equipment out to clean out your drainage.” He said the city is trying to remove leaves as quickly as possible. The city’s leaf vacuum is in operation when it’s not too wet. Bynum said the city is seeing many leaves piled in areas they shouldn’t be this year. “They’ll just blow them out into the street and pile them in the street,” he said. He recommends citizens use leaf bags which are available at the street department to help clean up their lawns. Filled leaf bags should be placed curbside for collection by the street department. The city recently purchased a new supply of bags, and they are available to Corinth residents at the street department on West Shiloh Road between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Please see TREE | 2A

Please see LEAVES | 2A

Basket fund total goes to $13,250 ’Tis the season for giving as donations continue to arrive for the 16th Annual Corinth Rotary Club / Daily Corinthian Christmas Basket Fund. A $25,000 fundraising goal has been set so 1,100 food baskets can be given to local families on Saturday, Dec. 10. So far $13,250 has been received. Recent donations include $25 from the Hinkle Homemakers Club; $100 from Ms. Bernice E. Sandy in memory of M.L. Sandy Sr.; $100 from Robert S. and Ernestine Vugrin; $150 from Rosemary T. and H.L. “Sandy” Williams Jr.; and a $100 anonymous gift. Donations are a perfect time to make a tribute to a loved one. Contributions to the Christmas Basket Fund can be made “in honor of” or “in memory of” a special person or persons. The tribute will be published in the Daily Corinthian. Donations can be brought by the newspaper office or mailed to: Daily Corinthian, Attn.: Christmas Basket Fund, P.O. Box 1800, Corinth, MS 38835.

Staff photo by Steve Beavers

Salvation Army Director Michelle Miles (left) and thrift store manager Cindy Burcham decorate the agency’s Angel Tree.

Salvation Army reaches out to local kids BY STEVE BEAVERS sbeavers@dailycorinthian.com

It’s that time of year to give before you get. It would go a long way in spreading joy to 128 children on the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree. The agency has placed a tree at both entrances of WalMart in Corinth to get the annual event going. Individuals interested in adopting a child for Christmas needs to simply take a name off a tree. The child’s name along with clothing sizes and a particu-

lar toy they want will be on a Christmas-type ornament hanging on the tree. “Our main concern is their clothing needs are met,” said Salvation Army Director Michelle Miles. “We want them to have a warm coat and good pair of shoes first.” Participants aren’t limited to only one child. “This is a good group project for a church or youth group,” added Miles. “Some places have already contacted us about adopting more than one child.”

Youngsters wait tables to help raise trip’s funds Renowned fiddler takes center stage at square pickin’ BY STEVE BEAVERS


The road to Disney World begins at Pizza Inn for a group of special needs children. About a dozen youngsters are set to take part in a fundraiser at the South Cass Street restaurant Thursday from 5-8 p.m. The kids will be waiting tables and doing other duties to help fund their trip to Disney. “We are kind of behind on the fundraising,” said trip organizer and special needs bus driver Havis Hurley. “There are 10-12 lined up, we just have to put dates with them.” The group will receive all tips and 15 percent of what is taken in over the three hours. “We do these kinds of fundraisers all the time and really enjoy doing them for kids,” said Sandy Henson, who owns the restaurant along with her husband Steve. A package has already been put together for the trip to see Mickey Mouse. It will cost around $450 per child with the deal in-

BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

Staff photo by Steve Beavers

Pizza Inn’s Sandy Henson (left) gives Jaquarious Drish some tips on what he will be doing Thursday night to raise money for a trip to Disney World. cluding transportation, tickets and accommodations for five days. Hurley, who has made over four dozen trips to the

park, came up the idea for the magical ride to Orlando, Fla. while working with 18 of the youngsters. He started putting the plan into ac-

Index Stocks...... 7A Classified......5B Comics......3B Wisdom......2B

Weather......5A Obituaries......3A Opinion......4A Sports......8A

tion earlier this month. “I hope we have a lot come out and eat with us and just have a good time,” said Hurley.

One of the best bluegrass fiddlers ever to rosin a bow is coming to Corinth. Renowned fiddler Wayne Jerrolds and the band Savannah Grass will take the stage Thursday as part of Pickin’ on the Square, Corinth’s weekly gathering for bluegrass musicians and aficionados. “Wayne has earned lots of awards and a reputation as one of the finest fiddlers in the Mid-South,” said Lanell Coln, organizer of the annual Alcorn County Bluegrass Festival and Pickin’ on the Square enthusiast. “When we have several fiddlers come out they all want to play with Wayne because it’s such an honor to play with him.” A resident of Savannah, Tenn., Jerrolds grew up in a musical family and decided as a young man to dedicate his life to playing music. He spent every spare minute with the old time pickers and players in his native Hardin County. By the age of 16 he was an accomplished fiddle player. Throughout a life dedicated to playing music Jerrolds has played many high-profile gigs. Among them are a performance at the 1981 World’s Fair in Knoxville, Tenn., an apPlease see FIDDLER | 2A

On this day in history 150 years ago The British Minister to the United States demands a formal apology for the Trent affair and the immediate release of agents Mason and Slidell. The British fleet is placed on alert. By Tom Parson, NPS Ranger

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