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Daily Corinthian Vol. 115, No. 289

2011 Christmas Basket Fund ‘A Community Tradition’

Basket fund tops $16,000 in donations

’Tis the season for giving as donations continue to arrive for the 16th annual Corinth Rotary Club/Daily Corinthian Christmas Basket Fund. A $25,000 fund raising goal has been set so 1,100 food baskets can be given to local families on Saturday, Dec. 10. So far $16,100 has been raised. Donations include $100 from Glennan and Jan Grady; $50 from Marvin H. and Dimple Caldwell in memory of Lane Caldwell; $100 from Horton Bros.; $100 from Sue McNair in memory of Charlie McNair; $100 from Jame, Tommy, Barbar McFalls, Sue McNair, Terri and Danny Lloyd in memory of Pearl Hight; $25 from Jay, Chris and Austin Davis in honor of Ray Burcham; and $100 from Mike and Jamie Timbes in memory of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Dixon and Jimmy Dixon. Donations are a perfect time to make a tribute to a loved one. Contributions to the Christmas Basket Fund can be made “in honor of” or “in memory of” a special person or persons. The tribute will be published in the Daily Corinthian. Donations can be brought by the newspaper office or mailed to: Daily Corinthian, Attn.: Christmas Basket Fund, P.O. Box 1800, Corinth, MS 38835.

Traveling theater visits local arena BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

With something a bit different taking the stage at Crossroads Arena, the venue hopes to capture the interest of children and families. Arena General Manager Kathryn Dilworth believes the Dec. 15 Germantown Community Theatre performance of “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” is an ideal family outing. “Because of the huge success of the movie franchise adapted from these stories,” said Dilworth, “I believe that this performance will be enjoyed immensely by children in the area. I think that kids will be absolutely mesmerized to see their favorite movie characters in the flesh and in character. I can’t wait to see the looks on their faces.” It is set for 6:30 p.m. in the arena’s conference center on the north side of the building. The show is part of the Please see ARENA | 5A

• Corinth, Mississippi •

Rain Today




24 pages • Three sections

Forecasters issue flood watch BY JEBB JOHNSTON


The National Weather Service Memphis Forecast Office is warning of a flooding threat across the Mid-South today through Monday night. A flood watch is in effect for the potential of 2 to 6 inches of rainfall with the possibility of isolated amounts of up to 8 inches across north Missis-

sippi and west Tennessee. “Flooding in creeks and rivers will be likely with this amount of rain,” said NWS. “Also, with the already moist soil, water may pool in any low-lying area or even an open field.” The flooding threat comes as a cold front stalls out over the area today and a series of low pressure systems develop and

move northeastward along the front. Moderate to heavy rainfall is expected over much of the area for an extended period of time. “Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop,” said NWS. People are encouraged to avoid low-lying areas, be careful when approaching highway

dips and underpasses, and not drive through water standing or rushing over roadways. The flood watch is in effect from this morning through Monday night. The front is expected to move east on Tuesday. The front will usher in cooler weather, with high temperatures in the low- to mid-40s on Tuesday and Wednesday, according to the weather service.

Spoken Memories

Device allows deceased to speak from the grave BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

Submitted photo

Spoken Memories, a new product from Corinth’s ELK Industries, is a small, solar-powered device that enables purchasers to record a memorial message for their friends, families and loved ones.

A Corinth man has invented a device that will allow the deceased to speak words of comfort to their bereaved loved ones from beyond the grave. Spoken Memories is a small, solar-powered unit that can be attached to a gravestone. At the touch of a button it will play up to eight minutes of recorded audio. The purchaser may record a personal message to loved ones, a favorite song or poem or have his obituary or other message professionally read and recorded. The device was invented and patented by Russell Elam, a 69-year-old lifelong Corinth resident who worked as an electrical engineer at Wurlitzer and an electrician

at World Color before his retirement. He is the primary owner of ELK Industries, the Corinth-based company that assembles and distributes the Spoken Memories units. “It’s a unit to put on a grave to talk about people — or to people,” Elam explained. Elam said he got the idea for his invention several years back, during the time his son was working a summer job at a cemetery. His son came up with an idea for a light on a grave marker, to make it visible at night. Elam ran with the idea — but took it to the next step. His Spoken Memories units can be equipped with an optional night-light that can be purchased and added to the Please see MEMORIES | 3A

Cross City Piece Makers help keep peace BY STEVE BEAVERS

Staff photo by Steve Beavers

Alcorn County Sheriff’s Department deputies Jerry Mayhall (left) and David Derrick get quilts donated by the Cross City Piece Makers ready to put in county patrol cars.


Comfort through a quilt. The Alcorn County Sheriff’s Department and the Cross City Piece Makers have combined to help children feel at ease during difficult times. Cross City Piece Makers, a group of 30 ladies from the Crossroads area, have been supplying sheriff’s deputies with handmade quilts and stuffed animals for the last three years, according to chief deputy David Derrick. Deputies use the soft items when they encounter a child during a wreck, fire or domestic situation. “It is a comfort to them (children) and promotes a positive image for the department,” said Derrick. “The ladies bring them every six months and have never asked for anything in return.” Club member Sharon Beene approached department secretary Michelle Loyd about donating the quilts and Please see QUILTS | 5A

Bread of Life ministry plans Christmas luncheon BY STEVE BEAVERS sbeavers@dailycorinthian.com

Bread of Life Food Ministry has a desire to help. Both physically and spiritually. That ministry continues with its annual Christmas Luncheon at Tate Baptist Church on Dec. 15 starting at 10 a.m. “What we do every year is

invite anyone and everyone,” said Bread of Life Director Tim Alvis. “Someone might feel moved to get involved with the ministry after attending the luncheon.” Alcorn County Baptist Association Director of Missions Kenny Digby will give the devotion while Bro. David Fleming

Index Stocks...... 7A Classified......1C Outdoors....10A Wisdom......2B

Weather......5A Obituaries......3A Opinion......4A Sports......8A

will provide the special music. Around 100 people were fed at last year’s event. “Before you can meet a spiritual need you night have to meet a physical need,” said Alvis. “This may be the only Christmas dinner some people get.” Those who attend the lun-

cheon are certain to leave blessed following the time of worship and fellowship, according to Alvis. “We become more Christlike when giving,” said the director. “The best way is helping someone ... that’s what it is Please see LUNCHEON | 3A

On this day in history 150 years ago The U.S. Senate formally expels former vice president John C. Breckinridge of Kentucky. Since the previous November, Breckinridge has been serving as a Confederate major general. By Tom Parsons, NPS Ranger

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