E-Edition 1-12-12 Daily Corinthian

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Thursday Jan. 12,


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Daily Corinthian Vol. 116, No. 10

Partly sunny Today




• Corinth, Mississippi • 16 pages • 1 section

Ice cream van owner arrested on drug charge BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

Frosty treats weren’t the only products sold out of a brightly decorated 1974 model ice cream van, according to the Tishomingo County SO. The owner of the ice cream van, Tonya Wren, 39, of Ramer,

Tenn., was arrested in Burnsville last Thursday and charged with the possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver, said Sheriff Glenn Whitlock. “We had been getting information that this lady had been coming to Tish’ to deliver and

sell drugs out of that ice cream van for a while,” the sheriff said. “She was arrested when she came over here to sell some drugs.” Whitlock said Wren was arrested in possession of 30 dosage units of Suboxone, a Schedule III controlled substance..

A $10,000 bond has been set, but Wren remains in custody as she was on probation at the time of her arrest. The Tishomingo County SO has seized the ice cream van, Whitlock confirmed. In a January 1 feature story published in the Daily Corin-

thian, Wren said she started the ice cream truck business as a way to earn extra money while spending time with her daughter. She has been making the rounds selling the frozen streets in neighborhoods in McNairy, Alcorn and Tishomingo counties.

Crime Stoppers honors Young BY BRANT SAPPINGTON bsappington@dailycorinthian.com

Staff photo by Jebb Johnston

Corinth Street Department employees feed discarded Christmas trees through the wood chipper. The mulch is available free to residents.

Recycling program changes Christmas trees to free mulch BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

A big pile of evergreens became mulch at the inert landfill Wednesday afternoon. The annual Christmas tree recycling effort had an estimated 30 to 40 trees this year as the trend away from live trees appears to continue. Street Department workers sent the

trees through the chipper, converting them to mulch that is now available at no charge to Corinth residents. Hours at the inert landfill are 7:15 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. The landfill entrance is next to the railroad track on Linden Street near the interpretive center and West Corinth school campus. Keep Corinth Beautiful is a

supporter of the tree recycling program. “We want to remind residents that they can go pick up the mulch to use in any gardening or landscaping,” said Andrea Rose, coordinator of KCB. “If people chose live Christmas trees, we hope they choose to Please see TREES | 2

Crime Stoppers of Northeast Mississippi has honored veteran prosecutor John R. Young of Corinth with its annual Law Enforcement Officer of the Year award. Young, who completed a 36 year career as District Attorney for the First Judicial District which covers Northeast Mississippi at the end of 2011, was recognized as an advocate for crime victims and a true supporter of law enforcement and their mission to protect the public from crime. The longtime district attorney was defeated in the November general election by Trent Kelly who took over the office at the start of this year. Young served as district attorney since 1975 and has prosecuted an enormous number of cases of all types over the years and seen the office grow dramatically during that time. Crime Stoppers Board Member Bill Allen of Lee County, who presented the award, said they chose this year to present the award to Young in recognition of his years of service and support to crime victims and law enforcement. “Mr. Young’s dedication to the district attorney’s office exceed above and beyond what anyone would have called for,” said Allen.

Young was out of town and unable to be present to accept the award. The award presentation was part of Crime Stoppers of Northeast Mississippi’s annual Law Enforcement and Media Recognition Luncheon which celebrates the partnership between the organization, law enforcement and the media in working to prevent and solve crime throughout the region. Since its founding, the organization has received 3,720 tips which have led to 523 arrests and 1,387 cases being cleared. A total of $115,272 in rewards have been paid to those providing tips. Those tips have also led to the recovery of 15 weapons and a total of $577,298 worth of property recovery and drugs seized. Daniel McMullen, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Jackson office which serves the entire state of Mississippi, served as the guest speaker for the luncheon and focused on the sacrifices made by law enforcement in their role as protectors o the community. He said law enforcement officers are a special breed and the community should be aware of the great risks they take in protecting their communities. “They endure great risks and make great sacrifices on Please see CRIMES | 2

Bain focused on major issues as legislative session begins BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

Freshman state Rep. Nick Bain of Corinth is looking ahead to the main issues of a historic session for the Mississippi legislature. “The past couple of weeks have been great and fun,” he said. “Everybody has been really open, and they’ve made me feel welcome.”

Bain, a Democrat representing district 1, is one of only 11 Democrats out of the 32 new House members. The GOP likewise picked up a 13-2 majority in the 52-seat Senate, which gives the Republicans the power to pass tax and revenue bills without the cooperation of any Democrats. The GOP dominance has spread worries among many

Democrats — and commentators — that the Democrats will be effectively shut out from committees and important positions. Bain said his experiences over the past two weeks point to a spirit of inclusiveness in newly elected House Speaker Philip Gunn, of Clinton, and the GOP power structure. “Everybody’s been great to

me, and everybody’s been openminded and listened to my suggestions,” Bain said. “I’ve had the honor of going to lunch with the speaker, and I believe he’s going to reach across the aisle. He’s been very amicable to me.” The representative said he also believes Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves will include House Democrats in committee assignments.

Bain named four issues that he believes will be important in the new session. Charter schools is the first issue he cited. State Republicans have long supported the expansion of charter schools — primary or secondary schools that receive public money but are not subject to some of the rules Please see BAIN | 2

Variety of unique events will commemorate Shiloh anniversary BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

In addition to the two reenactments that will recreate the horrific 1862 battle, a wide variety of events are scheduled to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Shiloh

March to Shiloh A group of re-enactors will follow in the footsteps of history as they complete a trek to

Shiloh National Military Park from an authentic period camp at the Corinth Civil War Interpretive Center. On Wednesday, March 28, the re-enactors camp at the Interpretive Center will be open to the public from 6 until 8 p.m. The camp will be on the lower level of the east side of the Interpretive Center property. The public can have breakfast with the troops before they embark on Thursday, March

29, from 7 until 7:45 a.m. With a donation to the Crossroads Museum, the public can enjoy a meal representative of what soldiers had to eat in 1862. The soldiers will begin their trek toward Shiloh at 8 a.m. For more info contact the Corinth Area CVB at 800-7489048 or send an email to tourism@corinth.net. For reenactor information email Keith Willingham at unclekeith16@ aol.com.

Index Stocks........7 Classified...... 13 Comics...... 12 Wisdom...... 11

Weather........5 Obituaries........ 3 Opinion........4 Sports........8

Fiery Trail

Battlefield Hikes

The premiere of the new Shiloh interpretive film “Fiery Trail” will be held at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, April 4, at Pickwick Landing State Park. The film’s first showing at Shiloh National Military Park will be at 8 a.m. on Friday, April 6 — the 150th anniversary of the battle’s first day — and will continue throughout the anniversary weekend.

Three days of in-depth battlefield hikes will be led by park rangers at Shiloh Park. During the April 6-8 anniversary weekend, participants will have a chance to learn the stories of the men, their leaders and the units while walking the ground where the events occurred 150 years ago. Please see SHILOH | 2

On this day in history 150 years ago A naval expedition of 100 vessels departs Hampton Roads, Va., in preparation for an attack on strategic Roanoke Island, N.C. 15,000 Federal troops plan to occupy the island, which separates the inland waterways of Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds.

Dr. Prather is a board certified physician in Cardiology and Internal Medicine with Magnolia Regional Health Center. He has been on staff at MRHC since 1979. Dr. Prather is also certified in Nuclear Medicine, CT Cardiac Angiograms and Interventional Cardiology. Dr. Prather received his medical degree from the University of California, San Diego followed by training in Internal Medicine, Cardiology and a Cardiology fellowship at the University of Alabama, Birmingham. He is a recipient of the Giannini Foundation Fellowship. --- To schedule an appointment please call, (662) 287-5218.

611 Alcorn Drive, Suite 230 Corinth, MS 38834 Mon. - Fri.: 8:00 AM -5:00 PM

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