9-11-11 Daily Corinthian

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Sunday Sept. 11, 2011 $1.50

Daily Corinthian Vol. 115, No. 217

• Corinth, Mississippi •

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Late TStorms Today




20 pages • Two sections

9/11: 10 years later... Locals Thank you, The U.S. share under First Responders memories attack? BY STEVE BEAVERS




It started like any normal day. By midday, Tuesday, September 11, 2001, would be remembered for anything but normalcy. The terrorist attacks on the United States that day changed the country and people who witnessed the shocking events. “My wife had just returned home from taking our children to school and I turned on the television to watch the morning news,� said Tate Baptist Church Pastor Mickey Trammel. “When CNN reported that a plane had hit the World Trade Center, I thought that it must have been a pilot flying a small aircraft that experienced mechanical problems.� The plane’s crash into the World Trade Center would be no accident. “When the second tower was hit a short time later, I knew that this was no accident, but I couldn’t quite grasp that terrorists could hijack two major airliners,� added Trammel, who was pastoring a church in Golden at that time. “Learning that another crash had taken place at the Pentagon brought the horrifying thought that our entire nation was under attack.� Like millions of Americans, Trammel sat spellbound viewing the newscasts throughout the day. Alcorn Superintendent of Education Stacy Suggs was teaching a 9th grade Mississippi Studies class when he heard the news about the attacks. “We all turned on our classroom televisions to see what was going on,� said Suggs. “The first plane had struck one tower and I remember watching as the second plane came into view and struck the other tower.� Suggs and his students sat shocked and anxious to learn the extent of the attacks. “At that time, the media did not know either and we were all waiting,� he said. “I remember talking to the students about the attacks and how they felt, and many were fearful.� Trammel and other pastors in the area began organizing prayer services later that day. “It was a sad occasion as church members made their way into these prayer meetings, but it was a blessing to see the dedication and faith that these dear brothers and sisters displayed,� he said. Magnolia Funeral Home’s Charlie Browning had already been to work, but had returned home to pick up something. “I was startled,� said Browning as he watched the breaking news on that tragic day. “Fear gripped me as I could not figure out what was going on and I did not realize that the United States of America was under attack by terrorists.� September 11 taught many to not to

It was the type of defining event that, for many, froze a routine moment in time. Retired FBI agent Bowen Johnson was about to head to a business meeting in Memphis on the sunny morning of Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, when his phone rang, and the associate he was to meet told him to turn on his television. They canceled their meeting and began coordinating the response their company — one dealing with military and federal protective armor — might need to make in the difficult times ahead. “Many of the U.S. law enforcement agencies and military groups I had been involved with suddenly saw their role in national security immediately altered,� said Johnson. “They had to evolve new missions and methods of operation to effectively counter the never-beforefaced threats. To date, those efforts have largely been successful. However, we know we can never relax our guard.� It continues to be a factor for law enforcement every day. “In my current position as director of the Northeast Mississippi Law Enforcement Training Center,� said Johnson, “we have increasingly seen the addition of subject material designed to counter threats such as these. Anti-terrorism awareness, intelligence coordination and planning effective responses have become standard training topics, in addition to the older, more traditional subjects.� He said eternal vigilance and preparation is a mandated responsibility. “It is my sincere hope that our communities continue to support this vital task with adequate resources,� said Johnson. “As the nation’s centurions, we have a sworn responsibility to protect those we serve.� John Beavers, a volunteer fireman in Glen, was on his way to work when his cell phone rang and a friend told him a plane had hit the World Trace Center. He stopped at a nearby quick stop where he knew there was a television. “There were 10 or so other people focused on the screen,� said Beavers. “Some held their hands over their mouths. Some were just staring at the screen, and others were whispering to the people next to them. Every one was very quiet. All I could see was a huge, thick black column of smoke rising from one of the towers. When I got to my truck I prayed for all of the people there.� He thought of his counterparts responding to the emergency in New York. “I thought, ‘How on earth are they going to put that out,’� said Beavers. “I knew if it could be put out, the FDNY could do it. They are the best in the world.� A little later, another plane hit the second tower.

Please see ATTACK | 3A

Staff photo by Jebb Johnston

Charlotte Doehner greets Deputy Police Chief Scotty Harville with a hug at Saturday’s Celebrate Freedom Day. Participants honored emergency personnel for their dedication to public safety.

Emergency personnel get pat on the back BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian. com

It’s time to say “thank you.� On the 10th anniversary of one of the nation’s greatest tragedies,

many locals are giving a pat on the back to the emergency personnel who are willing to make great sacrifices for public safety. Participants in Celebrate Freedom Day at

Crossroads Regional Park on Saturday recognized emergency personnel, while Indian Springs United Methodist Church will honor Please see THANKS | 2A

Honor flag for those who died

Staff photo by Steve Beavers

A Pocket Full of Posies co-owner Jennifer Rickman adds an honor flag to a patriotic display at her flower and gift shop on Highway 72 East. The flag, which has over 3,000 names of those who perished in the attacks of 9/11, was loaned to the shop by Mitch and Glenda Moore. The flag will be displayed at the Glen Fire Department today. Rickman owns the shop along with her mother, Linda Brock.

Please see SHARE | 3A

Task force chairman — Education remains key for better future BY STEVE BEAVERS sbeavers@dailycorinthian.com

The resources are in place to solve the problem.

All it takes is a little effort from everyone. That’s what Bobby Capps believes as early childhood education task

force chairman for the Commission on the Future of Alcorn County. Education is the key as the commission strives

Index Stocks....11A Classified......5B Comics......3B

Crossroads ....2B Weather......5A Obituaries......3A

to build a better Alcorn County, according to Capps. “There is no quick fix to any of this, but unless

there is a sustained effort, we won’t solve the problem,� said the chairman. Unless the education issue is solved, Capps says

companies like Toyota aren’t coming to Alcorn County.

On this day in history 150 years ago Sept. 11 — The Kentucky legislature, angry over the neutrality violation, demands the immediate removal of Confederate troops from the state. Gen. Robert E. Lee begins the five day Cheat Mountain campaign in western Virginia.

Please see TASK | 3A


2A • Daily Corinthian

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering the day when everything changed BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

September 11, 2001, was one of those red-letter days that define an era. Everyone old enough to be conscious of what was going on remembers where they were and what they were doing when they first realized America was under attack. Like the Kennedy assassination roughly four decades before, 9/11 is seared in the collective memories of Americans, even those who only experienced it from afar. For many the memories of that day begin with the first hazy impressions of what was happening in New York, the dreadful realization that now — and for the rest of our lifetimes — we are a nation at war. The day started out normally enough for most but soon became the stuff of nightmares. Terry Cartwright, president of Bancorp South in Corinth, was in an employee meeting when another bank employee stepped in with the news that a small plane had hit one of the Twin Towers. “I think that report may have been before the second one hit,� remembered Cartwright. “We turned on the television and, of

course, got the disturbing details.� Like Cartwright, Janice Knighton, now president of the Crossroads Museum, was in a meeting at work when she learned of the attacks. “We immediately turned on the TV and watched the news coverage in disbelief,� Knighton said. “The tension and emotions in the room varied from angry to sad like a horror movie — hard to believe it happened.� Kathryn Dilworth, general manager of Crossroads Arena, remembers the sense of disbelief, how unreal the situation seemed, as she was following the morning’s news. “At the very beginning of the coverage following the first tower being hit, I couldn’t believe what was happening,� she said. “But once the second tower was hit I got in the car, drove straight to my children’s schools and checked them both out.� While the tragedy unfolded many miles away, Dilworth wanted to be close to the ones she loved the most. “In the midst of all the shock and sadness, all I could think was that I wanted my children home where I could keep my hands on

them. I remember doing anything to keep a four- and fiveyear-old on my lap for an entire day — I just didn’t want to let go of them,� Dilworth recalled. Shiloh-Corinth Battlefield Tours founder and guide Sean Marcum, of Michie, Tenn., was told the news by his father. “I was 13 and asleep in bed when my dad woke me up and said, ‘You might want to get up and see this’,� Marcum said. Recent Ole Miss Law School grad Joe Wallace, a Corinth native, was in 10th Grade English at Biggersville High School when his class learned of the attacks from their teacher. “Mrs. Tice was finished with her lecture and we were working silently on something when Mr. Parvin walked in and told us about the second plane. Sometime later he came back and said, ‘They just hit the Pentagon’,� Wallace remembered. “As bad as that day was, when I heard that ‘they just hit the Pentagon,’ I imagined that entire building was destroyed too.� Like many others in the aftermath of the attacks, Wallace could not pull himself away from the television news. “The rest of the day and really

that week, I spent glued to televisions watching the coverage,� he said. Iuka-born singer, songwriter and guitarist Eddie Thomas, one-half of the Thomas Brothers musical duo, was unaware of the day’s events until an encounter with the television news. Thomas and a friend met the news midmorning in the Eastport Marina. “A TV was mounted up on the wall. A tower was burning. Several folks were standing, watching. The tower fell. Someone whispered, ‘Was that the second tower or a replay of the first?’ No one knew,� Thomas said. After watching the carnage for a short time on the marina’s TV, Thomas and his friend headed back toward Iuka. “The only thing I remember my friend saying on the way home was, ‘This changes everything’,� Thomas said. The attacks changed the world for Thomas and his friend as it did everyone who lived through September 11. A whole new world was opened up, with new fears and concerns, a new era in a new millennium. “It made me realize — if I did not already know — that there are people in this world that do

not value human life and hate America,� said Cartwright. For Cartwright and many others the attacks sparked the realization that the nation was at war, a new kind of war for America that would be fought against an enemy unlike the uniformed Nazis of World War II, a war that would have to be waged across national boundaries against an enemy who was difficult to define: To better protect Americans at home, the nation would have to wage war on the terrorists’ home-front, wherever it may be. “As with most wars in my life, and I’m a ’47 model, this one is unpopular and costly. I don’t like it either, but I still believe that we should be proactive in defending ourselves,� Cartwright said. The terrorist attacks in America and abroad showed Cartwright that Americans now must always be on their guard and that many places in the world are simply too dangerous to visit. “I don’t guess the world will ever be the same,� he said. Knighton said that she felt she’d lived a sheltered life before 9/11, free to travel and do as she pleased without worrying about Please see DAY | 3A

THANKS: Emergency agencies awarded for service “We are here today to recognize our firefighters and our policemen who serve by keeping the rest of us safe and do so sometimes at the cost of their own lives,� said Corinth Mayor Tommy Irwin. “They have our gratitude and our admiration.� He reminded the crowd of some of the staggering statistics of 9/11, including nearly 3,000 dead. “The New York Fire Department lost 343 firefighters and paramedics, almost half the number of on-duty deaths in the


them today at 3 p.m. at the Glen Volunteer Fire Department as the church conducts its annual appreciation ceremony. “It’s hug a policeman day,� said Celebrate Freedom organizer Charlotte Doehner as she greeted Deputy Police Chief Scotty Harville with an embrace at the park. Plaques were given to all of the represented agencies, including police, fire departments and others.

department’s 100-year history,� said Irwin. “The New York Police Department lost 23 policemen, and the New York Port Authority lost 37 officers.� Indian Springs Pastor Rick Wells said the church moved today’s service to the Glen fire department for the 10th anniversary of 9/11. The service will include remembrances, a prayer service, music and an opportunity for people to recall their memories of Sept. 11, 2001. Military honors will follow the service.

Staff photo by Jebb Johnston

Corinth firemen bow their heads in prayer at Crossroads Regional Park during Celebrate Freedom Day.

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3A • Daily Corinthian

Obama urges service, unity on 9/11 Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Summoning the nation to unity and service, President Barack Obama paid tribute to America’s resilience and the sacrifice of its war dead Saturday as the country prepared to mark 10 long years since the horrors of 9/11. A day before the anniversary commemorations, the president made a pilgrimage to Arlington National Cemetery, strolling with his wife, Michelle, among graves filled with dead from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. And he invoked the common purpose that arose from carnage a decade ago in telling Americans that the nation cannot be broken by terrorism “no matter what comes our way.” Obama also visited a soup kitchen, where he and his family helped prepare trays of gumbo for the needy in the nation’s capital, underscoring the call to national service that rang so loudly after the terrorist attacks. All this as the president and his national security team tracked the latest possible terrorist threat against the country, a tip that al-Qaida might be seeking to detonate a car bomb in New York or Washington. Obama

met his senior national security team in the morning to review the latest developments and ensure the nation remains on a heightened state of vigilance during the anniversary commemorations. As of Saturday U.S. intelligence agencies had not found evidence that al-Qaida had sneaked any terrorists into the country to carry out an anniversary attack. At D.C. Central Kitchen, Obama said projects to serve the community “are part of what the spirit of remembering 9/11’s all about — the country being unified and looking out for one another.” In an email to supporters, the president urged others to follow his lead. “With just a small act of service, or a simple act of kindness towards others, you can both honor those we lost and those who serve us still, and help us recapture the spirit of generosity and compassion that followed 9/11,” the president wrote. Earlier, at Arlington, he and his wife held hands with each other and hugged other visitors among rows of white tombstones from the long wars that Obama is winding down after more than 6,000 American troop

deaths. “A decade after 9/11, it’s clear for all the world to see — the terrorists who attacked us that September morning are no match for the character of our people, the resilience of our nation, or the endurance of our values,” the president said in his weekly radio and Internet address. “They wanted to terrorize us, but, as Americans, we refuse to live in fear. Yes we face a determined foe, and make no mistake — they will keep trying to hit us again. But as we are showing again this weekend, we remain vigilant. We’re doing everything in our power to protect our people. And no matter what comes our way, as a resilient nation, we will carry on.” Obama, a little-known state senator in Illinois at the time of the attacks, now has the responsibility to help lead the nation in remembrance of a trauma 10 years on. On Sunday, the president is scheduled to visit all three sites where hijacked planes struck — New York City, Shanksville, Pa., and the Pentagon — before delivering evening remarks at a memorial event at the Kennedy Center in Washington.

ATTACK: ‘I thought that it must have been a pilot flying a small aircraft’ CONTINUED FROM 1A

take for granted the blessings received as a country. “September 11th changed me in that it gave me a new appreciation for all of our armed services and our public servants who put their lives on the line every day so that we can feel safe as we lead our daily lives,” said Suggs. “It also made me more grateful for the sacrifices others have made for me and my family.”

“Another memory of 9/11/01 that will always remain with me is that of the members of Congress singing “God Bless America” on the steps of the Capitol building,” added Trammel. “While many Americans were impressed with the patriotism of the Congressmen, I couldn’t help but scream out ‘Why are you calling out to God now? You haven’t consulted Him or His Word in any of your decision making

for years.’” Suggs believes the events of that day served as a wakeup call for America. “It changed our country by making our leaders and national security more alert and diligent to stop acts of terror,” said the superintendent of education. “This fight against terrorism has made our country appreciate the freedoms we so easily take for granted.” Trammel and Browning

both believe September 11, 2001 opened the eyes of Americans for their need of God. “In the years since those attacks, I am aware that we must depend on God as our refuge and strength and stay strong and be prepared,” said Browning. “I can only hope that Americans see the need to turn back to God and ask for His blessings on our great nation,” added Trammel.

DAY: ‘Now — and for the rest of our lifetimes — we are a nation at war’ CONTINUED FROM 2A

the possibility of a terrorist attack. Like millions of Americans, Knighton experiences the legacy of the attacks firsthand, every time she takes a trip that involves boarding an airplane. “Now, with homeland security and all the extra precautions to protect us from terrorist attacks, it is an inconvenience that I’m grateful for. Our carefree days ended on 9/11,” Knighton said. “How did the terrorist attacks change the world? With terrorist attacks happening all over the world, no one is safe anymore — just try going through an airport!” The attacks brought a deeper understanding of the world to Marcum. With the invasion of Afghanistan

and later conflicts in the Middle East, the young history buff wanted to learn first where these places were. “I then researched more into Islam and the nations that are Muslim. I think it really helped me out with geography, though I already had some handle of geography in the pre-9/11 world through a couple TV shows and the game of Risk,” Marcum explained. “In a way, it helped me explore the world more deeply and its people.” As with Marcum, the attacks increased Wallace’s awareness of the “outside world” — as well as the influences of news and history. “I also came to understand tragedy in a bigger sense than just personal sadness. Seeing not just the

terrible event unfold but also the national mourning made me better understand not just tragedy but patriotism, as well as good and evil,” Wallace said. That the world changed forever on September 11, 2001, is undeniable — but what is the nature of that change? For Marcum the legacy of the attack raises some uncomfortable questions. “What exactly could have happened without the attacks? Would the friction have boiled up another, more terrible, way?” he asked. “To sum it up, I have no true idea how it changed the world. I’ll leave that to the history books 50 to 100 years from now.” For Wallace the days and weeks following the attacks revealed a glimmer of hope as Americans banded to-

gether to share a common tragedy — a short-lived glimpse of brotherhood that would soon be replaced by partisan bickering and a downward spiral after the end of the American Century. “I think the world has become more confusing, divided and frustrated,” Wallace said. “There was a window there where everyone was American and everyone was even a New Yorker. Now it seems like we can’t agree with our own citizens on anything, much less the rest of the world. I think a lot of things may be responsible for that decline, not just 9/11. But maybe 9/11 played some role in starting all the controversy. I think another terrorist attack would further divide us, not unite us as 9/11 originally did.”

TASK: Capps says companies like Toyota aren’t coming to Alcorn County CONTINUED FROM 1A

“They want to see that a workforce is educated,” said Capps. “They aren’t coming when they take a look and see a high dropout rate.” The Commission for the Future of Alcorn County was formed last year by a group of citizens interested in strengthening the community for long-term growth and development. Patterned after the CREATE Foundation’s Commission on the Future of Northeast Mississippi, the local effort formed eight task forces to gain input on the most pressing issues facing the county.

“The Commission says we need every at-risk child involved in a preschool setting,” added Capps, who is also Executive Director of Crosswind -- a faith-based nonprofit ministry in Corinth. “We have to get everyone focused on at-risk children.” By getting those children in a school setting early on would make a difference in the dropout rate, according to Capps. “About 10 percent aren’t ready to start school,” said the education chairman. “If they struggle and aren’t in the right setting early, they are prone to dropout.” Poverty, single-parent

homes and early childhood pregnancy also play a part in kids not getting a proper education. “The middle of the county is doing just fine.” said Capps. “It’s those outside the margin that need help.” Capps believes the focus should start on those outside the margin. “Those that are part of single-parent homes aren’t getting that support group because most of the time their parent is away from the home,” he said. “Then there is some that would send their children to preschool, but they don’t have the transportation to do it ... we needed

people focused on the right problems.” The first step to the solution is being aware of the problem, said Capps. “We don’t have create anything,” he said. “People are ignoring the problem and all it takes is citizens doing a little part ... everyone can do a little something, just make sure it’s the right something.” Capps and the task force will continue to ‘kick the ball down the road’ as he said. “We have to make sure we are shooting at the right target,” said Capps. “The only solution at the end of the day is to love thy neighbor as thy self.”

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Deaths Nelda Barry McCrary

Funeral service for Nelda Barry McCrary, 89, of Corinth, are set for 11 a.m. Monday at Memorial Funeral Home Chapel with Minsters Charles Curtis and Blake Nicholas officiating and Timothy McCrary doing the eulogy. Burial will follow in the Corinth National Cemetery. She died Sept. 10, 2011, at her residence. She was a housewife and member of Foote Street Church of Christ. Mrs. McCrary was preceded in death by her husband, J.C. McCrary; McCrary her parents, Ozro Earl Barry Sr. and Hazel Dickey Barry; one son, Stephen Jay McCrary; and two brothers, Ozro Earl (Sonny) Barry Jr. and Andy Lee Barry. Survivors include her daughter Jaylene Whitehurst and her husband Gerry of Corinth; a son, Timothy McCrary and his wife Cindy of Huntsville, Ala.; a grandson, Seth Whitehurst and his wife Heather; step-grandchildren Holly and Bill McCormac; a great-granddaughter, Cadence Whitehurst; and caregivers Joyce Strickland, Bertha Williams and Darlene Kirk. Visitation is today from 4 until 8 p.m.

SHARE: ‘I knew if it could be put out, the FDNY could do it’ CONTINUED FROM 1A

“I felt sick because I knew people were dying and several more would die either as a result of the terrorist act or while trying to save others,” he said. “I realized we were experiencing one of those horrific moments in life like Pearl Harbor.” He recalled the many acts of bravery and selfsacrifice. “The only bright spot in the whole mess was the thought that no matter how bad things were, fire service and other emergency professionals were answering the call,” said Beavers. “They all went straight into a living hell. They knew that most of them would not return, but they went anyway and made the ultimate sacrifice. I can’t imagine a greater gift in this world than to give your life for a total stranger, and that’s what these people did.” Later, at home, when his five-year-old daughter would normally tell him about her school day, she brought up the attacks. “I will never forget what she said to me,” said Beavers. ”She said, ‘Those buildings fell daddy. Some bad people did some really bad things today daddy. Did you hear about it?’ I told her I did. She went on to say, ‘They hurt a bunch

of people didn’t they daddy?’ I said yes, they did. She said, ‘Some of them died daddy. That’s sad. Were any of them children like me?’” Beavers noted one positive that came out of the tragedy is the opportunity to strengthen emergency services. “Because of the tragedy, the fire service all over America has access to federal funds for equipment and vehicles through the Assistance to Firefighters grant process,” he said. “Many departments here in Alcorn County have benefited greatly from this program by receiving new equipment and vehicles. One fire department, Biggersville, even got a new fire station because of the program.” Laura Gilham, who serves as librarian at Northeast Mississippi Community College, remembered huddling around the television kept for emergencies in the library’s back as the news broke. She recalled the sense of unity that followed the attacks. “Unfortunately, we have now lost that wonderful sense of being together and are sharply divided politically,” she said. “I don’t wish another event on us like 9/11, but I hope the country will find something to come together around again. We des-

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Reece Terry, publisher

Mark Boehler, editor

4A • Sunday, September 11, 2011

Corinth, Miss.

Guest Views

Why Obama’s jobs number remains too low for zero BY DICK MORRIS Columnist

All who realize how disastrous Obama’s economic policies have been and what a terrible effect they are having on our economy expected the August job creation numbers to be low. Few thought they would be nil. Buried within the data, is a micro-statistic that is symptomatic of what is happening in all sectors of the economy. In August, the economy lost 30,000 health care jobs, a drop from its recent monthly increments of 10,000 to 15,000 health care positions and well down from its historic norms of 30,000 new health care jobs each month. Why should careers in health care be down? It cannot be due to lax consumer demand. People are still getting sick and most health care is funded by third party reimbursement: half from the government and half from private health insurance companies. Weak personal income, the unavailability of credit or a lack of confidence in the economy’s future -- the usual suspects when a sector loses jobs -- are not relevant to this industry. People are still getting sick, needing care and government cutbacks in reimbursement have yet really to set in. So why are jobs down? It is simply because the industry is traumatized and terrified by the impact of Obamacare. No one knows what the reimbursement rates will be or what restrictions will be imposed on facility construction or utilization. Nobody can plan ahead. This regulatory nightmare is the direct result of the ambitious scope of Obamacare. So no new jobs are being created, and 30,000 were lost last month. Health care is but a microcosm of what is happening throughout the economy. Manufacturing is not hiring because of the threat of the Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, regulation. The energy sector is paralyzed by federal restrictions on drilling, looming federal regulation of fracking and possible restrictions on the keystone pipeline for tar sand oil. The small business sector can’t get credit because community and small banks are afraid to lend. With the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., FDIC, closing these banks at the rate of over 200 a year and forcing their merger into larger institutions, local bankers are fearful of lending to local businesses. Ten percent of the nation’s community banks are on the FDIC watch list, waiting for their turn at the financial guillotine. This is no environment for encouraging lending. Businesses of all stripes live in fear of unionization. With 93 percent of the private sector union-free, the new rules being imposed by the National Labor Relations Board, NLRB, induce hesitancy and great trepidation among private employers in all sectors. And consumers, particularly those in upper brackets, are afraid of possible federal tax increases once the Bush tax cuts expire in December of 2012. With the top 2 percent of earners accounting for one-third of consumer demand, their insecurity is a significant anchor on the economy. In area after area, the efforts at social reform this administration has undertaken are blocking recovery from the recession. At the same time, the macro policies of the Obama presidency are getting in the way of micro stimulus programs. He may propose, in tomorrow’s speech, incentives to small business lending, but the Dodd-Frank regulatory environment will stop businesses from taking advantage of it. He may offer favorable tax treatment to manufacturers, but fear of the EPA and the NLRB will force employers to remain on the sidelines. Particularly worrying is Obama’s coming proposal for an infrastructure bank, which would be able to borrow money without Congressional approval to fund allegedly revenue producing road and bridge construction. Even though these bonds would not be federally guaranteed legally, they will live in the in-between netherworld that Fannie Mae pioneered. But with highway mileage down and gas prices up, toll revenues are not likely to keep pace with construction activity. So defaults on the debt of the new agency are likely, and again, as with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the taxpayers will end up paying off the debt. In each sector of the economy, Obama’s policies are contradicting one another and vitiating any effort at economic recovery.

Worth Quoting You can never get much of anything done unless you go ahead and do it before you are ready. —Anonymous

Reece Terry publisher rterry@dailycorinthian.com

Why does it take a cataclysm to bring us together? STARKVILLE — There are a few moments after more than a half-century of life that I remember in fine detail. Most of those moments are personal and involve moments with loved ones and friends. Some of those moments are times of immeasurable joy. Many are times of great sorrow as well. Those are moments that I keep, treasure and ponder in my own time and in my own way. There are more public moments. I remember my play with my twin sister being interrupted and my grandmother’s rapt attention being torn from her soap opera as the black-andwhite Zenith TV brought us the news that President Kennedy had been shot and killed on Nov. 22, 1963. It was the first time I had ever known that the world was wider than the pine tops I could see in the distance. My sister and I watched as Kennedy’s children mourned their father – and later recoiled as we watched Lee Harvey Oswald shot dead by Jack Ruby.

Less than a decade later, I remember sitting up at night shelling peas with my family while we watched Neil Armstrong take his “giant leap for mankind” on the surface of the moon on July 21, 1969. A few years later, rememSid I Salter ber hearing Richard NixColumnist on resign the presidency during the Watergate scandal on Aug. 8, 1974. I was at the Neshoba County Fairgrounds. I remember the day the space shuttle Challenger exploded on Jan. 28, 1986. My wife called me home from the office to watch the coverage. I walked in the house and saw my wife holding our two-week-old baby in front of the TV. There were tears on my wife’s cheeks. But most of all, I remember 9-11. It was my first day back at work at The ClarionLedger after undergoing a painful and extensive spinal

fusion surgery. My leg was numb, my back ached and I was wearing a back brace and walking on a cane. I heard murmurs of colleagues gathered around the bank of TV screens in the newsroom. I hobbled over to join them. I watched the horror unfolding and have never been able to forget the sight of those who jumped into oblivion to escape the flames from the Twin Towers. That sense of horror grew and changed as we learned more about Flight 93 and the brave passengers who sacrificed their lives to save others and to stop this attack. They were patriots and heroes. I remember the decision in the newsroom to produce an “extra” edition. We worked hard to get the news out to the public, a public hungry for details and for clarity. At some point during the day, I put down my cane. It seemed silly as I watched the scenes on TV. Whatever pain I felt seemed so insignificant. What I remember most

is how quickly we stopped being the divided, angry group of Americans that’s we’d all been since the 2000 election and the Florida recount. I remember how we came together as Americans with a common purpose and how people donated blood, money, time and prayers to strangers. I remember how the tone of political discourse changed for a time from fighting each other to coming together as a people. I wondered then and I wonder now: why does it take a cataclysm for us to remember that we are all Americans? Why is it that we can’t agree agreeably and seek consensus until there is blood on the floor? 9-11 is a time to honor that singular American relationship of one people from many backgrounds coming together as a purposeful nation that values liberty, justice, and freedom – not a time to reopen old wounds and divisions. (Sid Salter is a syndicated columnist. Contact him at 662-325-2506 or ssalter@ library.msstate.edu.)

Pay tribute to a decade of heroes On a morning of horrors on Sept. 11, 2001, we witnessed acts of sacrifice that will live forever in American memory. As people fled the World Trade Center, amid falling bodies and debris, firefighters ran into them. As people ran down the stairs, the firefighters marched up them. They carried 100 pounds of gear, moving slowly toward a fire hot enough to melt steel raging 1,000 feet above them. After a flaccid decade of (somewhat illusory) prosperity and peace in the 1990s, the savagery of Sept. 11 brought home the timeless relevance of the virtue of courage. Not “moral courage,” but old-fashioned physical courage of the sort celebrated since the days of Homer. From the firefighters who set out to rescue the victims of al-Qaida’s war on America, to the passengers on Flight 93 who were the first to hit back, to the troops who have waged the fight abroad, it has been a decade of heroes, traditionally defined -- men willing to risk life and limb for their country, their mission, their friends. The esteem with which we

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naturally hold physical courage is deep-seated. Musing on this, the great English literary figure Samuel Johnson said, “Were Socrates and Charles the Twelfth of Sweden both present in any company, and Socrates to say, ‘FolRich low me, and a lecLowry hear ture on phiColumnist losophy;’ and Charles, laying his hand on his sword, to say, ‘Follow me, and dethrone the Czar;’ a man would be ashamed to follow Socrates. Sir, the impression is universal; yet it is strange.” Or formerly universal. We have done much to dumb down courage and make it more accessible through the decades. In his book “The Mystery of Courage,” William Ian Miller writes of how the definition of the virtue has shifted to accommodate the character of a modern commercial society. “Courage,” he writes, “is thus now held to be what it takes to invest in a Silicon Valley startup or to vote no on a manifestly weak tenure file.”

If that. Increasingly, Miller notes, courage is used “loosely to congratulate anyone who by his own estimation undertakes some struggle for self-realization.” Search for books on courage on Amazon and you’ll find volumes about business leadership and self-esteem, under such titles as “The Courage to Be Free: Discover Your Original Fearless Self.” Whatever else they were doing at the twin towers, the firefighters weren’t there to discover themselves. Such self-involvement usually breeds the opposite of courage. It was only their commitment to things beyond themselves -- above all, their duty -- that made them take unbelievable risks outside any calculation of self-interest. Moral courage is a real and admirable quality, but our moral heroes are often physically brave, too. Martin Luther King Jr. carried on under the constant threat of assassination. The civil-rights marchers of the 1960s had to be willing to face bludgeons, gas, dogs and fists. When there’s a danger -and especially when there’s a war -- there’s no substi-

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tute for the courage that has been the stuff of legend and of national honors down through the centuries. The brute fact is that most of us aren’t capable of it -- for us courage is, in Miller’s words, “a glorious and admonishing phantom.” We can only stand in uncomprehending awe of the acts of the truly courageous. Why did Jay Jonas and his unit in the North Tower of the World Trade Center, evacuating as it was on the verge of collapse, stop to carry out a distressed woman even though it slowed their escape? Why did a band of passengers on Flight 93 storm the cockpit of their hijacked plane? Why did Jason Dunham, Ross McGinnis and Michael Monsoor -all Medal of Honor winners from the Iraq War -- throw themselves on grenades to save their comrades? Ask a firefighter such a question and he’s liable to answer, “That’s just what we do.” What we do, in turn, is express our astonishment and gratitude. (Rich Lowry is editor of the National Review. He can be reached via email: comments.lowry@nationalreview.com)

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Daily Corinthian • Sunday, September 11, 2011 • 5A

Local Community Events Purple Heart The Crossroads-Corinth Chapter No. 813 Military Order of the Purple Heart is holding its monthly meeting at 7 p.m., Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Post 6 American Legion Building. Memorial Day events will be discussed along with the chapter’s participation in the upcoming Veterans Day parade. Members are urged to attend. For more information, call Commander Jim Weaver, 662-415-5482 or 662-2877778.

Tennessee River Run Darryl Worley’s Tennessee River Run will bring Kansas and Montgomery Gentry to the stage for the TRR’s 10th anniversary. This year’s celebration includes the Kansas concert in downtown Savannah, Tenn., on Friday night and a country concert at Pickwick Landing State Park on Saturday evening featuring Montgomery Gentry and Worley. The Tennessee River Run benefits the Darryl Worley Foundation, which provides assistance to numerous organizations and individuals in need. Tickets are on sale now at the Darryl Worley Foundation Office at 325 Main St. in Downtown Savannah and online at www.ticketfly. com/event/50189. Updates on events can be found at www.facebook. com/TennesseeRiverRun, www.darrylworley.com and www.tnriverrun.org.

Wreath sale The Four Seasons Garden Club is making preparations for their 12th Annual Wreath Sale and taking orders for fresh-cut wreaths. The wreath sale is a fundraiser for the garden club with the money raised going to benefit community projects. The wreaths are made of Noble Fir and yellow-bud-

ded incense cedar, blueberry juniper and Ponderosa pine cones. They come in two sizes -- a 24 inch for $27 and a 34 inch for $40. The usual delivery date for the wreaths is the Monday following Thanksgiving weekend. Payments must be received with order. To order a wreath, contact Jean Redders at 662-603-5237. Deadline to order is Friday.

Bulbs for sale A large variety of spring bulbs are for sale until midSeptember. The bulbs are being sold by Ethan Norvell in order to raise money for a school trip to Europe in March. Your help in this fundraiser will be greatly appreciated. To order your bulbs call: 662-643-3452 or 662463-8306, or email at ethannorvell@gmail.com

Battle reenactment On Sept. 15-18, the town of Farmington will host a reenactment of the battle of Farmington, free of charge for spectators and reenactors alike, on the actual site where the battle was fought. The reenactment will feature over 600 living history reenactors from 16 states, including 20 pieces of artillery, 60 mounted troops and several hundred infantrymen. The activities begin with the Educational Days on Sept. 15 and 16, two days of demonstrations and educational programs for students of schools around the area. On Friday night a Garden Social will be held at the Generals’ Quarters Inn in Corinth. Living history actors portraying Gens. Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant will be in attendance and available to answer questions and pose for pictures. Tickets for the Garden Social can be obtained through Fortenberry

or the Generals’ Quarters Inn. Cannons will boom and the rifle shots will crack when the reenactors stage the battle of Farmington on Saturday and Sunday, beginning each day at 2 p.m. Farmington Baptist Church will hold a special morning service Sunday in honor of the Confederate soldiers buried in the churchyard. For more information on the Farmington reenactment, contact Mayor Dale Fortenberry at battleoffarmington.com or 662-6659647.

Alcorn County Fair The 2011 Alcorn County Fair is going to be an old fashioned, family event that includes a carnival, fair food, a number of competitions including a Cheer Off, beauty pageant, talent show, a Livestock Show, Quilt Show (professional, amateur and vintage), 4-H Cow and Horse Show and Ranch Rodeo, music, arts & crafts, etc. Drop off for the Quilt Show is at 10 a.m. Thursday at the Crossroads Arena Conference Center. Categories: Large Quilts, Small Quilts, Wall Quilts and Antique/Vintage Quilts. For more information or to register go to http://www.alcornfair.com/ Quilt_Show.htm or contact Amy Mercer at 731-6099430. There is also a call for participants for the Blue Ribbon Exhibitors, a canning competition for “Best Pickles” and more. The categories for the Blue Ribbon Exhibitors are: Fruits and Vegetables; Jams and Jellies; and Pickles and Relishes. Drop off is at 10 a.m. Thursday at the Crossroads Arena Conference Center. For more information, rules or to register go to http:// www.alcornfair.com/Blue_ Ribbon_Exhibitors.htm or contact Mary Catherine Coleman at 287-3310. The Fair will be held Sept. 13-17 at Crossroads Arena. There will be no tick-

et pre-orders. Admission is first-come, first-served at the door each day. Fair food will be available outside and concessions inside. Sponsorships (including VIP access) are available at alcornfair.com/sponsors. htm. For more information about sponsorship contact Christ Porterfield at 662808-5309 or porterfield. chris@gmail.com. More information is available at alcornfair.com.

Band Boosters The Purple Pride Band Boosters will meet Tuesday at 6 p.m. at the band hall. Parents, grandparents and guardians of all band students are encouraged to attend. Discussion will include up-coming competitions and future fundraisers.

4-H Exhibit Day 4-H Exhibit Day is an opportunity for 4-H members ages 5-19, to exhibit project work they have completed since September of last year. Youth ages 5-7 are eligible to enter 10 exhibits in the Clover Shop. Youth ages 8-19, have the opportunity to enter 20 exhibits in the following categories: clothing, foods, food preservation, garden, home improvement, holiday shop, crafts, creative arts, wildlife & conservation, woodwork, collections, and photography. Exhibits are not limited to 4-H club projects. Items youth have made at vacation bible school or with other club activities are also eligible. Youth who join 4-H by Monday are eligible to enter items in 4-H Exhibit Day. All exhibits will be on display during the annual 4-H Promotion Day, Saturday, at the Alcorn County Extension facility. For more information about 4-H, call 286-7756, or email alcorn@ext.msstate.edu.

Family reunion

Photo contest

The Nagle Reunion, descendants of Patrick and Emelia Nagle, will meet in Mineral Springs Parks in Iuka, today. Lunch will begin around 1 p.m. For additional information, call Rilla Wiley at 662-423-5252.

The Crossroads Museum at the Historic Depot in downtown Corinth is accepting entries for its 10th Annual Photo Contest with an awards ceremony slated for Sunday, Oct. 9. Participants may submit as many entries as they want in one, several or all of the contest’s five categories. The categories are landscape, architecture, pets/animals/wildlife, people and vacation. All submissions must be previously unpublished photos. All photos, with the exception of those submitted to the vacation category, must have been taken in either North Mississippi, Southern Tennessee or West Alabama. The contest requires a $10 fee per entry for the first three photos entered and $5 per entry for every photo entered after three. The last day to accept entries is Friday, Sept. 30. For more information on entry requirements call the museum at 287-3120 or send an email to director@crossroadsmuseum. com.

Mended Hearts Mended Hearts will meet at 10 a.m. Monday at the Magnolia Community Service Complex in the Cardiac Rehab. Conference Room, 1001 South Harper Road, Corinth. The program will be given by Dick and Judy Wood reporting on the Mended Hearts Convention held in New Orleans in June. Information will also be shared regarding the upcoming Mended Hearts Southern Region Cluster Meeting in Johnson City, Tenn. Mended Hearts is a support group open to all heart patients, their families and others impacted by heart disease. Visitors are welcome.

Beef cattle show The 2011 Alcorn County 4-H Beef Cattle Show is being held Saturday at the Crossroads Arena cattle barn in Corinth. The judge will be Neil Smith of the University of Tennessee. For more information, contact Patrick Poindexter or Lowell Hinton at the Alcorn County Extension Office at 662-286-7755.

All Stadium Seating Birthday Parties Online Tickets Sunday, September 11, 2011

TRANSFORMERS: OF 1:30 THE MOON (non(no 3-D)pass) (PG13) CONTAGION DARK (PG13) 4:35 7:30 12:00, 12:50,(R) 3:20,1:20 4:10, 6:50, 7:30, 10:05 CREATURE 4:25 7:20 (no pass) THE GREEN(PG13) LANTERN1:10 (non4:05 3D) (PG13) - 10:00 WARRIOR 7:05 (no pass) BAD TEACHER (R) - 1:20, 4:20, 7:35, 9:40 APOLLO 18 (PG13) 7:252:40, (no pass) MR. POPPER’S PENGUINS1:15 (PG)4:20 - 12:20, 4:55 SHARK NIGHTBOSSES (NON 3-D)(R)(PG13) 4:307:25, 7:35 (no9:45 pass) HORRIBLE - 1:25,1:254:30, DEBT(PG13) (R) 1:05 4:35 2:30, 7:15 (no LARRYTHE CROWNE - 12:10, 4:50,pass) 7:20, 9:40 DON’T BE AFRAID THE DARK (R) 1:30 4:35 7:15 SUPER 8OF(PG13) - 7:20, 9:50 SPY KIDS:ZOOKEEPER ALL THE TIME (PG) IN THE- 1:10, WORLD4:15, (non 3-D) 1:10 4:15 7:00 7:00,(PG)9:20 THE HELP 1:003:00, 4:104:00, 7:306:45, (no7:20, pass) CARS 2 (non 3-D) (G)(PG13) - 12:15, 1:00, 9:15 RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES4:05,(PG13) MONTE CARLO (PG) - 1:05, 7:05,1:15 9:304:20 7:05


6A • Daily Corinthian

Briefs Bad paint job leads to gunfire, police say GREENWOOD — Police in Greenwood say a car owner’s complaint about a bad paint job allegedly led to gunfire. The Greenwood Commonwealth reports that Jonathan Fleming told police he was shot at after taking his car back to an automobile body worker Thursday to complain about the paint job. Fleming said he sensed danger as the worker approached him with his hand underneath his shirt. Fleming said he got in his car and drove away, but the car was hit by gunfire. A bullet penetrated the back of the car and hit the car’s radio. Police said 28-yearold Jarvis M. Fluker was charged with attempted aggravated assault and released on bond. The Commonwealth reports that a number listed for Fluker was disconnected. It was unclear whether he had an attorney.

Airport authority asks for separate trials TUPELO — The Tupelo Airport Authority has asked that a lawsuit filed against it by two former administrators be separated. Former airport Executive Director Terry Anderson and former Operations Manager Reid Dawe together filed a federal suit in January, claiming their rights to free speech were violated by the authority. Anderson was fired in December 2009 after the board said it had lost confidence in him. Dawe resigned last October, but said he was forced to take a pay cut and pressured into quitting. The Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal reports a trial is scheduled for June 4. Attorneys for the airport authority filed a motion to have separate trials for Anderson and Dawe, arguing the men don’t have identical claims. But their attorneys asked the court to deny the motion.

Plea in Adams Co. embezzlement case NATCHEZ — Former Adams County maintenance supervisor Allen Jones has been sentenced to one year of supervised probation after entering an open plea to embezzlement charges. An open plea means Jones on Thursday refused to accept the state’s recommended sentence and threw him-

Mississippians reflect on 9/11 The Associated Press

self on the mercy of the court. The Natchez Democrat reports that Jones was arrested last December on charges of selling a $935 county-owned 5-ton air conditioning unit to Sunflower Baptist Church for $1,607 in 2008. Circuit Judge Lillie Blackmon Sanders ordered Jones to pay full restitution, which records show he paid to the court Thursday. Jones had been on administrative leave without pay.

Lawmaker pushes summer jobs program HOLLY SPRINGS — A state lawmaker is asking officials in Marshall County to set aside funds for a youth jobs program for the summer of 2012. The South Reporter reports that state Rep. Kelvin Buck, D-Holly Springs, has presented his plan for public/private partnerships to the Marshall County Board of Supervisors. Buck says if the county set aside $70,000 about 30 students could earn up to $2,320 in two months to help their families with money to go back to school. Buck says he hopes to find money for 100 students by asking Holly Springs, Potts Camp and Byhalia to participate. Buck says plans are to work through the WIN Job Center to hire for the summer jobs and to teach work ethics.

19-year-old set for trial in slaying PASCAGOULA — The trial of the youngest of four men accused in the 2009 robbery and shooting death of a man in Moss Point is scheduled for the October term of Jackson County Circuit Court. Prosecutors say 19-year-old Spencer Lawrence of Lucedale is the first to stand trial in the Oct. 5, 2009, slaying of Jermaine Jebon Kelly. Police say the suspects kicked in the door of the home and shot Kelly three times. Relatives said Kelly had cash on him to buy bedroom furniture, money that was missing when he was found dead. The Mississippi Press reports that trial dates are pending for three others — 30-year-old Jermaine Zachery Sims of Semmes, Ala.; 40-yearold Myron Johnson of Lucedale; and 42-year-old James Johnson of Moss Point.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

DURANT — Carolyn Hicks sank into a chair in her living room one recent morning, gently thumbing through a religious book titled “Hope of a Nation,” and reflecting on life since losing a son on Sept. 11, 2001. The book was a gift from the hospital when Jerry Don “D.D.” Dickerson was born on July 29, 1960. It was a fitting gift, too, Hicks says, for a child who grew up and dedicated his life to God and country. “We tried to teach our children to put more into the world than they take out,” Hicks said. “He did that.” Mississippi lost two men in the 2001 terrorist attacks. They both graduated from the same high school in tiny Durant, a once-bustling town that began to decline years ago when it was bypassed by Interstate 55. Dickerson, a 41-year-old Army lieutenant colonel, was working in the Pentagon when a commercial jet crashed into it. James “Joe” Ferguson, a 39-year-old National Geographic employee, was on that plane. Despite going to the same high school, relatives say it’s not likely Dickerson and Ferguson were close, due to different ages and interests. But they are connected by history and the events that unfolded that September day. A granite marker was placed in honor of them in Durant and a memorial ceremony was planned there for the weekend of Sept. 11. “To me it’s just so unusual that Durant lost two boys,” said JoNell Payton, a Durant resident who organized the memorial.

“Durant’s just a wide place in the road. I don’t know what to make of it, I really I don’t.” Dickerson was raised in Yazoo City and transferred to Durant as a high school junior to play football, his mother said. He joined the military during his senior year and shipped out the morning after graduation. He later went to Holmes Community College, and earned degrees from Mississippi State University and Texas A&M. Dickerson’s son and daughter are now in college, though Hicks asked The Associated Press not to publish details about them. She wants to protect their privacy. Hicks, who is now 72, was cooking for a large church group on Sept. 11, 2001, when she heard about the attacks. She kept on cooking, she said, trying to stay busy. Hours passed with no call from her son. “By that night, we pretty well knew that we would not see him again until we went to heaven,” Hicks said. Ferguson graduated from the University of Southern Mississippi before moving to Washington D.C. He did not have children of his own, but had passed on his love of geography to young people as director of an education program for the National Geographic Society. Ferguson was on a trip with a group of teachers and students when their plane crashed into the Pentagon. “He touched a lot of lives doing what he loved,” said his sister, Sue Stanford, a 55-year-old school teacher. “Joe was real outgoing, real friendly. He loved working for National Geographic and he loved geography.” Stanford now lives in Louisville, Miss., and remembers 9/11 in vivid detail.

“I didn’t know my brother was on the plane. When I got home I was walking the dog and thinking how thankful I was that I didn’t live in a big city” that could be a terrorist target, Stanford recalled during a recent interview at her home. When the flight number was made public, Stanford’s mother realized it was Ferguson’s flight, American Flight 77. She hurried to the high school football field where her husband was coaching. “It was the first time I ever interrupted a practice,” Stanford recalled. “When I walked on the field, the players parted. I guess they could tell it was bad. They just knelt down.” Both Hicks and Stanford say the loss never goes away, but they must keep living their lives. In the days before 9/11, Hicks said she felt the Lord preparing her for a loss. “I want people to know that the Lord dealt with me that day. I knew he was expecting me to give something up, and to give it up willingly. And when I turned on the TV, I knew what I had to give up,” Hicks said. “You can make choices in life. I made a choice that day. I knew where D.D. had gone. “I wanted to honor his life and his death,” she said. “I knew the life that he lived. I knew that I was giving him up to God. I did not want to ruin my life by becoming an old, critical lady.” Sitting in a recliner at home, petting a dachshund mix named Snickers, Stanford said the country should never forget that day. She sure won’t. “Life goes on, so you have to move on with it. But that loss will always be with you.”

Two candidates out of governor’s race The Associated Press

JACKSON — The Mississippi governor’s race on Friday was narrowed from four candidates to two, with only the major-party nominees remaining on the Nov. 8 general election ballot. Independent Will Oatis of Silver Creek withdrew from the race, citing a money shortage. The three-member state Election Commission removed the Reform Party’s Shawn O’Hara of Hattiesburg from the governor’s race because he’s also running for state treasurer. Democratic Mayor Johnny DuPree of Hattiesburg and Republican Lt. Gov. Phil Bryant of Brandon remain in contention for the state’s top office. In a letter to the secretary of state’s office, Oatis said: “My decision to withdraw is due to lack of financial resources to sustain my campaign through November.” Oatis’ most recent finance report showed he spent $11,899 from Jan. 1 through June 30,

with $111 left in his campaign fund. O’Hara filed to run for both governor and treasurer this year, and the commission voted Friday to let him run for treasurer. A state law enacted a few years ago in response to O’Hara’s habit of signing up for multiple offices says candidates can seek only one at a time. Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann said a candidate who files for multiple offices can run for the one in which he filed most recently — and in O’Hara’s case, that was the treasurer’s race. Republican Hosemann serves on the Election Commission with Republican Gov. Haley Barbour and Democratic Attorney General Jim Hood. Commissioners met Friday to set a sample ballot that must be mailed to circuit clerks by next week. One of the biggest questions the commission handled Friday was choosing between feuding slates of Reform Party candidates for statewide offices. A slate that includes O’Hara was chosen over one that included

Bobby A. Kearan for governor. Reform Party candidates usually run lowbudget campaigns in Mississippi, and none has ever been elected to statewide or regional office, or to a legislative seat. The dispute between the two Reform factions stretches to the national level of the party. Election commissioners listened for about an hour to try to determine which side had filed campaign finance reports, held conventions or taken other steps generally expected from fully functioning political parties. Although Barbour, Hood and Hosemann all voted to allow the O’Hara slate on the ballot, the governor chided both Reform groups for being unorganized. “If I were here next year, I wouldn’t let either one of you on the ballot,” said Barbour, who’s in his final months as governor. In addition to O’Hara for treasurer, the Reform slate approved for statewide races includes Tracella Lou O’Hara Hill for lieutenant governor, John Luke Pannell for secretary of state, Ashley Norwood

for auditor, Barbara Dale Washer for insurance commissioner and Cathy L. Toole for agriculture commissioner. Pannell has until Tuesday to give the Elections Commission documents showing he meets residency requirements to run for lieutenant governor. The Election Commission is also requesting proof of residency by Tuesday from Yasming S. Johnson of Hattiesburg, a Reform Party candidate in the District 45 state Senate race; and from Todd Wade of Oxford, the Republican nominee in the District 9 Senate seat. Wade, a former pro football player, is challenging four-term Democratic Sen. Gray Tollison of Oxford. Wade attended the Election Commission meeting with three attorneys. Representatives of the secretary of state’s office said they had been unable to find proof that Wade has been a registered voter long enough to run for Senate. State law requires any Senate candidate to be a “qualified elector” — that is, registered voter — in Mississippi at least four years.

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7A • Daily Corinthian

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11, minute by minute: Chaos and 1 man’s escape The Associated Press

NEW YORK — Close your eyes and picture Sept. 11. The memories are cauterized, familiar forever. The second plane banks and slides in, the fireball blooms, the towers peel away as if unzipped from the top. Start with the Tuesday morning and the blue sky and walk through the day from two perspectives, inside and out. From that of a man who managed to survive above the impact zone in the south tower and from that of the helpless, watching world. In those first two hours, before anyone could put together the full, awful picture, chaos filled in the gaps. No one knew exactly what was happening, or how vast, or at whose hand. No one knew, for a time, that the instruments of destruction were not prop planes but jumbo jets. At the very first, almost no one knew there were planes at all. Brian Clark was working at Euro Brokers, on the 84th floor of the south tower of the World Trade Center. He arrived at about 7:15 a.m., had his cup of coffee, went about the morning’s chores. A “loud double boom” is the first thing he remembers. Then flickering of the lights in his office. Something caught his peripheral vision. He spun around. His view usually looked out over the Hudson River. The river and the sky. “It was filled with flame,” he says. “Two yards from my nose is the window, and it’s right against the glass, almost swirling. I can’t recall whether there was a flash of heat. But the bright glass — you were in the fire. The flames washed right up.” It was 8:46 a.m. For reference, Clark sometimes tells people to imagine a three-by-three grid, like the first nine digits on a telephone keypad. The north tower sat where 1 would be, the south tower at 8. Clark’s office faced west, near the southwest corner of the 8 button. American Airlines Flight 11 had crashed into the north face of the north tower, the top of the 1 button. Since the 1993 bombing of the trade center’s underground garage, Clark had volunteered as a fire marshal for his floor. Now, as if on autopilot, he grabbed the flashlight, grabbed the whistle. He remembers encouraging his colleagues to leave the floor. He also remembers one

of them, a woman, spinning around from the window in shock and tears, and telling him that people were jumping. Clark called his wife. “Something’s happened next door,” he says he told her, “but we’re OK.” Just then, the network television morning shows, where the top stories of the day had included whether Michael Jordan might make a comeback in the NBA, cut for the first time to a live shot of the gashed north tower of the World Trade Center. The first alert on the national news wire of The Associated Press moved at 33 seconds past 8:53 a.m.: ——— NEW YORK (AP) — Plane crashes into World Trade Center, according to television reports. ——— At about 8:55, Clark remembers a voice over the PA system: “Building Two is secure.” Eight minutes later, at 9:03, he was standing outside his office and talking with a coworker, Bobby Coll. They were 2 feet to a yard apart, he thinks, eye to eye. In an instant, “the room exploded.” The feeling was of tremendous air compression. Then things so secure no one ever gave them a thought, things like the lights and the floor, came loose. For several harrowing, torqueing seconds, it seemed the building itself might go over. The power went out. “Everything was full of construction dust,” Clark says. “Yellow, chalky, gritty air. As if you gave a demolition crew a week to destroy the floor, but it happened in a second. It was like someone had torn open a cement bag and just waved it in the air.” He remembers terrorism crossing his mind. He also thought something that seems ridiculous to him in hindsight. He remembers cursing and saying, “We’ve got to come back tomorrow and clean up this mess.” To the outside world, at 9:04, went the AP alert: “Explosion rocks second World Trade Center tower.” TV networks were in the middle of interviewing eyewitnesses to the first explosion when United Flight 175 approached, slipped into the south face of the south tower, and sent a mushrooming fireball out the other side. “That looks like a second

plane,” Charles Gibson said on ABC. “And now,” Matt Lauer said on NBC’s “Today” show, “you have to move from talk about a possible accident to talk about something deliberate that has happened here.” With people around the world now fixed on live pictures of the trade center, the puzzle was slowly coming into focus. The AP reported at 9:12: “FBI investigating reports of plane hijacking before World Trade Center crashes.” In Sarasota, Fla., President George W. Bush was reading to schoolchildren when Andrew Card, the White House chief of staff, whispered news of the second crash into his ear. The color appeared to drain from Bush’s face. Inside the south tower, Clark was trying to lead a small, snaking line of people toward a central stairway and down from the 84th floor. Three floors into the trip, they were met by a woman, heading up. “We’ve got to go higher,” the woman said. A debate ensued. Up or down. Clark shone his flashlight on whoever was talking. In the middle of the discussion, Clark heard a muffled scream for help coming from the 81st floor. He and a coworker, Ron DiFrancesco, went to investigate. They squeezed through a crack between drywall and door frame. “I have this very clear vision of all my coworkers turning around and starting up the stairs,” Clark says. “And they all died.” Mid-rescue on the 81st floor, DiFrancesco was overcome by smoke, coughed and sputtered and turned back. Clark continued toward the stranger’s voice. It was Stanley Praimnath, an executive with Fuji Bank. To get to safety, Praimnath had to scale a toppled inside wall. Clark pulled him over on the second try. Clark fell on his back. They introduced themselves and told each other that they would be brothers for life. They made it down to the 31st floor and called their wives to report that they were OK. It was just after 9:30 a.m. To the outside world, it was about to become clear that the disaster, whatever it was, was not limited to two skyscrapers in New York. “Today we’ve had a national tragedy,” the president told reporters and young children at the Florida elementary school.

“ Two airplanes have crashed into the World Trade Center in an apparent terrorist attack on our country.” ABC showed pictures of smoke rising in the distance behind the Old Executive Office Building in Washington, southwest of the White House. A bewildered correspondent said she could not explain it. “Want to hold our breath here, it just seems to me for a second,” said Peter Jennings, the anchor, “and, and, and — and, and not get into a mode that the country is under attack.” At seven seconds past 9:43, another alert on the AP wire: “An aircraft has crashed into the Pentagon, witnesses say.” It was American Flight 77. Seconds later, another alert said that the White House had been evacuated. When Clark and Praimnath finally made it out of the south tower, they looked out at a moonscape. A plaza between the twin towers, normally brimming with life — a fountain, flowers — was abandoned and gray. As they started toward Liberty Street, the southern boundary, and out of the trade center complex, a fireman told them to run for it. They saw no debris or falling bodies, and ran for it. They made it into a deli, where, in one of the day’s absurdist touches, a worker handed Clark a platter of sweet rolls and melons, wrapped in cellophane. “Take this,” he said. “Nobody’s coming for this today.” They wound up at Trinity Church, two blocks downtown. They stood gripping the iron railing around the cemetery, close to what they later learned was the burial site of Alexander Hamilton. They argued about whether the south tower, burning high above, might collapse. Praimnath thought it would. “No way,” Clark said. At 9:59, for no specific reason that Clark can remember, they turned and looked up. It was, Clark says, as if they had been invited to witness the destruction. “Floor by floor, it kind of dissolved in front of us,” he says. “The white wave.” The south tower came down as if something were pulling on it from the top at a hundred different places. It left a column of gray smoke and sent a ghastly plume shooting through the streets of lower Manhattan. The AP reported it first as a

new explosion, then, having confirmed that the building was simply no longer there, moved the news as a flash, the highest priority: “One World Trade Center tower collapses.” Clark and Praimnath dived into a building on Broadway. Clark was still carrying the breakfast tray. He set it on a reception desk and two dozen people, taking refuge in the building, descended on it. They stayed in the building for perhaps 45 minutes. Praimnath gave Clark a business card. Later, when they left and walked through lower Manhattan, stepping through ash as though it were new snow, they got separated. Later, the card was only way Clark knew for sure that Praimnath was real, that it wasn’t all some fantastic dream. In the relative safety of the building’s lobby, with the storm of ash swirling outside, they missed what happened next. At 10:29 a.m., a second flash on the AP wire: “Second World Trade Center tower collapses.” Eight minutes later: “Large plane crashes in western Pennsylvania, officials at Somerset County Airport confirm.” The official times were 10:03, for the crash of United Flight 93 near Shanksville, Pa., and 10:28 a.m., for the collapse of the north tower of the World Trade Center. In all, it had taken under two hours and almost 3,000 souls. The official count of the dead, adjusted slightly every so often in the years after the attack, including for some deaths from respiratory disease linked to the towers, was 2,977. The count was 40 in Pennsylvania, 184 at the Pentagon and 2,753 at the World Trade Center. Clark, who lived then and lives today in Mahwah, N.J., got off the island of Manhattan by ferry. He walked east and found that ferries to Jersey City, which usually leave from the west, along the Hudson River, had been diverted to the East River. He remembers chugging through the dust of Sept. 11, around the base of Manhattan. He remembers “yammering” on the boat — all these people, trying to make sense of what had happened. Only when the boat got to the Jersey side did Clark realize that both towers had collapsed. “We come out of the fog, and now the trade center site is visible,” he remembers. “And it’s blue sky, and they’re gone.”

Impact from 9/11 still felt a decade later The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — A decade later, what happened on Sept. 11 still resonates for much of the country. Even more Americans now say the horror of that day changed their lives. A new poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research in Chicago finds that more Americans today say Sept. 11 had an impact on their lives than said so five years ago — 57 percent compared with 50 percent in 2006. As the nation prepares to mark the 10th anniversary of that haunting day, the chilling events that unfolded in New York, Washington and Shanksville, Pa., still evoke a stir of emotions for everyday

Americans — from anger and shock at so many innocent lives lost to patriotism and pride in the heroes who emerged on hijacked planes and in the rubble of fallen skyscrapers and a shattered Pentagon. Ten years later, we are a nation changed — moving on, but still changed. Lisa Schmidt, 48, of Vancouver, Wash., thinks about Sept. 11 “just about every day” and almost every time she sees a plane. “The intensity of thinking about it, and confronting the thought of it, still is very uncomfortable and I didn’t know anyone who was killed or injured,” said Schmidt, owner of a marketing company. “It was a defining moment for how Americans define tragedy.”

For some people, like Susan Garrison of Carthage, Tenn., her fear of more attacks keeps her away from

airports. “I will not fly,” said the 54-year-old Garrison, even with stepped-up security.

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8A • Daily Corinthian

SEC Football Ole Miss 42, Southern Illinois 24 Auburn 41, (16) Mississippi State 34 (2) LSU 49, Northwestern St. 3 (3) Alabama 27, (23) Penn State 11 (12) South Carolina 45, Georgia 42 (14) Arkansas 52, New Mexico 3 (18) Florida 39, UAB 0 Kentucky 27, Cent. Michigan 13 Tennessee 45, Cincinnati 23 Vanderbilt 24, Connecticut 21

Other Top 25 (1) Oklahoma was idle. (4) Boise State was idle. (5) Florida St 62, Charleston Southern 10 (6) Stanford 44, Duke 14 (7) Texas A&M was idle. (8) Wisconsin 35, Oregon State 0 (9) Oklahoma St. 37, Arizona 14 (Th.) (10) Nebraska 42, Fresno St. 29 (11) Virginia Tech 17, East Carolina 10 (13) Oregon 69, Nevada 20 (15) Ohio St 27, Toledo 22 (17) Michigan St. 44, Florida Atlantic 0 (19) West Virginia 55, Norfolk St 12 (20) Baylor was idle. Arizona St. 37, (21) Missouri 30, OT (Fri.) (22) South Florida 37, Ball State 7 (24) Texas 17, BYU 16 (25) TCU 35, Air Force 19


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dogs fall short on the Plains Associated Press

AUBURN, Ala. — Ryan Smith went low and came up big for Auburn. The backup safety stopped Chris Relf at the goal line with a leg tackle on the final play to preserve the Tigers’ 41-34 win over No. 16 Mississippi State on Saturday and keep their winning streak going. Relf kept the ball on an option and headed for the end zone before Smith brought the 240-pound quarterback down for the Tigers (2-0, 1-0 Southeastern Conference), who had gone from defending national champions to unranked underdog after needing a furious

rally to beat Utah State. “We’d prefer to win football games a lot different than we are, but there’s something to be said when you can fight down to the end when it doesn’t look good and still win the game,” Auburn coach Gene Chizik said. The Tigers apparently still have the same flair for the dramatic as last year’s national title team, just with players such as Smith bailing them out instead of superstars Cam Newton and Nick Fairley. It was Smith’s first tackle of the season and fourth of his career. “I was just trying to go across and make the play,” he said.

“You don’t really have time to think — you just make the play. I knew he was going to keep the ball. He had been keeping it all day.” This time it was the Bulldogs (1-1, 0-1) who nearly pulled off a huge comeback. Coach Dan Mullen said he would have gone for two points and the win if Relf had punched it across. All 10 seconds remaining ticked off when Relf came up short. “Chris made the call on the last play of the game,” Mullen said. “We gave him two choices (pass or run). I put it in his hands and he made the right call. I like that. I like that con-

fidence. “Chris said, ’I feel great about this run call.’ It looked like he had it and the kid made a heck of an open-field tackle.” By Relf’s estimate, he was an inch shy of scoring. “We didn’t come up with the big inch,” he said. “I should have made the play.” Daren Bates, Jake Holland and Neiko Thorpe had led a swarm of defenders to stop Vick Ballard for a short loss on the previous play after Auburn called timeout to regroup. “We called time out there at the end and told them what was going to happen the final two plays,” Chizik said.

Late Football

Cards win McNairy Co. matchup BY JEFF YORK Special to the Daily Corinthian

ADAMSVILLE, Tenn. — Adamsville scored on its first offensive play of the game and rolled to a convincing 47-22 win over cross-county rival McNairy Central Frdiay night at AHS. It marked the first time that the Cardinals have ever beaten the Bobcats in three straight seasons. The Cards (3-1) broke on top when Zak Neary raced 60 yards to paydirt on their first offensive snap and they never looked back. AHS added another score on a 24-yard pass from Dustin Plunk to Jalen Kendall to make it 13-0 in the first quarter. Adamsville added two more scores in the second period to take a 27-0 halftime lead. Tyler English scored on a 29-yard run and Plunk hit Kendall for a 18-yard TD strike. Trailing 34-0, McNairy (0-3) broke the shutout when it scored on a 28yard pass from Hayden Kiestler to Issac Cagle. The score had been set up one play earlier on a 31-yard reception by Austin Gafford. Kiestler threw a touchdown pass to Kerby Gray and he later scored on a 2-yard QB keeper for McNairy’s final scores of the game. Adamsville’s Neary scored on a 10-yard run for the game’s final touchdown. Adamsville 47, McNairy 22 at Adamsville, Tenn. Adamsville 13 14 7 13 -- 47 McNairy Central 0 0 14 8 -- 22 1st Quarter AHS – Zak Neary 70 run (kick failed) 9:17 AHS – Jalen Kendall 24 pass from Dalton Plunk (Plunk kick) 2:35 2nd Quarter AHS – Tyler English 29 run (Plunk kick) 5:03 AHS – Kendall 18 pass from Plunk (Plunk kick) 2:00 3rd Quarter AHS – Kendall 18 pass from John Reed Odom (Plunk kick) 9:02 MC – Issac Cagle 28 pass from Hayden Kiestler (kick failed) 7:18 MC – Kerby Gray 9 pass from Kiestler (D.J. Lynum from Kiestler) 2:10 4th Quarter AHS – Plunk 1 run (Plunk kick) 8:31 MC – Kiestler 2 run (Kiestler run) 4:50 AHS – Neary 10 run (kick failed) 2:01

Photo Courtesy Jeff Allen

Ole Miss running back Jeff Scott dives into the end zone for one of his four touchdowns Saturday in Oxford.

Great Scott! Rebels slam Salukis Associated Press

OXFORD — Jeff Scott waited more than a season for a chance to be Mississippi’s featured running back. Four touchdowns later, the sophomore certainly made the most of his opportunity. The 5-foot-7, 175-pound Scott rushed for three touchdowns and added another on a punt return, turning in a spectacular performance as Ole Miss downed Southern Illinois 42-24 on Saturday night. “The coaches did a great job of preparing me to carry the load tonight and I just went out there and played the hardest I could,” Scott said. Scott scored three touch-

downs in the first six minutes of the game with the third coming on a 67-yard punt return that ended with him tip-toeing down the right sideline and just inside the bright orange pylon. It gave Ole Miss a 21-0 lead and the rout appeared to be well underway. But the rest of the game wasn’t as easy. Ole Miss (1-1) had a 35-10 lead early in the third quarter before Southern Illinois responded with two touchdown drives in the second half to pull within 3524. Steve Strother rushed for 116 yards for Southern Illinois (1-1), but the Salukis couldn’t overcome four in-

terceptions thrown by Paul McIntosh. “We know we let an opportunity slip away,” Southern Illinois coach Dale Lennon said. “We felt we were capable of doing more tonight.” Ole Miss was playing without its top two running backs — seniors Brandon Bolden and Enrique Davis — after the pair suffered injuries in last week’s season opener against BYU. But Scott was stellar in their place, rushing for touchdowns of 37 and 4 yards in the opening minutes before the punt return for a touchdown pushed the Rebels’ lead to 21-0 with 9:09 remaining in the first half. “They set up a wall and I

just bent the corner with my speed,” Scott said. “I had one guy to beat and that was the kicker. He put his hand out and I was trying my best to stay in bounds and I got in the end zone.” He added a 7-yard touchdown run in the third quarter. Scott’s first touchdown was the most spectacular. He broke several tackles and juked one Southern Illinois defender before finding open space and eventually the end zone. Nutt has said Scott is the fastest of the Rebel running backs, but sometimes strugPlease see REBS | 9A

Prep Softball

CHS wins two at Tupelo BY SEAN SMITH ssmith@dailycorinthian.com

TUPELO — The Corinth Lady Warriors improved to 14-3 overall Saturday with a a pair of wins at the Tupelo Tournament. Corinth opened with 6-0 win over Tupelo and followed with a 13-3 decision over Choctow Central. “I am very proud of the way we played today,” said Lady Warrior head coach Janna LaBarreare. “We played well defensively and had some really key hits. We had a really good day,” Corinth’s Portia Patterson went yard twice on the day, once against Tupelo and one against Choctow Central. Rebekah Williams had multiple hits against Tupelo and a home run against Choctow Central. Elizabeth Williams improved her pitching record to 12-3 on the year. Corinth will host Biggersville Monday, game begins at 5 p.m. at the SportsPlex.

Corinth 6, Tupelo 5 Game 1 @ Tupelo Corinth 000 320 1 — 6 15 1 Tupelo 000 000 0 — 0 5 2 WP: Elizabeth Williams 113. LP: Reagan Albridge Multiple Hits: (C) Portia Patterson 2, Stennett Smith 2, Bailee Kramer 3, Rebekah Williams 2, Elizabeth Williams 2. HR: (C) Patterson. Corinth 13, Choctaw Central 3 Game 2 Choctaw Central 000 30 — 3 11 6 Corinth 304 33 — 13 14 1 WP: Elizabeth Williams 123. LP: Raven Comby Multiple Hits: (C) Jamia Kirk 2, Stennett Smith 3, Bailee Kramer 2, Rebekah Williams 2, Elizabeth Williams 3. 2B: (C) Smith, Kramer. HR: R. Williams, Portia Patterson. Record: Corinth 14-3

Walnut wins Tippah title BY SEAN SMITH ssmith@dailycorinthian.com

WALNUT — The Walnut Lady Wildcats won the 2011 Tippah County slow-pitch softball tournament Saturday by beating Blue Mountain 13-3, Pine Grove 10-1, and Falkner 12-2. Walnut improved their record to 11-3 overall. “We had a slow start to the day, but we pulled it together,” said Lady Wildcat Coach Kelley Hopper. “I was very happy we won.” Walnut will travel to Strayhorn on Tuesday and host Hickory Flat on Thursday. Both are division games and begin at 5 p.m. Walnut 10, Pine Grove 1 Game 2 Pine Grove 001 000 0

—193 Walnut 002 260 X — 10 12 2 WP: Hailey Wilbanks. LP: Katy Orman Multiple Hits: (W) Angelica Hernandez 2, Becky Robinson 3, Breanna James 2. 2B: (W) Robinson 2 . 3B: (W) Taylor Doyle. Record: Walnut 10-3 2

Walnut 12, Falkner

Game 3 Falkner 001 01 — 2 5 10 Walnut 150 33 — 12 9 1 WP: Hailey Wilbanks. LP: Jojohna Phelps Multiple Hits: (W) Erica Clifton 2, Taylor Braddock 2. 2B: (W) Breanna James. 3B: (W) Presley Pulse. Record: Walnut 11-3

Daily Corinthian • Sunday, September 11, 2011 • 9A

SEC Roundup South Carolina wins thriller ATHENS, Ga. — South Carolina scored twice off turnovers, including defensive end Melvin Ingram’s second touchdown with 3:12 remaining, and the No. 12 Gamecocks beat mistake-prone Georgia 45-42 Saturday for the early lead in the Southeastern Conference East. The Gamecocks (2-0, 1-0 SEC) set up another touchdown with a long fumble return, and Ingram scored his first career TD on a fake punt. Georgia (0-2, 0-1) dominated the stats but simply couldn’t overcome all the major blunders. Antonio Allen returned an interception 25 yards for a TD in the third quarter, and the Gamecocks clinched it when Jadeveon Clowney burst through the line and knocked the ball away from quarterback Aaron Murray. Ingram picked it up in the end zone to make it 45-35. Murray threw four touchdown passes.

No. 2 LSU 49, Northwestern State 3 Spencer Ware and Michael Ford ran for two scores apiece and second-ranked LSU overwhelmed Northwestern State. LSU (2-0) led 28-3 by halftime, allowing coach Les Miles to give a number of starters some rest in advance of the Tigers’ next game at Mississippi State on Thursday night. Coveted junior college transfer quarterback Zach Mettenberger made his debut in relief of LSU starter Jarrett Lee to open the second half. After Lee completed 9 of 10 passes for 133 yards and a touchdown, Mettenberger went 8 of 11 for 92 yards, including a 19-yard touchdown pass. John Shaughnessy kicked a 44-yard field goal for Northwestern State (1-1), the only points the Demons have scored against LSU in 11 meetings.

No. 3 Alabama 27, No. 23 Penn State 11 A.J. McCarron was poised and efficient in a rare trip into Big Ten country for No. 3 Alabama, throwing for 163 yards and a touchdown. Alabama completed a sweep of the home-and-home series between the two storied programs with a methodical and smothering performance reminiscent of last year’s 24-3 win in Tuscaloosa. Both teams came into the second week of the season with unsettled quarterback issues. At Alabama (2-0), those appear to be settled. McCarron was 19 for 31 with no turnovers and a 5-yard touchdown pass through traffic to Michael Williams in the first quarter. For Penn State, Nittany Lions (1-1) fans might be wondering if either Robert Bolden or Matt McGloin are the answer. They combined to go 12 for 39 for 144 yards.

No. 14 Arkansas 52, New Mexico 3 Tyler Wilson threw for 259 yards and accounted for a pair of touchdowns as No. 14 Arkansas defeated New Mexico. Marquel Wade also returned a kickoff 85 yards for a touchdown for the Razorbacks (2-0), who now have three special teams’ touchdowns in their first two games. Joe Adams returned a pair of punts for touchdowns in the first game. Wilson’s second touchdown was a 7-yard plunge into the end zone late in the first half, during which he barreled over a New Mexico defender. The junior didn’t return in the second half and didn’t appear on the sidelines until midway through the third quarter. The Lobos (0-2), who allowed 10 quarterback sacks and lost three fumbles in a season-opening loss to Colorado State, didn’t do either against the Razorbacks.

No. 18 Florida 39, UAB 0 Chris Rainey ran for 119 yards and a touchdown and Caleb Sturgis kicked three field goals after the offense bogged down. The Gators (2-0) dominated both sides of the lines of scrimmage for the second consecutive week and finished their early tune-ups by outgaining their opponents 979 yards to 349. Next up: Southeastern Conference rival Tennessee. The Volunteers should provide more of a test for a team with plenty of unanswered questions on both sides of the ball. This much is certain: Rainey is clearly the team’s top playmaker. A week after becoming the first player in school history to score touchdowns rushing, receiving and on a return, Rainey was even better against the Blazers (0-1).

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REBS: Jeff Scott steals the show with four touchdowns during Saturday’s game CONTINUED FROM 8A

gles with blocking assignments and fumbles. He didn’t appear to have any of those problems against the Salukis,

though, and his performance gives the Rebels confidence heading into next week’s Southeastern Conference opener against Vanderbilt. Zack Stoudt was decent in

his first start as the Ole Miss quarterback, completing 11 of 18 passes for 118 yards and a touchdown. Stoudt said Scott’s success opened opportunities downfield.

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Associated Press

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10A • Sunday, September 11, 2011 • Daily Corinthian

A changed America: Marking 10 years since 9/11 The Associated Press

NEW YORK — Ten years on, Americans will come together Sunday where the World Trade Center soared, where the Pentagon stands as a fortress once breached, where United Airlines Flight 93 knifed into the earth. They will gather to pray in cathedrals in our greatest cities and to lay roses before fire stations in our smallest towns, to remember in countless ways the anniversary of the most devastating terrorist attacks since the nation’s founding, and in the process mark the milestone as history itself. As in earlier observances, bells will toll again to mourn the loss of those killed in the attacks. Ceremonies also will consecrate new memorials in lower Manhattan, rural Pennsylvania and elsewhere, concrete symbols of the resolve to remember and rebuild. But much of the weight of this year’s ceremonies lies in what will largely go unspoken — the anniversary’s role in prompting Americans to consider how the attacks changed them and the larger world and the continuing struggle to understand 9/11’s place in the lore of the nation. “A lot’s going on in the background,� said Ken Foote, author of “Shadowed Ground: America’s Landscapes of Violence and Tragedy,� examining the role that veneration of sites of death and disaster plays in modern life. “These anniversaries are particularly critical in figuring out what story to tell, in figuring out what this all means. It forces people to figure out what happened to us.� First, Saturday’s dedication of the beginningFlight 93 National

Memorial at a former strip mine near the town of Shanksville, in western Pennsylvania. Former presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden joined families of the 40 passengers and crew killed when their revolt against hijackers of the United Airlines jet ended with its crash, stood under gray skies in a field soggy from rain. linton likened the actions of those aboard Flight 93 to the defenders of the Alamo in Texas or the Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae some 2,500 years ago, with a dramatic and telling difference: “They were soldiers. They knew what they had to do.� The Pennsylvania memorial park is years from completion. But the dedication and a service to mark the 10th anniversary of the attacks are critical milestones, said Sally Ware, one of the volunteer “ambassadors� who has worked as a guide at the site since the disaster. Ware, whose home about two miles away from the site was rocked by the jet’s explosion on impact, recalls how hundreds of people flocked to the crash site in the days afterward to leave their own mementos and memorials. She began volunteering after finding one along the side of the road — a red rose placed atop a flight attendant’s uniform. “It really bothered me. I thought someone has to take care of this,� says Ware, a homemaker whose own daughter is a flight attendant. Now, a decade later, she acknowledges the memorial may do little to ease the grief of the families of those who died in the crash. But the weekend’s ceremonies recall a

story with far broader reach. The ceremonies honor those who “fought the first battle against terrorism — and they won,� Ware said. “It’s something I don’t want to miss. It’s become a part of my life.� On Sunday, the nation’s focus turns to ceremonies at the Pentagon, just outside Washington, D.C., and in lower Manhattan for the dedication of the national Sept. 11 memorial. President Barack Obama planned to attend ceremonies at the sites of all three attacks and was scheduled to speak Sunday evening at a service at the Kennedy Center. The New York ceremony begins at 8:30 a.m., with a moment of silence 16 minutes later — coinciding with the exact time a decade ago when the first tower of the trade center was struck by a hijacked jet. And then, one by one, the reading of the names of the 2,977 killed on Sept. 11 — those who perished in New York, as well as those who died at the Pentagon and in rural Pennsylvania. They include the names of 37 of Lt. Patrick Lim’s fellow officers from the police department of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Lim, assigned to patrol the trade center with an explosives detection dog, rushed in to the north tower after it was hit to help evacuate workers. He and a few others survived despite still being inside a fifth-floor stairwell when the building fell. In the years since, Lim said he has wrestled with survivor’s guilt, realizing the last of those he’d urged ahead of him were crushed when the tower collapsed. He took shelter in selective memory,

visualizing the ground covered with women’s shoes amid the destruction. “That’s how I got through that, because what was attached to the shoes was a lot worse,� Lim said. The 10th anniversary has forced Lim to revisit an experience he’s worried too many people have pushed from their minds. But the approach of Sunday’s ceremonies has convinced him of the value of revisiting Sept.11, both for himself and others. When it happened, talking about the events of that day “wasn’t easy for me. This was very difficult. But it became ... a catharsis,� he says. “What I want is for people to remember what happened.� And so arrives a weekend dedicated to remembrance, with hundreds of ceremonies across the country and around the globe — from a memorial Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York to a ceremony featuring nine-storiestall replicas of the twin towers on a plaza in Paris. But some of the most powerful ceremonies will likely be the smallest and most personal. In Newtown, Conn., retired American Stock Exchange floor broker Howard Lasher planned a ceremony Sunday morning under the canopy of six maple trees standing alongside his gravel driveway; their trunks are painted to resemble an American flag. Lasher commissioned the painting in the weeks just after Sept. 11, 2001, as a tribute to nine Amex colleagues and the son of another who died inside the trade center. “I wanted something that would reach out to people, that people

would not forget,� Lasher says of the memorial, which has since become a local landmark. “When people drive by here, I want them to envision what this country has been, for all its greatness, and that we should not forget the people who were lost that day and in all the wars, because they died defending what it represents.� And in Brown City, Mich. — with a population of about 1,300 and no direct connection to the attacks — firefighters will lay 343 roses on a 15,000-pound steel beam salvaged from the World Trade Center, in honor of the New York City brethren who perished in the disaster. Since venturing to New York in June to claim the beam and bring it home, the Michigan firefighters have finished building a brick plaza, lighted around the clock and crowned by three flagpoles. Already, this has become a local shrine, Chief Jim Groat says. A few days ago, a couple from St. Joseph, Mich. who happened to be driving through, pulled into the fire station lot when they spotted a sign for the memorial. Groat came out to speak with them and the woman explained that she was a flight attendant for American Airlines who’d been aboard a plane the morning of the attacks. Then she turned to face the steel beam from the trade center. “She just stood there and cried. She said she was just honored that somebody still cares,� Groat recalled. The chief observed silently, before offering an invitation. “Will I see you here on Sept. 11?� he asked. “I’ll be here,� she answered.

Country music star Craig Morgan reflects on life post-9/11 The Associated Press

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — The minute country star Craig Morgan returns from entertaining U.S. troops in the Middle East, he wants to go back — not to perform but to serve. “Once a soldier, always a soldier,� Morgan told The Associated Press in a recent interview. Before he launched a

successful music career, he spent 10 years active duty in the Army and continued his service for nine years in the Reserves. He was stationed in Panama from 1989-90 and was part of the military operation that removed dictator Manuel Noriega from power. The terrorist attack on Sept. 11 struck a particular nerve with Morgan. Since

9/11, he has made nine trips overseas to entertain U.S. troops and hosted more than a dozen events at military bases stateside. “For me as an entertainer now, it’s very weird,� said Morgan. “I come home after a trip overseas to Iraq or Afghanistan, and every time I come home, my wife says, ‘Why don’t you just go back in and quit your pout-

ing?’ because I have such a weird feeling going back as an entertainer, having served for so long. It’s just really weird to be on this side of the fence.� At the same time, Morgan is also grateful for his successful music career, because he has been able to support veterans and military families in a way that he could never do as a

soldier. Morgan was one of the first artists to perform in Afghanistan after the U.S. invasion. He said they were still sweeping up glass in the Kandahar airport when he arrived. “9/11 changed my life the way it changed every body’s life. We will forever be impacted by this,� he said. “I’ll no longer be able to stand at

a (airport) gate and wait for my family to come in. I have to wait outside the gates. The security that has been put into place now we’re going to live with forever, and like everyone else, I will never ever forget the visual of those airplanes hitting those towers, and just the impact that that’s had on our society. I only pray that it doesn’t happen again.�

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Listing of these previously mentioned areas of practice does not indicate any certiďŹ cation of expertise therein. Background information available upon request.

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Daily Corinthian • Sunday, September 11, 2011 • 11A



CLOSED -100.96 275.56 -119.05 -303.68

Close: 10,992.13 1-week change: -248.13 (-2.2%)







The stock exchange on Sept. 11 The Associated Press

12,500 12,000 11,500 11,000 10,500












Last Chg %Chg


Last Chg %Chg


Last Chg %Chg

SWS Grp TempleInld ChinaGreen GushanE rs CSVS2xVxS Talbots GencoShip Standex Blyth DirDMBr rs

5.25+1.50 +40.0 31.05+6.42 +26.1 4.96+1.01 +25.6 2.19 +.41 +23.0 67.83+11.62 +20.7 2.83 +.43 +17.9 7.80+1.16 +17.5 31.79+4.67 +17.2 62.02+8.95 +16.9 47.15+6.79 +16.8

DocuSec ExeterR gs EntreeGold MidsthBcp ClaudeR g Banro wt IEC Elec AlexcoR g Richmnt g KeeganR g

3.13 +.60 5.45 +.91 2.29 +.36 11.72+1.42 2.29 +.26 2.80 +.26 5.87 +.54 9.11 +.80 12.12 +.90 8.75 +.64

Spherix rs Conns MELA Sci CaliperLSc ClevBioL h USA Tech h PennMill UltaSalon AmpioPhm OptimerPh

2.65+1.31 +97.6 8.02+2.78 +53.1 3.24+1.08 +50.0 10.45+3.38 +47.8 2.89 +.65 +29.0 2.25 +.45 +25.0 20.13+3.88 +23.9 68.45+13.12 +23.7 8.61+1.59 +22.6 11.93+2.04 +20.6

+23.7 +20.0 +18.7 +13.8 +12.8 +10.2 +10.1 +9.6 +8.0 +7.9





Last Chg %Chg



Last Chg %Chg

JinkoSolar TrinaSolar YingliGrn iPInv1-21Vx ProUltEafe AlonHldgs DirxDMBull PrisaA n CredSuiss ING

10.59-3.44 -24.5 10.41-2.98 -22.3 4.53-1.07 -19.1 11.95-2.68 -18.3 58.01-12.72 -18.0 5.60-1.22 -17.9 34.29-6.99 -16.9 4.81 -.96 -16.6 22.86-4.52 -16.5 6.64-1.29 -16.3

B&HO 3.91 -.89 -18.5 NovaGld g 9.16-1.75 -16.0 AdcareH wt 2.15 -.35 -14.0 HaderaPap 41.40-6.50 -13.6 Crexendo 3.90 -.59 -13.1 QuestRM g 4.09 -.55 -11.9 EngySvc un 2.90 -.38 -11.6 NA Pall g 3.40 -.36 -9.6 SaratogaRs 5.30 -.55 -9.4 Ballanty 3.30 -.33 -9.1

57StGen un OakRidgeF THT HeatT VascoDta ElbitImg AdvATech 57StGenAc BG Med n WestwdOne DynaVox

5.45-9.15 2.70-1.29 2.04 -.85 5.21-1.71 2.25 -.72 4.64-1.32 4.59-1.13 3.86 -.94 4.32-1.04 4.84-1.10

Last Chg %Chg

-62.7 -32.3 -29.4 -24.7 -24.2 -22.1 -19.7 -19.6 -19.4 -18.5


Vol (00) Last Chg

S&P500ETF 9938629115.92 BkofAm 9636787 6.98 SPDR Fncl 4267661 12.23 GenElec 4047460 15.09 iShR2K 2785645 67.50 iShEMkts 2393038 40.01 FordM 2177905 10.05 DrxFnBull 2062994 12.09 JPMorgCh 2032835 32.08 Pfizer 1870676 18.28

-1.93 -.27 -.31 -.67 -.96 -1.55 -.37 -1.00 -2.55 -.18


Vol (00) Last Chg

NthgtM g NovaGld g NwGold g GoldStr g VantageDrl CheniereEn GrtBasG g CFCda g NA Pall g OpkoHlth

300717 268422 208757 170924 123252 99057 81770 76184 66846 62439

4.00 9.16 13.90 2.55 1.39 7.01 2.28 25.12 3.40 4.18


-.24 -1.75 +.35 -.10 +.02 -.16 -.05 -.75 -.36 +.17


Wk Wk YTD Chg %Chg%Chg



AFLAC AT&T Inc AlliantTch Altria Aon Corp BP PLC BcpSouth BkofAm Bar iPVix rs Bemis Caterpillar Checkpnt Chevron Cisco Citigrp rs CocaCola Comcast Deere DrSCBr rs DirFnBr rs DrxFnBull DirxSCBull Dover DowChm EnPro ExxonMbl FstHorizon FordM FrkUnv FredsInc GenElec Goodrich HewlettP iShJapn iShSilver iShEMkts iShR2K Intel IBM JPMorgCh KimbClk Kroger Level3


1.20 33.83 -1.16 -3.3 -40.0 1.72 27.54 -.51 -1.8 -6.3 .80 57.47 -1.77 -3.0 -22.8 1.64 26.37 -.35 -1.3 +7.1 .60 43.59 -1.24 -2.8 -5.3 1.68 36.00 -.53 -1.5 -18.5 .04 9.96 -.15 -1.5 -37.6 .04 6.98 -.27 -3.7 -47.7 ... 45.83 +4.35 +10.5 +21.9 .96 29.50 -.44 -1.5 -9.7 1.84 83.96 -1.42 -1.7 -10.4 ... 13.89 -.01 -0.1 -32.4 3.12 95.19 -1.22 -1.3 +4.3 .24 15.82 +.41 +2.7 -21.8 .04 26.74 -1.66 -5.8 -43.5 1.88 69.37 -.37 -0.5 +5.5 .45 20.91 -.09 -0.4 -4.4 1.64 75.26 -2.77 -3.5 -9.4 ... 48.66 +1.09 +2.3 +3.9 ... 63.35 +2.73 +4.5 +34.1 ... 12.09 -1.00 -7.6 -56.6 ... 38.79 -2.04 -5.0 -46.4 1.26 51.67 -3.35 -6.1 -11.6 1.00 25.77 -.94 -3.5 -24.5 ... 33.90 -2.16 -6.0 -18.4 1.88 71.01 -1.13 -1.6 -2.9 .04 6.21 -.10 -1.6 -47.3 ... 10.05 -.37 -3.6 -40.1 .46 6.31 -.05 -0.8 -.3 .20 11.09 +.15 +1.4 -19.4 .60 15.09 -.67 -4.3 -17.5 1.16 84.21 -.97 -1.1 -4.4 .48 22.65 -1.69 -6.9 -46.2 .17 9.23 -.37 -3.9 -15.4 ... 40.52 -1.66 -3.9 +34.3 .84 40.01 -1.55 -3.7 -16.0 .94 67.50 -.96 -1.4 -13.7 .84 19.70 +.06 +0.3 -6.3 3.00 161.37 -5.61 -3.4 +10.0 1.00 32.08 -2.55 -7.4 -24.4 2.80 67.23 -.20 -0.3 +6.6 .42 22.02 -1.06 -4.6 -1.5 ... 1.53 -.20 -11.3 +55.6

15.82 14.48 25.74 53.18 19.70 6.35 1.72 1.53 26.00 16.03

+.41 +1.61 -.06 -.10 +.06 +.85 -.01 -.20 -.97 -.24


Wk Wk YTD Chg %Chg%Chg




Lowes MGM Rsts McDnlds MeadWvco Merck MicronT Microsoft NY Times NewsCpA NiSource NorthropG Nvidia Oracle Penney PepsiCo Pfizer PwShs QQQ PrUShS&P ProctGam RadioShk RegionsFn SpdrGold S&P500ETF SaraLee SearsHldgs Sherwin SiriusXM SouthnCo SprintNex SPDR Fncl SP Inds TecumsehB TecumsehA Trchmrk s VangEmg WalMart WellsFargo Wendys Co Weyerh Xerox Yahoo

NY NY NY NY NY Nasd Nasd NY Nasd NY NY Nasd Nasd NY NY NY Nasd NY NY NY NY NY NY NY Nasd NY Nasd NY NY NY NY Nasd Nasd NY NY NY NY NY NY NY Nasd

.56 18.96 +.02 +0.1 -24.4 ... 10.09 -.24 -2.3 -32.1 2.44 85.03 -4.06 -4.6 +10.8 1.00 25.96 -.18 -0.7 -.8 1.52 31.84 -.53 -1.6 -11.7 ... 6.35 +.85 +15.5 -20.8 .64 25.74 -.06 -0.2 -7.8 ... 7.18 -.34 -4.5 -26.7 .19 16.03 -.24 -1.5 +10.1 .92 21.02 +.11 +0.5 +19.3 2.00 51.81 +.01 ... -11.8 ... 13.88 +.96 +7.4 -9.9 .24 26.00 -.97 -3.6 -16.9 .80 25.34 +.19 +0.8 -21.6 2.06 59.99 -3.31 -5.2 -8.2 .80 18.28 -.18 -1.0 +4.4 .42 53.18 -.10 -0.2 -2.4 ... 24.89 +.67 +2.8 +4.8 2.10 61.84 -.71 -1.1 -3.9 .25 11.84 -.07 -0.6 -36.0 .04 3.97 -.16 -3.9 -43.3 ... 180.70 -2.54 -1.4 +30.3 2.44 115.92 -1.93 -1.6 -7.8 .46 17.27 -.28 -1.6 -1.4 ... 53.57 -.95 -1.7 -27.4 1.46 72.86 +.25 +0.3 -13.0 ... 1.72 -.01 -0.3 +5.2 1.89 40.74 -.42 -1.0 +6.6 ... 3.45 -.08 -2.3 -18.4 .18 12.23 -.31 -2.5 -23.3 .67 30.18 -.67 -2.2 -13.4 ... 7.73 -.15 -1.9 -40.8 ... 7.88 +.13 +1.7 -39.6 .48 35.74 -.13 -0.4 -10.3 .82 41.15 -1.64 -3.8 -14.5 1.46 51.36 -.67 -1.3 -4.8 .48 23.52 -.68 -2.8 -24.1 .08 4.82 -.05 -1.0 +4.3 .60 16.86 -.25 -1.5 -10.9 .17 7.41 -.50 -6.3 -35.7 ... 14.48 +1.61 +12.5 -12.9


WkHigh WkLow Settle WkChg

CORN 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel

CATTLE 40,000 lbs.- cents per lb.

Sep 11 756719;726 -24Ăź Dec 11 765730Ăź;736ø;-23ø Mar 12777ø;743Ăź;749Ăź;-23 May 12783Ăź;749;755;-22 Jul 12787Ăź;754Ăź;760 -22 Sep 12 716 691699ø;-5ø Dec 12 669650Ăź;656ø;-2ø

Oct 11 Dec 11 Feb 12 Apr 12 Jun 12 Aug 12 Oct 12

SOYBEANS 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel

HOGS-Lean 40,000 lbs.- cents per lb.

Sep 111426Ăź;1402Ăź;1416ø;-19ø Nov 11 1434;14081426;-19 Jan 121446ø;1418ø;1436;-19 Mar 12 14501422Ăź;1442ø;-17Ăź May 12 14501421Ăź;1444Ăź;-10ø Jul 121453ø;1426;1450-9ø Aug 121436;1419ø;1436;-6Ăź

Oct 11 Dec 11 Feb 12 Apr 12 May 12 Jun 12 Jul 12

WHEAT 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel

COTTON 2 50,000 lbs.- cents per lb.

Sep 11 726 701 701 Dec 11 774Ăź;727729;-45 Mar 12 808761ø;764ø;-45ø May 12822;782ø;784ø;-38Ăź Jul 12 823788Ăź;789ø;-33Ăź Sep 12 833ø;799800ø;-33 Dec 12 850 818818Ăź;-34


119.60 119.70 122.70 126.65 124.70 124.72 126.70

87.65 83.87 89.57 92.50 96.60 99.25 97.75

Oct 11 Dec 11 Mar 12 May 12 Jul 12 Oct 12 Dec 12

114.50 116.20 119.52 123.37 122.17 122.40 125.60

83.05 80.50 85.05 88.50 93.25 95.35 94.25

114.19 104.66 115.47 103.86 111.10 100.58 109.50 99.94 108.50 99.27 ... ... 100.95 96.30

118.45 118.25 121.82 125.77 124.15 124.10 126.20

+3.65 +1.78 +2.02 +1.95 +1.25 +.98 +.70

87.25 83.57 89.50 92.40 96.60 99.17 97.30

+1.45 +.47 +2.25 +2.00 +1.90 +1.90 +1.70

110.30 111.87 108.62 106.46 104.78 102.44 98.88

+3.71 +5.98 +5.96 +4.52 +3.51 +3.30 +.76

Tables show seven most current contracts for each future. Grains traded on Chicago Board of Trade; livestock on Chicago Mercantile Exchange; and cotton on New York Cotton Exchange.



PIMCO TotRetIs Vanguard TotStIdx American Funds GrthAmA m Fidelity Contra Vanguard InstIdxI American Funds CapIncBuA m American Funds IncAmerA m Vanguard 500Adml American Funds CpWldGrIA m Vanguard TotStIAdm American Funds InvCoAmA m Dodge & Cox IntlStk Dodge & Cox Stock American Funds WAMutInvA m Vanguard InstPlus FrankTemp-Franklin Income A m


Total Assets ($Mlns) NAV 144,330 58,721 57,082 57,045 55,901 55,898 51,184 49,870 48,359 47,454 43,101 40,297 38,205 36,898 34,848 34,484

11.03 28.93 27.82 64.58 106.04 48.00 16.01 106.77 31.25 28.94 25.21 29.58 94.49 25.93 106.05 2.03

Total Return/Rank 4-wk 12-mo 5-year

Pct Min Init Load Invt

-0.1 -1.2 -1.3 -0.9 -1.3 -0.8 +0.2 -1.3 -4.9 -1.2 -2.5 -7.4 -2.7 -0.5 -1.3 +0.6

NL 1,000,000 NL 3,000 5.75 250 NL 2,500 NL 5,000,000 5.75 250 5.75 250 NL 10,000 5.75 250 NL 10,000 5.75 250 NL 2,500 NL 2,500 5.75 250 NL200,000,000 4.25 1,000

+4.5/E +7.3/A +4.8/D +9.8/B +6.6/B +4.5/C +6.7/A +6.6/B -2.3/E +7.4/A +2.5/E -5.6/D +2.1/C +8.0/A +6.6/B +4.5/D

tower during the 1993 bombing. They got trapped in their offices for the better part of six hours and were traumatized. I wanted them out notwithstanding what the Port Authority said. Q: What happened after the second plane hit? A: My first call was to the mayor, and I got through about 9:20. I had the discretion to hold off on the decision whether to open for trading until 10. Rudy (Giuliani) said hang tight. He’d get back to me in 20 minutes. Rudy was a surgeon when it came to meeting commitments. A couple minutes before 10, the head of security came barreling across the trading floor. You could see that he was shaken. He told me that the city has just gone Code Black (an indication that New York’s mayor and police chief were dead). I told him to ring the bell that we’re closed. Then at twenty minutes before 11, a young man gave me a telephone. His hand was shaking. He said that it’s the mayor. What came to my mind initially was, “If Rudy is dead, and the police chief and the fire chief are dead, then who is the mayor at this point?� I couldn’t imagine who the successor to the mayor would be. I took the phone and said, “Hello.�

I then heard, “How you doin’?� I knew immediately it was (Giuliani). It almost got into an Abbott and Costello routine. I said “How you doing?� And he said “How are YOU doing? Are you OK?� I said, “Am I okay? They told me you were dead!� Q: So what was your next move? A: I went eye of the needle. People couldn’t get in or out of the building. We had only one portal open and if somebody left or wanted in, I had to approve it. We had 5,000 people in the building who were growing uncomfortable. Rudy told me to hold tight and that he’d be back with plan of evacuation. Soon police commissioner Bernie Kerik comes on the phone and they started to work out a plan. We had everybody out by 3 p.m. I left about 5:30, had a bite to eat and then came back downtown. I stayed in the New York Stock Exchange building that night. I fell asleep about midnight. Q: How do you think the financial district has changed since then? A: Lower Manhattan, south of Chambers St., has almost returned to where it was 200 years ago. Now, you have an enormous residential population as opposed to commercial population. I only go down there now to visit my kids.

Vol (00) Last Chg

Cisco 3008612 Yahoo 2812414 Microsoft 2241644 PwShs QQQ 2181385 Intel 1910687 MicronT 1726438 SiriusXM 1637557 Level3 1497944 Oracle 1448872 NewsCpA 1028575


NEW YORK — It was 8:46 a.m. and Wall Street was almost ready for business when the first plane hit the World Trade Center a decade ago. Dick Grasso, then chairman and CEO of the New York Stock Exchange, reflects on what it was like to be blocks from the Twin Towers on 9/11. Grasso left the NYSE in 2003. Q: What were you doing that morning before the planes hit? A: I was about to host a breakfast for two listed companies when I got a call from the person who ran the exchange’s enforcement division. He said that the Port Authority had come on the public address system and said that a small plane had hit one of the buildings. We had about 145 people in the enforcement division with offices in the south tower. As we were talking, the TV in my room shifted to a camera pointed at the financial district from West New York, N.J. You could see the north tower burning. It appeared all four corners of the tower were black and bellowing. I said, “That doesn’t look like a small plane to me. We better get (NYSE employees) out now.� I wasn’t anticipating a second plane. Our people were in the south

+8.4/A +0.4/B +0.2/D +3.4/A -0.2/B +1.9/C +2.1/C -0.2/B +0.4/C +0.4/B -1.1/D -1.3/A -3.9/D -0.2/A -0.2/B +3.2/C

CA -Conservative Allocation, CI -Intermediate-Term Bond, ES -Europe Stock, FB -Foreign Large Blend, FG -Foreign LargeGrowth, FV -Foreign Large Value, IH -World Allocation, LB -Large Blend, LG -Large Growth, LV -Large Value, MA -Moderate Allocation, MB -Mid-Cap Blend, MV - Mid-Cap Value, SH -Specialty-heath, WS -World Stock, Total Return: Chng in NAV with dividends reinvested. Rank: How fund performed vs. others with same objective: A is in top 20%, E in bottom 20%. Min Init Invt: Minimum $ needed to invest in fund. Source: Morningstar. Stock Footnotes: g = Dividends and earnings in Canadian dollars. h = Does not meet continued-listing standards. lf = Late filing with SEC. n = New in past 52 weeks. pf = Preferred. rs = Stock has undergone a reverse stock split of at least 50 percent within the past year. rt = Right to buy security at a specified price. s = Stock has split by at least 20 percent within the last year. un = Units. vj = In bankruptcy or receivership. wd = When distributed. wi = When issued. wt = Warrants. Mutual Fund Footnotes: b = Fee covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d = Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. f = front load (sales charges). m = Multiple fees are charged. NA = not available. p = previous day’s net asset value. s = fund split shares during the week. x = fund paid a distribution during the week.Gainers and Losers must be worth at least $2 to be listed in tables at left. Most Actives must be worth at least $1. Volume in hundreds of shares. Source: The Associated Press. Sales figures are unofficial.

States rethinking tax credits as job creation tool The Associated Press JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — Want to create jobs? Just create a tax credit for businesses. For decades, that’s how many governors and state lawmakers have approached economic development. But with budget deficits collectively in the billions of dollars and unemployment rates still uncomfortably high, some state officials have begun to rethink whether the jobs promised from tax credits are worth the drain on state funds that could go to public schools and services. Perhaps nowhere is the tax credit tension more evident than in Missouri, where lawmakers have convened a special session to consider scaling back several existing tax credits in order to finance new tax incentives targeting a variety of business interests — from Chinese cargo planes to computer data centers, high-tech companies and even the organizers of major sporting events. Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon and Republican legislative leaders tout it as one of the most farreaching job-creation packages being considered among states. But it faces opposition from some lawmakers who see it as the latest give-away of taxpayer dollars to big businesses at the expense of school children, the disabled and elderly. The battle in Missouri and several other states mirrors that in Washington, where President Barack Obama and Republican congressional leaders are expected to clash in coming weeks over the right mixture of tax breaks and spending to stimulate the economy without plunging the nation deeper into longterm debt. The outcome figures to play prominently in the 2012 elections as incumbents seeks to assuage voter concerns about both the economy and government spending. “There is a tension between just about everybody,� said Sen. Chuck Purgason, a Republican who has wavered on whether to back the Missouri plan. “You’ve got core Republican principles that government doesn’t create jobs — the private sector creates meaningful jobs — and what you need is broadbased tax reform.� For others, he said, “their idea is for government to take money and incentivize aspects of try-

ing to stimulate the economy.� Tax credits have been popular among many politicians because they directly reduce the taxes that a business must pay, unlike a tax deduction which only reduces the income that can be taxed. Some states also allow tax credit vouchers to be sold, which allows the recipient to generate upfront cash for a project. As lawmakers consider an overhaul of Missouri’s tax incentives, a task force in Oklahoma is reviewing

whether the state’s estimated $5 billion of annual tax cuts, exemptions, and deductions — many of them intended to attract jobs — truly are serving the public good. “We know that while government cannot create prosperity, it can and should help create conditions that encourage it,� said Rep. David Dank, an Oklahoma Republican who is leading the task force. He said the review is “a sincere effort to determine what works, what doesn’t, and

what reforms we should make.� In New Mexico, Republican Gov. Susana Martinez ordered agencies last month to prepare an annual analysis of whether tax credits are costing the state revenue and creating jobs. Some states have continued to create business tax credits this year under the belief that the lost revenue will be replaced as companies hire workers, who in turn pay individual income and sales taxes.

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12A • Sunday, September 11, 2011 • Daily Corinthian

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1B • Daily Corinthian

Anniversaries 65th Jack and Addie Lowrey celebrated their 65th Wedding Anniversary on Sept. 7, 2011. Their children and grandchildren wish them all the happiness in the world.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Addie Lowrey


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Engagement of Cheryl Adams Green and Jim Green. The bride-elect is the granddaughter of Mrs. Jewel Stockton and the late Mr. Truitt Stockton of Corinth, and Mrs. Patsy Smith and the late Mr. William Kolby Adams Leon Smith of Cordova. The prospective brideGreen and Sara Elizagroom is the grandson of beth Stockton Mrs. Barbara Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Rick the late Mr. Bill Adams of Stockton of Corinth an- Indianola, and Mrs. Iris nounce the engagement of Green and the late Mr. their daughter, Sara Eliza- Void Green of Indianola. beth Stockton, to William Miss Stockton is a 1999 Kolby Adams Green, son graduate of Corinth High

School and Performing Arts Center and a 2003 graduate of Mississippi State University, where she was an active member of Kappa Delta Sorority. She is presently employed as the physician liaison and recruiter with Magnolia Regional Health Center. Mr. Green is a 2003 graduate of Indianola Academy. He attended Mississippi State University where he graduated in 2009. He is currently employed as a broker and

transportation sales representative at C.H. Robinson. The couple will exchange wedding vows at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 17, 2011, at First Baptist Church in Corinth. A jazz brunch reception will immediately follow in the grand hall and courtyard. All friends and relatives are invited. No local invitations will be sent. After honeymooning in Negril, Jamaica, the couple will reside in Corinth.

Wedding cake ideas can be forced to turn out right BY PATTI DRAPALA MSU Ag Communications

Mr. and Mrs. H.T. ‘Peck’ Boggs Mr. and Mrs. H.T. “Peck” Boggs celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary on Sept. 4, 2011, with their son, Larry and wife, Betty,


Rev. Roy and Helen Bostick

and grandchildren, Beth and Lee. The couple were married in 1951 at the Alcorn County Courthouse in Corinth.

The family of Rev. Roy and Helen Bostick of Corinth are honoring the couple with a 60th Wedding Anniversary reception on Sunday, Sept. 11, 2011, from 2-3:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall of Oakland Baptist Church, 1101 South Harper Road, Corinth, MS, 38834. Family and friends are invited to come and help celebrate — no gifts, please.


Mr. and Mrs. Greg and Amy Gant

A 25th Silver Anniversary reception is being held for Greg and Amy Gant on Sunday, Sept. 18, at Chewalla Baptist Church in Chewalla, Tenn. The 2-4 p.m. reception is being given by the couple’s families and all friends and relatives are invited to attend. The Gants were married Sept. 20, 1986, at McLemore’s lake in Corinth.

MISSISSIPPI STATE — In the minds of many brides and grooms, the perfect wedding cake is one that acknowledges tradition yet reflects individuality, and most cake decorators can make the couple’s dreams come true. Cake decorators use skill, experience and creativity to turn the wishes of the bride and groom into a showpiece that draws the admiration of the wedding guests. The cake must look good, but it also has to taste good to succeed. “People eat with their eyes first,” said as Jason Behrends of the Food Science, Nutrition and Health Promotion Department at Mississippi State University. “If it looks good, the mind perceives it will taste better than something that does not.” Assistant Extension professor Behrends coordinates the department’s educational effort to teach students how to combine culinary arts, food science and food technology to make the appearance and taste of food a pleasurable experience. Successful wedding cake designers base their business on the principle of food that is prepared to look as good as it tastes. “By practicing this principle, cake decorators can take a plain-but-flavorful

sheet cake, and dress it up to make it more appealing,” Behrends said. “And, they know the bride’s cake should be elegant and possess the ‘wow factor,’ while the groom’s cake can be more adventurous.” The bride’s cake traditionally has been several tiers of plain, white pound cake covered with white, buttercream frosting and garnished with flowers, scrolls, scallops or ribbons. The clean, elegant, classic lines those traditional cakes exude are hard to surpass. Some brides dare to be different, however, and ask the cake designer to incorporate more color, flavor and fillings. “Spot color on the bride’s cake can create an elegant effect,” said Starkville cake decorator Carol Taylor, owner of The Cake Box by Sweet Temptations. “Color used as an accent can create a beautiful effect, but it must be used sparingly.” Fondant, a sugary icing that resembles dough, gives decorators an additional option because it creates a super-smooth cake surface. It can be rolled, modeled, hand-painted and airbrushed. “If a bride came to us and wanted a cake covered in maroon fondant, we would do our best to create such a cake,” said Lorrie Bryan, cake decorator for the MSU Fountain Bakery. “It does take skill and time to mix

colors to create the right shade of Mississippi State maroon.” Fondant must be rolled into very thin layers and applied correctly to prevent wrinkles and air bubbles. Smoothing the fondant does take considerable time, but the effect is worth the effort, Taylor said. Other decorative food materials, such as modeling chocolate, gum paste or even cereal, make more options possible. “Some brides are choosing nontraditional materials for cakes,” said Sylvia Byrd, MSU associate professor of food science, nutrition and health promotion. “I recently attended a wedding where the reception featured a cake made out of crisped rice cereal. The bride apparently decided to move away from the traditional type of cake for her wedding.” Inedible bride-andgroom figurines that once topped most wedding cakes have all but disappeared. Fondant and other edible materials give the decorator an opportunity to create flower bouquets, monograms and symbols for the cake’s top tier. These cake toppers usually are edible. There are other choices available to couples who want both color and the traditional white bride’s cake. Cookies, cupcakes and candy can be decorated with fondant or icing and

prominently displayed to highlight the wedding cake. “Cookies are a popular item for weddings, and we have received many requests for them from brides,” Bryan said. “My customers have requested cookies with the Bully pawprint or MSU logo, and these can add a touch of color without taking the spotlight away from the wedding cake.” Taylor said she has many requests for sugar cookies prepared according to the couple’s personal tastes. “I do a lot of iced and decorated cookies to be given away as wedding favors,” Taylor said. “Sometimes the cookies are round with the couple’s monogram, while others are shaped like a wedding cake or wedding dress. We bag the cookies and tie them with a ribbon to match.” Cupcakes are even being used to fashion wedding cakes. The cupcakes are arranged on stacked tiers made from plastic, glass or other covered platforms. Couples can choose a variety of flavored batters, icing and garnishes for the cupcakes and satisfy many guest preferences. “A wedding is your day,” Behrends said. “If you have an idea, tell the decorator. Most professionals want to work with you and make your dreams come true. You won’t know what is possible if you don’t ask.”

Communicate when wedding planning with divorced parents BY KAREN TEMPLETON MSU Ag Communications

MISSISSIPPI STATE — Planning a wedding can be stressful for any couple, but when the bride or groom has divorced parents, the process can be even more challenging. “Communication is key to successful planning when the bride’s or groom’s parents are divorced,” said Carla Stanford, Mississippi State University Extension child and family development area agent in Pontotoc County. “The couple needs to sit down with their parents and look at ways everyone can participate. This can be tough when there is animosity involved. I suggest that couples develop a script ahead of time so they make sure they hit all the important points.” An unbiased, outside person can help couples develop and communicate a plan to their divorced parents. A wedding planner, clergy member or trusted friend can fill this role. “As a wedding planner, I’ve been involved in a lot of these discussions with couples and their parents,” said Deborah Simmons, owner of Signature Occasions in Jackson. “I always

encourage the parents to put their negative feelings aside and focus on what the bride and groom want. In all my years of doing this, I’ve never once had parents refuse. They generally take the highroad and do what is necessary to make the couple happy.” Simmons said there is no reason to forgo tradition just because one or both sets of parents are divorced. “It isn’t about changing the way things are done; it’s just a matter of making sure everyone is included,” she said. “If the bride’s family is hosting the wedding and her parents are divorced, it is still possible to include both of their names even if they have different last names.” Couples can help avoid hurt feelings and build stronger relationships by including stepfamilies in wedding activities. “Couples can designate two rows for family rather than just one. Parents can sit in the first row, and their current spouses can sit right behind them,” Simmons said. “It is important to include parents’ current spouses as it helps foster relationships that will last many years.” Incorporating new

family members into a traditional wedding ceremony and reception can be challenging, but it can also mean more help for the bride and groom. “Sometimes, the more the merrier,” Stanford said. “Brides and grooms can call on all family members to help with planning and getting things accomplished when preparing for a wedding. By giving everyone a role, the bride and groom will give each of them a true

sense of belonging.” Stanford said wedding vendors can also help things go more smoothly and take pressure off the couple. “Couples can inform the wedding photographer about their parents’ divorce, new spouses and stepchildren so the photographer can make sure everyone is included in the photos,” Stanford said. “Brides and grooms can simply make a list for the photographer, and he or she can then make sure every-

one is represented and that everyone is posed appropriately. For example, the photographer can arrange to have the father and stepmother together in a photo to ensure that no one is left out.” The wedding officiant, caterer, band or disc jockey should also be aware of the family’s situation if the couple is concerned about anyone feeling left out. “Having everyone on the same page can help when it is time to make

toasts, give special acknowledgement in the ceremony and announce the wedding party or special dances,” Stanford said. “There is a place for everyone in the wedding celebration.” Simmons encourages couples not to fret over planning a wedding with their divorced parents. “The bottom line is that everyone wants the couple to be happy,” she said. “The feelings of joy can easily overpower any negative feelings from the past.”


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2B • Daily Corinthian


Dr. Dean Jousan, MSU Extension 4-H Livestock Specialist, presented Nicolas Laudadio with First Place in the Sheep/Swine/Meat Goat Visual Presentation Contests.

Dr. Blake Layton, MSU Extension Entomologist, presented Anthony Laudadio with the First Place award in the Entomology Visual Presentation Contest.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

State 4-H Scholarship recipients Hillary Burgess and Nicolas Laudadio display their awards.

4-H members advance to state contests Special to the Daily Corinthian

Annual 4-H State Congress was held May 31 through June 3, 2011, at Mississippi State University. 4-H members who qualified in the county contests advanced to the state contests. In addition to competitive events young people had the opportunity to participate in workshops, be inspired by motivational speakers, and have fun making new friends. The following young people represented Alcorn County during the 2011 State 4-H Congress: Hillary Burgess received a blue ribbon in

Career Pursuit. Jacob Gilmore earned a red ribbon in the Photography Track. Anthony Laudadio received first place and blue ribbon in Entomology Visual Presentation, and first place and blue ribbon in Public Speaking II. Nicolas Laudadio earned first place and blue ribbon for Sheep Visual Presentation and second place and blue ribbon in Public Speaking II. Anthony and Nicolas were also selected to perform their group act during the Share the Fun Showcase of Talent.

Kayla Parker earned a red ribbon in Career Pursuit. Michael Tullis received a blue ribbon in the Computer Contest. During 4-H Congress, two of Alcorn County’s graduating members were awarded with state 4-H scholarships. Hillary Burgess was awarded the Mississippi 4-H Gladiola Branscome Harris 4-H Scholarship in the amount of $300. Nicolas Laudadio was the recipient of the Mississippi 4-H Volunteer Leaders Association 4-H Youth Scholarship in the amount of $500.

4-H Congress: (back row) Nicolas Laudadio, Jacob Gilmore, Anthony Laudadio, and Michael Tullis. (front row) Tammy Parker, 4-H agent, Kayla Parker, Hillary Burgess, and Katriena Burgess, volunteer leader.

Explore healthy, nut-free Somber anniversary is time for prayers, reflection foods for allergy safety DEAR READERS: Today marks the 10th anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Please take a moment and join me in offering a prayer for those innocent individuals who lost their lives there and in the field in Pennsylvania on that horrific day. If September 11 has taught us anything, it is how strong the American people can be when we are challenged. DEAR ABBY: I work in an office with mostly women. My husband and I bought a new car a few months ago. Whenever the car comes up in conversation, a few of my co-workers don’t hesitate to say what they don’t like about it. After I was nice enough to give one of them a ride home one night, she said the “new car smell” gave her a headache. I would never say anything negative about something like that, but these women seem to enjoy it. I wish I could come back with some smart re-

mark, but they are in higher positions than I am and I don’t want to create Dear problems. Abby They don’t seem to Abigail care if they van Buren do, though. W h a t should I say next time? I tell myself I’ll never offer a ride to them again. Let them walk. Am I being rude for thinking that? – DRIVING MYSELF CRAZY DEAR DRIVING: Your idea of not providing transportation to the complainers is a good one. My advice is, in the future, not to raise the subject of your new car – which should reduce the number of comments you hear about it. It’s not rude to THINK something – but as your co-workers have demonstrated, it can be very insensitive to let everything you think pass your lips unedited.

DEAR ABBY: I work for a package delivery company. PLEASE tell dog owners to confine their dog before opening a door to accept a package. I have been bitten twice in the past two years by dogs that “don’t bite.” When a customer takes the time to put their dog in another room before coming to the door, I make sure to let him or her know how much I appreciate it. It’s difficult to be pleasant and professional when my heart is racing because someone’s dog is barking and running at me. Thanks, Abby, from my fellow delivery drivers and me. – TWICE BITTEN DEAR TWICE BITTEN: You’re welcome. If your letter convinces the owners of aggressive dogs to confine them faster than you can spell L-A-WS-U-I-T, then its purpose will have been served. (Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.)

Healthy Marriage Tip...

BY KERI LEWIS MSU Ag Communications

MISSISSIPPI STATE – Increased childhood peanut allergies in America have turned many school cafeterias into no-peanut zones, but kids do not have to give up tasty and healthy foods while keeping their allergic classmates safe. “A peanut allergy can be a severe allergy because it affects the respiratory system more than other allergies,” said Diane Tidwell, associate professor in Mississippi State University’s Department of Food Science, Nutrition and Health Promotion. Tidwell, who specializes in food allergies, said peanut allergies are a serious issue because allergic children can stop breathing. Banning peanut butter from schools is a controversial topic among many parents, who rely on peanut butter’s nutritional value and convenience. For families

with allergic children, the ban may be a life-saving necessity, said Amelia Killcreas, Starkville parent of a child with a severe allergy to peanuts. “People assume my child has to actually eat peanut butter to have an allergic reaction, but that’s not true,” Killcreas said. “There are levels of severity of allergic reactions, and my daughter’s is severe enough that she can’t touch peanuts or peanut products.” Killcreas, who loves peanut butter and tree nuts, understands the frustration many children and parents have with schools banning peanut products. Reading labels is important when bringing food to school and into the classroom, especially as the number of children diagnosed with allergies to nuts, milk, soy and wheat is increasing. But being careful does not mean kids have to give up flavorful foods. A little creativity can turn lunchtime into fun


10 things you can do to have a LIFE’S EXPERIENCE healthy marriage: A PLUS

1.Spend with other is often a The rhythm time and flow in aeach relationship 2.Learn to negotiate conflict. result of just living life. Life teaches us to manage 3.Show respect for each other at all times. finances, withyourself difficult people, 4.Learnwork About first. navigate change within the social and cultural environment, adapt to 5.Explore intimacy. a6.Explore healthy lifestyle, and tointerests. just get through ordinary common 7.Create a spiritual connection. daily routines. In your marriage, draw upon one 8.Improve communication another’s life’syour experiences, the successes skills. and 9.Forgive each other. failures, relieving stress in your relationship that 10.Look for the best in each other. often comes from the inexperience of life in general. For more information about healthy relationships and marriages contact the Booneville School District Healthy Marriage Project, Carolyn Gowen, Project Director, at crgowen@bellsouth.net. Although we promote healthy For more information about healthy marriages contact relationships and/or marriage, we dorelationships not advocateand staying in an abusive therelationship Boonevilleand/or Schoolmarriage. District Healthy Marriage Project, Carolyn Gowen,

-4,<.1)+*89.;&1 (42

time, Tidwell said. “I always go back to vegetables and fruits, because they’re easy to snack on and most kids don’t get enough servings every day,” Tidwell said. “For kids struggling to give up peanut butter during the week, nut-free alternatives exist, such as sunflower seed butter or soy nut butter, which even comes in honey and chocolate flavors. Some kids are also content with a cream cheese and jam sandwich.” With proper refrigeration, lunch options can be as simple as rolling sliced deli meat and cheese into a tortilla and cutting it into slices for bite-sized pinwheels, or a mini pita stuffed with egg, tuna or chicken salad. “A child should feel safe going to school and know they don’t have to worry about being exposed,” she said. “If you could save a child’s life just by what you keep in your lunch, wouldn’t you do it?”

Daily Corinthian • Sunday, September 11, 2011 • 3B

Kevin Hart pokes fun at his life in standup movie early retirement. But Hart has found a way to craft his comedy act around his most shameful situations, turning them into laughable ones. For Hart, it’s therapy. “That’s my drug, to go on stage and show people what I’m going through,” said Hart, whose first standup comedy movie “Laugh at My Pain” will premiere in 100 AMC theaters in the United States and in East and West Africa on Thursday. Hart’s “therapy” has made him one of the most in-demand comedians in the business right now. He’s coming off a well-received appearance on the MTV Video Music Awards, where he delivered the opening monologue and starred in humorous vi-


ATLANTA — Kevin Hart remembered when he took the stage early in his career and told a joke so bad an audience member tossed a Buffalo-style chicken wing at him, slapping him on the cheek. “It hit me right here, with the sauce dripping from my face,” said the comedian, poking his cheek before pointing to the floor. “It was the worst. I wanted to step to the guy who threw it, but he was too big. You know, I’m a little guy. So, I wiped the chicken sauce off and tried to finish.” An embarrassing moment such as this might have forced any other amateur comedian into an

gnettes during the show; he also hosted this year’s BET Awards. Hart’s profile has also risen thanks to a string of standup TV specials, including “Seriously Funny” in 2010, as well as a Ford Explorer commercial along with a couple of Air Jordan commercials alongside Miami Heat star Dwyane Wade. With his new movie, Hart will become the first black comedian to have his standup performance showcased in movie theaters since Martin Lawrence’s 2002 concert film, “Martin Lawrence Live: Runteldat.” Hart will join an elite list of black comedians who have had their standup act shown on the big screen, including Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, Lawrence and the four

comedians of the 2000 standup film, “The Original Kings of Comedy.” Some consider the 33-year-old Hart today’s king of comedy. “He is willing to share his life and experiences from his past,” said Steve Harvey, one of the “Original Kings” who has given Hart advice through his career. Hart has appeared as a co-host on Harvey’s nationally-syndicated radio program, “The Steve Harvey Morning Show” and will be in the upcoming film “Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man,” which is based on Harvey’s bestselling book. “Kevin is open about his relationship, his parenting skills and his childhood,” he continues. “That’s how you get an audience to

identify. He’s probably doing it better than anyone else right now. That’s what I like about him.” In “Laugh at My Pain,” Hart openly talks about at his father’s drug addiction, pokes fun at how his family coped with the death of his mother, takes a jab at his 5-foot-5 height and discusses his legal separation from his wife Torre Hart, who is also a comedian. The movie also includes a touching moment when Hart visits his hometown in Philadelphia: He holds a family gathering and tears up while giving thanks to his aunt and others for supporting him after his mother died from cancer in 2007. The film, co-directed by Hart, was filmed dur-

ing his 90-city tour earlier this year. The tour grossed more than $15 million. “I talk about the things people normally wouldn’t laugh at,” he said. “Those moments were tough. But you got to take your lumps. You don’t have a success story without them.” Hart has used the Internet and social media to his advantage, occasionally responding to many of his 2 million-plus followers on Twitter, along with interactions on Facebook and live chat through the Web site Ustream. He also posted a few videos of his personal life that went viral — hanging out with Jermaine Durpi and Diddy, and playing a pickup basketball game against NBA player Shannon Brown.

MMA headed to mainstream with ‘Warrior’ movie Chuck Norris-style beatdowns. They’re hoping audiences will enjoy getting a similar education about a niche pursuit that’s about to go mainstream. “Warrior” puts MMA in the nation’s multiplexes Friday as the biggest major-studio film to date about the sport, and the critically acclaimed drama is leading a slew of MMArelated projects in various stages of production. The UFC also just signed a nine-figure broadcast deal with Fox, putting the sport’s dominant promotion on network primetime for the next seven years. O’Connor knows why MMA is suddenly under Hollywood’s spotlight. Storytellers have always loved a good fight — going all the way back to Theogenes, the mythical, undefeated

BY GREG BEACHAM Associated Press

LOS ANGELES — Tom Hardy showed up on director Gavin O’Connor’s porch at midnight a few years ago, brimming with excitement about playing a fighter in a bizarre, violent fringe sport called mixed martial arts. “I flew out and knocked on his door to tell him why he should hire me to be Chuck Norris,” Hardy said with a grin. “At the time, when I read ‘Warrior’ the first time, I thought it was Chuck Norris he wanted.” Hardy and Joel Edgerton both acknowledge they knew almost nothing about MMA when they signed on to star in “Warrior,” the biggest major-studio film to date featuring the fastrising sports. The two actors quickly figured out MMA isn’t about blood, rage and

Greek boxer referenced in “Warrior” — but the MMA cage is a fascinating, fresh visual locale for a scrap. “You can’t turn to anyone else, and there’s something so primal about that,” O’Connor said. “Two men entering a ring, and one guy walks out, one guy gets his hand raised. It’s just primal, and when you can use MMA, we haven’t seen it in cinema before. If we got it right, which we take great pains to try to do, it’ll be something that’s new and fresh.” O’Connor first became intrigued by MMA more than a decade ago when he financed the completion of “The Smashing Machine,” director John Hyams’ 2002 documentary about early MMA fighter Mark Kerr. O’Connor has followed the sport ever since. “It’s beautiful and athlet-

Horoscopes Sunday, September 11, 2011 BY HOLIDAY MATHIS Creators Syndicate ■ Though

movies often paint a frightening picture of the spirit world, many imagine the ethereal realm to be much like this one, except lighter and more peaceful. It is easy to connect with the more peaceful version now, while the soulful moon waxes toward tomorrow’s full moon in Pisces -- fitting for a day of remembrance. ARIES (March 21-April 19). Wanting to be good at a game will make you a lesser player. Play to have fun. Expect that things will develop, and be ready to groove right along with what’s happening. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Protect the relationship that has given such treasure to your life. Though things may be status quo in this relationship right now, there is more on the horizon. The goose that laid the golden egg is sure to lay another one. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’ll come to terms with something that has been holding you back. Be brave and also very patient with yourself. It’s an incremental process, but you’ll get past this obstacle soon enough. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Instead of being jealous, you make it your intention to inwardly praise the one who has what you want. In this way, you bring your desires closer to you. Also, the involvement of a Capricorn will be key to attaining one of your goals. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Maybe your body isn’t matching the criteria of your ideal size and shape. Nonetheless, you can feel good about who you are and how you show up in the world. You will positively shine today. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You will work to understand the perspective of others, even if the “others” in question are not exactly your friends. Instead of stooping to a level that to you feels

petty and small, you’ll rise to a higher place. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You will witness people rushing around and presenting themselves as stressed-out lunatics. This makes you want to go the other direction. You’ll be grateful that you are not in such a hurry. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Something is working for you, and so you’ll stick with it. You would feel disloyal not to. Further investigation and exploration will occur only if you have a reason to be unhappy. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You believe that people are deserving of the attention they need from you, so you make sure to connect in even the smallest of interactions. You look people in the eye and smile. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Staying healthy is the theme. Take time out of your day to revitalize your energy and keep your body healthy. Also, this is an excellent time to catch up on routine doctor and dentist appointments. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You may feel stressed, but you are careful not to project your sense of urgency onto others. You will find appropriate ways to cope with your feelings, and something beautiful comes out of this day. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You feel changed for knowing a certain person. However, you’re still trying to decide whether this change is for the better. If your relationship with this person were a movie, what kind of movie would it be? TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Sept. 11). You’ll live your life with full awareness of how much it really matters. Your decisions affect many, and people around you will be inclined to match your moods. October brings upgrades of machinery and equipment. There will be a harmonious end to the year, as friends and family cooperate. June brings joyous news. Leo and Scorpio people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 8, 40, 11, 16 and 12.


ic as hell, and the evolution of it has been like a freight train,” O’Connor said. A couple of years after O’Connor made “Miracle,” his well-received 2004 retelling of the 1980 U.S. Olympic hockey team’s gold-medal triumph, he conceived a story about two brothers coming to terms with their violent childhood and a oncedomineering father, played by Nick Nolte. As in any good sports film, the competition in “Warrior” is only a vehicle for telling a bigger story, this one about family bonds and redemption. Yet the fighting scenes are fierce and pivotal, with both brothers competing in a tournament that takes up the film’s final act. “The light bulb went off when I (realized) the backdrop of this sport has never

been captured,” O’Connor said. “Maybe there’s a way to take this story and put it somewhere that some people haven’t seen yet.” The actors’ MMA training took nearly as long as the shoot. Hardy, who filmed “Warrior” before his mainstream breakthrough roles in “Inception” and the upcoming “The Dark Knight Rises,” put 14 more pounds of muscle on his already bulging frame to play Tommy Conlon, the ex-Marine who wins most of his fights by brutal knockout. “It’s terrifying. Don’t try it at home,” Hardy said with a laugh. “It really is an athletic sport, but the guys aren’t the way you might expect. The Brazilian jiujitsu guys, you could marry any of them. They’re lovely gentlemen. It’s the most humbling experi-

ence working with them. They’re so kind, so serious, and you can’t believe they take 25 minutes of an evening trying to smash each other in the face.” Edgerton tore a ligament in his knee while performing nearly every bit of his own fight action as Brendan Conlon, who returns to fighting to save his family from home foreclosure. Edgerton only gave way to a stunt double for a handful of dangerous body slams. “It wasn’t really as brutal a sport as I was first judging before I got involved,” said Edgerton, an Australian and longtime karate student who starred in “Animal Kingdom.” “I had no idea. I just saw it as a bloody gladiator sport, and there’s much more to it than meets the eye.”

Happy Grandparents Day

4B • Sunday, September 11, 2011 • Daily Corinthian

Lolly (Laura Holloway) Papa (Rodney Swindle) Mimi (Carolyn Swindle)

I Love You Preston Swindle



Leamon and Sandra Talley with grandchildren Samantha Cossitt, daughter of Deryl and Beth Cossitt, and Hayes Talley, son of Brad and Julie Talley. We love you Nana and Papaw!

Vannie Cossitt with Granddaughter Samantha Cossitt

Preston Swindle & Papaw Danny Holloway

We love you, Mawmaw

Love You!

(daughter of Deryl & Beth Cossitt)




I was always your shining star and you were always my #1. I know you are watching over me! I love you and miss you so much!


Your Little Man, Braxton Kade Barham

Happy Grandparents Day! Love Tucker, Ivy, Tanner, Bentley, Ireland, Kaitlin and Alexis

PawPaw, you went home when I was nearly five and I missed you so much and lots of days I cried. We rode the mower and caught fish by the pond, and PawPaw, you were always so much fun. If you could see me now, you’d be proud of me, because in a few days, I’ll be 9, you see. It hurts to know you’re not here to share everything with me, but I sure love & miss you, PawPaw Steve. From Chase Austin Mills

Meme & Papaw

(Melanie & Aubrey King)

Love, Hannah & Avery

Happy Grandparents Day to the best mamaw and papaw in the world.

We Love You, Nanny & Poppa! Jaden, Jaxen, Bristol & Lexi


We love you, Scarlett, Victor, Steelie, Lillie, Samantha, Dylan, and Emily


Daily Corinthian • Sunday, September 11, 2011 • 5B


BUSINESS & SERVICE GUIDE In The Daily Corinthian And The Reporter

RUN YOUR AD FOR ONLY $200 A MONTH ON THIS PAGE (Daily Corinthian Only 165) $




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Two like new homes in the Alcorn Central School District! 341 CR 306 3 BR, 2 BA, 2.050 sq. ft., $134,900 3 CR 329 B 3 BR, 2 BA, 1600 sq. ft., 24x36 shop. $149,900 For more information call Bailey Williams Realty at 662-286-2255 or visit www.corinthhomes.com




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287-6147 To place your ad in THE DAILY CORINTHIAN & THE REPORTER

6B • Sunday, September 11, 2011 • Daily Corinthian

The Daily Corinthian Net Edition is now better than ever! Updated nightly with local news, sports and obituaries.


Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!



Exc. cond. inside & out. Mechanically sound cond. Leather seats, only 98,000 mi reg.

$7500 731-934-4434


’09 Hyundai Accent

2nd owner, 4 cyl., under 30,000 mi., 36 mpg, looking for payoff.


906 TRUCKS/VANS SUV’S Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today! REDUCED



$17,000 286-6702


Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!

CONVERTIBLE, like new, asking

$8,000 OR WILL TRADE for Dodge reg. size nice pickup.


Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!


1980 25’ Bayliner Sunbridge Cabin Cruiser A/C, frig., microwave, sink, commode, full bed midship & full bed forward in V berth, inboard/outboard, 228 HP V8 gas engine, fiberglass hull, 25’ EZ loader trailer w/dual axles & hydraulic brakes, needs minor repair.

$3500 obo 286-1717

2 dr. hardtop (bubble top), sound body, runs.


Days only, 662-415-3408.

2010 BUICK LUCERNE CXL Loaded, 20,000 miles, burgundy,


662-603-1290 or 662-603-3215

2006 NISSAN MAXIMA black, CD player, A/C, gray int., 150,000 miles, loaded.


662-808-1978 or 662-643-3600


factory sunroof, all electric, automatic, extra clean, garage kept


or will trade for anything of equal value

287-1834, Phil

Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!


Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!

Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD! Here’s How It Works: Your ad will be composed 1 column wide and 2 inches deep. The ad will run each day in the Daily Corinthian until your vehicle sells. Ad must include photo, description, and price. You provide the photo. Certain restrictions apply. 1. No dealers. 2. Non-commercial only 3. Must pay in advance. No exceptions. 4. Single item only. 5. Categories included are auto, motorcycle, tractor. boat, RV and ATV 6. After every 30 DAYS, advertised price of listing needs to be reduced. 7. NO REFUNDS for any reason 8. NON-TRANSFERABLE. Call 287-6147 to place your ad!




2006 GMC YUKON Exc. cond. inside & out, 106k miles, 3rd row seat, garage kept, front & rear A/C,tow pkg., loaded

1991 Ford Econoline Van, 48,000 miles, good cond., one owner, serious interest. $7000. 287-5206.

2008 Jayco Eagle 5th Wheel 38’, 4 slides, exc. cond., $28,000 firm. Trailer located in Counce, TN. 425-503-5467


Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!

black, quadra steer (4-wheel steering), LT, 80k miles, loaded, leather, tow package, ext. cab.

2005 MERCURY MOUNTAINEER 83,000 mi., leather interior, 3rd row seating, asking


Info call 731-610-6879 or 731-610-6883


26’ Dutchmen Aristocrat Extra clean, $4,200.

2001 F150 $6,000.

731-645-2158 (C) 731-645-6872

$13,000 OBO. 662-415-9007.

2000 DODGE RAM 1500 EXT. CAB

’96 Winnebago

$3,950 662-396-1248 or 662-415-8027

$17,000. 287-8937 or 415-7265

2-dr., one owner, 135,000 miles, runs great, looks good, black & silver, new tires, new battery

gas, 2 TVs, 3 beds, stereo(3), A/C, stove, frig., couch, recliner, 52,000 miles.


75,000 miles, 4 cy, auto, CD/MP3 player, great gas mileage.

$5,350. 662-665-1995 Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!


v-6 eng., under 72k miles, burgundy, keyless entry, remote start, manual lumbar, auto. headlamp sys., sunroof, anti lock brakes, traction control sys., in exc. cond., sell price




Extra clean. $4,200.


$6,000. 731-645-2158 or 731-645-6872


Buy car, get wheel chair free. $2200 Call 287-1683

Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!

Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!

1999 CHEROKEE SPORT 4X4, 6 cyl., all works good except for A/C

$4000. 662-665-1143.

Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!

2008 GMC Yukon Denali XL

2005 NISSAN QUEST charcoal gray, 103k miles, seats 7, $10,000 OBO 662-603-5964

2007 DODGE RAM 4X4 HEMI, black, gray



Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!

1996 Ford F-150

2005 RED DODGE 1500 RAM


170,000 mi., reg. cab, red & white (2-tone).

loaded with all options, too many to list, 108,000 miles, asking

$2500 obo



$25,900 firm.

leather int., 78k miles



Hemi-V8 w/ matching Leer topper, 46k miles, leather interior, PDL, PW, CD, Cruise.TN rebuilt title

$7,800 o.b.o. Info. Call: 731-645-4928 OR 731-610-5086.


30 ft., with slide out & built-in TV antenna, 2 TV’s, 7400 miles.

$75,000. 662-287-7734


2007 Franklin pull camper, 36’, lots of space, 2 A/C units, 2 slide outs, 2 doors, shower & tub, 20’ awning, full kitchen, W&D, $13,000.

662-415-7063 662-415-8549


exc. cond., dealership maintained.


662-462-7158 home or 731-607-6699 cell

2003 YAMAHA V-STAR CLASSIC looks & rides real good!


2005 Honda Shadow Spirit 750

8,400 miles with LOTS of chrome and extras

$3,500 OBO Call Jonathan at


very clean and lots of extras,


. Call 662-315-6261 for more info.

2-DR., $2000

White, used for 12-15 hrs., bought brand new



Call 662-423-6872 or 662-660-3433

2006 YAMAHA FZI 3k miles, adult owned, corbin seat, selling due to health reasons, original owner.

2001 HONDA REBEL 250



$5200 286-6103

Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!




For Sale:

‘04 Kawasaki Vulcan Classic 1500 8,900 miles, 45 m.p.g. Red & Black

$5,500 Call: 662-423-5257 after 5:00 pm


2007 Yamaha R6 6,734 Miles


’04 HONDA SHADOW 750 $


662-287-2891 662-603-4407


VW TRIKE $4,000 VET TRIKE $6,000

All for Sale OBO

Call 662-808-2474, 662-415-2788 or 662-284-0923 REDUCED


2009 YAMAHA 250YZF






'97 HONDA GOLD WING, 1500 6 cylinder miles, 3003 Voyager kit. 662-287-8949




3010 Model #KAF650E, 1854 hrs., bench seat, tilt bed, 4 WD & windshield, well maintained. Great for farm or hunting. $6500.

731-212-9659 731-212-9661.


Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!


2000 Custom Harley Davidson Mtr. & Trans., New Tires, Must See

$10,500 $12,000

662-415-8623 or 287-8894

2006 YAMAHA 650 V-STAR CUSTOM Blue/silver, 2000 miles, like new, lots of chrome, garage kept,

2003 Honda 300 EX 2007 black plastics & after market parts.

(will trade).

$2,500 462-5379

2009 Hyundai Accent


$3,500 o.b.o. 662-808-8808

Looking for payoff. 2nd owner, 4 cyl, under 30,000 mi, 36 mpg.

(731) 610-7241

Screaming Eagle exhaust, only 7K miles, like new,



Daily Corinthian • Sunday, September 11, 2011 • 7B GARAGE /ESTATE SALES

Garage/Estate 0151 Sales

3-FAM. SALE. Kids/adult clths, furn., toys, h/h items, much more. Fri., Sat., Sun. 7:30 'til. 808 Blasingame St. INSIDE YS, VFW Post 3962, Sun. 9/11. 1pm, too much to mention!

YARD SALE SPECIAL ANY 3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS Ad must run prior to or day of sale! (Deadline is 3 p.m. Mon.-Fri. before ad is to run!) 5 LINES

0180 Instruction

0232 General Help

ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. Medical, Business, Paralegal, AlliedHealth, Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 888-210-5162. www.Centura.us.com

HIRING IMMEDIATELY: National Companies need employees to assemble products at home. for pay. No selling. $500 weekly potential. Info. 1-985-646-1700 DEPT. MS-3653.


NOW HIRING! Are you making less than 0208 Sales $40,000 per year? SCHNEIDER NATIONAL AVON Needs Driver Trainees NEED extra Income? Now! 662-643-5818 or 665-9796 No Experience HIRING LOCALLY Required. This Week Immediate Job Liberty National Life Placement Assistance Insurance Company OTR & Regional Jobs Full Training Provided CALL NOW FOR MORE Potential INFORMATION. of $60K+ Annually. 401K, 1-888-540-7364 BCBS Insurance & Pension for those who Qualify. Call 1-800-257-5500 to set up an interview.

(Apprx. 20 Words) $19.10

0232 General Help

(Does not include commercial business sales) ALL ADS MUST BE PREPAID We accept credit or debit cards Call Classified at (662) 287-6147

0180 Instruction

WORK ON JET ENGINES Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance, 866-455-4317.

0244 Trucking

CAUTION! ADVERTISEMENTS in this classification usually offer informational service of products designed to help FIND employment. Before you send money to any advertiser, it is your responsibility to verify the validity of the offer. Remember: If an ad appears to sound “too good to be true”, then it may be! Inquiries can be made by contacting the Better Business Bureau at 1-800-987-8280.

NOW HIRING: COMPANY DRIVERS, OWNER OPERATORS, LEASE PURCHASE & STUDENT DRIVERS $2,000 Sign On Bonus for Owner Operators! Enjoy the open road with Our LineHaul division! Now Hiring Driver Trainers! CDL-A & 3 mos. OTR exp. req'd. ARNOLD TRANSPORTATION SERVICES Our tradition of stability gives you a future of strength! www.arnoldtrans.com 800-299-4744

Buckle Up! Seat Belts Save Lives!

41 Henson Road

Corinthian, Inc. is currently accepting applications/resumes for the position of:

Accounts Receivable / Payable Clerk Candidates for this position should possess:

• A high school diploma or equivalent • 2 to 3 years of documented/verifiable related work experience • Proficiency in Word, Excel and some knowledge of QuickBooks If you meet the minimum qualification listed above and are interested in applying, you may apply: In person at Corinthian, Inc. Office of Human Resources between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday OR Mail your resume using the address above to the attention of HR Manager. Resumes must be postmarked by 09/16/11. OR Fax to 662-287-9184 Our company offers competitive pay and excellent benefits.

NO PHONE INQUIRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED This employer participates in E-Verify and Requires a pre-employment drug screen EOE



CARD Place your Business Card on this page for $20 per week (Minimum of 4 wks. commitment).

Will run every Thursday in the Classified Section. To run on this page, please contact the Classified Department at 662-287-6147. Deadline to start on the following Thursday is Monday before 5 p.m.

8B • Sunday, September 11v, 2011 • Daily Corinthian

Legal Services


List your name and office under the political listing for only $190.00. Runs every publishing day until final election. Come by the Daily Corinthian office at 1607 S. Harper Rd. or call 287-6147 for more info. Must be paid in advance.


This is a paid political advertisement, which is intended as a public service for the voters. It has been submitted to and approved and subscribed by each political candidate listed below or by the candidate’s campaign manager or assistant campaign manager. This listing is not intended to suggest or imply that these are the only candidates for these offices.

ALCORN CO. CONSTABLE (POST 1) Scotty L. Bradley (R) Chuck Hinds



Jay Jones Gail Burcham Parrish (R)

ALCORN CO. TAX COLLECTOR Bobby Burns (R) Larry Ross Milton Sandy (Ind)




Rita Potts Parks (R) Eric Powell (D) (I)


SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION Gina Rogers Smith Rivers Stroup (R)

SUPERVISOR 1ST DISTRICT Lowell Hinton Eddie Sanders (Ind)

SUPERVISOR 2ND DISTRICT Billy Paul Burcham (Ind.) Dal Nelms Jon Newcomb (R)

SUPERVISOR 3RD DISTRICT Keith Hughes Tim Mitchell

SUPERVISOR 4TH DISTRICT Pat Barnes (R) Gary Ross (I)

0244 Trucking

Misc. Items for 0563 Sale

AAA S E P T I C , truck driver, PT, may turn into FT, CDL required. 662-286-6100.

FISHER PRICE Snug a Unfurnished Bunny swing, the only 0610 Apartments way to get one nicer would be to buy it new! 2 BR apt. for rent. 462-7641 or 293-0083. $95. 662-212-3203.


0320 Cats/Dogs/Pets 8 KITTENS FREE to a good home. Mein Coon, some bob tails, some reg. tails (would sell for $800-$900 if registered), black/gray striped, some 6 wks. old, some 7 wk.s old; Also, have 1 Mama cat, approx. 1 1/2 yrs. old, has had 2 litters, black/gray striped, Mein Coon also. Free to good home. Get together or separate. Call 662-415-6954 or 415-4893. 1 FEM. Chihuahua, 7 wks, $150; Bobtail Feist, 6 wks, $50 ea. 287-6664. BLUE EYED seal color kitten, $30; Other kittens free. 286-9432 or 603-9082.


Musical 0512 Merchandise


FOR SALE: Easy Flo high 2 BR, 1 BA, all appl. furn., back child's car booster gas & water incl. $650 seat, asking $30. Call mo. 287-1903. 462-4229 before 9 pm. CANE CREEK Apts., Hwy FOR SALE: over the toi72W & CR 735, 2 BR, 1 BA, let elevated chair or stove & refrig., W&D potty chair, $30. Call hookup, Kossuth & City 462-4229 before 9 pm. Sch. Dist. $400 mo. FREE ADVERTISING. Ad- 287-0105.

vertise any item valued at $500 or less for free. The ads must be for private party or personal merchandise and will exclude pets & pet supplies, livestock (incl. chickens, ducks, cattle, goats, etc), garage sales, hay, firewood, & automobiles . To take advantage of this program, readers should simply email their ad to: freeads@dailycorinthian.com or mail the ad to Free Ads, P.O. Box 1800, Corinth, MS 38835. Please include your address for our records. Each ad may include only one item, the item must be priced in the ad and the price must be $500 or less. Ads may be up to approximately 20 words including the phone number and will run for five days.

1975 WURLITZER Organ, HOLIDAY BARBIE COLmint cond., beautiful, LECTION. $100 each. 662-286-6335. $250. 703-625-3175. LADIES STEEL toe boot, BRASS TROMBONE with brown leather, size 10M, case, Bach USA, $75. $25. 662-212-3203. 731-610-0441. MEN'S MEZIAN shoes, made in Spain, genuine 0533 Furniture crocodile, size 10, retail (2) MATCHING green re- for $1100, asking $350. cliners, $60 for both. Must see. 662-212-3203. 662-665-5198. ORLANDO, FLORIDA, 1 FOR SALE: Solid Oak din- wk., check in 23 Dec., ing room table with 6 2011, check out 30 Dec., chairs and leaf, $400. 2011. 2 BR, full kitchen, Call 462-4229 b/f 9 pm. sleeps up to 6 people. $1200. 12 mins/7.54 mi. Wanted to to Disney World. 0554 Rent/Buy/Trade 6 6 2 - 2 8 6 - 5 6 9 6 or 662-212-4680. M&M. CASH for junk cars & trucks. We pick up. RIVAL CHOCOLATE Foun662-415-5435 o r tain, used once, great 731-239-4114. for weddings and parties. Still in original box. WANTED: 1+ KT. loose $30 obo. 662-212-3203. diamond of good quality. 287-9441. RIVAL SOFT serve ice cream maker, in original Misc. Items for box, never used. Retail 0563 Sale price $100, sell for $35 obo. 662-212-3203. ANTIQUE SERVICE station drive on ramp, 27 UNIK LEATHER motorcyft. long, 3 ft. high, $500. cle dog jacket, must 287-3339 or 665-5318. see, large, $20 obo. 662-212-3203. BABY ENTERTAINMENT center, used 2 months, WII BOWLING Ball Conperfect cond., lots of troller, new in box, 3 Wii activities, retail $100, controller skins, Wii sell for $40 obo. pouch and cap for Wii fit. $25. 662-212-3203. 662-212-3203.

REAL ESTATE & CONTENTS AUCTION SATURDAY - SEPT. 17th, 2011 @ 10:00A.M. 1124 Washington St. - Corinth, MS 38834 We are selling the remaining contents of this estate including vehicles, regardless of price, and offering the real estate with owners confirmation.

MAGNOLIA APTS. 2 BR, stove, refrig., water. $365. 286-2256. FOR RENT: 2BR, 1BA, stove/refrig/water furn, W&D hookups, Central Sch. Rd. $400 mo., $400 dep. 662-808-1144 or 808-1694.

Homes for 0620 Rent 1319 BRECKENRIDGE, 2BR, 1BA, $300. 286-2194 or 808-0909. 2 BR, 1 BA, $335 mo. + dep. 1424 Foote. 287-6141 or 603-3891.

nation based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status Homes for or inor national origin, Duplexes for Homes for 0710 0630 Rent tention to make any 0710 Sale Sale such preferences, limiDOWNTOWN 2BR, 1 BA tations or discrimina3 LG. BR's, 2 BA, den, duplex, appl. incl. $450 tion. kitchen, eat-in combo, mo. + dep/ref. 665-2322. State laws forbid dis- LR, $89,500. 286-5116. in the sale, Mobile Homes crimination rental, or advertising of 0734 Lots & Acreage 0675 for Rent real estate based on LOTS FOR SALE on Shiloh 1 BR duplex apt & 3 BR factors in addition to Rd. in city. Starting at trailer. Strickland Com. those protected under federal law. We will not $19,995. 731-689-5522. 286-2099 or 808-2474. knowingly accept any Mobile Homes advertising for real es- 0741 2 BR, 1 1/2 BA, stove, re- tate which is in violafor Sale frig., W&D, $450 mo. + tion of the law. All per4 BR, 2 BA home dep. 662-415-0251. sons are hereby in$41,500 formed that all dwellOnly At Clayton ings advertised are Supercenter REAL ESTATE FOR SALE available on an equal Corinth, MS opportunity basis. 662-287-4600 PRICED TO SELL. Unique property, 3 BR, 2 BA, wood floors, open design, pond, also, HUD mother-in-law's house, PUBLISHER’S all on approx. 2 acres. NOTICE All real estate adver- $129,900. Call owner @ tised herein is subject 985-580-3209. to the Federal Fair WORK IN CORINTH, LIVE Housing Act which IN TN! Beautiful, 3 BR, 2 makes it illegal to ad- BA, paved driveway, vertise any preference, above ground pool, carlimitation, or discrimi- port, storage bldg., 409 nation based on race, Ashley Rd., Eastview, Tn. color, religion, sex, Reduced to $117,900. handicap, familial status Entertain Offers. Larry Realty, or national origin, or in- R a i n e s tention to make any 731-645-7770 or Darlene such preferences, limi- Cagle, 731-610-6002 tations or discrimination.

Homes for 0710 Sale

State laws forbid discrimination in the sale,

rental, or advertising of

real estate based on factors in addition to those protected under federal law. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All per sons are hereby in formed that all dwell- ings advertised are ! " available on an equal opportunity basis. #

! # $

0860 Vans for Sale

'10 WHITE 15-pass. van, 3 to choose from. 1-800-898-0290 or 728-5381.

Trucks for 0864 Sale

'05 GMC Crew Cab LTR, 38k, #1419. $16,900. 1-800-898-0290 or 728-5381.

'08 DODGE RAM 1500, 4x4, crew cab, red, $23,400. 1-800-898-0290 or 728-5381.

'93 FORD Ranger, 87K miles, good cond., new tires, $3000. 662-287-0243.

0868 Cars for Sale

'08 CHEVY HHR LT, ltr, moon roof, 33k, $11,900. 1-800-898-0290 or 728-5381.




2005 Hyundai Sonata White, Moonroof, Loaded $5800.

Home Improvement & Repair

2008 Trailblazer LS 4 x 4. Fully Loaded $9500. 2006 Suzuki Grand Vitara 60k, V6 $8950. See Gene Sanders d

Corinth Motor Sales

108 Cardinal Drive just East of Caterpillar - Corinth, MS 662-287-2254 or 665-2462 or 415-6485

Example: 60� Starter Set: Consisting of 60� Sink Base, 2-15� wall cabinets and 1-30� x 15� wall



Wicker Patio Furniture

#2 Counter Top ............................ 2.99 foot Starting at $77.95 Gingerbread Trim.......................$3.99 each Galley Rail ....................................$3.99 each Assorted Discontinued Cabinet Handles and Knobs .................... .10 each Finished Oak Bathroom Vanities with Granite Tops ..................................... 15% off Regular prices 25 x 19 Maple Veneer Bathroom Vanities with Composite Tops ........................................................... $59.95 31 x 19 Maple Veneer Bathroom Vanities with Composite Tops ........................................................... $69.95 $

GENERAL HOUSE & Yard Maintenance: Carpentry, flooring, all types painting. No job too small. Guar. quality work at the lowest price! Call for estimate, 662-284-6848.

HANDY-MAN REPAIR Spec. Lic. & Bonded, plumbing, electrical, floors, woodrot, carpentry, sheetrock. Res./com. Remodeling & repairs. 662-286-5978.

SHANE PRICE Building Inc. New construction, home remodeling & repair. Lic. 662-808-2380. Fair & following Jesus "The Carpenter"

UnďŹ nished Raised Panel MDF Kitchen Cabinets - 20% off regular prices!

Regular $230.46 - NOW

A MCKEE CONSTRUCTION Floor leveling, water rot, termite damage, new joist, seals, beams, piers installed, vinyl siding, metal roofs. 46 yrs. exp. Licensed. 662-415-5448.

BUTLER, DOUG: Foundation, floor leveling, bricks cracking, rotten wood, basements, shower floor. Over 35 yrs. exp. Free est. 731-239-8945 or 662-284-6146.

Here are a few items!

Come in and take advantage of some of the lowest prices that we have ever offered!

Smith Cabinet Shop 1505 Fulton Dr., Corinth, MS Ph. 662-287-2151

Lawn/Landscape/ Tree Svc FAST EDDIE'S Lawn Service. Cell 662-603-3929, office 662-664-2206.

Tree Service STUMP BUSTERS. Stump grinding & tree trimming. Free est. 662-603-9417 or 212-2618.

Storage, Indoor/ Outdoor AMERICAN MINI STORAGE 2058 S Tate Across from World Color


MORRIS CRUM Mini-Stor. 72 W. 3 diff. locations, unloading docks, rental truck avail, 286-3826.



2015 City Ave. N. Ripley, MS Welcomes Hollis Southern to the staff. Hollis invites all his former customers & friends to come by or call when in the market for their next vehicle.

TERMS: Cash, personal or company checks accepted with bank letter of guarantee made to Mid-South Real Estate Sales & Auctions. Payment due in full on sale day on all personal property. Everything sold as-is, where-is, with no guarantee. 10% buyers premium will be added to determine the final price. REAL ESTATE TERMS: Cash, personal or company checks accepted with bank letter of guarantee made to Mid-South Real Estate Sales & Auctions. 10% down day of sale, balance due in full upon delivery of deed in 30 days or less. Everything is believed true, but not guaranteed. Any announcement made sale day supersedes all advertisements. Property will be sold as-is, where-is with no guarantee.

Auctioneer reserves the right to group & regroup as he sees fit. 10% buyers premium will be added to determine the final bid IF YOU WANT TO SELL IT, CALL US!! SCOTTY LITTLE (sales) mal #150 or STEVE LITTLE (broker)




Some of our stores are changing the style of cabinets that they buy from us, leaving us with a large inventory of discontinued items that we intend to sell at deeply discounted prices!

This neat 1.5 story, 3 BR, 2.5 BA house with 1500+ heated sq. ft. on a 100'x 90' lot near downtown Corinth in a quiet area is looking for a new owner. House has c/h/a, linoleum & carpet, master bedroom & bath downstairs, Double garage with floored attic can be easily converted to a bonus room, nice patio for grilling, concrete driveway & sidewalks. Partial listing: 2 br suites, dining room table w/chairs, china cabinet, antique secretary, antique sofa table, Lazy boy wood recliner, drop leaf table w/chairs, assorted tables & chairs, sofas, mantel clock, coat rack, quilt rack, portable & console tv, console stereo, old 33 albums, 2 refrigerators, stove, microwave, cast iron skillets, cookware, silverware, dishes, small appliances, oil lamps, Hull pottery, decor items, costume jewelry, 5' aluminum ladder, Snapper riding lawn mower, yard tools, hand tools, 8 x 12 storage building, one owner 1978 Buick LeSabre (4D), 1979 Ford truck. Much more!!

CLEARANCE SALE on Display Homes Double & Singlewides available Large Selection WINDHAM HOMES 287-6991



Open house: Monday Sept. 12th from 4:00 p.m to 7:00 p.m.


0747 Homes for Sale

662-424-1271 Cell


662-837-8171 OfďŹ ce


800-530-7408 Toll Free

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