9-14-11 Daily Corinthian

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Daily Corinthian

Wednesday Sept. 14,


50 cents

Vol. 115, No. 219

Thunderstorm Today




• Corinth, Mississippi • 22 pages • 2 sections

Man robs SOUTHBank in Selmer BY JEFF YORK For the Daily Corinthian

SELMER, Tenn. — An early morning bank robbery at SOUTHBank in Selmer led to the loss of an undetermined amount of money on Tuesday. There were no injuries

during the one man robbery of the bank at 904 Mulberry Ave., across from Wal-Mart. The FBI believes the bank robbery happened around 8:50 a.m. or 8:55 a.m., less than 30 minutes after the bank opened at 8:30 a.m. for business. It

Board adopts budget

is believed to be the first bank robbery in Selmer since 1970. The suspect in the robbery is described as a white male, stocky build and light brown hair. He was wearing khaki shorts, a green shirt and sunglasses. His truck was

a small single cab darkcolored pickup that was believed to have headed east on Tenn. Hwy. 142 to Stantonville after the bank hold-up. FBI spokesperson Joel Siskovic said that anyone with any leads to the robbery should contact the

Selmer Police Department (731-645-7907). Selmer Police Chief Neal Burks said surveillance video from inside the bank, the exterior photos from Wal-Mart’s security camera and video from the overhead traffic camera at the intersection

of U.S. Hwy. 45 and Tenn. Hwy. 142 would be used during the investigation of the burglary. Burks said it was important to establish the exact time of the robbery and that would make it Please see ROBBERY | 12A

Wandering preacher

BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

Corinth aldermen adopted a $9.4 million fiscal 2012 budget Tuesday that holds taxes level while seeking to curtail expenses. City residents will see no change to their ad valorem tax rate, which holds at 95 mills, including the school district tax, but an increase in assessed property value means the same tax rate will produce more revenue. Assessed value rose from $89 million to $93 million. City employees will see no change in pay rates with the new fiscal year beginning Oct. 1. Many outside agencies asked for more financial supPlease see BUDGET | 12A

Board to mull Chris Colley travels the road with Jesus changes

Staff photo by Bobby J. Smith

Chris Colley travels the country pushing his cart and sharing Jesus.



BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

The Corinth Board of Aldermen has decided to take a little more time to consider changes to the policy for holiday compensation for firemen and policemen. The policy has been a major focus for the elected leaders and department heads for the last few weeks as the city worked on its fiscal 2012 budget. Aldermen agreed on Monday that the issue needs more study rather than trying to finalize it along with Please see CHANGES | 5A

For 25 years he has wandered this country, from the balmy Everglades to the cold steel and glass canyons of New York City, teaching from the Good Book and ministering to the lost. Pushing a homemade cart loaded down with his humble few possessions, Minister Chris Colley has walked through 44 states in a one-man marathon quest to win souls for Christ. He sits writing in a small leather-bound journal in the shade of pine trees a few yards off the shoulder of U.S. 45 near the Prentiss County line. A floppy round hat shades and obscures his sun-browned features, but the bushy white and grey beard grown long down his chest makes the preacher

“I’m walking by faith — not by eyesight. Living not through the carnal flesh but through Christ Jesus. You’ve got to let God drive you through your conscience.” Chris Colley Minister

a hard man to miss. His blue shirt and dark pants are faded and soft with wear, but his black New Balance shoes are in fine walking condition. “I just gave away my 21st Bible,” were the first words he spoke. He is on a 600-mile trek from Kentucky, heading to Florida for the winter. But this is only the latest leg of a journey that started many years ago. “I’m walking by faith — not by eyesight,” said Colley, “living not through the carnal flesh but

through Christ Jesus. You’ve got to let God drive you through your conscience.” Colley’s journey of faith began when he was 27 years old. Born in Dallas and raised in small towns across Texas, Colley said he really didn’t hear much about Jesus as a kid. Beset by troubles at a young age he fled Texas and his unstable father and lost himself in the counterculture lifestyles of California. “I got caught up in the drug scene. It was all part of the mu-

sic and art and way of thinking at the time,” he said. “I got caught up in the hippy movement.” By the time he was 27 he was a “junkie,” he said, addicted to drugs, with his life taking a brutal downward spiral. Colley ended up homeless, living in the Junior Rescue Mission in San Diego, Calif., the place where he became determined to free himself from substances after years of abuse and addiction. He got clean at the mission, and his newfound sobriety led him to a serious study of the Bible through a correspondence course. Colley was living at the mission when he first began to pray. He would shut himself inside the laundry room to be alone and talk with God. Often he would Please see PREACHER | 3A

Blue Ribbon Exhibitors ready for fun competition at fair BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

The Blue Ribbon Exhibitors event at the Alcorn County Fair takes an almost-forgotten art of home food preservation and turns it into a fun competition the whole family can enjoy. The event is a canning competition with three categories: Fruits and Vegeta-

bles; Jams and Jellies; and Pickles and Relishes. Canning champs will compete for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place and Best of Show ribbons in each category — along with the bragging rights for their recognized canning expertise. “Lots of folks have called about this event and lots of folks have had good gardens this year,” said Fair Committee Member Sandy

Mitchell, who is canning her own muscadine jelly for the Blue Ribbon Exhibitors competition. “We were fortunate this year in getting the early rain — which really helped with the gardens.” In addition to the obvious perks of having one’s canning skills awarded, praised and admired by a multitude of fair-goers, the event is a good opportunity to learn a not-quite-lost art that

Index Stocks....11A Classified......5B Comics......4B Crossroads ....3B

Weather......5A Obituaries......3A Opinion......4A Sports...8-9A

helped families avoid starvation in tough economic times such as the lean years of the Great Depression. Canning also allowed families to maintain better nutrition by ensuring a year-long supply of fruits and vegetables.

Canning Registration Registration for the Blue

Ribbon Exhibitors canning competition will be held Thursday from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Crossroads Arena. Participants should bring their goods to the arena’s main entrance where they will fill out the necessary forms on arrival and be provided with labels for their entries. “Everything for the registration can be done when they get here,” Mitchell ex-

plained. “We’ve got all the forms here, or they can also fill out their forms at home.” The canned culinary masterpieces will then be taken to the exhibit area in the arena’s Conference Room, where they will remain for judging and exhibition purposes throughout the fair’s remaining days. Help with carrying the

On this day in history 150 years ago Gen. Sterling Price with 7,000 men begins the siege of Lexington, Mo. The garrison of 3,600 Union soldiers holds out for seven days waiting in vain for reinforcements to reach them.

Please see FAIR | 12A

Page ??C

THE COURIER, Savannah, Tennessee

2A • Wednesday, September 14, 2011 • Daily Corinthian

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Thursday, September 15, 2011


3A • Daily Corinthian

PREACHER: Colley talks extensively about End Times, Armageddon CONTINUED FROM 1A

follow King David’s example and lie prostrate on the floor to pray. If another person walked in on his secret prayers Colley would grab a towel and act like he was doing laundry work — so nobody would call him crazy for praying alone in the laundry room. Colley excelled in Bible study during his stay at the mission. He earned perfect or high scores on all of his tests and quizzes — as well as the respect of his instructors. He demonstrated a high level of comprehension and an excellent memory while studying scripture, and with his teachers’ blessings the young man took his first steps on a minister’s path. He was ordained in a soup kitchen for the homeless in the San Diego mission. Time passed and Colley immersed himself in the study of scripture. God began to speak to him, Colley remembered, and directed the young minister not to a pulpit in front of a congregation, but on a wayfaring path to walk the streets of the nation and spread the Gospel, to tell all souls he met about Jesus and lead them to Christ’s flock before the door to salvation is closed forever. And that is what the long-journeying “professional field minister” has been doing with his life ever since. For a quarter-century he has crisscrossed the country, heading north for winters and south for summers, from the West Coast to the cities of the east, spreading the Good News and giving palm-sized New Testaments to those he meets on his travels. Minister Colley keeps a plastic sack of little red New Testaments — and a half-dozen sacks filled with clothing and his few other possessions — slung on top of his traveling cart. The cart has bicycle handlebars but no chain or pedals and no functional seat. It is a three-wheeler, with a short but wide front tire from a kids’-size motorcycle up front with the two slim wheels and canvas seat of a wheelchair in the rear. The wandering preacher’s load is heavy and his slow pace bodes for long journeys. Heading south on Highway 45, three days after passing Corinth he was almost to the Prentiss County line. He walks back to the shade of pines and points

to an orange life jacket on the ground. “They ask me if I carry this in case it comes a flood,” he said with a chuckle. “It’s really a good seat. It keeps its shape pretty good without getting crushed flat and all worn out.” He sits down on the life jacket. Next to him on the dry pine needles is a plastic bag holding four or five bottle waters, a pack of three cheese danish pastries, three bananas in a bunch and a bag of “Memphis BBQ Rib” potato chips. A new white Ford pickup slows and stops on the highway’s shoulder and a middle-aged Hispanic man with a shiny gold crucifix hanging from his neck walks over and hands Colley a plastic container of beef stew. In a short conversation the wayfaring preacher and the Samaritan give their names, the preacher thanks the Samaritan for the food and then the Samaritan is back in the Ford and heading north on 45. “That happens all the time,” said the preacher. He opens the lid on the stew, takes a smell, closes the lid, and sets it down next to him with the other food. “The only thing right here that’s really mine is the journal. Everything else somebody stopped and gave to me.” Immediately he begins talking about his favorite subject — the Bible. He says he understands biblical prophecy and has preached on the streets of many major cities, including the Big Apple. “I told them what would happen if I went up there,” he remembered. “I told them if I went up there somebody would steal everything I own and that’s just what happened.” Whether expounding on his life story or how Wal-Mart killed smalltown USA, Colley’s conversation remains anchored to the Bible, and he sprinkles his scriptural discussion with historical allusions, tells anecdotes from his life and draws connections to the modern world. Almost every single thing he says is about Jesus or scripture. This is a man who speaks very few sentences that do not praise God or explain His Word. He talks extensively about End Times prophesy and Armageddon. Humanity’s time is almost up, Colley believes, with five of the book of Revelation’s seven seals already opened. The time

of the Beast will arrive with the opening of the sixth seal, he explained; the seventh will bring the end of the world. “It’s not stoppable — but we’re not there yet,” he said. Colley has watched his homeland plummet from grace in the five and a half decades of his life, he said, as American popular culture continues its shameless descent into perversity and evil. As evidence he points to the changes in entertainment, the way the wholesome television shows and movies of his youth were replaced by a steady electronic diet of sex, violence and general wickedness. “When I was a kid the things we watched were good and wholesome and decent. That’s because the righteous were in places of authority and they controlled the content. These days it’s controlled by commercial and industrial money — and anything goes,” said Colley. “The focus is death and sex and explosions. That’s not what you want to show to your children. A man will live by what he’s fed, and if the TV is rotten what do you think it will do to the people feeding on it day after day?” From his early days the preacher remembers a simpler, more genteel chapter in the history of mass media. “Back when I was a kid we laughed at stupid, funny things. Think about the old shows on TV. Would people now laugh at it? If they do laugh it’s probably because they’re mocking it,” he said. Colley switches gears and steers the subject away from the galloping decline of common decency in American popular entertainment, focusing next on the lack of personal accountability in individuals. One topic guaranteed to raise this itinerant holy man’s ire is humanity’s way of rejecting personal responsibility, the way people either can’t or won’t see their own faults — but are more than proficient at finding flaws in others. Still sitting on his life jacket cushion as he holds forth, a note of anger boils up into Colley’s voice and the vagabond preacher becomes animated as he laments mankind’s penchant for blaming its sins and sorrows on others. He balls up a napkin in his fist and tosses it in the wind. “That’s how people

throw the blame on everybody else!” he declared. The way his eyes trail after the napkin suggests that this humble man has been on the receiving end of more than his share of unfair blame. The moment passes and he again resumes talking. He speaks of the places he’s been and the people he’s encountered on his travels, the Seminole girl in Florida, a devout Christian — to Colley’s surprise — who gave him three gallons of water when he was suffering from dehydration once in the Everglades; the terrible fights he witnessed on the streets with homeless men bashing each other’s brains out with clubs as big as fence-posts — murdering each other over a hobo’s meager belongings; and the time a notorious East Coast gang leader saved the preacher’s life from a sadistic teenage hoodlum out to carve him up with a switchblade. The last tale ended like a parable, with the gangbanger expertly disarming the switchblade kid, and giving the blade to Colley, encouraging the preacher to take vengeance on the teenage would-be killer. Preacher Colley, turning the other cheek to his enemy, shocked the boy by handing the blade right back to him. There is something of the college professor in Colley, in the way he holds forth, talking to a person — not with. With his set of unusual life experiences Colley carries himself with the pride of one with no doubts about the validity of his eduction. The preacher learned the Word and will of God from studying the Bible and his intimate knowledge of the ways of the world and the heart of mankind was picked up from 25 years on the streets. Drawing from this unique background, the best advice the preacher says he can give to anybody is for them to get to know Jesus Christ. How does that work? “You have to want to understand Jesus,” he said. “The most important thing is for people to read the Bible. You’ve got to make time for it.” As Colley spoke of life and Jesus the sun moved overhead and chased away the shade from the edge of the nearby pine

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Deaths Grady Monts Arrangements are pending with Welch Funeral Home of Starkville for Grady Monts, 94. He died in Corinth on Monday, Sept. 12, 2011.

Dorothy Brown IUKA — Funeral services for Dorothy E. Brown, 75, are set for 11 a.m. Wednesday at Ludlam Funeral Home Chapel with burial at Halltown Cemetery in Vina, Ala. Mrs. Brown died Sunday, Sept. 11, 2011. Survivors include one son, Kelly Dennis (Wanda) of Iuka; two daughters, Janie Autrey (Joe) of Wildersville, Tenn., and Charmane Donaldson of Iuka; two sisters, Lois Allen of Vina, Ala., and Lorene Traves (Robert) of Albion, Mich.; six grandchildren; and six greatgrandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Haymond Brown; her parents, Jim and Viola Wilson; two brothers, Lenard Wilson and Shorty Wilson; one sister, Gertha Cole; one grandson, Dennis “Toby” Sanders; and one great-grandson. Bro. Tommy Crocker will officiate.

Alvin D. Hurd BOONEVILLE — Memorial services for Alvin D. Hurd, 48, are set for 4 p.m. Thursday at Grayson’s Funeral Chapel. Mr. Hurd died Saturday, September 10, 2011 at his residence. Born Feb. 21, 1963, he was a construction worker, graduate of Northeast Mississippi Community College and member of Pleasant Grove M.B. Church. He was preceded in death by his parents, Cecil and Annie Hurd; and a brother Johnny Wayne Hurd. Survivors include his brothers, Lewis Hurd,

Richard Hurd and his wife Deborah, and Frederick Hurd and his wife Janet all of Booneville, and Ray Hurd of Rienzi; and two sisters, Regenia Dilworth Hurd and her h u s band William of Rienzi, and Cathy Shelly of Corinth. Rev. Leroy Harris will officiate.

Virginia Lee Funeral services for Virginia Jobe Lee, 97, of Corinth, are set for 2 p.m. Thursday at McPeters Funeral Directors Chapel with burial at Henry Cemetery. Mrs. Lee died Monday, Sept. 12, 2011, at Whitfield Nursing Home. She was a member of West Corinth Pentecostal Church. Survivors include one daughter, Nell Brown (Alvin) of Glen; two grandchildren, Debbie Wammack (Ted) and Sharon Newcomb (Anthony) of Corinth; five great-grandchildren; and ten greatgreat-grandchildren. Mrs. Lee was preceded in death by her parents, Bert and Mary Magadlene Curkindoll Jobe; her husband, William Howard Lee; one son, William Frank Lee; two brothers, Elbert Jobe and Leon Jobe; and one sister, Mary Evia Bradley. Bro. Merle Dixon will officiate the service. Visitation is Wednesday from 5 until 8 p.m.

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Please see PREACHER | 5A


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Reece Terry, publisher

Mark Boehler, 4A • Wednesday, September 14, 2011 editor Corinth, Miss.

Guest View

Becoming one nation in a New York minute BY JIMMY REED All I wanted was my hand back. The old man behind the counter in the country store way out in Louisiana farm country clasped it with eagle talon strength, squeezing tighter and tighter, his pained, bloodshot eyes locked with mine. Panicking, wishing I had not stopped for a cold drink, disregarding the $20 bill I plopped down to pay for it, I struggled to free my hand from his and escape. “They’ve hit us! They’ve hit us!” he halfshrieked, half-sobbed. “Me and my brother … we fought in the Pacific. My brother, he never come back. I seen war’s horror and destruction, but it was over yonder. Now I’m seeing it all over again, right here in the country I fought for -- the country my brother died for!” It was Sept. 11, 2001. “Mister, what in God’s name are you talking about?” I asked, massaging the hand he finally released as he turned away, weeping openly. He motioned me back into the tiny living quarters that had provided his only comfort over countless lonely years, eking out a living selling snacks, cold drinks and sundry items to a trickle of customers in this rural area. What I saw on his television simply would not register. One minute it seemed to be two giant sand castles -- perhaps built by laughing, happy children -- crumbling before an unseen wave; another minute, it appeared to be a scene of massive destruction from a King Kong movie. But in the minute I will never forget -- the minute no American will ever forget -- it was two commercial jets arcing across a blue New York sky, streaking into the World Trade Center, leaving thousands of innocent people injured, dead, or unaccounted for. Before that minute, the part of me that had been typically American -- glad to be one, but not always mindful of, nor thankful enough, for the opportunities and freedoms I too often had taken for granted -- became as American as the stars and stripes sewn by Betsy Ross. In that minute, I grasped the true meaning of E Pluribus Unum: from many, one. In that minute, I became every American who ever was, is, or yet to be. I became the first Pilgrim stepping on Plymouth Rock. I became Neil Armstrong stepping on the moon. I became Generals Lee and Grant, saluting each other at Appomattox. I became Alvin York of World War I. I became Audie Murphy of World War II. I became Ira Hayes, hoisting Old Glory at Iwo Jima. I became Roy Rogers, John Wayne, Spencer Tracy, Marilyn Monroe. I became Kate Smith, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Elvis Presley. I became Jesse Owens, Knute Rockne, Chris Evert, Babe Ruth, Ted Williams, John Elway, Dale Earnhardt. I became Orville and Wilbur Wright, Charles Lindbergh, Amelia Earhart, Chuck Yeager. I became Billy Graham, Jonas Salk, William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway. I became you, my fellow American, and you became me. We became one … one nation under God … in a New York minute. (Oxford resident Jimmy Reed, jimmycecilreedjr@gmail.com, is a newspaper columnist, author and college teacher. His latest collection of short stories is available at Square Books in Oxford, 662-236-2262.)

Prayer for today Thank you, God, for your loving care that will never end. Thank you for the promise that you will never leave us. Amen.

Sound Off Policy Effective immediately, the Daily Corinthian Sound Off policy will be the same as its Letter to the Editor Policy. Sounds Offs need to be submitted with a name, address, contact phone number and if possible, e-mail address, for author verification. The author’s name and city of residence will be published with the Sound Off. Sound Offs will only accepted from those who wish to have their names published with their opinion. All other Letter to the Editor rules apply for Sound Offs.

A verse to share Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. — 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NRSV)

Reece Terry publisher rterry@dailycorinthian.com

Guest View

Perry gets bitten, bites back BY ROGER SIMON You know how to tell when you’re leading the pack? All the other dogs are trying to bite you on the butt. Which is why Texas Gov. Rick Perry got his posterior attacked but good in a Republican debate last Wednesday night. Anybody who bit him got bit back, however. Though atop most polls for the Republican presidential nomination, Perry is not known to many Americans. Those who watched the debate, the first in which Perry has participated as a national candidate, saw a guy with square shoulders and a gunslinger squint, a man who likes to drop his “g’s” when “speakin’” his mind. He sent one clear message: Nobody attacks Rick Perry -not even with his own words. “I feel like a pinata here,” Perry said at one point. “I don’t care what anyone says,” he said at another. And he didn’t. For a good part of the 90-minute debate sponsored by NBC and Politico, Perry not only answered the questions he was asked, but those he was not. Asked why he used “provocative language” to attack Social Security, Perry replied, “Maybe it’s time to have some provocative language in this country and get people workin’ again!” What his answers some-

times lacked in logic was made up for in enthusiasm, and after some initial nervousness --- he gripped the sides of his podium as if he were hanging onto a life raft -- Perry settled down to his talking points. Asked why, under his governorship, Texas has the lowest percentage of people in the nation with health insurance, Perry replied, “What (Texans) would like to see is the federal government get out of their business!” When Perry and former front-runner Mitt Romney attacked each other with ready sets of statistics, NBC’s Brian Williams said, “Nice to see everybody came prepared.” Of course they did. That’s what debates are about. Debates, like much of modern politicking, are TV shows, and like many “offthe-cuff” shows, they require careful rehearsal. Candidates study thick briefing books with questions and answers, and their handlers, huddled in staff rooms offcamera, breathe deep sighs of relief when their candidates regurgitate the answers as prepped. A former political handler, who has no candidate in the race this time but who showed up in the press tent anyway, told me, “It is so relaxing to watch a debate and not have to worry about how

your candidate is going to screw up all your hard work.” Which is not to say that candidates are unintelligent or mere puppets. They are merely aware that answers that are carefully checked, polled and focus-grouped are safer than glib, off-thetop-of-my-head answers. An hour before the debate, the Perry campaign sent out an e-mail to reporters saying, “Members of the working press are encouraged to follow @PerryTruthTeam on Twitter and to visit www. rickperry.org for real-time updates concerning statements made during tonight’s Reagan Centennial GOP Candidates Debate in Simi Valley, Calif.” Which meant that the Perry campaign was prepared not only to dispute what Perry’s opponents might say, but also to explain what Perry himself said. Because of his meteoric rise in the polls and the fact this was his first debate as a presidential candidate, Perry was virtually guaranteed to be in the first or second paragraph of every news story. Perry was like a debutante at a coming-out party. Would he dazzle or disappoint? Could he take it, and could he dish it out? That was the story. When Newt Gingrich upbraided Politico’s John

Harris for asking a provocative question, Gingrich said, “I’m frankly not interested in your effort to get Republicans fighting each other.” But he was the only one. How much voters actually care about debates is open to question. As I have written before, many people watch debates for the same reason many people watch the Indy 500: to see who crashes and burns. What is not open to question (at least in my mind) is that performing well in a debate is not much like performing well as president. Debates do not allow for thoughtful silence before answering a question. Nor do these potential presidents get to gather advisers around them before formulating a policy. They must speak instantly from the podium, hoping their answers convey strength, intelligence, warmth and electability. Especially electability. You get only one chance to make a first impression. Perry made his last Wednesday night. Bite him, get bitten. He may not be everyone’s idea of a president, but he wanted to make sure he was nobody’s idea of a patsy. (Roger Simon is chief political columnist of politico. com, an award-winning journalist and a New York Times best selling author.)

Here they know about Ernie Pyle NEW ORLEANS — Here they know Ernie. The volunteer manning the landing craft near the entry of the National World War II Museum knows all about Ernie Pyle, says he’s occasionally disappointed when visiting veterans confuse Ie Shima, where Pyle died, with Iwo Jima. “They’ll argue with you about it,” he says, “and eventually I’ll just say, ‘OK, OK.’” The woman in the museum bookstore knows all about Ernie, directing me to the newest biography and a documentary on DVD. I get both. I’ve been disappointed in recent years when college journalism students, much less kids laboring in other fields, have blank looks on their faces when I mention Ernie Pyle. Anyone who wants to be a reporter should learn about Ernie Pyle. Besides being the most famous war correspondent who ever chewed an eraser while dodging a bullet, Pyle’s

Beth Cossitt

Mark Boehler

business manager bcossitt@dailycorinthian.com

editor editor@dailycorinthian.com

Willie Walker

L.W. Hodges

circulation manager circdirector@dailycorinthian.com

press foreman

posture and attitude made for the perfect reporter’s stance. Ernie Pyle was for the Rheta Little Guy. Johnson The underdog. The Columnist lowly GI Joes and Willies. Ernie had wanderlust. He left the farm in Dana, Ind., never to live anywhere again for more than a few months. He had a wife, but she rode with him. He had a house in Albuquerque, but he spent more time on the front than in his own living room. He did his best work on the move. He could, and often did from Europe, write as many as 15 columns a day to stay in the field and still meet a deadline. Among my prized possessions are two faded photographs my own father as a young soldier took on Ie Shima at Ernie’s grave. It

was the first grave before they moved Pyle to a more prominent spot in Hawaii’s Punchbowl. A marker made of three or four boards simply says: “At this spot the 77th Infantry Division Lost A Buddy. Ernie Pyle. 18 April 1945.” “Foot soldiers have long been accustomed to losing close friends,” said cartoonist Bill Mauldin when Pyle was shot by a Japanese sniper. Mauldin was creator of Willie and Joe, and Pyle’s friend. “The only difference between Ernie’s death and the death of any other good guy is that the other guy is mourned by his company. Ernie is mourned by the Army.” I have never been to this World War II museum before. In each exhibit room there are photographs of real veterans. You push a button and they talk to you. They tell you what they saw and felt, and it’s not some academic interpretation. It’s real history. The recorded stories are

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the best thing about this museum, which has Robert Capra photographs and a Tom Hanks movie and stateof-the-art design. Somehow just hearing the voices of those who were there is more powerful than anything else. It would take days to listen to all of the veterans. I choose one photograph and button at random in each room. By the end of the museum tour, I’m emotionally exhausted. The impact of war doesn’t lessen with years. The horror remains in their stories and voices. “To you at home they are columns of figures, or he is a near one who went away and just didn’t come back,” Ernie wrote. “You didn’t see him lying so grotesque and pasty beside the gravel road in France. We saw him, saw him by the multiple thousands. That’s the difference . . . .” (To find out more about Rheta Grimsley Johnson and her books, visit www.rhetagrimsleyjohnsonbooks.com.)

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Daily Corinthian • Wednesday, September 14, 2011 • 5A

PREACHER: Man gives copies of the New Testament

CHANGES: Police chief says situation has evolved

to anyone who shares a stretch of his pilgrimage CONTINUED FROM 3A

thicket. Raising himself up from his life jacket seat, he packed the bananas, pastries and potato chips onto his cart and readied himself to push on down the road to another spot by the highway where he would make camp before sundown. He looked to the south, gazing down the highway to the horizon as traffic blew by at 70 like always. His silence seemed to be a contemplation of the American highway — Colley’s only true home this side of the Pearly Gates. “You know I wouldn’t give this up for anything,” he said in a low-toned voice, speaking slowly and deliberately, careful to be understood. “A guy was going to give me some land one time, a little field next to the road. He asked me what I would do with it if he gave it to me. I told him I might pitch camp on it for a little while but I’d probably just keep on like I am now.” Standing next to his traveling cart Colley reaches into a plastic bag and takes out a little red New Testament, a gift

“I’m just a poor person God called to walk across America I’m 55 and I’m blessed ....” Chris Colley Minister for anyone who shares a stretch of the preacher’s never-ending pilgrimage. When he speaks next the talk is brief and out of character, focused on himself, his worldly concerns — but it’s only a whim and he returns, like always, to Jesus Christ. “I’m just a poor person God called to walk across America. I’m 55 and I’m blessed to still have great health,” said the wandering minister. “I have seen signs and wonders, mighty deeds and miracles, but seeing a person saved is the most wonderful thing there is.” About to leave this spot on the edge of a stand of pines near the southern border of Alcorn County, Colley places his hands in J7NÂ<H;;Ã?DL;IJ?D= tqxÃ;:K97J?EDÃI7L?D=IÃFB7D <?N;:Ã?D9EC; I H;J?H;C;DJÃFB7DD?D=

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position on the cart and looks down the highway. “It really isn’t about me. It’s about Jesus Christ,” he said. “You know, seeing people born is great, but seeing people born again — that’s the greatest.” And he continues on his journey. Hours later as the sun drops in the west behind the smoky Tippah hills the wandering witness for Jesus’ sacrifice is once again sitting on his life jacket cushion. He settles in for the night with his camp pitched against the railing by the south end of a bridge a short distance inside Prentiss County. The sun disappears and the preacher is two miles nearer to Florida and one day closer to Heaven.

the budget, which was adopted Tuesday. But Mayor Tommy Irwin on Tuesday said the issue will be resolved before the next holiday comes in November. The board on Monday discussed possibly seeking an attorney general’s opinion to clarify some points about the state law. When the policy is revised, it is likely to stop the “banking” of holiday time within the fire department. City leaders say the accumulated holiday time has resulted in a large and growing liability for the city, currently totaling $300,000. Under the current policy, firemen can bank up to 600 hours of holidays.

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“Once you get that accrued benefit, you get into bonus category,” said Irwin. “For every holiday we have, you get your regular rate of pay which is 24 hours times your base rate plus another 24 hours times your base rate. For every holiday — 12 during the year — you actually for one day get 48 hours of pay for it. This has become a supplement for pay. The city of Corinth cannot afford that kind of benefit.” He said it’s nothing personal against the fire department but rather a matter of finances as the city faces stagnant sales tax revenue. The police department will also be affected by the new policy, although it does not have holiday

time carrying over from year to year as the fire department does. Police Chief David Lancaster said it is a situation that has evolved through the years and must be considered carefully. “We’ve got to come to a consensus that accommodates what the mayor and board want to accomplish and keeps the employees happy enough that they’re not looking for jobs,” he said. He is concerned that a change that takes something away from the employees will result in a loss of police officers. Ward 1 Alderman Andrew Labas said the board members have spent many hours in meetings and studying the options as they work toward a fair solution.

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6A • Daily Corinthian

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Individuals plead guilty to insurance fraud BRANDON — Seven people have pleaded guilty to charges of insurance fraud involving the State and School Employees Health In-

surance Plan. The pleas were entered Friday and Monday in Rankin County Circuit Court. Charges are pending against

seven others. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Mississippi administers the health plans for the state. An indictment alleged three Blue Cross/ Blue Shield employees processed claims for up to $44,000 to at least 11 state employees for reimbursement for medical procedures that never occurred. The attorney general’s office said the state employees cashed the checks and kicked back some of the money to the Blue Cross/ Blue Shield employ-

ees, with the total loss to the state equaling more than $500,000. Authorities said Blue Cross/Blue Shield made full restitution to the state. The investigation began when a participant returned her check to Blue Cross/Blue Shield, which contacted authorities. Authorities said the company cooperated with the investigation. Those entering pleas before Circuit Judge John Emfinger were: ■ Kwame Smith, 30, of Greenville, was sen-

tenced to 10 years in prison with five years’ supervised probation and $69,232 and restitution to Blue Cross/ Blue Shield. ■ Contessa Davis, 37, of Jackson, entered an open plea, meaning she threw herself on the mercy of the court. Sentencing was set for Sept. 27. ■ Christine Degrate, 34, of Jackson, was sentenced to 10 years in prison and ordered to pay restitution of $27,568 to Blue Cross/ Blue Shield. ■ Shantwana John-

son, 36, of Jackson, entered an open plea. Sentencing is scheduled for Sept. 27. ■ Veronica Newell, 43, of Jackson, was sentenced to 15 years in prison and pay restitution of $149,216 to Blue Cross/Blue Shield. ■ Tiana Whitsett, 35, of Jackson, is scheduled to be sentenced in March because she is pregnant. ■ Isis Young, 34 of Jackson, was sentenced to 10 years in prison and to pay $93,512 in restitution to Blue Cross/Blue Shield.

Briefs Associated Press

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Family of former UM player sues university JACKSON — A Hinds County judge says he will rule soon on a motion by the University of Mississippi to move a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the family of a former Ole Miss football player to Lafayette County. The Clarion-Ledger reports arguments were heard Monday on the motion. The motion is being opposed by the family of Bennie Abram. The family sued the university, coach Houston Nutt and the NCAA in May in Hinds County. Abram was 20 years old when he collapsed during the first day of formal offseason workouts on Feb. 19, 2010,

and later died at Baptist Memorial Hospital in Oxford, Miss. An autopsy revealed Abram died from complications associated with sickle cell trait. The university has repeatedly said all of its employees acted properly.

Horn Lake woman killed in one-vehicle accident OLIVE BRANCH — Police say a 30-year-old Horn Lake woman died in a one-car crash in Olive Branch. Police Maj. Danny Vasser tells The Commercial Appeal Jenny Lynn Austin was traveling on Craft Road about 5:30 p.m. Sunday when her car went off the road and hit a tree. She was airlifted from the scene in extremely critical condition to the Regional Medical Center at Memphis, where she was pronounced dead at 7:36 p.m. Vasser says Austin was alone in her car. He said the police department’s crash team is still investigating the accident.

Immigrant set to plead guilty in ID fraud case JACKSON — Federal court records in Mississippi say an illegal immigrant from Mexico plans to plead guilty to participating in a group that allegedly created and distributed fake identification documents. Pastor Quihua-Gonzalez is one of 11 people facing federal charges; most are illegal immigrants. Quihua-Gonzalez’s attorney, Maura D. McLaughlin, said in court records Friday that the 25-year-old man will plead guilty to conspiracy. U.S. District Judge Keith Starrett set a hearing for Oct. 6 in Hattiesburg. Prosecutors say they’ve identified approximately 80 real identities that were used in the production of the fraudulent documents. The group is charged with making fake Social Security cards, driver’s licenses and state identification cards while operating in the south Mississippi cities of

Hattiesburg and Laurel.

UFO abduction figure dies at 80 GAUTIER — Charles E. Hickson Sr. spent nearly 40 years living with something most other people couldn’t even imagine. On Oct. 11, 1973, Hickson and Calvin Parker were fishing on the Pascagoula River. What seemed to be the beginning of a peaceful night turned to chaos when the pair suddenly found themselves in a close encounter with an alien craft and its occupants. Hickson, then 42, and Parker, then 19, did not want their abduction publicized, but a reported leak to the newspaper made publicity inevitable. Hickson died Friday in Ocean Springs, officials with O’Bryant-O’Keefe Funeral Home in Gautier said Tuesday. Hickson was 80. After reporting the abduction, Hickson and Parker both passed lie detector tests and were even questioned under hypnosis. Investigators are on record saying the pair’s story never wavered.

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7A • Daily Corinthian

Nation Briefs ment of a $500,000 bail.

Associated Press

US hopes for release of hikers WASHINGTON — The United States is hopeful for the quick release of two remaining detained American hikers in Iran, after Iran’s president pledged to release them, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Tuesday. Clinton said the U.S. was “encouraged� by the comments from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who in two interviews said he was working to free Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal. The two have been in prison in Iran for more than two years since they and a third American were arrested after straying across the Iran-Iraq border. The pair were convicted on spyrelated charges and sentenced to eight years in prison. The third hiker, Sarah Shourd, whose case remains open, was released last year after the pay-

New York special election to measure Obama’s strength NEW YORK — The two candidates running for Congress in New York City are making last-minute appeals to bring voters out in a race where turnout will be the key. The race to replace Anthony Weiner was supposed to be easy for Democrat David Weprin. The party has a three-toone edge in enrolled voters, far more money, an organized political machine and has held the seat for decades. But Republican businessman Bob Turner has taken advantage of dissatisfaction with Democratic President Barack Obama and recently led in a public opinion poll. Weprin started at 7 a.m. Tuesday and had events planned all day.

Priest sentenced for Y-12 protest KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — An 84-year-old priest from Tacoma, Wash., was ordered to serve three months in prison for trespassing on federal property when he and other peace activists protested at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge. Faced with prison, William Bichsel told U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Guyton during his sentencing hearing Monday that he was committed to his activism. Bichsel and 11 other activists were convicted earlier this year of trespassing after they intentionally crossed a blue line separating state and federal property at the complex last year. Assistant U.S. Attorney Melissa Kirby said Bichsel has previously served time behind bars for his protesting activities. “The government has no issue with demonstrations,� Kirby said. “The issue is crossing over that blue line. His history demonstrates

he repeatedly commits this sort of crime.� But his defense attorney, Mike Whalen, argued that Bichsel has spent his life advocating for peace and serving the homeless and doesn’t deserve a prison sentence. “He has been arrested before — for acts of civil disobedience,� Whalen

said. “No one resisted. No one damaged anything. I suggest that (sending him back to his homeless ministry) would be a better use of his time than sitting in a federal prison cell.� Bichsel quoted civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. and vowed to continue his protest against nuclear weapons.

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Ban recommended on trucker cell use, texting BY BRETT BARROUQUERE Associated Press

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — An Alabama truck driver was using his cell phone during a 2010 truck crash that killed 11 people in Kentucky, federal officials said Tuesday. Kenneth Laymon, 45, of Jasper had just made a call that lasted one second before the March 26, 2010, crash on Interstate 65 near Munfordville, Ky., investigators said at a National Transportation Safety Board hearing in Washington. Laymon’s truck crossed the median and struck a van carrying a Mennonite family and friends to a wedding in Iowa. Laymon and 10 people in the van died in the fiery crash. Two young children in safety seats were the only survivors. The NTSB was told

that Laymon had been talking and texting on his phone in the hours leading up to the early morning accident. Investigator Dennis Collins said staff concluded that the final call distracted the truck driver. Autopsy tests on Laymon came back negative for alcohol or drug use. Federal authorities said Laymon left Lansing, Mich., at about 4 p.m. on March 25, 2010. The wreck happened roughly 13 hours and 437 miles after Laymon’s departure. “Staff believes the driver was fatigued at the time of the accident, which may have contributed to his distraction,� Collins said. The victims were 22-year-old Joel Gingerich, 22, and his 20-year-old fiance, Rachel Esh, who were riding in the van. Also killed were John Esh, 64, own-

er of a vinyl-building business in Marrowbone; his 62-year-old wife, Sadie; their daughters, Rose, 40, and Anna, 33; their son and daughter-in-law, Leroy Esh, 41, and Naomi Esh, 33, and their adopted infant son; and family friend Ashlie Michelle Kramer, 22. Several relatives of the Mennonite victims attended Tuesday’s hearing. At one point they were advised to step outside before some graphic evidence was shown to the NTSB. NTSB investigator David Rayburn said that the stretch of highway where the crash happened had a cable barrier along the median but it wasn’t designed to stop a vehicle that weighed 38 tons. Also, the speed limit on that stretch was 65 mph, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

A public hearing will be held on September 15 to provide the general public with an opportunity to comment on the taxing and spending plan incorporated in the proposed budget of Booneville for the ďŹ scal year beginning October 1, 2011, and ending September 30, 2012. The meeting will be held at City Hall at 9 a.m. All interested citizens are encouraged to attend and comment. CITY OF BOONEVILLE


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8A • Daily Corinthian

Local Schedule Thursday


MSU’s stellar run game meets LSU The Associated Press

Football NE @ Miss Delta, 6:30 Softball Holly Springs @ Kossuth, 4:30 Thrasher @ Biggersville, 5 Falkner @ Central, 6 Friday Football South Side @ McNairy, 7 New Albany @ Corinth, 7:30 (WXRZ) Hatley @ Central, 7:30 Biggersville @ TCPS, 7:30 Tish County @ Booneville, 7:30 Open: Kossuth Saturday Softball New Albany Tournament Kossuth Cross-Country CHS @ Saltillo Inv., 9 a.m. AC @ Saltillo Inv., 9 a.m. Monday, Sept. 19 Softball Kossuth @ Central, 6 Tuesday, Sept. 20 Softball Central @ Holly Springs, 5 Biggersville @ Belmont, 5:30 Booneville @ New Albany Thursday, Sept. 22 Football Holmes @ NE, 7 Softball Falkner @ Biggersville, 5 Kossuth @ Belmont, 5:30 Central @ Booneville, 6 Friday, Sept. 23 Football Hardin Co. @ McNairy, 7 Central @ Corinth, 7:30 (WXRZ) Thrasher @ Biggersville, 7:30 Mooreville @ Kossuth, 7:30 Tish County @ Wilson, Ala., 7:30 Saturday, Sept. 24 Softball Central @ Falkner, 4 Cross-Country CHS @ Tupelo Inv., 9 a.m. Monday, Sept. 26 Softball Biggersville @ Central, 6 Tuesday, Sept. 27 Softball Kossuth @ Biggersville, 5 Booneville @ New Albany Thursday, Sept. 29 Football NE @ Northwest, 6:30 Softball Kossuth @ Booneville, 5 Corinth @ Central, 6 Cross-Country AC @ Hardin Co. Inv. Friday, Sept. 30 Football McNairy @ Chester Co., 7 Booneville @ Central, 7:30 (WXRZ) Biggersville @ Falkner, 7:30 Corinth @ Itawamba AHS, 7:30 Belmont @ Kossuth ,7:30 Saturday, Oct. 1 Cross-Country CHS @ Jesse Owens Classic, 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 4 Softball State Playoffs Thursday, Oct. 6 Football Kossuth @ Booneville, 7 Friday, Oct. 7 Football Amory @ Corinth, 7 (WXRZ)

Lions prep for spread

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

STARKVILLE — In a conference that prides itself on a bruising, physical brand of football, Mississippi State and LSU do it better than most. There’s nothing fancy about the Bulldogs’ offense, which consists of a heavy dose of option plays and punishing runs between the tackles. But don’t confuse simplicity with effectiveness — Mississippi State has rushed for a combined 642 yards in games against Memphis and Auburn. Then there’s the LSU defense, which is one of the nation’s best. The Tigers are giving up just 45.5 yards per game on the ground in victories over Oregon and Northwestern State. After watching the Oregon tape, MSU coach Dan Mullen joked that LSU might be too good for the SEC. “I’m sure they would win the NFC East this year,” Mullen deadpanned. With those numbers in mind, there’s no doubt where the most valuable real estate will be at the

line of scrimmage on Thursday night when No. 25 Mississippi State (1-1) hosts No. 3 LSU (2-0) at Davis Wade Stadium. Both teams seem to almost rejoice in the hard hits to come in the SEC opener for both teams. “Our guys are going to have to take the line of scrimmage,” LSU coach Les Miles said. “The nature of (Mississippi State’s) offense is a physical brand. I think our guys will enjoy that piece.” The stakes in this Western Division showdown have rarely been higher. LSU and Mississippi State meet as top 25 teams for the first time in the 105-year history of the series. The Tigers have won 11 straight games in the series dating back to 1999. The Bulldogs hope they can end that streak thanks to an offense that’s averaging 46.5 points per game. Mississippi State crushed Memphis 5914 in its season opener, but it was hard to tell how impressive that was considering Memphis was coming off a 1-11 season. But the Bulldogs kept on piling up impressive offensive numbers last weekend against Auburn — rushing for 333 yards and two

touchdowns in a 41-34 loss. Vick Ballard rushed for a team-high 135 yards and a touchdown against the Tigers while quarterback Chris Relf added 106 yards on 27 carries. LaDarius Perkins added 78 yards and a touchdown on 11 carries. The Bulldogs were able to consistently pick up big chunks of yards with option running plays, which Perkins said has been the result of hours of practice. “We’ve been working on it a lot during camp and in the spring,” Perkins said. “At first, it was kind of hard with the timing, but now we’ve got it down pat. It’s all about timing and speed and knowing how to make the reads for the quarterbacks. When you’ve got a great quarterback like Relf he knows how to make those reads.” Mullen said Mississippi State’s running game is more complicated than most because it involves the quarterback, multiple running backs and even receivers on occasion. “Hopefully, we’ll keep defenses off balance because they don’t know exactly where it’s coming from,” Mullen said. “If we get them

to slow down because they’re not sure what’s happening with the option, we get our offensive line rolling ... that’s who we depend upon and we can knock some people off the ball, get them to play a little slower, and then we can hit some gaps and we’re able to run.” But LSU won’t be intimidated. Oregon had one of the most explosive offenses in the nation last season but ran into a brick wall against the Tigers in the season opener. Mullen said LSU’s defense is so effective because of its speed, which often negates the advantages that come with running a spread offense. Still, LSU defensive tackle Michael Brockers said Mississippi State’s run game is an entirely different animal. “Oregon tried to run east and west and get you out of your gaps. (Mississippi State) doesn’t really care where you are; they’ll try to move you out of your gaps,” Brockers said. “That’s the biggest difference, them being more physical than Oregon was trying to zone you out of your gaps. These guys are really trying to power you out of there.” Submitted Photo

The Corinth Lady Warrior volleyball team claimed the region title last week.

Lady Warriors win region title The Corinth Lady Warriors wrapped up their first regular-season region title with a 3-0 blanking of Pontotoc last week. The Lady Warriors, who stood at 15-9-2 and 6-0 in Region 1 Class 1 heading into Tuesday’s non-league match with Oxford, will be the host club in the opening-round of the playoffs on Oct. 4. In addition, Erin Frazier was recently named the state Player of the Week by maxpreps for her play during Aug. 22-28. The senior outside hitter/middle blocker had 41 kills, three assists, nine digs, 19 aces and 11 blocks, during a 10game stretch. Recent summaries: Corinth 3, Pontotoc 0 Sept. 8 @ CHS-APAC Pontotoc 18 12 5 -- 0 Corinth 25 25 25 -- 3 Aces: Sadie Johnson 5, Erin Frazier 5, Meredith

Wilbanks 2, Annalee Hendrick 2. Kills: Frazier 11, Hendrick 4, Alexis Willis 4, Aundrea Adams 4, Johnson 3. Assists: Willis 13, Johnson 8. Digs: Johnson 5, Hendrick 4, Frazier 3. Blocks: Adams 2. Record: Corinth 12-7-2, 6-0 Region Lewisburg 2, Corinth 0 Sept. 10 @ Southaven Corinth 24 20 -- 0 Lewisburg 25 25 -- 2 Aces: Erin Frazier, Annalee Hendrick. Kills: Frazier 8, Meredith Wilbanks 5, Hendrick 3, Sadie Johnson 3. Assists: Alexis Willis 12, S. Johnson 4. Digs: Frazier 10, S. Johnson 7, Wilbanks 7. Elizabeth McPheters 5, Ashley McClamroch 4. Blocks: Frazier 5, Jaynesia Johnson 3, S. Johnson 2. Record: Corinth 12-8-2 Corinth 2, Pontotoc 0 Sept. 10 @ Southaven Corinth 25 25 -- 2

Aces: Sierra Maness 3, Erin Frazier 2, Sadie Johnson 2. Kills: Frazier 3, Grace Swanson 3, Alexis Willis 2, Kaitlyn Frazier 2. Assists: Willis 3, Johnson 2, Swanson 2. Digs: K. Frazier 3, Johnson 3, Swanson 2, Aundrea Adams 2, E. Frazier 2. Blocks: Adams 2. Record: Corinth 13-8-2

Sept. 10 @ Southaven Corinth 20 15 -- 0 Wynne 25 25 -- 2 Aces: None. Kills: Erin Frazier 9, Jaynesia Johnson 4, Annalee Hendrick 4. Assists: Alexis Willis 11, Sadie Johnson 3. Digs: S. Johnson 8, Meredith Wilbanks 5, Elizabeth McPheters 3, Hendrick 3. Blocks: J. Johnson 4, Frazier 2. Record: Corinth 14-9-2

Corinth 2, Hernando 1 Sept. 10 @ Southaven Corinth 25 18 15 -- 2 Hernando 20 25 14 -- 1

Corinth 3, USJ 1 Monday @ Jackson, Tenn. Corinth 23 25 25 25 -- 3 USJ 25 20 18 22 -- 1

Aces: Annalee Hendrick 2. Kills: Erin Frazier 8, Jaynesia Johnson 8, Sadie Johnson 5. Assists: Alexis Willis 15, S. Johnson 5. Digs: Frazier 10, Willis 9, S. Johnson 9, Meredith Wilbanks 8, Ashley McClamroch 7. Blocks: Frazier 5, J. Johnson 5. Record: Corinth 14-8-2

Aces: Erin Frazier 4, Meredith Wilbanks 3. Kills: Annalee Hendrick 12, Frazier 10, Sadie Johnson 6, Jaynesia Johnson 5. Assists: Alexis Willis 22, S. Johnson 11. Digs: Frazier 20, Wilbanks 14, Hendrick 7, S. Johnson 7, Sierra Maness 6. Blocks: J. Johnson 8, Frazier 7, Hendrick 4, S. Johnson 3. Record: Corinth 15-9-2

Pontotoc 11 12 -- 0

Wynne 2, Corinth 0

BY SEAN SMITH ssmith@dailycorinthian.com

BIGGERSVILLE -— The Biggersville Lions (2-1, 1-0) will travel to face Tupelo Christian Academy (1-2, 0-1) on Friday night in Division 1-1A play. “Offensively they run a spread formation with four or five receivers and throw the ball 75 percent of the time,” said Lion Head Coach Ronnie Lawson. “This will be the first true spread offense we have faced so far this year. Defensively they run a basic split four defense, but they are a pretty sound ball club.” TCA beat Strayhorn 30-20 in the opening week, but has lost to Middleton, Tenn. (126) and Coldwater (39-7) the past two weeks. “We have been working on our pass coverage and pass rush all week to put pressure on the quarterback Friday night,” said Lawson. “We have no injuries to any of our players that would hold them out of the game Friday.”

Central, Kossuth take 1-3A wins BY H. LEE SMITH II lsmith@dailycorinthian.com

GLEN -— Stacey Hutcheson’s two-out, tworun double provided the magic Tuesday as Alcorn Central rallied for an 8-7 win over Belmont in Division 1-3A play. Central (7-7, 3-1) led 4-1 after two innings before Belmont used the bulk of the Lady Bears’ four errors to hang a six-spot. The host club tallied single runs in the fifth and

sixth to pull back to within 7-6. Haley Barnes’ threehit effort paced Central’s 16-knock attack. The junior also recorded one of the four two-base hits by the Lady Bears. • At Kossuth, the Lady Aggies broke open a 2-1 contest with a seven-run fifth and got past Booneville 9-1 in Division 1-3A action. Kristen Devers began the huge frame with a towering home run.

Shelby Stewart and Dana Glissen had three hits each as Kossuth banged out 18, including three doubles and Devers’ round-tripper. Kossuth (12-6, 3-0) will return to action Saturday at the New Albany Tournament. Central 8, Belmont 7 @ Glen Belmont 016 000 0 -- 7 8 1 Central 310 110 2 -- 8 16 4 WP: Kayla Massengill.

LP: Powers Multiple Hits: (B) Powers 2, Lynch 2. (C) Haley Barnes 3, Chelsea Buntin 2, Massengill 2, Amber Meredith 2, Kaitlyn Mynatt 2. 2B: (B) Smith. (C) Massengill, Barnes, Meredith, Stacey Hutcheson. Record: Central 7-7, 3-1 Division 1-3A. Tish Co. 6, Corinth 5 @ Sportsplex Please see SOFTBALL | 9A

The Daily Corinthian • Wednesday, September 14, 2011 • 9A

Sports Briefs

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Winter Bowling Leagues


Plaza Lanes will be offering bowling leagues this winter for men and women. Leagues for both will play on Monday and Thursday nights. Ladies-only leagues will bowl on Tuesday night and Thursday morning. Church Leagues will play on Tuesday nights and only four more spots are available. Youth will bowl Saturdays at 10:30 a.m. For more information call Plaza Lanes at 286-8105.

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Baseball Record Book The 2011 Mississippi Baseball Record Book is now available for purchase. The 17th volume of the book covers records for public schools and 4-year colleges in Mississippi. To buy a book, send $10 to Mississippi Baseball Record Book/ Diamonds By Smillie/ 3159 Kendrick Road/ Corinth, MS 38834.

Wrestling CWA Championship wrestling is coming to the Tippah County Coliseum on Saturday, Oct. 8. Bell time will be 8 p.m. Superstar wrestlers Buff “The Stuff” Bagwell, “Dogface Gremlin” Rick Steiner, “The Black Machismo” Jay Lethal, Carlito, “Dangerous” Doug Gilbert and special guest “The Legendary” Jerry Jarrett will be there. Tickets can be purchased at Jimmy Johns Ice Cream in Corinth and Bailey’s Country Cafe in Booneville. For more information visit the web site www.cwachampionshipwrestling.com.

McCann, Uggla carry Braves past Marlins The Associated Press

ATLANTA -— Brian McCann and Dan Uggla each hit a three-run homer and the Atlanta Braves snapped their longest losing streak of the season, beating the Florida Marlins 7-1 Tuesday night to end a four-game skid. The Braves, whose lead over St. Louis in the NL wild-card standings is down to 4 1/2 games, held a private meeting before the game in hopes of shaking things up. It finally worked in the sixth. Uggla drew a one-out walk from Brad Hand (1-7), Matt Diaz singled to right and McCann came through with a towering shot over the center-field wall for his 24th homer. Uggla put it out of reach in the seventh with his career-best 34th homer, also a three-run shot. Peter Moylan (2-1) claimed the win by getting the final out in the sixth.

The Cardinals kept pace in the playoff race, beating Pittsburgh 6-4. The Braves had gone 36 innings since their last lead, struggling especially to drive home runners from third with less than two outs. McCann had failed in just such a situation on Monday night, striking out with the bases loaded in the ninth inning. Atlanta went on to lose 5-4 in 12, their seventh loss in nine games and enough to prompt manager Fredi Gonzalez to call a private meeting before batting practice. Chipper Jones described it as “basically a circling of the wagons,” and whatever was said seemed to rouse the Braves from their worst stretch of the season. McCann’s homer took some of the pressure off, for both him and the team. He came into the game mired in 5-for-28 slump (.179) and had gone nearly two weeks since his last long ball.


Tish Co. 002 001 3 -- 6 8 5 Corinth 200 020 1 -- 5 7 1 WP: McGee. LP: Elizabeth Williams (13-4). Multiple Hits: (TC) Knupp 2, Tucker 2. (C) Stennett Smith 2, Erin Frazier 2. 3B: (C) Jamia Kirk. HR: (TC) Henderson, Knupp. (C) Smith, Frazier. Record: Corinth 15-4, 1-1 Division 1-4A Kossuth 9, Booneville 1

@ Kossuth BHS 000 100 0 -- 1 10 3 K. 101 070 x -- 9 18 0 WP: Eryn Coleman. LP: Emily Horne. Multiple Hits: (B) Courtney Deaton 2, Horne 2. (K) Shelby Stewart 3, Dana Glissen 3, Paden Tomlin 2, Annaleigh Coleman 2, McKinley Ragan 2. 2B: (K) Glissen, Ragan, Brittany Brooks. HR: (K) Kristen Devers. Record: Kossuth 12-6, 3-0 Division 1-3A

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10A • Wednesday, September 14, 2011 • Daily Corinthian



Race: Geico 400 Where: Chicagoland Speedway When: Sunday, 2 p.m. (ET) TV: ESPN 2010 winner: David Reutimann (right)


Race: Dollar General 300 Where: Chicagoland Speedway When: Saturday, 3:30 p.m. (ET) TV: ESPN2 2010 winner: Brad Keselowski


Race: Fast Five 225 Where: Chicagoland Speedway When: Friday, 8 p.m. (ET) TV: SPEED 2010 winner: Kyle Busch

By RICK MINTER / The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

It’s on ...


Busch, Johnson clash in Virginia

With lineup set in Richmond, 2011 Chase starts in Chicago


Chase drivers, following the Wonderful Pistachios 400 at Richmond Int'l Raceway


Kyle Busch (finished sixth) 2,012; Leader

He took over the top spot when the points were reset after Saturday’s regular season finale. His four victories give him 12 bonus points, but he also appears to be riding a wave of momentum heading into the 10-race, season-ending Chase. At Richmond, he raced his way from the back of the pack to score a solid finish. “We had to battle through more adversity than we would have liked to, but that’s what’s going to make us better,” he said. “That’s what’s going to make us stronger.”


Kevin Harvick (finished first) 2,012; tied for first

After a mediocre summer, the No. 29 team went back to the setups they were running earlier in the year and now appear to be poised to challenge for the title. “We went back and looked at the races that we felt like we were the fastest at the beginning of the year, and we put that stuff in at Atlanta and we ran in the top 5 all day and came [to Richmond] and did the things we traditionally do and had a solid weekend from the time the car unloaded off the lift gate,” he said.


Jeff Gordon (finished third) 2,009; behind -3

He’s been the hottest driver on the circuit the past three weeks and shows no signs of slowing down. “To win three races [so far this season], to run the way we have and just gain the momentum, have a shot at winning [at Richmond], man, this team could not be more pumped and excited about getting this Chase started,” he said. “And Chicago is a great track for us.”


Matt Kenseth (finished 23rd) 2,006; behind -6

Richmond was, in his words, “a disaster,” but he has been fast in recent weeks and is one of the drivers who has momentum heading into the Chase. “We didn’t finish all those races up there, but we had three kinds of different tracks, and I thought we had a topthree or -four car at all three of those tracks,” he said. “I know we got top 10s, but I knew we needed to do a little better than that. I feel pretty good going to Chicago.”

Carl Edwards (finished second) 2,003; behind -9

He said he’s poised to make a run for the championship after a strong run at Richmond. He’s also taken care of any possible distractions by getting his contract negotiations out of the way before Chase time. “We really turned things around [at Richmond],” he said. “That’s the best we’ve run on the short track in years, so that was huge.”


Jimmie Johnson (finished 31st) 2,003; behind -9

As he prepares to make a run for a record sixth consecutive title, he’s in a high-profile feud with fellow Chase driver Kurt Busch. Fans and fellow drivers enjoy the conflict, but Johnson needs to put the feud aside as quickly as possible or risk letting it spoil his Chase hopes. “I think it’s going to be a great Chase for the fans, exciting ones for the drivers this year,” he said. “I think it’s real difficult to pick a clear favorite.”


Kurt Busch (finished fifth) 2,003; behind -9

He seems to be enjoying trying to play mind games with Johnson, and his Penske Dodge team, including teammate Brad Keselowski, has come on strong this season. “We always get to answer questions that maybe we’re behind the eight ball by only having two Dodges out there, but we put both of them in the Chase,” he said. “Both guys now have a shot at the championship. It’s been a great, solid season for us.”


Ryan Newman (finished eighth) 2,003; behind -9

After missing the Chase last year, he and his veteran crew chief, Tony Gibson, have been rock solid this season. He said he’s “really thankful for everything that Tony Gibson and all the guys have done. Pit stops have been much better, communication has been much better. We just really have to shine up everything and sharpen our pencils and make sure we’ve got everything ready to go for the next 10 races … We’ve won a battle, now we have to win the war.”


Tony Stewart (finished seventh) 2,000; behind -12

With just three topfive finishes this season, he’s had a sub-par

season to date, but he’s picked up the pace in the past few weeks, and run strong enough to remain in the top 10 even though he’s winless so far. He said he likes his underdog position. “It’s the least amount of pressure for us than any other teams out there right now,” he said. “I feel like the last two weeks it’s kind of shown what this team is capable of and the strength behind it to be in this kind of a clutch situation and get ourselves in [the Chase].”


Dale Earnhardt Jr. (finished 16th) 2,000; behind -12

His three top-five and nine top-10 finishes are the fewest of any Chase driver. He barely made the cut, and his team at this point does not look like a title contender. He’s still looking for his first win of the season. “We had a pretty good run at it going the first 15 races, and for whatever reason we sort of fell off and forgot some things or over-engineered something,” he said. “But we need to look hard at what we’re doing.”


Brad Keselowski (finished 12th) 2,000; behind -12

He’s been the surprise story of the season so far, with three wins, two of them coming after he broke an ankle in a crash at Road Atlanta. He’s one of the two wild card drivers, so he gets no bonus points as the standings are reset. He said he and his team still have some work to do. “If we can find a little bit more speed I feel like we can be a serious contender in the championship,” he said. “We’re doing a good job executing. I feel like we’re out-finishing what we’ve got for speed, and that’s what good teams do.”


Denny Hamlin (finished ninth) 2,000; behind -12

After coming so close to winning the title in 2010, he’s stumbled through the regular season and barely squeaked into the Chase by way of the final wildcard spot. “There’s only one place to go from where we’re at right now, and that’s forward,” he said. “We’re very fortunate to be here, obviously, with the tough season that we’ve had and the ups and downs and the [Did Not Finishes] and whatnot. It’s kind of a second lease on life for us and our season.”

(NASCAR photos)

Kyle Busch, Kevin Harvick, Jeff Gordon and Brad Keselowski seem to have the most momentum heading in the season-ending, 10race Chase for the Sprint Cup, but it’s a run-in between two former series champions that has fans buzzing as the circuit heads to Chicagoland Speedway for Sunday’s Chase opener. Kurt Busch and Jimmie Johnson had two incidents during the Wonderful Pistachios 400 at Richmond International Raceway on Saturday night. Busch spun Johnson early in the race through contact he says was unintentional. Johnson believed otherwise, and spun Busch later in the race. The second incident did little harm to Busch’s car, as he finished fifth. Johnson spent time behind the wall while his team repaired his car, and he wound up 31st. It was another in an ongoing series of runins between the two, the most recent of which occurred in the closing laps at Pocono Raceway last month. Busch said Johnson was the culprit this time. “Well, we had 398 other laps, and with the way that we raced each other, I got into [Turn One] hot, locked up my left front [brakes], slid up into him,” Busch said. “And then you could just see the payback coming from a five-time chump.” Busch also said on TV – but later denied saying – that he’s getting under Johnson’s skin, as evidenced by the retaliatory move. “That’s not something you see from Jimmie Johnson every day, so I know we’re in his head,” Busch said. “If we’re going to race this way, he’s got to worry that there are ten other guys in this Chase, not just the 22.” Johnson said the incidents are a byproduct of NASCAR’s relaxed rules on wrecking and retaliation. “I think that we’ve seen it from the start of the season, and even last year and in other times,” he said. “When someone feels wronged, a lot of times people are going to take that opportunity to get even and settle it, then and go on with it. “So it seems to be turning that way, absolutely. I can remember an instance at Homestead last year. I can remember stuff, a lot of different places, a lot of things going on. The ‘Boys have at it,’ certain things are in effect.” Johnson said he isn’t looking for trouble in the future, but he also said he planned to stand his ground. “I have no intentions to run people over,” he said. “The incidents that have happened have been accidental in the past when [Busch] was in the 2 car. He knows that, and moving forward, I’m just not going to let people run our race car over. There’s been a lot of contact going on, and that’s why I retaliated [Saturday].” But Johnson also said that neither he nor Busch will benefit from an ongoing feud. “Moving forward, I think we’ve raced together the last two weeks, three weeks and been just fine on the race track,” he said. “We can do it. It can be done. We had eight, nine years before that where everything was fine. It’s possible, and I think it’s in both of our best interests, to get it behind us and go forward.” There’s no clear winner as yet in the Johnson-Busch battle, other than the people looking for a little something extra to spice up things. Matt Kenseth said he’s enjoying the dust-ups, and he’s also glad he’s not involved. “I will tell you, it’s nice to not be in any of that stuff,” he said. “I love watching it. It’s great, great entertainment, seeing what’s all going on. “Everybody likes conflict, I guess, to a point. Most people don’t like to be a part of it, but it’s fun to watch.”

Harvick folds Nationwide, Truck series teams to focus on Cup Kevin Harvick said last week that he’s shutting down his Kevin Harvick Inc. race teams so he can focus on his day job at Richard Childress Racing, and the goal there of winning the Sprint Cup championship. Harvick won’t field any Camping World Truck Series teams next year, and his two Nationwide teams will be folded into the RCR camp. Harvick’s decision also says a lot about the struggles facing independent teams in NASCAR’s Nationwide and Camping World Truck Series. If his team, which has been a consistent winner of races and championships, can’t make it work, especially in the truck series where it has 39 victories, who can? “I think when you look at the expectations that we put on the company to race, it obviously … costs us more to race the vehicles than probably some of the other people with no overhead,” he said. “The truck series is a great series. It is a lot of fun. I would love to continue driving some races in the truck series as we move forward. It’s just a point where we felt like we needed to make some decisions from a business standpoint… “Sometimes you just feel like you have got to get something out of it. We were winning races and loved to be a part of that, but, in the end it’s business.” But that doesn’t mean it was an easy decision.

“Obviously one of the hardest conversations I had to have was with Ron [Hornaday Jr.], telling him where everything was going, and he was a big part of helping us to get to the point that we are at today,” Harvick said. “It is fun, don’t get me wrong, it is fun to go out and win truck races and be a part of it. We have been able to win championships, and I think that’s one of the great things about where we are at with the decision.” But he said his bigger goal is to win the Cup title, and that’s where his focus is now. “This is no knock on anything, but really the only thing that I want to do that we have not been able to accomplish in my career is win a Sprint Cup championship,” he said. “Cup cars make it all go around. Richard [Childress] and I have talked about this a lot. Without the Cup car being successful on Sunday or Saturday night whatever the case may be, trucks don’t exist, Nationwide cars don’t exist and the sponsors aren’t there. “We are lucky that the sponsors are all there and things have gone good over the last several years. That Cup championship is what we are after.” And not having a race team to run should make that goal easier to reach. “It takes an extreme amount of pres- Kevin Harvick, driver of the No. 29 Chevrolet, celebrates with a burnout after winning sure off of me as a driver and an owner,” Saturday’s Sprint Cup Series Wonderful Pistachios 400 at Richmond International he said. Raceway in Richmond, Virginia. (NASCAR photo)

Distributed by Universal Uclick for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. (800) 255-6734. *For release the week of September 12, 2011.


SPEAKING led by Brad 0 Laps Keselowski and Denny

Hamlin in the last 6 Cup races at Chicagoland, the fewest of the 12 Chase drivers victories by 49 NASCAR Kevin Harvick as a

team owner (10 in Nationwide and 39 in the Camping World Truck Series)


Laps led by Matt Kenseth in the last 6 Cup races at Chicagoland Speedway, top among drivers run in the 1,446 Laps top 15 by Tony

Stewart in the last 6 Cup races at Chicagoland, the most of any driver

Daily Corinthian • Wednesday, September 14, 2011 • 11A


Dow Jones industrials Close: 11,105.85 Change: 44.73 (0.4%)

New gadgets promise safer ride

11,260 10,760


Business & Farm





Associated Press


Anyone who’s had the “check engine” light come on suddenly knows how unnerving that can be. Maybe it’s nothing more than a loose gas cap. Or maybe it’s something that requires a mechanic, fast. So CarMD, based in Fountain Valley, Calif., has created a hand-held diagnostic gadget that plugs into a car’s computer to monitor sensors, brakes and safety systems, and lets you know just what might have caused that light to go on — without an expensive

11,000 10,500













GencoShip 9.51 US Airwy 5.64 iPInv1-21Vx11.79 VanceInfo 11.83 Comeric wt 5.35 ExcelM 2.23 NeoPhoto n 7.12 QR Eng n 19.62 LithiaMot 15.62 MillerEnR 3.67

Chg %Chg


+1.34 +.79 +1.29 +1.20 +.54 +.21 +.67 +1.84 +1.41 +.33

ParaG&S 2.92 +.53 +22.2 ChinNEPet 2.27 +.31 +15.8 DocuSec 3.46 +.32 +10.2 NevGCas 2.23 +.18 +8.8 ChaseCorp 11.34 +.79 +7.5 Accelr8 2.94 +.17 +6.1 BNJIQ 12.89 +.71 +5.8 UraniumEn 3.37 +.18 +5.6 Barnwell 3.85 +.20 +5.5 SbdCp 2089.94+107.94 +5.4

+16.4 +16.3 +12.2 +11.3 +11.2 +10.4 +10.4 +10.3 +9.9 +9.9



Chg %Chg



Chg %Chg

BioLnRx n 3.80 Velti n 8.10 MEMSIC 2.78 Bluefly 2.10 CornerTher 7.48 Depomed 6.33 UnivDisp 57.21 SunPwr B 11.23 WstptInn g 30.74 CentrlBcp 18.25

+1.05 +1.29 +.39 +.24 +.84 +.68 +5.98 +1.16 +3.06 +1.80

+38.2 +18.9 +16.3 +12.9 +12.7 +12.0 +11.7 +11.5 +11.1 +10.9

Chg %Chg


SilvrcpM g 6.30 AlonHldgs 4.55 ZuoanF n 2.77 Sequans n 4.43 EKodak 2.82 DrxHcrBear 45.47 FaTbBlSPBr38.48 BarcShtC 52.96 CVR Engy 25.84 BestBuy 23.35

-1.54 -19.6 -.50 -9.9 -.27 -8.9 -.40 -8.3 -.23 -7.5 -3.50 -7.1 -2.96 -7.1 -3.94 -6.9 -1.87 -6.7 -1.61 -6.5

Geokinetics 3.01 -.90 -23.0 Aerocntry 10.25 -.80 -7.2 HaderaPap 34.90 -2.55 -6.8 HelixBio g 2.34 -.16 -6.4 DGSE 8.83 -.52 -5.6 Vicon 3.37 -.18 -5.1 ComstkMn 2.86 -.13 -4.3 eMagin 2.91 -.12 -4.0 LoncorRs g 2.31 -.09 -3.8 SalisbryBc 22.45 -.76 -3.3


Chg %Chg



Chg %Chg

AutoChn lf PlumasBc NobilityH LaPorteBc InterMune RPX n ExlSvcHld MidPenn NorSys QlikTech

14.12 2.14 6.59 8.50 24.20 19.66 23.01 7.76 3.10 21.36

-9.30 -.34 -1.01 -.96 -2.67 -1.70 -1.88 -.64 -.25 -1.54

Vol (00) Last Chg +1.07 -.05 +.08 +.55 +1.10 +.06 +.21 +.07 +.17 +.06


Vol (00) Last Chg

NwGold g ParaG&S NthgtM g GoldStr g Adventrx NovaGld g VantageDrl CheniereEn GrtBasG g OpkoHlth

43293 13.65 40193 2.92 39847 3.92 36081 2.59 33859 1.31 32416 8.54 31750 1.48 27370 7.27 25584 2.25 23896 4.48

... +.53 +.03 +.11 +.09 -.11 -.01 +.23 +.07 +.06


Vol (00) Last Chg

Cisco Intel PwShs QQQ MicronT Microsoft SiriusXM Oracle Level3 NewsCpA GloblInd

818889 16.35 585158 20.76 553603 54.58 497936 6.86 479582 26.04 418637 1.69 417899 27.72 407340 1.54 319265 16.19 250601 7.81

+.26 +.48 +.72 +.18 +.15 +.01 +.97 +.02 +.01 +.03





AFLAC AT&T Inc AlcatelLuc Alcoa AlliantTch Aon Corp BP PLC BcpSouth BkofAm Bar iPVix rs Bemis BestBuy Caterpillar Checkpnt Chevron Cisco Citigrp rs CocaCola Comcast Deere DrSCBr rs DrxFnBull DirxSCBull Dover DowChm EnPro ExxonMbl FstHorizon FordM FrkUnv FredsInc GenElec GloblInd Goodrich HewlettP iShEMkts iS Eafe iShR2K Intel IBM JPMorgCh KimbClk Kroger


1.20 1.72 ... .12 .80 .60 1.68 .04 .04 ... .96 .64 1.84 ... 3.12 .24 .04 1.88 .45 1.64 ... ... ... 1.26 1.00 ... 1.88 .04 ... .46 .20 .60 ... 1.16 .48 .84 1.68 .94 .84 3.00 1.00 2.80 .42

3.5 6.1 ... 1.0 1.4 1.4 4.6 .4 .6 ... 3.2 2.7 2.2 ... 3.3 1.5 .1 2.7 2.1 2.1 ... ... ... 2.5 3.8 ... 2.6 .6 ... 7.2 1.7 3.9 ... 1.4 2.1 2.1 3.4 1.4 4.0 1.8 3.1 4.1 1.9

7 34.27 9 28.12 ... 3.07 13 11.63 6 57.75 16 42.84 14 36.45 22 10.15 ... 7.00 ... 45.85 15 29.61 8 23.35 14 85.02 30 14.57 8 95.93 14 16.35 8 27.05 14 69.10 15 21.84 13 76.56 ... 44.99 ... 12.61 ... 41.83 12 51.20 12 26.31 18 33.29 9 71.65 37 6.24 5 10.17 ... 6.34 15 11.56 13 15.41 ... 7.81 20 84.92 5 22.70 ... 39.99 ... 49.06 ... 69.18 9 20.76 13 163.43 7 32.49 16 67.50 11 21.98

+.09 +.24 +.05 +.08 +.14 -.56 +.02 +.14 -.05 -.40 +.36 -1.61 +1.15 +.49 +.02 +.26 +.09 +.19 +.70 +1.52 -2.33 +.21 +2.06 +1.00 +.55 +.33 -.19 +.11 +.06 -.02 +.11 +.55 +.03 +.61 +.12 +.06 +.52 +1.10 +.48 +1.01 +.07 +.25 +.16

-39.3 -4.3 +3.7 -24.4 -22.4 -6.9 -17.5 -36.4 -47.5 +21.9 -9.3 -31.9 -9.2 -29.1 +5.1 -19.2 -42.8 +5.1 -.1 -7.8 -3.9 -54.7 -42.3 -12.4 -22.9 -19.9 -2.0 -47.0 -39.4 +.2 -16.0 -15.7 +12.7 -3.6 -46.1 -16.1 -15.7 -11.6 -1.3 +11.4 -23.4 +7.1 -1.7


Level3 Lowes MGM Rsts McDnlds MeadWvco MicronT Microsoft NY Times NewsCpA NiSource NorthropG Oracle Penney PepsiCo Pfizer PwShs QQQ PrUShS&P ProctGam RadioShk RegionsFn S&P500ETF SaraLee SearsHldgs Sherwin SilvrcpM g SiriusXM SouthnCo SprintNex SP Engy SPDR Fncl SP Inds TecumsehB TecumsehA Trchmrk s US Airwy VangEmg WalMart WellsFargo Wendys Co Weyerh Xerox


... .56 ... 2.44 1.00 ... .64 ... .19 .92 2.00 .24 .80 2.06 .80 .42 ... 2.10 .25 .04 2.44 .46 ... 1.46 .08 ... 1.89 ... 1.06 .18 .67 ... ... .48 ... .82 1.46 .48 .08 .60 .17

... 2.9 ... 2.8 3.8 ... 2.5 ... 1.2 4.3 3.8 .9 3.0 3.4 4.4 .8 ... 3.4 2.1 1.0 2.1 2.7 ... 2.0 ... ... 4.5 ... 1.6 1.4 2.2 ... ... 1.3 ... 2.0 2.8 2.0 1.6 3.6 2.2

... 1.54 13 19.15 ... 10.53 17 86.12 15 26.62 11 6.86 10 26.04 ... 7.27 14 16.19 19 21.30 8 52.39 17 27.72 15 26.23 15 60.54 12 18.33 ... 54.58 ... 24.11 16 61.94 8 12.16 ... 3.90 ... 117.74 8 17.22 ... 55.07 16 74.00 14 6.30 56 1.69 18 41.55 ... 3.57 ... 65.38 ... 12.45 ... 30.80 ... 8.21 ... 8.23 8 36.47 4 5.64 ... 41.06 12 51.59 9 24.36 ... 4.86 4 16.86 14 7.68

+.02 +.02 +.21 -.07 +.81 +.18 +.15 +.22 +.01 +.20 -.03 +.97 +.41 +.40 +.09 +.72 -.44 +.11 +.27 -.09 +1.07 +.05 +.83 +.64 -1.54 +.01 +.18 +.17 +.19 +.08 +.57 +.65 +.08 +.26 +.79 +.06 -.23 +.26 -.03 +.13 +.16

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and e-mail messages out loud in the car, with an option to respond, handsfree. You can choose from several languages, and male or female voices. (www.drivesafe.ly) ■ If you live in deer country, you might consider Bell Automotive’s deer whistle. Mountable on the front of the vehicle, it emits a deer-alerting sound between 30 and 75 mph. There’s no guarantee your car won’t hit a deer, but at least you’ll give the animal some warning. They’ve got a handy backlit tire gauge, too. ($7.99, $12.99, www. bellautomotive.com )

savings made easy

-39.7 -13.7 -13.3 -10.1 -9.9 -8.0 -7.6 -7.6 -7.5 -6.7

MOST ACTIVE ($1 OR MORE) MOST ACTIVE ($1 OR MORE) MOST ACTIVE ($1 OR MORE) S&P500ETF 2448212117.74 BkofAm 2091231 7.00 SPDR Fncl 978396 12.45 GenElec 816733 15.41 iShR2K 683969 69.18 iShEMkts 657117 39.99 DrxFnBull 574536 12.61 JPMorgCh 486475 32.49 SprintNex 478016 3.57 FordM 437724 10.17

when the driver is texting or on the phone. There’s a “Geofence” feature that alerts you if the vehicle strays outside a given perimeter. ■ If that’s too Big Brother for you, the company also offers Motocarma, an app that lets you know when the car’s engine light goes on, or the fuel is low, or a speed threshold has been breached — things some distracted drivers may not notice themselves. ($60-$100, www.motolingo.com) ■ For about $35 per year per family, you can install DriveSafe, an app that reads incoming text




trek to the shop. If problems are identified, tech support certified by the Automobile Service Association is at hand to help with next steps. ($89, www.carmd.com) It’s just one of many gadgets aimed at giving car owners a safer or more enjoyable ride. Some others: ■ If you’re worried about teens or elderly parents at the wheel, consider Motolingo’s Motoriety Pro app, which sends data to your smartphone on driving performance (heavy braking and accelerating, for example) and also lets you know

+57.1 -23.6 -29.1 +12.2 +1.8 -14.5 -6.7 -25.8 +11.2 +20.9 -10.8 -11.4 -18.8 -7.3 +4.7 +.2 +1.5 -3.7 -34.2 -44.3 -6.4 -1.7 -25.3 -11.6 -50.9 +3.4 +8.7 -15.6 -4.2 -21.9 -11.7 -37.1 -36.9 -8.4 -43.7 -14.7 -4.3 -21.4 +5.2 -10.9 -33.3



$ 99

$ 29



1 lb. pkg.

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$ 99



$ 39




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5 lb. pkg.





Fairgrounds Wafer-Thin Sliced






Low SettleChange

Open High

Low SettleChange

CORN 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel

CATTLE 40,000 lbs.- cents per lb.

Sep 11 Dec 11 Mar 12 May 12 Jul 12 Sep 12 Dec 12

Oct 11 Dec 11 Feb 12 Apr 12 Jun 12 Aug 12 Oct 12

712.50 736.25 725 749.25 739 762 744 768 747.25 771.50 686.75 706 646.75 663.25

705 716.75 730.25 737.50 741.25 681 641.75

709.25 -25 723 -22.50 736.50 -22 743.75 -21.75 747 -23 684.75 -20.25 642 -21

SOYBEANS 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel Sep 11 1389.501389.50 1374 Nov 11 1391 1402 1382 Jan 12 1402.501412.251392.75 Mar 12 1406.50 1418 1399.50 May 12 1409.751421.251403.50 Jul 12 1418.501428.75 1409 Aug 12 14001413.25 1400

1381.25 1391.75 1402.50 1409.50 1412.75 1419.75 1408.50

119.90 120.20 119.57 119.80 122.50 123.12 126.37 126.97 124.65 125.10 124.75 124.90 126.60 126.80

119.02 118.50 121.37 125.30 123.72 123.70 125.90

HOGS-Lean 40,000 lbs.- cents per lb. -6.25 -4.25 -3.75 -3.50 -3.25 -2.50 -1.50

Oct 11 Dec 11 Feb 12 Apr 12 May 12 Jun 12 Jul 12

87.17 82.72 88.95 92.40 96.70 99.40 97.90

87.85 83.80 89.00 92.50 96.70 99.40 97.90

86.75 82.17 87.85 91.50 96.15 98.40 97.10

WHEAT 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel

COTTON 2 50,000 lbs.- cents per lb.

Sep 11 Dec 11 Mar 12 May 12 Jul 12 Sep 12 Dec 12

Oct 11 Dec 11 Mar 12 May 12 Jul 12 Oct 12 Dec 12

698.50 704 703 732 738.25 766 756.25 783.75 762 789 774 798 791.50 816

119.60 +.20 119.75 +1.03 122.65 +.25 126.45 +.08 124.75 -.05 124.72 +.10 126.80 +.10

684.50 688.75 -11 696 702 -25.25 731.50 737 -25.25 752 756 -25.25 757.50 763 -23.50 770.50 775.25 -22 786 793.25 -21.25

110.77 111.78 112.20 113.65 109.00 110.41 107.45 107.94 105.42 106.61 ... ... 100.25 101.03

109.80 111.13 108.13 105.81 104.03 ... 99.75

87.15 82.82 88.22 91.95 96.40 98.80 97.30

+.48 +.10 -.58 -.40 -.40 -.47 -.40


Tables show seven most current contracts for each future. Grains traded on Chicago Board of Trade; livestock on Chicago Mercantile Exchange; and cotton on New York Cotton Exchange.

99 1 lb.


$ 25


Total Return/Rank Pct Min Init 4-wk 12-mo 5-year Load Invt

PIMCO TotRetIs Vanguard TotStIdx American Funds GrthAmA m Fidelity Contra Vanguard InstIdxI American Funds CapIncBuA m American Funds IncAmerA m Vanguard 500Adml American Funds CpWldGrIA m Vanguard TotStIAdm American Funds InvCoAmA m Dodge & Cox IntlStk Dodge & Cox Stock American Funds WAMutInvA m Vanguard InstPlus FrankTemp-Franklin Income A m American Funds EurPacGrA m

CI 144,330 10.98 LB 58,721 29.44 LG 57,082 28.23 LG 57,045 65.53 LB 55,901 107.80 IH 55,898 48.00 MA 51,184 16.06 LB 49,870 108.53 WS 48,359 31.33 LB 47,454 29.46 LB 43,101 25.54 FV 40,297 29.52 LV 38,205 95.93 LV 36,898 26.32 LB 34,848 107.81 CA 34,484 2.03 FB 33,112 35.82

-0.6 -0.3 -0.6 -0.7 -0.3 -0.8 -0.1 -0.3 -4.0 -0.3 -1.4 -7.1 -1.4 +0.4 -0.3 +0.1 -5.9

+3.8/E +7.2/A +4.5/E +9.9/B +6.6/B +3.3/C +5.9/B +6.6/B -3.9/E +7.4/A +2.2/D -7.9/D +1.8/D +8.2/A +6.6/B +3.5/D -5.3/C

+8.3/A +0.4/B +0.3/D +3.5/A -0.2/B +1.8/C +2.0/C -0.2/B +0.3/C +0.5/B -1.0/D -1.4/A -3.8/E -0.2/A -0.1/B +3.1/C +0.5/A

NL 1,000,000 NL 3,000 5.75 250 NL 2,500 NL 5,000,000 5.75 250 5.75 250 NL 10,000 5.75 250 NL 10,000 5.75 250 NL 2,500 NL 2,500 5.75 250 NL 200,000,000 4.25 1,000 5.75 250

BL -Balanced, GL -Global Stock, IL -International Stock, LC -Large-Cap Core, LG -Large-Cap Growth, LV Large-Cap Val., MT -Mortgage, SB -Short-Term Bond, SP -S&P 500, XC -Multi-Cap Core, XG -Multi-Cap Growth, XV -Multi-Cap Val.Total Return: Chng in NAV with dividends reinvested. Rank: How fund performed vs. others with same objective: A is in top 20%, E in bottom 20%. Min Init Invt: Minimum $ needed to invest in fund. NA = Not avail. NE = Data in question. NS = Fund not in existence. Source: Morningstar. Stock Footnotes: g = Dividends and earnings in Canadian dollars. h = Does not meet continued-listing standards. lf = Late filing with SEC. n = New in past 52 weeks. pf = Preferred. rs = Stock has undergone a reverse stock split of at least 50 percent within the past year. rt = Right to buy security at a specified price. s = Stock has split by at least 20 percent within the last year. un = Units. vj = In bankruptcy or receivership. wd = When distributed. wi = When issued. wt = Warrants. Mutual Fund Footnotes: x = Ex cash dividend. NL = No up-front sales charge. p = Fund assets used to pay distribution costs. r = Redemption fee or contingent deferred sales load may apply. t = Both p and r. Gainers and Losers must be worth at least $2 to be listed in tables at left. Most Actives must be worth at least $1. Volume in hundreds of shares. Source: The Associated Press. Sales figures are unofficial.



$ 49

Fat Free








¢ $ 49




TUNA 5 oz. can .................................................

$ 69

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15 oz. can .............................................. Ocean Spray Cran-Grape, Cran-Apple or


SIDE DISHES Each ............................................................ Classic Roast


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99¢ CAT ¢ CAFE 99

15 lb . bag.........................................

16 lb. bag ..........................................

$ 99



COCA COLA 20 pk. 12 oz. cans ....................


$ 99

4 $ 49 7 $ 99


Dr. Pepper, Sprite, Mello Yello, Diet Coke or





Dr. Pepper, Sprite, Mello Yello, Diet Coke or

12 pk. 20 oz. bottles .............

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6 pk..............................................................






69¢ 5


64 oz (1/2 gal.) bottle ..................


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3 pk. or $1.00 ea.




3 PAPER $ 89 TOWELS gal. 3 6 big roll or 8 reg. roll bundle gal.


2 2 49 Grocery

doz. $ 89 Medium 30 pk. 2 64 oz. (1/2 gal.) bottle ...........


Total Assets Obj ($Mlns) NAV

APPLES 3 lb. Bag


U.S.D.A. Grade A Fresh Large



Golden Ripe

¢ $ 49 $ 49


111.56 +.84 113.01 +.72 109.91 +.70 107.40 +.41 105.97 +.64 103.83 +.64 101.03 +1.09

Paula Red or Ginger Gold



COCA COLA 2 liter bottle ..................................

$ 29


12A • Wednesday, September 14, 2011 • Daily Corinthian

ROBBERY: Suspect did not show gun to bank teller CONTINUED FROM 1A

easier to check any video from prior to the hold-up. The FBI is in possession of the suspect’s picture from inside of the bank. While the suspect did not show a gun to the bank teller during the robbery, the threat of a gun carries the same weight as having a gun,

according to Siskovic. Burks said the suspect told the teller, “Give me the money or I am going to blow your head off,” while holding his hand inside his jacket indicating he had a gun. The Selmer police chief does not believe there were any other customers in the bank at the time of the hold-up. He said the


FAIR: Wristbands for unlimited rides from 5 until 10 p.m. available for $15 every night of carnival

bank had three employees and a manager inside the business. SOUTHBank officially began business on May 4, 1990. The bank began with branches in Osceola and Blytheville, Ark. and Durham, N.C. When the bank did so well after opening in Corinth, the company expanded into Selmer in late 2001. Siskovic said the FBI was brought in to investigate the robbery because it is a federal crime to rob a bank. If the suspect is caught, he will face federal prosecution. “We have a very high solve rate when it comes to bank robberies,” said Siskovic. SOUTHBank officials at the corporate office in Huntsville, Ala., declined to comment on the Selmer bank’s robbery.


canned goods inside and to the Conference Room will be available for participants with multiple entries.

Judging The Blue Ribbon Exhibitors canning competition’s entries will be judged Friday morning. When the fair opens at 5 p.m. Friday participants and spectators will have the opportunity to view the entries and winners in the Conference Room.

Quilt Registration Registration for the Quilt Show will be held in conjunction with the canning competition’s registration, from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the main entrance of the

Crossroads Arena. The quilt exhibit will also be located in the Conference Room. The People’s Choice Award is unique to the Quilt Show. On Saturday fair-goers will vote for their favorite quilt. After judging is complete, items from both competitions will be on exhibit in the Conference Room through Saturday. “We hope that people will leave their entries on display through Saturday evening,” Mitchell said. The fair’s organizers anticipate a big turnout for Saturday and would like to have as many entries as possible on display.

ited rides from 5 until 10 p.m. will be available for $15 every night of the carnival. Tickets will also be available throughout the carnival. A family pack of 22 tickets can be purchased for $20. The majority of the rides will cost four tickets, although rides for children will cost three tickets and the Ring of Fire ride will cost five tickets. As required by the carnival guidelines, only tickets will be sold Saturday from 1 until 5 p.m. After 5 p.m. wristbands will be sold for the regular price. For more information visit alcornfair.com. To find out more about the Blue Ribbon Exhibitors canning competition and the Quilt Show call Crossroads Arena at 287-7779.

Carnival Wristbands and Tickets Wristbands for unlim-

BUDGET: Board mulled whether to pursue bond issue to match grants

Sherry Ham Thanks to everyone for making our 24th anniversary a success. Thanks to our vendors and all of the members of the band. Thanks everyone.


support from the city, but most are being held at level funding or took a cut. The total going to outside agencies will drop from $378,638 in the current budget to $314,470 in fiscal 2012. A couple of lastminute changes saw the Verandah House penciled in at $9,500 and funding

Alcorn Countians In World War II Published by Alcorn County Genealogical Society Available now for pre-sale~reserve your copy now! Anticipated release date January 2012 Approx. 500+ pages on glossy paper, hard bound cover. Pictures, individual stories, newspaper clippings and more. Name_____________________________________ Address____________________________________ Number of copies ordered_____________________ $60/ea Shipping per book please add $5.95 (or you may pick up when available at ACGS, 1828 Proper St., Corinth, MS) Total submitted:_____________________________ Please mail check or money order to; ACGS, P.O. Box 1808 Corinth, MS 38835-1808 *Check memo: WWII Book For More information call 662-286-0075 or go to: http://www.avsia.com/acgs/ Ad sponsored by a grant provided by the Corinth Area Convention & Visitors Bureau

for CARE’s downtown landscape maintenance added at $9,000. Both had been left out of the draft budget. City Clerk Vickie Roach estimated 1 mill will generate $85,000 to $86,000 in the coming year, up from about $83,000. Throughout the budget process, Mayor Tommy Irwin repeatedly called for expenses to be kept under control. “We don’t need to pass a budget that income and expenses aren’t snipping each other’s noses,” he said during a lengthy work session on Monday. And although it is a tough economy, “The taxpayers still expect us to do something with their money,” he said. The board wrestled with whether to pursue a bond issue to match possible grant projects. Because there is uncertainty how many of those projects will come to fruition this year and some debate as to what’s needed, aldermen discarded that option and will consider using the reserve fund of $1.1 million to provide

grant matches as the projects arise. There is concern about dipping into the reserve fund, which was accumulated during better economic times. “I don’t know at this time how we can rebuild it,” said Roach. “I think once you spend it, it’s gone.” Projects that could require a dip into the reserve fund include milling and paving on Fillmore and Proper and work on a primary drainage pipe in South Corinth, among others. The library is in the budget at $126,800, rising from $123,300; parks, $210,000, rising from $198,000; and tourism office, $505,000, rising from $462,000. Allocations for outside agencies: ■ Airport — $67,500, plus $19,000 grant match; was also $67,500 in fiscal 2011. ■ Alcorn County Health Department — $1,000; was $1,620. ■ Alcorn County Soil & Water — $5,850, unchanged. ■ The Alliance — $80,000, unchanged.

■ Crossroads Arena — $63,000 plus half of building insurance; unchanged. ■ Our Resource Center — $0; was $4,500. ■ Verandah House — $9,500; was $26,773 ■ Humane Society -—$67,500; unchanged. ■ CARE landscape maintenance — $9,000; unchanged. ■ Keep Corinth Beautiful — $12,000; was $15,300. ■ Museum — $12,000; was $11,475 ■ Business incubator — building maintenance; unchanged. ■ Veterans services — $1,620; unchanged. In other business, the board voted to appoint Joe Franks to the Crossroads Arena Board of Directors to replace Bill Strickland, who apparently does not wish to serve another term on the board. It is a joint appointment that also requires approval by the Board of Supervisors.


A sincere Thank You from my family and myself for the overwhelming vote you gave me in the August 23rd PrimaryRemember “it is not over ‘til it’s over.” The General Election is November 8, 2011. Please Vote

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Daily Corinthian • Wednesday, September 14, 2011 • 1B

Community Events WIN Job Fair The Northeast Mississippi WIN Job Fair is set for Tuesday, Sept. 20 at the Crossroads Arena from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Job seekers will have an array of positions available on the day of the event. Positions include those in education, clerical, administration, housekeeping, nursing, industrial experience and trucking along with many others. A complete list of employers registered for the Job Fair can be found by going to www.jobfairs.ms.gov. Job seekers will also have access to the WIN Job Center bus. The vehicle is equipped with computers that can be used to touch up resumes and search for jobs on the extensive Mississippi Department of Employment Securities Job Bank. For more information about the Job Fair contact case manager/custom service coordinator Amanda Johnson at 662-287-3247. Â

Kids Day The Corinth Boys & Girls Club is planning a day of fun, food and family entertainment at Crossroads Regional Park. Kids Day -- featuring game booths, face-painting, hot dogs and drinks for the kids -is scheduled from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 17. Also, in addition to inflatables, Kids Day will include remote control helicopters and airplanes. Representatives from local emergency and law enforcement agencies will be on hand for fun activities and positive interaction with the young participants. These include DARE, the Corinth Fire Department and Air Evac. For more information about the 2011 Boys & Girls Club Kids Day call 286-2808 or 286-6662. Â

Class reunion The Alcorn Central Class of 1991 will have a reunion Saturday, Sept. 17 at The Turn restaurant in Corinth at 6 p.m. If planning to attend or for

more details, contact Christy Wilson at candc@click1.net or Clay Hughes. Â

Free legal services Free legal services for the public age 60-plus are being offered on Tuesday, Sept. 20, from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Alcorn County Human Resource Agency, 1300 Washington Street, Corinth. Call 1-800-898-8731, ext. 2101 for assistance regarding wills, powers of attorney, living wills, Medicare, Medicaid and nursing home benefits. Sponsors are the Northeast Mississippi Planning & Development District and North Mississippi Rural Legal Services. Â By appointment only. Â

Blood drives United Blood Services is having the following local blood drives: Today — 9 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. and Thursday, Sept. 15 — 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Northeast Mississippi Community College, Claude Wright Room, Booneville; and Friday, Sept. 16 — 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Magnolia Regional Health Center Hospital Conference Room, Corinth. Â

4-H shows 4-H Promotion Day will be held in conjunction with the Alcorn County 4-H Livestock Show Saturday, Sept. 17 at the Alcorn County Extension Service. Club displays and 4-H youth exhibits open to the public at 9 a.m.  Games, prizes, pony rides, inflatables, hotdogs, popcorn and drinks will be available from 10 a.m.12:30 p.m. The 4-H livestock show will begin at 10 a.m. at the Crossroads Arena barn below the Extension office.  These events are open to the public. Youth receive 10 free activity tickets and two free meal tickets at registration and additional tickets may be purchased. The Showdeo 4-H Horse Club will conduct a horse show from 4-6 p.m. inside the Crossroads Arena.  This is a great day to bring

your children for a fun-filled time and introduce them to the many opportunities in 4-H. For more information about 4-H, call the Alcorn County 4-H office at 286-7756. Â

Photographer speaks Shiloh eagle photographer Jay Turner will present his photographs at the Corinth Library auditorium at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 20 at the regular meeting of the Corinth Audubon Study Group. Jay is the primary contributor to the website Shiloheagles.com. Jay started the Shiloheagles.com website in 2009 to answer questions of many visitors who have expressed a desire to know about the history, progress and future of the Shiloh National Military Park eagles. Shiloheagles.com provides a place to learn and be amazed at these eagles, Hiram and Julia. Â

Farm Bureau meets Alcorn County Farm Bureau will hold its annual meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 20 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Mississippi State Extension Office, located directly behind the Crossroads Arena. All Alcorn County Farm Bureau members are invited to attend. Bring a favorite dessert. Â

Bluegrass show The Clay Wagoner Memorial Bluegrass Show is being held Saturday, Sept. 17 beginning at 6 p.m. at The Marty (community center) in Adamsville, Tenn. Performers will include Crossroads Bluegrass, Flatwoods Bluegrass and Heartland Bluegrass. Concessions available, donations taken to pay expenses of the show. Â

Bean-Fest Northeast Mississippi Bluegrass Association’s 6th Annual Bean-Fest is being held Saturday, Sept. 17. There will be free beans with all the fixins’ and music at the Prentiss

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QUINISHA LOGAN, M.D. is a physician specializing in Obstetrics & Gynecology with Magnolia Regional Health Center. She received her medical degree from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis and completed her residency at Meharry Medical College. JASON CESARIO, M.D. is a physician specializing in Obstetrics & Gynecology with Magnolia Regional Health Center. He received his medical degree from St. George’s University and completed his residency at Tulane University in New Orleans. DIANE EVANS, D.O., M.S., is a board certified physician in Obstetrics & Gynecology with Magnolia Regional Health Center. She received her medical degree from the University of Health Sciences in Kansas City, MO, and completed her residency at Sinai Hospital of Baltimore.


County Agri-Center in Booneville. Gates open at 10 a.m. There will also be a cornbread cookin’ contest. Music begins at noon and includes Willie Eubanks & Crossroads Bluegrass, The Spurlock Family, Good Time Grass, Lisa Lambert & The Pine Ridge Boys, Wayne Jerrolds & Savannah Grass and the Smoke House Band. At 5 p.m. will be a supper break with barbecue plates for sell for $5 each. For more information, call Billy Hester at 662-416-4883. Â

Bishop center activities This week’s activities for the week of Sept. 12-916 include: Today — Bible study with Robert Ross of Alcorn M.B. Church; Thursday, Sept. 15 — Registration for health class and Bingo, table games and puzzles; and Friday, Sept. 16 — Grocery shopping at Rogers’ supermarket. Senior citizens age 60 and above are welcome and encouraged to attend. Daily activities include crafts, jigsaw puzzles, quilting, dominoes, Rook, washer games and Rolo Golf. Â

Mission Mississippi Mission Mississippi’s Corinth Gathering will be at Martha’s Menu, 702 Cruise Street in Corinth, Thursday, Sept. 15 at 11:30 a.m. The meeting’s mission focuses on those who are committed to racial and denominational reconciliation. Information: 662-287-5600 or 601-665-5900. Â

Federal employees The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association, Jacinto Chapter 1879 is holding it’s monthly meeting on Thursday, Sept. 15 at 11:30 a.m. at Ryan’s restaurant on Harper Rd. in Corinth. Prentiss County is in charge of the program. Â

Helping Hands St. James Church of God in Christ, Home and Foreign

Mission Center, 1101 Gloster St., Corinth is offering Helping Hands, Inc. Available services include nonperishable baby food, baby diapers and baby accessories. Hours of operation are every Wednesday evening from 6:30-8:30 p.m., and Friday, Sept. 16 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information, call 662-512-8261. Â

Reception held The Alcorn County Retired Education Personnel of Mississippi will meet Monday, Sept. 19 at the Corinth Library at 10 a.m. All new retired personnel from the county and city will be welcomed with a reception. All members are encouraged to attend. Â

Family reunion The Coleman Family Reunion is being held Sunday, Sept. 18 at Chapman’s restaurant at noon. Â

Auditions held Auditions for Corinth TheatreArts’ holiday production of “A Christmas Carol — Scrooge & Marleyâ€? will be Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 19-20 at 6 p.m. at the Crossroads Playhouse, 303 Fulton Dr. in Corinth. There are roles for all ages, no experience necessary. Information: 287-2995. Â

Library Friends Friends of the Iuka Library will have special guest, Dr. Ben Earl Kitchens at it’s Friend’s Lunchbreak on Tuesday, Sept. 20. Dr. Kitchens has an interest in history, folklore, songwriting and backwoods music. He will perform “Round Hyere,� “Life in Tishomingo County� and “Honky Tonking Around Iuka� with bandleader Troy Hendrix. The library will also have copies of the doctor’s two history books, “Gunboats and Cavalry� and “Rosecrans Meets Price� for a book signing. This is also the annual Friends Birthday Party complete with a cake, and lunch is free, beginning at noon.

FREE VALET PARKING As we begin construction on September 9, 2011, MRHC will offer FREE VALET PARKING for patients and visitors. The Valet Service Booth will be located at the main front hospital entrance.

VALET HOURS: Monday-Friday 6:00AM – 5:00PM




2B • Daily Corinthian

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

McClatchy-Tribune News Service

Josey Baker slides loaves of bread into the wood fire oven at Pizzaiolo restaurant in Oakland, Calif. Baker, a 28-year-old former UC Berkeley employee, bakes and sells his bread out of Pizzaiolo as well as at a supermarket in San Francisco and through his blog.

Bread baker blazes a trail BY JENNIFER MODENESSI McClatchy-Tribune News Service

WALNUT CREEK, Calif. — It’s 6:30 a.m., and Josey Baker is carefully monitoring a dozen or so loaves of his handcrafted bread as they burnish to a golden brown inside the wood oven at Oakland, Calif.’s Pizzaiolo restaurant. Baker — who begins his bread-making as early as 4 a.m. one day a week at chef Charlie Hallowell’s acclaimed restaurant — may be the only soul present this quiet summer morning, but he’s definitely not a loner. “I would not be satisfied being a solitary baker,” he says, picking up a long metal paddle and fishing out a batch of crackling loaves from the oven. “I’m not a solitary guy.” In fact, Baker, 28, is a dynamo who loves sharing his passion. He started baking just a year ago, but he’s already built a following of bread-lovers who snap up his imaginatively flavored sourdough loaves at San Francisco’s Bi-Rite Market and Mission Pie bakery and cafe. His highly entertaining blog, joseybakerbread.blogspot.com, chronicles his colorful adventures in baking, such as the recent construction of a DIY clay oven in his backyard. Most notably, though, Baker is reaching bread fans through a grass roots subscription service that takes its cue from community supported agriculture: people can sign up on his blog, buy loaves of bread in advance and pick up their goodies at designated spots in San Francisco and Oakland. In a region teeming with respected artisans (Acme Bread’s Steve Sullivan, Tartine’s Chad Robertson and Outerlands’

Sourdough starter Lots of people think sourdough starters are hard to make or keep alive. Truth is, sourdough starters are hard to kill. Mostly you just leave them alone, mixing in a little flour and water every couple of days. And don’t be scared to tell your starter how much you love it — it’ll thank you. ½ cup whole wheat flour ½ cup cool tap water

McClatchy-Tribune News Service

Josey Baker prepares baskets of bread dough for baking at Pizzaiolo restaurant in Oakland, Calif. Dave Muller, to name a few), Baker is quickly carving out his own niche. “He’s the crazy pied piper of DIY bread-makers,” says Hallowell, who opened his kitchen to Baker after connecting a few months ago. The pair met through a mutual friend and immediately clicked. A self-described bread “traditionalist,” Hallowell says Baker’s levain loaves, which come packed with ingredients such as walnuts and olives, are delicious. They’re so good that he decided to serve them at his restaurant. “I think Josey could be a world class bread-maker if he decided that’s what he wants to be,” Hallowell says. If that happens, it will be the result of Baker’s intuitive skill and dedication to breadmaking. He hasn’t had any intensive apprenticeships, un-

dertaken serious culinary study or approached baking through other traditional routes. Although he’s tapped prominent bakers such as Robertson and Muller, who graciously have shared their knowledge, Baker operates on a combination of raw talent (Hallowell calls it “mojo”) and creative risk-taking. Cinnamon raisin sourdough, a spicy black pepper Parmesan round and bacon pocketbread are just a few intriguing variations he offers. It also doesn’t hurt that he’s pretty much obsessed. It’s been that way since the beginning, when a friend gave Baker a sourdough starter, a batter-like combination of flour and water on which the character and flavor of a finished loaf is based. Armed with a set of scribbled instructions, he made his first loaf and fell in love

with the process. Soon, Baker’s freezer was stuffed. He found himself dragging several hundred pounds of flour to his bedroom in his shared San Francisco flat. He began pushing himself to make as many loaves as possible in his home oven (his peak was 12 at a time) and burned quite a few in the process. Today, he devotes himself to his business (he’s currently the sole employee), loading up his car with vats of dough and hauling them to Pizzaiolo and Mission Pie, where he lovingly bakes about 300 loaves per week. Baker remains humble about his achievements and grounded about what direction he’d like to go. “I love what I’m doing now,” he says. “I’m striving for a good life balance.”

In a yogurt tub, Mason jar or similar quart container, mix the flour and water with a spoon. Exact measurements aren’t important here. You’re trying to make it the consistency of a thick pancake batter, so add a little flour or water if it needs it. Loosely cover the container, and let it sit for about two days at room temperature, 60-70 degrees. After two days, compost most of the starter, leaving just a little bit in the container, maybe a tablespoon. You’re coaxing the population of wild yeast and bacteria into balance, so you have to get rid of the ones that have died valiantly for your cause. (Not to mention the acid and alcohol they produced as waste.) Pour in another ½ cup cool tap water and stir to dissolve. Add ½ cup whole wheat flour and stir well. Ignore it for another two days. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Every couple of days, compost most of the starter, and mix in equal parts whole wheat flour and water. After two weeks, you’ll have a healthy sourdough starter. Now go bake some bread.

Strategies for getting kids to eat meatless meals “It may mean my husband and I have to eat a turnip when we don’t especially like turnips, but it gives our kids that sense of power and control.” Sarah Matheny Author

BY NARA SCHOENBERG McClatchy-Tribune News Service

I’m a former vegetarian myself, so I was at once pleased and horrified when my 7-year-old twins began announcing, off and on, that they no longer wanted to “eat animals.” On the one hand: Good for them. On the other hand: They’re already super-picky eaters and one is (literally) allergic to peas and beans. If they ever actually got serious about the meatless thing, how on earth was I going to get them to eat vegetarian dishes? Whether because of health

concerns, ethics or economics, more and more parents are asking similar questions, said Sarah Matheny, author of “Peas and Thank You, Simple Meatless Meals the Whole Family Will Love.” Matheny, who transitioned her husband and two young children to a vegetarian diet, offered her favorite strategies for introducing vegetarian dishes, among them: Consult with the kids. “Kids, I think, have a sense of adventure, and if you get them involved in the process, it goes over a lot better,” Matheny says. In her family, the kids get to pick out a new veg-

etable every week at the grocery. “It may mean my husband and I have to eat a turnip when we don’t especially like turnips, but it gives our kids that sense of power and control,” she says. Launch build-your-own-pizza night: Set out colorful little bowls of red peppers, mushrooms and spinach, and let the little ones choose their toppings. ■ Get visual: Find a meatless cookbook with colorful photos, and ask your kids which dishes they want to make. ■ Stay with the familiar: Matheny recommends making meatless versions of foods your kids already love: black bean

burgers, tofu nuggets, lentil meatballs. ■ Try a light touch: “You don’t need to announce your lofty goals” to your kids, Matheny points out. A simple “I’ve got this new recipe — let’s try this tonight” is likely to go over better than, “We’re going vegetarian. Here’s a meal without meat and you’re going to eat it and you’re going to like it.” ■ Pace counts: Move slowly, particularly if your family isn’t doing a lot of healthy eating already. “If you go — excuse the pun — cold turkey on everyone, they’re going to resist,” Matheny says.


3B • Daily Corinthian

Careful division lets perennials thrive Y o u don’t have to be a gardener for long before you come Gary R. across a situation Bachman that calls Southern for some Gardening garden “surgery� called division. Division is cutting the plant into smaller pieces and replanting. You see the need for division when you notice a perennial plant no longer looking good. Maybe it hasn’t been flowering prolifically, the leaves are getting smaller or the center is opening up. You decide to divide the plant to remedy the situation. Dividing perennial plants is a great way to rejuvenate some of our ornamental garden treasures. Dig the entire perennial out of the ground to minimize damage and allow you to make more divisions. Identify the growing points, sometimes referred to as eyes. You may have to use your fingers to feel for the spots where the division cuts are to be made.

Photo by Gary Bachman

A sharp shovel can be used to divide some perennials, such as this daylily clump being split in half. It is easiest to cut the perennial in half and continue to half the pieces if you want more new plants. For the greatest success, be sure all divisions have a growing point and attached roots. Remember, the smaller the divided plant, the longer it will take to re-establish. If you want your plants to get re-established quickly, limit the number of divisions you take from each plant clump. When replanting, prune off about half of the foliage. This reduces water loss as the roots begin to regenerate. Plant the crown at the same level it was growing in the ground on the original plant. Arrange the pieces in a random fashion so

they don’t all grow in the same direction. While most perennials can be divided any time of the year, typically home gardeners have the greatest success in the fall. The weather is moderating and for a while, the soil is warmer than the air. Warm soil promotes more root growth as the plant re-establishes itself. Whenever you choose to divide your perennials, be sure to save a few to give to your neighbors. This is a great way to make new friends, and you can always visit your plants in future years in their gardens. You do not need special tools for dividing plants, but the tools you use must

be sharp. All you need to get started is a garden spade and fork, a serrated knife, such as an old bread knife, and maybe a small, pointed saw. Some perennials don’t even require tools but can simply be pulled apart by hand and replanted. Common garden perennials that like to be divided by hand include the common yarrow, blanket flower, Coral Bells and Moss Pinks or thrift. Divide caladium and canna lilies with a serrated kitchen knife. Certain common perennials require a little more effort and larger tools to divide them in the fall. These include purple coneflowers, daylilies, hostas, fountain grass and Black-eyed Susans. While some plants are perfect for dividing and sharing, others are not suited for this. Even if they are growing in your garden, buy new specimens rather than try to divide common lavender, Russian sage or rosemary. (Dr. Gary Bachman is an assistant Extension research professor of horticulture at the Coastal Research and Extension Center in Biloxi.)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Alcorn student receives Piedmont academic honor Special to the Daily Corinthian

Corey Brett Grantham of Corinth was named a Dean’s Scholar at Piedmont College after completing the recent spring semester with a perfect 4.0 grade-point average. Piedmont College is an independent liberal arts

college of about 2,700 students with campuses located in Demorest and Athens, Ga. Founded in 1897, the college offers undergraduate degrees in 32 major areas, master’s degrees in education and business, and a doctorate degree in education.

Locals graduate from NorthwestShoals Community College Special to the Daily Corinthian

Northwest-Shoals Community College Commencement Ceremonies for the 20102011 academic year were held May 7. Local graduates from North-

west-Shoals and the degree they received included Sara Marie Knight, Associate in Science and Tyler Wayne Peters, Associate in Applied Science, both of Corinth.

BANKRUPTCY A Fresh Start...Not Failure

We Are Here To Help! Chapter 13 attorney fees are paid through the bankruptcy plan. and Initial ďŹ ling fees begin at just $335 to get started. Chapter 7 fees total just $800

Wife in sex tape is unaware of her starring role

Abigail Van Buren Dear Abby

DEAR ABBY: My wife and I have been married for 10 years, and it is a wonderful marriage. We love each other very much, never argue and get along great. We have a 2-year-old child. Recently I found a “sex tape� online of my wife with the guy she dated before me. This video was taken without her knowledge and is from 13 years ago, Because of this, I am

not upset about it. My question is, should I bring this to her attention, and if so, how? I feel she needs to know it’s out there. Please help. — IT’S PRIVATE DEAR IT’S PRIVATE: Although there are no sex tapes of me floating around, I can tell you from a woman’s perspective that if there was one (and the lighting was unflattering), I’d be furious. Your

wife has a right to know, so don’t keep her in the dark. P.S. How did you come across that video? I’m sure she will be interested to know. (Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.)

(includes ďŹ ling fees, preďŹ ling credit counseling, and post ďŹ ling debetor’s education counseling.)

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Listing of these previously mentioned areas of practice does not indicate any certiďŹ cation of expertise therein. Background information available upon request.

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Daily Corinthian • Wednesday, September 14, 2011 • 3B




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7 PM


8 PM


9 PM


The Middle The Middle Modern Modern Primetime Nightline Family Family Survivor: South Pacific The contes- Big Brother The winner is revealed. tants begin competing. (N) (L) That’s Cool In the Kitchen with David Survivor: South Pacific The contes- Big Brother The winner is revealed. tants begin competing. (N) (L) America’s Got Talent The winner is revealed; Up All Free Jackie Evancho. (N) (L) Night (N) Agents H8R (N) America’s Next Top CW30 News (N) Model “Nicki Minaj” The Middle The Middle Modern Modern Primetime Nightline Family Family America’s Got Talent The winner is revealed; Up All Free Jackie Evancho. (N) (L) Night (N) Agents Nature “Clever Monkeys” NOVA IBM supercomNova scienceNOW puter. Old Chris- Old Chris- How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine (N) tine tine Nature “Clever Monkeys” NOVA IBM supercomNova scienceNOW puter. Buried Treasure (N) Buried Treasure Fox 13 News--9PM (N) Without a Trace H8R (N)

Without a Trace America’s Next Top Model “Nicki Minaj” } Book } ››› Throw Momma From the of El Train Danny DeVito. Inside the NFL (N) (6:30) } › Next Day Air (09) Boardwalk } ››› Megamind (10, Action) Em. Voices of Will Ferrell. (6:30) Teen Mom True Life (6:00) MLB Baseball: Cleveland Indians at Texas Rangers. (N) (Live) Deadliest Warrior Deadliest Warrior (N)

SEPTEMBER 14, 2011

10 PM


11 PM


ABC 24 (:35) Night- Two and Name Is News line Half Men Earl News Ch. 3 Late Show With David Late Letterman Bose Sound For the Bedroom News Late Show With David Late Letterman News The Tonight Show With Late Night Jay Leno (N) Family Sanford & Andy The JefFeud (N) Son Griffith fersons News (:35) Night- Jimmy Kimmel Live (N) line News (N) The Tonight Show With Late Night Jay Leno (N) Keeping Up Summer Tavis Nightly Wine Smiley Business Scrubs Scrubs South Park South Park Tavis Charlie Rose (N) Smiley Fox 13 TMZ (N) Cosby News Show Criminal Minds Monk Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends

World News Family Guy


Lynn Johnston

Criminal Minds PIX News at Ten Jodi Friends Applegate. (N) } ›› Due Date (10) Robert Downey Chemistry Skin to the (:45) LinMax gerie Jr., Zach Galifianakis. Inside NAS- Weeds Inside the NFL Inside NAS- Kiss and CAR CAR Tail True Blood “And When May} ›› It’s Complicated (09) Meryl I Die” weather Streep, Steve Martin. } ›› Get Rich or Die Tryin’ (05, Crime Drama) Get Rich MLB Baseball: Teams TBA. (N) (Live)

Deadliest Warrior Predator versus Deadliest Warrior Deadliest killers. (N) (L) Warrior Necessary Roughness Burn Notice “Dead to NCIS Tony goes under “Goal Line” Rights” cover. Lopez Lopez Friends Friends 70s 70s Lopez Lopez Sons of Guns (N) Swamp Swamp Sons of Guns Swamp Swamp Brothers Brothers Brothers Brothers Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Wars “Unlocked: Storage Storage Storage Wars Wars Wars Wars Wars (N) Sell High” Wars Wars Wars (6:00) College Football: Alabama-Birmingham at SEC Gridiron Live (N) Football Jay Glazer UEFA Champions Florida. (Live) Preview League Soccer } ››› American Gangster (07) Denzel Washington. Aaliyah- Million Wendy Williams Income Income Property Brothers Property Brothers House Hunters Property Brothers Property Property “Monica & Kevin” Hunters Int’l “Monica & Kevin” Sex-City Sex-City E! Special (N) E! Investigates (N) Chelsea E! News Chelsea American Pickers Scammed (N) Brad Meltzer’s Decoded (:01) American Pickers NCIS “Corporal Punishment” My Wife My Wife Sons of Guns

Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman

NCIS “About Face”

World, Poker World, Poker World, Poker SportsCenter (N) Baseball Tonight Know-Preg- Know-Preg- Kate Plus 8 “The Finale” Toddlers & Tiaras (N) Kate Plus 8 “The Finale” Toddlers & Tiaras nant nant Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant: ImposThe Great Food Truck Restaurant: Impossible “Sweet Tea” “Mamma D’s” sible (N) Race “Mamma D’s” The Waltons The Waltons Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp Dance Moms Abby plays Dance Moms Dance Moms (N) Roseanne’s Roseanne’s Dance Moms Abby plays cupid. cupid. Behind David J. Minis Your Day Praise the Lord Easter Duplantis Breaking } ›› Rocky IV Vengeful boxer Rocky Balboa } ›› Rocky V (90) Sylvester Stallone. The former champ Bad faces a deadly Soviet fighter. agrees to train a rising young fighter. Melissa & Melissa & } ››› My Fake Fiancé (09) Melissa Joan Hart, The 700 Club (N) Whose Whose Joey Joey Line? Line? Joey Lawrence. } ›› The Story of (:15) } ›› The Mating Season (51, Comedy) } ›› Thank Your Lucky Stars (43, Musical) EdTemple Drake Gene Tierney, John Lund. die Cantor, Dennis Morgan. The Mentalist “His Right The Mentalist } ››› Exiled: A Law & Order Movie (98) Chris CSI: NY Red Hand” Noth, Benjamin Bratt. Meet the Meet the House of House of House of House of Conan (N) The Office The Office Browns Browns Payne Payne Payne Payne Be a Millionaire Deal or No Deal FamFeud FamFeud Newly Baggage Drew FamFeud Dude Destroy King-Hill King-Hill American American Fam Guy Fam Guy Chicken Aqua M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Raymond Raymond Divorced Retired Nanny Nanny Nanny Nanny Dumbest Dumbest My Ride My Ride The Car Show (N) Dumbest Dumbest My Ride My Ride } › What Happens in Vegas (08) Cameron Diaz, } › Miss March A young man sees his high} › Miss March (09) Ashton Kutcher. school sweetheart in Playboy. Zach Cregger. Gun Nuts Shooting USA Impossi Rifleman Stories Shooting Gun Nuts Shooting USA (6:00) } Wildcats } ›› Wildcats (86) Goldie Hawn. Talk Bull Riding Most Valuable Players (10) Rita Cortez. Primetime on OWN Most Valuable Players (10) Rita Cortez. The O’Reilly Factor Hannity (N) Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor Hannity Rat Busters NYC Confessions Confessions Confessions Confessions Little House on the Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Golden Golden Prairie Girls Girls Phineas The Suite Life Movie (11) Dylan So RanPhineas WizardsWizardsWizardsWizardsand Ferb Sprouse, Cole Sprouse. dom! and Ferb Place Place Place Place Ghost Hunters “Touched Ghost Hunters Paranormal Witness (N) Ghost Hunters Paranormal Witness by Evil”



Mike Peters

Dean Young & Stan Drake

Horoscopes Wednesday, Sept. 14 By Holiday Mathis


Fred Lasswell

Creators Syndicate

ARIES (March 21-April 19). You appreciate your position a lot better after spending time with someone who is not nearly as fortunate as you. It’s sometimes difficult to see what you have until you look through another person’s eyes. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You have a clear idea of what your future will look like. You will take pleasure and pride in the fact that things seem to be shaping up right before your eyes. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Your rational side will overpower your emotional side for now. In the end, though, emotions always win. If you temporarily bottle them up, just be sure to circle back and let them out when it’s appropriate. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You feel things deeply -- sometimes too deeply for your own good. You can quietly breathe through strong feelings, though, and soon the emotions become manageable. Ultimately, they will fuel you instead of drain you. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You can’t help but bring your special “youness” to everything you do. Just being around you is healing for someone. Your laughter chases the blues away. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). It’s always reassuring when you feel that people like you for who you are. But you are also wise to realize that “who you are” includes what you are able to do for the people in question. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). It’s not your job to prop up everyone around you, and yet it comes naturally to you. You’re accustomed to having others lean on you. Caution: Whatever you do now will set a precedent for the future. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). A new activity will renew your vigor. Because you’re not sure what to expect from this experience, your senses will be on high alert, ready to receive and react to the slightest input. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You have made appointments you’d like to keep. Being on time requires that you resist the impulse to do “just one more thing” before the imaginary buzzer goes off. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Getting stressful work out of the way will be key. You’ll either do it now or decide to do it “never” -- both ways will eliminate the problem. Tonight, you’ll be a happy, peaceful version of yourself. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’ll get closure on an emotional burden. This might be achieved by pouring your heart into a letter. You don’t even have to send it to get the full benefit of the exercise. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Conserve energy. Your brain is doing subconscious and creative work, and a slower pace allows it to happen unimpeded. Also, get to bed at a decent hour to set yourself up for big success tomorrow.




Rick Kirkman & Jerry Scott

Jim Davis

Chris Browne

Today in History 1814 - Francis Scott Key composed the lyrics to The Star Spangled Banner. 1901 - President McKinley died of gunshot wounds inflicted by an assassin. Vice President Theodore Roosevelt succeeded him. 1959 - The Soviet space probe Luna 2 became the first man-made object to reach the Moon when it crashed onto the lunar surface. 1982 - Princess Grace of Monaco died from injuries sustained in a car crash the previous day.


Mort Walker

CLASSIFIEDS Daily Corinthian • Wednesday, September 14, 2011 • 5B



In The Daily Corinthian And The Reporter

RUN YOUR AD FOR ONLY $200 A MONTH ON THIS PAGE (Daily Corinthian Only 165) $




WAMSLEY Hauling &



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Two like new homes in the Alcorn Central School District! 341 CR 306 3 BR, 2 BA, 2.050 sq. ft., $134,900 3 CR 329 B 3 BR, 2 BA, 1600 sq. ft., 24x36 shop. $149,900 For more information call Bailey Williams Realty at 662-286-2255 or visit www.corinthhomes.com




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Come check out our downtown location on Cass Street!!! One bedroom one bath apartments with furnished kitchens, private balconies and hardwood floors. Coin operated laundry on site. Its definitely an apartment that you will be able to call HOME!! To view our apartments and find out about great rental deals going on right now, call April at

3110 heated sq. ft., 3 BR, 3 full BA w/4th full bath in garage. Newly remodeled master bath, laundry room, gas fireplace w/built-ins, 24x24 metal shop w/roll-up door & 24x14 side shed. All appliances included. On 2 acres. In Kossuth School district. By appt. $225,000. 662-415-5973 or 662-587-0055

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Office space downtown at The Belhaven. Approx. 2000 sq. ft. Furnished reception area, 1 executive office, 2 other offices, conference room. Lease includes utilities.

For more info call



287-6147 To place your ad in THE DAILY CORINTHIAN & THE REPORTER

6B • Wednesday, September 14, 2011 • Daily Corinthian

The Daily Corinthian Net Edition is now better than ever! Updated nightly with local news, sports and obituaries.



801 FORD TRACTOR W/ BOX BLADE & BUSHHOG $4200 FIRM 662-415-0858


Exc. cond. inside & out. Mechanically sound cond. Leather seats, only 98,000 mi reg.

$7500 731-934-4434


’09 Hyundai Accent

2nd owner, 4 cyl., under 30,000 mi., 36 mpg, looking for payoff.




$17,000 286-6702


Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!

CONVERTIBLE, like new, asking

$8,000 OR WILL TRADE for Dodge reg. size nice pickup.


Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!


1980 25’ Bayliner Sunbridge Cabin Cruiser A/C, frig., microwave, sink, commode, full bed midship & full bed forward in V berth, inboard/outboard, 228 HP V8 gas engine, fiberglass hull, 25’ EZ loader trailer w/dual axles & hydraulic brakes, needs minor repair.

$3500 obo 286-1717



75,000 miles, 4 cy, auto, CD/MP3 player, great gas mileage.

$5,350. 662-665-1995 Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!


v-6 eng., under 72k miles, burgundy, keyless entry, remote start, manual lumbar, auto. headlamp sys., sunroof, anti lock brakes, traction control sys., in exc. cond., sell price



2 dr. hardtop (bubble top), sound body, runs.


Days only, 662-415-3408.

2010 BUICK LUCERNE CXL Loaded, 20,000 miles, burgundy,


662-603-1290 or 662-603-3215

2006 NISSAN MAXIMA black, CD player, A/C, gray int., 150,000 miles, loaded.


662-808-1978 or 662-643-3600

2004 Z71 TAHOE Leather, third row seating, 151k miles,


obo. 662-415-2529

Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today! Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!


Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!

Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!

1999 CHEROKEE SPORT 4X4, 6 cyl., all works good except for A/C

Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!

Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!

Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!


Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD! Here’s How It Works: Your ad will be composed 1 column wide and 2 inches deep. The ad will run each day in the Daily Corinthian until your vehicle sells. Ad must include photo, description, and price. You provide the photo. Certain restrictions apply. 1. No dealers. 2. Non-commercial only 3. Must pay in advance. No exceptions. 4. Single item only. 5. Categories included are auto, motorcycle, tractor. boat, RV and ATV 6. After every 30 DAYS, advertised price of listing needs to be reduced. 7. NO REFUNDS for any reason 8. NON-TRANSFERABLE. Call 287-6147 to place your ad!




2006 GMC YUKON Exc. cond. inside & out, 106k miles, 3rd row seat, garage kept, front & rear A/C,tow pkg., loaded

1991 Ford Econoline Van, 48,000 miles, good cond., one owner, serious interest. $7000. 287-5206.

2008 Jayco Eagle 5th Wheel 38’, 4 slides, exc. cond., $28,000 firm. Trailer located in Counce, TN. 425-503-5467


Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!

black, quadra steer (4-wheel steering), LT, 80k miles, loaded, leather, tow package, ext. cab.

2005 MERCURY MOUNTAINEER 83,000 mi., leather interior, 3rd row seating, asking


Info call 731-610-6879 or 731-610-6883


26’ Dutchmen Aristocrat Extra clean, $4,200.

2001 F150 $6,000.

731-645-2158 (C) 731-645-6872

$13,000 OBO. 662-415-9007.

2000 DODGE RAM 1500 EXT. CAB

’96 Winnebago

$3,950 662-396-1248 or 662-415-8027

$17,000. 287-8937 or 415-7265

2-dr., one owner, 135,000 miles, runs great, looks good, black & silver, new tires, new battery

gas, 2 TVs, 3 beds, stereo(3), A/C, stove, frig., couch, recliner, 52,000 miles.


Extra clean. $4,200.


$6,000. 731-645-2158 or 731-645-6872


$4000. 662-665-1143.

2008 GMC Yukon Denali XL

2007 DODGE RAM 4X4 HEMI, black, gray



Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!

1996 Ford F-150

2005 RED DODGE 1500 RAM


170,000 mi., reg. cab, red & white (2-tone).

loaded with all options, too many to list, 108,000 miles, asking

$2500 obo



$25,900 firm.

leather int., 78k miles



Hemi-V8 w/ matching Leer topper, 46k miles, leather interior, PDL, PW, CD, Cruise.TN rebuilt title

$7,800 o.b.o. Info. Call: 731-645-4928 OR 731-610-5086.


30 ft., with slide out & built-in TV antenna, 2 TV’s, 7400 miles.

$75,000. 662-287-7734


2007 Franklin pull camper, 36’, lots of space, 2 A/C units, 2 slide outs, 2 doors, shower & tub, 20’ awning, full kitchen, W&D, $13,000.

662-415-7063 662-415-8549


exc. cond., dealership maintained.


662-462-7158 home or 731-607-6699 cell

2003 YAMAHA V-STAR CLASSIC looks & rides real good!


2005 Honda Shadow Spirit 750

8,400 miles with LOTS of chrome and extras

$3,500 OBO Call Jonathan at


very clean and lots of extras,


. Call 662-315-6261 for more info.

2-DR., $2000

White, used for 12-15 hrs., bought brand new



Call 662-423-6872 or 662-660-3433

2006 YAMAHA FZI 3k miles, adult owned, corbin seat, selling due to health reasons, original owner.

2001 HONDA REBEL 250



$5200 286-6103

Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!




For Sale:

‘04 Kawasaki Vulcan Classic 1500 8,900 miles, 45 m.p.g. Red & Black

$5,500 Call: 662-423-5257 after 5:00 pm


2007 Yamaha R6 6,734 Miles


’04 HONDA SHADOW 750 $


662-287-2891 662-603-4407


VW TRIKE $4,000 VET TRIKE $6,000

All for Sale OBO

Call 662-808-2474, 662-415-2788 or 662-284-0923 REDUCED


2009 YAMAHA 250YZF



462-3707 2005 NISSAN QUEST charcoal gray, 103k miles, seats 7, $10,000 OBO 662-603-5964

'97 HONDA GOLD WING, 1500 6 cylinder miles, 3003 Voyager kit. 662-287-8949




3010 Model #KAF650E, 1854 hrs., bench seat, tilt bed, 4 WD & windshield, well maintained. Great for farm or hunting. $6500.

731-212-9659 731-212-9661.


Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!


2000 Custom Harley Davidson Mtr. & Trans., New Tires, Must See

$10,500 $12,000

662-415-8623 or 287-8894

2006 YAMAHA 650 V-STAR CUSTOM Blue/silver, 2000 miles, like new, lots of chrome, garage kept,

2003 Honda 300 EX 2007 black plastics & after market parts.

(will trade).

$2,500 462-5379

2009 Hyundai Accent


$3,500 o.b.o. 662-808-8808

Looking for payoff. 2nd owner, 4 cyl, under 30,000 mi, 36 mpg.

(731) 610-7241

Screaming Eagle exhaust, only 7K miles, like new,



Daily Corinthian • Wednesday, September 14, 2011 • 7B

0107 Special Notice


0121 Card of Thanks

Thank You

0208 Sales AVON NEED extra Income? 662-643-5818 or 665-9796

CAUTION! ADVERTISEMENTS in this classification usually offer informational service of products designed to help FIND employment. Before you send money to any advertiser, it is your responsibility to verify the validity of the offer. Remember: If an ad appears to sound “too good to be true�, then it may be! Inquiries can be made by contacting the Better Business Bureau at 1-800-987-8280.

0320 Cats/Dogs/Pets

Sporting 0527 Goods

ENGLISH BULLDOG PUPPIES , AKC registered, shots & wormed, m & f. $1,200. 731-239-9840 or 731-439-0119.

(2) WEIGHT bars w/ (2) 25 lbs dumbbells, $50. FOR SALE: Size 8 white flower girls dress. 662-287-5118. Dress worn one time in 1 SHAKE weight. New! wedding. $60. 462-4229 $10. 287-5118. b/f 9 pm.

BRAND NEW ab rocket still in the box. Box is dinged up but has never been out of the $30. Call MINI-AUSSIE'S, ASDR reg, box. fam. raised, parents on 731-659-1075. site, 1 blck tri ml, 1 sm. R E M I N G T O N MODEL red bi fm, 1 red merle 1100-12 gauge, auto., fm, $200-$400. 603-1151. modified 28" vin. ribbed

Dyer, TN Hiring Drivers

Late Model Equipment Lots of Miles

(Deadline is 3 p.m. Mon.-Fri. before ad is to run!)

Health, Vision, Life, Dental Vacation, Holidays, 401K, Direct Deposit

5 LINES (Apprx. 20 Words) $19.10

Jerry Barber 800-826-9460 Ext. 5 Anytime to apply by phone www.johnrreed.net To apply online

ALL ADS MUST BE PREPAID We accept credit or debit cards Call Classified

0180 Instruction

WORK ON JET ENGINES Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance, 866-455-4317.



FREE ADVERTISING. Advertise any item valued at $500 or less for free. The ads must be for private party or personal merchandise and will exclude pets & pet supplies, livestock (incl. chickens, ducks, cattle, goats, etc), garage sales, hay, firewood, & automobiles . To take advantage of this program, readers should simply email their ad to: freeads@dailycorinthian.com or mail the ad to Free Ads, P.O. Box 1800, Corinth, MS 38835. Please include your address for our records. Each ad may include only one item, the item must be priced in the ad and the price must be $500 or less. Ads may be up to approximately 20 words including the phone number and will run for five days.

Misc. Items for 0563 Sale (2) BLACK TV stands. 28 1/2" L, 19" W, 19" H. 1 w/ glass door. FREE to anyone who can use them! 287-5118. 1/2 KT diamond, 14KT yellow gold wedding/anniversary band, appraised @ $600, asking $400 firm. 662-808-5431. SUMMIT STAIR-LIFT chair, you must uninstall, $200. 662-212-3953.


Unfurnished 0610 Apartments

CARD OF THANKS The family of

Shane Strickland wish to thank the friends & relatives for cards, food, visits, support, prayers & kindness during the passing of our loved one. Thanks to McMillan Funeral Home for all your help & care. Also, thanks to all his military family for loving him & supporting us. The Shane Strickland family Unfurnished 0610 Apartments

Homes for 0620 Rent

2 BR apt. for rent. CORINTH SCHOOL DIST., 462-7641 or 293-0083. close to hospital, 2 BR, 1 FOR RENT: 2BR, 1BA, BA, W/D hookups, $300 stove/refrig/water furn, + dep. 287-6752.

W&D hookups, Central Mobile Homes 2 BR, 1 BA, all appl. furn., Sch. Rd. $400 mo., $400 0675 for Rent gas & water incl. $650 dep. 662-808-1144 or 808-1694. mo. 287-1903. 1 BR duplex apt & 3 BR trailer. Strickland Com. CANE CREEK Apts., Hwy Homes for 286-2099 or 808-2474. 72W & CR 735, 2 BR, 1 BA, 0620


stove & refrig., W&D KOSSUTH SCHOOL DIST. 3 hookup, Kossuth & City 2 BR, 1 BA, $335 mo. + BR, 2 BA, laundry rm., 1424 Foote. Sch. Dist. $400 mo. d e p . $400 + dep; 2 BR, 1 1/2 287-6141 or 603-3891. 287-0105. BA, W/D hookup, $300 + MAGNOLIA APTS. 2 BR, 3 BR, 2 BA, Central Cove, dep; (2) 2 BR, 1 BA, wastove, refrig., water. $500 mo., $250 dep. ter incl., $300 + dep. 287-8935 or 808-8935. 287-6752. $365. 286-2256.

Misc. Items for 0563 Sale

GE SUPER CAPACITY CRAFT ITEMS such as cewasher, like new, $175. ramics, flower arrangements & baskets, $150 662-512-8659. obo for all. 287-1035.

0518 Electronics CRAFTSMAN 1 / 2 hp sump pump, tethered (1) APEX DVD player w/ on/off float switch, remote. $20. 287-5118. stainless steel. $60. Call (1) MAGNAVOX DVD 731-659-1075. player w/ remote, $20. 287-5118. FOR SALE: 4-place setting with 5 pcs. each of (2) RF modulators w/ Noritake Stoneleigh cables. $10 each. china, asking $50. Call 287-5118. 462-4229 b/f 9 pm. 150 WATT Peavy Escort portable sound system, FOR SALE: 4x8 utility g r e a t f o r p a r t i e s , trailer with sides, $200 dances or any outdoor firm. 662-396-4092, leave events. Speaker stands message. included. $350. 662-415-4837. FOR SALE: Easy Flo High Back child booster car Lawn & Garden seat. $30 OBO. Cal 462-4229 b/f 9 pm. 0521

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stove top & vent-a-hood, white, $55.00 obo. 287-1035.


(Does not include commercial business sales)

0533 Furniture

SOLID OAK (light color finish) open gun case with lock, wall mount. FOR SALE: Solid Oak Din- Holds 5 rifles or shoting Table w/ 6 chairs guns. $400. 284-8292 or and table leaf. $400, call 212-3300. 462-4229 b/f 9 pm. TWIN BED w/brass Household headboard, complete 0509 Goods w/all bedding, $25. 662-212-3953. 1500 W A T T utility heater, durable, all Wanted to metal housing. New in 0554 Rent/Buy/Trade box. $25. Call 731-659-1075. M&M. CASH for junk cars & trucks. We pick up. FOR SALE: Holmes Radi662-415-5435 or ant Heater, new in box, 731-239-4114. 1500 watts, with tip over protection. $25. WANTED: 1+ KT. loose Call 731-659-1075. diamond of good qualFRIGIDAIRE WALL oven, ity. 287-9441.

Dry Van - $0.35 Flatbed - $0.36 Reefer - $0.36 Flatbed & Reefer $0.365 Available Incentive $0.035

ANY 3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS Ad must run prior to or day of sale!

SOLOFLEX WEIGHT lifting machine w/weight straps, leg extension, and butterfly, $200 obo. 662-287-5118.

0503 Auction Sales

Increased Pay Scale


barrel, 2 3/4" shells, $500. 662-284-8292 or 662-212-3300.

(2) MATCHING green re0450 Livestock cliners, $60 for both. 18 DOVES w/2 cages, 662-665-5198. $550. 287-9629. CLAYTON MARCUS sofa, exc. cond., $200. MERCHANDISE 284-0102.


THUR/FRI. 2078 S. Tate (S of Welc. Ctr) Wm 12, jr grls-sm. 3-6), boy/grl 7-8, furn, seas./hm dec, Barbie jeep, big whlr.

Misc. Items for 0563 Sale

FOR SALE: rottweiler puppy, 7 mths, AKC reg, female, $150. 731-439-2105.

sters, etc.

ESTATE SALE. Home of Ed Archer, 1530 Waldron St. Starting Tues., 9/13, 10-5 daily. 662-212-3953.

John Kennedy & family would like to thank Tom Rogers & friends for the birthday party at Martha’s Menu & thanks for the gifts & taking time out of your day. It meant the world to John and is greatly appreciated.

Chastity, Nicole, Marita, Bobby Dale & Timmy

FOUND: SMALL DOG, appx. 6 lbs., orange-tan color, CR 2 1 6 . HIRING IMMEDIATELY: 662-415-6262. National Companies need employees to asGarage/Estate semble products at 0151 Sales home. for pay. No selling. $500 weekly poten"WHALE" OF a Sale. 3114 tial. Info. 1-985-646-1700 ONLY 3 KITTENS LEFT. N. Hills Dr. (by lakes). DEPT. MS-3653. FREE TO GOOD HOME. Sat., 7-2. Yard furn., 10 Black/gray striped tables full & lots more. Maine Coon. 6 wks. old. 1 is bob-tail. Call 1ST TIME SALE, RAN LAST 0244 Trucking 662-415-6954 or WEEK IN ERROR! Fri & 662-415-4893. A A A S E P T I C , truck Sat: 1712 Pinecrest, clths, bikes, mtrcycle driver, PT, may turn into CDL required. FARM jackets, helmet, boots, F T , 03 Ford Ranger, hamp- 662-286-6100.

0121 Card of Thanks


The family of Terry Fulks would like to thank everyone who provided flowers, prayers, and support during this difficult time. Your expressions of kindness are genuinely appreciated. We would also like to extend a special thanks to Magnolia Funeral Home.

0232 General Help

0149 Found

0121 Card of Thanks



FOR SALE OR TRADE: Kubota diesel G3200 garden tractor-mower, water cooled, 44" cut, $1050. 286-3429.

0320 Cats/Dogs/Pets BLUE EYED seal color kitten, $30; Other kittens free. 286-9432 or 603-9082.

FOR SALE: Large Steel work table 42" wide, 37" high, 144" long, top of base-52" with turn up; 2 roll up doors-62" wide; $500. Call 662-284-8292.

WORX BLOWER/VAC/MULCHER FOR SALE: potty chair or with bag. New! $35. over the toilet commode chair. $30. Call 287-5118. 462-4229 before 9 pm.


0610 Unfurnished Apartments

0610 Unfurnished Apartments



Office: 662-396-4468


Office: 662-396-4468

Hours: Monday 8am - 4:30pm Wednesday 1pm - 4:30pm Friday 8am - 4:30pm

Hours: Monday 8am - 4:30pm Wednesday 1pm - 4:30pm Friday 8am - 4:30pm



Corinth, MS

Corinth, MS


In accordance with Federal law and USDA policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.





In accordance with Federal law and USDA policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.



General Help

" ! # ! # $


2005 Hyundai Sonata White, Moonroof, Loaded $5800. 2008 Trailblazer LS 4 x 4. Fully Loaded $9500. 2006 Suzuki Grand Vitara 60k, V6 $8950. See Gene Sanders d

Corinth Motor Sales

108 Cardinal Drive just East of Caterpillar - Corinth, MS 662-287-2254 or 665-2462 or 415-6485

41 Henson Road

Corinthian, Inc. is currently accepting applications/resumes for the position of:

Accounts Receivable / Payable Clerk Candidates for this position should possess:

• A high school diploma or equivalent • 2 to 3 years of documented/veriďŹ able related work experience • ProďŹ ciency in Word, Excel and some knowledge of QuickBooks If you meet the minimum qualification listed above and are interested in applying, you may apply: In person at Corinthian, Inc. Office of Human Resources between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday OR Mail your resume using the address above to the attention of HR Manager. Resumes must be postmarked by 09/16/11. OR Fax to 662-287-9184 Our company offers competitive pay and excellent beneďŹ ts.

NO PHONE INQUIRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED This employer participates in E-Verify and Requires a pre-employment drug screen EOE

8B • Wednesday, September 14, 2011 • Daily Corinthian REAL ESTATE FOR SALE

Homes for 0710 Sale HUD PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. State laws forbid discrimination in the sale, rental, or advertising of real estate based on factors in addition to those protected under federal law. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.



Homes for 0710 Sale

Commercial/ 0754 Office

GREAT LOCATION! 4200+ 3 LG. BR's, 2 BA, den, sq. ft. bldg. for rent, kitchen, eat-in combo, near hospital. 287-6752. LR, $89,500. 286-5116. 3 BR, 1 1/2 BA, Woodridge Subd., $69,900. 662-287-4848. 4 BR, 2 FULL BA brick, HW floors, 2 levels, extremely well built, CHA, 1530 Waldron St. $85,000. 703-625-3175.


0860 Vans for Sale '10 WHITE 15-pass. van, 3 to choose from. 1-800-898-0290 or 728-5381.

LOTS FOR SALE on Shiloh Rd. in city. Starting at $19,995. 731-689-5522.

Giving Savings Bonds can make a difference in someone’s future.

Mobile Homes 0741 for Sale 4 BR, 2 BA home $41,500 Only At Clayton Supercenter Corinth, MS 662-287-4600

Manufactured 0747 Homes for Sale


Here are a few items! Unfinished Raised Panel MDF Kitchen Cabinets - 20% off regular prices!

Example: 60” Starter Set: Consisting of 60” Sink Base, 2-15” wall cabinets and 1-30” x 15” wall


1990 CHEVY 1500 Silverado truck, 4x4, $2000 firm. 662-415-0858.

0868 Cars for Sale

'08 CHEVY HHR LT, ltr, moon roof, 33k, $11,900. 1-800-898-0290 or 728-5381.



Sealed bids will be received in the office of the Corinth School District, 1204 North Harper Road, Corinth, Mississippi 38834, until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 6, 2011, for: Corinth School District Field House Renovations and Additions and Visitors’ Concession Stand Corinth, Mississippi Pryor & Morrow Project Number: 2011510

Wicker Patio Furniture

#2 Counter Top ............................ 2.99 foot Starting at $77.95 Gingerbread Trim.......................$3.99 each Galley Rail ....................................$3.99 each Assorted Discontinued Cabinet Handles and Knobs .................... .10 each Finished Oak Bathroom Vanities with Granite Tops ..................................... 15% off Regular prices 25 x 19 Maple Veneer Bathroom Vanities with Composite Tops ........................................................... $59.95 31 x 19 Maple Veneer Bathroom Vanities with Composite Tops ........................................................... $69.95 $

'83 FORD Ranger 4x4, drives great, cute truck, good for hunting/ fishing, etc. $1300 OBO. 284-6848.

SECTION 00100 Advertisement For bids

Some of our stores are changing the style of cabinets that they buy from us, leaving us with a large inventory of discontinued items that we intend to sell at deeply discounted prices!


'08 DODGE RAM 1500, 4x4, crew cab, red, $23,400. 1-800-898-0290 or 728-5381.

0955 Legals


Regular $230.46 - NOW

'05 GMC Crew Cab LTR, 38k, #1419. $16,900. 1-800-898-0290 or 728-5381.

'93 FORD Ranger, 87K miles, good cond., new tires, $3000. 662-287-0243.

0734 Lots & Acreage

CLEARANCE SALE on Display Homes Double & Singlewides available Large Selection WINDHAM HOMES 287-6991

Trucks for 0864 Sale

Come in and take advantage of some of the lowest prices that we have ever offered!

Smith Cabinet Shop 1505 Fulton Dr., Corinth, MS Ph. 662-287-2151

NOTE: This project is funded in part by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009.

Contract documents may be obtained from PRYOR & MORROW ARCHITECTS and ENGINEERS, P.A., P.O. Box 7066, 1150 South Green Street, Suite F (38804), Tupelo, Mississippi 38802-7066; telephone: (662) 840-8062; fax: (662) 840-8092. A deposit of $250.00 is required. Bid preparation will be in accordance with Section 00200 – Instructions to Bidders, bound in the Project Manual.

BID GUARANTEE: Proposals shall be submitted with Proposal Security in the form of Certified Check or acceptable Bid Bond in an amount equal to at least five percent (5%) of the base bid; such security is to be forfeited as liquidated damages, not penalty, by any bidder who fails to carry out the terms of the proposal. The Bid Bond, if used, shall be payable to the Owner. Bonds on the project must be received on or before the period scheduled for the project and no bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for the project. Bids must be firm for a period of forty-five (45) days after the scheduled time of opening. PERFORMANCE-PAYMENT BOND: A one hundred percent (100%) Performance-Payment Bond issued by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Mississippi will be required within ten (10) days after the successful bidder has been notified of the award of the contract to him.

CERTIFICATE OF RESPONSIBILITY: All bids submitted by a prime or subcontractor for public works or public projects where said bid is in excess of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) to perform contracts enumerated in Section 31-3-21, Mississippi Code of 1972, shall contain on the outside or exterior of the envelope or container of such bid the contractor’s current certificate number. No bid shall be opened or considered unless such contractor’s current certificate number appears on the outside or exterior of said envelope or container or unless there appears a statement on the outside or exterior of such envelope or container to the effect that the bid enclosed therewith does not exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00).

The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive irregularities. Publish: Wednesday, September 7, 2011 Wednesday, September 14, 2011 13385 SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE

WHEREAS, on June 19, 2009, Robbie G. Isbell, an unmarried woman, executed a certain deed of trust to Emmett James House or Bill R. McLaughlin, Trustee for the benefit of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., which deed of trust is of record in the office of the Chancery Clerk of Alcorn County, State of Mississippi as Instrument No. 200903108; and WHEREAS, said Deed of Trust was subsequently assigned to Regions Bank d/b/a Regions Mortgage by instrument dated November 12, 2010 and recorded as Instrument No. 201005704 of the

Trust was subsequently assigned to Regions Bank d/b/a Regions Mortgage by instrument dated November 12, 0955andLegals 2010 recorded as Instrument No. 201005704 of the aforesaid Chancery Clerk's office; and


FAMILIES INDEPENDENT Situated in the City of CorEVALUATOR inth, of Alcorn, State 0955 Legals Legals 0955County Mississippi Department of of Mississippi, to-wit: Human Services

tools for use by MDHS subgrantees. The Subgrantee shall have had proven experiLegals 0955 both ence technically and programmatically in developing web-based evaluation, data entry and reporting tools. The web-based system shall be scalable for future growth in the program.

Daily Corinthian • Wednesday, September 14, 2011 • 9B

Home Improvement & Repair

BUTLER, DOUG: Foundation, floor leveling, bricks cracking, rotten wood, basements, shower floor. Over 35 yrs. exp. Free est. or This Request for Proposals 7 3 1 - 2 3 9 - 8 9 4 5 662-284-6146.

A part of Block 578 of The Mississippi DepartWalker's Addition to the City of Corinth, in Alcorn County, ment of Human Services WHEREAS, Regions Bank Mississippi, described as fol- (MDHS) will accept sealed DBA Regions Mortgage has lows: proposals during business heretofore substituted J. Gary hours of 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Massey as Trustee by instru- Beginning on the North until October 17, 2011 at the ment dated November 12, boundary line of said Block at MDHS State Office Building (RFP) can be picked up at the 2010 and recorded in the a point 250 feet East of the Lobby, 750 North State aforesaid Chancery Clerk's Northwest corner thereof, Street, Jackson MS 39202, or MDHS State Office, downOffice in Instrument No. and run thence South parallel by mail at P.O. Box 352, Jack- loaded from the MDHS website@mdhs.state.ms.us or ob201005705; and with the West line of said son, MS 39205-0352, for the tained by mail upon request Block 150 feet; thence East purpose of soliciting proposWHEREAS, default having parallel with North line of als from interested parties to: been made in the terms and said Block 75 feet; thence who can most effectively and John Davis, Division of conditions of said deed of North parallel with the West cost-efficiently develop a cus- Economic Assistance trust and the entire debt se- line of said Block 150 feet to tomized web-based tool to Mississippi Department of cured thereby having been the North line thereof; track program activities, Human Services declared to be due and pay- thence West with said North measure program perform- 750 North State Street able in accordance with the line of said Block 75 feet to ance, and evaluate program Jackson, MS 39202 terms of said deed of trust, the point of beginning. success; and, evaluate the (601) 359-4810 Regions Bank DBA Regions Foundation for Families ProMortgage, the legal holder of I WILL CONVEY only grams (Families First ReMDHS reserves the right said indebtedness, having re- such title as vested in me as source Centers, and Youth to reject or negotiate any and quested the undersigned Sub- Substituted Trustee. Prevention and Intervention all proposals or cancel this restituted Trustee to execute Program) and other Subgrant- quest for proposals at its disthe trust and sell said land WITNESS MY SIGNAand property in accordance TURE on this 8th day of Sep- ees. Proposals will be ac- cretion. cepted from public and priwith the terms of said deed of tember, 2011. trust and for the purpose of vate research-based organiza- 2t 9/14 & 9/21/11 raising the sums due thereun- J. Gary Massey tions or local universities with 13392 der, together with attorney's SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE experience in conducting fees, trustee's fees and exevaluation research on compense of sale. munity or school-based pro- HOME SERVICE DIRECTORY Shapiro & Massey, L.L.C. 1910 Lakeland Drive Suite B, grams that are designed to NOW, THEREFORE, I, J. improve the economic and Jackson, MS 39216 Gary Massey, Substituted social well-being of children Home Improvement (601)981-9299 Trustee in said deed of trust, and families. The Subgrantee 1202 East 6th Street & Repair will on October 5, 2011 offer for this grant shall develop a for sale at public outcry and Corinth, MS 38834 customized web-based tool A MCKEE CONSTRUCTION sell within legal hours (being Floor leveling, water using standard web-based between the hours of 11:00 rot, termite damage, tools for use by MDHS sub10-001532 GW a.m. and 4:00 p.m.), at the new joist, seals, beams, grantees. The Subgrantee South Main Door of the piers installed, vinyl sidshall have had proven experi- ing, metal roofs. 46 yrs. County Courthouse of Al- Publication Dates: September 14, 21, 28, 2011 ence both technically and e x p . corn County, located at CorLicensed. programmatically in develop- 662-415-5448. inth, Mississippi, to the high- 13390 ing web-based evaluation, est and best bidder for cash data entry and reporting LEGAL NOTICE the following described propweb-based system Auto/Truck Parts & Accessories 0848 The erty situated in Alcorn Requests for Proposals (RFP) tools. shall be scalable for future for the County, State of Mississippi, to-wit: FOUNDATION FOR growth in the program. FAMILIES Situated in the City of CorINDEPENDENT This Request for Proposals EVALUATOR inth, County of Alcorn, State (RFP) can be picked up at the Mississippi Department of of Mississippi, to-wit: MDHS State Office, downHuman Services loaded from the MDHS webA partGeneral of BlockHelp 578 of site@mdhs.state.ms.us or obThe Mississippi DepartWalker's 0232 Addition to the City tained by mail upon request of Corinth, in Alcorn County, ment of Human Services to: (MDHS) will accept sealed Mississippi, described as folproposals during business John Davis, Division of lows: hours of 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Economic Assistance Mississippi Department of Beginning on the North until October 17, 2011 at the Human Services boundary line of said Block at MDHS State Office Building 750 North State Street a point 250 feet East of the Lobby, 750 North State Jackson, MS 39202 Northwest corner thereof, Street, Jackson MS 39202, or Available, mail at P.O.County: Box 352, Jack- (601) 359-4810 and Positions run thence South parallel byPrentiss with the Machine West line of said son, MS 39205-0352, Operators-All Shifts for the MDHS reserves the right Block 150 feet; thence East purpose of soliciting proposals from interested parties to reject or negotiate any and • $13.00 Benefi parallel with+ /Hour Northw/line of ts who can most effectively and all proposals or cancel this resaid Block • Full Time75 feet; thence North parallel with the West cost-efficiently develop a cus- quest for proposals at its disline of said Block 150 feet to tomized web-based tool to cretion. Requirements: theJobNorth line thereof; track program activities, • Strong thence WestTechnical with saidAptitude North measure program perform- 2t 9/14 & 9/21/11 ance, and evaluate program 13392 line (required of said Block 75 feet to complete to successfully skills testing) success; and, evaluate the the• point of beginning. Factory Experience operating advanced Foundation for equipment Families Pro• Steady Historyonly grams (Families First ReI WILLWork CONVEY source Centers, and Youth • Complete and Positive such title as vested in me asSupervisor References Prevention and Intervention Substituted Trustee. and other SubgrantPlease contact:Program) Renee’ Hale, ees. Proposals will be acWITNESS MY SIGNAExpress Employment Professionals cepted from public and priTURE on this 8th day of Sepvate research-based organiza(662) 842-5500, renee.hale@expresspros.com tember, 2011. tions or local universities with experience in conducting J. Gary Massey evaluation research on comSUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE Materials 0542 Building munity or school-based programs that are designed to Shapiro & Massey, L.L.C. improve the economic and 1910 Lakeland Drive Suite B, social well-being of children Jackson, MS 39216 and families. The Subgrantee (601)981-9299 for this grant shall develop a 1202 East 6th Street customized web-based tool Corinth, MS 38834 using standard web-based tools for use by MDHS subgrantees. The Subgrantee 10-001532 GW shall have had proven experience both technically and Publication Dates: programmatically in developSeptember 14, 21, 28, 2011 ing web-based evaluation, 13390 data entry and reporting tools. The web-based system shall be scalable for future growth in the program.

Lawn/Landscape/ Tree Svc FAST EDDIE'S Lawn Service. Cell 662-603-3929, office 662-664-2206.

Tree Service

STUMP BUSTERS. Stump grinding & tree trimFree est. GENERAL HOUSE & Yard m i n g . or Maintenance: Carpen- 6 6 2 - 6 0 3 - 9 4 1 7 try, flooring, all types 212-2618. painting. No job too Storage, Indoor/ small. Guar. quality Outdoor work at the lowest price! Call for estimate, AMERICAN 662-284-6848. MINI STORAGE 2058 S Tate HANDY-MAN REPAIR Across from Spec. Lic. & Bonded, World Color plumbing, electrical, 287-1024 floors, woodrot, carpentry, sheetrock. Res./com. Remodeling MORRIS CRUM Mini-Stor. & repairs. 662-286-5978. 72 W. 3 diff. locations,

unloading docks, rental SHANE PRICE Building truck avail, 286-3826. Inc. New construction, home remodeling & repair. Lic. 662-808-2380. PROFESSIONAL Fair & following Jesus SERVICE DIRECTORY "The Carpenter"

Buckle Up! Seat Belts Save Lives!

2015 City Ave. N. Ripley, MS Welcomes Hollis Southern to the staff. Hollis invites all his former customers & friends to come by or call when in the market for their next vehicle.


List your name and office under the political listing for only $190.00. Runs every publishing day until final election. Come by the Daily Corinthian office at 1607 S. Harper Rd. or call 287-6147 for more info. Must be paid in advance.


This is a paid political advertisement, which is intended as a public service for the voters. It has been submitted to and approved and subscribed by each political candidate listed below or by the candidate’s campaign manager or assistant campaign manager. This listing is not intended to suggest or imply that these are the only candidates for these offices.

ALCORN CO. CONSTABLE (POST 1) Scotty L. Bradley (R) Chuck Hinds



Jay Jones Gail Burcham Parrish (R)

ALCORN CO. TAX COLLECTOR Bobby Burns (R) Larry Ross Milton Sandy (Ind)





662-424-1271 Cell

Legal Services

662-837-8171 Office

800-530-7408 Toll Free

Rita Potts Parks (R) Eric Powell (D) (I)


SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION Gina Rogers Smith Rivers Stroup (R)

SUPERVISOR 1ST DISTRICT Lowell Hinton Eddie Sanders (Ind)

SUPERVISOR 2ND DISTRICT Billy Paul Burcham (Ind.) Dal Nelms Jon Newcomb (R)

SUPERVISOR 3RD DISTRICT Keith Hughes Tim Mitchell

SUPERVISOR 4TH DISTRICT Pat Barnes (R) Gary Ross (I)

0503 Auction Sales

REAL ESTATE & CONTENTS AUCTION SATURDAY - SEPT. 17th, 2011 @ 10:00A.M. 1124 Washington St. - Corinth, MS 38834 We are selling the remaining contents of this estate including vehicles, regardless of price, and offering the real estate with owners confirmation.

Yellow Pine Sale This Request for Proposals (RFP) can be picked up at the MDHS State Office, downloaded from the MDHS website@mdhs.state.ms.us or obtained by mail upon request to: John Davis, Division of Economic Assistance Mississippi Department of Human Services 750 North State Street Jackson, MS 39202 (601) 359-4810

LAMINATE 335 $ $ 16 .391.09 2x8x10” ========= 4 $ 00 2x8x12” ========= 5 LAMINATE PAD $ 85 100 SQ.FT ROLL 2x8x14” ========= 5 $ $ 65 2x8x16” ========= 6 5.00 & $10.00 2x8x8” ==========


MDHS reserves the right to reject or negotiate any and all proposals or cancel this request for proposals at its discretion.

100 $ 00 2x6x94” ====================== 2 $ 50 2x6x8 ======================== 2 $ 15 2x6x10 ======================= 3 $ 30 2x10x14 ====================== 7 $ 40 2x10x18 ====================== 7 $ 50 2x12x14 ====================== 7 $ 00 Shingles ===================== 35 2t 9/14 & 9/21/11 13392

2x4x81” ======================


Unwrapped 3 Tab



This neat 1.5 story, 3 BR, 2.5 BA house with 1500+ heated sq. ft. on a 100'x 90' lot near downtown Corinth in a quiet area is looking for a new owner. House has c/h/a, linoleum & carpet, master bedroom & bath downstairs, Double garage with floored attic can be easily converted to a bonus room, nice patio for grilling, concrete driveway & sidewalks. Partial listing: 2 br suites, dining room table w/chairs, china cabinet, antique secretary, antique sofa table, Lazy boy wood recliner, drop leaf table w/chairs, assorted tables & chairs, sofas, mantel clock, coat rack, quilt rack, portable & console tv, console stereo, old 33 albums, 2 refrigerators, stove, microwave, cast iron skillets, cookware, silverware, dishes, small appliances, oil lamps, Hull pottery, decor items, costume jewelry, 5' aluminum ladder, Snapper riding lawn mower, yard tools, hand tools, 8 x 12 storage building, one owner 1978 Buick LeSabre (4D), 1979 Ford truck. Much more!!

.49¢-.79¢ $ 95 Round Commodes ============ 49 $ 95 Handi-Cap Commodes ======== 69 $ 99 Masonite Siding 1X8X16 ======== 3

TERMS: Cash, personal or company checks accepted with bank letter of guarantee made to Mid-South Real Estate Sales & Auctions. Payment due in full on sale day on all personal property. Everything sold asis, where-is, with no guarantee. 10% buyers premium will be added to determine the final price. REAL ESTATE TERMS: Cash, personal or company checks accepted with bank letter of guarantee made to Mid-South Real Estate Sales & Auctions. 10% down day of sale, balance due in full upon delivery of deed in 30 days or less. Everything is believed true, but not guaranteed. Any announcement made sale day supersedes all advertisements. Property will be sold as-is, where-is with no guarantee.



Tile ===================

While Supplies Last

412 Pinecrest Road •287-2221 • 287-4419 • Fax 287-2523 Also located in Savannah, TN on Hwy. 69 South - 731-925-2500

Sq. Ft.

Auctioneer reserves the right to group & regroup as he sees fit. 10% buyers premium will be added to determine the final bid IF YOU WANT TO SELL IT, CALL US!! SCOTTY LITTLE (sales) mal #150 or STEVE LITTLE (broker)






*# $22,749





DEAL # 38549


SPECIAL * $26,999



STK # 2381R DEAL # 27484



SPECIAL * $29,999


SPECIAL * $22,867


STK # 998D DEAL # 31995







* $20,957






$5206.00 OFF TRUE MSRP!


STK # 1003D DEAL # 43039




STK # 1000D DEAL #25841

STK # 2358R DEAL # 25842






* $37,770




STK # 2350R,2360R





SPECIAL * $24,585

STK # 2364R DEAL # 39623





1998 volvo v70r a.w.d. Loaded, Carfax one owner


*$4,676 STK# 17657u



*$2,777 STK# 17531U





*$8,999 STK# 17383A




*$9,977 STK# 17651U

1996 chevy tahoe 4x4





*$4,877 STK# 17528U



*$2,769 STK# 17419U

STK# 17711U 2004 KIA SEDONA


*$6,977 STK# 17691U


STK# 17649A

STK# 17923U

*$8,888 STK# 17490A


SHARP! STK# 17435A










STK# 17686A



2003 mustang convertible LOW MILES, NICE








STK# 17206U

STK# 17512M

STK# 17618U





*$2,897 STK# 17714U 2002 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER 4X4


*$4,999 STK# 16836U



*$16,996 STK# 17612A




SPECIAL *$18,997 STK# 17170A


SPECIAL *$2,979 STK# 17682U

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