9-30-11 Daily Corinthian

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Friday Sept. 30,


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Daily Corinthian Vol. 115, No. 233

Sunny Today




• Corinth, Mississippi • 20 pages • 2 sections

Big ole reunion

CHS alumni honor Keenum BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

The Corinth High School Alumni Association has named its 2011 Distinguished Alumnus of the Year. He is Dr. Mark Keenum, a 1979 graduate of CHS and currently the president of Mississippi State University. “It is indeed a high honor and one that will always have special meaning for me,” said Keenum. “I owe so much of my personal development to my experiences at CHS. The strong academics and my involvement as an athlete helped shape me into who I am today.”

Keenum’s career An MSU alumnus, Keenum began his career with the MSU faculty and returned to Starkville as the university’s 19th pres-

ident on Jan. 5, 2009, following a distinguished public service career. Keenum joined the MSU faculty as a marketing specialist with the MSU Cooperative Extension Service in 1984, two years after earning his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in agricultural economics. Continuing his studies of agricultural economics, Keenum completed his doctorate in 1988 and joined that department’s faculty as an assistant professor/economist. In 1989 he was named to the Washington, D.C., staff of U.S. Senator Thad Cochran as legislative assistant for Agriculture and Natural Resources, where he worked on wideranging issues affecting American agriculture. Keenum served as Senator Cochran’s chief of staff from 1996 to 2006 and Please see KEENUM | 2A

Tupelo native Paul Thorn brings his national entertainment act to downtown Corinth on Saturday night.

National touring singer Paul Thorn returns to his native Northeast Mississippi to perform at Hog Wild Festival BY BRANT SAPPINGTON bsappington@ dailycorinthian.com

Paul Thorn is thrilled to be coming home. The singer-songwriter from Tupelo will be rocking Downtown Corinth Saturday night as the headliner for the closing night of the 2011 Hog Wild Barbecue Festival in the parking lot at the corner of Cruise and Fillmore streets. “I’m excited about it. I don’t get to play near where I live very much. We’re going to sing some old songs and some new

songs and after the show I want to stick around and say hello to some people I haven’t seen in a while. It’ll be like a big ole hometown reunion,” said Thorn. The son of a Pentecostal preacher, Thorn grew up singing in church and at tent revivals. He’s also a former professional boxer who worked his way up the ranks to a nationally televised fight against the legendary Roberto Duran. Thorn released his debut album “Hammer & Nail” in 1997 and during his nearly two decades of touring and recording

he’s released nine albums and grown from a regional act to a nationally-known performer whose high-energy live shows draw big crowds across the country as he and his band perform more than a hundred dates a year. Thorn said his many years as a performer have taught him that it’s important to be more than just someone who stands on stage and sings. He cites legendary entertainers such as Dean Martin as major influences on his performances. “I sing my songs, but

between songs I try to talk to the crowd. I try my best to be an entertainer in the fashion of some of the old entertainers,” he said. While Thorn’s rootsy mix of rock, country, soul and gospel may not be the same as Martin, he believes the legendary crooner set the standard for entertaining a crowd. “You know lots of people can just stand there and sing, but entertaining is a whole different category. People want to put their money down and they want to enjoy Please see THORN | 2A

“I sing my songs, but between songs I try to talk to the crowd. I try my best to be an entertainer in the fashion of some of the old entertainers.” Paul Thorn Singer-songwriter

5K, market, barbecue cooking, car show fill Saturday lineup BY STEVE BEAVERS sbeavers@dailycorinthian.com

The weekend offers a variety of things to do in and around Corinth. Action in downtown continues tonight with the second night of the 21st Annual Hog Wild Barbecue Cooking Contest and Festival. The “Mississippi Boys” get the entertainment portion of the annual event rolling at 7 p.m. “Bikini Frankenstein” is also set to hit the stage with tickets for the night being $6. The Happee Days Carnival opens for a time of fun at 6 p.m. around court square tonight and Satur-

day night. Armbands will be available for $15. Entertainment gates open at 6 p.m. both nights. An early start is required to take in all the activities beginning Saturday morning. The 43rd Annual Magnolia Antique Car Show gets under way at 8 a.m. across from Corinth Gas & Water, on the corner of Waldron Street and Fulton Drive. Admission is free. Cost for car show entrants is $20 for the first car and $15 for entries after that. A pair of Best of Show awards will be handed out along with door prizes Please see HOG WILD | 2A

4-H Shooting Sports program gives youth another participation outlet BY STEVE BEAVERS sbeavers@dailycorinthian.com

Staff photo by Steve Beavers

Jacob Gilmore takes aim with the help of his mother/instructor Bonnie Gilmore as part of the 4-H Shooting Sports Program. The Alcorn County Extension Service will have an open house on Monday from 6-8 p.m. to share more information about the program.

Index Stocks......9A Classified......4B Comics....12A Crossroads ....3B

Weather......5A Obituaries......3A Opinion......4A Sports....10A

The football career of Jacob Gilmore was cut short due to a heart condition. That didn’t stop the Corinth High School sophomore from taking a shot at another sport. Gilmore has been involved with the 4-H Shooting Sports program over the last six years — taking part in the air rifle and pistol events. “The program is a great non-contact sport,” said Gilmore’s mother, Bonnie, who is also an instructor. “It helps you overcome obstacles in

your life.” Those interested in getting involved in the program can attend an open house on Monday from 6-8 p.m. at the Alcorn County Extension Service. At the open house, instructors will be on hand to share more about shooting sports. “This is an opportunity for new kids to learn about the program,” said 4-H agent Tammy Parker. “There will a be a folder of information for them to look over and we will also play a DVD that explains what the program is all about.” 4-H Shooting Sports

clubs — which are free — are open to youngsters ages 8-18. Each year, 4-H teaches the program to more than 300,000 kids around the country. All instructors are trained by state instructors certified to teach courses. Adult volunteers receive training in shooting sports at state and regional workshops to become qualified instructors. Mike Posey is an archery instructor for the local extension service. “The program teaches kids how to work together and good sportsman-

On this day in history 150 years ago John Bell Hood is appointed colonel of the 4th Texas Infantry. The future Confederate general will make the Verandah House in Corinth his temporary headquarters following the disastrous Nashville campaign near the end of the war.

Please see 4-H | 2A


2A • Daily Corinthian

Friday, September 30, 2011

KEENUM: CHS alum served as Ag Department under secretary in George W. Bush administration CONTINUED FROM 1A

advised the senator on political, legislative and appropriations issues. He left the nation’s capital in 2008 to serve as Under Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in the George W. Bush administration. In his two years in this post he lead the Farm Service Agency, the Risk Management Agency and the Foreign Agricultural Service. Keenum earned the Hunger’s Hope Award for Distinguished Public Service from America’s Second Harvest, the nation’s leading hunger relief charity, for leading USDA initiatives to fight world hunger and promote capacity-building in developing countries. At MSU he has continued to focus on the issue of world hunger, creating an International Institute in 2011 to coordinate university involvement in academic and research activities on a global scale. Under Keenum’s direction the college has solidified its position as the state’s flagship research university, earning a Carnegie Foundation classification as the only research university in the state with “very high research activity,” one of 108 in the nation.

lessons about working with others in pursuit of a common goal. The indelible influence of CHS teachers contributed to Keenum’s success in life and academia as well. “My teachers were outstanding and encouraged me to apply myself and gave me confidence that I could succeed in the classroom and beyond,” he said. He cites his chemistry teacher, Dean Pearce, who taught “in an always entertaining way” and made learning fun, and Ruth Sharp, who Keenum called an exceptional English teacher. “She was a disciplinarian in the classroom, very strict, but I enjoyed the experience,” he remembered. He also learned a great deal from literature teacher Margaret Labas and William Cole, the advanced math teacher who provided Keenum with a strong foundation in mathematics. “These individuals were so committed to their jobs and helped prepare me for the next level,” Keenum said. He also had the greatest respect for Principal Harold P. Smith: “He was strict, but fair, and provided strong leadership.”

Always a Warrior Keenum at CHS Keenum began his high school years at CHS as a sophomore in 1976. Before graduating in 1979 he made many lifelong friends and was shaped by the formative influences of the CHS teachers and athletic staff — and the experience of playing for winning football teams. “There was a great atmosphere for learning and personal development at CHS,” said Keenum. An important facet of his high school experience was the time spent playing football for Head Coach Johnny Plummer in his sophomore and junior years, and for Head Coach Charles McComb as a senior. “I appreciated their leadership and support,” Keenum said. “They were great influences in my life and taught me much more than just the Xs and Os of football.” Keenum played center on the defensive line and had great admiration for Jack Holliday, offensive line coach and the young athlete’s 10th grade biology teacher. “I learned a lot from him in the classroom and on the football field,” Keenum said of Holliday. Playing football at CHS, Keenum appreciated the close relationships he formed with his fellow team members and learned

Now presiding over a respected research university in a period of record growth — with enrollment figures at all-time highs and a record number of freshmen who are reporting the highest grade point averages in the school’s history — Keenum says he will always be a proud Corinth Warrior. “I know the pride I feel in being a graduate of Corinth High School, and I still follow its sports teams and the news generated from the academic accomplishments of its students,” he said. He points to organizations like the CHS Alumni Association as an integral part of the job of educating the students who will shape America’s future. “Having a strong group of graduates offering encouragement and support is a key element in helping administrators, faculty and students continue to pursue excellence,” said Keenum. The CHS Alumni Association will present Keenum the Distinguished Alumnus of the Year award on Friday, Oct. 7, at halftime at Corinth’s football game against Amory. An Alumni tent with light refreshments will be set up inside Warrior Stadium the night of the event for people to come by and visit with the 2011 Distinguished Alumnus.

Staff photo by Steve Beavers

Instructor Mike Posey helps his son, Micah, with his bow as part of the 4-H Shooting Sports program.

4-H: ‘The air rifle and pistol is a good way for them to start,’ agent says CONTINUED FROM 1A

ship,” said Posey. Posey, whose son Micah is part of the archery portion of the program, says youngsters will be taught the safe way to use a bow along with good

sportsmanship. Clubbers can choose from the shooting disciplines of air rifle, air pistol, .22 rifle, shotgun, .22 pistol and archery. Participants ages 8-9 are limited to the air rifle and air pistol division.

“The air rifle and pistol is a good way for them to start,” said Parker. Both of those disciplines are taught inside at the extension service. “Being involved opens doors to things like the Junior Olympics,” added

Parker. Jacob Gilmore agrees. “Getting involved in shooting sports is a good way to meet people you wouldn’t normally meet,” said Gilmore. “It also definitely teaches you discipline and character.”

THORN: Singer will perform Saturday night during Hog Wild festival CONTINUED FROM 1A

something. I always try to make people laugh, not be worried so much for the couple of hours I’m in front of them, forget about their problems for a while,” he said. Thorn is quick to show his appreciation for his success and he says he understands he’s able to do what he does because of the support shown to him by his growing fan base. He said he believes it’s his responsibility to return that love and support by giving them the best show possible. “The thing that keeps me going, especially now, we’re in a time when the country’s in trouble and a lot of people don’t have a job and don’t have any money, and in spite of that each year my crowds have gotten bigger and each record has sold more than the one before,” he said. “At the end of the day, I love to play music, but it’s a business. I have a wife and two kids I really want to provide for and when the fans come out, that’s why I want to shake their hands and hug their necks, because I

love them because they’ve made it possible and I want them to have a good time when they come.” With nine albums under his belt, including his most recent “Pimps and Preachers”, Thorn said choosing which songs to play each night can be difficult. He understands fans all have their own favorites and he tries to play a mix of old and new and find the songs that truly connect with the crowds. “I’ve got nine albums out and there’s usually two or three songs off each album that seem to connect with people more than others,” he said. One song people are almost certain to hear is his signature ballad “I Have a Good Day”. The song tells the story of a man going through a tough time in life and holding on to the hope of recovery. It’s a fan favorite and a tribute to a deceased friend. “I pretty much don’t ever do a show where I don’t play ‘I Have a Good Day’. That song’s a very special song to me because a friend of mine who has passed away, Steve Ward, I was talking to him on the phone one

day and he actually said the phrase ‘I have a good day every now and then’. I wrote a song based on that phrase and now that he’s gone, his words still live on and people seem to relate to that,” said Thorn. Thorn will be performing Saturday night with his four-piece band, a talented group of musicians that have been together in almost the same lineup for nearly 15 years. It includes guitarist Bill Hinds from Lookout Mountain, Ga., drummer Jeffery Perkins from Nashville, bassist Ralph Friedrichson and Thorn’s fellow Northeast Mississippian, keyboardist Michael “Dr. Love” Graham. Thorn’s team also includes his songwriting partner and manager Billy Maddox who has been with him for 30 years. “We built this thing together and I’m a very fortunate person to have the team of people that I do around me because no one can succeed by themselves. It takes more than one person,” he said. Thorn encourages everyone to come out Saturday night and join him

and the band for an exciting evening that may include some surprises. “There’s definitely a chance of some surprise guests,” he said. He’s looking forward to the show and to staying around afterward to sign autographs and visit with everyone who wants to say hello. The singer said anyone who’s not familiar with him and his work should visit his website at www. paulthorn.com where they’ll find music, photos, videos and more. He’s also active on Facebook and Twitter where he posts regularly and works to stay in touch with his fans. Gates open for the show Saturday at 6 p.m. with the music starting at 7 p.m. with local performers Wild Child, followed by pop, country and Southern rock cover band the New Outlaws and Thorn’s performance to close out the show. Tickets are $10 and may be purchased at the gate or in advance at the Main Street Corinth office at The Alliance office on Cass Street. For more information, call Main Street Corinth at 662-287-1550.

HOG WILD: Trash & Treasures yard sales stretch from Burnsville to Iuka and from the state line to Macon CONTINUED FROM 1A

and cash drawings. All proceeds from the 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. event will be passed along to local charities. Saturday morning also provides runners a chance to run with the Corinth Rotary. The 3rd Annual Austin’s Shoes Run with Rotary 5K is slated for an 8:30 a.m. start in downtown. After the 5K, there will be a one-mile fun run. Walkers are welcome

P.O. Box 1800 Corinth, MS 38835

to take part with race day registration taking place between 7-8 a.m. at SOUTHBank. Entry fee for the 5K is $30 and $10 for the fun run. Each participant will receive a long sleeve tech shirt and awards will be presented to the overall male, female and wheelchair champion along with the top three finishers in each age division. Winners will receive shoes as trophies for a third straight year. It’s time for Corinth to

turn green again -- with a little Halloween orange sprinkled in -- as the October Green Market returns from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Corinth Depot. The Green Market will be highlighted by a pet costume contest at noon. Pet owners can enter their pet in the event by making a donation to the CorinthAlcorn Animal Shelter. Money raised from the contest will be used to purchase igloo houses and miscellaneous supplies for the shelter. Monetary or

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supply donations will also be accepted from ones not entered in the contest. The contest is for pets only and owners dressed up will not be judged. The winning entry will collect doggie treats and a gift certificate from The Dinner Bell. A large assortment of pumpkins in several colors along with other harvest decorations will be available to buy as the Green Market is expecting a record number of vendors.

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Hog Wild begins its final night at 6 p.m. Gates open at 6 p.m. with the Happee Days Carnival getting started around court square. Paul Thorn is set to headline the last night of entertainment. “Honey Child” and “New Outlaws” will perform prior to Thorn taking the stage. Entertainment begins at 7 p.m. with tickets being $10. Awards will be presented in seven different cooking categories. The grand champion cooker

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Miss your paper? To report a problem or delivery change call the circulation department at 287-6111. Late, wet or missing newspaper complaints should be made before 10 a.m. to ensure redelivery to immediate Corinth area. All other areas will be delivered the next day.

picks up $1,000 while the reserve grand champion wins $500. A chance to get out of town on a short trip is available with the Trash & Treasures Along the Tenn-Tom on Friday and Saturday. The endless yard sales stretches from Burnsville to Iuka and from the state line south all the way to Macon. The Iuka Airport’s fly-in is also Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Both events are free to the public.

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3A • Daily Corinthian

Health center presentation highlights domestic violence BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@ dailycorinthian.com

The results of domestic violence are often dire, and several groups in the community are bringing the issue before the community. The public is invited to a presentation by Magnolia Regional Health Center’s Crossroads Center for Emotional care, the Northeast Mississippi Law Enforcement Training Center and the Mississippi Attorney General’s Office at 6 p.m. on Tuesday at the hospital conference center. Local crime statistics show that the problem is alive and well in Corinth, with more than 40 percent of homicides in the last 20 years attributed to

“It is a growing epidemic that is affecting individuals of every community, economic status, religion, race, age and educational background.” Dana Jenkins Crossroads Center for Emotional Care community education manager domestic violence cases. “It is a growing epidemic that is affecting individuals of every community, economic status, religion, race, age and educational background,” said Dana Jenkins, community education manager at Crossroads Center for Emotional Care. She notes that, statistically, a woman is assaulted or beaten every nine seconds in the U.S.; more than three women

are murdered by their husband or boyfriends each day; and 10 million children are exposed to some type of domestic violence annually. The cost of related medical and mental health services is in the billions. Jenkins notes the offenses are often under-reported — only one-quarter of physical assaults, one-half of all stalkings and one-fifth of all rapes against women

are investigated by police. “Women are not the only ones affected by domestic violence,” said Jenkins. “Men and children are greatly affected, too. The difference in cases involving men is that a man rarely reports the domestic violence incident to the authorities.” Children who witness domestic violence are more likely to become abusers, and education can play a big role in prevention. “By educating children and teenagers about healthy relationships, we may be one step closer to preventing future abusers,” said Jenkins. Jenkins requests a call from those who plan to attend at 293-5524. The National Domestic Violence Hotline is 1-800799-7233.

State optometrists partner with Barbour in improving infant eye and vision care JACKSON — Due to the overwhelming number of children with eye and vision problems across the United States, Mississippi optometrists are devoting appointments throughout the year to no-cost, comprehensive eye and vision assessments for infants between six to 12 months of age through InfantSEE. To call attention to and emphasize the importance of this effort, Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour has proclaimed September 24 through October 1, 2011 InfantSEE Week in Mississippi. “The most critical stages of vision develop in a child’s first year of life, and undetected eye and vision problems can lead to permanent vision impairment, loss of life or a decrease in a child’s quality of life,” said Governor Barbour. “I encourage the citizens of Mississippi to participate in InfantSEE Week by scheduling a comprehensive eye and vision assessment for their infants.” InfantSEE, an ongoing public health program developed by Optometry Cares - The AOA Foundation and Vistakon, Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc., was designed to provide professional eye care for infants nationwide at nocost, regardless of family income or number of eligible children. One in 10 infants is at risk from undiagnosed eye and vision problems, which, if undetected, could lead to permanent vision impairment, and in rare cases, life-threatening health risks. However, only 14 percent of children from infancy to age six have had a comprehensive eye assessment from an eye care professional, according to the American Optomet-

ric Association’s Pediatric Eye and Vision study. In Mississippi, great strides are being made to ensure that potential eye and vision problems are detected early. Infant eye assessments have been available in the state since the InfantSEE program launched in 2005. “Many parents are surprised to learn that a child’s eyes are going through so many important developmental stages so early in life,” said Dr. Susanne Cunningham, a Mississippi optometrist and InfantSEE provider. “It’s the ideal time to detect eye and vision problems before conditions worsen or cause developmental delays.” “I discovered the InfantSEE program from a family friend and I am so glad I did because our optometrist found signs of lazy eye in my daughter’s eyes,” said Heather Ward, a local mother of Hailey, 18 months. “After doing the eye exercises the doctor prescribed for Hailey, her eyes were functioning normally by her next appointment. Given my experience, I know how critical it is to have infants’ eyes examined. In fact, I created business cards about the InfantSEE program and I give one to every mom I meet!” The InfantSEE program launched in 2005 with support from former President Jimmy Carter, honorary national spokesperson. To date, more than 8,800 optometrists nationwide volunteer their time to provide assessments to babies in their communities. The majority of vision problems detected include severe hyperopia (farsightedness), myopia (nearsightedness), congenital glaucoma and


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congenital cataract. A less common vision problem that can also be detected during an infant’s comprehensive eye assessment includes retinoblastoma (eye cancer). In an effort to ensure healthy vision and eye health in North Mississippi infants, parents can bring their infant for a no-cost assessment at participating optometrists’ offices by appointment. Dr. Joshua Bostick 107 Town Creek Drive Saltillo, MS 38866 662-8691779 Dr. Julie Brock 107 Town Creek Drive Saltillo, MS 38866 662-869-1779 Dr. Julie Brock 484 W. Bankhead Street New Albany, MS 38652 662-534-0101 Dr. Allison Norwood 484 W. Bankhead Street New Albany, MS 38652 662-534-0101 Dr. Thomas Powell, Jr. 607 B Earl Frye Boulevard Amory, MS 38821 662-256-9711 Dr. Sean Aldinger 6947 Crumpler Boulevard, Suite 100 Olive Branch, MS 38654 662-893-3300 Dr. Nicole Monroe 6947 Crumpler Boulevard, Suite 100 Olive Branch, MS 38654 662-893-3300 Dr. David Parker 6947 Crumpler Boulevard, Suite 100 Olive Branch, MS 38654 662-893-3300 Dr. Eric Randle 130 W. Van Dorn Avenue Holly Springs, MS 38635 662-252-3323 Dr. Sallye Scott 306 W. Main Street Senatobia, MS 38668 662-562-6446 Dr. William Strickland 2167 South Lamar Boulevard Oxford, MS 38655 662234-6683 Dr. Michael Weeden 3201 Gaines Road Corinth, MS 38834 662-286-8860 (To learn more about InfantSEE visit www.InfantSEE.org or call toll free 888-396-EYES (3937).

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Friday, September 30, 2011

Obituaries James R. Dillingham Services for James R. Dillingham are set for 12:30 p.m. Saturday at Hight Funeral Home with burial at Indian Springs Cemetery. Visitation is Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon. He died Thursday, Sept. 29, 2011.

Brian Ashburn BURNSVILLE — Brian Scott Ashburn, 40, died Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2011. He was born Aug. 2, 1971. Survivors include his mother, Marilyn Ashburn of Florida; three daughters, Aurora Hicks of Burnsville, Brenda Ashburn of Burnsville and Amanda Ashburn of Florida; one son, Austin Ashburn of Burnsville; one stepson, Joey Beltran of Georgia; and a sister, Valarie Ashburn of Florida. He was preceded in death by his father, James Ashburn. No service is scheduled. Hight Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

Bob Keller Funeral services for Bob Keller, 69, of Corinth, were held Tuesday at Shackelford Chapel in Acton, Tenn., with burial in the Shiloh Methodist Church Cemetery in Shiloh, Tenn. Mr. Keller died Friday, September 23, 2011. He was born in Philadelphia, Pa. on August 22, 1942 the son of the late Robert Keller Sr. and Dorothy H. Kennedy Selby. On Dec. 17, 1982, he was united in marriage to Nan Phillips. Mr. Keller had also lived in Bellflower, Calif.; Oak Harbor, Wash.; and Corinth. He was a member of the United States Navy from 1966-1969, a member of the Masons and a Shriner. He was the owner/manager of Arrow Sandblasting. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his brothers, Barry Keller Sr. and Jack Keller, and in-laws Grady and Marie Phillips. He is survived by his wife, Nan Keller Keller of Corinth; a daughter, Tiffany Keller of Lake Havasu City, Ariz.; three sons, Brian Keller of Hernando, Brad Keller of Chino Hills, Calif., and Bobby Keller of Canclamenta, Calif; a stepdaughter, Fran Ashcraft of Rienzi; a stepson, Eric Price of Rienzi; 10 grandchildren, Brian Jr., Jacob, Joshua, Taylor, Avory, Hannah, Abbey, Bryce, Tanner and E.V. Jane; a sister, Carla Collin and her husband Rick of Bellflower, Calif; a brother, Steve Keller and his wife Donna of California; his stepmother, Doris Keller of Bellflower, Calif.; special nephews Barry Jr. and Jessie Keller of Gold Hill, Ore.; special friends Bobby Plaxico and Jim Davis; and wonderful friends and neighbor, Doris and Johnnie Barnes. Bill Wages officiated.

Obituary Policy The Daily Corinthian include the following information in obituaries: The name, age, city of residence of the deceased; when, where and manner of death of the deceased; time and location of funeral service; name of officiant; time and location of visitation; time and location of memorial services; biographical information can include date of birth, education, place of employment/occupation, military service and church membership; survivors can include spouse, children, parents, grandparents, siblings (step included), and grandchildren, great-grandchildren can be listed by number only; preceded in death can include spouse, children, parents, grandparents, siblings (step included), grandchildren; great-grandchildren can be listed by number only. No other information will be included in the obituary. All obituaries (complete and incomplete) will be due no later than 4 p.m. on the day prior to its publication. Obituaries will only be accepted from funeral homes. All obituaries must contain a signature of the family member making the funeral arrangements.

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Reece Terry, publisher


Mark Boehler, editor

4A • Friday, September 30, 2011

Corinth, Miss.

Harnessing the power of vision “Vision without action is a daydream; action without vision is a nightmare.” -- Japanese Proverb How much could you accomplish if you opened your eyes in the morning but never got out of bed? Nothing would be achieved. Until you take action by getting out of bed, it’s impossible to get anything done. Bryan This is vision without action. Now imagine waking up in Golden an unfamiliar room. You have Dare to Live a lot to do. You’re filled with Without Limits enthusiasm. You jump out of bed without opening your eyes. The result will be that you bang into furniture, trip over things you can’t see, and have a difficult time getting out of the room. Not only will your productivity be hindered; you run the risk of getting hurt. This is action without vision. Here is another analogy of vision without action. You are sitting in your car looking out the window. With you is a travel brochure of your favorite destination and a map showing the best route to take to get there. Until you start the engine and begin driving, you won’t go anywhere. But what happens if your windshield is painted black and yet you start driving? It doesn’t matter whether you know where you want to go or not. In short order you are certain to crash. Again, this is the result of action without vision. Vision is a mental picture of your goals. There is no limit to how detailed your vision can be. The more precise your vision, the more powerful its effect. A vague vision, such as being happy, wealthy or having a satisfying career, has little effect. Once you can define exactly what makes you happy, how much money you need to be wealthy, or what type of job is satisfying, you have a vision that can inspire you. Your vision should never be what you don’t want. Your desires must be formulated in terms of the positive circumstances you desire in your life. For example, rather than visualizing not being overweight you would visualize being in shape. You don’t want to visualize not being poor, instead you would visualize having enough money to meet all of your needs. Your vision should also be in the present tense. In your mind, you imagine having already succeeded. If you want to buy a house, visualize yourself living in the exact home you want. Are you looking for a specific job? Think as if you now have the job and imagine how you feel as a result. A clear, precise, and vivid vision of what you seek is a powerful first step. But by itself, it is ineffectual. Even with an intense desire, nothing will happen until you take action. Action enables you to harness the power of your vision. As the above examples illustrate, action without vision is at best pointless, or at worst a disaster. If you don’t know where you want to go, there is no point to taking action. People who panic and act impulsively, without any thought, planning or direction usually wind up in a worse situation than when they started. Take enough time to develop your vision. Find and post pictures of what you want. This will help keep your vision active in both your conscious and subconscious thoughts. Once you have your detailed vision, start to take action. You only need to begin with one step, no matter how small. Then follow up with another and keep going. Consistent action will energize your vision and bring it to reality. (Bryan Golden is a management consultant, motivational speaker, author, and adjunct professor. He is author of the book, “Dare to Live Without Limits.” Visit www. BryanGolden.com.)

Prayer for today Loving God, thank you for making us part of your creation. Help us to see others and ourselves as you do. Amen.

A verse to share Ask in faith, never doubting. — James 1:6 (NRSV)

Sound Off Policy Effective immediately, the Daily Corinthian Sound Off policy will be the same as its Letter to the Editor Policy. Sound Offs need to be submitted with a name, address, contact phone number and if possible, e-mail address, for author verification. The author’s name and city of residence will be published with the Sound Off. Sound Offs will only be accepted from those who wish to have their names published with their opinion. All other Letter to the Editor rules apply for Sound Offs.

Reece Terry publisher rterry@dailycorinthian.com

Superman versus a warm body One of the problems in trying to select a leader for any large organization or institution is the tendency to start out looking for Superman, passing up many good people who fail to meet that standard, and eventually ending up settling for a warm body. Some Republicans seem to be longing for another Ronald Reagan. Good luck on that one, unless you are prepared to wait for several generations. Moreover, even Ronald Reagan himself did not always act like Ronald Reagan. The current outbreak of “gotcha” attacks on Texas Governor Rick Perry show one of the other pitfalls for those who are trying to pick a national leader. The three big sound-bite issues used against him during the TV “debates” have involved Social Security, immigration and a vaccine against cervical cancer. Where these three issues have been discussed at length, whether in a few media accounts or in Gov. Perry’s own more extended discussions in an interview on Sean Hannity’s program, his position was far more reasonable than it appeared to be in either his opponents’ sound bites or even in his own abbreviated accounts during the limited

time available in the TV “debate” format. On Social Security, Gov. Perry was not only right to Thomas call it a “Ponzi scheme,” Sowell but was also Hoover right to point Institution out that this did not mean welshing on the government’s obligation to continue paying retirees what they had been promised. Even those of us who still disagree with particular decisions made by Governor Perry can see some of those decisions as simply the errors of a decent man who realized that he was faced not with a theory but with a situation. For example, the ability to save young people from cervical cancer with a stroke of a pen was a temptation that any decent and humane individual would find hard to resist, even if Gov. Perry himself now admits to second thoughts about how it was done. Many of us can agree with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann’s contention that it should have been done differently. But it reflects no credit on her to have tried to scare people with claims about the

dangers of vaccination. Such scares have already cost the lives of children who have died on both sides of the Atlantic from diseases that vaccination would have prevented. The biggest mischaracterization of Gov. Perry’s position has been on immigration. The fact that he has more confidence in putting “boots on the ground” along the border, instead of relying on a fence that can be climbed over or tunneled under where there is no one around, is a logistical judgment, not a question of being against border control. Texas Rangers have already been put along the border to guard the border where the federal government has failed to guard it. Former Sen. Rick Santorum’s sound-bite attempts to paint Gov. Perry as soft on border control have apparently been politically successful, judging by polls. But his repeated interrupting of Perry’s presentation of his case during the recent debate is the kind of cheap political trick that contributes nothing to public understanding and much to public misunderstanding. Those of us who disagree with Gov. Perry’s decision to allow the children of illegal immigrants to attend the

state colleges and universities, under the same terms as Texas citizens, need at least to understand what his options were. These were children who were here only because of their parents’ decisions and who had graduated from a Texas high school. Gov. Perry saw the issue as whether these children should now be allowed to continue their education, and become self-supporting taxpayers, or whether Texas would be better off with a higher risk of those young people becoming dependents or worse. I still see Gov. Perry’s decision as an error, but the kind of error that a decent and humane individual would be tempted to make. I have far more questions about those who would blow this error up into something that it is not. Error-free leaders don’t exist -- and we don’t want to end up settling for a warm body. Ultimately, this is not about Gov. Perry. It is about a process that can destroy any potential leader, even when the country needs a new leader with a character that the “gotcha” attackers demonstrate they do not have. (Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. His website is www.tsowell.com.)

Guest View

Is it possible Obama will pull out? BY DICK MORRIS AND EILEEN MCGANN As bad news piles up for the Democrats, I asked a top Democratic strategist if it was possible that Obama might “pull a Lyndon Johnson” and soberly face the cameras telling America that he has decided that the demands of partisan politics are interfering with his efforts to right our economy, and he has decided to withdraw to devote full time to our recovery. His answer: “Yes. It’s possible. If things continue as they are and have not turned around by January, it is certainly possible.” Just looking at Michelle Obama’s unsmiling face during her husband’s recent speech to Congress triggered an insight: These folks aren’t having fun anymore. Obama, whose insistence on passing a health care law that the courts will probably throw out, cost his party the House and will now cost his party the Senate, too. Indeed, it is even possible that the Republicans win 60 seats. Currently, there are strong Republican candidates in 12 states represented by Democrats. In a 10- to 15-point landslide (which is shaping up) all could win. They include: Virginia (George

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Allen), Florida (Adam Hasner), New Mexico (probably Congressman Steve Pearce), Montana (Congressman Denny Rehberg), North Dakota (Congressman Rick Berg), Nebraska (Jon Bruning), Missouri (Sarah Steelman would be the best), Michigan (Pete Hoekstra), Ohio (Josh Mandel would be good), Wisconsin (Tommy Thompson or one of the others), Pennsylvania (Tim Burns would be great), and Connecticut (Chris Shays -- better than Linda McMahon). If all win, the GOP is only one vote shy of 60. The final seats could come if strong challenges shape up in West Virginia, New Jersey, Washington State, Minnesota and Maryland. And, with Obama this far behind, they probably will. These senators -- all with targets painted on them -are not going to be happy to see Obama at the top of the ticket dragging the party -and them -- down to massive defeat. President Obama’s historic race to the top in 2008 was animated by huge margins and turnouts among four key groups: African-Americans, Latinos, Jews and young voters. New polling data and the results of the Brooklyn-

Queens, Turner-Weprin elections suggest that his base is decaying, piece by piece. ■ An analysis of the past three Fox News surveys indicates that Obama’s job approval rating among under 30-yearold voters has declined to 44 percent. By combining the past three surveys, Fox News was able to accumulate data on 600 under 30 voters, indicating a sharp decrease in the president’s approval from his former supporters. ■ According to Gallup, Obama’s approval among Latinos has also dropped to 44 percent. Aggregating data from recent polls as Fox News did, Gallup concluded that the president’s ratings among Latinos were not much higher than among the general electorate. ■ The election of Republican Bob Turner in the single most Jewish district in America -- one that had not gone Republican since the 1920s, shows the decay in Obama’s Jewish support. Alienated by his perceived anti-Israeli bias, Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Jews voted in massive numbers for Turner. Results in heavily Jewish areas reflected his desertion. But even in neighborhoods like Forest Hills, Queens, populated by Reform and Conser-

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vative Jews, showed the candidates running almost even. Only the African-Americans remain of Obama’s 2008 coalition. Surveys show his approval among blacks above 80 percent indicating no diminution of his enthusiasm there. Yet the entire campaign strategy of the Obama people is to move to the left, fanning class warfare, to elicit strong liberal support. Rather than compensating for his loss of liberals by reaching out to independents and traditional swing voters, he just doubles down on his appeal to the left, further alienating the middle. But the kind of enthusiasm Obama kindled in 2008 cannot be ignited easily by negative appeals. Particularly if the Republicans nominate a more moderate candidate like Mitt Romney, Obama will not be able to rely on partisan animosity to succeed where job approval has failed. And, given all that, he may not even run. (Dick Morris, former advisor to the Clinton administration, is a commentator and author of “Rewriting History.” He is also a columnist for the New York Post and The Hill. His wife, Eileen McGann is an attorney and consultant.)

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Daily Corinthian • Friday, September 30, 2011 • 5A

Community Events Internet training The Internet and Social Media for Business seminar series is being held on Oct. 3, 13, 17 and 24. The specialized technology training will be available at no cost. The training is offered in partnership with Northeast Mississippi Community College and will be held at Northeast at Corinth. The sessions are: Facebook for beginners — Monday, Oct. 3, 9 to 11 a.m.; Twitter and LinkedIn for beginners — Thursday, Oct. 13, 9 to 11 a.m.; Google sites for business — Monday, Oct. 17, 8 a.m. to 12 noon; and Collaborate with Google Docs — Monday, Oct. 24, 8 a.m. to noon. People can pick and choose what sessions they would like to attend. Alliance membership is not required. Pre-registration, however, is required. Contact Rose at The Alliance at 287-5269 or andrea@corinthalliance. com.

Fall Fling The 25th Annual Fall Fling for the Young at Heart, especially for senior citizens, is being held on Thursday, Oct. 6 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Loochapola Lodge in Tishomingo State Park (located at mile marker 304 off the Natchez Trace Parkway, or on MS Hwy. 25, two miles south of Tishomingo). Entertainment will include The Hotsprings Hotties, The Joe Rickman Band, “Elvis” and Kay Bain. Area healthcare providers, public service officials as well as various other vendors will be present, offering health screens and other useful information for seniors. Bring lawn chairs. Concessions will be available. For more information, contact Phyllis Goddard at 662-728-7404 or by email Phyllis.goddard@ gentiva.com.

Flea market/sale There will be a flea market/yard sale Saturday, Oct. 1 starting at 8 a.m. at Eastview Pentecostal

Church, Hwy. 45 in Ramer, Tenn. The fee is $10 for anyone interested in renting a spot to put a table.

Alcorn County Extension Service at 662-286-7755 by today.

Community blood drive Fly-in The Iuka Airport Fly-In will be Saturday, Oct. 1 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission is free. The fly-in will include a jet fly-by between 9:30 a.m. and 10 a.m., skydivers at noon and a variety of aircraft on display. There will also be a car show and concessions.

Awareness program A “Domestic Violence Awareness” program is being held Tuesday, Oct. 4 from 6-7 p.m. at the Magnolia Regional Health Center. This is a free program open to the community and presented by Crossroads Center for Emotional Care at MRHC, the Northeast Mississippi Law Enforcement Training Academy and The Mississippi Attorney General’s Office. To ensure adequate seating, call 662-2935524.

Activity center The Bishop Activity Center has the following scheduled for the week of Sept. 26 through Sept. 30: Today — Grocery shopping at Rogers. Senior citizens age 60 and above are welcome and encouraged to attend. Daily activities include crafts, jigsaw puzzles, quilting, table games (dominoes & Rook), washer games and Rolo Golf.

Training session There will be a Private Applicator Training Session held on Monday, Oct. 3 at 6 p.m. at the Alcorn County Extension Service building. This training is for farmers who need to receive their Private Applicator’s Certificate for the purchase of restricted use pesticides. There is a $10 fee to attend the training and take the exam. To attend or for more information, contact Patrick Poindexter at the

There will be a community blood drive in Corinth today from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. The MBS Donor Coach will be parked at the Dollar Tree Store, located at 2113 S. Harper Rd. in Corinth. All donors will receive a special edition Breast Cancer Awareness T-shirt as well as a gift certificate to Starz Salon and Spa. Visit msblood.com or call 888-902-5663 for more information or visit on Facebook at www. facebook.com/give2live and follow MSbloodservices on Twitter.

Awareness shirts Pink Chics Relay for Life Team is selling Passion for Pink Breast Cancer Awareness shirts. Short and long sleeve shirts are available in light pink, chocolate brown and dark heather gray. For pricing and order information, call or email Kristy at 662-808-3504; kristypk@hotmail.com or Lisa at 662-415-1855 or 662-287-3605; lisareneparks@hotmail.com.

Helping Hands St. James Church of God in Christ, Home and Foreign Mission Center, 1101 Gloster St., Corinth is offering Helping Hands, Inc. Available services include non-perishable baby food, baby diapers and baby accessories. Hours of operation are every Wednesday evening from 6:30-8:30 p.m., and today from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information, call 662-512-8261.

Memorial fund A memorial fund has been set up for Tessa Marie Scott, age 9, who passed away Sept. 21 at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital. Donations will go toward helping her family with burial expenses. Funds can be sent to Trinity Presbyterian Church, P.O. Box 243, Corinth,

MS 38835 or contact Gentry Parker at 662643-9433. Make checks out to Deacon Fund for Tessa Scott.

books. Everyone is encouraged to come by and get information for an outdoor trip before the cool weather sets in.

Photo contest The Crossroads Museum at the Historic Depot in downtown Corinth is accepting entries for its 10th Annual Photo Contest with an awards ceremony slated for Sunday, Oct. 9. Participants may submit as many entries as they want in one, several or all of the contest’s five categories. The categories are landscape, architecture, pets/ animals/wildlife, people and vacation. All submissions must be previously unpublished photos. All photos, with the exception of those submitted to the vacation category, must have been taken in either North Mississippi, Southern Tennessee or West Alabama. The contest requires a $10 fee per entry for the first three photos entered and $5 per entry for every photo entered after three. The last day to accept entries is Sunday, Oct. 2. For more information on entry requirements call the museum at 2873120 or send an email to director@crossroadsmuseum.com.

Outdoor display The Alcorn County Welcome Center, 2028 South Tate Street, Corinth, has an outdoor display being showcased through today. The display will include camping, hunting, great fishing places, water safety handouts and coloring

All Stadium Seating Birthday Parties Online Tickets Friday, Sept. 30

TRANSFORMERS: OF THE MOON DREAM HOUSEDARK (PG13) 4:25 7:25(non 9:503-D) (no(PG13) pass) 12:00, 12:50, 3:20, 4:10, 6:50, 7:30, 10:05 50/50 (R) 4:05 7:05 9:20 (no pass) THE GREEN LANTERN (non 3D) (PG13) - 10:00 COURAGEOUS (PG13) 4:00 7:00 9:50 (no pass) BAD TEACHER (R) - 1:20, 4:20, 7:35, 9:40 WHAT’S YOUR NUMBER? (R) 4:15 7:15 9:40 (no pass) MR. POPPER’S PENGUINS (PG) - 12:20, 2:40, 4:55 MONEYBALL (PG13)(R)4:20 7:10 10:00 pass) HORRIBLE BOSSES - 1:25, 4:30, 7:25,(no9:45 KILLER ELITE (R) 4:30 7:302:30, 10:05 (no7:20, pass)9:40 LARRY CROWNE (PG13) - 12:10, 4:50, DOLPHIN TALESUPER (NON83-D) (PG)- 7:20, 4:00 9:50 7:00 9:30 (no pass) (PG13) ABDUCTION (PG13) 4:104:15, 7:20 7:00, 9:45 9:20 (no pass) ZOOKEEPER (PG) - 1:10, CONTAGION (PG13) 4:354:00, 7:30 9:55 CARS 2 (non 3-D) (G) - 12:15, 1:00, 3:00, 6:45, 7:20, 9:15 THE 4:104:05, 7:307:05, (no 9:30 pass) MONTEHELP CARLO(PG13) (PG) - 1:05,

Museum exhibits ■ The Crossroads Museum at the Historic Depot in downtown Corinth has announced the opening of a new exhibit entitled “Trains and the Historic Corinth Depot in Local Art,” featuring art and photography by local artists including Jess Ables, Tony Bullard and Bill Avery. The exhibit also includes a collection of train and Corinth Depot art and photographs from the museum’s private collection. A collection of railroad artifacts on loan from retired RR Engineer Allen Stanley will be displayed in the gallery as well. The exhibit will be on display through today. The museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.; Sunday from 1 until 4 p.m.; and closed on Mondays. Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for seniors and children get in free. For more information call 662-287-3120 or by email, director@crossroadsmuseum.com. ■ The Tishomingo County Archives & History Museum has a new exhibit, “Lights, Camera, Action!” giving visitors an opportunity to view cameras and movie equipment used for acting and extra work in film and television, print media advertising and by the military. The exhibit will be available for viewing through Oct. 12. The Museum is open to the public

Tuesday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Trash & Treasures The 2011 Trash & Treasures along the Tenn-Tom is scheduled for today and Saturday, Oct. 1. The route of the massive yard sale starts at Pickwick Landing State Park north of Iuka along Highway 25, including Burnsville, and follows the TennesseeTombigbee Waterway to Macon. Sellers and buyers are invited or just come to visit. There is no charge to participate in this event. A map and listing of locations available for display are available free of charge. For more information, contact the Tenn Tom Tourism Association at 800-457-9739; web site — www.tenntom.org/ tourism/ttwevents/htm.

Class reunion The Alcorn Central High School Class of 1981 30-year Class Reunion is being held tonight at the ACHS football field beginning at 5:30 p.m. to tailgate prior to the ACHS/ Booneville game which begins at 7:30 p.m. Festivities will continue throughout the game. Admission to the football game is $5. Bring spouses, dates or families Tailgate food will also be appreciated. On Saturday, Oct. 1 at 7 p.m., everyone will meet at Pickwick Pizza located behind Central Bank. There is no cost to attend this event, however donations will be taken to order pizzas for the celebration. If you are on facebook, check out the Alcorn Central High School Class of 1981 fb page.


Craig Thompson 3rd Monday, October August 3rd 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Complete Home Care 3207 Mullins Dr, Corinth, MS “35 Years Experience” Batteries and Service for all Brands


8A • Daily Corinthian


State Briefs Associated Press

Biofuels facility set in Golden Triangle area STARKVILLE — Gov. Haley Barbour is scheduled to tour the Golden Triangle Regional Landfill on Thursday where local officials will be building an operation to capture methane gas to produce electricity. GE Energy, which is installing the engines to run the facility, says a ceremonial ribbon cutting for the facility has been tentatively scheduled for Oct. 11. The Golden Triangle facility — which serves the Columbus, Starkville and West point areas — was the first one to be approved by the Mississippi Public Service Commission. That approval came last December. The Tennessee Valley Authority will buy the power generated from the Golden Triangle facility through the 4 County Electric Power Association distribution system. Golden Triangle Regional Solid Waste Management Authority officials said converted methane gas will be used as fuel for a 1 megawatt facility to generate electricity. Officials expect the plant to be running by the end of the month.

School bus driver arrested in sex case JACKSON — A Clinton school bus driver has been charged with sexually abusing a 12-year-old girl. Hinds County Sheriff’s Department Capt. Henry Glaze says 69-year-old Shepard Ray Havens of Bolton was arrested Wednesday. Havens was being held in the county jail pending an initial court appearance. Glaze says the girl is a fifth grader at Eastside Elementary School. The incident allegedly occurred on Havens’ bus last Friday. Glaze says the girl told her parents who contacted authorities. School officials say Havens

was placed on unpaid leave Monday by the school district and he resigned following his arrest. Havens had been employed by the district for about three years.

Ex-minister indicted on sex charges JACKSON — Prosecutors say a former Clinton High School choir teacher has been indicted on eight felony counts of gratification of lust in Hinds County. Hinds County Assistant District Attorney Jamie McBride tells The Clarion-Ledger that John Langworthy was served with the indictment Wednesday. Langworthy is accused of befriending boys at two Jackson Baptist churches more than two decades ago, then sexually abusing them. McBridge says Langworthy was booked Wednesday at the Hinds County Detention Center in Raymond and released on bond. He was initially arrested Sept. 7. Jeff Rimes, Langworthy’s attorney, said he and Langworthy have been in regular contact with the district attorney’s office.

LRMA announces museum expansion LAUREL — Lauren Rogers Museum of Art officials say a $5 million capital campaign will add 5,400 square feet to the Laurel museum. The Hattiesburg American reports the campaign, in its silent phase for the past 15 months, has already raised $4.25 million. The museum will use $3.5 million for new gallery space, a new storage vault and an expanded loading dock. The remaining $1.5 million will be directed toward the museum’s endowment. Officials expect to break ground on the new space in January, with a grand opening planned for May 2013 - in time for the museum’s 90th anniversary.

Friday, September 30, 2011

New federal protection list issued BY MATTHEW BROWN Associated Press

BILLINGS, Mont. — The Obama administration is taking steps to extend new federal protections to a list of imperiled animals and plants that reads like a manifest for Noah’s Ark — from the melodic goldenwinged warbler and slow-moving gopher tortoise, to the slimy American eel and tiny Texas kangaroo rat. Compelled by a pair of recent legal settlements, the effort in part targets species that have been mired in bureaucratic limbo even as they inch toward potential extinction. With a Friday deadline to act on more than 700 pending cases, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service already has issued decisions advancing more than 500 species toward potential new protections under the Endangered Species Act. Observers said the agency’s actions mark a breakthrough for a program long criticized by conservatives and liberals alike as cumbersome and slow. “Here at a single glance, you see the sweep of the Endangered Species Act,” said Patrick Parenteau, an environmental law professor at the University of Vermont. “They are moving through this large backlog at a fairly crisp clip now. This is the largest number of listing actions we’ve seen in a very long time, in decades.” Also among species that advanced for further consideration are 35 snails from Nevada’s Great Basin, 82 crawfish from the Southeast, 99 Hawaiian plants and a motley cast of butterflies, birds, fish, beetles, frogs, lizards, mussels and more from every corner of the country. Some have languished for decades on a “candidate list” of species the government says warrant protection but that it lacks the resources to help. The flurry of recent action

could help revive Obama’s standing among wildlife advocates upset over the administration’s support for taking gray wolves off the endangered list in the Northern Rockies and Upper Great Lakes, among other issues. But it also comes amid a backlash in Congress against the 37-year-old endangered species program. Earlier this year, citing restrictions against development and other activities, Republicans unsuccessfully sought to strip the federal budget of money to list new species as threatened or endangered. Most of the decisions made under the current settlements are preliminary. So far only 12 new animals and plants have reached the final step and been added to the almost 1,400 species on the government’s threatened and endangered list. Also, not every species made the cut to take the next step. Roughly 40 rejections have been meted out, including for plains bison, the giant Palouse earthworm of Idaho and Utah’s Gila monster. Those rejections are subject to court challenges. Friday’s deadline was established in a pair of settlements approved by U.S. District Judge Emmett Sullivan on Sept. 9. Those deals resolved multiple lawsuits brought against the Fish and Wildlife Service by two environmental groups, Arizonabased Center for Biological Diversity and New Mexico-based WildEarth Guardians. WildEarth Guardians’ Mark Salvo said the agency’s actions so far lend credence to claims that the affected species were in serious trouble. “The science supports protecting these species,” he said. “They were obviously in peril, and our agreement with the agency was intended to allow it finally address these listings.” Fish and Wildlife Service director Dan Ashe praised the deal and referred to the Endangered

Species Act as a “critical safety net for America’s imperiled fish, wildlife and plants” in a statement provided by his office. Agency spokeswoman Vanessa Kauffman said much of the work to comply with the settlements was well under way before the deals were finalized. The settlements also contained provisions aimed at limiting the number of petitions that can be filed by the two environmental groups if they want additional animals and plants considered for protections. Kauffman said that would free up agency staff to spend more time on species recovery. Noah Greenwald with the Center for Biological Diversity said the Fish and Wildlife Service was making “substantial progress.” “This is what we were looking for — starting to move species out of the pipeline into listing, and getting more species into the pipeline to get them under consideration,” he said. But U.S. Rep. Mike Simpson, an Idaho Republican who introduced the budget provision stripping the listing program of funding, issued a statement calling the endangered program “outdated.” His office said he would continue to oppose it. “Congress desperately needs to modernize the ESA (Endangered Species Act) to make it work,” Simpson said. “Today the ESA is a tool for controlling land and water, not for preserving species.” Simpson’s comments reflect the antipathy toward the endangered act from conservatives and business leaders who see it as hampering economic development. Those tensions have surfaced frequently during the act’s history, from fights in the 1980s over the spotted owl and logging in the Pacific Northwest to recent clashes over how much undeveloped habitat threatened grizzly bears need to survive.


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286-6662 to reserve tickets All Proceeds Benefit the Corinth Boys & Girls Club

THE POSITIVE PLACE FOR KIDS!!! SPONSORED BY: Commerce National Bank Cook Coggin Engineers Med Supply+ Corinth-Alcorn Co Bank Assoc. Corinth Coca-Cola Dr. & Mrs. Bob Davis

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Gardners and Rogers Supermarket Garrett Eye Clinic Office Pro Bailey Williams Realty David Roberts & Staff-Boys & Girls Club of Northeast MS

Daily Corinthian • Friday, September 30, 2011 • 9A



Dow Jones industrials Close: 11,153.98 Change: 143.08 (1.3%)

Fewer people apply for unemployment

11,080 10,560





Associated Press

12,000 11,500 11,000 10,500












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Chg %Chg

Harleys 58.96 AmSupr 4.46 EMC In 18.85 SumFWV 2.60 KY FstFd 7.41 BBC pf II 11.32 AmRailcar 16.40 AnacorPh n 5.83 Tufco 3.74 Colmbus 11.41

+87.1 +14.9 +13.7 +13.5 +13.3 +13.2 +12.2 +12.1 +12.0 +11.9


Chg %Chg



Chg %Chg


-3.64 -.84 -3.22 -1.05 -7.04 -1.13 -6.05 -.25 -.43 -.66

Accelr8 2.65 EngySvc un 2.43 AvalRare n 2.79 Quepasa 3.56 MastechH 2.85 ExtorreG g 6.00 HstnAEn 13.33 RareEle g 5.58 Vicon 3.20 Arrhythm 3.12

-.39 -12.8 -.28 -10.3 -.26 -8.5 -.33 -8.5 -.25 -8.1 -.43 -6.7 -.94 -6.6 -.39 -6.5 -.20 -5.9 -.18 -5.5

Tegal rs 2.22 OakVlyBcp 4.05 FocusMda 20.36 AuthenTec 3.28 Netflix 113.19 Spreadtrm 16.75 Aegerion n 12.72 IPG Photon 46.59 NCentBsh 15.65 TudouH n 15.05

-18.3 -13.7 -11.7 -11.6 -10.2 -9.2 -8.8 -8.7 -8.7 -8.7

+27.44 +.58 +2.27 +.31 +.87 +1.32 +1.78 +.63 +.40 +1.21


Chg %Chg -.87 -1.29 -4.52 -.42 -13.95 -2.06 -1.49 -5.48 -1.80 -1.72

-28.2 -24.2 -18.2 -11.5 -11.0 -11.0 -10.5 -10.5 -10.3 -10.2


Vol (00) Last Chg

S&P500ETF 2642312116.05 BkofAm 2147091 6.35 SPDR Fncl 995482 12.24 iShR2K 700115 66.33 DrxFnBull 696792 11.73 iShEMkts 684931 36.95 GenElec 597226 15.86 PrUShS&P 588419 24.29 AMD 587451 5.31 FordM 519426 10.00

+.91 +.19 +.34 +1.13 +.79 +.50 +.41 -.39 -.84 +.07


Vol (00) Last Chg

NwGold g NthgtM g GoldStr g NovaGld g CheniereEn GrtBasG g DenisnM g Taseko AbdAsPac CFCda g

55534 10.51 55085 3.31 32677 1.78 28461 6.66 24387 5.31 22132 1.68 18307 1.08 17447 2.55 16535 6.70 16276 21.06

-.20 -.09 +.01 -.08 -.11 -.03 -.04 -.13 -.18 +.18


Vol (00) Last Chg

SiriusXM 1916363 1.49 -.17 PwShs QQQ1068477 53.88 -.65 Intel 664073 22.21 -.10 Microsoft 626630 25.45 -.13 Cisco 585219 15.85 +.01 MicronT 490648 5.87 -.25 Yahoo 451895 13.42 -.77 Oracle 440851 29.65 +.20 ApldMatl 252232 10.62 +.01 Baidu 245124110.29-11.13



AFLAC AT&T Inc AMD Alcoa AlliantTch Aon Corp BP PLC BcpSouth BkofAm Bar iPVix rs Bemis Caterpillar Checkpnt Chevron Cisco Citigrp rs CocaCola Comcast Corning Deere DrSCBr rs DrxFnBull DirxSCBull Dover DowChm EnPro ExxonMbl FstHorizon FordM FrkUnv FredsInc FMCG s GenElec Goodrich iShSilver iShChina25 iShEMkts iS Eafe iShR2K Intel IBM JPMorgCh KimbClk


YTD Div Yld PE Last Chg %chg 1.20 1.72 ... .12 .80 .60 1.68 .04 .04 ... .96 1.84 ... 3.12 .24 .04 1.88 .45 .20 1.64 ... ... ... 1.26 1.00 ... 1.88 .04 ... .46 .20 1.00 .60 1.16 ... .85 .84 1.68 1.02 .84 3.00 1.00 2.80

3.3 6.0 ... 1.2 1.4 1.4 4.5 .4 .6 ... 3.2 2.4 ... 3.3 1.5 .1 2.7 2.1 1.6 2.4 ... ... ... 2.6 4.2 ... 2.5 .6 ... 7.0 1.8 3.2 3.8 1.0 ... 2.6 2.3 3.4 1.5 3.8 1.7 3.2 3.9

8 35.88 9 28.84 5 5.31 11 10.06 6 55.26 15 42.29 14 37.01 20 9.36 ... 6.35 ... 49.86 15 30.28 12 75.39 28 13.91 8 94.39 14 15.85 8 26.90 14 69.05 15 21.69 6 12.66 11 68.04 ... 48.55 ... 11.73 ... 36.32 11 47.75 11 23.74 17 30.59 10 73.88 37 6.34 5 10.00 ... 6.52 14 10.98 5 31.34 13 15.86 28 121.08 ... 29.96 ... 32.91 ... 36.95 ... 49.46 ... 66.33 10 22.21 14 179.17 7 31.39 17 71.23

+2.04 +.29 -.84 +.10 +.75 +2.24 +.58 +.54 +.19 -.87 +.50 +.31 +.58 +2.65 +.01 +.98 +.99 -.31 +.17 +.62 -2.86 +.79 +1.54 +.88 -.02 +.80 +1.81 +.38 +.07 +.02 +.03 -.96 +.41 -.01 +1.09 +.42 +.50 +.95 +1.13 -.10 +1.62 +.92 +1.41

-36.4 -1.8 -35.1 -34.6 -25.8 -8.1 -16.2 -41.3 -52.4 +32.6 -7.3 -19.5 -32.3 +3.4 -21.7 -43.1 +5.0 -.8 -34.5 -18.1 +3.7 -57.9 -49.9 -18.3 -30.5 -26.4 +1.0 -46.2 -40.4 +3.0 -20.2 -47.8 -13.3 +37.5 -.7 -23.6 -22.4 -15.0 -15.2 +5.6 +22.1 -26.0 +13.0



Kroger LVSands Lowes MGM Rsts McDnlds MeadWvco MicronT Microsoft MorgStan NY Times NiSource NokiaCp NorthropG Oracle Penney PepsiCo Pfizer PwShs QQQ PrUShS&P ProctGam RadioShk RegionsFn S&P500ETF SaraLee SearsHldgs Sherwin SiriusXM SouthnCo SprintNex SPDR Fncl TecumsehB TecumsehA Trchmrk s Vale SA WalMart WellsFargo Wendys Co Weyerh Xerox YRC rsh Yahoo


YTD Div Yld PE Last Chg %chg .46 ... .56 ... 2.80 1.00 ... .80 .20 ... .92 .55 2.00 .24 .80 2.06 .80 .41 ... 2.10 .25 .04 2.46 .46 ... 1.46 ... 1.89 ... .20 ... ... .48 1.14 1.46 .48 .08 .60 .17 ... ...

2.1 ... 2.8 ... 3.2 3.9 ... 3.1 1.3 ... 4.2 9.5 3.8 .8 2.9 3.3 4.4 .8 ... 3.3 2.0 1.1 2.1 2.7 ... 1.9 ... 4.4 ... 1.6 ... ... 1.3 4.8 2.8 1.9 1.7 3.7 2.3 ... ...

12 22.22 30 41.33 13 20.02 ... 9.93 18 88.78 14 25.76 10 5.87 9 25.45 33 15.09 ... 6.15 20 21.66 ... 5.77 8 53.27 17 29.65 16 27.58 16 62.58 12 17.98 ... 53.88 ... 24.29 16 63.70 8 12.28 ... 3.55 ... 116.05 8 16.84 ... 57.37 17 76.30 50 1.49 18 42.87 ... 3.13 ... 12.24 ... 6.91 ... 7.44 8 35.78 ... 23.87 12 51.93 10 24.99 ... 4.80 4 16.09 14 7.34 ... .05 15 13.42

+.27 -2.33 +.14 -.34 +.75 +.45 -.25 -.13 +.93 +.50 +.24 +.22 +1.17 +.20 +.03 +.61 +.42 -.65 -.39 +.97 +.04 +.12 +.91 -.13 +1.41 -.10 -.17 +.60 +.05 +.34 ... +.29 +1.23 -.29 +.62 +.54 -.07 +.14 +.03 ... -.77

-.6 -10.1 -20.2 -33.1 +15.7 -1.5 -26.8 -8.8 -44.5 -37.2 +22.9 -44.1 -9.3 -5.3 -14.6 -4.2 +2.7 -1.1 +2.2 -1.0 -33.6 -49.3 -7.7 -3.8 -22.2 -8.9 -8.6 +12.1 -26.0 -23.3 -47.0 -43.0 -10.2 -31.0 -3.7 -19.4 +3.9 -15.0 -36.3 -98.7 -19.3


Low SettleChange

CORN 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel Dec 11 634 638.25 623 632.50 Mar 12 646 651.50 636.25 645.75 May 12 661.50 661.50 644.75 653.25 Jul 12 658 664 648.75 658.50 Sep 12 612 618.50 603.50 612 Dec 12 585 589.25 578.50 583.50 Mar 13 592 598.75 592 594.50

1230 1241.25 1249.75 1255.75 1264.50 1259.50 1247.50

Low SettleChange

+1.75 +1.75 +1.50 +2 +4 +2.25 +2.50

Oct 11 Dec 11 Feb 12 Apr 12 Jun 12 Aug 12 Oct 12

120.15 121.00 121.25 121.65 123.27 123.65 126.00 126.45 122.90 123.42 123.20 123.87 125.70 125.90

119.65 120.22 122.35 125.00 122.00 122.67 125.70

+6.50 +5.75 +6 +6 +6 +7.50 +7.50

Oct 11 Dec 11 Feb 12 Apr 12 May 12 Jun 12 Jul 12

90.60 86.22 89.92 92.22 95.50 97.75 97.30

91.32 86.47 90.52 92.75 97.00 99.00 97.72

88.22 82.25 86.50 90.00 95.50 97.75 95.60

COTTON 2 50,000 lbs.- cents per lb.

Dec 11 Mar 12 May 12 Jul 12 Sep 12 Dec 12 Mar 13

Oct 11 Dec 11 Mar 12 May 12 Jul 12 Oct 12 Dec 12

627.25 661 677.50 682 699 725.25 736.50

Associated Press

SPRING HILL, Tenn. — The United Auto Workers leader in Spring Hill said restarting assembly at the General Motors Co. plant and creating some 1,700 new jobs two years after shutting it down shows the auto industry bailout was the right move and President Barack Obama deserves credit. UAW Local 1853 President Mike O’Rourke said Wednesday there will be about 2,200 workers, including some who are already building GM engines at the former Saturn plant, and another 15,000 spinoff jobs in the surrounding Middle Tennessee region. “Hey, that’s pretty good news for the area,” O’Rourke said. He said the auto bailout saved 1 million jobs in the United States, and “hey, Obama was right.” In 2009, GM announced the shutdown of Spring Hill and laid off more than 2,000 workers. O’Rourke said the restart

planned to begin next year is an “economic miracle.” GM., which went through bankruptcy, received $49.5 billion in the U.S. bailout. GM has not said which cars will be built at the plant but the jobs are expected to be up and running sometime next year. A top GM executive said Wednesday that the Spring Hill plant will have maximum model flexibility when assembly is restarted. The automaker has said it intends to reopen the plant with staffing and operating rules still being worked out with the union. GM Chief Financial Officer Dan Amman said Wednesday the plant will have flexibility to make “distinctly different vehicles” and be ready to quickly adjust to changing market demand. Amman declined to give a date for the restart or say if there is a limit on entry-level workers. The automaker has said

... +.40 +.18 +.28 +.30 ... +.30

90.37 85.97 89.95 92.25 96.85 98.85 97.50

+1.60 +2.50 +2.25 +1.25 +1.45 +.85 +.43

654.25 +15.50 685.75 +14 700 +13 705 +13.25 720.25 +12 741.75 +13.50 755.75 +11.50

... ... 98.46 103.17 95.60 100.10 94.60 98.05 94.35 97.51 ... ... 92.00 94.50

... 100.97 +2.64 98.21 102.22 +2.69 95.25 99.15 +2.48 94.51 97.63 +2.03 94.25 97.12 +1.86 ... 95.79 +1.37 92.00 94.13 +1.66

6th Year Anniversary September 1st-October 31st


Total Return/Rank Pct Min Init 4-wk 12-mo 5-year Load Invt

PIMCO TotRetIs Vanguard TotStIdx American Funds GrthAmA m Fidelity Contra Vanguard InstIdxI x American Funds CapIncBuA m American Funds IncAmerA m Vanguard 500Adml American Funds CpWldGrIA m Vanguard TotStIAdm American Funds InvCoAmA m Dodge & Cox IntlStk Dodge & Cox Stock American Funds WAMutInvA m Vanguard InstPlus x FrankTemp-Franklin Income A m American Funds EurPacGrA m

CI 144,330 10.78 LB 58,721 28.80 LG 57,082 27.34 LG 57,045 63.82 LB 55,901 106.14 IH 55,898 47.41 MA 51,184 15.82 LB 49,870 106.85 WS 48,359 31.06 LB 47,454 28.81 LB 43,101 25.28 FV 40,297 29.60 LV 38,205 94.65 LV 36,898 26.21 LB 34,848 106.14 CA 34,484 2.01 FB 33,112 35.11

-1.4 -4.7 -5.5 -4.4 -3.9 -3.1 -2.7 -3.9 -5.6 -4.6 -4.2 -7.1 -5.3 -2.4 -3.9 -2.4 -7.2

+0.9/E +2.9/B -1.2/D +2.8/C +3.4/A +0.9/B +3.1/A +3.4/A -6.9/D +3.0/B -1.3/D -10.6/D -1.5/D +6.1/A +3.4/A +1.5/C -10.4/D

+7.8/A -0.2/B -0.5/D +2.7/A -0.7/B +1.4/C +1.6/C -0.7/B 0.0/B -0.1/B -1.3/C -1.6/A -4.3/D -0.5/A -0.6/B +2.8/C -0.1/A

O’Rourke said there will be entry-level workers at Spring Hill but laid off UAW workers will not be pushed aside. “Nobody gets displaced,” he said. “We will get our people who need to get called back called back.” He said more than 80 percent of the union’s members voted Sept. 23 to approve the contract.

$25 all day golfing MEMBERSHIP OFFER Green Feerental Full Membership including cart New Members may join at the

Course open for public play Tuesday thru Thursday reduced rate of $75 per month Pro-shop closed Monday October 1, 2011 - March 31, 2012 Open Tuesday – Thursday *some exclusions apply

Restaurant and lounge available Call 662-286-2204 Call for times or Restaurant andmore Lounge Available 286-8020 for information Course open for public play Tuesday thru Thursday

Pro Shop closed Monday Call for Times

Hillandale Country Club



SEPTEMBER 30 • 3P.M. TO 8P.M. OCTOBER 1 • 8A.M. TO 8 P.M.

MUTUAL FUNDS Total Assets Obj ($Mlns) NAV

it will invest $61 million for one midsize car and add 600 jobs, while it will spend $358 million on another midsize car with 1,100 jobs created. Under the new contract, GM can have as many entry-level, $15-an-hour workers as it wants. Amman said after 2015 only 25 percent of the factory workers can be paid the lower wage.

662-286-2204 13 Oakland School Road • Corinth, MS 13 Oakland School Road • Corinth, MS

Tables show seven most current contracts for each future. Grains traded on Chicago Board of Trade; livestock on Chicago Mercantile Exchange; and cotton on New York Cotton Exchange.


won’t be able to prevent Greece from defaulting and worsening the region’s debt crisis. That sent the U.S. stock market down 6.4 percent, its biggest weekly loss since October 2008, in the midst of the financial crisis. If Greece defaults, that could destabilize other indebted countries, such as Portugal, Ireland and Italy. It could also harm many of Europe’s banks, which own Greek debt. If European banks hoard cash to make up for their losses and stop lending to their U.S. counterparts, that could restrict credit in the United States and slow the economy. And a financial crisis in Europe would reduce U.S. companies’ exports and sales to the region. The slow growth and turmoil have raised fears that the U.S. economy could enter another recession. Some economists put the odds as high as 40 percent.

September 8 – April 1 SPECIAL

HOGS-Lean 40,000 lbs.- cents per lb.

WHEAT 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel 651.50 656.25 684.25 689 699.25 703.50 704 708.50 720 722 740 742.25 736.50 755.75

120.40 121.25 123.20 126.00 122.95 123.70 125.90

dicts total growth for 2011 will be just 1.7 percent. Consumers are reluctant to spend, with unemployment high, wages stagnant, and gas prices at about $3.50 a gallon. Consumer confidence plunged in August to recessionary levels, after lawmakers battled over raising the government’s borrowing limit and Standard & Poor’s cut its rating on long-term U.S. debt. That sent the stock market sharply lower, which hurts consumers’ ability to spend. Retail sales were flat in August, a sign the turmoil caused consumers to pull back. Anemic growth has prompted many businesses to pull back on hiring. Employers added no net jobs in August, the worst showing in almost a year. The unemployment rate was stuck at 9.1 percent for the second straight month. Investors also worried last week that Europe

Spring Hill UAW chief credits Obama for restart

CATTLE 40,000 lbs.- cents per lb.

SOYBEANS 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel Nov 11 1230.25 1238 1209.25 Jan 12 1241.25 1249 1221.50 Mar 12 1249.751257.251229.25 May 12 1261.751263.75 1235 Jul 12 12701272.501243.75 Aug 12 1263.251263.251259.50 Sep 12 12461252.50 1244

Open High

WASHINGTON — The number of people seeking unemployment benefits fell sharply last week, an encouraging sign that layoffs are easing. Weekly applications dropped 37,000 to a seasonally adjusted 391,000, the Labor Department said Thursday. That’s the lowest level since April 2 and the first time applications have fallen below 400,000 since Aug. 6. Some of the improvement was due to technical factors related to the seasonal adjustment of the data, a Labor Department spokesman said. The spokesman also said some states reported higher applications in previous weeks due to Hurricane Irene. As a result, the drop “may not be as encouraging as it looks,” said Paul Dales, an economist at Capital Economics. “Fur-

ther falls will be needed before we can conclude a downward trend is underway.” Applications typically need to fall below 375,000 to signal substantial job growth. They haven’t been that low since February. The four-week average, a less volatile measure, fell to 417,000, the first drop in six weeks. Most recent evidence shows the job market is sluggish and the economy is weak. The economy expanded only 1.3 percent in the April-June quarter, the Commerce Department said in a separate report Thursday. That’s a mild improvement from last month’s estimate of 1 percent growth. Most economists expect growth will pick up a bit in the second half of this year, but not enough to lower the unemployment rate. A forecasting panel for the National Association for Business Economics pre-


NL 1,000,000 NL 3,000 5.75 250 NL 2,500 NL 5,000,000 5.75 250 5.75 250 NL 10,000 5.75 250 NL 10,000 5.75 250 NL 2,500 NL 2,500 5.75 250 NL 200,000,000 4.25 1,000 5.75 250


BL -Balanced, GL -Global Stock, IL -International Stock, LC -Large-Cap Core, LG -Large-Cap Growth, LV Large-Cap Val., MT -Mortgage, SB -Short-Term Bond, SP -S&P 500, XC -Multi-Cap Core, XG -Multi-Cap Growth, XV -Multi-Cap Val.Total Return: Chng in NAV with dividends reinvested. Rank: How fund performed vs. others with same objective: A is in top 20%, E in bottom 20%. Min Init Invt: Minimum $ needed to invest in fund. NA = Not avail. NE = Data in question. NS = Fund not in existence. Source: Morningstar. Stock Footnotes: g = Dividends and earnings in Canadian dollars. h = Does not meet continued-listing standards. lf = Late filing with SEC. n = New in past 52 weeks. pf = Preferred. rs = Stock has undergone a reverse stock split of at least 50 percent within the past year. rt = Right to buy security at a specified price. s = Stock has split by at least 20 percent within the last year. un = Units. vj = In bankruptcy or receivership. wd = When distributed. wi = When issued. wt = Warrants. Mutual Fund Footnotes: x = Ex cash dividend. NL = No up-front sales charge. p = Fund assets used to pay distribution costs. r = Redemption fee or contingent deferred sales load may apply. t = Both p and r. Gainers and Losers must be worth at least $2 to be listed in tables at left. Most Actives must be worth at least $1. Volume in hundreds of shares. Source: The Associated Press. Sales figures are unofficial.

1792 Hwy 72 E., Corinth, MS • 662-286-0195 2801 Mall Drive, Florence • 256-765-0303 2010 Woodward Ave., Muscle Shoals • 256-386-8720

Wal-Mart Supercenter Corinth 2301 S. Harper Rd. Corinth, MS 662-287-3148

12A • Friday, September 30, 2011 • Daily Corinthian




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7 PM


8 PM


9 PM


Modern The Middle Pan Am “Pilot” 20/20 (N) Family A Gifted Man (N) CSI: NY “Keep It Real” Blue Bloods Danny (N) shoots a cop. (N) Bare Escentuals Carolyn Pollack Sterling Jewelry A Gifted Man (N) CSI: NY “Keep It Real” Blue Bloods Danny (N) shoots a cop. (N) Up All Whitney Dateline NBC The search for a New Mexico meNight chanic. (N) Nikita “Falling Ash” (N) Supernatural “Hello CW30 News (N) Cruel World” (N) Modern The Middle Pan Am “Pilot” 20/20 (N) Family Up All Whitney Dateline NBC The search for a New Mexico meNight chanic. (N) Electric Dreams “1990’s” } ›› As You Like It (36, Comedy) My Generation Elisabeth Bergner. 30 Rock 30 Rock How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine (N)

Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman

SEPTEMBER 30, 2011

10 PM


11 PM


ABC 24 (:35) Night- Two and Big Bang News line Half Men Theory News Ch. 3 Late Show With David Late Letterman Friday Night Beauty Clarks Footwear News Late Show With David Late Letterman News The Tonight Show With Late Night Jay Leno (N) Family Sanford & Andy The JefFeud (N) Son Griffith fersons News (:35) Night- Jimmy Kimmel Live line News (N) The Tonight Show With Late Night Jay Leno (N) Ebert at Being Tavis Nightly Movie Served Smiley Business 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs Always Sunny Washing- Need to Great Performances (N) UnderBig Voice “Kelly” Charlie Rose (N) World ton W’k Know (N) ground News Kitchen Nightmares Fringe “One Night in Fox 13 News--9PM (N) Fox 13 TMZ (N) Cosby Family Guy “Leone’s” (N) October” (N) News Show Psych Psych Monk Monk Monk Nikita “Falling Ash” (N) Supernatural “Hello PIX News at Ten Jodi Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Cruel World” (N) Applegate. (N) Strike Back (N) Chemistry Skin to the Strike Back Co-Ed (6:30) } ››› Inception A thief enters people’s (N) Max dreams and steals their secrets. Thirst Two couples struggle to survive } ›› Piranha (10, Horror) Elisabeth Boxing: Ali Chebah vs. Ajose Olusegun. (N) (Live) in the California desert. Shue, Adam Scott. Bored to Real Time With Bill Real Time With Bill } ››› 127 Hours (10, Drama) } ›› Machete (10) Death Maher (N) (L) Maher James Franco. Danny Trejo. The Real World Jersey Shore } American Pie Presents: Beta House } American Pie College Football: Utah State at BYU. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (6:55) Gangland (:10) Gangland “Blood River” The (:25) Gangland Brown (:39) Gangland “Texas (:38) Flip Barrio Azteca. Pride. Terror” Men (6:30) NCIS } ›› He’s Just Not That Into You (09) Men and women navi- CSI: Crime Scene Inves- Law & Order: Special tigation Victims Unit gate through complex relationships. Sponge. Bucket George George Friends Friends ’70s ’70s George George Man, Woman, Wild Man, Woman, Wild (N) Trawler Wars (N) Man, Woman, Wild Trawler Wars Criminal Minds “To Criminal Minds “... And Criminal Minds “Reck- Criminal Minds “HopeHell ...” Back” oner” less” College Soccer: Virginia Football Football The New College Foot- Action Sports World at Clemson. Weekly Preview ball Show Champion (6:30) } › Exit Wounds (01) } ›› Lethal Weapon 4 (98, Action) Mel Gibson. Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters House Hunters Int’l Int’l Int’l Int’l Int’l Int’l Hunters Int’l Sex-City Sex-City Kendra Kardas The Fashion Chelsea E! News Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Restoration Restoration Restoration Restoration The History of Sex

(:01) Criminal Minds “To Hell ...” Barclays Premier League Review Wendy Williams Hunters Hunters Int’l Int’l Chelsea Pawn Stars Pawn Stars

High School Football: Chaparral (Ariz.) vs. Notre Dame (Ariz.). Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Four Weddings (N) ATL ATL ATL ATL Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Heat Seekers Drive Drive Drive Drive The Waltons The Waltons Today J. Meyer Reba “Pilot” Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba

AFL Premiership Four Weddings

Rise Up Say Yes: Say Yes: ATL ATL Diners, Diners, Drive Drive Medicine Woman Reba Reba



Lynn Johnston

Mike Peters

Diners, Diners, Drive Drive The Big Valley (:01) Reba (:31) Reba

Behind Report Jeffrey Perry Praise the Lord Price Focus } ›› U-571 (00) Matthew McConaughey. GIs try to steal an } ››› Top Gun Tom Cruise. A hot-shot Navy jet pilot downs encryption device from a German sub. MiGs and loves an astrophysicist. America’s Funniest America’s Funniest America’s Funniest The 700 Club “A Brand Whose Whose Home Videos Home Videos Home Videos New Life” Line? Line? } ››› Point Blank (67) Lee Marvin. Left-for-dead } ›› Tension at Table Rock (56) (:45) } ››› The Sins of Rachel crook seeks revenge. Richard Egan. Cade Angie Dickinson. Law & Order “Prejudice” } ›› Deep Impact (98) Robert Duvall, Tea Leoni. A large } ›› The Time Machine (02) Guy comet is on a collision course with Earth. Pearce. (5:00) MLB Baseball: Divisional Se- MLB Baseball: Divisional Series: Teams TBA. (N) (L) ries: Teams TBA. (N) Deal or No Deal Deal or No Deal FamFeud FamFeud Newly Baggage Drew FamFeud Star Thundr. King-Hill King-Hill American American Fam Guy Fam Guy Chicken Aqua M*A*S*H M*A*S*H } ››› The Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger. Nanny Nanny Nanny SP Cen The 10 The Day The Day Trackside At... The Car Dumbest How I Met How I Met } ›› Pineapple Express (08, Comedy) Seth Rogen. A stoner } ››› Superbad (07) Jonah Hill, flees after witnessing a murder. Michael Cera. Bassmasters Span. Fly Bill Fishing Fishing Spear Extreme Hunting Bone Elk Fe Buck Gun It Whitetail NFL Turning Point NBC Sports Talk NFL Turning Point OWN } ›› Before Women Had Wings (97) OWN } Before Women The O’Reilly Factor Hannity (N) Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor Hannity I Shouldn’t Be Alive I Shouldn’t Be Alive I Shouldn’t Be Alive I Shouldn’t Be Alive I Shouldn’t Be Alive Little House on the Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Golden Golden Prairie Girls Girls WizardsA.N.T. Farm Jessie (N) Phineas PrankStars Good Luck Charlie Shake It WizardsA.N.T. Farm Place (N) and Ferb “Story Time” Up! Place WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) Haven “Sins of the FaAlphas “Original Sin” Haven “Sins of the thers” (N) Fathers”


Dean Young & Stan Drake

Horoscopes Friday, Sept. 30 By Holiday Mathis


Fred Lasswell

Creators Syndicate

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Winning begets winning. Regardless of your starting position, you can create an excellent end result if you stay focused on what’s going right instead of on what’s going wrong. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You don’t have to push yourself to share with others, because your contributions flow effortlessly from you. It brings you such great pleasure to give that you are becoming well known for your generosity. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Don’t forget about that whim you had last week. It is still a good idea, and it is worth investigating further, if not following through to the exciting end. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You will do your part to protect, preserve, restore and manage your household. If everyone takes on as much responsibility as you do, your home life will be in tiptop shape. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ll enjoy your time with loved ones. You’ve been rushing around so much that you may feel that you haven’t really seen them. Today’s slower pace will give you a chance to openly gaze in appreciation. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Today your tidbits come in the form of information and entertainment and won’t cost you much money to pick up and share. You are constantly combing the scene for something your loved ones would like. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Love isn’t going to sneak into your heart and surprise you, and you won’t suddenly discover love. Love is a state that you will co-create with another person. An interesting development happens in a relationship. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). This day will feel like a whole week because its intensity is so turned up. You’ll pack twice as many people and activities into the space of 24 hours, so the day will be broken up into short bursts of your attention. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Life will likely improve later, and yet it would be a shame to waste the moment anticipating better days when you could be engaged in the perfectly lovely circumstance happening right now. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). It will help you to understand your rights and powers. For instance, without the support of customers, a business will fail. As a paying customer, you have certain rights that you should know and defend. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Each person projects his or her own story onto the situation at hand. Therefore, you can safely assume that however people are reacting to you, it is not personal. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You sometimes assume that what you know is common knowledge, but it really isn’t. That is why it’s important that you teach the people around you, especially if those people happen to be your children.




Rick Kirkman & Jerry Scott

Jim Davis

Chris Browne

Today in History 1927 - Babe Ruth hit his 60th home run. The record stood until Roger Maris hit 61 in 1961. Mark McGwire beat Maris’s record in 1998 by hitting 70 and Barry Bonds topped this in 2001 with 73. 1938 - Britain and France surrendered to Germany’s demands concerning the Sudetenland, and signed the Munich Pact. 1946 - Twenty-two Nazi leaders were found guilty at the Nuremberg trials. 1955 - Actor James Dean was killed in a car crash. 1966 - Botswana gained its independence from Great Britain.


Mort Walker

Daily Corinthian • Friday, September 30, 2011 • 1B


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Religion Worship Call

Singing â– First United Christian Church of Theo, CR 755 is having a Community Singing Saturday, Oct. 1 at 7 p.m. featuring The Singing Prayer Warriors and local community singers. A potluck dinner will follow -- bring favorite dish. For more information, call the Rev. Casey Rutherford, pastor at 662396-1967. â– The Old Church Opry House, located at the corner of Cooper and Jackson Streets in Ripley, is presenting Country/Bluegrass Night Saturday, Oct. 1 from 6:30-9:30 p.m. featuring Main Street Musicians from Ripley and Saltillo Bucket Riders. For more information, call Bobby Hodges, 5879885 or Wayne Windham, 662-837-1766 or 662-837-8709. â– The Fifth Sunday Singing will be held at Greater Life United Baptist Church on Sunday, Oct. 30 beginning at 10 a.m. All area singers are invited. Lunch will be served. Â

In revival East Corinth Baptist Church, 4303 Shiloh Rd., Corinth, is hosting a Fall Revival, Sunday, Oct. 2 through Wednesday, Oct. 5. The revival will begin Sunday, Oct. 2 with Sunday School high attendance at 9:30 a.m. followed by Morning Revival Worship Celebration at 10:45 a.m. The evening services, Sunday - Wednesday will begin at 6:30 p.m. The Rev. Jim Manley, pastor of the Doty Chapel Baptist Church in Lee County will be evangelist. Music will be under the direction of Ronnie Smith and musicians will be Truman Dawson and Karen Jones. Special music will be rendered at each service by special local musical guests. Â

‘It’s Praying Time’ Greater Life United Baptist Church, 1605 Droke Rd., Corinth, is presenting “It’s Praying Timeâ€? on Sunday, Oct. 9 at 2:20 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend. Â

Benefit singing

Men’s/Women’s Day

A benefit singing for Bro. Michael Pegg to help with medical expenses for a brain abscess is being held Saturday, Oct. 1, 6 p.m., at Zion Pentecostal Church, Corinth. The singing will featured The Hood Family from Atoka, Tenn.; Aineo to Praise from Tate Baptist; and Bro. Stephen Rickman of Corinth. A love offering will be taken. For more information, call 662-643-3326. Â

Central Grove M.B. Church, 274 CR 614, Kossuth is presenting its annual Men’s and Women’s Day program on Sunday, Oct. 16 at 3 p.m. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Eddie Wayne Payne, pastor of The New Zeal M.B. Church of Savannah, Tenn., accompanied by his choir and church family. Â


Pleasant Grove M.B. Church in Rienzi is having its Pastor Appreciation Day for the Rev. Leroy Harris and wife on Sunday, Oct. 2 at 3 p.m. The Rev. Eddie Payne and church family from New Zeal Baptist Church in Savannah, Tenn. will be guests. Â

The St. Rest MB Church will be having its annual Homecoming 2011 on Sunday, Oct. 2 at 3 p.m. The speaker will be Bro. Bruce Michael Kirk of Chicago, Ill. Â Music will be provided by Red Oak MB Church of Tupelo. This church was pastored by the late Rev. Hiwatha Ratliff. Â Â

Gospel meeting Meigg Street Church of Christ is having its annual gospel meeting, starting with a fellowship meal on Sunday, Oct. 2 at 12:30 p.m. and afternoon program starting at 2:30 p.m.  Nightly services  Monday - Wednesday, Oct. 3-5 will begin at 7 p.m. There will be a different speaker each night : Sunday, Oct. 2 -- Bro. Thomas Holiday, Church of Christ in Alabama; Monday, Oct. 3 -- Bro. Blake Nicholas, Foote St. Church of Christ, Corinth; Tuesday, Oct. 4 -- Bro. Freedman Malone, Church of Christ, Athen, Ala.; and Wednesday, Oct. 5 -- Bro. Robert Nelson Jones, Madison Street Church of Christ, Lexington, Tenn. Sunday School begins at 9:30 a.m., Sunday Worship at 10:30 a.m. and Wednesday Bible Study at 6:30 p.m. Â

Final Destination Iuka Baptist Church, 105 W. Eastport St. is presenting “Final Destination,� a drama depicting Heaven and Hell on Saturday and Sunday,

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Budget program City Road Temple C.M.E., 420 Dr. Martin Luther King, Drive, Corinth, is having its Budget program on Sunday, Oct. 9 at 3 p.m. The Rev. Felix Hayes of St. Paul of Smithville and choir will be guests. Â

AWANA St. Mark Baptist Church is offering AWANA on Wednesday nights from 6-7:30 p.m. AWANA is a time tested, well respected bible curriculum. The evening format will include bible drill competitions and game time. There is also Adult Prayer and Bible Study from 6-7:15 p.m. If interested in this program, contact Pastor Kim Ratliff, 662287-6718. If there is no answer leave a brief message with contact information. Â

Bible study Hungry Hearts Church, 408 Hwy. 72 W., Corinth, (across from Gateway Tire), is having a bible study every Wednesday from 6:30-8:30 p.m. The subject is “U.S., Great Britain and Bible Prophecy.� For more information, call 287-0277.

BY JIMMY REED In Robert Service’s poem, “The Cremation Of Sam McGee,� one line reads, “A promise made is a debt unpaid.� Jephthah found out how cruel this debt can be. In Judges, Old Testament character Jephthah is described as a mighty warrior, spurned by his countrymen, the Israelites, because he was a prostitute’s son. In self-exile, he honed his martial skills by leading bands of marauders in raids on caravans. Those skills didn’t go unnoticed by his former countrymen when their bellicose neighbors, the Ammonites, decided to reclaim territory taken from them by the Israelites during their Egyptto-Canaan migration. They no longer cared who Jephthah mama was -- they needed him to take the fight to the Ammonites and to lead them afterward. Surely God wouldn’t let his chosen people lose, but to make sure the Creator was in his corner, Jephthah made a foolish vow: Lord, help me defeat these heathens, and when I return in victory, I will sacrifice to You the first living creature that emerges from my tent.

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that you would not be ashamed to sell your family parrot to the town gossip. We can’t all be heroes because somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by. Everyone is ignorant, only on different subjects. After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him. Moral: When you’re full of bull, keep your mouth shut! Have a great weekend. (Lora Ann Huff is a Wenasoga resident and special columnist for the Daily Corinthian. Her column appears Friday. She may be reached at 1774 CR 700, Corinth, MS 38834.)

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it when the storm ahead abated? Whether made to God or another person, when promises are reasonable they must be kept. Doing so develops character, and carrying through with promises earns respect and trust by others, as when incurring debt. If people of meager means pay debts on time as promised, they are equal to wealthy people whose debts are paid at the appointed time. Not keeping one’s word leads to the same fate as Aesop’s shepherd boy who repeatedly cried wolf until no one believed him, and when wolves really did attack, the herd was destroyed. Those who consistently say one thing and do another reach a point where, even when they are truthful, no one believes them. The Bible is the ultimate lesson giver. This is certainly true in the story about Jephthah tragic mistake, which confirms this truth: A promise made is a debt unpaid. (Oxford resident Jimmy Reed, jimmycecilreedjr@gmail.com is a newspaper columnist, author and college teacher. His latest book is available at Square Books, 662-236-2262.)


We can’t predict the future. Just be prepared for it with life insurance from Alfa™. David Payne 518 N. Cass St. (38834) PO Box 2134 Corinth, MS 38835 Bus: (662) 286-5430 dpayne@alfains.com

Apparently, Jephthah was counting on an animal to be the sacrificial victim. To his horror, when the Israelites returned from the conquest, his only child, a daughter, exited the tent and danced before him. As Samuel Johnson said, “We must not promise what we ought not, lest we be called on to perform what we cannot.� Even so, Jephthah performed what he promised, and sacrificed his daughter. Should he have broken his vow, even though it was made to God? Yes, as Ghandi seems to indicate when he said, “A vow is fixed . . . an unalterable determination to do a thing, when such a determination is related to something noble that can uplift the man who makes the resolve.� Killing one’s own -whether before birth or after -- is neither noble nor uplifting. If Jephthah had confessed to the Lord that he made a foolish vow, he would have been confessing what God already knew. His omniscient Maker understood that the vow was made in haste and not well thought out, and besides, what person hasn’t made a vow to his Creator, but abandoned


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from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad j u d g The Back ment. Porch I f you’re Lora Ann ridin’ Huff ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it’s still there. Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier’n puttin’ it back. Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like. Live in such a way

Promise made is debt unpaid

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Enjoy Peace of Mind.

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Pastor appreciation

A friend forwarded an e-mail to me the other day -- at the exact time I needed a good laugh. The quotes are supposedly by comedian Will Rogers, and I’ll list a few I particularly liked. If you’re in the right frame of mind, maybe you’ll smile, too. Never slap a man who’s chewing tobacco. Never kick a cow chip on a hot day. There are two theories to arguing with a woman -- neither works. Never miss a good chance to shut up. Always drink upstream from the herd. If you find yourself in a hole, quit digging. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it back in your pocket. Good judgment comes


Youth revival Tuscumbia Baptist Church is hosting a Youth Revival, Monday, Oct. 3 thru Wednesday, Oct. 5 at 6:30 p.m. each night. Bro. Kevin Meritt will be guest speaker. There will be special music nightly. For more information, contact Tim Chapman at 662-287-1832 or Bro. Rodney Whittemore at 662-415-7008. Â

Friday, September 30, 2011

Never slap a man chewing tobacco


2B • Daily Corinthian

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Healthy Marriage Tip... She says she wants to talk and this scares most men. Not because conversations are unimportant but they often are considered mine ďŹ elds. Serious issues could come up that could spark a tension that lasts for weeks. She might ask about her weight; or her mother or her mother’s weight. And being perfectly honest here; you could say something stupid. So how do know when to be totally transparent and when to shut up? It really depends on the relationship dynamics you have already established with her, but to avoid the mineďŹ eld and enjoy talking to your wife, you might want to be award of a few ground rules. She needs openness about your concerns but she doesn’t need you to weigh every alternative out loud (because frankly some of those alternatives might be somewhat edgy and you don’t want to scare her). She needs to know your heart but not every single thought (like the features that made a woman you noticed at work today attractive). Be honest but not burdensome. Reveal your heart without destroying her sense of security; talk with love and grace constantly assuring her of your love. For more information about healthy relationships and marriages contact the Booneville School District Healthy Marriage Project, Carolyn Gowen, Project Director, at crgowen@bellsouth.net. Although we promote healthy For more information about healthy marriages contact relationships and/or marriage, we dorelationships not advocateand staying in an abusive relationship the Boonevilleand/or Schoolmarriage. District Healthy Marriage Project, Carolyn Gowen,

3B • Daily Corinthian


2nd chance at romance is fraught with consequences DEAR ABBY: I’m a 50-year-old female, married 26 years, with three grown children. When I was 16, I dated a guy, “OliDear ver,� I cared for very Abby much. We got along, never argued and Abigail were very close. van Buren The attachment we had I have never experienced since. Months after we broke up, my mom told me that because we were of different races, she had called Oliver’s parents and told them to keep him away from me because we were getting too close. We both moved on, but through the years I have thought of him often. Sixteen months ago, I found him online. He lives a half-hour away, has two teenagers and is unhappy in his marriage. We spoke on the phone or online for a year. Over the last few months we have been meeting at a nearby park. Our connection is still there. We are soul mates and no longer want to be without each other. And no, we have not had sex. My husband has been good to me. I love him, but I’m not “in love� with him. I am torn between staying with my husband to honor the commitment to my family, or following my heart with Oliver. I’m in love with him and don’t want to lose him a second time. — ANOTHER CHANCE IN CALIFORNIA DEAR CHANCE: You say you’re torn between your commitment to your family or following your heart. But what about Oliver’s commitment to his family? Although your children are grown, his aren’t. They still need a father at home. If the feelings you have carried in your heart all these years for Oliver are more than a fantasy,

Friday, September 30, 2011

’48 Tishomingo school news (Source: The Tishomingo County News, Iuka,, June 8, 1978) Something Old by Lela T. Clark It will soon be the date for the Tishomingo Agricultural High School (TAHS) homecoming. This celebration was begun September 16, 1948. Do you have a clipping of this “Beginning Event?� I do. Much credit must be given to two Tishomingo people for having the forethought, ability, initiative, and love for their hometown and school to organize, advertise and carry out such a wonderful 40th anniversary. These two people were none other than Alvis O. Gray, now deceased, and Eufra Owens Blunt. It was not just an evening “talk fest� and a banquet like we have now, but a series of meetings, concerts, and picnics, which lasted through Monday, September 6 — three days.

they won’t wither if you postpone acting on your feelings. Are you strong enough to do that? Whether you’re up to the challenge is something only the two of you can decide. DEAR ABBY: I have a close friend, “Lindy,� who is dying from liver cancer. She could no longer eat or drink even before the chemo was started, and she sleeps most of the time. The chemo has done nothing more for her than make her lose her hair. Lindy is adamant that she’ll beat the cancer. To that end, she wants nothing “negative� passed on to outsiders, including her relatives who live eight hours away. She has no family here except her boyfriend, whom she won’t allow to talk to her doctor. He refuses to go against her wishes. I am torn between being loyal to my friend’s belief that she’ll get better, or notifying her family about how sick she really is so they can visit her before she passes. If they come, Lindy will be furious (if she’s still coherent). But if they don’t have the opportunity, it will be unfair to them. My heart tells me to call Lindy’s family and tell them to consider a visit sooner rather than later. What do you think? — CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE DEAR IN THE MIDDLE: I think that if Lindy were as close to her family as you imagine, they would have some inkling that she’s ill. That you are aware of her illness shows how much she trusts you and cares for you. The people who are most important to her know about her condition, so please respect her wishes. (Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.)

Special honor guests were Mrs. J. O. Looney, wife of the founder, and two graduates of RaNae the first class Vaughn — W. A. Owens and EarHistorically nestine LooSpeaking ney Fisher. Sunday was a day of special memorial services in all the churches for the boys who had given their lives in the two World Wars. W.R. Nettles, Superintendent of the Tishomingo Consolidated Schools, gave the welcoming address to hundreds of alumni and friends, who had gathered for this three-day celebration of the 40 years of service of this institution. In my “keep-sake� notes, I found some interesting facts plus some research I did that Prof. J. O. Looney was the founder. The first building was a one-story frame with only one room, which took

care of the “learning of the boys and girls at that time.� In 1913, the little frame building was blown down by the storm which swept through this part of the country. Temporary buildings such as churches were used for the student’s classrooms until another building, a two-story frame with five classrooms, an auditorium and office, were built. Soon one dormitory was erected and another started. The teachers who taught during this period were: Supt. J. O. Looney, Ruth Looney, Lola Looney, Luther Neal, Anna Wren, Mary Waco (Burns), Bill Arthur Owens, Rhoda Haney (Stephens), Pearl Reid, Blanch Wynn, Tiny Strickland, and Edward E. Cohan. (RaNae Vaughn is board member and in charge of marketing and publications for the Tishomingo County Historical & Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 203, Iuka, MS 38852.)

Elvis inspires Tennessee legal seminar Associated Press

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Turns out Elvis the King of Rock and Roll spawned Elvis the lawsuit — a whole lotta lawsuits. It’ll be a hunka hunka review of Elvis’ legal cases Tuesday, in Chattanooga, Tenn. Legal Aid of East Tennessee is sponsoring a threehour continuing legal education session. It’s billed as “Elvis Law. The state and federal cases dealing with the late king of rock ‘n’ roll.� The presentation is free. Attorneys attending get three

hours toward a required 15 hours of continuing education each year. To attract attention in an email announcing the session, the legal aid group showed a famous 1970 photo of Elvis and then-President Richard Nixon. A 10-foot cardboard cutout of Elvis will greet attendees. And a little Elvis music may be played as they mingle before the presentation starts. “We’re approaching it in a light-hearted way,� said Charlie McDaniel, pro bono project director. Around three dozen attorneys from southeast Tennessee are ex-

pected to attend. “Elvis was fascinating,� said Russell Fowler, the group’s associate director who will lead the presentation. “He was not litigious, never sued anybody. He’d fire someone and then give them $50,000 to be nice. But when he died, litigation sprang from everywhere.� He said topics will include ownership of Elvis’ name, likeness and image; media access to his autopsy records; disputes over what happened to concert tickets sold before Elvis died, and others.

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