Tuesday Dec. 20,
50 cents
Daily Corinthian Vol. 115, No. 302
2011 Christmas Basket Fund ‘A Community Tradition’
Basket fund tops $26,000 in donations
The spirit of giving this Christmas season is alive and well in the Alcorn County area. Donations continue to arrive for the 16th Annual Corinth Rotary Club / Daily Corinthian Christmas Basket Fund. A $25,000 fund raising goal was set so 1,100 food baskets could be given to local families on Saturday, Dec. 10. It was a record number of baskets and the community has responded in a big way. Baskets were given away based upon the faith the goal would be reached and the faith has now turned into fact with the goal not only being reached, but surpassed. So far $26,625 has been raised. Donations include $50 anonymous gift in memory of Ruby Morgan and in honor of Geraldine Grissom; $50 from S.A. Morgan in memory of Ruby Morgan and Dean Talley and in honor of Sue Wilburn; $200 from Donald and Jean Farris; $100 from Mr. and Mrs. Taft Little; $100 from Tommy and Janie Kingen in memory of their son, Tim “Turtle” Kingen; $30 from Mary Jane Essary in memory of Herman and Catherine Ginn; $100 from B.J. and Cheryl Starling in memory of L.Q. and Kathleen Starling and Coy and Marie Malone; $100 from Please see BASKET | 2
County officials to be sworn in Friday, Dec. 30 BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com
New and returning county officials will soon take the oath of office for the upcoming fouryear term. The swearing-in ceremony is scheduled for 10 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 30, at the courtroom of the Alcorn County Justice Center. A reception will follow. With the ceremony being held on a county holiday, it’s hoped that many family members will be able to attend. Circuit Judge Paul Funderburk will lead the oath of office for each of the elected officials. Among those taking the oath are eight newly elected individuals. Set to be sworn in are Charles Rinehart, sheriff; Gina Rogers Smith, superintendent of education; Bobby Marolt, chancery clerk; Joe Caldwell, circuit clerk; Larry Ross, tax collector; Kenneth Brawner, tax assessor; Bob Moore, county attorney; Jay Jones, coroner; Lowell Hinton, supervisor district 1; Dal Nelms, supervisor district 2; Tim Mitchell, supervisor district 3; Gary Ross, supervisor district 4; Jimmy Tate Waldon, supervisor district 5; Steve Little, justice court judge post 1; Jimmy McGee, justice court judge post 2; Chuck Hinds, constable post 1; and Roger Voyles, constable post 2.
T-storms Today
• Corinth, Mississippi • 18 pages • One Section
Arrest made in Price murder Staff, wire reports
NEW ALBANY — Police on Monday charged a New Albany man with capital murder in the shooting death of the wife of the town’s high school football coach. New Albany Police Chief David Grisham said Craig Obrien Baker, 20, is being held without bond in the Union County jail. Police accuse Baker of fa-
tally shooting Amanda Price, 31. She was killed Dec. 5 as she took her dog into her family’s backyard. Baker is also charged with aggravated assault in the injury of Coach Ron Price, who was shot in the shoulder while responding to his wife’s screams. Ron Price has described the assailant a wearing dark clothes and having a covered face, but is unable to identify Baker,
Grisham said. Police have questioned Baker, but Grisham declined to say whether he admitted the shootings. A judge has appointed lawyers for Baker, and the case is expected to be presented to grand jurors early next year. Union County Circuit Judge Andrew Howorth ordered Baker held without bond. Grisham said police were
tipped to Baker’s alleged involvement. Thursday. Police searched Baker’s mobile home, within walking distance of the Price home. Grisham said they found a .380-caliber handgun, the same size used in the shootings. Police say they believe that Baker was looking for things to steal when he was interPlease see MURDER | 2
3 supervisors give final farewells BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com
The last meeting of the current term of office for the Alcorn County Board of Supervisors on Monday morning brought some farewells and reflections on the work of the last four years. It was the final meeting for outgoing supervisors Keith Fields, Jeff Patterson and Jeff Rencher. “When I started this job, I don’t
think I had any gray hair,” quipped District 2 Supervisor Jeff Patterson. “It’s been a challenge and I’ve enjoyed it.” Serving district 1, Keith Fields followed his late father, Lamar Fields. “My family and I have been honored the past 23 years to serve the county,” he said. “I’ve enjoyed working with y’all. I think we’ve accomplished a lot. We had a lot on us. We had a lot of battles to fight,
and I think we’ve done pretty well.” Board President Gary Ross recalled some of the challenges since the term began in 2008 while facing an enduring economic recession. “The first thing that hit us was ACT closing,” he said. “We were able to save those jobs.” He noted the county’s progress in getting the Kimberly-Clark industrial access road and regional jail
projects moving. “We’ve got one of the finest ones in the state of Mississippi,” Ross said of the jail. “I’m proud of what we have accomplished. And it is we.” County Engineer Ricky Newcomb, who has served for the past four years, said he has enjoyed the challenge and enjoyed working Please see SUPERVISORS | 2
11 kids still need Christmas angels BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com
The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree project is winding down, and 11 children could be left out if no adopters step forward today. While the project has again prompted much generosity from the community, “I have 11 children that I still need taken care of,” said Salvation Army Director Michelle Miles. “These are children (names) that were tak-
en off the tree but, for whatever reason, weren’t brought back.” Anyone who wants to make a better Christmas for the remaining children should contact Miles today by calling 287-6979. A quick turnaround will be needed on providing the gifts. The deadline has already passed for submitting Angel Tree gifts, but an exception is being made for this group of children. Each child’s name comes with clothing sizes and a requested
toy. Adopting children from the Angel Tree has been a popular Christmas project for civic, church and business groups. Miles is counting on individuals or groups to come through with 11 adoptions today. The Salvation Army recommends purchases totaling $50 to $75 for each child. Gifts should be placed in a black garbage bag with the Angel Tree tag on the outside and returned to The Sal-
vation Army. The Angel Tree project saw a slight increase in the number of children this year to approximately 138. Of the others that were adopted, “The children were provided for very nicely and I’m very appreciative,” said Miles. Children are added to the Angel Tree after a request is made by the parent or guardian and a screening process by The Salvation Army.
Female youth learn about ‘real world’ BY BOBBY J. SMITH
A group of Corinth youths recently spent a day focusing on the future with “real world” lessons for life. Presented by the Corinth Sorors of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. and the Alcorn County 4-H City Clovers, “Girl’s Day Out” — a life-lessons event for girls from age 13 to 18 — was held Saturday, Dec. 17, at the MSU Extension Office. “The purpose of the event is to provide the girls with vital information that will help serve as a blueprint as they travel through life,” said coorganizer Phyllis Keith-Young, an Alpha Kappa Alpha member. “There will not be anything presented to the participants that cannot be used at some point in their lives.” The event began with “Welcome to the Real World,” pre-
sented by Mary Linda Moore with the Mississippi State Extension Service. “Welcome to the Real World” was a twohour presentation including an activity similar to “a walkaround Monopoly game,” explained Keith-Young. First, participants drew a slip of paper telling their marital status, occupation, the number of children they will have and their salary. With this information in hand they traveled to 10 different stations where they used their budgeting skills to select housing, child care, groceries, transportation and more. At one station they picked an “unknown” card — which may be one of unforeseen fortune (extra money) or unforeseen bad luck (an unexpected bill). If they found themselves in money trouble they could visit Please see GIRLS DAY | 2
Staff photo by Bobby J. Smith
Personal trainer and health educator NaKeitra Hill, a 2002 CHS grad, leads the Girl’s Day Out participants in interval, cardio and circuit exercises.
Oasis: Resource Center for Women gets new name BY BRANT SAPPINGTON bsappington@dailycorinthian.com
A familiar place to turn for those struggling with unplanned pregnancies and similar life-changing crises will get a new name on Jan. 1 to reflect its expanded resources and mission. The start of the new year will bring a transformation for the Resource Center for Women to Oasis Medical Center. Executive Director Martha Jobe said the name is meant to better depict what they are trying
to be in the community and the expanded services they are now able to offer. “The center will continue to be a place, an oasis, where women and men can come for refuge, relief and a pleasant contrast from this world, to be loved by God and to be offered living water ... to choose life for themselves and their children,” Jobe said in an article announcing the change in the organization’s newsletter. Over the past several years, the center has seen a major
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expansion of its services. They now have a volunteer medical director, two registered nurses on staff and offer free medical services including pregnancy testing, ultrasound and testing for sexually transmitted diseases and infections for both men and women. They will soon be able to offer free treatment for STDs as well. They also continue to offer information on pregnancy options, classes on parenting and preparing for a new baby, adoption referrals and edu-
cation and support for those who have had abortions. Jobe said she feels the new name was a gift from God and an answer to prayers seeking a new identity for the center that has served the community for so many years. “It was just amazing the way the name came to me,” she said. While the name on the outside may be different, Jobe said the center’s core mission Please see CENTER | 2
On this day in history 150 years ago Dec. 20 — Confederate cavalier J.E.B. Stuart is defeated by an equal number of Federals under Edward O.C. Ord at Dranesville, Va. Both sides had come to the small town seeking grain and hay for their armies’ horses and mules.