Daily Corinthian e-edition 12-07-11

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Wednesday Dec. 7,


50 cents

Daily Corinthian Vol. 115, No. 291

Morning snow Today




• Corinth, Mississippi • 24 pages • 2 sections

Hospital Suspect arrested after robbing bank confirms outbreak BY BRANT SAPPINGTON


State begins salmonella investigation BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

A hospital official has confirmed an outbreak of salmonella in Corinth. “Magnolia Regional Health Center is experiencing an unusually large amount of gastrointestinal illness at this time and would like to make the public aware that salmonella bacterium has been found in a number of these cases,” said hospital CEO Rick Napper in a statement released Tuesday afternoon. As of press time, the hospital had received 11 positive salmonella cultures since Monday, Nov. 28, 2011. According to Napper, some of the cases have been admitted to the hospital. All of the patients who tested positive for salmonella are in stable condition or have been treated and released, Napper reported. “The analysis of this situation has been turned over to the Mississippi State Health Department,” said the hospital CEO. “A definitive source is yet to be determined.” Hospital officials recently reported the dramatic upswing in patients reporting stomach problems to the Mississippi State Department of Health in Jackson. “Over the past couple of days we were alerted that the local emergency room had several Please see OUTBREAK | 3A

2011 Christmas Basket Fund ‘A Community Tradition’

BOONEVILLE — A suspect who fled on foot after allegedly robbing a Booneville bank Tuesday afternoon was arrested only a short distance away from the scene of the crime.

Interim Booneville Police Chief Michael Ramey confirmed a suspect entered the Farmers and Merchants branch bank on East College Street shortly after 2 p.m. and made off with an undisclosed amount of cash. No weapon

was used in the robbery and no one was injured. The suspect was arrested just a few blocks away on Brewer Street, where he had apparently fled on foot following the robbery. Ramey said the money taken

in the robbery was recovered from the suspect when he was arrested. The name of the suspect was not released late Tuesday afternoon because he had not yet been formally charged in the crime.

Coach shot, wife slain

Somber moods surrounds Alcorn Central BY H. LEE SMITH II lsmith@dailycorinthian.com

NEW ALBANY — A somber mood surrounded Alcorn Central High School on Tuesday as teachers learned of a fatal shooting of a well-respected former student. Amanda Cossey Price was shot just before 10 p.m. on Monday. According to New Albany Police Chief David Grisham, the 1999 graduate may have gone into the backyard with the family’s dog and startled a yet unknown subject. Authorities believe she screamed out and was fatally shot. Her husband, Ron, was also shot after responding. The 1997 AC grad and head football coach at New Albany was treated and released from North Mississippi Medical Center in Tupelo. The couple’s young daughter, Molly Addison, was inside the house and was unharmed. “It’s just hard to comprehend ... just shock and disbelief,” said AC Principal Tim Littlejohn. “It really hit home and was a sad day at Alcorn Central. There was a defiant mood among the teachers (Tuesday). All were really concerned and wondered what they could do. “Both Ron and Amanda were my young ones,” added the former coach, who’s in his 27th year at the school. “I talked to Amanda nearly every day

Photo by Anding Photography

This New Albany football program photograph features coach Ron Price, his wife Amanda and the couple’s young daughter, Molly Addison. Amanda was fatally shot Monday night outside their New Albany home. when she was in school and Ron was on the football team.

“They were two excellent students and athletes.”

Amanda played tennis at Central and also excelled in the classroom. She was selected to the Hall of Fame and a member of the Top 10, an honor based on grade-point average. She was also chosen as Miss ACHS and fellow classmates thought enough of her to vote her “Friendliest” her senior year. “That shows what kind of person and student she was,” said Littlejohn. Ron was a standout on the Central football team, playing four seasons for Andy Greening. He later ended up playing for Greening at Northeast Mississippi Community College. “He’s one of the best Christians you will ever meet and one of the favorite players I’ve ever coached,” said Greening, now the defensive coordinator at Northwest Community College. “Over the last few years, he’s proven himself to be one of the best young coaches around.” Greening, who was head football coach at AC from 1993-1997, also took Amanda’s death hard. “She came from a great family and I hate to see something that drastic happen to anyone, especially some one so young,” he said. “We all need to be praying for the family.” Grisham said there weren’t any suspects in the shooting. The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Couple puts life back into historic Cochran house BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

Basket fund tops $17,500 in donations ’Tis the season for giving as donations continue to arrive for the 16th Annual Corinth Rotary Club/Daily Corinthian Christmas Basket Fund. A $25,000 fundraising goal has been set so 1,100 food baskets can be given to local families on Saturday, Dec. 10. So far $17,560 has been raised. Donations include $100 from Tupelo Samples, Inc.; $100 from V. Pipkin; $100 from Peggy Cain; $25 from Nancy and Luther Mills; and $100 from Covenant Presbyterian Church. Donations are a perfect time to make a tribute to a loved one. Contributions to the Christmas Basket Fund can be made “in honor of” or “in memory of” a special person or persons. The tribute will be published in the Daily Corinthian. Donations can be brought by the newspaper office or mailed to: Daily Corinthian, Attn.: Christmas Basket Fund, P.O. Box 1800, Corinth, MS 38835.

Archie and Rosa Harville flipped a house and found it landed in their hearts. They’ve spent the past three years putting life back into the 1937 Tudor commonly known as the Cochran house on North Cass Street. “We really bought it with the intention of reselling it,” said Rosa Harville. “But Archie has always liked wood and craftsmanship, and after we got into it and the more we worked on it, we just couldn’t. So we had to figure out another way of making sense of keeping it. That’s why we decided on the vacation rental by owner. That way we can keep the house and still share it with other people.” The couple is hosting an open house on Saturday from 2 until 4 p.m. to give the public a chance to see the renovated home. The Harvilles had their eye on the Cochran house for a number of years but were unable to track down the owner. Finally, a sign appeared in the yard with a phone number. By the time the house was in their hands, it had been vacant for some time and had seen much better days. “They had nearly let it go too far,” said Archie Harville. “The only reason we were able to save it was because of the

Staff photos by Mark Boehler

Archie and Rosa Harville tried to leave many of the original inside features of the Cochran house, including the staircase and its entrance in the downstairs living room, above. The Harvilles are hosting an open house Saturday from 2 until 4 p.m. to give the public a chance to see the renovated Cochran house on North Cass Street, left.

Please see COCHRAN | 5A

Index Stocks...... 7A Classified......5B Comics......4B Wisdom......3B

Weather......5A Obituaries......3A Opinion......4A Sports......8A

On this day in history 150 years ago The USS Santiago de Cuba seizes Confederate purchasing agent J.W. Zacharie from the British ship Eugenia Smith. The seizure exacerbates the already tense relations between the two nations in the wake of the “Trent Affair.”

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