Tuesday Dec. 13,
50 cents
Daily Corinthian Vol. 115, No. 296
2011 Christmas Basket Fund ‘ A Community Tradition’
Basket fund tops $22,000
‘Tis the season for giving as donations continue to arrive for the 16th Annual Corinth Rotary Club / Daily Corinthian Christmas Basket Fund. A $25,000 fundraising goal has been set so 1,100 food baskets could be given to local families on Saturday, Dec. 10. So far $22,680 has been raised. Food baskets were given away based upon the faith the goal will be attained this year. Donations include $200 from Sam and Barbara Tull; $100 from Harvey Meeks in memory of Billie Meeks, Thomas B. Meeks and Mavis Martin; $100 from Dale and Ann Walker in memory of Nelda McCrary, Wade Bronson, “The Please see BASKET | 3
Partly sunny Today
• Corinth, Mississippi • 16 pages • One Section
Salmonella count rises 39 confirmed cases reported
“At this point, I can tell you there is no ongoing risk to the public.” Liz Sharlot
Communications Director Mississippi State Department of Health
Staff reports
The Mississippi State Department of Health says there is now no reason to worry about eating at Corinth restaurants. “At this point, I can tell you there is no ongoing risk to the public, ” said Liz Sharlot, communications director for the department, late Monday afternoon. That is based on the state department of health ’s investigation of salmonella cases in the city.
However, the number of conrmed salmonella cases in the city has risen. Magnolia Regional Health Center on Monday said it has now treated a total of 39 patients that were conrmed to have salmonella. The number stood at 29 on Friday afternoon. Last week, the state department
of health said its investigation began after it was informed that several patients had sought treatment for gastrointestinal illnesses at the Magnolia Regional Health Center Emergency Room. The investigation focused on patient interviews and collecting food samples. Specic restaurants involved in the inquiry have not been identi-
ed. Don Julio Mexican Restaurant closed last week with a note taped to the front door stating the restaurant ’s management decided to close for the safety of its customers due to reports of contaminated vegetables it had received from suppliers. The restaurant had been inspected by health ofcials, the note explained, and no evidence of contamination was found. Although the restaurant was not ordered to close, it would remain inoperative to await test results. The restaurant remained closed Monday.
Holiday mailing deadline nears BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com
Christmas mailing deadlines are getting close, but there ’s still time to beat the peak rush. Corinth Postmaster Kevin Byers said the post ofce has already seen lots of Christmas mailing, but he ’s expecting Tuesday and Wednesday next week to be the busiest days. The postal service will deliver an estimated 16.5 billion cards, packages and letters during the holiday season. The busiest day for mailing Christmas cards is expected to be next Tuesday, according to the postal service.
The key deadlines coming up are this Thursday for Parcel Post, the least expensive option; Tuesday, Dec. 20, for First Class Mail; and Wednesday, Dec. 21, for Priority Mail. “The Express Mail deadline will be on Friday, the 23rd, ” said Byers. “Probably anything sent after the 21st needs to be sent Express Mail. ” Free shipping boxes are available. “We have three sizes of the Priority at-rate boxes available, ” said Byers. “They are very popular. You can stuff them full up to 70 pounds. ” As always, he said, the best
advice is to mail early. The deadline for military mail to overseas bases was this past Saturday. For packaging, the postal service wants clear and complete addresses to help ensure delivery. “One of the best things people can do is to also put the address somewhere inside the package, ” said Byers. With the address of the sender and recipient inside, it can still be delivered if something happens to the package while on its way. Bubble wrap, tape and other supplies are available at the
post ofce. The postal service recommends against reusing mailing boxes. It also suggests removing batteries from toys and electronics and including them separately wrapped in the box; allowing space for cushioning; stufng glass and fragile items such as vases; and separately wrapping the glass from picture frames. And, although the Christmas mailing deadlines will have passed, the post ofce will be open from 9 a.m. until noon on Christmas Eve for anyone who needs to do any postal business.
Sec. of state office plans 2 meetings BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com
Photos courtesy of Jeff Allen
Parade Watching 3-year-old Jake Wilbanks gets comfortable while watching entries in the annual Rienzi Christmas Parade roll through downtown on Sunday afternoon. The parade had several entries with ole Santa Claus himself making an appearance.
The Secretary of State ’s Ofce needs help from the customers of two area cemeteries currently in receivership. Representatives from the Secretary of State ’s Ofce will be in Corinth on Thursday, Dec. 15, and Friday, Dec. 16, to meet with customers of Forrest Memorial Park of Corinth and Oaklawn Memorial Park of Booneville. The meetings will serve two purposes — to answer Forrest and Oaklawn customers ’ questions and gather information regarding grave and cemetery merchandise purchases. “This information is needed to verify cemetery records, ” wrote Assistant Secretary of State Dave Scott, in a letter to Forrest Memorial and Oaklawn customers. “An accurate, updated database helps build economic value for the cemetery and ensures that cemetery operations going forward are seamless. ” Staff members from the Secretary of State ’s Ofce will hold both days of meetings at the Alcorn County Justice Center at 2837 South Harper Road. They are asking customers of the two cemeteries who have purchased grave spaces and cemetery pre-need merchandise to bring copies of their contracts, interment deeds, payment histories (including canceled checks) Please see MEETINGS | 2
One of Alcorn County’s oldest churches gets marker BY ANGELA STOREY astorey@dailycorinthian.com
One of the oldest churches in Alcorn County now has a marker designating its historical signicance to the community.
New Hope Presbyterian Church at Biggersville recently obtained an historical marker from the Mississippi Department of Archives and History. The church was organized on
May 26, 1838, and has been in continuous service since that time. The church could possibly be the oldest church in the county and if not is believed to be in the
Index Stocks........7 Classified......14 Comics...... 11 Wisdom...... 10
Weather........5 Obituaries........ 3 Opinion........4 Sports........8
top ve. “It is certainly one of the oldest churches in Alcorn County, ” said Sam Kemp, an elder in the church. Members of the church have
been working with the Department of Archives and History for over a year to obtain the marker. “Evelyn Farrior, an elPlease see MARKER | 2
On this day in history 150 years ago Dec. 13 — Confederate troops led by Colonel Edward Johnson, repulsed an attack by a Union force under the command of General Robert Milroy at the Battle of Allegheny Mountain in western Virginia.