Daily Corinthian E-Edition 12-18-11

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Sunday Dec. 18, 2011 $1.50

Daily Corinthian Vol. 115, No. 301

• Corinth, Mississippi •

Sunny Today




24 pages • Two sections

Alcorn Central teacher loses battle with cancer

Dear faithful reader, Oh, the wonder of Christmas. A year’s worth of anticipation, then before we know it, this year’s holiday season will be another wonderful memory for us to think about throughout 2012. Think about what is going to make this Christmas more memorable than those which came before it. Not what Santa is expected to deliver nor those wonderful gifts begging to be opened under the tree, but the much bigger picture of things around us which make life worth living. Give it some thought and I’ll share some of your warm fuzzies with other readers in our rare Christmas Day edition on Sunday. Zip me an e-mail to editor@dailycorinthian. com and be sure to include your name and where you live. Don’t write a book, just make me cry with a few paragraphs. Send it to me by beddie-bye time on Tuesday night. Those using Pony Express need to pencil it out and get it to me on Tuesday before dark at printer’s alley over here on Harper across from McAlister’s. God bless each and everyone and may this Christmas be the best one ever. Sincerely, Mark Boehler Editor/Santa’s Helper

BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

The community is mourning the passing of a beloved elementary school teacher. Heather Mayo, a 28-year-old first grade teacher at Alcorn Central Elementary School, died in Corinth on Saturday, Dec. 17, 2011, after a twoyear battle with melanoma cancer. She is remembered by those who knew her as a faithful Christian and a loving mother. “Heather was a great Christian and had faith in God through this whole trial with cancer,” said her brother, Chad Harville. “She loved her family. That was the most important thing — she loved doing anything with her family.” Mayo also leaves a legacy of a dedi-

Mayo cated teacher. “She loved her job as a teacher,” her

brother said, “and loved the students she taught.” On Thursday, Dec. 15, 2011, the Daily Corinthian published a story about the community’s effort to help the Mayo family make a trip to Disney World. The Alcorn School District and community wanted to give Mayo, her husband, Casey, and their 4-year-old daughter, Kalee, a chance to spend time together at Disney World during the Christmas season. They planned to begin their holiday trip the following Friday. Funeral services for Heather Mayo are set for 1 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 20, 2011, at Tate Baptist Church. Visitation is Monday from 5 until 8 p.m. and Tuesday from 11 a.m. until service time at the church. Memorial Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

Trial date set for man who shot bald eagle BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

A jury trial date has been moved to May for the man accused of shooting a bald eagle near Burnsville. Court records show a judge this week set new deadlines of April 16 for motions and April 30 for plea agreement in the case of William “Bill” Branum, 78, of Iuka. Jury trial, which had

been scheduled for January, is now set for May 14 in U.S. District Court in Aberdeen before Judge Sharion Aycock. A federal grand jury returned a two-count indictment against Branum — one count of use of a bald eagle for scientific purposes and one count of taking, killing or possessing migratory birds. The defendant pleaded not guilty to the misdemeanor

charges in November. Count one carries a potential penalty of one year imprisonment; a fine of $100,000; and one year supervised release. Count two has a potential penalty of six months imprisonment; $100,000 fine; and one year of supervised release. The prosecution seeks forfeiture of any property involved in the offense, including the firearm.

The shooting happened on or about March 31 near Tishomingo County Road 306, leaving the bird with a bullet in its left wing and unable to fly. The person who found the injured bird brought it to the attention of wildlife officials in Alcorn County. It was treated at the Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine, where it was determined the bird had

a fractured wing and was dehydrated, starving and in shock. The eagle was then taken to the Jackson Zoo for rehabilitation. The male eagle had a 5- to 6-foot wingspan. Bald eagles are protected by the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, both federal and wildlife statutes.

Staff photo by Bobby J. Smith

Members of the Tate Baptist youth group gather around the “Potty for Lottie” shortly after it arrived at the home of Harold Patrick (far right), who is accompanied by his 9-year-old grandson, Payne Sleeper (seated). Staff photos by Steve Beavers

Potty for Lottie

Susan Beard adds a roll to a meal served at the Bread of Life Food Ministry’s annual Christmas luncheon.

Youth group adds unique touch to missions fundraiser BY STEVE BEAVERS sbeavers@dailycorinthian.com

The youth group at Tate Baptist Church is adding its own touch in raising money for international missions. Church youth came up with “Potty for Lottie” to collect money for the church’s annual Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. The unusual fundraiser has brought in just over $800 in only a couple of nights. “My daughter came up with idea

and it has really taken off with the youth group,” said Tate pastor Mickey Trammel. Olivia Trammel pitched the plan to her father during a chili supper to raise money for the mission project. “It has got kids involved with church,” said the pastor. Under the “Potty for Lottie” plan, Please see POTTY | 3A

Bread of Life dinner offers more than Christmas meal BY STEVE BEAVERS sbeavers@dailycorinthian.com

Tate Baptist volunteers experienced both the giving and receiving side of the Christmas season. All through a meal. “This blesses me more than them,” said Susan Beard. “It feels so good doing something for the community ... I couldn’t imagine not doing something like this.”

Joy and laughter filled the church kitchen as eight individuals worked to get meals ready for the Bread of Life Food Ministry’s annual Christmas luncheon. The luncheon is for the financially challenged people the Bread of Life Food Ministry serves and could be the only Christmas meal some get. Please see BREAD | 2A

CARE unvails Worsham plaque BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

The CARE Foundation unveiled a new plaque at the Honor Garden Wednesday as people gathered to remember a once-in-a-lifetime friend. Just beneath the plaque for Hank Worsham is a new one

honoring his brother, Bobby Worsham, who died in August after a battle with cancer. Memorial contribution in his honor to the CARE Foundation totaled more than $6,000. “We’re here to honor Bobby hopefully with a long and visible reminder of our friend and

the life that he lived,” said Kenneth Williams, a CARE board member and lifelong friend of Worsham, who was known for his involvement in the construction business and for his affable personality.

Staff photo by Jebb Johnston

Please see WORSHAM | 3A

Members of the Worsham family gather around a new memorial plaque honoring Bobby Worsham at the CARE Honor Garden.

Index Stocks...... 7A Classified......5B Comics......4B Wisdom......3B

Weather......5A Obituaries......3A Opinion......4A Sports......8A

On this day in history 150 years ago Dec. 18 -- Lord Lyons, the British minister to the United States, received instructions from London to make a firm demand for the release of the Confederate commissioners Mason and Slidell. The Lincoln cabinet meets to find a solution to the political quandary created by the “Trent Affair.”

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