corinth e-edition

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Saturday Jan. 14,


50 cents

Daily Corinthian Vol. 116, No. 12

Partly sunny Today




• Corinth, Mississippi • 16 pages • 1 section

Man charged in jail escape BY ANGELA STOREY

A Booneville man picked up on burglary charges now faces a jail escape charge, said Prentiss County Sheriff Randy Tolar. Prentiss County Deputies arrested David Ira Whitlock, 40, of 116 CR 3101, Booneville, on a fugitive warrant for burglary from Texas on Dec. 16.

“He has remained in our custody. The Booneville Police have since lodged additional burglary charges against him and bond has been set at $5,000,” he said. On Jan. 1, more charges were filed. “Whitlock was charged with escape after an incident where he was being moved from one

location to another and he broke and ran, actually exiting an interior door leading from the main portion of the jail to the front of the jail,” Tolar said. “There was no chance of him leaving the confines of the jail itself but due to a door lock malfunction he was able to actually make it to an outside door that remain locked and

secure, foiling the escape. “The malfunctioning doorlock and other electronic problems began several months ago when lightning knocked out our control board and numerous other electronic mechanisms. For the last several weeks technicians have been working to Please see ESCAPE | 2

Shelter puppy joins rescue team BY JEBB JOHNSTON

Corinth man goes missing

Schatzie, a recently rescued puppy, may someday return the favor. Tate Lancaster, the newest member of the Alcorn County Emergency Management Agency’s K-9 team, recently selected the female Rottweiler and Labrador retriever mix at the Corinth-Alcorn Animal Shelter. The shelter donated the playful 10-week-old pup for the search and rescue cause. “That’s a dog that had no future, was dropped off at the dump, and now it’s going to be a search and rescue dog,” said Arline Crawford, shelter board member. “It really makes you feel good.” Lancaster, a war veteran, said he was interested in having a role in the community and has the time to invest in all of the training Schatzie will need to prepare her for a future in search and rescue operations. He was waiting on a registered German shepherd when he decided to visit the shelter. “It’s kind of ironic that we rescue a dog from the humane society that is going to rescue people in return,” he said. The name “Schatzie,” a German word chosen by Lancaster, means “little sweetheart.” Lancaster plans to use German commands with Schatzie to make it easier to communicate with her in a mixed training environment. EMA Director Ricky Gibens said the agency needs a continual cycle of younger dogs coming in to replace older dogs. Lancaster said 8 to 10 weeks of age is the time to start training them. “You mesh the handler with the dog,” said Gibens. “That’s why you get them young. By the time the dog gets older, her and Tate will have made a bond. The only Please see PUPPY | 2

Mike Rogers


Corinth police are seeking the whereabouts of a man who went missing on Thursday. A missing person report was filed on Michael Lamar Rogers, 55, of 1504 Hamilton Circle in the Happy Days Apartments. Detective Capt. Ralph Dance said Rogers conducted a transaction at a local bank about 12:30 p.m. Thursday. Neighbors have not seen his truck back at the apartments since that time. A friend reported seeing Rogers at 2 p.m. Thursday at Wal-Mart Supercenter in Corinth, reportedly the last time the man has been seen. Rogers, who lives alone, was reported missing by his mother. The family is concerned because the man has some health problems. The police department was working with the phone company to try to track Rogers’ cell Please see ROGERS | 2

Staff photo by Jebb Johnston

Ten-week-old Schatzie gives some love to Tate Lancaster, who rescued her from the shelter and plans to train her for search and rescue operations with the Alcorn County Emergency Management Agency.

Churches place emphasis on life with service Film Fest deadline draws near BY STEVE BEAVERS

Each human life is precious to God. Churches around the world are putting special emphasis on that message Sunday and Sunday, Jan. 22 as part of Sanctity of Human Life (SOHL). SOHLS is held on the Sunday in January that falls closest to the day on which Roe vs. Wade was handed down by the United State Supreme Court. The decision came down on Jan. 22, 1973, and over 50 million abortions have taken place since the decision in the U.S. Some churches like Farmington Baptist Church will observe SOHLS on Jan. 22. “All life is precious, including the lives of the unborn, and must be protected at all cost,” said Farmington pastor Tim Nall. “While so many of our government officials try to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to the truth about life beginning in the womb, I am thankful for those Please see SOHL | 2


Staff photo by Steve Beavers

Gus Marlinghaus puts a cross in the ground at Oakland Baptist Church. The church — like many churches around the country — have placed miniature crosses to represent the over 50 million abortions that have taken place since Roe vs. Wade in 1973. Churches are planning on drawing special attention to the importance of human life during Sanctity of Human Life Sunday services.

Index Stocks........7 Classified......14 Comics...... 13 Wisdom...... 12

Weather........5 Obituaries........ 3 Opinion........4 Sports...... 10

Event organizers are still accepting entries for the first ever Northeast Mississippi Film Festival. The entry deadline is Saturday, Jan. 28. The film festival will be held Saturday, March 24, at the Malco Corinth Cinema 10. “We’re still accepting applications and anybody, regardless of experience level, is welcome to submit,” said Corinth Area Convention & Visitors Bureau Program Director Karen Beth Martin. “We really don’t know what to expect for this first time, but we’re hoping for a good turnout.” The festival is open to short films only. The films must be no longer than 40 minutes, including credits. Anything longer will Please see FESTIVAL | 2

On this day in history 150 years ago “The roads are so slick that it is very dangerous to ride and difficult to walk. It is no uncommon thing to see horses fall flat every ten or fifteen steps on every hill,” a cavalryman with Stonewall Jackson writes about the Romney Campaign in Virginia.

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