Daily Corinthian E-Edition 01-22-2012

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Sunday Jan. 22, 2012 $1.50

Daily Corinthian Vol. 116, No. 19

• Corinth, Mississippi •

Storms Today




16 pages • Two sections

Strong storm hammers Corinth Straight-line winds cause major damage in downtown area BY STEVE BEAVERS sbeavers@dailycorinthian.com

Some business owners awoke to storm damage early Saturday morning. The Corinth Machinery building, MS/TN Wholesale Florist and Lil’ Chicago appeared to be the heaviest hit by wind damage. “It appears that it was straight-line damage,” said Danny Gant, meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Memphis. “We haven’t been out to check on it, but nothing on radar appeared to be tornadic.” “The storm happened just prior to 3 a.m.,” said Alcorn County Emergency Management Director Ricky Gibens. “It lasted 3040 minutes, then was over.” The roof of the florist business — located on South Parkway next to the railroad — and debris from Lil’ Chicago were blown into the west parking lot of the Northeast Mississippi Business Incubator on Proper. Lil’ Chicago had its front awning ripped away, causing a minor water leak, along with its roadside business sign blown off. “I got here around 3:39 a.m. and the front of the roof was gone and there was glass everywhere,” said Kristie Kyle, daughter of owner Charles Hudson. “The parking lot was covered with debris ... it was ugly out there.” Kyle’s son, 6-year-old Bryson, chipped in to help in the cleanup by carrying limbs and parts of the sign around back as the restaurant got ready to open at 11 a.m. “The damage seemed to follow a line from the Corinth Machinery building to South Parkway,” said Corinth Street Department Commissioner Jim Bynum. “We had trees down at Tate and Penn along with Fulton and Proper.” Cindy’s Place, on Tate Street, also had part of its roof blown away. Damage was suffered at Jake’s along with Taylor Heating & Air. A giant tree on Fulton Street caused damage to a

Staff photos by Steve Beavers

The historic Corinth Machinery building suffered significant damage from straight-line winds early Saturday morning, above. The roof from MS/TN Wholesale Florist and debris from Lil’ Chicago were dumped into the west parking area of the Northeast Mississippi Business Incubator, left.

Please see STORM | 2A

Stanford wins back-to-back bees Local legislators weigh

in on Barbour’s pardons

BY STEVE BEAVERS sbeavers@dailycorinthian.com

KOSSUTH — The spelling king now resides in Kossuth. John Riley Stanford won the Alcorn County Spelling Bee for a second straight year with his correct spelling of “doubtful” earlier this year. Over the last two years, Stanford has left no doubt who is the top speller in the county. “The words weren’t as hard this year,” said Stanford, who won last year as a sixth-grader at Rienzi Elementary. “There might have been a couple of words that I didn’t know that other students had to spell.” Please see BEE | 2A

BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

Staff photo by Steve Beavers

Kossuth teacher Wendy Kelly goes over a list of words with seventh-grader John Riley Stanford. Stanford recently won the Alcorn County Spelling Bee for a second consecutive year.

Index Stocks...... 7A Classified......4B Television......6A Wisdom......1B

Weather......5A Obituaries......3A Opinion......4A Sports......8A

In the aftermath of Haley Barbour’s controversial signing of almost 200 pardons upon his exit from office, local legislators are focusing on the governor’s clemency process. Four of the cases are from local counties, according to records filed with the Mississippi Secretary of State’s Office. Lester “Bubba” Carpenter, House representative from district 1, said that he believes distinctions should be made in what kinds of criminals the gov-

ernor is allowed to pardon. “Our constitution right now states the governor has that power, but in my own opinion, a heinous crime like rape, murder or child molestation should not receive a pardon,” he said. Carpenter said he believes there are cases that warrant a governor’s pardon. “On the other hand, a prime example is an 18-year-old kid, he sells drugs and he’s got a felony for the rest of his life. If he rehabilitates and he’s 47 years Please see PARDONS | 2A

On this day in history 150 years ago The Federal gunboat USS Lexington exchanges fire with Confederate batteries at Fort Henry on the Tennessee River. Onboard is Gen. Charles F. Smith, who has been sent to assess the enemy defenses in preparation for an attack.

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