Tuesday Jan. 24,
50 cents
Daily Corinthian Vol. 116, No. 21
Mostly sunny Today
• Corinth, Mississippi • 16 pages • One section
Area mostly unscathed by storms Fallen trees only damage suffered BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com
Sunday night’s severe weather scare left Corinth and Alcorn County mostly unscathed apart from a few fallen trees.
Storm sirens wailed across Corinth for a tornado warning affecting the northeast part of the county around midnight, but there were no reports of any visual confirmation. Corinth Street Commissioner Jim Bynum said the only issue brought to his attention was a large downed tree across Phillips Creek off Proper Street and near the Nor-
folk Southern railroad track. “We’re going to have to get a track hoe in there [Tuesday] to get it out of that creek because it’s holding water back,” he said. The tree is 6 feet in diameter. A tree was also blown down at Crossroads Regional Park in the walking track area. Alcorn Emergency Management Director Ricky Gibens said county
deputies monitored a downed tree on County Road 432 until road crews cleared the debris. A tree was also reported down on road 560. A squall line moving through in the early a.m. hours brought severe thunderstorm wind speeds. Gibens said some wall clouds could be seen passing over the area.
“We’ve been very blessed over the past few years that we haven’t had significant damage with the storms,” he said. The same storm system is blamed for two deaths in central Alabama on Monday. The storm that caused wind damage in Corinth early Saturday did not cause any reported damage in the county.
Historic building dealt blow Wind causes large portion to collapse BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com
Staff photo by Jebb Johnston
Trey Albright, co-owner of the property, surveys the rubble outside the old Corinth Machinery building on South Tate Street. The building suffered major damage due to wind during the weekend.
Dealt a major blow by a weekend storm, the old Corinth Machinery building likely faces a grim future. On Monday morning, co-owner Trey Albright was attempting to get in touch with officials at the Mississippi Department of Archives & History for guidance on what’s next for the historic building. New fencing was put up Monday to keep curious members of the public from getting too close to a building that is in danger of collapse. “There is a point where preservation ends and safety begins,” said Albright. A considerable portion of the building on South Tate Street collapsed during the early a.m. hours Saturday as a storm moved through Corinth. The destrucPlease see DAMAGE | 2
Tourism forms Bowler continues to roll along antique show BY STEVE BEAVERS
BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com
Event organizers are accepting vendor applications for the Antiques Crossroads Show — an all-new event from the creators of the award-winning and popular Green Market. The name for the Antiques Crossroads Show is a localized nod to the long-running PBS series “Antiques Roadshow,” explained Corinth Area Convention & Visitors Bureau Program Director Karen Beth Martin. “We had so much success with Green Market and Red Green Market, and we saw how much people really love antiques,” said Martin. “These days events with antiques are very popular — so why not do an antique market?” The Antiques Crossroads Show will be held from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Saturday, April 21, at the Green Market location by the Crossroads Museum. Martin, a long-time antiques enthusiast, said the new event was inspired by the many phone calls she received from people wanting to sell antiques at the Green Market. “We’re putting something out there that we’ve had a great deal of demand for, and we want to have a really high quality antique market,” she said. “We want items to be of a high quality, but that doesn’t mean is has
to be all designer stuff — we just don’t want a bunch of broken bits and pieces of stuff out there.” The show is open to individuals as well as antiques dealers. Unlike Green Market there are no geographical limitations for vendors: Anyone from anywhere can participate, Martin said. All items for sale at the Antiques Crossroads Show must be at least 20 years old. No reproductions or repurposed items are allowed. Item eligibility will be judged by members of the organizing committee. Collectible items — such as Strawberry Shortcake, Troll Dolls, Precious Moments, Coca-Cola, etc. — must make up no more than 25 percent of a vendor’s booth. This is also at the discretion of the organizing committee and will be monitored throughout the day of the event. Items must be of such a standard and in such condition that they are in keeping with the best interest of a high-quality antiques show. Vendors must submit representative photos of items they intend to sale along with their applications. If the vendor has participated in a show before, the organizing committee requests a photo of the vendor’s prior set-up. The non-refundable ven-
Staff photo by Steve Beavers
Marcella Pearson needed something to do after her husband passed away. The 91-year-old decided to give bowling a try. Thirty-five years later, Pearson is still bowling. The Milwaukee, Wis., native takes part in the Thursday Morning Coffee League every week at Plaza Lanes, making her the oldest league bowler. “During a time when most people are only concerned about themselves, she is committed to being here every Thursday and that encourages others,” said Plaza Lanes owner David Curry. The left hander is part of the Gutter Girls in the league. She and teammates Carolyn Bailey, Pat Stoop and Estelle Ragan were a portion of a room full of bowlers on Thursday. “When my husband (Carl Pearson) died, I figured I would start bowling,” said Pearson before heading off to take her turn bowling. “It’s good exercise for all parts of your body.” The mother came to Corinth three years to live with her only child Judith Nelson. “I have pins and awards from when I bowled in Milwaukee,” said the retired worker from Allis-Chalmers. “I used to go to nationals every year.” “She doesn’t worry about winning, she is out here to get her exercise,” said teammate Bailey. “What she is doing is great and she enjoys doing it ... I hope when I am 91 I can do the same things.” Pearson was the hit of the bowling alley on Thursday with everyone so pleased she was
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Marcella Pearson continued her longtime bowling career after moving to Corinth three years ago.
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Index Stocks........7 Classified......14 Comics...... 11 Wisdom...... 10
Weather........5 Obituaries........ 3 Opinion........4 Sports........8
On this day in history 150 years ago “The boys went to an old farmer who lived nearby, and finding him to be a secesh, they took from him his rifle, six brooms, two gallons of grape preserves, one rice pudding, a pitch fork, about a dozen chickens, and after threatening him pretty hard made him give three cheers for the Union.” Pvt. John Jefferson, 67th Ohio.