Thursday Jan. 5,
50 cents
Daily Corinthian Vol. 116, No. 4
Sunny Today
• Corinth, Mississippi • 16 pages • 1 section
Son to fill mother’s board post BY STEVE BEAVERS
Dale Bain is doing what his mother would want him to do. The Alcorn School District Board of Education couldn’t agree more. Bain, the 44 year-old son of late board member Peggy Bain, has been appointed to fill the
Bain says he started getting calls the day after his mother died from people wanting him to seek the board position. “It was something we talked about a lot,” said Bain of the school discussions with his mother. “I think she would have been proud for me to finish up for her.”
trict and we felt we couldn’t find a better fit than Dale.” Morton says Bain will be sworn in for the position at the next board meeting on Jan. 16. “Mother loved being a board member,” said Dale Bain. “I don’t know if I can come close to the job she did, but I will try my best.”
District 2 spot of his mother. Peggy Bain died last Wednesday following a successful heart procedure on Tuesday. “The board unanimously selected Dale to fill Peggy’s position,” said outgoing board president Carroll Morton. “He and his mother talked a lot about what was going on in the dis-
Bain, an industrial supply salesman with Riechman Crosby Hays Company, is intending on working on what his mother wanted to accomplish as a board member. “Her main concern was the kids and that’s always been Please see BAIN | 2
Security Butler takes reins at Biggersville added at city hall BY JEBB JOHNSTON
Now that the Corinth Police Department has left the building, Corinth City Hall is hiring security. The Board of Aldermen voted 5-1 on Tuesday to hire a security guard for the municipal building. The city planned to offer the job to Buddy Kemp, who just wrapped up his service as a county constable. The “no” vote was cast by Ward 2 Alderman Ben Albarracin, who expressed reservations about whether security is necessary. Mayor Tommy Irwin said the board would have questions to answer if something happened at City Hall with no security in place. The police department recently moved from City Hall to the Alcorn County Justice Center. In other business: ■ Cleanup proceedings continue on several properties. The board moved to adjudicate at 2223 Liddon Lake Road, where the city will have the yard and property cleaned. Code Enforcement Officer Kim Ratliff said a plan for a family member to do the work fell through. Some progress is being made at 106 Ross St., which got a continuance to March 6. The board dismissed action against 1431 Cruise St., which Ratliff said should be in order when work on the structure is complete. ■ The board approved a couple of purchases for the sewer department for repairs related to the May 2010 flood. The purchases include two pumps for the Turtle Creek lift station at $2,850 each, plus $1,445 for the control panel, and a control panel at $14,550 for one of the larger pumping stations. The purchases are being made with funds from FEMA. ■ The board accepted donation of a 1993 school bus from the Corinth School District. It will be used to transport inmate labor for the street department.
Staff photo by Steve Beavers
New Biggersville Elementary Principal Chris Butler goes over report cards with school secretary Paula Fowler.
Principal to fill spot vacated by new superintendent BY STEVE BEAVERS
BIGGERSVILLE — A new job that feels like home. That’s how the first day went for Chris Butler. The former Kossuth Elementary assistant principal took over the reins as principal at Biggersville Elementary after former principal Gina Rogers Smith was elected district superintendent. “God has opened a door for me to work with new kids and
teachers,” said the Kossuth graduate. “I want to use every resource we have to turn out the best possible child we can.” “The children were extremely receptive to him the first time he came in the building,” said Smith. “I thought he would be the best fit for the kids and faculty ... after that first time I realized he was the right choice.” The married father of two — 3-year-old Christian and 9-month old Rilee Bea — spent
the last four years as assistant principal at KES. During his over 10 years in education, he spent six and a half years at the high school and middle school in Kossuth. “I was blessed to work under Mr. (Joe) Horton and Mr. (Van) Carpenter at Kossuth Elementary,” said the University of North Alabama grad. “They prepared me for this day. I am thankful to everyone at Kossuth ... it was a blessing to work there over 10 years.”
Tourney gets under way at Crossroads Arena BY STEVE BEAVERS
The basketball is set to bounce tonight at the Crossroads Arena. All four schools from Alcorn County are set to take part in the annual Alcorn County Tournament at the Arena for an eighth consecutive time. “This is a great community event,” said Arena staff member Cindy Davis. “We really enjoy having all the kids from the schools here.” Schools voted to move the tournament from the onsite rotation to the larger facility in 2004 with the initial event held there in 2005.
“We really enjoy the environment provided by the Arena,” said Corinth Principal Russ Elam. “They have done a great job every year we have been involved there and we are proud of what they do.” “I enjoy the tournament so much better because they have plenty of room and parking,” said Alcorn Central Principal Tim Littlejohn. “As far as we are concerned, we are more comfortable having it at the Arena.” The first year saw 3,804 attend over the three-day event. Last year’s total was 2,523 according to Davis. “It has been steady all seven
years with the exception of 2010,” said Davis. Snow forced the cancellation of the first two days of the tournament in 2010. Seven games were played Saturday with three championships decided Monday. “The snow forced attendance to be on the low side that year,” added Davis. After getting the ACT, the Crossroads Arena rented a floor and goals from the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Bioloxi in 2005. The following year the court and goals were rented from the BancorpSouth Center. The Arena purchased a permanent floor from Horner
Index Stocks........7 Classified...... 13 Comics...... 12 Wisdom...... 11
Weather........5 Obituaries........ 3 Opinion........4 Sports... 8-10
Flooring of Michigan in August of 2006 at a cost of $52,500. Another $3,000 was spent to purchase goals. Games begin tonight at 5 p.m. with a junior varsity boys contest between Alcorn Central and Corinth getting things started. The top seeded Kossuth Lady Aggies will face Corinth at 6:15 with boys top seed Corinth taking on the Aggies at 7:30 p.m. Admission is $5 each night with new champions determined on Monday night. Programs are a $1. “We look forward to those who love basketball coming out all three nights,” said Davis.
The 35 year-old — married to Holly Huff Butler — knows he has a greater responsibility as principal. “The biggest thing is that everything that goes on here, I need to know about,” he said. Butler also inherits a school that is on academic watch. “Biggersville is so close to being a successful school,” said Butler. “I have seen a lot of good teaching here and I want Please see BUTLER | 2
Groups collect blankets during tournament BY JEBB JOHNSTON
The Alcorn County Basketball Tournament brings with it a chance to help keep neighbors warm this winter. Various organizations are working together to encourage donations of blankets, which will be given to people who need them. For all three days of the event at Crossroads Arena, a Salvation Army drop box will Please see BLANKETS | 2
On this day in history 150 years ago “Stonewall” Jackson pursued the Federals driven from Bath to the Potomac River. The Union forces get across the river to Hancock, Md. Jackson’s demand for surrender was refused and the Confederates begin to bombard the city with artillery.