Daily Corinthian E-Edition 02-08-2012

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Wednesday Feb. 8,


50 cents

Daily Corinthian Vol. 116, No. 33

Partly sunny Today




• Corinth, Mississippi • 20 pages • 2 sections

Eat healthy, Mississippi

Requests made for office space at courthouse Supervisors make board appointments BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

Staff photo by Steve Beavers

Sweet Peppers Manager Tess Benson puts out one of the many healthy items on the deli’s menu.

The Alcorn County Board of Supervisors heard some requests regarding courthouse office space and made several board appointments on Monday. The new coroner, Jay Jones, is requesting permission to establish an office in the courthouse. He said he needs a small space that can accommodate a desk and some file storage. Previous coroner Dan Leeth had an office at his home. In another discussion regarding courthouse space, Sheriff Charles Rinehart encouraged the board to consider not moving the equipment in the old 911 office so that a backup system is readily

Program promotes menu options BY STEVE BEAVERS sbeavers@dailycorinthian.com

It’s time to start eating healthy. The Mississippi Hospitality & Restaurant Association is helping individuals do just that. In efforts to help the state rid itself of the tag of “fattest state in the nation” the Hospitality & Restaurant Association has unveiled the statewide drive called “Eat Healthy Mississippi”. The program is designed to promote locally grown produce in the preparation of dietitian-approved, healthy dining menu options at restaurants throughout the state. All approved menu choices will be featured at HealthyDiningFinder.com, along with resources to educate restaurants and consumers about nutrition along with eating and living well. A pair of the local restaurants are part of the promotion. Sweet Peppers Deli and McDonald’s each have 12 or more menu items that are appealing to those looking to take a healthier approach. “We have done really well and

saw an increase in sales on our lite menu,” said Sweet Peppers Manager Tess Benson of being included in the promotion. “All of our food is on the healthy side and you can find plenty of healthy items to choose from our menu.” Sweet Peppers has a lite line that includes seven items with only 293 calories. Some of the new items on the menu include Turkey and Avocado, BBQ Shrimp Crisp — a whole

wheat wrap with shrimp and vegetables — and a Waldorf Wrap. “It is our hope that this innovative approach to linking local producers to local restaurants will provide consumers with even more healthy dining options at their favorite restaurants throughout the state,” said Mike Cashion, MHRA Executive Director. Gov. Phil Bryant is also on board to help the state get healthier. “We all must take seriously the impact lifestyle choices make on health,” Bryant said. “Poor choices can lead to obesity, disease and other health complications, but smart choices such as healthful diets and regular exercise can lead to a longer life. I encourage everyone to adopt a healthy lifestyle and choose wholesome foods at home and when dining out.” Through MHRA’s strategic partnership with HealthyDiningFinder. com, participating restaurants will have access to Healthy Dining’s ex-

Please see SUPERVISORS | 2A

CAYP group forms ‘Founder’s Board’ BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

The Corinth Area Young Professionals recently held a meeting to discuss the group’s future. Forming committees and planning upcoming Young Professionals events were among the main topics of the meeting. The group decided to form the “Founder’s Board” — a committee of volunteers made up of nine members and Andrea Rose as The Alliance contact. Officers for the board would consist of a chairperson, who would have volunteer vice-chairs for special events or as needed, as well as a person serving the Please see CAYP | 2A

Please see DINING | 2A

Man speaks the truth about lies Rogers talks about career as polygraph examiner BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

Rick Rogers thinks you are a liar. But don’t take it personally. He thinks that of everyone else, too, including himself. “I believe we are conditioned to be lousy liars, although not from the lack of practice,” said Rogers, a former polygraph examiner for the Dallas Police Department. “Since the average person tells two or three lies every day, you’d think we’d get better at it.” In a talk with Kiwanis on Tuesday, the Corinth resident discussed the nature of lies and some of his experiences with the polygraph. “Since most of us tell lies ourselves,” he said, “we’re not really comfortable calling other people liars … I get paid to call people liars, but most people would rather not know and don’t want to confront a liar.” He noted that some fibs are rooted in tradition, such as Santa Claus, and some are simply polite, such as a response to the question, “Do I look nice in this?” Rogers began working with the polygraph in 1984 and continues to offer his services today. He trained at the University of Houston with

Prep for Coca-Cola 10K Race begins now Staff photo by Jebb Johnston


Rick Rogers (left), a polygraph examiner, discusses lie detection with members of Corinth Kiwanis. an ex-CIA man. “I was skeptical at first about the polygraph,” he said. “Being a detective prior to going to polygraph school, I thought, this doesn’t really work — this is just junk science, all the stuff that people say, until I got in it and realized exactly how it does work.” He believes the machine is an effective tool, revealing the truth among the zig-zagging lines on long

Index Stocks...... 7A Classified......4B Comics......3B Wisdom......2B

Weather......5A Obituaries......3A Opinion......4A Sports......8A


spools of paper. “The key to effective lie detection is the understanding of the psychological mindset and the physiological change that occurs as a person lies,” he said. The tester can reach one of three outcomes — truthful, untruthful or inconclusive.

Race day is less than three months away. The time to get ready for the event is now. Those planning on running or walking in the 31st Annual Corinth Coca-Cola Class 10K are being provided with a training program for the May 5 run through downtown Corinth. “The program is more geared for those who aren’t doing any exercise,” said race co-coordinator Amy Smith. The Commit to be Fit Training program began on Monday with a 15-minute walk or run. Runners/

Please see ROGERS | 2A

Please see 10K | 2A

On this day in history 150 years ago Ten thousand Federal troops attack the Confederate defenses on Roanoke Island, N.C. Outnumbered 4 to 1, the Southerners are defeated. Possession of the island disrupts blockade runners and compromises communication with Norfolk, Va.

Introducing SLT Glaucoma Laser Therapy

Dr. John Shipp, M.D.

Are you tired of using eye drops? Today there is an FDA-cleared treatment for glaucoma called SLT (Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty). SLT is a safe and simple in-office laser treatment that painlessly reduces eye pressure for most patients with glaucoma. SLT is reimbursed by Medicare and most other insurances, which minimizes your out-ofpocket expenses. --- To find out more about SLT go to www.shippeyeclinic.com or call, (662) 286-6068.

Eye Care Specialists 3302 W. Linden St. Corinth, MS 38834 (662) 286-6068

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