Daily Corinthian 031012

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Don’t forget to ‘Spring Forward’ one hour tonight! Saturday March 10,


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Daily Corinthian Vol. 116, No. 60

Partly Sunny Today




• Corinth, Mississippi • 16 pages • 1 section

Time left to file homestead exemption BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

A few weeks remain for homeowners to file for homestead exemption. With the normal deadline of April 1 falling on a Sunday, Tax Assessor Kenneth Brawner said he plans to have his office open on Saturday, March 31, from 8 a.m. until noon for homestead filing. The homestead exemption is

an ad valorem tax credit given by the state for home ownership. People who need to consider filing include those who built or purchased a new home during the past year and those who reached age 65 or became 100 percent disabled during the last calendar year. Brawner said his office wants to see everyone who is entitled get the property tax break. “It’s not something that is

done at closing when a home is sold,” Brawner said. “This is something that people have to come into the office and apply for.” People moving in from other states sometimes simply don’t know about the homestead exemption, he said. The office has seen the pace of filing slow during the last couple of years with fewer homes being built during the recession. Last

year saw 535 new filings, a decrease from previous years, and the number stood at 360 as of Monday. Brawner said he will not be surprised if this year’s number falls short of last year’s 535. Items needed to file for exemption include Social Security number (both, if a married couple); Alcorn County license plate numbers; the purchase price of the property; and, if ap-

plicable, proof of Social Security disability entitlement showing the beginning date of disability or a disabled veteran’s claim number. The state provides a reimbursement to counties for homestead exemptions. Alcorn County received $344,978.28 for the latest year. Contact the assessor’s office for more information at 2867733.

Motorists can expect road closures State OKs building funding

BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

As two roadway construction projects continue across town, Corinth motorists can expect some temporary road closings next week. Contractors have begun work on the Proper Street and Fillmore Street improvement projects. The Proper Street project includes milling and paving of the street from Cruise Street to Young Street. Depending on the weather, there will be temporary closings for the Fillmore Street project on Wednesday and possibly Thursday, said Felix Rutledge, owner of Rutledge Contracting of Tupelo. Next week’s project on Fillmore Street includes milling — removing three to four inches of old asphalt — and paving. Rutledge said his team plans to close a block of Fillmore at a time, beginning at the intersection of Fillmore and Childs Street. “We don’t want to close any more than we have to,” Rutledge said. “Since there will be trucks coming in and turning around we’re going to temporarily close parts of the street just to be safe.” While he is hopeful the operation will be finished by the end of Wednesday, construction and temporary road closings may continue on Thursday, he said.

BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

projects include some handicap accessibility ramps, mainly on Fillmore, and some limited sidewalk repair. The area to be paved on Proper Street was closed recently as

The Corinth School District will receive $5 million in qualified school construction bond funding for building projects. The Mississippi Department of Education recently approved the district’s application. The funds come from a pool of money that remained available through the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act. “We appear to have a buyer in terms of a bank for those, which is definitely a good spot to be in,” Superintendent Lee Childress told the board of trustees in a Friday meeting. “It appears, according to the attorneys, that after the direct payment from the federal government is made on this issue that we will get an interest rate of zero percent or just a little bit above zero.” The district looks to close the deal by about mid-April, and no effect on local taxes is anticipated. In addition to the new softball complex, the other projects to be undertaken focus

Please see CLOSINGS | 2A

Please see FUNDS | 2A

Staff photo by Bobby J. Smith

Corinth drivers can expect temporary closings on Fillmore Street beginning Wednesday as the street improvement project continues. Vehicles regularly parked on the side of Fillmore will need to be moved during the construction, Rutledge said. He will be on Fillmore Street early Wednesday asking people to park in other places as work continues on the project.

“It won’t be too inconvenient for everyone,” he said. “The traffic is really not that bad, anyhow. The big part will be the people who park there.” The Fillmore project is an extension of the street’s prior milling and paving work. The

Easter photos raise funds so Hurley’s special kids can get food vouchers BY MARK BOEHLER editor@dailycorinthian.com

Although Havis Hurley's effort to take a group of special needs kids to Disney World has made it's initial fundraising goal, the continued outpouring of support from the community will hopefully help provide food vouchers for the children. The $25,000 goal was needed for motel rooms, Disney World tickets and transportation, noted Hurley, who will be taking approximately 45 special needs kids and their chaperones on the five-day trip this summer. “We are now working on food vouchers for all the kids,” explained Hurley. “It is extremely expensive to eat in those theme parks. We still need help. We are so blessed.” With those thoughts in mind, several fundraisers are still planned to help Hurley's trip, including two local amateur photographers who are offering a fundraising Easter photo shoot to help the effort. Bill Avery and Lisa Wilbanks — known for their photo exhibits at the Corinth Library

“It is extremely expensive to eat in those theme parks. We still need help. We are so blessed.” Havis Hurley Trip organizer — will be taking 8-by-10 Easter Bunny and family portraits for $10 each with all proceeds to benefit Hurley’s effort. Since announcing the special photo fundraiser several weeks ago, Avery said 17 people are already signed up to take part. “Response has been great,” said Corinth resident Avery, a retired boat salesman turned shutterbug. “We are looking forward to more people taking advantage of this opportunity. We also want to get the word out that the effort will go toward food vouchers for the kids, so the need to continue to help Havis with his trip is still there.” Avery and Wilbanks will shoot family portraits, children or any combination desired by family. They have made arrangements for a studio with a couple of choices of backdrops inside a

house on Jackson Street. To pull off the undertaking, the photographers require appointments. All photos will be taken at 815 Jackson St. behind First United Methodist Church. Family portraits will be taken March 12-13 during Spring Break and March 20-24. Photos with the Easter Bunny will be taken for only two days, March 24-25. The two photographers plan 20 minutes for each sitting, so appointments are required. “This is a fun project and I'm glad to do my part,” added Avery. (To make an appointment, have the date and time frame in mind and call 662-415-1999 or 662-287-4129. Those are also the phone numbers for questions or e-mail to billavery@bellsouth.net.)

Index Stocks........7 Classified......14 Comics...... 13 Wisdom...... 12

Weather........5 Obituaries........ 3 Opinion........4 Sports...... 10

Photo by Bill Avery

Havis Hurley will take a group of about 45 special-needs kids and their chaperones to Disney World this summer. An Easter photo project will help get food vouchers for the children who make the trip. “We are blessed,” said Hurley about the outpouring of support for the project.

On this day in history 150 years ago March 10 — General Braxton Bragg gives orders to commence building entrenchments around Corinth. At Hampton Roads, Va., the CSS Virginia and the USS Monitor engage in the epic battle of ironclad ships. The fight was inconclusive.

2 • Daily Corinthian


Saturday, March 10, 2012

FUNDS: No effect on local taxes CONTINUED FROM 1A

mainly on rehabilitation of buildings. Childress said the district will look to get most of the projects out for bid by April so that work may proceed during the summer months. The district is planning work such as replacing windows at the high school, painting inside

buildings and paving and striping parking lots. In ongoing projects, Childress said the field house work has been slowed by weather, and the improved access road to the tennis courts is complete apart from some cleanup work. The district decided to improve the road to provide better access for emergency vehicles.

Shiloh park hosts Camp of Instruction For the Daily Corinthian

Staff photo by Bobby J. Smith

Work continues Friday on Proper Street’s sidewalks and curbs.

CLOSINGS: “It won’t be too inconvenient for everyone,” Rutledge said. CONTINUED FROM 1A

the sewer department replaced 400 feet of dete-

riorated sewer line. The replacement had to be completed before the paving project could begin.

The contract length is 90 calendar days for Proper Street and 60 calendar days for Fillmore Street.

For more information about the Fillmore Street project contact Felix Rutledge at 662-401-3180.

Shiloh National Military Park will host a Civil War soldier “Camp of Instruction” on April 3. This educational activity event is designed to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Shiloh for 4th Grade students and has a limited class size of 50 students. The day camp will begin at noon with registration and will conclude at 4 p.m. with the issuance of certificates and period soldier

discharges. This Camp of Instruction will introduce students to the life of a Civil War soldier and have the children experience hands-on activities to be able to identify with Civil War soldiers and their daily routines. Students will be taught basic military knowledge just as the civilians, who volunteered for the North and South, learned through camps of instruction during the war. Participants will ex-

Grateful to be mud-luscious, happy in March Glanced out the window yesterday to see my husband tumping another barrowful of composted horse manure into our veggie patch. Yea! Black gold, rich in nutrients, and, tilled into the soil, it’ll lighten up our McNairy County clay. I wasn’t the only one pleased. Vigorously sifting through the stuff --practically beneath John’s boots -- was our feathered trio. The little red hen, the big black chicken, and, more ponderously, Mr. Roo. When they see John a’coming, they come a’running. Worms! Worms! Big fat worms!

And centipedes! And beetly bugs! What a feast after winter’s bare bones. I’ve been thinking gardens lately. Just got startabout Ryland ed a couple Bruhwiler weeks ago Columnist f r e s h e n ing up the shade garden to the east of the house. First things first. Cut the old fronds off the holly ferns before new ones unfurl like the “tongues” of enormous butterflies. I know I’d better not wait till March

because the tender fiddleheads will be working their way through the tough stems. And even if I didn’t snip but one or two off each plant, I’d damage the light green flesh of far too many others. Next day was trash day. Picking up fallen branches, smashed pinecones, the papery bark from the crepe myrtles. Breaking off the dried canes of last year’s coneflowers, an unsightly scraggle I never got around to all winter long. Filling the wheelbarrow, rumbling down the path through the woods to The Pit to toss it. Turned back to find

I’d been followed. Black chicken -- by far the bravest -- thought that maybe, just maybe, I was up to something edible. I had a lovely, wet and windy Leap Day, if that’s what you want to call Feb. 29. A buddy of mine -Ms. Amanda -- met me at St. Paul's, and we started digging a patch of ground beneath the old bell tower for our small Sunday school class to plant a butterfly garden in this spring. Of course, just as we began, we heard thunder growling in the distance. Hmmmm: here we were in a flat, open field working away beneath a metal structure pointing up into the sky.

We paused to think about it. Knew it was dumb to keep going. But darn it! There we were in our old jeans and our old shoes with shovel and post hole digger and more than a dozen buckets lined up and waiting to be filled with the topsoil we'll eventually throw back into the plot once we get it dug . . . So we sorta ducked our heads a little closer to the ground (if you know what I mean) and kept on going. Phew. No more thunder claps. But here comes the rain. Just a sprinkly baptism at first; then a bona fide Baptistdunking. It wasn't a cold rain, though, so who cared? When you’re on a roll like that, you do not want to stop -- not with the grassy topsoil still showing on almost half our patch. And I imagined all the he-men in our congregation pulling up in their trucks this Sunday, shaking their heads at those sissies. (Girls couldn't even dig a little patch all by their selves.) Besides, the soil was almost perfect. Not exactly butter (we're talking

heavy clay), but a far cry from the brick it’ll turn into by mid-June. It is amazing, by the way, how many five-gallon buckets a few square feet of topsoil will fill. Used every one and made three piles of dirt as well. Very, very satisfying. And how grateful I was as I loaded the muddy tools into the van and peeled off my soaking gloves that I had a set of dry clothes on the front seat as well as another pair of shoes. I think of the homeless shuffling along our city streets in lousy weather. Of refugees fleeing brutal wars. Of the faminestruck trudging for days, hoping to make it to a United Nations camp -or OxFam or whatever -- before their stick-thin children die in their arms. Life isn’t all butterfly gardens for everybody in this old world. (Ryland Bruhwiler lives on a farm in McNairy County, Tenn. A special columnist for the Daily Corinthian, she can be contacted by email at downyonder@ wildblue.net.)

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3 • Daily Corinthian


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Things to do Today Girl Scout cookies

Lester Leatherwood

Lester Leatherwood died Friday, March 9, 2012, at his residence. He was born Sept. 12, 1936, to the late O.E. and Ada Mask Leatherwood. He was a retired electrician, a member of local # 852 and attended Church of the Crossroads. He enjoyed playing pool. He was preceded in death by his parents; and former wives Francis, Joyce and Jean. Survivors include his son Rickie Leatherwood of Corinth; his daughters, Brenda Stegall and Diane Elliott, both of Memphis, Tenn., and Deborah Brandon of Tishomingo; 12 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. Funeral services are set for 2 p.m. Sunday at McPeters Inc. Funeral Directors Chapel with Bro. Nelson Hight officiating. Burial will follow in the Dogwood Cemetery. Pallbearers Terry Brandon, Paul Tran, Zach Leatherwood, Billy Ray Ragan, Edmond Ragan and Tim Albertson Visitation is today from 5 until 8 p.m. and Sunday from noon to service time. Condolences can be left at wwwmcpetersfuneraldirector.com

Andrew E. Towater

Andrew E. Towater, 59, died Thursday, March 8, 2012, in Corinth. Arrangements are incomplete and will be announced by Hight Funeral Home.

Q.T. Dixon

Funeral services for Q.T. Dixon, 74, of Corinth, were held Friday at First United Christian Church with burial at Rutherford Memorial Gardens. Mr. Dixon died Wednesday, March 7, 2012, at MS Care Center. Born Aug. 25, 1937, he was an employee of Rainey Sod Farm. He was a member of First United Christian Church. He was preceded in death by his wife, Billie Ruth Dixon; a daughter, Linda Coln; a son, Ricky Dixon; his parents, William and Callie Mullins Dixon; a brother, L.B. Dixon; and one greatgrandchild. Survivors include a son, James Dixon (Tammy) of Booneville; two daughters, Vickie Swinford (Lee Earl) of Corinth, and Teresa Ligon (Marshall) of Corinth; a brother, Johnny Mack Dixon (Debra) of Rienzi; a sister, Diane Hunt of Rienzi; six grandchildren, Robert Swinford, Quinten Dixon, Brian Dixon, Amanda Burcham, Lindsey Ligon and Matthew Ligon; and two great-grandchildren. Bro. Casey Rutherford and Bro. Ricky Parker will officiate. Visitation began Thursday and will continue until service time at the church. Corinthian Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

Lurlie Jewell Luker

Funeral services for Lurlie Jewel Luker, 70, were held Friday at Hight Funeral Home with burial at Shiloh Baptist Church. Mrs. Lucker died Monday, March 5, 2012, in Corinth. Born June 12, 1941, she was a homemaker and enjoyed water color and sewing. She was of the Baptist faith. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jerry Luker; her parents, George and Zola Roberts; two brothers, Roy Lee and Travis Roberts; a sister, Hazel Roberts; and a nephew, Elvis Roberts. Survivors include a son, Tim Luker of Corinth; four grandchildren, Nikki Polk (Gene) of Corinth, Becca Hughes (Trey) of Corinth; Kimberly Luker of Corinth, and Eric Luker of Corinth; one step-grandson, Joe Reno, of Corinth; and six greatgrandchildren. Bro. Cody Hill officiated the service.

Ellen Kay Reddell

JOPLIN, Mo. — Ellen Kay Reddell, 46, died Tuesday, March 6, 2012, in Kansas City, Kan. Born March 19, 1965, she was a homemaker. She was a member of Strickland Church of Christ. She was preceded in death by her mother, Bonnie B. Brown South. Survivors include her husband of 28 years, Ronny Reddell of Joplin, Mo.; her father, Charles Edward South of Corinth; two sons, Tay Reddell (Jennifer) of Eastview, Tenn., and Ronny Wade Reddell of Joplin, Mo.; a daughter, Sabra Cade Reddell of Joplin, Mo.; a granddaughter, Paizlee Ann Reddell; two broth-

ers, Charles David South (Barbie) of Cordova, Tenn., and Eddie South (Donna) of New Mexico; two sisters, Jamie Butrymoicz (Doug) of Arkansas, and Elizabeth Henson (Charlie) of Joplin, Mo.; other relatives and a host of friends. Visitation is Sunday from 5 until 8 p.m. at Magnolia Funeral Home.

Linda Whitaker

Funeral services for Linda Louise Dunn Whitaker, 59, of Corinth, are set for 2:30 p.m. Sunday at Magnolia Funeral Home Chapel of Memories with burial at Henry Cemetery. Ms. Whitaker died Friday, March 9, 2012, at Sanctuary Hospice House. Born Nov. 7, 1952, she was a retired construction worker. She was a member of Oakland Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by a brother, Ronnie Whitaker; and her father, Thurman Whitaker. Survivors include her mother, Louise Whitaker of Corinth; four brothers, Jimmy Whitaker (Dianne), Danny Whitaker, Ricky Whitaker and Timmy Whitaker (Sharon), all of Corinth; two sisters, Lisa Whitaker of Corinth, and Diane Gray (Alan) of Hickory Flat; numerous nieces, nephews, other relatives and a host of friends. Dr. Randy Bostick and Charlie Browning will officiate. Visitation is today from 5 until 8 p.m. and Sunday from 1:30 p.m. until service time at Magnolia Funeral Home. Memorial Donations can be sent to Oakland Baptist Church Building Fund.

March is National Kidney Month Are you at risk for Chronic Kidney Disease?

Residents can look for Girl Scout cookie booth sales at WalMart, Lowe’s, Kroger, Belk, Gardner’s and the Corinth Service Center at Harper Square this weekend.

New Shiloh museum A ribbon-cutting “Grand Opening” ceremony for the Shiloh Battlefield & World War II Museum is scheduled to begin today at 10 a.m. It is located at the intersection of state Route 22 and Route 142 in Shiloh, across from Ed Shaw’s Restaurant. The Shiloh Battlefield & World War II Museum is the home of Honor Our Veterans Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to raising

money for projects to benefit area veterans. The museum features items amassed over a lifetime of collecting Shiloh-related artifacts, as well as artifacts from the Korean War, World War II, the Vietnam War — all the way up to the war in Afghanistan. For more information call Larry DeBerry at 731-926-0360.


‘Just Plain Country’ Just Plain Country performs at the Tishomingo County Fairgrounds in Iuka every Saturday from 7-10 p.m. Good family entertainment.

Music exhibit

Bluegrass show Northeast Mississippi Bluegrass Association in Booneville is featuring bluegrass music tonight in the Old Booneville Hardware Building on Main St. beginning at 6:30 p.m. The featured band will be Troy Hendrix & Heartland Band. Concession stand available. Admission is a $3 donation at the

“Music, Sweet Music” is the subject of the featured exhibit at the Tishomingo County Archives & History Museum. The exhibit gives visitors an opportunity to view phonographs, records, 8-track tapes, etc., used by artists to record their abilities in perpetuity. The Museum is open to the public TuesdayFriday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Grand jury indicts 29 people SELMER, Tenn. — The McNairy County Grand Jury has returned indictments against 29 people on 106 charges. These charges range from child rape to aggravated vehicular homicide. There were several theft charges, many drug charges and attempted second degree murder included among those indicted in the March session of the grand jury. The majority of those indicted will appear before the McNairy County Circuit Court in June. Indictments include: ◆ Dillon A. Allen of 476 Hurley Kerby Road in Bethel Springs; Burglary (6 counts), Theft of Property (2 counts $500 to $1,000), Aggravated Burglary (4 counts), Theft of Property (3 counts - $500 to $1,000), Theft of Property (4 counts -$1,000 to $10,000), Theft of Property (2 counts $500 or Less), Vandalism (4 counts – Up to $500). ◆ George Atkins of 920 Atkins Lane in Selmer; Possession of Schedule II (Cocaine) with intent to delivery 5 grams or more, Simple Possession of Schedule III. ◆ Jeffery L. Batie of 1312 Cruise in Corinth; Burglary, Theft of Property ($500 to $1,000). ◆ Joe L. Cox of 3002 Hwy. 64

E. in Selmer; Initiation of Manufacture of Meth, Promotion of Methamphetamine, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. ◆ Shelia Ervin of 243 Hester Road in Selmer; Theft of Property ($500 to $1,000). ◆ Brian Keith Isbell of 382 Forty Forks in Bethel Springs; DUI, Prior DUI, Violation of Implied Consent. ◆ Nathan B. Isom of 327 East Main St. in Bethel Springs; Felony Evading Arrest, Reckless Driving, Off-road vehicle on Highway. ◆ Terry A. Jones of 251 Arendall St. in Adamsville; Initiation of Meth, Promotion of Meth, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. ◆ Steven J. Kiestler of 376 Bob Kirk Road in Bethel Springs; Felony Evading Arrest, Reckless Driving, Off-road vehicle on Highway. ◆ Patricia R. Kincer of 240 Federal Road in Counce; Initiation of Meth, Promotion of Meth, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. ◆ Lindsay R. Lawrence of 223 Rosebud Drive in Adamsville; Initiation of Meth, Promotion of Meth, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. ◆ Christopher D. Little of 15 Walker Loop in Adamsville; Burglary, Theft of Property ($10,000 to $60,000), Vandalism ($500 to $1,000). ◆ Anthony Mosier of 1275 Hurst Road in Henderson; Evading Arrest Endanger-


ing Others, Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicle, Driving on Suspended License, Prior DRL. ◆ Randy E. Phillips of 1259 Emmons Road in Selmer; Initiation of Meth, Promotion of Meth. ◆ Casey L. Redmon of 164 Walker St. in Bethel Springs; Burglary (6 counts), Theft of Property, Vandalism (2 counts Up to $500), Theft of Property (3 counts - $1,000 to $10,000), Vandalism (up to $500), Attempted Theft of Property ( 3 counts - less than $500), Vandalism ( 7 counts - less than $500), Theft of Property ( 3 counts - $500 to $1,000), Burglary, Burglary. ◆ Kelvin O’Neal Robinson of 245 Ramer-Selmer Road in Ramer; Violation of Habitual Motor Vehicle Offender Order. ◆ Michael H. Robinson: of 1044 Charlie Pounds Road in Stantonville; Rape of Child (4 counts), Aggravated Sexual Battery (3 counts), Statutory Rape by Authority Figure. ◆ Dillon L. Russom of 321 Gann Road in Selmer; Delivery of Counterfeit Controlled Substance, Burglary (6 counts), Theft of Property (2 counts $500 to $1,000) , Aggravated Burglary (4 counts), Theft of Property (3 counts - $500 to $1,000), Theft of Property (4 counts -$1,000 to $10,000), Theft of Property (2 counts $500 or Less), Vandalism (4 counts – Up to $500).

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Reece Terry, publisher

Mark Boehler, editor

4 • Saturday, March 10, 2012

Corinth, Miss.

Letter to the Editor

Teachers will thrive with charter schools To the editor: I realize Corinth is fortunate to have a fine school system and I am most grateful. However, many school districts across Mississippi, as well as the entire country, aren’t producing students who are able to compete or perform on a level that would allow them to be successful in the job market. In my opinion, the problem is not that the state is not spending enough money on education. I do believe allowing charter schools would be a giant step, in the right direction, to help our students improve. Charter schools are public schools that receive public funding, but are free from many of the regulations that apply to other public schools. Instead, charter schools are guided by a contract called a “charter” that describes the school’s mission, structure and performance requirements. Since the first charter legislation passed in Minnesota in 1991, public charter schools have become a fixture of the American educational system. Today, they are part of the public school system in 40 states and the District of Columbia. There are more than 5,000 charter schools serving nearly 2 million students. Neighboring states such as Louisiana, Tennessee and Arkansas understand that welleducated workers are crucial for their survival in the competitive global economy. Thus, they are placing strong emphasis on education, ensuring their students are given not only foundational reading and math skills, but are able to think creatively and solve problems. Why is Mississippi not doing so as well? Mississippi’s public schools have had years to clean up their act and they have consistently proven that they cannot or will not do it on their own. At 18.7, Mississippi has the lowest average ACT score in the nation. Mississippi can either stand by and allow its children to attend schools that are incapable of turning out students who can compete in today’s global marketplace or they can take bold steps to reform our education system, give parents new options and provide a better future for our children. With many different schools to choose from, charter schools would offer a variety of educational experiences for students and teachers alike. Good teachers are looking to be in an innovative educational setting. Some are looking for a school that shares their educational philosophy or passionate interest. Charter schools are the answer. Not just for teachers, but also for taxpayers and the students. It is past time a different approach be taken for our struggling schools and students. Joe Vann Corinth

Letters Policy The Opinion page should be a voice of the people and reflect views from a broad range in the community. Citizens can express their opinion in letters to the editor. Only a few simple rules need to be followed. Letters should be of public interest and not of the ‘thank you’ type. Please include your full signature, home address and telephone number on the letter for verification. All letters are subject to editing before publication, especially those beyond 300 words in length. Send to: Letters to the editor, Daily Corinthian, P.O. Box 1800, Corinth, Miss. 38835. Letters may also be e-mailed to: letters@daily corinthian.com. Email is the preferred method. Personal, guest and commentary columns on the Opinion page are the views of the writer. “Other views” are editorials reprinted from other newspapers. None of these reflect the views of this newspaper.

Worth Quoting Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. — Lao Tzu

Prayer for today God of love and power, hold us up when life hits us hard, and give us courage and strength to find new life in the face of grief. Thank you for staying with us all our days. Amen.

A verse to share On the day after the passover, on that very day, they ate the produce of the land, unleavened cakes and parched grain. The manna ceased. — Joshua 5:11-12 (NRSV)

Reece Terry publisher rterry@dailycorinthian.com

Romney needs to simply ask, ‘Hire me’ by different rules: In all the meetings Don’t go out of your he’s had with his poway to empathize. litical team, one wonDon’t tell anyone ders if anyone has ever about your passions. told Mitt Romney, “Be Don’t share endearyourself.” ing personal stories. If someone did, Rich Romney needn’t Romney surely would Lowery dazzle with his perwant to see the Powsonality or move erPoint presentation National with his and all the supporting Review people struggles. The stanevidence before taking dard he has to meet such daring, counterintuitive advice. But Rom- is the one Barack Obama ney could do worse than let- famously established for ting it all hang out, which, Hillary Clinton back in their for him, means buttoning 2008 campaign -- “likable up and diving into the data enough.” People have to like for some rigorously blood- Romney the way they like their accountant. They have less analysis. Mitt Romney’s foremost to consider him trustworthy sin as a politician has al- and capable, full stop. Romney is a fundamenways been trying too hard. His gaffes tend to come tally decent man who has from straining to identify been true to his family and with people. On defense his faith. He’s even-temover the downsizing work of pered to a fault and perBain? Say you once feared sonally polite (if politically getting pink slips yourself. ruthless). But he won’t win the In Detroit? Say Ann Romney drives a couple of Ca- “Would you want to have dillacs. At a NASCAR event a beer with him?” contest alien to you? Say you know with Obama, and not even the “Would you want to some of the owners. If Romney is the Repub- have a chocolate milk with lican nominee, he would be him?” contest. Kids will wise to resist all the advice never faint at his rallies, and he’ll get on how to forge the journalists will never fall kind of connection with vot- over themselves praising ers that has heretofore es- his eloquence. The country caped him. He should play will always be blissfully free

of “Mitt-mania.” Romney is a workmanlike politician. His pitch for himself should be that he’ll be an equally workmanlike president. Although it hasn’t set the GOP on fire, his truest, most natural message is that he’s a turnaround artist -- the guy who can rationally evaluate a situation, come up with a plan and execute it. Romney can’t fall back simply on the dreaded Michael Dukakis buzzword of “competence.” His case has to include a vision of a better America. But his implicit slogan should be “No one ever regretted hiring Mitt Romney to do a job.” Romney has been the default candidate in the Republican nomination fight and will inevitably be the default candidate in the general-election campaign, if he’s the nominee. Voters will first decide if they are inclined to retire President Obama. Then, they will ask whether Romney is acceptable. As a politician, sheer acceptability is one of his most prized qualities. In a “Saturday Night Live” skit recently, the Romney character said the verdict of the Republican voters on him was “Eh, I guess.” No chiliastic expectations

will attach to Romney. No one will expect him to turn back the tides. That’s just as well. The messianic model of the 2008 Obama campaign is vaguely unrepublican and must, by its very nature, disappoint. Romney’s promise is more pedestrian, if less juvenile: to comb through the federal books. When Barack Obama made the same pledge during his first campaign, it was laughably insincere. One imagines Romney literally doing it, at all hours and with relish. For all Romney’s flaws, there are worse men to make president at a time when the federal government needs to be transformed and the economy made more efficient. In 2008, Obama asked the nation to do itself the favor of allowing him to bestow on it all his historymaking grandeur. In 2012, if he gets the chance, Romney should ask the nation something much more basic: “Hire me.” Rich Lowry is editor of the National Review. He can be reached via e-mail: comments.lowry@nationalreview.com.

Decent citizens’ right to question ‘Nanny State’ The Washington Of course, Fluke is Post fancies itself a not evil. In fact, she very influential newslooks to be a very sinpaper, an opinioncere young woman. shaper among the Her argument for government-subsipowerful D.C. ruling class. So when it edidized birth control Bill should be debated on torialized last week O’Reilly its merits. Whatever about Rush Limbaugh’s commentary she does in private The O’Reilly concerning GeorgeFactor has nothing to do town law student with the issue. It’s noSandra Fluke, some body’s business. heads snapped back. It is But Fluke’s announced very unusual for the poobahs sense of entitlement is evat the Post to involve them- ery taxpayer’s concern. And selves with talk radio. here is where the rhetorical It’s kind of like Al Gore battle should be fought. playing rugby: far too rowPresident Obama is trydy and dirty. ing to force health insurThe primary point in the ance companies to provide Post editorial is that de- things such as female birth meaning a fellow American control free of charge. Of with personal attacks is not course, the companies will the way “a decent citizen” pass the cost of that on to behaves. Fine. In general, consumers in the form of that is true. However, there higher premiums. are times when evil must be Since Obamacare apconfronted and vigorously peared in the public square, attacked using very person- my health insurance costs al terms. have risen by about 30 per-

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cent. If the Supreme Court rules this year that Obamacare is unconstitutional, which could very well happen, I doubt I will get a refund. Fluke and millions of other Americans apparently believe it is their birthright to receive gratis contraception anytime they want it. But why do they believe that? Where in the Constitution does it say that we the people are responsible for the personal behavior of our fellow citizens? Paging James Madison! Where does it say that? Besides, under Title Ten of the Public Health Service Act, the feds do provide free female birth control for Americans at taxpayer expense. You can pick that up in clinics all over the USA. And if you don’t want to do that, a local Target store just three miles from where Fluke lives sells a monthly

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supply of the pill for $9. The Washington Post is a liberal paper that generally supports government subsidies for social justice causes. With a $16 trillion national debt, the Post easily can be challenged on its editorial posture, and surely the editorial people know the pill issue is bogus, a contrived controversy designed to fog up the real issue: the imposition of the federal government on the teachings of the Catholic Church. There is also the continuing advancement of the Nanny State involved in the Fluke case. I hope I am not getting too personal in mentioning that. Decent citizens have a right to know. Veteran TV news anchor Bill O’Reilly is host of the Fox News show “The O’Reilly Factor” and author of the book “Pinheads and Patriots: Where You Stand in the Age of Obama.”

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Daily Corinthian • Saturday, March 10, 2012 • 5

State Barbour’s pardoned inmates to be freed BY HOLBROOK MOHR Associated Press

JACKSON — Four inmates pardoned by former Gov. Haley Barbour are scheduled to be released today, including a South African man whose pardon had the support of a Nobel Peace Prize winner and a former South African president. Barbour, a nationallyknown Republican who once considered running for president, pardoned nearly 200 people before finishing his second term in January. Ten of the inmates were incarcerated at the time. A judge ordered five of them to remain in prison pending the outcome of Attorney General Jim Hood’s legal challenge of the pardons. The court ruled Thursday the pardons were legal. One of the inmates, Joshua Howard, was released Wednesday because his sentence was over. Howard was sentenced March 9, 2009, for statutory rape. Mississippi Department of Corrections spokeswoman Tara Booth

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said Friday the others will be released Saturday, including Azikiwe Kambule, sentenced in 1997 to 35 years for armed carjacking and accessory after the fact to murder. Former South African President Thabo Mbeki and Nobel winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu were among numerous people who had called for a pardon or some type of compassionate release given Kambule’s age, 17, at the time of his arrest. He is now 33.

Barbour has not said how or why he chose Kambule for a pardon, but he has said his Christian faith leads him to believe in second chances. A statement Thursday said the decisions were “based on repentance, rehabilitation, and redemption, leading to forgiveness.” Kambule’s case got international attention when a prosecutor initially said he would seek the death penalty for those involved in slaying of social worker Pamela Mc-

Gill in 1996. At trial, Kambule testified that his friend, Santonia Berry, wanted McGill’s red 1993 Dodge Stealth so they followed the 31-year-old woman home and kidnapped her at gunpoint. Kambule said McGill cried and pleaded for her life as she was taken to the woods in Madison County where Berry shot her in the head. Berry was sentenced to life without parole. Kambule was sentenced to 30

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years for armed carjacking and five years as an accessory. Kambule’s supporters said life was difficult for him in the two years he lived in Mississippi because other students made fun of his accent and he was susceptible to bad influences. Kambule’s parents plan to take him back to South

Africa soon after his release, according to their attorney Cynthia Stewart. “They are anxiously awaiting his release,” Stewart said. Booth said state regulations require that the inmates be held for 48 hours after MDOC notifies their victims and officials in the counties where the crime happened.

6 • Saturday, March 10, 2012 • Daily Corinthian




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Wipeout Yetis terrorize 20/20 “My Extreme Affliction” (N) ABC 24 Two and Big Bang Big Bang contestants. News Half Men Theory Theory NCIS: Los Angeles Criminal Minds 48 Hours Mystery Channel (:36) Criminal Minds “No Without a “Absolution” 3 Sat Way Out” Trace Garden Party With Carolyn Gardening-Easy Electronics Today NCIS: Los Angeles Criminal Minds 48 Hours Mystery News Paid Pro- To Be Announced “Absolution” gram Harry’s Law “Gorilla My The Firm “Chapter Law & Order: Special News (:29) Saturday Night Live Host Jonah Dreams” Ten” (N) Victims Unit Hill; The Shins perform. Family Family The JefThe JefCW30 News (N) House of Sanford & Andy The JefFeud Feud fersons fersons Payne Son Griffith fersons Wipeout Yetis terrorize 20/20 “My Extreme Affliction” (N) News Love-Ray- Friends Law & contestants. mond Order Harry’s Law “Gorilla My The Firm “Chapter Law & Order: Special News (N) Saturday Night Live Host Jonah Hill; Dreams” Ten” (N) Victims Unit The Shins perform. Girls High School Yanni -- Live at El Morro Human Nature Sings Motown With Country Pop Legends Basketball Special Guest Smokey (My Music) NBA Basketball: Utah Jazz at Chicago Bulls. From the United News at 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs Always Center in Chicago. (N) (Live) Nine Sunny (6:30) Big Band Vocalists Sinatra Sings Superstars of Seventies Soul Live (My Music) ¡Q’Viva! The Chosen Jennifer and Marc discuss the journey. (N) Psych Psych Family Guy Family Guy Friends Friends

Fox 13 News--9PM (N)

Alcatraz “The Ames New Girl The Unit Bros.” “Injured” Psych Psych Psych “Pilot” PIX News at Ten With Always Always Futurama Futurama Kaity Tong (N) Sunny Sunny Zane’s Sex } ›› The Eagle (11) A Roman soldier sets out to Girl’s Guide restore his father’s honor. Boxing: Juan Manuel Lopez vs. Orlando Salido. (N) (Live) Shameless

} ››› Bull Durham (88) Kevin Costner, Susan Sarandon. } Mask of (:20) } ›› Faster (10, Action) Zorro Dwayne Johnson. Game Change (12, Docudrama) Julianne Moore, Luck Ace pitches a deal. Game Change (12) Juli(5:50) } ›› The AWoody Harrelson. anne Moore. Team (10, Action) Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Jersey Shore College GameDay (N) College Basketball: Big East Tournament, Final: SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (Live) Teams TBA. (N) (Live) } ›› Walking Tall (04) A sheriff and a deputy try } ›› Doom The Rock. Soldiers battle mutants at a } ›› Turistas (06) to rid their town of thugs. research facility on Mars. Josh Duhamel. NCIS A distraught naval NCIS “Dog Tags” NCIS “Toxic” CSI: Crime Scene Inves- CSI: Crime Scene Invesofficer. tigation tigation Big Time Movie (12, Comedy) iCarly ’70s ’70s Friends Friends Friends Friends Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold Extermina- Extermina- Extermina- Extermina- Extermina- Extermina- Extermina- Extermina- Extermina- Exterminator tor tor tor tor tor tor tor tor tor NHL Hockey: Detroit Red Wings at Nashville Predators. (N) (Live) Predators Live! Postgame (N) (Live) NHL Hockey: Hurricanes at Lightning Hurricane Season (09, Drama) Forest Whitaker. } ››› Ali (01) Will Smith, Jamie Foxx. Candice Genevieve Color Interiors House Hunters House Hunters Color Interiors Tells All Splash Inc (N) Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Splash Inc } ›› Shallow Hal Gwyneth Paltrow. Khloe Khloe Soup Chelsea Fashion Police Swamp People Top Gear “Muscle Cars” Top Gear “Continental Top Gear “Dangerous (:01) Swamp People Divide” Cars” College Basketball College Basketball College Basketball 48 Hours: Hard Evi48 Hours: Hard Evi48 Hours: Hard Evi48 Hours: Hard Evi48 Hours: Hard Evidence dence dence dence dence Sweet Genius “Candied Sweet Genius “Glistening Sweet Genius “Fiery Iron Chef America Sweet Genius “Glistening Genius” Genius” Genius” Genius” Bonanza Bonanza The Big Valley The Big Valley The Big Valley Of Two Minds (12) A woman welcomes her schizo- Of Two Minds (12) A woman welcomes her schizo- (:01) Of Two Minds (12) phrenic sister into her home. phrenic sister into her home. Kristin Davis. (4:00) Spring Praise-A-Thon } ››› Speed (94) Keanu Reeves. A transit bus is wired to } ››› Speed (94) Keanu Reeves. A transit bus is wired to explode if it drops below 50 mph. explode if it drops below 50 mph. } Alice- } ››› Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (03, Action) } ››› Willy Wonka and the Wonder. Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush. Chocolate Factory (71) } ››› The Razor’s Edge Tyrone Power. An idealistic war (:45) } ›› For Heaven’s Sake (50, Comedy) } Mr. veteran questions the meaning of life. Clifton Webb, Joan Bennett. Scout. Leverage } ›› National Treasure (04) Nicolas Cage. A man tries to steal Leverage } The the Declaration of Independence. Guardian } ››› The Hangover (09, Comedy) Bradley (:15) } ››› The Hangover (09) Ed Helms Three pals must find } Not Cooper, Ed Helms. a missing groom after a wild bash. Teen Mv Dancing With the Stars Dancing With the Stars A couple is eliminated; Chris Brown. (6:00) Movie God King/Hill King/Hill Fam Guy Aqua Metal Bleach Fullmetal Home Im Home Im Raymond Raymond Love-Raymond Raymond Raymond King King (6:30) AMA Supercross Racing: Daytona. (N) AMA Supercross Racing: Daytona. Two and Two and Two and Two and } ››› Superbad (07) Jonah Hill. Co-dependent teens hope to } SuperHalf Men Half Men Half Men Half Men score booze and babes at a party. bad Trphy TV West Outdoors Steve’s Trophy Hal & Alaska Archer Ted Battles College Basketball Bull Riding: PBR Last Cowboy Standing. (N) (Live) Bull Riding Unfaithful: Stories Unfaithful: Stories Strange Strange Unfaithful: Stories Unfaithful: Stories Huckabee (N) Justice Judge The Five Jour. News Justice Judge Must Love Cats (N) Too Cute! (N) Tanked Too Cute! Tanked Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Golden Golden (6:00) } ›› Jumanji (95) Robin Wil- Frasier Girls Girls liams, Bonnie Hunt. Austin & Jessie A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm Jessie Jessie Austin & Ally Ally Alphas “Pilot” A man executes an (6:00) } Resident Evil: } ››› X-Men (00) Hugh Jackman. Two groups of mutated improbable shooting. Apocalypse humans square off against each other.

Driver gets 3 speeding tickets in hour Associated Press

PORTLAND, Ore. — Traffic officers along Interstate 84 in Oregon’s Columbia River Gorge say a lead-footed driver was in such a hurry to make a court date on a meth possession

Nation Briefs

MARCH 10, 2012 8 PM

charge that he racked up $2,000 worth of speeding tickets in an hour. Police say 34-year-old Jose Romero-Valenzuela of Las Vegas, Nev., was zooming west this week and got pulled over three times — first

at 105 mph, then at 98 mph and finally at 92 mph. Police say the last ticket appeared to have an effect. Down the road a bit, a trooper set up watch and clocked him at the limit, 65 mph.

Associated Press

Solar storm gets strong, then fades WASHINGTON — The solar storm that seemed to be more fizzle than fury got much stronger early Friday before fading again. At its peak, it was the most potent solar storm since 2004, space weather forecasters said. No power outages or other technological disturbances were reported from the solar storm that started to peter out late Friday morning. Solar storms, which can’t hurt people, can disturb electric grids, GPS systems, and satellites. They can also spread colorful Northern Lights further south than usual, as the latest storm did early Friday. And more storms are coming. The federal government’s Space Weather Prediction Center says the same area of the sun erupted again Thursday night, with a milder storm expected to reach Earth early Sunday. The latest storm started with a flare on Tuesday, and had been forecast to be strong and direct, with one scientist predicting it would blast Earth directly like a punch in the nose. But it arrived Thursday morning at mild levels — at the bottom of the government’s 1-5 scale of severity.It strengthened to a level 3 for several hours early Friday as the storm neared its end. Scientists say that’s because the magnetic part of the storm flipped direction.

Top bidder chickens out of McNugget deal DAKOTA CITY, Neb. — McWashington needs a new home. The top bidder for a McNugget that resembles President George Washington has chickened out of the $8,100 deal. Rebekah Speight of Dakota City, Neb., told the Sioux City Journal that the bidder was “very sorry” but had to back out. Speight says she has had the McNugget stashed in her freezer for three years and decided to sell it on eBay to help raise money for a drive to send children to church camp this summer. Speight says eBay rules allow her to offer the McNugget to the second-highest bidder, who had offered $8,000. If that falls through, she can offer it to the thirdhighest bidder and so on. She has 60 days to decide what to do.

U.S. adds 227,000 jobs in February

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WASHINGTON — The United States added 227,000 jobs in February in the latest display of the economic recovery’s surprising breadth and brawn. The country has put together the strongest three months of pure job growth since the Great Recession. The unemployment rate stayed at 8.3 percent. It was the first time in six months it didn’t fall, and that was because a half-million Americans, perhaps finally seeing hope in the economy, started looking for work. The Labor Department also said Friday that December and January, already two of the best months for jobs since the recession, were even stronger than first estimated. It added 41,000 jobs to its total for January and 20,000 for December. Economists were expecting February job growth of 210,000. “It’s a very strong

report,” said Bob Baur, chief global economist at Principal Global Investors, an asset management company. “I could hardly find anything not to like in it.” Since the beginning of December, the country has added 734,000 jobs. The only threemonth stretch that was better since the recession ended was March through May 2010, when the government was hiring tens of thousands of temporary workers for the census.

FAA forecast: High air fares for a decade WASHINGTON — Air fares are likely to stay high throughout this decade, as passenger travel grows but airline capacity shrinks, according to a government forecast issued this week. In its annual economic analysis, the Federal Aviation Administration said travelers won’t get much relief until airlines start getting more competition, which is years off. The FAA predicted that more airline mergers and consolidation will shrink the number of cities served and the number of flights available in the nation’s air travel network. U.S. airline travel is expected to nearly double over the next 20 years, the FAA said, but in the near term, airline capacity will shrink. The forecast is for the number of miles flown by paying passengers to rise from 815 billion in 2011 to 1.57 trillion in 2032, with an average increase of 3.2 percent a year. “Imagine a carrier the size of Jet Blue coming into the system every 10 months,” Michael Huerta, the FAA’s acting administrator, said in a statement. “That is the demand we are forecasting.” Airlines are expected to do their best to match the number of seats available to consumer demand so that planes fly as full as possible. Last month, Southwest, JetBlue, United, Delta, American and US Airways raised prices on many medium-length and long flights by $10 per round trip, citing the high cost of jet fuel. Airlines raised fares about a dozen times in 2011.

Facebook ’friend’ offer exposes other wife SEATTLE — Facebook’s automatic efforts to connect users through “friends” they may know recently led two Washington women to find out they were married to the same man, at the same time. That led to the man, corrections officer Alan L. O’Neill, being slapped with bigamy charges. According to charging documents filed Thursday, O’Neill married a woman in 2001, moved out in 2009, changed his name and remarried without divorcing her. The first wife first noticed O’Neill had moved on to another woman when Facebook suggested the friendship connection to wife No. 2 under the “People You May Know” feature. “Wife No. 1 went to wife No. 2’s page and saw a picture of her and her husband with a wedding cake,” Pierce County Prosecutor Mark Lindquist told The Associated Press. Wife No. 1 then called the defendant’s mother. “An hour later the defendant arrived at (Wife No. 1’s) apartment, and she asked him several times if they were divorced,” court records show. “The defendant said, ‘No, we are still married.”’ Neither O’Neill nor his

first wife had filed for divorce, according to charging documents. The name change came in December, and later that month he married his second wife. O’Neill allegedly told Wife No. 1 not to tell anybody about his dual marriages, that he would fix it, the documents state. But wife No. 1 alerted authorities.

Some unimpressed with Romney victories WASHINGTON — Mitt Romney’s Super Tuesday victories elicited a collective yawn from his party’s superdelegates. Since Tuesday’s voting, Romney has added only a single endorsement to his total among members of the Republican National Committee, the party leaders who automatically attend the national convention this summer. They can support any candidate they choose, so they can play an important role at the convention. Some of the undecided superdelegates say they expect the former Massachusetts governor to be the eventual nominee but, like many Republican voters, they’re not quite ready to embrace him. “Right now I am comfortable with this going a bit longer,” said Jeff Johnson, a national committee member from Minnesota. In fact, Johnson has endorsed former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, and he said he was “hanging tight for now.” But, he acknowledged, “There may be a point where it seems all but impossible for him to win.” The Associated Press has polled 107 of the 117 Republican National Committee delegates. Romney has 24 endorsements, far more than any other candidate but only one more than he had the previous week. Gingrich has four endorsements and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum has two — unchanged from the previous week.

Police ID gunman in clinic shooting PITTSBURGH — A gunman who killed one person and shot several others at a University of Pittsburgh psychiatric clinic before being shot dead by police was identified Friday as a 30-yearold local man. The man, John Shick, was armed with two handguns traced to Texas, one of which had been reported stolen, police said. Police still don’t have a motive for Thursday’s shooting by Shick, who’s believed to have lived in Pittsburgh’s Shadyside neighborhood near the hospital. Police confirmed his name at a Friday news conference in which they released a more detailed description of the shooting. They said it’s too early for them to have determined if Shick had any criminal history or mental health problems. Police confirmed what they’d previously believed was true: At least one University of Pittsburgh police officer shot and killed Shick to end the rampage. The gunman had two semiautomatic pistols when he shot seven people, including 25-yearold Michael Schaab, of Edgewood, who was pronounced dead at the scene about 80 minutes after the shooting began, the medical examiner’s office said. An eighth person was hurt, but officials say that injury was not gunshot-related. The surviving victims are all expected to recover.


7 • Daily Corinthian


P/E Last


A-B-C-D ABB Ltd ACE Ltd AES Corp AK Steel ATP O&G Aastrom AbtLab AberFitc AcmePkt ActivsBliz AdobeSy Adtran AMD Aeropostl AEterna g Aetna Agilent AkamaiT AlcatelLuc Alcoa Allergan AllscriptH Allstate AlphaNRs AlteraCp lf Altria Amarin Amazon AMovilL s ACapAgy AmCapLtd AEagleOut AmExp AmIntlGrp AmTower Amgen Amylin Anadarko AnalogDev Ann Inc Annaly A123 Sys Apple Inc ApldMatl ArcelorMit ArchCoal ArchDan ArenaPhm ArmourRsd ArubaNet Atmel Avon BGC Ptrs BHP BillLt BPZ Res Baidu BakrHu BcoBrades BcoSantSA BcoSBrasil BkofAm BkNYMel Barclay Bar iPVix BarrickG Baxter BeazerHm BerkH B BestBuy BioSante h BiostarP h Blackstone BlockHR Boeing BostonSci BrMySq Broadcom BrcdeCm CA Inc CBRE Grp CBS B CSX s CVR Engy CVS Care CblvsNY s Cadence Calpine CdnNRs gs CapOne CapitlSrce CardnlHlth Carlisle Carnival Celgene Cemex CenterPnt CntryLink CheniereEn ChesEng Chicos Chimera ChinaMble CienaCorp Cigna CinnFin Cisco Citigrp rs CleanEngy Clearwire CliffsNRs Coach CocaCE CoffeeH Comc spcl Comerica ComstkRs ConAgra ConocPhil ConsolEngy Corning Covidien CSVS2xVxS CSVelIVSt s Cree Inc Crocs CrwnCstle Ctrip.com CypSemi DCT Indl DDR Corp DR Horton DTE DanaHldg DeckrsOut DeltaAir DenburyR Dndreon DenisnM g DevonE Dex One h DirecTV A DxFnBull rs DirSCBear DirFnBear DirxSCBull Discover DiscovLab Disney DomRescs DowChm DrPepSnap DryShips DuPont DukeEngy DukeRlty Dynegy

... 20.24 -.04 15 71.68 +.19 20 13.19 +.01 dd 7.32 +.29 dd 8.47 +.26 dd 2.20 +.38 17 57.95 +.46 22 50.79 +1.31 46 28.40 +.87 13 11.91 -.10 20 33.64 +.59 15 32.50 +.77 11 7.58 +.11 23 19.55 +.60 dd 1.83 +.03 9 46.86 +.55 15 44.55 +.27 34 36.84 +.72 ... 2.38 -.05 14 9.81 +.04 31 91.87 -.46 48 18.61 -.26 21 31.66 +.42 dd 16.43 +.37 16 38.00 +.58 19 30.46 ... 7.35 -.08 cc 184.32 -3.32 11 23.56 -.17 6 29.50 +.15 3 9.02 21 16.10 +.35 13 53.20 +.25 3 28.25 -.06 63 62.22 -.22 17 68.01 +.21 dd 15.79 +.02 dd 85.25 +1.64 15 38.89 +.31 17 27.41 +1.60 33 16.16 +.01 dd 1.64 +.08 16 545.17 +3.18 11 12.37 +.19 15 19.71 -.08 16 12.08 +.21 14 31.13 +.02 dd 1.74 +.02 cc 6.90 -.21 47 23.27 +.99 15 10.00 -.21 16 18.57 +.32 18 7.97 +.05 ... 74.14 +.13 dd 3.40 +.16 46 138.53 +1.34 13 48.79 +.04 ... 18.24 +.02 ... 8.05 -.15 ... 10.43 -.17 dd 8.05 -.01 11 22.42 +.08 ... 15.15 -.22 q 23.34 -.46 10 45.81 -.24 15 58.89 -.11 dd 3.48 +.08 17 79.41 +.54 9 24.77 +.22 dd .74 -.01 2 1.05 +.26 dd 15.12 +.02 15 15.90 -.07 14 73.29 -.88 21 5.95 +.02 15 32.91 +.13 22 36.38 +.54 33 5.69 +.06 15 27.00 +.25 20 19.19 +.70 16 30.81 +.27 13 20.90 +.01 7 27.57 +1.56 18 45.64 +.43 14 14.41 +.18 23 12.01 +.05 dd 16.89 +.47 ... 35.77 +.16 7 49.82 +.39 24 6.84 +.05 15 42.22 +.47 17 48.92 +.63 13 30.57 -.38 26 75.18 +.94 dd 8.04 +.03 6 19.26 -.16 23 39.02 +.30 dd 16.20 -.30 8 24.55 -.03 19 15.43 +.30 6 3.02 +.04 ... 55.35 +2.76 dd 14.99 +.20 9 45.18 +1.06 47 35.04 +.10 15 19.80 +.12 9 34.20 +.20 dd 20.77 +.06 dd 2.11 -.09 6 63.99 +2.38 24 77.31 +.52 12 27.51 +.36 76 10.60 +2.75 19 29.33 +.23 15 30.44 +.40 dd 15.25 -.19 15 26.17 -.05 9 77.16 -.06 10 33.37 +.47 8 13.29 -.12 14 52.39 +1.17 q 14.89 -.23 q 9.26 +.17 53 29.84 +.80 15 18.66 +.27 cc 54.43 +.69 21 24.09 -.89 14 15.94 +.44 dd 5.65 -.03 dd 14.20 +.04 41 15.47 +.91 13 55.38 +.35 16 16.31 +.57 13 68.31 +.98 8 9.37 -.10 13 19.19 +.06 dd 10.08 -.04 dd 1.56 -.16 6 71.81 -.34 dd 1.62 -.09 14 47.15 +.73 q 93.64 +2.05 q 18.88 -.80 q 24.61 -.57 q 59.46 +2.31 8 30.61 +.23 dd 3.64 -.12 16 42.24 +.22 17 50.76 +.16 17 34.06 +.20 14 38.09 +.39 dd 3.31 -.01 14 51.50 +.42 17 21.15 cc 13.88 dd .76 -.42

E-F-G-H E-Trade eBay EMC Cp Eaton ElPasoCp EldorGld g ElectArts EmersonEl EmpDist EnCana g Ericsson ExcoRes Exelis n Exelon Expedia s ExpScripts ExxonMbl Fastenal s FedExCp FifthThird Finisar FstHorizon FstNiagara

29 15 29 12 cc 24 dd 16 16 37 ... 13 7 10 14 21 10 43 17 12 32 18 14

9.67 36.25 29.01 49.01 29.40 14.21 17.26 49.99 20.50 19.87 9.77 6.95 12.05 38.91 31.71 54.18 84.30 52.88 91.79 13.76 18.97 10.09 9.36

-.01 +.47 +.49 -.27 +.66 +.08 -.14 +.32 +.28 +.11 -.02 +.14 +.45 -.61 +.90 -.53 +.10 +.80 +.29 +.38 +.43 +.08

The Week Ahead


FstSolar FlagstBc h Flextrn Flotek ForestOil s FMCG FrontierCm Fusion-io n GATX GT AdvTc Gafisa SA GameStop Gannett Gap GaylrdEnt GenDynam GenGrPrp GenMills GenMotors GenOn En Gentex Genworth Gerdau GileadSci GoldFLtd Goldcrp g GoldmanS Google GrtBasG g GreenMtC HCP Inc Hallibrtn HartfdFn HltCrREIT HltMgmt Heckmann HeclaM Heinz HelixEn Herbalife s Hertz Hess HewlettP HollyFrt s HomeDp Home Inns HopFedBc HostHotls HovnanE HudsCity HumGen HuntBnk Huntsmn

7 27.49 +1.34 PG&E Cp 20 42.84 dd 1.04 +.06 PNC 11 59.40 9 7.17 +.11 PPG 14 92.77 23 12.34 +.28 PPL Corp 11 28.26 16 12.69 +.08 PallCorp 20 59.30 8 38.78 -.72 Pandora n dd 11.50 26 4.42 +.05 PatriotCoal dd 6.53 cc 31.59 -.06 Paychex 21 31.49 20 43.58 +.03 PeabdyE 8 31.20 7 8.11 +.50 PeregrineP dd .68 ... 5.84 -.06 PetrbrsA ... 26.61 9 23.90 -.31 Petrobras ... 27.93 8 14.34 -.04 Pfizer 17 21.48 16 25.00 +.11 PhilipMor 17 84.61 cc 30.15 +.61 PiperJaf dd 25.08 10 71.78 -.23 PitnyBw 6 17.86 dd 16.36 -.16 PlainsEx 32 45.53 16 38.58 +.11 Popular 12 1.91 6 25.62 +.17 Potash 13 44.02 dd 2.55 +.05 PS USDBull q 22.26 22 24.62 +.47 PS KBWBk q 23.44 32 8.90 -.01 PwShs QQQ q 65.02 ... 9.96 +.05 ProLogis dd 34.14 13 46.09 -.44 PrUShS&P q 15.98 2 14.56 -.11 PrUShQQQ q 32.95 22 47.29 -.20 ProUltSP q 55.42 26 117.29 +.12 ProUShL20 q 19.27 20 600.25 -6.89 ProUSSP500 q 9.88 ... .84 -.06 PrUVxST rs q 29.29 27 52.59 -9.81 ProUSSilv q 9.51 30 39.03 -.02 ProUltSlv s q 61.41 11 34.88 +.10 ProctGam 17 66.93 11 20.07 +.15 ProgsvCp 14 21.65 60 54.35 +.42 ProUSR2K q 30.89 8 6.73 -.12 Prudentl 8 61.97 dd 4.78 -.51 PSEG 10 30.29 10 4.95 +.15 PulteGrp dd 9.02 17 53.06 +.09 Q-R-S-T 15 18.48 +.33 22 69.29 +2.41 Qualcom 24 63.93 37 14.82 +.20 QuestSft 47 24.07 13 63.04 -1.52 Questcor 30 35.84 8 24.18 -.46 QksilvRes 15 5.44 6 35.88 +.52 Quiksilvr dd 4.26 19 48.10 +.28 RF MicD 36 4.65 56 27.80 -1.89 RadianGrp 2 3.92 dd 8.55 RareEle g dd 6.15 dd 15.55 +.21 Renren n ... 5.40 dd 2.86 +.07 Rentech dd 1.86 dd 6.79 +.18 RepubSvc 16 30.55 dd 8.23 +.50 RschMotn 3 13.58 12 5.86 +.06 RioTinto ... 54.67 14 14.03 +.33 RiteAid dd 1.84 RiverbedT 72 27.25 I-J-K-L 10 27.38 ICICI Bk ... 37.14 +1.88 RylCarb 14 16.36 ING ... 8.77 -.32 SLM Cp SpdrDJIA q 129.15 iShGold q 16.68 +.11 SpdrGold q 166.38 iShBraz q 67.26 -.76 q 179.26 iShGer q 22.74 -.13 SP Mid S&P500ETF q 137.57 iSh HK q 17.86 SpdrHome q 20.61 iShJapn q 10.08 +.04 iSTaiwn q 13.46 -.02 SpdrLehHY q 39.59 q 60.82 iShSilver q 33.22 +.37 SpdrRetl q 59.64 iShChina25 q 39.03 +.22 SpdrOGEx SpdrMetM q 50.54 iSSP500 q 138.05 +.54 8 7.58 iShEMkts q 43.79 -.02 STMicro Safeway 15 21.76 iShB20 T q 115.97 +.23 StJude 14 41.80 iS Eafe q 54.36 -.18 26 11.69 iShiBxHYB q 90.70 +.10 Saks 22 25.59 iShR2K q 81.60 +1.09 SallyBty SanDisk 12 50.25 iShREst q 60.51 +.28 8.18 IngerRd 39 39.24 -.01 SandRdge 63 53 21.38 IngrmM 12 19.16 +.05 SaraLee 21 75.84 InterMune dd 14.59 +.74 Schlmbrg 20 14.13 IBM 15 200.62 +.81 Schwab IntlGame 17 15.65 +.10 SeadrillLtd 10 38.77 75 28.33 IntPap 11 35.23 -.06 SeagateT Interpublic 12 11.80 +.03 SempraEn 13 59.17 4.18 Intersil 17 11.23 +.23 Sequenom dd 1 .76 Invesco 16 24.87 +.27 ShengInn h ItauUnibH ... 21.46 -.05 SiderurNac ... 10.03 JA Solar 4 1.76 +.01 SilvWhtn g 24 35.49 JDS Uniph 97 13.52 +.37 SimonProp 39 136.45 dd 77.40 JPMorgCh 9 41.03 +.59 Sina JamesRiv dd 5.70 +.34 SkywksSol 23 26.91 6.95 JanusCap 11 8.85 +.26 SmithWes dd JetBlue 18 4.98 -.01 SthnCopper 11 31.39 33 8.48 JohnJn 19 64.74 -.11 SwstAirl JohnsnCtl 14 32.31 +.35 SwstnEngy 18 33.52 JnprNtwk 23 21.42 -.01 SpectraEn 18 31.55 15 12.76 KB Home dd 11.82 +.16 SpectPh q 36.64 KLA Tnc 11 49.46 +1.51 SP Matls KeryxBio dd 4.21 +.20 SP HlthC q 36.47 KeyEngy 26 17.50 +.41 SP CnSt q 33.47 Keycorp 8 8.02 +.08 SP Consum q 43.98 Kimco 73 18.17 -.01 SP Engy q 74.19 Kinross g dd 11.06 +.15 SP Inds q 37.02 KodiakO g 48 10.06 +.50 SP Tech q 29.18 Kohls 12 50.24 +1.19 SP Util q 35.17 Kraft 19 37.95 +.04 StdPac dd 4.57 LSI Corp 16 8.73 +.20 StanBlkDk 17 77.63 LamResrch 13 41.95 +.85 Staples 11 15.40 LVSands 28 54.83 -.46 Starbucks 31 51.84 LeggPlat 19 22.42 +.16 StarwdHtl 22 54.89 LenderPS 10 23.69 +1.27 Stryker 15 52.90 LennarA 53 25.45 +.76 Suncor gs 10 34.53 LibtyIntA 22 18.68 -.14 Suntech dd 2.84 LillyEli 10 39.56 +.37 SunTrst 21 22.43 LincNat 28 24.70 +.49 Supvalu dd 6.42 LinkedIn n cc 90.13 -.27 Symantec 18 17.73 LizClaib 9 11.89 +.13 Synovus dd 1.98 LockhdM 11 88.91 +.53 Sysco 15 29.93 LaPac dd 8.63 +.36 TD Ameritr 17 18.97 lululemn gs 63 72.09 +1.15 TJX s 20 38.12 LyonBas A 11 42.14 -.58 TaiwSemi ... 14.60 TalismE g ... 13.38 M-N-O-P Target 13 57.69 MBIA dd 9.61 -.06 TataMotors ... 27.99 MEMC dd 3.87 +.02 TeckRes g ... 36.85 MFA Fncl 8 7.30 -.05 TelefEsp ... 16.51 MGIC dd 4.60 +.22 TenetHlth 50 5.47 MGM Rsts 2 13.71 -.09 Teradyn 14 16.21 Macys 14 39.67 +.37 Terex 62 23.73 MagHRes dd 6.87 +.21 Tesoro 8 29.46 Manitowoc dd 14.72 +.16 TevaPhrm 15 44.92 MarathnO s 8 33.34 -.19 TexInst 17 32.27 MarathP n 7 43.90 +.26 35 27.01 MktVGold q 53.24 -.08 Textron 3M Co 15 86.80 MV OilSv s q 43.10 +.03 6.46 MktVRus q 32.72 +.06 ThrshdPhm dd 14 36.72 MktVJrGld q 26.70 -.28 TimeWarn cc 24.03 MarIntA 65 37.54 +.80 TollBros Transocn dd 53.76 MarshM 18 32.25 Travelers 16 57.61 MartMM 49 87.29 +.90 3 7.31 MarvellT 12 14.87 -.09 TrinaSolar TriQuint 22 6.27 Masco dd 12.11 +.13 TwoHrbInv 6 10.30 Mattel 15 33.39 +.33 20 52.92 McDrmInt 22 14.21 +.40 TycoIntl 12 19.86 McKesson 16 86.40 +.84 Tyson McMoRn dd 13.79 +.51 U-V-W-X-Y-Z MedcoHlth 19 68.56 +.91 UBS AG ... 13.47 Medtrnic 12 37.67 -.46 14 7.03 MelcoCrwn 24 13.13 -.06 US Airwy dd 14.15 Merck 19 37.60 +.21 USG 8 23.44 MetLife 8 38.42 +.33 UltraPt g 16 107.64 MetroPCS 12 10.17 +.20 UnionPac UtdContl 9 19.82 MKors n ... 49.59 +2.51 20 77.16 MicronT dd 8.33 +.17 UPS B US NGs rs q 18.37 Microsoft 12 31.99 -.02 q 41.09 MobileTele 15 18.06 +.13 US OilFd dd 26.85 Molycorp 24 30.89 +4.91 USSteel 15 83.55 MonstrWw 21 9.11 +.50 UtdTech UtdhlthGp 12 55.78 MorgStan 16 18.37 +.19 UrbanOut 22 29.50 Mosaic 11 55.53 -.04 ... 23.07 MotrlaSolu 15 50.74 -1.02 Vale SA ... 22.34 Mylan 16 22.97 +.39 Vale SA pf ValeroE 8 28.56 NII Hldg 15 17.34 +.28 q 44.16 NRG Egy 22 16.73 +.04 VangEmg q 33.68 NYSE Eur 12 29.27 +.23 VangEAFE 1.53 Nabors 15 20.11 -.16 VantageDrl dd VerizonCm 46 39.10 NOilVarco 17 81.38 -.12 16 47.79 NetApp 27 42.94 +1.10 ViacomB dd 20.66 Netflix 26 109.13 +1.06 Vivus Vodafone ... 26.58 NwGold g ... 10.68 -.06 dd 45.99 NY CmtyB 12 12.99 +.13 VulcanM 11 33.48 NewellRub 40 17.92 -.03 Walgrn 11 62.22 NewmtM 15 56.88 -.07 WalterEn 25 16.67 NewsCpA 15 19.83 +.23 WarnerCh 64 16.55 NikeB 24 109.98 +2.08 WeathfIntl 9 64.88 NobleCorp 29 39.19 +.10 WellPoint WDigital 14 40.32 NokiaCp ... 5.06 -.02 9 17.67 NorflkSo 12 66.48 -.29 WstnUnion 20 29.86 NorthropG 8 60.18 -.19 WmsCos 16 36.28 NovaGld g ... 8.02 +.19 WmsSon 38 12.17 NuanceCm 56 25.86 -.22 Windstrm 9.51 Nvidia 16 14.82 -.04 Winn-Dixie dd q 20.20 OCZ Tech dd 8.88 +.19 WT India XL Grp dd 21.22 OCharleys dd 9.85 15 26.69 OcciPet 12 100.70 -.16 XcelEngy 18 36.44 OfficeDpt 15 3.26 +.07 Xilinx Yamana g 18 16.82 Omncre 45 33.84 -.10 dd 25.01 OnSmcnd 73 8.81 +.09 Youku 23 18.99 Oracle 17 30.13 +.06 ZionBcp dd 13.89 OwensCorn 15 33.42 +.92 Zynga n

Retail spending Consumer spending on retail goods rebounded in January after a weak holiday season, but did the spree continue last month? The answer will be revealed on Tuesday when the Commerce Department releases retail sales data for February. And if economists are right, look for the data to show another monthly bump in retail spending.

+.57 +.67 -.17 +.18 -1.90 +.77 +.23 +.19 +.35 -.22 -.70 -.59 +.03 -.01 +.77 +.29 -.59 +.04 +.30 +.21 +.24 +.27 +.54 -.12 -.26 +.41 -.07 -.11 -1.22 -.23 +1.34 +.03 +.27 -.83 +.09 -.23 +.10 +.61 +4.67 -2.25 +.27 -.34 -.03 +.12 +1.04 +.05 +.13 +.53 +.39 -.15 +.07 +.24 -.53 +.20 +.23 +1.10 +1.72 +.53 +.40 +.71 +.39 +1.16 +.13 +.25 +.65 +.11 +.64 +1.03 -.01 -.36 +.02 +.21 +.47 +.35 +.72 -.08 +.02 -.04 -.48 -1.79 +2.75 +.14 +1.29 +.15 -.02 -.25 -.13 -.07 +.01 +.15 +.11 +.25 -.07 +.08 +.13 +.14 +.16 +1.36 +.03 +1.47 +.76 +.13 -.01 -.03 +.18 -.08 +.16 +.18 +.19 +.38 -.01 -.02 +.46 +.53 +.32 -.20 -.06 +.31 +.34 +.49 +.08 -.33 +.36 +.09 +.31 -.14 +.61 -.22 +.51 +.32 +.10 +.01 +.32 +.21 -.31 +.07 +.51 -.15 -1.63 -.14 +.44 +.13 +.27 +.92 +.02 +.17 +.82 -.22 -.39 +.69 -.04 -.13 +.10 -.12 -.51 -.59 -.42 +1.08 +.70 +3.23 -.35 -.24 +.47 +1.34 +.29 +.08 +.66 +.17 +.01 +.45 +.22 +.18 +.03 -.30 +.26 +.30 +.22

est. 0.7%

2011 0.7

0.4 0.3 Flat N

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Market bottom Then now & It’s been a harrowing ride, even though the stock market has more than doubled since hitting a low on March 9, 2009. The economy, too, has recovered considerably despite slogging through some difficult periods since the financial crisis. BLUE RIBBON Wyndham Worldwide (WYN) was the hottest stock over the last three years, up an astonishing 1,311%. It overcame a steep dropoff in its business during the financial crisis to become the world's largest operator of hotels and timeshares.

HOT SECTOR Consumer discretionary stocks, such as those of retailers and clothing makers, have outperformed all other S&P 500 sectors. Total 3-year rise: 176%.




Source: FactSet


S&P 500 Then: 676 Now: 1,370 Price gain:103%



Then: 6,547

Then: 1,268

Now: 12,922

Now: 2,988

Price gain: 97%

Price gain:136%

AVERAGE 401(k) BALANCE* EVEN ‘LOSERS’ PAID The worst-performing of the 10 sectors in the S&P 500, telecommunications services, still rose about 50% over the three years.

(Fidelity accountholders) The rise is about two-thirds from employee contributions and one-third from market gains.

Then: $44,700 Gain: 65%

Now: $73,800

Then: -8.9%

4Q 2008


Now: 3.0%

4Q 2011

STRAY DOGS Only 18 of the 500 large-company stocks in the S&P 500 are trading below where they were at the market bottom. Among them for-profit education companies Apollo Group, and DeVry. Source:FactSet FactSet Source:

Feb. ‘09:


-724,000 Feb. ‘12:

227,000 The worst-performing stock in the S&P 500 since the market bottom has been First Solar, (FSLR) down 75%.


Matthew Craft, Paschke • AP DaveJ.Carpenter

* End of February 2009 and 2012

INDEXES 52-Week High Low


13,055.75 10,404.49 5,627.85 3,950.66 467.64 381.99 8,718.25 6,414.89 2,498.89 1,941.99 3,000.11 2,298.89 1,378.04 1,074.77 14,562.01 11,208.42 868.57 601.71

Dow Industrials Dow Transportation Dow Utilities NYSE Composite Amex Market Value Nasdaq Composite S&P 500 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000


Net YTD 52-wk Chg %Chg %Chg %Chg

12,922.02 5,161.93 454.95 8,102.10 2,422.57 2,988.34 1,370.87 14,459.45 817.00

+14.08 +.11 +5.77 +7.29 +15.99 +.31 +2.83 +.68 +1.75 +.39 -2.09 +8.84 +19.74 +.24 +8.36 -1.78 +9.21 +.38 +6.33 +5.03 +17.92 +.60 +14.71 +10.04 +4.96 +.36 +9.01 +5.11 +69.76 +.48 +9.62 +4.72 +10.66 +1.32 +10.27 +1.77

Dow Jones industrials


Close: 12,922.02 Change: 14.08 (0.1%)







12,800 12,000 11,200 10,400






STOCKS OF LOCAL INTEREST Name AFLAC AT&T Inc AirProd AlliantEgy AEP AmeriBrgn ATMOS BB&T Cp BP PLC BcpSouth Caterpillar Chevron CocaCola Comcast CrackerB Deere Dell Inc Dillards Dover EnPro FordM FredsInc FullerHB GenCorp GenElec Goodrich Goodyear HonwllIntl Intel Jabil KimbClk Kroger Lowes McDnlds

Div 1.32 1.76f 2.32 1.80f 1.88 .52 1.38 .64 1.92f .04 1.84 3.24 2.04f .65f 1.00 1.84f ... .20 1.26 ... .20 .24f .30 ... .68 1.16 ... 1.49 .84 .32 2.96f .46 .56 2.80

YTD Chg %Chg Name Div 1.00 +.40 +4.4 MeadWvco +.18 +3.1 OldNBcp .36f -.57 +5.0 Penney .80 +.29 -1.6 PennyMac 2.20f +.02 -7.5 PepsiCo 2.06 +.41 +1.8 ... +.17 -6.8 PilgrimsP .50 +.36 +17.0 RadioShk .04 -.42 +9.2 RegionsFn +.19 +11.2 SbdCp ... -.06 +21.7 SearsHldgs .33t -.46 +3.0 Sherwin 1.56f +.24 -.7 SiriusXM ... +.22 +25.9 1.89 +.76 +11.2 SouthnCo ... -.21 +3.6 SprintNex .22e -.28 +15.7 SPDR Fncl +.65 +40.0 StratIBM12 .76 +.80 +8.8 TecumsehB ... +.62 +11.6 TecumsehA ... +.12 +16.9 Trchmrk s .60f +.14 -5.6 2.38e +.43 +33.2 Total SA ... +.16 +15.6 USEC .50 +.01 +6.3 US Bancrp -.04 +1.9 WalMart 1.59f +.01 -12.6 WellsFargo .48 +.29 +10.0 Wendys Co .08 +.23 +11.6 WestlkChm .30 +.61 +33.1 .60 -.02 -2.4 Weyerhsr .17 -.02 +.4 Xerox ... +.41 +17.3 YRC rs -.12 -3.5 Yahoo ...

PE Last 9 45.16 47 31.18 16 89.44 16 43.39 9 38.21 15 37.86 14 31.09 16 29.46 6 46.69 27 12.25 15 110.22 8 109.57 19 69.51 20 29.84 16 56.08 12 80.17 9 16.93 7 62.83 13 63.14 16 36.82 7 12.58 17 13.76 17 30.79 ... 6.15 15 19.04 20 126.05 10 12.38 23 59.78 11 27.07 15 26.16 18 71.77 26 24.32 21 29.77 18 96.84

YTD PE Last Chg %Chg 21 30.87 +.03 +3.1 14 12.11 +.33 +3.9 23 37.66 -.96 +7.1 8 18.81 ... +13.2 16 63.15 +.20 -4.8 ... 6.50 +.08 +12.8 10 7.00 -.04 -27.9 34 5.80 +.01 +34.9 7 1908.00 -1.00 -6.3 ... 80.48 +2.85 +153.2 26 106.03 +.58 +18.8 18 2.35 +.06 +29.1 18 45.11 +.34 -2.5 ... 2.78 +.18 +18.8 ... 14.89 +.12 +14.5 ... 25.25 ... ... ... 4.40 -.13 -1.1 ... 4.42 +.02 -6.0 10 48.77 +.27 +12.4 ... 55.38 -.56 +8.4 ... 1.37 +.13 +20.2 12 29.72 +.56 +9.9 13 60.08 +.31 +.5 11 31.66 +.26 +14.9 ... 4.89 +.08 -8.8 16 61.49 +1.21 +52.8 33 21.48 +.47 +15.1 9 8.25 ... +3.6 ... 8.45 +.22 -15.2 18 14.63 +.01 -9.3


Vol (00)

BkofAm 1870789 SprintNex 1381010 S&P500ETF 1043765 SPDR Fncl 706193 SiriusXM 622532 iShR2K 553265 ArmourRsd 421280 Citigrp rs 411950 PwShs QQQ 392064 Pfizer 391595


Last Chg Name 8.05 2.78 137.57 14.89 2.35 81.60 6.90 34.20 65.02 21.48

-.01 +.18 +.53 +.12 +.06 +1.09 -.21 +.20 +.27 +.03


CoffeeH 10.60 TasmanM g 2.61 QuestSft 24.07 SmithWes 6.95 GSE Sy 2.24 VersoPap 2.50 Aastrom 2.20 RareEle g 6.15 QuestRM g 3.00 DehaierMd 2.94


2,110 Total issues 898 New Highs 121 New Lows Volume


%Chg Name

+2.75 +.52 +4.67 +1.29 +.41 +.45 +.38 +1.04 +.50 +.48

NYSE DIARY Advanced Declined Unchanged

+35.0 +24.9 +24.1 +22.8 +22.4 +22.0 +20.9 +20.4 +20.0 +19.5


Zogenix GreenMtC iPBetaNGs OmegaP Heckmann Delcath Crexendo CmplGnom Gastar pfA NBGrce rs


2.03 -.46 52.59 -9.81 27.21 -3.17 7.65 -.87 4.78 -.51 3.49 -.36 3.55 -.35 3.49 -.34 19.72 -1.87 3.26 -.29

%Chg -18.5 -15.7 -10.4 -10.2 -9.6 -9.4 -9.0 -8.9 -8.7 -8.2

NASDA DIARY 3,129 Advanced 157 Declined 4 Unchanged


The Fed meets

Retail sales percent change


Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Federal Open Market Committee meets on Tuesday. That's the group, composed of Fed board members in Washington and regional bank presidents, who meet eight times a year to determine the Fed's approach to interest rates and other policies. After the last meeting in January, the Fed said it was unlikely to raise interest rates before late 2014, extending a period of record-low rates by more than a year.

1,798 Total issues 718 New Highs 108 New Lows Volume


2,624 119 21

YTD Name NAV Chg %Rtn American Beacon LgCpVlInv 19.61 +0.06 +11.2 LgCpVlIs 20.66 +0.06 +11.2 American Cent EqIncInv 7.59 +0.02 +4.4 GrowthInv 27.68 +0.13 +12.7 InfAdjI 12.97 +0.04 +1.8 UltraInv 25.67 +0.09 +12.0 ValueInv 6.08 +0.03 +7.6 American Funds AMCAPA m 20.84 +0.07 +10.7 BalA m 19.45 +0.02 +6.8 BondA m 12.69 +0.01 +1.7 CapIncBuA m 51.35 -0.03 +4.3 CapWldBdA m21.05 -0.08 +2.8 CpWldGrIA m 35.23 -0.07 +9.7 EurPacGrA m 39.23 -0.05 +11.6 FnInvA m 38.76 +0.09 +9.5 GrthAmA m 32.21 +0.09 +12.1 HiIncA m 11.07 +0.02 +5.4 IncAmerA m 17.46 +0.02 +4.2 IntBdAmA m 13.68 ... +0.7 IntlGrInA m 29.47 -0.10 +7.2 InvCoAmA m 29.56 +0.07 +9.1 MutualA m 27.37 +0.07 +5.8 NewEconA m 27.08 +0.10 +13.9 NewPerspA m 29.11 -0.01 +11.3 NwWrldA m 51.69 -0.02 +12.1 SmCpWldA m 38.25 +0.25 +15.3 TaxEBdAmA m12.77 +0.01 +2.7 USGovSecA m14.38 ... WAMutInvA m 30.04 +0.01 +5.8 Aquila ChTxFKYA m 10.89 ... +1.1 Artisan Intl d 22.52 -0.06 +13.6 IntlVal d 27.61 +0.02 +10.0 MdCpVal 21.46 +0.16 +8.9 MidCap 39.17 +0.24 +18.9 Baron Growth b 55.00 +0.49 +7.8 SmCap b 25.59 +0.31 +11.6 Bernstein DiversMui 14.82 ... +0.7 IntDur 13.89 -0.01 +0.7 TxMIntl 13.91 -0.06 +11.5 BlackRock Engy&ResA m 34.53 +0.23 +7.1 EqDivA m 19.25 +0.05 +6.1 EqDivI 19.29 +0.04 +6.0 GlobAlcA m 19.55 ... +7.7 GlobAlcC m 18.20 ... +7.5 GlobAlcI 19.65 +0.01 +7.7 Calamos GrowA m 52.89 +0.23 +14.0 Cohen & Steers Realty 64.20 +0.24 +5.5 Columbia AcornA m 30.32 +0.26 +13.9 AcornIntZ 38.99 -0.08 +13.6 AcornZ 31.39 +0.27 +13.9 DivBondA m 5.11 ... +1.9 StLgCpGrZ 14.00 -0.03 +16.5 TaxEA m 13.92 ... +2.8 ValRestrZ 48.95 +0.12 +10.1 DFA 1YrFixInI 10.33 ... +0.4 2YrGlbFII 10.11 ... +0.3 5YrGlbFII 11.06 ... +1.4 EmMkCrEqI 20.29 +0.04 +17.7 EmMktValI 31.04 +0.03 +19.6 IntSmCapI 15.75 -0.06 +16.0 RelEstScI 24.43 +0.10 +5.8 USCorEq1I 11.87 +0.08 +10.5 USCorEq2I 11.70 +0.09 +10.7 USLgCo 10.80 +0.04 +9.4 USLgValI 21.26 +0.08 +11.4 USMicroI 14.52 +0.20 +9.8 USSmValI 25.77 +0.35 +11.3 USSmallI 22.69 +0.31 +10.6 DWS-Scudder GrIncS 17.86 +0.10 +11.1 Davis NYVentA m 35.51 +0.12 +9.3 NYVentC m 34.24 +0.11 +9.1 NYVentY 35.88 +0.11 +9.3 Delaware Invest DiverIncA m 9.26 ... +1.8 Dimensional Investme IntCorEqI 10.34 -0.05 +11.9 IntlSCoI 15.67 -0.05 +13.3 IntlValuI 16.29 -0.06 +10.7 Dodge & Cox Bal 73.46 +0.21 +8.9 Income 13.69 ... +2.9 IntlStk 32.50 -0.11 +11.1 Stock 112.48 +0.43 +10.7 DoubleLine TotRetBdN b 11.20 ... +2.8 Dreyfus Apprecia 43.52 -0.02 +7.4 Eaton Vance LrgCpValA x 18.42 +0.01 +7.8 FMI LgCap 16.51 +0.05 +8.3 FPA Cres d 28.30 +0.06 +5.7 NewInc m 10.69 ... +0.4 Fairholme Funds Fairhome d 29.32 +0.23 +26.7 Federated StrValI 4.85 -0.01 +0.4 ToRetIs 11.42 ... +1.9 Fidelity AstMgr20 13.11 +0.01 +3.3 AstMgr50 16.02 +0.04 +6.7 Bal 19.55 +0.06 +7.5 BlChGrow 48.81 +0.15 +15.0 Canada d 53.49 +0.13 +6.7 CapApr 28.03 +0.16 +13.9 CapInc d 9.20 +0.03 +7.2 Contra 75.15 +0.32 +11.4 DiscEq 23.66 +0.05 +10.0 DivGrow 29.56 +0.17 +14.3 DivrIntl d 28.44 -0.04 +11.4 EqInc 44.56 +0.13 +7.9 EqInc II 18.59 +0.04 +6.8 FF2015 11.61 +0.02 +6.2 FF2035 11.53 +0.03 +9.3 FF2040 8.05 +0.03 +9.4 Fidelity 34.56 +0.18 +10.9 FltRtHiIn d 9.79 ... +2.2 Free2010 13.89 +0.02 +6.0 Free2020 14.04 +0.03 +7.0 Free2025 11.69 +0.03 +8.1 Free2030 13.91 +0.03 +8.3 GNMA 11.85 +0.01 +0.6 GovtInc 10.73 ... -0.1 GrowCo 94.48 +0.45 +16.8 GrowInc 20.06 +0.09 +10.0 HiInc d 9.00 +0.01 +5.3 Indepndnc 25.19 +0.10 +16.4 IntBond 10.95 ... +1.2 IntMuniInc d 10.51 ... +1.1 IntlDisc d 30.56 -0.03 +10.7 InvGrdBd 7.77 ... +1.3 LatinAm d 55.21 -0.34 +12.9 LevCoSt d 29.10 +0.15 +15.9 LowPriStk d 40.10 +0.23 +12.2 Magellan 71.30 +0.30 +13.2 MidCap d 29.99 +0.10 +12.5 MuniInc d 13.22 ... +2.1 NewMktIn d 16.67 +0.01 +6.6 OTC 62.45 +0.07 +14.2 Puritan 19.22 +0.06 +8.6 RealInv d 29.36 +0.13 +6.5 Series100Idx 9.64 +0.02 +9.3 ShIntMu d 10.85 +0.01 +0.7 ShTmBond 8.54 ... +0.8 SmCapStk d 18.56 +0.21 +12.2 StratInc 11.09 -0.01 +3.5 Tel&Util 17.40 +0.06 +0.3 TotalBd 11.02 ... +1.5 USBdIdxInv 11.80 ... +0.7 Value 71.20 +0.50 +12.2 Fidelity Advisor NewInsA m 21.93 +0.09 +11.2 NewInsI 22.21 +0.10 +11.3 StratIncA m 12.39 ... +3.5 Fidelity Select Gold d 44.08 +0.08 +4.4 Fidelity Spartan 500IdxAdvtg 48.71 +0.18 +9.5 500IdxInstl 48.71 +0.18 +9.5 500IdxInv 48.70 +0.17 +9.5 ExtMktIdAg d 39.94 +0.41 +12.6 IntlIdxAdg d 32.78 -0.14 +10.2 IntlIdxIn d 32.77 -0.14 +10.2 TotMktIdAg d 39.75 +0.19 +10.0 TotMktIdI d 39.75 +0.19 +10.0 First Eagle GlbA m 48.71 +0.15 +8.0

Prices climbing?

OverseasA m 22.07 +0.05 Forum AbStratI 11.01 ... FrankTemp-Frank Fed TF A m 12.38 ... FrankTemp-Franklin CA TF A m 7.30 ... Growth A m 49.24 +0.20 HY TF A m 10.56 ... Income A m 2.16 ... Income C m 2.18 ... IncomeAdv 2.15 +0.01 NY TF A m 11.97 ... RisDv A m 36.38 +0.09 StrInc A m 10.51 +0.01 US Gov A m 6.89 ... FrankTemp-Mutual Discov A m 28.97 +0.11 Discov Z 29.33 +0.10 QuestZ 17.35 +0.02 Shares A m 21.37 +0.08 Shares Z 21.54 +0.09 FrankTemp-Templeton Fgn A m 6.59 -0.02 GlBond A m 13.31 +0.01 GlBond C m 13.33 +0.01 GlBondAdv 13.27 +0.01 Growth A m 18.04 -0.02 World A m 15.28 -0.01 Franklin Templeton FndAllA m 10.65 +0.03 GE S&SUSEq 43.17 +0.16 GMO EmgMktsVI 11.87 +0.01 IntItVlIV 20.25 -0.13 QuIII 23.52 +0.01 QuVI 23.53 +0.01 Goldman Sachs HiYieldIs d 7.15 +0.01 MidCpVaIs 37.16 +0.30 Harbor Bond 12.52 +0.01 CapApInst 42.58 +0.19 IntlInstl d 59.84 -0.30 IntlInv m 59.27 -0.30 Hartford CapAprA m 33.01 +0.15 CapAprI 33.02 +0.15 CpApHLSIA 42.40 +0.18 DvGrHLSIA 20.83 +0.07 TRBdHLSIA 11.83 -0.01 Hussman StratGrth d 11.77 -0.01 INVESCO CharterA m 17.47 +0.06 ComstockA m 16.77 +0.05 EqIncomeA m 8.83 +0.02 GrowIncA m 19.94 +0.07 HiYldMuA m 9.69 ... Ivy AssetStrA m 25.29 +0.03 AssetStrC m 24.54 +0.02 JPMorgan CoreBondA m 11.92 ... CoreBondSelect11.91 ... HighYldSel 7.91 +0.02 IntmdTFSl 11.31 +0.01 ShDurBndSel 10.99 ... ShtDurBdU 10.99 ... USEquit 11.02 +0.04 USLCpCrPS 22.02 +0.10 Janus BalT 26.49 +0.06 GlbLfScT d 27.70 +0.15 OverseasT d 38.61 +0.11 PerkinsMCVT 21.98 +0.13 TwentyT 60.33 +0.44 John Hancock LifAg1 b 12.51 +0.04 LifBa1 b 13.16 +0.03 LifGr1 b 13.09 +0.04 LifMo1 b 12.98 +0.02 Lazard EmgMkEqtI d 19.75 ... Legg Mason/Western CrPlBdIns 11.29 ... MgdMuniA m 16.72 ... Longleaf Partners LongPart 29.70 +0.06 SmCap 27.56 +0.17 Loomis Sayles BondI 14.68 -0.01 BondR b 14.62 -0.01 Lord Abbett AffiliatA m 11.61 +0.04 BondDebA m 7.95 ... ShDurIncA m 4.60 ... ShDurIncC m 4.63 ... MFS IsIntlEq 17.90 -0.05 TotRetA m 14.78 +0.02 ValueA m 24.49 +0.08 ValueI 24.60 +0.07 MainStay HiYldCorA m 5.95 ... Manning & Napier WrldOppA 7.58 -0.02 Matthews Asian China d 24.27 +0.20 India d 17.12 +0.39 Merger Merger b 15.76 +0.02 Metropolitan West TotRetBdI 10.55 ... TotRtBd b 10.55 -0.01 Morgan Stanley Instl IntlEqI d 13.51 -0.08 MdCpGrI 37.97 +0.24 Natixis InvBndY 12.39 -0.02 StratIncA m 15.13 -0.01 StratIncC m 15.21 -0.02 Neuberger Berman GenesisIs 49.12 +0.42 GenesisTr 50.96 +0.44 Northern HYFixInc d 7.30 ... Oakmark EqIncI 28.96 +0.08 Intl I d 19.18 +0.02 Oakmark I 46.26 +0.15 Oberweis ChinaOpp m 10.42 +0.10 Old Westbury GlbSmMdCp 15.08 +0.06 Oppenheimer DevMktA m 33.50 -0.03 DevMktY 33.12 -0.03 GlobA m 59.68 +0.01 IntlBondA m 6.36 -0.02 IntlBondY 6.36 -0.02 IntlGrY 28.37 -0.13 LtdTmNY m 3.37 ... MainStrA m 35.54 +0.16 RocMuniA m 16.56 ... RochNtlMu m 7.20 ... StrIncA m 4.22 -0.01 PIMCO AllAssetI 12.30 +0.02 AllAuthIn 10.81 +0.03 ComRlRStI 6.95 +0.07 DivIncInst 11.67 +0.01 EMktCurI 10.55 -0.03 EmMktsIns 11.72 +0.01 FloatIncI 8.65 +0.02 HiYldIs 9.31 +0.01 InvGrdIns 10.66 ... LowDrA m 10.42 +0.01 LowDrIs 10.42 +0.01 RERRStgC m 4.64 +0.04 RealRet 12.06 +0.04 RealRtnA m 12.06 +0.04 ShtTermIs 9.78 ... ToRtIIIIs 9.80 +0.01 ToRtIIIs 10.75 ... TotRetA m 11.14 +0.02 TotRetAdm b 11.14 +0.02 TotRetC m 11.14 +0.02 TotRetIs 11.14 +0.02 TotRetrnD b 11.14 +0.02 TotlRetnP 11.14 +0.02 Parnassus EqIncInv 27.91 +0.12 Permanent Portfolio 48.91 +0.09 Pioneer PioneerA m 41.71 +0.18 Principal L/T2020I 12.21 +0.03 L/T2030I 12.08 +0.02 LCGrIInst 10.18 +0.06 Putnam GrowIncA m 14.11 +0.06

57.71 +0.39 +8.4 NewOpp VoyagerA m 23.00 +0.19 -0.4 Royce PAMutInv d 11.95 +0.15 +2.6 PremierInv d 20.73 +0.25 TotRetInv d 13.66 +0.13 +3.4 Russell +10.3 StratBdS 11.08 -0.01 +3.7 Schwab +4.5 1000Inv d 38.85 +0.15 +4.4 S&P500Sel d 21.42 +0.08 +5.1 Scout +2.1 Interntl d 31.09 -0.15 +4.5 Selected +5.0 American D 43.02 +0.14 +0.2 Sequoia Sequoia 159.42 +0.66 +6.7 T Rowe Price +6.8 BlChpGr 44.15 +0.16 +6.8 CapApprec 22.20 +0.07 +7.9 EmMktBd d 13.52 +0.02 +8.0 EmMktStk d 32.61 +0.04 EqIndex d 37.07 +0.13 +11.3 EqtyInc 25.03 +0.10 +8.1 GrowStk 36.55 +0.17 +8.0 HealthSci 37.24 +0.19 +8.2 HiYield d 6.76 +0.01 +10.7 InsLgCpGr 18.55 +0.06 +11.2 IntlBnd d 9.84 -0.09 IntlGrInc d 12.75 -0.05 +7.8 IntlStk d 13.94 -0.03 LatinAm d 45.12 -0.40 +11.4 MidCapVa 23.56 +0.19 MidCpGr 59.07 +0.51 +15.1 NewAsia d 15.79 +0.04 +7.1 NewEra 46.01 +0.07 +6.7 NewHoriz 35.36 +0.43 +6.7 NewIncome 9.75 +0.01 OrseaStk d 8.09 -0.04 +5.4 R2015 12.50 +0.02 +10.7 R2025 12.71 +0.04 R2035 12.93 +0.04 +2.7 Rtmt2010 16.06 +0.02 +15.4 Rtmt2020 17.33 +0.04 +14.1 Rtmt2030 18.27 +0.05 +14.0 Rtmt2040 18.41 +0.05 ShTmBond 4.84 ... +14.5 SmCpStk 34.89 +0.51 +14.6 SmCpVal d 37.59 +0.43 +14.0 SpecGrow 18.87 +0.05 +7.7 SpecInc 12.67 ... +1.7 Value 24.74 +0.10 TCW -5.3 TotRetBdI 9.86 ... Templeton +8.8 InFEqSeS 18.60 -0.05 +10.3 Third Avenue +6.1 Value d 46.10 -0.08 +7.4 Thornburg +4.2 IncBldC m 18.60 ... IntlValA m 26.49 -0.04 +13.6 IntlValI d 27.09 -0.05 +13.5 Tweedy, Browne GlobVal d 23.55 +0.07 +1.1 USAA +1.2 Income 13.22 -0.01 +4.9 VALIC Co I +0.9 StockIdx 25.53 +0.09 +0.6 Vanguard +0.6 500Adml 126.76 +0.46 +11.3 500Inv 126.74 +0.46 +11.6 BalIdx 23.14 +0.07 BalIdxAdm 23.14 +0.07 +8.2 BalIdxIns 23.14 +0.07 +11.2 CAITAdml 11.54 ... +22.9 CapOpAdml d 74.24 +0.29 +8.9 DivGr 16.31 +0.04 +18.1 EmMktIAdm d 36.72 +0.07 EnergyAdm d121.65 -0.39 +11.3 EnergyInv d 64.79 -0.21 +7.8 EqInc 23.18 +0.06 +9.9 EqIncAdml 48.60 +0.13 +6.0 ExplAdml 74.88 +0.73 Explr 80.47 +0.78 +17.6 ExtdIdAdm 44.33 +0.45 ExtdIdIst 44.33 +0.45 +2.2 FAWeUSIns d 86.91 -0.25 +3.6 GNMA 11.04 +0.01 GNMAAdml 11.04 +0.01 +11.4 GlbEq 17.85 +0.03 +9.2 GrthIdAdm 35.65 +0.14 GrthIstId 35.65 +0.14 +6.2 HYCor d 5.87 ... +6.1 HYCorAdml d 5.87 ... HltCrAdml d 57.02 +0.24 +10.2 HlthCare d 135.13 +0.56 +5.4 ITBondAdm 11.86 -0.01 +2.2 ITGradeAd 10.19 ... +2.0 ITIGrade 10.19 ... ITrsyAdml 11.68 ... +12.4 28.18 +0.08 +5.8 InfPrtAdm 11.48 +0.03 +9.4 InfPrtI InflaPro 14.35 +0.04 +9.5 InstIdxI 125.94 +0.46 125.95 +0.46 +3.8 InstPlus InstTStPl 31.20 +0.15 IntlGr d 18.48 -0.06 +14.3 IntlGrAdm d 58.77 -0.21 +12.8 IntlStkIdxAdm d24.42 -0.07 +26.0 IntlStkIdxI d 97.67 -0.27 IntlStkIdxIPls d97.69 -0.27 29.81 -0.07 +1.1 IntlVal d LTGradeAd 10.41 +0.02 LTInvGr 10.41 +0.02 +2.6 16.95 +0.02 +2.5 LifeCon LifeGro 22.90 +0.04 20.41 +0.03 +10.3 LifeMod MidCapIdxIP 108.60 +0.75 +15.3 MidCp 21.97 +0.16 +4.6 MidCpAdml 99.69 +0.69 22.02 +0.15 +6.1 MidCpIst 31.46 +0.22 +6.0 MidCpSgl Morg 19.91 +0.11 ... +5.8 MuHYAdml 10.95 MuInt 14.17 ... +5.7 MuIntAdml 14.17 ... 11.53 ... +5.1 MuLTAdml MuLtdAdml 11.18 ... ... +7.1 MuShtAdml 15.94 +15.9 PrecMtls d 20.82 -0.09 66.87 +0.22 +11.0 Prmcp d PrmcpAdml d 69.38 +0.22 +19.8 PrmcpCorI d 14.51 +0.04 REITIdxAd d 87.02 +0.39 10.63 ... +12.0 STBond STBondAdm 10.63 ... ... +14.3 STBondSgl 10.63 10.75 ... +14.3 STCor STFedAdml 10.86 ... +10.4 ... +3.2 STGradeAd 10.75 10.78 ... +3.4 STsryAdml SelValu d 20.14 +0.11 +11.2 37.09 +0.46 +2.4 SmCapIdx +10.5 SmCpIdAdm 37.12 +0.46 37.12 +0.47 +4.9 SmCpIdIst +6.4 SmCpIndxSgnl 33.44 +0.41 20.17 +0.03 +4.8 Star StratgcEq 20.76 +0.20 TgtRe2010 23.59 +0.03 +6.6 13.06 +0.02 +7.8 TgtRe2015 23.21 +0.04 +6.3 TgtRe2020 22.70 +0.05 +4.4 TgtRe2030 13.67 +0.03 +6.7 TgtRe2035 22.46 +0.05 +5.0 TgtRe2040 14.10 +0.03 +5.2 TgtRe2045 TgtRetInc 11.96 +0.02 +4.9 13.22 +0.02 +3.8 Tgtet2025 11.01 ... +1.7 TotBdAdml 11.01 ... +1.8 TotBdInst ... +7.7 TotBdMkInv 11.01 ... +2.5 TotBdMkSig 11.01 14.60 -0.04 +2.4 TotIntl d TotStIAdm 34.46 +0.16 +1.3 34.46 +0.16 +3.0 TotStIIns 33.26 +0.16 +2.4 TotStISig TotStIdx 34.44 +0.16 +3.0 +3.1 TxMCapAdm 68.69 +0.32 22.07 +0.08 +2.9 ValIdxAdm 22.07 +0.08 +3.1 ValIdxIns 23.64 +0.02 +3.0 WellsI 57.29 +0.05 +3.1 WellsIAdm Welltn 33.25 +0.05 WelltnAdm 57.44 +0.09 +5.9 WndsIIAdm 49.93 +0.13 14.24 +0.07 +6.1 Wndsr WndsrAdml 48.05 +0.23 28.13 +0.07 +8.0 WndsrII Waddell & Reed Adv 8.21 +0.05 +8.4 AccumA m +9.3 SciTechA m 10.42 +0.11 +14.6 Yacktman Focused d 19.65 +0.06 +11.2 Yacktman d 18.38 +0.06

Consumer price index If it seems like you're monthly percentage change est. 0.4% paying more at the pump, grocery store, and else2011 where, you're not alone. Consumer prices ticked up in January after staying essentially flat the 0.2 previous two months, and economists are expecting the Labor Department's 0.1 U.S. consumer prices Flat Flat report on Friday will show O N D J F another hike in prices for Source: FactSet February.

+14.6 +17.9 +11.1 +11.9 +8.0 +2.3 +9.8 +9.5 +11.2 +9.1 +9.6 +14.2 +7.7 +7.4 +14.4 +9.4 +8.5 +14.8 +14.2 +5.6 +15.1 +1.5 +10.7 +13.4 +16.2 +10.1 +12.0 +13.5 +9.4 +14.0 +1.3 +10.5 +7.9 +9.8 +10.9 +6.9 +8.9 +10.5 +11.1 +1.0 +11.6 +9.0 +11.9 +3.7 +9.8 +3.4 +9.2 +14.8 +4.5 +10.1 +10.2 +7.8 +1.5 +9.4 +9.5 +9.4 +6.2 +6.2 +6.2 +2.2 +8.9 +5.8 +16.0 +8.1 +8.0 +5.8 +5.9 +12.7 +12.6 +12.7 +12.7 +11.8 +0.3 +0.3 +12.2 +12.1 +12.1 +4.5 +4.5 +5.0 +5.0 +1.4 +2.8 +2.8 +0.1 +1.7 +1.7 +1.7 +9.5 +9.5 +10.2 +13.0 +13.0 +11.8 +11.9 +11.9 +11.9 +2.1 +2.1 +4.5 +8.5 +6.5 +11.8 +11.8 +11.8 +11.8 +11.8 +14.0 +2.9 +1.6 +1.6 +2.5 +0.6 +0.3 +7.4 +8.3 +8.3 +7.6 +5.9 +0.5 +0.5 +0.5 +1.5 +0.3 +1.5 +8.3 +11.1 +11.2 +11.2 +11.2 +7.7 +13.2 +5.2 +6.2 +7.0 +8.5 +9.3 +9.6 +9.6 +3.7 +7.7 +0.6 +0.6 +0.6 +0.6 +11.8 +10.1 +10.1 +10.1 +10.1 +10.2 +7.8 +7.8 +3.1 +3.1 +6.1 +6.1 +9.1 +11.5 +11.6 +9.1 +11.7 +16.9 +4.6 +5.0

8 • Saturday, March 3, 2012 • Daily Corinthian

APOSTOLIC Jesus Christ Church of the Second Chance, 1206 Wood St., Corinth. Bishop Willie Davis. S.S 10am; Worship 11am; Wed. worship 7 pm. “We care and are in the neighborhood to be a service.” Christ Temple Church, Hwy. 72 W. in Walnut, MS. Rev. J.C. Hall, ; Clay Hall, Asst. Pastor. Services Sun. 10am & 6pm; Wed. 7:30pm Community Tabernacle, 18 CR 647, Kossuth, MS. Pastor; Dan Roseberry (662) 284-4602 Services Sun. 10am & 6 pm, Thurs. 7:00 pm Grace Apostolic Church, CR 473 on left off Hwy 45 S. approx 2 1/2 mi. S. of Biggersville, Bro. Charles Cooper, Pastor; Sun. Service 10am, Sun. Evening 6 pm; Thurs. night 7 pm; 462-5374. Holy Assembly Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ, 201 Martin Luther King Dr., Booneville, MS; Pastor: Bishop Jimmy Gunn, Sr.; 1st Sun.: SS 10am, Worship 11:45am; 2nd Sun: Pastoral Day 11:45am; 3rd Sun: Missionary Serv. 11:45am; Wed. Bible Study 7pm

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Cornerstone Health & Rehab of Corinth, LLC “Where Life Is Worth Living” 302 Alcron Dr • 662-286-2286

ASSEMBLY OF GOD Canaan Assembly of God, 2306 E. Chambers Dr. 728-3363, Pastor Ricky & Sarah Peebles, Deaf Ministry: Michael Woods 728-0396. S.S. 9:30 am; Children’s Church 10:30 am; Worship 10:30 am & 6 pm; Wed. 7 pm. Christian Assembly of God, Hwy 2, Rev. Leon Barton pastor. S.S. 9:45am; Worship 10:45am & 6pm. Wed. Bible Study & Youth 7pm First Assembly of God, Jason Pellizzer, pastor, 310 Second St., S.S. 9:45am; Worship 10:45am & 6pm; Wed. 7pm. BAPTIST Alcorn Baptist Church, CR 355 Kossuth, MS; Rev. Larry Gillard, Pastor, S.S. 9:30am; Worship 11am; Wed. Bible Study 6pm. Antioch Baptist Church, Galda Stricklen, pastor. S.S. 10am; Worship 11am & 6:30pm; Wed. 6:30pm. Antioch Baptist Church No. 2, County Rd. 518. Greg Warren, pastor. S.S. 9:45am,Worship 11:00am, D.T. 5:00pm-6:00pm Wed. Prayer Mtg.7:00pm. Bethlehem Baptist Church, S.S. 10am; Worship 11am, DT 5:30pm, Worship 6:30pm; Wed. Prayer 7pm; WMU 1st Sun. monthly 4pm; Brotherhood 1st Sun. monthly 7am; Youth Night Every 4th Wed. Biggersville First Baptist Church, S.S. 10am; Worship 11am & 7pm. Training Union 6pm, Wed. 7pm. Brush Creek Baptist Church, Off Hwy. 72 West. Bro. Carroll Talley, pastor. S.S. 10am; Service 11am & 6pm, Wed. Service 6:30pm. Butler’s Chapel Baptist Church, Tommy Leatherwood, Pastor. S.S. 10am; Worship 10:45am & 6pm DT 5:30pm; Wed. Service 7pm. Calvary Baptist Church, 501 Norman Rd. (Behind Buck’s 66 Station). Bro. Scott Brady, pastor. S.S. 9:45am; Worship 10:45am & 6:45pm; Sun. Discipleship Training 6pm; Wed Bible Study, Children & Youth Missions 7pm. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, Burnsville. Bobby Elliott, Pastor. S.S. 10am; Worship 11am & 6pm; Wed. Prayer Meeting 7pm; Ladies’ Auxiliary 2nd & 4th Tuesday 6pm. Center Hill Baptist Church, Keith Driskell, pastor. S.S. 10am. Worship 10:55am & 6:30pm Church Training 6pm Prayer Mtg 7pm. Central Grove Baptist Church, County Road 614, Kossuth, MS, 287-4085. S.S. 10:15 am; Worship Service 11:00 am; Wednesday Night 6:30 pm, Bible Class and Usher Board Meeting immediately following Central Missionary Baptist Church, Central School Rd, Bro. Frank Wilson, pastor. S.S. 9:45am.; Worship 10:45 am & 6pm. Wed. Prayer Service 7pm Chewalla Baptistt Church, Chewalla, TN. Richard Doyle, pastor, 239-9802. S.S. 9:45am; Worship 10:45am & 6:15pm; AWANA 5pm; Discipleship Training 5:30 pm; Wed. Bible Study-Youth-Children’s Choir 7pm County Line Baptist Church, 8 CR 600, Walnut, MS, Pastor Mike Johnson Sunday School 9am, Worship Service 10am Covenant Baptist Church, 6515 Hwy 57 E, Miche, TN; Pastor K. Brian Rainey Sun Worship 10am and 6pm, Wed. Night 7pm Crossroads Baptist Church, Salem Rd (CR 400), Warren Jones, pastor. S.S. 9:45am.; Worship 10:45 am & 6pm. Wed. Prayer Service 7pm Danville Baptist Church, Danville Rd., Interim Pastor: Rev. Charlie Cooper. S.S.10am; Worship 11am & 5pm; Wed. Prayer 7pm. East Fifth Street Missionary Baptist Church, Rev. Richard Wade, pastor S.S. 9:30am. Worship 10:45am; Wed. bible study & prayer meeting 6pm. Choir Rehearsal Saturday 11am. East Corinth Baptist Church, 4303 Shiloh Road. 286-2094. Pastor Ralph Culp, S.S. 9:30am; Service 10:45am & 6:30pm. Wed.Service 6:30pm. Eastview Baptist Church, Ramer, TN. S.S. 10am; Worship 11am; Wed. Bible Study 7pm.; all youth organizations Wed. 7pm. Farmington Baptist Church, Timothy Nall, Pastor. S.S. 10am; Worship 10:45am & 6pm; Wed. AWANA (for ages 3 & up) 6:30-8pm Men’s Brotherhood & Ladies WMA 6:30pm; Bible Study 7pm. Fellowship Baptist Church, 1308 High School Rd., Selmer, TN. Pastor, Bro. J.D. Matlock. S.S. 10am; Serv. 11am & 6pm.; Wed. 7pm. First Baptist Church, Corinth, 501 Main. Rev. Dennis Smith, Pastor. Sun. Worship Service 8:20am;Bible Study 9:30am; Worship 10:45am & 7pm Youth Choir Rehearsal 4:45pm DT 5:30pm; Wed. Prayer Mtg. & Bible Study 6:30pm; Adult choir rhrsl. 7:30pm. First Baptist Church, Burnsville. S.S. 10-10:50am. Worship 11am & 6pm; DT 5:30pm; Wed.Bible Study 7pm. First Baptist Church, Michie, Tn. Pastor: James Hardin; S.S. 10am; Sun. Morn. Worship 11am; Sun. Evening Worship 6:30pm; Wed. Night Discipleship Training 7pm. First Baptist Church of Counce, Counce, TN. Dr. Bill Darnell. S.S. Ridgecrest Baptist Church, Farmington Rd., S.S.; Pastor: Floyd Lamb 10am; Worship 11am & 6pm; Church Training 6pm; Wed.Prayer Serv. 6pm. 9am; Worship 10:15am & 6pm; Prayer Meeting Wed. 6:30pm. Friendship Baptist Church, CR 614, Corinth; Craig Wilbanks, Pastor; Early Rienzi Baptist Church, 10 School St, Rienzi, MS; Pastor Titus Tyer S.S. 9:30am; Worship 10:30am & 6pm; Wed. 6:30pm Morn Service 9:30am; S.S. 10:00 am; Worship 11:00am; Wed. night 6:30pm. Saint Luke Missionary Baptist Church, 140 Rd 418., Pastor, Glendale Baptist Church, US 72 East, Glen. Pastor: Bro. Brandon Powell, Minister of Music: Bro. Mike Brown; Awana Program: Sunday Nights 5:30; S.S. John Pams, Jr. ; S.S. 9am; Worship 10:30am; Wed. Bible Study 6:30pm 9:45am;Worship 11am & 6:30pm; Discipleship Training 5:30pm; Choir Practice: St. Mark Baptist Church, 1105 White St. Kim Ratliff, Pastor, 662-287-6718, church phone 662-286-6260. S.S. 10am; Worship Service 11am; Wed. Prayer Sunday, Children & Youth 5pm, Adults: 7:30pm; Wed. Prayer Mtg. & Bible Service & Bible Study 6:30pm. Study 7pm. Hinkle Baptist Church, Internim Pastor Paul Stacey. Min. of Music Beverly Shady Grove Baptist Church, 19 CR 417, Bro. Jimmy Vanderford, Pastor, Bro. Tim Edwards, Youth Minister;. S.S. 10am; Worship 11am; Sun. Night Service Castile, S.S. 9am; Worship 11am & 7pm; Church Training 6pm; Wed. 7pm. 5pm; Wed. Prayer Service 7pm. Holly Baptist Church, Holly Church Rd. Pastor John Boler. 8:45 am- Early Shiloh Baptist Church, U.S. 72 West. Rev. Phillip Caples, pastor S.S. 10am; Morning Worship, 10:00 am S.S., 11:00 am Late Worship, 6:00 pm Evening Worship 11am & 7pm; Church Training 6pm; Wed. 7pm. Worship, Wed. Service 6:30 pm Adult Prayer & Bible Study, South Corinth Baptist Church, 300 Miller Rd., Charles Stephenson, Pastor Children & Youth Activities, www.hollybaptist.org SS 10am; Worship Service 11am & 6pm, Wed. Prayer & Bible Study 6 pm Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church, 464 Hwy 356, Rienzi. Gabe Jolly, III, St. Rest M.B. Church, Guys TN Rev. O. J. Salters, pastor. Sun.Worship 11am; Pastor; S.S. 9am; Children’s Church: 10am; Worship 10am; Bible Study: S.S. 9:45am; Wed. Bible study 6:00pm. Wed. 6:30pm; Life Center: Tues. & Thurs. 5:30-7:30pm. Synagogue M.B. Church, 182 Hwy. 45, Rieniz, 462-3867 Steven W. Roberson, Jacinto Baptist Church, Ken White, Pastor. S.S. 10 am; Worship 11am & pastor. S.S. 10 am, Morning Worship & Praise 11 am, Community Bible Study 6:30pm; Wed. service 6:30pm. (Tues.) 11 am, Evening Bible Study (Wed.) 7 p.m. Kemps Chapel Baptist Church, Pastor: Tim Dillingham; Rt. 1, Rienzi. S.S. Tate Baptist Church, 1201 N. Harper Rd. 286-2935; Mickey Trammel, pastor 10am; Worship 11am & 6:15pm; Church Trng. 5:30 pm; Wed. Bible Sun.: SS 9:30am; Morn. Worship, Preschool Church; Children’s Worship Study. 7 pm. (grades 1-4) 10:45am; Discipleship Classes 4:30pm; RA’s, GA’s, & Mission Kendrick Baptist Church, Bro. Craig Wilbanks, pastor. S.S. 9:30 am; Friends 5:30pm; Worship 6pm; Mon.: A.C.T.S. Outreach 6pm; Tues., A.C.T.S. Worship 10:30am, & 6:30pm; Church Trng. 5:30pm, Wed. 7pm. Kossuth First Baptist Church, 893 Hwy #2; Bro Zack Howell, Interim Pastor, Outreach 2pm; Wed., Fellowship Meal 5pm, AWANA & SS Lesson Preview 5:30pm, Adult Bible Study/Prayer, Student 24-7, Choir/Drama 6pm; Adult SS 10am; Worship 11am& 6pm, D.T. 5pm; Wed Awana (During school year) Choir Rehearsal, Student 24-7 7pm. 6:30pm; Bible Study 7pm. 287-4112 Tishomingo Chapel Baptist Church, 136 CR 634, Pastor: Bro. Bruce Ingram: Lakeview Missionary Baptist Church, Charles Martin, pastor. S.S. 10am, Sun. Worship 11am, Discipleship Training 5pm, Worship 6pm, 4th 5402 Shiloh Rd. 287-2177 S.S. 10am; Worship 11am& 6pm; Sunday Worship at 5pm, Wed. Bible Study 6:30 pm Wed. Adult Bible Study, Youth Min. 7pm. Trinity Baptist Church, Michie, Tenn., 901-239-2133, Interim Pastor: Liberty Hill Baptist Church, S.S. 10am; Worship Bengy Massey; S. S.10am; Sun. Worship 11am & 6:30pm; 11am & 5:00pm; Wed. 7:00 pm. Prayer Service Wed. 6:30pm. Little Flock Primitive Baptist Church, 4 mi. so. of Burnsville off Tuscumbia Baptist Church, S.S. 10am; Worship 11am & 7pm; Church Hwy. 365. Turn west at sign. Pastor: Elder Bob Ward. Sun. Bible Study Training 6pm; Prayer Service Wed. pm. 9:45 am; Worship 10:30am. Little Zion Missionary Baptist Church, 3395 N Polk St, Pastor - Christopher Union Baptist Church, Rayborn Richardson, pastor. S.S. 10 am. Church Training 5pm. Evening Worship 5pm; Wed. Prayer Service 6:30pm. Traylor; Sunday School - 9am; Worship 10:15 am - Communion - 1st Unity Baptist Church, 5 CR 408, Hwy. 45 South Biggersville. Excail Burleson, Sunday at 11am; Bible Study - Wednesday Night at 6:00 pm Pastor. S.S. 10 am; Worship 11 am & 6 pm; Wed. Bible Study 6:30 pm. Lone Oak Baptist Church, Charles Mills, pastor. S.S. 10am; Worship 11am; Unity Baptist Church, 825 Unity Church Rd, Ramer, TN, Dr. Ronald Meeks, Prayer Service 5:30pm; Wed. 7pm. Pastor; Bro. Andrew Williams, Music Director; Jason Webb, Youth Minister; Love Joy Baptist Church, on the Glen-Jacinto Road, Hwy 367. Janice Lawson, Pianist; Sunday: Men’s Prayer 9:45am; SS 10am, Morning Pastor, Bro. David Robbins, S.S. 10am; Worship 11am & 6 pm. Worship 11am, Evening Worship 6pm; Wed. AWANA-Prayer Meeting 6:30pm. Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, 715 Martin Luther King Dr. Rev. West Corinth Baptist Church, 308 School St., Bro. Seth Kirkland, Pastor; Bro Lawrence Morris, pastor. S.S. 9:30am; Worship 11am; BTU 5pm; Wed. Jackie Ward, Assist. Pastor; Jonathan Marsh, Youth Director; Andy Reeves, Prayer & Bible Stdy. 7pm; Youth mtg. 5:30pm; Sunshine Band Sat. noon. Music Director; Prayer Mondays 6pm; S.S. 10:00am. Worship 9:00am & 6pm; Mason St. Luke Baptist Church, Mason St. Luke Rd. 287-1656. Rev. Wayne Bible Study Wed. 6:45pm. Wooden, pastor; S.S. 9:45 am Worship 11am.; Wed. 6:30pm. Wheeler Grove Baptist Church, Kara Blackard, pastor. S.S. 9am. Worship McCalip Baptist Chapel, Rt.1 Pocahontas,TN Pastor, Rev. Johnny Sparks Service10am & 6:30pm; Wed. prayer mtg. & classes 6:30pm. Services Sunday 11am & 6p.m. Michie Primitive Baptist Church, Michie Tenn. Pastor Elder Ricky Taylor. CATHOLIC CHURCH Worship Service 1st & 3rd Sun., 3 pm, 2nd & 4th Sun., 10:30 am. St. James Catholic Church, 3189 Harper Rd., 287-1051 - Office; 284-9300 Everyone is cordially invited. - Linda Gunther. Sun. Mass: 9am in English and 1pm in Spanish Mills Commuity Baptist Church, 397 CR 550 Rienzi, MS. Bro. Donny Davis, pastor. S. S. 10am, Sun. Worship 11am & Sun. Night 5pm; Wed. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Bible Stdy. 6:30pm Charity Christian Church, Jacinto. Minister, Bro. James Marks S.S. New Covenant Baptist Church, 1402 E. 4th St., Pastor David Harris, 10am;Worship 11am; Bible Study 5pm; Wed. 7pm. pastor, Sunday School 9:45am; Worship 11:00am, Bible Study Wednesdays Guys Christian Church, Guys, Tenn. 38339. S.S. 10am; Worship 11am. 6:30 pm, 8:00 am Service Every 1st Sunday Harper Road Christian Church, 4175 N.Harper Road. Gerald Hadley, Sr. New Lebanon Free Will Baptist Church, 1195 Hwy. 364, Cairo Evangelist. Sun: 9:45am, 10:45am & 6pm; Wed: 7pm. 287-1367 Community; Jack Whitley, Jr, pastor; 462-8069 or 462-7591; 10am S.S. Oak Hill Christian Church, Kendrick Rd. At Tn. Line, Frank Williams, for all ages; Worship, 11am Children’s Church, 5pm; Choir Practice, 6pm; Evangelist, Bible School 10am; Worship 11am & 5pm (Winter); 6pm Evening Worship, Wed. 7 pm Midweek Bible Study & Prayer Meeting, (Summer) 7pm;Young People Bible Classes. Salem Christian Church, 1030 CR 400, Dennis Smith, minister. SS 9 am, North Corinth Baptist Church,Rev. Bill Wages,pastor. S.S. 10am; Worship Morning Worship 10am, Evening Service 5pm (Standard time) 6pm (Daylight 11am & 7pm; ChurchTraining 6:00pm; Wed. 7pm Saving time). Need a ride? - Bro. Smith at 662-396-4051 Oakland Baptist Church, 1101 S. Harper Rd., Dr. Randy Bostick, Pastor. Waldron Street Christian Church, Ted Avant, Minister. S.S. 9:30am; SS all ages 9am; Worship Serv. 10:15am & 6:20pm; Sun. Orchestra Reh. Worship10:45am & 6pm; Youth Mtgs. 6 pm; Wed. 7pm. 4pm; Student Choir & Handbells 5pm; Children’s Choir (age 4-Grade 6) 5:15pm; Wed. AWANA clubs (during school year) 6pm; Prayer & Praise CHURCH OF CHRIST 6:30pm; Student “XTREME Life” Worship Service 6:45pm; “Life Institute” Acton Church of Christ, 3 miles north of Corinth city limits on Hwy. 22. Small Group Classes 7pm; Sanctuary choir reh. 8:05pm 662-287-6200 Joe Story, Minister; Daniel Fowler, Youth Min. S.S. 10am; Worship 10:50am & Olive Hill West, Guys, TN S.S. 10am; Worship 11 am & 6pm; Training 5:30; 5 p.m; Wed. Bible Study 7:00pm. Wed. 7pm Berea Church of Christ, Guys, TN. Minister Will Luster. Sun. School 10am, Pinecrest Baptist Church, 313 Pinecrest Rd., Corinth, Bro. Jeff Haney, Worship Service 11am. pastor. S.S.9:30am; Worship 10:30am; Sun. Serv. 5:00pm; Central Church of Christ, 306 CR 318, Corinth, MS, Don Bassett, Minister Wed. Worship Serv. 6:30pm Bible Study 9:30am; Preaching 10:30am & 6p.m., Wed. Bible Study 7p.m. Pleasant Grove Baptist Church,Inc., Dennistown; 287-8845, Pastor Clear Creek Church of Christ, Waukomis Lake Rd. Duane Ellis, Minister. Allen Watson. Church School - Sun., 9:45am Worship Serv. - Sun 11am; Worship 9am & 5pm; Bible School 10am; Wed. 6:30pm. BTU-Sun. 3pm; Wed. Bible Study/Prayer 7pm; Wed. Choir Pract. 6pm; Danville Church of Christ, Charles W. Leonard, Minister, 287-6530. Sunday (Need a ride to Church - Don Wallace 286-6588) Bible Study 10am; Worship 11am & 5pm; Wed. 7pm. Ramer Baptist Church, 3899 Hwy 57 W, Ramer, TN; Pastor: Rev. James East Corinth Church of Christ, 1801 Cruise Ronald Choate, Minister. S.S. Young; Church office: 731-645-5681; SS 9:45am, Morn. Worship 11am; 9:45 a.m. Worship 10:30am & 5pm;Wed. Bible Study 7pm. Discipleship Training 6pm, Evening Worship 7pm; Wed. Family Supper Foote Street Church of Christ, Blake Nicholas, Minister., Terry Smith, Youth Minister; S.S. 9am; Worship 10am & 6pm; Wed. Bible Study 7pm. 5:30pm, Mid-Week Prayer Service 6:30pm




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310 E. Waldron St Corinth, MS 38834 Donnie Redding, Mgr 662-287-9600 • Fax 662-287-9546

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CORINTH GAS & WATER DEPARTMENT 305 W. Waldron St. Corinth, MS 38834 662-286-2263 www.corinthgasandwater.com Remember to call 811 before you dig.

Daily Corinthian • Saturday, March 3, 2012 • 9

Burnsville United Methodist Church, 118 Front St., Burnsville. 423-1758. United Pentecostal Church, Selmer, Tenn., S.S. 10 am; Worship Wayne Napier, Pastor, S.S. 10 a.m. Worship 9 a.m. 11am & 7 pm. Danville CME Methodist Church, Rev. James Agnew, Pastor, Sun. S.S. Walnut United Pentecostal Church, Hwy. 72 W. S.S. 10 am; 10 am, Worship Service 11 am, Bible classes Wed. night 6:30 to 7:30. Worship 11 am & 6 pm; Wed. Bible Study 7 pm. Rev. James Sims. Christ United Methodist Church, 3161 Shiloh Rd. Pastor: Dr. Danny West Corinth U.P.C., 5th & Nelson St., Rev. Merl Dixon, Minister, Rowland; 286-3298. S.S. 9:45 am (all ages); Fellowship 10:45am; Worship S.S. 10 am. Worship 11 am.; Prayer meeting 5:30 pm., Evang. Serv. 11am (nursery provided). Mons: Boy Scouts 5pm; Witness/Evangelism 6 pm., Wed. 7 pm. work 6pm; Tues: Cub Scouts 5:30pm; Weds: Gather & Worship 5:30pm Soul’s Harbor Apostolic Church, Walnut, Worship Sun. Services City Road Temple (C.M.E.) Church, Martin Luther King Dr., Rev. Robert 10 a.m. & 6, Wed. 7:30 p.m., Rev. Jesse Cuter, pastor, Prayer Field, S.S. 9:30 am; Worship 11:00 am; Wed. Youth Meeting 5 pm. Request, call 223-4003. First United Methodist Church, Dr. Prentiss Gordon, Jr, Pastor; Ken Zion Pentecostal Church In Christ., 145 N. on Little Zion Rd. Lancaster, Music Dir.; S.S. 9am, Worship 10 am; Wed. Family Supper 5pm, Bld 31, Rev. Allen Milam, Pastor, S.S. 10am. Worship 11am.; Bible Study 6pm; Choir Practice 7pm (Televised Cablevision Channel 16) Evang. Service 6pm, Wed. 7pm. Wed. Worship Service; John Windham, Youth Director; Jenny Hawkins, Children’s & Family Ministry Director PRESBYTERIAN Gaines Chapel United Methodist Church, 1802 Hwy 72 W, Rev. Tony Covenant Presbyterian Church, Tennessee St. at North Parkway; Pounders, Pastor, S.S. 9:45 am. Worship 10:45am & 6:30pm; Children’s S.S.10 am; Worship 11 am. 286-8379 or 287-2195. Activities 5pm, Youth 6:30pm & Wed. Night Children/Youth Activities and First Presbyterian Church, EPC, 919 Shiloh Rd., Dr. Donald A. Adult Bible Study 6:15pm Elliot, Min. Gregg Parker, Director of Youth & Fellowship. Hopewell United Methodist Church, S.S. 9:15 a.m. Worship 10 a.m. S.S. 9:30 a.m.; Morning Worship 10:45; Fellowship 5 & 6 pm. Indian Springs United Methodist Church, Youth Service 8:45 a.m., Shiloh Cumberland Presbyterian Church, off U.S. 72 W. Rev. 9 a.m. Regular Worship. Sunday School Will Follow. Wedn Night 7pm Brenda Laurence. S.S. 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study 6 p.m. Kossuth United Methodist Church, Kenny McGill, pastor, Sunday The New Hope Presbyterian Church, Biggersville. Nicholas School 10:00 a.m., Worship Service 11am & 6pm. B. Phillips, Temporary Supply; Sunday School for all ages 9:45 am Mt. Carmel Methodist Church, Henry Storey, Minister, Worship 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:45 am. S.S. 10:30 a.m. Bible Study 1st & 3rd Tues. 6:30 p.m. Trinity Presbyterian Church (PCA), 1108 Proper St; Sun. Morn. Mt. Moriah United Methodist Church, Meigg St., S.S. 9:30 a.m. Worship Worship 9:30 am, Sunday school, 10:45 am, Wed. Bible study, 10:30 a.m. Wed. night bible study 6 p.m. Children & Youth for Christ Sat. 6:30 p.m., Fri. men’s prayer, 6:30 am; http://www.tpccorinth.org. 9:30 a.m. Sapada Thomas Pastor. Mt. Pleasant Methodist Church, Rev. Larry Finger, pastor. S.S. 10am SATURDAY SABBATH Worship Service 11am Hungry Hearts Ministries Church of Corinth, 408 Hwy 72 W Oak Grove C.M.E. Church, Alcorn County Road 514, West of Biggersville, 662-287-0277; Sat. Service 3pm MS, Rev. Ida Price, Pastor Sunday School 9:30am, Worship services Fraley’s Chapel Church of Christ, Minister, Ferrill Hester. Bible Study 10:45am, Bible Study Wed. Night 7pm Spirit & Truth Ministries, 1208 Hwy 72 W. (across from Gateway 9:30am; Worship 10:30am & 6pm. Wed. Bible Study7pm. Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church, Kenny McGill, pastor, Sun Tires) P.O. Box 245, Corinth, MS 38835-0245 662-603-2764 ; Jerusalem Church of Christ, Farmington Rd. Ben Horton, Minister. S.S. Services, Worship 9:15am, Sunday School 10:30am, Evening 5pm. Sat. 9:00 am Torah Class, 10:30 am Service 10am; Church 10:45am; Sun. Bible Study & Worship, 5pm. Saulter’s Chapel CME Church, Rev.Terry Alexander, pastor. S.S. Kossuth Church of Christ, Jerry Childs, Minister, 287-8930. S.S. 10am; 10 a.m. Service 11 a.m.; Bible Study, Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Worship 11am & 6 pm; Wed. Bible Study 7pm. Shady Grove United Methodist Church, Dwain Whitehurst, pastor, S.S. Kendrick Rd Church of Christ, S.S. 9:45am; Worship 10:30am & 6pm; 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST Wed. Bible Study 7pm.. Stantonville United Methodist Church, 8351 Hwy 142, Stantonville, TN; Seventh-day Adventist Church, 2150 Hwy.72 E., Kurt Threlkeld, Meeks St. Church of Christ, 1201 Meeks St; Evg: Chuck Richardson, David Harstin, pastor, S.S.10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Minister. Sat. Services: Bible Study 9:30am, Worship 10:45am; 287-2187 or 286-9660; S.S. 9am; Wed. 7pm. New Hope Methodist Church, New Hope & Sticine Rd., Guys/Michie, TN; Prayer Meeting: Tuesday 6:00pm; (256) 381-6712 Meigg Street Church of Christ, 914 Meigg St. Will Luster, Jr., Pastor Danny Adkisson; Services: Sun. Worship 10 am, S.S. 11 am, Wed. Minister. S.S. 9:30 am; Worship Service 10:30am & 6pm; Wed. 7pm. Bible Study 6:30 pm. SOUTHERN BAPTIST New Hope Church of Christ, Glen, MS, Minister, Roy Cox .S.S. 9:30am; Crossroads Church, 1020 CR 400 Salem Rd; Warren Jones, MORMON Worship Service 10:30am & 5pm; Wed. Bible Study 7pm. Pastor; Sun. -Bible Study 9 a.m., Worship/Preaching 10 a.m. North Rienzi Church of Christ, Located in Rienzi by Shell Station on 356 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Corinth Ward. Hwy. 2 Victory Baptist Church, 9 CR 256., Alan Parker, Pastor. S.S. 9am; Old Worsham Bros. Building Sun, 10 am-1pm, Wed. 6:30 pm. Minister, Wade Davis, Sun. 10am, & 6pm., Wed. 7:00pm Worship 10am. Church Training 5:30pm; Worship 6:30pm; Wed. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 204 George E. Allen 6:30pm Northside Church of Christ, Harper Rd., Lennis Nowell, Minister. S.S. Dr. Booneville, MS. Services: Booneville Ward 9-12 am Wed 6:30 pm 9:45am; Worship 10:35am & 6pm; Wed. Bible Study 7pm. Pleasant Grove Church of Christ, 123 CR 304, Doskie, MS, Craig NON-DENOMINATIONAL Chandler, Minister-287-1001; S.S. 9:45am; Worship 10:45am. Friendly! Clean! Comfortable! South Parkway Church of Christ, 501 S. Parkway St., Bro. Dan Eubanks, Agape World Overcoming Christian Center, 1311 Lyons St. Pastor Doris Day. S.S. 9:45 a.m. Corporate Worship 11:30 a.m., Tues. Night Prayer/Bible Providing apartments for persons age 62 years or older; accessible units Minister, S.S. 9:30am; Worship 10:30am & 6pm; Wed. 7pm. Study 7pm available. Strickland Church of Christ, Central Sch. Rd. at Hwy. 72 E., Brad Another Chance Ministries, 2066 Tate St, Corinth, MS 662-284-0801 or CALL COPPER • THE BRASSPROFESSIONALS ALUMINUM • STAINLESS STEEL Dillingham, Minister, S.S. 10am;Worship 10:45am & 5pm; Wed. 7pm. ‡ ,QGLYLGXDOO\ FRQWUROOHG KHDW DQG DLU FRQGLWLRQLQJ 662-284-0802. Prayer Serv. 8am, Praise & Worship 9am, Mid-Week Bible WITH OVER 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE. Theo Church of Christ, Tim Hester, minister. Hwy. 72 W. Bible ‡ $SSOLDQFHV ‡ /DXQGU\ IDFLOLWLHV ‡ RI \RXU LQFRPH IRU UHQW study 7pm. Bishop Perry (Dimple) Carroll, Overseers - A Christ Centered, Study 9am; Worship 10am & 5pm; Wed. Bible Study pm. ‡ $OO XWLOLWLHV DUH LQFOXGHG LQ WKH UHQW ZLWK WKH H[FHSWLRQ RI WHOHSKRQH 662-287-3521 Spirit Filled, New Creation Church DQG FDEOH WHOHYLVLRQ ‡ /,)(/,1( 6HUYLFHV ‡ 6HUYLFH &RRUGLQDWRU Wenasoga Church of Christ, G.W. Childs, Pastor. Worship Service 9am & 2760 Harper St • 662-665-0069 Bethel Church, CR 654-A, Walnut (72W to Durhams Gro, left at store, 5pm; Bible Class 10am; Wed. 7pm. RQ VWDII WR KHOS \RX REWDLQ PD[LPXP EHQHILWV ‡ $1' 08&+ 08&+ follow signs), Sun. Morn 10am; Sun. Worship 5pm; Thurs. Service 6pm. West Corinth Church of Christ, Hwy 45 No. at Henson Rd. James 025( 3 6 :( $5( 3(7 )5,(1'/< Vansandt, Pastor S.S. 9:45am; Worship service 10:40am & 6pm; Wed 7pm. Borrowed Time Ministries, Wheeler Grove Rd, Sun. 2pm; Wed. 6:30 pm Burnsville Tabernacle Church, Pastor Travis Shea, Sun. School 10a.m. Wor. Service 11 a.m., Eve. Worship 5p.m., Wed Service 7 p.m. EPISCOPAL “The Little Critter Gitter!â€? Church of the Crossroads, Hwy 72 E., Nelson Hight, pastor, 286-6838, 1st A United Church Homes Community St. Paul’s Episcopal, Hwy. 2 at N. Shiloh Rd. Rev. Ann B. Fraser, Priest; 1 +DUSHU 5G ‡ &RULQWK 06 ‡ Morn. Worship 8:30, S.S.10am, 2nd Morn. Worship 11am & Life Groups CALL THE PROFESSIONALS 8:30 Holy Eucharist; 9:30 SS & Welcome Coffee; 10:30 Holy Eucharist 77< ‡ ZZZ XQLWHGFKXUFKKRPHV RUJ 5pm; Wed. 6:30 pm Life Groups & Childrens Services; WITH OVER 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE. (w/music) Nursery open 8:15-11:45. Cicero AME Church, 420 Martin Luther King Dr., Corinth, MS 286-2310 S.S. 9:30 am; Worship 11am & 7pm; Wed. Bible Study 7pm 662-287-3521 CHURCH OF GOD City of Refuge, 300 Emmons Rd. & Hwy 64, Selmer, TN. 731-645-7053 or Church of God of Prophecy, Bell School Rd. S.S. 10 a.m. Worship Crossroads 731-610-1883. Pastor C. A. Jackson. Sun. Morn. 10am, Sun. Evening 6pm, Mid-South services 11 a.m. Wed. Night Bible Study 7 p.m. Pastor James Gray. Wed. Bible Study 7pm. Medical Medical Joe B. Hilltop Church of God, 46 Hwy 356 - 603-4567, Pastor, Donald McCoy 662-837-4824 662-286-8222 Christ Gospel Church, Junction 367 & 356, 1 1/2 miles east of Jacinto. Rev. Morton SS 10am, Sun. Worship 10:45am, Sun. Even. 5pm, Wed. 7pm. 662-286-8333 Fax Bobby Lytal, pastor, S.S. 10 a.m. Sun 6:30 p.m. Wed 7 p.m. Fri Night 7 p.m. 662-837-0035 Fax New Mission Church of God in Christ, 608 Wick St. Pastor Elder Yarbro. Church On Fire Dream Center, Intersection of Holt Ave. & Hwy 365 1021 City Ave. N. 837-1737 203 Alcorn Dr. Ripley, MS 38663 Corinth, MS 38834 S.S. 10 a.m. Sunday Worship 11 a.m., & 7 p.m. Wed. & Fri. 7pm. North, Burnsville. Michael Roberts, pastor, Sun. Morn. Worship 10am, “The Little Critter Gitter!â€? 800-837-8575 866-986-8222 New Life Church of God in Christ, 305 West View Dr., Pastor Elder 662-415-4890(cell) Willie Hoyle, 286-5301. Sun. Prayer 9:45 am, S.S. 10 am, Worship Cornerstone Christian Fellowship, 145 South. Services: Sun. 10am For All Your Home Health Needs 11:30 am, Thurs. Worship 7:30 pm, Wed. night worship services 7 pm, Med Supply Center, Inc dba Mid-South Medical & Crossroads Medical Youth and Home Meetings, Wednesday Night. Billy Joe Young, pastor. YPWW 1st & 3rd Sunday 6 pm. FaithPointe Church, Sr. Pastor Marcus & Paige Whitman. 440 Hwy. 64 E. St. James Church of God in Christ, 1101 Gloster St. S.S. 10 a.m. Adamsville, TN. Sun. 10:30 am Morn. Worship; Wed. Bible Study 7 p.m. Worship Services 11:30 a.m.; Youth/Adult Bible Study Thurs. 7pm First United Christian Church, CR 755, Theo Community, Rev. Casey Pastor Elder Anthony Fox. Rutherford, pastor, Sun. 10:30 am & 6 pm; Thurs. 7 p.m. 662-396-1967 St. James Church of God in Christ-Ripley, 719 Ashland Rd, Ripley, MS, Full Gospel House of Prayer, 2 miles S. of Hightown. Ancel Hancock, 662-837-9509; Sun. Worship Morning Glory 8am; SS 9am; Worship 11am; Minister, Jane Dillingham, Assoc., Serv every Mon. night 7pm Thurday is Holy Ghost night 7pm; Superintendent Bernell Hoyle, Pastor. Foundation of Truth Christian Fellowship, 718 S. Tate St., Corinth, MS, Church of God of Union Assembly, 347 Hwy 2, (4 miles from Hwy 45 Frederick C. Patterson Sr, pastor, S.S. 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 11 p.m. bypass going East to 350), North Gospel Preaching and singing. Services Wed. Bible Study 7 p.m. Wed. 6:30 pm , Sun.Evening Service 6:30 pm, Sun. morning 10:30 am. God’s Church, 565 Hwy 45 S, Biggersville; Pastor David Mills, Asso. Pastor Everyone invited to come and worship with us. Pastor Brother David Larry Lovett; SS 10am; Sun Worship 11am; Wed. Night 7pm Bledsoe; 286-2909 or 287-3769 Kossuth Worship Center, Hwy. 2, Kossuth. Pastor Bro. Larry Murphy. S.S. The Church of God , Hwy 57, West of four-way in Michie, TN. 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wed. Services 6:00 p.m. 287-5686 Paster Joe McLemore, 731-926-5674. Life in the Word Fellowship Church, Pastor Merle Spearman. 706 School Wings of Mercy Church, 1703 Levee St. (Just off 45 S. at Harper Exit). St, Worship Sun. 10:30 am & 6:00 pm; Wed. 7:00 pm. Church: 287-4900; Pastor: James Tipton, Sunday Morn. 10:30am, Sunday Miracle Tabernacle, 4 1/2 miles south of Glen on Jacinto Road. Pastor, Bro. John W. Lentz. S.S. 10am. Worship Service 11am & 6pm; Wed. Service 7pm. Evening 5:00pm, Wednesday Bible Study 7:00pm Mt. Zion Church, Highway 365 N. of Burnsville. Pastor Billy Powers. Worship Service 2 pm; Wed. Serv 7 pm. FREE WILL BAPTIST Calvary Free Will Baptist Mission, Old Jacinto Supply Building, Jacinto. Mt. Carmel Non-Denominational Church, Wenasoga Rd. Pastor Bro. Jason Abbatoy. Sunday Morning Service 11:00 am S.S. 10 am Worship 11 am & 5 p.m. Wed. Service 7 pm. Real Life Church, 2040 Shiloh Rd (corner of Harper & Shiloh Rd); 662 Community Free Will Baptist Church, 377 CR 218, Corinth, MS, 709-RLCC; Pastor Harvern Davis, Sun. Morn. Prayer 10am, Worship 462-8353, S.S. 10am, Worship Serv 11am & 6 pm. Wed. Bible Study 7pm. 10:30am; Prayer Mon. 7pm; Wed Night 7pm Adult Bible Study, Real Teen Macedonia Freewill Baptist Church, 9 miles S. of Corinth on Survival, Xtreme Kids, www.rlcc4me.com CR 400. Sunday School 10 a.m.; Pastor: Russell Clouse; Sun Worship River of Life, Cruise & Cass St. Sun. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m., 11 a.m& 6 pm; Adult & Youth Teaching Service Sunday 5 p.m. Pastor Heath Lovelace Still Hope Ministries, Main St, Rienzi; Pastor: Bro. Chris Franks, 662-603 HOLINESS 3596. Services: Sun 2pm; Fri. 7pm. By Faith Holiness Church, 137 CR 430, Ritenzi, MS, 662-554-9897/462 The Anchor Holds Church, Hwy 348 of Blue Springs, MS. 662-869-5314, 7287; Pastor: Eddie Huggins; Sun 10am& 6pm; Thurs. 7pm Full Gospel Jesus Name Church, Located 3 miles on CR 400, (Salem Rd) Pastor Mike Sanders, Sun. School 9:30 a.m; Sun. Morning Worship 10:30 am; Sun. Evening Worship 5:00 p.m; Wed. Service 7:00 p.m; Nursery Old Jehvohah Witness Church. Pastor: Larry Jackson; Sunday Evening Provided For Ages 0-3; Children Church For Ages 4-10; Youth Program For 2pm. 662-728-8612. Glen Jesus Name Holiness Church, Glen, Bro. Jimmy Jones, Pastor; Sun. Ages 11-21; Anointed Choir and Worship Team Triumph Church, Corner of Dunlap & King St. S.S. 10:00 a.m. Worship Service 10 am, Sun. Evening 6 pm; Thurs. night 7 pm; 287-6993 11:30 a.m. Tuesday night worship 7:00 p.m. Theo Holiness Church, Hwy. 72 West, Corinth. Pastor: Rev. Ronald Triumphs To The Church and Kingdom of God in Christ, Rev. Billy T., Wilbanks, Phone:662-223-5330; Senior Pastor: Rev. Rufus Barnes; SS Kirk, pastor S.S. of Wisdom 10 a.m. Regular Services 11:30 a.m. Tuesday & 10am, Worship Service 11am, and 6:30 pm, Wed. Prayer Meeting 7 pm Thursday 7:30p.m. True Holiness Church, 1223 Tate St, 287-5659 or 808-0347, Pastor: Willie Word Outreach Ministries, Hwy. 45 North, MS-TN State Line. Pastor Saffore; S.S. 10 am, Sun. Worship 11:30 am, Tues/Fri Prayer Service 9am; Elworth Mabry. Sun. Bible Study 10am, Worship 11am, Wed. 6:30pm. Prayer & Bible Band Wed. 7pm. PENTECOSTAL INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Calvary Apostolic Church, Larry W. McDonald, Pastor, 1622 Bunch St. Brigman Hill Baptist Church, 7 mi. E. on Farmington Rd. Pastor Chris Services Sun 10am & 6pm, Tues 7:30 pm For info. 287-3591. Estep, S.S. 10am; Sun Worship 11 am & 6 pm.; Wed. Bible Study 7p.m. Central Pentecostal Church, Central School Road. Sunday Worship Grace Bible Baptist Church, Hwy. 145 No. Donald Sculley, pastor. 10 am; Evangelistic Service 5 pm; Wed. Bible Study 286-5760, S.S.10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m & 6 p.m. Wed. 7 p.m., Children’s 7 pm; Terry Harmon II, Pastor. Bible Club 7 p.m. Apostolic Life Tabernacle, Hwy. 45 S. Sunday Worship & S.S. 10 am & Juliette Independent Missionary Baptist Church, Interim Pastor, 6 p.m. Thurs. Prayer Meeting 7:15pm Mike Brown, pastor. 287-4983. Harold Talley, S.S.10 a.m. Preaching 11 a.m. Evening Service 5 p.m. Biggersville Pentecostal Church, U.S. 45 N., Biggersville. Rev. T.G, Ramsy, Maranatha Baptist Church, CR 106, Bro. Scotty Wood, Pastor. S.S.10 pastor. S.S. 10 a.m. Youth Services, Sunday 5 p.m. Evangelistic a.m. Sun Worship 11am & 6pm; Wed. Bible Study 7:15 p.m. Service 6 p.m. Bible Study Wednesday 7 p.m. Jones Chapel Free Will Baptist Church, S.S. 10 a.m. Sun. Worship Burnsville United Pentecostal Church, Highway 72 West of Burnsville. L. Services 11 a.m. & 5 p.m. Wed. Night Bible Study 7 p.m. Rich, pastor. S.S. 10 am; Worship Service 11 am and 6:30 pm; Youth Strickland Baptist Church, 514 Strickland Rd., Glen MS 38846, Pastor Service 5:30 pm; Wed Prayer and Bible Study 7:15 pm. Harold Burcham; Sunday School 10 a.m.; Sunday Services 11 a.m& 6 pm; Community Pentecostal Church, Rev. Randle Flake, pastor. Sun. Worship Wed. Bible Study 7 p.m. 10am & 5:30pm; Wed. Acts Class 6pm; Wed. Night 7:15pm Counce, Tenn. First Pentecostal Church, State Route 57, Rev. G.R. INDEPENDENT FULL GOSPEL Miller, pastor. S.S. 10 a.m. Evening Worship 6 p.m. Wed 7 p.m. Harvest Church, 349 Hwy 45 S., Guys, TN. Pastor Roger Reece; Eastview United Pentecostal Church, Rev. Wayne Isbell, pastor. 731-239-2621. S.S. 10 a.m. Worship & Children’s Church 11am; 287-8277 (pastor), (662) 645-9751 (church) S.S. 10 am; Worship Service Evening Service 6 p.m., Wed. 7 p.m. 11am & 6pm; Wed. Bible Study 7:15 p.m. Gospel Tabernacle, Glover Drive. Rev. Josh Hodum, pastor. S.S. 10 am INDEPENDENT METHODIST Worship 11am & 6pm; Wed. Service 7 p.m. Clausel Hill Independent Methodist Church, 8 miles S. of Burnsville, Greater Life United Pentecostal Church, 750 Hwy. 45 S. Rev. Don Clenney, Pastor; SS 10am, Sun. Morn. Worship 11am, Sun. Even. Worship just off 365 in Cairo Community. Pastor, Gary Redd. S.S. 10 a.m. Morning 6pm; Wed. Night 7:15pm Worship 11:15 a.m. Evening Worship 5:00 p.m. Wed. Night Prayer Life Tabernacle Apostolic Pentecostal, 286-5317, Mathis Subd. Meeting 6:45 p.m. Sunday Worship 10am&6:30pm;Wed. Bible Study 7 p.m. Chapel Hill Methodist Church, , 2 1/2 mi. W. of Burnsville. CR 944. Pleasant Hill Pentecostal Church, C.D. Kirk, pastor, Hwy. 2, Scotty McCay, pastor. S.S. 10 am, Sunday Worship, 11 am. & 5 pm. S.S. 10am, Adult Worship 10am, Sun. Night Explosion 6pm & Wed. night 7:30pm LUTHERAN Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod. 4203 Shiloh Rd. 287 Rockhill Apostolic, 156 CR 157, 662-287-1089, Pastor Steve 1037, Divine Worship 10:00 a.m. Holy Communion celebrated on the first, Findley SS. 10am, Sun. Morn. 11am, Sun. Night 6pm, Wed night 7:15pm Sanctuary of Hope 1108 Proper St,, Sun. Worship 10 a.m. & 6pm; third and fifth Sunday. Christian Ed. 9 a.m. Thursday worship 7:30 p.m. “Where there’s breath, there’s hope.â€? METHODIST Bethel United Methodist, Jerry Kelly, pastor. Worship 10 am S.S. 11 am The Full Gospel Tabernacle of Jesus Christ, 37 CR 2350, Pastor Jesse Hisaw, 462-3541. Sun, 10am & 5pm; Wed. 7:30 pm. Biggersville United Methodist Church, Jimmy Glover, Pastor. S.S. 9:15 a.m., Church Service 10:00 am Sunday Worship 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Tobes Chapel Pentecostal Church, CR 400, Pastor: Bro. Tony Basden, Bible Study Thurs 7 p.m. Box Chapel United Methodist Church, Howard Tucker, Pastor 3310 CR SS. 10am, Sun. Worship 11am, Sun. Even. 5:30am, Wed. 100 (Intersection of Kendrick & Box Chapel Road) S.S. 10:00 a.m. Worship Bible Study 7pm, 462-8183. 11 am, Evening Worship 5 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 6 p.m.

Rocky Springs United Methodist





10 • Daily Corinthian

SEC Tournament


AC wins behind walk-off walk BY H. LEE SMITH II lsmith@dailycorinthian.com

At New Orleans Arena Thursday’s Scores LSU 70, Arkansas 54 Alabama 63, South Carolina 57 Ole Miss 68, Auburn 54 Georgia 71, Mississippi State 61 Friday’s Scores Kentucky 60, LSU 51 Florida 66, Alabama 63 Ole Miss 77, Tennessee 72, OT Vanderbilt vs. Georgia, late Today’s Semifinals Kentucky vs. Florida, Noon Ole Miss vs. Vanderbilt-Georgia winner, 2:30 Championship Sunday, March 11 Semifinal winners, Noon

Saturday, March 10, 2012

GLEN — Kennedy Hester’s bases-loaded walk in the bottom of the eighth capped Alcorn Central’s 6-5 comefrom-behind win over Tishomingo County on Friday. Central (4-1) scored the game’s last four runs after Tish County took a 5-2 lead into the last of the fifth. Katie Foster knotted the game at 5-5 with a one-out, three-run homer in the fifth. Chelsea Buntin, who went the distance, threw up zeros

the final three innings to get the win. She helped preserve the tie by getting out of a oneout, bases-loaded jam in the seventh. Central banged out 10 hits with Kayla Massengill, Foster, Amber Meredith and Hester logging two each. Foster and Haley Barnes each had twobaggers for the host club. Buntin allowed three earned runs and six hits over eight innings of work. The Lady Braves’ six hits were spread among six players.

Central returns to action on Friday with a three-game set at the Northeast Mississippi Community College Challenge.

Baseball Belmont strung together five straight two-out hits in the second to break open a scoreless game and remain unbeaten through six games. The Cardinals (6-0) banged out 12 hits and took advantage of five walks and a trio of Corinth errors in downing the

Warriors 11-4 at Jesse Bynum Field. The county’s other contest, Kossuth at Alcorn Central, was postponed until today at 1 p.m. Belmont outhit Corinth 12-5 with Zack Carpenter leading the way with two singles and a double. Jalen Kirk and Lew Johnson paced Corinth with a double each. Corinth (2-6) will host Myrtle and Alcorn Central today with first pitch set for 1 p.m. Please see AC | 11

Local Schedule Today Baseball Kossuth @ Central, 1 Myrtle @ Corinth, 1 Central @ Corinth, 4 Tish Co. @ Kossuth, 6 Biggersville Tournament Baldwyn-Biggersville, 11 a.m. Baldwyn-Booneville, 1 Booneville-Biggersville, 3 Softball Smithville Tournament Kossuth-Smithville, 10 a.m. Kossuth-Hatley, 11:30 a.m. Monday, March 12 Baseball Booneville Tournament Central-Baldwyn, 2 Thursday, March 15 Baseball Central Tournament Central-Thrasher, 12:15 Kossuth-Deshler, Ala., 7 Friday, March 16 Baseball Central Tournament Kossuth-New Site, 12:30 Corinth-Harding Acd., 3 Corinth-Central, 5:30 Softball Northeast Tournament Biggersville, Central, Kossuth Saturday, March 17 Baseball Central Tournament Corinth-New Site, 10 a.m. Kossuth-Harding Acd., 12:30 Central-Deshler, Ala., 5:30 Monday, March 19 Baseball Kossuth @ Falkner, 4:30 Central @ Ripley, 7 Softball Biggersville @ Falkner, 5 Tuesday, March 20 Baseball Corinth @ Shannon, 6 Softball Belmont @ Central Tennis Booneville @ Central, 4 Thursday, March 22 Softball Pine Grove @ Biggersville, 5 Track AC Invitational @ Tish Co. Friday, March 23 Baseball Belmont @ Central, 7 Shannon @ Corinth, 7 Ripley @ Kossuth, 7 Softball Central @ Kossuth Tennis Central @ Corinth, 4 Saturday, March 24 Baseball Central @ New Hope, 1 Kossuth @ Oxford, 2 Softball Biggersville @ Belmont, 1 Tish County Challenge Central Monday, March 26 Softball Biggersville @ Jumpertown, 4:30 Tuesday, March 27 Baseball Pontotoc @ Corinth, 7 Central @ Booneville, 7 Kossuth @ Belmont, 7 Thursday, March 29 Softball Biggersville @ Thrasher, 5 Central @ Ripley Track AC @ Braves Invitational

Photo Courtesy Northeast

Northeast Mississippi Community College sophomore Hannah Hastings of Booneville takes a cut during action earlier this season. The Lady Tigers (14-4, 6-0 North Division) had their doubleheader at Itawamba postponed on Friday. NE will travel to Southwest Tennessee in Memphis on Wednesday and Jackson State (Tenn.) on Saturday.

Rebels reach semis behind OT win Associated Press

NEW ORLEANS — Terrance Henry scored 19 points, Jarvis Summers added 17 and Mississippi beat Tennessee 77-72 in overtime in the Southeastern Conference tournament quarterfinals on Friday night. Henry hit two free throws with 9.1 seconds left in regulation to give Ole Miss a 61-58 lead, but Tennessee’s Skylar McBee banked in a 3-pointer with 2.1 seconds left to tie the game and send it into overtime.

The Rebels pushed ahead 70-63 in overtime on Murphy Holloway’s putback, but Tennessee rallied to pull within 74-72 on two free throws by Jarnell Stokes. Henry closed out the game by making two free throws with 11 seconds remaining. Ole Miss (20-12) advances to the tournament semifinals for the first time since 2007. Tennessee (18-14) was led by Trae Golden’s 21 points. McBee and Cameron Tatum both scored 15. The Volunteers shot just 28.1 percent

No. 1 Kentucky outlasts LSU Associated Press

NEW ORLEANS — John Calipari sounded like a coach trying to explain away a loss. No. 1 Kentucky wasn’t just supposed to beat LSU, it was supposed to win comfortably. Instead, the Wildcats labored through an 18-turnover performance in which the feisty Tigers led early in the second half and never trailed by more than nine before Kentucky closed out a 60-51 victory Friday in the second round of the Southeastern Conference tournament. “I’ll go back and watch the tape and see what adjustments (need to be made), because people will be watching the tape, saying ‘This is how you need to play them,”’ Calipari said. “And we have been played every way possible.” Michael Kidd-Gilchrist helped Kentucky overcome its early lethargy, scoring 10 of his 19 points in the open-

ing 20 minutes before his fellow Wildcats came alive in the second half. Terrence Jones added 15 points and 11 rebounds, including a 9-0 run by himself that gave the Wildcats (31-1) the lead for good as they extended their winning streak to 23 games. Anthony Davis added 12 points and 14 rebounds after a slow start, and Doron Lamb scored 12. Lamb credited the Tigers with turning up the intensity, adding that the Wildcats perhaps should have anticipated that, given LSU (18-14) would hardly be guaranteed a postseason tournament berth if it lost. “It might be their last game of the season and they just came out with a fight and were hungry,” Lamb said. “They punched us in the face in the first half, and in the second half we fought Please see KENTUCKY | 11

(18 of 64) from the field. Both teams badly needed the win to improve mediocre NCAA tournament resumes, and the air of desperation was evident from the opening tip, with brutally physical play on both ends of the court. Points were at a premium and open looks were rare. Ole Miss and Tennessee battled to a 28-28 halftime draw as the seventh-seeded Rebels managed to hang in the game despite rampant foul trouble. Five different players, including three start-

ers, had two fouls, so coach Andy Kennedy was forced to use a patchwork of rarely used reserves like Aaron Jones and Maurice Aniefiok. It worked decently, but the Rebels didn’t have much answer for Golden, who scored 11 first-half points. The second half was just as intense. Neither team led by more than four points. Holloway was crucial down the stretch for the Rebels, scoring 14 points and grabPlease see MISSISSIPPI | 11

Florida edges Alabama Associated Press

NEW ORLEANS — One of Florida’s biggest assets is its ability to shoot the 3. The Gators are learning how to win when they’ve lost their touch. Bradley Beal scored 16 and Florida beat Alabama 66-63 in the Southeastern Conference tournament quarterfinals on Friday despite a rough performance from outside. “This has kind of been a trend for us these last couple games of not making shots,” Beal said. “So we really had to bear down on defense and guard guys.” Erik Murphy had 15 points and Kenny Boynton scored 14 for the Gators, who shot just 38.5 percent (20 of 52) from the field, including 33.3 percent (10 of 30) from 3-point range. The Gators had a 45-33 lead with 12:50 remaining after Murphy hit a pair of

free throws, but Alabama responded with a 16-4 run to tie it at 49 on JaMychal Green’s three-point play with 6:52 to go. Alabama had a chance to tie in the final seconds, but Trevor Lacey’s 3-pointer bounced off the front of the rim. Though the game was usually tight, the Crimson Tide never led. “I think this time of year, you’ve got to find ways to advance and move on and we did,” Florida coach Billy Donovan said. Florida (23-9) will face topranked Kentucky on Saturday in the semifinals. The Gators lost to the Wildcats twice this season, but hope their postseason-tested team will be up for the challenge. Much of Florida’s roster was around last season, when the Gators advanced to the Elite Eight. Please see GATORS | 11


Saturday, March 10, 2012

AC: Local scores

Pro basketball

and standings

NBA standings



Central 6, Tish Co. 5, 8 inn.

Tish Co. 120 020 00 — 5 6 3 Central 101 030 01 — 6 10 5 WP: Chelsea Buntin. LP: McDuffy. Multiple Hits: (TC) None. (C) Kayla Massengill 2, Katie Foster 2, Amber Meredith 2, Kennedy Hester 2. 2B: (TC) Lambert. (C) Haley Barnes, Foster. 3B: (TC) Welch, Griffin, Glover. HR: (C) Foster. Record: Central 4-1.


Belmont 11, Corinth 4 Belmont 041 015 0 — 11 12 4 Corinth 000 021 0 — 4 5 3 WP: Phillip Armstrong (2-0). LP: Cody Davis (1-1). Multiple Hits: (B) Zack Carpenter 3, Luke Alexander 2, Byron Cass 2, Bryan Malone 2. (C) None. 2B: (B) Alexander, Carpenter. (C) Jalen Kirk, Lew Johnson. Records: Belmont 6-0, Corinth 2-6.

MISSISSIPPI: Rebs get another chance CONTINUED FROM 10

bing 10 rebounds. Reginald Buckner had 12 points and eight rebounds. Ole Miss outscored Tennessee 38-12 in the paint. Tennessee was the surprise of the SEC this season, recovering from some terrible losses during the nonconference portion of its schedule to finish 10-6 in the league and earn the No. 2 seed in the tournament. The Volunteers have been getting NCAA attention because of the strong finish, but there’s no doubt the loss to Mississippi hurts. Ole Miss gets another chance to build its resume on Saturday in the semifinals against the Vanderbilt, which beat Georgia 63-41.

EASTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GB d-Chicago 33 9 .786 — d-Miami 30 9 .769 1½ Orlando 26 15 .634 6½ d-Philadelphia 24 17 .585 8½ Indiana 23 14 .622 7½ Atlanta 23 17 .575 9 Boston 21 18 .538 10½ New York 18 22 .450 14 Milwaukee 16 24 .400 16 Cleveland 15 23 .395 16 Detroit 14 26 .350 18 New Jersey 14 27 .341 18½ Toronto 13 26 .333 18½ Washington 9 29 .237 22 Charlotte 5 33 .132 26 WESTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GB d-Oklahoma City 31 9 .775 — d-San Antonio 26 12 .684 4 Memphis 23 15 .605 7 d-L.A. Lakers 24 16 .600 7 L.A. Clippers 22 15 .595 7½ Dallas 23 18 .561 8½ Denver 22 18 .550 9 Houston 21 19 .525 10 Minnesota 21 20 .512 10½ Utah 19 20 .487 11½ Portland 19 21 .475 12 Phoenix 18 21 .462 12½ Golden State 15 21 .417 14 Sacramento 13 26 .333 17½ New Orleans 9 30 .231 21½ ––– Thursday’s Games Orlando 99, Chicago 94 Phoenix 96, Dallas 94 Friday’s Games New Jersey 83, Charlotte 74 Philadelphia 104, Utah 91 Boston 104, Portland 86 Detroit 86, Atlanta 85 Cleveland 96, Oklahoma City 90 L.A. Lakers 105, Minnesota 102 Milwaukee 119, New York 114 L.A. Clippers at San Antonio, (n) New Orleans at Denver (n) Dallas at Sacramento, (n) Saturday’s Games Portland at Washington, 6 p.m. Toronto at Detroit, 6:30 p.m. Indiana at Miami, 6:30 p.m. Utah at Chicago, 7 p.m. Charlotte at Oklahoma City, 7 p.m. New Orleans at Minnesota, 7 p.m. Houston at New Jersey, 7 p.m. Memphis at Phoenix, 8 p.m. Dallas at Golden State, 9:30 p.m. Sunday’s Games Philadelphia at New York, 11 a.m. Boston at L.A. Lakers, 2:30 p.m. Houston at Cleveland, 5 p.m. Milwaukee at Toronto, 5 p.m. Indiana at Orlando, 5 p.m. Memphis at Denver, 7 p.m. Atlanta at Sacramento, 8 p.m. Golden State at L.A. Clippers, 8:30 p.m.

Baseball Spring training Detroit Seattle Toronto


Pct .857 .750 .714

Oakland Baltimore Boston Los Angeles Kansas City New York Minnesota Cleveland Texas Tampa Bay Chicago

5 3 .625 3 2 .600 3 2 .600 3 2 .600 4 3 .571 3 4 .429 3 5 .375 2 4 .333 2 4 .333 2 5 .286 1 4 .200 NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pct Los Angeles 3 1 .750 San Francisco 5 2 .714 Miami 3 2 .600 Milwaukee 3 2 .600 Cincinnati 4 3 .571 Houston 4 3 .571 Philadelphia 4 3 .571 Chicago 3 3 .500 New York 3 3 .500 St. Louis 2 2 .500 Washington 3 3 .500 Pittsburgh 3 4 .429 Arizona 2 4 .333 San Diego 2 5 .286 Colorado 1 4 .200 Atlanta 1 7 .125 NOTE: Split-squad games count in the standings; games against nonmajor league teams do not. ––– Friday’s Games N.Y. Yankees 3, Atlanta (ss) 0 Toronto 11, Houston 2 St. Louis 3, Minnesota 2 Philadelphia 7, Detroit 5 N.Y. Mets 5, Atlanta (ss) 3 Tampa Bay 3, Baltimore 3, tie, 10 innings Milwaukee 12, Cleveland 2 Cincinnati (ss) 5, Kansas City 1 San Francisco 6, Cincinnati (ss) 3 Chicago Cubs 5, Chicago White Sox 1 San Diego 6, L.A. Angels 3 Arizona 8, Seattle 5 L.A. Dodgers 9, Texas 0 Oakland 6, Colorado 4 Miami 3, Washington 0 Pittsburgh 7, Boston 4 Saturday’s Games N.Y. Mets vs. Washington (ss) at Viera, Fla., 12:05 p.m. Washington (ss) vs. Detroit at Lakeland, Fla., 12:05 p.m. St. Louis vs. Miami at Jupiter, Fla., 12:05 p.m. Houston vs. Toronto at Dunedin, Fla., 12:05 p.m. Minnesota vs. Pittsburgh at Bradenton, Fla., 12:05 p.m. Baltimore vs. Philadelphia at Clearwater, Fla., 12:05 p.m. N.Y. Yankees vs. Atlanta at Kissimmee, Fla., 12:05 p.m. Texas vs. Chicago White Sox at Glendale, Ariz., 2:05 p.m. San Francisco (ss) vs. L.A. Angels at Tempe, Ariz., 2:05 p.m. Cincinnati vs. Oakland at Phoenix, 2:05 p.m. Chicago Cubs vs. Milwaukee (ss) at Phoenix, 2:05 p.m. Milwaukee (ss) vs. San Francisco (ss) at Scottsdale, Ariz., 2:05 p.m. Colorado vs. Kansas City at Surprise, Ariz., 2:05 p.m. L.A. Dodgers vs. Seattle (ss) at Peoria, Ariz., 2:05 p.m. San Diego vs. Cleveland at Goodyear, Ariz., 3:05 p.m. Tampa Bay vs. Boston at Fort Myers,

Fla., 6:05 p.m. L.A. Dodgers vs. Chicago White Sox at Glendale, Ariz., 8:05 p.m. Seattle (ss) vs. Arizona at Scottsdale, Ariz., 8:10 p.m. Sunday’s Games Pittsburgh vs. Tampa Bay at Port Charlotte, Fla., 12:05 p.m. Detroit (ss) vs. Philadelphia (ss) at Clearwater, Fla., 12:05 p.m. N.Y. Yankees (ss) vs. Minnesota at Fort Myers, Fla., 12:05 p.m. Toronto (ss) vs. Atlanta (ss) at Kissimmee, Fla., 12:05 p.m. Atlanta (ss) vs. Toronto (ss) at Dunedin, Fla., 12:05 p.m. Washington vs. St. Louis at Jupiter, Fla., 12:05 p.m. Detroit (ss) vs. Houston at Kissimmee, Fla., 12:05 p.m. Philadelphia (ss) vs. N.Y. Yankees (ss) at Tampa, Fla., 12:05 p.m. Boston vs. Baltimore at Sarasota, Fla., 12:05 p.m. Miami vs. N.Y. Mets at Port St. Lucie, Fla., 12:10 p.m. Chicago Cubs vs. L.A. Dodgers at Glendale, Ariz., 2:05 p.m. Colorado (ss) vs. Milwaukee at Phoenix, 3:05 p.m. L.A. Angels (ss) vs. Cincinnati at Goodyear, Ariz., 3:05 p.m. Seattle vs. San Francisco at Scottsdale, Ariz., 3:05 p.m. Cleveland (ss) vs. Texas at Surprise, Ariz., 3:05 p.m. Cleveland (ss) vs. L.A. Angels (ss) at Tempe, Ariz., 3:05 p.m. Kansas City vs. Oakland at Phoenix, 3:05 p.m. Arizona vs. San Diego at Peoria, Ariz., 3:05 p.m. Chicago White Sox vs. Colorado (ss) at Scottsdale, Ariz., 3:10 p.m.

College basketball Friday’s men scores TOURNAMENT Atlantic 10 Conference Quarterfinals Saint Louis 78, La Salle 71 St. Bonaventure 71, Saint Joseph’s 68 UMass 77, Temple 71 Atlantic Coast Conference Quarterfinals Duke 60, Virginia Tech 56 NC State 67, Virginia 64 North Carolina 85, Maryland 69 Big 12 Conference Semifinals Baylor 81, Kansas 72 Big Ten Conference Quarterfinals Michigan 73, Minnesota 69, OT Michigan St. 92, Iowa 75 Wisconsin 79, Indiana 71 Conference USA Semifinals Marshall 73, Southern Miss. 62 Memphis 83, UCF 52 Great West Conference Semifinals NJIT 88, Utah Valley 78, OT North Dakota 63, Texas-Pan American 59 Mid-American Conference Semifinals Akron 78, Kent St. 74 Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference

Daily Corinthian • 11

Semifinals Bethune-Cookman 81, Hampton 72 Norfolk St. 58, Florida A&M 46 Southeastern Conference Quarterfinals Florida 66, Alabama 63 Kentucky 60, LSU 51 Mississippi 77, Tennessee 72, OT Vanderbilt 63, Georgia 41 Southwestern Athletic Conference Semifinals Texas Southern 60, Alcorn St. 55

Women’s scores TOURNAMENTS Big 12 Conference Semifinals Baylor 86, Kansas St. 65 Texas A&M 79, Oklahoma 66 Big Sky Conference Semifinals N. Colorado 51, Montana St. 43 Big South Conference First Round Charleston Southern 57, Campbell 53 High Point 78, Coastal Carolina 57 Liberty 71, UNC Asheville 50 Radford 62, Winthrop 56 Big West Conference Semifinals Long Beach St. 51, Cal Poly 48 UC Santa Barbara 84, Pacific 66 Colonial Athletic Association Quarterfinals Delaware 74, Old Dominion 54 Drexel 65, VCU 61 James Madison 64, George Mason 54 UNC Wilmington 94, Hofstra 87 Conference USA Semifinals Tulane 63, Memphis 44 UTEP 60, UAB 49 Great West Conference Semifinals North Dakota 88, Texas-Pan American 48 Utah Valley 63, NJIT 52 Horizon League Semifinals Detroit 78, Wright St. 70 Green Bay 73, Ill.-Chicago 53 Mid-American Conference Semifinals Cent. Michigan 69, Bowling Green 66 E. Michigan 59, Toledo 57 Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference Semifinals Hampton 64, Coppin St. 43 Howard 51, Florida A&M 43 Missouri Valley Conference Quarterfinals Creighton 53, N. Iowa 46 Drake 56, Illinois St. 54 Missouri St. 58, Bradley 54 Mountain West Conference Semifinals New Mexico 51, Boise St. 50 San Diego St. 73, Wyoming 55 Pacific-12 Conference Semifinals California 64, Washington St. 49 Stanford 52, Arizona St. 43 Southland Conference Championship McNeese St. 60, Stephen F. Austin 56 Southwestern Athletic Conference Semifinals Grambling St. 67, Alcorn St. 41 Prairie View 58, MVSU 55 Western Athletic Conference

Semifinals Fresno St. 80, Idaho 55 Louisiana Tech 73, Utah St. 69

Hockey NHL standings, schedule EASTERN CONFERENCE GP W L OT Pts GF GA d-N.Y. Rangers 67 42 18 7 91 184 145 d-Boston 66 40 23 3 83 217 155 d-Florida 67 31 23 13 75 164 191 Pittsburgh 67 41 21 5 87 214 171 Philadelphia 66 38 21 7 83 218 193 New Jersey 67 38 24 5 81 189 177 Ottawa 69 36 25 8 80 213 202 Washington 67 33 28 6 72 178 190 Winnipeg 68 32 28 8 72 178 190 Buffalo 68 31 29 8 70 167 191 Tampa Bay 67 31 29 7 69 189 229 Toronto 67 30 30 7 67 200 209 Carolina 67 25 27 15 65 177 203 N.Y. Islanders 67 28 30 9 65 156 200 Montreal 68 26 32 10 62 179 192 WESTERN CONFERENCE GP W L OT Pts GF GA d-St. Louis 68 43 18 7 93 177 133 d-Vancouver 68 42 18 8 92 214 168 d-Dallas 68 37 26 5 79 183 183 Detroit 68 44 21 3 91 215 159 Nashville 67 39 21 7 85 192 173 Chicago 69 37 25 7 81 207 203 Phoenix 68 33 25 10 76 175 173 San Jose 66 33 24 9 75 184 170 Los Angeles 68 31 25 12 74 151 150 Colorado 69 35 30 4 74 180 185 Calgary 67 30 25 12 72 164 185 Anaheim 68 29 29 10 68 171 191 Minnesota 68 29 29 10 68 147 189 Edmonton 67 26 35 6 58 178 203 Columbus 67 22 38 7 51 159 217 Thursday’s Games Dallas 4, San Jose 3, SO Minnesota 3, Phoenix 2, SO Boston 3, Buffalo 1 New Jersey 5, N.Y. Islanders 1 Philadelphia 5, Florida 0 Washington 3, Tampa Bay 2, OT Columbus 3, Los Angeles 1 Ottawa 4, N.Y. Rangers 1 St. Louis 3, Anaheim 1 Nashville 4, Colorado 2 Montreal 5, Edmonton 3 Vancouver 3, Winnipeg 2 Friday’s Games Pittsburgh 2, Florida 1, SO Detroit 4, Los Angeles 3 Chicago 4, N.Y. Rangers 3 Winnipeg at Calgary, (n) Saturday’s Games Washington at Boston, Noon Edmonton at Colorado, 2p.m. Philadelphia at Toronto, 6 p.m. Buffalo at Ottawa, 6 p.m. New Jersey at N.Y. Islanders, 6 p.m. Carolina at Tampa Bay, 6 p.m. Columbus at St. Louis, 7 p.m. Detroit at Nashville, 7 p.m. Anaheim at Dallas, 7 p.m. San Jose at Phoenix, 7 p.m. Montreal at Vancouver, 9 p.m. Sunday’s Games Boston at Pittsburgh, 11:30 a.m. Toronto at Washington, 4 p.m. Carolina at Florida, 4 p.m. St. Louis at Columbus, 5 p.m. Calgary at Minnesota, 5 p.m. Philadelphia at New Jersey, 6 p.m. N.Y. Islanders at N.Y. Rangers, 6 p.m. Los Angeles at Chicago, 7 p.m.

KENTUCKY: ‘A tough, tough, tough loss, I thought we competed as hard and as good as we have all year’ CONTINUED FROM 10

back and pulled out the win.” Kentucky next plays in the tournament semifinals Saturday against Florida, which advanced by beating Alabama 66-63. Storm Warren scored 14 for LSU, which came in as a 17-point underdog after beating Arkansas in Thursday’s opening round. The Tigers led by as much as five points early in the second half

before Jones’ surge turned the tide. “I didn’t want my season to end,” Warren said. “I just pretty much came out and laid it on the line.” Andre Stringer added 11 points for the Tigers, who might have had a real chance to pull off the upset if they could have shot better than 29.4 percent (20 of 68). “A tough, tough, tough loss,” LSU coach Trent Johnson said. “I thought we competed as hard and

as good as we have all year. It’s unfortunate for us that we had some shots that didn’t go down for us. ... But let’s give credit to them. That’s not a good basketball team that beat us. That’s a great basketball team.” LSU held the lead early in the second half, thanks to an 11-2 run highlighted by Ralston Turner’s transition 3-pointer and his driving finger roll. Then Jones, who scored a season-high 27 points

when these teams met earlier in the season, threw down an alley-oop lob from Darius Miller and soon after drove the baseline for another dunk. “Our coach challenged us to be more aggressive, said that they were being more physical than us in the first half,” Jones said. “We just tried to step that up in the second half by getting to the foul line, by just going through bumps.” Jones’ putback gave Kentucky the lead for

good at 37-35, and soon after Davis began to find his typically smooth stroke, scoring 11 of his points in the second half. While Kentucky never led by double digits, it never appeared seriously threatened during the final five minutes, after LSU’s 6-foot-9, 262-pound forward Johnny O’Bryant fouled out. Turner and guard Anthony Hickey, a Kentucky native, each finished with 10 points for the Tigers,

who lost for the fourth time in five games. The Wildcats shot 43 percent (18 of 42) and outrebounded LSU 42-36, but their turnovers were double their average for the season, helping the Tigers stay within single digits. Kentucky entered the game not only as a heavy favorite but had the crowd overwhelmingly in its favor, despite the fact the game was being played 85 miles from LSU’s Baton Rouge campus.

GATORS: Florida’s struggle lost their last three regular season games CONTINUED FROM 10

“Our team, we’re mature,” said senior guard Kenny Boynton, who hit two late free throws to seal the victory. “We’ve been through everything, played the best teams throughout this year, so I think we’ll come out to-

morrow and be ready to play.” Alabama (21-11) lost for just the second time in seven games. Green had 22 points, Trevor Releford scored 12 and Lacey added 11. “My teammates did a great job of finding me,” Green said. “I think we

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did a great job of just passing the ball and playing as a team.” It’s been a struggle of late for Florida, which lost its last three regularseason games to Georgia, Vanderbilt and Kentucky. And this one wasn’t

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12 • Daily Corinthian

Horoscopes by Holiday BY HOLIDAY MATHIS The Libra moon offers you an opportunity to work things out. In all likelihood, all will happen for the better. The danger is that you are too conciliatory, muting your own interests to serve your love’s needs. Don’t forget that you are equal to each and every being. Also recognize that you are the main person responsible for you. ARIES (March 21-April 19). Something will take over when you need it most. Maybe it’s a survival instinct, or maybe it’s help from on high. It doesn’t matter what you call this help; you’ll appreciate it all the same. TAURUS (April 20May 20). Your wisdom will kick in before you waste time chasing or striving for something meaningless. It doesn’t matter how you rate against the next person. You’ll surpass yourself, and this will be an amazingly satisfying feat. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’ll make like an actor now and stretch into the role in which you’ve been cast. You might think of this as an honor, a challenge or a pain. It is likely that all three will fit in some way. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You will be susceptible to a fever of impulsivity. Make only thoughtful decisions. If you feel yourself acting rashly, consider that you may feel differently when a few hours have passed. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’re a hard worker, but you’re an even harder player. It’s what you do during off hours that will have the most impact. There’s a way to behave responsibly and still fol-

low the call of your wild soul. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You have your own peculiar sense of timing. You’ll feel the hand of fate at your back, but you won’t budge. You refuse to be rushed by anyone, including the larger forces like weather and destiny. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). People need to be given credit for what they have contributed to your life. No matter how small an effort it might have been, it may be large in their minds, and they are expecting a nod. SCORPIO (Oct. 24Nov. 21). You will be the purveyor of good taste among your crowd this weekend. Take the responsibility seriously. Show the others what they need to do in order to lift the level of artistry and excellence. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Mothers of toddlers fully appreciate what it takes to get another (often belligerent) person where they need to be, dressed and ready at the expected time. You’ll be in a similar position to the toddler moms now. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Your commitment to family means that you are sometimes interrupted by events that are only important to the person experiencing them. Outsiders couldn’t care less. It will feel good to know that you are on the inside. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20Feb. 18). So many ideas out there in the world, and everyone seems to want to share with you. But you have your own ideas, don’t you? And you’re so independent today that you just may close your ears to the rest.

Granddaughter gets an earful

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Your gifts are hard to define. But they are real, and that’s something you shouldn’t doubt. Explore them instead. Enjoy the gift of you. It’s something that is sorely needed in this world. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (March 10). Your friends and ancestors are helping you this year. If you don’t believe that the unseen forces can assist your destiny, you’ll change your mind by April. June will bring an exciting twist to your personal life. Your interests broaden, and your good luck doubles. Professional moves lead to location changes. Cancer and Aquarius people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 5, 20, 33, 1 and 28. COSMIC CONFIDENCE: In the age of Facebook and YouTube, there are more opportunities than ever before to project yourself in a public forum. Your astrological sign offers unique insight to help you gain the confident edge that will make others take notice and give you the right kind of attention. So what’s your cosmic advantage? CAPRICORN: The gurus suggest that the path to enlightenment involves the elimination of opinion. “Huh?� the opinionated person exclaims! Who would I be without my point of view? The gurus suggest that the “who� is not important. You would be one with the universe. If you would like to write to Holiday Mathis, please go to www.creators.com and click on “Write the Author� on the Holiday Mathis page.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

a game with you. DEAR ABBY: DEAR ABBY: I’m a 12-year-old My husband died girl who loves muunexpectedly eight sic and electronmonths ago, leavics. I sit on the ing me with two swing and listen young children to to music on my Abigail raise on my own. iPod through my earbuds. at least Van Buren It has been a long, hard road. I have a half-hour every Dear Abby tried to make sure day — sometimes my in-laws conmore. When my grandma tinue having contact with visited, she tried to talk my children, encouragto me when I was giving ing visits to my home and my iPod my undivided dropping the kids off at attention. When I finally their homes when they realized she was talking have asked. I recently let everyone to me, I took my earbuds out so I could hear her. know that, although I still She told me the earbuds miss my husband terribly, were going to make me I have been lonely and deaf. (I listen on four or I’m ready to start dating again. I was frankly unfive notches.) One night we were prepared for the barrage playing a card game of absolute hate that was where you have to play sent my way by my husreally fast and watch a band’s parents and sibgazillion piles of cards lings. They have cut off all at once. The game made contact with me and thus me dizzy, and I said so. my children, which has Grandma said it was be- left me stunned and sent my kids reeling from even cause of my iPod. Is there a way to tell more loss in their lives. Is there something her to stop blaming my iPod for everything? — wrong or disrespectful MUSIC LOVER IN with my wanting companionship and to be ARIZONA DEAR MUSIC happy again? My in-laws LOVER: Loud noises seem to expect me to be in can damage a person’s mourning forever, which hearing, and there is le- is cruel and incredibly ingitimate concern that considerate. Please help the sound levels at which me find peace with all of people listen to music cause hearing problems. However, I suspect your grandmother is less concerned with the damage your iPod will do than she is about the fact that you don’t give her your full attention. I’m surprised your parents haven’t mentioned to you that showing good manners means being polite, respectful and not ignoring your grandmother when she’s trying to talk to you or play

this because it’s tearing me up inside. — IN TURMOIL IN DETROIT DEAR IN TURMOIL: Your former in-laws may have been less upset had you waited a full year before letting “everyone� know that you’re ready to start going on with your life. Not knowing them, I can’t be sure what has caused them to shun you and their grandchildren. As one chapter has closed, another is opening up and you will have a full life ahead of you. As much as you may have loved your husband, now that he is gone you have every right to continue living a full and happy life. My deepest sympathy to you. DEAR READERS: If you live in a state where daylight saving time is observed, don’t forget to turn your clocks forward one hour before going to bed tonight. Daylight saving time begins at 2 a.m. Sunday. Hallelujah — it’ll be lighter later! Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

( ! & %

# ! ! (Payment Plans available) ) % # + $ ( " * ) #

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Contact Laura Holloway at 662-287-6111 ext. 308 to advertise your Law Firm on this page.

Bain & Moss Attorneys At Law

LAW OFFICES OF CHARLES E. HODUM Announces the Re-establishment of Offices at 601 Main Street, Walnut, Mississippi 38683 Tippah County Hours by appointment Office 1-662-223-6895

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662-287-1620 516 Fillmore St. • Corinth, MS Background Information Available Upon Request Listing Of These Previously Mentioned Area(s) Of Practice Does Not Indicate Any Certification Of Expertise Therein.

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13 • Daily Corinthian







ACROSS 1 Natural liniment 11 Beliefs 15 MacLeish work inspired by a treatise published circa 18 B.C. 16 “The Grapes of Wrathâ€? traveler 17 Decent sort 18 Turner of records 19 Rubble creator 20 WWII leadership monogram 21 Picks up 23 Like many poll questions 25 “Paradise Lostâ€? figure 28 Period in a sonnet 29 Without getting excited 31 Govt. benefits provider 32 Bleep 35 SautĂŠ 36 Golfer’s concern 37 Mexican salamander 39 The States, to Mexicans 41 ReuniĂłn attendees 42 Word of awe 44 Main arteries 45 Sudanese leader? 46 “Age before beauty!â€? 48 __-Julie: Montreal suburb 49 Media workers’ org. 50 Employ against, as tear gas 54 Develop canines, say 56 Welcome site 58 Jacuzzi setting 59 Last Stuart monarch 60 Participant in an annual event since 1951 64 Year of Alexander V’s death 65 Dude ranch problem 66 Nuisance 67 They require discussions

DOWN 1 Toady? 2 Castle seen in “The Whirl of Life� 3 USAF E-6’s 4 Apple core, briefly 5 Keep 6 Command 7 Idle 8 First half of an indirect course? 9 Antique French coin 10 Dylan hit originally written for “Midnight Cowboy� 11 Speck 12 Getaway that gives you a lift 13 Where Brooklyn Park is 14 Eel-like marine reptiles 22 Ethyl ending 24 Nobelist Bohr 26 Boxer’s cry 27 Weary 30 Basketball formation with numerous play options 32 Office gadget

33 Ontologist’s concern 34 Unfinished business 36 Falcon-headed god 38 Longtime Mississippi senator 40 Bad sign for one seeking a shortcut 43 Unnamed woman

46 “That feels great!� 47 Inn choice 51 These, in Tijuana 52 Bridget Riley genre 53 Nasal passages 55 Modern dialogue unit 57 One who’s with you 61 Humanities degs. 62 Plugs 63 Helmsman’s hdg.


Beetle Bailey

Wizard of Id




Baby Blues

Barney Google and Snuffy Smith

By Barry C. Silk (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.


Saturday, March 10, 2012

14 • Saturday, March 10, 2012 • Daily Corinthian

HOLDER ACCOUNTING FIRM • Electronic Filing • Refund Anticipation Loans • Audit Representation • Authorized IRS E-File Provider

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TAX GUIDE 2012 Free Electronic Filing with paid preparation. Fully computerized tax preparation. Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8am-8pm Sat. 9am-5pm Sun. By appt. only

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IDBA>CHDC For Quality Income Tax Advertise Your Advertise Your Preparation 688DJCI>C< With A Personal Touch ™ 6ji]dg^oZY >GH":ĂƒaZ Egdk^YZg ™ Tax Service Here Tax Service Here ™ :aZXigdc^X ;^a^c\ ™ Vicki Gann, 8dbejiZg egZeVgZY iVm gZijgch for for CPA >cY^k^YjVa! 8dgedgViZ (662) 462-7493 $90 A Month. $90 EVgicZgh]^e A Month. 34 County Road 523 =djgh/ -"+ B"; HVi# -"&' Corinth, MS 38834 CallDeZc nZVg"gdjcY 287-6147 for Call 287-6147 for &+%) H =VgeZg GY ™ 8dg^ci]! BH “Referral discounts available to new & existing tax clientsâ€? more details. ++'"'-,"&..* more details.

Advertise Your Tax Service Here for $90 A Month. Call 287-6147 for more details.

Advertise Your Tax Service Here for $90 A Month. Call 287-6147 for more details.


“King George� Long-haired orange male cat, approx. 15 lbs., clipped left ear, had collar with bell.

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Afton Subdivision off Hwy 2 North

Any info: 286-9605

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Black and White Border Collie,

name Isaac, last seen 2/6/12 on Hack Bridge Rd. in Eastview, TN. No collar. If found, call Greg Forsyth at 731-610-0182.

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In The Daily Corinthian And The Community Profiles $



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exposenunnelee.com (paid for by exposenunnelee.com super pac)


Community Profiles


Lunch served daily M-F from 11:00 am to 2 pm. Ask about catering private parties, rehearsal dinners, bridal showers, corporate dinners, etc. Our Chef will work with you.

Community Profiles

Sr. Citizen Discount

or I will split them up. FOR EXAMPLE: Concrete cages $3.00 each Galvanized cages, $2.50 - 6 ft. cage; $2.00 - 4 ft. cage.


662-665-1133 662-286-8257


Community Profiles

BUCK MARSH 662-287-2924




TOMATO CAGES concrete wire or galvanized wire cages, 100 metal posts, high tenure wire clamps, turn buckles, all 600 cages, wire post clamp, $1250.00

662-212-3952 Lawn Maintenance, Garden Work/Flower Beds/ Prep, Land Clearing, Bush Hogging

924 Fillmore St. in Historic Downtown Corinth



Chad Bragg Owner/Operator Corinth, MS • Carports • Vinyl Siding • Room Additions • Shingles & Metal Roofing • Concrete Drives • Interior & Exterior Painting

The General's Quarters

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40 Years




BUCK HOLLOW SUBD. AC 2 5 4 1.79 3.42 6 4.58 6.47

Community Profiles

Cost $8000 $20,000 $16,000 $7160 $13,680 $24,000 $18,240 $16,175

Down $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

Fin. Payments Monthly $7500 36 $208.33 $19,500 72 $270 $15,500 72 $215 $6660 36 $185 $13,180 60 $219.66 $23,500 120 195.86 $17,740 60 $295.66 $15,675 96 $163

State maintained Roads 6� water line, Pickwick Electric 3 miles N.W. Corinth city limits.

662-287-2924 Buck Marsh

37 CR 252

Community Profiles

See LynnParvin Parvin Lynn General Sales Manager

JONES GM 545 Florence Road, Savannah, TN 731-925-4923 or 1-877-492-8305 www.jonesmotorcompany.com

Community Profiles

1500 sq. ft. 3 BR, 2 BA, large LR, large laundry, stainless appliances, paved drive, storage building, fenced back yard, perfect for family with small kids, visiting grandkids or pets. Best neighborhood in Alcorn County! $84,000. 662594-5733. Shown by appt. only!

Daily Corinthian • Saturday, March 10, 2012 • 15

0107 Special Notice

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS When Placing Ads 1. Make sure your ad reads the way you want it! Make sure our Ad Consultants reads the ad back to you. 2. Make sure your ad is in the proper classification. 3. After our deadline at 3 p.m., the ad cannot be corrected, changed or stopped until the next day. 4. Check your ad the 1st day for errors. If error has been made, we will be happy to correct it, but you must call before deadline (3 p.m.) to get that done for the next day. Please call 662-287-6147 if you cannot find your ad or need to make changes!

Garage/Estate 0151 Sales

SAT ONLY, 7-til, furn, beds, living rm, tools, clothes, hh, kids items, etc. Hwy 350 beside Absolute Auto Sales.

YARD SALE SPECIAL ANY 3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS Ad must run prior to or day of sale! (Deadline is 3 p.m. day before ad is to run!) (Exception-Sun. deadline is 3 pm Fri.) 5 LINES (Apprx. 20 Words)

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Medical/ 0220 Dental FULL TIME LPN position to Medical Office. Please send resumes to: P. O. Box 548, Corinth, MS 38835.

0232 General Help SATELLITE INSTALLERS! $$$$$$$$$$$$

Looking for experienced technicians in the Corinth – Holly Springs Area for installation of Dish Network systems. Must have WHITE work vehicle and tools. TOP $$$ Advanced Satellite Communications, Inc. is an established company in the satellite industry. Call Mike at 731-845-4545 to schedule an interview.

0232 General Help CAUTION! ADVERTISEMENTS in this classification usually offer informational service of products designed to help FIND employment. Before you send money to any advertiser, it is your responsibility to verify the validity of the offer. Remember: If an ad appears to sound “too good to be true”, then it may be! Inquiries can be made by contacting the Better Business Bureau at 1-800-987-8280. SITE FOREMAN NEEDED-Reed Contracting Services, Inc. has an opening for an experienced Site Foreman at our Counce, TN location. Applicant must have experience in civil site work, able to manage project schedules, understanding of heavy construction equipment, knowledge of applicable safety regulations, and a complete understanding of site drawings. We offer health, dental, 401k, holidays, vacation. Company paid life and disability insurance. Reed Contracting is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. Qualified minorities and females are encouraged to apply. Send resume to jobapps4u@gmail.com or you may call (256) 533-0505.

EXPERIENCED FIELD MECHANIC NEEDED. Reed Contracting Services, Inc. is looking for an experienced Field Mechanic for heavy construction equipment and heavy duty trucks at our Counce, TN location. Applicant must have own tools. CDL not required, but a plus. We offer competitive pay, life, health, dental, disability, 401k, holiday pay, and vacation. Company paid life and disability insurance. Please send resume to jobapps4u@gmail.com or (256) 533-0505. Reed Contracting Services is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. Qualified minorities and females are encouraged to apply.

0244 Trucking DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED NOW! Learn to drive for US Xpress Earn $800 per week No experience needed. CDL & Job-Ready in 15 Days! Special WIA & VA Funding Available Call 1-888-540-7364

0260 Restaurant HISTORIC BOTEL is now accepting applications for the following positions: Servers, bartenders, kitchen staff & store clerks. Applications are available at the Botel Market, 1010 Botel Lane, Savannah, TN or email your resume to info@quickgetawaynow.com.


0320 Cats/Dogs/Pets AKC REG Labs, $300 5m/3f, Y&B, S&W, dewclaws removed, champ bldline. 662-415-5155

FREE L A R G E PUPS, mixed breed. 286-9006. FREE PETS: 1 cat named Freckles; 1 lg. dog named Zebe. Not used to other animals. 662-837-5288.


Farm 0470 Equipment INSULATED INCUBATOR, 4-drawers, holds 250 lg. eggs, great hatches, $495. 462-3976 or 415-0146.


Household 0509 Goods BLUE FLAMES, natural gas heater w/blower, gas line incl., used 1 winter, $150. 662-665-1488. PROPANE GAS FP log insert, 2 yrs. old, $1000 new, asking $500. 662-665-1488.

Musical 0512 Merchandise 1812 UPRIGHT piano, plays good, only 20 made, great antique piece, $500 obo. 286-3949. SMALL P I A N O with bench, $475. 462-7711.

Lawn & Garden

0288 Elderly Care

0521 Equipment

WILL SIT with the elderly and do housework. Have CNA experience. Ten years experience. References available. 731-439-5558

MTD RIDER 12 HP Briggs & Stratton engine, 36" cut, good cond. & ready to mow. $375. 662-415-3967.

D SellFit E I I S S Free! for A L ED C

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Sporting 0527 Goods

0533 Furniture

Misc. Items for 0563 Sale

3 DOZ. used golf balls, WHITE TWIN size head- ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR, mixed brands, $15. board, asking $25. Jazzy selects 6, 1 yr old, 662-603-1382. 462-4229 b/f 9 pm. like new, charged up & ready to use. $450. BROWNING 308 lever ac662-415-1626 tion Redfield 3x9, $800. 0536 Misc. Tickets 731-610-3793. BRISTOL RACE tickets for FREE ADVERTISING. AdGOLF CLUBS: All-lies Sale: 2 tickets for 3/17 vertise any item valued Shallow Face 9, $5. race & 2 tickets for 3/18 at $500 or less for free. Knight Escape strong 7 race. All for $210. Call The ads must be for priwood, $10. 662-603-1382. 662-415-2071 vate party or personal merchandise and will GOLF CLUBS: Demstator exclude pets & pet supBuilding Hybrid 5 iron, $5; Titan 0542 plies, livestock (incl. Materials Plus Hybrid, $5. chickens, ducks, cattle, 32 IN. antique 3-glass goats, etc), garage 662-603-1382. pane front door, wood sales, hay, firewood, & GOLF CLUBS: Dunlop Li- door painted white nar Force iron set, w/casing, asking $50. automobiles . To take advantage of this pro3-pitching w / s t e e l 662-603-1151. gram, readers should shaft, $40. 662-603-1382. 32 IN. white storm door, simply email their ad GOLF CLUBS: used Dun- a s k i n g $ 2 0 . to: freeads@dailycorinlop Quatro plus Iron set thian.com or mail the 3- sand w/putter, 662-603-1151. ad to Free Ads, P.O. Box w/oversize head on 1800, Corinth, MS 38835. Machinery & irons, steel shaft, comes Please include your adw/bag, $ 5 0 . 0545 Tools dress for our records. 662-603-1382. STARBURST ALUMINUM Each ad may include GOLF C L U B S : Used tool box Chevrolet only one item, the item Knight OC Technology s h o r t wheel b a s e must be priced in the U-cut iron set, 5-pitch- $ 1 0 0 . 0 0 . P h o n e ad and the price must ing w/putter & 3&R hy- 662-286-6582 be $500 or less. Ads may brid w/steel shaft, $75. be up to approximately 662-603-1382. Wanted to 0554 Rent/Buy/Trade 20 words including the phone number and will USED KATANA softball bat, 34 in., 27 oz., $20. M&M. CASH for junk cars run for five days. 662-603-1382. & trucks. We pick up. LADIES SIZE 9 Sketchers 662-415-5435 o r Shape-Ups shoes, gray & USED REEBOK golf shoe, 731-239-4114. white, like new, only size 8 1/2, $10. one time, $25. 662-603-1382. Misc. Items for worn 662-212-3432. 0563

0533 Furniture


(2) BASKETBALL goals on LARGE CHARCOAL GRILL & charcoal $20 each. w/gas (2) 30 inch Oak bar s t a n d s , burner, $200. 287-2509 stools, new, $ 5 0 . 287-6419 or 415-0863. or 808-3908. 662-423-2354. 42X54 LARGE framed ANTIQUE BABY crib, mirror, $200. 287-2509 or MATTRESS AND box springs, queen size, wood spool design, 808-3908. very good, clean, $50 with mattress, good cond., $65. 662-287-8894. CHAIN LINK kennel, in set. 462-5983. panels, 6' x 16' x 4' w/1 DAY BED, wood frame, gate, good cond., $150. NICE SUPER cute cowboy baby bedding set, good cond., includes Walnut, 223-6299. paid over $200 new, mattress, $150. only slept on one time, 662-415-9836. like new, $60. NICE COUNTRY white CHAIN LINK kennel, in 662-212-3432. w/wood top pedestal panels, 10' x 20' x 5' w/3' commercial, table & chairs, $100. g a t e , 9-gauge, heavy, new, PHALTZGRAFF MARGA662-212-3432. RITA service for 8, din$450. Walnut, 223-6299. NICE GLIDER Rocker & ner plates, salad plates, stool, white w/denim CHILDS PLASTIC adjust- bowls, mugs, plus cushions, $ 6 0 . able doorway gate, ask- matching cookie jar, ing $10. 462-4229 b/f 9 662-212-3432. s/p, 2 platters, 2 serving pm. bowls. New. $125.00. NICE WHITE metal baby DARK RED prom dress 662-284-5086. bed & mattress, $100. w/shawl size 12, full 662-212-3432. length $50. call 720-2036 POTTY CHAIR or over the toilet elevated NICE WOOD, wrought DITTOS FOR KIDDOS potty chair, asking $25. iron and glass coffee/end tables, $100 Children’s Consignment 462-4229 b/f 9 pm. Sale. March 3-10 for both. 662-808-0670. QUEEN SIZE North Alabama OAK SEWING machine comforter/shams/bedFairgrounds cabinet with white skirt/1 pr. matching Woodward Ave., jeans machine, made drapes, matching Muscle Shoals like desk, 8 drawers, shower curtain, burEverything for Kids solid Oak, $ 2 0 0 . www.dittosforkiddos. g u n d y / g o l d , $50. 662-284-5085. 662-423-2354. net

Misc. Items for 0563 Sale CHICKEN COOP, $200. 287-2509 OR 808-3908. RAZORBACK DART board with some darts, asking $15. 462-4229 b/f 9 pm.


Homes for 0710 Sale

HUD PUBLISHER’S REPTILE AQUARIUM NOTICE w/heat rock, heat lamp All real estate adver& all access. $50. tised herein is subject 662-603-3156. to the Federal Fair SUMMER INFANT deluxe Housing Act which 3-stage super booster makes it illegal to adseat high chair with toy vertise any preference, ring, looks similar to limitation, or discrimiBombo seat, but nicer, nation based on race, $30. 662-212-3432. color, religion, sex, VINTAGE HEBROS men's handicap, familial status watch, stainless steel, or national origin, or inself-winding, watch tention to make any works great, $100. such preferences, limitations or discrimina662-603-1151. tion. VINTAGE LADY Hamilton State laws forbid diswatch, 14K white gold crimination in the sale, w/diamonds, watch rental, or advertising of works great, $150. real estate based on 662-603-1151. factors in addition to those protected under REAL ESTATE FOR RENT federal law. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real esUnfurnished tate which is in viola0610 Apartments tion of the law. All persons are hereby in2 BR, stove/refrig. furn., formed that all dwellW&D hookup, CHA. ings advertised are 287-3257. available on an equal MAGNOLIA APTS. 2 BR, opportunity basis. stove, refrig., water. $365. 286-2256. FREE MOVE IN (WAC): 2 0734 Lots & Acreage BR, 1 BA, stove & refrig., (6) LOTS off Salem Road W&D hookup, CR 735, (CR 423). Lots are Section 8 apvd. $400 125x200. $1500 per lot. mo. 287-0105. Buy all 6 for $7500. FamNICE APT., city, 2BR/1BA, ily Financial Services, appl. incl., W/D hkup. 665-7976. Financing $425+dep. 287-5557. available to qualified WEAVER APTS 504 N. buyer. Cass 1 br, scr.porch. w/d $375+util, 286-2255

Furnished 0615 Apartments 15 MI. east of Iuka on TN. River, furn. 1 BR, $795 mo. + dep. Includes utilities, sat. TV, telephone, W&D. Sr. discounts. 256-360-2565.

Mobile Homes 0741 for Sale

NEW 2 BR Homes Del. & setup $25,950.00 Clayton Homes Supercenter of Corinth, 1/4 mile past hospital on 72 West.

Homes for 0620 Rent

NEW 3 BR, 1 BA HOMES Del. & setup $29,950.00 2 BR, 1 BA, stove/refrig. Clayton Homes furn., Hwy 2 N.E. $375 Supercenter of Corinth mo., $375 d e p . 1/4 mile past hospital on 72 West. 901-606-7266. 2 BR, in city, nice location, single carport, 286-5075.

Mobile Homes 0675 for Rent 2 BR, stove & ref. furn., $250 mo., $100 dep. 287-3461 or 396-1678.

NEW 4 BR, 2 BA home Del. & setup $44,500 Clayton Homes Supercenter of Corinth, 1/4 mi. past hospital on 72 West 662-287-4600

Advertising Assistant Designer The Daily Corinthian has an immediate opening in our advertising department for advertising assistant – designer. This position is responsible for assisting our advertising manager and sales departmentwith data entry, coordinating special projects, and layout and design of special newspaper pages. In addition to these duties this position also works closely with our commercial print customers. The successful candidate will possess a good working knowledge of computers, be an excellent typist and speller. Must be able to work in a fast paced environment and be able to interact well with coworkers. Experience with InDesign, Quark, Photoshop or Microsoft Publisher is a plus. This is a fulltime position offering good starting pay, paid vacation, sick days, paid holidays, major medical, dental and vision insurance, prescription card program and company matched 401k. To apply send your resume to: Denise Mitchell, Advertising Manger, P.O. Box 1800, Corinth, MS 38835 or email admanager@dailycorinthian.com The Daily Corinthian is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, or disability.


16 • Saturday, March 10, 2012 • Daily Corinthian Manufactured

0747 Homes for Sale NEW 3 Bedroom with Glamour Master Bath Payments under $300/month Vinyl siding Shingle roof Energy Savings Package Central Heat/Air Underpinning Appliances & MORE!! WINDHAM HOMES Corinth, MS 287-6991

Trucks for 0864 Sale

0860 Vans for Sale


0868 Cars for Sale

'10 WHITE 15-pass. van, 3 to choose f r o m . '08 DODGE RAM 1500, 1-800-898-0290 o r 4x4, crew cab, red, $23,400. 1-800-898-0290 728-5381. or 728-5381.

Sport Utility 0856 Vehicles 2010 EQUINOX, white w/black int., loaded, 45,000 miles. 808-5049, 287-2968 or 415-6290.

Trucks for 0864 Sale

0868 Cars for Sale

'05 GMC Crew Cab LTR, 38k, #1419. $16,900. 1-800-898-0290 or 728-5381.

'08 CHEVY HHR LT, ltr, moon roof, 33k, $11,900. 1-800-898-0290 or 728-5381.

CARS: 1977 Ford & 1979 Lincoln; Trucks: 1988, 1990, 1994, 2004 Ford, 1976 & 1980 Chev. 662-665-0639.





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Exc. cond. inside & out. Mechanically sound cond. Leather seats, only 98,000 mi reg.

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‘01 DODGE STRATUS ES, sun roof, cold air, automatic.





LETTERS TESTAMENTARY having been granted on the 23 day of February, 2012, by the Chancery Court of Alcorn County, Mississippi, to the undersigned Executor of the Last Will and Testament of LILLIE KATHERINE BLANKENSHIP, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said Estate to present the same to the Clerk of said Court for probate and registration according to law within ninety (90) days from this date, or they will be forever barred.


Fort Financial Credit Union 1808 S. Fulton Drive Corinth, MS 38834

DAILY CORINTHIAN 1607 S. Harper Rd. Corinth, MS

Home Improvement & Repair


LETTERS TESTAMENTARY having been granted on the 23 day of February, 2012, by the Chancery Court of Alcorn County, Mississippi, to the undersigned Executor of the Last Will and Testament of LILLIE KATHERINE BLANKENSHIP, deceased, This the 23 day of Febru(Newspaper Carrier) notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against ary, 2012. said Estate to present the ANTHONY ALLEN same to the Clerk of said BLANKENSHIP Court for probate and regisExecutrix tration according to law within ninety (90) days from this date, or they will be for- 3t 2/25, 3/3, 3/10/12 13590 ever barred. For Sale to Highest This the 23 day of FebruBidder Requirements: ary, 2012. 2008 Dodge Grand Caravan • Driver’s License ANTHONY ALLEN 1D8HN44H58B114122 BLANKENSHIP Mileage 66792 • Dependable Transportation Executrix • Light Bookwork Ability (will train) Vehicle will be sold to the 3t 2/25, 3/3, 3/10/12 highest bidder on or after 13590 • Liability Insurance Monday, March 12, 2012. This vehicle is located at Stateline Auto, 1620 Battleground Drive, Iuka, MS. Bids will be taken at that location MonPlease come by the day-Friday 8a-4p. The underDaily Corinthian and signed reserves the right to fill out a questionaire. bid.

1607 S. Harper Rd., Corinth, MS

1607 S. Harper Rd., Corinth, MS



No. 2012-0116-02

Excellent Earnings Potential

Requirements: • Driver’s License • Dependable Transportation • Light Bookwork Ability (will train) • Liability Insurance

Please come by the Daily Corinthian and fill out a questionaire.



BUTLER, DOUG: Foundation, floor leveling, bricks cracking, rotten wood, basements, shower floor. Over 35 yrs. exp. Free est. 731-239-8945 or 662-284-6146.

I DO IT ALL! Painting int. & ext., pressure washing: driveways, patios, decks, houses; carpentry, plumbing, laminate flooring installation & more. If you need it fixed, don't hesitate to call. No job too small. Guar. work. Free est. 662-284-6848.

HANDY-MAN REPAIR Spec. Lic. & Bonded, plumbing, electrical, floors, woodrot, carpentry, sheetrock. Res./com. Remodeling & repairs. 662-286-5978.

Storage, Indoor/ Outdoor AMERICAN MINI STORAGE 2058 S. Tate Across from World Color


MORRIS CRUM Mini-Stor. 72 W. 3 diff. locations, unloading docks, rental truck avail, 286-3826.

3t 3/9, 10, 11, 2012 13616


Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD! Here’s How It Works: Your ad will be composed 1 column wide and 2 inches deep. The ad will run each day in the Daily Corinthian until your vehicle sells. Ad must include photo, description, and price. You provide the photo. Certain restrictions apply. 1. No dealers. 2. Non-commercial only 3. Must pay in advance. No exceptions. 4. Single item only. 5. Categories included are auto, motorcycle, tractor. boat, RV and ATV 6. After every 30 DAYS, advertised price of listing needs to be reduced. 7. NO REFUNDS for any reason 8. NON-TRANSFERABLE. Call 287-6147 to place your ad!




2000 DODGE CARAVAN Sports Ed., maroon, looks & drive great, 182k miles.

$2,800 firm. 662-415-0858


2006 GMC YUKON Exc. cond. inside & out, 106k miles, 3rd row seat, garage kept, front & rear A/C,tow pkg., loaded

30 ft., with slide out & built-in TV antenna, 2 TV’s, 7400 miles.

$75,000. 662-287-7734




exc. cond., dealership maintained.


662-462-7158 home or 731-607-6699 cell


3010 Model #KAF650E, 1854 hrs., bench seat, tilt bed, 4 WD & windshield, well maintained. Great for farm or hunting. $6500.

731-212-9659 731-212-9661.

'97 HONDA GOLD WING, 1500 6 cylinder miles, 3003 Voyager kit. 662-287-8949



$7900 662-728-3193


85,000 actual miles,


662-286-9476 or 662-603-5372


$1500. 731-645-0157 AFTER 4 P.M.


2007 Franklin pull camper, 36’, lots of space, 2 A/C units, 2 slide outs, 2 doors, shower & tub, 20’ awning, full kitchen, W&D, $13,000.

black, quadra steer (4-wheel steering), LT, 80k miles, loaded, leather, tow package, ext. cab.

$13,000 OBO. 662-415-9007.





$6500 OR TRADE


looks & rides real good!



Call 662-423-6872 or 662-660-3433


FOR SALE 1961 CHEV. 2 dr. hardtop (bubble top), sound body, runs.



2006 YAMAHA FZI 3k miles, adult owned, corbin seat, selling due to health reasons, original owner.


$4900 286-6103


250cc, just serviced, new front tire, red in color, 7,724 miles,

Days only, 662-415-3408.





GRAND PRIX, 35k miles, V6, auto, CD, fully loaded, new tires


‘06 VOLKSWAGON NEW BEETLE 2.5 L 5 cyl., 6-spd., Tip Tronic auto. trans., lt. green w/beige int., heated seats, RW defrost, PW, outside rear view mirrors, PDL, AM/Fm radio w/CD, MP3, traction control, sun roof, looks brand new even under hood, 14,350 mi



286-3654 or cell 284-7424

’09 Hyundai Accent


2006 NISSAN MAXIMA black, CD player, A/C, gray int., 150,000 miles, loaded.


662-808-1978 or REDUCED


39,000 MILES,

$2100 $1995



“New” Condition




2002 INTERNATIONAL, Cat. engine

$15,000 287-3448


2nd owner, 4 cyl., under 30,000 mi., 36 mpg, looking for payoff.

red with new tan top, 5-speed, 4.6, V-8, Cooper 17” tires, runs great, asking price $5200.

1999 CHEROKEE SPORT 4X4, 6 cyl., all works good except for A/C





215-666-1374 662-665-0209

1991 Ford Econoline Van, 48,000 miles, good cond., one owner, serious interest. $7000. 287-5206.

2003 Honda 300 EX 2007 black plastics & after market parts.


2008 Jayco Eagle 5th Wheel 38’, 4 slides, exc. cond., $28,000 firm. Trailer located in Counce, TN. 425-503-5467

$2,000 $2,500 462-5379

1995 HARLEY DAVIDSON SPORTSTER 1200 Screaming Eagle exhaust, only 7K miles, like new,



Mtr. & Trans., New Tires, Must See

$10,500 $12,000

662-415-8623 or 287-8894 REDUCED

2005 Kawasaki 4-wheeler 4 wheel drive, Brute force, v-twin, 650 cc, 260 hrs., $3550. 662-603-9014




For Sale:


2000 Custom Harley Davidson

2001 HONDA REBEL 250

‘04 Kawasaki Vulcan Classic 1500


30” ITP Mud Lights, sound bars, 2600 miles.



8,900 miles, 45 m.p.g. Red & Black

$5,500 Call: 662-423-5257 after 5:00 pm

’04 HONDA SHADOW 750 $



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