Daily corinthian E-Edition 12-23-11

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Friday Dec. 23,


50 cents

Daily Corinthian Vol. 115, No. 305

2011 Christmas Basket Fund ‘A Community Tradition’

Donations to basket fund near $27,000 The spirit of giving this Christmas season is alive and well in the Alcorn County area. Donations continue to arrive for the 16th annual Corinth Rotary Club/Daily Corinthian Christmas Basket Fund. A $25,000 fundraising goal was set so 1,100 food baskets could be given to local families on Saturday, Dec. 10. It was a record number of baskets and the community has responded in a big way. Baskets were given away based upon the faith the goal would be reached and the faith has now turned into fact with the goal not only being reached, but surpassed. So far $26,930 has been raised. Donations include $100 from A.H. Taylor; and $50 from Lora Ann Huff in memory of Leroy Hopkins. Donations will continue to be accepted through Christmas Day and are a perfect time to make a tribute to a loved one. Contributions to the Christmas Basket Fund can be made “in honor of” or “in memory of” a special person or persons. The tribute will be published in the Daily Corinthian. Donations can be brought by the newspaper office or mailed to: Daily Corinthian, Attn.: Christmas Basket Fund, P.O. Box 1800, Corinth, MS 38835.

CT-A needs young actors for 2 plays BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

Corinth Theatre-Arts is looking for young actors to take the stage in two upcoming productions. “We’re looking for youth of all ages through 19,” said CT-A Managing Director Tommy Ledbetter. “No preparation or experience is required — all you’ve got to do is show up for the audition and read a page of the script.” Auditions for “The Fisherman and His Wife” and “The Emperor’s New Clothes” will be held Monday, Jan. 2, and Tuesday, Jan. 3, beginning at 4 p.m. at the Crossroads Playhouse. Tryouts for both productions will be held on both dates. “The Fisherman and His Wife” is based on one of the Brothers Grimm’s most famous fairy tales, the story of a good man content with very little and the destruction caused by his dissatisfied wife after an encounter with a magical fish with the power to grant wishes. The cast will require approximately 12 actors. Sponsored by Northside Mini Storage and LINK, “The Fisherman and His Wife will be performed on Friday, Feb. 24, at 7:30 p.m. It is also a traveling production, and will be taken to several schools in Please see CT-A | 3A

Mainly cloudy Today




• Corinth, Mississippi • 22 pages • 2 sections

Port authority lands grants Funds will build spec building, railroad spur in industrial park BY BRANT SAPPINGTON bsappington@dailycorinthian.com

BURNSVILLE — A pair of improvement projects in the works at the Northeast Mississippi Waterway Industrial Park could pay big dividends for future economic development in the region.

The Yellow Creek Port Authority has received a pair of grants from the Mississippi Department of Transportation Multi-Modal Fund that will be combined with port authority funds to construct a spec building and begin the first phase of construction to connect a rail

line to the barge terminal at the industrial park. TAP Alliance members say the projects will greatly improve the attractiveness of the industrial park to potential industries. The group, which represents economic development organizations and local

governments in Tishomingo, Alcorn and Prentiss counties, is focused on working together to bring new industry and employers to the region by combining resources and strategies for the benefit of all involved. Please see GRANTS | 2A

Retirement of voting printers OK’d BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com

The U.S. Department of Justice has given approval for Alcorn County to stop using the external printer modules attached to the county’s electronic voting machines. Abandonment of the printer attachment has been a trend among Mississippi counties that use electronic voting machines. Prentiss County is among those

that have already stopped using the extra paper trail. The printers were intended to give voters confidence that their vote was recorded by allowing them to look at it on paper, but election officials believe it is rarely utilized by voters. Also, “If you have any trouble, that’s where 99 percent of it is — usually a paper jam,” said Circuit Clerk Joe Caldwell. If the printer runs out of pa-

per before a voter has finished casting his vote, the voter has to wait for the printer module to be reloaded. Removing the printer will reduce those types of delays, Caldwell said. Caldwell said he doesn’t know of any problems that have arisen in counties that have stopped using them. “We still are going to have a paper printout,” he said. “There is a printer made into

the system.” The printer module is an optional add-on that the state purchased when many counties were moving to the electronic touch-screen machines in order to comply with federal law. It allows voters to see their votes through a clear plastic window on the module attached to the right side of the Please see PRINTERS | 2A

ACHS BearBots team competes at regionals BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

An area school wrapped up the inaugural year of its robotics program by participating in a regional competition. The Alcorn Central High School Technology Discovery BearBots robotics team went up against teams and robots from around the nation in the 2011 South’s BEST Robotics Competition at Auburn (Ala.) University. Over 50 robotics teams competed in the event on Dec. 2-3. The local group finished 19th. The 2011 ACHS BearBots team has four members: freshmen Isaac Byrom and William Odom; a sophomore, Shari Armstrong; and a junior, Joshua Nix. “I was very pleased with our students,” said Lillie Weaver, ACHS Technology Discovery instructor and BearBots coach. “We placed 19th and competed against teams with 20 to 30 members.” The competition required the BearBots to work in pairs Please see BEARBOTS | 2A

Submitted photo

The ACHS Technology Discovery BearBots team wrapped up the inaugural year of the school’s robotics program with a trip to Auburn University to compete in the 2011 South’s BEST Robotics competition. The 2011 ACHS BearBots team has four members: freshmen Isaac Byrom and William Odom; a sophomore, Shari Armstrong; and a junior, Joshua Nix.

Civitans spread Christmas cheer with annual Kids Day BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

Submitted photo

Telephone Pioneer Club member Edna Earl Orr visits with the man from the North Pole during the Corinth Civitans’ annual Kids Day. Edna’s husband, the late Jimmy Orr, was a Civitans member when Kids Day started 35 years ago. The Telephone Pioneer Club works with the Civitans to make Kids Day a reality.

Index Stocks...... 7A Classified......5B Comics......4B Wisdom......3B

Weather......5A Obituaries......3A Opinion......4A Sports...8-9A

The Corinth Civitans are doing their part to bring Christmas joy to a group of local children. The Corinth Civitans Club recently held its annual Kids Day — a day dedicated to helping local children have a special Christmas. “Kids Day is one of my favorite times of the year. The Corinth Civitan theme this year is ‘Enriching lives through service’ — what better way to serve the community,” said Civitans President Tina Bugg. “Also it is a great way to put the theme into action by helping share the true meaning of Christmas by helping children.” It all started back in 1976 or ’77, remembered Tommy Stine, a long-time Civitan and current board member. The Civitans wanted to do something to bring a brighter Christmas

to area kids who needed it. It began with two Alcorn County kids and a clothes-buying trip to Belk. This year the Civitans brought their brand of Christmas joy to 12 children, all in kindergarten and first grade at schools in Corinth and Alcorn County, and all chosen by their teachers. The event was held Dec. 14. The days begins when the kids arrive at the Civitans’ regular meeting place, Hillandale Country Club. “We feed them a nice lunch — this year it was chicken tenders and hamburgers — and make them the center of attention,” Stine explained. Right about the time lunch ends, Santa Claus arrives, bringing sacks of “goodies” for the kids and a willingness to sit for pictures and listen to Christmas wishes. Please see CIVITANS | 2A

On this day in history 150 years ago Great Britain gives the United States one week to return the Confederate agents taken from the mail packet Trent. England threatens to recall her ambassador and break of diplomatic relations if the demand is not met.

2A • Friday, December 23, 2011 • Daily Corinthian

GRANTS: ‘It’s great to have land, but without infrastructure it’s an uphill battle,’ Alliance president says CONTINUED FROM 1A

TAP member and Corinth Alliance President Gary Chandler said the rail spur project will begin the creation of approximately one mile of rail line, the first step in connecting NorfolkSouthern’s nearby line with the barge terminal. The total cost of the entire project will be approximately $3-4 million. Phase I of the rail spur project is being funded through $700,000 from MDOT’s multimodal fund, matched by $300,000 from the Port Authority. Phase I is expected to be completed prior to June 2013 and will include

alignment of the rail bed and railed ballast. It is a first step toward the eventually construction of the entire spur. Chandler termed the project a significant first step in the right direction toward making the industrial park even more appealing to potential new industries. “It’s great to have land, but without infrastructure it’s an uphill battle,” he said. Rail access to the terminal is considered key to meeting the needs of many industries that might consider locating in the area. The port authority has also obtained funds

through the MDOT program to be matched by its own funds for construction of a 20,000-squarefoot spec building with the capacity for the installation of a 20-ton crane near the barge terminal in the park. The project is being funded through a $400,000 award to the port authority from the MDOT program, matched by $400,000 of port authority funds. Site work on the project is complete and the port authority is preparing to award the construction project. The building is slated to be complete by June of 2012. The building will be designed to be easily expanded or modified to

meet the needs of any potential industrial client. Chandler said the TAP Alliance has worked closely with the port authority on both projects and is thrilled to see the work being done on the industrial park. He noted that a study commissioned by TAP this year pointed to the industrial park as a key site for industrial development in the region. He said they are continuing to work on new ways to market the site to industries with the goal of bringing new jobs to the region. “The TAP Alliance and Yellow Creek Port Authority are ‘all in’ in terms of working together to pur-

sue necessary infrastructure and to aggressively market the Northeast Mississippi Waterway Industrial Park site in Burnsville. Without the motivation of the YCPA director and its board in seeking and matching these funds, these two projects would not be on the table. In order for our region to thrive and grow, it is imperative that we continue to build on this spirit of cooperation and keep the positive momentum going. Only good things will come of it,” said Chandler. Tishomingo County Development Association Executive Director and TAP Alliance Member Gary Matthews said these types of infrastructure improvements are key to successfully recruiting industry in today’s climate. “Industrial prospects today expect a ready to build on site,” he said. He praised the port au-

thority for stepping up and being progressive in improving the industrial park to make it more attractive. Matthews emphasized that this type of effort is a long-term process that may not result in immediate successes, but will pave the way for the possibility of major success in the future. TAP Alliance member and Prentiss County Development Association Executive Director Leon Hays said they are grateful for the work being done by the port authority at the site. “Yellow Creek Port is a jewel of the area. It’s something we’re all looking to promote,” he said. Hays said TAP is working together to make the area more attractive and competitive in recruiting industry and this project is an example of an effort that can put the area in a more competitive position.

BEARBOTS: Team looks to 2012 with plans of working on website CONTINUED FROM 1A

— a spotter and a driver — to maneuver their robot in a series of challenges. While they finished four places away from moving on to the next round, the BearBots quickly shifted their focus to plans for next year’s robotics competitions. “The kids were already making plans and brainstorming in the bus on the way back,” said Weaver. “The minute we finished, they started getting ready for next year.” The BearBots earned this month’s trip to Auburn University by finishing second in the Mississippi BEST Robotics challenge at Mississippi State University on Oct. 28. The focus on robotics is a new thing for Alcorn Central. Weaver started the after-School robotics program on Sept. 17. With the help of her husband Paul, a retired engineer,

and Joel Byrom, father of the BearBots’ Isaac, Weaver and the BearBots have quickly moved from beginners to contenders. They look to 2012 with plans of working on a website and expanding the program to encompass Tshirt design and displays as they go for the more comprehensive Best Award. Another focus is the job of recruiting younger students to the team. Weaver and the BearBots wish to thank John Mocny and their sponsors at Caterpillar for the company’s “more than generous” sponsorship; and the West Corinth Subway. “We are most grateful for those sponsors,” said Weaver. They also wish to thank Rodney Hopper at the Alcorn Career and Technology Center; ACHS Assistant Principal Lisa Wigginton; Superintendent Stacy Suggs and other members of the administration.

PRINTERS: County will see cost savings of about $6k per election CONTINUED FROM 1A

voting machine. Caldwell said some counties believed it was needed with the transition to new voting machines, and then-Secretary of State Eric Caldwell made the purchase. Jackson County was the first to back out of using the printers in 2007. Federal law does not require a voter-verified paper trail. Some states have such laws, but Mississippi is not among them. Caldwell said the consensus among county election

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commissioners and poll workers is that few voters ever look at the paper printout. The external printer is not used in tallying votes. The county will see a cost savings of about $6,000 per election for the paper rolls and related expenses, the circuit clerk said. The Alcorn County election commissioners wanted the change to happen after this year’s countywide election. Next on the election calendar is the congressional and presidential primary election in March.

CIVITANS: Each child gets about $100 worth of shoes and clothing CONTINUED FROM 1A

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Following the Santa session, the Civitans dismiss the meeting at Hillandale and meet the kids at Belk. The kids ride with their teachers, who picked out clothes for their students the day before at the department store. After the stop at Belk, they go over to Joe’s Shoes for new footwear. Each child gets approximately $100 worth of shoes and clothing. Stine said the real value, before discounts from the stores, is more like $300 apiece. When the shopping is done the school day is over, and the kids ride

home in school buses or with their teachers. The Civitans members get to know the true joy of Christmas — the joy of giving. “We enjoy that so much,” Stine said. “It makes my Christmas to be a part of it.” The Civitans thank Corinth’s Belk and Joe’s Shoes for allowing them a discount for the Kids Day program and the community for supporting the Civitans’ efforts through fundraisers and donations. “This is a tradition that I and the club truly enjoy and are blessed every year,” said Bugg.

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3A • Daily Corinthian

Corinth Catholic Church founded by Confederate priest he Rev. John Baptist Mouton, a former Confederate chaplain, was the first resident Catholic priest in Corinth. John Baptist Mouton was born at Maumusso, Loire Inferieure, Frances on March 7, 1831. He studied at the seminary in Nantes and was a pupil of the famous Pere Loyson. He was ordained at Nantes on Jan. 31, 1859. When Father Mouton left France for Natchez, Mississippi, he was going to what was for him, a “foreign” mission field. He reached Natchez May 2, 1859. After studying English for a time at Sulphur Springs, Father Mouton began his missionary journeys in the eastern part of Mississippi. He is sometimes called “the pioneer of the faith” in Northeast Mississippi because he served so many towns and communities in that area. Father Mouton’s missionary journeys extended from Jasper and Smith counties to Tennessee. In traveling through the sparsely-settled areas, he sometimes had difficulty finding food and shelter from the wintery winds for himself and his horse, “Jim.” The priest was sent to Corinth for a time in 1862 when it became apparent that a battle would be fought there or nearby. He received a chaplain’s commission in November, 1862. During and after the Civil War he served elsewhere in Mississippi until 1872 when he helped construct Vicki a little frame church in Corinth and it’s first resident pastor. The Roach became building was 65 by 30 feet and was Family located on the southeast corner of the Branches intersection of Foote and Madison streets. The church was called St. John the Baptist. There were cedar trees in the yard. In 1899 the church, which was considered beyond repair, was torn down and the lot sold. Father Mouton is known to have been pastor in Corinth as late as 1875-1876. In 1877 he was sent to Yazoo City, where he died of yellow fever on Oct. 22, 1879. He was one of the group of six priests and 16 sisters who died of yellow fever in the Diocese of Natchez, during the epidemic of that year. Father Mouton is buried in Glenwood cemetery at Yazoo City. On his tomb are the words “The good shepherd givith his life for his sheep.” The sources for this brief account are many and varied, though the main source was certain records preserved by the Diocese of Natchez, Jackson. These were examined by the writer through the courtesy of the Most Reverend R.O. Gerow, Bishop of the Diocese. An interesting postscript was added to this writer’s notes on Father Mouton in 1959 when she learned the priest’s letters from Mississippi to


Please see ROACH | 5A

CT-A: ‘Emperor’s New Clothes’ will be performed Feb. 17 and 18 CONTINUED FROM 1A

Alcorn County. “The Emperor’s New Clothes” is a classic, comic tale of blindness and arrogance. Sponsored by Physicians Urgent Care, it will be performed at 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 17 and 18, and 2 p.m. on Feb. 19. The play calls for eight male and four female cast members. Following the cast selection process, rehearsal will begin in mid-January and require about four evenings each week from cast members. For more information contact CT-A at 287-2995 or visit corinththeatrearts.com


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Deaths Alma P. Moore Alma P. Moore died Thursday, Dec. 22, 2011, at her residence. Arrangements are incomplete and will be announced by Memorial Funeral Home.

Nancy Waller

Source: War Between the States

Friday, December 23, 2011

Nancy Waller, 78, of Corinth, died Thursday, Dec. 22, 2011, at Methodist Hospital in Memphis, Tenn. Arrangements are incomplete and will be announced by Magnolia Funeral Home.

Sharon Wiginton Sharon Rose Wiginton of Corinth died Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2011, at her home. A memorial service will be announced at a later date by McPeters Funeral Directors.

Bro. Danny Joe Lambert BURNSVILLE — Funeral services for Bro. Danny Joe Lambert, 46, are set for 2 p.m. today at Magnolia Funeral Home Chapel of Memories with burial at Burnsville City Cemetery. Bro. Lambert died Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2011, at North Mississippi Medical Center in Iuka. Born Sept. 3, 1965, he was a respiratory therapist at

Addie Lowrey Addie Lowrey died Thursday, Dec. 22, 2011, at North Mississippi Medical Center. She was born Jan. 5, 1924, in Belmont, to the late Bethel and Arabella Credille. She was retired from Wurlitzer and a member of Shiloh Baptist Church. She enjoyed spending time with her family. She was preceded in death by her parents; a son, David Lowrey; a daughter, Doris McManus; a grandson, Tracey Settlemires; and 14 brothers and sisters. Survivors include her husband of 65 years, Jack Lowrey; a son, James O. Lowrey (Rita), a daughter, Pat Oaks (Roy), all of Corinth; her sisters, Edna Cleveland of Belmont, Amy Goodard of Procter, W.Va., her grandchildren, Tony Lowrey (Brandy), Shannon Palmer (Bradley), Chass Moore (Jeremy), Ashley Blakely, Scott Hayes; her great-grandchildren, Bryce Palmer, Emmaleigh Palmer, Claudia Lowrey, Kaitland Moore, Adam Moore; and a host of other family and friends. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Saturday at Memorial Funeral Home Chapel with Bro. Phillip Caples officiating. Burial will be in the Shiloh Baptist Cemetery. Pallbearers are David Turner, Jerry Gant, Bradley Palmer, Jer-

ECM Hospital in Florence, Ala., and the Pastor of Spirit and Truth Christian Fellowship Church in Burnsville. He was a U.S. Navy veteran. He was preceded in death by his mother, Elizabeth Isbell Lambert; his paternal grandfather, Jodie Lambert; and his maternal grandparents, Archie and Opal Isbell. Survivors include his wife of 27 years, Mary Lambert of Burnsville; two sons, Derrick Lambert (Amanda) of Burnsville and Hunter Lambert of Burnsville; one grandchild, Noah Lambert; his father, Bobby Lambert (Kathy) of Burnsville; two brothers, Scottie Lambert (Lisa) of Corinth, and Donny Lambert of Burnsville; three step-sisters, Teresa Fugitt (Brad) of Rienzi, Melissa Joslin of Corinth, and April Powers (Chris) of Burnsville; numerous nieces, nephews, other relatives and a host of friends. Bro. Barry Bishop and Bro. Randy Isbell will officiate. Visitation is today from 1 p.m. until service time at Magnolia Funeral Home.

G.W. Long RIPLEY — Funeral services for G.W. Long, 77, are set for 2:30 p.m. today at Cedar Mound Church in Ripley with burial at Cedar Mound emy Moore, Ricky Tyson and Timmy Tyson. Visitation is today from 5 until 8 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. until service time.

Patsy Wright GLEN — Funeral services for Patsy Marea Dotson Wright, 56, are set for 11 a.m. today at Berea Church of Christ in Burnsville with burial at Harmony Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Wright died Tuesday, Dec. 20, 2011, with her family by her side at Magnolia Regional Health Center. Born June 7, 1955, she was a homemaker. She loved her family and friends, especially her children and grandchildren. She was a member Wright of Berea Church of Christ. She was preceded in death by her father, Richard H. “Junior” Dotson; and a nephew, Stefen Dotson. Survivors include her husband of 33 years, Bob Wright of Glen; a son, Will Wright of Corinth; two daughters, Marea Wilson (Tommy) of Corinth, and Sarah

The Daily Corinthian include the following information in obituaries: The name, age, city of residence of the deceased; when, where and manner of death of the deceased; time and location of funeral service; name of officiant; time and location of visitation; time and location of memorial services; biographical information can include date of birth, education, place of employment/occupation, military service and church membership; survivors can include spouse, children, parents, grandparents, siblings (step included), and grandchildren, great-grandchildren can be listed by number only; preceded in death can include spouse, children, parents, grandparents, siblings (step included), grandchildren; great-grandchildren can be listed by number only.

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Droke (Greg) of Corinth; two grandchildren, Preston Cline and Olivia Wilson; her mother, Louise Bullard Dotson of Burnsville two brothers, Ricky Dotson (Jane) of Burnsville, and Tim Dotson (Amy) of Iuka; two sisters, Linda Wixom (Rick) of Burnsville, and Shirley Venatta (Greg) of Iuka; her nieces and nephews, Bud Dotson, Wes Dotson, Chris McMeans, Brett McMeans, Allison Binion, J.T. Dotson, Richard Williams, Veronica Degraw, Katie Miles, Trey Wright, Zack Nordan, Lee Nordan; a host of great nieces and nephews; her aunts and uncles, Moise Johnson, Ramona Caveness, Johnnie Ruth Robertson and Franklin Dotson; her great aunts, Eunice Robinson and Justine Hudson; other relatives and a host of friends. Pallbearers will be Bud Dotson, Wes Dotson, Ronnie Garrett, Michael Knight, John Gaines and Ronnie Degraw. Honorary pallbearers will be Richard Williams, Brett McMeans, J.T. Dotson and Chris McMeans. Minister Jim Estes and Tommy Wilson will officiate. Visitation is today from 10 a.m. until service time at Berea Church of Christ in Burnsville. Magnolia Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

Obituary Policy

excludes Vietri

Bennett Apothecary

Church Cemetery. Mr. Long died Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2011, at his home. Born July 28, 2011, he was a farmer. He was of the Baptist faith. He was preceded in death by his parents, George Wesley and Ethel Gates Long; one brother, James W. Long; and four sisters, Lockie Paul, Ludie Herman, Leneda Bennett and Georgette Garner. Survivors include his wife, Mary Ruth Bobo Long of Ripley; three daughters, Gail Orman (Charles) of Corinth, Karin Stewart (David) of Walnut, and Penny Goldman (Brian) of Hensley, Ark.; one son, J.R. Long (Debby) of Ripley; three sisters, Ina Hilburn of Corinth; Sabra Hudson of Glen, Callon J. Burns of Corinth; one brother, Ned Long of Little Rock, Ark.; eight grandchildren, Wesley Orman (Donna) of Corinth, Jason Orman (Laurisa) of Nettleton, Adam Stewart and Dylan Stewart, both of Walnut, Kimberly James of Texas, Ryan Long and Austin Long, both of Ripley, and Gavin Goldman of Hensley, Ark.; and two great-grandchildren. Bro. Billy Studdard will officiate. Visitation began Thursday and will continue until service time at the church. McBride Funeral Home Inc. - Ripley is in charge of arrangements.

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Reece Terry, publisher

Mark Boehler, editor

4A • Friday, December 23, 2011

Corinth, Miss.

Are public opinion polls really magic? BY ROGER SIMON With the glut of debate stories safely behind us until human beings actually cast votes in Iowa on Jan. 3, the media now shift their concentration to what really counts: polls. Polls are predictions of the future. They are crystal balls. They are magic. Pollsters try to deny this, humbly murmuring about how their magic is a mere “snapshot in time.” But we don’t believe this. Pollsters are wizards, shamans, diviners. They toss numbers around the way astragalomancers once tossed bones to foretell events to come. Increasingly, however, pollsters find it difficult to get people to talk to them. This should not be a surprise. Pollsters call us during inconvenient times when they expect us to be home (the dinner hour, for example) and then can ask all sorts of personal questions about our age, sex, religion, party affiliation, income and whom we intend to vote for. I have never been called by a political pollster and don’t know anybody who has, but I know some pollsters, who assure me they don’t make the numbers up, and I believe them. Pollsters do get people to talk to them. Not vast numbers of people, but pollsters do not require vast numbers. A recent Washington Post-ABC News poll, which is highly respected, tells us that “Gingrich and Romney are each favored by 30 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents.” Also, the “survey shows President Obama receiving his highest approval rating since March ... (and) the number who disapprove of his overall performance has dipped below 50 percent for the first time this fall.” We are a nation of nearly 313 million people. So how many people did the pollsters actually speak to? If you have extremely good eyes, you can find the answer in tiny type at the bottom of a chart: The Post-ABC poll was conducted by phone “among a random sample of 1,005 adults.” That represents 0.0003 percent of the nation at large. The poll does not tell us how many are registered voters, though it does say in a sidebar story: “The president leads a potential race against former House speaker Newt Gingrich (Ga.) by 51 to 43 percent among registered voters — in part because of an eight-point advantage among independents.” So the poll must have spoken to registered voters and independents, but we don’t know how many. And, frankly, who cares? Most people do not read the fine print. As I said, this poll has a very good reputation, and I “believe” the results in that I believe they were calculated without any agenda. But in the vast, murky world known as reality, are Gingrich and Mitt Romney really tied 30-30? And, if they are, what different does it make? The primary is not a national contest, but a series of state contests by which the winning candidate amasses a majority of the approximately 2,288 delegates to the Republican National Convention. Does Obama really lead Gingrich by 8 percentage points in a (currently) imaginary matchup? Gingrich’s drop in the polls — one shows him in third place in Iowa behind Ron Paul and Romney — and Obama’s rise have become big media talking points over the last few days. There is little real political analysis anymore. Instead, there are journalists who read polls and try to explain the results: Newt’s drop? Attack ads by his opponents are damaging him, people are learning more about him and don’t like what they are learning. Obama’s rise? The 21st paragraph of a sidebar story to the Post-ABC poll contains a figure that may be of critical importance: “The new survey finds that most Americans are optimistic about their personal finances, even though gloom continues about prospects for the national economy.” People who are personally optimistic are the kind of people who do not change horses in midstream, especially if they feel the stream is strewn with rocks. You can challenge the accuracy of polls. But you can’t challenge their influence. Roger Simon is chief political columnist of politico.com, an award-winning journalist and a New York Times best selling author.

Prayer for today Dear God of peace, help us to sense your presence at all times and to seek your peace. Amen.

A verse to share And the angel said unto them, Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all the people: for there is born to you this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord. — Luke 2: 10-11

Reece Terry publisher rterry@dailycorinthian.com

Paul shows his party’s weakness weakness of this ReRepublican presipublican field that it dential candidate hasn’t even been able Ron Paul is in a bid to produce a respectto make history in able out-there liberIowa. Can he become tarian. the first marginal, Paul can be a winconspiracy-minded Rich some figure in his ircongressman with an Lowery ritable, absent-mindembarrassing cataway. log of racist material National ed-professor Review Invariably wearing a published under his suit jacket that looks name to win the caua size or two too big, he has cuses? In 2008, the surest way stood out in the debates for to get applause in the Re- his knowledge and for his publican primary debates entirely consistent worldwas to excoriate Ron Paul. view applied to any probThis year, the Texas liber- lem, politics be damned. tarian stands much closer He gives listeners reason to the emotional center of to smile or nod a couple of gravity of the party in his times every debate, and reacondemnations of govern- son to wonder if he has been ment spending, crony capi- reading too much Noam talism, the Federal Reserve Chomsky. He tends to bring any and foreign intervention. He brings 100-proof moon- conversation back to the shine to the GOP cocktail malignancy of U.S. foreign party. It can be invigorating policy. In the final debate in and fun, if you ignore the Iowa, he rambled on about how worries about the Iranasty adulterants. The fight over Ron Paul nian nuclear program are isn’t a battle for the soul “war propaganda,” but if of the Republican Party so the Iranians get the bomb much as for its standards. that they’re not developing, Throughout his career, Paul that’s entirely understandhasn’t been able to distin- able, since we’re “promotguish between fringy cranks ing their desire to have it.” and aboveboard purists. He Jeane Kirkpatrick famously has taken a principled anti- condemned the “Blame government position and America First” Democrats; associated it with loons and would that she had lived bigots. It may be the ulti- long enough to condemn mate commentary on the the “Blame America First”

libertarians. In the debate, Paul went on to warn against a push “to declare war on 1.2 billion Muslims,” as if a country that has resorted to force of arms to save Muslims from starvation (Somalia), from ethnic cleansing (Bosnia, Kosovo) and from brutal dictators (Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya) is bristling with an undifferentiated hostility toward all Muslims. This isn’t an expression of an anti-interventionism so much as a smear. It goes beyond opposition to American foreign policy to a poisonous view of America itself. Paul never knows when to stop. He lets his suspicion of centralized power slip into paranoia worthy of a second-rate Hollywood thriller about government malevolence. In January 2010, he declared: “There’s been a coup, have you heard? It’s the CIA coup. The CIA runs everything, they run the military.” On his latest appearance on the radio show of the conspiracymongering host Alex Jones, he opined that the alleged Iranian plot to kill the Saudi ambassador on U.S. soil was “another propaganda stunt.” He exclaimed that the latest defense bill authorizing the indefinite deten-

tion of enemy combatants will “literally legalize martial law” (yes, “literally”). Paul’s promiscuousness with his ideological bedfellows — he hails members of the John Birch Society for their fine educations and respect for the Constitution — accounts for the disgrace he brought on himself with his newsletters in the 1980s and 1990s. As journalist James Kirchick exposed, they were full of race-baiting and rancid Israel-bashing. Paul maintains he didn’t know what was being written in the first person under his name. To this day, he says he doesn’t know who wrote the copy. Has he asked? During some dozen Republican debates, not one journalist thought to query Paul about the newsletters that would be disqualifying for anyone else. Iowa caucus-goers are protective of their pre-eminent place in the nominating process. If they deliver victory to a history-making Ron Paul, no one should take them as seriously again. Rich Lowry is editor of the National Review. He can be reached via e-mail: comments.lowry@ nationalreview.com.

Islam — the world’s big winner this year his nation’s back on For the 30 years a century of secularsince “The McLaughism and embraced a lin Group” began to form of Islamism. run on network teleMuslim Uighurs vision, the Christmas seek to rip China’s and New Year’s shows largest province have been devoted to Patrick away from Beijing the conferring of anBuchanan and establish an East nual awards. Turkestan. Muslims The first award on Columnist in the North Cauthe Christmas show is casus seek to strip “Biggest Winner.” This year, clearly, one of Dagestan and Ingushetia the world’s big winner was out of Russia. In Iraq and Afghanistan, Americans are — Islam. For this was the year in retreat and Islamists are when what Catholic apolo- celebrating our eviction. While all the world has gist Hilaire Belloc predicted in 1938 would be the “sec- heard of the atrocity against ond period of Islamic pow- Muslims in Srebrenica, er” became manifest to all that world ignores the desecration and destruction of mankind. From Morocco to Paki- Orthodox churches and castan, a great awakening is thedrals in Kosovo and the occurring. And perhaps the ethnic cleansing of Serbs by most dramatic example of the Muslim Albanians that Islam rising again came in President Clinton brought Egypt, with the fall of the to power. Worldwide, the Muslim 60-year-old military dictapopulation has surpassed torship. With the ouster of Hosni Catholicism as the world’s Mubarak after weeks of largest religion, with 48 demonstrations in Tahrir members of the U.N. GenSquare, the West hailed the eral Assembly now boasting a Muslim plurality or macoming of democracy. But democracy delivered jority. India, with 150 million a rude shock. In the first round of voting, over 60 Muslims, has more than percent of all Egyptians cast both Egypt and Iraq. Rustheir ballots for either the sia, with 25 million, has Muslim Brotherhood or the more Muslims than Libya radical Islamist Nour Party and Jordan combined. of the Salafis. In the second China has more than Syria. round last week, 75 percent Five percent of Europe is Muslim, and the numbers voted Islamist. In Tunis and Tripoli, too, continue to rise. And as with Christianthe overthrow of autocrats revealed a silent majority ity when it was surging in the 16th and 17th centuries, sympathetic to Islamism. Recep Erdogan, the most Islam is marked today by important Turkish ruler militancy and intolerance. since Kemal Ataturk, was a From Nigeria to Ethiopia, candidate for Time’s Man Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan of the Year as he turned and Pakistan, Christians

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are being made the victims of Muslim pogroms. And as with Christianity in the 16th and 17th centuries, Islam is a house divided, between Shia and Sunni. If demography is destiny, the future would seem to belong to Islam. Consider. The six most populous Muslim nations — Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria and Turkey — had a total population of 242 million in 1950. By 2050, that 242 million will have quintupled to 1.36 billion people. Meanwhile, Europe’s fertility rate has been below zero population growth since the 1970s. Old Europe is dying, and its indigenous peoples are being replaced by Third World immigrants, millions of them Muslim. Yet there is another side to the Islamic story. In international test scores of high school students in reading, math and science, not one Muslim nation places in the top 30. Take away oil and gas, and from Algeria to Iran these nations would have little to offer the world. Iran would have to fall back on exports of carpets, caviar and pistachio nuts. Not one Muslim nation is a member of the G-8 economic powers or the BRICfour emerging powers — Brazil, Russia, India, China. In the 20th century, the world saw the rise of the Asian “tigers” — South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong. Where are the Muslim tigers? A few years back, the gross domestic product of the entire Arab world was

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only equal to Spain’s. Take away oil and gas, and its exports were equal to Finland’s. Measured by manufacturing power, the Islamic world, though more populous, cannot hold a candle to China. And while Islam was a civilization superior in some ways to the West from the 7th to 17th century, somewhere that world began to stagnate and decline. So the question arises: If Islamism is capturing Libya, Tunisia and Egypt, and will capture other Muslim nations as the Arab Spring advances, where is the historic evidence that these Islamic regimes can convert their states into manufacturing and military powers? Where is the evidence that Islamist regimes, such as Sudan and Iran, can deliver what their peoples demanded when they brought down the dictators? And if, like the communist regimes of the 20th century, they cannot deliver the good life that the rebels sought when they dumped the tyrants, what will follow Islamism, when Islamism inevitably fails? In the long run, does Islamism really own the future of the Islamic world? Or has the clock begun to run on the fundamentalists as well? Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of “Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?” He is an American conservative political commentator, syndicated columnist, politician and broadcaster.

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Daily Corinthian • Friday, December 23, 2011 • 5A

State Briefs

ROACH: After pursuit, general broke up army into smaller commands CONTINUED FROM 3A

Associated Press

FEMA to give partial credit for substandard levees JACKSON — The Federal Emergency Management Agency is taking comments on a proposal that would give partial credit for substandard levees in drawing flood zones and figuring flood insurance rates. It’s not clear how much relief the plan, open for comment until Jan. 30, would offer. But it’s a break from past policy, where substandard levees were treated as if they didn’t exist. FEMA is reassessing levees nationwide, partly as a result of 2005’s Hurricane Katrina. As problems turn up, the old rules had threatened to hamper development in some areas, raise federal flood insurance premiums, and force more people to buy flood insurance.

Alcorn seeks grant for notification system CORINTH — Alcorn County has applied to the state for money to install a countywide emergency notification system. Emergency Management Director Ricky Gibens said that it would take $50,000-$60,000 to install hardware and software. Corinth city government and schools have an emergency notification system in place. The system sends voice or text telephone messages to anyone who registers. Households would purchase the receivers through a local retailer for about $30 or less. Gibens says the grant would help provide receivers to underprivileged and elderly people. Through the system county residents could be alerted to weather emergencies, derailments, floods, wildfires, law enforcement emergencies and even notices like road closures.

Racial bias case returned for trial ABDERDEEN — A federal appeals court has overturned the dismissal of a Clay County woman’s racial discrimination lawsuit against a Starkville bank. The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans on Wednesday sent the case back to federal court in Mississippi for trial. Carol Vaughn alleged in her lawsuit that she was fired by Woodforest Bank because she is white. A Mississippi judge dismissed the case, saying Vaughn did not have enough proof that her termination was racially motivated. The 5th Circuit said a jury, not the judge, “must decide whether Vaughn’s race was the real reason she was fired.”

his native Niocese of Nantes had been destroyed by the incendiary bombing of that city in 1944 during World War II. This information was obtained for her by O.S. (Sammy) Smith Jr. of Corinth while he was studying in France as a Fulbright student.

Federals Occupy Corinth (Part 1) Source: Alcorn County Family History Volume I On June 1st the Federal forces, under Gen. Halleck (who had commanded the Federal Army since Shiloh) marched into and across town to Corona College. There, they met Mrs. Gaston, who had remained to protect the property. She disclaimed any knowledge of which road the Confederates had taken and objected when a United States Flag was hoisted to replace the yellow hospital flag which the college had flown since April. Gen. Halleck ordered Gen. John Pope to pursue the Confederates. A Union Cavalry column

caught up with the Confederate rear guard in Tuscumbia bottom late in the afternoon. They met strong resistance. The Confederates crossed the river and burned the bridge leaving sufficient force to prevent reconstruction. Next morning the Federals went up stream to a narrow place in the river, felled trees and crossed. While the artillery engaged the Confederates at the bridge, the infantry began a flanking movement. Seeing they were about to be trapped, the Confederates withdrew toward the south with the Federals continuing to press their rear. From Booneville,

Gen. John Pope wired for support; but Halleck replied, “The main object now is to get the enemy far enough south to relieve our railroads from danger of immediate attack. There is no object in bringing on a battle if this can be obtained without one. I think by showing a bold front for a day or two, the enemy will continue to retreat, which is all I desire.” Restrained by Gen. Halleck’s attitude, the Federals halted their pursuit at Twenty Mile Creek near Baldwyn. They remained there for eight days before returning to Corinth. When the pursuit ended, Gen. Halleck be-

gan to break up his army into smaller commands. Two divisions were sent north to Bolivar; two moved west into Memphis; and Buell was sent east toward to Chattanooga. One division was assigned to Corinth. Vicki Burress Roach is a professional genealogist and special columnist for the Daily Corinthian. Send queries to: Alcorn County Genealogical Society, Attention: Vicki B. Roach, P.O. Box 1808, Corinth, Miss. 38835-1808. The Alcorn County Genealogical Society’s website is www.avsia.com/ acgs.

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516 Waldron St. • 662-286-5597 Corinth MS

6A • Friday, December 23, 2011 • Daily Corinthian


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US concedes errors in Pakistani deaths BY LOLITA BALDOR Associated Press

WASHINGTON — After 10 years of war in Afghanistan, a persistent lack of trust between the U.S. and Pakistan still complicates operations along the critical Afghanistan border and was a key factor in the errant American airstrikes late last month that killed 24 Pakistani troops. U.S. officials on Thursday accepted some blame for the deadly incident that infuriated Pakistani leaders, prompting Pakistan to shut down key supply routes for the war and further eroding America’s already rocky relations with Islamabad. The Defense Department briefed reporters Thursday on the conclusions reached in its investigation into the November incident. But the U.S. did not

apologize, despite the embarrassing series of communications and coordination errors. And as of Thursday afternoon, it had not briefed Pakistani leaders on the results of the investigation. Pakistan refused to cooperate in the investigation. And the U.S. report — placing some of the blame on Islamabad — is likely to only increase their fury, hamper any hope of rebuilding the relationship and delay the opening of the supply routes. In a Pentagon briefing, Brig. Gen. Stephen Clark, an Air Force special operations officer who led the investigation, made it clear that U.S. forces were fired on first and acted in self-defense. But he acknowledged that efforts to determine who was firing on the U.S.

troops and whether there were friendly Pakistani forces in the area — the primary questions in any cross-border incident — failed because U.S. forces used inaccurate maps, were unaware of Pakistani border post locations and mistakenly provided the wrong location for the troops. There is “an overarching lack of trust between the two sides” that keeps them from giving each other specific details on troops or combat outpost locations, Clark said as he went through a blow-byblow account of the events that began late on Nov. 25 and continued overnight. U.S. and NATO commanders, Clark said, believe that some of their military operations have been compromised when they’ve given details and locations to the Pakistanis.

Nation Briefs Associated Press

Walmart pulls formula after Missouri baby dies COLUMBIA, Mo. — Walmart and health officials awaited tests Thursday on a batch of powdered infant formula that was removed from more than 3,000 stores nationwide after a Missouri newborn who consumed it apparently died from a rare infection. The source of the bacteria that caused the infection has not been determined, but it occurs naturally in the environment and in plants such as wheat and rice. The most worrisome appearances have been in dried milk and powdered formula, which is why manufacturers routinely test for the germs. Walmart pulled the Enfamil Newborn formula from shelves as a precaution following the death of little Avery Cornett in the southern Missouri town of Lebanon. The formula has not been recalled, and the manufacturer said tests showed the batch was negative for the bacteria before it was shipped. Additional tests were under way. Customers who bought formula in 12.5-ounce cans with the lot number ZP1K7G have the option of returning them for a refund or exchange, Gee said.

Package arrives one year late WINTER BEACH, Fla. — An Arkansas woman finally has proof that she bought her mother a Christmas gift last year.

The package Mary Beth Mauldin sent via the United States Postal Service last December finally arrived in Florida on Dec. 16 — one year and six days after it was mailed from Greenbrier, Ark. Mauldin visited the post office numerous times over the past year to try to track the package. The box contained a gift card and a flannel nightgown for her mother, Mary Lou Shelton. Post office officials who say they aren’t sure what caused the delay. Shelton also got some additional holiday cheer when her daughter’s Christmas card arrived this week, three days after it was mailed from Arkansas.

Darryl Worley song to raise money for wildlife ATHENS, Tenn. — Who knew that the song many are familiar with as the theme to “The Andy Griffith Show” had lyrics? The song is actually called “The Fishing Hole” and it has been re-recorded — words and all — by country singer Darryl Worley of Hardin County, Tenn. to benefit state wildlife agencies. Fans who want the song can text the word FISH to 50555. In exchange for a $10 donation added to their phone bill, they will receive a ringtone of “The Fishing Hole.” In Tennessee, the donations go to the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Foundation to help repair damage from recent natural disasters. That includes restoring levees, replacing damaged equipment and re-stocking fish.


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P/E Last


A-B-C-D AES Corp AFLAC AK Steel vjAMR AT&T Inc AbtLab Accenture ActivsBliz AdobeSy AMD Aetna AkamaiT AlaskCom AlcatelLuc Alcoa Allstate AlphaNRs AlteraCp lf Altria AmBev s Amazon AMovilL s ACapAgy AmCapLtd AEagleOut AEP AmExp AGreet AmIntlGrp AmTower Amgen AnalogDev Annaly A123 Sys Apple Inc ApldMatl ArcelorMit ArchCoal ArchDan Atmel AvagoTch Avon BB&T Cp BHP BillLt BP PLC Baidu BakrHu BcoBrades BcoSantSA BcoSBrasil BkofAm BkAm wtA BkAm wtB BkNYMel Barclay Bar iPVix BarrickG Baxter BedBath BerkH B BestBuy BioSante BlockHR Boeing Boise Inc BostonSci Brandyw BrMySq Broadcom BrcdeCm CA Inc CBRE Grp CBS B CPI CSX s CVS Care CblvsNY s CdnNRs gs CanoPet CapOne CapitlSrce Carlisle Carnival Caterpillar Cemex CntryLink ChkPoint CheniereEn ChesEng Chevron Chicos Chimera CienaCorp Cisco Citigrp rs CitrixSys Clearwire CliffsNRs CobaltIEn CocaCola Comcast Comc spcl CompPrdS ConAgra ConocPhil ConsolEngy Corning Cosan Ltd CSVS2xVxS CSVelIVSt s Cree Inc Cummins DCT Indl DDR Corp DR Horton DanaHldg Danaher Deere Dell Inc DelphiFn DeltaAir DenburyR Dndreon DevonE DiamndF lf DirecTV A DxFnBull rs DrSCBr rs DirFnBr rs DrxEnBear DirxSCBull DirxEnBull Discover Disney DomRescs DonlleyRR DowChm DryShips DuPont DukeEngy

18 9 ... ... 15 19 15 19 17 4 9 31 ... ... 9 40 49 15 18 ... 94 10 4 3 16 11 12 6 ... 87 16 13 8 ... 15 7 14 13 9 8 13 10 16 ... 7 45 13 ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 ... ... 10 13 15 16 8 ... 15 15 8 15 ... 18 18 52 12 19 15 8 13 16 12 ... ... 6 34 16 13 14 ... 17 22 ... 7 8 13 6 ... 16 7 34 ... 5 ... 13 17 17 14 15 10 14 6 ... ... ... 24 10 ... ... 54 27 17 12 8 13 11 12 ... 6 ... 13 ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 15 18 9 12 ... 12 17

11.80 42.42 8.16 .57 29.66 55.65 52.58 11.90 27.89 5.45 42.43 31.63 3.35 1.63 8.90 27.41 20.99 37.99 29.82 35.86 179.03 22.68 28.26 7.16 15.02 41.37 47.63 13.39 24.17 59.99 63.34 35.94 16.89 1.72 398.55 10.53 18.31 15.14 28.70 8.13 29.02 17.10 25.34 71.08 42.96 115.56 49.83 16.79 7.53 8.18 5.47 2.06 .31 19.98 11.26 33.83 45.89 49.76 57.58 76.89 23.22 .45 15.90 74.29 6.87 5.23 9.56 35.09 29.77 5.20 20.25 15.41 26.45 1.98 21.09 40.96 14.33 37.06 .07 42.64 6.54 44.37 32.64 91.81 5.47 36.89 53.65 8.55 23.52 106.31 10.55 2.74 12.00 18.13 27.65 61.32 2.03 65.57 15.98 69.19 23.63 23.45 34.25 26.37 71.74 38.38 13.03 11.03 29.07 6.88 21.94 88.15 5.12 12.32 12.52 11.76 46.98 77.76 14.77 44.01 8.36 15.52 7.67 62.87 29.88 42.77 65.75 26.08 37.12 11.38 45.83 46.93 24.30 36.95 52.72 14.80 28.06 2.19 45.57 21.63

+.21 +.70 +.08 +.03 +.36 +.21 +.53 -.03 -.09 +.37 +.37 +4.96 -1.04 +.08 +.06 +.26 +.97 +2.29 -.08 -.16 +4.68 +.42 -.11 +.27 +.19 +.52 +.14 -3.59 +.09 +.60 +.20 +.82 +.11 +.13 +2.11 +.33 +.31 +.35 +.03 +.31 +1.11 -.07 +.59 +.28 +1.22 +2.59 +1.07 +.24 +.07 +.27 +.24 -.01 +.43 +.33 +.07 -.39 +.29 -3.85 +.67 +.34 +.31 +.70 +.37 +.02 +.32 -.20 +.88 +.14 +.19 -.01 +.32 -3.30 +.07 +.50 +.51 +1.25 -.01 +.70 +.12 +.56 -.14 +.18 +.38 +.35 +1.51 +.17 +.53 +.88 -.09 +.02 +.71 +.21 +1.55 +2.86 -.01 +1.81 +.55 -.38 +.04 +.01 +.51 -.09 +1.12 +2.27 +.48 -.34 +.04 -.04 +1.07 +.18 +.14 +.36 -.26 +.23 -.16 +.84 +.07 +.01 -.11 +.10 +.17 +.42 +2.77 -.22 +3.45 -.62 -2.14 -.46 +1.02 +1.77 +.13 +.68 -.07 +.30 +.78 +.10 +.39 -.02

E-F-G-H E-Trade eBay EMC Cp EOG Res EKodak Eaton s ElPasoCp Elan EldorGld g ElectArts EmersonEl EmpDist EnCana g ExcoRes Exelon Expedia s ExpScripts ExxonMbl FedExCp FifthThird Finisar FstHorizon FstNiagara FstSolar Flextrn FootLockr FordM

33 22 21 25 ... 12 ... 12 27 ... 14 17 33 ... 11 9 18 10 15 11 24 34 12 6 7 14 5

7.92 30.61 21.70 98.33 .63 43.38 25.89 12.94 13.95 20.30 45.18 21.12 18.71 9.93 43.35 29.15 45.67 84.29 84.47 12.92 16.97 8.25 8.54 34.15 5.82 23.46 10.94

+.01 +.27 +.17 +.15 +.01 -.32 +.10 +.05 +.25 -1.79 +.02 -.07 +.13 -.03 +1.26 +1.14 +1.17 +.23 +.43 +1.04 +.43 +.13 +2.35 +.16 +.14 +.28

FordM wt FMCG s FrontierCm GATX Gafisa SA GaylrdEnt GenDynam GenElec GenGrPrp GenMills GenMotors GenOn En Genworth Gerdau GileadSci Goldcrp g GoldStr g GoldmanS GreenMtC Hallibrtn HartfdFn HeclaM HercOffsh Hertz HewlettP HomeDp HonwllIntl HopFedBc Hospira HostHotls HudsCity HumGen HuntBnk Huntsmn

... 7 34 23 ... ... 9 15 ... 17 4 ... ... ... 11 18 ... 15 34 12 7 14 ... 14 8 18 14 ... 9 ... ... ... 11 7

2.55 +.10 38.40 +.65 5.10 -.01 44.03 +.23 4.56 -.08 23.39 +.50 66.14 +1.36 18.05 +.53 14.96 +.11 40.31 +.15 20.70 +.38 2.55 +.14 6.34 +.34 7.75 +.18 38.70 -.15 44.53 -.38 1.64 -.09 94.42 +2.42 45.08 -.22 33.54 -.19 16.62 +.36 5.53 -.11 4.53 +.13 11.38 +.29 25.86 +.42 41.92 -.08 54.64 +.45 6.07 +.07 30.45 +1.17 14.55 +.25 6.30 +.11 7.49 +.41 5.61 +.20 9.76 +.25

I-J-K-L ING iShGold iShBraz iSCan iShGer iSh HK iShJapn iSTaiwn iShSilver iShChina25 iShEMkts iShB20 T iShB1-3T iS Eafe iSR1KG iShR2K iShUSPfd iShREst ITW Illumina Informat IngerRd IngrmM Intel InterMune IBM IntPap Interpublic Invesco ItauUnibH IvanhM g JA Solar JDS Uniph JPMorgCh Jabil JanusCap Jefferies JetBlue JohnJn JohnsnCtl JnprNtwk KB Home Keycorp Kimco Kinross g KodiakO g Kohls Kraft Kroger LDK Solar LSI Corp LamResrch LVSands LennarA LibtyIntA LillyEli Limited LincNat LockhdM Lowes

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 37 37 ... 12 10 7 14 10 11 11 ... ... 3 37 7 11 6 11 23 16 13 22 ... 8 77 16 43 12 20 13 9 11 8 25 41 16 9 14 6 9 18

7.31 15.64 57.99 26.28 19.23 15.41 9.01 11.75 28.36 35.31 38.34 119.60 84.47 49.17 57.66 74.27 35.97 56.83 46.97 29.07 36.89 31.14 18.15 24.02 12.31 182.04 28.96 9.52 19.90 18.71 18.22 1.38 10.41 33.45 19.77 6.03 13.98 5.29 65.18 30.42 20.75 6.89 7.73 16.89 11.83 9.13 49.30 37.31 24.16 5.24 6.06 36.75 42.75 19.58 16.37 41.46 39.57 19.13 80.81 25.46

M-N-O-P MEMC MFA Fncl MGIC MGM Rsts Macys Manulife g MarathnO s MktVGold MktVRus MartMM MarvellT Masco Mattel McDrmInt McDnlds MeadJohn Mechel Medtrnic MelcoCrwn Merck MetLife MicronT Microsoft MobileTele MorgStan Mosaic Mylan NYSE Eur Nabors NOilVarco NetApp Netflix NwGold g NY CmtyB NewfldExp NewmtM NewsCpA NewsCpB NextEraEn NikeB NobleCorp NokiaCp NorthropG Novlus NuanceCm Nvidia OCharleys OcciPet OfficeDpt OmniVisn OnSmcnd Oracle PG&E Cp PHH Corp PNC PPG PPL Corp PacEth rs PatriotCoal PattUTI Paychex PeabdyE Penney PeopUtdF PepsiCo PetrbrsA Petrobras Pfizer PhilipMor PiperJaf Popular Potash s PwshDB PSAerDef

... 8 ... ... 12 ... 7 ... ... 43 12 ... 14 15 19 26 ... 12 43 13 8 ... 9 12 9 10 16 11 13 16 21 17 ... 11 8 14 15 16 15 20 23 ... 9 12 ... 14 ... 12 ... 5 21 14 16 15 9 12 11 ... ... 11 20 10 22 23 17 ... ... 14 16 18 ... 13 ... ...

4.01 7.19 3.83 9.48 31.87 10.44 28.88 52.40 27.49 75.79 14.31 10.23 27.82 11.95 98.60 68.76 8.40 37.59 9.39 37.56 31.03 6.41 25.81 15.17 15.88 51.62 21.57 26.35 18.26 68.29 36.08 73.84 10.03 12.32 38.03 61.01 17.36 18.04 59.72 94.82 31.64 4.95 57.80 40.99 25.52 14.31 5.68 94.21 2.27 12.51 7.46 25.69 40.95 11.11 58.00 82.36 29.54 .85 9.48 20.41 29.48 34.54 35.19 12.80 66.04 24.05 25.62 21.63 77.85 20.71 1.38 42.63 26.87 18.38

Trending higher?


+.24 -.11 +.61 +.42 +.13 +.16 +.06 +.14 -.24 +.56 +.50 +.50 -.01 +.44 +.44 +.47 +.32 +.77 +.27 +1.90 +.09 +.22 +.50 +.34 +.76 +.57 +.25 +.11 +.24 +.47 +1.37 +.05 +.61 +1.13 +.37 +.10 +.06 -.08 +.22 +.54 +1.30 -.33 +.19 +.39 +.03 -.05 -.13 -.04 -.32 +.38 +.30 +.04 -.24 -.40 +.08 -.11 +.32 +.43 +1.18 -.50

The government is expected to report that sales of new homes rose slightly in November. That would give homebuilders a third straight month of higher sales. It would also add to the positive vibes about housing of late — the industry has improved enough that builders are more optimistic than at any time since May of 2010. But a rise in sales will do little to stop 2011 from eclipsing 2010 as the worst year for new home sales in a half century.

+.22 +.38 +.01 -.17 +.38 +.74 -.56 +.19 -.61 +.52 +.21 -.17 +.82 -.60 -7.72 +.05 +.72 +.20 +.23 +.62 +.87 +.05 +.43 +.97 +1.66 +.32 +.38 +.43 +.95 +.86 +2.87 -.28 +.20 +.97 -1.87 -.05 -.04 +.04 -1.53 +.04 +.10 +.70 +.22 +.53 +.59 -.03 +1.10 +.06 +1.01 +.27 -.08 -.11 -1.91 +1.12 +.20 +.13 -.06 +.61 +.64 +.02 +.64 +.58 +.32 +.25 +.41 -.05 -.33 +.58 +.06 +2.41 +.03 +.16

PwShs QQQ ProLogis PrUShS&P ProUltSP ProUShL20 ProUSSP500 PrUltSP500 s ProUSSlv rs ProctGam ProgsvCp Prudentl PSEG PulteGrp

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 17 12 7 11 ...

55.60 +.47 28.79 +.53 19.40 -.35 46.24 +.86 18.75 -.13 13.28 -.37 59.98 +1.69 14.95 +.26 66.19 +.19 19.06 +.09 50.48 +1.15 32.15 +.48 6.20 -.11

Eric M Rutledge, AAMSÂŽ Financial Advisor 1500 Harper Road Suite 1 Corinth, MS 38834 662-287-1409

Q-R-S-T Qualcom RF MicD RSC Hldgs RadianGrp RadioShk RAM En h RedHat RegionsFn Renren n RschMotn RiteAid RoyDShllA SLM Cp SpdrDJIA SpdrGold S&P500ETF SpdrHome SpdrS&PBk SpdrLehHY SpdrS&P RB SpdrRetl SpdrOGEx SpdrMetM Safeway StJude Salesforce SanDisk SandRdge Sanofi SaraLee SavientPh Schlmbrg Schwab SeagateT SealAir ShawGrp SiderurNac Slcnware SilvWhtn g Sina SiriusXM SkywksSol SouthnCo SwstAirl SwstnEngy SpectraEn SprintNex SP Matls SP HlthC SP CnSt SP Consum SP Engy SPDR Fncl SP Inds SP Tech SP Util Staples Starbucks StateStr Stryker SuccessF Suncor gs Suntech SunTrst SupEnrgy Supvalu Symantec Synovus TD Ameritr THQ TJX TaiwSemi TalismE g Target TeckRes g TelefEsp s Telik h Tellabs TenetHlth Teradyn Tesoro TevaPhrm TexInst ThermoFis 3M Co TibcoSft TimeWarn TollBros Total SA Transocn Travelers TripAdv n TriQuint TycoIntl

22 19 ... ... 7 25 56 26 ... 3 ... 14 14 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 12 ... 10 12 ... 13 ... 20 17 15 12 ... ... 14 20 ... 45 14 19 38 19 17 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 28 13 15 ... 10 22 17 16 66 18 ... 14 ... 19 ... ... 12 ... ... ... ... 12 10 5 13 12 13 14 37 13 85 ... ... 16 ... 10 14

54.38 5.59 18.56 2.13 9.56 2.01 40.81 4.40 3.40 14.00 1.22 72.97 13.68 121.53 156.04 125.27 17.10 19.94 38.69 24.67 52.59 52.85 50.79 20.93 35.01 100.34 49.66 8.21 36.01 18.84 2.39 67.93 11.44 16.00 17.04 26.04 8.07 4.24 29.31 53.58 1.79 16.33 45.75 8.40 33.40 30.49 2.35 33.59 34.58 32.34 38.75 69.20 13.06 33.77 25.31 35.57 14.06 45.00 41.09 49.72 39.72 28.27 2.40 17.65 29.13 7.92 15.56 1.44 15.59 .72 64.24 12.91 12.13 51.27 35.52 17.19 .19 4.00 4.92 13.69 23.44 41.41 29.50 45.61 80.97 23.76 35.29 20.42 49.62 40.04 59.19 24.53 4.99 46.47

+.89 +.19 -.14 +.16 +.25 +.91 +.91 +.18 +.12 +.22 +.02 +1.18 +.17 +.72 -1.12 +1.10 +.07 +.54 +.04 +.57 -.17 +.86 +.90 +.05 +1.34 +1.31 +1.52 +1.54 +.37 +.10 +.15 +.22 +.25 +.04 +.29 -.26 +.19 +.05 -.26 +1.51 -.01 +.86 -.11 +.03 +.66 -.01 +.02 +.33 +.25 -.01 +.11 +.80 +.26 +.32 +.29 +.04

Brian S Langley Financial Advisor 605 Foote Street Corinth, MS 38834 662-287-4471


Learning from 2011 To paraphrase Yogi Berra, it's tough for investors to make predictions, especially about the future. That was certainly the case in 2011 for investors whose portfolios were hurt by unforeseen developments — from Libya to Japan to Europe to Washington. Here are investing lessons from this year:

... 10 ... ... 17 13 18 50 12 ... ... ... 14 11 7 ... ... 7 ... ... ... ... 16 12 20 ... 54 ... ... ... 13 11 42 16 55 9 10 ... 12 22 20 23 ... 30 16 14 15 20 16 22 ... ...

12.10 5.70 3.18 10.25 104.22 20.26 73.00 29.77 27.34 6.93 38.28 25.99 73.51 50.73 21.10 22.00 20.95 20.99 57.69 39.57 38.56 30.41 39.29 44.81 100.54 8.68 81.16 27.36 39.22 6.39 59.19 33.92 15.70 32.39 14.28 66.78 27.25 5.35 18.31 18.30 32.24 11.99 9.31 20.11 27.00 8.19 32.29 16.00 14.86 58.39 16.15 9.47

Dave Carpenter • AP

-.24 +.47 +1.12


+.92 +.12 +.70 +.51 -.07 +.41 +.04 +.11 -.08 +.74 +.20 +.35 -.45 +.98 +.23 -.01 +.18 +.04 +.27 +.35 -.35 +.94 +.95 +.97 +1.76 +.29 -.26 +.63 +.16 +.10 -3.14 +.25 +.16

12,169.65 5,030.31 459.66 7,460.75 2,246.27 2,599.45 1,254.00 13,163.52 745.51

+61.91 +45.47 +.95 +72.23 +8.64 +21.48 +10.28 +106.75 +5.06

+.51 +.91 +.21 +.98 +.39 +.83 +.83 +.82 +.68

+5.11 +5.15 -1.50 -.96 +13.50 +13.29 -6.32 -5.86 +1.72 +3.51 -2.01 -2.48 -.29 -.22 -1.47 -1.39 -4.87 -5.51

12,240 1.198E+4 11,720


11,000 10,500








STOCKS OF LOCAL INTEREST Name AFLAC AT&T Inc AirProd AlliantEgy AEP AmeriBrgn ATMOS BB&T Cp BP PLC BcpSouth Caterpillar Chevron CocaCola Comcast CrackerB Deere Dell Inc Dillards Dover EnPro FordM FredsInc FullerHB

+.68 +1.20 -.04 +.53 -.53 +.53 -.02 +.17 +.88 -.11 +.74 +.23 +.48 +.41 -.04 +.54 +.45 +.38 +.24 +.06 +1.08 -.18 -1.73 +4.31 +.10 +.34 +1.48 -.20 +.55 +.95 +.33 -.03 +1.10 +.36 +.09 +.17 +.38 +.23 +.13 -.06 +.53 -.18 +.13 +.37 +.01 -.31 -.05 +.54

Div 1.32f 1.76f 2.32 1.70 1.88f .52f 1.38f .64a 1.68 .04 1.84 3.24f 1.88 .45 1.00 1.64 ... .20 1.26 ... .20 .20 .30

PE 9 15 15 16 11 15 15 16 7 24 14 8 13 17 14 12 8 12 14 15 5 17 13

Last 42.42 29.66 84.80 43.33 41.37 37.08 33.15 25.34 42.96 11.19 91.81 106.31 69.19 23.63 50.22 77.76 14.77 44.22 57.59 33.85 10.94 14.21 22.76

Chg +.70 +.36 +.52 -.10 +.52 +.04 +.12 +.59 +1.22 +.39 +.18 +.88 -.38 +.04 -.14 +.84 +.07 -.91 +.11 +.43 +.28 -.22 -.88

YTD %Chg -24.8 +1.0 -6.8 +17.8 +15.0 +8.7 +6.3 -3.6 -2.7 -29.8 -2.0 +16.5 +5.2 +8.0 -8.3 -6.4 +9.0 +16.6 -1.5 -18.6 -34.8 +3.3 +10.9

Name GenCorp GenElec Goodrich Goodyear HonwllIntl Intel Jabil KimbClk Kroger Lowes McDnlds MeadWvco OldNBcp Penney PennyMac PepsiCo PilgrimsP RadioShk RegionsFn SbdCp SearsHldgs Sherwin SiriusXM

Div ... .68f 1.16 ... 1.49f .84 .32f 2.80 .46f .56 2.80f 1.00 .28 .80 2.00 2.06 ... .50f .04 3.00a .33t 1.46 ...

PE Last Chg ... 5.50 +.08 15 18.05 +.53 26 123.07 -.14 31 14.07 +.23 14 54.64 +.45 10 24.02 +.34 11 19.77 +.37 17 72.92 -.13 13 24.16 -.32 18 25.46 -.50 19 98.60 -.60 16 29.74 +.32 18 11.99 +.20 22 35.19 +.58 8 16.71 -.06 17 66.04 ... ... 5.93 -.12 7 9.56 +.25 26 4.40 +.18 7 2077.00 +34.44 ... 45.82 +.94 19 88.52 +1.07 45 1.79 -.01

YTD %Chg +6.4 -1.3 +39.7 +18.7 +2.8 +14.2 -1.6 +15.7 +8.1 +1.5 +28.5 +13.7 +.8 +8.9 -7.9 +1.1 -16.4 -48.3 -37.1 +4.3 -37.9 +5.7 +9.8





Vol (00)


BkofAm 2942676 S&P500ETF1066578 GenElec 939829 Citigrp rs 634285 SPDR Fncl 632225


5.47 +.24 125.27 +1.10 18.05 +.53 27.65 +1.55 13.06 +.26



SandRdge SunTr wtB DrxBRICBl Willbros MGIC

Chg %Chg

8.21 +1.54 +23.1 2.10 +.26 +14.1 24.50 +2.88 +13.3 3.70 +.38 +11.4 3.83 +.38 +11.0



AGreet PHH Corp ETLg5mVix ETLg6mVix DSOXBr rs

13.39 11.11 92.87 94.50 55.82

Chg %Chg -3.59 -1.91 -12.23 -10.92 -6.43

-21.1 -14.7 -11.6 -10.4 -10.3


Vol (00)

GoldStr g CheniereEn NwGold g NovaGld g Rentech

Advanced Declined Unchanged Total issues New Highs New Lows Volume

2,297 763 84 3,144 177 17 3,404,249,800



34196 1.64 30193 8.55 25693 10.03 15065 8.84 13838 1.37


-.09 +.17 -.28 +.07 ...



FieldPnt OverhillF SondeR grs ContMatls SwGA Fn

Chg %Chg


EstnLtCap MdwGold g TelInstEl Medgenic n Aurizon g

2.35 2.20 6.11 2.53 4.83

MicronT Oracle Cisco Microsoft Yahoo


6.41 25.69 18.13 25.81 16.00

+.87 -.08 +.21 +.05 +.01


RAM En h WCA Wste DeerConsu SavanBcp AkamaiT

Chg %Chg

2.01 +.91 +82.7 6.39 +1.48 +30.1 5.13 +.92 +21.9 6.29 +1.08 +20.7 31.63 +4.96 +18.6


Chg %Chg


-.31 -11.7 -.25 -10.2 -.63 -9.3 -.26 -9.2 -.46 -8.7


AlaskCom Vivus LiveDeal AcelRx n MillerHer

Chg %Chg

3.35 -1.04 -23.7 8.68 -1.73 -16.6 4.20 -.80 -16.0 2.10 -.38 -15.3 18.54 -3.27 -15.0

DIARY Advanced Declined Unchanged Total issues New Highs New Lows Volume


668324 435615 367878 351229 323545



Vol (00)


4.14 +.49 +13.4 3.61 +.39 +12.1 2.50 +.23 +10.1 11.75 +1.06 +9.9 8.36 +.61 +7.9


DIARY 258 192 40 490 18 18 72,655,646

Advanced Declined Unchanged Total issues New Highs New Lows Volume

1,672 844 138 2,654 57 45 1,483,491,694

Durable goods upturn seen Durable Goods Orders


300 295 293

290 S

Dow Jones Industrials Dow Jones Transportation Dow Jones Utilities NYSE Composite Amex Index Nasdaq Composite S&P 500 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000

52-wk %Chg




10,404.49 3,950.66 381.99 6,414.89 1,941.99 2,298.89 1,074.77 11,208.42 601.71

YTD %Chg





12,876.00 5,627.85 459.94 8,718.25 2,490.51 2,887.75 1,370.58 14,562.01 868.57

Net Chg



312 (est.)




+.42 -.07




Close: 12,169.65 Change: 61.91 (0.5%)

annual rate, thousands



Dow Jones industrials

New Home Sales


NETFLIX IS NOT NIRVANA Be careful with hot stocks — you can get burned. Netflix (NFLX) lost nearly 80 percent of its value the second half of the year. That happened after it rose nearly 400 percent in 18 months. Netflix peaked at $304.79 in July. It fell as low as $62 this month. Another soaring growth stock, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (GMCR), lost two-thirds of its value in eight weeks after nearly quadrupling from January to September. Both stocks fell on negative news about the companies.

GOLD ISN’T SUCH A SAFE HARBOR The price of gold reached a record $1,891.90 an ounce in August. At that point, it was up 33 percent for the year. Many investors believed gold was a safe place for their money. But speculative buying played a big role in its rise, and that left gold vulnerable to a sell-off. And sure enough, by Sept. 29, it had fallen 15 percent from its high to $1,608.50. It’s still up 13 percent for the year. It closed Thursday at $1,608.90.

U-V-W-X-Y-Z UBS AG US Airwy US Gold USG UnionPac UtdContl UPS B UtdRentals US Bancrp US NGs rs US OilFd USSteel UtdTech UtdhlthGp UnumGrp Vale SA Vale SA pf ValeroE VanS&P500 VangAllW VangEmg VangEAFE VerizonCm ViacomB Visa Vivus VMware Vodafone VulcanM WCA Wste WalMart Walgrn WarnerCh WsteMInc WeathfIntl WellPoint WellsFargo Wendys Co WstnUnion Weyerh WmsCos Windstrm Winn-Dixie XL Grp XcelEngy Xerox Xilinx Yahoo Yamana g YumBrnds ZionBcp Zynga n

INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS CAN IMPLODE Many investors ignored warning signs about Europe’s debt crisis a year ago. That came back to bite anyone who was heavily invested in international stocks. The Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund (VGTSX) fell 25 percent between April and late September. It’s down 18 percent this year. That doesn't mean you should ignore international stocks. If you’re a long-term investor, this might be a good time to buy.

DON'T COUNT OUT TREASURYS Did you follow the lead of bond investor Bill Gross of PIMCO and dump Treasurys because the outlook was bad for U.S. debt? Oops. You lost out on good returns. Prices for Treasurys rose sharply starting in February as the weaker U.S. economy and Europe’s debt crisis sent investors looking for safe investments. Yields on bonds move in the opposite direction from their price. The strong demand for U.S. debt sent the yield on the 10-year Treasury to a record low of 1.71 percent in September. It was at 1.95 percent Thursday.



Are businesses spending more on big-ticket items such as computers, heavy machinery and other durable goods? That hasn't been the case this fall. New orders for manufactured durable goods fell in October and September, in part due to a big drop in demand for aircraft. Economists are looking for November's durable goods orders to be up 2 percent. Question is: Is this a one-off or the start of a wider lift in spending by business?


3 2.0 (est.)

2 1 0

0.1 -1.2



-1 -2






YOUR FUNDS YTD Name NAV Chg %Rtn American Cent EqIncInv 7.25 +2.4 GrowthInv 24.49 +0.16 -1.2 UltraInv 22.80 +0.16 +0.7 ValueInv 5.67 +0.06 +0.3 American Funds AMCAPA m 18.75 +0.12 BalA m 18.27 +0.12 +3.6 BondA m 12.52 +0.01 +6.0 CapIncBuA m48.86 +0.22 +2.1 CapWldBdA x20.40 -0.18 +3.4 CpWldGrIA m31.95 +0.26 -8.0 EurPacGrA m35.66 +0.33 -13.8 FnInvA m 35.31 +0.33 -2.1 GrthAmA m 28.67 +0.22 -5.1 HiIncA m 10.67 +0.02 +1.8 IncAmerA m 16.87 +0.09 +5.0 IntBdAmA m 13.60 +3.4 InvCoAmA x 26.96 +0.06 -2.2 MutualA x 25.69 -0.06 +4.1 NewEconA m23.77 +0.18 -5.7 NewPerspA m26.35 +0.19 -7.9 NwWrldA m 46.81 +0.33 -14.3 SmCpWldA m33.13 +0.21 -14.7 TaxEBdAmA m12.47 +9.7 USGovSecA m14.67+0.01 +7.4 WAMutInvA m28.25 +0.20 +6.5 Aquila ChTxFKYA m10.80 +0.01 +9.1 Artisan Intl d 19.59 +0.17 -8.4 MdCpVal 19.74 +0.24 +6.6 MidCap 32.87 +0.23 -2.3 Baron Growth b 51.12 +0.31 +1.5 Bernstein DiversMui 14.76 +6.7 IntDur 13.81 +4.5 TxMIntl 12.44 +0.12 -19.0 BlackRock Engy&ResA m32.23 +0.54 -14.6 EqDivA m 17.93 +4.3 EqDivI 17.96 +4.6 GlobAlcA m 18.15 +0.10 -4.3 GlobAlcC m 16.92 +0.09 -5.0 GlobAlcI 18.23 +0.10 -4.0 Calamos GrowA x 46.40 -1.77 -9.0 Columbia AcornIntZ 34.04 +0.18 -14.7 AcornZ 27.53 +0.23 -4.7 StLgCpGrZ 11.98 +0.11 -3.5 TaxEA m 13.60 +0.01 +11.4 ValRestrZ 44.62 +0.57 -10.5 DFA 1YrFixInI 10.30 +0.6 2YrGlbFII 10.08 +0.8 5YrGlbFII 10.87 +4.1 EmMkCrEqI 17.34 +0.14 -20.2 EmMktValI 26.21 +0.23 -24.9 IntSmCapI 13.47 +0.09 -18.1 USCorEq1I 10.75 +0.10 -0.7 USCorEq2I 10.60 +0.11 -2.0 USLgCo 9.86 +0.08 +1.7 USLgValI 19.12 +0.25 -3.2 USSmValI 23.36 +0.18 -6.7 USSmallI 20.65 +0.15 -2.5 DWS-Scudder GrIncS 16.07 +0.18 -0.2 Davis NYVentA m 32.44 +0.22 -5.0 NYVentY 32.77 +0.23 -4.7 Delaware Invest DiverIncA x 9.12 -0.23 +5.8 Dimensional Investme IntCorEqI 9.20 +0.07 -15.7 IntlSCoI 13.72 +0.06 -16.1 IntlValuI 14.70 +0.16 -17.1 Dodge & Cox Bal 67.27 +0.58 -1.9 Income 13.23 +0.01 +4.2 IntlStk 29.04 +0.22 -16.5 Stock 101.41 +1.12 -4.3 DoubleLine TotRetBdN b 11.11 +9.2 Dreyfus Apprecia x 40.29 -0.34 +7.0 Eaton Vance LrgCpValA m 17.21 +0.18 -4.7 FMI LgCap 15.34 +0.11 +1.2 FPA Cres d 26.75 +0.15 +2.9 NewInc m 10.64 +2.1 Fairholme Funds Fairhome d 24.19 +0.24 -29.4 Federated ToRetIs 11.34 +5.8 Fidelity AstMgr20 12.69 +0.03 +2.3 AstMgr50 14.96 +0.08 -1.0 Bal 18.12 +0.12 +1.3 BlChGrow 42.34 +0.40 -2.9 CapApr 24.66 +0.11 -2.6 CapInc d 8.64 +0.01 -2.3 Contra 67.12 +0.27 -0.6 DiscEq 21.47 +0.20 -3.3 DivGrow 25.85 +0.33 -8.6 DivrIntl d 25.38 +0.22 -14.3 EqInc 41.13 +0.37 -5.1 EqInc II 17.31 +0.14 -3.3 FF2015 11.23 +0.05 -0.6 FF2035 10.87 +0.07 -4.9 FF2040 7.58 +0.05 -5.0 Fidelity 31.04 +0.20 -2.7 FltRtHiIn d 9.62 +0.01 +1.4 Free2010 13.46 +0.05 -0.6 Free2020 13.51 +0.06 -1.7 Free2025 11.14 +0.06 -2.9 Free2030 13.24 +0.08 -3.5 GNMA 11.81 +7.6 GovtInc 10.73 +7.4 GrowCo 80.66 +0.62 +0.4 GrowInc 18.16 +0.15 +0.9 HiInc d 8.60 +0.01 +2.8 IntBond 10.85 +0.01 +5.8 IntMuniInc d 10.42 +7.6 IntlDisc d 27.37 +0.20 -16.0 InvGrdBd 7.69 +7.4 LatinAm d 49.22 +0.52 -15.3 LowPriStk d 35.66 +0.25 -0.3 Magellan 62.94 +0.62 -11.7 MidCap d 26.51 +0.19 -3.0 MuniInc x 12.99 +0.01+10.2 NewMktIn d 15.81 +0.01 +7.7 OTC 54.76 +0.53 -0.3 Puritan 17.63 +0.09 +0.3 Series100Idx 8.78 +0.07 +2.5 ShTmBond 8.48 +1.6 StratInc 10.78 +4.3 Tel&Util 17.14 +0.04+10.6 TotalBd 10.88 +0.01 +6.9 USBdIdxInv 11.74 +0.01 +7.2 Value 63.32 +0.72 -6.9 Fidelity Advisor NewInsA m 19.63 +0.08 -1.5 NewInsI 19.86 +0.08 -1.2 StratIncA x 12.04 -0.21 +4.1 Fidelity Select Gold d 42.77 -0.54 -15.3 Fidelity Spartan 500IdxAdvtg 44.35 +0.37 +1.7 500IdxInstl 44.35 +0.37 NA 500IdxInv 44.35 +0.37 +1.7 ExtMktIdI d 35.53 +0.30 -3.6 IntlIdxIn d 29.49 +0.24 -12.9 TotMktIdAg d 36.04 +0.30 +0.8 TotMktIdI d 36.04 +0.30 +0.8 First Eagle GlbA m 44.92 +0.13 -0.6 OverseasA m20.20 -0.01 -6.3

FrankTemp-Frank Fed TF A m 12.14 +0.01 +11.7 FrankTemp-Franklin CA TF A m 7.11 +0.01+10.9 HY TF A m 10.24 +11.8 Income A m 2.09 +0.01 +2.3 Income C m 2.10 +0.01 +1.3 IncomeAdv 2.07 +0.01 +2.0 NY TF A m 11.80 +0.01 +9.6 RisDv A m 34.61 +0.15 +6.6 US Gov A m 6.91 +6.3 FrankTemp-Mutual Discov A m 26.95 +0.20 -3.7 Discov Z 27.27 +0.20 -3.4 Shares A m 19.73 +0.14 -2.2 Shares Z 19.87 +0.14 -1.9 FrankTemp-Templeton GlBond A m 12.46 -2.0 GlBond C m 12.49 +0.01 -2.4 GlBondAdv 12.42 -1.8 Growth A m 16.23 +0.17 -6.7 World A m 13.69 +0.13 -5.8 Franklin Templeton FndAllA m 10.06 +0.07 -2.4 GMO EmgMktsVI 10.40 +0.07 -16.3 IntItVlIV 18.75 +0.18 -11.0 QuIII 21.90 +0.08 +11.0 QuVI 21.90 +0.08 +11.1 Goldman Sachs HiYieldIs d 6.82 +1.6 MidCpVaIs 33.56 +0.37 -6.3 Harbor Bond 12.12 +2.9 CapApInst 36.73 +0.19 +0.1 IntlInstl d 52.05 +0.38 -11.8 Hartford CapAprA x 28.96 -0.14 -14.8 CpApHLSIA 37.58 +0.45 -11.3 DvGrHLSIA 19.68 +0.20 +1.0 TRBdHLSIA 11.57 +6.4 Hussman StratGrth d 12.52 -0.06 +1.9 INVESCO CharterA m 16.01 +0.10 -0.4 ComstockA m15.20 +0.15 -2.0 EqIncomeA m 8.30 +0.07 -1.5 GrowIncA m 18.54 +0.20 -2.2 Ivy AssetStrA m 22.20 +0.12 -7.9 AssetStrC m 21.58 +0.12 -8.6 JPMorgan CoreBondA m11.85 +6.9 CoreBondSelect11.84 +7.1 HighYldSel 7.63 +0.02 +2.1 ShDurBndSel 10.96 +1.6 USLCpCrPS 19.70 +0.16 -4.1 Janus GlbLfScT d 24.78 +0.16 +6.7 OverseasT d 32.38 +0.43 -36.1 PerkinsMCVT x20.21-1.57 -9.1 John Hancock LifBa1 b 12.44 +0.06 -2.4 LifGr1 b 12.20 +0.08 -5.0 Lazard EmgMkEqtI d17.96 +0.11 -17.2 Legg Mason/Western CrPlBdIns 11.07 +0.02 +6.0 Longleaf Partners LongPart 26.85 +0.30 -2.6 Loomis Sayles BondI 13.82 +2.9 BondR b 13.77 +2.7 Lord Abbett AffiliatA m 10.57 +0.13 -7.9 BondDebA m 7.60 +0.01 +3.3 ShDurIncA m 4.53 +2.8 ShDurIncC m 4.56 +2.1 MFS TotRetA m 14.01 +0.08 +1.5 ValueA m 22.11 -1.4 ValueI 22.20 -1.2 Manning & Napier WrldOppA 6.61 +0.06 -16.4 Matthews Asian China d 21.55 +0.25 -18.8 India d 13.89 +0.13 -35.1 Merger Merger m 15.98 -0.01 +1.3 Metropolitan West TotRetBdI 10.33 +5.0 TotRtBd b 10.34 +0.01 +4.8 Morgan Stanley Instl MdCpGrI 32.95 +0.29 -6.8 Natixis InvBndY 12.09 +4.4 StratIncA m 14.25 +2.5 StratIncC m 14.33 +1.7 Neuberger Berman GenesisIs 46.67 +0.21 +5.4 Northern HYFixInc d 7.01 +0.01 +3.1 Oakmark EqIncI 27.04 +0.22 +0.6 Intl I d 16.41 +0.06 -14.8 Oakmark I 41.47 +0.42 +1.3 Oberweis ChinaOpp m 10.35 +0.10 -37.8 Old Westbury GlbSmMdCp 13.38 +0.08 -8.5 Oppenheimer DevMktA m 29.43 +0.25 -17.8 DevMktY 29.08 +0.25 -17.5 GlobA m 53.83 +0.45 -9.0 IntlBondA m 6.28 -0.7 IntlBondY 6.28 -0.4 MainStrA m 32.14 +0.25 -0.3 RocMuniA m 15.91 +0.02+10.9 StrIncA m 4.06 +0.01 +0.5 PIMCO AllAssetI 11.95 +0.03 +2.1 AllAuthIn 10.54 +0.03 +2.6 ComRlRStI 7.40 +0.03 -7.3 DivIncInst 11.22 +0.01 +3.8 EMktCurI 9.95 +0.01 -4.6 HiYldIs 8.95 +0.02 +3.4 InvGrdIns 10.28 +0.01 +6.0 LowDrIs 10.32 +1.4 RERRStgC m 4.54 +0.06+25.0 RealRet 11.86 -0.02 +11.7 RealRtnA m 11.86 -0.02 +11.3 ShtTermIs 9.67 +0.2 TotRetA m 10.88 +0.01 +3.1 TotRetAdm b 10.88 +0.01 +3.3 TotRetC m 10.88 +0.01 +2.4 TotRetIs 10.88 +0.01 +3.5 TotRetrnD b 10.88 +0.01 +3.2 TotlRetnP 10.88 +0.01 +3.4 Permanent Portfolio 46.38 +0.17 +2.8 Pioneer PioneerA x 38.54 +0.21 -4.8 Putnam GrowIncA m 12.53 -6.0 NewOpp 49.90 -5.6 Royce PAMutInv d 10.81 +0.09 -3.7 PremierInv d 18.52 +0.10 -0.9 Schwab 1000Inv d 35.26 +0.30 +1.0 S&P500Sel d19.51 +0.17 +1.8 Scout Interntl d 27.76 +0.15 -13.0 Sequoia Sequoia 144.96 +1.04+12.8 T Rowe Price BlChpGr 38.56 +0.24 +1.2 CapApprec 20.57 +0.12 +2.9 EmMktStk d 28.78 +0.23 -18.1 EqIndex d 33.77 +0.28 +1.5 EqtyInc 23.02 +0.23 -0.9 GrowStk 31.77 +0.25 -1.2 HiYield d 6.46 +0.01 +2.5 IntlBnd d 9.70 +2.1 IntlGrInc d 11.43 +0.11 -11.5

Earning more and spending more?

change from previous month, percent


Friday, December 23, 2011


Many consumers have been spending freely during the holiday season. One reason is that their income rose sharply in October. When the Commerce Department reports today on income and spending during November, economists are hoping for clues about what’s likely to happen when the holidays end. In other words, are people making enough money to keep on spending?

IntlStk d

12.26 +0.11 -12.5

LatinAm d

39.17 +0.45 -24.5


21.34 +0.23 -5.0


52.82 +0.64 -1.0

NewAsia d 13.89 +0.11 -12.3 NewEra

42.31 +0.61 -14.6


31.13 +0.22 +7.0


9.63 +0.01 +5.6

OrseaStk d

7.26 +0.06 -10.9


11.55 +0.07 -0.6


11.56 +0.09 -2.2


11.64 +0.10 -3.4


14.98 +0.08 +0.3


15.87 +0.11 -1.4


16.51 +0.13 -2.9


16.55 +0.15 -3.6

ShTmBond SmCpStk



31.41 +0.27 +0.4

SmCpVal d 34.73 +0.24 +0.1 SpecInc

12.27 +0.03 +3.7

Value 22.53 +0.26 -2.0 Templeton InFEqSeS 17.65 +0.15 -11.7 Thornburg IntlValA m

23.84 +0.11 -14.1

IntlValI d 24.38 +0.11 -13.8 Tweedy, Browne GlobVal d Vanguard

22.52 +0.10 -5.5

500Adml x 115.43 +0.29 +1.8 500Inv x

115.43 +0.33 +1.6


21.84 +0.12 +3.9


21.85 +0.12 +4.0


11.34 +0.01 +9.9

CapOpAdml d68.13 +0.77 -6.1 DivGr

15.49 +0.07 +8.8

EmMktIAdm d31.88 +0.29 -18.1 EnergyAdm d112.75 +1.54 -1.5 EnergyInv d 60.06 +0.82 -1.6 Explr

71.73 +0.70 -1.6

ExtdIdAdm x 39.42 -0.09 -3.4 ExtdIdIst x

39.42 -0.09 -3.4

FAWeUSIns d77.51 +0.70 -14.4 GNMA

11.16 -0.01 +7.2

GNMAAdml 11.16 -0.01 +7.3 GrthIdAdm x 31.66 +0.06 +1.5 GrthIstId x

31.66 +0.06 +1.5

HYCor d

5.66 +0.01 +6.4

HYCorAdml d 5.66 +0.01 +6.5 HltCrAdml d 54.09 +0.35 +11.1 HlthCare d 128.21 +0.84 +11.0 ITBondAdm x11.71 -0.12+10.1 ITGradeAd

10.06 +0.02 +6.9


10.06 +0.02 +6.8




28.22 -0.04+13.5



11.50 -0.01+13.6


14.37 -0.02+13.5


115.35 +0.96 +1.8


115.36 +0.97 +1.8


28.41 +0.27 +0.9

IntlGr d

16.30 +0.16 -13.9

IntlGrAdm d 51.82 +0.48 -13.9 IntlStkIdxAdm d21.76+0.19 -14.8 IntlStkIdxI d 87.00 +0.74 -14.8 IntlStkIdxIPls d87.01 +0.74 -14.8 IntlVal d

27.40 +0.24 -14.8

LTGradeAd 10.23 +0.03+15.5 LTInvGr

10.23 +0.03+15.4


16.33 +0.05 +1.3


21.35 +0.14 -2.6


19.39 +0.10 -0.1

MidCp x



MidCpAdml x89.13 -0.19 -2.0 MidCpIst x 19.69 -0.04 -2.0 Morg

17.55 +0.15 -2.7

MuHYAdml 10.68 +0.01+10.5 MuInt









MuLtdAdml 11.15


MuShtAdml 15.92


PrecMtls d 19.77 -0.11 -20.2 Prmcp d

61.68 +0.50 -1.9

PrmcpAdml d63.98 +0.52 -1.9 PrmcpCorI d 13.63 +0.12 -1.0 REITIdxAd x 82.09 +0.17 +8.5 STBond x

10.59 -0.05 +2.7

STBondAdm x10.59 -0.05 +2.8 STBondSgl x10.59 -0.05 +2.8 STCor



STGradeAd 10.62





SelValu d

18.91 +0.19 +0.8

SmCapIdx x 33.49 -0.12 -2.5 SmCpIdAdm x33.51 -0.17 -2.3 SmCpIdIst x 33.50 -0.18 -2.3 Star

18.98 +0.12 +0.4


23.00 +0.09 +3.1


12.59 +0.07 +1.4


22.16 +0.13 +0.3


21.33 +0.14 -1.6


12.75 +0.09 -2.6


20.89 +0.16 -2.8


13.12 +0.10 -2.8


11.64 +0.03 +5.0


12.53 +0.08 -0.7

TotBdAdml x 10.96 -0.04 +7.2 TotBdInst x 10.96 -0.04 +7.2 TotBdMkInv x10.96 -0.04 +7.1 TotBdMkSig x10.96 -0.04 +7.2 TotIntl d

13.01 +0.11 -14.9


31.22 +0.26 +0.8


31.23 +0.27 +0.9


30.14 +0.26 +0.9


31.22 +0.27 +0.7


22.77 +0.08 +8.9


55.16 +0.20 +9.0


31.43 +0.21 +3.3


54.29 +0.36 +3.4

WndsIIAdm 46.17 +0.44 +2.4 Wndsr

12.87 +0.15 -4.1

WndsrAdml 43.42 +0.48 -4.1 WndsrII 26.01 +0.25 +2.4 Waddell & Reed Adv AccumA m

7.33 +0.04 -2.1

SciTechA m 8.92 +0.11 -6.1 Yacktman Focused d 18.84 +0.09 +6.6 Yacktman d 17.61 +0.09 +6.5

Personal income change from previous month, percent 0.3 0.1 -0.1

0.1 J

0.1 J


(est.) 0.3



0.1 -0.1 A


Personal consumption expenditures 1.0 0.6 0.2 -0.2 -0.2 J


0.3 (est.)

0.7 0.1

0.2 J



O N Source: FactSet


8A • Daily Corinthian

Briefs Tuesday, Dec. 27

Basketball AC Holiday Hoops High School (B) Hardin Co.-TCPS, 1 (G) TCPS-Holly Springs, 2:30 (B) Kossuth-Trezevant, 4 (G) AC-Trezevant, 5:30 (WXRZ) (B) AC-Corinth, 7 (WXRZ) Middle School (G) Corinth-Center Hill, 1 (B) Tish-Center Hill, 2:30 (G) Tish-Hardin Co., 4 (B) Holly Springs-Cordova, 5:30 (G) Kossuth-Franklin Co., 7 Baldwyn Rotary Classic Biggersville

Wednesday, Dec. 28

Basketball AC Holiday Hoops High School (B) Biggersville-Ripley, 11 a.m. (G) Kossuth-MAHS, 12:30 (B) TCPS-Kingsbury, 2 (G) Central-TCPS, 3:30 (B) Corinth-Trezevant. 5 (B) Central-Cordova, 6:30 Middle School (G) Hardin Co.-Center Hill, 11 a.m. (B) Hardin Co.-Center Hill, 12:30 (G) Corinth-Trezevant, 2 (B) Kossuth-Tish, 3:30 (G) Tish-Franklin Co., 5 McNairy Christmas Classic

Thursday, Dec. 29

Basketball AC Holiday Hoops High School (B) Tish-TCPS, 11 a.m. (G) Tish-Trezevant, 12:30 (B) Central-Trezevant, 2 (G) Central-MAHS, 3:30 (B) Corinth-Cordova, 5 Middle School (G) Center Hill-Franklin Co., 11 a.m. (B) Center Hill-Kingsbury, 12:30 (G) Corinth-TCPS, 2 (B) Kossuth-Trezevant, 3:30 (G) Kossuth-Hardin Co., 5 Kiwanis Christmas Classic Northeast MS Community College (B) Houston-Water Valley, 2:30 (G) Houston-Holly Springs, 4 (G) Pine Grove-Nettleton, 5:30 (B) Olive Branch-Aberdeen, 7 (B) Pine Grove-Nettleton, 8:30 Booneville High School (B) Shannon-Ripley, 2:30 (G) Olive Branch-Ripley, 4 (G) Booneville-Water Valley, 5:30 (B) North Pontotoc-Holly Springs, 7 (B) Booneville-Bruce, 8:30 Baldwyn Rotary Classic Biggersville McNairy Christmas Classic

Friday, Dec. 30

Basketball Kiwanis Christmas Classic Northeast MS Community College (G) Olive Branch-South Pontotoc, 2:30 (B) Ripley-South Pontotoc, 4 (B) Olive Branch-Shannon, 5:30

Shorts Courtside Seats The Alcorn County Basketball Tournament wiIl be held Jan. 5-7. A limited number of courtside seats are available for $40 each. These are a reserved seat for all games. For more information, call Sam Tull Sr. at 287-4477. 1st Pitch Banquet The New Site Royals Baseball team is pleased to announce Ole Miss Rebel head baseball coach Mike Bianco will be the featured speaker for its third annual 1st Pitch Banquet and Silent Auction, which is being held on Jan. 26 at 6:30 p.m. on the campus of New Site HS. Seating is limited to the first 150 tickets sold, and must be purchased in advance. Cost is $15, which includes the meal, access to the silent auction, and seating for the speaker’s presentation. For more info or to purchase a ticket, call 662-322-7389 or 662728-5205.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Basketball Bonanza Four local tournaments set for next week through region BY H. LEE SMITH II lsmith@dailycorinthian.com

Area basketball fans will have a belated Christmas gift next week. All eight county squads will be return to the floor and plenty more action will be afoot at four different tournaments over a four-day span. ■ Alcorn Central will play

host to the third AC Holiday Hoops Tournament with 31 games on tap Tuesday through Thursday. Games will be held at the high school as well as the middle school gyms. Both teams from Alcorn Central, Corinth and Kossuth will see full action. The Biggersville boys will make an appearance on Wednesday. Tishomingo County girls’

and boys’ squads round out the local entrants. ■ The Baldwyn Rotary Classic will be held at Baldwyn High School on Tuesday and Thursday. Both Biggersville squads will take the floor each day. ■ The Kiwanis Christmas Classic is set for Thursday and Friday. The two-day event will fea-

ture 20 games, evenly divided between Booneville High School and Northeast Mississippi Community College. The Devils and Lady Devils will play each night. The Ripley Lady Tigers and Tigers will participate on Saturday. ■ Just across the state line, McNairy Central will host its annual Christmas Classic with games on Thursday and Friday.

Late Basketball

Blue Raiders down Ole Miss Associated Press

SOUTHAVEN — JT Sulton had to get an IV early in the second half. His Middle Tennessee teammate, Raymond Cintron, was plagued by foul trouble. Midway through the second half, however, the duo keyed a 13-1 run to spur Middle Tennessee to a 68-56 win over Mississippi Wednesday night. The game was played at the DeSoto Civic Center, five miles south of Memphis. “It was great to get JT back,” said Middle Tennessee coach Kermit Davis Jr., a Starkville native who coached Wednesday in front of some 75 family and friends who made the trip to Southaven from all over north Mississippi. “It was almost like JT came back with fresh legs. He really did. He had a lot of pop to him. Cintron got going. He’s a really good shooter. We kind of stayed with a couple of sets we were running. I just thought we were patient.” With the game tied at 43-43 with 9:42 left, Sulton’s dunk after Ole Miss committed a turnover on the other end of the floor gave the Blue Raiders (112) the lead for good. Cintron, who scored a gamehigh 18 points, made two free throws and then knocked down a 3-pointer on Middle Tennessee’s next two possessions to expand the lead to 50-43. “We absorbed some really difficult times against a really athletic team,” Davis said. “We moved the ball a lot better in the second half. We seemed to be a lot more unselfish in the second half.” After Jarvis Summers made a free throw to stop the run, Sulton spun a Nick Williams turnover into a dunk and then hit a jumper on the Blue Raiders’ next trip to push the lead to

Photo Courtesy Northeast

Tiger Tales Northeast Mississippi Community College sophomore Anna Brooke Page (25) of Belmont pulls down a rebound in earlier action this season against Wallace State. The Lady Tigers and Tigers will return from their holiday break on Jan. 7 when Meridian visits Bonner Arnold Coliseum. double digits. Middle Tennessee led by as many as 16 points late in the second half. Ole Miss (9-3) never got closer than 10 points in the final 3 minutes. It was the second key

non-league win for the Blue Raiders, who beat UCLA earlier this season. “The UCLA win early was a big for us, but I think, given where we all live and what our fans watch,

to beat an Ole Miss team that has had some good wins will do a lot for our fan base in Murfreesboro,” Davis said. Please see MISS | 9A

Quirks abound in NBA schedule Bulldogs Associated Press

Carmelo Anthony’s return to Denver is delayed for another year. LeBron James and Dwyane Wade won’t be visiting Sacramento anytime soon. Fans in Chicago will only be seeing Kobe Bryant on television this season. The NBA sought competitive balance. What it got was schedule imbalance. One of the many consequences of the lockout, besides hundreds of lost games and hundreds of millions of lost dollars, was the tradition that every team plays in every NBA city at least once per season. That’s not the case this year. While teams will visit every other team in their own conference, they will only make trips to play nine clubs from the other side of the league instead of the usual 15. It’s one of many quirks of a 66-game schedule that, in a variety of ways, is not like any other in NBA history. “In some cases, the team business-type might complain that they didn’t get (to host) the Heat or the Lakers,” NBA Commissioner David Stern said. “While in the background, the coach is doing cartwheels. So it’s kind of an interesting dynamic.” There’s no shortage of those. Reigning scoring king Kevin Durant dropped 66 points

in New York earlier this year — alas, at Rucker Park, the fabled outdoor court and not Madison Square Garden. He and Oklahoma City won’t be going to play the Knicks this season. The NBA champion Dallas Mavericks won’t be going to Charlotte, nor will Durant’s Thunder, Bryant’s Lakers or the Spurs, and that will keep ticket dollars from finding Bobcats owner Michael Jordan’s pockets. Teams won’t be playing the same number of divisional games, so get ready for complaining should tiebreakers come into play when determining playoff seeding. And many small market teams will be miss out on some guaranteed sellouts against some elite clubs that might hurt in the standings but help with the bottom line. “That’s what happens when you have a lockout,” Durant said. When Magic coach Stan Van Gundy heard the league was putting together a 66game slate instead of the usual 82-game run, he figured the breakdown was simple: Play every team in your division four times, then face every other team home and away. That seemed easy enough. Instead, it’s complicated. “I’m not being critical of it,” Van Gundy said. “They’ve got a short period of time to play 66 games and there were a lot of factors they had to consider and I’m sure that they did it the

best way that they could.” True, but there is some zaniness. Atlanta takes a trip that has the Hawks going north, then south, then north, then west, then east, then west and then home again, all in the span of nine days. Cleveland has a ninegame February homestand. San Antonio goes nearly four weeks without a home game, as it does each year because the rodeo takes over the arena. The Kings close the first half of their schedule with 20 of 28 away from Sacramento, daunting for a team desperate to keep fans engaged while trying to get a new arena. Denver plays nine in a row at home in one stretch, then immediately hits the road for seven straight. But there’s no Anthony homecoming in Denver. “Did it bother me? Not really,” said Anthony, now with the Knicks. “I mean, I would love to go back and play there. The reaction I would get, who knows? I might get some boos, I might get some claps, but it’d have been fun.” Minnesota coach Rick Adelman was thrilled to see his club opens with six of seven at home. And then he looked who those early opponents are — the first four clubs to visit the Timberwolves are Oklahoma City, Miami, Dallas and San Antonio. Please see NBA | 9A

coast past Demons Associated Press

JACKSON — DeVille Smith weaved through some defenders midway through the second half and then looked up toward the basket to survey his options. Sure enough, Arnett Moultrie was cruising toward the hoop. It wasn’t surprising. The big man had been around the basket all game. Smith lofted a pass toward the 6-foot-11 Moultrie, who jumped and slammed home the alley-oop with two hands. It was another easy bucket for Moultrie and No. 18 Mississippi State as the Bulldogs coasted to an 82-67 victory Thursday night at the Mississippi Coliseum. Mississippi State (12-1) has won 11 straight games. Moultrie finished with 24 points and 14 rebounds for his seventh double-double of the season. Eleven of his 14 rebounds were on the offensive glass. “I think it had to do with me being 6-foot-11 and very athletic,” Moultrie said. “It’s kind of hard for people to box out. Even when they do, I’ve got the quickness to get around them.” Please see MSU | 9A

Daily Corinthian • Friday, December 23, 2011 • 9A

MSU: Moultrie stood out with 11 points CONTINUED FROM 8A

Moultrie led a productive night for the Bulldogs’ big men. Wendell Lewis scored a careerhigh 14 points off the bench, while Renardo Sidney added nine points and four rebounds in the first half before sitting out the rest of the game because of a strained patella tendon in his left knee. Rodney Hood added 11 points and six rebounds. But Moultrie was the standout. He shot 8 of 11 from the field and 8 of 8 from the free throw line. The Bulldogs won easily despite an off night from most of the guards. Dee Bost, the team’s leading scorer with 18 points per game, managed just eight on 3-of-14 shooting. Mississippi State jumped out to a 30-11 lead by midway through the first half, feasting on easy baskets at pointblank range. Sidney had a particularly violent onehanded tomahawk that highlighted the team’s 26 points in the paint during the first half. The Bulldogs took a 41-27 lead into halftime. The 6-foot-10 Sidney was playing one of his better games this season during the first half, with nine points and four rebounds in 11 minutes. But he didn’t play in the second half because of the knee injury, sitting on the bench with a bag of ice on his left leg. Mississippi State coach Rick Stansbury said he didn’t think Sidney’s injury was serious, but wouldn’t be certain until he was evaluated by the team’s medical staff. Without Sidney, Mississippi State struggled to open the second half. Northwestern State (76) went on a 12-4 run to close the gap to 45-39 just minutes into the second half. “The team got off to a big lead and just kind of coasted,� Stansbury said. “We had our bags packed for the holidays and that’s where their mind was at that point.� But the Bulldogs responded with an 11-1 run of their own to put the game out of reach, capped by Lewis’ dunk on a fast break that pushed Mississippi State’s lead to 56-40. Moultrie also had a few baskets during the rally, with several offensive rebounds that extended possessions.

Texas A&M lineman dies in car crash Associated Press

COLLEGE STATION, Texas — Texas A&M senior offensive lineman Joseph Villavisencio has been killed in a car accident, according to the university. Witness reports say that Villavisencio swerved to avoid a buzzard and veered head-on into the path of an 18-wheeler near the town of Normangee about 40 miles from College Station, on Thursday. Villavisencio spent part of Thursday with the team delivering gifts to families at a local shelter after the Aggies finished their last workout on campus in preparation for the Meineke Car Care Bowl. Villavisencio was heading to his home in Jacksonville, Texas, at the time of the crash. Villavisencio saw very limited action in his career with the Aggies, but touched many involved in the program. Former coach Mike Sherman says everyone will remember him as a person “who would do anything for anybody.� The 22-year-old was a three-year letterman whom athletic director Bill Byrne says “epitomized selfless service� to helping the Aggies improve as a team.

THE FINE PRINT Detroit St. Louis Nashville Columbus

33 21 11 1 43 33 19 10 4 42 34 18 12 4 40 34 9 21 4 22 Northwest Division GP W L OT Pts Minnesota 35 20 10 5 45 Vancouver 34 21 11 2 44 Colorado 35 17 17 1 35 Calgary 34 15 15 4 34 Edmonton 33 14 16 3 31 Pacific Division GP W Pts GF GA San Jose 31 18 10 3 39 Dallas 33 19 13 1 39 Phoenix 34 18 13 3 39 Los Angeles 33 15 14 4 34 Anaheim 33 9 19 5 23

PRO FOOTBALL NFL standings, schedule AMERICAN CONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF PA y-New England 11 3 0 .786 437 297 N.Y. Jets 8 6 0 .571 346 315 Miami 5 9 0 .357 286 269 Buffalo 5 9 0 .357 311 371 South W L T Pct PF PA y-Houston 10 5 0 .667 359 255 Tennessee 7 7 0 .500 279 278 Jacksonville 4 10 0 .286 207 293 Indianapolis 2 13 0 .133 230 411 North W L T Pct PF PA x-Baltimore 10 4 0 .714 334 236 x-Pittsburgh 10 4 0 .714 285 218 Cincinnati 8 6 0 .571 305 283 Cleveland 4 10 0 .286 195 274 West W L T Pct PF PA Denver 8 6 0 .571 292 343 Oakland 7 7 0 .500 317 382 San Diego 7 7 0 .500 358 313 Kansas City 6 8 0 .429 192 319 NATIONAL CONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF PA Dallas 8 6 0 .571 348 296 N.Y. Giants 7 7 0 .500 334 372 Philadelphia 6 8 0 .429 342 311 Washington 5 9 0 .357 252 300 South W L T Pct PF PA x-New Orleans 11 3 0 .786 457 306 Atlanta 9 5 0 .643 341 281 Carolina 5 9 0 .357 341 368 Tampa Bay 4 10 0 .286 247 401 North W L T Pct PF PA y-Green Bay 13 1 0 .929 480 297 Detroit 9 5 0 .643 395 332 Chicago 7 7 0 .500 315 293 Minnesota 2 12 0 .143 294 406 West W L T Pct PF PA y-San Francisco11 3 0 .786 327 185 Seattle 7 7 0 .500 284 273 Arizona 7 7 0 .500 273 305 St. Louis 2 12 0 .143 166 346 x-clinched playoff spot y-clinched division ___ Thursday’s Game Indianapolis 19, Houston 16 Saturday’s Games Oakland at Kansas City, noon Jacksonville at Tennessee, noon St. Louis at Pittsburgh, noon Denver at Buffalo, noon Tampa Bay at Carolina, noon Minnesota at Washington, noon Cleveland at Baltimore, noon Miami at New England, noon N.Y. Giants at N.Y. Jets, noon Arizona at Cincinnati, noon San Diego at Detroit, 3:05 p.m. San Francisco at Seattle, 3:15 p.m. Philadelphia at Dallas, 3:15 p.m. Sunday’s Game Chicago at Green Bay, 7:20 p.m. Monday, Dec. 26 Atlanta at New Orleans, 7:30 p.m. Today’s Game Houston at Indianapolis, 7:20 p.m. Saturday’s Games Oakland at Kansas City, noon Jacksonville at Tennessee, noon St. Louis at Pittsburgh, noon Denver at Buffalo, noon Tampa Bay at Carolina, noon Minnesota at Washington, noon Cleveland at Baltimore, noon Miami at New England, noon N.Y. Giants at N.Y. Jets, noon Arizona at Cincinnati, noon San Diego at Detroit, 3:05 p.m. San Francisco at Seattle, 3:15 p.m. Philadelphia at Dallas, 3:15 p.m.

109 75 84 72 92 93 85 117 GF GA 85 78 114 82 94 104 84 95 89 90 L 93 86 90 72 78

OT 76 93 89 81 110

NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for overtime loss. Wednesday’s Games Phoenix 4, Carolina 3 Chicago 5, Montreal 1 Philadelphia 4, Dallas 1 Colorado 3, St. Louis 2 Vancouver 4, Detroit 2 San Jose 7, Tampa Bay 2 Thursday’s Games Toronto 3, Buffalo 2 N.Y. Rangers 4, N.Y. Islanders 2 Ottawa 4, Florida 3, OT Nashville 6, Columbus 5 Winnipeg 4, Montreal 0 Detroit at Calgary (n) Minnesota at Edmonton (n) Anaheim at Los Angeles (n) Friday’s Games Florida at Boston, 6 p.m. Washington at New Jersey, 6 p.m. Toronto at N.Y. Islanders, 6 p.m. Philadelphia at N.Y. Rangers, 6 p.m. Ottawa at Carolina, 6 p.m. Pittsburgh at Winnipeg, 7:30 p.m. Nashville at Dallas, 7:30 p.m. Tampa Bay at Colorado, 8 p.m. St. Louis at Phoenix, 8 p.m. Calgary at Vancouver, 9 p.m. Los Angeles at San Jose, 9:30 p.m.

COLLEGE FOOTBALL Bowl schedule Thursday MAACO Bowl At Las Vegas Boise State (11-1) vs. Arizona State (6-6), 7 p.m. (ESPN) ––– Saturday Hawaii Bowl At Honolulu Nevada (7-5) vs. Southern Mississippi (11-2), 7 p.m. (ESPN) ––– Monday, Dec. 26 Independence Bowl At Shreveport, La. North Carolina (7-5) vs. Missouri (7-5), 4 p.m. (ESPN2) ––– Tuesday, Dec. 27 Little Caesars Pizza Bowl At Detroit Western Michigan (7-5) vs. Purdue (6-6), 3:30 p.m. (ESPN2) Belk Bowl At Charlotte, N.C. North Carolina State (7-5) vs. Louisville (7-5), 7 p.m. (ESPN) ––– Wednesday, Dec. 28 Military Bowl At Washington Air Force (7-5) vs. Toledo (8-4), 3:30 p.m. (ESPN) Holiday Bowl At San Diego Texas (7-5) vs. California (7-5), 7 p.m. (ESPN) ––– Thursday, Dec. 29 Champs Sports Bowl At Orlando, Fla. Florida State (8-4) vs. Notre Dame (8-4), 4:30 p.m. (ESPN)

HOCKEY NHL standings, schedule EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Philadelphia 33 21 8 4 46 116 95 N.Y. Rangers 32 20 8 4 44 95 70 Pittsburgh 34 19 11 4 42 110 90 New Jersey 33 18 14 1 37 91 96 N.Y. Islanders 32 11 15 6 28 74 103 Northeast Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Boston 32 22 9 1 45 111 63 Toronto 34 17 13 4 38 105 110 Ottawa 35 17 14 4 38 110 120 Buffalo 34 16 15 3 35 92 101 Montreal 36 13 16 7 33 88 101 Southeast Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Florida 35 18 10 7 43 94 90 Winnipeg 34 16 13 5 37 95 100 Washington 32 17 14 1 35 95 97 Tampa Bay 33 14 17 2 30 89 114 Carolina 35 10 19 6 26 89 120 WESTERN CONFERENCE Central Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Chicago 35 22 9 4 48 118 102

At San Antonio Baylor (9-3) vs. Washington (7-5), 8 p.m. (ESPN) ––– Friday, Dec. 30 Armed Forces Bowl At Dallas Tulsa (8-4) vs. BYU (9-3), 11 a.m. (ESPN) Pinstripe Bowl At Bronx, N.Y. Rutgers (8-4) vs. Iowa State (6-6), 2:30 p.m. (ESPN) Music City Bowl At Nashville, Tenn. Mississippi State (6-6) vs. Wake Forest (6-6), 5:40 p.m. (ESPN)

Insight Bowl At Tempe, Ariz. Oklahoma (9-3) vs. Iowa (7-5), 9 p.m. (ESPN) ––– Saturday, Dec. 31 Meineke Car Care Bowl At Houston Texas A&M (6-6) vs. Northwestern (6-6), 11 a.m. (ESPN) Sun Bowl At El Paso, Texas Georgia Tech (8-4) vs. Utah (7-5), 1 p.m. (CBS) Liberty Bowl At Memphis, Tenn. Vanderbilt (6-6) vs. Cincinnati (9-3), 2:30 p.m. (ESPN) Fight Hunger Bowl At San Francisco UCLA (6-7) vs. Illinois (6-6), 2:30 p.m. (ESPN) Chick-fil-A Bowl At Atlanta Virginia (8-4) vs. Auburn (7-5), 6:30 p.m. (ESPN) ––– Monday, Jan. 2 TicketCity Bowl At Dallas Penn State (9-3) vs. Houston (12-1), 11 a.m. (ESPNU) Capital One Bowl At Orlando, Fla. Nebraska (9-3) vs. South Carolina (10-2), Noon (ESPN) Outback Bowl At Tampa, Fla. Georgia (10-3) vs. Michigan State (10-3), Noon (ABC) Gator Bowl At Jacksonville, Fla. Florida (6-6) vs. Ohio State (6-6), Noon (ESPN2) Rose Bowl At Pasadena, Calif. Oregon (11-2) vs. Wisconsin (11-2), 4 p.m. (ESPN) Fiesta Bowl At Glendale, Ariz. Stanford (11-1) vs. Oklahoma State (111), 8:30 p.m. (ESPN) ––– Tuesday, Jan. 3 Sugar Bowl At New Orleans Michigan (10-2) vs. Virginia Tech (11-2), 7 p.m. (ESPN) ––– Wednesday, Jan. 4 Orange Bowl At Miami West Virginia (9-3) vs. Clemson (10-3), 7 p.m. (ESPN) ––– Friday, Jan. 6 Cotton Bowl At Arlington, Texas Kansas State (10-2) vs. Arkansas (10-2), 7 p.m. (FOX) ––– Saturday, Jan. 7 BBVA Compass Bowl At Birmingham, Ala. Pittsburgh (6-6) vs. SMU (7-5), 11 a.m. (ESPN) ––– Sunday, Jan. 8 GoDaddy.com Bowl At Mobile, Ala. Arkansas State (10-2) vs. Northern Illinois (10-3), 8 p.m. (ESPN) ––– Monday, Jan. 9 BCS National Championship At New Orleans LSU (13-0) vs. Alabama (11-1), 7:30 p.m. (ESPN) ––– Saturday, Jan. 21 East-West Shrine Classic At St. Petersburg, Fla. East vs. West, TBA, (NFLN)

Mississippi St. 82, Northwestern St. 67 NC State 88, Northeastern 59 Old Dominion 81, VMI 73 Presbyterian 58, Navy 42 Savannah St. 45, Mount St. Mary’s 41 Southern Miss. 53, South Florida 51 UAB 70, Jacksonville 65 UTSA 76, Troy 70 VCU 80, UNC Greensboro 68 Virginia Tech 71, E. Michigan 50 EAST Bucknell 75, Boston U. 61 Drexel 68, Binghamton 44 Fordham 81, Texas St. 70 Georgetown 70, Memphis 59 Harvard 63, FAU 51 Hofstra 82, Colgate 59 Holy Cross 88, San Francisco 83 James Madison 62, George Washington 57 La Salle 85, CCSU 59 Loyola of Chicago 59, Canisius 45 Quinnipiac 85, Niagara 81 Rider 74, Monmouth (NJ) 62 Rutgers 77, NJIT 53 Siena 63, Princeton 59 Syracuse 80, Tulane 61 Texas-Arlington 73, St. Peter’s 68 UConn 79, Fairfield 71 UMass 73, Davidson 65 Villanova 73, American U. 52 MIDWEST Cleveland St. 63, Sam Houston St. 45 Creighton 87, Northwestern 79 Detroit 80, Alabama St. 56 Green Bay 63, Idaho 61 Indiana 89, UMBC 47 Iowa 81, Boise St. 72 Michigan 77, Bradley 66 Minnesota 63, N. Dakota St. 59 Ohio St. 69, Miami (Ohio) 40 Robert Morris 59, Youngstown St. 56 Saint Louis 70, Arkansas St. 46 W. Illinois 68, North Dakota 46 Wright St. 60, Cent. Michigan 42 SOUTHWEST Arkansas 77, Louisiana Tech 63 LSU 67, North Texas 58 NC Central 69, Prairie View 58 Oral Roberts 72, Texas Tech 56 Rice 65, Texas A&M 58 SMU 77, Dallas Christian 41 TCU 85, Grambling St. 53 FAR WEST Arizona 100, Bryant 60 Bethune-Cookman 61, Texas A&M-CC 52 Colorado 56, Texas Southern 51 Colorado St. 92, N. Colorado 78 Denver 70, The Citadel 58 Montana 65, Utah Valley 52 New Mexico 87, UMKC 62 San Diego St. 81, Elon 55 South Alabama 68, San Diego 62 Tennessee Tech 81, Kennesaw St. 68 Weber St. 80, Utah 51 West Virginia 70, Missouri St. 68, OT Wyoming 80, Idaho St. 56

FCS playoffs

EAST Buffalo 69, Oakland 65, OT Canisius 64, Albany (NY) 60 Fairfield 55, La Salle 52 Hampton 71, Boston College 63 Harvard 63, St. John’s 56 Penn 67, Drexel 65, OT Providence 73, Clemson 63 Rider 69, Fairleigh Dickinson 68 Saint Joseph’s 64, UCLA 60 St. Bonaventure 68, Colgate 49 Villanova 56, Temple 47 SOUTH Chattanooga 88, ETSU 80 Davidson 81, Radford 68 Florida A&M 90, Tennessee St. 75 Furman 62, Marshall 54 George Mason 58, George Washington 55 Georgia 81, Appalachian St. 37 LSU 62, Grambling St. 47 Richmond 69, Hartford 56 Towson 70, Delaware St. 59 Tulane 75, Louisiana-Lafayette 40 Vanderbilt 64, Florida St. 59 Wofford 68, NC A&T 61 MIDWEST

Championship Friday, Jan. 7 At Pizza Hut Park Frisco, Texas Sam Houston State (14-0) vs. North Dakota State (13-1), Noon

COLLEGE BASKETBALL Wednesday’s Men’s Scores SOUTH Appalachian St. 77, Campbell 74 Bowling Green 61, FIU 53 Coll. of Charleston 77, Coastal Carolina 70 East Carolina 69, Gardner-Webb 55 Florida 82, Florida St. 64 Florida Gulf Coast 83, Toledo 80 Georgia St. 72, Georgia Southern 52 Howard 88, Delaware 83, OT Kentucky 87, Loyola (Md.) 63 Mercer 65, Georgia Tech 59 Miami 76, Charlotte 61

NBA: Injuries may hurt a team more than normal CONTINUED FROM 8A

“It’s a challenge for us,� Adelman said. “If we come out and we’re ready to go, and we can knock some of these people off, it’s just going to be better for us.� The Wolves don’t host Atlanta, Milwaukee, New Jersey, Orlando, Toronto and Washington, teams that perhaps don’t inspire the casual fan to run down on game night to check them out, but could be winnable games. They also don’t travel

to Boston, Chicago, Miami or New York. From a competitive standpoint, not having to play those teams on the road is great for the Wolves. But from a player experience standpoint, the Wolves don’t sound thrilled. “I think we don’t go to Miami and Chicago. ... That’s a little sad,� eagerly anticipated guard Ricky Rubio said. With this kind of schedule, youth might be served. Washington is expected to open the year with 10 players on the

team age 25 or younger. So on those back-to-backto-back nights, the Wizards might have a touch more spring in their collective step than some other clubs. “It reminds me of an AAU season — playing five games in one day,� Wizards guard John Wall said. “It can be tough at times, but I think it can help us.� In past years, playing four games in five nights would be considered the worst of the schedule grind.

Wednesday’s Women’s Scores

Cincinnati 70, Longwood 54 DePaul 93, S. Illinois 67 Detroit 73, W. Michigan 64 Drake 65, Loyola of Chicago 50 Ill.-Chicago 66, E. Illinois 50 Iowa 86, MVSU 80 Michigan 76, Illinois St. 59 Missouri 58, Memphis 48 N. Illinois 47, Indiana St. 43 Ohio St. 79, Washington St. 57 Purdue 73, IPFW 36 SOUTHWEST Oklahoma St. 98, Ark.-Pine Bluff 35 FAR WEST BYU 84, Nevada 53 Montana St. 70, North Dakota 54 Santa Clara 96, Sacramento St. 76 Stanford 90, CS Bakersfield 48 Utah St. 64, Boise St. 52

Transactions BASEBALL American League MINNESOTA TWINS_Agreed to terms with RHP Jason Marquis on a one-year contract. TORONTO BLUE JAYS_Named John Tamargo Jr. manager of Lansing (MWL); Mike Redmond manager of Dunedin (FSL) and Clayton McCullough manager of Vancouver (NWL). National League LOS ANGELES DODGERS_Named Bruce Hines field coordinator, P.J. Carey, Gene Clines, Charlie Hough senior advisors, player development, Ramon Martinez senior advisor, latin america, Eric Owens hitting coordinator, Rafael Chaves pitching coordinator, Damon Mashore outfield/baserunning coordinator, Jody Reed infield coordinator, Travis Barbary catching coordinator, Matt Martin coordinator of arizona instruction, Henry Cruz campo las palmas coordinator and Antonio Bautista field coordinator, campo las palmas. Named Lorenzo Bundy manager, John Valentin hitting coach and Glenn Dishman pitching coach for Albuquerque (PCL), Carlos Subero manager, Franklin Stubbs hitting coach and Chuck Crim pitching coach for Chattanooga (SL), Juan Bustabad manager, Michael Boughton hitting coach and Matt Herges pitching coach for Rancho Cucamonga (CAL), John Shoemaker manager, Razor Shines hitting coach and Hector Berrios pitching coach for Great Lakes (MW), Damon Berryhill manager, Doug Mientkiewicz hitting coach and Bill Simas pitching coach for Ogden (NW). NEW YORK METS_Agreed to terms with C Rob Johnson on a minor league contract. ST. LOUIS CARDINALS_Agreed to terms with OF Carlos Beltran on a twoyear contract. Eastern League READING PHILLIES_Named Eric Scarcella director of public relations/media relations. Promoted Chris McConney to director of communications. North American League NAL_Announced the Fort Worth Cats have been accepted as a member.

BASKETBALL National Basketball Association CLEVELAND CAVALIERS_Waived G Manny Harris and G Kenny Hayes. NEW JERSEY NETS_Waived F Stephen Graham. Acquired C Mehmet Okur from the Utah Jazz for their second round draft pick in 2015. PHOENIX SUNS_Waived G/F Mickael Pietrus. FOOTBALL National Football League NFL_Fined New York Jets LB Calvin Pace $15,000 for an illegal hit on Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Michael Vick in a Dec. 18 game. CLEVELAND BROWNS_Placed S T.J. Ward on injured reserve. Signed WR Rod Windsor from the practice squad.

MISS: Loss of Holloway is big CONTINUED FROM 8A

LaRon Dendy scored 13 points for Middle Tennessee. Marcos Knight added 11 and Sulton finished with 10. Jarvis Summers led Ole Miss with nine points. Despite three first-half fouls for starting center Reginald Buckner, Ole Miss led 27-26 at halftime. The fouls haunted the Rebels all night. Forward Terrance Henry had two first-half fouls, picked up his third early in the second half and then his fourth with 13:13 left.

The third member of the Rebels’ starting frontcourt, forward Murphy Holloway, suffered a left leg injury with 10:09 remaining and did not return. “Obviously, he’s our most efficient player,� Kennedy said. Kennedy said Holloway would have X-rays on his ankle Thursday in Oxford. “That’s a big loss for them,� Davis said. “He’s the heart and soul of their team. He’s one of the best offensive rebounders in college basketball. I hope he’s fine. He’s a warrior.�


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10A • Friday, December 23, 2011 • Daily Corinthian

Community Events Holiday garbage schedule ■Alcorn County has set its garbage collection schedule for the upcoming holiday week. The routes for Monday, Dec. 26 and Tuesday, Dec. 27, will both be collected on Tuesday, Dec. 27. For New Year’s, the Dec. 29 and 30 routes will both be collected on Dec. 29 and the Jan. 2 and 3 routes will both be collected on Jan. 3. ■The Corinth Street Department’s holiday pickup schedule will be as follows: Monday, Dec. 26 garbage will be picked up Tuesday, Dec. 27; and Friday, Dec. 30 garbage will be picked up Thursday, Dec. 29 and Monday, Jan. 2 garbage will be picked up Tuesday, Jan. 3.

Christmas dinner A Christmas dinner is being served on Christmas Day, Sunday, Dec. 25 at the 1st Monday Flea Market, Traders Inn Restaurant in Tippah County. Meals will be served from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Food preparation will be on Saturday, Dec. 24 from 6:30 a.m. to noon. Everyone is invited to join in the effort to show the sick, shut-ins and the less fortunate

they are cared for. Ways to help include assisting in the preparation of the food on Saturday, Dec. 24; helping to serve food on Sunday, Dec. 25; bringing desserts to Traders Inn Restaurant on Christmas Eve by noon; or delivering food to shut-ins -- if you would like to deliver meals, be at Traders Inn Restaurant by 10 a.m. on Christmas Day. If you or someone you know would like to have Christmas dinner delivered, call 662-8374051 or fax information to 662-837-7080.

Shiloh celebrates birthday On Tuesday, Dec. 27, Shiloh National Military Park will commemorate the 117th anniversary of its establishment as a Civil War military park. The program will begin at 1:30 p.m. in the visitor center auditorium with a power-point presentation about the establishment of the park. Following the 30-minute program, the Hardin County Visitor and Convention Bureau will present a cake to the park for visitors to enjoy. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact the park visitor center at 731-689-5696 or go to the

park website at National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior.

Fireworks sale Greater Life United Pentecostal Church in Biggersville will be selling fireworks for Christmas and New Year’s celebrations as a church fundraiser, this week through New Year’s Eve. The church will be open each day and evening except for Wednesday evenings during church services (78:30 p.m.). The church will be closed on Sunday, Christmas Day, and also on Sunday, New Year’s Day.  For more information, call 662-415-3220. Thank you for your participation in this fund raiser event. Â

NEMCC registration Registration dates for day/ evening and distance learning classes for the 2012 spring semester at Northeast Mississippi Community College are set: Registration on the main campus in Booneville is Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 2-3 from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. and at the Corinth campus, Monday, Jan. 2 from 3:306:30 p.m. Day and evening

classes will begin on Wednesday, Jan. 4. Distance learning classes commence on Monday, Jan. 17.  Registration for day and evening classes will remain open until Wednesday, Jan. 11.  Students may register for distance learning classes through Friday, Jan. 13. Northeast’s Bookstore located in the Haney Union will be open from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. Jan. 3, 4, 5, 9 and 10.  Regular hours are 8 a.m. until 4 p.m.  For additional information about admissions or financial aid, call 662-720-7239 in Booneville or e-mail admitme@ nemcc.edu. Students who are uncertain about their career or educational choices should contact the Counseling Center at 662-720-7313. Visit Northeast on the Internet at www. nemcc.edu.

Blood drive The following local blood drive is being held: Wednesday, Dec. 28 -- 9 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., Corinth Coke/Refreshment, 601 Washington Ave., Bloodmobile.

Helping Hands St. James Church of God

in Christ, Home and Foreign Mission Center, 1101 Gloster St., Corinth is offering Helping Hands, Inc. Available services include non-perishable baby food, baby diapers and baby accessories. Hours of operation are every Wednesday evening from 6:30-8:30 p.m. from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.; and today from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. For more information, call 662-512-8261.

Christmas sale The Corinth Artist Guild art gallery’s annual Christmas sale is open for Christmas shoppers. The guild beefs up its gift selection each year in November and December, offering a variety of inexpensive items that have local flavor and artistry. In addition to paintings and prints of the current featured artist are the works of many other artists from the surrounding area. There is also a great selection of pottery, jewelry, wood turnings and handmade fabric crafts. Gayle Moore’s scarves, children’s sweaters, dog sweaters and knitted baby caps are included. The gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Call 665-0520 for more information.

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Contact Laura Holloway at 662-287-6111 ext. 308 to advertise your Law Firm on this page.

404 Waldron Street • Corinth, MS _________________________________________ ' 3

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Contact Laura Holloway at 662-287-6111 ext. 308 to advertise your Law Firm on this page.

LAW OFFICES OF CHARLES E. HODUM Announces the Re-establishment of Offices at 601 Main Street, Walnut, Mississippi 38683 Tippah County Hours by appointment Office 1-662-223-6895 And

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Contact Laura Holloway at 662-287-6111 ext. 308 to advertise your Law Firm on this page.

Daily Corinthian • Friday, December 23, 2011 • 11A

Thursday, Dec. 15

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

Tamba Hali

Packers Saints Patriots Ravens 49ers Steelers Texans Falcons Lions Broncos Chargers Cowboys Eagles Jets Giants Bengals Seahawks Titans Cardinals Chiefs Raiders Bears Panthers Dolphins Redskins Bills Jaguars Buccaneers Browns Vikings Rams Colts

(13-1) (11-3) (11-3) (10-4) (11-3) (10-4) (10-4) (9-5) (9-5) (8-6) (7-7) (8-6) (6-8) (8-6) (7-7) (8-6) (7-7) (7-7) (7-7) (6-8) (7-7) (7-7) (5-9) (5-9) (5-9) (5-9) (4-10) (4-10) (4-10) (2-12) (2-12) (1-13)

Pop the champagne, 1972 Dolphins; the Packers finally lost their first game. Drew Brees making late charge at MVP award, Dan Marino’s passing record. Tom Brady came, saw, conquered Mile High in first meeting with Tim Tebow. Joe “Mr. Fu Manchu” Flacco turns in unsightly performance in San Diego. Pair of power outages put spotlight on need for new Santa Clara stadium. Big Ben limps to loss, Blitz-burgh 0–3 against Harbaugh-coached teams. Wade Phillips on medical leave following kidney and gall bladder surgery. Dirty Bird defense buries Jags; Atlanta clinches fourth straight winning year. First the stomp, now the swat; Ndamukong Suh saves win with blocked FG. Tim Tebow SNL spoof creates more buzz than Sunday afternoon loss to Pats. Norv Turner, Philip Rivers improve record to 20–2 in December, January. Sitting in first in NFC East with visit from Eagles, trip to Giants remaining. Jason Babin has three sacks in second straight game, 10th player to do so. Buddy’s boy Rex Ryan disappointed by “horrendous” effort in Philadelphia. Eli Manning goes from great to goat after three-INT effort in loss to Skins. A.J. Green tops 1,000 yards receiving, sprains shoulder in win over Rams. Soar in Windy City, outscore Chicago 31–0 in second half of blowout victory. Matt Hasselbeck hobbles to loss at Indianapolis; playoff odds just got longer. Clinch third overtime win in last seven games in comeback over Cleveland. Tamba Hali notches three sacks, as K.C. hands Green Bay its first loss. Sebastian Janikowski potential game-winning 65-yard FG blocked vs. Lions. Receiver Sam Hurd cut following arrest on federal drug trafficking charges. Cam Newton throws for career-low 149 yards, leads Cats to win in Houston. What year is this? That looked like vintage USC-era Reggie Bush in Buffalo. Mike Shanahan adjusts offensive personnel, wrecks Big Blue in road win. Lose seventh straight, hope to avoid fourth straight last-place division finish. Blaine Gabbert frightened of football, gives it to Falcons on Thursday night. Trail Cowboys 28–0 at halftime en route to eighth consecutive ugly defeat. Seneca Wallace starts in place of Colt McCoy, Cleveland rocked in Arizona. Adrian Peterson plays injured, accuses Saints of dirty play, ankle-twisting. Lose fifth straight in third-stringer Kellen Clemens’ first start in two years. Defeat Titans, avoid joining 2008 Lions as only 0–16 teams in NFL history.






Tampa Bay


20 30 27 23 42 19 28 38 28 45 20 41 34

St. Louis Buffalo Tennessee N.Y. Giants Minnesota Green Bay Houston Chicago Oakland N.Y. Jets Cleveland Denver Baltimore

13 23 13 10 20 14 13 14 27 19 17 23 14






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Buffalo 1 p.m. New England 1 p.m. Baltimore 1 p.m. Kansas City 1 p.m. Washington 1 p.m. Cincinnati 1 p.m. Pittsburgh 1 p.m. Carolina 1 p.m. N.Y. Jets 1 p.m. Tennessee 1 p.m. Detroit 4:05 p.m. Dallas 4:15 p.m. Seattle 4:15 p.m.

Saturday, Dec. 17 Dallas

Sunday, Dec. 18 Cincinnati Miami Indianapolis Washington New Orleans Kansas City Carolina Seattle Detroit Philadelphia Arizona New England San Diego

Monday, Dec. 19 San Francisco

Thursday, Dec. 22 Houston

8:20 p.m.

Saturday, Dec. 24 Denver Miami Cleveland Oakland Minnesota Arizona St. Louis Tampa Bay N.Y. Giants Jacksonville San Diego Philadelphia San Francisco

Sunday, Dec. 25 Chicago


Green Bay


New Orleans 8:30 p.m.

8:20 p.m.

Monday, Dec. 26 Atlanta

Athlon Sports

TOM BRADY, QB, PATRIOTS No amount of Tebowing could stop Brady and the Patriots during a 41–23 statement road win over the Broncos. The three-time Super Bowl champ completed 23-of-34 passes for 320 yards, two TDs and zero INTs, while doing his best Tim Tebow impression on a goal line QB sneak TD run. Following Brady’s first rushing score of the season, the Pats’ emotional leader let out a little steam with a powerful spike and primal scream to celebrate the six points. CALVIN JOHNSON, WR, LIONS Megatron was in top form, with nine catches for 214 yards (23.8 ypc) and two trips to the end zone during a 28–27 victory at Oakland. Johnson’s second TD grab of the day was a six-yard strike that capped a 98-yard drive to give the Lions — who trailed by 13 points in the fourth — the lead with 39 seconds remaining. After a nail-biting finish, in which Ndamukong Suh blocked a potential 65-yard game-winning FG, Detroit earned yet another comeback win. LESEAN MCCOY, RB, EAGLES Just when it seemed as if the “Dream Team” had been put to sleep, Philly has stormed back into the playoff picture, with a mathematical shot at the NFC East title with two games left. McCoy had 18 carries for 102 yards and three TDs in a 45–19 rout of the Jets. In the process, “Shady” surpassed Hall of Fame running back Steve Van Buren for the Eagles’ single-season rushing and total TD records. McCoy now has 16 TDs on the ground and 19 total this year. REGGIE BUSH, RB, DOLPHINS The Fins feature back had 25 carries for a career-high 203 yards and a season-long 76-yard TD sprint to paydirt — after which Bush was penalized for excessive celebration for sliding into the snow in the back of the end zone — during a 30–23 win at Buffalo. The effort was Bush’s third straight 100-yard game; the sixthyear back out of USC left New Orleans as a freeagent to sign with Miami, where he has posted a career-high 973 yards and six TDs. JOHN ABRAHAM, DE, FALCONS Atlanta’s top pass rusher was at his strip-sacking best during a 41–14 blowout of Jacksonville on Thursday night. Abraham recorded five tackles, a season-high 3.5 sacks and two forced fumbles of Jaguars rookie quarterback Blaine Gabbert, who appeared to be in over his head playing against the terrorizing 6'4", 263-pound 12th-year veteran sack artist with four Pro Bowl selections already under his belt.

■ New Orleans quarterback DREW BREES is a fantasy football hero this week — after completing 32-of-40 passes for 412 yards, five TDs and zero INTs during a 42–20 road victory at Minnesota. Owners around the country hope Brees keeps up his historic pace this week in the traditional Week 16 Super Bowl.

First Things First Colts clinch first victory; Packers lose first game By NATHAN RUSH Athlon Sports Editor

The streaks are over; there will be neither a winless nor an undefeated team in the NFL in 2011. The 0–13 Indianapolis Colts beat the Tennessee Titans, 27–13, on the same day the 13–0 reigning Super Bowl champion Green Bay Packers lost to the Kansas City Chiefs, 19–14. For the Colts, the win was the team’s first without Peyton Manning starting at quarterback since current 49ers coach Jim Harbaugh was under center, leading Indianapolis to a 41–0 win over Miami on Dec. 14, 1997. That’s 222 games between wins without No. 18 leading the way, for those true blue fans scoring at home. But the quarterback had less to do with this victory than did the Colts’ fast-track defense, which held the Titans to 66 yards rushing while picking off two passes and returning one for a momentum-shifting pick-six. “Give credit to our defense,” said quarterback Dan Orlovsky, who was an efficient (albeit un-Manning-like) 11-of-17 for 87 yards, one TD to Reggie Wayne and zero turnovers. “One of the better performances I’ve seen defensively in my career. It was nice to be out on the field to take the knee to end the game.” The crowd at Lucas Oil Stadium — which will host Super Bowl XLVI — was rocking until the very end of the surprising and especially sweet win. The victory ensures Indy will not join the 2008 Detroit Lions as the only 0–16 team in history. And the one-win Colts are still in position to lock up the No. 1 overall pick in the draft.

Athlon Board of Experts This Week’s Games & Experts’ Records Texans at Colts (Thu.) Broncos at Bills Dolphins at Patriots Browns at Ravens Raiders at Chiefs Vikings at Redskins Cardinals at Bengals Rams at Steelers Buccaneers at Panthers Giants at Jets Jaguars at Titans Chargers at Lions Eagles at Cowboys 49ers at Seahawks Bears at Packers (Sun.) Falcons at Saints (Mon.)

Mitchell Light 151-73 Texans by 7 Broncos by 3 Patriots by 3 Ravens by 10 Chiefs by 1 Redskins by 3 Bengals by 4 Steelers by 10 Panthers by 8 Giants by 3 Titans by 7 Lions by 3 Cowboys by 3 49ers by 10 Packers by 10 Saints by 7

Athlon Sports

Reggie Wayne’s streak of seven straight 1,000-yard seasons is in jeopardy this year, but the Indianapolis Colts’ streak of 13 consecutive losses is finally over.

“It’s great to finally leave here with a smile on your face,” said Colts running back Donald Brown, who ran for a career-high 161 yards highlighted by an 80-yard touchdown run. On the other end of the spectrum, the unblemished Packers staggered, losing their first game since a 31–27 defeat (without Aaron Rodgers) on Dec. 19, 2010 at New England. As a result, Green Bay has no chance to join the 2007 Patriots with a 16–0 regular season record or, better yet, the 1972 Dolphins — who went 17–0 including a win in Super Bowl VII — as the only unbeaten team in history.

Nathan Rush 154-70

Patrick Snow 154-70

Steven Lassan 148-76

Texans by 6 Broncos by 3 Patriots by 8 Ravens by 13 Raiders by 3 Redskins by 4 Bengals by 2 Steelers by 9 Panthers by 12 Giants by 4 Titans by 10 Lions by 3 Eagles by 6 49ers by 1 Packers by 15 Saints by 6

Texans by 4 Broncos by 8 Patriots by 14 Ravens by 5 Chiefs by 3 Redskins by 3 Bengals by 3 Steelers by 7 Panthers by 11 Jets by 3 Titans by 6 Chargers by 3 Cowboys by 4 49ers by 3 Packers by 11 Saints by 7

Texans by 7 Broncos by 3 Patriots by 13 Ravens by 9 Raiders by 2 Redskins by 5 Bengals by 6 Steelers by 20 Panthers by 8 Giants by 3 Titans by 10 Lions by 4 Cowboys by 3 49ers by 3 Packers by 10 Saints by 7

Rob Doster 142-82 Texans by 4 Broncos by 3 Patriots by 10 Ravens by 8 Chiefs by 2 Redskins by 3 Bengals by 1 Steelers by 9 Panthers by 6 Giants by 2 Titans by 7 Lions by 1 Cowboys by 3 49ers by 6 Packers by 7 Saints by 6

In Romeo Crennel’s first game as interim coach, the Chiefs’ defense bullied the Packers offense, sacking Aaron Rodgers four times and jamming Green Bay’s receivers all day. “That’s the way you stop a team that can throw the football. They pressed us from the time we got off the bus,” said coach Mike McCarthy. With the undefeated monkey off their backs, the Packers’ focus turns to the stretch run and the playoffs. “The perfect season is over now,” said Donald Driver. “We have something better to look forward to and that’s Super Bowl XLVI.”

Consensus 151-73 Texans by 6 Broncos by 4 Patriots by 10 Ravens by 9 Chiefs by 1 Redskins by 4 Bengals by 3 Steelers by 11 Panthers by 9 Giants by 2 Titans by 8 Lions by 2 Cowboys by 1 49ers by 5 Packers by 11 Saints by 7

TEXANS (10-4) AT COLTS (1-13) In Week 1, Houston handed Indianapolis its first of 13 consecutive losses, with a 34–7 blowout. But the Colts ride into this Thursday nighter fresh off their first victory, while the Texans had their seven-game win streak snapped. BRONCOS (8-6) AT BILLS (5-9) Tim Tebow goes on the road again, where the frequent-flying Superman is a perfect 5–0 — with eight passing TDs and zero INTs. DOLPHINS (5-9) AT PATRIOTS (11-3) Miami lost to New England, 38–24, in Week 1; this may be déja vu all over again for the Fins. BROWNS (4-10) AT RAVENS (10-4) Baltimore must bounce back after a 34–14 loss at San Diego on Sunday night. A visit from the Browns — a rival the Ravens beat 24–10 in Week 13 — will cure what ails Ray Lewis. RAIDERS (7-7) AT CHIEFS (6-8) Kansas City interim coach Romeo Crennel is 1–0 after knocking off the Packers. But the likeable defensive guru needs to win out if he hopes to remain the head Chief at Arrowhead. VIKINGS (2-12) AT REDSKINS (5-9) Adrian Peterson is toughing it out for his fantasy team owners; but he might want to rest his left ankle for his real team owner Zygi Wilf. CARDINALS (7-7) AT BENGALS (8-6) Two top rookies — Arizona cornerback Patrick Peterson and Cincy wideout A.J. Green — go toe-to-toe in a matchup of future Pro Bowlers. RAMS (2-12) AT STEELERS (10-4) St. Loser aims to match its season-opening, season-long six-game losing streak this week. BUCCANEERS (4-10) AT PANTHERS (5-9) Three weeks ago, Cam Newton marched to Tampa Bay and handed the Bucs a 38–19 loss. Get ready for the rookie’s first season sweep. GIANTS (7-7) AT JETS (8-6) The battle of the Big Apple is technically an “away” game for the Giants, even though it will be played in the same stadium Big Blue plays their home games in. This is a must-win for both of East Rutherford, New Jersey’s teams. JAGUARS (4-10) AT TITANS (7-7) Tennessee gave Indianapolis its first win of the season; the Titans need to avenge that defeat plus their 16–14 Week 1 loss at Jacksonville. CHARGERS (7-7) AT LIONS (9-5) The Bolts are surging in December once again, shocking the league with a three-game win streak after a six-game slide earlier this year. EAGLES (6-8) AT COWBOYS (8-6) Big D can win and get in (with a Giants loss). A Boys loss (and G-Men win) would result in a playoff play-in next week in the season finale. 49ERS (11-3) AT SEAHAWKS (7-7) Before Niners boss Jim Harbaugh had his postgame handshake issues with the Lions’ Jim Schwartz, the former Stanford coach was asked “What’s your deal?” at midfield after upsetting then-USC coach Pete Carroll. These two bring a collegiate energy to an NFC West rivalry. BEARS (7-7) AT PACKERS (13-1) The only Christmas Sunday game on the NFL schedule is the league’s oldest rivalry — but not necessarily this season’s best matchup. The 184th meeting of the Bears and Packers is a rematch of a Week 3 contest Green Bay won 27–17 against a Chicago club that had a healthy Jay Cutler. Following their first loss of the year, the Packers will be eager to Lambeau Leap as many times as possible on Xmas. FALCONS (9-5) AT SAINTS (11-3) Atlanta coach Mike Smith was widely criticized by Monday morning, armchair quarterbacks after going for it, and subsequently failing to convert, on 4th-and-1 in overtime of a 26–23 loss to New Orleans in Week 10. Since then, the Falcons are 4–1; but the Saints are 4–0.

Maturing Newton looks to set record vs. Bucs Associated Press

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — The last time Cam Newton faced the Buccaneers he ran his way into the NFL record books. This time he’ll use his arm to do the same. The Panthers sensational rookie quarterback needs 18 yards passing Saturday against Tampa Bay to break Peyton Manning’s rookie single-season record of 3,739 yards. But Newton said that record is not as important as closing the season with two wins and helping the Panthers (5-9) carry a

load of momentum into next season when their games once again starting counting for something. “We need this win and it would be an excellent early gift on Christmas Eve,” Newton said. “So I’m more worried about the win column than the individual stats. If the season is going right, individual awards will take care of themselves. The big goal is to win the game first.” The Panthers come in hot having won three of their last four, including a 28-13 win last Sunday

against the playoff-bound Texans, and looking for a series sweep of the Bucs. The Bucs (4-10) are reeling. They lost eight straight, including a 38-19 defeat to Carolina three weeks ago, and have only managed to eclipse 20 points once during that span as questions swirl around the future of their young coach Raheem Morris. If there’s some bit of good news for the Bucs it’s that Josh Freeman will be back at quarterback. Josh Johnson started the Dec. 4 game against the

Panthers and was sacked twice and intercepted once and was unable to bring the Bucs back from an early 21-6 deficit. Forced into catch up mode, the Bucs pretty much abandon the run and running back LaGarrette Blount was a non-factor with 19 yards rushing on 11 carries. A year ago, the Bucs were as resilient as any team in the league, winning 10 games. This year, not so much. “It’s been a rough year,” Freeman said. “We haven’t played up to our potential.” The Bucs have really struggled to find consisten-

cy on offense, although they did have some luck against Dallas running the hurry-up offense. Freeman suggested that might be something that could help jumpstart a unit in need of a spark. “I could see that happening, trying to really get something going early,” Freeman said. “We’re playing a good team this weekend in the Panthers and their offense has been playing extremely well. It’s going to be a game where we’re going to have score some points.” He’s probably right. Newton had his way with

the Bucs earlier this month in leading five touchdown drives. He threw for one touchdown and ran for three others. Newton’s third touchdown run cemented Carolina’s win and broke Steve Grogan’s 35-year-old NFL record for touchdowns in a season by a quarterback with 13. For Newton, this season has been about learning how to handle adversity, something he didn’t have to deal with much while winning back-to-back national championships at Blinn Junior College and Auburn.

12A • Friday, December 23, 2011 • Daily Corinthian




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Daily Corinthian • Friday, December 23, 2011 • 1B







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2B • Daily Corinthian

Nourish a spirit of gratitude at Christmastime Christmas is here and I’m still wondering where all the “shopping days” went so quickly. I did some baking the first part of December, earlier than usual for me, and sent cookies to a few friends and relatives out of town. Then I was going to get my shopping done early -- but somewhere along the way, I got sidetracked and procrastinated too long. I must admit, though, that I’ve actually been caught up in a spirit of gratitude and have concentrated more on the privilege of sharing the holidays with my family more than worrying about gift-buying. Just sitting down for Thanksgiving supper with all my family members’ feet under the table put me in awe of how blessed I am! About three weeks after my heart attack, our children and grandchildren joined my husband and me to have a family portrait done, the first since our new granddaughter was born. I picked my order up at the photographer’s last week, and every time I look at the large print of our family group, I’m thankful all over again that we had the opportunity to have that picture made. We all know life is not always fair and things don’t always go the way we would like. With so much pain in the world and so many hurting hearts, we must never pass up the chance to give thanks for the people who brighten our days and make our life worth living. This past Monday night, my grandkids and I had a long-awaited “sleepover.” We had been planning one for weeks but couldn’t find a night that was convenient for everybody. Finally, the time was right, and that afternoon, Hayden and I went shopping to buy something special for us to do together. He chose a wood-working project and picked out one for each child, announcing to the cashier that we were having a sleepover and needed something special to do. What he didn’t comprehend was the measure of joy I experienced on

that simple little escapade in the store. My spirit of gratitude actuLora Ann ally kicked Huff in before I The Back started the Porch car to leave the house! What fun the three older kids had that night building their wooden lockers to store their small treasures in! Then we dressed all four children in their sock monkey pajamas and made pictures under the Christmas tree. That was quite interesting because Rilee Bea, at 8 months, was not totally into sitting still and posing with the other three. After eating homemade pizza, we loaded up to go riding with Popaw to see “Christmas lights.” Threeyear-old Christian asked, “Where do you go to see Christmas lights -- at the light house?” Two minutes into our drive, Hayden began singing “Jingle Bells” and Christian, Victoria, Popaw, and I quickly chimed in. Wish I had recorded it. Their little voices sounded so sweet, and they didn’t miss a word. What a memory (for me)! We rode around and listened to the giggles and words of surprise at the different colorful decorations until the kids were asking to go home because they were so tired and sleepy. Except for Victoria who announced, “I’m not gonna sleep, I’m gonna stay up all night!” She actually held on til about 1 a.m. before giving in to the sand man, and we slept til 8 the next morning when Christian announced, “Momaw, it’s wake-up time!” You see why I am so grateful to be able to share in this holiday season? I’m sure many folks reading this feel the same way I do and would agree we need to enjoy every day and make the most of our opportunities. After all, it is true we’re not promised tomorrow -- so let’s make the most of today.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Worship Call Christmas Day

East 5th St.

In revival

Souls Harbor Apostolic Church, Walnut, is having a special Christmas service on Sunday, Dec. 25, Christmas Day at 6 p.m. There will be special Christmas music with the children singing and Souls Harbor puppet team performing. ■ St. Mark Baptist Church is having a Community Christmas Service Christmas morning at 8 a.m. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Robert Fields of City Road C.M.E.

The East 5th St. M.B. Church will not have service Sunday, Christmas Day. On Saturday, Dec. 31, East 5th St. will have Watch Service with New Covenant Baptist Church and Greater Life Church from 10:30 p.m. until midnight to bring in the new year.

The Gospel Tabernacle, Glover Drive, Corinth will be in revival Sunday, Jan. 1 - Wednesday, Jan. 4. Service will be held at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Sunday and at 7 p.m., Monday-Wednesday. There will be special singing and preaching by Bro. and Sis. Bruce Sheppard. For more information, call 662-287-4118 or visit www.gospelt.com.

Usher Day The Greater Life United Baptist Church is having its annual Usher Day program on Sunday, Jan. 15 at 2:30 p.m. due to the New Year’s Day holiday. For more information, call Sis. Dorothy Alexander at 286-2320.

131st anniversary City Road Temple CME Church is celebrating its 131st church anniversary on Sunday, Jan. 8 at 3 p.m. The guest speaker will be the Rev. Eddie Goliday, pastor of Clear Creek Missionary Baptist Church and the Unity Community Choir.

New Year’s Eve A “New Year’s Eve Gospel Music Spectacular” will bring in the new year on Saturday, Dec. 31 with Southern gospel music at the Hardin County High School auditorium in Savannah, Tenn. The line-up includes some of gospel’s music finest featuring Host group Josh & Ashley Franks, The Kellys from Lawrenceburg, Tenn., award-winning soloist Mark Bishop and the Mark Trammell Quartet. For more information, contact 731-607-1948 or visit www.joshandashleyfranks.com.

Candlelight & Communion First Baptist ChurchCorinth, 501 Main Street, is having a Christmas Eve Candlelight & Communion Service, Saturday, Dec. 24 at 5:30 p.m. in the sanctuary.

Singing The Old Church Opry House will be closed Saturday, Dec. 24 and Dec. 31. For more information, call Bobby Hodges, 5879885 or Wayne Windham, 662-837-1766.

Advent celebrated First United Methodist Church, Corinth, is celebrating Advent with the following events: Saturday, Dec. 24 -- Candlelight Communion Service at 5 p.m. in the main sanctuary.

AWANA St. Mark Baptist Church is offering AWANA on Wednesday nights from 6-7:30 p.m. AWANA is a time tested, well respected Bible curricu-

lum. The evening format will include Bible drill competitions and game time. There is also Adult Prayer and Bible Study from 6-7:15 p.m. If interested in this program, contact Pastor Kim Ratliff, 662-287-6718.

B.O.M. Ministries B.O.M. Ministries (Bikers, Outcasts and Misfits), Crossroads Baptist Church, 1020 CR 400, Corinth, is meeting the second Saturday of each month at 5 p.m. The ministries was created to serve the needs of those who don’t feel comfortable in a conventional church. B.O.M. Ministries is nondenominational. Everyone is welcome to attend and to come as they are. A banner is placed on the building for easy identification. For more information, call Chris Grimes, 662415-6987.

Bible study Hungry Hearts Church, 408 Hwy. 72 W., Corinth, (across from Gateway Tire), will resume bible study on Jan. 4 every Wednesday from 6:308:30 p.m. with various subjects as the topic. For more information, call 287-0277.

What does Christmas mean to you? BY GARY ANDREWS gary@gadevotionals.com

What does Christmas mean to you? It is a time for merriment, a time of gift giving, a time for celebration and a time for good food. Too many times we allow this to be our focus on what Christmas should be. Many of us celebrate Christmas as a time of giving and receiving and miss the blessing that Christmas was first intended to be. Christians celebrate Christmas as the birthday of our Heavenly King and Savior. It is a reminder from God we have an advocate in Jesus Christ. It is the greatest gift ever given and it is the gift that never fails or goes out of style. Jesus came to give us hope and

to allow us to have a Savior who will never leave us. Through our local churches and Christian families, we have kept the message of Christ’s birthday alive and our younger generation has the opportunity to learn the real meaning of Christmas. But, unfortunately, so many of the people in the world today are unchurched and Christmas is portrayed in a fashion other than what it should be. Santa Clause has become the center of this great holiday season and our merchants have pushed the season as time to purchase gifts and gorge ourselves with rich foods and beverages. Our children look forward to Santa stopping at their house and leaving toys, clothes and other good things but

somehow the message of Christ is often omitted. Some of our hopes are centered around the Christmas tree and the packages that go under it. It brings a time of anticipation and good feeling when we light it up with bright lights and ornaments. Most of us place a star on top of the tree and possibly don’t understand what the star should be a sign of. In the gospel of Matthew 2:2 it is written; “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.” Continuing in verses 9 & 10 “ . . . and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.”

Suggested Bible readings: Sunday - Luke 2:1-12; Monday - 2 Corinthians 5:17; Tuesday - John 3:16; Wednesday - Psalm 102:12; Thursday - John 10:10; Friday - Isaiah 9:6; Saturday - Matthew 1:21 Many believe this bright star may have been a beam of light from heaven as God directed the magi to the birthplace of Christ. The star was the heavenly sign of promises long ago. God promised a Savior for the world and the star was the sign of fulfillment of His promise.

Vatican has no plans to limit visitors to the Sistine Chapel paintings Associated Press

VATICAN CITY — The Vatican is determined to avoid limiting the number of visitors to the Sistine Chapel with its Michelangelo frescoes, despite harmful buildup of dust and other pollutants, the director of the Vatican Museums said Wednesday.

“We will try to keep it open” without putting a limit on the growing number of visitors to the chapel, “in the conviction that it is possible to do so without risk to the paintings,” Antonio Paolucci wrote in the Holy See’s daily newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano.

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Paolucci, who also is one of Italy’s most renowned art restoration experts, said the Vatican was working to give the chapel where popes are elected an “updated and efficient air conditioning system able to ensure the refreshing of the air and the combating of pollutants in both solid

and gas forms.” Some 4 million people visit the Museums annually, with the chapel the highlight -- or even the sole aim of the visit -- for countless numbers of them. Ticket sales are a big moneymaker for the Vatican. Dust, sweat, humidity and carbon dioxide ex-

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haled by visitors who jam into the chapel to crane their neck to look at the frescoed ceiling can build to unwanted levels. Last year, a high-tech monitoring system was installed in the chapel to obtain data, and the monitoring “is a good way along,” Paolucci said.

The monitors register temperature and relative humidity at various heights in the chapel as well as the temperature of the frescoes themselves, dust levels, and the concentration of carbon dioxide, as well as the direction and speed of air currents in the cavernous room, he noted.

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3B • Daily Corinthian

Horoscopes by Holiday BY HOLIDAY MATHIS Tomorrow’s new moon in Capricorn will be a lucky time for making wishes, though this is the best time to dream those wishes up, as the moon is in openminded Sagittarius. There also will be a sense of urgency under this passionate influence, and it will seem as though this is the last chance to make a play for a certain outcome. ARIES (March 21-April 19). You’ll immediately identify what’s in the way of you and a certain situation you want to create for yourself. Using your amped-up powers of charm and persuasion, you will effectively eradicate this obstacle. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Regular feedback will be your magic success ticket. Arrange to check in with a supportive person, preferably a mentor type who has experience with what you’re doing. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). This will be an ordinary extraordinary day. In many ways, it’s like yesterday. And yet you notice your moments differently, experiencing the uplift of a thousand interesting details. CANCER (June 22July 22). Your eyes and ears are wide open, and wonders will be revealed to you. You’ll use all you learn to gain greater clarity about your world, especially your immediate environment. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Your day will have an el-

ement of glamour to it. There will be a victory of sorts, and you’ll know that you have caused a change that would not have happened were you not involved. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Though you are in the process of instilling new habits, you may need to take a break from your efforts to do what’s necessary to overcome other challenges of life. Rest assured, you are still moving forward. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’ll solve problems quickly. You might not find the fix that will last through the centuries, but what you come up with will do for now. And your ingenuity will be admired by those who can help you with more permanent solutions. SCORPIO (Oct. 24Nov. 21). The help of a socially supportive network will make a difference for you. With an enthusiastic team in place, you’ll be able to accomplish far more than you thought you would. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You have a jolly and flexible attitude, and that will bring you luck. You may have to push your plans around a bit to accommodate the realities of changed circumstances in your life. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22Jan. 19). You have much to accomplish, and you’ll be busy all day. The moment you check something off of your list, you’ll

want to move down to the next item. Pause to pat yourself on the back between tasks. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20Feb. 18). There are about 500 reasons to smile. Then again, you’ll only be as happy as you let yourself be. So remind yourself that you deserve to feel content. You really do! PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Your astute observations will allow you to see financial opportunity. You’ll determine how you might offer something better and different from that of the competition. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Dec. 23). You’ll come to understand your unique gifts. Every week you’ll spend time developing your talent. You’ll be applauded in April. Through the spring, you will focus on the needs of your loved ones, and somehow your own needs will be addressed in the process. In June, you will embark on an astonishing adventure. Taurus and Pisces people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 49, 18, 24, 31 and 23. WEEKEND LOVE FORECAST: ARIES: You’ll stroke a loved one’s ego. Your love is a safety zone. TAURUS: Ever the independent, you will be annoyed by anyone who comes to your rescue when you don’t really need it. GEMINI: The person who works to get your attention will appreciate it all the more. CAN-

Today in History CER: You’ll gain greater control over your emotions and direct them in a way that brings a loved one near. LEO: In the eye of an emotional storm, you will be the gentle, calm refuge that a loved one needs. VIRGO: You’ll simplify your life so that you have more to give to someone else. LIBRA: You’ll love the surprise that your love brings to you. SCORPIO: You’ll seize the chance to make a memory and take pictures to solidify the moment. SAGITTARIUS: You have just the kind of humor that someone finds devastatingly attractive. CAPRICORN: Your willingness to melt the ice with a stranger will lead to an interesting opportunity. AQUARIUS: You’ll share your dreams with someone who will someday help them come true. PISCES: You feel that you’ve been too giving and trusting in the past, but you’re not about to change that now. You’d rather believe the best of people. COUPLE OF THE WEEKEND: Sagittarius and Capricorn may be next-door neighbors on the zodiac wheel, but they are unfamiliar in so many ways that they could spend a lifetime learning about each other. Capricorn believes that love is usually as strong as its demonstration. What matters to this sign is what you do in the name of love.

Wife has heard enough of replacement’s chatter D E A R DEAR ABBY: “BLENDED” After 19 years of FAMILY: Yes, and marriage, my husplease don’t think I band left me for a am without sympayounger woman. thy. The surest way I found out later to deal with your that they had been Abigail miserably blended dating for several years. They moved Van Buren family is to make a conscious deciin together immeDear Abby sion to get on with diately after our your life. If you’re separation, and she was pregnant at the di- not interested in what the vorce hearing. They had woman has to say, get up a baby boy eight months and move away. No one says you must listen to later. At every event with my her prattle. Develop your kids, they come together own interests and activiwith their son and she ties, and meet some new steers the conversation friends. The stronger and to her life, what’s going more independent you on, etc. I have tried to be become, the better off silent and civil, but she you’ll be. Trust me. DEAR ABBY: I have ruined my daughter’s high school graduation by been in a relationship gossiping and giggling be- with “Anita” for four hind me and the kids the years. She moved in with me two years ago and our entire event. I am trying not to be a home life has been wonbitter ex, but I have had derful. We are a unique to bite back some nasty couple. We have diswords to both of them. cussed marriage, but neiAny suggestions on how ther of us believes in the to deal with a miser- tradition. I’d like to show Anita ably blended family? — BLENDED FAMILY how much I love her, as IN BATON ROUGE, well as show others we’re in a serious relationship. LA.

An engagement ring would be a way to show it. However, the term “engagement” would not be accurate because we do not plan to marry. Can you suggest another symbol or even another term for a ring to show unity without indicating the eventuality of marriage? — ROMANTIC IN OHIO DEAR ROMANTIC: How about calling Anita’s ring a commitment ring? Or give her a pendant with a sweet message engraved on the back? Or a wristwatch engraved with, “Love ya ‘til the end of time,” or “... ‘til time runs out.” Another way to indicate to others that you’re together but don’t believe in “tradition” would be to hold a commitment ceremony and invite friends. DEAR ABBY: There is an issue driving a wedge between my wife and me. I have always believed that my casual shirts (in fact, all my shirts) should be worn tucked into my slacks. My wife feels they should be left out. I think

Friday, December 23, 2011

I look better with them tucked in. She feels differently. Abby, you can save our marriage if you’ll let us know who is right. To tuck, or not to tuck — that is the question. And, by the way, she says I should mention that I have a bodacious waistline, which means I could lose 40 pounds. — FRIAR “TUCKED” IN LONGMONT, COLO. DEAR “TUCKED”: Your wife is your best friend and she is right. (If you doubt it, consult a men’s haberdasher.) By leaving your shirt out, you would appear to be a few pounds thinner. When you tuck it in, your “bodacious” waistline is accentuated by a horizontal line, which makes you appear to be heavier.

0619 Boniface V begins his reign as Catholic Pope 1482 Peace of Atrecht 1569 St Philip of Moscow martyred by Ivan the Terrible 1620 French huguenots declare war on King Louis XIII 1672 Giovanni Cassini discovers Rhea, a satellite of Saturn 1688 English king Jacob II flees to France 1690 John Flamsteed observes Uranus without realizing it’s undiscovered 1715 Russian/Prussian troops occupy Stralsund 1724 Emperor Charles VI names Maria Elisabeth land guardian of Aust Neth 1728 Prussian Emperor Karel VI sign Treaty of Berlin 1751 France sets plan to tax clergymen 1776 Continental Congress negotiates a war loan of $181,500 from France 1776 Thomas Paine writes “These are the times that try men’s souls” 1779 Benedict Arnold court-martialed for improper conduct 1783 Washington resigns as US Army’s commander-in-chief 1788 Maryland votes to cede a 10-1/2 mile area for Dist of Columbia 1793 Thomas Jefferson warned of slave revolts in West Indies 1823 “Visit from St Nicholas” by C Moore published in Troy (NY) Sentinel 1832 Dutch troops in Antwerp surrender 1834 Joseph Hansom of London receives patent for Hansom cabs 1852 1st Chinese theater in US, Celestial John, opens in San Francisco 1862 Union Gen Ben “Beast” Butler is proclaimed a “felon, outlaw & common enemy of mankind” by Jefferson Davis 1867 1st self-made millionairess (Sarah Breedlove-hair straightner) 1876 Turkey’s 1st constitution proclaimed

1888 Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh cuts off his left ear 1893 Opera “Hânsel und Gretel” is produced (Weimar) 1894 Fieldmarshal Lord Roberts departs Southampton to South Africa 1899 Southampton: field marshal lord Roberts departures to South Africa 1899 Tentative Turkish & German treaty on construction of Baghdad railway 1907 1st all-steel passengar railroad coach completed, Altoona, Pa 1909 Albert becomes king of Belgians 1911 Frank Wedekind’s “Oaha, die Satire der Satire,” premieres in Munich 1911 Opera “I Giojelli Della Madonna” is produced (Berlin) 1912 1st “Keystone Kops” film, titled “Hoffmeyer’s Legacy” 1912 Aswan Dam in Nile begins operation 1913 President Woodrow Wilson signs Federal Reserve Act into law 1915 J Kern/S Greene’s musical “Very Good Eddie,” premieres in NYC 1917 3 British warships come close to Holland 1919 1st hospital ship built to move wounded naval personnel launched 1919 Alice H Parker patents gas heating furnace 1920 Ireland divided into 2 parts, each with its own parliament 1920 King George V signs Home Rule Act 1922 BBC Radio began daily newscasts 1922 Pope Pius XI pleas for peace: encyclical Ubi arcano 1923 Yankees pitcher Carl Mays sold to Reds for $85,000 1925 Sultan Ibn Saud of Nedzjed conquers Djeddah 1926 KEX-AM in Portland OR begins radio transmissions 1928 NBC sets up a permanent, coast-tocoast radio network 1930 Bette Davis arrives in Hollywood under contract to Universal Studios

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.


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4B • Daily Corinthian







ACROSS 1 Tic, for one 6 Arcade trademark word 10 Its website has a “Rodents 101â€? section 14 “__ Go Againâ€?: Whitesnake #1 song 15 Brand at Petco 16 Pats on a buffet 17 ’30s-’40s Kildare portrayer 18 Answered on “Name That Fabricâ€?? 20 Just the binding? 22 Pocatello sch. 23 Texter’s “Oh, before I forget ...â€? 24 Pah lead-in 25 Car radio selection 28 Hedger’s OK 30 Land measurement 32 “Discreet Musicâ€? composer 33 Surrealist Jean 34 On the __ vive: alert 35 City south of Fort Worth 36 Scale model of an ancient rival of Rome 40 Oomph 41 DOD arm 42 Aus. currency 43 Seasonal helper 44 Olds 442 rivals 45 Honolulu’s __ Palace 49 Mouth formations 51 H.S. dropout’s exam 52 Author Yutang 53 High dudgeon 54 Burger queen? 57 Non-contraband cheese? 60 Rock’s Burdon et al. 61 He lowered the New York Times’ price from 3¢ to 1¢ 62 Doofuses 63 Reds, maybe 64 Clothes alterer of a kind 65 Disappearing sound, and a hint to this puzzle’s theme 66 Tex’s “What if ...â€?

DOWN 50 Contentious talk 37 Like some 1 Ramshackle movies 51 “Whither thou __ 2 Native American 38 Chicken general? ...�: Ruth 39 It may be a hallucinogen 54 Five-time U.S. relief 3 Pointers Open champ 40 Last of 26, in 4 Tuner option 55 Jazz phrase Chelsea 5 Where Clark met 56 Coffee choice 44 Erse speaker, Lewis in 1804 57 Herbert who perhaps 6 “Attack!� played 1146 White rat, e.g. 7 Jazz great Down’s nemesis 47 Reunion Malone Inspector attendees 8 Oscar winner Dreyfus 48 Actually Jannings 58 Green prefix existing 9 Toledo-to-Akron 59 Gillespie’s genre dir. 10 Not spare the ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: rod? 11 Sellers role 12 Antipoverty agcy. 13 Exiled Cambodian Lon __ 19 Like some consequences 21 Revealing ’60s’70s fad 25 Literally, “pray God� 26 SASE, e.g. 27 Overly 29 Slam 30 Blue hues 31 Heel 35 Medieval fortification 36 Sports Authority 12/23/11 xwordeditor@aol.com Field altitude

Beetle Bailey

Wizard of Id


Baby Blues

Barney Google and Snuffy Smith

By Mike Peluso (c)2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc.


Friday, December 23, 2011

CLASSIFIEDS Daily Corinthian • Friday, December 23, 2011 • 5B


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6B • Friday, December 23, 2011 • Daily Corinthian







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Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD! Here’s How It Works: Your ad will be composed 1 column wide and 2 inches deep. The ad will run each day in the Daily Corinthian until your vehicle sells. Ad must include photo, description, and price. You provide the photo. Certain restrictions apply. 1. No dealers. 2. Non-commercial only 3. Must pay in advance. No exceptions. 4. Single item only. 5. Categories included are auto, motorcycle, tractor. boat, RV and ATV 6. After every 30 DAYS, advertised price of listing needs to be reduced. 7. NO REFUNDS for any reason 8. NON-TRANSFERABLE. Call 287-6147 to place your ad!

1999 CHEROKEE SPORT 4X4, 6 cyl., all works good except for A/C

$4000. 662-665-1143.

Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!

black, quadra steer (4-wheel steering), LT, 80k miles, loaded, leather, tow package, ext. cab.

$13,000 OBO. 662-415-9007.

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1961 STUDEBAKER PICKUP $2850 OBO 731-422-4655

1996 Ford F-150 2001 F250 CREW CAB LARIAT 4X4 7.3 power stroke diesel, red w/ tan leather int., 190k miles,



170,000 mi., reg. cab, red & white (2-tone).

$2500 obo



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1990 CHEVROLET SILVERADO, 4 W.D., $2100 FIRM 662-415-0858

Put your automobile, truck, SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV, & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD Call 287-6147 today!

1993 CHEVY S-10 6 cyl, 93,000 miles, sharp, exc. condition.


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731-212-9659 731-212-9661.

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30 ft., with slide out & built-in TV antenna, 2 TV’s, 7400 miles.

$75,000. 662-287-7734

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2007 Franklin pull camper, 36’, lots of space, 2 A/C units, 2 slide outs, 2 doors, shower & tub, 20’ awning, full kitchen, W&D, $13,000.

662-415-7063 662-415-8549

2007 HONDA REBEL, 250cc, just serviced, new front tire, red in color, 7,724 miles,

$2,100 662-664-3940

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2005 Kawasaki 4-wheeler

4 wheel drive, Brute force, v-twin, 650 cc, 260 hrs., $3550. 662-603-9014

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Garage/Estate 0151 Sales

YARD SALE SPECIAL ANY 3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS Ad must run prior to or day of sale! (Deadline is 3 p.m. day before ad is to run!) (Exception Sun. 3 pm Fri.) 5 LINES (Apprx. 20 Words)

$19.10 (Does not include commercial business sales) ALL ADS MUST BE PREPAID We accept credit or debit cards Call Classified at (662) 287-6147

0180 Instruction

WORK ON JET ENGINES Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance, 866-455-4317. EARN COLLEGE DEGREE ONLINE . Medical, Business, Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 877-206-5185. www.CenturaOnline.co m


0232 General Help

CAUTION! ADVERTISEMENTS in this classification usually offer informational service of products designed to help FIND employment. Before you send money to any advertiser, it is your responsibility to verify the validity of the offer. Remember: If an ad appears to sound “too good to be true”, then it may be! Inquiries can be made by contacting the Better Business Bureau at 1-800-987-8280. THERE IS A NEED FOR LABORERS in the Marine Industry. Entry Level positions start at $720 $820 per week. Sign up for training today. CALL TODAY 850-424-2605.

0244 Trucking NOW HIRING! Are you making less than $40,000 per year? TMC TRANSPORTATION Needs Driver Trainees Now! No Experience Required. Immediate Job Placement Assistance OTR & Regional Jobs CALL NOW FOR MORE INFORMATION. 1-888-540-7364

0410 Farm Market MIXED GRASSES, lots of sericea, 5x5 rolls. $30/roll. 662-462-3976 or 662-415-0146

0460 Horses 12" PONY saddle, new cond., $100, 662-720-6855.


Household 0509 Goods BLUE FLAMES, natural gas heater w/blower, gas line incl., used 1 winter, $150. 662-665-1488. NATURAL GAS 5-burner wall heater, $60.00. 286-8773.

Musical 0512 Merchandise FOR SALE: Beautiful Maroon Abilene Electric Guitar, $150. 662-594-1433. FOR SALE: Fender Telecaster Electric Guitar, $150, 662-594-1433.

NICE SPINET piano, good condition, just tuned, $500. 286-9800.

0518 Electronics FOR SALE: New Coby 7 inch TFT Portable Widescreen DVD Player-$60 if interested call 662-462-3618.

Lawn & Garden

0521 Equipment

BOLENS RIDING Mower, 42 inch cut, 15.5 HP motor, runs great, $125 FIRM. 662-223-0865.

Sporting 0527 Goods CRESCENT ARMS 410 single shot shotgun, $110, 662-720-6855. MARLIN SEMI-AUTO. 22 rifle, $100, 662-720-6855. MOSSBURG 12-GAUGE pump, good cond., $150, 662-720-6855. TED WILLIAMS 12-gauge auto., $150, 662-720-6855.

0533 Furniture LARGE COCKTAIL/COFFEE table, light Oak, only 6 mos. old, will take $100. 287-7875.

0539 Firewood


0320 Cats/Dogs/Pets

Wanted to 0554 Rent/Buy/Trade M&M. CASH for junk cars & trucks. We pick up. 662-415-5435 or 731-239-4114.


Homes for 0710 Sale 2BR, 1BA, Cnt. Sch. Dist., 5.6 mi. from Walmart. $49,900. 662-212-3098. OPEN HOUSE. 4 Turtle Creek, Corinth. Sunday, Dec. 11th, 2-4. Owner transferred. Almost new home just $197,000. Corinth Realty, 287-7653.

0734 Lots & Acreage 147+ ACRES, cult. & woods, CR 550. $1500 per acre. 601-572-4838.

Mobile Homes 0741 for Sale

0860 Vans for Sale

King’s Rental

We Rent Only Late Models Vehicles!

Letters Testamentary having been granted on the 13th day of December, 2011, by the Chancery Court of Alcorn County, Mississippi, to the undersigned as Executor of the estate of J.Y. Foster, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to the clerk of said court for probate and registration according to law within ninety (90) days of the date of the first publication of this notice, or they will be forever barred. This the 13th day of December, 2011.

Storage, Indoor/ Outdoor AMERICAN MINI STORAGE 2058 S. Tate Across from World Color


0121 Card of Thanks

Card of Thanks

MORRIS CRUM Mini-Stor. 72 W. 3 diff. locations, unloading docks, rental truck avail, 286-3826.

From the family of Scott King and John Homer King


Perhaps you sent a lovely card, or sat quietly in a chair. Perhaps you sent a funeral spray, if so, we saw it there. Perhaps you spoke the kindest words, As any friend could say. Perhaps you were not there at all, Just thought of us that day. Whatever you did to console our hearts, We thank you so very much, whatever the part.

Steve Foster, Executor 3t 12/16, 12/23, 12/30/11 13506

Take stock in America. Buy U.S. Savings Bonds.

Got news? A! XTR




3t 12/16, 12/23 & 12/30/11 13508


Trucks for 0864 Sale

Home Improvement & Repair

BUTLER, DOUG: Foundation, floor leveling, bricks cracking, rotten 0710 Sale wood, basements, shower floor. Over 35 HUD '08 DODGE RAM 1500, yrs. exp. Free est. PUBLISHER’S 4x4, crew cab, red, 7 3 1 - 2 3 9 - 8 9 4 5 or NOTICE $23,400. 1-800-898-0290 662-284-6146. All real estate adver- or 728-5381. tised herein is subject to the Federal Fair 0868 Cars for Sale Housing Act which makes it illegal to ad- '08 CHEVY HHR LT, ltr, vertise any preference, moon roof, 33k, $11,900. or limitation, or discrimi- 1 - 8 0 0 - 8 9 8 - 0 2 9 0 nation based on race, 728-5381. color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status FINANCIAL or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limiLEGALS tations or discrimination. State laws forbid discrimination in the sale, 0955 Legals rental, or advertising of IN THE CHANCERY real estate based on factors in addition to COURT OF ALCORN COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI those protected under federal law. We will not IN THE MATTER OF knowingly accept any THE ESTATE OF advertising for real es- J.Y. FOSTER, tate which is in viola- DECEASED tion of the law. All perNO: 2011-0650-02 sons are hereby informed that all dwellNOTICE TO ings advertised are CREDITORS available on an equal Letters Testamentary havopportunity basis. ing been granted on the 13th day of December, 2011, by the Chancery Court of Alcorn County, Mississippi, to the undersigned as Executor of the estate of J.Y. Foster, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to the clerk of said court for probate and registration according to law within ninety (90) days of the date of the first publication of this notice, or they will be forever barred. This the 13th day of December, 2011. '05 GMC Crew Cab LTR, 38k, #1419. $16,900. 1-800-898-0290 or 728-5381.

U.S. Savings Bonds are gifts with a future.

Steve Foster, Executor 3t 12/16, 12/23, 12/30/11 13506

We do!

Merry Christmas 2005 Dodge 1500 .......Blue, 83K miles.............$8,000 2008 Nissan Versa ......White, Auto, Air............$6,800 2008 Chevy HHR .........Auto, Air, Silver ............$6,800 2005 Ford F150 ..........Ext. Cab, Auto, Air ........$6,500 1995 Chevy Z-71 4X4 ....White, Auto, Clean ........$4,200 2005 Ford Taurus.........White, Auto, Clean ........$4,000 2004 Dodge Durango ...New Engine, Leather .....$5,000

Corinth Motor Sales

108 Cardinal Drive just East of Caterpillar - Corinth, MS 662-287-2254 or 665-2462 or 415-6485

WANTED INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS (Newspaper Carrier) Biggersville Area EXCELLENT EARNINGS POTENTIAL Requirements: • Driver’s License • Dependable Transportation • Light Bookwork Ability (will train) • Liability Insurance

Please come by the Daily Corinthian and fill out a questionaire.

7 & 15 Passenger Vans Available

287-8773 916 Hwy 45 South


'10 WHITE 15-pass. van, 3 to choose from. 1-800-898-0290 or 728-5381.

Misc. Items for 0563 Sale

CKC SIBERIAN Husky puppies, red & white or FREE ADVERTISING. Adblack & white, blue vertise any item valued eyes, 1st shots, deat $500 or less for free. wormed, $175. 286-9088. The ads must be for priSMALL MALE Pomera- vate party or personal nian pup, 6 wks., CKC merchandise and will reg., S&W, red, black & exclude pets & pet supgray, parents on site. plies, livestock (incl. $250 cash. 662-665-1364. chickens, ducks, cattle, goats, etc), garage sales, hay, firewood, & automobiles . To take advantage of this program, readers should simply email their ad to: freeads@dailycorinthian.com or mail the ad to Free Ads, P.O. Box 1800, Corinth, MS 38835. Please include your address for our records. Each ad may include only one item, the item must be priced in the ad and the price must be $500 or less. Ads may be up to approximately 20 words including the phone number and will run for five days.

Daily Corinthian • Friday, December 23, 2011 • 7B

NO: 2011-0650-02

NEW 2 BR Homes Del. & setup IN THE CHANCERY $25,950.00 COURT OF ALCORN YOUTH CHEST wanders, Clayton Homes COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI size 3, Istica. Worn only two times, $ 1 0 0 . Supercenter of Corinth, RE: THE ESTATE 1/4 mile past hospital 662-284-6618. OF WALTER THOMAS on 72 West. COCKRELL, DECEASED NEW 3 BR, 1 BA HOMES REAL ESTATE FOR RENT NO. 2011-0624-902 Del. & setup $29,950.00 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Clayton Homes Supercenter of Corinth Unfurnished 1/4 mile past hospital LETTERS OF ADMINISTRA0610 Apartments TION having been granted on on 72 West. the 8th day of December, 2 BR, stove/refrig. furn., 2011, by the Chancery Court W&D hookup, CHA. NEW 4 BR, 2 BA home of Alcorn County, Mississippi, 287-3257. Del. & setup in Cause No. 2000-0624-02 to SHERRY COCKRELL, $44,500 upon the estate of WALTER Clayton Homes CANE CREEK Apts., Hwy THOMAS COCKRELL, deSupercenter of 72W & CR 735, 2 BR, 1 BA, ceased, notice is hereby given Corinth, 1/4 mi. past stove & refrig., W&D to all persons having claims hospital on 72 West against said Estate to present hookup, Kossuth & City 662-287-4600 the same to the Clerk of said Sch. Dist. $400 mo. Court for probate and regis287-0105. tration according to law Manufactured 0747 Homes for Sale within ninety (90) days from the 16th day of December, MAGNOLIA APTS. 2 BR, 2011, which is the date of the stove, refrig., water. CLEARANCE SALE first publication of this Notice $365. 286-2256. on Display Homes or they will be forever Double & Singlewides barred. This the 8th day of DecemHomes for available 0620 Rent ber, 2011. Large Selection WINDHAM HOMES 2 BR, 1 BA, 3890 CR 100 SHERRY COCKRELL 287-6991 (Kendrick area). Newly Administratrix of the Estate of WALTER THOMAS remodeled. $450 mo. COCKRELL, 662-665-5385. TRANSPORTATION Deceased

MAXINE'S HOUSE of Music 235 Florence Rd. Savannah, TN Big store wide sale going on NOW through Sat., Dec. 24th. Open 10 a.m. 731-925-9687. -New acoustic regular size guitars w/gig bag, $99.99. 3BR, 2BA, big hs. & yd. -$1-$5 off each set of 71 Stateline Rd. $650 strings. mo./$650 dep. 287-7875. -New pkg. deal: 4-channel P. A. board w/2 10" Mobile Homes speakers, $339.00; 0675 for Rent -10%-20% off new & used amps. ON SALE! GET THEM WHILE THEY LAST! LAYAREAL ESTATE FOR SALE WAY! Accept credit & debit cards. Register for guitar to be given away Homes for Dec. 24th.

OAK FIREWOOD. 85% split, $85 cord, delivered & stacked 662-603-9057.

AKC GREAT DANE puppies, fawn & black, S&W, m/f, duclaws removed, $500. 662-423-3170 or 662-279-9646.

at $500 or less for free. The ads must be for private party or personal merchandise and will Misc. Items for exclude 0563 pets & pet supplies, Sale livestock (incl. chickens, ducks, cattle, goats, etc), garage sales, hay, firewood, & automobiles . To take advantage of this program, readers should simply email their ad to: freeads@dailycorinthian.com or mail the ad to Free Ads, P.O. Box 1800, Corinth, MS 38835. Please include your address for our records. Each ad may include only one item, the item must be priced in the ad and the price must be $500 or less. Ads may be up to approximately 20 words including the phone number and will run for five days.

1607 S. Harper Rd., Corinth, MS

8B • Friday, December 23, 2011 • Daily Corinthian

Daily Corinthian • Friday, December 23, 2011 • 9B

LX, Automatic

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10B • Friday, December 23, 2011 • Daily Corinthian

We will be Closed Monday & Re-Open Tuesday at 7:00 A.M.

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