Daily Corinthian E-Edition 031812

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Sunday March 18, 2012 $1.50

Daily Corinthian Vol. 116, No. 67

• Corinth, Mississippi •

BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

Phil and Niki Smith of Rienzi have begun a journey of faith to adopt two children in foreign countries. The couple believes adoption of orphans is a lifelong mission God has called them to do. “Phil and I believe we are on a mission trip as many others have gone to other countries on mission trips. Our mission trip doesn’t end. It’s a lifelong mission when you adopt,” Niki said. “We did not choose this calling but we’re humbled by God’s choosing of us for this lifelong service,” her husband said, adding adopting a child had been weighing on both their hearts since they married in December 1998. The Smiths have adopted a special needs child from China.



Drug unit makes two meth arrests BY BOBBY J. SMITH

having a certified energy audit in their homes. Contractors from the Quality Contractor Network (QCN) will be on hand to discuss topics on heating, air conditioning and insulation. These energy

Three Rienzi residents are facing methamphetamine-related drug charges. The Alcorn Narcotics Unit recently searched a residence on County Road 540, Rienzi, in reference to an investigation into the “cooking” of methamphetamine. Officers traveled to the residence and spoke to the owner and several subjects who also live there. “After gaining a consent from the owner, officers found several items used in manufacturing meth,” said Narcotics Unit Officer Darrell Hopkins. Narcotics Unit officers also found items used to package, weigh and ingest meth throughout the house. Two subjects at the residence were arrested: Harold Wayne Cole, 27, and Chastity Joelene Oliver, 36, both of the County Road 540 residences in Rienzi, were transported to the Alcorn County Jail by Deputy Lucus Wooten and charged with possession of two or more precursors with intent to manufacture methamphetamine. Cole was additionally charged with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

Please see EXPO | 2A

Please see METH | 2A

Staff photo by Steve Beavers

ACE Power’s Kevin Bragg in marketing and meter tech Glenn Fowler will conduct home efficiency seminars in the morning’s segment of the ACE Power Energy Expo on Saturday. Energy saving measures taught by the two ACE employees will help reduce power bills. ACE members have questions about what they are and how the power company plans to use them. TVA-certified contractors and ACE staff and members will hold discussions on a variety of energy-saving topics. ACE customers will share their insights on what they gained from

Prentiss man on house arrest back behind bars

Couple adopts orphans from foreign countries BY ANGELA STOREY



Very special calling astorey@dailycorinthian.com.


24 pages • Two sections

Expo provides energy tips The staff of Alcorn County Electric Power Association is working to help its members conserve electricity — and cut energy costs. The fourth annual ACE Power Energy Expo will be held Saturday, March 24, at the MSU Extension Service next to the Crossroads Arena. The motto for the Expo — ”Together we can make a difference” — prompts ACE Power members to consider ways they can work together with the power company to decrease their energy usage. Previous events have drawn up to 400 ACE Power members. The 2012 event will be a departure in focus. Instead of concentrating on each customer’s particular account, Saturday’s Expo will focus on raising awareness among ACE members on the available ways to increase energy efficiency. Expo participants will learn about the benefits of installing new windows, insulation, energy efficient appliances and much more. The goal is to empower ACE members — to allow them to take control of their own energy usage. The Energy Expo will also work to enhance member awareness of the geographical and economic factors that play a role in the cost of electricity. There will be discussions of smart meters, an important topic in the continuing evolution of how customers are billed for their energy usage. With the recent switch to smart meters, many

Partly sunny

Her name is GiGi Dahl Smith. GiGi turned 2 on Jan. 13 and has scoliosis, a curvature of the spine. When she was around five months old, GiGi was found in the doorway of a restroom in Hanan, a province in China. The Smiths are awaiting travel arrangements and hope to bring GiGi home to Mississippi in the summer. Because of the scoliosis, it will be necessary for GiGi to have one or two surgeries every year, possibly until about middle school age, depending upon how successful the surgeries are, said Phil Smith. The couple is also in the very beginning stages of adopting a little boy from Africa. The Smiths have two biological children, Colt, soon to be 9, Please see ADOPTIONS | 2A



Submitted photos

Phil and Niki Smith of Rienzi have adopted GiGi Dahl Smith, a special needs child from China. GiGi turned 2 on Jan. 13 and has scoliosis, a curvature of the spine.

BALDWYN — A Prentiss County man on house arrest is back behind bars after authorities discovered drugs and a firearm in his possession. Ricky Lee Price, 26, of 633 Martin Luther King Drive, Baldwyn, was charged with possession of a controlled substance and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. “Deputies entered the home searching for another individual we had a warrant on when they discovered enough in the home that led to us obtaining a search warrant for the residence,” said Prentiss County Sheriff Randy Tolar. Narcotics investigators and deputies found cocaine, marijuana and a firearm during the search of the home. Price is now in the custody of the Mississippi Department of Corrections.

Real Evangelism Bible Conference features dynamic preaching, singing BY STEVE BEAVERS sbeavers@dailycorinthian.com

Wheeler Grove Baptist Church is reaching out to a lost world by providing three nights of dynamic preaching and singing. The Real Evangelism Bible Conference is set for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at the church, which is located at 21 County Road 519. “Those who come will find some of the premier preachers across America,” said church pastor Bro. Kara Blackard. “From start to finish, the conference will be packed with the best preaching and singing around.”

The 2012 conference will mark the seventh consecutive year to be held at Wheeler Grove. “For years I wanted to have something of this magnitude in our area,” said the Wheeler Grove pastor. “My dream was to get one here without having to drive hundreds of miles.” Ergun Caner and Real Evangelism Bible Conference founder Bailey Smith will open the event on Wednesday night at 6:30 p.m. Thursday’s session begins at 10 a.m. with the preaching of Bill Stafford and Junior Hill. Stafford will be back at 1:45 along with Blackard. During the eve-

ning session, services will be led by Jerry Vines and the Freedom Singers. “The Freedom Singers will be something special this year,” added Blackard. The trio -- Simon Ivascu, Steven Ivascu and Wesley Pop -fled Romania when they were only teenagers. Determined to escape to freedom, the three were locked and sealed aboard a container vessel. They spent two weeks in total darkness as they baked in the heat for days before being loaded onto the ship, Please see CONFERENCE | 2A

Index Stocks...... 7A Classified....10B Outdoors....10A Wisdom......1B

Weather......5A Obituaries......3A Opinion......4A Sports......8A

Staff photo by Steve Beavers

Wheeler Grove Baptist Church pastor Bro. Kara Blackard and his wife, Linda, go over final details for the Real Evangelism Bible Conference set to be held at the church this week.

On this day in history 150 years ago Gen. Grant arrives in Savannah, sets up his headquarters in the Cherry Mansion, and orders his divisions to concentrate at Pittsburg Landing, Tenn. Grant’s host, William H. Cherry, was a prominent Union man in Hardin County.

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