Daily Corinthian E-Edition 031512

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Thursday March 15, 2012 50 cents

Daily Corinthian Vol. 116, No. 64

Thunderstorm Today




• Corinth, Mississippi • 16 pages • 1 section

New year brings sharp jobless rate drop BY BRANT SAPPINGTON bsappington@dailycorinthian.com

Alcorn County saw another drop in its unemployment rate for January, posting a figure more than two percentage points lower than a year ago. Unemployment in the county stood at 10.7 percent for January 2012, a 0.2 percent drop

from December 2011 and 2.2 percent lower than January 2011 according to the most recent figures released by the Mississippi Department of Employment Security. The number of people employed in the county also saw a sharp rise in the past year, with 13,910 people working in

Alcorn County in January 2012 up from 13,230 employed in January 2011. Alliance President Gary Chandler said the positive employment figures are a sign that many existing industries have weathered the storm and are beginning to hire more people. He said in his visits to local em-

ployers he has seen many cases where companies are investing in expanding their workforce and their facilities as they begin to see some level of recovery. “There are definitely signs of life in our local industry,” said Chandler. He emphasized the county is certainly not where it wants

to be in terms of jobs and economic development and they are continuing to aggressively pursue new opportunities for new employers and the expansion of existing employers. Chandler said they are also extremely thankful for all of the Please see JOBS | 16

School board hears input from students BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

Staff photo by Steve Beavers

Enjoying a sunny day

Autumn Strickland (left), 6, and Kahiland White, 1, got away from the indoors of the Boys & Girls Club to enjoy a beautiful sunny day with a book. Temperatures were in the mid 80s creating a great opportunity for all to get outside on Wednesday.

Alcorn School District Superintendent Gina Rogers Smith discussed the input she received from the district’s Student Advisory Committee at the March meeting of the Alcorn County school board. The Student Advisory Committee is comprised of students from each of the county schools. Committee members are chosen for their leadership roles in their respective schools. “We wanted their input on some upcoming things, and one of them was dress code,” Smith explained. The superintendent praised the Student Advisory Committee for its role in helping the district shape its future policy. “They were some amazing students. They spoke up, they shared, they were very complimentary to our district,” she said. “And at

the same time, when they were offering suggestions, at no time were they negative. Their school pride really was shown during this time, and you really could tell they had a concern about their classmates.” The committee’s recommendations on the district’s dress code policy will be presented during the April school board meeting. Another topic discussed by the committee was ways to combat the dropout rate. Smith said one of the main concerns of the committee was the need to provide the district’s students with more information during their final high school years. “They would like us to do a student orientation in the summer for the seniors so they — and their parents — can have more information about going into college,” the superintendent said. Please see SCHOOL | 16

Locals ready to seek fame on NBC’s ‘The Voice’ BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

For a number of young local singers, the path to their dreams leads to Atlanta this weekend. Over a dozen aspiring vocalists from the Corinth area will audition for NBC’s “The Voice” at the show’s open call auditions on March 17 in Atlanta, Ga. Their experiences and backgrounds are all unique, but they share one thing in common — the desire to make their dreams come true. For Trevor Blakney, a 2006 graduate of Kossuth High School who is now a sergeant in the Mississippi National

“A plethora of great Mississippi-born talent will be shining in Atlanta this weekend.” Trevor Blakney Contestant Guard, the trip to Atlanta will be a chance to overcome the obstacles that have stood between him and his dream since he was fresh out of high school. Blakney’s journey began in 2006. Shortly after graduating from Kossuth, he traveled to Memphis, Tenn., to audition for “American Idol.” After winning a karaoke contest on Beale Street the night before the au-

dition, a homeless man stole Blakney’s wallet — which contained his identification cards. “After waiting in line for hours I finally reached the registration desk, only to be turned away for not having photo ID, due to the fact that my wallet had been stolen the night before,” Blakney remembered. His next setback was in 2010, during the year he was deployed

to Iraq with the National Guard. A friend submitted a video audition of Blakney to “America’s Got Talent.” A representative from the show called Blakney for a callback audition. “Unfortunately I was still in Iraq, and wasn’t going to be home in time to go,” he said. The next roadblock Blakney would face came in 2011, when he was getting ready to audition for “American Idol” in Houston, Texas. “After weeks of anticipation and countdowns on Facebook, it was the week of the audition. Two days before I was set to drive to Houston, my car broke down and I had to use the money for the trip to fix my car,”

Bullard uses art to mark Civil War’s 150th BY BOBBY J. SMITH bjsmith@dailycorinthian.com

A local artist is dedicating his brush to the task of commemorating the 150th anniversary of the War Between the States with artistic renderings of the area’s historic events. Corinth native Tony Bullard’s latest painting depicts a trio of Southern generals planning the Confederate army’s strategy in shortly before the Battle of Shiloh. The three generals in Bullard’s painting — P.G.T. Beauregard, Albert Sidney Johnston and Braxton Bragg — are meeting next to the railroad crossing that made Corinth strategically important during the Civil

War. They are making plans to attack the Union army in its camp at Pittsburg Landing on the Tennessee River, near the small wooden Shiloh Church. To ensure the historical accuracy of his painting, Bullard consulted park rangers at the Corinth Civil War Interpretive Center. “I asked [Park Ranger] Tom Parsons if the three generals were ever all together, and he said they were planning together on April 4,” Bullard explained. The painting is the second in Bullard’s Civil War sesquicentennial series, following his depiction of Gen. Ulysses S. Grant at the Cherry Mansion

in Savannah, Tenn., the morning before the Battle of Shiloh. In this painting, Grant is symbolically looking south, preparing for the upcoming clash with Southern forces. In the Corinth painting, the Confederates are looking to the north, and the battle that lies ahead. “It’s basically the other side of the coin,” Bullard said. With three more years of the sesquicentennial still ahead, Bullard plans to continue producing his historical artworks and unveiling them on the actual 150th anniversary of the events he is depicting. “I want to try to get them on the day of the 150th anniversary as close as I can,” Bullard

Index Stocks........7 Classified...... 13 Comics...... 12 Wisdom...... 11

Weather........5 Obituaries........ 3 Opinion........4 Sports........8

said. Other paintings Bullard is planning include a portrayal of Grant at his Corinth headquarters; a painting which includes Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest; a scene from the Battle of Iuka, fought Sept. 19, 1862; and a painting of Col. William P. Rogers during the Battle of Corinth. Bullard, 44, has been drawing and painting since he was “big enough to hold a pencil.” A 1985 graduate of Alcorn Central, Bullard is largely self-taught. He would practice his techniques for up to eight hours each day after getting home from school, he said. He lives in Corinth.

Blakney said. “So you can understand the frustration I had and the feeling that I had let friends and family down.” Now, in just a few days he will travel to Atlanta to the auditions for “The Voice,” and another chance to make his dreams a reality. This time he’s prepared. “My hotel room is booked and paid for, I have money set aside and my car is road ready,” Blakney said. Blakney said his expectations for the weekend are high, and he is anxious to represent his home state. “Not to mention, I have some Please see ‘VOICE’ | 16

Club to honor ‘Phenomenal Woman’ BY STEVE BEAVERS sbeavers@dailycorinthian.com

Twelve monthly winners will be narrowed to one. The Boys & Girls Club is set to name its Phenomenal Woman of the Year with its first Black Tie Reception & Dinner on Saturday, May 12 at the Crossroads Arena. Each month throughout the year the club has recognized a woman in the community for her involvement in club activiPlease see WOMAN | 16

On this day in history 150 years ago March 15 — Gen. William T. Sherman sets out on river transports with troops to raid the railroad trestles near Burnsville. Torrential rain forces him to abandon the attempt. The rain was so heavy the Tennessee River rose 15 feet in less than 24 hours.

2 • Thursday, March 15, 2012 • Daily Corinthian

Powerful joint pill flying off drug store shelves Clinical trial participants began to feel noticeable results in just days (UMS) – Imagine a pill that can start helping you get around more easily in just a matter of days.1,2 Then think about how great it would be for your joints to start feeling better too. Well there’s no reason to imagine, a team of scientists has developed an amazing joint health supplement that’s been clinically shown to improve mobility and joint comfort.1,4 The remarkable joint health pill is called Fast Acting Trigosamine® and consumers can’t seem to get enough of it. Demand has been incredible; consumers have already purchased over 44.7 million doses and that number just keeps growing. Why has this pill become so popular? The answer is really quite simple…because it works. Trigosamine has been clinically shown to produce amazing results; 81% of the participants started feeling better just days after taking the recommended dosage (Figure 1) and an incredible 100% reported their joints felt better just halfway through the 8 week clinical study.1,2 (FIGURE 1) CLINICAL TRIAL RESULTS

Fast Acting Trigosamine Placebo (100%) 100% (81%)

80% 60% 40%

(37%) (30%)


Day 6

Day 28

% Subjects that report improved joint comfort based on VAS comfort score.

“I’ve never seen relief from a supplement like this before,” said Dr. Philip Howren.1 “I’ve been practicing medicine for a long time so believe me when I tell you for people to start getting results this quickly is pretty amazing. In fact, I use this pill myself and it’s become my number one recommendation to anyone who suffers with joint discomfort,” added Dr. Howren.4 Trigosamine is currently available at just about all of the national pharmacy retailers and PatentHEALTH, the company that developed this remarkable pill, has also set up a nation-wide order line for those readers that want it shipped directly to their homes. “We wanted to make it as easy as possible for people to get Fast Acting

How Does It Work?

Fast Acting Trigosamine combines 3 powerful ingredients that can quickly start to improve joint comfort. 4 1. HYALURONATE-13: This remarkable compound is present in synovial fluid which lubricates the joints allowing them to slide smoothly. 4

2. GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE-15: Review studies show glucosamine maintains healthy cartilage in the joints by inhibiting joint destroying enzymes while also helping to build healthy cartilage. 4

(Actual Size)

3. RAPIDFLEX FORMULA-61: This proprietary blend of patented ingredients works with the body’s natural processes to improve overall joint performance. 4

Trigosamine so we’re going to ship it directly to people’s homes,” said Eric Barker, Director of Marketing Operations for PatentHEALTH. “As an added bonus, everyone that calls the national order line at 1-866-966-3179 before the 48-hour deadline expires can also qualify for a significant discount,” said Barker. “All callers have to do is give the operator the approval code of TG17755 when they call and we’ll be sure they get their Trigosamine shipped right away,” he said. “We hear from our customers all the time how great this product is so I’m sure the phones are going to ring off-the-hook when people find out they can get it shipped to their front doors while also saving a lot of money. I recommend that people call right away so they don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to feel better,” said Barker. Trigosamine’s formula has a special combination of ingredients that until now have never been blended into a pill. It’s this special mixture that was clinically tested and is responsible for delivering the incredible results. One of the key ingredients is Hyaluronate, which is a building block of “human joint oil” and known by medical professionals as synovial fluid. This remarkable molecule can absorb up to 1000 times its own weight in water helping to lubricate the joints which reduces friction while acting as a “shock absorber” allowing for effortless, comfortable motion. “Synovial fluid is part of what lets us be more active when we were younger without getting sore joints,” said Dr. Howren. “But as we age, our bodies produce less of this super-slippery fluid which can force bones and joints to

grind together causing nagging discomfort,” said Dr. Howren. “Trigosamine’s remarkable combination of ingredients is what makes it work so well. It’s helped me and my patients to move more freely and with greater flexibility,” added Howren.4 Trigosamine’s powerful results are all supported by an Independent Review Board-approved, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study which is considered to be the “gold standard” for joint health supplements. While no pill works for everyone, during this clinical trial every one of the participants that took this amazing supplement reported an improvement in their joint comfort. The data also shows that their joint comfort kept improving the entire time they were taking Trigosamine during the clinical study.1,4 On the other hand, the clinical participants taking the placebo pill experienced very different results. These individuals reported increased joint discomfort and soreness during the clinical study. This is the exact opposite result as compared to the participants that were taking Trigosamine. Further proof that this supplement works.1,4 “In all my years of practicing medicine, I’ve never seen people get this type of relief from a supplement,” said Dr. Howren. “I really recommend that people try this powerful supplement…it really is pretty amazing,” said Dr. Howren. Local readers who get through to an operator before the deadline expires may also qualify for a significant product discount. The number to call right now is 1-866-966-3179. “We’ll do everything we can to answer the calls and ship orders as quickly as possible,” said Eric

N HEALTHY JOINTS: Diagnostic x-rays reveal human joints that have the proper amounts of synovial fluid to lubricate the joints and act as a comfortable shock absorber. The plentiful fluid allows for comfortable and effortless motion.

Barker. “All people have to do is give the approval code TG17755 and ask the operator how to get their additional discount and we’ll take things from there,” he said. That makes the next 48 hours critical for those living in the local area wanting to save time and money while also getting the oppor-

tunity to feel better. Only those who get through to the order line within the next 48 hours are guaranteed to save money while getting their pills delivered directly to their homes.4 Otherwise, those who choose not to call will probably have to spend more money to get their hands on this medical breakthrough. N

How and Where You Can Get It Local residents can have Fast Acting Trigosamine® delivered directly and can also qualify for a significant discount by calling the National Order Hotline before the 48-hour deadline expires. Begin calling the toll free number at 8:30 AM today and give the operator approval code TG17755.

Approval Code: Toll-free number:

TG17755 1-866-966-3179

Retail Update: Trigosamine is available at retailers across the country including: CVS/pharmacy, Kroger, Rite Aid, Target, Walgreens and Walmart.

On the web : www.Trigosamine.com ©2012 PH P5988A OF15783R-1 1

The 8-week clinical study was completed with 54 participants. On day 6 of the study, those participants taking Trigosamine reported statistically significant improvement in joint comfort based on the VAS scale. 2 Individual results may vary. 3 Dr. Howren is an emergency room physician and medical consultant to PatentHEALTH, he is remunerated for his services. 4


Why doctors are taking krill oil instead of fish oil for their heart, brain and joints Research also shows krill oil has 45 times greater antioxidant potency than fish oil By SHAWN ANTHONY Universal Media Syndicate

(SPECIAL) - If you take fish oil you need to know what doctors themselves are now taking. It’s a remarkable supplement called Astamega-3® Krill Oil and it’s now available to the general public. Research shows that Astamega-3’s active ingredients may reduce your risk of coronary heart disease, support your brain, memory, cognitive function and improve overall joint health.†* Krill are tiny shrimp-like crustacean about 2 inches long that live in the virtually pollution-free waters of the Antarctic Ocean. Although krill themselves are tiny, Astamega-3 Krill Oil packs a huge punch. You’ll only need to take one small, easy-to-swallow supplement once a day. One clinical study showed that it worked so fast that people felt an amazing 28.9% improvement in joint comfort in just 7 days. In addition, clinical testing discovered it reduced stiffness, improved flexibility and improved range of motion.* The reason that the krill oil in Astamega-3 is so effective is because your body can absorb the beneficial Omega-3 fatty acids

EPA and DHA in krill oil much faster and better than you could with fish oil.* The adva ntages of ta king Astamega-3 go beyond its Omega-3 content. It also contains Astaxanthin, which is one of the strongest antioxidants known to the scientific community. Astaxanthin amplifies the many health benefits of Astamega-3.* Krill oil possesses 45 times more antioxidant potency than fish oil and antioxidants are important because they protect your body against oxidation from free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that contribute to the aging process as well as countless health problems. Oxidation in the human body has been compared to rusting. Free radicals cause the “rust” and antioxidants attach themselves to the free radicals and neutralize them. Here’s why krill oil is better than fish oil. Fish oil is a triglyceride and a triglyceride has to go through your entire digestive system before your body can utilize the Omega-3’s. However, powerful Astamega-3 Krill Oil is almost instantly available to your body because it’s a phospholipid that is virtually identical to the cell membranes of the

human body. This perfect match allows your body to absorb krill oil faster and use its Omega-3’s much more efficiently. In fact phospholipids like krill oil are much more effective at delivering usable Omega-3’s to your body than triglyceride bound fish oil. Doctors have determined that the EPA and DHA like what is in Astamega-3 are essential for every one of the 3 trillion cells in your body. Every cell, every organ and every system in your body needs Omega-3’s to survive. Unfortunately, many people are deficient in Omega-3’s because of modern food processing and poor eating habits. That’s why Astamega-3 is so important.* The facts are in. The research is done. Krill oil supports your cardiovascular health, brain and cognitive function, joint comfort, flexibility and range of motion. It may be the biggest breakthrough ever in Omega-3 science and could be the most important nutritional supplement you’ll ever take.* For the next 48 hours readers of this publication can get a supply of Astamega-3 shipped directly to their door by calling the national toll free hotline 1-888-207-4453. N

Supports brain health & cognitive function.* Supports cardiovascular and artery health.†* May reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.†*

Supports healthy joint function.* N DOCTOR TRUSTED: The clinically tested Krill Oil in Astamega-3 has a virtually identical cell structure to the cell membranes in your body. Compared to fish oil, research shows that this advantage enables your body to absorb much more of the healthy Omega-3’s.*

Local readers discount code Local readers can receive a significant discount on Astamega-3 if they have it shipped directly to their homes by calling toll free 1-888-207-4453 and giving the operator discount code KR886 before the 48-hour discount deadline expires. Those consumers calling after the deadline expires will either have to wait for future promotions, find it at the pharmacy or pay a higher price. Toll-free lines open promptly at 8:30a.m.

Retail Stores: Walgreens, CVS and Rite Aid have all reported to have Astamega-3 in stock.

On the web: www.Astamega-3.com †Supportive, but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.



3 • Daily Corinthian

Deaths Tommy Bray

BURNSVILLE — Funeral services for Tommy Bray, 85, are set for 2 p.m. Friday at the Rowland Mills Baptist Church in Burnsville with Bro. Frankie Smith officiating. Burial will be in the church Cemetery. Mr. Bray died on March 13, 2012 at his residence. He was born on August 8, 1926 in the Grissom Chapel Community to the late Ben and Cora Grissom Bray. He married Ernestine Browning on May 30, 1944. He was a factory worker and a farmer. He enjoyed fishing, listening to Gospel Music, talking on the CB and Ham Radio to his friends, where he was known as “Slow Poke�, and spending time with his family. Along with his parents, he was preceded in death by three brothers, John, Sylvester, and Mansel Bray; and four sisters, Lillie Gray, Lona Browning, Ruby Doss, and Alma Bain. He is survived by his wife of 68 years; one son, Larry Bray and wife Linda; two daughters, Shirley Calton and husband Donnie, and Bettie Gilmore and husband John; one grandson, Will Bray and wife Bonnie; several nieces, nephews, and a host of friends. Visitation is today from 5 until 9 p.m. at Memorial Funeral Home and from 11 a.m. till service time at the church. In lieu of customary remembrances, memorials may be made to the Rowland Mills Cemetery Fund. Condolences for the family may be left at www.memorialcorinth.com.

Robert Hill

Robert H. Hill, 69, died March 14, 2012 at Magnolia Regional Health Center. He was born Nov. 6, 1942 in Corinth to the late Hubert and Estelle Davis Hill. He graduated from Corinth High School in 1962, having worked 18 years at ITT and retired after 20 years from Liberty National Life Insurance Co. he was a member of the West Corinth Baptist Church, serving as a deacon. Preceded in death by his parents Survived by his wife of 48 years Norma Lancaster Hill, daughter Angie Vanderford her husband Terry, Sister Louise Timmons, Grandchildren Linde Breazeale her husband Hunter, Laney Kemp. Host of nieces and nephews. Funeral service will be 1 p.m. Friday at McPeters Funeral Directors Chapel with Bro. Seth Kirkland and Bro. Dennis Smith officiating. Burial will follow in the Henry Cemetery. Pallbearers Jerry Pratt, Billy Carl Lipford, Mike Timbes, Jim Chenault, Bradley Gray, Rocky Harben. Honorary Brenda Harben Sunday School Class at West Corinth Baptist Church. Visitation is today from 5 until 8 p.m. and Friday 11 a.m. to service time Condolence can be left at www.mcpetersfuneraldirectors.com.

Shirley Puckett

Funeral services for Shirley Fair Puckett, 54, of Corinth, are set for 2 p.m. today at Harmony Hill Baptist Church with burial at Harmony Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Puckett died Monday, March 12, 2012, at her residence. She was a member of Harmony Hill Baptist Church and the former owner and operator of the Burnsville Diner. She enjoyed traveling and spending time with her family and friends. She enjoyed flowers and gardening. She was preceded in death by her parents, Hughie and Dorothy Fair; three brothers, James, Charles and Don Fair; and a sister, Ruth Carol Fair. Puckett Survivors include two sons, Tommy Dale Hamm and wife Delinda of Burnsville, and Donnie Ray Hamm and wife Darlene of Corinth; three brothers, Phillip Fair of Booneville, Paul Fair and wife Clara of Corinth, and Wayne Fair and wife Betty of Shiloh, Tenn.; three sisters, Donna Elldrige of Burnsville, Mary Walker of Corinth, and Brenda Owens of Booneville; three grandchildren, Michael Ross, Timothy Godsey and Curtis Godsey; two great-grandchildren, Braxton Ross and Chandler Crum; and her special pet, Daisy Mae Puckett. Pallbearers include Micheal Ross, Michael Fair, Rodney Walker, Brian Fair, Cody Fair and Jeremy Oliver. Honorary Pallbearers include Braxton Ross and Logan Smith. Bro. Jimmy Daniel will officiate. The body will lie in state at the church today from 11 a.m. until service time on Thursday. Cutshall Funeral Home of Glen is entrusted with arrangements. Memorial contributions may be made to the Shirley Puckett final expenses account at Trustmark National Bank. An online guestbook can be accessed at www.cutshallfuneralhome.com.


You have a choice who you select as your physical therapist

Kinsley Darwin

IUKA — Kinsley Darwin died Wednesday, March 14, 2012 at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital in Memphis, Tenn. Visitation is today from 4 until 8 p.m. at Mt. Evergreen United Methodist Church. Arrangements are incomplete and will be announced by Cutshall Funeral Home - Iuka.

Johnny Phillips

Funeral services for John Thomas “Johnny� Phillips, 87, of Corinth, are set for 2 p.m. Saturday at Magnolia Funeral Home Chapel of Memories with burial at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Mr. Phillips died Monday, March 12, 2012, at North MS Medical Center in Tupelo. Born Feb. 11, 1925, he was a U.S. Navy, Army and Air Force Veteran who served in World War II and during the Korean War and the Berlin Crisis. He was on the destroyer accompanying the USS Missouri while the peace treaty with Japan was signed. He was a member of Calvary Baptist Church. He was a lifelong member of the American Legion 40 and 8 and the VFW. He was preceded in death by his wife of 67 years, Dorothy Lorene Conn Phillips; his parents, John Whitfield and Josephine Price Phillips; three brothers, Millard D. Phillips, Russell Phillips and Jimmy Phillips; and four sisters, Cleo Shipman, Eunice Bugg, Callie Douglas and Emma James. Survivors include a son, Thomas Kent Phillips (Ouida) of Charlotte, N.C.; a daughter, Wanda Kay Bailey (Art) of Destin, Fla.; four grandchildren, Jon Bret Bailey (Jane) of Arkansas, Cara Phillips Brown (Matt) of Colorado, Molly Phillips Curland (Brian) of Pennsylvania, and Matthew Phillips (Allison) of California; 10 great-grandchildren; a brother, Garvin Phillips of Corinth; a sister, Ruby Rickman of Corinth; other relatives and a host of friends. Thomas Phillips will officiate. Visitation is Friday from 5 until 8 p.m. and Saturday from noon until service time at the funeral home.

Corinth man involved in fatal Alabama crash Staff reports

CHEROKEE, Ala. — A Corinth man was uninjured Tuesday following a collision that claimed the life of a Cherokee, Ala., infant. The Times-Daily newspaper of Florence, Ala., reports Matthew R. Sculley, 19, of Corinth, was driving a 1994 Mercury Marquis on U.S. Highway 72 near Cherokee when it collided with a 1995 Chev-

Wicker, 4 congressmen turn to November election BY JEFF AMY Associated Press

JACKSON — Fresh off triumphs over primary contenders Tuesday night, Mississippi’s congressional incumbents turned their focus to November. U.S. Sen. Roger Wicker and three House Republicans pledged to cut spend-


Financial Freedom Begins With A Plan

BY MARK BOEHLER editor@dailycorinthian.com

The entry deadline is nearing for the largest photo contest in the Crossroads area. The Arts in McNairy’s (AiM) sixth annual Amateur Photo Contest has been calling for entires for several months and Photo Contest Chairperson George Souders said he is hoping for over 300 entires this year. “We’re seen some really exciting and quality work in the past and we expect no less this year,� said Souders. “We get entries from throughout Southwest Tennessee and Northeast Mississippi.� Last year over 250 photographs were entered in the competition. Between 50 and 60 photographers enter their work in the contest each year, Souders said. About three years ago, there were over 300 entries. “I’d ready like to see over 300 entries again,� he said. “Once we hit that mark, we’d like to do it again.� The final day for submissions is Friday, April 13, from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Photos should be dropped off at the UT Martin/Selmer facility just off U.S. 45 North. Photos mailed must be postmarked by Monday, April 9, to: Attention George Souders, c/o AiM Photo Contest, UT Martin/Selmer, 1269 Tennessee Ave., Selmer, Tenn. 38375. An entry form with the following information must be affixed to the back of each entry: Name, address and phone number; title of photo; category of entry; division of entry; location and date the photo was taken. Photographers should include a price if they want to sell the photo. Only checks or money orders will be accepted. Entry fees should be made payable to Arts in McNairy. All participants must

agree to be put on display at UTM/Selmer from April 15 until May 11. Winning entries will possibly be published in area newspapers and the AiM newsletter. Winners will be contacted by phone. Photos will be judged in seven categories: Natural landscape; architectural landscape; people; pets, wildlife or animals; black & white (any subject); digitally/computer manipulated or edited; and McNairy County (any photo taken inside the county). The purpose of the contest is to bring exposure to the art of photography and showcase McNairy County. The contest is open to anyone regardless of age, except the panel of judges and professional photographers.

Contest Rules â– Photos must have been taken since the year 2009. â– Photos can be taken anywhere, except those entered in the McNairy County category. â– Photos must be submitted in an 8-by-10 or 5-by-7 format. â– Photos must be unframed. However they must be matted, preferably white. â– Photos can be digital or film, black & white or color. â– Photos must not be previously published. â– Photos which won an award in any previous AiM photo contest are not eligible for the 2012 contest. However, photos entered in previous AiM contests which did not win an award are eligible. An open reception for the contest’s winners will be held from 2 until 4 p.m. on Sunday, April 15, at the UT Martin/Selmer center. The public is invited to view an exhibit featuring the photos submitted in the contest. Entry forms are available at the photo-center at Wal-Mart in Selmer, Tenn. (For more information or to request an entry form by mail contact George Souders at 731610-1365.) J7NĂ‚<H;;Ăƒ?DL;IJ?D= tqxĂƒ;:K97J?EDĂƒI7L?D=IĂƒFB7D <?N;:Ăƒ?D9EC; I H;J?H;C;DJĂƒFB7DD?D=

:L?9;Å<EHÅOEKHÅH;J?H;C;DJ If you’re not at your old job, your 401K shouldn’t be either. Chuck Counce of BancorpSouth Investment Services, Inc.,

TRANSFORMERS: OF THE 1:15 MOON JOHN CARTER (NONDARK 3-D) (PG13) 4:15(non 7:103-D) 10:00(PG13) No pass12:00,HOUSE 12:50,(R)3:20, 6:50,7:207:30, SILENT 1:054:10, 3:05 5:10 9:30 10:05 No pass THE GREEN LANTERN 10:00No pass A THOUSAND WORDS (PG13)(non1:253D)4:25(PG13) 7:30 - 9:40 (R) 3-D) - 1:20, 7:35,7:009:409:10 No pass DR. SEUSS’BADTHETEACHER LORAX (NON (PG)4:20, 1:00 4:00 MR.PROJECT POPPER’SXPENGUINS 2:40, (R) 1:35 4:40(PG)7:35- 12:20, 9:40 No pass4:55 (R) - 1:25, 9:4510:00 TYLERHORRIBLE PERRY’S BOSSES GOOD DEEDS (PG13)4:30, 1:307:25, 4:35 7:30 LARRY CROWNE (PG13)(R) - 12:10, 2:30,7:204:50, ACT OF VALOR 1:15 4:20 9:457:20, 9:40 SUPERWAR 8 (PG13) 9:507:25 9:45 THIS MEANS (PG13)- 7:20, 1:25 4:30 ZOOKEEPER (PG) -3-D) 1:10,(PG) 4:15,1:05 7:00, JOURNEY 2 (NON 4:109:20 7:05 CARSRIDER: 2 (non 3-D) (G) - OF 12:15, 1:00, 3:00, (NON 4:00, 6:45, 9:159:20 GHOST SPIRIT VENGEANCE 3-D)7:20, (PG13) THE VOW 1:20 4:20 MONTE CARLO(PG13) (PG) - 1:05, 4:05,7:15 7:05,9:35 9:30

specializes in retirement plan rollovers. Call him for a free consultation on rollover options and other investment products and services. Contact Chuck at 662-396-6016. Investment Services, Inc. Not FDIC No bank guarantee. insured. May lose value.





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Please see ELECTION | 16

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Photo contest deadline nears

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rolet Beretta driven by Heather Lashay Borden, 18, of Cherokee. Borden’s 1-year-old son, Brylan Green, was severely injured in the crash and later died at Children’s Hospital in Birmingham from his injuries. Borden and the child’s father, Kevin Green, 21, who was a passenger in the car, were treated for non-life threatening injuries at a local hospital.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

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Reece Terry, publisher

Mark Boehler, editor

4 • Thursday, March 15, 2012

Corinth, Miss.

Other Views

State marital laws need to be updated Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these legislative witnesses to bring Mississippi’s marital laws into the modern times. In this holy state, our citizens find it silly to have to wait three days before tying the knot. This regulation seems to serve little purpose beyond, perhaps, an inconvenience for the betrothed from out-of-town. When our state’s laws interrupt the flow of an otherwise costly destination wedding — perhaps to Natchez bed and breakfasts — Mississippi almost certainly betrays our “Hospitality State” roots. Furthermore, as these capital witnesses can attest, sticking needles into the arms of these two lovebirds for the sake of an antiquated law is simply a silly practice of a bygone era. As legislators consider SB 2851, authored by Sen. Melanie Sojourner, D-Natchez, we hope they’ll realize that some laws are in need of a little updating from time to time. While they’re at it, we wish lawmakers would consider increasing the minimum age for marriage. At the moment, with parental permission, males who are 17 or older and females who are 15 or old can legally be wed. Call us old-fashioned, but this is not the 1850s. Few, if any teenagers are emotionally mature enough to be wed. But we digress. Nixing the waiting period and blood test requirements is a good place to start. If any person here can show just cause for why Mississippi’s antiquated laws regarding marriage license waiting periods and archaic blood test requirements should stand, let him speak now or forever hold his peace. — The Natchez Democrat

Laying groundwork for film industry Toward the end of the movie “Sunset Boulevard,” Gloria Swanson’s character famously says — at least it’s famous among film buffs — “I’m ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille.” Mississippi is ready as well. As the Sun Herald’s Karen Nelson reports, the state wants a larger slice of this multibillion-dollar enterprise. The Legislature has put in place some of the nation’s best financial incentives and rebates for filmmakers. The state’s fledgling film industry hopes to reap the rewards of the success of “The Help,” which was filmed in Greenwood. And a fall film festival on the coast will feature not only the glitz of the movie industry but also the groundwork that needs to be laid to fully develop this sector of Mississippi’s economy. Success, we have been told, should not be measured by the occasional blockbuster, but the regular use of the state by film companies. As Wes Benton, a driving force behind this fall’s film festival, put it: “It’s better to shoot 15 $2 million films than one $30 million film, because that allows Mississippi to build a work force and to work year around.” — The Sun Herald, Biloxi

Letters Policy The Opinion page should be a voice of the people and reflect views from a broad range in the community. Citizens can express their opinion in letters to the editor. Only a few simple rules need to be followed. Letters should be of public interest and not of the ‘thank you’ type. Please include your full signature, home address and telephone number on the letter for verification. All letters are subject to editing before publication, especially those beyond 300 words in length. Send to: Letters to the editor, Daily Corinthian, P.O. Box 1800, Corinth, Miss. 38835. Letters may also be e-mailed to: letters@daily corinthian.com. Email is the preferred method. Personal, guest and commentary columns on the Opinion page are the views of the writer. “Other views” are editorials reprinted from other newspapers. None of these reflect the views of this newspaper.

Prayer for today Thank you, Lord, for your grace in Jesus Christ, whose life, death and resurrection reconcile us to you. Amen.

A verse to share Yes, beg for knowledge; plead for insight. Look for it as hard as you would for silver or some hidden treasure. — Proverbs 2:3-4 (TEV)

Reece Terry publisher rterry@dailycorinthian.com

Statistical hoaxes promote paranoia Arne Duncan is only There have been the latest in a long many frauds of hisline of fraudulent artoric proportions guments based on — for example, the statistics. financial pyramid If black males get scheme for which punished more often Charles Ponzi was sent to prison in the Thomas than Asian American 1920s, and for which Sowell females, does that mean that it is someFranklin D. RoosColumnist body else’s fault? evelt was praised in That it is impossible the 1930s, when he called it Social Security. that black males are behavIn our own times, Bernie ing differently from Asian Madoff’s hoax has made American females? Nobody in his right mind headlines. But the biggest hoax of believes that. But that is the the past two generations is unspoken premise, without still going strong —namely, which the punishment stathe hoax that statistical dif- tistics prove nothing about ferences in outcomes for “equity.” What is the purpose or efdifferent groups are due to the way other people treat fect of this whole exercise by the Department of Educathose groups. The latest example of this tion and the Department of hoax is the joint crusade of Justice? To help black stuthe Department of Educa- dents or to secure the black tion and the Department of vote in an election year by Justice against schools that seeming to be coming to the discipline black males more rescue of blacks from white often than other students. oppression? Among the many seriAccording to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, ous problems of ghetto this disparity in punish- schools is the legal difficulty ment violates the “promise” of getting rid of disruptive hoodlums, a mere handful of “equity.” Just who made this prom- of whom can be enough to ise remains unclear, and destroy the education of a why equity should mean far larger number of other equal outcomes despite dif- black students — and with ferences in behavior is even it destroy their chances for a better life. more unclear. Judges have already imThis crusade by Attorney General Eric Holder posed too many legalistic and Secretary of Education procedures on schools that

are more appropriate for a courtroom. “Due process” rules that are essential for courts can readily become “undue process” in a school setting, when letting clowns and thugs run amok, while legalistic procedures to suspend or expel them drag on. It is a formula for educational and social disaster. Now Secretary Duncan and Attorney General Holder want to play the race card in an election year, at the expense of the education of black students. Make no mistake about it, the black students who go to school to get an education are the main victims of the classroom disrupters whom Duncan and Holder are trying to protect. What they are more fundamentally trying to protect are the black votes which are essential for Democrats. For that, blacks must be constantly depicted as under siege from whites, so that Democrats can be seen as their rescuers. Promoting paranoia translates into votes. It is a very cynical political game, despite all the lofty rhetoric used to disguise it. Whether the current generation of black students get a decent education is infinitely more important than whether the current generation of Democratic politicians hang on to their

jobs. Too many of the intelligentsia — both black and white — jump on the statistical bandwagon, and see statistical differences as proof of maltreatment, not only in schools but in jobs, in mortgage lending and in many other things. Some act as if their role is to protect the image of blacks by blaming their problems on whites. But the truth is far more important than racial image. Wherever we want to go, we can only get there from where we are. Not where we think we are, or wish we are, or where we want others to think we are, but where we are in fact right now. But political spin and pious euphemisms don’t tell us where we are. After a while, such rhetorical exercises don’t even fool others. If we don’t have the truth, we don’t have anything to start with and build on. A big start toward the truth would be getting rid of the kinds of statistical hoaxes being promoted by Secretary of Education Duncan and Attorney General Holder. Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. His website is www.tsowell.com.

Pumping gas prices for all they’re worth saddled with $5 gas? Gasoline is headCould it have funded ed for five bucks a the GI bill or estabgallon. I read it in lished a nationwide the newspaper, so I system of hospitals know it’s true. The to deal specifically national average is with military veterans already creeping up Donald and their problems? on $4, and it’s bound Kaul Could it have inventto climb higher as ed the computer or the summer surge in Other Words Instant Replay? travel approaches. No. Five dollars a galThey’d have spent all of lon! Oh the pain. The suffer- their time and money lining ing. How will we survive as up at gas stations to buy gas at five dollars a gallon! a nation? They wouldn’t have been You know, they talk about the courage, fortitude, and so great if they’d had our resolve of the Greatest problems. Fortunately, we have a Generation, the cohort that came of age in the 1930s slate of Republican presiand ‘40s and overcame dential candidates angling great obstacles to make the to save us from this crisis. United States into Fat City. Why, Newt Gingrich alone And in truth they had a lot has promised $2.50-perto deal with — World War gallon gas by next summer II, the Great Depression, if he’s elected. Sure, that’s polio epidemics, manual a big if, and he hasn’t let transmissions — but they us in on how he’ll do it yet. never had to put up with But the common thread in $5 gas. If they had, history Republican rescue plans is might have told a very dif- this: “Vote for me instead of Barack Obama.” ferent story. Yes, surprisingly enough, Could the Greatest Generation have pulled out of Republicans have looked the Depression in time to out on the sea of troubles conquer the Nazis, sub- that confront us and dedue the Japanese, and re- cided that it’s all Obama’s build Europe if they’d been fault. They say he’s rejected

Beth Cossitt

Mark Boehler

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every single plan to increase our oil and gas production. Drilling in the Arctic wilderness? Building a pipeline from Canada down through the United States? Lifting job-killing regulations aimed at preventing oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico? Obama has been against (or kind of against) them all. He, of course, claims that the rising gas prices aren’t his fault. He says that as the recession improves, demand for oil and gas increases, driving up the price. Why, Obama even advocates conservation. Can you believe that? The man will stop at nothing. He and the wimpy environmentalists around him want us to use less oil and gas. They go so far as to suggest we travel on buses and trains. Well, you listen up, Mr. Obama, and you listen up good. We are Americans and we do not believe in buses and trains, which if I’m not mistaken are Communist ideas that originated in Europe. Did the Greatest Generation have to conserve things? Not on your life.

World Wide Web: www.dailycorinthian.com To Sound Off: E-mail: email: news@dailycorinthian.com news@dailycorinthian.com advertising@dailycorinthian. Circulation 287-6111 com Classified Adv. 287-6147 Classad@dailycorinthian.com

(Unless you count that gas rationing — along with meat, butter, and eggs — during World War II.) We patriotic Americans think that the way to happiness is drill, frack, strip mine and clear-cut our way back to $2.50-a-gallon gas. Oh, and we need to do what it takes to go back to buying soft drinks for a nickel too. And don’t tell me about global warming, that hoax perpetrated by 10 or 20,000 climate scientists who are trying to convince us that the earth is getting warmer. Don’t you know that it snowed in North Dakota just the other day? We global warming deniers have hundreds, or maybe that’s dozens, of scientists on our side saying: ■ The earth isn’t getting warmer. ■ If it is, it’s not our fault. ■ And anyway, it’s good for you. So there. Everything is good. Or it will be as soon as we get rid of Barack Obama and his $5-a-gallon gas. OtherWords columnist Donald Kaul lives in Ann Arbor, Mich. otherwords. org

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Editorials represent the voice of the Daily Corinthian. Editorial columns, letters to the editor and other articles that appear on this page represent the opinions of the writers and the Daily Corinthian may or may not agree.

Daily Corinthian • Thursday, March 15, 2012 • 5A

State Briefs Associated Press

Indecent exposure bill passes House JACKSON — A bill that would make the third conviction of indecent exposure a felony passed the Mississippi House late Tuesday. House Bill 573 would change the penalty from a misdemeanor with a maximum of six months in prison to a felony with a minimum of one year and a maximum of five years in prison and a fine of $2,500 to $5,000. Women who are breast-feeding are exempted from the bill. Rep. Hank Zuber, a Republican from Ocean Springs, said that currently a person can be convicted for indecent exposure an unlimited number of times and never face more than misdemeanor charges. Zuber says the bill was created in direct response to a Biloxi man who has been repeatedly convicted of indecent exposure.

The bill goes to the Senate.

Businesses being recruited to Smithville SMITHVILLE — Based on preliminary reports from a community needs assessment in Smithville, local residents want a grocery store followed by a drug store and an auto parts store. That's the challenge for the Monroe County town as it approaches the one-year anniversary for an April 2010 tornado that devastated it. WTVA-TV reports that most business owners who elected to stay or set up shop as soon as possible say they are seeing a profit. Still, they would like more businesses to arrive. “Some other businesses we would like to see come into our community would be a grocery store and a drug store,” said Leigh Duncan, owner of Smithville Hardware. “Obviously, a grocery store is very important to



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a community,” said Phil Prewitt, also a business owner. “Another business that would do well here would be definitely some rental property, you know, to rent out homes and things of that nature.” The recent community needs assessment gave town leaders a chance to see what residents would like to see open in the near future. They also are willing to provide that information to people outside of town considering a business in Smithville. “It will be hard for me to put a business inside right now in town knowing that I had to depend on the population inside our city limits,” said Mayor Gregg Kennedy. “We included a six-mile radius around our town to show the population that does business here in Smithville.” “This is one of the areas that can be a shining light for not only Monroe County but for the state of Mississippi,”

said Prewitt.

Warren man dies from beating VICKSBURG — Authorities in Jackson have upgraded the charges against two suspects after a Warren County man from injuries he suffered in a beating. The Vicksburg Post reports that 29-yearold Jontez Garvis and 25-year-old David Thomas are now charged with capital murder. Jackson police spokesman Colendula Green says they are being held without bond in the Hinds County jail. Sixty-one-year-old Fred Jackson died Friday at University Medical Center in Jackson, after being in a coma for 41 days. He never regained consciousness. Garvis and Thomas were charged in early February with aggravated assault and robbery in the beating. Police say Jackson was attacked and robbed by two men on Jan. 29 while 408 ConstitutionDrive Drive Constitution Iuka, MS 38852 Beside Hut Next to Pizza Pizza Hut 601-990-8836

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UM faces deadline to respond to suit OXFORD — The University of Mississippi has until the end of the month to file a response to a lawsuit from a former business manager who alleges she was fired because she is black. The Oxford Eagle reports that Ginger R. Walton also alleges in federal court documents that she was also fired for refusing to participate in schemes to misuse funds. Walton's lawsuit was filed Feb. 28 in federal court in Oxford. The university has 30 days to reply. Walton began working at Ole Miss in 1993. She was promoted to business manager in 2001. Walton says she was the only black accountant in the Office of Research. She alleges she was being set up for termination. She claims she was excluded from all meet-

ings, especially planning meetings and only given limited information on decisions affecting her position and that many of her duties were given to fellow white employees. She also claims an administrator authorized the purchase of football tickets for congressional staffers; payment for travel accommodations of congressional staffers; authorized reimbursement to herself for expensive dinners, hotel lodging, airfares, gifts to and liquor for congressional staffers. In April 2011, Walton was told she was being terminated for unsatisfactory job performance, but a bad job evaluation would not be processed if she agreed to resign, which she did. In November 2011, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reviewed Walton's claims and reported it was unable to conclude any findings of discrimination.

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6 • Thursday, March 15, 2012 • Daily Corinthian




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’Til Death

Obamas give PM grill, chef jackets Associated Press

WASHINGTON — It's time for David and Samantha Cameron to fire up the barbie again — and not just any grill. President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, have presented the British prime minister and his wife with a wood and charcoal burning grill engraved with

American and British friendship flags. The grill came with his-and-her White House chef jackets embroidered with the Camerons' names. The White House says the gifts commemorate the Obamas' May 2011 visit to London, when the Obamas and Camerons held a cookout for

American and British members of the military. Mrs. Obama also gave Mrs. Cameron a vase of White House honey. And the Cameron children got bean bag chairs embroidered with their names and the presidential seal. The Camerons are on an official visit to Washington.

Feds release health blueprint for states BY RICARDO ALONSOZALDIVAR Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Fifty million people in America lack health insurance and the law says most of them must soon be provided coverage. But how to deliver? The Obama administration Monday finalized an ambitious blueprint for new state-based markets that will offer consumers one-stop shopping along the lines of amazon.com. It may sound simple enough, but getting there will be like running an obstacle course. The rule comes just two weeks before the Supreme Court takes up a challenge to the constitutionality of the law in a case brought by states. Many governors and legislators are on the sidelines awaiting the outcome, even as time is running out to act. Starting Jan. 1, 2014, new health insurance markets called “exchanges” must be up and running in every state, the linchpin of a grand plan to make health insurance accessible and affordable to those who now struggle to find and keep coverage. Individual consumers and small businesses will be able to shop online for competitively priced coverage, and many will receive government subsidies to help pay premiums. “More competition will drive down costs and exchanges will give individuals and small businesses the same purchasing power big businesses have today,” Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius said in a statement. Experts say it's anybody's guess how the national rollout will go. If a state is not ready, the law requires the federal government to step in to run its exchange. But the Obama administration's request for $800

million to operate federal exchanges has gotten a frosty reception from congressional Republicans. “At this point it's still an open question as to whether all the states will open up as of 1-1-2014,” said Neil Trautwein of the National Retail Federation, a business group whose members will be heavily affected by the law. Reaction on Monday to the 640-page rule was mixed. Consumer organizations, the insurance industry and some business groups gave it favorable or neutral reviews. Republican governors panned it. The new markets are for individuals and small businesses buying plans. Most people who now have employer health insurance will not have to make changes. It's a design that works well in Massachusetts, where an exchange has been in place for several years. Massachusetts achieved political consensus about its health care overhaul under former GOP Gov. Mitt Romney, who is now seeking his party's presidential nomination. That's far different from the enduring national divisions over President Barack Obama's law, even though it used Romney's as a foundation. Setting up 50 state exchanges wouldn't be easy even if the federal overhaul enjoyed widespread support. For things to go smoothly, state and federal officials must work together to verify private personal and financial details for millions of people, make sure that consumers are enrolled in the right health plan, and accurately calculate how much government aid, if any, each household is entitled to. And with customer ser-

vice the goal, consumers need to get answers in hours, not weeks. Nearly 30 million people are eventually expected to get private health coverage through exchanges, about half of whom are currently uninsured. Another group of uninsured people — as many as 16 million low-income Americans expected to qualify for Medicaid — could also enter the system through their exchanges. States are moving in fits and starts to set up the new markets. Only 13 states and Washington, DC, have adopted a plan. Progress varies widely among other rest. Under the law, most Americans will have a legal responsibility to carry health insurance, either through their job, a government program or by buying their own. Millions will receive financial assistance for their premiums. Whether that amounts to an unconstitutional expansion of federal power is among the subjects of a showdown that begins March 26, when the Supreme Court is set to begin an unusual three days of arguments. A decision is expected by June. Sebelius says she expects the court to uphold Obama's Affordable Care Act and thinks states will move quickly once the court has ruled. States have until Jan. 1, 2013 to obtain federal approval for their exchanges. Among the rule's key elements: States can receive conditional federal approval for their exchanges if their plans are far along but not final by Jan. 1, 2013. States can operate exchanges in partnership with other states. The federal government will provide funding for different types of exchanges to allow for flexibility.

Congress urges US ‘stick to plan’ in Afghanistan BY DONNA CASSATA Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Republicans and Democrats alike insist the United States should stay the course in Afghanistan, sticking to President Barack Obama's timetable for withdrawing American troops despite the massacre of Afghan civilians and the burning of Qurans — two offenses blamed on the U.S. military that have stoked antiAmerican anger. Key proponents of keeping troops in Afghanistan, like Rep. Howard “Buck” McKeon, R-Calif., say these tragic incidents shouldn't diminish the American resolve to finish a job begun more than

a decade ago. “When you look at the war through that terrible, violent act — it can seem hopeless and lost,” McKeon, the House Armed Services Committee chairman, said of the American soldier suspected of killing 16 Afghan civilians, including women and children. “But the reason we liberated Afghanistan in 2001 was right then, and it is the same reason we fight today to keep it liberated.” McKeon's argument for a continued U.S. presence in Afghanistan more than 10 years after the war began reflects the view of the nation's military commanders and was echoed

by several lawmakers, including the Senate's top Democrat and Republican. Support for the current policy puts them at odds with two Republican presidential candidates — Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul — and a growing number of Americans exasperated with the drawn-out conflict and clamoring for the 90,000 troops to come home. McKeon was scheduled to deliver his remarks in a speech Wednesday at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif. The Associated Press obtained excerpts of his remarks. The current U.S. plan calls for a drawdown of

23,000 American troops by the end of September and a complete withdrawal by the end of 2014, when Afghan forces are to take charge of the country's security. After the burning of Qurans by U.S. soldiers last month, anti-U.S. protests and the killing of at least six U.S. troops by Afghan troops, 24 senators, including Republicans Mike Lee of Utah and Rand Paul of Kentucky, wrote a letter to Obama arguing that U.S. military involvement in Afghanistan was too costly and it was time to bring American forces back. The massacre of the 16 Afghan civilians has prompted talk of accel-

erating the withdrawal of U.S. forces. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said there has been no change in plans to complete a troop withdrawal by the end of 2014 and Obama has spoken of ending the war “responsibly.” Top lawmakers cautioned against a rush to judgment and embraced that approach. “We're drawing down in Afghanistan and we should stick by the timeline that we have,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said. In a rare instance of agreement with Reid, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said the situation was challenging, “but I think

we ought to stick to the plan that's been laid out by the administration.” Sen. Scott Brown, RMass., who has served more than three decades in the Army National Guard, warned against using the weekend attack to abandon the current timetable for ending the combat mission. “I don't think this issue should step us back from our overall reduction strategy, for which I support the president,” Brown told reporters. His Democratic colleague from Massachusetts, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry, said the incident should not affect the larger mission.


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7 • Daily Corinthian

Thursday, March 15, 2012


P/E Last


A-B-C-D ABB Ltd AES Corp AK Steel AU Optron AVI Bio AbtLab AberFitc Accenture AcmePkt ActivsBliz AdobeSy AMD Aeropostl Aetna Agilent Agnico g AlcatelLuc Alcoa AllosThera AllscriptH Allstate AlphaNRs AlteraCp lf Altria AmBev Amarin Amazon AMovilL s AmApparel ACapAgy ACapMtg n AEagleOut AmExp AmIntlGrp AmTower Amgen Anadarko AnalogDev AnglogldA Annaly A123 Sys Apple Inc ApldMatl ArcelorMit ArchCoal ArchDan AriadP ArmourRsd ArubaNet Atmel AuRico g Autodesk BHP BillLt BRFBrasil Baidu BakrHu BcoBrad pf BcoSantSA BcoSBrasil BkofAm BkNYMel Barclay Bar iPVix BarrickG Beam Inc BeazerHm BedBath BerkH B BestBuy BioSante h Blackstone BlockHR Boeing BostonSci BrMySq Broadcom BrcdeCm C&J Egy n CA Inc CBRE Grp CBS B CIT Grp CSX s CVS Care CYS Invest CblvsNY s CabotOG s Calpine Cameco g Cameron CdnNRs gs CapOne CapitlSrce CpstnTrb h Carlisle Carnival CelSci Celgene Cemex CenterPnt CntryLink CheniereEn ChesEng Chimera CienaCorp Cigna Cisco Citigrp rs CleanEngy Clearwire CliffsNRs Coach CobaltIEn CocaCE Coeur Comc spcl Comerica ConAgra ConocPhil ConsolEngy Corning Covidien CSVS2xVxS CSVelIVSt s CredSuiss CrwnCstle Ctrip.com Cummins CypSemi DCT Indl DDR Corp DR Horton DanaHldg DeltaAir DenburyR Dndreon DeutschBk DevonE DirecTV A DxFnBull rs DirSCBear DirFnBear DirDGldBll DirxSCBull Discover Disney DomRescs DowChm DryShips DuPont DukeEngy DukeRlty Dynegy

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Downward-facing earnings? Sports apparel maker Lululemon has enjoyed strong demand for its pricey yoga, running and other athletic gear, clocking consecutive earnings and revenue increases in the first nine months of its fiscal 2011. The Canadian company reports results for the October-to-January period today, but it has already taken steps to temper expectations, issuing an earnings forecast range that could result in a smaller-than-anticipated profit.


PanASlv Pandora n PatriotCoal PattUTI PeabdyE PeopUtdF PepcoHold PerfectWld PetrbrsA Petrobras Pfizer PhilipMor PiperJaf PitnyBw Polycom s Popular Potash PS USDBull PwShs QQQ PrecDrill PrinFncl ProLogis ProShtS&P PrUShS&P ProUltQQQ PrUShQQQ ProUltSP ProUShL20 PrUPShQQQ ProSht20Tr ProUSSP500 PrUVxST rs ProUSSilv ProUltSlv s ProUShEuro ProctGam ProgsvCp Prudentl PSEG PulteGrp

7 dd dd 9 8 21 15 5 ... ... 17 18 dd 6 24 14 12 q q ... 9 dd q q q q q q q q q q q q q 17 14 8 10 dd

21.84 -.54 10.65 -.18 6.31 -.11 18.21 -.46 30.09 -.62 12.96 +.11 19.18 -.38 12.90 +.90 27.34 +.32 28.35 -.04 21.93 -.08 85.45 -.26 26.13 -.15 18.34 -.21 18.23 -.76 2.18 +.08 42.65 -.35 22.42 +.12 66.49 +.23 11.02 -.40 28.55 +.40 34.83 -.09 36.13 +.02 15.40 +.01 115.01 +.89 31.42 -.27 57.35 -.14 20.94 +1.00 11.40 -.13 33.64 +.84 9.36 +.03 25.69 +1.52 10.73 +.63 54.28 -3.57 19.90 +.13 67.85 -.05 22.85 +.21 61.58 -1.49 30.10 -.39 9.34 -.14

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Dot-com days

Q-R-S-T Qualcom QksilvRes RF MicD RadianGrp RegalEnt Renren n Rentech RschMotn RioTinto RiteAid RiverbedT RylCarb SAIC SAP AG SLM Cp SpdrDJIA SpdrGold S&P500ETF SpdrHome SpdrS&PBk SpdrLehHY SpdrS&P RB SpdrRetl SpdrOGEx SpdrMetM Safeway StJude SanDisk SandRdge SaraLee Schlmbrg Schwab SciClone SeadrillLtd SeagateT SvArts rsh SiderurNac SilverBull SilvWhtn g Sina SkywksSol SoUnCo SwstAirl SwstnEngy SpectraEn SP Matls SP HlthC SP CnSt SP Consum SP Engy SP Inds SP Tech SP Util StdPac Staples Starbucks StateStr StlDynam Stryker Suncor gs SunTrst SupEnrgy Supvalu Symantec Synovus Sysco TCF Fncl TD Ameritr TJX s TaiwSemi TalismE g Target TeckRes g TenetHlth Terex TevaPhrm TexInst 3M Co ThrshdPhm TibcoSft TimeWarn TollBros Transocn Travelers TrinaSolar TriQuint TwoHrbInv TycoIntl Tyson

25 65.11 +.26 15 5.45 -.05 36 4.63 -.12 Tech stocks are frenzy, investors valued The Nasdaq returned to 3,000 but is still 2 4.25 +.28 beginning to look a lot like stocks in the Nasdaq at 39.8 percent below its record. 53 13.74 -.30 their old selves. The an astronomical 175 times ... 5.35 -.17 Nasdaq composite index 5,048 5,000 their per-share earnings. dd 1.94 March 10, closed above 3,000 At that time, many 3 13.15 -.34 2000 Tuesday for the first time Nasdaq companies were ... 54.54 -1.48 4,000 since December 2000. Internet startups with high dd 2.05 +.17 This year the tech-heavy stock prices but big 3,040 70 26.68 -.69 Nasdaq has far outpaced losses. And many of them March 14, 10 29.01 -.16 2012 the other major market failed, taking the Nasdaq 17 12.84 +.09 indexes. It is up 16.7 down with them. 2,000 ... 70.43 -.34 percent, compared with 11 Today, the biggest tech 1,114 14 16.10 -.47 percent for the Standard & darling is also the world’s Oct. 9, 2002 Poor’s 500 index and 8 q 131.88 +.20 1,000 most valuable company: percent for the Dow Jones ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 Apple. Unlike the q 159.57 -2.73 industrial average. dot-com era, q 139.91 -.15 Technology stocks are the best-performing industry when investors paid for the hopes of future q 21.29 -.12 group in the S&P 500, up 19.3 percent so far this year. profits, Apple and q 23.58 +.27 And that’s benefitted investors in tech mutual funds, others deliver q 39.74 -.11 which top the domestic stock mutual fund charts. earnings aplenty. In the q 28.27 +.16 The last close of the Nasdaq above 3,000, on Dec. fourth quarter of last year alone, q 61.32 -.13 11, 2000, came as the index slid – from a peak above Apple earned $13 billion, giving it a q 59.04 -.77 5,000 in March 2000 to just above 1,100 in October relatively modest price-to-earnings q 49.88 -.85 2002. Early that year, at the height of the dot-com ratio of 11.5. 15 21.85 -.08 14 42.28 -.44 Index mutual funds that aim to match the performance of the Nasdaq composite or Nasdaq 100 indexes 12 49.67 -1.06 3-YR 10-YR 62 8.12 -.06 1-YR ANNUALIZED ANNUALIZED EXPENSE MINIMUM FUND RETURN RETURN RETURN RATIO INVESTMENT 54 21.40 -.14 20 74.02 -.75 Shelton Nasdaq-100 Index Direct (NASDX)* 18.4% 32.8% 9.9% 0.49% %1,000 21 14.64 +.07 USAA Nasdaq-100 Index (USNQX)* 17.6 32.2 9.3 0.78 3,000 13 6.34 +1.10 Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index (FNCMX) 13.0 29.5 6.1 0.35 10,000 10 37.60 -1.03 *Nasdaq-100 index is comprised of 100 of the largest non-financial companies listed on the Nasdaq. 72 27.43 -.57 ... .14 -.02 AP SOURCE: Morningstar, FactSet Data through March 13 ... 10.54 +.15 dd .60 +.05 22 33.38 -1.62 dd 72.24 -3.11 NDEXES 24 27.73 +.58 52-Week Net YTD 52-wk 22 43.52 -.18 High Low Name Last Chg %Chg %Chg %Chg 31 8.18 -.23 18 33.12 -.53 13,180.40 10,404.49 Dow Industrials 13,194.10 +16.42 +.12 +7.99 +13.61 18 31.95 -.02 5,627.85 3,950.66 Dow Transportation 5,180.39 -74.11 -1.41 +3.20 +4.65 q 36.90 -.14 467.64 381.99 Dow Utilities 454.89 -6.29 -1.36 -2.11 +14.52 q 36.98 -.01 8,718.25 6,414.89 NYSE Composite 8,185.31 -49.16 -.60 +9.47 +3.22 q 33.74 -.10 2,498.89 1,941.99 Amex Market Value 2,410.39 -27.46 -1.13 +5.80 +8.59 q 44.48 -.06 3,039.89 2,298.89 Nasdaq Composite 3,040.73 +.85 +.03 +16.72 +16.20 q 73.95 -.72 1,396.13 1,074.77 S&P 500 1,394.28 -1.67 -.12 +10.87 +10.93 q 37.69 -.09 14,669.57 -39.68 -.27 +11.22 +9.93 q 29.91 +.11 14,709.74 11,208.42 Wilshire 5000 868.57 601.71 Russell 2000 823.40 -7.83 -.94 +11.13 +5.31 q 35.16 -.53 dd 4.68 -.11 11 15.95 +.41 13,240 Dow Jones industrials 32 52.68 +.34 12 44.88 +1.01 Close: 13,194.10 12,960 12 14.84 +.09 Change: 16.42 (0.1%) 16 54.23 +.90 12,680 10 DAYS 10 32.96 -1.42 13,600 22 23.61 +1.03 18 29.09 -.75 dd 6.12 -.22 12,800 18 17.86 -.32 dd 2.05 +.09 15 30.19 +.02 12,000 14 11.45 -.08 17 19.70 +.13 11,200 20 38.09 +.04 ... 14.81 -.06 ... 13.09 -.55 10,400 14 58.60 +.12 S O N D J F M ... 35.34 -1.57 49 5.43 -.04 66 25.04 +.63 TOCKS OF OCAL NTEREST 14 43.80 -.64 17 32.01 -.28 YTD YTD 15 88.87 +.12 Name Div PE Last Chg %Chg Name Div PE Last Chg %Chg dd 6.99 +.17 1.00 21 31.23 -.31 +4.3 1.32 9 46.21 +.14 +6.8 MeadWvco 46 30.18 +.21 AFLAC 1.76f 48 31.45 -.18 +4.0 OldNBcp .36f 15 12.75 -.05 +9.4 13 35.98 -.54 AT&T Inc 2.32 16 91.14 +.40 +7.0 Penney cc 24.39 -.27 AirProd .80 22 36.64 -.99 +4.2 1.80f 16 42.80 -.88 -3.0 PennyMac dd 53.37 -.18 AlliantEgy 2.20f 8 18.47 -.26 +11.1 1.88 10 38.30 -.75 -7.3 16 58.95 +.54 AEP PepsiCo 2.06 16 64.06 -.28 -3.5 3 7.50 -.05 AmeriBrgn .52 15 38.24 +.22 +2.8 ... ... 7.40 +.19 +28.5 22 6.52 +.03 ATMOS 1.38 14 31.11 -.35 -6.7 PilgrimsP .50 9 6.63 -.17 -31.7 6 10.32 -.12 BB&T Cp .80f 17 30.42 +.02 +20.9 RadioShk 20 52.79 -.17 BP PLC .04 36 6.17 +.39 +43.5 1.92f 6 46.70 -.63 +9.3 RegionsFn 12 19.65 -.32 BcpSouth .04 30 13.32 +.13 +20.9 SbdCp ... 7 1929.00 -15.00 -5.3 Caterpillar 1.84 15 112.27 -1.03 +23.9 SearsHldgs U-V-W-X-Y-Z .33t ... 79.96 +.02 +151.6 3.24 8 110.69 -.50 +4.0 Sherwin UBS AG ... 14.01 -.06 Chevron 1.56f 26 107.19 -.05 +20.1 2.04f 19 70.22 -.03 +.4 US Airwy 14 7.09 +.13 CocaCola SiriusXM ... 18 2.29 -.01 +25.5 Comcast .65f 19 29.79 -.26 +25.6 USG dd 15.57 -.18 1.89 18 44.85 -.56 -3.1 1.00 16 56.54 -.13 +12.2 SouthnCo UltraPt g 8 23.16 +.34 CrackerB ... ... 2.77 -.02 +18.4 1.84f 12 81.59 -.07 +5.5 SprintNex UnionPac 16 107.71 -2.68 Deere .22e ... 15.44 +.02 +18.8 UtdContl 9 19.42 -.41 Dell Inc ... 9 17.42 +.19 +19.1 SPDR Fncl UPS B 20 78.24 -.13 Dillards .20 7 63.57 +.44 +41.6 StratIBM12 .76 ... 25.16 -.03 -.4 US NGs rs q 18.10 -.38 Dover 1.26 13 63.93 -.66 +10.1 TecumsehB ... ... 4.38 +.28 -1.7 US OilFd q 40.41 -.42 EnPro ... 16 37.41 -.17 +13.4 TecumsehA ... ... 4.32 +.01 -8.1 USSteel dd 29.10 +.79 FordM .20 7 12.88 +.18 +19.7 Trchmrk s .60f 10 49.59 +.12 +14.3 UtdTech 16 86.81 +.24 FredsInc .24f 17 13.97 -.12 -4.2 UtdhlthGp 12 55.78 +.45 FullerHB 2.38e ... 54.63 -.62 +6.9 .30 17 31.05 +.15 +34.4 Total SA UnumGrp 7 24.15 -.05 ... ... 1.27 -.04 +11.4 GenCorp ... ... 6.34 -.01 +19.2 USEC UrbanOut 24 28.21 +.26 .78f 13 31.48 +.47 +16.4 .68 16 19.79 +.20 +10.5 US Bancrp Vale SA ... 23.38 -.24 GenElec 1.16 20 126.43 +.17 +2.2 WalMart 1.59f 14 61.08 +.08 +2.2 Vale SA pf ... 22.73 -.29 Goodrich Goodyear ... 10 12.32 -.02 -13.1 WellsFargo .88f 12 33.37 +.04 +21.1 ValeroE 8 27.98 -.50 HonwllIntl 1.49 23 60.52 +.15 +11.4 VangEmg q 44.11 -.76 Wendys Co .08 ... 4.84 -.01 -9.8 .84 11 27.46 -.03 +13.2 VerizonCm 46 39.47 -.01 Intel WestlkChm .30 17 64.46 -1.23 +60.2 .32 15 26.82 -.10 +36.4 ViacomB 16 47.48 -.55 Jabil .60 34 21.86 -.21 +17.1 VimpelCm 11 11.39 +.09 KimbClk 2.96f 18 72.81 -.24 -1.0 Weyerhsr .17 9 8.46 +.04 +6.3 VirgnMda h ... 24.73 -.38 Kroger .46 26 24.34 +.12 +.5 Xerox Visa 22 116.75 -.52 Lowes ... ... 8.25 -.41 -17.3 .56 21 30.49 +.26 +20.1 YRC rs Vivus dd 20.05 -.14 McDnlds 2.80 18 97.29 +.51 -3.0 Yahoo ... 18 14.63 +.08 -9.3 Vodafone ... 26.26 -.80 Vonage 1 2.23 +.07 Vringo dd 1.84 +.19 VulcanM dd 45.56 -.65 Walgrn 11 33.37 +.12 WalterEn 10 59.70 -2.00 MOST ACTIVE ($1 OR MORE) AINERS ($2 OR MORE) OSERS ($2 OR MORE) WsteMInc 17 34.82 -.20 Vol (00) Last Chg Name Last Chg %Chg Name Last Chg %Chg WeathfIntl 62 16.13 -.30 Name WellPoint 9 67.22 +2.17 BkofAm 4631652 8.84 +.35 HeliosM rs 4.63 +1.78 +62.5 FT EmMSC 31.09 -15.50 -33.3 WDigital 14 39.63 -.52 RegionsFn 1325042 6.17 +.39 Endocyte 5.89 +2.17 +58.3 Zhongpin 8.36 -2.16 -20.5 WstnUnion 10 18.05 +.04 S&P500ETF 1317100 139.91 -.15 iP LXR1K 79.29 +22.29 +39.1 OxfordRes 7.23 -1.67 -18.8 WmsCos 20 30.04 -.19 SPDR Fncl 1279977 15.44 +.02 FedSignl 5.78 +1.20 +26.2 PacSunwr 2.04 -.47 -18.7 WmsSon 17 37.02 +.48 6.77 -1.48 -17.9 Citigrp rs 1077821 35.21 -1.24 ZionsBc wt 5.10 +1.00 +24.4 Xerium Windstrm 38 12.04 -.07 3.97 +.70 +21.6 SterlCons 8.98 -1.30 -12.6 704464 19.79 +.20 NuPathe WT India q 20.47 -.25 GenElec 6.34 +1.10 +21.0 CmtyWest 2.20 -.28 -11.3 JPMorgCh 666750 43.58 +.19 SciClone XL Grp dd 21.76 585760 43.79 -.70 VlyNBc wt 2.39 +.39 +19.4 DirDGldBll 17.09 -2.07 -10.8 XcelEngy 15 26.62 -.51 iShEMkts Guidewre n 30.04 +4.39 +17.1 AsiaPWire 3.06 -.36 -10.5 PwShs QQQ 567181 66.49 +.23 Xilinx 18 36.65 -.29 542017 2.77 -.02 Caesars n 12.88 +1.87 +17.0 BroadVisn 42.58 -4.92 -10.4 Yamana g 16 15.46 -.80 SprintNex YingliGrn 4 3.74 -.16 Youku dd 28.79 -2.59 YSE IARY ASDA IARY YumBrnds 25 68.64 +.01 3,133 Advanced 817 Total issues 798 Total issues 2,625 Zhongpin 4 8.36 -2.16 Advanced 2,245 New Highs 164 Declined 1,737 New Highs 153 ZionBcp 26 21.58 +2.05 Declined Unchanged 71 New Lows 16 Unchanged 90 New Lows 20 ZweigTl q 3.18 -.09 Volume 4,362,224,750 Zynga n dd 13.35 -.03 Volume 1,622,716,480








$72.43 $38.25 60

‘11 ‘12 40

Operating EPS


est. $.48

4Q ’10

4Q ’11

Price-to-earnings ratio:


based on past 12 months’ results

Dividend: None Source: FactSet





YTD Name NAV Chg %Rtn American Beacon LgCpVlInv 19.98 -0.04 +13.3 LgCpVlIs 21.05 -0.04 +13.3 American Cent EqIncInv 7.66 -0.02 +5.7 GrowthInv 28.18 ... +14.7 InfAdjI 12.83 -0.10 +0.7 UltraInv 26.05 -0.03 +13.7 ValueInv 6.18 -0.01 +9.5 American Funds AMCAPA m 21.08 -0.05 +11.9 BalA m 19.63 -0.05 +7.8 BondA m 12.60 -0.06 +1.0 CapIncBuA m 51.57 -0.23 +4.8 CapWldBdA m20.86 -0.15 +1.9 CpWldGrIA m 35.64 -0.13 +11.0 EurPacGrA m 39.56 -0.21 +12.5 FnInvA m 39.16 -0.14 +10.7 GrthAmA m 32.54 -0.09 +13.3 HiIncA m 11.09 +0.01 +5.7 IncAmerA m 17.59 -0.05 +5.0 IntBdAmA m 13.62 -0.04 +0.3 IntlGrInA m 29.73 -0.10 +8.2 InvCoAmA x 29.79 -0.20 +10.4 MutualA x 27.51 -0.25 +7.0 NewEconA m 27.39 -0.11 +15.2 NewPerspA m 29.41 -0.13 +12.4 NwWrldA m 52.11 -0.25 +13.0 SmCpWldA m 38.47 -0.22 +15.9 TaxEBdAmA m12.72 -0.05 +2.4 USGovSecA m14.29 -0.06 -0.6 WAMutInvA m 30.47 -0.06 +7.3 Aquila ChTxFKYA m 10.85 -0.04 +0.7 Artisan Intl d 22.75 -0.23 +14.7 IntlVal d 27.74 -0.13 +10.6 MdCpVal 21.63 -0.11 +9.8 MidCap 39.44 -0.32 +19.8 Baron Growth b 55.45 -0.38 +8.7 SmCap b 25.75 -0.24 +12.3 Bernstein DiversMui 14.77 -0.05 +0.4 IntDur 13.78 -0.08 -0.1 TxMIntl 13.98 -0.09 +12.0 BlackRock Engy&ResA m 33.57 -0.77 +4.1 EqDivA m 19.50 -0.07 +7.4 EqDivI 19.55 -0.07 +7.5 GlobAlcA m 19.58 -0.09 +7.8 GlobAlcC m 18.22 -0.09 +7.6 GlobAlcI 19.68 -0.09 +7.9 Calamos GrowA m 53.32 -0.30 +14.9 Cohen & Steers Realty 65.75 -0.24 +8.1 Columbia AcornA m 30.54 -0.24 +14.7 AcornIntZ 39.01 -0.27 +13.7 AcornZ 31.62 -0.25 +14.7 DivBondA m 5.08 -0.02 +1.3 StLgCpGrZ 14.11 -0.10 +17.4 TaxEA m 13.87 -0.05 +2.5 ValRestrZ 49.40 -0.25 +11.1 DFA 1YrFixInI 10.32 -0.01 +0.3 2YrGlbFII 10.11 ... +0.3 5YrGlbFII 11.01 -0.04 +0.9 EmMkCrEqI 20.35 -0.15 +18.0 EmMktValI 31.18 -0.24 +20.1 IntSmCapI 15.79 -0.13 +16.3 RelEstScI 25.01 -0.10 +8.3 USCorEq1I 12.03 -0.05 +12.0 USCorEq2I 11.86 -0.05 +12.2 USLgCo 10.99 -0.01 +11.3 USLgValI 21.47 -0.12 +12.5 USMicroI 14.68 -0.13 +11.0 USSmValI 26.06 -0.21 +12.5 USSmallI 22.90 -0.20 +11.6 DWS-Scudder GrIncS 18.09 ... +12.6 Davis NYVentA m 36.04 +0.01 +10.9 NYVentC m 34.75 +0.02 +10.7 NYVentY 36.43 +0.02 +11.0 Delaware Invest DiverIncA m 9.17 -0.07 +0.9 Dimensional Investme IntCorEqI 10.39 -0.07 +12.4 IntlSCoI 15.66 -0.13 +13.2 IntlValuI 16.41 -0.09 +11.5 Dodge & Cox Bal 74.24 -0.20 +10.1 Income 13.63 -0.05 +2.5 IntlStk 32.80 -0.15 +12.2 Stock 114.22 -0.30 +12.4 DoubleLine TotRetBdN b 11.20 ... +2.7 Dreyfus Apprecia 44.18 -0.05 +9.0 Eaton Vance LrgCpValA m 18.73 -0.05 +9.6 FMI LgCap 16.75 +0.01 +9.8 FPA Cres d 28.47 -0.02 +6.3 NewInc m 10.68 -0.01 +0.3 Fairholme Funds Fairhome d 30.01 +0.22 +29.6 Federated StrValI 4.88 -0.03 +1.0 ToRetIs 11.36 -0.04 +1.5 Fidelity AstMgr20 13.09 -0.05 +3.1 AstMgr50 16.06 -0.06 +6.9 Bal 19.71 -0.06 +8.4 BlChGrow 49.71 -0.02 +17.2 Canada d 52.80 -0.89 +5.3 CapApr 28.47 -0.04 +15.6 CapInc d 9.23 ... +7.7 Contra 76.37 +0.03 +13.2 DiscEq 24.04 -0.01 +11.8 DivGrow 29.97 -0.13 +15.8 DivrIntl d 28.60 -0.15 +12.1 EqInc 45.21 -0.16 +9.4 EqInc II 18.91 -0.05 +8.7 FF2015 11.65 -0.04 +6.6 FF2035 11.63 -0.04 +10.2 FF2040 8.12 -0.02 +10.3 Fidelity 35.24 ... +13.1 FltRtHiIn d 9.80 ... +2.3 Free2010 13.94 -0.05 +6.4 Free2020 14.10 -0.05 +7.5 Free2025 11.76 -0.04 +8.8 Free2030 14.01 -0.05 +9.1 GNMA 11.79 -0.03 +0.1 GovtInc 10.63 -0.06 -1.0 GrowCo 95.81 -0.28 +18.4 GrowInc 20.46 -0.01 +12.2 HiInc d 9.02 ... +5.7 Indepndnc 25.50 -0.05 +17.8 IntBond 10.87 -0.05 +0.5 IntMuniInc d 10.48 -0.03 +0.9 IntlDisc d 30.80 -0.08 +11.6 InvGrdBd 7.71 -0.04 +0.5 LatinAm d 55.58 -0.31 +13.7 LevCoSt d 29.43 -0.09 +17.2 LowPriStk d 40.39 -0.15 +13.0 Magellan 72.62 -0.03 +15.3 MidCap d 30.15 -0.18 +13.1 MuniInc d 13.17 -0.05 +1.8 NewMktIn d 16.69 -0.08 +6.8 OTC 63.37 -0.05 +15.9 Puritan 19.38 -0.04 +9.6 RealInv d 30.12 -0.06 +9.3 Series100Idx 9.84 ... +11.6 ShIntMu d 10.82 -0.03 +0.4 ShTmBond 8.52 -0.01 +0.6 SmCapStk d 18.74 -0.12 +13.3 StratInc 11.06 -0.03 +3.2 Tel&Util 17.41 -0.15 +0.4 TotalBd 10.94 -0.05 +0.8 USBdIdxInv 11.70 -0.06 -0.1 Value 72.04 -0.37 +13.5 Fidelity Advisor NewInsA m 22.27 ... +12.9 NewInsI 22.55 ... +13.0 StratIncA m 12.35 -0.04 +3.2 Fidelity Select Gold d 41.64 -1.62 -1.4 Fidelity Spartan 500IdxAdvtg 49.56 -0.06 +11.4 500IdxInstl 49.56 -0.06 +11.4 500IdxInv 49.56 -0.05 +11.4 ExtMktIdAg d 40.28 -0.29 +13.6 IntlIdxAdg d 32.98 -0.14 +10.9 IntlIdxIn d 32.98 -0.13 +10.9 TotMktIdAg d 40.38 -0.09 +11.8 TotMktIdI d 40.38 -0.09 +11.8 First Eagle GlbA m 48.85 -0.24 +8.3

OverseasA m 22.05 -0.16 Forum AbStratI 11.05 +0.03 FrankTemp-Frank Fed TF A m 12.34 -0.05 FrankTemp-Franklin CA TF A m 7.28 -0.02 Growth A m 49.98 -0.08 HY TF A m 10.52 -0.04 Income A m 2.17 -0.01 Income C m 2.19 -0.01 IncomeAdv 2.16 ... NY TF A m 11.93 -0.04 RisDv A m 36.91 -0.05 StrInc A m 10.48 -0.03 US Gov A m 6.86 -0.02 FrankTemp-Mutual Discov A m 29.31 -0.02 Discov Z 29.69 -0.01 QuestZ 17.47 -0.05 Shares A m 21.58 -0.05 Shares Z 21.75 -0.05 FrankTemp-Templeton Fgn A m 6.70 +0.05 GlBond A m 13.22 -0.08 GlBond C m 13.24 -0.08 GlBondAdv 13.18 -0.08 Growth A m 18.33 +0.03 World A m 15.51 +0.02 Franklin Templeton FndAllA m 10.76 ... GE S&SUSEq 43.86 -0.02 GMO EmgMktsVI 11.96 -0.05 IntItVlIV 20.38 -0.09 QuIII 23.84 -0.03 QuVI 23.85 -0.03 Goldman Sachs HiYieldIs d 7.17 +0.01 MidCpVaIs 37.54 -0.26 Harbor Bond 12.43 -0.07 CapApInst 43.24 -0.05 IntlInstl d 60.27 -0.43 IntlInv m 59.71 -0.42 Hartford CapAprA m 33.36 -0.13 CapAprI 33.37 -0.13 CpApHLSIA 42.87 -0.18 DvGrHLSIA 21.14 -0.08 TRBdHLSIA 11.76 -0.05 Hussman StratGrth d 11.64 +0.01 INVESCO CharterA m 17.65 -0.03 ComstockA m 17.02 -0.09 EqIncomeA m 8.92 -0.03 GrowIncA m 20.25 -0.06 HiYldMuA m 9.67 -0.03 Ivy AssetStrA m 25.53 -0.12 AssetStrC m 24.77 -0.12 JPMorgan CoreBondA m 11.83 -0.06 CoreBondSelect11.82 -0.06 HighYldSel 7.93 +0.01 IntmdTFSl 11.26 -0.05 ShDurBndSel 10.97 -0.01 ShtDurBdU 10.97 -0.01 USEquit 11.20 -0.02 USLCpCrPS 22.33 -0.07 Janus BalT 26.65 -0.08 GlbLfScT d 27.81 -0.07 OverseasT d 39.45 -0.12 PerkinsMCVT 22.14 -0.11 TwentyT 61.64 +0.09 John Hancock LifAg1 b 12.65 -0.05 LifBa1 b 13.24 -0.04 LifGr1 b 13.21 -0.04 LifMo1 b 13.02 -0.04 Lazard EmgMkEqtI d 19.93 -0.05 Legg Mason/Western CrPlBdIns 11.22 -0.06 MgdMuniA m 16.67 -0.06 Longleaf Partners LongPart 30.09 -0.06 SmCap 27.80 -0.16 Loomis Sayles BondI 14.62 -0.07 BondR b 14.56 -0.07 Lord Abbett AffiliatA m 11.77 -0.05 BondDebA m 7.96 -0.01 ShDurIncA m 4.60 ... ShDurIncC m 4.63 ... MFS IsIntlEq 18.05 -0.11 TotRetA m 14.87 -0.07 ValueA m 24.86 -0.10 ValueI 24.97 -0.11 MainStay HiYldCorA m 5.96 ... Manning & Napier WrldOppA 7.60 -0.06 Matthews Asian China d 24.29 -0.28 India d 17.42 +0.02 Merger Merger b 15.78 ... Metropolitan West TotRetBdI 10.49 -0.04 TotRtBd b 10.49 -0.05 Morgan Stanley Instl IntlEqI d 13.66 -0.07 MdCpGrI 38.12 -0.34 Natixis InvBndY 12.31 -0.07 StratIncA m 15.11 -0.06 StratIncC m 15.19 -0.06 Neuberger Berman GenesisIs 49.29 -0.43 GenesisTr 51.14 -0.44 Northern HYFixInc d 7.33 +0.01 Oakmark EqIncI 29.01 -0.13 Intl I d 19.43 -0.04 Oakmark I 47.18 -0.01 Oberweis ChinaOpp m 10.52 -0.12 Old Westbury GlbSmMdCp 15.18 -0.09 Oppenheimer DevMktA m 33.73 -0.20 DevMktY 33.35 -0.20 GlobA m 60.56 -0.14 IntlBondA m 6.32 -0.04 IntlBondY 6.32 -0.04 IntlGrY 28.47 -0.20 LtdTmNY m 3.36 -0.01 MainStrA m 36.29 +0.09 RocMuniA m 16.50 -0.07 RochNtlMu m 7.19 -0.02 StrIncA m 4.21 -0.01 PIMCO AllAssetI 12.25 -0.07 AllAuthIn 10.73 -0.08 ComRlRStI 6.87 -0.10 DivIncInst 11.63 -0.04 EMktCurI 10.44 -0.08 EmMktsIns 11.71 -0.03 FloatIncI 8.71 +0.04 HiYldIs 9.32 ... InvGrdIns 10.57 -0.06 LowDrA m 10.38 -0.03 LowDrIs 10.38 -0.03 RERRStgC m 4.68 -0.07 RealRet 11.93 -0.10 RealRtnA m 11.93 -0.10 ShtTermIs 9.78 ... ToRtIIIIs 9.73 -0.05 ToRtIIIs 10.65 -0.06 TotRetA m 11.04 -0.07 TotRetAdm b 11.04 -0.07 TotRetC m 11.04 -0.07 TotRetIs 11.04 -0.07 TotRetrnD b 11.04 -0.07 TotlRetnP 11.04 -0.07 Parnassus EqIncInv 28.12 -0.13 Permanent Portfolio 48.41 -0.63 Pioneer PioneerA m 42.35 ... Principal L/T2020I 12.34 ... L/T2030I 12.24 ... LCGrIInst 10.34 ... Putnam GrowIncA m 14.31 -0.05

Another rate dip?

Winnebago’s 2Q

Could mortgage rates go any lower? The average rate on a 30-year home loan has been hovering below 4 percent for three months now, making home-buying and refinancing more attractive to those who can qualify. The average rate dipped in the last week of February to 3.88 percent, its second weekly decline in a row. That’s not too far from mid-February’s average of 3.87 percent, the lowest rate since long-term mortgages began in the 1950s.

Consumers’ skittishness over big-ticket purchases last year led to softer sales for Winnebago Industries. The motor home maker’s quarterly earnings have fallen sharply the past three quarters, and Wall Street is anticipating the company will just barely avoid a quarterly loss when it reports fiscal second-quarter results today.

58.59 -0.03 +8.3 NewOpp VoyagerA m 23.51 -0.02 Royce PAMutInv d 12.06 -0.11 +2.3 PremierInv d 20.86 -0.19 TotRetInv d 13.79 -0.10 +3.1 Russell +12.0 StratBdS 11.02 -0.04 +3.4 Schwab +5.0 1000Inv d 39.48 -0.08 +4.8 S&P500Sel d 21.79 -0.03 +5.6 Scout +1.8 Interntl d 31.35 -0.19 +6.1 Selected +4.7 American D 43.67 +0.01 -0.2 Sequoia Sequoia 159.86 -0.54 +8.0 T Rowe Price +8.1 BlChpGr 44.94 +0.02 +7.6 CapApprec 22.45 ... +8.9 EmMktBd d 13.52 -0.05 +9.0 EmMktStk d 32.76 -0.23 EqIndex d 37.72 -0.04 +13.2 EqtyInc 25.47 -0.03 +7.4 GrowStk 37.12 -0.04 +7.3 HealthSci 37.46 -0.09 +7.4 HiYield d 6.77 +0.01 +12.5 InsLgCpGr 18.77 -0.07 +12.9 IntlBnd d 9.71 -0.10 IntlGrInc d 12.84 -0.08 +8.9 IntlStk d 14.01 -0.10 LatinAm d 45.20 -0.37 +13.2 MidCapVa 23.74 -0.14 MidCpGr 59.31 -0.39 +16.0 NewAsia d 15.96 -0.06 +7.8 NewEra 45.52 -0.64 +8.2 NewHoriz 35.68 -0.25 +8.2 NewIncome 9.67 -0.05 OrseaStk d 8.16 -0.04 +5.8 R2015 12.58 -0.05 +11.8 R2025 12.81 -0.06 R2035 13.06 -0.06 +2.0 Rtmt2010 16.14 -0.06 +17.2 Rtmt2020 17.45 -0.08 +14.9 Rtmt2030 18.43 -0.08 +14.8 Rtmt2040 18.60 -0.08 ShTmBond 4.83 -0.01 +15.8 SmCpStk 35.23 -0.22 +15.8 SmCpVal d 37.91 -0.38 +15.3 SpecGrow 19.10 -0.08 +9.3 SpecInc 12.65 -0.04 +1.1 Value 25.11 -0.11 TCW -6.4 TotRetBdI 9.82 -0.03 Templeton +10.0 InFEqSeS 18.85 +0.04 +11.9 Third Avenue +7.2 Value d 46.86 -0.36 +9.0 Thornburg +4.1 IncBldC m 18.70 -0.07 IntlValA m 26.75 +0.04 +14.7 IntlValI d 27.36 +0.04 +14.5 Tweedy, Browne GlobVal d 23.83 +0.05 +0.3 USAA +0.4 Income 13.15 -0.06 +5.2 VALIC Co I +0.5 StockIdx 25.98 -0.03 +0.4 Vanguard +0.4 500Adml 128.98 -0.15 +13.1 500Inv 128.95 -0.15 +13.1 BalIdx 23.27 -0.09 BalIdxAdm 23.28 -0.08 +8.9 BalIdxIns 23.28 -0.08 +11.7 CAITAdml 11.50 -0.05 +25.6 CapOpAdml d 74.67 -0.47 +9.7 DivGr 16.51 -0.02 +20.6 EmMktIAdm d 36.88 -0.26 EnergyAdm d120.90 -1.59 +12.5 EnergyInv d 64.39 -0.85 +8.4 EqInc 23.54 -0.08 +10.9 EqIncAdml 49.36 -0.15 +6.3 ExplAdml 75.38 -0.52 Explr 81.01 -0.55 +18.6 ExtdIdAdm 44.72 -0.32 ExtdIdIst 44.72 -0.32 +1.6 FAWeUSIns d 87.27 -0.62 +3.3 GNMA 11.00 -0.03 GNMAAdml 11.00 -0.03 +12.9 GlbEq 18.03 -0.07 +10.2 GrthIdAdm 36.19 +0.01 GrthIstId 36.19 +0.01 +5.8 HYCor d 5.87 ... +5.7 HYCorAdml d 5.87 ... HltCrAdml d 57.41 -0.06 +11.7 HlthCare d 136.06 -0.15 +5.6 ITBondAdm 11.70 -0.09 +2.2 ITGradeAd 10.09 -0.06 +2.1 ITIGrade 10.09 -0.06 ITrsyAdml 11.53 -0.09 +13.4 27.88 -0.23 +6.5 InfPrtAdm 11.36 -0.09 +11.1 InfPrtI 14.19 -0.12 +11.1 InflaPro InstIdxI 128.14 -0.15 128.15 -0.15 +4.0 InstPlus InstTStPl 31.69 -0.07 IntlGr d 18.63 -0.12 +14.6 IntlGrAdm d 59.26 -0.40 +12.9 IntlStkIdxAdm d24.51 -0.17 +28.2 IntlStkIdxI d 98.00 -0.72 IntlStkIdxIPls d98.02 -0.72 30.00 -0.17 +1.2 IntlVal d LTGradeAd 10.12 -0.16 LTInvGr 10.12 -0.16 +2.0 16.94 -0.08 +2.0 LifeCon LifeGro 23.08 -0.10 20.48 -0.10 +11.5 LifeMod MidCapIdxIP 109.66 -0.58 +15.8 MidCp 22.18 -0.12 +3.9 MidCpAdml 100.66 -0.53 22.23 -0.12 +6.0 MidCpIst 31.77 -0.16 +5.8 MidCpSgl Morg 20.20 -0.02 +6.2 MuHYAdml 10.91 -0.04 MuInt 14.11 -0.06 +6.1 MuIntAdml 14.11 -0.06 11.49 -0.04 +5.7 MuLTAdml MuLtdAdml 11.16 -0.02 ... +7.2 MuShtAdml 15.94 +17.4 PrecMtls d 20.32 -0.55 Prmcp d 67.36 -0.35 +13.2 PrmcpAdml d 69.89 -0.36 +20.9 PrmcpCorI d 14.62 -0.07 REITIdxAd d 89.09 -0.34 10.59 -0.02 +12.7 STBond STBondAdm 10.59 -0.02 +15.0 STBondSgl 10.59 -0.02 10.72 -0.02 +15.1 STCor +12.1 STFedAdml 10.82 -0.03 +2.6 STGradeAd 10.72 -0.02 10.75 -0.02 +2.8 STsryAdml 20.41 -0.10 +11.6 SelValu d 37.40 -0.31 +2.1 SmCapIdx +12.8 SmCpIdAdm 37.43 -0.31 37.43 -0.31 +4.6 SmCpIdIst +6.3 SmCpIndxSgnl 33.72 -0.28 20.24 -0.10 +4.6 Star StratgcEq 20.91 -0.14 TgtRe2010 23.60 -0.12 +6.2 13.10 -0.06 +7.0 TgtRe2015 23.32 -0.10 +5.0 TgtRe2020 22.88 -0.09 +4.1 TgtRe2030 13.80 -0.05 +5.6 TgtRe2035 22.68 -0.09 +5.0 TgtRe2040 14.24 -0.06 +6.0 TgtRe2045 TgtRetInc 11.93 -0.06 +5.1 13.30 -0.06 +3.0 Tgtet2025 10.91 -0.06 +1.3 TotBdAdml 10.91 -0.06 +1.4 TotBdInst +8.6 TotBdMkInv 10.91 -0.06 +1.4 TotBdMkSig 10.91 -0.06 14.65 -0.11 +1.3 TotIntl d 35.00 -0.08 +1.3 TotStIAdm 35.01 -0.08 +2.3 TotStIIns 33.78 -0.08 +1.5 TotStISig 34.98 -0.09 +2.2 TotStIdx +2.2 TxMCapAdm 69.82 -0.10 22.47 -0.08 +2.0 ValIdxAdm 22.47 -0.08 +2.2 ValIdxIns 23.60 -0.13 +2.2 WellsI 57.19 -0.31 +2.2 WellsIAdm Welltn 33.45 -0.16 WelltnAdm 57.78 -0.27 +6.7 WndsIIAdm 50.80 -0.09 14.44 -0.04 +5.0 Wndsr WndsrAdml 48.72 -0.15 28.62 -0.05 +9.7 WndsrII Waddell & Reed Adv 8.36 +0.01 +9.6 AccumA m +10.8 SciTechA m 10.53 -0.04 +16.4 Yacktman Focused d 19.91 -0.02 +13.1 Yacktman d 18.64 -0.02

Winnebago’s quarterly results by fiscal year, earnings per share $.12

.12 .11

.06 .04


est. .01 0



4Q 2010

1Q 2Q 2012 Source: FactSet

+16.3 +20.6 +12.1 +12.6 +9.0 +1.8 +11.6 +11.3 +12.1 +10.7 +9.9 +16.3 +8.9 +7.5 +14.9 +11.3 +10.5 +16.6 +14.9 +5.8 +16.4 +0.2 +11.5 +14.0 +16.4 +11.0 +12.5 +14.7 +8.3 +15.0 +0.5 +11.5 +8.6 +10.6 +12.0 +7.5 +9.7 +11.4 +12.3 +0.8 +12.7 +9.9 +13.3 +3.5 +11.4 +3.0 +10.6 +16.7 +5.2 +11.2 +11.3 +9.1 +0.9 +11.3 +11.4 +11.4 +6.8 +6.9 +6.9 +1.8 +9.6 +7.1 +16.5 +7.4 +7.4 +7.5 +7.5 +13.4 +13.4 +13.6 +13.7 +12.3 +13.3 +13.8 +13.8 +4.5 +4.6 +5.7 +5.7 +0.1 +1.8 +1.8 -1.2 +0.6 +0.6 +0.6 +11.4 +11.4 +11.9 +13.9 +14.0 +12.2 +12.2 +12.2 +12.7 -0.7 -0.7 +4.4 +9.4 +6.9 +12.9 +12.9 +12.9 +12.9 +12.9 +15.6 +2.6 +1.2 +1.2 +2.2 +0.4 +0.4 +4.8 +9.1 +9.1 +8.4 +8.4 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +1.3 +1.3 -0.2 +9.8 +12.0 +12.1 +12.1 +12.1 +8.1 +14.0 +5.2 +6.5 +7.5 +9.4 +10.3 +10.6 +10.6 +3.5 +8.4 -0.2 -0.2 -0.3 -0.2 +12.2 +11.8 +11.9 +11.8 +11.8 +12.0 +9.8 +9.8 +2.9 +2.9 +6.7 +6.7 +11.0 +13.1 +13.1 +11.0 +13.7 +18.2 +6.0 +6.5


8 • Daily Corinthian

Shorts ASA Umpire Clinic The Corinth/Alcorn Co. Parks & Recreation Dept. will conduct an ASA umpire certification clinic Sunday at 2 p.m. at the City Hall in the third floor board meeting room. Anyone interested in umpiring adult softball at the park must attend. There is a $60 fee to attend the clinic. For more information, contact the park office at 286-3067. Â

Golf Tournaments ■The 2nd Annual CHS Diamond Club Tournament will be held at 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 24, at Hillandale Country Club. Entry fee, which includes 18 holes with cart and lunch, for the four-person scramble is $200 per team. Mulligans are $5 each. For more information or to pre-register, call the Pro Shop at 286-8020. ■Dr. Mike Weeden of Corinth and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes are hosting the “Fore Him� tournament on Saturday, March 24, at Old Waverly Golf Club in West Point. Tee time is 9 a.m. Entry fee for the 4-person scramble is $125 per player, with the field limited to 60 participants. For more information or to register, call Dr. Weeden at 286-8860.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Eustachy humbled by NCAA return BY WILL GRAVES Associated Press

PITTSBURGH — Larry Eustachy’s players call the Southern Miss coach’s brutal honesty his most endearing quality. Maybe it’s because Eustachy has spent the last nine years taking a long, hard look in the mirror each morning being just as hard on himself. “There’s nobody that’s got more scars on their fanny than me,� Eustachy said. And they’re still fresh. A decade ago, Eustachy was

one of college basketball’s hottest commodities after leading Iowa State to consecutive Big 12 regular season championships in 2000 and 2001, heady territory for a program that’s traditionally flip-flopped between middling and mediocre. The fall was swift and severe. Pictures surfaced in 2003 showing Eustachy partying with college students. He was quickly out of a job and in rehab then spent a season out of coaching before resurfac-

ing at lowly Southern Miss in 2004. Eustachy never wavered in his belief he could turn the Golden Eagles into contenders in Conference USA just as he’s never wavered in his vow to stay sober. Eight years later, Southern Miss is dancing and Eustachy is resurrecting his reputation one victory at a time. The ninth-seeded Golden Eagles (25-8) face eighthseeded Kansas State (21-10) in the second round of the NCAA tournament on Thurs-

day, the culmination of years of patience and progress for a man and a program that’s no stranger to adversity. Luring good basketball players to Hattiesburg, Miss., can be a difficult task, so Eustachy took a different tack. He’s relied on junior college transfers and players who have struggled elsewhere to fill in the gaps. In the process, he’s developed a team that mirrors its coach. The Golden Eagles are Please see EUSTACHY | 9

Local Schedule Today Baseball Central Tournament Biggersville-Baldwyn, 10 a.m. Central-Thrasher, 12:15 Tish Co.-West Point, 2:30 Kossuth-Deshler, Ala., 7 Mooreville Tournament McNairy Softball Middleton @ McNairy Â

Friday Baseball Central Tournament Thrasher-New Site, 10 a.m. Kossuth-New Site, 12:15 Corinth-Harding Acd., 4:45 Corinth-Central, 7 Mooreville Tournament McNairy Softball Northeast Tournament Biggersville, Central Â

Saturday Baseball Central Tournament Corinth-New Site, 10 a.m. Kossuth-Harding Acd., 12:30 Thrasher-Deshler, Ala., 3 Central-Deshler, Ala., 5:30 Mooreville Tournament McNairy Â

Monday Baseball Kossuth @ Falkner, 4:30 McNairy @ Chester Co., 4:30 Central @ Ripley, 7 Softball Biggersville @ Falkner, 5 Hardin Co. @ McNairy Â

Associated Press

St. Louis Cardinals starting pitcher Chris Carpenter throws a baseball during spring training Feb. 26 in Jupiter, Fla. Carpenter is working through a bulging disc in his neck.

Game of catch lifts Carpenter BY TIM REYNOLDS Associated Press

JUPITER, Fla. — Chris Carpenter noticed a crowd was steadily building behind the chain-link fence. Seems word had spread that the St. Louis Cardinals’ ace was doing some throwing. These days, even playing a few minutes of catch is a big deal. “Amazing, isn’t it? Did I do OK?� Carpenter asked afterward. The reigning World Series champions certainly hope Carpenter did, since their rotation to open the season may depend on how he feels over the next few days. Carpenter’s few minutes of catch with teammate Jake Westbrook on Wednesday may be considered a positive sign for the Cardinals, who have

dealt with a flurry of injuries so far in camp — the status of the guy who won Game 7 of last year’s World Series most prominent among them. Carpenter took a spot in left field, alternating throws from between roughly 60 and 90 feet with Westbrook off the flat grass. No one, including Carpenter, can say for certain what the next step in his recovery from a sore neck caused by a bulging disc will be, and the April 4 seasonopener at the Miami Marlins is looming fast. “You’re always frustrated if you can’t play,� Carpenter said after the throws. “I want to play, and I haven’t been able to yet this spring. That’s not what you’re looking for, coming to spring training and Please see CARPENTER | 9

Former Rebel strong in first start hit 96 mph on the stadium radar gun. JUPITER, Fla. — Lance Lynn was destined for the Lynn’s three scoreless inbullpen at the start of the nings against Houston on spring, but the Cardinals anWednesday reassured St. nounced earlier in the week Louis manager Mike Mathat he would be treated theny that the 24-year-old is the right choice to tempo- like a starter until Carpenter rarily replace Chris Carpen- shows he can return to the ter should the veteran prove rotation. The only place Lynn renot ready for the start of ally struggled Wednesday the season. was in his warmup tosses, Termed “Plan B� earlier which he finished too early. in the week by Matheny, “I have to find the routine Lynn retired the final eight batters he faced in his first I’m going to use,� Lynn said. spring start, which the Car- “In Triple-A, I usually started earlier. I don’t know whether dinals lost 4-3 to Houston. “I wanted to go back out, I just got loose faster or what it was. Next time I will but I already had 40 pitches,� said Lynn, a former Ole go a little later so I won’t Miss player whose fastball have to wait around.� Associated Press


Wednesday Baseball Middleton @ McNairy, 4

Knicks coach D’Antoni resigns amid 6-game skid Associated Press

NEW YORK — Mike D’Antoni resigned Wednesday as coach of the New York Knicks, who are in danger of missing the playoffs when he said they should contend for a championship. Facing a late-season skid and continued questions about his relationship with Carmelo Anthony, D’Antoni put the Knicks through a morning workout shortly before news broke that he was stepping down. New York has lost six in a

row for the second time this season and has fallen into a tie for the eighth and final playoff berth in the Eastern Conference. The decision came just hours after Anthony denied there was a rift with D’Antoni. The Knicks have struggled since Anthony returned from a groin injury 10 games ago. There was speculation that he and D’Antoni did not get along, though the All-Star forward said Wednesday he supported the coach “100 percent.� The surprise resignation

first was reported by Yahoo Sports. D’Antoni seemed in good spirits Wednesday morning at the team’s training center and said players were, too. He acknowledged the media frenzy around the sinking club but believed the Knicks would handle it. “You battle against it. I think we’re cohesive enough to battle through this, and we expect to do that,� he said. Instead assistant Mike Woodson was preparing to coach against the Portland

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Trail Blazers on Wednesday. And certainly there’s already speculation that the Knicks will try to lure a big-name coach such as Phil Jackson or Kentucky’s John Calipari next season. D’Antoni’s departure comes less than a month after he seemed rejuvenated by the emergence of Jeremy Lin at point guard. But the success didn’t last once Anthony returned, with the Knicks going 2-8 in a season that D’Antoni said should see them contend for a title.

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Baseball Chester Co. @ McNairy, 4:30 Corinth @ Shannon, 6 Softball Belmont @ Central Fayette-Ware @ McNairy Tennis Booneville @ Central, 4 Â

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

EUSTACHY: Program overcomes adversity gritt y and tightknit. They’ve had to rely on that closeness during a trying 12 months. Senior forward Angelo Johnson lost his 4-year-old daughter last July to complications from sickle cell anemia. Guard LaShay Page received a phone call in his hotel room while preparing to play at UTEP last month telling him his mother died at age 38. The junior took a few days off to be with his family but missed just one game before returning, a testament to the toughness he’s developed while playing for Eustachy. “The situations coach put me through helped me deal with (her death) better,” Page said. “There were points after I got here like ‘What have I got myself into.’ But he stuck by me and he promised me it would pay off and it has.” While Eustachy would love to put the focus on the players who have guided Southern Miss to the tournament for the first time since Brett Favre was still on the football team 21 years ago, he understands his perseverance can send a message. “I think my story’s a neat story, I think it’s a great story,” Eustachy said. “I think it inspires people.” Consider Kansas State coach Frank Martin among the believers. “He’s one of those guys, he was sitting on top of the mountain and some unfortunate things took place,” Martin said of Eustachy. “He was kind of left out in the corner somewhere. He’s never quit pursuing what he loves, which is competing, getting kids to learn how to compete, winning games.” Something Martin’s been able to do with a bit more regularity at Kansas State. The Wildcats are the only team to beat Missouri twice this season and have thrived while freshman point guard Angel Rodriguez learns on the job.

Cardinals’ ace turns 37 soon

Pro basketball NBA standings



Scoreboard EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division W L Pct GB Philadelphia 25 17 .595 — Boston 22 19 .537 2½ New York 18 24 .429 7 Toronto 14 28 .333 11 New Jersey 14 29 .326 11½ Southeast Division W L Pct GB Miami 31 10 .756 — Orlando 28 15 .651 4 Atlanta 24 18 .571 7½ Washington 9 32 .220 22 Charlotte 6 34 .150 24½ Central Division W L Pct GB Chicago 35 9 .795 — Indiana 24 16 .600 9 Milwaukee 18 24 .429 16 Cleveland 16 24 .400 17 Detroit 15 27 .357 19 WESTERN CONFERENCE Southwest Division W L Pct GB San Antonio 27 13 .675 — Memphis 24 17 .585 3½ Dallas 24 20 .545 5 Houston 23 20 .535 5½ New Orleans 10 32 .238 18 Northwest Division W L Pct GB Oklahoma City 32 10 .762 — Denver 24 19 .558 8½ Minnesota 22 21 .512 10½ Utah 20 21 .488 11½ Portland 20 22 .476 12 Pacific Division W L Pct GB L.A. Lakers 26 16 .619 — L.A. Clippers 23 17 .575 2 Phoenix 19 22 .463 6½ Golden State 18 21 .462 6½ Sacramento 14 28 .333 12 ___ Tuesday’s Games Toronto 96, Cleveland 88 Indiana 92, Portland 75 Orlando 104, Miami 98, OT Houston 104, Oklahoma City 103 L.A. Lakers 116, Memphis 111,2OT Dallas 107, Washington 98 Denver 118, Atlanta 117, OT Golden State 115, Sacramento 89 Today’s Games Washington at New Orleans, 7 p.m. Charlotte at Dallas, 7:30 p.m. Oklahoma City at Denver, 8 p.m. Minnesota at Utah, 8 p.m. Phoenix at L.A. Clippers, 9:30 p.m. Friday’s Games New Jersey at Orlando, 6 p.m. Miami at Philadelphia, 6 p.m. Washington at Atlanta, 6:30 p.m. Indiana at New York, 6:30 p.m. Portland at Chicago, 7 p.m. Toronto at Memphis, 7 p.m. San Antonio at Oklahoma City, 8:30 p.m. Boston at Sacramento, 9 p.m. Detroit at Phoenix, 9 p.m. Milwaukee at Golden State, 9:30 p.m. Minnesota at L.A. Lakers, 9:30 p.m.

College basketball NCAA men’s tournament EAST REGIONAL Second Round Today At The CONSOL Energy Center Pittsburgh Kansas State (21-10) vs. Southern Mississippi (25-8), 11:40 a.m. Syracuse (31-2) vs. UNC Asheville (24-9), 30 minutes following Gonzaga (25-6) vs. West Virginia (19-13), 6:20 p.m. Ohio State (27-7) vs. Loyola (Md.) (24-8), 30 minutes following

SOUTH REGIONAL Second Round Today At The KFC Yum Center Louisville, Ky. Kentucky (32-2) vs. Western Kentucky (1618), 5:50 p.m. Iowa State (22-10) vs. UConn (20-13), 30 minutes following At The Pit Albuquerque, N.M. Baylor (27-7) vs. South Dakota State (27-7), 6:27 p.m. UNLV (26-8) vs. Colorado (23-11), 30 minutes following At The Rose Garden Portland, Ore. Wichita State (27-5) vs. VCU (28-6), 6:15 p.m. Indiana (25-8) vs. New Mexico State (26-9), 30 minutes following Friday At Greensboro Coliseum Greensboro, N.C. Duke (27-6) vs. Lehigh (26-7), 6:15 p.m. Notre Dame (22-11) vs. Xavier (21-12), 30 minutes following Third Round Saturday At The KFC Yum Center Louisville, Ky. Kentucky-Western Kentucky winner vs. Iowa State-UConn winner At The Pit Albuquerque, N.M. Baylor-South Dakota State winner vs. UNLVColorado winner At The Rose Garden Portland, Ore. Indiana-New Mexico State winner vs. Wichita State-VCU winner Sunday At Greensboro Coliseum Greensboro, N.C. Duke-Lehigh winner vs. Notre Dame-Xavier winner Regional Semifinals At The Georgia Dome Atlanta Friday, March 23 Kentucky-Western Kentucky–Iowa State-UConn winner vs. Indiana-New Mexico State–Wichita

State-VCU winner Baylor-South Dakota State–UNLV-Colorado winner vs. Duke-Lehigh–Notre Dame-Xavier winner Regional Championship Sunday, March 25 Semifinal winners MIDWEST REGIONAL Second Round Friday At Greensboro Coliseum Greensboro, N.C. Creighton (28-5) vs. Alabama (21-11), 12:40 p.m. North Carolina (29-5) vs. Lamar-Vermont winner, 30 minutes following At Nationwide Arena Columbus, Ohio San Diego State (26-7) vs. N.C. State (22-12), 11:40 a.m. Georgetown (23-8) vs. Belmont (27-7), 30 minutes following At Bridgestone Arena Nashville, Tenn. Michigan (24-9) vs. Ohio (27-7), 6:20 p.m. Temple (24-7) vs. California-South Florida winner, 30 minutes following At CenturyLink Center Omaha, Neb. Saint Mary’s (Calif.) (27-5) vs. Purdue (21-12), 6:27 p.m. Kansas (27-6) vs. Detroit (22-13), 30 minutes following Third Round Sunday At Greensboro Coliseum Greensboro, N.C. North Carolina–Lamar-Vermont winner vs. Creighton-Alabama winner At Nationwide Arena Columbus, Ohio Georgetown-Belmont winner vs. San Diego State-N.C. State winner At Bridgestone Arena Nashville, Tenn. Michigan-Ohio winner vs. Temple–CaliforniaSouth Florida winner At CenturyLink Center Omaha, Neb. Kansas-Detroit winner vs. Saint Mary’s (Calif.)-Purdue winner Regional Semifinals At Edward Jones Dome St. Louis Friday, March 23 North Carolina–Lamar-Vermont–CreightonAlabama winner vs. Michigan-Ohio–Temple-California-South Florida winner Georgetown-Belmont–San Diego State-N.C. State winner vs. Kansas-Detroit–Saint Mary’s (Calif.)-Purdue winner Regional Championship Sunday, March 25 Semifinal winners WEST REGIONAL Second Round Today At The KFC Yum Center Louisville, Ky. Murray State (30-1) vs. Colorado State (2011), 11:15 a.m. Marquette (25-7) vs. BYU (26-8), 30 minutes following At The Rose Garden Portland, Ore. Louisville (26-9) vs. Davidson (25-7), 12:40 p.m. New Mexico (27-6) vs. Long Beach State (258), 30 minutes following Friday At Nationwide Arena Columbus, Ohio Memphis (26-8) vs. Saint Louis (25-7), 5:50 p.m. Michigan State (27-7) vs. LIU (25-8), 30 minutes following At CenturyLink Center Omaha, Neb. Florida (23-10) vs. Virginia (22-9), 1:10 p.m. Missouri (30-4) vs. Norfolk State (25-9), 30 minutes following Third Round Saturday At The KFC Yum Center

Louisville, Ky. Marquette–BYU vs. Murray State-Colorado State winner At The Rose Garden Portland, Ore. Louisville-Davidson winner vs. New MexicoLong Beach State winner Sunday At Nationwide Arena Columbus, Ohio Michigan State-LIU winner vs. Memphis-Saint Louis winner At CenturyLink Center Omaha, Neb. Missouri-Norfolk State winner vs. FloridaVirginia winner Regional Semifinals Thursday, March 22 At US Airways Center Phoenix Michigan State-LIU–Memphis-Saint Louis winner vs. Louisville-Davidson–New Mexico-Long Beach State winner Marquette-BYU–Murray State-Colorado State winner vs. Missouri-Norfolk State–Florida-Virginia winner Regional Championship Saturday, March 24 Semifinal winners FINAL FOUR At The Superdome New Orleans National Semifinals Saturday, March 31 East champion vs. Midwest champion South champion vs. West champion National Championship Monday, April 2 Semifinal winners


San Diego 8, Arizona (ss) 0 Washington vs. Atlanta at Kissimmee, Fla., (n) Kansas City vs. Seattle at Peoria, Ariz., (n) L.A. Dodgers vs. Cincinnati at Goodyear, Ariz., (n) Arizona (ss) vs. Colorado (ss) at Scottsdale, Ariz., (n) Today’s Games Baltimore vs. Detroit at Lakeland, Fla., 12:05 p.m. Atlanta vs. Philadelphia (ss) at Clearwater, Fla., 12:05 p.m. N.Y. Yankees vs. Washington at Viera, Fla., 12:05 p.m. Pittsburgh vs. Minnesota at Fort Myers, Fla., 12:05 p.m. Toronto vs. Houston at Kissimmee, Fla., 12:05 p.m. N.Y. Mets vs. Miami at Jupiter, Fla., 12:05 p.m. Philadelphia (ss) vs. Tampa Bay at Port Charlotte, Fla., 12:05 p.m. St. Louis vs. Boston at Fort Myers, Fla., 1:35 p.m. Arizona vs. Chicago Cubs (ss) at Mesa, Ariz., 3:05 p.m. San Diego vs. Milwaukee at Phoenix, 3:05 p.m. Chicago White Sox vs. Cleveland at Goodyear, Ariz., 3:05 p.m. Kansas City vs. L.A. Dodgers at Glendale, Ariz., 3:05 p.m. Cincinnati vs. L.A. Angels at Tempe, Ariz., 3:05 p.m. Oakland vs. Texas at Surprise, Ariz., 3:05 p.m. Chicago Cubs (ss) vs. Colorado at Scottsdale, Ariz., 3:10 p.m. San Francisco vs. Seattle at Peoria, Ariz., 9:05 p.m.


Spring Training


AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pct Detroit 8 1 .889 Toronto 10 2 .833 Boston 7 2 .778 Oakland 9 3 .750 Seattle 9 3 .750 Kansas City 6 5 .545 Los Angeles 6 5 .545 Minnesota 7 6 .538 Baltimore 4 5 .444 New York 5 8 .385 Cleveland 3 7 .300 Texas 3 7 .300 Chicago 3 8 .273 Tampa Bay 3 8 .273 NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pct Los Angeles 6 2 .750 Miami 6 3 .667 San Francisco 8 4 .667 Houston 7 4 .636 Washington 5 4 .556 Chicago 6 5 .545 San Diego 6 7 .462 Colorado 5 6 .455 Milwaukee 5 6 .455 St. Louis 4 5 .444 Cincinnati 5 7 .417 Philadelphia 5 7 .417 Pittsburgh 4 7 .364 New York 3 7 .300 Arizona 3 8 .273 Atlanta 1 10 .091 NOTE: Split-squad games count in the standings; games against non-major league teams do not. ___ Wednesday’s Games Pittsburgh 11, Baltimore 5 Detroit 7, N.Y. Mets 6, 10 innings Miami 4, Tampa Bay 2 Houston 4, St. Louis 3 Toronto 7, N.Y. Yankees 5 Minnesota 6, Philadelphia 4 Milwaukee 10, Chicago Cubs 2 Chicago White Sox 9, L.A. Angels 7 Colorado (ss) 6, Texas 1 San Diego 9, Cincinnati 4 San Francisco 2, Cleveland 2, tie, 10 innings

BASEBALL American League BALTIMORE ORIOLES—Optioned INF Joe Mahoney to Norfolk (IL). CHICAGO WHITE SOX—Optioned RHP Gregory Infante to Charlotte (IL). Reassigned C Damaso Espino, RHP Brian Omogrosso, RHP Jacob Petricka, OF Brandon Short and OF Delwyn Young to their minor-league camp. Added INF Tyler Saladino to major-league camp. National League ATLANTA BRAVES—Optioned RHP Erik Cordier to Gwinnett (IL). Reassigned RHP Jason Rice, C Matt Kennelly, OF Todd Cunningham and OF Stefan Gartrell to their minor league camp. ST. LOUIS CARDINALS—Optioned RHP Maikel Cleto, RHP Brandon Dickson and INF Pete Kozma to Memphis (PCL) and INF Zack Cox to Springfield (Texas). Reassigned RHP Joe Kelly, RHP Shelby Miller and LHP Kevin Siegrist to their minor league camp. BASKETBALL National Basketball Association CHICAGO BULLS—Signed G Mike James to a 10-day contract. NEW YORK KNICKS—Announced the resignation of coach Mike D’Antoni. Named Mike Woodson interim coach. FOOTBALL National Football League CHICAGO BEARS—Agreed to terms with KRPR Eric Weems on a three-year contract. CLEVELAND BROWNS—Released G Eric Steinbach. DALLAS COWBOYS—Agreed to terms with CB Brandon Carr on a five-year contract and QB Kyle Orton on a three-year contract. Signed OL Mackenzy Bernadeau to a four-year contract and FB Lawrence Vickers to a two-year contract. DETROIT LIONS—Signed WR Calvin Johnson an eight-year contract. INDIANAPOLIS COLTS—Agreed to terms with WR Reggie Wayne on a three-year contract. Signed DE Cory Redding. Acquired OL Winston Justice and a 2012 sixth-round draft pick from Philadelphia for a 2012 sixth-round draft pick. JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS—Agreed to terms with DE Jeremy Mincey on a four-year contract. MINNESOTA VIKINGS—Signed TE John Carlson to a five-year contract.

Cowboys, Orton agree to three-year contract

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 Associated Press

not being able to get ready for the season. So there’s always frustration. But you deal with it and move on and get ready to go.” Carpenter dealt with neck soreness last week, and was scratched from his first scheduled start of the spring on Monday because of the issue. The sense entering spring training was that the Cardinals would begin the 2012 season the same way they ended 2011, with Carpenter as the starting pitcher on the lineup card. He turns 37 next month and threw 2731⁄3 innings during last year’s regular season and playoffs, the most in baseball since Curt Schilling pitched 305 and Randy Johnson pitched 291 as the teammates who led the Arizona Diamondbacks to the 2001 World Series title. Carpenter was 11-9 in the regular season, then 4-0 in the playoffs, winning deciding games against Philadelphia in the division series and Texas in the World Series. So it was little surprise that the Cardinals took a cautious approach with Carpenter entering spring. “That’s just kind of how this game operates,” Cardinals manager Mike Matheny said. “Especially when you’ve got players who have been around a while. ... This team played 30 days longer than a lot of other teams (last season) and to discount that I think’s a mistake. Trying to push these guys through something right now still doesn’t make sense to me. They’re going to be ready when the bell rings.” Carpenter said he felt good Tuesday and that the plan was hatched for him to play catch if he showed up for work Wednesday without any setbacks.

At The Pit Albuquerque, N.M. Wisconsin (24-9) vs. Montana (25-6), 1:10 p.m. Vanderbilt (24-10) vs. Harvard (26-4), 30 minutes following Friday At Bridgestone Arena Nashville, Tenn. Cincinnati (24-10) vs. Texas (20-13), 11:15 a.m. Florida State (24-9) vs. St. Bonaventure (2011), 30 minutes following Third Round Saturday At The CONSOL Energy Center Pittsburgh Syracuse-UNC Asheville winner vs. Kansas State-Southern Mississippi winner Ohio State-Loyola (Md.) winner vs. GonzagaWest Virginia winner At The Pit Albuquerque, N.M. Wisconsin-Montana winner vs. VanderbiltHarvard winner Sunday At Bridgestone Arena Nashville, Tenn. Florida State-St. Bonaventure winner vs. Cincinnati-Texas winner Regional Semifinals At TD Garden Boston Thursday, March 22 Syracuse-UNC Asheville–Kansas State-Southern Mississippi winner vs. Wisconsin-Montana– Vanderbilt-Harvard winner Ohio State-Loyola (Md.)–Gonzaga-West Virginia winner vs. Florida State-St. Bonaventure– Cincinnati-Texas winner Regional Championship Saturday, March 24 Semifinal winners

Daily Corinthian • 9

The Dallas Cowboys have already accomplished two of their primary goals in free agency, upgrading their secondary and getting a veteran backup quarterback. Cornerback Brandon Carr, who was apparently Dallas’ top target, agreed Wednesday to a five-year deal, and quarterback Kyle Orton agreed to a three-year deal to be Tony Romo’s backup. Both played in Kansas City last season. Dallas also announced the signings of unrestricted free agent offen-

sive lineman Mackenzy Bernadeau from the Carolina Panthers to a fouryear deal, and fullback Lawrence Vickers from Houston for two years. Within hours after free agency began Tuesday afternoon, team officials visited with Carr at Cowboys Stadium. The deal with Carr came a day after twotime Pro Bowl cornerback Terence Newman, a starter all nine of his seasons in Dallas, was released by the Cowboys. Orton finished last season in Kansas City after being released by Denver.

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Daily Corinthian • Thursday, March 15, 2012 • 10











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MARCH 24, 25

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Athlon Sports Predictions for the NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Championship
























































2 15

















16 LIU













4 13



















Bruce Schwartzman


3 14 7








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Bruce Schwartzman






Anthony Davis, Kentucky

Draymond Green, Michigan State

Kris Joseph, Syracuse

Kendall Marshall, North Carolina

Kentucky is making a record 53rd NCAA Tournament appearance. The Wildcats are the No. 1 overall seed even after losing to Vanderbilt in the SEC Tournament title game. … Duke gets only 45.5 percent of its scoring from made 2point field goals. That ranks 320th (out of 345 teams) in the nation. The Blue Devils get 31.4 percent of their scoring on 3-pointers and 23.1 percent from the foul line. … Baylor is in the NCAA Tournament for the second time in three years but only the third time since 1988. The Bears reached the Elite Eight two years ago, also as a No. 3 seed, by beating Sam Houston, Old Dominion and Saint Mary’s. … Indiana is back in the NCAA Tournament after a three-year absence, its longest since missing the field from 1968-72. The Hoosiers will be forced to play without senior guard Verdell Jones (7.5 ppg, 3.2 apg), who tore his ACL during the Big Ten Tournament. … Wichita State reached the Sweet 16 in 2006 (its last time in the NCAAs) as a No. 7 seed. The Shockers beat No. 10 Seton Hall and No. 2 Tennessee before losing to No. 11 George Mason. … UNLV features one of the top transfers in the nation. Forward Mike Moser, who began his career at UCLA, leads the Rebs in scoring (14.1 ppg) and rebounding (10.6 rpg). … Notre Dame went 13–5 in the Big East despite losing its best player, forward Tim Abromaitis, to a torn ACL in November.

Michigan State has a .684 winning percentage in the NCAA Tournament (52–24), which is good for eighth all-time. The Spartans have reached the NCAAs in 15 straight seasons, with six trips to the Final Four. … Missouri has won at least one game in five of its last six trips to the NCAA Tournament. Last year, the Tigers, a No. 11 seed, lost in the first round to No. 6 seed Cincinnati. … Marquette senior forward Jae Crowder was named Big East Player of the Year despite being the Golden Eagles’ second-leading scorer. Crowder averages 17.4 points and 8.1 rebounds. Senior guard Darius Johnson-Odom leads the team with 18.5 points per game. … Louisville is ranked No. 2 in the nation in defensive efficiency according to KenPom.com. The Cardinals allow only 0.847 points per possession. The national average is 1.009. … New Mexico records an assist on 64.8 percent of its field goals, good for third in the nation. Sophomore guard Kendall Williams leads the Lobos with 4.1 assists per game. … Murray State ranks fifth in the nation in 3-point shooting percentage (.407). Senior guard Isaiah Canaan, a firstteam All-American, shoots .473 and makes 3.1 threes per game. … Florida has 15 NCAA Tournament wins in the last six seasons despite missing the field in both 2008 and ’09. The Gators won the national title in ’05 and ’06 and reached the Elite Eight last season.

Syracuse is a No. 1 seed for only the third time ever. The Orange have been a No. 2 seed five times and are one of only four No. 2s to lose in the first round. In 1991, the secondseeded Orangemen (as they were called at the time), lost to Richmond 73–69. … Ohio State doesn’t rely heavily on the 3-point shot. Only 19.5 percent of the Buckeyes’ points come from beyond the arc, which ranks 330th in the nation. … Florida State became the first team to beat both North Carolina and Duke twice in the same season since Georgia Tech did it in 1995-96. The Seminoles captured the ACC Tournament title by defeating Duke in the semis and UNC in the championship game. … Wisconsin is in the NCAAs for the 14th straight season and is a No. 4 seed for the third straight year. The Badgers lost to No. 8 Butler in the Sweet 16 last season and to No. 12 Cornell in the second round in 2010. … Vanderbilt is making its fifth NCAA appearance in the past six seasons. The Commodores made the Sweet 16 in 2004 and 2007 but lost in the first round in ’08, ’10 and ’11. … Cincinnati ranks 307th in the nation in free throw shooting, hitting only 64.1 percent from the line. Guard Sean Kilpatrick (.744) is the only regular who shoots over 70 percent. … Gonzaga is in the NCAA Tournament for the 14th straight season. The Zags have reached the Sweet 16 five times during this stretch.

North Carolina is a No. 1 seed for the fourth time in the past five seasons. The Tar Heels earned the top seed in the Midwest Region despite losing to Florida State in the ACC Tournament title game. … Kansas is among the best in the nation at making 2-point field goals (.541, ninth-best) and defending 2-point field goals (.400, second-best). … Georgetown advanced to the Final Four in 2007 but has lost to a double-digit seed in each of its past three trips to the NCAA Tournament — Davidson (No. 10) in ’08, Ohio (No. 14) in ’09 and VCU (No. 11) in ’11. … Michigan is a No. 4 seed in the Midwest Region. It’s the Wolverines’ highest seed since they were a No. 3 in 1998. Michigan has not reached the Sweet 16 since 1994. … Temple ranks ninth in the nation in 3-point shooting, hitting .402 from beyond the arc. Owl opponents are shooting .336 from three. … San Diego State had not won an NCAA Tournament game until beating Northern Colorado and Temple on its way to the Sweet 16 last year. The Aztecs had lost in the first round in each of their previous six trips. … Saint Mary’s won the outright West Coast Conference regular-season title, snapping Gonzaga’s streak of 11 straight seasons with at least a share of the league championship. … Creighton sophomore Greg McDermott ranks fourth in the nation in scoring at 23.1 points per game.

20 years after The Shot, Laettner starts anew in D-League Associated Press

TULSA, Okla. — It is arguably the NCAA tournament’s most enduring image. With defending national champion Duke trailing by one and only 2 seconds left in an epic overtime struggle with Kentucky, Christian Laettner catches a desperation pass from threequarters of a court away. He dribbles once, whirls — and hits the game-winner. Never a doubt. Pandemonium follows. The game’s best player runs off in jubilation as the

Blue Devils head off to the Final Four. There, they’ll go on to win a second straight title. Twenty years later, through an up-and-down NBA career and an even more turbulent venture into real estate, The Shot still follows Laettner. He’ll always be the subject of “Whatever happened to ...” questions. Even more so as the NCAA tournament gets under way and especially this year, on the 20th anniversary. The answer, for now: After a three-year period dur-

ing which creditors have obtained judgments totaling more than $26 million against Laettner, a business partner and their companies, the former NBA AllStar is trying to rebuild and make a new mark in basketball — as a coach. Laettner’s job is to develop young players to the point they’re ready to play in the NBA. If he does well enough, he’ll seek his own call-up to the big leagues. “These guys are ready to go,” said Laettner, the lone assistant for the Fort Wayne (Ind.) Mad Ants of

the NBA Developmental League. “They just need a break, they need an opportunity, they need to improve maybe just a very little bit.” Laettner landed in Fort Wayne in January after some rocky times in his post-playing career. He and former Duke teammate Brian Davis run a real estate business in Durham, N.C., and built up millions of dollars in debts while redeveloping old tobacco warehouses into apartments, condos and retail space.

Since 2009, at least 10 creditors have obtained judgments against Laettner, Davis and their companies because of debts related to real estate and a failed attempt to purchase the NBA Memphis Grizzlies in 2006, court and other public records reviewed by The Associated Press show. In November 2010, Laettner’s attorney even raised the possibility of filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Acknowledging his financial difficulties are a challenge, Laettner said “you’ve

just got to persevere and hang in there and use all of your relationships and connections to get through it all.” Whether or not he will succeed, there’s little doubt of Laettner’s willingness to fight. “That kid was never afraid. And he loved playing on your home court. He loved playing in big games. And, boy, when you get a great player who likes those moments, I mean, you’re going to win a lot,” said Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski.


11 • Daily Corinthian

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Respect for husband shrinks as tall tales grow thing he has done DEAR ABBY: My husband, wrong. Instead he “Sam,� and I have blames me or others for his actions. been married for If I confront or 32 years, and all challenge him, he these years he has lied continually. It gets defensive and Abigail says I’m “always� has gotten so bad that I cringe every Van Buren belittling him in time we’re invited Dear Abby front of others. Abby, even to family functions or get-togethers though I still care with friends. Sam uses for this man, I don’t have these gatherings to be the the respect I wish I had star of the show, spilling for him. What can I do? out the most outrageous — DISENCHANTED whoppers you can imag- IN THE LAND OF ENine. CHANTMENT My family knows when DEAR DISENhe’s lying or exaggerating CHANTED: After 32 about something. They years, there is nothing roll their eyes and nudge you can do about it. Your me to let me know they husband has a personality know. Sam fabricates the problem — probably remost outlandish stories lated to insecurity — that and never owns up to any- causes him to lie to get at-

tention. It’s pathetic, really. However, to embarrass him by pointing it out in front of others is cruel and unproductive. Until he’s ready to admit to himself that he has damaged his credibility so badly that no one believes a word he says, nothing will change. DEAR ABBY: My close friend “Kate� has just told me she’s getting a divorce. She confided that she cheated on her husband, “Phil,� and says she doesn’t want to try to work on her marriage, even though they have a baby together. Kate says that Phil is a great father and he’s not abusive — she just doesn’t love him anymore. This came as a shock to me, and I’m not sure how

to be supportive. When I divorced, my husband was the one who cheated and left me, so I know how Kate’s husband feels. I know I should be sympathetic to her, but I don’t know what to say. Can you help? — TRYING NOT TO JUDGE DEAR TRYING: Continue trying not to judge. It is understandable that you’d identify with Kate’s husband since his position is so similar to what you experienced. If you know and like him, befriend him. I’m sure he could use a friend right now. However, before you do, ask Kate if she would mind. As to your question about what to say to her, all you really need to do is acknowledge her

announcement by saying, “I’m sorry to hear it. I hope you have given it careful consideration.� Period. DEAR ABBY: I’m 15. My father just started paying child support three years ago for my twin sister and me. He only pays a small amount each month, and he has never paid any medical or health bills for either of us in our lives. Recently we found out he lied about his monthly salary so he wouldn’t have to pay for us. I’m really hurt because I feel like he doesn’t care about us. How do I cope? Help! — INCREDIBLY HURT IN THE SOUTH DEAR INCREDIBLY HURT: While I can understand your disappoint-

ment in your father’s lack of character, please do not allow his failures to make you think less of yourself. His behavior shows that he doesn’t care about anyone but himself. Now that you and your mother know he lied about his income, it’s possible the child support he didn’t pay can be collected retroactively. If your mother hasn’t discussed this with an attorney, she should do it now.

smoothly may not be the ones that promote your dreams, goals and ambitions. Could you delegate some of them to another person? TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (March 15). Many people would not be where they are today if it weren’t for your birth. Enjoy the impact you’ve already had on the world as you make

new plans for the year. Love delights and mystifies you in July. Libra and Aries people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 8, 26, 1, 24 and 17.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Horoscopes by Holiday BY HOLIDAY MATHIS A happy arrangement of Venus, Mars and Jupiter is counteracting the effects of the Mercury retrograde to the extent that even if things don’t go your way, you’re likely to be glad for the surprise, if not immediately then eventually. Also, new arrangements and easy fixes abound. All you have to do is talk things over. ARIES (March 21-April 19). You may be amazed at the lack of humor in the world, but you’ll do something to remedy the situation. You’ll shine as you do what you have fun doing. When it’s not fun, you shine because you try to make it fun anyway. TAURUS (April 20May 20). You’ll learn more from what you did wrong in the past than you will from what you

did right. It doesn’t mean you’re a pessimist; it just means you’re human. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You may not be fully aware of your attention needs now. You want people to notice you because you get a lift from the energy that comes from eyeballs and intentions being focused on you. CANCER (June 22July 22). You deserve the luxury of quality help. You need people around you who have experience in the area you want to master. Seek the best, and that’s what you will find. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Greatness doesn’t happen overnight. Take the pressure off of yourself. Be content with minor results for now. There’s much that can be accomplished if you’re willing to start small and build

gradually. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’re a better person because of the way you reach out. A compassionate energy radiates from you. There’s also a kindness in your tone of voice that resonates with all who hear you. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Your problem may seem of little or no consequence to someone else. That doesn’t make it any less real to you. Can you step outside of yourself and split the difference? SCORPIO (Oct. 24Nov. 21). You need people in your life who can fill in your blanks with the appropriate skills. Realize your deficiencies, and celebrate them. They give you an excuse to bond tightly with others. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Your com-

mitment to a friendship will shape your day. You’ll act out of loyalty and a sense of justice. Tonight, you’ll enjoy a boost of special appeal, and you’ll attract the one you want. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22Jan. 19). You have added value to a group and will continue to add value. Share your good ideas, and present yourself in the best light. It’s not bragging if your primary intention is to help others. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20Feb. 18). You could save someone from making an embarrassing mistake. Indeed, you wish someone had done the same for you. Whether or not the other person takes your help is another story. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). The tasks necessary to keep your life running

If you would like to write to Holiday Mathis, please go to www.creators.com and click on “Write the Author� on the Holiday Mathis page.

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12 • Daily Corinthian










y ACROSS 1 “The Fiddler� painter Chagall 5 Brooch part 10 Scraped (out) 14 Miami River locale 15 Postal scale unit 16 Ristorante bottle 17 Capital of 62Across 19 Victorious cry 20 Refines, in a way 21 List-ending abbr. 22 Coffee bar stack 23 Biol. branch 25 Too pooped to pop 27 First ones to spot the king’s ghost, in “Hamlet� 31 “Stop bugging me!� 34 Eight, in Essen 35 Bellyache 37 Yo-Yo’s strings 38 Pronoun on the briny 39 Mark Twain, e.g. 41 Overly permissive 42 Insanely cold 44 Icelandic work that influenced Tolkien 45 Swelter 46 In any way 48 Closed, as a sleeping bag 50 Sealing aids 52 Greenish-blue 53 “Bad Reputation� singer 55 “__ only money!� 57 Mental grasp 61 Clueless 62 Where “The Lord of the Rings� movies were filmed 64 Actress Teri 65 Bridge call 66 Activist Brockovich 67 Dope (out) 68 Bother a lot 69 Stiff hair DOWN 1 Levels the playing field? 2 Cutting-in word

3 Grate 4 Amass 5 Simple soup 6 Tote with difficulty 7 Starting money of a sort 8 Dilbert creator Adams 9 One may be seen behind an ear 10 Sinister stare 11 Capital of 62Across 12 Sooner State city 13 Puts on 18 Strong urge 24 Italian director Sergio 26 TV’s “The Amazing __� 27 Scary nestful 28 Allergic reaction 29 With 30-Down, capitals of 62Across? 30 See 29-Down 32 Oddball 33 Deceived 36 1976 Olympics headlines name 39 Coach

y 40 Reference site for travelers 43 Images used by Wii players 45 With “the,� band with the 2006 remix album “Love� 47 Keep under control 49 Metamorphosis stage

51 Instructions opener 53 Crying spells 54 Old Testament twin 56 Party loot 58 Flower in Bern? 59 Make a wool cap, say 60 “Mother Ireland� writer O’Brien 63 When repeated, a Gabor


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Daily Corinthian • Thursday, March 15, 2012 • 13

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IDBA>CHDC For Quality Income Tax Advertise Your Advertise Your Preparation 688DJCI>C< With A Personal Touch ™ 6ji]dg^oZY >GH":ĂƒaZ Egdk^YZg ™ Tax Service Here Tax Service Here ™ :aZXigdc^X ;^a^c\ ™ Vicki Gann, 8dbejiZg egZeVgZY iVm gZijgch for CPA for >cY^k^YjVa! 8dgedgViZ (662) 462-7493 $90 A Month. $90 EVgicZgh]^e A Month. 34 County Road 523 =djgh/ -"+ B"; HVi# -"&' Corinth, MS 38834 CallDeZc nZVg"gdjcY 287-6147 for Call 287-6147 for &+%) H =VgeZg GY ™ 8dg^ci]! BH “Referral discounts available to new & existing tax clientsâ€? more details. ++'"'-,"&..* more details.

Advertise Your Tax Service Here for $90 A Month. Call 287-6147 for more details.

Advertise Your Tax Service Here for $90 A Month. Call 287-6147 for more details.

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BUSINESS & SERVICE GUIDE Daily Corinthian And The Community Profiles RUN YOUR AD In TheFOR $ ONLY 200 A MONTH ON THIS PAGE (Daily Corinthian Only 165) $



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Community Profiles

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Community Profiles




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Residential /Commercial Cleaning Services Eddie Hodge 615 Cox St., Corinth, MS 38834 662-415-2836

3 room carpet cleaning for $99 eddie@servicemasterrestorationcleaning.com servicemasterrestorationcleaning.com

8 CR 522, Corinth Tri-level home with basement. Lots of room! Living area on 2 levels, formal dining, breakfast nook, 4-5 BR (or office area), 3 BA, large basement with game area & laundry room, large shop. Patio with great view! On 2 acres.

Community Profiles


(5 additional acres with lake can be purchased)

662-284-5379 By Appointment only!






Brand new 1200 sq. ft. 3 BR, 2 BA home w/single carport, great starter home for family or great rental for investor. Located behind Farmington Water Assoc. on CR 212. $79,500. 284-9238 or 287-7192.

AC 2 5 4 1.79 3.42 6 4.58 6.47

Cost $8000 $20,000 $16,000 $7160 $13,680 $24,000 $18,240 $16,175

Down $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

Fin. Payments Monthly $7500 36 $208.33 $19,500 72 $270 $15,500 72 $215 $6660 36 $185 $13,180 60 $219.66 $23,500 120 195.86 $17,740 60 $295.66 $15,675 96 $163

State maintained Roads 6� water line, Pickwick Electric 3 miles N.W. Corinth city limits.

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662-279-3902 or 279-3679 Glen listing: 3 BR, 2 BA, on almost 4 ac, private w/lg. front porch. Let us help you make this your new home. $87,000.

37 CR 252

See LynnParvin Parvin Lynn General Sales Manager

JONES GM 545 Florence Road, Savannah, TN 731-925-4923 or 1-877-492-8305 www.jonesmotorcompany.com

Community Profiles

1500 sq. ft. 3 BR, 2 BA, large LR, large laundry, stainless appliances, paved drive, storage building, fenced back yard, perfect for family with small kids, visiting grandkids or pets. Best neighborhood in Alcorn County! $84,000. 662594-5733. Shown by appt. only!

14 • Thursday, March 15, 2012 • Daily Corinthian ANNOUNCEMENTS

0107 Special Notice

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS When Placing Ads 1. Make sure your ad reads the way you want it! Make sure our Ad Consultants reads the ad back to you. 2. Make sure your ad is in the proper classification. 3. After our deadline at 3 p.m., the ad cannot be corrected, changed or stopped until the next day. 4. Check your ad the 1st day for errors. If error has been made, we will be happy to correct it, but you must call before deadline (3 p.m.) to get that done for the next day. Please call 662-287-6147 if you cannot find your ad or need to make changes!


Garage/Estate 0151 Sales

4-FAMS. SAT., 7 until? Tate St. next to American Legion. Home decor, new jewelry, purses, dishes, etc.

5 FAMS. 7am Sat. 117 Afton Dr. Lots of h/h items, children & all size clothes, furn., etc.

FAMILY SALE. Sat. only, 7 'til? 2004 W. Borroum Circle.

HUGE MOVING SALE. Sat. only, 8:00. 607 CR 400 (Salem Rd.) Lots of everything! YARD SALE Burnsville Pentecostal Church, Hwy 72. Fri. & Sat., 6am-2pm. Antiques, clothes, tools, h/h items, new & used. Este 16 Y 17 De Marzo. Tendremos Una Yarda. Tendremos Muchas Cosas Nuevas Y Vsadas, Te Esperamos. Drive a Little - Save A Lot. 643-7996 or 415-4976.

YARD SALE SPECIAL ANY 3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS Ad must run prior to or day of sale! (Deadline is 3 p.m. day before ad is to run!) (Exception-Sun. deadline is 3 pm Fri.) 5 LINES (Apprx. 20 Words)

$19.10 (Does not include commercial business sales) ALL ADS MUST BE PREPAID We accept credit or debit cards Call Classified at (662) 287-6147

Garage/Estate 0151 Sales

INSIDE SALE. Old Country Corner Store on Kendrick Rd. Everything must go! Cheap, Cheap! Thurs., Fri., Sat., 12-5.

THURS, FRI, Sat. 13 CR 504 off Hwy 2, Stewarts Cars, turn L, see signs. A/C, tvs, all sz clths, toys, bks, cont Mar/Apr.

0180 Instruction

WORK ON JET ENGINES Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance, 866-455-4317.

EARN COLLEGE DEGREE ONLINE . Medical, Business, Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 877-206-5185. www.CenturaOnline.co m


Medical/ 0220 Dental FULL TIME LPN position to Medical Office. Please send resumes to: P. O. Box 548, Corinth, MS 38835.

0232 General Help SATELLITE INSTALLERS! $$$$$$$$$$$$

Looking for experienced technicians in the Corinth – Holly Springs Area for installation of Dish Network systems. Must have WHITE work vehicle and tools. TOP $$$ Advanced Satellite Communications, Inc. is an established company in the satellite industry. Call Mike at 731-845-4545 to schedule an interview.

CAUTION! ADVERTISEMENTS in this classification usually offer informational service of products designed to help FIND employment. Before you send money to any advertiser, it is your responsibility to verify the validity of the offer. Remember: If an ad appears to sound “too good to be true”, then it may be! Inquiries can be made by contacting the Better Business Bureau at 1-800-987-8280.

0244 Trucking DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED NOW! Learn to drive for US Xpress Earn $800 per week No experience needed. CDL & Job-Ready in 15 Days! Special WIA & VA Funding Available Call 1-888-540-7364

0260 Restaurant HISTORIC BOTEL is now accepting applications for the following positions: Servers, bartenders, kitchen staff & store clerks. Applications are available at the Botel Market, 1010 Botel Lane, Savannah, TN or email your resume to info@quickgetawaynow.com.

Part-time 0268 Employment PART TIME Farm help needed. Call 662-837-8787.


0320 Cats/Dogs/Pets AKC REG Labs, $300 5m/3f, Y&B, S&W, dewclaws removed, champ bldline. 662-415-5155 FREE L A R G E PUPS, mixed breed. 286-9006.

Misc. Items for 0563 Sale 8X10 METAL shed to be taken apart & moved, $175. 287-6870 after 5 pm. CHICKEN COOP, $200. 287-2509 OR 808-3908. FOR SALE: Brand new T-Rex HDMI Cable, 6ft long. $10. 662-603-1382 FREE ADVERTISING. Advertise any item valued at $500 or less for free. The ads must be for private party or personal merchandise and will exclude pets & pet supplies, livestock (incl. chickens, ducks, cattle, goats, etc), garage sales, hay, firewood, & automobiles . To take advantage of this program, readers should simply email their ad to: freeads@dailycorinthian.com or mail the ad to Free Ads, P.O. Box 1800, Corinth, MS 38835. Please include your address for our records. Each ad may include only one item, the item must be priced in the ad and the price must be $500 or less. Ads may be up to approximately 20 words including the phone number and will run for five days. LARGE CHARCOAL GRILL w/gas & charcoal burner, $200. 287-2509 or 808-3908.

TWO PAIR of NEW DockFREE TO a good home. 4 ers Khaki shorts, NBW yr old rat terrier fiest. size 46 & 48, $10 each or Squirrel dog or guard $ 1 5 for both. EXPERIENCED FIELD MEdog. Call 662-212-2616. 662-603-1382. CHANIC NEEDED. Reed Contracting Services, WOMEN'S BLACK leather FARM Inc. is looking for an exknee boots, like new, 7 perienced Field Me1/2 - 8, 2" heel, $30. chanic for heavy con287-7875. Farm struction equipment 0470 and heavy duty trucks Equipment REAL ESTATE FOR RENT at our Counce, TN loca- INSULATED INCUBATOR, tion. Applicant must 4-drawers, holds 250 lg. have own tools. CDL not eggs, great hatches, Unfurnished required, but a plus. We $ 4 9 5 . 462-3976 o r 0610 Apartments offer competitive pay, 415-0146. life, health, dental, dis2 BR, stove/refrig. furn., ability, 401k, holiday W&D hookup, CHA. MERCHANDISE pay, and vacation. Com287-3257. pany paid life and disMAGNOLIA APTS. 2 BR, ability insurance. Please stove, refrig., water. send resume to jo- 0509 Household $365. 286-2256. Goods bapps4u@gmail.com or (256) 533-0505. Reed SEARS 3-PC. braided rug FREE MOVE IN (WAC): 2 Contracting Services is set, 23" x 40", 32" x 50" & BR, 1 BA, stove & refrig., an Equal Employment 5' x 8', in read tones, W&D hookup, CR 735, Opportunity Employer. v e r y nice, $ 4 0 . Section 8 apvd. $400 mo. 287-0105. Qualified minorities and 662-603-2185. females are encouraged WEAVER APTS 504 N. to apply. Musical Cass 1 br, scr.porch.

SITE FOREMAN NEEDED-Reed Contracting Services, Inc. has an opening for an experienced Site Foreman at our Counce, TN location. Applicant must have experience in civil site work, able to manage project schedules, understanding of heavy construction equipment, knowledge of applicable safety regulations, and a complete understanding of site drawings. We offer health, dental, 401k, holidays, vacation. Company paid life and disability insurance. Reed Contracting is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. Qualified minorities and females are encouraged to apply. Send resume to jobapps4u@gmail.com or you may call (256) 533-0505.

0244 Trucking

0512 Merchandise

HAMMOND PIANO, $450. 662-665-5779. SMALL P I A N O with bench, $475. 462-7711.

Dyer, TN Now Hiring Team Drivers Increased Pay Scale Dry Van - $0.35 Flatbed - $0.36 Reefer - $0.36 Flatbed & Reefer $0.365 Available Incentive $0.035 Late Model Equipment Lots of Miles Health, Vision, Life, Dental Vacation, Holidays, 401K, Direct Deposit CALL NOW!! Jerry Barber 800-826-9460 Ext. 5 Anytime to apply by phone www.johnrreed.net To apply online

U.S. Savings Bonds are gifts with a future.

Furnished 0615 Apartments

15 MI. east of Iuka on TN. River, furn. 1 BR, $795 mo. + dep. Incl. utils, sat. TV, telephone, 6 FT. Bushhog, $400 W&D. Sr. disc. & 1 meal obo. 662-462-3933 or daily. 256-360-2565. 662-415-3107.

Lawn & Garden

0521 Equipment

CRAFTSMAN 42" cut, auto. mower, 15 HP commercial/industrial engine, new belt & battery, $350. NO LESS. 662-415-3770. CRAFTSMAN LAWN & GARDEN tractor, 50" cut, 23 HP, grader blade, $800 obo. 662-462-3933 or 662-415-3107. OLDER MODEL 165 John Deere mower, 42" cut, auto., FB 460V Kohler engine, new battery, $300. NO LESS. 662-415-3770.

AAA SEPTIC SERVICE, FT OLDER SEARS 36" cut truck driver, CDL re- mower, 12 HP commercial/industrial engine, quired. 662-286-6100. good engine, needs steering, $65. NO LESS. 662-415-3770.


w/d $375+util, 286-2255

Sporting 0527 Goods

Homes for 0620 Rent

Wanted to 0554 Rent/Buy/Trade M&M. CASH for junk cars & trucks. We pick up. 662-415-5435 or 731-239-4114.


Auto/Truck 0848 Parts & Accessories

WHEREAS, by various assignments on record said Deed of Trust was ultimately assigned to Wells Fargo Bank, NA, by instrument recorded in the office of the aforesaid Chancery Clerk in Instrument #200701333; and

WHEREAS, on the 29th day of January, 2008, the Holder of said Deed of Trust substi(4) ALUMINUM American tuted and appointed Emily Racing rims, new in box, Kaye Courteau as Trustee in 15x7, paid $575, will take said Deed of Trust, by instru$400 firm. 287-7229. ment recorded in the office of the aforesaid Chancery Clerk in Instrument #201100871; 0860 Vans for Sale and '10 WHITE 15-pass. van, 3 WHEREAS, default having to choose from. been made in the payments of 1-800-898-0290 or the indebtedness secured by 728-5381. the said Deed of Trust, and the holder of said Deed of Trucks for Trust, having requested the 0864 Sale undersigned so to do, on the 29th day of March, 2012, I will '05 GMC Crew Cab LTR, during the lawful hours of be38k, #1419. $16,900. tween 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 1-800-898-0290 or p.m., at public outcry, offer 728-5381. for sale and will sell, at the south front door of the Al'08 DODGE RAM 1500, corn County Courthouse at 4x4, crew cab, red, Corinth, Mississippi, for cash $23,400. 1-800-898-0290 to the highest bidder, the folor 728-5381. lowing described land and property situated in Alcorn Cars for Sale County, Mississippi, to-wit:

1994 WHITE Mercedes E32, 6 cyl., stationwagon, 190k miles, very clean & well kept, $3000. 662-808-0113.


0955 Legals Substitute Trustee’s Notice of Sale

COC/F08-0249 PUBLISH: 3.8.12/3.15.12/3.22.12 13606

I will only convey such title as is vested in me as Substitute Trustee.


WITNESS MY SIGNATURE, this 2nd day of March, 2012. Emily Kaye Courteau Substitute Trustee 2309 Oliver Road Monroe, LA 71201 (318) 330-9020 Lost



COC/F08-0249 PUBLISH: 3.8.12/3.15.12/3.22.12 13606

CAUSE NO. 2012-0062-02




Black and White Border Collie, NOTICE TO THE

name Isaac, last seen DEFENDANTS 2/6/12 on Hack Bridge You have beenRd. made a Defendant in the Petition filed in Eastview, TN. in this Court by SYBLE THRASHER, Administratrix No collar. of the Estate of GLADYS A. SMITH and Forsyth you must take imIf found, call Greg mediate action to protect at 731-610-0182. your rights.


'08 CHEVY HHR LT, ltr, moon roof, 33k, $11,900. 1-800-898-0290 or 728-5381.

Emily Kaye Courteau Substitute Trustee Legals 0955Oliver 2309 Road Monroe, LA 71201 (318) 330-9020

Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of Section 23, Township 2 South, Range 8 East, Alcorn County, Mississippi; thence run West 408.46 feet to the East right of way line of a paved public road; thence run along said East right of way line South 22 degrees 32 minutes East 408.5 feet; thence run South 78 degreesComputer 32 minutes East 257.04 feet; 0515 thence run North 426 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 3.0 acres, more or less. I will only convey such title as is vested in me as Substitute Trustee.

You are summons to appear and defend against said Petition to determine heirs at law of GLADYS A. SMITH at 9:00 o’clock A.M. on the 11th day of April, 2012, at the Alcorn County Chancery Building, Corinth, Mississippi and in case of your failure to appear and defend a judgment will be entered against you for the things demanded in said Complaint or Petition.

You are not required to file and answer or other pleading, but you may do so if you desire.

Issued under my hand and the seal of said court, this the 5 day of March, 2012.

WITNESS MY SIGNATURE, this 2nd day of March, 2012.

Emily Kaye Courteau Substitute Trustee 2309 Oliver Road Monroe, LA 71201 WHEREAS, on the 15th day (318) 330-9020 of December, 1992, and acknowledged on the 15th day COC/F08-0249 of December, 1992, Kevin E. PUBLISH: Holmes and wife, Tonia L. 3.8.12/3.15.12/3.22.12 Holmes, executed and deliv- 13606 ered a certain Deed of Trust unto Robert G. Barnett, Trustee for Deposit Guaranty Mortgage Company, Beneficiary, to secure an indebtedness therein described, which Deed of Trust is recorded inAuto/Truck Parts & Accessories the office of the Chancery 0848of Alcorn County, MisClerk sissippi in TD Book 384 at Page 454; and



3t 3/8, 15, 22, 2012 13609


Homes for 0710 Sale

GOLF CLUBS: Dunlop LiNOTICE nar Force iron set, All real estate adver3-pitching w / s t e e l tised herein is subject shaft, $40. 662-603-1382. to the Federal Fair GOLF CLUBS: Used Dun- Housing Act which lop Quatro plus Iron set makes it illegal to ad3-sand w / p u t t e r vertise any preference, w/oversized head on limitation, or discrimiirons, steel shaft, comes nation based on race, w/bag, $ 5 0 . color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status 662-603-1382. or national origin, or inUSED KATANA softball tention to make any bat, 34 in., 27 oz., $20. such preferences, limi662-603-1382. tations or discrimination. State laws forbid dis0533 Furniture crimination in the sale, ANTIQUE BABY crib, rental, or advertising of wood spool design, real estate based on with mattress, good factors in addition to cond., $65. 662-287-8894. those protected under KING SIZE brass head- federal law. We will not board, $ 3 0 . knowingly accept any advertising for real es662-603-2185. tate which is in violaSECTIONAL SLEEPER sofa tion of the law. All perw/2 recliners, blue & sons are hereby intan, $100 (you pick up). formed that all dwellCall 665-1014 after 5. ings advertised are SMALL BLUE cabinet, 17" available on an equal x 66", ideal for bath- opportunity basis. room, $30. 662-603-2185.

POWERBACK ELECTRIC generator, 5250 watts, 6500 surge watts, provides 110 & 220 current, $255. 731-434-8475.

NEW 4 BR, 2 BA home Del. & setup $44,500 Clayton Homes Supercenter of Corinth, 1/4 mi. past hospital on 72 West 662-287-4600

thence run West 408.46 feet to the East right of way line of a paved public road; thence run along said East right of 0955 way lineLegals South 22 degrees 32 minutes East 408.5 feet; thence run South 78 degrees 32 minutes East 257.04 feet; thence run North 426 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 3.0 acres, more or less.

2 BR near Rockhill, stv/ref., $325 mo. For app. call 212-4102. WHEREAS, by various assign2 BR, 1 BA, $150 mo., no ments on record said Deed of dep. Walnut Sch. Dist. Trust was ultimately assigned to Wells Fargo Bank, NA, by 662-223-9158. instrument recorded in the Business of the aforesaid Chan0670 Places/Offices office cery Clerk in Instrument DOWNTOWN OFFICE, #200701333; and freshly remodeled, got to rent $600 month. WHEREAS, on the 29th day of January, 2008, the Holder 662-643-9575. of said Deed of Trust substiMobile Homes tuted and appointed Emily 0675 for Rent Kaye Courteau as Trustee in said Deed of Trust, by instru2BR/2BA, W/D, ref, stv, ment recorded in the office of A/C's, city gas, W. Alc. the aforesaid Chancery Clerk Co. 223-5223, 750-1184. in Instrument #201100871; and

GOLF CLUBS: All-lies Shallow Face 9, $5. BY OWNER. 214 ChamKnight Escape strong 7 bers St., Corinth, MS. 3 wood, $5. 662-603-1382. BR, 2 BA, shop, corner lot, 12 yrs. old. Move-in GOLF CLUBS: Demstator r e a d y . $98,000. Hybrid 5 iron, $5; Titan 662-665-5779 for appt. Plus Hybrid, $5. HUD 662-603-1382. PUBLISHER’S

Machinery & 0545 Tools

Mobile Homes 0741 for Sale

ered a certain Deed of Trust unto Robert G. Barnett, Trustee for Deposit Guaranty Mortgage Company, Benefici0955to Legals ary, secure an indebtedness therein described, which Deed of Trust is recorded in the office of the Chancery Clerk of Alcorn County, Mississippi in TD Book 384 at Page 454; and

WHEREAS, default having been made in the payments of the indebtedness secured by the said Deed of Trust, and the holder of said Deed of 2006 Chevrolet Monte Trust, having requested theCarlo SS 74K, undersignedRED, so to do,LOADED on the 29th day of $ March, 2012, I will during the lawful hours of between 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., at public outcry, offer for sale and will sell, at the south front door of the Alcorn County Courthouse at Corinth, Mississippi, for cash to the highest bidder, the following described land and property situated in Alcorn County, Mississippi, to-wit:

2011 Yukon SLT

Pearl White, Ltr., Heated Seats, 4WD, 16k


2007 Chevrolet Silverado LT

Reg Cab, 74k,NorthSilver Birch Commencing at the east corner$of the Northwest Quarter of Section 23, Township 2 South, Range 8 East, Alcorn County, Mississippi; thence run West 408.46 feet to the East right of way line of a paved public road; thence run along said East right of way line South 22 degrees 32 minutes East 408.5 feet; thence run South 78 degrees 32 minutes East 257.04 feet; thence run North feet LT to 2011426 Malibu the Point Sunroof, of Beginning, conLtr., Heated taining 3.0 acres, more or $ less.



2007 Nissan Maxima SE Bronzemist, New Tires


13,950 3 to Choose from

2009 Dodge Crew Cab 98k, Super Clean




2008 Dodge Avenger SXT Blue, 75K




2011 Chevy Impala LT

White, 33K, Remote Start



2007 Chevy Silverado Ext. Cab LT Red Fire, 66K



I will only convey such title as is vested in me as Substitute Trustee. WITNESS MY SIGNATURE, this 2nd day of March, 2012.

0734 Lots & Acreage

Emily Kaye Courteau Substitute Trustee (6) LOTS off Salem Road 2309 Oliver 2010Road Hyundai Santa (CR 423). Lots are Monroe, LA 71201 Dark Red, 33K 125x200. $1500 per lot. (318) 330-9020 $ Buy all 6 for $7500. Family Financial Services, COC/F08-0249 665-7976. Financing PUBLISH: available to qualified 3.8.12/3.15.12/3.22.12 buyer. 13606


2008 Ford Mustang Coupe


Strawberry Red, 70K



2001 Chevy Tahoe LT One Owner, White



Mobile Homes 0741 for Sale

NEW 2 BR Homes Del. & setup $25,950.00 Clayton Homes Misc. Items for Supercenter of Corinth, 0563 Sale 1/4 mile past hospital on 72 West. 42X54 LARGE framed mirror, $200. 287-2509 or NEW 3 BR, 1 BA HOMES 808-3908. Del. & setup $29,950.00 CHAIN LINK kennel, in Clayton Homes panels, 10' x 20' x 5' w/3' Supercenter of Corinth gate, c o m m e r c i a l , 1/4 mile past hospital 9-gauge, heavy, new, on 72 West. $450. Walnut, 223-6299.

2008 Nissan Rogue SL Charcoal, 67K



1-662-728-4462 Nights & Weekends 662-424-1271

2008 Saturn Aura XE V6, 71k, Blue



2006 Ford Taurus SE Grey,




1101 N. 2nd Street • Booneville, MS • www.courtesyautoms.com

bids for the following items until March 26, 2012, 2:00 Daily Corinthian p.m.








RE: ADMINISTRATION OF THE ESTATE OF You have been made a GLADYS A. SMITH, Defendant in the Petition filed DECEASED in this Court by SYBLE THRASHER, Administratrix CAUSE NO.: 2012-0062-02 of the Estate of GLADYS A. SMITH and you must take immediate action to protect NOTICE TO CREDITORS your rights.

0955 Legals

0955 Legals

NOTICE OF A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE TUSCUMBIA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT OF ALCORN AND PRENTISS COUNTIES, MISSISSIPPI WHEREFORE, pursuant to Section 51-29-15 M.C.A. Stanley Michael, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Tuscumbia Water Management District of Alcorn and Prentiss Counties, Mississippi, hereby calls and directs that on Tuesday, March 20th, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. in the former office of the County Superintendent of Education on the second (2nd) floor of the Alcorn County Courthouse a meeting shall be called to order for the purpose of establishing regular meeting times, dates and procedures and for such other business as is necessary in the regular course of activities for the Tuscumbia Water Management District of Alcorn and Prentiss Counties, Mississippi.

0955 Legals

NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that on April 16, 2012 at 9:00 AM at its office in Alcorn County Chancery Building in the City of Corinth, Alcorn County, Mississippi, the Alcorn County Board of Supervisors will receive, open, and consider bids for the purchase by the County for the period beginning April 16, 2012 and ending December 31, 2012. 1. Special Bituminous Material, Liquid Asphalt and Emulsified Asphalt CRS-1 - per gallon CRS-2P - per gallon EA-1 - per gallon EA-P - per gallon EA-3 - per gallon SS-1 - per gallon AC-20 - per gallon AC-5 - per gallon Fog Seal - per gallon

NOTICE IS GIVEN that Letters of Administration were on the 28th day of February, 2012, granted the undersigned Administratrix of 2. Crushed Limestone the Estate of GLADYS A. and Slag SMITH, Deceased, by the So called this the 14th day Chancery Court of Alcorn 3. Hot Mix and County of February, 2012 County, Mississippi; and all Road Work persons having claims against said Estate are required to STANLEY MICHAEL, Items to bid are as follows: have the same probated and CHAIRMAN Tuscumbia Water Manage- A. Hot Mix Picked Up At registered by the Clerk of ment District said Court within ninety (90) Plant You are not required to days after the date of the first CLAYTON O’DONNELL, B. Hot Mix Laid In Place file and answer or other publication of this Notice, PLLC C. Seal County Roads pleading, but you may do so if which is the 1st day of March BY: William H. Davis, Jr. D. DBST County Roads , 2012, or the same shall be Attorney for T.W.M.D. you desire. E. Seal County Roads Miss. Bar No. 10656 (Equipment/Labor Only) forever barred. Issued under my hand and F. DBST County Roads WITNESS MY SIGNAthe seal of said court, this the (Equipment/Labor Only) OF COUNSEL: TURE, this the 28th day of 5 day of March, 2012. Clayton O’Donnell, PLLC February, 2012 2t 3/8, 15, 2012 511 Franklin Street P.O. Box 1613 13611 Corinth, MS 38835-1613 ALCORN COUNTY, (662) 396-4808 /s/ Syble Thrasher MISSISSIPPI SYBLE THRASHER /s/ Bobby Marolt ADMINISTRATRIX 2t 3/8, 3/15/12 BOBBY MAROLT 13575 CHANCERY CLERK 3t 3/1, 8, 15, 2012 /s/ Willie Justice, D.C. 13596

You are summons to appear and defend against said Petition to determine heirs at law of GLADYS A. SMITH at 9:00 o’clock A.M. on the 11th day of April, 2012, at the Alcorn County Chancery Building, Corinth, Mississippi and in case of your failure to appear and defend a judgment will be entered against you for the things demanded in said Complaint or Petition.

3t 3/8, 15, 22, 2012 13609




Exc. cond. inside & out. Mechanically sound cond. Leather seats, only 98,000 mi reg.

$7500 731-934-4434


‘01 DODGE STRATUS ES, sun roof, cold air, automatic.





THE CITY OF CORINTH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Corinth Mississippi will conduct a public hearing at 5:00 p.m. on March 13, 2012 in the Board Room of the City of Corinth Municipal Building at 300 Childs Street, Corinth, Mississippi in connection with the application for a zoning change submitted by David Latch and Ginger Latch requesting that property located at the corner of 5th Street and Jackson Street be rezoned from R-1A to C-1. Members of the public are invited to attend said meeting or submit comment in connection therewith.

Sports Ed., maroon, looks & drive great, 182k miles.

$2,800 firm. 662-415-0858

AMERICAN MINI STORAGE 2058 S. Tate Across from World Color


MORRIS CRUM Mini-Stor. A detailed listing of all items 72 W. 3 diff. locations, and item locations will be unloading docks, rental available at the Corinth truck avail, 286-3826. School District Administration Office, 1204 North PROFESSIONAL Harper Road, Corinth, MS SERVICE DIRECTORY Monday through Friday between 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Take stock in America. Buy U.S. Savings Bonds.

D SellFit E I I S S for Free! ED CLA

The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all bids. 3t March 8, 2012 March 15, 2012 March 22, 2012 13612

I F I S S A L C ED I F I Sinclude only Your ad must S A one item and the item must be D L E C I priced in the ad at $500 IF S or less. The ad should be S 20A words or less. CL Dit to To place your ad email E I F I freeads@dailycorinthian.com Sthe ad to S or mail A D L Ads, P.O. BoxIE 1800, CFree F I 38835. Corinth,SMS S A CL ED I F I SS A D L E C I F I S S Daily Corinthian CLA

Advertise your item valued at $500 or less in the Daily Corinthian classifieds for Free.


Home Improvement

Ads must be for private party merchandise and will exclude pets, livestock, garage sales, hay, firewood, automobiles, and pet supplies.

HANDY-MAN REPAIR Spec. Lic. & Bonded, plumbing, electrical, floors, woodrot, carpentry, sheetrock. Res./com. Remodeling & repairs. 662-286-5978.

Advertising that Works!

Put your automobile, truck,of SUV, boat, tractor, motorcycle, RV & ATV here for $39.95 UNTIL SOLD! Here’s How It Works: A detailed listing all items andbeitem locations will bewide and 2 inches deep. The ad will run each day in the Daily Corinthian until your Your ad will composed 1 column available at the Corinth vehicleSchool sells.District Ad mustAdministrainclude photo, description, and price. You provide the photo. Certain restrictions apply. tion Office, 1204 North 1. No dealers. 2. Non-commercial only 3. Must pay in advance. No exceptions. 4. Single item only. 5. Categories Harper Road, Corinth, MS Monday through Friday beincluded are auto, motorcycle, tractor. boat, RV and ATV 6. After every 30 DAYS, advertised price of listing needs to be tween 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. reduced. 7. NO REFUNDS for any reason 8. NON-TRANSFERABLE. Call 287-6147 to place your ad! The Board of Trustees re-

serves the right to reject any 864 816 832 832 832 and all bids. RECREATIONAL MOTORCYCLES/ MOTORCYCLES/ MOTORCYCLES/ TRUCKS/VANS SUV’S ATV’S 3t March 8, 2012 VEHICLES ATV’S ATV’S March 15, 2012 March 22, 2012 13612


Storage, Indoor/ Outdoor

Legals 0955 Play ground equipment Cafeteria equipment (parts) Metal lockers File cabinets Ice machine Buses Vans Trucks Other miscellaneous items

THIS, the 13th day of & Repair March, 2012. BUTLER, DOUG: Foundation, floor leveling, CITY OF CORINTH, bricks cracking, rotten MISSISSIPPI w o o d , basements, BY: Vickie Roach shower floor. Over 35 City Clerk yrs. exp. Free est. 731-239-8945 or 1t 3/15/12 662-284-6146. 13623 I DO IT ALL! Painting int. & ext., pressure washing: driveways, patios, decks, houses; carpenThe Corinth School District, try, plumbing, laminate 1204 N. Harper Road, Cor- flooring installation & inth, MS will accept sealed more. If you need it bids for the following items fixed, don't hesitate to until March 26, 2012, 2:00 call. No job too small. Guar. work. Free est. p.m. 662-284-6848. Play ground equipment Cafeteria equipment (parts) Metal lockers File cabinets Ice machine Buses Vans Trucks Other miscellaneous items

• Thursday, March 15, 2012 • 15



2006 GMC YUKON Exc. cond. inside & out, 106k miles, 3rd row seat, garage kept, front & rear A/C,tow pkg., loaded

30 ft., with slide out & built-in TV antenna, 2 TV’s, 7400 miles.

$75,000. 662-287-7734




exc. cond., dealership maintained.


662-462-7158 home or 731-607-6699 cell


3010 Model #KAF650E, 1854 hrs., bench seat, tilt bed, 4 WD & windshield, well maintained. Great for farm or hunting. $6500.

731-212-9659 731-212-9661.

'97 HONDA GOLD WING, 1500 6 cylinder miles, 3003 Voyager kit. 662-287-8949



$7900 662-728-3193


'03 CHEVY SILVERADO, black, quadra steer (4-wheel steering), LT, 80k miles, loaded, leather, tow package, ext. cab.

85,000 actual miles,


662-286-9476 or 662-603-5372

$13,000 OBO.




1961 CHEV. 2 dr. hardtop (bubble top), sound body, runs.

$1500. 731-645-0157 AFTER 4 P.M.

$10,000 868 AUTOMOBILES

2007 Franklin pull camper, 36’, lots of space, 2 A/C units, 2 slide outs, 2 doors, shower & tub, 20’ awning, full kitchen, W&D, $13,000.

Days only, 662-415-3408.




$6500 OR TRADE


looks & rides real good!



Call 662-423-6872 or 662-660-3433





2006 YAMAHA FZI 3k miles, adult owned, corbin seat, selling due to health reasons, original owner.


$4900 286-6103


662-462-7634 OR CELL 662-664-0789. 910 MOTORCYCLES/ ATV’S

250cc, just serviced, new front tire, red in color, 7,724 miles, 662-664-3940



GRAND PRIX, 35k miles, V6, auto, CD, fully loaded, new tires


‘06 VOLKSWAGON NEW BEETLE 2.5 L 5 cyl., 6-spd., Tip Tronic auto. trans., lt. green w/beige int., heated seats, RW defrost, PW, outside rear view mirrors, PDL, AM/Fm radio w/CD, MP3, traction control, sun roof, looks brand new even under hood, 14,350 mi



286-3654 or cell 284-7424

’09 Hyundai Accent


2006 NISSAN MAXIMA black, CD player, A/C, gray int., 150,000 miles, loaded.


662-808-1978 or REDUCED


39,000 MILES,

$2100 $1995



“New” Condition




2002 INTERNATIONAL, Cat. engine

$15,000 287-3448


2nd owner, 4 cyl., under 30,000 mi., 36 mpg, looking for payoff.

red with new tan top, 5-speed, 4.6, V-8, Cooper 17” tires, runs great, asking price $5200.

1999 CHEROKEE SPORT 4X4, 6 cyl., all works good except for A/C






1991 Ford Econoline Van, 48,000 miles, good cond., one owner, serious interest. $7000. 287-5206.

2005 Sunset Creek by Sunny Brook 2-drs., LR & DR slide-outs, kept nice & clean, come with hitch, sway bar, front elect. jack. Kept under shed. $12,500 662-415-1463

2008 Jayco Eagle 5th Wheel 38’, 4 slides, exc. cond., $28,000 firm. Trailer located in Counce, TN. 425-503-5467

215-666-1374 662-665-0209

2003 Honda 300 EX 2007 black plastics & after market parts.

$2,000 $2,500 462-5379

1995 HARLEY DAVIDSON SPORTSTER 1200 Screaming Eagle exhaust, only 7K miles, like new,



Mtr. & Trans., New Tires, Must See

$10,500 $12,000

662-415-8623 or 287-8894 REDUCED

2005 Kawasaki 4-wheeler 4 wheel drive, Brute force, v-twin, 650 cc, 260 hrs., $3550. 662-603-9014




For Sale:


2000 Custom Harley Davidson

2001 HONDA REBEL 250

‘04 Kawasaki Vulcan Classic 1500


30” ITP Mud Lights, sound bars, 2600 miles.



8,900 miles, 45 m.p.g. Red & Black

$5,500 Call: 662-423-5257 after 5:00 pm

’04 HONDA SHADOW 750 $



16 • Thursday, March 15, 2012 • Daily Corinthian

Washington County educators say 70 may not graduate Associated Press

GREENVILLE — Education leaders in Washington County say as many as 70 seniors may not graduate this year. The Delta Democrat Times reports that represents 10 percent of the total number of seniors in the public schools. In the Greenville Public School District, Greenville-Weston High School has the largest senior class in the county with 338 students. Deputy Superintendent Leeson Taylor II says 50 seniors are in jeopardy of not marching with their classmates in May if they do not meet the state criteria. “Unless those 50 seniors take advantage of our resources such as Saturday school, before and

after-school remediation and our supplemental tools for state test taking strategies — then they will not graduate,” Taylor said. Hollandale School District’s James JohnsonWaldington said his district has 711 students — 44 are seniors, and three seniors have not met graduation requirements. “We have full faith and courage in our teachers and students that every child will not only pass the state required tests, but they will graduate on time as well,” said Johnson-Waldington. Leland High School Principal Kermit McAdory said his senior class consists of 87 seniors, and 85 percent are on track and have met graduation requirements.

ELECTION: Campaigns continue CONTINUED FROM 3

Steven Palazzo all won nomination. Like Wicker, they defeated tea party challengers who said incumbents hadn’t done enough to fight Obama. “Do we want to continue the failed policies of two years ago?” said the 1st District’s Alan Nunnelee, who had the closest race of the incumbents. U.S. Rep Bennie Thompson, Mississippi’s lone congressional Democrat, promised to do more to raise the standing of his district.

All five candidates face foes from the other major party as well as minor party candidates, but all have advantages in money and name recognition. Albert N. Gore won the Democratic Senate primary to face Wicker, while Michael Herrington won the Democratic primary in the 4th District. Nunnelee, a first-term representative from Tupelo, won a comfortable majority over Henry Ross of Eupora and Robert Estes of Southaven in north Mississippi’s 1st District.

JOBS: Alcorn ranked 34th lowest CONTINUED FROM 1

existing industries that have remained committed to the workforce in Alcorn County and continue to provide opportunities for the people of the area. Mississippi’s statewide unemployment rate fell to 9.9 percent for January, the first time it has fallen below 10 percent since September 2009. Alcorn County also continued to post one of the lowest unemployment

rates in the area. Among surrounding counties, Alcorn was tied with Prentiss for the lowest figure at 10.7 percent. Tishomingo County posted the next highest figure for January 2012 at 12.4 percent. Tippah County continued to have the area’s highest rate at 12.6 percent. Alcorn County ranked 34th lowest among counties in the state for unemployment in January 2012.

SCHOOL: Panel draws praise CONTINUED FROM 1

Smith said she was “really pleased” with the dis-

trict’s Student Advisory Committee. “I can’t compliment them enough,” she said.

Things to do Today Pickin’ on the Square & World War II Museum Pickin’ on the courthouse square is currently located at the old East Corinth School auditorium, corner of Third and Meeks Streets. Admission is free but a donation is taken. Pickin’ starts at 7 p.m. every Thursday night.

Country music night The Joe Rickman Band will be playing on Thursday nights from 6:30-9:30 p.m. at the Burnsville city park building. Admission is $3, single and $5, couple. There will be concessions. The event is family-friendly with no smoking or alcohol. Proceeds go toward the community center. For more information, call 662-287-3437.

Activity center The Bishop Activity Center is having the following activities today: Bingo. Senior citizens, age 60 and above, are welcome and encouraged to attend. Daily activities include crafts, jigsaw puzzles, quilting, table games (Dominoes & Rook), washer games and Rolo Golf.

New Shiloh museum The Shiloh Battlefield

GOSPEL MEETING March 25-27, 2012 Brother James Segars--Tupelo, MS

Art display Works entered into Northeast Mississippi Community College’s annual High School Art Competition are on display in the Anderson Hall Art Gallery on the Booneville campus. Art work from students representing each of the five counties in the Northeast district (Alcorn, Prentiss, Tippah, Tishomingo, Union) are exhibited. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday 8 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. For more information contact gallery director Terry Anderson at 662-7207336 or tfanderson@ nemcc.edu.

Volunteers sought Shiloh National Military Park is seeking volunteers to help with activities on Saturday April 7, 2012. In commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Shiloh, park staff and volunteers will be placing and lighting 23,746 luminaries around the battlefield, which will represent the total casualties of the bloody twoday fight. Anyone interested in volunteering at the park is asked to call ranger Heather Smedley at 731689-5696 or email her at heather_smedley@ nps.gov to sign up. More information on Shiloh Battlefield’s sesquicentennial events is available at www.nps.gov/shil.

Photo contest Local photographers are invited to participate in Arts in McNairy’s sixth annual Amateur Photo Contest. The final day for submissions is Friday, April 13 from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Photos should be dropped off at the UT Martin/Selmer facility in Tennessee just off U.S. 45 North. Photos mailed must be postmarked by Monday, April 9 to: Attention George Souders, c/o AiM Photo Contest, UT Martin/Selmer, 1269 Tennessee Ave., Selmer, Tenn. 38375.

Entry forms are available at the photo-center at Wal-Mart in Selmer, Tenn. For more information and qualifications or to request an entry form by mail contact George Souders at 731610-1365.

Zumba classes From now through June, Baptist Memorial Hospital-Booneville is sponsoring a free Zumba class at the Westside Community Center every Thursday at 8:30 a.m. Doors will open 30 minutes before the class begins — no one will be allowed to enter after the class starts. For more information, contact Sergio Warren at 720-5432 or sergio.warren@bmhcc. org; or Susan Henson at 212-2745 or slhenson2009@hotmail.com.

Music exhibit “Music, Sweet Music” is the subject of the featured exhibit at the Tishomingo County Archives & History Museum. The exhibit gives visitors an opportunity to view phonographs, records, 8-track tapes, etc., used by artists to record their abilities in perpetuity. The Museum is open to the public TuesdayFriday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

‘VOICE’: Hopeful singer gets inspiration from source close to home CONTINUED FROM 1

great friends that I’ve gotten to know well over the past year that are also going to audition as well,” he said. “A plethora of great Mississippi-born talent will be shining in Atlanta this weekend.” Mandy Shaw has been waiting her whole life for an opportunity like this. The 21-year-old country music singer said she strives to be as great as some of her favorite artists. Shaw has been singing since she was old enough to talk, she said. “I started out singing in church, school functions, ceremonies, and went on to win various local and distant competitions,” Shaw said. Shaw said she is looking to a higher power as

she takes this next step. “I am so excited to audition, and I pray to the good Lord above that I make it past the callbacks on to the actual blind auditions,” she said. “Without God’s help and guidance I wouldn’t be where I am today.” On her trip to the Atlanta auditions Shaw will be joined by her younger brother Jonathan. Both Shaw siblings — who sing and write original material together — will try out for “The Voice.” Shaw said her biggest inspiration comes from her biggest fans — her family. “My family has been a huge inspiration to me as far as singing goes and most importantly, my biggest fan, my son JonTyler, which keeps me

motivated to reach my goals in life,” Shaw said. Another hopeful singer headed to the auditions gets her inspiration from a source close to home. Mollie Pace, the 23-year-old night shift manager at Crossroads Quickstop, said she hopes the experience will encourage her daughter to chase her dreams. “I have an amazing family that raises me up when I feel discouraged, and I just want to instill that into my daughter, Greenlee,” Pace said. Greenlee and her mother sing together all the time — while cleaning the house, riding in the car or playing with Barbie dolls together. Mollie sings and Greenlee follows suit. Pace is heading to

Atlanta with plenty of “heart” and a song of hope playing in her mind. “I may not be the most experienced. I may not be the most talented, but I have heart,” Pace said. “Maybe I’m insane for going up against thousands of people for just a few select spots on TV, but all I’ll see is Greenlee’s face when I step under those bright lights, and all I hear is Travis Tritt saying ‘You’re gonna be somebody someday — you can bet your hard-earned dollar she will.’” The Atlanta auditions for “The Voice” will be held March 16-17 at the Atlanta Convention Center at AmericasMart. For more information visit www.nbcthevoice. com.

WOMAN: 12 monthly winners are in line for Phenomenal award CONTINUED FROM 1

“Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” Mark 16:15

is now open. It is located next to Shiloh National Military Park (at the intersection of state Route 22 and Route 142 in Shiloh, across from Ed Shaw’s Restaurant). The museum features items amassed over a lifetime of collecting Shiloh-related artifacts, as well as artifacts from the Korean War, World War II, the Vietnam War — all the way up to the war in Afghanistan. The museum is open Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m. For more information call Larry DeBerry at 731-926-0360.

ties. “All of them have taken time to come and connect with the girls at the club,” said Unit Director Christy Grice. “Everything the women have shared is something these girls can use in life.” The 12 monthly win-

ners in line for the award are Corinne Pierce, Dioannys Ortega, Aricka Herman, Katie Dalton, Wendy Shinault, Donna Wright, Wendy Talley, Rebecca Spence, Sheila Gardner, Kamisha Edmond, Kim Roberts and Nicole Petersen. “The gala will be our preeminent social and

networking event of the year,” added Grice. Candidates will enter the arena on red carpet for the Black Tie Reception & Dinner. Ticket sales will be used as an individual’s vote for their favorite candidate. The red carpet walk reception is set for 6-7 p.m.

The dinner and awards ceremony will follow. A special speaker and entertainment is in the process of being lined up. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at the Boys & Girls Club. For more information call the club at 662-2862808.

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