Tuesday Dec. 6,
50 cents
Daily Corinthian Vol. 115, No. 290
2011 Christmas Basket Fund ‘A Community Tradition’
Fund tops $17,000 in donations ‘Tis the season for giving as donations continue to arrive for the 16th Annual Corinth Rotary Club / Daily Corinthian Christmas Basket Fund. A $25,000 fund raising goal has been set so 1,100 food baskets can be given to local families on Saturday, Dec. 10. So far $17,135 has been raised. Donations include $100 from Mr. and Mrs. Winston C. Whiteld in memory of Eva Gene Whiteld and Lester Max Hopson; $100 from Buddy Hatcher in memory of Regina Hatcher; $50 from Sherra Green in memory of Jimmy and Geneva Northcutt; $100 anonymous gift in memory of Mrs. Maggie Windom; $25 from Bailey Smith in memory of her dear friend Erin Sanders; $100 from Jacobs Small Engine Service; $200 anonymous gift; $30 from Evelyn L. Lancaster; $100 from Ward Smith in memory of Dr. Googe of Rienzi and George and Luna Nell Googe of Jackson, Tenn.; $30 from Stacie S. and Lee. F. Thurner; and $200 from Long Wholesale employees and friends in memory of Thelma McAlister and Sandra Garrett. Donations are a perfect time to make a tribute to a loved one. Contributions to the Christmas Basket Fund can be made “in honor of ” or “in memory of ” a special person or persons. The tribute will be published in the
Mostly cloudy Today
• Corinth, Mississippi • 16 pages • 1 section
Basket applicants will be notified by phone BY BOBBY J. SMITH
Christmas Basket applicants will be notied by phone of the their eligibility for the free holiday food packages beginning today.
“We want to let people know that if they applied they should be listening to the phone, ” said 2011 Corinth Rotary Club/Daily Corinthian Christmas Basket Fund Chairman Ronnie Sleeper. “If they ’ve been selected
they will receive a notication by phone. If they don ’t receive a call, they weren ’t selected. ” Recipients will be notied by “an army of volunteers, ” Sleeper explained, who will be calling from several area agen-
cies including the Rotary Club, Crosswinds Ministries, the Salvation Army, the Bishop Center and others. Calls will be made each day, approximately Please see BASKETS | 2
Downtown Blaze
Photo courtesy Thomas Norman
Quick action by the Corinth Fire Department kept a downtown fire from consuming a whole block on Sunday night.
Crossroads Dry Cleaners destroyed in Sunday night fire BY STEVE BEAVERS sbeavers@dailycorinthian.com
The quick response of the Corinth Fire Department kept a tragic blaze from escalating. Firemen controlled a late Sunday night re that destroyed Crossroads Dry Clean-
ers on 712 Cruise Street, and didn ’t allow the blaze to overwhelm any other business. Corinth remen were dispatched at 11:18 p.m. and remained on the scene until 2:56 a.m. according to Fire Chief Rob Price. Five units battled
the re with several off-duty remen also being called to the scene. “We haven ’t been able to get in there and determine what caused the re, ” said Price. Firemen were able to contain the blaze and keep it from
causing major damage to The BelHaven, which houses apartments and ofce space, located next door to the dry cleaners. Residents of the apartments were evacuated but no one was Please see FIRE | 2
Please see FUND | 2
Veterans office move frees space BY JEBB JOHNSTON jjohnston@dailycorinthian.com
Alcorn County supervisors on Monday approved the veteran service ofce ’s request to move to the vacated justice court ofces in the courthouse. Justice Court has made its move to the new Alcorn County Justice Center, freeing space in the Alcorn County Courthouse. The Veterans Service Ofce currently occupies cramped quarters on the lower level of the courthouse, and Veterans Service Ofcer Pat Ray told the board more space is needed to ensure privacy for clients. The current ofce has three rooms — a front lobby/ofce, a back ofce and a copy/ling room. The layout poses a problem if more than one client is being consulted. “If I ’m ling a claim in the back ofce and someone comes in the front ofce, they cannot talk to the other service ofcer without the public overhearing, ” she said. Clients must share informaPlease see OFFICE | 2
Staff photo by Jebb Johnston
Christmas cheer
Three girls representing Corinth SportsPlex Gymnastics spread holiday cheer with a “Merry Christmas” sign at Saturday’s Corinth Christmas parade. A mild afternoon helped draw a big crowd to the event, which had more than 80 entries. Related photo on Page 2.
Index Stocks........7 Classified......14 Comics...... 11 Wisdom...... 10
Weather........5 Obituaries........ 3 Opinion........4 Sports........8
On this day in history 150 years ago Pro-Union newspaper publisher William Brownlow was arrested for treason in Knoxville, Tenn., for speaking out against the Confederacy. Calls to hang him were ignored and he was allowed to leave the state. By Tom Parson, NPS Ranger