3TheOUT OF 4 AIN’T BAD women’s basketball team will
On The Verge offers a look at all of the holiday-themed activities going on, such as Christmas in the Heart of Charleston.
take on the Mavericks at 6 p.m. Friday in Lantz Arena.
Dai ly Eastern News
Friday, Dec. 5, 2014
VOL. 99 | NO. 68
An accident between a Dial-A-Ride bus and minivan occurred around 3 p.m. Thursday at the intersection of Route 16 and County Road 1200E. According to Charleston Fire Chief Pat Goodwin, there were 13 patients with injuries, with one patient with trauma injuries transported to Carle in Champaign and the rest transported to Sarah Bush Lincoln. Goodwin described the scene as a mass casualty incident. Sgt. Justin Peterson of the Charleston Police Department said that emergency vehicles responded within a minute or two of being dispatched.
Bus, auto accident sends 13 to hospital By Katie Smith & Jason Howell Online Editor, Assistant Photo Editor Thirteen people with injuries were transported to Sarah Bush Lincoln Health System after an accident between a Dial-A-Ride bus and minivan, which occurred at about 3 p.m. Thursday at the intersection of Route 16 and County Road 1200E, according to Charleston Fire Chief Pat Goodwin. No names of passengers or additional information regarding their conditions have been released. One patient was reported to have sustained trauma injuries and was transported to the Carle Foundation in Champaign.
Justin Peterson of the Charleston Police Department said emergency vehicles responded within two minutes of being dispatched. Multiple area agencies responded to the accident. Eleven passengers from the bus and two passengers from the minivan were transported to the hospitals. The minivan sustained significant front-end damage while the bus had significant passenger-side damage. More information, as it becomes available will be updated on dailyeasternnews.com. Katie Smith and Jason Howell can be reached at 581-2812 or dennewsdesk@gmail.com.
Visiting professor mixes math, issues By Bob Galuski Editor-in-Chief | @BobGaluski A mathematics professor at the University of Illinois knows education is a political world, but never has it been in a moment like it is now. Rochelle Gutiérrez will be presenting “Why ‘Getting Real’ Requires Being ‘Radical’ in High Stakes Education” at 4:10 p.m. Friday in Room 2231 of Old Main. Refreshments will be served at 3:40 p.m. Gutiérrez, who has been a professor for 18 years, said teachers do not realize it is not enough to teach mathematics well, or to know their students are not all on the same level playing field, but it requires negotiating the politics of teaching. And when it comes to the politics, there is a new movement in the realm of mathematics, she said. She said when it comes to education reform, and the Common Core learning skills now needed in the classrooms, it changes the discussion from a state-level
Mark Hudson, the director of University Housing & Dining Services, addresses members of the Residence Hall Association and students Thursday in the Weller Hall lobby. Budgeting issues and the effect of rising minimum wage were being discussed.
RHA details upcoming year’s room, board rate proposal State factors contribute to possible increase for FY2015 By Jarad Jarmon Associate News Editor | @JJarmonReporter
to a national one. Using the example of Pearson Education Books, which sold textbooks to high rate states such as California, she said now because it has national-based standards, Pearson expanded to testing. MATHEMATICS, page 5
The room and board rates for 2016 could see a 2-percent increase. Mark Hudson explained a couple of factors that would con tribute to the possible increase at the Residence Hall Association meeting Thursday. He said the possibility of a n i n c re a s e i n t h e s t a t e m i n i mum wage would have a significant affect on the budget. If the m i n i m u m w a g e we re r a i s e d t o $10, it would result in an extra $361,299 in expenses for student workers. “The house adjourned and s a i d t h e y a r e n’t g o i n g t o ( i n crease the minimum wage to $10), but I will believe it when they leave town,” Hudson said. The Illinois House of Repre-
Room and Board Rates
Room, board rates could increase by $58 Meal plan would have varied increase from $25 to $36 depending on each plan
sentatives can still reconvene to discuss the matter. He added the Bond Revenue Committee, comprised of six students from both Student Senate and RHA who determine recommendations for future room and board rates, also had to consider enrollment. Enrollment is currently down, and Hudson said enrollment in Fall 2016 could certainly affect whether to go through with the 2-percent increase. The proposed rates would increase room and board rates to $58. The meal plan would have a varied increase from $25 to $36 depending on the chosen plan. This budget will go to Dan Na d l e r, t h e v i c e p re s i d e n t f o r s t u d e n t a f f a i r s , Pre s i d e n t Bi l l Pe r r y, a n d t h e n f i n a l l y t o t h e Board of Trustees for approval.
The next board meeting will take place Jan. 23 in the Grand Ballroom in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. Last year, the room and board rates did not increase. Hudson said this was a possibility this year too, but it would depend on how the committee, Nadler, Perry and the board choose to handle the situation. He said they could have another year without an increase and use it to market to potential students, or they can increase in to prepare for potential issues in the future. RHA also approved the RHA b u d g e t f o r 2 0 1 5 . Fo r 2 0 1 5 , they have $12,050 budgeted. They currently have a balance of $13,445.
RATES, page 5