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The Eastern men’s soccer team will start OVC play against Oral Roberts Saturday at home. PAGE 8


Check out The Verge for video game reviews, fashion tips and weekend entertainment news. SECTION B


D aily E astern N ews

Friday, September 25, 2015 “TELL THE TRUTH AND DON’T BE AFRAID” C E L E BRATI NG A CE NTUR Y OF COV E RA GE 19 15- 201 5

VOL. 100 | NO. 25 W W W . D A I L YE A S TE R N N E W S . C O M

CAA votes to approve new math courses By Cassie Buchman Administration Editor | @cjbuchman The Council on Academic Affairs approved new math courses and a revised course at its meeting Thursday. The courses they voted on revising were Mathematics 2420G Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II, and Mathematics 3400 Teaching Secondary Mathematics and the new courses were Mathematics 2620 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers III, and Mathematics 2400 Introduction to Teaching Secondary Mathematics. Marshall Lassak, the department chair of mathematics, spoke about the changes being made to the course. He said Mathematics 2420G and 2620, a new course the CAA voted on, are a package deal. “The state issued new requirements for mathematics for the elementary licensure and the forthcoming middle licensure, and part of those requirements is a more in-depth study of statistics and some focus on how that relates to teaching,” Lassak said. The 2420 class currently spends about four weeks on probability and statistics, which is not enough to address the Illinois learning standards and state requirements. “We removed that content from 2420 and enhanced it with an additional focus on transformational geometry,” Lassak said. Greg Aydt, from the academic advising center, had a question on the title of the course. “2040 is called Math for Elementary Teachers II which I know is what it’s been called previously,” Aydt said. “And then 2620 is Math for Elementary Teachers III which kind of implies that there’s a sequence there, like one two and three, but actually you can take two or three, either one, as long as you’ve taken that first class which is the prerequisite.” Aydt asked if that was a concern or if there was a possibility that the math department would want to change the name of the class to reflect the specific content. “Mathematics for elementary teachers II focuses on geometry, mathematics for elementary teachers III focuses on statistics,” he said. “I don’t know if that would be a possibility or not, it’s obviously your call.” Lassak said 2040 would be left alone because that was what it was called everywhere and they wanted the name to be consistent. “I don’t disagree with you on 2420, but that was not the consensus of our department,” Lassak said. “Statistics for elementary teachers to me would make more sense.” He said he agreed the name could cause confusion, but the consensus of the department was that it was a minor concern but that if it proves to be a major concern, they may change it three or four years down the line. “After you complete math for elementary teachers I you can take one or both of these,” Lassak said. The CAA unanimously approved Mathematics 2420G. “The reason this course is being put out is the department of secondary education has implemented a number of changes for various reasons,” Lassak said. “One of these changes is they want students to have a methods course prior to the practicum experience.”

CAA, page 6


Giulia Rozzi jokes about her experiences with pregnancy scares at 7th Street Underground Thursday during the first comedy act hosted by the University Board.

Comedian brings laughs to Eastern By Luis Martinez Entertainment Editor | @DEN_News Giulia Rozzi brought the laughs to 7th Street Underground during her performance on Thursday in the first comedy act hosted by the University Board comedy committee. Lucas McGeath, the new University Board comedy coordinator, said he thought the show was great and really funny. “(The show) was awesome, it was so funny,” McGeath said. “(Rozzi) really showed up and showed out.” There was some delay for the show as it was said Rozzi had ran into some car trouble on her way from Chicago. The audience members were treated to a second comedian who helped open the show for Rozzi.

Kristin Clifford, a standup comedian from Chicago, was the opening act for Rozzi and helped get the audience laughing before the main event. Clifford told a wide array of jokes, including some about watching “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit,” Lifetime movies, and tips to prevent cat-calling. “She’s a friend of Giulia and she made me laugh,” McGeath said. “She was really funny.” McGeath was appointed as the new UB comedy coordinator a few weeks ago, and said this semester’s comedy acts were already preset by the previous comedy coordinator. “I didn’t book the three (comedians) for this semester,” McGeath said. “But I love that there’s no censorship there.” Rozzi opened up her act with a brief story about how she turned into the Lakeview School

of Nursing because she mistook it for Eastern. After getting into her set, Rozzi started talking about her bullying experience, her marriage to her college sweetheart and divorce. “When I was in high school, I did (standup) at a sort of talent show night,” Rozzi said. “After that, I just kept doing it here and there, and I don’t know, it just sort of happened.” Rozzi said the biggest moment of her career was performing her “Bad Brides” comedy tour last year. “Every moment is kind of different,” Rozzi said. “I guess one of the things I’m most proud of is that I did a solo show last year called ‘Bad Brides’… it was funny but also really dark and turn and that’s probably one of my proudest thing I did.”

COMEDIAN, page 6

Healthcare intact despite budget impasse By Cassie Buchman Administration Editor | @cjbuchman Even though the state of Illinois has not passed a budget for fiscal year 2016, medical, prescription, dental and vision plan services will continue. According to a memo posted in Benefits Services university newsletter this situation may have an impact on anyone making use of one of the self-insured plans. These include Cigna, HealthLink OAP, Coventry OAP and Delta Dental. According to an informational notice from the Central Management Service, the state employees group insurance program has been underfunded over the past decade, and until this point, the CMS has been able to make delayed but regular health care payments. Because the funding for Fiscal Year 2015 has been exhausted, there is no way for the CMS to make regular payments to healthcare vendors until the General Assembly

“If Sarah Bush denied health coverage to employees, they’re slitting their own throats because we’re a bunch of people who are employed by the state.” - Jon Blitz, president of the University Professionals of Illinois passes a budget for fiscal year 2016. “We are working diligently with the plan administrators contracted with the state to continue to provide these vital services without disruption,” the CMS said. “CMS is available to assist members and to work with the healthcare plans to keep services continu-

ing without interruption as much as possible.” Jon Blitz, president of the University Professionals of Illinois, said there was an appropriations bill funding the CMS. “They’re the people in Springfield who pay for the state insurance, they manage all that,” Blitz said. “So there was a bill to fund them for this year, which Governor Rauner vetoed.” Blitz said this means the CMS is running out of money. Blitz received a note from the president of the state-wide UPI, who oversees a number of universities, Eastern being one them, saying they are undergoing legal action to make sure people’s health insurance is covered. “If anyone is denied health coverage or is required to pay upfront as a result of the lack of funding for state insurance, please contact me,” Blitz said. Blitz said UPI is very concerned, and there has been a little bit of talk, but not a lot about the state of health care insurance.


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