POKEY PLAYS Pokey LaFarge, a Bloomington-Normal native, is playing at the Doudna Fine Arts Center on Monday.
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE Eastern students express their opinions on what qualities the university’s future president should have. DAILYEASTERNNEWS.COM
OFF-ENSE Eastern football coach Kim Dameron said he wants more wide receivers to step up on offense. PAGE 8
Dai ly Eastern News
Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2014
VOL. 99 | NO. 12
Student Senate searches for new cabinet members By Debby Hernandez Administration Editor | @DEN_News
Ryan Johnson, a junior biological sciences major, rides his longboard to class on Monday. Eastern students will host the Panther Push Saturday for longboarders to race on a 3.7-mile course.
Longboarding season
Students organize push race
By Kendra Cwikla Staff Reporter | @kendracwikla A longboarding race organized by two Eastern students will occur at noon Saturday. The race will begin and end at the Doudna Fine Arts Center and follow a 3.7-mile course throughout Charleston. The race is considered a sprint push race because the path follows a mostly flat surface and the rider has to continually push off the ground. The race organizers are Samantha Marsteller, a sophomore psychology major, and Jessica Hegberg, a graduate student in kinesiology and sports studies. Neither the city of Charleston nor Eastern sanctioned the race when the students petitioned to close the roads they would be using.
“Charleston has lots of races, but they don’t close for anything,” Hegberg said. Marsteller said the city of Charleston has a penalty for longboarding. “They don’t stop you unless you’re causing a traffic incident,” Marsteller said. Marsteller and Hegberg began planning the event in July, emailing hundreds of longboarding companies to find sponsors for the race. The race is considered a Rad Jam, which connects the organizers with sponsors who give donation prizes for the race. The winners of the race will be separated by top three males and top three females 17 and older, and skaters under 17 will be in the “grom” category. The first three to finish will win either a deck or a complete board. Other prizes include Orangutan wheels, bearings, hats, shirts and posters.
Sponsors sent most of the prizes, except for an Oblivion board, which was painted by Hegberg and Marsteller. “Ever y rider walks away with something, whether they come in first or last,” Marsteller said. Registration for the race will begin at the Doudna steps at 10:30 a.m. Saturday. Those 15 and older can participate with a waiver from their parents. Participants must wear a helmet to be eligible for prizes. In the case of rain, the event will be held at the same time Sunday. For more event information, follow @PantherPush on Twitter or search “Panther Push 2014” to find the event on Facebook. Kendra Cwikla can be reached at 581-2812 or kecwikla@eiu.edu.
Presidential search forum rescheduled By Stephanie Markham News Editor | @DEN_News The presidential search forum for faculty members was cancelled because David Mead-Fox, the presidential search consultant, will not be on campus until Tuesday. The forum was supposed to happen at 4 p.m. Monday, but is being rescheduled for 8:30 a.m. Wednesday because MeadFox’s flight was delayed, said Cheryl Gil-
bert, an administrative assistant in the office of university advancement. Gilbert said the forum for students and staff will still occur during its originally planned time at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday. An additional forum for faculty is also scheduled for 10:30 a.m. Tuesday. All forums will take place in the Charleston/Mattoon Room of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. Mead-Fox is a consultant from the firm
Korn Ferry, which the board of trustees contracted with Eastern. The forums are so Mead-Fox can hear feedback as to what the campus and community are looking for in a future president. Stephanie Markham can be reached at 581-2812 or samarkham@eiu.edu.
Student Senate continues to seek more students to get active and become interested in serving in the senate, and in turn, the campus. Student Body President Reginald Thedford, along with other members of the executive board, have created a presidential cabinet that aims to represent particular areas of focus on campus. “We want to have an essential focus on what we want to do at Eastern’s campus,” Thedford said. According to the student senate website, the purpose of the cabinet is to provide Eastern students with “representation that empower, enrich, and enhance student and campus life.” The presidential cabinet is a special committee governed by the executive branch with direct supervision of the student body president. Thedford is looking to initiate the cabinet with nine members each serving different positions. The nine positions available for the cabinet include chief of staff and chief of communications, along with seven advisors for Greek student, residential student, firstyear student, graduate student, athletics, multicultural student, and transfer student. Thedford said the cabinet would help the campus come together. “ We want to unite student organizations and get the word out abouy different things going on in campus so we are all connected in a way,” he said. The committee chief of staff will serve as senior advisor to the student body president. It will also oversee all operations within the cabinet, while the chief of communications will oversee internal and external communications and provide that information to the student body. All advisors will serve as liaisons for their particular areas of focus. Thedford said few requirements must be met to serve in the cabinet “A student must be in good academic standing and cannot be a member of the supreme court or senate,” he said. He added that experience is preferred but not necessary to be appointed. He said experience in student life or other leadership roles are a plus, along with previous experience in student government in high school for incoming freshman students. All applications are available through the student government website and will be due at noon Wednesday.
Debby Hernandez can be reached at 581-2812 or dhernandez5@eiu.edu.