Eastern’s Greek community keeps their competative energy high as Tugs comes to a close.
Eastern softball freshman pitcher Michelle Rogers earns the title of Top Cat for throwing two complete games over the weekend.
Dai ly Eastern News
Friday, April 10, 2015
VOL. 99 | NO. 131
New used bookstore opens in Square City
passes resolution affecting wage act
By Cassie Buchman City Editor|@DEN_News As the owner of Bob’s Bookstore, which opened recently in the square, Joe Judd has had a busy couple of weeks getting books, making bookshelves, and all the work of opening and maintaining a new store. “I have to be here all day, all night,” he said. Bob’s Bookstore, which will receive a new shipment of books Monday, will sell and buy every genre of books from fiction, to poetry, and books on psychology, with two exceptions. “We will not buy romance or textbooks,” Judd said. This will not be a problem for Eastern students as they rent their textbooks, a fact that Eastern graduate Judd remembers fondly. “I went to college, I came here and I got rid of my TV,” he said. “In college the people I knew read; I had friends that read. The friends I have now, the one thing we talk about is ‘What are you reading?’” Many of Judd’s books so far have come from his personal library, as well as Goodwill and other stores. The bookstore is located at 601 Monroe Ave. Judd said he is going to respond to what people want to read. “If someone wants to have books on Dungeons and Dragons, then why not?” he said. “We have everything from Kafka to Kingston.” Bob’s Bookstore is named after Judd’s father, an avid reader. “He has always been very helpful, and he likes books,” he said. Judd said he liked having a university nearby. “There’s more academics,” he said. “People in college, who have
By Stephanie Markham News Editor | @stephm202
A variety of used books are displayed in the windows of a new business, Bob’s Bookstore in the Charleston Square.
taught and worked in the college.” Judd also owned a bookstore in Chicago called Myopic Books. He anticipated some changes being in a town like Charleston because of its size and different atmosphere. “There probably won’t be any homeless people sleeping in front of the store begging for change,” he said. Myopic Books was broken into and robbed several times, something Judd does not think he will have to worry about in Charleston. “They used a knife, broken bottle, a gun,” he said. “I never could figure out what they were going to steal. We had a safe, and books are heavy.” He does think there will be some drunk people, as they are located by bars and a college campus. “I think maybe drunk people
A front view of Bob’s bookstore, which is located at 601 Monroe Ave. intersecting with 6th Street.
will come during Homecoming,” he said. “I went to school here. It’s a fun place.”
A couple of drunk people have already been to the store.
Anti-cancer group hosts 5K CUPB By Jehad Abbed Assistant Sports Editor | @Jehada Eastern’s Colleges Against Cancer organization is hoping to improve upon last year’s Relay for Life as it prepares for the event Sunday at the Panther Trail. Hope Robertson, College Against Cancer president, said raising money is a big part of the event, but the main goal is spreading cancer awareness. She said any money raised is a step closer to finding a cure. “Just knowing about Relay is a big contribution,” Robertson said. She said she attended it last year before she became CAC president, and was disappointed in different aspects of the day. She said she was concerned with how it was put together and how the people there were acting toward the event. Relay for Life is a part of Greek Week, which means there are people who are obligated to be there without intention of being fully involved.
“One of the issues last year was that people were coming drunk,” Robertson said. “Just sitting, not participating in any of the activities we had.” The event requires $15 from each participant as opposed to last year when teams had to come up with a certain amount of money together. “I’m hoping this year that people actually get the message that this is a serious thing,” she said. “It’s not just another event to go to.” She said she wants everyone to be involved while at Relay for Life, which is something the committee has worked to improve for everyone who attends. The committee is made up of members from last year and first-time contributors who Robertson said has been helpful in bringing new ideas to the event. She said the Colleges Against Cancer staff partner came just halfway through last year, which caused things to be somewhat “jumbled” together. There are different fundraising opportunities at the event, including food vendors, various games and guys in
dresses making their way around the venue. There will be cancer survivors at the relay, along with a dinner for those continuing their battle with cancer. The Luminaria segment of the entire event is one of the biggest parts of Relay for Life, when all is quieted and a list of those who have “fallen” from cancer is read aloud. Robertson said any money raised would be considered successful, whether it is through direct participation at the event or online donations. “The more people that get involved in Relay, the more money that is raised,” Robertson said. “And we’d that much sooner find a cure.” The Relay for Life is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday at the Panther Trail. McAfee Gym is reserved for the event in the case of bad weather. Jehad Abbed can be reached at 581-2812 or Jaabbed@eiu.edu.
meeting delayed one week Staff Report T h e C o u n c i l o n Un i v e r s i t y Planning and Budgeting will not be meeting this Friday. Instead the group will meet on April 17. David Emmerich, chair of CUPB, said the reason for the rescheduling was because of conflicting schedules. The group planned to discuss the EIU IT review, however the schedule conflicts would not have allowed for a full and fair conversation.
The Charleston City Council unanimously passed a resolution Tuesday incorporating some of Gov. Bruce Rauner’s proposals to create “empowerment zones,” which means the city does not have to follow the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act when bidding for things like construction projects. The act states that workers paid with public funds must receive a wage of no less than the general prevailing hourly rate in the area. Mayor Larry Rennels said private individuals can seek to have the same labor done as the city without having to pay prevailing wage. “That means we’re making taxpayers pay more for a job than a private individual would have to pay for the same job,” he said. The resolution, titled Supporting Local Government Empowerment, states that the community should decide whether or not employees should be forced to join a union or pay dues as a condition of employment. Rennels said the City Council should not be making those decisions. “In most cases in the state of Illinois, if there is a union, the people either have to be members of the union, or if they don’t want to be members of the union, they still have to pay the union dues,” he said. According to an article in The State Journal Register, Illinois Democratic attorney general Lisa Madigan issued formal opinions stating Rauner’s proposed “right-to-work zones” and letting local governments opt out of prevailing wage agreements are both illegal. Madigan said federal labor law only allows “right-to-work” laws to be enacted on a statewide basis, not individual counties, according to the article. Each council member present at Tuesday’s meeting voted in favor of the resolution, including Brandon Combs, Jeff Lahr and Tim Newell. Council member Matthew Hutti was absent from the meeting. Rennels said he has concerns that the resolution the council passed is not what people have perceived it to be. He said the resolution does not mirror Rauner’s “turnaround agenda;” instead, it contains only specific items the council members were familiar with and agreed with. WAGE ACT, page 5