February 24, 2015

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Junior tennis player Ali Foster is a rising star, set to make a name for herself as a Panther.

Women’s study department announces their calendar of events for March. PAGE 3


Dai ly Eastern News



Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2015

VOL. 99 | NO. 103


Bar owner denies allegations By Stephanie Markham News Editor | @stephm202 The Panther Paw denied allegations of serving alcohol to minors and allowing underage customers to frequent its premises, while Marty’s admitted to both allegations and Dirty’s Bar and Grill admitted to serving alcohol to minors during a hearing Monday. Representatives from each establishment attended the hearing to confirm or deny the allegations formed against them after the Charleston Police Department performed compliance checks on Feb. 7. Owner Chris Clayton spoke on behalf of the Panther Paw, while general manager Adam Loughridge spoke for Dirty’s Bar and Grill and owner Dave Kinnaird spoke for Marty’s. For Marty’s and Dirty’s Bar and Grill, Mayor Larry Rennels, who serves as liquor commissioner, will deliver notice of their penalties within five days of Monday’s hearing. An evidentiary hearing for the Panther Paw will take place at 2:30 p.m. April 2. Allowing patrons under the age of 21 to frequent an establishment with a liquor license violates Charleston city codes. Selling alcohol to minors also violates city codes as well as Illinois compiled statutes. The minimum penalty for these violations is a $250 fine and/or three-day suspension of liquor license, and the maximum is a $1,000 fine and/or 30-day suspension. A revocation of license is also an option. This was the first offense in the past 12 months for all three establishments. “It can be a fine, or a suspension, or both,” Rennels said. “My practice in the last two years I’ve been the mayor has been both a fine and a suspension.” Rennels said the city code specifies progressive penalties for repeat offenders. “In a case like this, a first offense within 12 months, it’s most likely not going to be a revocation,” Rennels said. “That’s reserved for something that’s pretty egregious.” Rennels said Marty’s and Dirty’s Bar and Grill will have 20 days after receiving their penalties to appeal to the Illinois State Liquor Control Commission if they feel the decisions were unfair. If the establishments appeal a suspension of license, that suspension would not be able to take effect until the commission rules on their appeal. Rennels said Clayton must be represented by legal counsel at the evidentiary hearing because his establishment is a corporation. “The city will present their evidence, call any witnesses that they would like to call, and then the Panther Paw will be allowed to present their defense, call witnesses, cross examine the city’s witnesses and then I will make a decision,” Rennels said. Rennels said he could make a decision during the evidentiary hearing, or he could choose to take it under advisement, in which case he will have to notify the establishment within five days of his decision. The Panther Paw would then have 20 days to appeal Rennels’ decision as well. Stephanie Markham can be reached at 581-2812 or samarkham@eiu.edu.


Dr. Terry Barnhart, a professor of history, answers a question during the American Captivity Narratives: A Literary Genre of Enduring Interests panel discussion on Monday in the Witters Conference Room of Booth Library.

Faculty preserves historic disputes By Stephanie White Entertainment Editor | @DEN_News Eastern faculty and staff shared their research on the white settlers who had been held captive by Native Americans in the early 1800s Monday afternoon in the Witters Conference Room of Booth library. There was a panel discussion in relation to the library’s event series that is based off the lives of Cynthia Ann Parker, her son Quanah Parker and the history of the Parker family. The discussion was moderated by history professor Terry Barnhart. The panel focused on women and children who were kidnapped during raids of forts. Fort Parker was named as an example of one of the forts that was raided.

Janice Derr, assistant professor of library services, English professor Angela Vietto, and Laura Russman, a graduate student in historical administration, lead the discussion panel. Russman was the first one to speak in the panel. Her topic was on a captivity narrative that Barnhart said she grew up hearing about at an early age. Russman said the idea to research further into the captivity narrative started when she was in Barnhart’s history class at Eastern. She said she was always interested in representations of Native Americans in all kinds of forms, such as movies and books. She decided to explore the narrative of a woman named Hannah Duston, who was captured in the year 1697 by the Native Ameri-

cans. “She was a mother of nine and she had just given birth to her newborn so she was recovering from that when she was captured,” she said. “Her children and husband had been able to escape.” Russman said there are different versions of the same story because it has been retold by word of mouth so many times the story has been changed by each person. She said with each story you can take away different meanings when reading them because of the wording or lack of wording. The stories shared similarities of white people being characterized as “good,” while Native Americans were characterized as more “prone to violence.” HISTORIC, page 5

Students react to MAP Grant deadline By Luis Martinez Administration Editor| @DEN_News The Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) suspended announcements of 2015-16 MAP Grants for applicants whose initial FAFSA is received by the Central Processing System on or after Sunday, according to the ISAC website. This year’s initial suspense date is the earliest in the program’s history, partially because of earlier FAFSA filing by prospective students, according to the ISAC website. The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships sent students an email Friday alerting them that the deadline to receive MAP Grants by filing their FAFSA was Saturday. FAFSA became available during winter break, and students were encouraged to file as early as possible. The MAP Grant is given to students who are Illi-

nois residents based on their financial need and information provided through FAFSA. Since grant money tends to be depleted early, sometimes the deadline to file FAFSA to receive the money may be earlier than expected, according to the ISAC website. Gov. Bruce Rauner requested flat funding for MAP in his introduced budget, though it is still unknown how similar the fiscal year 2016 budget will be to the governor’s proposal. Carol Waldmann, the interim director of financial aid, could not be reached for comment as of press time. Lookman Olowo, a freshman business major, said he was unaware of the email sent last Friday and that the deadline was the following day. “That doesn’t sound like sufficient notice for students to check their emails and attain the documents for the FAFSA and apply for it,” Olowo said. “It does

take a lot of tax filing information, they would have to talk to their parents to get that.” Shamus Shields, a freshman pre-nursing major, said he did manage to see the email on Friday. “Being that it was only a day before, that’s not right,” Shields said. “If they gave you more time to check it out, check your emails and to give you more of a chance to apply, then that would have been right and fair.” Brian Anzures, a freshman psychology and premedicine major, said what he knows about the grant is that only a certain amount of money can be awarded each year. “The email that got sent was I think a little bit late,” Anzures said. “I think that it should have been an earlier notice to let everyone know that the MAP Grant deadline was about to come.”

DEADLINE, page 5

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