AFRICAN-AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH A transgender poet and a disk-jockey are among performances as part of African-American Heritage Month. Check out a month-long calendar for more events.
This week’s Top Cat Trae Anderson continues to give high performance levels despite recent injury. PAGE 8
Dai ly Eastern News
Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2015
VOL. 99 | NO. 85
Open forums to continue with fourth finalist By Stephanie Markham News Editor | @stephm202 The open forums for the four presidential finalists will finish Wednesday with the last candidate speaking to the Eastern community. Guiyou Huang, the senior vice president for academic affairs and dean of faculty at
Norwich University in Vermont, will speak to faculty at 9:30 a.m., staff at 10:30 a.m., students at 1:30 p.m., faculty and staff at 3 p.m. and the campus and community at 4 p.m. Wednesday in the Arcola/Tuscola Room of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. Huang received a doctorate degree in English from Texas A&M University, a
bachelor’s degree in English from Qufu Normal University in China, and a graduate studies completion diploma from Beijing University. Those in attendance will be given feedback forms to fill out which will be analyzed by the search committee and factored into the decision ultimately made by the Board of Trustees.
The first three candidates, Margaret Madden, David Glassman and Sam Minner, all presented open forums last week. The board is set to make its decision by its March 13 meeting. Stephanie Markham can be reached at 581-2812 or
Faculty Senate receives learninggoals update By Debby Hernandez Associate News Editor | @ DEN_News Faculty Senate members reviewed updates on how Eastern’s learning goals will be incorporated into courses based on the proposal by the learning goals committee. Rebecca Throneburg, the co-chair of the committee, said this is the second year of the five-year plan for changing the learning goals. The second year will consist of infusing the goals into general education courses, and the third year will include incorporating them within majors. “The purpose of the learning goals is to better prepare students with skills employees want (and) to be better informed ethical citizens,” Throneburg said. Eastern’s five learning goals include critical thinking, writing, speaking and listening, quantitative reasoning and responsible citizenship. Throneburg said each department would be required to incorporate three of the five goals into their courses under the committee’s proposal. The department would determine one learning goal, while another goal will be assigned by the learning goals committee based on a particular segment within the department. All general education courses would be required to incorporate critical thinking. Senior seminars would be required to cover the five learning goals. Rebecca said the committee will look into other schools and what makes them get recognized for goals. Senate member Steven Scher asked about the possibility of not being able to incorporate one of the designated learning goals into a course, such as citizenship in a psychology course.
President Perry plays a game of checkers with Paul Durante, a junior English major, at “Pastries with the Prez” at Java Beanery and Bakery in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union Tuesday.
Students eat pastries with President Perry By Kendra Cwikla Staff Reporter | @DEN_News Students gathered at the Java Beanery and Bakery to meet President Bill Perry and try free pastry and beverage samples during “Pastries with the Prez” on Tuesday. Paul Durante, a junior English major, won a game of checkers against President Perry. Perry said he spoke to Durante about where he is from, what he wants to study, and the power of words in the English field. This is the first of four “Prowlin’ with the Prez” events hosted by Student Senate during Perry’s last semester at Eastern. Each event will have a theme continuing the idea from last semester. “It’s been especially enjoyable this year because of the variety (of the event),” Perry
said. “Since I know it is my last year, I’m really savoring everything.” Students are able to meet President Perry and voice any concerns they may have, or simply chat with him. “When people bring these issues or problems to me, I always go back and talk to the vice presidents to see if there’s any opportunities,” Perry said. Perry said students sometimes come up to him with concerns on campus. “They’ll say they would like to come by and I pull out my calendar and set up a time,” he said. Java supplied the free samples. There were a variety of pastries, including chocolate croissants and danishes, peanut butter cookies, scones and other kinds of cookies. Drinks included samples of Snickers mocha, cinnamon roll latte, blackberry caramel
latte and caramel macchiato, among others. People passing by stopped to try samples and chat. Perry said he enjoys these events and Student Senate executives put a lot of energy and thought into planning them. “I think one of the great things about these kind of events, (is that) students will meet (other students) that they haven’t met here at Eastern, so there’s that mixing that goes on here too,” Perry said. Denise Ortiz, a sophomore math and computer science major, said she decided she should come because it was at Java. “(The people hosting the event) said you could try new things, and I figured I (might) as well take advantage and meet the president at least once before he leaves,” she said. PASTRIES, page 5
Spring enrollment numbers to be determined Luis Martinez Administration Editor|@DEN_News The 10-day census, which determines how many students are enrolled for the Spring 2015 semester, will be announced by the end of the week.
The Daily Eastern News will report on the census when the director of the Department of University Marketing and Communications signs off on the numbers. Although the census was expected to have been released Monday, the observation of Martin Luther King Jr. Day delayed the pro-
cess by at least one day. Since the census is determined by the tenth day of classes Martin Luther King Jr. Day was not recognized as one of the ten days. Abiding to federal regulations, the Office of Financial Aid recalculates federal, state and institutional student aid awards by the tenth
day of classes. The recalculated aid will be based on the census-date enrollment status. Luis Martinez can be reached at 581-2812 or