Eastern News
“Tell th e t r u t h a n d d o n ’ t b e a fr a i d . ”
OC TOBER 18, 2012 V O LU M E 9 7 | N o. 4 2
‘Almost’ explores different affairs of love
Eastern set to return for tournament play
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Bowling for a cause
Research grants help fund work by chemistry students, group By Chacour Koop Staff Reporter
Pat Hall focuses during Bowling for Breast Cancer. Hall and his daughter were there in support of Hall’s wife who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. (Photo below) Lamarr Pottinger, a senior sports management major, wears pink glow stick glasses. Pottinger is part of the National Pan-Hellenic Organization and helped organize the event.
Community bowls for breast cancer awareness charity By: Katie Smith Staff reporter
President Bill Perry was the first of many to donate to the Susan G. Komen Foundation during Bowling for Breast Cancer Wednesday at the EIU Bowling Lanes. “It was fun,” Perry said. “I’m glad I found out about it.” Perry added that he and his wife support similar causes off campus as acts of personal philanthropy. “I think anything we can do to support breast cancer awareness and support, and promote those, is a good thing,” Perry said. The bowling fundraiser was hosted by the National Pan-Hellenic Council and Sigma Lambda Gamma. Lamarr Pottinger, a senior sports management major and member of NPHC, said the organizations wanted to have the event in addition to “Walk for a Cure,” which they host annually. “We wanted to have an extra fundraiser to help with donations,” Pottinger said. Those who attended were offered shoes, soda and one game of cosmic bowling, each costing $1. Anyone who made a donation received free shoe rental and a free game token. Cristina Perez, a junior pre-pharmacy major and member of Sigma Lambda Gamma, said they wanted to try something new to raise the additional money that will
count toward the sorority’s philanthropy. “We decided, ‘why not make it a big event,’” Perez said. Students like Jesus Aguirre, a freshman sports management major, who have witnessed the battle against cancer first-hand, said it was a good way to support lovedones who fought cancer. “My aunt dealt with it and fought through it,” Aguirre said. “My grandmother also passed away from it so I’m here to sup-
“I wanted to help raise money not only for breast cancer, but for all cancer.” Pat Hall, resident
port her.” The fundraiser also brought Charleston community members to come show their support as well. Among those community members were Pat Hall and Caroline, her 8-year-old daughter. “A f r i e n d o f m i n e c a l l e d a n d t o l d m e a b o u t i t ,” Pa t H a l l s a i d . Pat Hall said he was previously employed by the University Police Department until suffering a brain aneurism in Oct. of 2007.
For chemistry majors at Eastern who want to be accepted to graduate schools, it is a competitive battle on two fronts: getting research experience and the money to fund a project, sometimes lasting years. Gopal Periyannan, the chemistry chairman for the Undergraduate Research Committee, said students with no research experience seem a bit “shaky” to graduate schools. “We write recommendation letters based on their performance in the lab,” Periyannan said. “If I don’t say anything about research, that doesn’t take (students) too far.” Although Eastern provides numerous funding opportunities for student researchers such as Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities grants, the process remains competitive. Logan Hurst, a senior chemistry major, applied once before and received no funds. This semester, he is trying again; he is competing with 10 other research groups for the same funds. “It can be really difficult. A lot of people don’t get the money they deserve,” Hurst said. “We all want the money at the end of the day.” The research done by students can be costly; it requires a good deal of funds to conduct lab experiments, he said. Last summer, Hurst’s research group needed 10 milligrams of a substance. “That’s just like a flake in your hand,” Hurst said. The price tag: more than $700. Despite theses high costs, experience gained by students in research groups is invaluable, Hurst said. When grants from Eastern do not come through, research advisers have usually applied for grants from external sources such as the National Science Foundation. RESEARCH, page 5
UNIVERSIT Y “My family has been through a lot,” he said. Recently, Hall and his family were shocked when his 45-year-old wife was diagnosed with colon cancer. “It is unusual for someone her age,” Hall said. He said she had been dealing with cramps and sharp, stabbing pains for about one year. “We were waiting for about a month to find out how far it had gone, what kind of treatment she would need and whether she could have it operated on,” Hall said. Wednesday, Hall received the news that his wife will be operated on at the end of the month. He said the fundraiser sounded like a good idea. Hall’s grandmother died of colon cancer, and he said it is important that awareness is raised about any form of the disease. “I wanted to help raise money not only for breast cancer, but for all cancer,” Hall said. A pink bowling pin with the signatures of each donor will be awarded to the person with the largest contribution and the Susan G. Komen foundation.
Katie Smith can be reached at 581-2812 or kesmith2@eiu.edu.
CAA canceled for fifth time this semester Staff Report
The Council on Academic Affairs canceled its meeting for Thursday because of a lack of urgent items. There are six items pending on the agenda, including a new introduction to humanities course and a revised senior seminar. Stephen Lucas, the vice chairman of the CAA, said the council is not meeting because the agenda contains no urgent items and few items requiring action. The CAA Learning Goals Committee and subcommittees will meet at 2 p.m. Thursday in the Edgar Room of the Booth Library to continue discussing the four university learning goals, which are writing, speaking, critical thinking and global citizenship. Lucas said the council requested the syllabi from general-education courses and samples of 10 to 12 syllabi from each major. He said they would analyze the course work and learning objectives listed on each class syllabus to determine how the university learning goals are being addressed and affecting student learning. The next CAA meeting is scheduled for 2 p.m. on Oct. 25 in Room 4440 of Booth Library.
T H U R S DAY, O C TO B E R 18, 2012 N o. 42, V O LU M E 97
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CORREC TION In the article “Perry comments on Chick-filA, enrollment plan,” in Wednesday’s edition of The Daily Eastern News, Andrew Methven’s name was misspelled. The News regrets the error.
Eastern News “Tell the t r u t h a n d d o n’ t b e a f r a i d . ”
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217•581•2923 Printed by Eastern Illinois University on soy ink and recycled paper. Attention postmaster: Send address changes to: The Daily Eastern News 1802 Buzzard Hall, Eastern Illinois University Charleston, IL 61920 Editorial Board Editor in Chief...............................................................................Elizabeth Edwards DENeic@gmail.com Managing Editor............................................................................. Ashley Holstrom DENmanaging@gmail.com News Editor......................................................................................... Rachel Rodgers DENnewsdesk@gmail.com Associate News Editor............................................................... Nike Ogunbodede DENnewsdesk@gmail.com Opinions Editor................................................................................. Seth Schroeder DENopinions@gmail.com Online Editor....................................................................................................Sara Hall DENnews.com@gmail.com Photo Editor.......................................................................................... Zachary White DENphotodesk@gmail.com News Staff Daily Editor............................................................................................ Sam McDaniel Assistant Daily Editor.................................................................. Amy Wywialowski Features Editor............................................................................................ Tim Deters In-Depth Editor......................................................................................Robyn Dexter Sports Editor........................................................................................Jordan Pottorff Verge Editor.............................................................................................. Jaime Lopez Assistant Photo Editor........................................................................ Miranda Ploss Assistant Online Editor.................................................................Andrew Crivilare Assistant Sports Editor..............................................................Anthony Catezone Advertising Staff Advertising Manager.....................................................................Breanna Blanton Promotions Manager............................................................................Kate Hannon Faculty Advisers Editorial Adviser................................................................................... Lola Burnham Photo Adviser.......................................................................................... Brian Poulter DENNews.com Adviser........................................................................Bryan Murley Publisher........................................................................................................ John Ryan Business Manager....................................................................................Betsy Jewell Press Supervisor......................................................................................Tom Roberts Production Staff Night Chief.....................................................................................Elizabeth Edwards Lead Designer/Online Production..................................................... Bob Glauski Copy Editors/Designers/Online Production...................... Nike Ogunbodede .............................................................................................................Brittany N Brooks About The Daily Eastern News is produced by the students of Eastern Illinois University. It is published daily Monday through Friday, in Charleston, Ill., during fall and spring semesters and twice weekly during the summer term except during university vacations or examinations. One copy per day is free to students and faculty. Additional copies can be obtained for 50 cents each in the Student Publications Office in Buzzard Hall. The Daily Eastern News is a member of The Associated Press, which is entitled to exclusive use of all articles appearing in this publication. Comments / Tips Contact any of the above staff members if you believe your information is relevant.
Rickeisha Woods, a sophomore elementary education major recites a poems at open mic on Wednesday.
‘Xplicit’ audience snaps to artistic works Students share written work at open mic night By Robyn Dexter In-depth Editor
Students and Eastern community members applauded the creative works of a spoken-word poet Wednesday. Brandon Thornton, a spoken-word poet whose stage name is “Xplicit,” introduced the University Board’s open mic night called “Poetry After Dark,” which gave students the opportunity to express themselves on stage and listen to Thornton. The evening began with the open mic section, where five students got up in front of the audience and performed in various ways including hip hop, rap, spoken word, poetry and song. Students shared original works and recited poems by other poets. One of the participants in the open mic section, Calin Bruett, a sophomore art major, said he has been rapping since he was 11. “I’ve been doing these (open mic nights) since
“Knowledge is priceless; ignorance is expensive.” Brandon Thornton, "Xplicit"
last year when I was a freshman,” he said. “It’s really fun, and I enjoy it a lot.” Bruett said students have recognized him from his performances since he began doing them. “I think people have really gotten to know me personally so I’ve always gotten a pretty good response,” he said. After the students performed, Thornton took the stage to perform his spoken word. His messages covered all topics and were largely positive messages toward students. “Knowledge is priceless; ignorance is expensive,” he said in one part of his first set of poems. Thornton asked for audience participation and encouraged attendees to snap their fingers if they liked what he was saying and told them to yell “rewind” if they wanted him to go back to
what was just said. Thornton rewound several times when students requested and was met with enthusiastic responses. He also talked in between his poems about his life, explaining to students how he had graduated from Illinois State University and completed his master’s degree at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. He explained how he was pursuing teaching but decided to stop and travel around the country to colleges to pursue his love of spoken word and poetry. Thornton rapped about college life and also performed what he called “Twitter poems” where he made poems out of tweets off of his phone. Esraa Odeh, the UB mainstage coordinator, organized the open mic. Odeh said she was pleased with the reception of the Thornton and the other performers. “We’ve had a really good night with a great turnout as well,” she said. Robyn Dexter can be reached at 581-2812 or redexter@eiu.edu.
Director proposes new course to Senate By Kate Quill Staff Reporter
The director of the Study Abroad Office, spoke briefly about a proposal to the Student Senate and other campus governing bodies to add a new class into the Eastern curriculum. Wendy Williamson, the director of the Study Abroad Office, said students who have participated in study abroad or will participate could take this class when they achieve their 75 credit hours instead of taking their senior seminar. The class would last for 50 minutes and would meet once a week for 15 weeks, or one semester. “This class would higher the quality of international education and promote study abroad in a purposeful way,” Williamson said. Williamson said the class includes discussing experiences students had in another country, journaling, holding mock interviews and more. She said she is looking for Student Senate members to write a resolution to support her proposal. Student Senate members said they were pleased with this proposal and plan on writing a resolution soon. The Student Senate also rescheduled the date for the Illinois Board of Higher Education- Student Advisory Committee’s meeting at Eastern to Nov. 17, which is during Thanksgiving
"This class would higher the quality of international education and promote study abroad in a purposeful way." Wendy Williamson, director of the Study Abroad Office
Break. The meeting was originally scheduled for Nov. 10, but the Student Senate members changed it because of a football game, and more members said they would be able to go on Nov. 17. However, some Student Senate members cannot attend because of campus housing being closed for Thanksgiving Break. Despite this, Jarrod Scherle, the student executive vice president, said he is not worried about under representation at the meeting. “The board voted for the best date via Facebook in a group poll,” Scherle said. “ This date received twice as many votes as Dec. 1.” Many Student Senate members were con-
cerned the board would have a negative view of Eastern’s campus because of the lack of students. Scherle said because the meeting will take place inside, the lack of attendance on campus would be unnoticed by the committee. He said they should not switch the date back to Nov. 10 because he already notified the students of the Nov. 17 decision, and this date should not be determined by the Student Senate members as it is not the their event; they are only the hosts. The meeting will begin at 8 a.m. on Saturday and will last a majority of the day. Because of Thanksgiving Break, Greek Court and the residence halls will be closed for the weekend, which would prevent many students from attending the meeting. Student Senate Speaker Mitch Gurick, a sophomore business major, and Nick Allen, a sophomore business major, said they would not be able to attend because of Thanksgiving Break. Daniel Nadler, the vice president for student affairs, said he is looking for a solution to this issue. Five Eastern Student Senate members will attend the meeting, so Scherle attendance should not be an issue. Kate Quill can be reached at 581-2812 or kmquill@eiu.edu.
C ampus
News Editor Rachel Rodgers 217 • 581 • 2812 DENnewsdesk@gmail.com
D A I LY E A S T E R N N E W S . C O M
T H U R S DAY, O C TO B E R 18, 2012 N o. 42, V O LU M E 97
Informational day provides students with clarity, options By Amy Wywialowski Assistant Daily Editor
Gayle, played by Morgan Reidy, argues with Lendall, played by Ryan McCain, about the love she wants returned to her during opening night of the play "Almost, Maine" Wednesday in The Theater of the Doudna Fine Arts Center. "Almost, Maine" will be showing Oct. 18-20 at 7:30 p.m. and for a final matinee on Oct. 21 at 2 p.m.
‘Almost’ explores different affairs of love By Samantha McDaniel Daily Editor
Trails, tribulations and declaration of love and relationships were depicted in a play on the Doudna Theatre stage Wednesday with a heart projected in the background. “A l m o s t , Ma i n e” p re m i e re d Wednesday in the Doudna Fine Arts Center to illustrate the different affairs of love, using a play-on-words to present its different sides. People were literally falling in love with each other, carrying around a broken heart and losing Hope. Eight actors played 19 characters during 10 sub-plays to illustrate best friends falling in love, love at first sight, a strained marriage and being in a relationship but falling in love with someone else. Ryan McCain, a senior theatre arts major, played three characters, which he said was a challenge for him. He played East, a homeowner who has a strange woman outside his home with a broken heart; Lendall, a guy who planned to propose to his
girlfriend when she thought he was not going to; and Phil, a father with a strained relationship with his family. “I felt like all my characters were very different so I really enjoyed the challenge of getting to know each one of my characters and getting to understand how they were feeling,” McCain said. Erin Kelly, a junior kinesiology and sports studies major, said she thought the play was comical and relatable. “It kept my attention and were things that we are going to be going through eventually,” Kelly said. Kelly said this is stuff that college students are experiencing, and the play helps give a funny note to that. “We are going to be getting engaged and going through relationships and things like that,” Kelly said. “It definitely applies to our lives and what’s coming in the next step after we move on from here.” McCain said the play was a good representation of relationships. “It’s an interesting play because it goes through, not just love and romance, but all sides of relationships—
not just the good, but the bad as well,” McCain said. The play used wordplay like “falling in love” when two men go from being best friends to falling in love with each other. They fell repeatedly on the stage trying to reach one another after realizing their feelings. Katie Edelmann, a junior art major, said she loved the comic element of the play. “We were sitting there laughing the whole time,” Edelmann said. She said the play was a good illustration of the different sides of love. “It was good how it showed us that there are bad moments and fun moments,” Edelmann said. Samantha McDaniel can be reached at 581-2812 or slmcdaniel@eiu.edu.
For the in-depth version of this story, go to
More than 40 graduate school programs gathered in the Grand Ballroom of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union to recruit students and teach them more about graduate school. Bobbi Kingery, a career services counselor, said she organized the recruitment to expose students to graduate schools and get them thinking about applying. “So many times, graduate school applications are due in December so seniors really need to be on the ball,” Kingery said. “This fair was ideal for juniors and sophomores who are just starting to think about it.” When students arrived at the fair, they were asked for their E-number or Panthercard, which members of career services scanned into a computer. She said they gather the information to see how many people came and what their interests were. “We gage areas of interest based on major; a lot of schools ask for the numbers so they know which programs to send,” Kingery said. Amanda Schulz, an administrative assistant for the graduate studies department at Western Illinois University, said her goal for the fair was to recruit potential students to Western’s graduate school in general, not just specific programs. “I also talk about our assistantships available to help pay for schooling
and our cost guarantees,” Schulz said. Katie Stack, a sophomore psychology major, said she is looking at graduate school because she wants to be an occupational therapist. She said to accomplish this career, she needs at least a master’s degree in order to get a job. “I chose it because I’ve wanted to help people, and it will allow me to work with a diverse group of people,” Stack said. Stack said she plans to graduate in three years instead of the tradition four years, which is why she is looking at graduate school. “I just want to start getting more experience and more exposure to the field,” she said. “In psychology, I learn about a lot of the science of it, but when I go to graduate school, a lot of the classes are more geared toward the field and things that can be applied.” All of Eastern’s graduate programs were also present to recruit. Lisa LaMasse, a graduate assistant for the counseling and student development department, said the ultimate goal was to get students information even if they chose not to attend Eastern for graduate school. “It is just about being able to promote graduate school in general,” LaMasse said. “Even if they don’t come to Eastern for it, Eastern graduates going to graduate school is a positive.” Amy Wywialowski can be reached at 581-2812 or alwywialowski@eiu.edu.
Several crimes occur on-campus • At midnight on Saturday, a theft was reported at Andrews Hall. This incident was referred to the Office of Student Standards. • At 2 p.m. on Monday, possession of stolen property was reported at the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.
This incident is under investigation • At 7:09 p.m. on Monday, Lorin Fett, 24, was arrested at Andrews Hall on charges of possession of cannabis and possession of drug equipment. She was released at 9:17 p.m. after posting 10 percent of $1,000 bond.
Students work to restore Ashmore storefronts By Al Warpinski Staff Reporter
The storefronts of Ashmore have seen better days, and two Eastern students look to bring back the small-town charm. Driving down Ashmore Street, the main road through the town, storefronts appear not to have been touched in several decades. Marred by vandalism and broken foundations, vacant buildings that once housed businesses line the streets with broken windows. Inside the stores, decades of antiquated furniture lure unwanted visitors. Jo Olson and Garrett Goben, copresidents of the Art Association, along with other members of the Art Association, are preparing to paint large pieces of plywood to cover up storefront windows in Ashmore.
“What (the city of Ashmore) wants us to do is to board up the windows, but they don’t want it to look like a shabbytown, so they want us to paint the wood that’s going over the windows,” Olson said. The Art Association will be boarding up and painting four large storefront windows to curb vandalism and spruce up the town. Once they have the materials, Olson and Goben plan on starting the project within the month of November. Ashmore Mayor Kurt Erail first contacted Student Community Service about the idea. Student Community Service then contacted the Art Association, and Goben and Olson took it from there. Goben said he wants to stick to Ashmore’s roots when painting the plywood murals. “Ashmore is really agricultural-
ly strong, and that’s its main source of revenue, and we have two sketches that are agricultural,” Goben said. Ashmore’s history includes more than just agriculture. It is famous for MLB pitcher Bill Cox, who played five seasons with three teams from 1936 to 1940. “We looked up some history and found an old baseball pitcher, Bill Cox, so we’re painting a panel as a tribute for him,” Goben said. Another panel going over the storefronts will be a tribute to all the branches of the military. But Olson and Goben have plans to do more. “The city of Ashmore wanted large murals on the sides of the buildings to draw attention to the town as people were driving through, but that may have to wait until spring,” Olson said. Goben said they are currently
working with the “As of now, we are in the sketching stage, and we’re waiting for the materials,” Goben said. “Mayor Erail is looking into the store owners to donate the materials.” Ashmore is using Charleston as a model for the paintings, Olson said. “Ashmore wanted them to look really similar to the paintings in the Charleston Square, so like antiquey, but with lots of people and elaborate scenes,” Olson said. Goben and Olson said they are up for the task. “Really, I think it’s like the perfect project for us because this is really the first big community service project we are taking on, and it will be interesting to see how it will work out, and so far, it’s really working out,” Goben said. Olson and Goben said this project could use all the help it can get and
is open to everyone outside the Art Association. “We’re gonna take the time to plan out the big murals for the spring, but it is not closed off to just Art Association,” Olson said. “We’ll take anyone that wants to participate, anyone that’s interested in volunteering,” The Ashmore reformation project aims to make the town more inviting and a little brighter. However, it will benefit both Ashmore and the Art Association, Olson said. “I think it is good for both because we will get a little advertisement and attention for our work, and Ashmore will get a little more advertisement and attention for the town, so it is a win-win,” Olson said. Al Warpinski can be reached at 581-2812 or apwarpinski@eiu.edu.
Community must support, advocate for abuse victims Every year Eastern recognizes Domestic Violence Awareness Month to show support and advocacy for those who are survivors and victims of domestic violence. The Daily Eastern News supports the elimination of domestic violence and the support for domestic violence survivors. This month should be spent seeking awareness in our community and creating a community that will have no tolerance whatsoever for these actions. One in 4 women will experience domestic violence in their lives and more the $5.8 million are spent on health-related cost of domestic violence according to click to empower: domestic violence website. Domestic violence is a crime that is under reported and is about controlling the other person. The FBI estimates that relationship violence happens in about one-third of homes where couples live together, according to the article “Resources available for domestic violence victims.” Victims of domestic violence need outlets to turn to in the community and a support system. Some women and men may not realize they are in an abusive relationship or in denial about their current situation. The key to solving domestic violence is to be understanding of others and not to judge those who are in abusive, violent relationships. We do not know the situation of others and the answer for victims is never “get up and go” because leaving the relationship is the most dangerous time for the victim. Individuals should never blame the victim because it is the perpetrator’s fault not the victim’s. Domestic violence is more then the physical cuts and bruises, its emotional abuse too. Many times victims are in a cycle of victimization, where individuals will experience an abusive speech or action, which will be quickly countered by a time of honeymoon stage or make up stage—where the women will believe the individual has changed according to domesticviolence.org. This vicious cycle will continue to go faster after continuing in this relationship and women need a place to turn to. Victims of domestic violence should contact HOPE: Housing, Outreach, Prevention and Education, which provides 24-hour crisis line, emergency shelter, transitional housing, a children’s program, legal advocacy, community education and a volunteer program. Women can also seek out SACIS, Sexual Assault Counseling and Information Service or the police department and friends and family. We agree with the coordinator of HOPE that we need a coordinated community of response to make it safe for women to leave abusive relationships. We need to work together and be understanding and eliminate domestic violence from our community.
“Tell the truth and don’t be afraid.”
EDITORIAL BOARD Editor in Chief Elizabeth Edwards
News Editor Rachel Rodgers
Managing Editor Associate News Editor Ashley Holstrom Nike Ogunbodede Online Editor Sara Hall
Opinions Editor Seth Schroeder
The daily editorial is the majority opinion of the editorial board of The Daily Eastern News.
Opinions Editor Seth Schroeder 217 • 581 • 2812 DENopinions@gmail.com
D A I LY E A S T E R N N E W S . C O M
T H U R S DAY, O C TO B E R 18, 2012 N O. 42, V O LU M E 97
Chevrolet’s baseball jingle needs a rewrite Every October, when the baseball playoffs begin, a more than 35-year-old jingle comes back to TV– often adapted with a new cast of characters: “All the years that I’ve been living, a lot of things have surely changed A lot of things have come and gone. Some even come back again But through all the many changes, some things are for sure If you know that feeling, it kind of makes me feel secure Because I love baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet” Chevrolet launched this commercial in 1975 with the premise that few things are so engrained in our society that they never change, while everything else does. Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet are still around today, but I think the four cornerstones that could make up a new version of this song would be different. However, in our miles per gallon crazed society a Chevrolet would still be the car – Chevy Cruze Eco to be exact. You wouldn’t see a bunch of Chevy Silverados in the commercial hauling around trailers; instead, you’d see the Cruze, which is the second-most fuel-efficient non-hybrid on the market today according to the Christian Science Monitor. The most fuel-efficient cars are those Volkswagens, Toyotas and Hondas, but we wouldn’t
Alex McNamee dare include a foreign car manufacturer on this musical ballad would we? Although I wouldn’t be quick to say, “No,” we’ll give Chevy the nod on behalf of patriotism. I don’t think baseball would be in the lyrics at all. Yes, everybody calls it America’s sport. We didn’t steal it or modify it from a foreign country. But football is by far the most popular sport in the United States. The Super Bowl is like a holiday, fantasy football is more popular than fantasy baseball and a multi-tasking (short attention span) society lends itself to football favoritism. As for the food, I’m not going to argue that hot dogs and apple pie are popular American mainstays on the picnic table, but I think there are a couple even more popular (and healthy!) options. We live in a health-obsessed culture and have been reminded too many times that Americans are obese, so we’ll go on a diet for the sake of the jingle. Subway has so many commercials and is
so well known for Jared going all “Honey, I Shrunk My Waistline” on his Dockers that it seems more a part of our every day society than most other foods. There’s an obsession with things that are a foot long in our culture. Yes, they offer the sixinch option, but who would pick that!? The foot long for $5 is just too good a deal to pass up. Plus, they cut it in half so you can save six inches for later. To go along with our healthy theme, we’ll need to go shopping at a farmers market of some kind and pick up some fresh food. Also, we can’t forget artisan bread or green tea. Finally, we’re ready to piece the song back together. In 2012, it sounds a little more like this: “All the years that I’ve been living, a lot of things have surely changed A lot of things have come and gone. Some even come back again But through all the many changes, some things are for sure If you know that feeling, it kind of makes me feel secure Because I love football, foot longs, farmers markets and Chevy Cruze Ecos” Now that sounds more like the world I’m living in. Alex McNamee is a senior journalism major.He can be reached at 581-2812 or denopinions@gmail.com.
Entire society must take ownership of “rape-culture” I would like to commend Elizabeth Edwards on her brave opinion column, “Rape: no laughing matter; do not joke about it.” Unfortunately, this is all too real, and as she notes, “... that women have a long way to go before we receive full equality. We still have a long fight for equality—which I am ready to fight and I hope the campus community will be too.” The “we” she references, however, is not just women, it is humankind, especially in this country. Men need to take ownership of our ignorant contributions to “rape-culture.”
Men need to stand up for not only the women in their own lives, but recognize their contributions to the general consensus that it is okay to belittle, slander, verbally attack, mentally envision or physically abuse another human being, especially women. It is high-time that men, like these boys Ms. Edwards unfortunately passed on the street, be called into question, not by their female targets, but by other men who have a conscious understanding of our unjustified, but given, social power. It is time for these perpetrators to take the
Letters to the editor can be submitted at any time on any topic to the Opinions Editor to be published in The Daily Eastern News. The DEN’s policy is to run all letters that are not libelous or potentially harmful. They must be less than 250 words.
long hard fall off of their undeserved pedestal, and recognize their ignorance. After all, I wonder had their own mothers, or sisters, or female cousins, or daughters received the same treatment, the same objectification, would these boys be the first to act in defense of their significant other or their tacit commitment to rape-culture? Michael D. Gillespie, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Sociology Women’s Studies Allied Faculty SACIS Board Secretary
Letters to the editor can be brought in with identification to The DEN at 1811 Buzzard Hall. Letters may also be submitted electronically from the author’s EIU e-mail address to DENopinions@gmail.com.
T H U R S DAY, O C TO B E R 18, 2012
N o. 42, V O LU M E 97
D A I LY E A S T E R N N E W S . C O M
President creates committee to analyze budget decisions By Robyn Dexter In-depth Editor
President Bill Perry has implemented a steering committee to assist the university in making budget decisions for the coming years. The Steering Committee for Program Analysis will consist of members across the Eastern community that will work to help Eastern succeed in a fiscally responsible and resourceful manner. William Weber, the vice president for business affairs and chairman of the committee, said the committee will function under the direction of Perry’s charge outlined in the University Newsletter. “(Perry) is asking the committee to do some analysis and develop a report that will provide a guide for moving forward in this environment of limited and uncertain funding,” he said. The goals of the committee, as outlined in the announcement President Perry made in the University Newsletter, consist of ways for Eastern to grow as a university and continue to be financially responsible with the resources it has. The goals include allocating and reallocating university resources to support academic excellence, strengthening programs that foster sustainable enrollment, supporting university financial sustainability and identifying opportunities to decrease costs. “This report will be a guide for the vice presidents in the future,” he said. “The project will take the full
“We want to provide direction and guidance as funding continues to shift.” William Weber, vice president for business affairs
academic year.” Weber said Perry has asked the committee to give the final report in May 2013. “The first step is to define the level of program analysis each vice presidential area may need,” he said. “In some cases, it may just be appropriate to consider the program as the unit itself, but in other cases it may need to be subdivided into various components.” Weber said after program definition, the next key step is to develop metrics and measures. The programs will be assessed using several items including narrative history of the program, internal and external demand, quality of outcomes, resource generation, productivity, costs, affect on the university’s mission and future opportunities for the program. “Throughout the process, there’s going to have to be a lot of consultation with the campus community,” Weber said. “We are committed to a transparent and open process.” According to Perry’s announcement, the steering committee will use a designated website and have open meetings to communicate with the campus community. “This charge from the president
is one of the elements in our strategic plan,” he said. “One of the things we committed to was a topto-bottom program analysis, and this is just one stage of implementing our strategic plan.” Weber said after the final report is put out in May, it will be used to provide guidance to all the vice presidential areas in terms of how to allocate and reallocate funds as Eastern navigates its current uncertain financial future. “We want to provide direction and guidance as funding continues to shift,” Weber said. “There will be many opportunities for the campus community to be a part of the efforts.” Mark Hudson, the director of Housing and Dining Services, is a member of the committee and said the first meeting will take place on Oct. 22. “I’m appreciative of being invited to be on the committee, and it will certainly be an important committee, but we’ll have to wait to hear more details on Monday,” he said.
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Robyn Dexter can be reached at 581-2812 or redexter@eiu.edu.
Comedian to perform life jokes By Amanda Wilkinson Staff Reporter
A lighthearted, quirky comedian plans to stir up some laughter and different perspectives on life at 7th Street Underground on Thursday. Jasper Redd will perform at 8 p.m. as part of the University Board’s “HaHa Comedy Café.” Stephanie Cianciolo, the UB comedy coordinator, said Redd was chosen to come to Eastern because he is relatively new to the comedy scene. He is becoming popular from the different shows that he has been on, Cianciolo said. Redd is known from appearing on several shows such as “Last Call with Carson Daly,” “Late Night with Conan O’Brien,” “Def Comedy Jam” and “Tosh.0.” Redd is also known for his polyrhythmic timing and for being the “Yo Mama Joke Champion 2005.”
Redd often jokes about race in everyday situations and said he get his jokes from what he sees in life. “I observe things around me, listening, watching things,” Redd said. An observation Redd had was why it made no sense that the Michelin Man was white and not black. “Michelin Man is a person composed completely of white tires, but tires are black,” Redd said. He said he tries to keep his jokes lighthearted and tries not to be political or personal. “I talk about a lot of things comedians do, but I do it in my own way,” Redd said. “I talk about food, race, sex, hygiene; it varies.” Cianciolo, a sophomore recreation administration major, said Redd interacts a lot with the audience members. “I am hoping that the audience will participate,” Cianciolo said. “I think the students will really enjoy him and the way he interacts.”
The event will also include the “Last Comic Standing” contest, which will begin at 7:30 p.m. before Redd’s performance. The “Last Comic Standing” contest will allow anyone to come up to the microphone and tell an original joke. Cianciolo said the winner of the contest will get a prize. “The prize will just be a gift card, and the audience will decide (the winner),” Cianciolo said. Redd will go on stage after the contest at 8 p.m. Redd said he enjoys performing at colleges more than comedy clubs because of the different audience attitude. “Comedy Clubs have a lot more to lose,” Redd said. “(People at) colleges just want to see someone funny.”
Amanda Wilkinson can be reached at 581-2812 or akwilkinson@eiu.edu.
RESEARCH, from page 1 Last year, Periyannan was awarded $50,000 from an external source to continue his research. While Eastern’s grants usually get research projects started, external grants keep them going, Periyannan said. For many students, the journey to joining a research group starts at the chemistry department’s annual research celebration, which is Nov. 7 this year. Students show off all the work they have done the past year in a poster format– often inspiring other students to apply to research
groups. From there, qualified students are assigned to groups that match their interests. Once they have a research plan and timeline, student researchers can apply for grants to continue their work. “The funding is not simply a donation,” Periyannan said. “It is an accomplishment.” About 10 to 12 chemistry students were able to stay at Eastern last summer through the help of stipends ranging from $2,500 to $3,500. Hurst received $3,000 and was
able to work in the lab up to 11 hours a day– something not possible during the school year. Most labs during the fall and spring semesters last closer to three or four hours, and students do not get one-on-one time with professors, Hurst said. “You learn so much that you don’t get from a book,” Hurst said. “I really urge any student to get involved with research.” Chacour Koop can be reached at 581-2812 or cmkoop@eiu.edu.
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Edited by Will Shortz 1
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No. 0913
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T H U R S DAY, O C TO B E R 18, 2012
N o. 42, V O LU M E 97
Spoonhour account no laughing matter
Aldo Soto can be reached at 581-2812 or asoto2@eiu.edu
I really hate parody accounts on Twitter. If you have dedicated your free time to pretending to being Wiz Khalifa or Will Ferrell and trying to think of pseudo-inspirational or unfunny quotes, I'm really not sure we can be friends. There are hundreds, probably thousands of parody Twitter accounts that litter this great social media website, many of them using the same recycled, rehashed jokes over and over again, yet still get hundreds of retweets. It's dumb, and quite frankly, if you retweet one, I'm probably unfollowing you, unless it's the funniest thing I've heard all day, which is unlikely. The other day I somehow stumbled upon the Twitter account @ RetardedCoach. This account profiles the character of a coach who makes some questionable strategic plans and makes some dull observations about sports. The account has 12,786 followers off of a mere 32 tweets. The profile picture for this twitter account is the mugshot of Eastern's own Jay Spoonhour, the new head men's basketball coach. This kind of puzzled me. Why Jay? What has he done to already establish himself as the face of a perceived to be mentally challenged coach? Nothing. Not a damn thing. The man hasn't even coached a game yet. There's something about Eastern basketball that the Twitterverse just doesn't like. First we were all hashtagging Mike Miller's job away, now our new coach, who has an 0-0 record at this school, by the way, is the face
the second time this season, finishing tied for eighth place individually. Flack finished with an overall score of 149 (+5). Flack said he was happy about the results of the season. “I feel really good,” Flack said. “Zach
Holland had a nice 72 (score in the second round) which is something we’ve been looking for the whole season." Despite the low team score, Flack said he is hopeful for the upcoming season. "The low team score we had in the
Swimmers set for season opener Second-year head coach Elliott McGill is looking forward to seeing his recruiting class contribute immediately to the swim team as they are led by a strong senior class. The head coach said the men’s team will be led by the seven seniors, but highlighted the importance of Joe Ciliak and Chacour Koop. “They do a great job of swimming assertively and setting the tone early on at meets,” McGill said. McGill also said he believes the men’s senior class will probably be one of the more successful senior classes at Eastern. As for the women, they will also have an experienced group, as a trio of upperclassmen will be counted on to lead the Panthers this season. “The women’s swim team will be led by seniors Kelli DiCanio and Hailey Foss, and by junior Olga Livshits,” said McGill. The head coach said both Foss and Dicanio have been the stars of the team for the past couple of seasons. DiCanio returns to the team holding the all-time Eastern 100 meter breaststroke record with a time of
D A I LY E A S T E R N N E W S . C O M
An Eastern swimmer swims the butterfly Friday at the Ray Padovan Pool at an intrasquad meet. The Panther's next meet is Friday in Indianapolis.
Aldo Soto Staff Reporter
1:06.29. Foss, who is also a senior captain, holds five top-ten finishes all-time in freestyle and backstroke events for Eastern. Foss said that as a senior captain she tries to lead her teammates both off and on the pool and is focused on becoming the best swimmer she can be. “As a team, we have already made so many improvements in this last month, and I cannot wait to see how far we have come at the end of the year,” Foss said. Livshits holds the second best 200 meter backstroke time in program history, recording a time of 2:06.70. McGill will be adding eight freshmen on the men’s team and another six freshmen on the women’s team this season. McGill said because of the many young swimmers, the focus early on in the season has been on technique and aerobic training. “Because of our youthfulness we have been doing more aerobic stuff, a lot more endurance based training,” McGill said. “We probably have been doing more teaching and hands on work because of the number of freshmen this year.”
McGill said he has a talented recruiting class and highlighted the early performances of Dylan Ferguson, Kyle Ruckert and Conner Conroy for the men’s squad. On the women’s side, the coach said he is looking forward to seeing Joann Wakefield, Beth Houghton and Kaylee Morris perform this season. “(Morris) could be a stud on this team, someone who will be great for the program,” McGill said. Although McGill became the youngest head coach in all of the NCAA a year ago, McGill said that one of the advantages of not having as much experience as other coaches will be his ability to change and not get stuck in his coaching ways. “I will not be stuck in my ways, and this allows me to see and react as things come up during the season,” McGill said. “I feel that I can be more creative as a coach despite the lack of experience.” Eastern’s swim team will open its season at 5 p.m. Oct. 19 at IUPUI in Indianapolis.
Dominic Renzetti of a Twitter parody account (probably the worst thing you could ever be on the Internet). I emailed whoever runs @RetardedCoach and simply asked, why Jay? I got no response. I really hope it isn't an Eastern student that runs this because first of all, c'mon, man. Give Jay a shot here. And second of all, the “jokes” sound like they were written by a 12 year old. Tweets like, “I like to run the same play the whole game, even if it's not working.” Hilarious. Not. That tweet, by the way, was retweeted 138 times. Why it was, I'm really not sure. It's just another mystery, right up there with why Spoonhour has to be associated with this. Being an Eastern basketball coach isn't an easy job. You've got to recruit some kids to come to a school in what isn't exactly “basketball country” to play in a conference that some are saying might get a few teams in the NCAA tournament in a couple years. So, let's see what Jay can do first before we jump all over him. And let's stop making parody Twitter accounts. Dominic Renzetti can be reached at 581-2812 or dcrenzetti@eiu.edu.
GOLF, from page 8 Ponce, Sproles, Borda, and sophomore James Jansen all finished near the bottom of the board individually. The last tournament of the fall season ended Tuesday, Oct 16 at Harbor Side Golf Course in East Chicago for the Chicago State Cou-
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gar Fall Classic. Eastern finished in sixth place out of 11 teams with an overall score of 615 (+39). This was the best score the Panthers finished with this fall season. Flack finished in the Top-10 for
second round is something we can build off going into the spring season,” he said. Cody Delmendo can be reached at 581-2812 or cddelmendo@eiu.edu
@DEN_Sports tweet of the day: The #EIU men’s and women’s tennis teams will begin postseason play today at the ITA Regional
S ports
Sports Editor Jordan Pottorff 217 • 581 • 2812 DENSportsdesk@gmail.com
T H U R S DAY, O C TO B E R 18, 2012 N o. 4 2 , V O L U M E 9 7
Senior Michael Sperry volleys the ball during a double match on Oct. 3 at Darling Courts. The Panthers played University of Missouri-St. Louis and defeated them 4-3.
Eastern set to return for tournament play Panthers to send two players to tournament By Aldo Soto Staff Reporter
The Eastern’s women’s tennis team will send two competitors to the USTA/ITA Midwest Regional. This will mark the return of senior Merritt Whitley to tournament action on Thursday at the University of Illinois. Whitley missed the women’s first tournament at the SIU-Edwardsville Fall Invitational in mid-September, but won the two matches she competed in against Southern Indiana in her only action this year. The senior will look to continue her solid play after a strong junior campaign in which she sported an overall 11-9 record in singles and tied her teammate junior Janelle Prisner for best league mark at 6-3. Head coach John Blackburn said he is look-
“The reason we decided not to compete (at Michigan State) is because we are trying to put all of our focus on the spring tournaments.” John Blackburn, head coach
ing forward to seeing Whitley play after missing the SIU-E Fall Invitational. The senior will be joined at the regional by her sophomore teammate Sephora Boulbahaiem. The Belgium native has rebounded this fall after she struggled during her first year. After an overall singles record of 5-8 during the 2011-2012 season, Boulbahaiem has
recorded two wins at the No. 1 spot in singles play in the SIU-E Fall Invitational. Boulbahaiem has also outclassed her Southern Indiana opponent by only losing two games as she won in straight sets. Blackburn said he is looking forward to seeing Boulbahaiem and Whitley compete at the regional. Boulbahaiem and Whitley are both in the qualify draw in the singles competition and are in the main draw of the doubles portion of the competition. Despite the women not competing since the end of September, Blackburn said the players have remained focused. “We have had more intra-squad scrimmages to keep the players sharp and practicing hard has also helped the players keep focus,” Blackburn said. The extra practice and increased intrasquad action has been for both the women’s and men’s team. The men’s tennis team was scheduled to compete at the ITA Regional hosted by
Michigan State, but have opted to withdraw from the competition. “The reason we decided not to compete [at Michigan State] is because we are trying to put all of our focus on the spring tournaments,” Blackburn said. Boulbahaiem and Whitley will begin their singles play on Thursday and the doubles competition will start Friday. The tournament will feature 24 schools across the Midwest including the Illinois women’s team, who will be hosting. Players will vie for a spot in the USTA/ ITA National Indoor Collegiate Championships, Nov., 8-11 at the USTA-Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Flushing, NY. The tournament will end on Tuesday Oct., 23 and all the action will take place at the Atkins Tennis Center. Aldo Soto can be reached at 581-2812 or asoto2@eiu.edu.
Panthers reflect on closing, next season Eastern finishes season with four tournaments By Cody Delmendo Staff Reporter
Eastern’s men’s golf team wrapped up the fall season, recording two top-ten finishes in four tournaments. The fall season was clear that the Panthers were young and inexperienced as they failed
to record a top-five finish this season. The first tournament of the fall season was on Sept. 9-11 at Pine Mountain Resort in Pine Mountain, Ky., for the Morehead State Wasioto Winds Fall Kick-Off. Eastern finished in 10th place out of 14 teams with an overall score of 908 (+44). Senior Kevin Flack led the Panthers, tying for 10th place overall with an overall score of 217. Senior Tommy Ponce, freshman Austin Sproles, Oscar Borda, and junior Zach Holland
struggled to come close to the Top-20. The second tournament of the season was on Sept. 16 at Kampen Golf Course in West Lafayette, Ind., for the Purdue Midwest Shootout. The Panthers finished in eighth place out of nine teams with an overall score of 646 (+70). Flack once again led Eastern, finishing tied for 21st place overall with a score of 155 (+11). The third tournament of the fall season
was on Oct. 5-7 at Ruffled Feathers Golf Course in Lemont for the DePaul Fall Invitational. Eastern finished in 13th place out of 15 teams, finishing with an overall score of 946 (+82). Flack led the Panthers once again, finishing tied for 19th place overall with a score of 229 (+13). GOLF, page 7