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A Golden Hubbard squash sits on top a pile.
Turban Gourds lay in a pile.
Pumpkins are stacked in a cart.
Pumpkin Patch offers more than haunts By Tim Deters Features Editor
Amid the cornfields and along the crosshatches of county roads in Arthur sits a patch of agricultural diversity and local history. Driving down the long, straight stretches of highway, passing jet-black buggies drawn by horses and carrying Amish residents, drivers might easily miss The Great Pumpkin Patch, one of the largest and most productive pumpkin patches in the state. However, The Great Pumpkin Patch, located at 11749A CR 1900 N. in Arthur, is not what many visitors might expect when thinking of a pumpkin patch, general manager Mac Condill said. Operating between Sept. 15 and Oct. 31 each year, the pumpkin patch encompasses the spirit and fruits of the season rather than the frights of the holiday, Condill said. “We celebrate everything autumn; it’s all about the harvest. We’re not ghoulish,” he said. Condill, a fifth-generation farmer, operates the 63-acre farm that grows nearly 400 varieties of cucurbits, which is the plant family that includes pumpkins, squash, gourds and melons. “If you had to use one word to describe our place, we’d like it to be diversity,” Condill said, speaking over the loud clang of green toy wagons as children hauled their loads of cucurbits along.
Walking along a beaten dirt path lined with hand-painted wooden signs, visitors are met with a myriad of displays illustrating the diversity of cucurbits Condill grows. One of the first structures to welcome visitors is the Wall ‘O Squash, a nearly 25-foot tower constructed of wooden crates that holds a large variety or cucurbits. A long line of cucurbits winds two-by-two up a wooden bridge to a red wooden boat representing Noah’s Ark. Each cucurbit has a unique look and vividly illustrates the diversity of Condill’s crop. Some are covered in warts and deep ridges; some are elongated and others stumpy. “They’re funky and they’re fun and they’re tasty and they’re crazy and they’re bumpy, and they all have a history behind them,” Condill said. Condill has such a large variety of cucurbits that he has been on “The Martha Stewart Show” three times and decorated for National Trick or Treat at the White House in October 2010. In addition to the many displays of cucurbits are a number of activities for visitors both young and old to enjoy. Klaus Koehne and Amy Birdwell, husband and wife of Mt. Zion, came to The Great Pumpkin Patch on a date, the fourth year they have done so. PATCH, page 5
Grace Crothers, 2, of Sullivan, holds a gourd in the pumpkin patch of The Great Pumpkin Patch in Arthur. The Great Pumpkin Patch was named the Illinois Agritourism Business of the Year in 2009.
Dean assesses recruiting with maps By Robyn Dexter In-depth Editor
The dean of the Honors College is helping Eastern figure out enrollment and recruiting methods by mapping the region with geographic information systems, better known as GIS. John Stimac, the dean of the Honors College, is part of the Enrollment Worx group and is the chairman for the GIS Map Worx subcommittee. He has been working in accordance with the group to plot out where Eastern applicants and students are from. “GIS is a tool and we’re taking data that we already have and
looking at it in a different light,” he said. “We’re able to look at the data more quickly than if we had to wade through all the numbers.” Through the mapping system, Stimac is able to tell how many people apply to Eastern as opposed to how many actually enroll and where they come from. “We can start to identify hotspots,” he said. “This includes schools, towns, counties and zip code regions that we have the most success in.” The map analysis can also be used for advertising purposes. Stimac said when districts have a decrease in students they send to Eastern, the maps can help plot
“The maps are a good tool to help us look at the data in much finer detail,” he said. John Stimac, dean of the Honors College
what the next course of action is. “The maps are a good tool to help us look at the data in much finer detail,” he said. Stimac can assess what other schools in the area are the greatest competitors with his GIS maps and figure out what regions Eastern needs to target the most. He said right now he is work-
ing to figure out where applicants to Eastern are from in the country. His results have yielded numbers from across the country including the east coast. Stimac works with a program called ArcMap, which he calls “the Microsoft Office of GIS” because it is the main program GIS users use.
By Joanna Leighton Staff Reporter
Zumba, a popular exercise, will be pairing up with the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation this weekend to raise funds for breast cancer research. The Zumbathon Party in Pink will take place from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday in the Student Recreation Center in Lantz Arena. This event costs $2 for people purchasing in advance and $4 at the door. Seventy-five percent of the ticket proceeds will go to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. A hundred percent of the donations will go toward the foundation, as well. This event is open to the public so all people and donations are welcome. The slogan for this year’s Zumbathon is “Moving for a Cure.” Emily Dupuis said the pairing up of Zumba and fundraising for the Susan G. Komen Foundation is great for those who support the foundation to get a great workout, and for those frequent Zumba participants to support a really important organization. Dupuis, a senior family and consumer sciences major, has been teaching Zumba for about two years and said she is excited about this event. She said last year the Zumbathon for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease, had more than 150 people in attendance with 300 purchased tickets. This is the second annual Zumbathon, and Dupuis said she hopes more people will attend this year because they have heard of it and may be more willing to attend. “The biggest thing I think I want people to know is that this is a super fun event, where you can come with your friends, dance around, get some exercise and at the same time do something really good and give back to the community,” Dupuis said. Dupuis said they made the tickets inexpensive this year and benefit the Susan G. Komen Foundation for things like research, education, screening and treatment programs. She said there is no penalty for not showing up if you buy a ticket in advance; it is still a donation. Not only will participants support the cause, but they will also benefit from the Zumba itself. “I love everything about Zumba,” she said. “Not only does it give me an excuse to shake and shimmy at work, but I get a great workout from it and feel great when I’m done. The most rewarding part is watching all the people in class dancing, laughing, sweating and singing along to the songs right along with me,” she said. Dupuis said her goal in teaching Zumba is not just to give people a workout, but to let them know they can be silly, let loose and feel good about themselves. She said this is a chance for those who’ve had a bad day to forget about it for the 45-minute classes and have an awesome time. “Zumba offers people a sense of empowerment and confidence,” she said. “When they look in the mirror, I want them to think, ‘Hey, I look good.’” Dupuis said she encourages people to come and bring their friends to get a great workout and be entered to win T-shirts. People may come and go as they please throughout the 3 hours of the Zumbathon, she said. “If you take out 30 minutes out of your day, you can come to this charity event and contribute to something that is much bigger than yourself,” Dupuis said. Joanna Leighton can be reached at 581-2812 or jlleighton@eiu.edu.
F R I DAY, O C TO B E R 19, 2012 N o. 43, V O LU M E 97
D A I LY E A S T E R N N E W S . C O M
EIU weather Composer to premiere pieces at recital TODAY
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ONLINE Check out the new e p i s o d e o f C e l e b r ity Smack Talk, featuring sports writer Dominic Renzetti, Associate News Editor Nike Ogunbodede and Verge Editor Jaime Lopez dishing the dirt on Justin Bieber, Chief Keef, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson at dailyeasternnews.com. Check out Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Edwards' blog about the readiness of the community to combat the rape culture at purplefeminsts@wordpress.com.
Eastern News “Tell the t r u t h a n d d o n ’ t b e a f r a i d . ”
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217•581•2923 Printed by Eastern Illinois University on soy ink and recycled paper. Attention postmaster: Send address changes to: The Daily Eastern News 1802 Buzzard Hall, Eastern Illinois University Charleston, IL 61920 Editorial Board Editor in Chief...............................................................................Elizabeth Edwards DENeic@gmail.com Managing Editor............................................................................. Ashley Holstrom DENmanaging@gmail.com News Editor......................................................................................... Rachel Rodgers DENnewsdesk@gmail.com Associate News Editor............................................................... Nike Ogunbodede DENnewsdesk@gmail.com Opinions Editor................................................................................. Seth Schroeder DENopinions@gmail.com Online Editor....................................................................................................Sara Hall DENnews.com@gmail.com Photo Editor.......................................................................................... Zachary White DENphotodesk@gmail.com News Staff Daily Editor............................................................................................ Sam McDaniel Assistant Daily Editor.................................................................. Amy Wywialowski Features Editor............................................................................................ Tim Deters In-Depth Editor......................................................................................Robyn Dexter Sports Editor........................................................................................Jordan Pottorff Verge Editor.............................................................................................. Jaime Lopez Assistant Photo Editor........................................................................ Miranda Ploss Assistant Online Editor.................................................................Andrew Crivilare Assistant Sports Editor..............................................................Anthony Catezone Advertising Staff Advertising Manager.....................................................................Breanna Blanton Promotions Manager............................................................................Kate Hannon Faculty Advisers Editorial Adviser................................................................................... Lola Burnham Photo Adviser.......................................................................................... Brian Poulter DENNews.com Adviser........................................................................Bryan Murley Publisher........................................................................................................ John Ryan Business Manager....................................................................................Betsy Jewell Press Supervisor......................................................................................Tom Roberts
By Amy Wywialowski Assistant Daily Editor
Three Eastern music professors and a professional pianist will premiere two compositions by David Sampson at the Faculty Brass Recital on Friday. Although the pieces “Powell’s Trio” and “Just Keep Moving” were both composed in 2009 and 2010, Friday’s recital will be the first time either piece has been played publicly. The recital begins at 7:30 p.m. in the Recital Hall of the Doudna Fine Arts Center. The pieces will be played by faculty members Jemmie Robertson, Jamie Ryan and Katherine McBain, with Cara Chowning accompanying on the piano. Sampson said this is because they were originally composed for
“I’ve been fascinated and moved by his music for years,” Robertson said. “It is complex and challenging, yet meaningful on an emotional level. I met David Sampson last year at a premiere of another work of his and it all came together from there.” Ryan, a music professor, said Robertson approached him about the recital about six months ago. Afterward, Ryan spent his summer practicing for the recital. “It’s exciting that we get to perform the pieces for the first time, we get to put our own spin on it,” Ryan said. “There is a lot of internal pressure to put on a great performance for the composer who is hearing his work preformed for the first time.” Amy Wywialowski can be reached at 581-2812 or alwywialowski@eiu.edu.
Five Mile House to host Fall Festival Sunday
By Amy Wywialowski Assistant Daily Editor
The Five Mile House, one of the oldest buildings in Coles County and current museum, will finish out its seven-month season of activities with its second-annual Fall Festival on Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m. The festival was previously scheduled for Oct. 14, but was rescheduled to this Sunday because of weather. Tom Vance, a Charleston resident and president of the Five Mile House Foundation, said it was postponed to this Sunday because of rain and high winds. Sunday’s event will be a copulation of all the different living history activities the site does through-
out the year. Living History is when educators and interpreters dress up in period clothing and complete tasks in the manner they were done at the time they are interpreting. “We will have yarn spinners, open hearth cooking, a blacksmith, a wooden bucket maker and the house will be open for tours,” Vance said. Vance said the cooking would include pressing apples to make cider as well as jarring the apples, as the people would have done in the 19th century. “We will also have Lorelei Sims, the Charleston blacksmith there,” Vance said. “She has a full set of letters and will be using them to burn names into barn board for people to take home.” Vance said the ultimate goal of
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struction,” Robertson said. He said Michael Powell, a trumpet player in the American Brass Quintet, inspired “Powell’s Trio.” “Sometimes a composition is inspired by a player, like with the Powell piece,” Sampson said. “It has a lot of light and lyrical spots, which are things he does well. Often when you write for a specific musician, you try to play to their strengths.” In contrast, he said “Just Keep Moving” is about an event in his life. “It is about the death of my mother and what to do after a loss,” Sampson said. “Yes, you are supposed to mourn, but ultimately it is about keeping going and letting life go on.” Robertson organized the recital after meeting Sampson at a performance last year.
Production Staff Night Chief........................................................................................ Ashley Holstrom Lead Designer/Online Production...........................................Dominic Renzetti Copy Editors/Designers/Online Production.....................................Mike Berne ............................................................................................................Courtney Runyon About The Daily Eastern News is produced by the students of Eastern Illinois University. It is published daily Monday through Friday, in Charleston, Ill., during fall and spring semesters and twice weekly during the summer term except during university vacations or examinations. One copy per day is free to students and faculty. Additional copies can be obtained for 50 cents each in the Student Publications Office in Buzzard Hall. The Daily Eastern News is a member of The Associated Press, which is entitled to exclusive use of all articles appearing in this publication. Comments / Tips Contact any of the above staff members if you believe your information is relevant. Corrections The Daily Eastern News is committed to accuracy in its coverage of the news. Any factual error the staff finds, or is made aware of by its readers, will be corrected as promptly as possible. Please report any factual error you find by e-mail, phone, campus mail or in person.
an American Brass Quintet album, which has not yet been recorded. “It wasn’t planned to have them premiere this way, but albums take a while,” Sampson said. “Both were written for the album, which is a collection that could be played at a full recital.” Sampson said he gets his inspiration to compose from a variety of sources, including events, family members, literature and friendships. Robertson, a music professor, said the evening recital is the culmination of Sampson’s residency, which includes master’s classes and lectures throughout the day Friday and Saturday. “We are able to bring the composer here to campus due to generous funding from the John S. and Margaret Redden Fund for the Improvement of Undergraduate In-
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the event is to educate. “We just trying to do something different, and give people the opportunity to see living history,” Vance said. The Five Mile House received its name from the fact that when it was built it was located exactly five miles from the Coles County Courthouse. It is believed to have been built in the in 1830s or mid-1840s. Vance said many stories surround the house, which is one of the reasons it was turned into a museum in 1999. “One of the stories it that it was supposedly a stagecoach stop,” Vance said. “We do know for sure that main road went right past it so we know that Abraham Lincoln traveled past it and it is pretty likely he stopped in there in his travels.”
Lincoln had family and friends in the area and also practiced law in the 8th Judicial Circuit, which at the time included Champaign, Dewitt, Macon, Mason, McLean, Menard, Sangamon and Tazewell counties. Vance said that throughout the museum’s seven-month season they put on about two programs a month, including a school program for local schools. The program focuses on teaching the children about life in the 19th century. The Five Mile House is located at the intersection of Illinois Routes 16 and 130. Amy Wywialowski can be reached at 581-2812 or alwywialowski@eiu.edu.
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C ampus
News Editor Rachel Rodgers 217 • 581 • 2812 DENnewsdesk@gmail.com
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F R I DAY, O C TO B E R 19, 2012 N o. 43, V O LU M E 97
‘Hallelujah Girls’ play to express dreams By Samantha McDaniel Daily Editor
When five women decide to return to their small town in Georgia following the death of their best friend, they are faced with the reality of how short life really is. Cathy Sheagren, the play’s producer of the Charleston Community Theatre, said the play follows the group of women as they open “SPA-DEE-DAH!,” a spa in their old childhood church. The play, “Hallelujah Girls,” is being sponsored by the Charleston Community Theatre and will begin its six-day-long performance at 7:30 p.m. Friday in the Tarble Arts Center. “The play is about their relationships,” Sheagren said. She said the relationships are important throughout the play. “The other thing that the play addresses is that life is a lot better when you go through it with friends,” Sheagren said. Sheagren said the play is set in present day Eden Falls, Ga., and focuses on following dreams and fighting obstacles. “It is very southern, it’s got a southern flare to it,” she said. She said the characters often talk about starting a new task after they finish one.
“One of them says, ‘you know what, it is time to do this now, we aren’t going to wait any longer,’” Sheagren said. “So, she takes a chance and spends all of her life savings to buy this old church and turns it into this spa, and all these problems start to happen.” Sheagren said the opening of the spa does not go smoothly. “There was some trouble when an old boyfriend shows up and when the town busybody shows up and tries to steal the building away by having it condemmed,” Sheagren said. Sheagren said everyone can learn from the play. “The theme is to follow your dream,” Sheagren said. She said the play will be easy to watch. “It’s a very fun show, it’s a comedy,” Sheagren said. The play was written by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope and Jamie Wooten. The three authors have often worked together to write plays, books and other items, as well as individually. “(Wooten) was on the staff writing for the television show ‘The Golden Girls,’ which was really big back in the ’80s,” Sheagren said. “Again, it was a group of gals all liv-
Kathtyn Stewart and Courtney Caruer practice a scene from “Hallelujah Girls” during dress rehearsal Thursday.
ing together and in this play is about a bunch of gals working together, so they must enjoy writing comedies for women.” She said the play teaches impor-
tant lessons. “Sometimes when you follow your dreams, things aren’t always happen smoothly, but it’s good to take chances,” Sheagren said. “Life is
nothing if you don’t take chances.” Samantha McDaniel can be reached at 581-2812 or slmcdaniel@eiu.edu.
RHA may cancel retreat because of lack of interest Staff Report
The Residence Hall Association may cancel its retreat with the National Residence Hall Honorary if more people do not sign up to attend. The RHA’s retreat, which is
scheduled to take place at Camp New Hope from Oct. 26 to 28, may suffer low attendance because of the weekend it takes place on. RHA president Eddie Hillman said the numbers last year were much higher. “Last year, we had around 40
people attend,” he said. At the time of the meeting, only 15 people were signed up. RHA secretary Dawn Howe said this year is looking grim on participation. “We have less than half of the people we had last year,” she said.
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“It’s Halloween weekend and I think the weather has been getting to people, so that’s why I think we have a lower participation rate,” she said. The RHA also discussed the upcoming Finals Feast on the Sunday before finals week.
They agreed to have it in Thomas Hall, but RHA members were asked to discuss the theme with their individual halls and report back to the group at the next meeting. The RHA’s next meeting is at 5 p.m. on Oct. 27 in the Great Hall of Pemberton Hall.
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O pinions Men’s basketball has new coach, team, chance at success; victory It is a new era, and no, we’re not talking about football. While head coach Dino Babers and the Eastern football team has had the entire school in a craze about its new era, head coach Jay Spoonhour and the men’s basketball team has been quietly preparing for a new era of their own. Most people look at this season as a “rebuilding year.” In other words, a nice way of saying they won’t amount to much. After all, it is Spoonhour’s first year at a program on the decline. Wrong. Those expectations could not be further from the truth. Despite the bad taste of last season still being felt, the looming problems are not enough to overshadow what the 2012-13 men’s basketball team is capable of accomplishing. Moving past the aftermath of a 12-17 record last season will take time, filled with new game planning, schemes and players, but the group of players Spoonhour has formed in his short time at Eastern is promising so far. A youthful roster highlighted by only four seniors has the potential to win games the way they are supposed to be won. In his introductory press conference, Spoonhour said he would recruit players who played his way, playing hard and running their opponent up and down the court. With the late hire of Spoonhour last year, it was made difficult to go out and get the recruits other schools were able to. However, in his first offseason Spoonhour was able to retain a number of recruits from former head coach Mike Miller, most notably freshman guard Cameron Harvey. The Chicago native is a graduate of Wheaton Academy. He is 6-feet, 3-inches tall, and according to ESPN.com, Harvey received a scout grade of 87 out of 100. ESPN.com also touted Harvey as the 11th ranked player in Illinois. Of course, we wouldn’t want to forget Reggie Smith. The junior guard comes from UNLV and transferred to Eastern to be closer to family. The former Marquette Golden Eagle is 6-feet tall, but brings something unfamiliar to Eastern: dunking. Smith yields a 43-inch vertical leap. On top of that, Spoonhour was able to bring in several big men, as six players stand 6-feet, 6-inches or taller. Sophomore Josh Piper highlights the group. Piper is a daunting 6-feet, 8-inches tall, and the leading scorer and rebounder with 4.3 points and 2.1 rebounds per game. The leadership of senior guards Austin Akers and Taylor Jones will add experience to the roster. Jones is the only remaining player from the Mike Miller era, making this a new era of its own. The Panthers open up with seven home games before winter break, giving fans a good taste of what they’ll be able to see when returning in the spring semester. We think this season will be better than most people expect. Be sure to head over to Lantz Arena and cheer on your Panthers. You won’t be disappointed.
“Tell the truth and don’t be afraid.”
EDITORIAL BOARD News Editor Rachel Rodgers
Managing Editor Associate News Editor Ashley Holstrom Nike Ogunbodede Online Editor Sara Hall
D A I LY E A S T E R N N E W S . C O M
F R I DAY, O C TO B E R 19, 2012 N O. 43, V O LU M E 97
Editor in Chief Elizabeth Edwards
Opinions Editor Seth Schroeder 217 • 581 • 2812 DENopinions@gmail.com
Opinions Editor Seth Schroeder
The daily editorial is the majority opinion of the editorial board of The Daily Eastern News.
Welcome to the jungle, like what you like So, I have a potentially embarrassing notreally secret to share: Guns n’ Roses is my favorite band. Forever and always. My love for the fabulously teased-haired quintet will be undying. Now, before you go judging me for adoring such an annoying band and genre, let me explain myself. I don’t love this grungy group of men for their soulful lyrics — “Take me down to the Paradise City, where the girls are fat and they’ve got big t------” was an original line in the chorus of “Paradise City,” after all. I love them because they make me happy. Whenever I’m having a bad day, if I hear just a few seconds of anything off “Appetite for Destruction,” I’m in a better mood. My friends know I’ll bounce around for a solid six minutes if they play any Gn’R song at a party. It’s just the way it is. And really, isn’t that what a favorite band should be all about? Happiness? Someone made me a copy of “Appetite” in high school and it was the only thing I listened to for months. It’s been the most played CD in my car for years — enough
Ashley Holstrom that my mom even sings along to the words Axl Rose screeches. I have a poster of Slash that’s hung above my bed since I’ve come to college. It’s a classy up-the-crotch angle of him playing at a concert. My dad sat on it when I moved into my room freshman year, and ever since then, my mom’s treated it like a prized possession on move-in days. It’s safe to say Guns n’ Roses has become a sacred thing in my heart, and everyone who knows me has accepted it. Now, I’m a horrible excuse for an English major, and I don’t pay attention to lyrics when I listen to music. All I hear is the sound, which is how I’m able to say my fa-
vorite songs are ones about heroin, alcohol and sex — sometimes all at once. But even if I did love “Rocket Queen” because of the sexual undertones — “If you turn me onto anything, you better turn me on tonight” or Axl literally having sex with a woman in the recording studio about halfway through the song — who cares? Seriously. Who cares what anyone says or thinks about what you like? I’ve gotten into plenty of arguments about how horrible of a band Gn’R is, how all they produce is noise, etc. But I just don’t care. So here’s the moral of my story: like what you like. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. There’s no point in liking something because it’s cool or because it’s the hip thing. If it doesn’t make you happy, don’t put up with it. And if it just so happens that you loathe Guns n’ Roses, well, more power to you. I’ll be off in my own Paradise City. Ashley Holstrom is a senior English major. She can be reached at 581-2812 or denopinions@gmail.com.
Reading builds our vocabularies, gives us insight Not everyone likes to read, but there is a misconception about what “good” reading is. People may think that in order to be good reader or writer, you have to read something like Chaucer or Shakespeare and understand it after reading it once. There are so many other things we can read that can be considered healthy reading that are not required for your classes. There are no restrictions when it comes to reading. Some students think that reading is boring and they do not want to do it, but they have to find what they want to read in order to find it interesting. Everyone has a favorite genre they like to read more than others, and sometimes that even consists of things that are not even considered “genres.” My mom likes to read cookbooks and tabloids, whereas my dad enjoys a good fishing magazine. Reading a newspaper is part of some people’s daily routine, whereas others read magazines or novels. Any type of reading can help expand vocabulary and knowledge in a way that may not even be known to you at the time. When you keep skipping over words, you will never know
Jackie Capps their meaning, but if you look it up, you might know the word next time you see it again. There is no way any of us can get through our lives or careers without reading. Every job requires some sort of literacy, and so much can develop from a little bit of reading each day. Sometimes reading a simple comic or short story can give you insight on something you’ve never thought twice about. You learn things to contribute to conversations when you read articles or books. With the upcoming elections, there are many things that people write about that try to sway our opinions. Reading one can sometimes make or break a decision to vote, or any other decision.
Letters to the editor can be submitted at any time on any topic to the Opinions Editor to be published in The Daily Eastern News. The DEN’s policy is to run all letters that are not libelous or potentially harmful. They must be less than 250 words.
There is always a new trend in the reading industry that people say you have to read. Trends like “Harry Potter,” “The Hunger Games,” and “Fifty Shades of Grey” circulated around us so quickly. These books have either gotten their own movies or soon will. In fact, many movies nowadays came from books, but don’t just go see the movie. If you read the book first, you always have a better insight to the movie that others just don’t have. Reading does not need to consist of an entire novel in a day. We already read everyday, but sometimes we should read something more sophisticated that can trigger a thought or concept that challenges your mind. The easiest way to become the readers and writers we want to be is to simply read. Read what makes you happy and what keeps you interested. Read a cereal box or a classic fairy tale. Read a children’s book or a poem. Read the pieces that never make it to the textbooks, and then tell others to read them, too. Jackie Capps is a junior English major. She can be reached at 581-2812 or denopinions@gmail.com.
Letters to the editor can be brought in with identification to The DEN at 1811 Buzzard Hall. Letters may also be submitted electronically from the author’s EIU e-mail address to DENopinions@gmail.com.
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PATCH, from page 1 After a lick of her bright orange pumpkin ice cream cone, Birdwell said she loves to wander the pumpkin patch’s many mazes, which include a corn maze, soybean maze, broom corn maze, and sunflower maze. A chest-high mini maze constructed of hay bales also challenges the skills and patience of children, who dart quickly around the corners and leap to peak over the bales. Children can also learn about the history of rural life by touring an authentic one-room schoolhouse and walking through a barnyard occupied by cages of pigs, ducks, goats and chickens. As visitors wind past the animals’ cages, they pass under a high bridge that spans between the haylofts of two barns. “The Golden Goat Bridge” allows goats to walk freely between the two barns. Condill said the joy the pumpkin patch brings visitors and the lessons they learn are the most rewarding parts of his job. “Everything we do is to let people experience the farm, which not a lot of people do anymore,” he said as he lifted a 6-week-old white lamb named Thomas from his cage, letting the lively animal trot at his side. Ilana Scher, the wife of Eastern psychology professor, brought her three young children to the pumpkin patch and said the experience offered a chance to step out of the present and into a simpler time. “It’s sort of genuine; you can get a sense of what a real farm might have looked like 100 years ago,” she said. “We live in such a Disneyland era, where everything is like video and it’s
ENROLLMENT, from page 1
“Everything we do is to let people experience the farm, which not a lot of people do anymore,” Mac Condill, general manager of The Great Pumpkin Patch
got to be super fast, and if there isn’t really loud music and there’s not a lot of car wrecks, it’s not interesting.” According to the United States Department of Agriculture, Illinois is the leading producer of cucurbits in the Unites States. Condill said he tries to illustrate that fact and the importance of cucurbits through his pumpkin patch. “We feel that pumpkins, squash and gourds are underutilized and underappreciated, and our whole mission is to raise awareness that they are pretty stinkin’ cool,” he said As well, Condill said he hopes to expose people to the variety of plant life that exists outside of the endless rows or corn, soybeans and wheat that dominate the Illinois landscape and to alert people to the disappearance of plant diversity in the United States. “Back in the day, the ‘Three Sisters’ were corn, beans and squash, and so the Native Americans used to grow all of that,” Condill said.
Thomas is The Great Pumpkin Patch’s lamb. According to Mac Condill, the general manager, Thomas is a favorite for visitors to the farm.
However, today’s crops are grown for mass production with little concern for diversity, he said. “No one is worried about nutritional value or taste or anything else, they just want something that’s mar-
ketable,” Condill said. “I think we’re going the wrong way.” Tim Deters can be reached at 581-2812 or tadeters@eiu.edu.
“We want to know if we get students from rural areas over the urban areas and if so, why that is,” he said. “We’re a relatively small school, so those students might be more comfortable here.” Stimac said one of the main elements of recruiting is targeting areas that Eastern does not get many students from and figuring out why that is. “We can look at zip codes as well and even map out high school districts,” he said. Stimac said his work is a continual process and will continue throughout the year as the Enrollment Worx group gives him data. “We need to know where students are (from) in order to recruit them,” he said. “We can apply the data to the district and find the students with the highest GPA and ACT.” By taking these factors into consideration, Stimac said he can assess Eastern’s recruiting policies for certain regions. “We can really fine-tune our marketing,” he said. Stimac said he got into GIS maps because he has a background in geology. “There really is a beauty to a welldesigned map,” he said. “A map is a way to present patterns in a way that an Excel spreadsheet can’t.” Stimac said the GIS maps will have a direct impact on Eastern. “The maps will make us more responsible with our dollars,” he said. “We can see where we need to redistribute our advertising and target areas where we know there are good students year after year.” Robyn Dexter can be reached at 581-2812 or redexter@eiu.edu.
C lassifieds Announcements Board Game Club Game Night, Fridays 6-9 pm Charleston County Market Mezzanine. Chess, Go, Backgammon, Risk, and more. contact 217-348-8869 _________________________10/19 10,000+ COSTUMES FOR RENT! Plus hats, wigs, make-up, beads, birthday and Bachelorette stuff. GRAND BALL COSTUMES, 609 Sixth Street, Charleston. Mon-Fri: Noon to 6, Sat: Noon to 3 _________________________10/31
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For rent
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F R I DAY, O C TO B E R 19, 2012 N o. 43, V O LU M E 97
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39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 50 51 55 56 57 58
Alternative name for abalone At-cost connection Bow’s counterpart It’s the same for all customers Come together Uses a 46-Across One holding the line Overseas relig. title Hooked on, say Natural hair conditioner Stick by the water? Delicious leftovers Trip up Figure on a $5,000 EE savings bond
1 Sci-fi knight 2 With 7-Down, easy things to score goals on 3 Hayshaker 4 Grp. concerned with hacking 5 Not so smart 6 Improve morally 7 See 2-Down 8 Big multilanguage broadcaster, briefly
Edited by Will Shortz 1
No. 0914 9
22 25
39 42
9 Penlight-wielding doc 10 Seymour’s “Somewhere in Time” co-star 11 Acts rudely at a supermarket, say 12 Notice on a driver’s license 13 Guyanese capital 15 Packed piece 21 Father-and-son prophets in the Book of Mormon 22 Chick magnet? 23 Raphael’s “___ Madonna” 24 Disparate
26 27 28 31 32 34 37 38 41 43
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F R I DAY, O C TO B E R 19, 2012
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Panthers set to face conference foes on road By Anthony Catezone Assistant Sports Editor
“Our offense, defense and passing were all in sync and we’re looking to replicate that and get that going more often.”
Abby Saalfrank, a freshman setter, spikes the ball over senior Emily Franklin during practice Tuesday. The Panthers take on Murray State Friday at 7 p.m.
The Eastern volleyball team will begin its first two matches in a fivegame, nine-day span this weekend. The Panthers will host Murray State at 7 p.m. on Oct. 19, followed by a match against Austin Peay at 2 p.m. on Oct. 20. The Panthers sit at 5-16 overall and are 2-6 in the Ohio Valley Conference. Since snapping their 10game losing streak, the Panthers are 2-1. Senior middle hitter Alison Berens said she and her teammates made it a point to have fun during their games, and that will transpire into wins. “I think the fun factor has definitely contributed to how we have been playing,” the team captain said. “I think just staying in the right mindset and keeping this attitude on a higher note keeps us focused on the game.” The Panthers are coming off a weekend also against Austin Peay (1212) and Murray State (4-14), where they were on the road. The Panthers split the weekend matches with the two conference foes, falling to Austin Peay in straight sets (25-23, 25-19, 25-22), before topping Murray State in a four-set affair (25-18, 17-25, 2725, 25-17). “Our offense, defense and passing
SOCCER, from page 8
FOOTBALL, from page 8
Eastern freshman goalkeeper posted her first career shutout against Murray State, in what was the Panthers’ first shutout of the year. The Panthers have recorded at least one shutout since 1995 when the team began play. Following this weekend, the Panthers will return home for their final match of the regular season against OVC newcomer Belmont,
Grugier-Hill said the interception was the biggest play he had made at any of level of football in his career. As for adjusting to life in Charleston, Grugier-Hill said he enjoys it and that he hasn’t had many troubles adapting to life in Illinois. “It’s just a different atmosphere,” he said. “The people here are really nice, they are really welcoming and they ask a lot of questions about Hawaii. I’ve made a lot of friends and I like it here. Although Grugier-Hill has enjoyed his time at Eastern, he said he is not fond of the cold weather and the lack of food selection around Charleston. “It’s kind of different,” he said. “Hawaii is the melting pot of all the cultures so it’s very diverse. We have a bunch of different foods, but over here it’s all chicken. Also, the coldness
in what will be the first meeting between the two as conference opponents. The Panthers have made the post-season tournament the last 14 years, including every year under Perala. Dominic Renzetti can be reached at 581-2812 or dcrenzetti@eiu.edu.
Get running. 217-581-2816
Kate Price, head coach
were all in sync and we’re looking to replicate that and get that going more often,” head coach Kate Price said. “We did a great job at times just putting the ball away and that’s what we need to focus on.” Price said she had her team working on communication, leadership, teamwork and scouting in the upcoming days before last week’s matches. “We’ve been looking at different ways of communicating, just working toward leadership on the court and just ways to support each other, and different types of feedback and everything on those lines,” Price said. “Also, just breaking down to a different scouting report, so the girls are seeing it differently and I think it’s going to continue to help.” Murray State is the only team in the west division of the OVC that sits below Eastern. The Racers also posses
is starting to get to me. That’s probably the toughest part. ” Despite the lack of food selection and warm weather, Grugier-Hill is adjusting well to life in Charleston and is focused on improving as a football player in the upcoming years. “I want to add a lot of weight,” he said. “I need to keep working hard in the weight room, and I just want to work towards getting more playing time. Kamu Grugier-Hill and the Panthers will return to action on Saturday, Oct. 27 when it will travel to Richmond, Ky., to take on Ohio Valley Conference rival Eastern Kentucky. Jordan Pottorff can be reached at 581-2812 or jbpottorff@eiu.edu.
a 2-6 conference record, but a headto-head win by the Panthers has them ranked higher. Austin Peay is one of two teams in the west above .500 in conference play, as its boasts a 5-3 record. If Eastern is able to string together a five-game win streak, that will put the squad over .500 in conference play for the first time this season. With only 10 games remaining, nine of which are conference games, Eastern’s season is winding down and so are its hopes of making the OVC tournament. The Panthers will return to action not too long after, as they will stay home for a third game in a non-conference contest against St. Louis at 7 p.m. on Oct., 23 in Lantz Arena. Anthony Catezone can be reached at 581-2812 or ajcatezone@eiu.edu.
@DEN_Sports tweet of the day: #EIU volleyball will play #OVC rivals Murray State and Austin Peay this weekend on the road.
S ports
Sports Editor Jordan Pottorff 217 • 581 • 2812 DENSportsdesk@gmail.com
Team takes to road By Nicholas Ruffolo Staff Reporter
With a one-sided 97-7 win over Western Kentucky, the Panthers returned to .500 after winning two matches in a row. This weekend, Eastern will travel to Manhattan, Kan., to take on a Kansas State team that will prove to be more formidable than Western Kentucky. “I think they will be OK,” head coach Frank Graziano said. “I think they will be a little bit better than Western Kentucky.” The Panthers will take the field once again without Olympic hopeful Lauren Doyle, as she embarks on her trip to California with the national team. In the one game she participated in, she tied two scoring records and led the team to the 97-7 victory over the Hilltoppers. Graziano hopes the team can learn to play without her, as they leaned heavily on Doyle last week. “The team tends to look toward (Doyle) to create offense,” Graziano said. “We need to look beyond her a
Nicholas Ruffolo can be reached at 581-2812 or nfruffolo@eiu.edu.
Team hopes to stay in tournament hunt The Eastern women’s soccer team has just three matches remaining in the regular season, with two of them being played this weekend. The Panthers will take on Morehead State at 5 p.m. on Friday in Morehead, Ky., followed by a noon match against Eastern Kentucky, also on the road. The Panthers, who are currently in eighth place in the Ohio Valley Conference, are hoping to remain in the hunt to be one of the top six teams in the OVC tournament. The Panthers enter the weekend with a 3-4 OVC record, while Morehead State is also struggling in conference with a 1-4-1 conference record. The Eagles are 1-11-2 overall. Their only win this season has come against
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an OVC opponent. The Eagles have also lost its last two matches. The Panthers have not won in Morehead, Ky., since 2005, and are coming off a 1-0 win last week against Murray State. The Eagles have scored just 11 goals this season, with three players each having two goals. Red-shirt sophomore forward Holly Tilly leads the team with 12 shots on goal. Eastern Kentucky enters the weekend with a 3-2-1 record, being one of four teams in the OVC tied with a 3-21 record. The Colonels are 7-6-2 overall. Junior forward Nikki Donnelly leads the team with six goals this season. The Panthers lost last season to the Colonels, but head coach Summer Perala has a 3-1 record all-time against the Colonels. SOCCER, page 7
little bit and be the creators.” Without Doyle, the Panthers are 1-2 this season, and they are 1-0 with her in the lineup. Impact players such as sophomore center Madison Kissner, who scored four trys last weeks, will have to step up again. The status of another key player in sophomore fly-half Nia Williams is uncertain for the game after being hospitalized late Tuesday afternoon. “I think (Williams) will be OK,” Graziano said. “Madison (Kissner) has really improved; she has been putting in some extra time on her footwork.” This is the first time Eastern has played Kansas State, but it is not the first time the Panthers have played in Manhattan. The women’s rugby team took on Colorado back in 2008 and played to an 86-0 victory on Kansas State’s home turf. Game time is set for noon Saturday in Manhattan, Kan.
By Dominic Renzetti Staff Reporter
Torrance Brown, a sophomore defender, jumps over Jordan Collins, a senior defender, to chase down a ball during the game on Oct. 12 at Lakeside Field.
Panthers face critical match By Alex McNamee Staff Reporter
The Eastern men’s soccer team will play Oral Roberts at 7 p.m. Saturday in Tulsa, Okla., in one of its last two road games this season. Oral Roberts and Eastern have identical overall records at 2-11, but Oral Roberts is higher in Summit League standings with a 1-3 conference record. Eastern is winless at 0-4 and will be looking to pick up its first win. With a win, Eastern would hold a tiebreaker over Oral Roberts, which could be important down the stretch. “Every match from now on is the most important game,” head coach Adam Howarth said. “We treat each match like a cup final.” Both teams are giving up more than two goals per game; in fact, Oral Roberts has the second-worst goals against average in the nation, surrendering 2.65 goals per game as of Sunday.
They are 200th out of 201 teams in Division-I men’s soccer. Eastern is 190th in the same rankings. Eastern is also 158th in the nation in goals scored. The Panthers have scored 12 goals this season, while giving up 30. This season Oral Roberts has been lead by Tom Adams, who has four goals and one assist on the year. Oral Roberts’ Cody Lofgren leads the team with 29 shots and 11 shots on goal. “Oral Roberts will be organized, very good on restarts and have good individual ability with good technical players,” Howarth said. Oral Roberts and Eastern are seventh and eighth, respectively, in the Summit League standings. The Panthers would move up to seventh place with a win Saturday. With back-to-back games coming up against Oral Roberts and IndianaPurdue-Fort Wayne, Eastern has an opportunity to make up some ground in the standings.
The Panthers end the season with games against Belmont, a non-conference opponent, and Oakland, 4-0 and leading the Summit League. Unless Eastern beats Oakland, the final two games will not matter. Western Illinois, which beat Eastern last weekend, could separate itself from the bottom four teams with a win over Indiana-Purdue-Indianapolis. If Eastern and Western finish the season with the same number of Summit League wins, Western would hold the tiebreaker. Howarth said he expects Oral Roberts will be a tough place to play this weekend. “We must be high energy from the first minute of the game,” Howarth said. The Panthers game will be at 7 p.m. Saturday in Tulsa, Okla. Alex McNamee can be reached at 581-2812 or admcnamee@eiu.edu.
All Access
with Kamu Grugier-Hill, freshman safety
Grugier-Hill takes path less traveled By Jordan Pottorff Sports Editor
Nearly 5,000 miles separate Eastern freshman linebacker Kamu Grugier-Hill from his homeland of Hawaii. Grugier-Hill left his friends and family more than halfway across the country, but he found a sense of familiarity in first-year head coach Dino Babers, as Babers himself also was born, played and coached collegiate football in Hawaii. “Coach Babers played at Hawaii, so a lot of people in Hawaii know him and he knows the background,” Grugier-Hill said. “I was just told great things about him, and when he came down to talk to me he made me feel really comfortable about the school and the life because he was a coach at
Eastern before. He made me feel like I was going to be a part of a family up here.” Grugier-Hill also credited Babers for giving him the opportunity to play college football after struggling academically in high school. “I had grade problems in high school, so I didn’t have a lot of other schools looking at me,” Grugier-Hill said. “Coach Babers actually helped me get through my SATs. He kind of motivated me to get my SATs up, and he gave me an offer and I took it.” Grugier-Hill has adjusted well to life in Charleston on and off the football field, as he is one of a select group of freshmen seeing consistent playing time this season. “I think his production on the football field this year has been great,”
Babers said. “I think he gets better and better every time he goes out on the field, and I think he is a valuable part of our team.” Through seven games, GrugierHill has totaled 18 tackles, broken up four passes, forced a fumble and intercepted a pass. His interception came in Eastern’s Homecoming win over Jacksonville State. “The coverage we were in was the perfect play at the time,” Grugier-Hill said. “At first, I was just spotting the quarterback and I didn’t realize that anyone was right next to me. I broke on it and I felt the wide receiver run into me, and it fell right in to his basket, but my hands were in perfect position and I just tore it out and went with it. It was a big one for me.” FOOTBALL, page 7
Kamu Grugier-Hill, a freshman safety, cheers on his teammates during practice Wednesday. The Panthers are 4-3 this season with a 3-1 record in the Ohio Valley Conference. They will play again at 11 a.m. Oct. 27 on the road against Eastern Kentucky.
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OCTOBER 19, 2012
The Daily Eastern News' weekly arts and entertainment section
(From left to right) Fiona Finnigan, secretary; Jason Paige, member; Eric Wood, president; Colton Edwards, treasurer; and Angela Rogers, vice president, represent their registered student organization, The Gamers Guild.
Circle of gamers offers diversity By Jaime Lopez Verge Editor
Students may not notice that deep in the basement of Thomas Hall, The Gamers Guild, a registered student organization devoted to the celebration of video games and their fans, meets on Saturdays to play games that cater to its very diverse members. Members of their executive board said they try to find something that suits everyone. Eric Wood, a senior geography ma-
jor, said he is more of a classic Nintendo kind of guy. “I’m the kid who you’ll see playing ‘Mario Kart,’” Wood said while toying with his purple game controller. It’s just a bro session, a big bro session, said Jason Paige, a freshman English major, who joined the club when he said he had nothing to do in his spare time. “It’s not a bro session,” interrupted the secretary of the group, Fiona Finnigan, a junior art major. Hardcore gamers, Finnigan said, “are the kind that enter tournaments.”
She went on to describe them as the stereotypical “fat guy sitting in the corner of the room.” The group objected to the idea that just because they play video games they are hardcore gamers, and said that it is too difficult to define a religious gamer. However, Paige tried coming up with a definition for a devoted gamer right on the spot. “I think a religious gamer is someone who puts video games above all the things,” Paige said.
Wood said he is more of a retro gamer, not a hardcore gamer, while vice president Angela Rogers, a junior art major, agreed with him. When referring to retro games, Rogers said that retro games are tabletop games, "Dungeons and Dragons," "Path Finder," "Savage Worlds," just to name a few. The treasurer of the group, Colton Edwards, a junior biological sciences major, said that the diversity of the group is rooted in their appreciation for different genres of games. GAMERS, page 3
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Pumpkin Works Muse keeps same message the Maze Place while tapping into new sounds Bring your friends REVIEW
Muse, the only band ever to find the formula for good rock opera, has returned with “The 2nd Law.” The album retains all of the angst and calls for rebellion with lead singer Matthew Bellamy’s slow, heartrenching voice. But, like many artists, the band has embraced dubstep, which dips into every song and interrupts the guitar riffs coming through the music. The first track, “Supremacy,” was a huge surprise for me. It starts off slowly, leading you to believe the song will compare to previous Muse, but then the song takes a completely different turn—for better or for worse, you decide—and begins stopping and starting up, adding a variety of sound to its already electronicheavy body of work. After that, Muse’s use of dubstep becomes more and more apparent, especially with the second track, “Madness,” where the first section of the song that features dubstep starts off slowly and softly. Have you ever heard of soft dubstep? Then it climaxes and powerful guitar riffs begin piling onto the
Go to dennews.com to watch this week's Celebrity Smalk Talk where we dish out dirt on Justin Beiber, Justin Timberlake and Kristen Stewart.
By Jaime Lopez Verge Editor
song. When Muse first announced their latest album would be a dubstep album, fans took to the Internet and complained about the band changing its sound. And while it seemed like Muse would never be able to pull it off, “The 2nd Law” silenced all of the haters who thought they would fail epically. Besides the addition of electronic music, a mixture of glamrock and jazz found its way into the final version of the album. The best song out of the album is “Survival,” the official song of the London 2012 Summer Games. It’s an inspirational song working in the lineage of a Queen anthem. It starts off softly and slowly, building anticipation with the sounds of an orchestra in the
background and then breaking into a louder, faster sound brought on by guitars. Though they’ve dipped into a pool of new sounds, they have still retained the head-bopping, dramatic style of music that made them the band they are today. Mu s e i s t h i s g e n e r a t i o n’s Queen—that may be a bit a of an exaggeration, but I’ll risk humiliation. They have invested an amount of time scoping through the musical genres and found a sound that is truly authentic and adventurous. Like Queen, who never settled for the music guides provided for them—with “Bohemian Rhapsody,” “Under Pressure,” “Another One Bites the Dust”—Muse has written some complex songs centered around a very theatrical narrative. Their new album, like the previous ones, will be an opportunity to mount a spectacle on stage when the time for another tour comes around. As far as pushing the envelope with their newest sound, Muse has barely scraped at the possibilities. Jaime Lopez can be reached at 581-2812 or jlopez2@eiu.edu.
Verge Editor | Jaime Lopez Verge Designer | Courtney Runyon Interested in working for us? Contact 581-7942 or denverge@gmail.com
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Steve, played by Jaob Cole, holds a ironing board after hitting Marvlynn, played by Leah Davis, in the head with it. "Almost, Maine" will continue this weekend with shows on Oct. 19 and 20 at 7:30 p.m. and a show on Sunday at 2 p.m. in The Theater of the Doudna Fine Arts Center.
Actors of ‘Almost, Maine’ talk about their characters, play By Jaime Lopez Verge Editor
Within eight scenes, a prologue and an intro, the actors of the production “Almost, Maine” had plenty to work with before they took the stage on Wednesday. While each scene is short, it's filled with emotion and intense acting, some of actors were seen multiple times and needed to memorize the lines of several characters. Leah Davis, a freshman communication studies major, played three different characters in the show. Glory is the first character she plays, who also happens to be in the first scene. Glory has recently lost her husband, and has set out to find the Northern Lights. Her second character she plays is Marvylynn, a character caught in a tumultuous relationship. Marvylynn meets a character named Steve, played by Jake Cole, a sophomore theatre arts major. Through their conversation, in which Steve claims to not be able to feel pain, the characters discover why they act the way they do. The third character she plays is Hope, a woman who has returned to Maine after years of living in the big city and accomplishing her dreams. She has come back to reclaim the
love of her life, but is met with a big surprise—a surprise Davis wanted to keep under wraps so as to spoil the scene for those who have not seen the show yet. Davis said they are three different characters with three different stories. In the beginning, Davis said it was hard to play all three characters, but she said she tapped into the traits that make each one unique. “It was hard to differentiate them, but once you do, it’s so easy to see they’re nothing alike,” Davis said. Memorizing the lines, Davis said, was hard at first, so she had to sit herself down and read through scripts for hours to be able to embed them into her memory. William Stinde, a junior theatre arts major, plays Pete, one of the only characters who makes multiple appearances throughout the show: in the prologue, intrologue and epilogue. Stinde said he connected with his character. Stinde went on to describe Pete as someone who is very analytical of the world around him. In one of his scenes, he said that Pete’s girlfriend points out that they're as close as possible, but Pete disagrees, pulls out a snow globe and demonstrates through
that object how he is on one end of the world while she is on the other. Morgan Reidy, a sophomore theatre arts major, plays Sandrine, Gale and Rhonda. Sandrine is about to get married and ends up running into her exboyfriend at her bachelorette party, creating an awkward moment for both of them. Gale, Reidy said, is on the verge of ending her relationship. Reidy said that in the scene, Gale literally tries to return her boyfriend’s love. “She brings all of these bags that all represent the love her boyfriend gave to her during the course of their relationship,” Reidy said. Rhonda is a tomboy who is just now starting to learn what it is like to love someone. Reidy said she loves the show because the props and actions and dialogue all have a way of working off of each other throughout the course of the show. “When I first read the script for the show, I never thought you would see the character (Gale) bring back her boyfriends love in bags,” Reidy said. Jaime Lopez can be reached at 581-2812 or jlopez2@eiu.edu.
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GAMERS, from page 1 Wood said that though he does not consider himself a hardcore gamer, sometimes he blows through his money when buying video games. “(The club members) have to pull my money away from me when I’m around video games,” Wood said. He said he’s always happy to buy more video games; however, his empty wallet always leaves him feeling regretful. Edwards said he plays games of all kinds, with role-playing games being the ones that he plays the most. He said that out of most of the role-playing “Call of Duty” is what he enjoys the most. While dismissing the rumors that
gamers are unsocial, Finnegan said explained that there are differences between gamer girlfriends and female gamers. “Gamer girls are genuinely interested in gaming, and gamer girlfriends show up and are just kind of there,” Finnigan said. Rogers said that members of the guild did not greet her with opposition or bewilderment when she decided to join. “I wasn’t met with any opposition; people weren’t weirded out by me,” Rogers said Wood responded to her story with a sarcastic remark. “I was super shocked when I learned you guys
were the club.” Finnegan said she never noticed if anyone was uncomfortable by her presence and made a crucifix symbol while hissing like a snake. Paige waved his fist in the air and yelled out “you’re ruining the sanctity of the group.” He was kidding. Wood said that the organization welcomes anyone who is interested in video games or simply interested in looking for a good time. The Gamers Guild will host a game night at 6 p.m. on Sunday. Jaime Lopez can be reached at 581-2812 or jlopez2@eiu.edu.
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Jayne Ball-Saret, owner of Grand Ball Costumes in Charleston, stands among the thousands of masks and costume accessories she offers in her store. Ball-Saret, who said she has been sewing costumes for more than 30 years, attented Eastern and majored in theatre design.
For owner of Grand Ball Costumes, Halloween is serious business By Jaime Lopez Verge Editor
At the front end of her shop, Jayne Ball-Saret has been answering phones a mile a minute and looking through her record books to make sure she has all of her orders ready for one of the busiest holidays of the year: Halloween. She is the owner of Grand Ball Costumes, and while dealing with a surplus of orders in the front—some that cannot be fulfilled because she’s almost completely booked—the back of the shop houses more than 30 years of work. The back end of the shop was stuffed from floor to ceiling with costumes of all kinds, half of which Ball-Saret said she made. “There are over 60 thousand costumes in the warehouse, and I’ve made about 30 thousand,” Ball-Saret said. “This is over 30 years of sewing.” Columns and shelves throughout the store provided shelving for costumes of all kinds, ranging from medieval dresses to colorful outfits from the '70s and '80s. Ball-Saret attended Eastern and majored in theatre arts with an emphasis in costume design. She moved to Charleston in 1974 from Collinsville “and just never left.”
Years ago, Ball-Saret added a second floor to the building when her collection of costumes grew too big. “It takes a lot of room and a lot of costumes to be able to say to customers, ‘I’ll go get something else for you,’” Ball-Saret said, looking around the entire basement, which was so stuffed only a narrow path served as a walkway from one end of the room to the other. Ball-Saret started sewing at the age of 9, when her mother made her join a 4-H club. In c o l l e g e , s h e f u r t h e re d h e r knowledge and appreciation for sewing through her professor, Nancy Pauly. With Pauly’s guidance, Ball-Saret said she honed her sewing abilities and learned how to design costumes for plays. She taught her about the “psychology of dress…why people wear what they wear.” People wear something because it pertains to their personality, BallSaret said. As customers poured into the store looking for the right costume, BallSaret pulled out her measuring tape and wrapped it around their waists. She said while most of her custormers are online, some of them come in to be physically measured by her.
People looking for Halloween costumes aren't always so sure about what they want to be; some come in wanting to be a cowboy and leave as a fairy. JAYNE BALL-SARET, OWNER OF GRAND BALL COSTUMES
Actors in theatre productions are very particular about what they are looking for, Ball-Saret said. “People in stage productions look for costumes of a certain era, with several features,” Ball-Saret said. “People looking for Halloween costumes aren’t always so sure about what they want to be; some come in wanting to be a cowboy and leave as a fairy,” Ball-Saret said. Behind the counters in the front end of Grand Ball Costumes were two workers who come in during October, the only month when she said she needs the most help. Charlene Edwards, one of the employs hired in October, has worked for Ball-Saret for six years, and said the best part of the job is watching the thrill in customers when they are fitted with the right costume. She said working in the shop has made her love of Halloween grow.
Her ability to sew, Edwards said, made her an appealing candidate for the job. Working the accesseries desk at the store was Sandy Adams, who said she came started working for Ball-Saret after she retired. Ball-Saret said that Halloween, though it seems like a holiday that is restricted to everyone but young people, has adults using the day as a time to relax and act just like kids. This year, when Halloween falls on a Wednesday, Ball-Saret people will most likely celebrate three times, parties on the weekends before and after Halloween and parties on the day of. “People will be coming looking for different kinds of costumes for all of the parties they attend,” Ball-Saret said. Jaime Lopez can be reached at 581-2812 or jlopez2@eiu.edu.