City prepares for holiday celebration
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“Tell t h e t r u t h a n d d o n ’ t b e a fr a i d . ”
Wednesday NOVEMBER 28, 2012 V O LU M E 9 7 | N o. 6 6
Report sees trickle-down effect from enrollment By Robyn Dexter In-depth Editor
A belt sander sits in the Doudna Fine Arts Center scene shop waiting for it’s next use.
Spare wood is propped up against a wall in the Doudna Fine Arts Center scene shop until further use.
Students set scenes for productions By Samantha McDaniel Daily Editor
Freshman theatre arts major Tiffany Mazur demonstrates how the band saw functions in the scene shop at Doudna Fine Arts Center. Mazur started working in the scene shop for a class and then eventually it became a hobby for her. She only needs 45 hours in the shop for the class, she has completd more than a 100 hours thus far.
The scenes people see on stage during plays and other productions are built in a shop at the edge of the Doudna Fine Arts Center. The Scene Shop is a room filled with workbenches, tools and pieces of wood where the scenes of productions like the “Christmas Carol” and “Almost, Maine” are brought to life. Christopher Gadomski, the shop foreman and theatre arts professor, said the shop usually makes everything on stage outside of the costumes. “We are responsible for taking the designs from the designers for the scenery and the props and manufacturing them,” Gadomski said. “If that involves building from scratch, we do so, and if it involves taking what we got in existing stock and modifying it, we can do it as well.” He said they are responsible for making sure everything functions properly, even when it is on stage. Everyone who is involved in the production will make notes regarding the different props and if anything is not functioning correctly. “It varies from show to show, some you have very little tweaking that
A photo gallery of the Scene Shop is available at
you have to do to get things working properly,” Gadomski said. “Others it’ll be days and days of notes.” Gadomski said they will usually find out what the problems are after technical rehearsals and have only a few days to fix the problems. The group will run through the play and the designers will sit in the audience and take notes on the things that need to be fixed. “We have to have everything ready by the time shop closes on (opening night),” Gadomski said. He said the process of building the sets starts with a scene designer sketching what they think the set should look like, including different size scales. “We take those designs and figure out how it actually has to be built, the practicality of it and what we need to do to make that design come to life,” Gadomski said. The workers in the shop also help build special projects, some for the Costume Shop. Gadomski and another worker built the frame for the glow serpent that was featured in the play.
SCENE, page 5
Senate reviews Chicago State investigation By Stephanie Markham Staff Reporter
The Faculty Senate was asked to weigh in on an investigation occurring at Chicago State University regarding its president’s hiring process. The senate had to reschedule the discussion of the Tobacco Coalition’s proposal to initiate a tobacco-free campus for its next meeting on Jan. 8 because it was one member short of a quorum. The shared governance committee of the Chicago State University’s Faculty Senate submitted an investigative report of Presi-
dent Wayne Watson’s process of hiring three new faculty members in the criminal justice department. Faculty Senate member Grant Sterling, a philosophy professor, said the report indicated that Watson hired the new faculty in a period of two weeks and without consulting the official search committee. “The selection process ordinarily takes about a year,” Sterling said. The report states that one of the new faculty members was given nearly double the intended salary, and none of them were
sufficiently qualified or recommended by the department. Faculty Senate chairman Andrew Methven, a biological studies professor, said the Faculty Senate from Chicago State University requested input in considering what actions they should take. “They asked us if this behavior and the action in and of itself constitute grounds for a motion of no confidence in the president,” Methven said. He said senate members would continue discussion about the questions submitted and draft a response during an upcoming
meeting. The senate also reviewed various committee reports. Methven said the executive committee recently discussed the mandated reporting of child abuse and neglect from the department of Child and Family Services and President Perry’s decision to require university employees to receive sexual harassment training every three years. Methven said the conversation was inspired by the recent incidents of reported sexual abuse at Penn State University.
Eastern has seen a decrease in earned degrees that is directly related to decreasing enrollment. Blair Lord, the vice president for Academic Affairs, said Eastern will see the effects of declining enrollment reflected in the earned degrees reports for the next few years. In Fiscal Year 2012, Eastern awarded a total of 2,782 degrees that included bachelor’s degrees, post-bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees and specialist degrees. The numbers were less than in FY 2011, when 2,907 degrees were earned by Eastern students. “We’re starting to see how our entering classes have been somewhat smaller for a period of time,” he said. “In one way I take that as evidence that we’ve graduated some of the bigger classes that we had a number of years ago.” Although the numbers decreased, Lord said the figures did not come as a surprise to him because of the decline Eastern has seen in enrollment. According to the Earned Degrees Report, the majors with the largest number of bachelor’s degree recipients included general studies, elementary education, kinesiology and sports studies, communication studies, and family and consumer sciences. Lord said the general studies program is housed in the School of Continuing Education and serves as a degree completion program. “The program is dedicated almost completely to nontraditional students,” he said. “Students in that program are almost entirely people who have been away from higher education or never started higher education when they left high school.” General studies was the highest on the list of bachelor’s degree recipients with 236 degrees earned in FY 2012. Lord said many of these students take classes on weekends and online. “This segment of our market and for higher education in general is the one that is growing the most right now,” he said. “I expect we’ll continue to see some growth in this area because it’s an area where there’s opportunities for growth.” Lord said public policy is encouraging more people to get a higher education degree. “It’s likely to be our biggest growth area,” he said. Graduation rates must be calculated over several years, but Lord said Eastern has seen a fairly consistent six-year graduation rate of around 60 percent. “For a regional comprehensive institution, our graduation rate is very high,” Lord said. “We’re 10 to 12 percentage points higher than typical regional comprehensive institutions.” Graduation rates are not instantly assessable, but Lord said Eastern will be able to see the residual effects of enrollment decreases in the next few years. “We’ve started to see some of the decreases, but they’ll be modest changes if they follow the pattern of enrollment change,” he said. “The biggest changes (in degree recipients) happen when the really big classes graduate.” Robyn Dexter can be reached at 581-2812 or
W E D N E S DAY, N O V E M B E R 28, 2012 N o. 66, V O LU M E 97
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217•581•2923 Printed by Eastern Illinois University on soy ink and recycled paper. Attention postmaster: Send address changes to: The Daily Eastern News 1802 Buzzard Hall Eastern Illinois University Charleston, IL 61920 Editorial Board Editor in Chief...............................................................................Elizabeth Edwards Managing Editor............................................................................. Ashley Holstrom News Editor......................................................................................... Rachel Rodgers Associate News Editor............................................................... Nike Ogunbodede Opinions Editor................................................................................. Seth Schroeder Online Editor....................................................................................................Sara Hall Photo Editor.......................................................................................... Zachary White News Staff Daily Editor.................................................................................Samantha McDaniel Features Editor............................................................................................ Tim Deters In-Depth Editor......................................................................................Robyn Dexter Sports Editor........................................................................................Jordan Pottorff Verge Editor.............................................................................................. Jaime Lopez Assistant Daily Editor.................................................................. Amy Wywialowski Assistant Photo Editor........................................................................ Miranda Ploss Assistant Online Editor................................................................Dominic Renzetti
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Students, community combat cold, hunger at 3K race event By Tim Deters Features Editor
Advertising Staff Advertising Manager.....................................................................Breanna Blanton Promotions Manager............................................................................Kate Hannon
Comments / Tips Contact any of the above staff members if you believe your information is relevant.
Justine Ryan, a junior communication studies major, runs the Freeze Out Hunger 3K with friend Fallon Devlin, a sophomore communication studies major. "I am representing student government and we are running to help raise money for the food pantry; we're freezing out hunger," Ryan said.
In the chill autumn air, students and community members braced themselves against the cold to fight hunger Tuesday. The students and community members participated in the Freeze Out Hunger 3K at 4 p.m. near the Campus Pond. Freeze Out Hunger 3K was hosted by the Student Volunteer Center as part of the monthlong EIU Hunger Challenge, which helped raise funds, materials and awareness of hunger. In temperatures barely above freezing, participants in the 3K could either walk or run the length of the Panther Trail. Registration was $10, and all funds went to support the Charleston Food Pantry. Rachel Fisher, the director of the Student Volunteer Center, explained that for each dollar
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raised, the food pantry can provide $10 worth of food to community families in need. This year was the second year for the 3K after the Student Volunteer Center first hosted the event in 2011. After nearly seven participants registered last year, the center decided to host the program again. Fisher said 15 participants registered for Tuesday’s run and she hopes the volunteer center hosts the run next year with greater success. “If we can keep doubling every year, that’s some math I can really enjoy,” she said. Marko Grunhagen, a business professor, walked the 3K while bundled in a large brown coat and deep-blue knitted cap. His face red from the cold, Grunhagen said he was glad to see students helping people in need as winter approaches.
“I am glad so many students showed up to support this,” he said. “We are doing something good for people in need.” As he approached the fin ish line next to the Campus Pavilion, he was welcomed by a group of eight young children cheering him on. The children were par t of Teen REACH, a local afterschool program for at-risk Charleston High School students. Brianna Wojnowski, a junior psychology major, volunteers as a counselor at Teen REACH and walked and ran alongside the children. She said the 3K was a good way to get the children involved in the community. “It was nice to get them out and cheering people on who are participating,” she said. “It shows how good it is to get involved in the community.”
Fi s h e r c rowd e d i n t o t h e group of children and joined their cheers. As her breath rose in a cloud of vapor, she yelled, “Looking good! Finish strong!” T h e p re s e n c e o f t h e Te e n REACH children was a great and welcome addition to the 3K, Fisher said. As the last students crossed the finish line, the evening sun sunk quickly among the streaks of clouds on the horizon. The final pink and yellow rays glinted off the Campus Pond as Fisher reflected on the purpose of the event and her hopes for the efforts of the Student Volunteer Center. “It’s a ver y, ver y good day, and it’s a very good addition to the history of what we are trying to do here,” she said. Tim Deters can be reached at 581-2812 or
EIU’S arts & entertainment magazine E VOLUM CHANGE E NUMBER AND ISSU
the daily eastern news’ weekly arts and entertainment magazine
o f t h e w e e k e n dE
$6.60 Dozen $3.30 1/2 Dozen $ .55 single
AND J.A.C. opens04.09.10 doors to all
the daily eastern news’ weekly arts and entertainment magazine
Cafe begins live music event every Saturday evening By Brad York Verge Editor
Jackson Avenue Coffee (J.A.C.) is a location to go blowoff steam, study for hours on end and socialize as the creamy fragrance of lattes, cappuccinos and hot chocolates stream though the air. J.A.C., located at 708 Jackson Ave., may sound like an unusual place for a concert setting, but Dan Reible believes it is the perfect location for live music that has not been offered to Charleston in some time. “In the Charleston area there is no place to relax and listen to music except for a bar,” Reible said. “I’d like a place where people can come relax, have a cup of coffee, sandwich, bagel and take it easy and listen to some good acoustic music.” Reible and his wife Vicki are currently shuffling through papers in order to become the rightful owners of J.A.C.
Reible moved to Mattoon in 1984 after serving in the Navy and soon became a truck driver, traveling the nation with his wife. Reible has played for various bands in the past and mentioned to his friend, Ryan Dawson and the current owner of J.A.C., he was looking for a place to host weekly concerts on Saturday evenings. Dawson then asked Reible if he ever pictured himself owning a café. Reible expressed an interest, and soon, Dawson offered to sell the business. Dawson said the Reibles’ have been his customers since J.A.C. opened nearly eight years ago. “I planned on going back to school this summer to complete a degree in teacher’s certification,” Dawson said. “We were ready to move on to new things. I figured it is best not to run anything into the ground, so I offered to sell the place.” Dawson has high hopes for
of the weekend
Rockin’ out for a reason
SqUARE fESt SCHEDULE pAGE 2B LocAL bAnds pLAy to rAisE monEy for rELAy for LifE E
By Colleen Kitka
VOLUM CHANGE E NUMBER AND ISSU to all different styles. It doesn’t BRAD YORk | ON THE VERGE
Dan Reible , owner of the Jacksno Avenue Coffee enjoys sunse viewing the humbling setting from his newly titled “retirement Assistant Verge Editor bench” at the J.A.C.
the future of J.A.C. and feels as None of the performances the daily eastern news’ weekly arts and entertainment magazine The 7th Street Underground will turn as though hosting live musicians will come with a cover cost, matter if I personally like it or into night a concert venue at 5:30 as the every Saturday is only the tonight but instead a hat will be passed not. It’s whatever I think our Against Canceraround group hosts sec- donations, customers will like.” beginning Colleges of the growth J.A.C. aroundits for will see. ond Rock it for Relay concert. which go entirely to the artist. Reible said his customers are The first The Saturday night willRobert benefit concert featureReynolds the threeis a musician an eclectic group, and notices performer local will be “Reverend” who plays Midnight, blues music from the that he has a lot of high schoolers bands Good Morning Robert Reynolds Saturday from 8 ‘20s, ‘30s and ’40s, and is glad come there every evening. He said Cured by Fire and Madison’s Avenue, and to 10 p.m. at J.A.C. Reible is opening his doors to parents know it is a safe place. one solo musician, Jennalocal Jackley. musicians. Reible said he is open to any Tickets are $5 at the door and said can hebehas known style of music and musicians who Reynolds purchased starting at 5 p.m. Reible for a while because they are interested in performing the haveColleges been playing music together Saturday night events should All proceeds go to the Against the years. come out to J.A.C. Open Mic Cancer’s Relay for Life through team, and will ul“It is good to play one close to Night every Thursday. timately be given to the American Cancer home. This is more intimate than These open mic sessions are Society. the festivals and blues bars I’ve used as auditions of sorts for the Kyle Swalls, guitaristbeenandplaying vocalist for Reynolds diverse music Reible hopes to at lately,” Good Morning Midnight, hasplay witnessed said. “I electric when I’m incorporate with the Saturday band, but this show will night performances. the devastation of cancerwith firstmyhand. Swalls be allagainst acoustic.” In addition to the open mic said his grandma is fighting cancer. The intimate setting offers a night artists, Reible searches “It’s a constant struggle dealing with place for begging and practiced the Web and various local it,” Swalls said. “A lot musicians of time the chemo alike. music hot spots in order to find won’t be as effective, andReible they wants will try a people performers. to show new method and stuff. inAndCharleston so just knowmusic they may “I’m hoping to get a lot of have me heardwant before. music in here that people haven’t ing the constant strugglenot makes to to for host various experienced before,” Reible said. do something like this andHeraiseplans money artiststhe from various an individual who is having same, whogenres each “People may have heard blues, weekend. but it probably isn’t the old delta is dealing with the same kind of suffering.” “I’ve got things booked all the blues that (Reverend Robert) will This band along withwayCured by the Fireend is of June,” be playing.” through playing at Friends & Co. latersaid. in “It’s the mostly eve- people I Reible pHOtO COURtESy Of GOOD MORNING MIDNIGHt heardtwo in gigs the area Brad York can be reached at ning. were willing have to book in and a lot pHOTO COURTESY OfThey REVROBERT.COM Midnight members Elgin Combs (guitarist), Michael “Woody” Woodring (drummer), Kyle Swalls (vocalist and guitarist) and Chad Barton local musicians. We are Good open Morning 581-7942 or at band one night support. “Reverend” Robert Reynolds plays his guitar; He will play acoustic at 8 p.m. on Saturday at Jackson Avenue show their of (bass guitarist and vocalist) volunteered to play tonight at the Rock it for Relay event to help raise money for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life.
of the weekend
A square beyond compare
“We feel that playing this gig will allow people to see that rock and roll and the whole style of it isn’t just about being on your own and not really caring about anyone else,” Logan Richardson, Madison’s Av-
Square Fest provides stage for new music, new bands and new surroundings
enue lead singer, said. “We really do care about the issue of breast cancer and cancer in general,” Richardson continued. “Because some people
Jenna Jackley is a Mattoon High School student and will be playing at the 7th Street Underground tonight at 5:30 p.m.
Join us. 217-581-2816
close to us have had it and, luckily, they Madison’s Avenue is another young alhave recovered from it.” ternative rock band from Charleston that ‘Hey there are all these other great bars in By Brad york Many of the bands Verge playing are new to has been putting outand their music Editor town, not own just the ones for near Lincoln Eastern’s campus. Richardson said perform- eight months. The group has played all over (Avenue.).” ing at the concert would beSpring an opportunity Centralia, is a season that Charleston, brings a re- in Havana Many ofandtheinfeatured acts will be the tonight trees be- willCharleston such as Mugto expose students to a freshing differentsmell kindinto of the lo- air asbut be one ofbased theirgroups first times gin to bud and the winter playing chills become wump Specific, Andy Van Slyke and Staff cal music. on campus. dormant. It is a time for new life to see Blues Band while others such as DJ Illith, Good Morning Midnight is an indie Givens, a junior elementary education the wonders of Charleston. With new life Poundcake and Ryan Arnold stem from and alternative rock band. Beginning near- New major, said all the bandsthroughout are hardthe working comes new ambitions. ambitions locations state. ly a year ago and stationed in music, Marshall, and werethat booked because mean new and for Charleston “I figurethey this came was a recomgreat networking new events. the group is fresh to themeans Charleston music mended by otheropportunity artists. for a lot of bands,” ChaplinsA fresh take onUnthe Charleston said. “WeCancer are pulling bands from the scene, but has played in the 7th Street Thefestival CollegeskiAgainst hasinraised scene is exactly what Scott Chaplinski has Kankakee area, and some musicians from derground before for a canned food drive. more than $5,000 through their fall breast been planning for nearly a year with the Champaign area. It’s bands that I like, Cured by Fire is aevent Charleston cancer T-shirt and salesI know and that other Square Fest.metal otherfundraispeople (like).” band. Megan Givens, the“I concert coordi-in February ers. They raisemost $8,000, started thinking that ithave pledged Chaplinskito said of them are was about timetoto Meget it going every- campus younger bands that have only nator said the group sounds similar andwithacross different groups havebeen plaything going on with Celebration, Wooding for a year or two and that tallica or Godsmack and does a good job pledged to raise $70,000 for the Americanmany times chuck Music Festival, there’s finals, there’s a band that has been playing for four to of getting a crowd going. Their influenc- Cancer Society. Easter. I realized it was crunch time to get five years need a guarantee that they are es come from those bands and Chaplinski others likesaid. Last year, the concert it going,” getting paid. drew a small Guns N’ Roses, Motley Square Crue Fest and will Black is hoping fordone moreanything pub- like this begin atcrowd, 2 p.m.but Sat-Givens“Having never urday through 1 a.m. Sunday. The event before I didn’t want to make promises to a Sabbath. lic support. will takeHigh place School on Charleston’s“What square atever bunch people that Jenna Jackley is a Mattoon little ofamount canI can’t put fulfill.” to- Chapthe bars Mother’s, Friends & Co., Mac’s linski said. student who plays the guitar and sings. wards the American Cancer Society will Uptowner and Top of the Roc. The event In fact, much of the money for pro“She is just memorizing to watch,” help in21some Givens said. was saved up by Chapwill cost $12 andMeallow patrons and way,” ducing the event gan Givens said. “She isover in admittance high school, intosoany of the bars and linski himself. He hopes that the $12 covis enough to give some of the traveling she is still very young,performances. but the caliber of Colleen Kitkaercan be reached at 581-7942 Chaplinski said getting bars in- bands money to cover their gas costs and voice she has is just amazing.” volved was the first part of organizing the event, and after he explained the potential benefits they jumped on board. “I kind of just threw it out there,” Chaplinski said. “They’ve given me good ideas, and they appreciate the ideas that I have. They’ve been very helpful with everything I’ve been doing.” Chaplinski has been wanting to get the bars involved with a festival event for more than year and said he feels that now was the best time to bring it all together. “We are hoping it brings a lot of business to the square,” Chaplinski said. “We hope it is going to be a nicer day. It’s a good window of a month and a half of good weather to show all these people,
without being too high to deter college students and community members from coming out. One local musician, Mitch Davis, a senior management information systems major, saod he plans on showing the crowd some new tunes to commemorate the new event. “I mainly like to get people dancing, but I also play some more chill stuff,” Davis said. “I don’t want people to get burnt out, so I’ll make new songs before the shows. New shows get me motivated to make new songs. (Square Fest) is going to be so new. There’s going to be so many different people playing at so many different bars. I don’t really know what to
Mitch Davis, a senior management information systems major, rehearses new songs and freshens up on older material Wednesday evening in his home as he prepares for today’s Square Fest event.
expect. That’s why I am expecting to play in front of a totally new crowd, so I really got to try to pump people up.” With a wide variety of performances including blues, rock, jam band, electronic and rap everyone is beginning to develop expectations for the new event and Chaplinski is no different. “I want to be able to be out on the square, outside the bars and see people
having a good time,” Chaplinski said. “I want to hear, sort of over-hear, what they did like and what they didn’t like. I just think there will be a lot of good vibes coming. Perfect conditions for me, is hearing that people had a great time.” Brad York can be reached at 581-7942 or
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News Editor Rachel Rodgers 217 • 581 • 2812
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W E D N E S DAY, N O V E M B E R 28, 2012 N o. 66, V O LU M E 97
Open Mic pushed to Thursday Amy Wywialowski Assistant Daily Editor
Rayne Chadwicke, 4, of Charleston, tells Santa Claus what she wants for Christmas Dec. 3, 2011, at the Santa House in City Hall. Santa's visit was part of the annual Christmas in the Heart of Charleston festival on the Square.
City prepares for holiday celebration By Amanda Wilkinson Staff Reporter
The Charleston Parks and Recreation Department plans to spread Christmas cheer to families and students on Dec. 1. Christmas in the Heart of Charleston will have music, refreshments, entertainment and a parade. Cherri Sims, the past co-chairwoman of the Charleston Christmas Committee, said the Christmas celebration started 15 years ago with Sallie Cougill, the original coordinator. Sims said the first Christmas in the Heart of Charleston was much smaller than it is today. Sims said she; Bob Kincade, owner of What’s Cookin’; and seven others wanted to keep the Christmas celebration going for the community. “It was a purely grassroots commu-
nity effort,” Sims said. The Christmas celebration will be from 5 to 7 p.m. with the parade starting at 5 p.m. The grand marshal for the parade is Sasha Edwards. Edwards is a local teenager who battled with leukemia in the past. She is in remission and started Sasha’s Softies, an organization that makes blankets to give to children with cancer. Diana Ratliff, the tourism and special events supervisor, said Edwards makes the blankets herself and donates them to hospitals. “She makes blankets and donates them back to the children’s hospital cancer wards,” Ratliff said. Other groups, like First Federal of Coles County and the Christian Campus House, will also be in the parade.
Ratliff said there will be entertainment from the Salvation Army, the Charleston Community Band members and carolers. “(The Salvation Army) are going to have a brass quartet out on the square playing Christmas carols,” Ratliff said. “We also have several groups walking around who will be caroling.” The Charleston Community Band members will play from 6:15 to 7 p.m. The Salvation Army, the Knights of Columbus and the Boy Scouts will pass out different refreshments, like roasted chestnuts throughout the evening. Many stores on the square will be open during the celebration. Art Smart will have ornament making in their store, at 720 Jackson Ave., for $5.
Ratliff said Persimmon Lane and the Lincoln Book Shop will also be open during the celebration. “Lincoln Book Shop will be open that evening and will have Motherlode playing there,” Rafliff said. Ratliff said the community turnout depends on the weather. “If we have good weather, we get a bigger crowd,” Ratliff said. “(If ) we get bad weather, it’s a little smaller.” Ratliff said she hopes a lot of people attend this year, because it is a free event to show appreciation to the community. “It’s more of a family environment, but we welcome the students to come out,” Ratliff said. Amanda Wilkinson can be reached at 581-2812 or
Final meeting scheduled for Wednesday Kate Quill Staff Reporter
The final Student Senate meeting of the semester will be at 7 p.m. on Wednesday in the Arcola-Tuscola Room of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. Student Body President Kaci Abolt will be giving the State of the University Address at the beginning of this meeting. Gurick, a sophomore business major, will follow this with the State of the Senate Address. At this meeting, Student Senate members for next semester will be of-
ficially announced and seated. Gurick will also give one Student Senate member the Senator of the Semester Award. Elections for next semester’s speaker of the student senate will take place and be announced at this meeting as well. Student Senate member John Proffitt, a senior history major, and current Student Senate Speaker Mitch Gurick will both be running for the speaker position. Following these announcements, committee chair members will present their final reports of the semester. This week’s meeting will be longer than usual because of the re-election,
Check out
seating of new Student Senate members and the two addresses. The Student Senate will also approve Undergraduate Dietetic Research Organization and Order of Omega as registered student organizations. The Undergraduate Dietetic Research Organization promotes nutrition and health through booths, events, awareness weeks and participate in the annual heath fair. The Order of Omega recognizes men and women in Greek life who have demonstrated great leadership in Greek activities to encourage them to continue inspiring others.
Mark Hudson, the director of the University Housing and Dining Services, will be giving a Bond Revenue presentation at the Student Senate meeting. Ceci Brinker, the director of the Student Life Office, will also present her advisory report to the Student Senate. There will not be a Student Outreach on the Road table because this is the last meeting. Meetings will resume in January.
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Kate Quill can be reached at 581-2812 or
The University Board has changed the day of its monthly Open Mic Night program to accommodate another event on campus. The UB, which hosts a monthly open mic night program on Wednesdays, has changed this month’s program to Thursday. UB co-chairman David Sims, a senior kinesiology and sports studies major, said the reason for the change is because the Essence of a Man contest, a male scholarship contest run by the Black Student Union. “They had their date before we did so when we found about it we changed ours,” Sims said. “We wanted to pay our respect to them and not create a conflict of events for people.” Sims said when the UB decided to change the date they also had to change the location of the program, which was originally scheduled to take place at the Java Beanery & Bakery coffee shop in the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. “Java was already booked, so we changed it to the 7th Street Underground,” Sims said. The theme of this week’s open mic is “Unplugged” “It’s supposed to be more acoustic,” Sims said. “I guess technically the instruments could be plugged in, but not really heavy metal or rock.” Sims described the theme of Thursday’s performances as “coffee shop type music.” “This theme is more up in the air,” he said. “With some of the other main stage events we have had certain requirements of the performers.” Sims said these requirements have included that the performers perform original pieces such as for the So You Think You Can Rap? contest. “They can perform whatever they want,” Sims said. “It doesn’t have to be something they wrote.” The program is also not a contest so no awards will be given out, although UB members will raffle UB merchandise as door prizes. This is the last UB sponsored open mic night of the semester and Sims said he is looking forward to a changes to the mainstage division of UB next semester, including the new spotlight series of programming, which will be based upon the idea of an open mic night. In February, the winner of that contest will receive their own UB event to “showcase their talent” and will be featured on the poster. “Hopefully it will give students more incentive to get involved,” Sims said. “If audience members see the performers treating it more seriously, they might attend more.” Along with the new programs, Sims said the UB is currently recruiting for a new mainstage coordinator. Applications for the position are available online or in the Student Activity Center of the Union. Applications are due Friday. Thursday’s open mic program begins at 7 p.m. in the 7th Street Underground of the Union. Amy Wywialowski can be reached at 581-2812 or alwywialowski@eiu.
Opinions Editor Seth Schroeder 217 • 581 • 2812
D A I LY E A S T E R N N E W S . C O M
W E D N E S DAY, N O V E M B E R 28, 2012 N O. 66, V O LU M E 97
Senate can The superhuman already walk among us bring more to students
As new Student Senate members are being sworn in today, now is the time for them to think ahead about improvements that can be made for the next semester. The senate has made some initiatives that do deserve commendation, even though communicating these initiatives with students has been lacking. Two actions that can benefit students have been the Student Senate’s Dial-A-Ride program, Pantherpalooza and an informative tab on its webpage for students considering living off-campus. However, there have also been issues where the Student Senate has been relatively silent. The Student Senate has not reached out to the student body to thoroughly examine the Chickfil-A controversy. Students have approached the Student Senate presenting their views on this issue, but the senate has for the most part kept silent. Anything students deem an important issue — especially an active debate like this — should be at the forefront of the senate’s attention. A perfect way to address this, and to draw student’s attention to care about issues, would have been to have at least one forum (preferably several) with students and Eastern community members. The Student Senate can also take more initiative in seeking student body’s opinion. Students probably have many issues they want their student government to address. The student government should work with University Police Department and offer more safety walks and forums to discuss how students can be safe on campus. Not that the Eastern is not a safe place to go to school, but safety around college campuses should be a top priority in any situation. The student government has an opportunity to offer students something that protects their well-being. The student government should strive to address issues before they are brought to its meeting. For example, a current issue that has been brought up in previous years is being discussed again — a tobacco-free campus. Many students will be passionate on either side of the issue. The student government should analyze how their campuses and student governments across are dealing with this very real issue. While they are analyzing the issue, they can also be surveying the current student body to better represent how students on campus feel about smoking. With only 30 Student Senate members, they were elected to represent about 367 students each. This is not an easy task for anyone, but this is a job in which they are elected to do. They are the voice of Eastern’s student body and by keeping silent they are silencing student voices as well. The student government’s mission statement reads as followed “student government will protect the rights and interests of the students while also enhancing the quality of the EIU experience through the power that is vested in them by Eastern Illinois University.” Eastern athletics have started a new era, it is time for the student government to have one too.
I’ve been watching a lot of “Justice League” lately. The 2001-2006 cartoon wasn’t my favorite as a kid, but it brought together Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and others for fantastic adventures filled with colorful fight scenes, so I watched it all the time. Having rediscovered the series on YouTube, I realized it had so much more to offer. For a show marketed to kids, it tackled some serious ethical dilemmas and questions like, “Is it really a good idea to have a group of superpowered individuals traveling around the world dishing out their version of justice unchecked?” Can you imagine people with superpowers? People are terrible. They lie, cheat, steal, murder and can generally just ruin your day. Sure, it might be awesome for you to have a power or two, but are you sure you’ll act justly? When you imagine yourself with some metahuman ability (we all do, occasionally) do you typically imagine how much you’re going to help people, or how much you’re going to help yourself and how much easier your life will be? When it comes down to it, power corrupts. It’s why people don’t always trust politicians (like the four Illinois governors who have been jailed in the past 40 years) or police (for reference, see the movie “Serpico”) because people in power have a history of abusing it. If we started handing out invulnerability and heat vision to the general public, it’s hard to imagine a world with more heroes than villains. But I’m not about to give up hope. Enter Kim Peek, a man who could perfectly remember about 98 percent of his life and had memorized 12,000 books. Peek was the inspiration
Seth Schroeder for the 1988 film “Rain Man,” where Dustin Hoffman’s character displayed extraordinary memory as a result of his autism. Though not autistic, Peek’s memory can still be regarded as superhuman (he was a primary example in the article “6 Real People With Mind-Blowing Mutant Superpowers” on We can all imagine situations where a powerful memory would come in handy; finals are coming up, after all. As demonstrated in “Rain Man,” superb recall can win you a lot of money at blackjack. But despite the financial potential, Peek reportedly said using his ability to gamble would be unethical and refused. He was a man with a real life superpower and he lived uncorrupted by it. Maybe a world of superheroes isn’t impossible. While I’m fairly certain the universe of four-colored comic books is far from reality, one never knows what the future holds. Peek’s ability was likely caused by congenital brain abnormalities. These are rare, of course, but the human race has grown vast. Our species adapts and who knows what new kinds of unique batches of brain chemistry are being produced with each new birth.
We might see a world similar to the TV show Alphas’ “neurodiversity,” where unique brain structure results in individuals with unique abilities but in exchange have a downside. Despite Peek’s amazing memory, he had trouble with everyday motor skills and needed help dressing himself. Our superpowered world would require us to work together because if more of us had extraordinary abilities we’d presumably have extraordinary weaknesses as well. We’d be interdependent to compensate for these weaknesses in order for our powers to contribute to society. Which isn’t really all that far from real life anyway. We all have our abilities and we have to work in concert in order to achieve our level of society. It would have been impossible for us to achieve the level of industrialized success that we have without us working together in groups. Sure our abilities may not exactly be superhuman, but they can still be super. You may be a talented musician or maybe you can solve differential equations like it’s nobodies business. You might paint, throw an amazing fastball or you could be a great listener that helps their friends get through rough parts of life. We’ve all been blessed. It may not be in the way we hoped. Our lives aren’t always going to be extraordinary, but we all bring something different to the table and that’s what can make us super. Seth Schroeder is a junior journalism major. He can be reached at 581-2812 or
“Tell the truth and don’t be afraid.”
EDITORIAL BOARD Editor in Chief Elizabeth Edwards
News Editor Rachel Rodgers
Managing Editor Associate News Editor Ashley Holstrom Nike Ogunbodede Online Editor Sara Hall
Opinions Editor Seth Schroeder
The daily editorial is the majority opinion of the editorial board of The Daily Eastern News.
Press can help community discussion Dear editor: Yesterday’s suggestion that political discussion should continue apart from campaign seasons is a good one. One challenge is the question which asks if there exists a season apart from campaign seasons. A need, which is lacking is the disappearance of the “ watchdog press,” which has been
both the intellectual understandings and the ambition to report on both parties with investigative probity, exposing their weaknesses and phony claims. Yes, even their strengths could be announced. We could hope for creating a firewall of commonly shared knowledge, which could defend us from all the false claims, which undermine our ability to arrive at good decisions.
Letters to the editor can be submitted at any time on any topic to the Opinions Editor to be published in The Daily Eastern News. The DEN’s policy is to run all letters that are not libelous or potentially harmful. They must be less than 250 words.
We need more light, better philosophy, and less heat. “...the anger of man does not work the righteousness of God” (James 1: 20). Truly yours, Leonidas H. Miller Mattoon
Letters to the editor can be brought in with identification to The DEN at 1811 Buzzard Hall. Letters may also be submitted electronically from the author’s EIU e-mail address to
W E D N E S DAY, N O V E M B E R 28, 2012
N o. 66, V O LU M E 97
D A I LY E A S T E R N N E W S . C O M
Cookie dough class to cater to students Class to prepare students for holiday season By Stephanie Markham Staff Reporter
Participants prepare thumbprint cookie dough during the “Cookie Dough Swap Shop” Dec. 4, 2011, in Khelm Hall. Last year’s participants made enough cookie dough to bake over 1,000 cookies.
Anyone who prefers or enjoys the taste of homemade cookies can learn how to create eight different types of dough at the Cookie Dough Swap Shop from 6 to 9 p.m. next Thursday in Room 2309 of Klehm Hall. The School of Continuing Education and the School of Family and Consumer Sciences are offering the instructional, non-credit class to prepare students for the holiday baking season. Participants will be divided into groups of four amongst six separate kitchens. Kathy Rhodes, a family and consumer sciences professor, will show members of each kitchen how to prepare a different type of cookie dough. At the end of the workshop, workers from each section will go around and exchange samples with the other stations. Each participant will collect a total of eight selections of dough that they can take home and store in
“You’ll find that when you do it yourself, the cookies will taste better and they’re healthier than what you find at the store.” -JoEllen Hickenbottom, organizer of swap shop event their freezer to be baked for the holidays. JoEllen Hickenbottom, a program coordinator in the School of Continuing Education and one of the organizers of the swap shop event, said she had fun participating in the shop last year. “It’s just like when you make a batch at home, except here you will walk away with eight different types,” Hickenbottom said. She said groups of friends who would like to work together can sign up, but the division of workers per station might be dependent on the number of participants. “Last year, we even had motherdaughter teams coming in,” Hickenbottom said. She said the types of dough offered change each year, and last year’s selection included chocolate chip, snicker doodles, sugar cookies and her personal favorite, cowboy cookies. She said there are many benefits to making cookie dough over buy-
ing it pre-made from a store. “The number one thing is that you can use the ingredients you want to use,” Hickenbottom said. “You can create your own recipe; if you have a peanut allergy you can just take those out.” She also said following recipes and baking are skills that are easily picked up, even for those with minimal kitchen experience. “You’ll find that when you do it yourself, the cookies will taste better and they’re healthier than what you find at the store, and in this case everything is provided for you,” she said. Participants must be at least 18 years old and pay a $40 fee for the instruction and supplies. People who want to participate have to register Wednesday by contacting the School of Continuing Education. Stephanie Markham can be reached at 581-2812 or
Professor educates students on genetics By Robyn Dexter In-depth Editor
Dr. Kenneth Ramos of the University of Louisville came to campus Tuesday to educate students on his research about genetic reprogramming. His “Genome Plasticity: a Story on Lines and Genetic Reprogramming” presentation focused on the technical, medical side of his biological research. Ramos also met with students before his presentation for an extended lunch to talk about his research and answer any questions the students had. He began by linking the human genome, or set of genetic material, to
plasticity because it is not static. “We have regulations about code and if you get a hold of plasticity, you can hope to make a difference in the way we manage human disease and the way we change the trajectory of disease,” he said. Ramos introduced the group to the biological concept of LINEs, which stands for long, interspersed, nuclear elements. “They’re essentially the ‘junk’ of DNA,” he said. He stressed the importance of the ENCODE Project, which is the encyclopedia of DNA elements. “The ENCODE is essentially the post completion of human genome sequencing,” he said. “The realization came that having the
code and the alphabet of the human genome was just the beginning of the trip.” Ramos said the code has helped his research in genetics and reprogramming. “The ENCODE was basically to assign meaning and functionality to the human genome code, which had just been revealed in the early 2000s,” he said. The biggest surprise that was realized through the code was that humans are not superior to other species genetically, Ramos said. “Not because we have more genes or make more proteins, but because the ways that we regulate genetic programming,” he said. “Out of that exercise, we came to realize that we’re
SCENE, from page 1 “Those are fun extra challenges that are not technically part of my job,” Gadomski said. “It’s one of those fun problem solving things.” The scene shop employs about seven students and have different students come in to fulfill hours for classes. “We have a steady stream, or well you hope a steady stream, of workers who come into the shop and put in their time,” Gadomski said. Gadomski said one of his responsibilities is to help students find out what they are good at and what they like to do. “I’ll have anywhere from two to 15 people in the shop sometimes and everybody keeps coming to me and asking me what to do,” Gadomski said.
He said he likes working with the students who come in to work in the shop. “We have fun, we get the work done, but we have fun,” Gadomski said. He said there are some people who are really good at building while others cannot. He said he tries to match their likes and skills. Gadomski said he worked in the shop when he was a student here in 1995. “I started working in the scene shop, just putting in a lot of hours because I enjoyed doing it,” Gadomski said. He said he worked in the shop for about three years until he graduated in December 1998. Gadomski returned this fall to
not that much different from chimpanzees or worms, even.” Ramos said technology empowered his research team to make a number of discoveries about “junk” DNA, or DNA that did not appear to have any recognizable function. “It’s really not junk anymore,” he said. “Many of the sequences carry functions of the biology itself.” Ramos covered the technical and architectural aspects of the project and detailed all the processes and components that make up the genome including the chromosomes and the chromatin. “Understanding the biology of regulation of this level can actually give you tools to manipulate genetic expression,” he said.
After talking about some of his research, Ramos talked about the importance it can have to medicine and society. “Cells can transition to different genetic stages, but all of (them) are stages that can be moderated and reversed,” he said. “If I’m managing a patient, maybe someday I might be able to manage that patient in the complete absence of biological knowledge, only with the basis of understanding the biology that is taking place.” Ramos said he hopes it will bring about the “medicine of the future.” Robyn Dexter can be reached at 581-2812 or
FACULTY SENATE, from page 1 take over as the foreman and to teach classes. “Ever since I got my master’s degree, I always said I wanted to come back to Eastern and teach, so it’s kind of my dream job, being back here in the theater department,” Gadomski said. The scene shop is open from 1 to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. He said he enjoys the shop. “It’s never the same thing twice, it’s always getting to do something fun and creative and new, and I thoroughly enjoy that part of my job,” Gadomski said. Samantha McDaniel can be reached at 581-2812 or
“The sexual harassment training is not something required by the state, but the president thought it was a good thing that we should be doing,” he said. Methven also spoke about recent discussions at the Program Analysis Steering Committee. He said the committee began deliberation on what metrics to use to measure the internal and external demands for university programs.
“The thing that I thought was really good about the exercises we’ve been doing is that they’re really broad based as far as the different constituency represented on campus, and so there were a lot of different perspectives and a variety of different interests coming into it,” he said. Stephanie Markham can be reached at 581-2812 or
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(217) 581-2816
C lassifieds Lost & found Lost: small heirloom silver diamond engagement ring in vicinity of Blair Hall and Booth Library. Call 581-3990. _________________________11/28
Help wanted Open interviews held at Unique Suites from 11 - 3 on Friday, November 30, 2012 for servers and bartenders for new restaurant. _________________________11/30 Bartending! $250/day potential. No experience necessary. Training available. 800-965-6520 ext 239. _________________________12/10 Avon wants you! Easy earnings. $10 startup. Call today. Marlene Browning. 217-235-6634 _________________________12/10
Roommates 1 or 2 roommates wanted. $360/ month. 3 bedroom apartment. Contact Lexi Olinger (facebook) or call 708-979-4039. _________________________12/10
Sublessors Female subleaser wanted for Spring '13 semester. 2 bedrooms. Brand new construction. Personal bathroom. Unit includes washer, dryer, and dishwasher. Call (217) 972-9617 for more information. _________________________12/10
For rent 5-6 BD/2BA SPIRAL STAIRS ALL UTILITIES PAID, 50 IN FLAT SCREEN AND LEATHER FURNITURE 217.345.6210 _________________________11/30 LOCATION LOCATION...Oh GIRLS THIS ONES FOR YOU!!!...1060 2ND 6BD 2/ BATH HOUSE CLOSE TO BARS, TV AND FURNISHED $435 PP 217.345.6210 _________________________11/30 Right behind McHugh's. Very nice 2 and 3 bedroom, 2 bath apartments. Cable and Internet included. (217)493-7559 _________________________11/30 VERY NICE 6 BEDROOM, 2 BATH HOUSE. ACROSS THE STREET FROM O'BRIEN STADIUM WITH LARGE PRIVATE BACKYARD. 217-493-7559. _________________________11/30 3 BR Townhouse nearly new construction. Call 630-505-8374. Must see 9th & Buchanan. _________________________11/30 6 BR 3 BA Fall 2013 217-232-9595 _________________________11/30 5 BR 3 BA for Fall 2013 217-232-9595 _________________________11/30 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY- 3 bedroom apartment 1205 Grant/ 1 bedroom 1207 Grant. FALL 2013- 2,3,4 bedrooms 1812 9th and 2,3 bedrooms 1205/1207 Grant. 217-348-0673/ 217-549-4011. _________________________11/30
For rent CLOSE!!! Across from Buzzard. Apts for 1 or 2. QUIET lifestyle. No pets. Available now or 2nd semester Wood Rentals, Jim Wood, 345-4489. _________________________11/30 2nd semester leases and leases beginning Fall 2013 available for studio, 1, 2 and 3 bedroom Lincolnwood-Pinetree Apartments 345-6000. _________________________11/30 LEASING NOW FOR FALL 2013! GREAT LOCATIONS, BEAUTIFULLY REMODELED APARTMENTS. 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 BEDROOMS AVAILABLE. DON'T MISS OUT! RESERVE YOUR APARTMENT TODAY! WWW.UNIQUE-PROPERTIES.NET 345-5022 _________________________11/30 AVAILABLE NOW. 2 BR APTS, STOVE, FRIG, MICROWAVE, TRASH PD. 2001 S 12TH & 1305 18th STR. 217-348-7746. WWW.CHARLESTONILAPTS.COM _________________________11/30 Fall 2013, very nice 2, 3, 6 bedroom houses, town houses, and apts. available. All excellent locations! 217-493-7559 or _________________________11/30 Fall 2013 4 bedroom house 2 blocks from campus. 2 full baths, W/D, dishwasher. Call or text (217)276-7003. __________________________12/3 Short term apartment lease available starting January 2013. Semester or longer. 815-600-3129 (leave message or text.) __________________________12/3 Beautiful 1 & 2 bedroom penthouse apts. available for next school year. Huge bedrooms, walk-in closets, central A/C, fitness center, sun-deck, too much to list! Non-smokers ONLY! 815-600-3129 (leave message or text) __________________________12/3 3 BR apartment available now. 2 BR house available 2013. Walking distance to campus and restaurants. Call 217-615-8787 __________________________12/4 4 bedroom, 2 bath, washer/dryer. 1210 Division. call 345-5555 ask for Pud. $1,000 per month/10 month lease. __________________________12/4 2,3,4,5 Bedroom Units available for Fall 2013 Great Places, Prices, and Locations all within 3 blocks to campus! 217-345-6100 __________________________12/7 7 bedroom, 2 bath home close to campus. No pets. 217-345-5037. _________________________12/10 3 bedroom homes $300/person, close to campus. Trash & yard service included. No pets. 217-345-5037. _________________________12/10 6 bedroom, 2 bath home close to campus. $250.00/person 217/345-5037. _________________________12/10 5 bedroom, 2 bath homes. No pets. 217/345-5037. _________________________12/10 $175 PER STUDENT FOR A 3 BEDROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR 2013-14 SCHOOL YEAR, 10 MONTH LEASE, NO PETS. CALL 345-3664. _________________________12/10 Available January 1st. 1 BR Apts. Water & Trash included. Off-Street Parking. $390/MO. or call 345-1266. _________________________12/10
For rent Fall 2013 1 & 2 bedroom apartments available east of campus. NO PETS! 217-345-5832 or _________________________12/10 FALL 2013 VERY NICE 4 BEDROOM HOUSE ON 12TH STREET CAMPUS SIDE. AWESOME LOCATION. LARGER BEDROOMS, A/C, WASHER/DRYER, DISHWASHER, LAWN SERVICE INCLUDED. (217) 549-9348. _________________________12/10 One and two bedroom apartments. Furnished or unfurnished. Close to EIU. All electric, AC. No pets. 345-7286 _________________________12/10 Fall 2013-Houses 3,4,5,6 bedrooms. $300-350 per person. Includes trash, parking, laundry, AC. No pets. 345-7286 _________________________12/10 AVAILABLE NOW: 1 BR QUIET LOCATION. 605 W GRANT. STOVE, FRIG, DISHWASHER, W/D, TRASH PD. 217-348-7746 WWW.CHARLESTONILAPTS.COM _________________________12/10 6 Bedroom 3 Bath 1618 11th St. 5 Bedroom 3 Bath 2160 11th St. 217-232-9595 _________________________12/10 NEW 2-BEDROOM APTS ON 9TH STREET ACROSS FROM BUZZARD available Aug 2013 Hurry before they're gone!! 217-348-8249 _________________________12/10 5 Bedroom House Available Fall 2013 at 1434 9th St. Great Location! Schedule your showing today! 345-5022 _________________________12/10 Fall 2013 need a group of 4 or 5 persons for 1837 11th St. Walking distance from Campus, 3 bath, Large kitchen, 2 Living rooms, 2 sets of W and D's, detached garage for storage/parties/ smokers. $300.00 each for 5 persons $375.00 for 4 persons. No pets. Call or text 217-728-7426. _________________________12/10 4 BR, 2 BA DUPLEX, STOVE, FRIG, MICROWAVE, DISHWASHER, W/D, TRASH PD. 1520 9th STR 217-348-7746. WWW.CHARLESTONILAPTS.COM _________________________12/10 NICE 2 BR APTS 2001 S 12th & 1305 18th STR, STOVE, FRIG, MICROWAVE, TRASH PD. 217-348-7746. WWW.CHARLESTONILAPTS.COM _________________________12/10 DELUXE 1 BR APTS 117 W POLK & 905 A STR, 1306 & 1308 ARTHUR AVE STOVE, FRIG, MICROWAVE, DISHWASHER, W/D. TRASH PD. 217-348-7746 WWW.CHARLESTONILAPTS.COM _________________________12/10 2 BR APTS 955 4th STR, STOVE, FRIG, MICROWAVE, DISHWASHER, GARAGE. WATER & TRASH PD. 217-348-7746. WWW.CHARLESTONILAPTS.COM _________________________12/10 Coon Rentals Renting now duplexes and houses. Call 348-7872. _________________________12/10 5 bedroom, 2 bath house - 4th Street! Parking, washer/dryer, water, trash, & LCD TV included. Available August 2013 - $200 per person call 217-369-1887 _________________________12/10
Where’s Nyan Cat going?
To check out, of course!~
Phone: 217 • 581 • 2812 Fax: 217 • 581 • 2923 Online:
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W E D N E S DAY, N O V E M B E R 28, 2012 N o. 66, V O LU M E 97
For rent
For rent
ONE OR TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS AVAILABLE NOW/ FALL 2013. GREAT LOCATION. CLOSE TO CAMPUS. REASONABLE. 217-549-5624. _________________________12/10 2 bedroom apartment for Spring 2013 semester! All inclusive! Call or text 217-273-2048 _________________________12/10 Available Spring semester 2013! 1 bedroom, all inclusive apartment! Close to campus, pet friendly! Call or text 217-273-2048 _________________________12/10 Large 2 Bedroom Apt. Close to Campus. All inclusive. Fully Furnished. Pet Friendly. Now Renting for 2013. Hurry and sign lease now and get half off first months rent! Call or text 217-273-2048. _________________________12/10 1 Bedroom Apt. Best Price in Town! Pet Friendly. All inclusive. Now renting for 2013. Hurry and sign lease now and get half off first months rent! Call or text 217-273-2048. _________________________12/10 Wood Rentals, Jim Wood, Realtor, over 20 years experience. 345-4489. _________________________12/10 NEW STUDIO AND 1 BEDROOM APTS.-Available August 2013. W/D, dishwasher, central heat A/C. 217-348-8249 _________________________12/10
For rent
Available August 2013-ONE BLOCK NORTH OF OLD MAIN ON 6th STREET. 1 and 3 bedroom apt. 217-348-8249 _________________________12/10 Now leasing for August 2013- 3 AND 6 BEDROOM HOUSES ONE BLOCK NORTH OF OLD MAIN ON 6th STREET. 217-348-8249. _________________________12/10 217-348-8249 _________________________12/10 LEASING NOW FOR FALL 2013! GREAT LOCATIONS, BEAUTIFULLY REMODELED APARTMENTS. 1,2,3,4 & 5 BEDROOMS AVAILABLE. DON'T MISS OUT! RESERVE YOUR APARTMENT TODAY! WWW.UNIQUE-PROPERTIES.NET. 345-5022 _________________________12/10 LARGE 3 BEDROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR 2013-14 SCHOOL YEAR JUST $175 PER STUDENT. CALL 345-3664. _________________________12/10
3 and 4 Bedroom units available - very nice, very clean! 1027 7th street - All appliances included! Fair price, close to campus! (217)962-0790 __________________________1/15 4 & 6 bedroom houses for rent! 2 blocks off campus on 7th street. Efficiency available, some utilities paid! 217-728-8709 ___________________________1/9 BRITTANY RIDGE TOWNHOUSES For 3-5 persons, unbeatable floor plan, 3 & 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 baths, deck, central air, washer, dryer, dishwasher. Free trash and parking, low utility bills, local responsive landlord. Starting @ $210/ person. Available Fall 2012, Lease length negotiable. 217-246-3038. ___________________________2/1
Advertise with the DEN! 581-2816
8pm Every Friday Clubhouse, University Villag (Behind Walmart) e Apts. Charleston, IL
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis
ACROSS 1 Blue toon 6 Stats at Anaheim’s “Big A” 10 Thyme rackmate 14 Garbage can insert 15 Vane point 16 Supermodel Heidi who inspired a 2009 Barbie doll 17 Wonderland wanderer 18 Arctic obstacle 19 Words before a conclusion 20 *Darth Vader, e.g. 23 Educ. support org. 24 Place to see long lines, briefly 25 Copier tray abbr. 28 *City near Sacramento 33 Luciano’s love 35 Common bill 36 Never, in Munich 37 Workplace in many crime shows 38 *Weekly newspaper with three Pulitzers 42 It’s ground in a Southern side dish 43 Desperate letters 44 __ Aviv 45 Calvin of couture 46 *Bottom-feeding fish 49 Weird 50 Developer of the one-named “Jeopardy!” contestant Watson 52 “You don’t say!” 53 Horror video game/film franchise, and a literal feature of the answers to the starred clues 59 Composer Bartók 62 Privy to 63 Pizzeria order 64 Folk singer associated with Dylan 65 As is proper 66 Chromosome components 67 Student’s surprise 68 This, in Havana 69 Bouquets
By Doug Peterson
DOWN 1 Sound of an angry exit 2 Actor O’Shea 3 Deg. issuer 4 Rachael Ray offering 5 Motel come-on 6 Mtge. paymentlowering option 7 Musket projectile 8 Lover of Tristan 9 Mirror obscurer 10 Shallot covering 11 TV E.T. 12 Mercury Seven astronaut Grissom 13 Mopey music genre 21 For naught 22 Joint tsar with Peter I 25 Nabokov nymphet 26 Actress Gold of “Growing Pains” 27 Rejects authority 28 “Orange, Red, Yellow” painter Mark 29 In phone limbo 30 Came off as 31 Hip-hop’s __ Kim 32 Car shopper’s option
Tuesday’s Puzzle Solved
(c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
34 1972 host to Nixon 37 Decorator’s study 39 Final article of the Constitution 40 Navel variety 41 URL ending for many agencies 46 It’s usually barely passing 47 “Time to split!” 48 Aroused the patrolman’s suspicion
51 Hit back? 53 Make fun of 54 Blockhead 55 Gaelic music star 56 Ristorante beverage 57 Éclair finisher 58 Reduced by 59 Jul. 4th party, often 60 __ Claire 61 Ring of blooms
W E D N E S DAY, N O V E M B E R 28, 2012
N o. 66, V O LU M E 97
D A I LY E A S T E R N N E W S . C O M
No. 1 The men’s basketball team gives up an average of 58.9 points per game, surrendering 412 total points in seven games this season. That ranks second best among Ohio Valley Conference teams. However, the Panthers’ scoring off ense averages just 57.1 points per game, scoring 12 points f ewer than their opponents through those same seven games. That places Easter n last in the OVC, as the only team to average f ewer than 60 points per game.
No. 2 Easter n’s women’s basketball team ranks in the bottom half of the OVC in both field goal percentage defense (10th) and three-point field goal percentage defense (12th), giving up 48.8 percent and 42.3 percent, respectively. Through their first five games, the Panthers suffer from a -11.4 scoring margin (8th), as their most recent loss came as a 105-42 thrashing by No. 25 Dayton. The Panthers also suffered a 30 point loss, 69-39, in their season opener at Indiana State on Nov. 9 in Terre Haute, Ind. The team is currently 3-4 on the season.
No. 4 No. 3 The men’s basketball team is shooting an OVC-worst 56.9 percent from the free throw line. The Panthers have sunk 62of-109 attempts from the charity stripe, as opposed to their opponents’ 104-of145 (71.7 percent). Without sophomore forward Josh Piper shooting 19-of-21 (90.5) on the year, Easter n would be making just 48.8 percent of its foul shots. Piper is shooting .484, tied with Sherman Blanford for best on the team.
Senior guard Ta’Kenya Nixon has been the main f acilitator for the women’s basketball team, as she ranks second in the OVC in both assists per game and assist-to-tur nover ratio. Nixon leads the Panthers with 5.4 assists per game through five contests. She is the only Panther inside the top 15 in the conf erence. Nixon also posts a 1.7 assist-to-tur nover ratio, with 27 assists to 16 tur novers. The senior from Michigan City, Ind., was a First Team OVC selection last season.
No. 5 Senior guard Austin Akers averages 35.3 minutes per game for the men’s basketball team, which is second most among all OVC players. He leads the Panthers in total minutes with 247, which is 31 total minutes and five minutes per game more than the next teammate. In those minutes, Akers has compiled a teambest 27 assists, averaging 3.9 assists per game, placing him seventh in the OVC.
Great locations still available! Visit or call Tom @ 708-772-3711 for more details or to schedule a showing
@DEN_Sports tweet of the day: #EIU men’s basketball will host Central Arkansas on Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Lantz Arena
S ports
Sports Editor Jordan Pottorff 217 • 581 • 2812
W E D N E S DAY, N O V E M B E R 28, 2012 N o. 6 6 , V O L U M E 9 7
All Access
Panthers finding groove
with Hailey Foss, women’s swimming
By Alex McNamee Staff Reporter
The Eastern women’s basketball team went 2-1 over the Thanksgiving break, fueled by a couple of high-scoring performances. Junior guard Jordyne Crunk played 25 minutes off the bench in a 21-point home win over San Jose State, for the team’s first win this season. Crunk scored a team-high 17 points on 5-of-8 shooting, including three three-pointers. Four of five starters in the game reached double figures in scoring, led by Mariah King who aided her 4-of13 shooting performance from the field by making 6-of-10 shots from the free throw line. Sophomore forward Sabina Oroszova was the only starter not to reach double figures, but she performed well by scoring nine points and grabbing seven rebounds. In the Panthers’ next game, a 16-point win over Buffalo, senior guard Ta’Kenya Nixon led the Panthers with 22 points, 10 rebounds and six assists in 28 minutes.
Senior Hailey Foss sits by Padovan Pool Tuesday. Floss holds the second fastest time in the 500-meter freestyle at Eastern and the fourth fastest time in the 1,000-meter freestyle, which she set this year.
Foss makes her mark at Eastern By Aldo Soto Staff Reporter
An athlete’s expectations are placed on you by coaches, teammates, fans, yourself and your family, but for Hailey Foss, those expectations are raised when they come from a former national swimming champion in three different events. Foss is no stranger to success, having earned several accolades throughout her high school career; which included being named team MVP all four years on her varsity swim team and was also a four-time-all-conference honoree. Foss said she began to swim at an early age. “I started swimming when I was seven and all because they sent out a flier at school about the local swim team in my area, the Beloit Aquatic
club,” Foss said. But since she began to swim, there has been one person who has influenced her the most, her mother. “I later found out my mom was a swimmer all her life, and a good one at that,” Foss said. “Once I found out my mom was a swimmer, it made me love the sport more. I have always looked up to my mom a lot and this is just one more thing I have in common with her.” Tracey Foss, Hailey’s mother, was preparing to compete at the Olympic Trials when she found out she was pregnant with Hailey. Foss said she owes everything to her mom. “I am very thankful she gave up so much to have me,” Foss said. Foss said the expectations placed on her by her mom are immense, but that she welcomes the pressure.
“I think she has high expectations for me, but it’s just because she knows what I am capable of and believes in me as a swimmer,” Foss said. “Sometimes I feel the pressure, but what athlete doesn’t have pressure to do well?” Foss said that although her mother was a great swimmer, who was ranked No.1 in Wisconsin and won nationals in three events as a member of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay swim team, she does not feel she lives under her mom’s shadow. The senior said she separates her career from her mom’s, as her mom swam in different events and only swam for one year in college, but takes her advice at every point in her life. Foss’ mother has always been by her side, through the good and the bad. Foss looked to her mother after a disappointing finish to her junior year
when she said she had a bad performance during the team’s conference meet. “Not swimming well at the end of the year is rough when all you can think about is all the hard work you have put in,” Foss said. This was much more disappointing to Foss after having a breakout season in her sophomore year that had her recording the second best time in the 500-Free in Eastern history. “I just missed the record by hundredths of a second but it was a great time for me,” Foss said. Aldo Soto can be reached at 581-2812 or
An extended version of this story is available at
Panthers to host Central Arkansas By Anthony Catezone Assistant Sports Editor
The Eastern men’s basketball team is eyeing to improve to .500 for the first time this season. Eastern will wrap up its current three-game home stretch, as it hosts Central Arkansas at 7 p.m. Wednesday in Lantz Arena. The Panthers enter the non-conference match with a 3-4 record, while the Bears come in at 1-3. The Panthers have won three of their last four games. The most recent was a 64-44 home win over Houston Baptist Saturday afternoon. Sophomore Josh Piper has been a
force at the forward position during that stretch, as he has scored in double-digits the last five games. Two career-highs by Piper have highlighted that span. Piper posted a career-high 28 points and seven rebounds to pick up the first win under the Spoonhour era, beating Texas-Pan American 6350 on Nov. 17. Piper is also the Panthers’ leading scorer averaging 13 points a game. His 5.3 rebounds put him at second on the team, while junior forward Sherman Blanford leads the team with 5.9 rebounds. Blanford is the team’s second leading
scorer with 10.6 points per game. Eastern possesses the second best scoring defense in the Ohio Valley Conference, as it gives up 58.9 points per game, as it is one of two teams to allow under 60 points. However, the Panthers’ scoring offense averages just 57.1 points per game, ranking last in the conference as they are the only team being held under 60 points per game in the OVC. For the Bears, they are on a twogame skid, losing to Sacramento State and Arkansas State, 71-68 and 73-72, respectively. Their third loss comes at the hands of Arizona State 79-64. Central Arkansas has four players
Mitchell coming on Senior forward Sydney Mitchell has come on in recent games, scoring nine and seven points, respectively, in her last two games out. Mitchell, who has started the season in an unfamiliar role — coming off the bench — is trying to get into game shape after nursing an injury most of the summer. Mitchell only scored three points in the first three games on 1-of-15 shooting, but emerged against Buffalo and scored seven points on 3-of-7 shooting. Against No. 25 Dayton, Mitchell scored nine points and grabbed six rebounds in 19 minutes of play. “This might have been Sydney’s best game,” Eastern head coach Lee Buchanan said. So far, it has been, but Mitchell is a ways away from the 11 points she averaged per game, last season. Dayton beats Eastern, moves up in polls The Dayton Flyers came into the game against Eastern on Sunday ranked No. 25 in the nation. After its convincing 63-point win, the Flyers have moved up to No. 23 in The Associated Press Top 25 poll and to No. 22 in the USA Today Top 25 poll. The Flyers are sixth in the nation in scoring, averaging 84.7 points per game, but have scored more points than almost any team — 508 in six games. The Flyers are 6-0 this season and play Wright State (2-2) next.
that average double-digit points per game. The duo of forwards Jarvis Garner and Jordan Harks lead that group with 15.3 and 14.5 points per game, respectively. Those two are also the team’s top rebounding men as they are neck-andneck again with 6.3 and six rebounds per game. After the three-game home stand is capped off, Eastern will travel to New York to take on Stony Brook at 1 p.m. Dec. 1.
Conference scoring leaders The usual pair, Tennessee-Martin’s Heather Butler and Jasmine Newsome, is first and third in the scoring ranks early this season. Butler leads the Ohio Valley Conference with 21.8 points per game, while Newsome scores 19.7 points per game. Eastern senior forward Mariah King is sixth in the conference, averaging 13.6 points per game. The Panthers’ next game is at 7 p.m. Thursday against Indiana-Purdue-Indianapolis in Lantz Arena.
Anthony Catezone can be reached at 581-2812 or
Alex McNamee can be reached at 581-2812 or