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The Daily Free Press

Year xliii. Volume lxxxiv. Issue XIX

NOT COOL, MOM Over-involved parents could lead to depression, page 3.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013 The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University





W. basketball beats UNH, expandin their streak, page 8.

Alternative Greek groups helps students branch out, page 5.


Today: Mostly sunny/High 36 Tonight: Partly cloudy/Low 21 Tomorrow: 36/27 Data Courtesy of weather.com

Pro-life student group protests abortion with silence Governor Patrick’s


Members of Boston University’s Right to Life hold a pro-life protest at Marsh Plaza Tuesday. By Margaret Waterman Daily Free Press Staff

Members of Boston University’s Right to Life student group gathered at Marsh Plaza Tuesday bearing signs in protest of abortion. The group’s intention was to honor lives lost to abortion since 1973’s U.S. Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade by participating in a day of silence, said Right to Life President Brad Agostinelli. “We want to stand for life and truth on

our campus,” Agostinelli, a College of Arts and Sciences senior, said. “Get the word out there, get people thinking ‘is abortion actually permissible?’ A lot of times people just write it off because they know it’s an inflammatory issue, but they don’t really think about it.” Ten demonstrators carried signs with statistics about abortion and pregnancy among college students and children. The protesters wore red duct tape over their mouths, emblazoned with the word “life.”

Agostinelli said the tape symbolized the lack of voice children have. “As much as we want to do what we think is best, they [children] don’t have the choice to choose life for themselves,” he said. “This is in solidarity with all the children who have been silenced due to, specifically, the legalization of abortion in the U.S.” Olivia Haywood, a CAS junior who passed teh demonstration, said it was interesting Right to Life chose to voice its opinion by being silent. She said she perceived the group’s choice of location as significant to its cause. “They did it because it is in front of the church, in front of Marsh Chapel and goes with the views of the church that abortion should not be used,” she said. “That’s important for this cause and it’s the only logical place for them to have this demonstration.” Haywood said the protesters likely are not representing the majority of opinion on campus with their pro-life message. “I assume because it’s a liberal college, a lot of students believe in abortion in certain circumstances,” she said. “Most people are in favor.” Maggie Swanson, a College of Engineering freshman who witnessed the protest, said she supports the group members in their efforts to speak their minds, as it is

Eight people were charged Feb. 13 for allegedly defrauding MassHealth, the state Medicaid program for Massachusetts, of $260,000 by falsely billing for services not provided to them, officials said. “MassHealth is a critical program that provides health insurance for some of our most vulnerable residents,” said Mass. Attorney Gen. Martha Coakley in a press release. “The brazenness of the fraud committed in these cases is particularly troubling. The defendants allegedly stole more than $260,000 from taxpayers, diverting resources from those who truly need it.” The accused people include five former personal care attendants and three surrogates, including Amarilis Pirela, Marcy Keegan Grenache, Daniel Keegan, James Lynch, Holly-Beth Riopel, Abel Vega and Alan and Jacqueline Morrissette, accord-

ing to the release. Individuals are being charged for billing MassHealth for fraud schemes. In various instances the accused allegedly provided timesheets for someone who was incarcerated, someone who was out of the state and traveling extensively and charging for services for a person who was dead, according to the release. Alec Loftus, communications director to the secretary of Health and Human Services, said PCAs are providers for someone in need of simple health care services, and the individual is able to choose a person to provide these services. If the individual is unable to pick their PCA, he or she may designate a surrogate to act on their behalf. Loftus said the PCAs and surrogates are the ones who could commit fraud to the MassHealth program. “MassHealth regularly looks for irregularities in its systems, and when

By Zoe Roos Daily Free Press Staff

MassHealth noticed these irregularities, we immediately referred them for investigation,” he said. “These programs are critical for helping those with disabilities and chronic illnesses who live independently in their communities. It’s sad when people try to take advantage of these people.” Christopher Thompson, press secretary to the State Auditor, said the people accused were indicted in court last week and the court process is individual for each case. In order to discover fraud in the state’s Medicaid system, MassHealth checks irregularities and generates reports, which then are referred to the Bureau of Special Investigations, Thompson said. The Bureau’s auditors then refer the reports to the AG’s office for investigation if warranted. “In a case like this, a report would be sent to the State Auditor either from

Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick spoke to state legislators Feb. 13, asking them to support his reformed tax plan which would generate an additional $1.9 billion annually for the Commonwealth. The plan was met with mixed responses. Patrick addressed a crowd outside the State House and asked them to consider the financial future of the Commonwealth. “We must — each of us — sacrifice a little today so that we may all share in a better and stronger tomorrow,” he said. Glen Shor, secretary of the Executive Office for Administration and Finance, who works to manage Massachusetts’s finances and worked closely on preparations for the budget recommendation, said the increased taxes would not be put into place immediately. “The tax will take effect midway through fiscal 2014,” he said. “So the full $1.9 billion on an annual basis will not occur until fiscal 2015.” Shor said higher earning income groups would carry the majority of the financial burden of the new tax plan. “Households that make $60,000 or less, which is about half of all Massachusetts residents, will pay about the same or less,” he said. “Households that make $200,000 or more will experience an increase.” The revenue from the tax increase would go toward improving various state infrastructures, including transportation and education, Shor said. “The revenue would help to modernize and strategically expand the underserved parts of the transportation system,” he said. “The revenue would also go toward investing in early education and public college as well as investing in programs to make college more affordable.” Patrick said in a statement Wednesday some of the revenue would aid the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, which is suffering from a $140 million budget gap that must be corrected by April 15. “I have proposed one series of ideas,” he said. “And I am open to others, but what I am not open to is doing less that what’s

Medicaid, see page 2

Taxes, see page 2

Protest, see page 2

8 charged for defrauding Massachusetts Medicaid program By Sarah Oppenheimer Daily Free Press Contributor

proposed tax hikes polarize politicians

College Scorecard to increase availability of higher ed. info., rates BU’s cost ‘high’ By Holly Bieler Daily Free Press Contributor

Boston University students and faculty said they find the College Scorecard, a new U.S. Department of Education online tool with information on higher education costs, to be helpful for prospective and current college students. The White House and Department of Education unveiled the College Scorecard following U.S. President Barack Obama’s State of the Union promise for an easier means by which to gauge the value of a university degree, according to a Thursday press release. “Students have a right to know about cost,” said Margaret Miller, president emerita of the American Association for Higher Education. “The piece that’s always missing from these things though is the most important piece, which is what kind of learning occurs.” The database allows users to search for a college’s annual tuition, graduation rate and loan information. “The whole idea of the college scorecard is to provide information so consumers can make

the best decision for their circumstances and preferences,” said Jane Glickman, a spokeswoman for the Department of Education, in an email. The average net price for undergraduate students at BU is $29,899 per year, according to the College Scorecard. This cost is rated as ‘high’ on the Scorecard’s scale. However, average net price for BU decreased 1.7 percent from 2007 to 2009. BU students borrow an average of $264.68 a month to pay for tuition, according to the report, which was also rated ‘high.’ The database also shows 84.7 percent of BU students graduate with a bachelor’s degree within six years, which is rated as a ‘high’ graduation rate. BU graduates defaulted on student loans at a rate of 1.5 percent after three years, compared to the national average of 13.4 percent. BU averaged lower than Northeastern University in all four categories, according to the

Scorecard, see page 2



The College Scorecard, an interactive tool to gather and compare information on colleges, debuted Wednesday.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mass. GOP spokesman: Mass. needs ‘reform before revenue’ Taxes: From Page 1

necessary to assure ourselves a 21st century transportation network and schools that reach every child.” MBTA General Manger Beverly Scott said in a statement that she supported Patrick’s reform package as opposed to returning to old debt reduction plans. “We will not shrink from reform,” she said. Tim Buckley, communications director for the Massachusetts

Republican party, said taxes are high enough now, and the party was displeased with the proposed tax reform package. “Massachusetts residents carry the fourth highest tax burden in the country,” he said. “Now you are going to saddle them with a stagnate economy, medium income is still dropping and we will have to carry the largest tax in the history of the state. It is irresponsible and reckless policy making.” Buckley said there are other

ways to fix the transportation and education systems beyond instituting a tax hike. “We need an incremental approach,” he said. “Reform before revenue. We can do better with the money we already have, be more efficient with our current revenue. We don’t need to go back to the tax payers asking for more.” Despite the Republican objections, other Massachusetts legislators said they are pleased with Patrick’s plan. Alison Mills, spokeswoman

for U.S. Rep. Mike Capuano, said the congressman fully supports the governor and his proposed reforms. “Rep. Capuano appreciates that the Governor has put these issues on the table for discussion,” she said. “His tax reform plan deserves a thorough and thoughtful debate.” The reception of the proposed tax plan has so far been positive, Shor said. “The reaction by the legislators was to digest the details and

take it back to their constituents, as opposed to dismissing it immediately,” he said. “Which is a good start to the tax conversation.” Shor said he acknowledges that tax reform is always a difficult and polarized debate. “It’s difficult,” he said. “But we need to have an honest conversation about the type of future the Commonwealth wants to invest in.”

ENG freshman: Silence better than ‘disruptive’ protest Prof.: Scorecard could move sway people, but it’s still a way Molly Savard in an email. “I’m to show people out there who be- pro-life in that I don’t believe lawmakers against tuition costs better to peacefully organize than lieve in what you do.” in killing people and nonhuman Protest: From Page 1

to protest in a disruptive way. “I’m all for having the right to believe and do whatever you want, so it’s not like it bothers me,” she said. “They’re all quiet, it’s not disruptive ... It’s sticking up for what they believe in.” Swanson said while she does not think demonstrations are always successful, protests can bring people together based on shared beliefs and opinions. “I’m not entirely sure what the BU community thinks, but there are people out there who believe in it [abortion] and there are people out there who don’t,” she said. “I don’t necessarily know how well protests convince people or

Katy Tooley, a CAS junior and bystander, said while she does not agree with the group’s opinion, Right to Life has a right to demonstrate and protest for what they believe in. “It’s a good message with the tape and everything,” she said. “I like how they’re not up in everyone’s face. I think it’s the most respectful a protest can be.” However, some students were displeased with the group’s message. “I think it’s unfortunate that anti-choice advocates have adopted the pro-life label,” said College of Communication senior

animals, but I believe people who have the capacity to give birth have the right to choose whether and when they want to do that.” Savard said she believes Right to Life must consider a diversity of opinions. “One specific problem I have with the BU [Right to Life] group is their executive board is comprised of 3/4 men,” Savard said. “I will respect their opinions on pregnancy and abortion when they have the capacity to be faced with the seemingly impossible choices of a pregnant person who does not wish to carry the pregnancy to term.”

LAW prof.: Insurance fraud schemes ‘not unusual’ Medicaid: From Page 1

MassHealth, the administrative service that is providing the care or tips from other services that are helping the individual,” Thompson said. Loftus said Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick intends to give MassHealth’s program an additional $1.5 million in his budget to help prevent fraud abuse in an automated predictive modeling program. The program does checks to try to identify fraud and further strengthen MassHealth’s integrity program, Loftus said.

Kevin Outterson, professor at the Boston University School of Law, said schemes such as these are common nationwide. “These particular cases are not unusual in the slightest,” he said. “They happen every day across the nation.” He said medical programs like MassHealth depend on computer systems too much for healthcare payments. “Unfortunately, most medical systems operate on a payand-chase system — pay the bill and chase them if it is wrong or fraudulent,” Outterson said.

“These schemes are common nationwide and Medicare, Medicaid and private insurers rely on computer systems to try to identify the criminals.” Thompson said the discovery of the individuals who defrauded the MassHealth program shows the healthcare system is working. “What’s important is that our investigations ensure that a social safety net is in place for those who really need it,” Thompson said. “And that the public is aware that the government is looking to weed out fraud to provide help to those that truly need it.”

The Daily Free Press Crossword By Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation ACROSS 1. Unkempt people 6. Prostitute or madam 10. Mother 14. Lake on the Nevada-California border 15. Teller of untruths 16. Death notice 17. Protective covering 18. Latin for “Bear” 19. City in Nevada 20. Art of making woven containers 22. Noted US photographer Edward ______ (1886-1958) 24. One who looks down on people 25. Refinement 26. Sewn with temporary long stitches 29. Tilt 30. Medley 31. Painstakingly 37. Beatle Ringo _____ 39. French for “Word” 40. Pink-flowered 41. Alternative medicinal system 44. Armored infantry vehicle 45. Cups 46. Warns 48. Club-shaped

52. Baby bed 53. Slacken 54. Suggests a meaning 58. Declare 59. Greek god of love 61. Spiny yellow-flowered evergreen shrub 62. Eastern European people 63. Declaim vehemently 64. Russian edict 65. Collections 66. Perceives 67. Colorado ski resort DOWN 1. Pierce 2. A nymph in Roman mythology 3. Units of electrical resistance 4. “Novel shop” 5. Peaceful 6. Short promotional notice 7. Breezy 8. Past tense of “To be” 9. Sketch 10. Telegraph code 11. Assists 12. Son of Zeus and Europa (Greek mythology) 13. Make amends 21. “Different Strokes” actor ____ Bridges 23. Go in 25. Belief

to shine a light on higher education costs and allow politicians to take public stands against these costs,” he said in an email. “It is far from clear exactly how this would translate into concrete steps to coerce colleges into lowering higher education costs.” Fiona Donovan, a School of Management senior, said she already has access to the starting salaries of recent graduates of her college, a resource she finds helpful. “It’s good to know when you’re really nervous about finding a job,” she said. “It makes you less scared of your prospects.” Allison Zaitchik, a School of Social Work first-year graduate student, said easy access to information concerning tuition and loan default rates is an important tool in a world increasingly burdened by student loans. “The whole system is screwed up [with] how expensive higher education is,” she said. “It can really set people back. The job market is getting worse and people are reconsidering if [high tuition rates] are worth it.” Chelsea Bassler, a College of Arts and Sciences senior, said even the base information offered by the Scorecard could be helpful in the process of navigating the difficult choice of which college to attend. “In general, [the Scorecard] could be very helpful,” she said. “Ultimately it could help people plan for their future.”

Scorecard: From Page 1

College Scorecard. Boston College’s average net price and borrowing are lower than BU’s, but its average loan default rate and graduation rate are higher. Glickman said the Scorecard is a great tool to give students and families sufficient information to make educated decisions about higher education. Miller, who is also editor-in-chief at Change Magazine, said Obama’s College Navigator, a predecessor to the Scorecard, comprised much of the same information and that the older database lacked information from the National Survey of Student Engagement, as does the current installment of the Scorecard. She said including the survey, which tracks students’ college experiences often correlated to learning, could make the Scorecard more comprehensive. There is concern the salaries of recent graduates are not necessarily emblematic of long-term earning potential. “The problem with liberal arts schools is that a lot of these people go into professional schools,” she said. “I don’t know how this website is going to handle that question.” BU political science professor Doug Kriner said while the long-term implications of the Scorecard are not yet known, it could potentially cause lawmakers to address rising tuition. “The Scorecard has the potential

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Sudoku 4


5 9

3 1 8

4 2


9 8

6 9 26. Nonsense 27. Male singing range 28. Thailand 29. Coagulated masses 32. Likeness 33. Portable computers 34. Emperor 35. Period of penitence 36. Long-haired Tibetan oxen 38. Pertaining to Rome

42. Moves about aimlessly 43. Wool 47. Pertaining to the tongue 48. Insensitive 49. Embankment 50. Heightened state of awareness 51. “Action words” 52. Expenses

54. Fruit of the pine family 55. Snare 56. Being 57. Observed 60. Actress Charlotte ___ Solution is on Page 4

3 1


4 7

2 9 1 2 5


Difficulty: Medium

Solution is on Page 4

Campus & City Campus Crime Logs Stop, Drop & Troll

Hyper-parenting causes depression, study suggests Brown, Menino of the Journal of Child and Family dedicate opening studies. “Our data suggest that an inappropriate level of parental behavioral of fitness center

By Robin Ngai Daily Free Press Staff

The following reports were taken from the Boston University Police Department crime logs from Feb. 13 to Feb. 19. An unknown suspect discharged a fire extinguisher at 90 St. Mary’s Street at 12 a.m. Thursday morning, activating the fire alarm inside the affected building. The Boston Fire Department arrived on the scene and cleared the building shortly thereafter. Soundproof, but not theft-proof A student reported to police at 5 p.m. Thursday that his iPhone had been stolen. He told police he left his iPhone in a practice room located in the basement of 855 Commonwealth Ave. Upon returning about an hour later, the student found his phone had been stolen. We gon’ find you Friday at 8:45 p.m., an unknown suspect stole a coat and a set of keys from a locker in the Fitness and Recreation Center at 915 Comm. Ave. BUPD officers believe they will soon be able to identify the perpetrator using information and footage from a surveillance camera located near the locker. My RA is dope, dude A Warren Towers resident assistant found marijuana in a student’s dormitory room Friday at 11 p.m. It was handed over to BUPD. The student will be cited for possession of marijuana. Home beat home At 12 a.m. Saturday, a female student reported that a family member assaulted her over the weekend upon the student’s arrival at her home. When she returned to campus, she reported the incident to BUPD. BUPD officials took a report and urged her to call the Lexington Police Department. Party crashers BUPD responded to a noise complaint Saturday at 11:30 p.m. and discovered the source of the noise was an apartment party at 722 Comm. Ave. All students in the apartment were underage and will be charged with being minors in possession of alcohol upon being summonsed to Brighton District Court. C’mon, steal the coat, pledge! A student reported her coat was stolen at 12 a.m. Sunday morning to police. She had left her coat unattended at 97 Bay State Road while at a fraternity party Saturday. The student’s wallet was stolen from her coat at some point during the night.

Wednesday , February 20, 2013


College-aged students with “hover parents” are more likely to be depressed, a recent study suggests. By Kristen Gloss Daily Free Press Contributor

Over-controlling parents may cause depression and other negative psychological effects in college students, according to a recent study. Boston University faculty said this trend of “hovering parents” and its repercussions could be tied to the cost of college. “On a societal level, it could be partly the rising costs of college education,” said Julian Go, a BU sociol-

ogy professor. “Parents are rightfully thinking of education as an investment. It pushes parents to be more concerned, or intrusive, in their investment.” Researchers studied about 300 college students between the ages of 18 and 23 at a public liberal arts college and found those with overactive parents reported significantly greater depression and a lesser sense of fulfillment, according to a study released in the February 2013 issue

control is associated with negative child outcomes,” the study stated. “Specifically, we found that helicopter parenting behaviors were related to higher levels of depression and decreased satisfaction with life.” Hovering parenting is defined as a highly involved, intensive and hands-on method of parenting, according to the study. Parents’ over-involvement affects students when children feel their autonomy and competence have been compromised, according to the study. Students surveyed who felt they have a lack of control were more likely to feel symptoms of depression. Prescription drug use among college-age students can also be linked to hovering parents, the study found. Go said the negativity surrounding hovering parents is an American phenomenon. “In certain other cultures it wouldn’t be seen as a problem,” he said.

Parents, see page 4

UMass gears up for ambitious year of fundraising By Zoe Roos Daily Free Press Staff

As federal and state funding for the University of Massachusetts system is uncertain pending future budget cuts, the UMass system has started to enhance its fundraising capabilities, striving for $103 million within the 2013 fiscal year, according to UMass officials. UMass President Robert L. Caret said the UMass system depends heavily upon Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick’s budget reform plans in order to maintain funding. “It [the proposed budget] is a fair and equitable approach and is the key to providing our citizens with a higher education option that melds quality with affordability,” he said in a statement Friday. “We need this to keep UMass affordable for Massachusetts citizens.” About 75 percent of UMass research and development spending comes from federal grants, according to a UMass press release Friday. The UMass system stands to lose $32 million if congress goes forward with the sequestration budget cuts, according to UMass officials.

At a trustees meeting held Feb. 13, Norman Peters, chairman of the advancement committee, said the financial future of UMass looked bleak. “We’re being cut in all directions,” he said. “The state, we’re down to 41 percent of our total budget state reimbursement, so we’re looking for alternative sources of money. Fundraising is a great resource.” Within the first half of the 2013 fiscal year, the UMass system has already managed to generate 58 percent of their goal funding, according to UMass officials. UMass announced that Lowell has raised $11.3 million and Dartmouth has raised $1.4 million so far. Ann Scales, director of communications at UMass, confirmed that all projected revenue is accurate and is expected to grow. While the UMass system is in the middle of a massive fundraising expedition, UMass students said they are mostly in the dark about the efforts. Sean Fidler, a sophomore at UMass Amherst, said he was surprised to hear about the fundraising. “I was personally not aware of

any fundraising,” he said. “Normally they send emails about these things and I haven’t even gotten an email about it.” Nathan Feshback-Meriney, a sophomore at UMass Amherst, said he was also unaware of the fundraising, but said he was pleased to hear the school was trying to generate more revenue. “I really haven’t heard much about it,” he said. “I know prices are rumored to be going up so more funding wouldn’t hurt.” Feshback-Meriney said Amherst could benefit from greater funds. “They are working on new dorms for about 800 people,” he said. “We also have plenty of buildings that need to be renovated or just completely redone, so the money would really help.” Amy Wood, a junior at UMass Boston, said she hadn’t heard about the fundraising efforts, but speculated that, if fundraising goals were met, tuition might decrease. “I hadn’t heard about it at all but I don’t spend that much time on campus,” she said. “If the fundraising lowers tuition then that would be pretty great.”

By Rachel Riley Daily Free Press Staff

Officials for the City of Boston and Boston University dedicated the opening of a new fitness center, designed to create healthy opportunities especially for young people, at the Boston Center for Youth and Families in Blackstone Tuesday. Boston Mayor Thomas Menino and BU President Robert Brown spoke at the grand opening of the BU Fitness and Wellness Center at BCYF, a center BU created in collaboration with the city of Boston to provide access to physical training, nutrition counseling and wellness programming to families in the South End. “This partnership speaks volumes for our approach to creating a healthier city,” Menino said during the ceremony. “It’s all about engaging young people and families in the community close to home for the resources they need to get active and stay healthy.” Menino said the new center supports his Boston Moves for Health initiative, a program intended to make healthy living resources more accessible to Bostonians. “I’m hopeful that this unique program will be the starting example for other organizations to partner with us to promote health and wellness for children and families throughout our city,” he said. “Fighting obesity and making Boston the healthiest city in the country is a team effort.” Boston Public Health Commission, BCYF and BU have worked together to designate more than $1.5 million over the next five years to combat obesity, Menino said. The center is run by multiple departments of BU, including the Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Department, Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, the School of Medicine, the School of Social Work and the School of Public Health, according to a Tuesday BU press release. “The center brings together

Fitness, see page 4

Boston real estate sales stay strong amid economic depression By Lee Altman Daily Free Press Contributor

Boston real estate agencies are feeling the increase in demand for condominium sales and recognize that for many people, the best time to buy is now, agents said. “Newly renovated suites in the South End, Back Bay and Beacon Hill are very attractive to buyers,” said Eden Edwards, real estate agent at Metropolitan Boston Real Estate. “The opportunity to purchase is greater because it is an investment.” Frank Carroll, principal of BostonRealtyNet.com Inc., said condominium sales are increasing and many people are willing to pay cash. “Condo sales in the Boston area have been increasing now for the last year,” he said. “The market is very busy with many international buyers paying cash for Boston condos in addition to

Americans.” Carroll said the demand of condominiums in the area has led to a decrease in inventory to sell to buyers. “There is a very much reduced inventory of available properties for sale, which is leading to bidding wars and condos selling for over the asking price,” he said. Despite the worst economy in years, condominiums and apartments continue to be a driving economic force that contributes to the economic recovery of the nation, according to a survey released Feb. 12. “By bringing apartment homes — and the residents who live there — into local communities, the apartment industry is building the economies of small towns and large cities across the country,” according to The Trillion Dollar Apartment Industry report. As a result of the large increase in apartment construction,

more than 3,600 jobs were created in the greater Boston area to meet the demand of new apartments and build new units in the upcoming months to deal with the shortage in apartment supply, according to the report. “The Boston metro area is experiencing its strongest job growth in three years,” the report stated. “This economic growth is fueling apartment demand in the urban core, as well as outlying areas, as people seek more affordable housing options. Construction activity is ramping up considerably to meet demand.” Michael Albano, president of Metropolitan Boston Real Estate, said the current housing bubble has not extended to low-income areas such as Chelsea and Lynn, which have faced many foreclosures and short sales in the past year.

Construction, see page 4


Apartment construction in the Greater Boston area is on the rise.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

More than 33 percent of public school students overweight, BPHC Pres. says Fitness: From Page 3

a unique set of resources from Boston University including the expertise of our fitness and wellness programs at the university and our leading schools of health sciences,” Brown said during the ceremony. Brown said the new fitness center’s location broadens BU’s outreach in the Boston community. “It’s a first for us in terms of

expanding from the footprint we have on Boston University’s campus for fitness and recreation,” he said. “It’s an example of what others can do as outreach from their campuses to put these kinds of programs into the city.” Executive Director of BPHC Barbara Ferrer said more than 33 percent of children in Boston public schools are obese or overweight, and the fitness center will

be a step toward remedying such health concerns. “It’s very, very rare that we would actually have so much investment from one of our universities in partnership with a city department — to not just help us with the capital improvements, but really to commit to long-term programming,” she said during the ceremony. Sari Kalin, director of obesity

prevention and wellness programs at the South End Community Health Center, said she hopes the new equipment and programming will attract community members. “We’re thrilled with the investment that BU has made to build these facilities and give people a state-of-the-art place to work out,” she said. FitWell at BCYF Assistant Manager Lindsey Wallis said she

hopes the center will make physical activity and other health resources affordable and accessible to South End residents. “[FitWell] is a unique partnership between BU and BYCF to combat teenage obesity,” she said. “The way we’re going to do that is to start early with teenagers to develop the habit of physical activity so it will continue throughout their lifespan.”

MBRE Pres.: Housing bubble CAS soph.: Facebook allows parents to ‘watch’ not spread to low-income areas children, students remotely, be more involved Construction: From Page 3

“This increase in general condo sales seems a little suspect, a little artificial,” he said. “It is true that pockets of the market tare hot, such as Davis Square, Brookline and Cambridge. This seems to be a bubble though, and that bubble hasn’t rippled out to lower areas yet.” Albano said neighborhoods like the South End were not hit considerably hard during the economic downturn, so the recent

popularity and increase in condominium prices should not be that surprising. “I don’t know how the bubble will be affected,” he said. “There hasn’t been a total recovery yet. The market needs a year or two before we can see where we are.” Carroll said there should be more development in the future. “There is much development being planned, so time will tell as far as how the market fairs,” he said. “Right now, it [the apartment market] is very strong.”

said. “Our generation has getting into college as a big priority. For stable families, their goal is to make sure their kids get into college, get a degree and get a job. For families with parents working multiple jobs, they don’t have time.” College of Arts and Sciences sophomore Chrissie Sugg said technological advances contribute to the omnipresence of parents. “With Facebook, it’s like all of our parents can watch us,” she said. “Facebook is an easy way to know what we’re doing.” Sugg said she is thankful her parents no longer hover over her like

Parents: From Page 3

Go also said while parents’ level of concern might not have increased in recent years, connectivity with their children has, making it easier for parents to hover. “It could be partly technologically driven if it [hovering parenting] is more prevalent than before,” he said. “It’s easier to contact kids.” Jeremy Bernier, a School of Education sophomore, said while some students have overactive parents, others are not significantly influenced by their parents. “It’s very polarized,” Bernier

they did when she was in middle school. “My parents are very good at letting me fly the coop,” she said. Jennifer Kim, a Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences senior, said while many parents hover over their children in an effort to quell rebellion, their attempts often do not work. “Parents are more destructive in parenting now — there are not many stable parents,” Kim said. “There should be a comprehensive parenting strategy for future generations. Parents should be more inviting of opinions.”

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Rising numbers in Greek organizations:

specialty groups serve as an outlet for BU students Zarah Kavarana Features Staff


he specialty Greek organizations on Boston University’s campus have seen a rise in interest from the BU community and therefore, higher recruitment numbers, student officials said. Katharine Volpe, a School of Hospitality Administration senior, is the president of Omega Phi Alpha, a community service sorority with goals of making a difference on campus and in the community. “We do at least two to three service projects a week, and each girl is required to do at least 20 hours of community service a week — which really isn’t that hard,” Volpe said. “We do a lot of sisterhood activities, combining with other organizations on campus.” With the increased interest, recruitment has become more competitive and Volpe said it is important for prospective sisters to make an impression. “Since we’re a community service sorority, they have to show a great interest in doing community service — like doing a lot of community service in the past — and other than that we choose the girls who we see ourselves getting along with,” she said. While Omega Phi Alpha attracts members who want to do community service, Delta Sigma Pi, a co-ed business fraternity exclusive to business, economics and hospitality majors, focuses on networking. Taylor Reustle, Delta Sigma Pi president and a School of Management junior, said despite the small size of BU’s chapter, Delta Sigma Pi has seen a constant, steady increase in members. “We noticed this semester that there’s a larger retention rate coming from info sessions to actual recruitment events,” she said. “So we’ve seen more people come out to info sessions, but more people are actually staying and attending all our recruitment events, and then applying and coming out for interviews.” Despite the rise in students rushing, the size of the chapter has remained relatively constant, Reustle said. “We have a pretty small intimate chapter of around 70 members, and we do recruit every semester and let in around 15 to 20 recruits to go through our pledging process,” said Reustle. “But it has always remained pretty constant through the years.” Why choose specialty Greek Life “Coming in as a freshman, I wasn’t sure what to get involved with, so going through the recruitment events, I met a lot of great people and decided that it was an association that I wanted to be a part of,” Reustle said. “But most people join to further their understanding of a professional lifestyle, to make a closer-knit community within the School of Management and to further their networking abilities.” Volpe, one of the co-founders of Omega Phi Alpha, said she created the group as a way to participate in an alternative type of Greek life.


Omega Phi Alpha volunteers at Community Servings, a non-profit food and production service for people in Massachusettes with critical chronic illnesses.

“One of the reasons why we started Omega Phi Alpha was because … we wanted to make more of a change on campus and in our community,” she said. This drive to make a difference is what inspired Volpe to create her own organization, which is how Omega Phi Alpha started, she said. “We had the idea of maybe starting a service-oriented sorority just because service played a big role in our lives from the time we were little, so we investigated a little more,” Volpe said. “Other people join because you get a really great sense of community. All of the other organizations help one another. It’s just a really good environment to be in.” Members’ takes Members of both organizations said that they initially wanted to get involved on campus and specialty Greek life gave them that opportunity. Randi Fuchs, a College of Communications sophomore and an Omega Phi Alpha member, said she was initially skeptical about joining a Greek organization. “When I first came to BU I was really on the fence about joining a sorority, I didn’t really want to give into the whole label of being a sorority girl,” she said. However, Fuchs said Omega Phi Alpha stood out from the other social organizations, encouraging her to join. “I decided to pursue being in Omega

Phi Alpha, which was more low key and more down to earth,” Fuchs said. “It was more so of a balance of what I wanted. I did it originally just to be a part of something because BU is very big. I also wanted to keep my schedule busy with things to do, including community service.” Kira Gallagher, an SMG sophomore and a member of Delta Sigma Pi, said she was looking for a different type of sorority. “I wanted to get more involved on campus, and I wasn’t really interested in joining a social sorority,” Gallagher said. “Everyone seemed really awesome. I liked their goals and I liked how they all wanted the same thing out of it, so I decided to pledge.” In addition to being a source for activities, members said Greek life also offered a good way to make connections with other BU students and make friends. “In general, though, I think that people are looking for a way to connect with likeminded students,” Gallagher said. “I know a lot of people — especially in a sorority — like a lot of the same things.” Fuchs said Omega Phi Alpha offers members the opportunity to be a part of something bigger. “It has to do a lot with the feeling of being a part of something,” she said. “I’ve been with the sorority for a year. I feel like I’ve met a lot of girls and it’s helped me expand my network of people and helped me get involved on campus, so I’ve really

enjoyed it. Gallagher said the unique nature of Delta Sigma Pi within the Greek system is what makes it special. “I love it,” she said. “It’s definitely different from a social sorority or fraternity. It’s girls and guys, so it’s a different environment, but it’s great. It’s very career oriented, so we have social events where it’s us just hanging out.” Gallagher said that there are social aspects as well as professional events in Delta Sigma Pi. “We go ice skating, or we go to a sporting event that another brother is in,” she said. “But then there’s also presentations that give you a leg up in the business field. It’s gotten me more involved in SMG, which is something I wanted. It’s gotten me connected with a lot of people who like the same things, and I’ve made a lot of great friends.” With the increased interest in Greek life, Reustle said there are great opportunities ahead for her own group, as well as for others in the BU Greek community. “We can only grow stronger from here,” she said. “We would love to have closer affiliations with other Greek life, both social, community service and professional on campus. I see it as a network of students who really are striving to collaborate with one another, not just for the betterment of themselves, but also for their peers and the university itself.”

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February 20, 2013

The Daily Free Press

My Tubby Valentine

The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University 43rd year F Volume 85 F Issue 19

Emily Overholt, Editor-in-Chief T. G. Lay, Managing Editor Melissa Adan, Online Editor

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Cheryl Seah, Advertising Manager Clinton Nguyen, Layout Editor Shakti Rovner, Office Manager The Daily Free Press (ISSN 1094-7337) is published Monday through Thursday during the academic year except during vacation and exam periods by Back Bay Publishing Co.,Inc., a nonprofit corporation operated by Boston University students. No content can be reproduced without the permission of Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. Copyright © 2010 Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.

Too many teachers, not enough jobs

The United States is educating and training twice as many K-5 elementary school teachers as is actually needed by the country each year, USA Today reported Tuesday. Meanwhile, teacher shortages remain in the content-specific areas of math, science and special education. Kate Walsh, president of the National Council on Teacher Quality, said colleges and universities are not making the necessary effort to match supply and demand, according to USA Today. Budget cuts — of which there are many recently — hiring hiatuses and postponed retirements are also contributing to the problem. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, there were about 1,708,057 elementary school teacher positions available in 2010, as compared to 1,774,295 in 2009, and that number is subject to continued decrease. The future of elementary teacher job outlook may not be quite as bleak, though. A 2012 Bureau of Labor Statistics report estimated a 17-percent increase in teacher employment from 2010 to 2020, pointing to higher enrollment and a continued decline in student-teacher ratios, according to USA Today. The issue that was not mentioned in the report was the reason for the current surplus, nor did it discuss why

there continues to be a shortage in teachers who specialize in math, science and special education. The report should serve as an indication for colleges and universities that it’s time to reassess the way in which prospective teachers are educated, i.e. if they should aim to specialize in certain subjects, or pre-determine where need exists in the teacher employment market and study accordingly. Graduating students of elementary education need to be qualified to teach a number of subjects and need to be flexible to school needs. In addition, colleges and universities need to examine why there is such a surplus. It’s possible that they are admitting too many students, some of whom apply for passion for teaching, others for benefits like long vacations, stable hours, pensions and funded education costs. Perhaps universities, which in the past have granted elementary education students enormous benefits for entering a field in need of driven and qualified individuals, need to cap their benefit system, thereby encouraging those not serious about the job to go elsewhere. Otherwise, school systems both public and private will need to find a way to accommodate large numbers of teachers.

Obama seeking to boost study of brain

The Obama administration is preparing a decade-long scientific project to examine the inner workings of the human brain and to build a comprehensive map of its activity, according to The New York Times. The aim is to advance the knowledge of the brain’s billions of neurons and gain greater insights into perception, actions and, finally, consciousness. The administration claims that such research will potentially serve as a step towards developing the technology needed for understanding and conquering diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, in addition to finding new ways to treat a variety of mental illnesses, according to the Times. However, the project could cost billions of federal dollars. The Times said it will be included in Obama’s budget proposal next month, though it is not clear how much federal money will be proposed or approved for the project. Without significant funding, however, especially in a time of national fiscal constraints, it is unlikely the research will go very far, no matter how intriguing understanding the workings of the human brain and consciousness may be. Obama has testified to how valuable such research is for reasons both scientific and economic: For every dollar America spent on the


Human Genome Project, for example, he says $140 went back in the U.S. economy, according to the Times. But Obama must still be careful when funneling federal money into a massive scientific agenda, and he must take pains to make sure federal funds are directed where they are needed elsewhere, as well. But on the whole, advancing the country’s scientific knowledge and progress should certainly hold a place on the Obama administration’s agenda. It has been said that the reputation and advancement of the U.S. in the field is lagging, which is part of the reason for Obama’s recent STEM education initiative. Certainly, the results of undertaking the project sound beneficial, specifically because mental diseases seem to plague the country, while more generally speaking, the project serves as a strong rallying point for advocating modern research and scientific progress. And channeling federal money to brain research is not likely to diminish finances elsewhere, as other healthrelated causes are frequently funded by private organizations and donations. Moreover, understanding the mysteries of the brain could be the key to unlocking a wealth of knowledge that is yet inaccessible to the world.

Yesterday, while buying shaving cream at CVS, I couldn’t help but notice all the un-purchased candy left over from Valentine’s Day. Next to the obvious desire to consume giant heart-shaped boxes in a monsoon-like frenzy, I couldn’t help but wonder why there was so much extra. Did no one buy Valentine chocolates this year? Later, I was talking to a friend of mine who had a major diatribe against the holiday. “I did nothing, I hate this stupid holiday.” Which got me thinking — when did it become fashionable to hate the day of love? Now I must confess, I’m a bleeding heart romantic. Most fat guys are. We’re all a bit like Manny from Modern Family: Goofballs that wear suits to parties where our secret crush will be. (Truth be told, I think the show’s producers had my childhood in mind when creating that character, because that’s exactly who I was in elementary and middle school — an affluent and well-groomed Mexican intellectual.) But disregarding my fellow rotund romantics, most people see Valentine’s Day as a tedious chore. Even when I was in elementary school. The ritual then was pretty simple: Your mom took you to a stationery store, you bought a few cards with hearts and cupids drawn on them, you wrote “Happy Valentine’s Day to Sarah” or Becky, or Amanda, and then you taped some chocolate on the card. If you put any more thought into the gesture than Derek Jeter puts into those consolation baskets he gives his one-night stands, you were doing it wrong. Which means I was doing it wrong. Back then, Valentine’s Day was my time to shine. I wasn’t about to limit my creativity to just four or five cards. Every girl in my class got a card, because in my book they were all beautiful and special. I wrote poems that would have made Juliet say, “Romeo who?” And there weren’t any cheap Snickers coming from this guy, either — I was handing out boxes of Godiva, because I. Love. Valentine’s Day. Then again, if you took a poll of what fat men think about the day of love, you’d get two different answers. Either they hate the holiday with the same intensity with which they hate heartburn, or they love it in the same way they love the garlic fries that gave them the heartburn. Those who hate it do so for the same reason as everyone else: Relationship status. Sans girlfriend, the fat man thinks, “I hope everyone ends up alone wallowing in a pit of despair.” I run into this latter response all the time from skinny and fat alike — the cynicism seems to be increasing in frequency every year. It makes me wonder why everyone’s so down on love. I understand that people don’t like inauthentic displays of affection. But fakeness has been wrongly associated with

Valentine’s Day because people believe that designating a single day to love takes away spontaneity and genuineness. “Planned love isn’t love,” they say, as if planning romance is constrictive or takes the away sincerity of an act. I call bull! Was Shakespeare a terrible poet because he wrote “constrictive” sonnets instead of free verse? No. Restricting himself to a particular form forced him to be more creative. The same can be said of Valentine’s Day. You have to make choices about where you want to go to dinner, what you want to talk about or do, etc., and each one of these choices has to have the maximum romantic impact in the shortest amount of time. So, you want to take her breath away as soon as possible? When it comes to seeking advice about showy romantic gestures, I suggest calling a fat guy. In my experience, fat guys are the best at making romantic gestures because we feel like we have a lot at stake in our relationships. We feel that Valentine’s Day is our time to show our girlfriend just how much she means to us — and how much we’re willing to spend to keep her by our side. Fat guys have a built in neuroticism that makes us believe we need to keep reminding our lady why we’re worth dating. Valentine’s Day is like our Fourth of July. It’s all about proving that we’re the best at showing our affection while simultaneously distracting you from our less-than-desirable physique. The more creative we can be, the more likely she’ll stick around for a few months. So we have to up the ante year after year. Anyone else would get tired of this, but fat guys love any challenge that gives them an excuse to indulge in a 20 oz. steak. The more extravagant we can be, the better — and if there’s a Groupon involved, that’s awesome. True, associating love with material gifts might come from insecure and unhealthy places in the back of our minds, the places that have us turn to food as a way to deal with stress so that we equate emotional satisfaction with physical indulgence. But in the case of Valentine’s Day, our materialism stems from the best intentions, I assure you. It’s not that we think love can be bought, or that all you girls care about is how much money your boyfriend can afford to spend on dinner. All we’re trying to say is that you’re worth the world to us. If we could buy the moon, we’d pay with cash. So next year eat your Chicken Cordon Bleu and be grateful you have a boyfriend (fat or not) that enjoys celebrating Valentine’s Day — after all, we’re a dying breed. Sandor Mark is a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences, and a weekly columnist for the Daily Free Press. He can be reaced at smark@bu.edu.

Terrier Talk Reflections

A meteor hit Russia last week, so The Daily Free Press asked students what they would do if they knew a meteor was going to hit — or obliterate — Comm. Ave. Here’s what some of them said. INTERVIEWS AND PHOTOS BY SARAH FISHER


“I'd have a meteor party. You gotta make the best of every situation!” - CAS senior


“I would probably do something crazy, like go sky diving.” -SED sophomore


“First, I would go to the zoo and aquarium to free all the animals. Then, I’d go to the top of the Pru to watch the meteor hit with my friends and die holding hands.” - CAS freshman


“I would find a way to fly to vacation.” - CFA senior

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


King: Appel choosing school over baseball is a breath of fresh air King: From Page 8

but I still have the opportunities to improve my game, get better, to just grow as a baseball player and a teammate and prepare myself for the next level.’’ If Appel continues posting stats consistent with last year’s performance (he went 10–2 with a 2.56 ERA and struck out 130 batters over 123 innings), he will have no trouble securing a contract come June. The only real difference between signing with an organiza-

tion this year instead of last is that Appel will enter the Majors with a degree in both management sciences and engineering under his belt — not just a 95-mph fastball. Why don’t all college athletes value education as much as players like Appel? Honestly, it’s because they have no reason to. Deciding to spend a few more semesters enrolled in college — voluntarily suffering through some requirement-filler credits — doesn’t hold any value for players who will never have to so much

as glance at a calculator again in their lifetime. It’s refreshing to see that there are still athletes out there that cherish a good education even when presented with the opportunity of a lifetime. With his value of education, his dedication to Stanford and resilience towards critics, Appel serves as a breath of fresh air to both collegiate-level sports and the nature of today’s salary-driven athletes. The fact that Appel is so passionate about his Stanford base-

ball family is inspiring in itself. That’s how college baseball players should be. Dedicated to working towards the chance to compete in the College World Series as a team, and not just a group of individuals consistently skipping out and going pro the first chance they get. Because Appel decided to stay loyal to his university, Stanford fans obviously don’t have any outstanding issues with him. But Pirates fans don’t seem quite as understanding and have mustered up some dislike toward

him. Typical that Pirates fans would be offended that Appel chose to further his education and support his current team, as opposed to sailing straight into the Majors sporting yellow and black. ‘’If they’re going to boo me, then so be it,’’ Appel said. ‘’I’d love to sit down and have a meal with them after the game.’’ Classic Scott Boras crack right there. Maybe he’s a decent role model after all.

BU faces worthy opponent in 3rd game vs UNH Women’s hockey: From Page 8


Terrier senior forward Isabel Menard is part of a line that has put up an impressive total of 81 points on the season.

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@DFPSports @BOShockeyblog @BUbballBlog Callahan’s performance from bench critical to BU’s offense Bench success: From Page 8

highs in both points and rebounds with eight apiece, while Callahan chipped in 10 points, including two 3-pointers. Both players continued to provide a huge boost for the team during its most recent game against UNH. McKendrick contributed six points and three rebounds, while Callahan hit three of her five 3-pointer attempts to help the Terriers rally from a first-half deficit. Their performances were especially essential in this game, because team-leading scorer senior guard Chantell Alford shot just 2-for-16 in the contest. Greenberg said she believes it was Callahan’s 3-point shooting that turned the game around for the Terriers. “I thought Danielle’s three in the corner was a big basket, offensively for us,” Greenberg said. “It got us over the hump a little bit, and got us feeling good and really fired up. That was a big possession.” Despite only averaging 24 minutes per game, Callahan is fourth on the team in scoring (8.2 ppg) and second in both 3-point field goal percentage (.378) and 3-pointers made (45). While her stats are impressive — especially in the limited time she

spends out on the court — Callahan tends to look at the bigger picture and the team’s success, rather than her individual numbers. “I don’t usually think of myself or what I have to do, but more of whatever the team needs at that time,” Callahan said. “Whoever is getting shots is going to take them, so it happened to me today, but it could have happened to anyone on our team.” While BU may not go to their bench as much as other America East teams, Coach Greenberg believes it is always refreshing to see some of her reserves picking up the slack for when some of the team’s starters are not playing as effectively. “It was nice to get a victory with some of our so-called ‘star players’ … not being at the top of their game,” Greenberg said. “Chantell [Alford] and [junior forward] Rashidat [Agboola] seemed a little bit more tired than normal, so we were able to get them out of the game. “Mollie [McKendrick] came in and did a few things. She rebounded pretty nicely and knocked down that one shot. And Danielle [Callahan] came in and was pretty solid on defense and made some good shots.”

ey East). “They’ve been on a real good run, and hopefully they’ll continue to contribute on the scoreboard, and of course on some of the intangible stuff that goes on during the course of the game,” Durocher said. The prestige of BU’s offense puts added pressure on UNH’s point leaders, forward Kristina Lavoie (11g, 13a) and defenseman Alexis Crossley (6g, 14a). Crossley is ranked second among all defensemen and fifth among freshmen in Hockey East in scoring. The Wildcats, with the fourthbest record in the conference, boast wins over some of the top teams in the nation this season, including Boston College, Northeastern University and BU. “Without a doubt they’re making real good strides this year,” Durocher said. “Their talent has been upgraded, [they have] wins

against quality teams.” On Nov. 9, the Terriers traveled to Durham, N.H., to take on the Wildcats. BU fell into a 3–0 hole early, and goals from junior defenseman Kaleigh Fratkin and Warren were not enough to make the comeback. UNH sealed the victory with an empty-net goal with 16 seconds left, and BU ultimately fell 4–2. The teams met again when the Terriers hosted the Wildcats Jan. 27. BU evened the season series with a 3–2 victory. Menard produced the game-winning goal in the match — a power-play goal on assists from Warren and Fratkin. Durocher said UNH has proven this season that it is not a team to be taken for granted. “They’re a team that’s beaten us once and played us very downto-the-end the second time,” Durocher said. “We’re going to have to keep an eye on some of their quality players and recognize that they’re a team that’s earned their

way into the top half of the conference.” The Terriers already clinched second place in Hockey East, and are in a battle with Boston College (23–5–2, 15–2–1 Hockey East) for the top seed in the conference tournament with three games remaining in the regular season. Durocher said in the matchup against UNH and in the other games remaining, it is important for his team to stay alert and be focused on the ultimate goal. “The focus is real simple in that every win means something in the NCAA picture,” Durocher said. “We’ve gotten close to one of those big goals of having a real good body of work for the season, and the last thing we want is not to be prepared for a game in the stretch here. “We want to be thorough and diligent in every game we play ... The kids are focused and they know what’s ahead. They’re ready to play.”

Impressive 2nd half leads to comeback win W. basketball: From Page 8

bined 11 points for the Wildcats in the first half. While the numbers looked impressive for the UNH offense, the Terriers were not as strong. BU shot 32.1 percent from the field and only went 3-for-11 from behind the 3-point arc. The teamleading scorer, senior guard Chantell Alford, went 0-for-7 in the first half. “[UNH] came out real aggressive, they really played us,” Greenberg said. “We also had open shots and didn’t make them.” Although things didn’t look stellar for BU in the first half, the team only found itself down by two points at the end of the frame, 26–24, aided by a 5–0 run in the

final 1:05. The second half opened up with the Terriers falling back, appearing to lose the momentum they gained at the end of the first. In the first six minutes, UNH went up 35–28 with the help of five points from guard Elizabeth Belanger. With Alford looking cold, BU looked for other answers to get back into the game. Callahan provided the offense with the jolt it needed, with help from Agboola and senior guard Mo Moran. The Terriers slowly inched their way back into the game and, after a layup by Agboola 12:43 into the frame, the game was all tied up at 39. The layup started a 20–7 run for the Terriers. BU’s offense finally started to connect, as it shot 41.4 percent

for the second half and nearly 70 percent from the free-throw line. Callahan and Agboola had 15 and 12 points respectively, as Callahan connected on three 3-pointers. Agboola just missed out on what would have been her eighth double-double of the season, grabbing nine rebounds. To complement the stronger second-half offense, BU’s defense improved as well. The Terriers held UNH to only 25.9 percent shooting from the field in the second half, and gave up just six points in the final seven minutes of the game to secure the victory. “Our zone [defense] was great,” Greenberg said. “We worked well together. Other than the long three that we gave up, I thought we did a nice job.”

Stopping backcourt key to victory for Terriers vs Albany Men’s basketball: From Page 8

only recording five points and one rebound, as he ran into foul trouble early in the contest. Since then, BU has seen a lot more production from players such as freshman forward Nathan Dieudonne, junior forward Travis Robinson and sophomore forward James Kennedy, who Jones said will all play key roles Wednesday. “We’re going to need to get production out of everyone,” Jones said. “We have a pretty balanced team, so any given night someone can step up.” Albany’s backcourt, led by seniors and leading–scorers Mike Black and Jacob Iati, will be BU’s

biggest challenge. Black and Iati average 14.9 and 12.6 points a game, respectively, and rank fourth and ninth in the conference in the category. It will be up to the defense of Watson Jr., junior guard D.J. Irving and freshman guard John Papale to keep these two from putting up big numbers against the Terriers. The last time BU faced an offense that relied on its guards was when the team visited Coastal Carolina in Conway, S.C. At the time, CCU’s star guard Anthony Raffa was the second-best shooter in the country, and the Terriers were able to keep him off the board early. By the time Raffa

started to make shots, it was too late, and the BU lead was too much to overcome. If the backcourt does a similar job, it will be left up to Morris and sophomore forward Malik Thomas to grab rebounds down low and keep Albany’s tough interior — led by forward Sam Rowley’s 6.4 rebounds per game — from getting put-backs. Jones said he understands the importance of finishing the season strong if his team wishes to see any action in the postseason. “We are on target,” Jones said. “[But] we need to finish strong to have a chance to play a postseason.”


The kids are focused and they know what’s ahead. They’re ready to play.

-BU coach Brian Durocher on the final few games of the regular season

Page 8

The Inner Edge


Clutch Cally

The Daily Free Press

BU junior guard Danielle Callahan led the Terriers’ comeback with clutch 3-pointers in the 2nd half. P.8.

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Terriers defeat UNH to win 6th straight game

Academic Advice BU overcomes

Haley King

There is one name in baseball that is synonymous with conning organizations into agreeing to long-term, overinflated contractual prices that are well over players’ market values: The one-and-only Scott Boras. Boras, commonly referred to as the “Napolean Bonaparte” of Major League Baseball, is to blame for MLB contracts skyrocketing substantially within the last 28 years. More impressively, Boras was the sole proprietor in coaxing the Yankees into what was arguably the worst contract in the history of baseball: Alex Rodriguez’s 10 year, $275 million dollar deal. How Boras was successful in feeding the Yankees a load of crap convincing enough to secure Arod’s 10-year contract is beyond me. No wonder small market organizations try avoiding the silvertongued devil at all costs. Although Boras is defined by his ability to milk money out of teams with his aggressive attitude and uncanny ability to spit-fire convincing BS, he can remarkably offer up a bit of good advice. Right-handed pitcher Mark Appel was expected to be the No. 1 pick in the 2012 MLB draft. After Appel dropped to No. 8 and was offered a $3.8 million contract by the Pirates, he turned to advisor Scott Boras for guidance. Boras, factoring in Appel’s own views and aspirations, urged him to stray away from the Pirates and to continue his education, which is exactly what Appel ended up doing. Appel turned down the $3.8 million in order to finish his degree at Stanford University and hopes to lead the Cardinals to the College World Series in Omaha, Neb., as a senior this year. Appel’s decision sparked a bit of controversy among fans, who critiqued him for “pushing his major-league career back a year.” But Appel doesn’t see it that way. “I don’t understand how people can say that I can’t keep working and keep getting better at Stanford,” Appel said. “It might be a different situation and scenario than a minor-league team,

King, see page 7

UNH’s efficient 1st-half offense

Bench players crucial in win at Case Gym

By Andrew Battifarano Daily Free Press Staff

By Conor Ryan Daily Free Press Staff

A slow start did not stop the Boston University women’s basketball team, as a second-half turnaround allowed the Terriers (22–4, 11–1 America East) to defeat the University of New Hampshire 59–45 Saturday afternoon at Case Gym. The win gave the Terriers their sixth consecutive victory and 12th straight against UNH (9–15, 4–7 America East). In the opening minutes, BU coach Kelly Greenberg was visibly frustrated with her team. After senior guard Kristen Sims missed the opening shot of the game and a turnover by junior forward Rashidat Agboola gave the Wildcats a wide-open three, Greenberg called a timeout fewer than 90 seconds into the contest. “Every single play means so much,” Greenberg said. “It’s important for us to stay alert, aware and have a genuine sense of urgency.” The message at first seemed to be clear as the Terriers began to trade baskets with the Wildcats throughout the next six minutes of the game. Junior guard Danielle Callahan came off the bench during the early timeout and gave the Terriers a spark, hitting two baskets, including a trey, to make the score 12–12. But things slowed

W. Hockey v. New Hampshire, 7 p.m. M. Basketball v. Albany, 7 p.m.

W. basketball, see page 7

Bench success, see page 7


Terrier junior guard Danielle Callahan put up 15 points and grabbed two steals in BU’s 59–45 victory over the University of New Hampshire.

down a bit after the 3-pointer to tie up the score, as neither team scored for almost three minutes of play. The Wildcats followed the lull with a 9–3 run, which gave them a 21–15 lead 13:24 into the first half of play. The UNH offense

Terriers look to build off recent wins BU prepares for final AE games By Sarah Kirkpatrick Daily Free Press Staff

The No. 4/5 Boston University women’s hockey team, fresh off back-to-back weekend victories, will look to extend its winning streak to three games in a matchup with the University of New Hampshire Wednesday evening at Walter Brown Arena. The Terriers (20–5–3, 15–2–1 Hockey East) enter the game after a series with the University of Vermont, in which BU emerged victorious 2–1 Saturday and 3–2 Sunday. The games were the 150th and 151st wins in program history. “It was real nice,” said BU coach Brian Durocher, who also recorded his 150th and 151st career wins as a head coach over the weekend. “They were more playoff-type of scorers, close games, low-scoring games, and those are always good for you to have to find a way to finish those games and pull out the ‘W,’ and in both cases we did.” Junior co-captain Marie-Philip Poulin recorded two goals Saturday, including the game-winner

The Bottom Line

Wednesday, Feb. 20

clicked, as it shot 47.8 percent from the field in the first half. It spread the ball around effectively, so it was difficult for the Terriers to pin down a single player to stop. Forwards Kaylee Kilpatrick and Morgan Frame contributed a com-

Junior guard Danielle Callahan — along with other members of the Boston University women’s basketball team’s bench — played a huge role for the Terriers (22–4, 12–1 America East) in their 59–45 win over the University of New Hampshire at Case Gym Saturday afternoon. Callahan came off the bench to lead all players with 15 point. While she may not be a member of the starting five for the Terriers, her impact, as well as the impact of the rest of the BU bench, has been crucial to the Terriers’ success, especially in their last two games. BU coach Kelly Greenberg, after the UNH (9–15, 4–8 America East) game, acknowledged the great bench play and discussed how she incorporates those players into the flow of games. “It’s not as if we have all of these different types of lineups like we’re an NBA team,” Greenberg said. “You go with your gut. You go with who you think is bringing something different that day … Other people have stepped up.” During the Terriers’ win against Vermont last Wednesday, bench players such as Callahan and sophomore forward Mollie McKendrick played a big role in the Terriers’ victory. McKendrick tied her career

Thursday, Feb. 21 W. Basketball @ Albany, 7 p.m.

with 90 seconds left. The goals were the first for the team leader in points since Jan. 25. “[Poulin has] got to recognize that she’s got great players with her and around her, and they’ll do their part if she just does her part,” Durocher said. “Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. “But when it’s your turn to drive to the net, do it. When it’s your turn to back check, do it. When it’s your turn to get the short shift, do that. If you do those little things, it’ll add up. Her talent speaks for itself, and the more she relaxes, the better off we’ll all be.” The line of junior Louise Warren, senior Isabel Menard, and sophomore Kayla Tutino, which has been playing exceptionally all season, played a part in all three goals in Sunday’s game. The trio has combined for 81 points this season, more than a third of the team’s point production. Durocher said he looks for that line to continue its push during Wednesday’s matchup against the Wildcats (13–14–3, 9–7–2 Hock-

Women’s hockey, see page 7

Friday, Feb. 22

Softball @ Citrus Classic, 12:15 p.m. M. Hockey v. UMass Lowell, 7:30 p.m. Track New England Championships @ TTC, All Day

By Christopher Dela Rosa Daily Free Press Staff

With spirits at the highest they have been all season long, the red-hot Boston University men’s basketball team is getting set to take on the University at Albany Wednesday night at Case Gymnasium as part of its America East farewell tour. “Our guys know that we have a lot of respect for Albany,” said BU coach Joe Jones. “They’re well-coached and they have a very good team. They have a very good inside-outside game. They’re a tough team.” The Terriers started off their season in a disappointing fashion, dropping their first five games, three of which were lost by three points or fewer. But they had a massive outburst, beating Coastal Carolina University 74–44 to pick up their first victory. Since then, Jones’ team has steadily improved. At the moment, BU is riding a four-game win streak that began with a 79–72 win over the University of Maine on Feb. 5. Since then, the Terriers defeated Binghamton

Saturday, Feb. 23

Softball @ Citrus Classic, 12:15 p.m. W. Hockey v. Connecticut, 3 p.m. M. Basketball @ UMBC, 7 p.m. M. Hockey @ UMass Lowell, 7 p.m.

University, the University of Vermont and the University of New Hampshire, giving them season sweeps of three teams in conference play. BU’s most recent win came when it hosted the University of New Hampshire. After defeating the Wildcats (7–17, 3–9 America East) during the early stages of conference play, BU was able to prevent the struggling Wildcats from pulling off an upset. Albany (19–8, 8–5 America East), which the Terriers defeated in a close overtime match last month, has the opportunity to jump ahead in America East standings with a win Wednesday. At the moment, the Great Danes are one game behind BU in the standings. With a win, Albany can jump into second place. In the overtime game on Jan. 23, it was BU’s starters who carried the team to victory. Freshman guard Maurice Watson Jr. led the way with 21 points, seven assists and two rebounds. Meanwhile, junior forward Dom Morris had one of his poorer games of the season,

Men’s basketball, see page 7

Sunday, Feb. 24 Softball @ Citrus Classic, 11:15 a.m. W. Hockey @ Connecticut, 2 p.m.

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