The Daily Free Press [
Year xliii. Volume lxxxiv. Issue XXXVI
Thursday, March 28, 2013 The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University
Student elections commision issues apology, page 3.
A different look at Game of Thrones, page 5.
LACROSS THE RIVER Lacrosse to take on a tough Harvard team Friday, page 8.
Today: AM rain/snow showers/High 47 Tonight: Partly cloudy/Low 34 Tomorrow: 52/37 Data Courtesy of
Hotel Commonwealth employees protest mgmt. Menino will
not run again
By Trisha Thadani Daily Free Press Staff
Boston University students have joined employees at Kenmore Square’s Hotel Commonwealth to protest against the hotel’s new management, Sage Hospitality, amidst rumors of employee layoffs. Tim Crowley, 29, a three-year bellman at the hotel, said he could count six employees who were fired without ample notice because they were apparently making too much money. “Sage has eliminated and consolidated several positions in an attempt to run this hotel as if it is a cheaper place,” Crowley said. “[Management has] brought the quality of this hotel down.” Talia Leonard, a College of Arts and Sciences sophomore, said she is a member of a group of students that have banded together to show support and solidarity for the rights of Hotel Commonwealth’s employees. “It is important that BU students stand up for the hotel workers because this hotel is on BU’s property and we utilize it for our students and events,” Leonard said. Leonard said although some BU students might not feel directly affected by Sage’s effect on the hotel employees, hotel workers still need the support. “Students should not have to be directly affected by an issue for them to care about human rights,” Leonard said. “We should stand up for the hotel workers because they are in a worthy
By Kyle Plantz Daily Free Press Staff
Boston Mayor Thomas Menino will announce Thursday that he will not seek a sixth term in office at a Faneuil Hall press conference at about 4 p.m., according to reports from The Boston Globe. Menino, 70, has been in office for 20 years and in recent months withstood many illnesses that left him hospitalized for eight weeks.
College of Arts and Sciences sophomore Talia Leonard and other Boston University students talk to Hotel Commonwealth doorman Zelalem W. about his job in relation to the recent allegation of unfair firing practices at the hotel.
fight for their own rights.” Hotel management initially refused to negotiate a contract for a year, essentially creating a pay freeze for employees, Crowley said. Sage officials eventually agreed to hold a contract negotiation on April 2 after employees brought up concerns of inflation. “If they don’t sign the contract, we will have to picket during our lunch breaks or after our shifts,” Crowley said. “Ninty-seven percent of us in the union voted that if all else fails, we
would strike.” Crowley said he and several other employees are in a loyal union with benefits that Sage refuses to recognize. “If I wasn’t in the union, I would have already been fired and the management would have brought in someone else and paid them less,” Crowley said. Hotel Commonwealth General Manager Adam Sperling said no unjust firings have oc-
Hotel, see page 2
Candidates clash in first senatorial special election debate By Sophia Goldberg Daily Free Press Staff
In the first debate to feature candidates from both parties, the three Republican and two Democratic candidates seeking Secretary of State John Kerry’s former senate seat, sparred over social issues, foreign policy and the economy Wednesday night. “This [was] the first chance for many Massachusetts voters to meet and hear from the candidates. I look forward to learning more about where they stand on major issues and what they’d do in the U.S. Senate,” R. D. Sahl, the debate moderator and journalism lecturer at Boston University, said in an email. Republican candidates Gabriel Gomez and Michael Sullivan said in a live-stream video from WCVB they agreed with their party’s pro-life stance, but Dan Winslow separated himself, saying he supported a woman’s right to choose. “I’m pro-choice, … but for me it’s a very personal decision, and for that reason consistent with my view of a limited role of govern-
ment,” Winslow said. “The decision to have that procedure is a question for a person’s conscience, her faith and her family, and those are three areas into which the government has no business being.” Democratic candidates Stephen Lynch and Ed Markey went head-to-head on the topic of the Affordable Care Act. Lynch said he voted against the act because it raised taxes and lowered standards of healthcare. “It was like a hostage situation where we not only paid the ransom, but we let the insurance companies keep the hostages,” Lynch said, adding that he would vote to fix the law. “Now we are in a tough spot.” Samantha Hooper, press secretary for the Massachusetts Democratic Party, said she looks forward to the rest of the debates because party members are confident about their two candidates. “In terms of job creation and in terms of the environment, our two Democratic candidates have better ideas to move our state forward,” Hooper said.
Tim Buckley, communications director for the Massachusetts Republican Party, said Lynch and Markey spent years in the House of Representatives without making any big changes. “Ed Markey and Steve Lynch are mediocre congressman who have been in Washington for 50 years, combined with little to show for it except dysfunction, gridlock and partisan bickering,” Buckley said, “while Republicans will speak on clear terms about why their plans to create jobs and grow the economy are right for Massachusetts.” Scott Palmer, emeritus professor of international relations and political science at BU, said the election will be less about Democrats versus Republicans, and more about Lynch versus Markey. “At this point, it doesn’t look like there will be many fireworks coming out of the Republican camp, mainly because Scott Brown chose not to run,” Palmer said. “But it looks like Markey’s odds are the favorite to win in this election.”
Body discovered in Charles River by BU rowing coach By Margaret Waterman Daily Free Press Staff
Massachusetts State Police officers recovered the body of an unidentified male from the Charles River Wednesday morning after a Boston University rowing coach reported it, officials said. The body was found floating near the Massachusetts Avenue Bridge at about 8 a.m. and has yet to be identified, said MSP Trooper Thomas Murphy. Suffolk County District Attorney spokesman Jake Wark said a BU coach discovered the body in the water and notified officials. MSP Marine Unit officers arrived on scene near the bridge and recovered the body from the water. “Massachusetts State Police assigned to the Marine Unit, Troop H and the Suffolk County State Police Detective Unit responded to the scene and recovered the remains of an adult male,” Wark said in an email statement. “The man’s age and identity have not yet been determined, but the preliminary evidence suggests that it is not that of the missing Brown University student about whom some of you have asked.” The disappearance of Brown University student Sunil Tripathi, a former Class of 2012 member on academic leave who went missing March 15, is still under investigation. Since he disappeared, police have expanded their search past Providence to the Boston, Connecticut and New York areas, according to several news outlets.
Body, see page 2
Palestinian activist speaks on Birthright program during Israel Apartheid Week By Rachel Riley Daily Free Press Staff
Liza Behrendt, an organizer for Jewish Voice for Peace Boston, spoke to Boston University students Wednesday night about the nonprofit, educational organization Taglit-Birthright Israel as part of Students for Justice in Palestine’s Israel Apartheid Week. Behrendt said the program, which is partially funded by the Israeli government and partially funded by outside organizations, and sponsors free trips to Israel for Jewish youth, is anti-Palestinian in nature. “Birthright is an important institution for us to be talking about because of how powerful it is,” she said. “It’s just a massive institution that has a wide reach globally and has so many Jewish people. It’s a real force on campuses because there are thousands of young Jewish people there.” About 15 people attended the open discussion in College of Arts and Sciences room 225.
Behrendt spoke about her personal experience on a Birthright trip in 2008, when Israel had just invaded Gaza as a part of Operation Cast Lead. She said her tour guide was reluctant to answer questions about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and made offensive remarks directed at Muslims in Israel. While Behrendt said not all Birthright trips occur during a period of strife like hers did, they do affect participants’ views of Israel. “Many Birthright participants don’t think of their experience as political,” she said after the event. “They think that it’s a fun time and that it’s about their heritage. The fact that they don’t relate their own heritage and relationship to Israel to the experience of Palestinians is a problem in itself.” Behrendt said Birthright is pro-Israeli in a way that is anti-Palestinian, and the over-
Birthright, see page 2
Liza Behrendt, member of Jewish Voice for Peace, leads a discourse about Birthright Israel with BU students at the College of Arts and Sciences Wednesday evening.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Body second recovered by rowing staff in year Manager: Staff left voluntarily Body: From Page 1
Wark said the cause of death of the male pulled from the river Wednesday was not apparent. The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner will conduct an autopsy. MSP officials and the Suffolk DA’s office will conduct an investigation, according to an MSP follow-up tweet from 11:33 a.m. No further details were immediately available. The body recovered Wednes-
day was the second body during the 2012-2013 academic school year discovered by BU rowing team staff members, and the third body found in the river near BU’s Charles River Campus within the same timeframe. On Oct. 8, a body was found and later identified as that of Pedro Colon Rodriguez, a 69-year-old homeless man from Cambridge. Several news outlets reported his death was caused by extreme
intoxication, as he fell into the Charles River and drowned. His body was pulled from the river near the BU boathouse. A day later, a BU rowing coach reported the finding of another body in the Charles River, later determined to be that of Jonathan Dailey, a 23-year-old Boston Architectural School graduate student who had gone missing. Both bodies were found near the BU Bridge.
BUSI pres. not ‘aware’ Birthright a ‘political trip’ Birthright: From Page 1
whelming environment of the trip distracts participants from what is occurring in Israel. “Birthright makes participants feel as if questioning Israel’s policies is to question their own Jewishness,” she said. “… In the experience it creates, it renders Palestinians and the Palestinian area invisible on the trip.” SJP member Kareem Chehayeb said he hopes Behrendt’s testimony will help show students how Birthright distracts attendees
from the situation in Israel and Palestine. Cheheyab, a CAS senior, said Wednesday’s dialogue was part of SJP’s Israel Apartheid Week, an annual initiative that connects the oppression of Palestinians in Israel with the oppressions of South Africa during the era of apartheid. “Humanities civil societies, NGOs and Palestinian groups on campus use this week to educate others about the oppressive nature of Israel towards the Palestinians and towards the Muslim groups in Israel,” he said. “… We talk
Hotel: From Page 1
curred. “Any changes that Sage has made to our hotel have been so minor that they are completely irrelevant,” Sperling said. Since Sage took over management of the hotel, Sperling said all employees that have left have done so voluntarily. Initially owned by BU, the fourstar boutique hotel was sold to Sage in December. Hotel Commonwealth had a great relationship with BU when the school
managed the hotel, Crowley said. “We are an independent hotel and [Sage] has a corporate mindset, which doesn’t work around here,” Crowley said. “We used to be more like a family … now it is more divisive.” Although Crowley said he is disheartened by the changes the new management has made, he still would not consider quitting his job at the hotel. “I would not consider leaving because, for those of us that still remain here, it is still like a family,” Crowley said “It is just smaller and more protected.”
about a lot of issues going on in Palestine as a result of Israel’s occupation and what their policies are doing.” BU Students for Israel President Leora Kaufman said the main goal of Birthright trips is to bring Jewish people back to Israel. “From what I’m aware of, it’s not a political trip,” Kaufman, a College of Communication and CAS senior, said. “I know that there are many trips to Israel — I’m not sure that they’re free — but many trips to Israel that are focused on the politics.”
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Girl, 20 French Horny
Sydney Shea is a junior in the College of Arts and Sciences and can be reached at
City crime Student Elections Commission apologizes for struggles rate drops, Allston’s up marginally By Zoe Roos Daily Free Press Staff
By Steven Dufour Daily Free Press Staff
A harsh winter and increased police presence helped decrease violent crimes by 15 percent in Boston, experts said. When comparing the first three months of 2013 to the first three months of 2012, Boston Police determined 11 out of 12 police districts saw decreased crime, with Charlestown seeing the greatest decrease at 31 percent, according to statistics released by the Boston Police Department Tuesday. The only neighborhood with a crime increase was AllstonBrighton, which experienced a 19-percent increase over the last year. There, burglaries increased from 57 cases in 2012 to 127 in 2013, according to the statistics. “What the police do has an implication on [crime rates,] and it’s also been a pretty rough winter,” said Jack Greene, professor and former dean of the College of Criminal Justice at Northeastern University. “When [police] spend time looking for guns or gun problems in an area, they’re likely to increase their arrests,” Greene said. “They’re paying attention, and I think they should continue to do that.” In Boston, 31 shootings took place in 2013, one more than in 2012, coupled with two more gun-related arrests than last year, according to BPD statistics. Boston University Graduate School of Management student Kanagala Seshadri Rao was shot and killed in Allston on April 19. The homicide investigation is still ongoing, according to BPD officials. In addition to police involvement, a spokesperson from Boston Mayor Thomas Menino’s office said in an email the city has created various measures to prevent future violent crimes. The spokesperson said the city is working with the Boston Centers for Youth and Families to prevent children from turning to crime, and also works with the BPD to shut down gang activity and stop other violent crimes. “Violent crime is not the only focus,” the spokesperson said. “We remove graffiti, fix broken windows, improve street lights and simply listen to what people in the communities want.” Greene said BPD has done well with patrolling Boston each day, too. “The reality is, in comparison to other cities, Boston has a good standing when it comes to public safety,” he said. Though Boston has managed crime well, not enough is being done to prevent young people from turning to lethal violence, said Sarah Flint, lead organizer for Mothers for Justice and Equality, a Boston-based anti-gun violence group. “Homicide is us losing our children to violence,” she said. “We’re losing them, or they’re being critically injured, and losing one child is too many.”
The Student Elections Commission at Boston University released a public apology Wednesday, citing a lack of organization and information in overseeing Student Government elections. SG president Aditya Rudra said the apology was appreciated and is a step in the right direction. “We can’t hold elections without the SEC,” Rudra, a School of Management junior, said. “We rely on them and we are very happy to see that they are ready to hold elections.” SEC officials apologized for recent shortcomings in the Wednesday release. “We seek, at every turn, to ensure that the student body is satisfied with our services,” the release stated. “Regrettably we have not met the standards that we have set for ourselves, let alone those of the student body, and for that we are truly sorry. “We are committed to rectifying this situation and to conduct a fair and productive election for the Student Government Executive Board.” SEC officials were not available for comment at press time. In the spring 2012 semester, SG officials voted to change the election cycle to a calendar-year format instead of an academicyear format. During the fall 2012 semester, the SG Judicial
Committee nullified the timeline changes after deeming the process by which changes were made to be unconstitutional. The SEC had its share of controversy for its handling of SG elections and response to the timeline changes. On Oct. 9, SG passed a vote of confidence in the SEC by a onevote margin. After concerns were raised, SG voted to hold a special oneterm election in November, after which a normal academic-year election cycle would resume with spring 2013 elections. SG elections in both spring and fall 2012 were uncontested, which some felt raised legitimacy concerns. Rudra said the SEC is moving toward establishing an official election timeline. “They are working to figure out an new election schedule,” he said. “We might even see the start of campaigns late next week.” Saurabh Mahajan, SG spokesman and director of advocacy, said SG has no issues with the SEC despite past problems. “There isn’t any bad blood between Student Government and the SEC,” Mahajan, a College of Arts and Sciences freshman, said. “What we really want from here forward is to not focus necessarily on what’s happened in the past, and instead turn our focus and the focus of the student body toward
engagement in this upcoming election.” Mahajan said the main priority of SG and the SEC is to promote strong elections. “What we care about more than anything else is that students know who will be leading them for the next year, and that the student body is participating in making that decision,” he said. “Students have a lot of power through these elections — the executive board sets the entire direction for the following year, and what they decide to pursue or not pursue has a significant impact on the future of this campus.” Although an official timeline was not established, the SEC release stated members are working to develop one. “We have reached out to the current leaders of Student Government, the Dean of Students Office and other concerned bodies to confirm a modified timeline for the approaching election cycle,” the release stated. SEC officials aim to ensure a proper election takes place before the end of the semester, according to the release. “We are taking steps to provide you, the student body, with the election that you deserve,” the release stated. “Please accept our sincerest apologies as we commit to taking immediate action to provide a strong election.”
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In third grade, my music teacher introduced our class to the different “families” of instruments, each with its own mother, father, brother and sister. There were woodwinds, strings, percussion and my favorite — brass. In this brass family I gravitated toward the trumpet’s sister who hid behind the musician out of shyness and emitted a soft, an- SYDNEY L. gelic sound comSHEA pared to the harsh saxophones and the squeaky violins. She was, or it was, the French horn, and from my clumsy introduction, this encounter marked the next 12 years of my musical career The horn is one of the most underappreciated instruments in an ensemble. The conductor always throws it in somewhere near the trombones or the tenor saxes, where it is destined to only play “oom-pahs” during marches and counter-melodies in more lyric compositions. But in the rare occasion in which the composer knows enough to acknowledge the horn’s star potential — maybe during a brass chorale or a solo — the most euphoric noise soars across the stage, bringing to mind ethereal images such as angels, clouds and Goldschläger. It creates few moments of calmness and counterbalances the shrill sound of trumpets with its mellow, smooth tone. Playing the horn is kind of like making out with a piece of metal for a prolonged period of time. In the words of my favorite conductor, you have to “blow hard ... no, harder ... that’s right, really hard,” so I guess it’s a bit like a naughtier activity, too. Your aperture, which is the shape your lips make, must be just right so that air sufficiently passes through the mouthpiece, a concept I struggled with and now must suffer the consequences. My mouth was always a little stronger on one side, so sometimes after a few “celebratory beverages” at gatherings, my friends suspect I’ve had a slight stroke because my mouth becomes droopy on the right, and whatever liquid I’m drinking comes out (this only happens when I’m wearing a shirt that can only be washed with Fiji water). Similar to the transition from slippers to pointe in ballet, a transition comes in a horn player’s life from traditional horn to double horn, which has more tubing and allows the musician to play in higher octaves easily. My first instrument of this kind was a Conn engraved with floral designs throughout the valves and tubing. Extra tubing meant extra draining, so in order to avoid a gurgling sound, I’d frequently have to spin the horn around a few times and pour out my wonderful saliva, which has twice christened the stage of Symphony Hall. Nota Bene: if you ever play at Symphony Hall, watch the conductor carefully; audience members claim it’s acoustically the most well-designed building in the world, but for musicians, it always sounds like you’re several counts behind other instrument sections. It’s been too long since I’ve picked up my horn, but as a quarteryear’s resolution, I think it’s time to start playing again. My apologies in advance for disturbing anyone in Shelton Hall.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
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Muse Editor - Meg DeMouth
Music Editor - Lucien Flores
Film/TV Editor - Michela Smith
Lifestyle Editor - Justin Soto
In Defense of Cersei Lannister
Food Editor - Brooke Jackson-Glidden
Megan Riesz
am no stranger to lady crushes. In fact, I am a lady crush connoisseur. Throughout the course of my life, I have been obsessed with an array of famous women including, but not limited to, Bea Arthur, Bette Davis and the ever-so illustrious Sharon Stone. If they’ve got a sharp wit or a scent of danger, they’ve probably featured on my Tumblr. My friends know that when I speak the name “Sharon,” I am by no means referring to a personal friend of mine (or anyone I have ever met). So when the “Sh” sound leaves my mouth, they know to tune out immediately. But now my friends dread another name: Cersei. The name rolls off my tongue as easily as “I” or “bread,” my two other most commonly used words. Yes, Cersei Lannister from HBO’s Game of Thrones, the Queen Regent of the Seven Kingdoms, known for her murderous and merciless antics, ambitious power plays, and striking cheekbones. She is also known for her incestuous relationship with her brother, but that
need not be discussed here … After a nine-month hiatus, the third season of Game of Thrones premieres Sunday, March 31. My allegiance to Cersei has not waned since that June finale, after which I started and promptly finished George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series, the books on which the show is based. I basked in the glow of the imaginary Cersei that I hadn’t known through actress Lena Headey’s exceptional portrayal. I followed her as she further descended into a shriveling ball of madness and paranoia, as her plans went horribly wrong, as she continuously revealed herself as an inept handler of power. I needed no further proof — this was a character to love. I can’t help but think that if I were a Roman in gladiator times, I would have been one of those spectators crying out, “Get him! GET HIM!” When it comes to television, I am a seasoned voyeur: I demand no distractions in hopes that I will be able to immerse myself entirely. When I can immerse myself. I feel that rush
MUSE Contributor that comes from complete identification with a character (despite the possibility that they might be discussing activities such as beheading and the like). The wonderful thing about fantasy television is that emotions and plots are so dramatic that these connections come easily. It only took a couple of episodes, then, for my Cersei obsession to cement. I knew she would join my ranks of spirit animals when I watched her peruse Winterfell with a look like she smelled something rank — I am also wholly incapable of masking what I am feeling (often, annoyance). My obsession became serious when Cersei told her (obnoxious) husband, King Robert, “I should wear the armor, and you the gown.” All of the pieces fell together: I realized that Cersei was desperately trying to escape the confines of her gender. And aren’t we all, ladies? Perhaps in less dramatic fashion, but still. Accordingly, there was (and is) no turning back: “Anyone who isn’t
us is the enemy;” “Power is power.” Each statement is more grandiose than the next, and all solidify my understanding that Cersei wants the power that her gender can’t afford her. Pretty soon, I was ordering posters and changing my desktop background. It’s no wonder that so many viewers hate Cersei – she is the quintessentially misunderstood character, more complex than the average hero or even the average villain. We’re supposed to like Jon Snow because he’s the underdog. We’re supposed to hate Tywin Lannister because he’s a bad father to fan favorite Tyrion. We’re supposed to hate Cersei because she’s manipulative and incestuous, and because she manages to love that rotten ball of tripe, King Joffrey. But isn’t that a boring way to watch television? HBO didn’t become one of the most critically acclaimed premium cable networks by disregarding the audiences’ love for the battle of good versus evil. From a one-dimensional perspective, Game of Thrones pres-
ents that battle. A more savvy viewer will see that every character is morally ambiguous (except the irredeemable Joffrey). While Cersei has her bad moments, she was clearly raised to be manipulative and power-hungry. She is jealous of Jaime, who wages wars while she sits at Robert’s side. Instead of expressing her frustrations like a normal person, she doles out punishment. While this isn’t the right way to go about things, if I were married to an insufferable man, unable to assert control, I would probably kill someone, too. At the very least, I’d get snarky with a sibling. Season three will cast Cersei in an even more unsympathetic light, but I will stand by her. She is like all of us in some way — quick to anger, prone to bad decision-making, jealous, bored with it all. Socially configured: That’s the kind of character I like. Don’t give me a Jon Snow and expect me to be entertained or provoked to thought. Give me a hot mess of humanity and let me pick it apart for myself.
Tina Fey’s take on Admission
Michela Smith
Film/TV Editor
he Millennial generation has learned a lot from Tina Fey. From how to use satire to influence a Presidential election to how to best shotgun a pizza, Tina Fey has been a friend, sister, and role model to many for the past decade. But in March 2013, Tina Fey is at an impasse. Adrift from the momentum that propelled her from Chicago’s Second City to Saturday Night Live to 30 Rock, Fey is now in uncharted waters. Armed with a new but undeveloped NBC contract, Fey is perhaps years away from her next television reinvention. It is fitting then that Tina Fey’s next appearance not only comes in film, but comes in Admission, a film about how the college admissions process halts a lifetime of strategic leapfrog into an unnerving stop, leaving one’s future in anarchic uncertainty. Fey plays Portia Nathan, a Princeton admissions officer who revels in the university’s selectivity, until she encounters an alternative style of education – and living — in John Pressman (Paul Rudd) and his gifted student, Jeremiah (Nat Wolff). Not only does Admission mirror Fey’s own predicament, the film is obviously pertinent to current college hopefuls, ensuring adulation for Fey from this generation. Yet, in interviewing Tina Fey, Paul Rudd, Nat Wolff, and director Paul Weitz, it quickly became clear that Admission is far more applicable to those about to leave college rather than to those hoping to enter. Just like thousands of college seniors, Fey, Rudd, and Weitz also fear endings and beginnings, try to balance passion and failure, and attempted to tell MUSE “the secret to getting in,” the advice envied by the students in
Admssion. But in the midst of poignant discussion, dialogue avoided becoming too sentimental. After all, Liz Lemon and Brian Fantana were in the room. “Do not go to Los Angeles,” Fey said, insisting that it is “the only advice I really ever give people.” Fey stressed that graduates need to “go where you can be on your feet and do more stuff … before you throw yourself whole-heartedly into the really business end of the business.” As such, Fey’s advice has little to do with visiting the sunny city and is instead a declaration on passion. When Fey graduated with a drama degree, she averted New York and Los Angeles to instead go to Chicago, working odd jobs while exploring the improvisational stage troupes that saturate the city. Fey’s early courage to choose allegiance to passion mirrors Admission’s conviction; ultimately the film suggests there’s more to life than the nametag that Princeton University promises. Weitz agreed with the sentiment. “Be your own judge,” he said. “The big pitfall in life is giving over judgment to critics or box office or somebody who doesn’t know you and doesn’t give a damn about you.” Weitz’s career has reflected this conviction; after directing the hugely successful American Pie and About a Boy, Weitz directed a series of critical flops. “Only you know whether you’ve worked hard or not,” he said, suggesting that success has to be measured not just from a final product. Weitz’s extension of this philosophy to Admission reveals his devotion to the dogma.
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March 28, 2013
The Daily Free Press
The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University 43rd year F Volume 84 F Issue 36
Emily Overholt, Editor-in-Chief T. G. Lay, Managing Editor Melissa Adan, Online Editor
Chris Lisinski, Campus Editor
Jasper Craven, City Editor
Gregory Davis, Sports Editor
Anne Whiting, Opinion Editor
Kaylee Hill, Features Editor
Michelle Jay, Photo Editor
Cheryl Seah, Advertising Manager Clinton Nguyen, Layout Editor Shakti Rovner, Office Manager The Daily Free Press (ISSN 1094-7337) is published Monday through Thursday during the academic year except during vacation and exam periods by Back Bay Publishing Co.,Inc., a nonprofit corporation operated by Boston University students. No content can be reproduced without the permission of Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. Copyright © 2010 Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.
Sexual discourse in universities
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville wanted to sponsor “Sex Week,” a six-day campaign funded publicly and by student fees. Students could participate in a condom scavenger hunt, workshops on gender roles and poetry readings on gender and sexuality. The cost for this sexual health campaign? Just less than $20,000. Student fees cover $6,700, but $11,145 would come from state funding — and, ultimately, taxpayers’ pockets. When Fox News broke the details of Sex Week in an editorial, Tenn. Sen. Stacey Campfield and Rep. Bill Dunn called for UT-Knoxville Chancellor Jimmy Creek to pull state funding from the campaign. Even after signing off on Sex Week, Creek dropped state funding for the events. Closer to home, Boston College administrators shut down a student organization that distributed free condoms and literature on sexual health. This begs the question: How much responsibility should a university’s administration assume in promoting sexual health and awareness? Is it the students’ responsibility to choose a school that best caters to their social needs? Or should administrators transform with general student opinion? The majority of a college experience is not centered on the content of lectures, but by a cultural experience with classmates. Not every BC student is catholic, but it is clear that it is primarily a Jesuit institution and policies will shift toward Catholic opin-
ions. UT-Knoxville may have some liberal students, but the taxpayers that help pay their tuition lean right in regards to sexual discourse. The content of UT-Knoxville’s Sex Week is not the only issue. Each of the activities culminated to a pretty hefty price tag, most of which is paid for by the state. There should be oversight on the general opinions of the public when taxpayers are contributing to the school. There is a certain degree of validity that sex awareness is important for young people, but students should be exposed to more workshops such as STI information sessions, instead of an oral sex workshop called “How many licks does it take?” Although the latter may appeal to the student, when the funds are coming from conservative voters, these sorts of activities should be vetted closely. This does, however, exemplify the problems in the lack of sexual discourse to discussions of total abstinence as the definitive answer. At schools such as Northwestern University, Sex Week offers events for every possible niche between fetishists and sadomasochists. We are in an age where college students are more accepting of what-wasonce taboo. The planned events elucidate different sexualities and gender opinions, and this type of discourse intrigues college students. But maybe they shouldn’t be having the conversation on the taxpayers’ dollars.
After 20 years of ruling over the City of Boston, Mayor Thomas Menino will not seek reelection, as reported by The Boston Globe. So we here at the ol’ Free Press were wondering who each school at BU would elect to replace him. • • • • • • • •
CGS: Thomas Menino. COM: Howard Stern. ENG: Bill Nye. SHA: Sage Hospitality (See page 1). SMG: The legendary Warren Buffet. BU Athletics: Jack Parker. SAR: Jillian Michaels. The FreeP: Emily Overholt, even though she’s ridiculously unqualified to hold political office.
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A Very Merry Unbirthday, Howard Zinn DAVID FONTANA
Howard Zinn — have you ever heard him? Perhaps not, but I would hope so. He was a man who wanted to be remembered “for introducing a different way of thinking about the world, about war, about human rights, about equality.” That’s a pretty large to-do list (and I thought getting to class was hard). He was an academic historian, an author of countless books and articles, a playwright, and perhaps most importantly, he was a social activist. In fact, Howard Zinn was even a professor here at our very own Boston University. Pretty cool, right? However, he was also an alleged communist, with such a potential for “evil” that he was followed by the FBI. He has been called crazy and radical, arguing that power should be left in the people’s hands, all of these herdlike people. He’s been marked off as a revolutionary and a nut-job. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised at all, if at some point during his long career of civil disobedience, someone had the insane idea of calling him the Mad Hatter. But, you know what? I bet he’d kind of like that last one. The Mad Hatter, a character most of you should know, is a rather strange fellow. Like Zinn he has a smooth rasp to his voice and suave, white hair (if you put a green top hat on old Howard and gave him a cup of tea, he’d actually fit the part pretty well). In Lewis Carroll’s story, the Hatter was sentenced to death by the infamous, conniving Queen of Hearts. His crime: “Murdering the time.” His weapon of choice: A song, of course. I’m betting it was “Friday,” by Rebecca Black. But hey, maybe “It [really is] Time the Antiwar Crowd Starting Singing.” For speaking out — singing out — he was sent to his death; yet in true Hatter form, he escaped, only to set up camp in a perpetual protest: His very own Wonderland Tea Party (circa 1767, if you know what I mean). The Hatter is downright crazy to the naked eye, but simply put, the Mad Hatter doesn’t accept the social norms he finds wrong; he marches to the beat of his own . . . well, hat. But more importantly, the Hatter doesn’t just celebrate and cherish what he believes in for one day a year. Oh no. Rather, the stark-raven-mad Hatter and the March Hare spend 364 days of the year celebrating what they believe. In fact, the only difference between the Mad Hatter and Howard Zinn, is that Mr. Zinn spent
all 365 days of the year writing, speaking and fighting for what he believed in. And he probably liked his tea without the jam. I imagine the world as we know it — America the beautiful — must have looked a lot like Wonderland to Mr. Zinn: Rules and laws that don’t make any sense, leaders and rulers that abuse their undeserved authority, and people that walk around speaking gibberish, without thinking or understanding what they’re really saying. As the March Hare put it, “Ah, well that’s the point: If you don’t think, than you shouldn’t talk.” I’m no longer surprised that Zinn started “from the supposition that the world is topsy-turvy, that things are all wrong.” So Howard, where do we start to make it right? Beyond creating some higher declaration of interdependence between all people of the world, beyond that first baby step toward civil disobedience, we have to realize one simple truth: “Democracy is not a spectator sport.” So who’s ready to play ball? Well, the Boston University Anti-War Coalition definitely is. In fact, they’re holding a “Tribute to Howard Zinn” this coming Tuesday, April 2 in Tsai Auditorium. It’s a way of getting students out of the classrooms with their textbook histories and armchair historians, and for once, letting the people’s history really be heard. These aren’t the victors, these are the victims. But are they sitting down? Well, I suppose in Rosa Parks case, the answer might be yes, definitely. But as for the rest of them: They’re standing up — with clenched fists, burning emotion and some damn powerful words. Before Zinn died back in 2010, only three measly years ago, he said that he wanted to be remembered as “somebody who gave people a feeling of hope and power that they didn’t have before.” Dissent was his patriotic gift to us. He was the guy for the “ain’t I a woman” (Sojourner) truths. He was the one that swept away all the humbug, the rot, the false pretense. Howard Zinn believed that “America, the plum blossoms are falling.” So I’d ask that you raise your cups of tea in respect for one hell of man: A very merry unbirthday, to you, Howard Zinn. David Fonatana is a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences. He can be reached at
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Thursday, March 28, 2013
Silfin: College basketball only sport capable of hosting March Madness if it were to try to expand to the size of the men’s basketball tournament. With football, lacrosse and soccer rarely having multiple games a week, baseball’s timing not allowing for smooth coverage and college hockey’s trouble getting its current playoff games on TV, that leaves college basketball as the one sport fit to hold a tournament of such magnitude. College basketball attendance is only bested by that of college football. At one time, Madison Square Garden was a sufficient location for the Final Four. Now the tournament requires the capacity of
Silfin: From Page 8
lar season. Unfortunately, there is trouble getting some of the most interesting playoff games broadcast. There was even doubt about whether Quinnipiac University, the top-ranked team in the country, would have its first-round Division I Men’s Ice Hockey Tournament game broadcast live on TV. College hockey does already have a very similar tournament format. However, professional hockey still doesn’t have a large audience in this country, so college hockey would have quite the hill to climb
football stadiums for the final games each year. Both sports have the audience to create such a tournament, but only basketball has a sport that provides just what March Madness requires. March Madness was not created overnight. It has taken 75 years for it to grow to the size and spectacle it is today. Let’s not forget, this tournament isn’t called “madness” for nothing. Buzzer-beaters and upsets impact a wide array of sports fans, based on how each one filled out his or her bracket. Men’s basketball will own NCAA play-
offs for a long time. In order for college baseball, hockey, soccer or lacrosse to even begin to challenge the experience of March Madness, they would first have to require championship games held in NFL arenas. Most college sports and fans are already content with the other playoff systems. Ever-critiqued college football is even implementing a four-team playoff. As long as fans and schools are satisfied, at this point it is best to leave the madness to March. It’s not as if any other sport could compare, anyway.
Terriers looking for freshmen Nolan, Weather causes Beanpot postponement meet is against the University of Hartford Firstenberg to step up in next contest in his first No.1 start of the season, only drop- home April 21. Roundup: From Page 8
“From our standpoint, we really need to focus on our attack and combating [Harvard],” Robertshaw said. “We have to get better opportunities and get more looks at cage, so that’s what we’re going to try to do. “We have to keep the same style of aggressive defense, but we also need to bring that aggressive play into our attacking end.” While Robertshaw stressed improvement on offense as a big part of the Terriers’ plan against Harvard, she later said the biggest key to a Terrier victory Saturday is getting a complete performance from every player on the team. “[The biggest key is] every single person being a threat on both sides of the field,” Robertshaw said. “That’s going to be it. If we can get out there and I can look in the eyes of every one of my players and they tell me that they believe they can make great things happen on the field, then good things are going to happen on the field.”
Lacrosse: From Page 8
two-game losing streak, dropping contests to both Boston College and UMBC (7-2, 1-0 America East). Etrasco has continued to be the leader on offense for the Terriers, scoring 19 points over her last three games. She is continuing her trend from last season, during which she scored 58 goals and put up 22 assists, good for 80 points and America East First Team All-Conference honors. Senior defender Monica Baumgartner is likely sidelined for the game, as she suffered an injury during the first half of Saturday’s contest. Freshman defender Remy Nolan and redshirt freshman defender Lindy Firstenberg are expected to fill in during Baumgartner’s absence. Going into their matchup against the Crimson, Robertshaw said the Terriers’ game plan involves matching Harvard’s intensity on attack and making better decisions on offense.
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ping two games to Berrettini to win the opening singles match, 6-2, 6-0. Last season, Frieder went 1-2 at No. 1. Sophomore Emilio Teran was also impressive in the No. 2 singles match, only losing four games to defeat Sullivan, 6-1, 6-3. Kopelman secured the victory in the No. 3 match, beating McCann by a score of 6-1, 6-4. The No. 4/No. 5 matches were a breeze for the Terriers, as Hallenbeck and freshman Eric Miller each soundly bested their opponents by a score of 6-0. The final singles match of the day was easily the most dramatic, as freshman Brandon Phan responded from being a set down to gain the 4-6, 6-1, 10-4 victory to complete the sweep against the Crusaders. Out of the nine matches between the Terriers and Crusaders, BU won five games in straight sets. The Terriers will next travel to Providence, R.I., to take on the Brown University Brown Bears, the first of a five-meet road trip. The Terriers will not play a game at the Track and Tennis Center for almost a month, as their next
Women’s Rowing Beanpot Moved To April The women’s rowing Beanpot, an annual race between Boston University, Boston College, Northeastern University, Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has been postponed due to inclement weather. The race, which was scheduled to take place March 23, has been moved to April 28. The Boston University women’s rowing team will continue its schedule March 30, when the Terriers will take on Syracuse University for the Kittell Cup at the DeWolfe Boathouse. Last year, the Terriers defeated the Orange by 1.6 seconds to win their fourth Kittell Cup in five years. The Terriers are coming off of a tough performance on March 16 at the Clemson Regatta in South Carolina. BU finished the race with two fourth-place finishes, a third-place finish and a fifth-place finish against Clemson University, Syracuse, Indiana University and Purdue University. Syracuse’s last appearance was also at the
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If ... they believe they can make great things happen on the field, then good things are going to happen on the field.
-BU coach Liz Robertshaw on lacrosse’s upcoming matchup vs. Harvard
Page 8
Over The Fence Unique Madness
Helen Silfin
March Madness is arguably the most exciting time of the year for college sports. Whether you followed college basketball, or any other sports, for that matter, through the rest of the year, you are bound to hear about this tournament. The tournament appeals to a wide variety of sports fans and makes me wonder whether such an event can be pulled off by other college sports. The number of games played, amount of coverage and appeal of the sport contribute to the success of the NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Tournament. sixty-eight teams participate in the three-week, 67-game tournament. According to ESPN, there are 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 possible outcomes of those games. Fans fill out millions of brackets that can be busted in a matter of hours. It is theoretically possible for any other sport to hold such a large tournament, but the ability to progress through that many games in that little time is unique to few sports. Football teams at any level rarely have more than one game a week. College soccer and lacrosse teams also have somewhat limited schedules. On the other hand, college baseball and hockey regularly play not only multiple times a week, but on back-to-back days as well. The constant coverage of the tournament is also a significant aspect of March Madness. Games are shown on CBS, TBS, truTV and TNT. In the second round there can be as many as 16 games in one day, creating situations for back-to-back games and seemingly perpetual coverage. College baseball playoffs are mainly broadcast on ESPN’s family of networks. However, the limited channel options and length of baseball games make it difficult to have the same coverage loop provided by timed sports. There are a handful of nationally broadcast college hockey games every weekend of the regu-
Silfin, see page 7
Softball @ Providence, 3 p.m./5 p.m. Track @ Texas Relays, All Day
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The BU men’s tennis team swept the College of the Holy Cross, 7-0, at the Track and Tennis Center Tuesday afternoon. P.7.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Lacrosse facing physical Crimson team Men’s tennis takes care of CHC squad By Conor Ryan Daily Free Press Staff
After suffering a tough overtime loss to America East opponent University of MarylandBaltimore County Saturday, the Boston University women’s lacrosse team will look to turn its season around Friday night, when the Terriers (2-5, 0-1 America East) take on Harvard University at Nickerson Field. The Terriers last faced off against the Crimson (2-4) Feb. 25 of last year, when Harvard defeated BU 11-9, despite hat tricks from both senior attack Danielle Etrasco and sophomore attack Mallory Collins. This game marks the 21st regular-season meeting between the Terriers and the Crimson. BU is currently 9-11 all-time against Harvard. This season, Harvard struggled out of the gate, losing its first four games of the season. However, the Crimson have rebounded to win their last two contests by an average margin of nearly 10 goals. Harvard is ranked sixth out of eight teams in the Ivy League. Harvard coach Lisa Miller, currently in her sixth season with the Crimson, has helped revive the lacrosse program during her tenure, guiding Harvard to a IWLCA ranking (No. 20) in 2011, the first time the program has been ranked since 1997. The Crimson are led by senior midfielder Micaela Cyr, who has recorded 23 points (16 goals, seven assists) in six games this season. Harvard has featured a rotation at goalkeeper this season between sophomore Annie Meyjes and senior Mel Cook, but Meyjes has received the most playing time, starting four games
By Conor Ryan Daily Free Press Staff
The Terriers will look to freshman defender Remy Nolan to step up in the likely absence of injured senior defender Monica Baumgartner.
and possessing a 13.66 goalsagainst average. Scoring 10.17 goals per game, Harvard has a tough and effective unit on attack. BU coach Liz Robertshaw said she is well aware of her upcoming opponent’s bellicose play. “They are an aggressive team that is looking for some wins,” Robertshaw said. “Harvard has some players that just go really
hard to the net, and defensively we’re going to need to slow them down because of the hard chances that they take. “I’ve gotten the chance to see them play a couple of times, and they are a driving team that likes to go hard to the net, keeps their feet moving and does a good job scoring some goals.” The Terriers are currently on a
Lacrosse, see page 7
While a majority of Boston University teams are making the jump from the America East to the Patriot League next year, the BU men’s tennis team faced off against current Patriot League member College of the Holy Cross Tuesday afternoon, defeating the Crusaders by a score of 7-0. The victory was the Terriers’ (6-3) fourth sweep of the season. BU has already swept Sacred Heart University, Quinnipiac University and Merrimack College on the year. The Terriers won all three of their doubles matches to capture the first point of the matchup against the Crusaders (0-7). In the No. 1 doubles game, senior Josh Friedman and sophomore Chanon Varapongsittikul teamed up to defeat Holy Cross sophomore Nick Berrettini and junior Ryan Sullivan, 8-5. Senior Michael Kopelman and freshman Stefan Lemire were even more impressive in their doubles match, routing freshman Rich DeGregoris and junior Chris Brosnan by a score of 8-0. In the final doubles match of the game, seniors Marcus Vanberkel and Alex Hallenbeck took down senior Scot Brownell and junior Connor McCann to secure the doubles point for the Terriers. The Terriers’ dominance on the day extended to singles play, as BU took all six singles points against its new conference opponent. Junior Jesse Frieder played well
Roundup, see page 7
Track and field sending competitors to various weekend meets By Sarah Kirkpatrick Daily Free Press Staff
This weekend, members of the Boston University track and field team will participate in various meets across the nation. Sprinters and hurdlers will travel to Austin, Texas, to compete at the 86th Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays, hosted by the University of Texas. Senior Allison Barwise will be competing in the heptathlon in her first appearance since competing in the high jump at the NCAA Indoor Championships, where she earned Second Team All-America honors. Barwise had a personal best of 5,276 points in the event, including a personal-record 1.87m in her top event, the high jump. Graduate student Zachary Ray will participate in the 110m hurdles and 400m hurdles, hoping to duplicate his success from two weekends ago. At the Shamrock Invitational March 16, Ray placed seventh in the 110m hurdles, with a time of 14.38 seconds, while turning in a second-place performance in the 400m hurdles (51.16 sec-
The Bottom Line
Thursday, March 28
Holy Cow!
The Daily Free Press
Friday, March 29 W. Lacrosse vs. Harvard, 7 p.m. Track @ Texas Relays/Raleigh Relays, All Day
onds). Junior Stephen Vitale will also take part in the 400m hurdles. Senior R.J. Page is expected to compete in the 100m dash, an event in which he owns the America East record (10.52). Page and Ray will combine with freshman David Lagerberg and senior Tewado Latty for the 4x100m and 4x200m relays. These four are very much accustomed to one another, as they combined during the indoor season for a school record in the 4x400, clocking 3:09.45. Sophomore Gemma Acheampong and senior Shelby Walton will take part in the 100m dash. The two competed in the event at the Shamrock Invite, where they placed 15th (12.43 seconds) and 17th (12.48 seconds) respectively. Senior Nikko Brady and freshman Sophie Jacsurak, a dynamic duo during indoor season, will compete in the 100m hurdles, while senior Julia Mirochnick will line up for the 400m hurdles. Brady, Acheampong, Walton and junior Carolyn Maynard will combine their talents to compete in
the 4x100m relay. While the sprinters and hurdlers will be showcasing their talents down south, BU’s distance runners will take part in the Raleigh Relays, hosted by North Carolina State University. Headlining the pack will be graduate student Katie Matthews, who, like Barwise, is making her outdoor season debut following a strong showing at the NCAA Indoor Championship. Matthews placed fifth in the 5,000m run, breaking her own school record with a time of 15:42.27, and also competed in the 3,000m run, placing 11th in the race. With her strong performances, Matthews became the first Terrier to earn two AllAmerican titles in a single season. Matthews will compete this weekend in the 10,000m, an event in which she placed eighth at the NCAA Outdoor Championships two seasons ago, earning a First Team All-American nod. Her personal best in the event is 33:16.97. Junior Rich Peters will also likely turn in a highlight performance, competing in the 1,500m
for the first time this season. Peters holds the school record in the event (3:42.69), and placed sixth in the NCAA Championship final last season. Accompanying Peters in the 1,500m run will be senior Elliot Lehane and sophomore Ben Ravetz. Lehane and Ravetz competed in the event at the Shamrock Invitational two weekends ago, placing 10th (4:00.88) and 18th (4:03.61) respectively. Sophomore Ashli Tagoai and senior Nikki Long will compete on the women’s side in the 1,500m run. Freshman Alec Olson will make his Terrier track debut in the 3,000m steeplechase. His classmate, Kevin Thomas, will compete in the 5,000m run. Perennial standout senior Robert Gibson will join Thomas for his outdoor season debut. Junior Stuart Ross will run the 800m, in which he holds a personal best of 1:51.11. Several Terriers will also compete at the Snowflake Classic on Saturday, hosted by Tufts University in nearby Medford.
Saturday, March 30
Sunday, March 31
Monday, April 1
Softball @ Binghamton, 12 p.m./2 p.m. Track @ Texas Relays/Raleigh Relays, All Day
Softball @ Binghamton, 12 p.m.
No Events Scheduled Phil Jackson recently joined Twitter, first tweeting out his greatest accomplishment: “11 champ;ipnsikp[ ringhs.”