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The Daily Free Press

Year xlii. Volume lxxxiii. Issue XX

DEBATE TEAM CGSA hosts panel before pres. debate, page 3.


Thursday, October 4, 2012 The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University


Perfume Genius tours his sophomore album, page 5.





W. hockey faces BC in season opener, page 8.

Today: Sunny, High 57 Tonight: Cloudy, Low 40 Tomorrow: 62/38 Data Courtesy of weather.com

Mass. needs more job training, proper skills, report finds Obama, Romney

appeal to middle class in debate

By Rachel Riley Daily Free Press Contributor

After about two years of investigation, the Massachusetts Jobs Creation Commission outlined four main strategies to target economic growth and increase job numbers in the Commonwealth at a press conference Wednesday at the State House. The report, the product of an investigation initially mandated in 2008, recommends that Massachusetts increase demands for goods and services, as well as state investment in infrastructure. “It was to investigate how to create jobs in Massachusetts, and I think it did achieve that,” said Alan Clayton-Matthews, a professor and director of Quantitative Methods at Northeastern University and a commissioner, in an interview with The Daily Free Press. “It was pretty broad-based in its use of finding people who are knowledgeable about ways to increase the number of jobs.” The report suggested ensuring a properly skilled workforce by matching education and training to job demand and ensuring workforce training programs and job search resources. The commission, formed in 2008, was ordered to create “an investigation and study relative to the economy in order to create and maintain quality jobs in the Commonwealth,” according to the report. Mass. Sen. Karen Spilka, of Ashland, cochaired the commission with Mass. Rep. Joseph Wagner, of Chicopee. The commission included 17 individuals,

By Mary Yatrousis Daily Free Press Staff

In their highly anticipated first presidential debate, President Barack Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney clashed on issues of Obamacare, the economy and the suffering middle class. The two candidates went head to head Wednesday night at the University of Denver, moderated by Jim Lehrer from “NewsHour” on PBS. The debate was dominated by issues related to the economy and both candidates’ appeals to the middle class . The debate was dominated by issues pertaining to the economy, with both candidates MICHELLE JAY/DAILY FREE PRESS STAFF presenting their plans for the future. Mass. Sen. Karen Spilka, of Ashland, co-chair of the Jobs Creation Commission, presents the 90-page final “My number one principle is that there will report on how to create more jobs in Massachusetts Wednesday morning in the Senate Reading Room at the be no tax cut that adds to the deficit,” Romney Massachusetts State House. said. including legislators, business and labor rep- the report. Obama said there is no way that Romney’s resentatives and economics professionals. It Eight public hearings occurred all across consisted of three subcommittees for inventory, the Commonwealth, Spilka said. The hearings plan of a $5-trillion tax cut would work, to demand and supply. gave workers, businesses and human resource which Romney repeatedly said was not his “Each focused on a major topic, an area professionals the opportunity to voice their con- plan. Additionally, Obama said there is no way critical to job creation and economic develop- cerns and give suggestions. ment,” Spilka said. “We heard from employees, we heard from he could implement those tax cuts and not lose From Jan. 6, 2011, to July 25, 2012, the employers and we heard from folks that help revenue because the deductions and loopholes he is going to cut will not cover tax cuts of that commission hosted hearings with help from loJobs, see page 2 expense. cal Workforce Investment Boards, according to Romney presented his economic plan in five basic points. He said he wants America to become energy-independent, open up more free trade, give Americans the skills to succeed Charles River Campus on- and off-campus property only in a building or two,” he said. with the best schools, balance the budget and residences as well as BU study abroad “Fortunately, it has been relatively rare for champion small business. Obama presented plans that not only focuses programs. crimes to occur in those facilities outside of on taxes, but also education reform. He also Madrid, as well as the majority of other Boston.” study abroad cities, reported no crimes Healy said the deaths of three students in addressed his proposal to lower the corporate between 2009 and 2011. a vehicular accident in New Zealand on May tax rate and create tax break incentives for “I usually see a good amount of people 12 will not be included in the next annual companies who are investing in the U.S. and and feel comfortable walking knowing security report because it only reports not overseas. Obama also said he aims to look to energy there’s safety in numbers,” Wood said about Jeanne Clery Act crimes, which does not Madrid. “In Boston, it doesn’t seem this classify a traffic fatality as a non-negligent sources of the future, such as wind and solar power. way. Even parts of Comm. Ave. can get homicide. Both candidates emphasized their support pretty dark and quiet come 11 at night.” Olivia Soga, a College of Arts and The program in Los Angeles was the Sciences junior in the London Internship for the middle class. Romney detailed a plan only one to report a crime, one burglary in Program, said there are different restrictions where he would lower tax rates for the middle 2011, according to the report. for overnight guests and duration of their class and without losing revenue. The key to Even though the number of crimes at stays as well as keypads for the communal providing relief, he said, would be in lowering deductions and exemptions that the upper class abroad campuses is significantly fewer than kitchens. those on Boston campuses, BUPD Sergeant “I live in a very tame building, so we is using as loopholes. But Obama said Romney’s plan would not Daniel Healy said the crime statistics haven’t had any noise violations abroad reported are accurate. so far,” she said. “My floormates are all work. “For each of the locations outside of Debate, see page 2 Abroad, see page 2 Boston, the university typically controls

BU students feel safe while abroad, few crimes reported By Nicole Leonard Daily Free Press Staff

College of Communication junior Caymee Wood said that although there is not campus security or an escort service for her study abroad program, she feels safe, if not safer, in Madrid than at Boston University. “I rarely see any dark streets [here],” she said in an email. “There just seems to be more street lighting, and because of the culture here, there are always people awake and chatting and drinking in the streets until the early hours of the morning.” Wood, who is in the Madrid Internship Program, is one of a number of students who said the safety and security within their abroad programs reflect the limited crime incidences reported in the BU Annual Security and Fire Safety Report of 2012–13. The BU Police Department distributed the report to students in an email last Friday, which contained crime statistics for the

Splash re-opened after temporary closing By Amira Francis Daily Free Press Staff

Students gave mixed reviews about Splash Ultra Lounge & Burger Bar, which was shut down after an underage Boston University student’s high tab led officials to shut down the club on Saturday. The Boston Fire Department District Four chief temporarily closed Splash Saturday night due to overcrowding, violation of fire codes and serving alcohol to minors, including the unnamed BU student, according to a police report. Nicole Murati Ferrer, chairwoman of Boston’s Licensing Board, said the fire chief who shut the club down on Saturday has lifted the order so that they can be open for business. “I can’t comment on whether there will be any action taken against Splash because we haven’t heard the evidence,” Ferrer said. “There will be a hearing on Oct. 23 at 10 a.m.” Madisen Sanders, a College of General Studies sophomore, said she noticed overcrowding when she attended Splash this year.

“I particularly thought of it as a little shady,” she said. “I actually ended up leaving because it was overcrowded. There just wasn’t enough breathing area at all. It was very packed.” Scott Shapiro, a College of Arts and Sciences sophomore, said he always enjoyed attending Splash. “My experience was always positive,” he said. “Everyone was having a good time.” Shapiro said he was surprised to hear Splash was closed for overcrowding. “It always seemed pretty under control even when it was very crowded,” he said. “Every time I’d been there, there was space and places you could go to get to the stage. I think most nightclubs will always have times where they get very crowded.” Sanders said she noticed underage drinking when she attended Splash, but is still surprised by it. “From my friends’ experiences, they’ve said they have no problems getting into clubs around

Splash, see page 4



Artist and designer Sybylla Smith hosts Fashion Photography Night at the Photography Resource Center Wednesday night.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Romney articulated Obama’s presidency London’s abroad program as ‘failure’ well, GOP spokesman states quiet hours 11 p.m.-8 a.m. Debate: From Page 1

“It’s math,” he said. “It’s arithmetic.” The debate turned to health care and the role of government with the candidates clashing over their visions for the federal government. Romney said he would repeal Obamacare and replace it with something else, but that he would want to give the American people the option of choosing a health care plan with Medicare or private care. “The best course for healthcare is to do what we did in my state — craft a plan at the state level that fits the needs of the state,” he said. “And then let’s focus on getting the costs down for people.” Obama said, however, that Obamacare is the same as what Romney did in Massachusetts, and that they had the same advisors. The first debate was considered a potentially pivotal moment in the election, just 34 days before Nov. 6.

Tobe Berkovitz, an associate professor in the College of Communication at Boston University, said this debate is pivotal for the elections. “Currently, this presidential campaign is almost a 50–50 race,” Berkovtiz said. “Something like the debates could be what determines how undecided and persuadable voters end up casting their ballot on Election Day.” Kevin Franck, communications director for the Massachusetts Democratic Party, said the clear choice before American voters could not be more clear after the debate. “I think that what we [the Mass. Democratic Party] thought tonight was that the president delivered specific details about his concrete plan to keep America moving forward,” he said. Tim Buckley, communications director for the Massachusetts GOP, had a different opinion.

“Gov. Romney did exactly what he needed to do to reach undecided voters,” he said. “He presented a clear contrast, he demonstrated that the president’s last four years have been four years of failure and he presented a plan to move forward.” COM Dean Thomas Fiedler said he thought the debate was essential for discussing policy. Fiedler said to measure the success of the debate, viewers must determine the goals for each candidate and who achieved them. He said Obama did well, but if he were to grade himself, he would grade his performance as only mediocre and average. The first goal for Romney, Fiedler said, was to appear substantive. “Here he is shoulder to shoulder with the president of the United States, so he had to at least look as if he had the capability of being president,” he said. “I think he achieved that.”

Residents ‘still struggling’ with unemployment, sen. says Jobs: From Page 1

and assist employees and employers,” Spilka said. Commissioners also emphasized the need to further improve the quality of the Commonwealth’s workforce and stressed the need to create more jobs for middle-skilled workers who are currently unemployed. “There’s nothing more friendly to business than a highly qualified, highly trained, highly skilled workforce, and that is a huge emphasis of this report,” said Richard Sullivan, secretary of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. Although parts of the report might become legislation when the Massachusetts Legislature begins a new term in January, some of the commission’s findings are already under implementation, Spilka said in an interview with The Free Press. “There may be pieces of this that we specifically file as new bills come

January,” she said. Spilka said the implementation of the Economic Development Jobs bill from this session is ongoing, among other initiatives. The commission also examined unemployment among a wide array of demographic groups that might face employment barriers such as minorities, veterans, ex-convicts and people with disabilities. Secretary Coleman Nee of the Department of Veterans’ Services spoke during the press conference about the attention the commission paid to veterans in their report. “I think this report will go a long way, particularly along the translation of their military skills and helping these folks transition to commercial settings,” Nee said. During the press conference, Spilka said the newest Massachusetts unemployment rates have appeared lower than the national rates, a fact she called “heartening” to hear.

While the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics announced August’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate as 8.1 percent, the Mass. Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development records the statewide rate at 6.4 percent. “And yet we realize that not all folks who want a job have a job, or they may be still underemployed,” Spilka said. “People, we recognize, are still struggling.” The commission aims to see this change with the four proposed strategies. “It’s been a very deliberative and collaborative process which has involved lots of different stakeholders,” said Aaron Tanaka, executive director of the Boston Workers Alliance, in an interview with The Free Press. “From that standpoint, I think we were able to get some real concrete, pragmatic recommendations that can deal with the joblessness crisis that is afflicting the whole country.”

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By Tribune Media Services

Across 1 Rating for many HBO shows 5 Capital of Morocco 10 Vise parts 14 Twice the radius: Abbr. 15 Funds for online buys 16 Make spelling corrections to, e.g. 17 Burlesque act 19 Camper driver, for short 20 Baghdad’s river 21 “Tobacco Road” novelist __ Caldwell 23 Pioneer in pistolgrip hair dryers 24 Lang. of Lombardy 25 Repair, as a tear 26 “... boy __ girl?” 27 Anti-discrimination agcy. 29 Forensic evidence threads 31 Surrealist Joan 33 Allegiance 35 University governing body 41 Tummy-tightening garment 42 Sailor’s patron saint 43 Pour into a carafe 46 __ prof. 49 Newbie reporter

50 Rose of Guns N’ Roses 51 Resistance units 53 Bathroom hangers 55 “You cannot be serious!” tennis great 57 Dolts 58 Pre-migraine headache phenomenon 59 Baseball’s Big Papi 62 Certain NCO 63 Hoop-shaped gasket 64 Picard’s counselor 65 South Florida vacation destination 66 Simultaneous equation variables 67 __ Kong Down 1 100-plus-yd. kickoff returns, e.g. 2 Director De Sica 3 Tomato-based sauce 4 Pedro’s girlfriend 5 Call it a night 6 Top pitchers 7 Sheep’s cry 8 Pitcher’s pinpoint control, say 9 Cold relief brand 10 Dolt 11 Recommend 12 Hot dog 13 Spreads, as seed 18 __-dieu: kneeler 22 Narrow apertures 23 Search high and low 24 Summer coolers 28 Slays, mob-style

Abroad: From Page 1

very close, so we’ve never had problems with stolen things or loud neighbors.” College of Fine Arts junior Jackson Miller said security is more “lax” on the London campus, where only one of the three residences has a guard and the resident assistants do not punish as frequently. “They aren’t guarding the building like the guards in Boston,” he said in an email interview. “The RAs have a much more informational role here than a disciplinary one, so I’m much more likely to ask my RA for a suggestion of where to go or what to do than getting rebuked for doing something.” CAS junior Zachary Mueller, an RA in London this semester, said it is more relaxed in London where quiet hours are from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m. and has only had to talk to students twice so far to keep noise levels down. “With more relaxed regulations, the student life staff expects more

out of the students, and I’ve been impressed with how well students respond to that respect,” he said. “We don’t write people up for drinking here because it’s legal, and students have responded great to that as well.” Mueller said that because the BU housing in London is in a safe area, it limits the number of robberies. Back in Boston, he said criminals take advantage of the fact that there are more than 16,000 students in a concentrated area. “Armed robberies with guns don’t happen very often here at all because of strict European gun laws, unlike what happened at BU the other day,” he said referring to the Sept. 22 and Sept. 25 Brookline robbery of three students. Wood said although some of her friends have been victims of pickpocketing, the safety abroad is higher than that on campus. “The people themselves just don’t seem as threatening,” she said. “They are much more open and friendly. Maybe it’s a cultural thing.”


CAMPUS LIFE -- Looking for accommodations? Are you interested in living in a house rent-free in exchange for helping as a personal assistant and/or home manager? Busy single professional Muslim from India, male, 54 with minor medical problems is offering a free room with bath, kitchen, cable TV, internet access and other facilities to student(s) willing to help in two major areas. Home manager duties include cleaning kitchen, bathroom, vacuuming and laundry twice a month, taking care of plants, yard work and snow removal. Personal assistant duties include motivate and participate in daily exercise and stretching, giving medications, eye drops and skin care. Looking for someone responsible, reliable, dependable, honest and quiet with good organizational, time management and multitasking skills. Nonsmoker, no drugs or alcohol or friends allowed. No loud music. Willing to keep two students who can divide duties. Compatibility essential. If you can eat Indian/Pakistani food, you are welcome to have free meals. Graduate student a plus. Indian/Pakistani a plus but not essential. Large house located in Brookline (close to Cleveland Circle) on a quiet, peaceful residential street but very close to Green B, C and D lines and bus stops. Send letter of introduction & resume to taimurazamMD@gmail.com or call 617-713-0470. JOBS -- $$ SPERM DONORS WANTED $$ Earn up to $1,200/month and give the gift of family through California Cryobank’s donor program. Convenient Cambridge location. Apply online: SPERMBANK.com


30 Computer memory unit 32 Marine predator 34 Martial __ 36 Blood drive participant 37 Greek __ Church 38 City east of San Diego 39 Liquid-in-liquid suspension

40 Cries convulsively 43 Table linen material 44 Forgive 45 Pastors and priests 47 Unduly formal 48 Corrida competitor 52 Stiller’s partner 54 Value 56 Washington team, familiarly 57 It can be changed or

made up 60 Sportscaster Scully 61 Turn sharply

Solution is on Page 4


Difficulty: Medium

Solution is on Page 4

Campus & City Column

Celebrity Status We all start our first year with a plan that will get us through the semester. Some of us aim for great grades, a social life like never before or getting involved with activities and causes. “Indulge in the college experience,” they say. “Make new friends. Get to know your professors. Join every activity you RHEA couldn’t join as a OOMMEN kid because they didn’t really exist back then.” That’s all good stuff but, just for a second, I’d like to sit back and consider what lies before us? Yes, we all would like to be doctors, artists, teachers, engineers and diplomats. Yes, we will have memories to look back on. But who will be the next creative genius and the next one on the movie posters and iPods? I think it’s fair to say at least one person in my class of about 4,000 students will do something great. Am I overestimating my fellow freshmen? I think Boston University students have potential. Just look at all of the prominent and influential people who have graduated from BU, Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. for example. When I told one of my friends about my acceptance to King’salma mater, the first thing she said was, “Wait, Jenna Marbles went there too!” King and Jenna Marbles make an interesting pair. One was an activist that touched the lives of many and the other is a “vlogger” with an obscenely attractive sense of humor. That is diversity. And to take it to the next level, after I heard a certain song play on the loud speakers at Splash, I typed in what sounded like the lyrics and discovered “Gangnam Style” by Psy, who also went to BU. The next day, I found out that a writer of “Modern Family” attended BU as well. Amazing. I know I’m in the right place. The expectations are high. And BU students can reach them. I’m sure everyone’s going to find work in something they like and make this world a better place. However, I still wonder about the next big thing to come out of my graduating class, the Class of 2016. If I do fulfill my dream of being an actress — it’s literally a dream because I don’t do anything about it in reality — then others may say, “Oh yeah, I know her, she went to my school.” I would be so proud to make BU’s “notable alumni” list even longer. Rhea Oommen is a freshman in the College of Arts and Sciences and a weekly columnist for The Daily Free Press. He can be reached at rheao@bu.edu.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Students warned to question politicians COM prof. aims to promote ‘hope’ with new novel

By Nora Philbin Daily Free Press Contributor

A panel of four political experts and activists spoke to Boston University students Wednesday night about the importance of being politically aware and getting involved to make a difference before screening the first presidential debate. “Part of the beauty of American democracy is if you organize, you can make changes,” said Denise Baer, the Director of the BU Washington D.C. Program. Baer told students to think about the problems the country needs to solve, not necessarily about what the candidates are saying in their speeches and campaign ads. She said students need to pay attention to what the candidates neglect to say as well. About 45 students attended the panel, entitled “Election! Our Voices, Our Votes” and cosponsored by the Center for Gender, Sexuality & Activism, to listen to Baer and three other panelists speak. Sarah Sullivan, a BU alumna who founded the Center for Gender, Sexuality & Activism and a White House analyst, Whitney Taylor, a field director at American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts and June Tsang, a representa-

By Shannon Nargi Daily Free Press Contributor


Political experts and activists June Tsang, Whitney Taylor, Sarah Sullivan and Denise Baer answer students’ questions before the first presidential debate.

tive from Our Bodies Ourselves, also spoke to the crowd before they opened the floor for questions. Tsang said she encouraged students to post on Facebook to advocate for the issues that directly affect women and students. “For young women, eight out of 10 of us get our news from each other,” she said. Taylor and Sullivan spoke about the protection of voters’ rights. “We [ACLU] have many other instances of people being chal-

lenged on their color, on their last name [in Mass.],” Taylor said. “We are working with community organizations. We are working with people to register to vote. We are working on all of those issues.” Taylor said her main goal “is to make sure that people feel safe and secure and good about executing their constitutional right to vote” on election day. When asked what students

CGSA, see page 4

Affirmative action not best for diversity, study suggests By Jasper Craven Daily Free Press Staff

Affirmative action plans based on class — not race — might provide more diversity to the nation’s universities than affirmative action, a Century Foundation report released on Wednesday stated. “If college admissions officers want to be fair — truly meritocratic — they need to consider not only a student’s raw academic credentials, but also what obstacles [he or] she had to overcome to achieve them,” wrote Richard Kahlenberg, the main author of the report. The report noted that the University of Texas Austin managed to create even higher levels of minority representation in 2004 using classbased affirmative action than in 1996, when schools considered race a factor. The report notes universities in nine states that have created an admissions process attentive not only to racial and ethnic diversity, but also to class inequality. Seven states have banned affirmative action, an issue likely to face the Supreme Court and add debate to the upcoming elections. Kahlenberg wrote that admis-

sions officials should pay attention to “strivers,” students who overcame obstacles and succeeded despite socio-economic impediments. The most economically disadvantaged student is expected to score 399 points lower on the SAT math and verbal sections than the most advantaged student, according to the report. “Unlike race-based affirmative action, class-based preferences compensate for what research suggests are the more substantial obstacles in today’s world — those associated with socioeconomic status,” Kahlenberg wrote. Boston University students said while affirmative action is complex issue, a diverse student population is necessary for a well-balanced institution. “Diversity is important,” said Katie Strelitz, a junior in the School of Hospitality Administration and the School of Management. “But diversity means more than just race, background and financial standing.” Strelitz said it is up to BU to appeal to a wide range of students so that diversity is established. Ryan Kell, a College of Arts and

Sciences junior, said affirmative action is touchy and it is easy to sound discriminatory when talking about it. “While I think, on principle, the idea of affirmative action is inherently unfair to the more qualified candidate, I acknowledge that there are still enormous disadvantages minorities face in society,” he said. “Solving them through college admissions may not be the most appropriate solution. Class definitely makes more sense, because ideally those of the lowest class are the people who need an education the most.” Kell said the admissions process is ridiculous for many reasons. “It’s hard to not think of it as malarkey, because the mixed message we are sent is to make ourselves stand out, but then we’re judged by standardized test scores,” he said. CAS freshman Jess Feng said academic rigor should be the main factor in admissions. “It’s very complicated,” he said. “I think that time spent in class working and grades should be weighted the most. But I think it is good for a school to have students with diverse cultures and backgrounds.”

College of Communication professor Kathryn Burak said that while she was attending graduate school at University of Massachusetts Amherst, she was inspired to write a story set in the town. After three years of research, writing and editing, Burak released her book Tuesday at the Milton Public Library. Burak said her book, “Emily’s Dress and Other Missing Things” is the story of a young girl, Claire, who steals Emily Dickinson’s dress from the Emily Dickinson Museum in Amherst and investigates the mystery of her best friend’s disappearance. “It’s got a little mystery, a little romance, but there’s a bigger story about how to find hope in the world,” Burak said. Burak, a senior lecturer in the COM Writing Program, joined the BU faculty in 1990 as an adjunct and became a full-time professor in 1999. She has been published in a number of journals and magazines, and is coauthor of the textbook “Writing in the Works.” She said she is happy to be able to write in so many different genres. “I’ve been writing textbooks for 11 years, and I do enjoy creating new ways to think about teaching, but it felt great to be working with my imagination in a different way,” Burak said. Burak said she began to think about the novel while living in Amherst, but found her inspiration when she attended a poetry reading at BU in 2009. “Robert Pinsky was reading from his translation of Dante’s ‘Inferno,’ and when he came to this line, ‘And then the hunger had more power than even sorrow had over me,’ I thought, that’s [my story],” Burak said. “This girl who is grieving feels her hunger for life — for living and feeling love — and it’s stronger than her sadness. That’s what I’ll write about.” COM Dean Tom Fiedler said the book’s release is important to the field of communication. “In the same way that a faculty member at the medical school, for instance, might do some kind of research that is applicable to a patient’s needs ... what a COM faculty member accomplishes by doing what Professor Burak has done is demonstrating the craft that she is also teaching,” Fiedler said.

Book, see page 4

BU students’ T use remains relatively unchanged despite fare hikes By Susmita Gadre Daily Free Press Contributor

because I don’t really use it daily, so it’s more of a long term budget impact.” Sofi Fligelman, a College of Communication senior, said while she does not often use the T, the price increase is still inconvenient. “It’s kind of slow, and I just don’t need to take it that often, and now that it’s more [expensive], there’s even less of a point for me to take it,” she said. The MBTA officially raised fares an average of 23 percent in July to add financial stability, said MBTA spokesman Joe Pesaturo in an email. “Additional revenue was necessary to balance the MBTA’s budget,” Pesaturo said.

Few Boston University students said they have changed their transportation routines since the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority fare hikes enacted in July. “I’ll walk if it’s close enough, rather than spending an extra 25 cents,” said Liz Marandola, a College of Arts and Sciences junior. “If it’s up near Packard’s Corner, I’ll walk to that.” Spencer Diehl, a School of Management junior, said the fare hikes have been frustrating but not a major impact on his personal budget. “Every time I swipe my Charlie Card, it [costs] more, so, it’s a bit of a pain,” he said. “[It hasn’t affected my budget] significantly SEE FULL STORY ONLINE


Despite the MBTA fare hikes enacted in July, students haven’t made significant changes in their transportation habits.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Voters should consider issues that Police find patrons with fake IDs at Splash hit home in election, panelist says Splash: From Page 3

CGSA: From Page 3

could do to make their voices heard beyond the polls, Sullivan said they should think about issues that matter to them. “I think what you can do on a really personal level is think about the issues that are affecting you and your friends — the people in your life,” Sullivan said. Students who attended said they came to become more informed on the debates that would impact the presidential elections. “It’s an important event,” said Swanson Ninan, public relations coordinator for the CGSA and a College of Arts and Sciences sophomore. “Its really good to be informed. Especially when you are deciding whether or not to vote and making a conscious decision to be

informed on these issues.” College of Communication sophomore Mackenzie Tipton said listening to the speakers before the debate was an added bonus. “Mainly I was looking for a group of people to watch the debate with,” she said. “I thought, ‘that’s a really cool add-on.’ I only really wanted to watch the debate, but I get to talk to all these cool people too.” Rani Gupta, a COM senior, said talking about voting rights is very important to her. “Especially with all the restrictions on voting that are occurring in various states,” Gupta said. “I wish everyone could attend something like this because it’s so important.”

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Boston being underage, but I haven’t had that experience,” she said. “It made sense to me that when they were called in for the overcrowding issue, they were also investigating the other issue.” Shapiro said Splash’s temporarily closing is unfortunate. “I definitely liked it there,” he said. “It was fun to me. It was one of my favorite places, I really enjoyed the afternoon events.” Police reported to the club after a parent of an underage Boston University student reported that his daughter was charged $2,800 at a recent Saturday event during which the club served unlimited bottle service to underage BU students, the report stated. Officers at the scene found the club to be in violation of codes regarding impeded egress and overcrowding and called for the fire chief to investigate.

“[The chief] responded, made interior observations of the excessive occupant load and ordered the premise evacuated for the safety of all patrons and employees and for failing to comply with the licensed capacity,” the report stated. Officers also found the club to be serving alcohol to minors, according to the report. “Detectives also observed alcoholic beverage bottle service to be offered throughout the club to the very young clientele,” the report stated. Ferrer said it is the fire chief’s responsibility to shut down premises with violations. “When they [police] see a public safety issue, the fire chief gets called in, which is what they did at that point,” she said. “Investigation revealed that a promoter known as [omitted] has been involved in the ‘Saturday Afternoon Recess Party’ from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturdays at Splash,” the report

stated. After the police had arrived at the scene, they reportedly observed a number of young people under the age of 21 lining up for entry. Police reported that another detective asked a different male patron for proof of age and the patron showed a fake Venezuelan driver license. Later, the young man showed his true ID, which proved him to be underage. The doorperson told detectives that there were 247 persons on the first floor of the building. The licensed capacity of the first floor on both the BFD Assembly Permit and the Inspectional Services Department Certificate is 210 persons, the report stated. When entertainment is taking place, as it was on Saturday, the licensed floor capacity is 200 persons. Splash was recently cited for overcrowding on Aug. 9, the report stated.

COM professor considers students ‘fellow writers’ Book: From Page 3

He said faculty should be recognized for their individual accomplishments. “I think it’s something that’s important for our faculty to do and to be recognized when they do it,” he said. Burak said she agrees that professors in the field should continue to write and practice their skills. “I think it’s good for writing teachers to have an active writing life — to be rewriting, to be facing rejection, working with editors, under-

standing the marketplace,” she said. Her writing is helpful in her academic environment as well as the professional world, Burak said. “I think of my students as fellow writers,” she said. “I like sharing a ‘writing life’ with them,” she said. Burak said she is inspired by and learns from her students. A line from the acknowledgements page of her book reads, “I can’t forget the young people in my life who inspire me every single day — my writing students at Boston University.”

Burak said she was hesitant to ask for help from the Emily Dickinson Museum in Amherst, but instead they were appreciative of her endeavor. “When I visited in June, Jane Wald, the director, let me have some time all by myself in Emily Dickinson’s room,” she said. “It was a very powerful moment for me, being really there after spending so very much time there in my imagination. It was as if my imaginary life and my real life intersected at that point in the graph. I cried.”


Muse Editor - Marisa Benjamin

Music Editor - Sydney Moyer

Film/TV Editor - Melissa Papalcure

Lifestyle Editor - Gina Curreri

Food Editor - Katie Doyle

An Interview with Perfume Genius Will Dowsett


ith a piano, synthesizer, some drum beats and a couple polished fingernails, Perfume Genius (A.K.A. Mike Hadreas) released his sophomore album Put Your Back N2 It in February. The album represents Genius’s growth from desire to determination since the release of his first album, Landing, in 2010. He is touring the U.S. throughout October. Will Dowsett: The vibe of the album is definitely more optimistic than your first one. One song, “Dark Parts,” written about your mom, seems extra special. Mike Hadreas: Surviving things, like abuse or addiction or things that are personal like that, you feel like people are clapping for you all the time. I think it needs to be like that. But I wanted to write something for my mom just to let her know how much I respect her for her survival because it’s taught me what to do in a lot of places. I’m just really thankful for that. WD: You didn’t have a very great past, either, before you released your first album. Is it easy to embrace that, or is it more of a personal struggle? MH: I guess it’s a little bit of both. I think that even if I’m struggling now or coming to terms with things and trying to be real about it, at least whatever pain I have ... it’s really what I’m supposed to feel. Before when I was like drinking and stuff, it was all bulls—, really. It’s personal, and your world is really small, like you’re not really dealing with anything at all. WD: There are a large number of LGBTQ students at BU. Do you have any advice from personal experience to share? MH: You mean to be helpful [laughs]? I came out when I was 15, and I was the only “out” person at my high school, which is not the easiest thing. But I didn’t feel like I really had a choice. I didn’t want to hide any percentage of myself. People were always talking to me like “only gay people are gonna

Muse Staff

listen to you, people aren’t gonna relate to you … blah, blah, blah.” But, people relate to you when you just are honest and just do you. Don’t print that I said, “Do you!” I can’t believe that I actually said that (laughs). WD: You feature your boyfriend on one of the tracks (“Put Your Back N2 It”). Was that special? Well, obviously it was special — what was it like? MH: [Laughs] It’s very dramatic — but I wrote this song for him before we were together, and I had him sing it with me before he knew it was about him. I eventually told him it was about him. I just really wanted to have a song that was a love song between two men and have two men singing together. Maybe that exists somewhere else, but I’ve never heard something sweet like that before. WD: YouTube rejected the promotional video for your new album (which shows Hadreas and another man holding each other). Was that hard to see happen? MH: Well, I came out pretty young in high school, so I learned pretty early that some people don’t like that. For no reason, for something you have no control over, people just don’t like you. And so I really wasn’t that surprised when something I thought was very sweet and not controversial at all was suddenly not family friendly ... But not being surprised about it is the saddest part. WD: The xx have mentioned you on multiple occasions as music that they’re listening to right now. Are there certain artists whose opinions you value or who inspire you more than others? MH: They’re one of them. It’s always nice to have people like your music. I haven’t been making music for that long, so I sometimes think, “Wait, am I even a musician?” [laughs]. And then to hear other people who you respect like your music, it feels like — I don’t know — it feels really good.

PHOTO COURTESY Billions Corporation

Perfume Genius will be performing Oct. 7 at Johnny D’s in Somerville.

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October 4, 2012


The Daily Free Press

The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University 42nd year F Volume 84 F Issue 20

Steph Solis, Editor-in-Chief Sydney L. Shea, Managing Editor Lauren Dezenski, Online Editor Emily Overholt, Campus Editor

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The Daily Free Press (ISSN 1094-7337) is published Monday through Thursday during the academic year except during vacation and exam periods by Back Bay Publishing Co.,Inc., a nonprofit corporation operated by Boston University students. No content can be reproduced without the permission of Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. Copyright © 2010 Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.

TV anchor bullied

A morning news anchor used her platform to rebuff personal attacks on her weight and address the issue of bullying on Tuesday. Jennifer Livingston, an anchor for the CBS affiliate WBKT-TV in LaCrosse, Wis., responded on-air to a letter she received from a viewer criticizing her weight. The letter’s author said Livingston was setting a poor example for children, especially girls, by being overweight. Livingston responded by identifying the author as a bully and urging viewers to “not let their self worth be defined by bullies.” She was wise to use her position as a television anchor to address the issue of bullying. Remember when Tyra Banks used her television program as a platform to refute claims that she had gained too much weight? Some people, children especially, look up to television personalities. An address by someone such as Livingston could inspire many viewers — bullying should not be tolerated. Many of Livingston’s remarks were also praiseworthy. For instance, she said bullying is a cycle that sometimes is perpetuated by parents, which is accurate. Parents who call their TV anchor, neighbor or co-worker “fat” are leading a bad example for their children.

A child who hears his or her parent call someone “fat” might think it’s socially acceptable to go to school the next day and call his or her classmate, teacher or principal “fat.” This attitude from parents contributes to children’s perceptions of what is acceptable behavior. That being said, there was some important information that Livingston left out of her address Tuesday. Livingston’s husband mentioned on Good Morning America the next day that Livingston has tried to lose wait but has a thyroid condition that makes it difficult for her to do so, according to an article on ABC Wednesday. Why didn’t Livingston mention that in her address? Was she afraid that people would think she was making an excuse? For whatever the reason, the fact that she has tried to lose weight but physically cannot do so should have been mentioned Tuesday. The address would have been stronger had she said exercising, while good for promoting a healthy lifestyle, isn’t always the cure. Looking forward, it would be interesting to see how other television networks will respond to Livingston’s message if at all. She reminds us that words sting and should be chosen more carefully, especially in the presence of impressionable children.


I N T E R RO B A N G This week, TIME magazine reported that researchers at Hiroshima University found that watching puppy cams improves work performance. So, we here at the ‘ol Free Press wondered what videos each school would watch to make them more productive. • COM students would watch puppy cams. • CFA students wouldn’t watch anything. They’d smoke weed. • SMG students would sit and watch a live feed of money being counted. • CGS students would watch “Blues Clues.” The show would help them find things. • SHA students would look for a wine-swirling video. • ENG students would watch porn because that is their only interaction with females. • BU Athletics would watch clips of themselves. • Dean Elmore would watch his Twitter feed. • The FreeP would pull up Nigel Thornberry videos.

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The heritage of a dream ARIELLE EGAN

hen I picture the American dream, I think of the perfectly manicured lawns in “Edward Scissor Hands.” I think of families huddled around a radio, listening to old programs such as “The Shadow” and eating freshly baked Toll House cookies out of a classic tin. I think of Spot the dog, Dick and Jane, white-picket fences and vintage cars. Clearly, at some point, I disassociated our national ethos and reality. I am not a history major, but I know that as far back into our history as I can recall, we as Americans have regarded and promoted ourselves as the pinnacle of liberty and equality. The meaning of the American dream has changed over the years, perhaps birthed out of the New World and the mysterious attributes of frontier life, but somewhere along the way, it became a commodity. It is safe to say that the American dream lured millions of people of all nations to U.S. shores. The engraving on the Statue of Liberty, a sonnet by Emma Lazarus, proclaims, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” It’s a good dream. It indicates that anyone should be able to achieve prosperity through hard work and individual choice without restrictions based on class, caste, religion, ethnicity, disability or race. Martin Luther King, in his Letter from a Birmingham jail, proclaimed, “We will win our freedom because the sacred heritage of our nation and the eternal will of God are embodied in our echoing demands.” So, why is it that I, a child of the ‘90s, associate the American dream not with freedom or equality but with shows like Leave it to Beaver? Why didn’t I ever inherit this dream? After World War II, the U.S. was the last economy standing, and it thrived. All of a sudden, Americans were enjoying an unprecedented standard of living, started sending their children to college, bought their homes, owned a car, a television. As far as I can tell, somewhere in there, the American dream was commercialized. Then the ‘70s hit, and things got rough: prices soared, unemployment rose and to maintain the standard of living, we started borrowing. Wives didn’t bake Toll House cookies anymore. They went to work because a middle class house built on oneincome wasn’t going to stay middle class for long. Good things came out of this such as the Women’s Strike for Equality, but the dream we started chasing had changed.

I first heard the “We built it!” slogan while watching the Republican National Convention on television. Despite being birthed from a misinterpreted speech given by President Barack Obama, this slogan says a lot about the perceived American dream. The slogan was mainly used to reference the various businesses developed by Americans, but the sentiment is strong. “We built it,” invokes all those images I associate with the American dream and embodies a strong sense of community. This is a great market strategy, selling a dream that incorporates me and makes me think of my great-grandfather, a coalminer and then his son, my grandfather, a college grad driving a Thunderbird. Yet, somewhere there is a disconnect between my great-grandfather the coalminer and me the college student and the slogan, “We built it.” We didn’t build it, or at least I didn’t build it. And certainly none of us did it alone. My great-grandfather, the coalminers who sweated and died of black lung alongside him and all of those workers did. We were born onto a platform that was already built, one I’ll hopefully add to, and when my kids add to that platform, my family will be elevated. So we keep building on our families past achievements and the bottom floor keeps rising. But the only American dream that seems to fit here now is the commercialized one of the late ‘40s. All we are chasing is a standard of living that is unsustainable, and it seems as if we’ve lost the origins of the dream altogether. We have to step back and ask, “Should anyone be able to achieve prosperity, regardless of their class, caste, religion, ethnicity, disability or race?” For me, the answer is obvious. Yes, of course they should, but then there’s the hesitation, can they? Or has that American dream become just some dream from a simpler time when the floor was the floor and no one had thought to raise it and leave people beneath? Has the American dream become a privileged dream to be discussed in humanities classes? Or is it something we can again make attainable? I think we need to stop passing our families’ achievements as our own and start thinking about the basics needed to maintain a standardized quality of life from which people can prosper. I’m actually kind of fond of this vintage dream. I think we should take it back. So, all that’s left is how… Arielle Egan is a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences and a Fall 2012 columnist for The Daily Free Press. She can be reached at aegan@bu.edu.

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Thursday, October 4, 2012


Men’s soccer returns to pitch to battle 1st-place Stony Brook Men’s soccer: From page 8

allowed per game average. They rank at fifth in the America East. Offensively, there are two stats that are the most telling for how BU has performed this season. It leads the conference in shots with 168, but is tied for fourth in goals with 14. Redshirt freshman forward Parker Powell, redshirt freshman forward Mac McGuire and senior midfielder Michael Bustamante are all tied for the team lead with three goals apiece. Junior midfielder Anthony Ciccone leads the team and is second in the conference with six assists. Ciccone has developed especially great chemistry with sophomore forward Dominique Badji, as the two are constantly feeding the ball to each other to create scoring chances. As a result, Badji leads the conference in shots with 38, which is only one ahead of BU’s own Michael Bustamante. Roberts said that he feels that Badji is a key to improving the

offense. “Dominique is the guy that we got to start get going,” Roberts said. “We knew Michael [Bustamante] could score and Anthony [Ciccone] could score.” Despite the lack of a pure goal scorer, the emergence of these offensive weapons has lightened the burden on a banged up defensive corps. Even with the injuries to junior defender Kelvin Madzongwe, freshman defender Jeroen Blugh and more recently sophomore defender Sanford Spivey, the defense has continued its success though. “We knew that we would have to be a defensive team this year,” Roberts said. “We went through injuries that changed the way that we play and the guys have adapted well to it.” With the gratuitious amount of injuries to the defense, senior defender Max White and sophomore defender James Holler have each earned more playing time. Sophomore defenders Ethan Harlow and redshirt freshman David Castellano have also seen

some minutes on the back line. The reliance on a stalwart defense early in the season combined with a more offensive approach as the season has gone on has resulted in a great season for sophomore goalkeeper Nick Thomson. Thomson has started every game for BU while posting a 1.20 goals against average, which is the fifth best in America East, and two shutouts, which is the fourth most for a goalie in America East. Both shutouts have come in the past four games. The only other goalkeeper to play any time for the Terriers this season is sophomore Matt Daugherty, who has only played five minutes in relief of Thomson all season. Thomson’s true value lies in his consistency. He is one of only three goalies in the conference to have played all 11 games this season. “He’s working extremely hard so it’s nice to see that,” Roberts said. “Nick [Thomson] is just going to keep getting better and better.”


Redshirt freshman forward Parker Powell has three goals this season for the Terriers.

BU to compete with former Terriers not overlooking struggling UVM Terrier stars Boucher, Lorms Field hockey: From page 8

Women’s hockey: From page 8

redshirted her senior season last year due to an injury she suffered after the first seven games. In those seven games last season, she scored four goals and five assists while maintaining a plus-2 plus-minus rating. A game this competitive will offer a good challenge to Terrier freshman, including Rebecca Russo and Jordan Juron, who each scored a goal against McGill on Sunday, said Durocher. “It’s going to take another half a step up when [they] go up against BC,” Durocher said. “They may not be put in the same position on Friday as they were last weekend.” Following the matchup with BC, The Terriers face the Boston Blades of the Canadian Women’s Hockey League in an exhibition

game on Saturday, which includes BU alumnae Kasey Boucher and Holly Lorms, along with numerous United States women’s national team players. Durocher said he hopes the Terriers will use Saturday’s exhibition game to get into the rhythm of back-to-back gameplay. The Blades’ do not play together often, nor do they have a consistent practice schedule, but the Terriers will be challenged nonetheless. “There will be eight, nine or 10 kids who will be potential, past or future Olympians on that team. You’re also probably looking at another five, six or seven kids who are real good college hockey players,” Durocher said. “You’re playing a top game.” Facing some previous teammates — Boucher and Lorms — will be a lot of fun on both sides, Durocher said.

playing in some of its final games is becoming more and more obvious. “We really want to go out winning the America East season championship,” Starr said. “Vermont is a conference game and we really want [to win] for our seniors, so Vermont is definitely a big game.” There are a few major players sure to have an impact Saturday for BU. Senior back Jacinda McLeod has played every minute of every game and is the team’s leading scorer with five goals. Senior forward/midfielder Tabi Hatch has also been performing well lately. The America East Player of the Week has just over half as much playing time as McLeod, but she has four goals, two of which helped the Terriers win over No. 22 University of Albany last Friday.

The main player for the Catamounts, however, is not on the attack. Despite the team’s losing record, junior goalkeeper Stephanie Zygmunt maintains a 71.9-percent save rate. “One thing Vermont always has is good goaltending, particularly good goaltending at home,” Starr said. “We are going to have to manufacture quality shots to get past them.” The Catamounts have not been up against many ranked teams. Except for the upcoming game against BU, their most highly ranked opponents were the then-No. 25 University of Massachusetts that resulted in a 10–1 blowout in mid-September and then-No. 24 University of Maine that ended in a 3–1 loss on Monday. Neither of them is presently ranked. Home field advantage is sure to be a factor because of the importance Saturday night’s game has

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for the Catamounts. What promises to make Vermont a challenge is the combined celebration and mourning of the upcoming game. It is the Catamounts’ homecoming during their 40th year of women’s sports, so there is an obvious drive to win on such a day. A motivation for Vermont on a more personal note is the fact that the BU-Vermont game is Vermont’s first part of its “Stick It to Cancer” campaign to raise money for two cancer research funds, one of which is being named for the late Vermont alumna Stirling Winder who passed of osteosarcoma in late July at the age of 26. With a win on Friday, BU would remain unbeaten within its conference after its first two inconference matchups. “We just have to out there and play our game,” Starr said. “More than anything ... we have to respect them.”

Terriers expect to take on UMBC while on road Women’s soccer: From page 8

goals they have given up, 11 have come in the first half. UMBC’s tendency to start slowly may open up opportunities for the Terriers to wear down its defense early and find the net. Defensively, the Terriers will be facing a team that has failed to effectively penetrate their opponents’ defense this season, as UMBC is losing the shot differential 188–101. Their already stellar defense will need to continue to lock down the goalie box to take the pressure off of junior goalkeeper Andrea Green. If there is one player BU has to look out for on the Retrievers, it is senior forward Rachel McKee, who currently leads the Retrievers in goals (two) and points (five). Looking ahead to this weekend, the Terriers will host Stony Brook University Sunday at Nickerson Field.


More than anything ... we have to respect them.

—BU field hockey coach Sally Starr on the University of Vermont

Page 8

BU set to take on strong Stony Brook squad By Gregory Davis Daily Free Press Contributor

The Boston University men’s soccer team has one of its most challenging games of the season coming up against Stony Brook University on Friday at 7 p.m. Friday’s matchup will be a competitive one, as the Terriers (3–5–3, 0–0–1 America East) will look to prove themselves against the America East conference leading Seawolves (7–2–1, 1–0–0 America East). BU coach Neil Roberts praised Stony Brook’s play so far this season. “We’re hoping to get a rhythm going,” Roberts said. “[Stony Brook is] a really good team and this is going to be a tough battle for us.” Stony Brook is a very good team on both sides of the ball statistically. They came into this game with a 1.90 goals per game average and 1.00 goals allowed per game average so far this season. The Seawolves lead the conference in points (51), goals (19), goals allowed (10) and shutouts (five). Their defensive success is largely attributed to senior goalkeeper Stefan Manz, who has been one of the best goalkeepers in the conference this season. He has started six of Stony Brook’s 10 games, and his 0.48 goals against average leads the conference while his .864 save percentage is the second best in the conference. On offense, senior midfielder Leonardo Fernandes has stood out above the rest in the Seawolves’ scoring front. He leads the team and is second best in the America East conference in both goals (seven) and points (18). He also leads his team in assists with four. The next best scoring threat on Stony Brook this season has been freshman midfielder Alejandro Fritz, but even his three goals and nine points pale in comparison to Fernandes’ fantastic year. Stony Brook has not lost in its past six games, posting a 5–0–1 record over a stretch in which it has outscored opponents 12–3. However, all six games came against unranked opponents. In their most recent game, the Seawolves barely beat the last place team in the America East conference, University at Albany, by a score of 1–0. The team relied on Manz’s alltime school leading 16th career shutout in order to preserve the win The Terriers come into the game with a goals per game average of 1.27, and an identical goals

Men’s soccer, see page 7


W. Soccer @ UMBC, 7 p.m.


path ahead

The Boston University men’s soccer team has a tough matchup ahead of it, as it will face first-place Stony Brook University on Friday. P. 8.

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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Women’s hockey prepares for season opener with BC By Kira Cole Daily Free Press Staff

Coming off a season that ended in triple overtime in the NCAA tournament, the No. 6 Boston University women’s hockey team will start off the season against No. 4 Boston College at Conte Forum on Friday. “I expect to see the best team [BC] has ever had, and without a doubt the quickest, fastest team — definitely in the east — and maybe across the country,” said BU coach Brian Durocher. “They’ve put together a really good team.” BC finished last year’s season a record of 24–10–3, and BU finished last season with a record of 23–14–1. While BU finished behind BC for the season, the Terriers did top the Eagles 5–2 in the Hockey East semifinals. U.S. College Hockey Online ranked the Eagles No. 4 nationally in its preseason poll, which is the highest national ranking in program history. The Terriers were ranked No. 6. Part of the reason the Eagles were ranked so highly in the preseason poll was the return of sophomore forward Alex Carpenter, who led the Eagles with 21 goals last season. The First Team Hockey East All-Star ranked fifth in Hockey

East last year in points and only trailed former BU forward Jenn Wakefield and Northeastern University forward Kendall Coyne in goals on the season. The Eagles will also return goaltender Corinne Boyles, who led the league in minutes played last season. Her 2.15 goals against average ranked third in Hockey East last season only behind graduated goaltenders Florence Schelling of Northeastern and Genevieve Lacasse of Providence College. On Sunday, the Terriers beat McGill University in an exhibition game without the help of freshman Sarah Lefort, senior forward Jenelle Kohanchuk and junior co-captain Marie-Philip Poulin, who were off participating in one of Hockey Canada’s camps. However, Durocher said the players have acclimated well with this season’s team. “All three players are going to be within our top nine forwards,” Durocher said. “This week we have to go over some of the technical stuff. We had to put together power plays because two of those kids are in our top two power plays.” The game will be a return to the ice for Kohanchuk, who has

Women’s hockey, see page 7


Redshirt senior forward Jenelle Kohanchuk will be making her return to the Terriers’ lineup on Friday against Boston College.

Terriers to face last-place Vermont following loss to No. 3 UConn By Steven Dufour Daily Free Press Contributor

After a nail-biter loss against No. 3 University of Connecticut, the No. 12 Boston University field hockey team will look to redeem itself in a conference matchup Friday against the University of Vermont. For the Terriers (7–4, 1–0 America East), the main concern is capitalizing on an opportunity for a win. They are getting a

slight break after four consecutive ranked opponents that resulted in split wins and losses. While Vermont (1–9, 0–1 America East) poses less of a threat than previous competition like the No. 5 University of Virginia (11–2) or the undefeated UConn (11–0), BU coach Sally Starr said it is by no means a guaranteed win. “We’re really making sure we’re not overlooking this game,” Starr said. “Vermont is always

very good at home ... They’re not winning a lot of games, but they’re competitive in the games that have been on their home field.” Over the course of the season, there have been several issues on and off the field for the Terriers, ranging from the early injury of freshman forward Sofie Laurito to an inability to convert against tough teams. However, a lot has changed since the early August scrimmages.

Laurito is back. There are more goals across the board, even against top five teams. Even fitness, which was a concern early on, has gotten much better. “We’ve addressed [our] problems well,” Starr said. “It says a lot about our competitive will to win.” Now that the season has more behind it than it has in front of it, the fact that the senior class is

Field hockey, see page 7

Women’s soccer travels to Baltimore to take on UMBC Thursday By Matthew Fils-Aime Daily Free Press Contributor

Coming off of a thrilling overtime victory against the University of Vermont, the Boston University women’s soccer team is looking to continue its exceptional play and stay perfect in the America East Conference when it takes on the University of Maryland-Baltimore County. Thursday night. The Terriers (7–5–1, 3–0–0 America East) are riding a fourgame winning streak in which they have outscored their opponents 10–3. This goal outpouring came at an opportune time, ending a three-game goal drought. “These away conference games are challenging,” said BU coach Nancy Feldman. “Conference games in general are really

The Bottom Line

Thursday, Oct. 4

The Daily Free Press

Friday, Oct. 5 W. Hockey @ Boston College, 7 p.m. M. Soccer @ Stony Brook, 7 p.m. Golf @ Rutgers Invitational, All Day

combative and meaningful.” This run through the America East will be especially meaningful as the team will not be able to participate in the conference Tournament due to the team’s upcoming move to the Patriot League. The Terriers are shaping up to be one of the favorites in the conference and will look to remain perfect in order to obtain a bid for the NCAA Tournament. “Everybody seems to bring their best game ... they want to be the one to knock off the team that’s been the top dog,” Feldman said. BU is coming into this game with junior forward Madison Clemens playing at a phenomenal level, having scored three goals in the past two games. Clemens is

leading the team in goals (six) and in points (12). Clemens has not only contributed to the team’s scoring, but she has also been an all-around contributor to the team’s success. “[Clemens] is playing better and the scoring is coming too,” Feldman said. “Scoring isn’t always a sign of playing better … but she’s being a better target player, she’s moving better on the field, she’s keeping the ball better and in the final third she is finding shots.” Lately, the Terriers have been getting off to slow starts offensively, with 17 of the team’s 22 goals coming in the second half or extra time. This slow, methodical look at the game has actually been beneficial to the team as it has

worn down its opponents. “Stylistically I think we are more reliant on a type of attack that is less direct,” Feldman said. “Sometimes it takes a little bit longer to penetrate, to either wear the other team down or find what types of penetration are working, where the holes are, and how to move the opponents.” The Terriers have been effective, to say the least, at penetrating their opponents defense, forcing 79 corner kicks and taking 183 shots while out shooting their opponents by more than 40 shots this season. The Retrievers have also been starting games slowly in the first half, but this has resulted in an increase in goals scored. Of the 17

Saturday, Oct. 6

Sunday, Oct. 7

Monday, Oct. 8

Field Hockey @ Vermont, 12 p.m. W. Hockey vs. Boston Blades, 3 p.m. Golf @ Rutgers Invitational, All Day

M. Hockey vs. Toronto, 1 p.m. W. Soccer vs. Stony Brook, 1 p.m. Cross Country @ New England Championships, All Day

Women’s soccer, see page 7

Softball vs. Boston College, 3:30 p.m.

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