The Daily Free Press
Year xlii. Volume lxxxiii. Issue XXXIX
SO STUDIOUS U.S. Rep. Mike Capuano keeps students in mind at Congress, page 3.
Monday, November 12, 2012 The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University
SHAKEN, NOT STIRRED ‘Skyfall’ hits theaters as newest addition to James Bond saga, page 5.
Men’s hockey loses 4–2 to BC, page 8.
Today: Partly cloudy/High 65 Tonight: Cloudy/Low 55 Tomorrow: 58/36 Data Courtesy of
Boston residents honor lives dedicated to military service Officials search for link between garage fire, ‘Allston flamer’ By Chris Lisinski & Regine Sarah Capungan Daily Free Press Staff
Various veterans, ROTC groups, honorary militias and military units march through downtown Boston in the Veterans Day Parade Sunday. By Margaret Waterman Daily Free Press Staff
Standing amid a crowd on Boylston Street on Sunday, New Hampshire resident Colleen McCormack-Lane said that being at the Boston’s Veterans Day parade allows her to show support for her father, who passed away in 2011. “It’s emotional ... It’s very important to us,” said McCormack-Lane, whose father served in World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. She said she and her husband were attending the parade in his honor. Hundreds of observers turned out to celebrate the parade march from the city’s theatre
district to Faneuil Hall, lining the intersection of Boylston Street and Tremont Street by the Boston Common to watch it begin. The American Legion sponsored the parade, which featured ROTC groups, military units, honorary militias, marching bands and veterans’ organizations. Veterans Day, a national holiday, marks a three-day weekend for a number of workers across the country. The parade also featured military representation from Boston and various towns across Massachusetts. Residents and visitors alike came out to support family members who had served the country. Tim Dawson, who lives in Boston, said he
comes to the parade every year to honor U.S. veterans. “I’m a free man. I depend on them [people who serve],” Dawson said. “I have family that is in the service.” Brian Upperman, who lives in Plymouth, said he attended the Boston Veteran’s Day Parade because it is well coordinated. “It’s the oldest, and one of the best,” Upperman said. Upperman, who is planning a cookout for the work holiday on Monday, said a lot of people in his family have served in the military and they are under-appreciated. “Since 9/11, they have been appreciated
Veterans Day, see page 2
Culture, identity revisited after Puerto Rico’s status-change vote By Chris Lisinski & Megan Kirk Daily Free Press Staff
Gabriela Pabon, a College of Arts and Sciences sophomore who was born in Puerto Rico, said that while she would not mind it becoming a state, she worries the people would lose their culture. “The way of life in mainland United States is very different than in Puerto Rico, and my biggest fear would be that our traditions would eventually be erased,” she said. “In Puerto Rico, people are a lot more laid back and are very warm. I feel like people in the U.S. are more concentrated on the individual, while people in Puerto Rico are more concentrated on the collective.” About 80 percent of Puerto Ricans voted in a referendum Tuesday that re-evaluated Puerto Rico’s status as U.S., according to the Puerto Rican General Elections 2012
website. Fifty-four percent voted “no” when asked if they were content with the current relationship with the U.S. and 61 percent voted favoring statehood. Thirty-three percent voted for Puerto Rican semi-autonomy, and 6 percent voted for complete independence. Julian Go, a Boston University sociology professor, said the vote does not confirm that Puerto Rico will become a state. “If you think about the history of these types of referenda, it’s non-binding, so even if Puerto Rico votes to become a state, it’s not going to happen necessarily,” he said. Go said the Puerto Rican statehood bid has been an ongoing matter for years. “There’s a whole history of a desire to become a state and at the same time, fundamental disappointment,” he said. “There’s a history of resentment and disappointment, and I think that history going back so
BU alum’s memory, legacy lives on By Chris Lisinski Daily Free Press Staff
Nearly a year after his death, Boston University alumnus Kyle Trotman lives on in those he knew and loved, said College of Communication junior Dexter McCoy. “Today, we are here to celebrate the life and memory of our friend, brother and mentor Kyle,” McCoy said to a crowd of more than 80 people in Marsh Chapel. “As long as we live, Kyle lives. Kyle is me and Kyle is you.” Members of the BU community honored Trotman’s memory at a memorial service Saturday afternoon. Trotman, who graduated from the College of Arts and Sciences in May 2011, died of heart failure in December 2011 at the age of 22. During his collegiate career, Trotman worked at the Howard Thurman Center for Common Ground as a Cultural Mentorship Program student ambassador and worked
for a program called 100 Black Men Who Care About BU. He graduated with a degree in economics and was hired in October of 2011 as an IFR research analyst for home equity and multiple issues at JPMorgan Chase & Co. in Brooklyn, NY. “By 22, Kyle created a legacy for himself, something a lot of young folks can emulate,” said Reggie Gill, Trotman’s uncle. “We sent you [him] a boy, you [he] returned a man.” Gill said Kyle had been like a son to him. He recalls his nephew loving his time at BU and looking after the people he met there. “He has left us physically, but he is here in spirit,” he said during the ceremony. “The pain is very tough … but we want to thank you all for being a part of his life.” Sarah Doyle, a 2011 CAS graduate, said she got to know Trotman while the two
Trotman, see page 2
far means that these votes are more symbolic than anything else.” Juan Pablo Cáceres, a Puerto Rican College of General Studies sophomore, said the referendum was illegitimate. “It’s more like a stunt that the previous governmental party did because they are pro-statehood,” he said. “To get reelected for this new term, they tried to do this new plebiscite so ... at least people would see it back home better than our current status [as a] freely associated state.” Cáceres said Puerto Rico’s current status is damaging, but he supports independence. “Right now our current status is worse than statehood or independence because we have so many limits that are imposed on, first, our economy,” he said. “The de-
Puerto, see page 4
Investigators are probing into circumstances of a fire that ignited early Sunday morning in Allston, an incident that officials determined was the work of an arsonist. Boston Fire Department spokesman Steve MacDonald said firefighters responded to the fire at 15 Long Ave. at about 7:50 a.m., where firefighters found a garage with two vehicles inside on fire. Firefighters extinguished the blaze and BFD investigators determined the cause of the fire to be arson. The incident comes about one year after a string of incidents involving vehicles on fire in Allston within a two-month period. The fires appear to be similar to the “Allston flamer” incidents, MacDonald said. “There are similarities,” he said. “They happened on weekend mornings and the cars were not parked on the streets — they were either in driveways or in garages.” Authorites are investigating whether Sunday’s fire is related to the 2011 fires. MacDonald said the garage was a standalone structure with no residents, and no injuries were reported. He said both wooden doors to the garage and the back window were destroyed in the fire. The walls, floor and ceiling were not badly damaged because the building is made of concrete. Both vehicles in the garage were totaled, he said. The fire destroyed a Honda Civic and an unknown Acura model. While MacDonald could not confirm if the vehicles belonged to Boston University students, he said one was leased to a resident across the street and the other was leased to a resident living next door to the garage. He said the area has a high population of students, but the owners might also have been young professionals. Boston Police Department officers are assigned to the fire investigation, but the BFD will continue to lead and conduct the investigation, MacDonald said. Nearby residents expressed concern about the fire. Hakan Jackson, an graduate student in the School of Management who lives at 17 Long Ave., said he hopes for more information on the intention behind the incendiary to be released. “Hopefully they find a motive behind the
Fire, see page 2
Boston University School of Law alumna Lauren Kirshner and her bridesmaids are photographed on Bay State Road just before her wedding Sunday afternoon.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Raytheon gives 150 Patriots Long Ave. resident ‘unnerved’ by recent crimes tickets in honor of veterans Veterans Day: From Page 1
more, but I think that we’re back on the downswing,” he said. “You know, it’s one day a year you have to do what you can.” Thomas Costello, a Brookline resident and U.S. Navy veteran in the crowd, said Veteran’s Day is important to him and his friends from the Navy. Costello said it was his first time at the Boston parade. “I’m from New York City, so I usually go to the one on 5th Avenue,” Costello said. “It’s a little bigger than this.” After the American Legion parade turned the corner and began to make its way downtown, an antiwar group called Veterans for Peace began their own separate march. Veterans for Peace has consistently fought to be included in Veterans Day parades across the country, bringing lawsuit in Auburn, Wash., to march in the city of Auburn’s parade. Across the city, other remembrances honored members of a group that is often overlooked. Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick, Lt. Gov. Timothy Murray and Department of Veterans’ Services Secretary Coleman Nee remembered veterans on Sunday at a ceremony. Raytheon Company, based in
Waltham, announced a donation of $50,000 to the Student Veterans of America to “help empower student veterans to attain their higher education goals,” according to a Raytheon Company press release from Sunday. Raytheon also donated 150 New England Patriot tickets to veterans for Sunday’s game against the Buffalo Bills. A Boston Police sergeant and marine veteran who asked to remain anonymous said he was disappointed in the turnout of the parade and how little it was publicized. “As you see from the crowd, it doesn’t mean much to the people at all anymore,” he said. “If you spent four years [serving] like I did, maybe you’d remember.” The sergeant said it was difficult to organize the Veterans Day parade in the middle of downtown Boston. “People are upset that we’re having a parade and blocking the traffic,” he said. The sergeant said Boston considered canceling the parade due to lack of interest five years ago and that Michael Graham, a radio DJ on 96.9 FM, saved the parade by raising money. “We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for that,” he said.
A fire, later determined as arson by Boston Fire Department, damaged a garage with two cars inside at 15 Long Ave. in Allston Saturday morning. Fire: From Page 1
arson instead of random burning,” Jackson said. Jackson also speculated on the nature of the fire. “It had the smell of electronics burning and stuff, so I’m sure there was a bit of electric fire going on,” he said. “It was taking a long time to put out.” Mark Monfasani, a sales man-
ager who lives at 15 Long Ave., said recent crimes in the area have unnerved him. “I’ve lived in Allston for about 10 years, and we’ve had a few things going on this year that have been shaking me a little bit,” Monfasani said. “I’ve never really thought of it as a place where something like that can happen.” Monfasani also said he was un-
able to develop a theory regarding the identities of the arsonists. “It really is creepy that someone would do that to — presumably — random strangers,” Monfasani said. “We don’t know who it is, but we assume that it is no one that we know.” Tyler Lay contributed to the reporting of this article.
Kyle Trotman known among friends, family for people skills, exemplary leadership Trotman: From Page 1
College of Communication junior Dexter McCoy speaks at the memorial of the one year anniversary of the passing of Kyle Trotman Saturday afternoon at Marsh Chapel.
worked at orientation during the summer of 2010. She described Trotman as a paradigm in the BU community. “Kyle was one of the best BU had to offer and one of the best our world had to offer,” said Sarah Doyle, a 2011 CAS graduate, during the ceremony. Doyle said Trotman came to see the people he met at BU as “brothers and sisters” of his. “Kyle’s heart was too big,” she said. “It was too much to offer for small doses of friendship.” Even in memory, she said, Trotman serves as an example for oth-
The Daily Free Press Crossword By Tribune Media Services Across 1 Unceremoniously breaks up with 6 1996 film that won Best Original Screenplay 11 Pro bono TV ad 14 As a friend, to François 15 Greg Evans comic strip 16 Pumpjack output 17 Newly certified coroner’s assignment? 19 Wash. Nats’ division 20 Daffy duo? 21 Generation 22 In pursuit of 24 Lord’s ointment? 29 Isn’t wrong? 30 Flood deterrents 31 Words spoken with a yawn, perhaps 33 TV palomino 34 Mutt with a conscience? 35 Annoying negotiator 38 Sitting Bull telling raunchy jokes? 42 Cops may keep them on suspects 46 Rabbitlike rodents 47 Gulf War reporter Peter 49 Peddle
50 Taxi with no empty seats? 53 Disappointed postgame comment 55 Back muscle, for short 56 Nest builder 57 Seventh-largest st. 58 Topping for schnitzel? 63 Legal ending 64 Bugs once sought by cops 65 Havens 66 Old map inits. 67 Steamed 68 Take forcibly
Down 1 Stand up for 2 Combat outfit 3 Candy “whose success is out of this world” 4 Downing St. bigwigs 5 Pose 6 Botanist’s study 7 Hearing-related 8 Wiper 9 Migratory African critter 10 Fit to serve 11 Firebird maker 12 Guest letter? 13 Siren, for one 18 Predicament 23 Pride follower, so they say 25 It’s not true 26 Breaks up 27 Baroque stringed
ers on how to live life. “Kyle lived such a good life,” she said. “He left so much for us and affected us in so many ways … Try to live like Kyle did. I think that will make him proud.” The Inner Strength Gospel Choir sang at the memorial, and at the end of the ceremony the BU Band led a procession to a reception at the HTC. The memorial service was scheduled to allow students a chance to pay their respects, said HTC Director Katherine Kennedy. “He died two days after Christmas,” she said. “A lot of students weren’t aware, and while more than 100 students came to his fu-
neral, so many more couldn’t.” R. Joshua Reynolds, a Metropolitan College student and College of Fine Arts alumnus, told The Daily Free Press in an interview that Kyle embodied the word “awesome” throughout his life. Gill said in an interview that Trotman’s legacy of loving other people will live on. “People more so mattered to Kyle than anything,” he said. “That’s one of the reasons why he spent his time in the HTC … His people skills were exemplary. The HTC provided an opportunity to meet other people and he loved that.”
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instrument 28 Raison d’__ 32 “No Exit” dramatist 34 Half of MMCXX 36 “What I look forward __ continued immaturity followed by death”: Dave Barry 37 Hung. neighbor 38 Coulees 39 Eternal, and a hint to this puzzle’s pho-
netic theme 40 Convinced 41 Brewski 43 Furthermore 44 Unsatisfying response to “Why?” 45 Positions 47 Aqua Velva competitor 48 Exam given intradermally, for short 51 Like the nerve near
an arm bone 52 Rear 54 “South Park” rating 59 H+, for one 60 Work unit 61 Plant 62 Rhine feeder Solution is on Page 7
Difficulty: Medium
Solution is on Page 7
Campus & City Column
On procrastination
College before technology must have been a hell of a lot more productive. Sure, computers make many things in life more convenient — research for an infinite number of subjects and the ability to communicate. It’s a never-ending aid in production and creation. But in its ability to provoke procrastination, computers are a vortex. They have an amazing ability to really get to you. The Internet takes a particular toll, and I have seemed to discover its worst form in the last few weeks. Netflix. Netflix is the bane of my productivity. You’d think it would be enough for me to keep up with a handful of KRISSEN television KAWACHI shows currently airing. On various days of the week, I’m searching the Internet for the latest episodes as soon as possible, and boy do I have many shows. Not having a TV here at school is a bit of a hassle in that way ... although it’s probably for the best. Netflix, however, is keeping me more than occupied in my TVdeficient state. Since the company began its online streaming service, it has become a large part of my life. Surprisingly, a lot of very good movies are on their online database. I always seem to stumble across movies that didn’t get much acclaim but are brilliant, nonetheless. But the best part? The TV shows. Seasons upon seasons of a variety of TV shows are right there, at the touch of my fingertips after a few keystrokes and clicks. It’s extremely convenient and all too time-consuming. In the past three — maybe four — weeks, I’ve watched all seven seasons of “How I Met Your Mother.” I even found the first few episodes of the current eighth season online somewhere else. That was a lot of episodes — about 170, each about 25 minutes each. And I absolutely sped through them, watching episode after episode as often as possible. It became obsessive, but to have them there so conveniently was hard to deny. It’s so easy to click “next” time and time again. How I’ve managed to watch them all so quickly during school is beyond me — luckily, I didn’t have much work this past week, which may explain how I managed to watch the whole of season seven in about two days. But with the end of that particular endeavor, there now seems to be a hole in my life and procrastination. What will be my next television obsession? What will I now spend hours upon hours watching as I delay reading Virginia Woolf and Sir Edmund Spenser? Should I attempt a great challenge with 11 seasons of “Frasier?” Or something less ambitious, a television show with merely four seasons to fly through? I’m pretty sure at this rate, I’ll burn myself out — it’s a delicate cycle of movie to TV ratio. You can only handle hearing the same intro and theme song over and over for so long. And, I guess, I probably do need to read my books and write my essays for class. Krissen is a sophomore in the College of Arts and Sciences and a weekly columnist for The Daily Free Press. She can be reached at
Monday, November 12, 2012
New 7th District Rep. Capuano works closely with BU BU retains tech.
budget, works to increase services
By Rachel Riley Daily Free Press Staff
As representative of the newly drawn Seventh District, U.S. Rep. Mike Capuano has thousands of students from more than 35 colleges to consider in Congress, including Boston University. Capuano, a Democrat, was reelected on Tuesday with 84 percent of the vote, adding another term to his seven terms in Congress. Capuano represents the Eighth District as one of the Commonwealth’s 10 representatives, but will represent the Seventh District as one of nine total Massachusetts representatives in the upcoming 113th Congress. While Capuano represents 32 colleges in his current Eighth District, the new Seventh District will include 36, he said. Capuano said some of the issues he faces that affect college students are education funding, financial policy and transportation. “You name it, we deal with it,” Capuano said about the breadth of topics covered in legislation for his district. “And every bit of it affects every single student at the school [Boston University].” Not much changes in the newly drawn districts for Capuano, who said 80 percent of the new Seventh
By Taylor Burke Daily Free Press Staff
U.S. Rep. Mike Capuano was elected on Tuesday to represent the newly drawn 7th District which includes Boston University.
District is in the district he represented before districts shifted. The new Seventh District encompasses Chelsea, Everett, Somerville, as well as much of Boston and Cambridge. “It’s mostly the same thing I’ve been doing for quite a while now,” he said. The former Somerville mayor has spent his time in Congress ad-
dressing student debt and funding for higher education. In 2009, Capuano voted for a bill that simplified the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and extended Pell Grants for students applying to colleges and universities. This bill maximized Pell
Capuano, see page 4
Hospital proposes development for 819 Beacon St. By Abraham Kalaoun Daily Free Press Staff
A proposal from the Boston Children’s Hospital could bring a new hospital building near the Boston University Charles River campus, as community groups reflect on the development of the empty parking lot on 819 Beacon St. The proposed location would add 211,760 square feet of mixeduse office space, a retail space, a new parking garage for 526 vehicles and a Children’s Hospital clinical building of 445,000 square feet, according to the Boston Redevelopment Authority news website. “Right now the Children’s Hospital is going through the institu-
tional master planning process,” said BRA spokeswoman Melina Schuler. “It’s an extensive community process where questions about square footage, transportation impacts and the design of the building are put through extensive community review.” The Children’s Hospital filed an Institutional Master Plan Notification Form and Project Notification form, which triggered a 30-day comment period ending on Nov. 13, after which time the BRA will issue a plan based on comments from the community. The Children’s Hospital will then have to submit an IMPNF amendment to gain approval for their current project. The BRA review guide stresses community importance in discuss-
ing the possible impacts of major buildings in a neighborhood, including influence on traffic, the character of the area and environmental impacts. Schuler said the Children’s Hospital is still at the beginning of the application process. “There’s still more filings to come,” she said. “It’s a longterm planning process with several steps. There’s an extensive six months to one-year planning process ahead.” Schuler said five community meetings have occurred so far, allowing community members to voice their opinions. In a task force meeting on Nov. 7th, community members and or-
Hospital, see page 4
Boston University was among hundreds of universities not making budget cuts in technology in 2012, investing in services such as wireless coverage, classroom technology and information systems. “For the fiscal 2012 year, we did not receive a budget cut,” said Tracy Schroeder, the vice president for Information Services and Technology at BU. “The technology budget wasn’t cut because, frankly, we needed to make investments in certain technology. We had major services that needed to be made available to faculty, staff and students.” Technology budget cuts have decreased at 543 universities, with only 27 percent of schools reporting cuts this year, compared to 50 percent in 2009, according to a survey Wednesday by the Campus Computing Project. As BU continues to improve the quality of research and education, technology also needs to expand their commitment to those goals, Schroeder said. In the 2012-13 academic year BU is using technology funding to improve the basics of computer projection, audio control systems, date projection and data networking, which Schroeder said she considers essential to a classroom. “I think it’s all the same as a chalk board today,” she said. Though the technology budget was not cut, BU did conduct some targeted savings in areas such as printing and computer lab initiatives, Schroeder said. Lauren Hess, the program administrator for BU’s Center for Excellence & Innovation in Teaching, said her department is also working to introduce innovative technologies in the classroom. “The world of education is
IT, see page 4
Students, staff see more undergraduates studying in Mugar Library By Amira Francis Daily Free Press Staff
Boston University’s Mugar Memorial Library is seeing more use in the spring 2012 semester, students and librarians said. “Definitely over the past few years, there’s been greater use in the library,” said Barbara Maratos, a reference librarian at Mugar. “Once we renovated, we have all of the IT computers, as well as wireless Internet, so that definitely created a draw.” Tom Casserly, the associate university librarian for undergraduate and distance learning, said he saw an increase in library patrons after Mugar added 200 computers in 2009. “There are a lot of resources at the library people in college need,” said Pam Riviere, a College of Arts and Sciences sophomore. “If you live off campus without Internet, you could always come over.” Kevin Mannix, a College of Engineering sophomore, said he has found himself and his friends going to Mugar more often.
“I don’t know if the GSU has an impact on people using the library, but I think that people in the library see it closer to food and closer to City Co., so they’ll feel comfortable to stay there longer,” he said. The new entrance located inside the George Sherman Union Link, added over the summer, changes the availability of access to the library , Maratos said. “You could go from the library over to the food court — that may be popular,” she said. “I would say it draws a lot more undergrad students.” Jesse Galko, a College of Communication senior, said the new entrance is more attractive to students, which might be the reason the library seems more packed than in past years. Galko said he uses the library primarily when he needs to print papers for class. “I think a lot of people need the print quota,” he said. “Most people don’t have printers in their dorm rooms.” Riviere said the change in the
More undergraduate students have been using Mugar Memorial Library than in previous years, as noticed by both librarians and students.
bag-checking policy might also have had an effect. “Now we don’t have bag checks so maybe more people are encouraged to come because we don’t have that annoying step,” she said. Casserly said Mugar employs a team of work-study students called the Mugar Green Scholars who work on social media, publicity and student accessibility of
the library. “They help the library with the communications program and also engage students in their everyday academic life,” he said. Mugar advertisements are geared toward the undergraduate study body, rather than the graduate students, Casserly said. “It’s a very different popula-
Library, see page 4
Monday, November 12, 2012
Mugar Library ads target Puerto Rico native: PR should receive statehood undergrads, librarian says Puerto: From Page 1
Library: From Page 1
tion [graduate students], with some very strong observation and needs that don’t always perfectly match with undergraduate needs,” he said. Galko said the upper floors with the graduate student offices are more suitable for graduate students who probably use the books more. However, undergraduate students use the library more for use of the computers and study space. Reena Razdan, a CAS freshman, said she goes to the library once a week for a quiet study space. “People like coming to the library just because it’s a quiet space to work,” she said. “I generally see more undergrads here
though.” Ye Guo, a School of Education graduate student, said he has recognized an increase in the amount of undergraduate students in the library this year. Arailym Nurmasheva, a CAS junior, said she has not seen an increase in student use of Mugar this semester. “It’s the biggest library on campus,” she said. “So almost everyone comes here anyways.” However, CAS junior Alexandros Letsas said he uses Mugar less this year because it has become much more crowded than past years. “Personally, I avoid the place now,” he said. “It becomes smelly and very noisy even when it’s not midterm or exam period.”
velopment of our economy is really going downward from being [associated] with the American companies.” Taylor Boas, a political science professor, said Puerto Rico’s current status has both benefits and drawbacks. “The tradeoff is that Puerto Ricans don’t pay U.S. federal income tax, they don’t have voting representation in congress, and they don’t have Electoral College votes for president,” he said. “It’s hard to say what would be better for them. It really is trading an economic benefit right now for being able to have a greater voice in politics.” The results of Tuesday’s referendum suggest people are shifting toward believing a political voice matters more than economic benefits, Boas said. Arlene Garcia, a CGS sophomore who was born and raised
in Puerto Rico, said Puerto Rico should be a state. “I hope that this does get more attention by the United States and by the Puerto Rican government,” she said. “The governor that was elected doesn’t believe in statehood. Personally, I think the issue will be pushed under the rug as soon as next year starts because of the politicians that were elected.” Pabon said if Puerto Rico were
to become a state, she hopes more Puerto Ricans take advantage of education in the U.S. “We do have a good education in Puerto Rico, but I feel like you get exposed to so many different people and so many companies [in the U.S.],” she said. “The United States has been globalized in so many ways and many in Puerto Rico don’t see it.”
Authority and has worked to improve bike and pedestrian safety on Commonwealth Avenue. While on the House Committee on Financial Services, Capuano voted in support of the DoddFrank Act, which provided more power to the Securities and Exchange Commission and gave the government more oversight in the financial sector. On national issues, Capuano is an advocate for women’s rights to choose abortion, marriage equality and public health insurance. He opposes the death penalty and voted against the war in Iraq, according to his website. But Capuano also keeps international issues on the table — he is an outspoken advocate against slavery practices and genocide in Sudan, becoming aware of the atrocities there after meeting a victim of slavery in 2002, according to his website. He co-founded the Congressional Caucus on Sudan in October of 2005.
“We’re just trying to keep our eye on it and do our best to make sure it doesn’t fall apart and people will not be slaughtered,” Capuano said. “We’ve had some success, but we haven’t had all the success we would like to have. It’s still a very dangerous region.” Capuano’s landslide victory is among a string of Democratic victories throughout the state and nation, as Sen.-elect Elizabeth Warren took the seat from Republican U.S. Sen. Scott Brown. Capuano said he hopes the re-election of President Barack Obama and Warren’s win will lead to a more productive Congress. “I generally agree with them philosophically, so my hope is that it will help to move the agenda forward … For instance, in BU’s case, trying to make sure that education is affordable as best we can,” he said. “Things like Pell Grants, things like student interest loans — those kinds of things.”
CS prof: Class should focus on problem-solving methods Capuano for women’s rights, marriage equality IT: From Page 1
changing, and technology indisputably is playing some role in that,” she said. “The bottom line is that even down to how we communicate is based on technology, and it’s only going to become more prevalent.” College of Arts and Sciences sophomore Austin Howard said he has also noticed the technology efforts on campus. “I was really impressed freshman year with how good the WiFi access, PowerPoints and audio speakers were, which was very unlike my high school in Vermont,” he said. The Center, which is introducing the faculty to ways to improve their teaching through technology, did not receive a budget cut this year either, Hess said. She said she has not seen a budget cut at the Center since she began working there in October 2010. The Center is using its budget to focus on both Blackboard and ePortfolio, which make academic documents easily accessible among students and professors online, Hess said. “This way you can see how students have progressed over time because it’s all about making learning visible,” Hess said about ePortfolios. With the absence of technology budget cuts, colleges may be looking to consider Massive Open Online Courses, which can engage anywhere from 10,000 to 100,000 students through video teaching, said Aaron Stevens, a computer science and economics professor. Stevens said lecturing in a classroom is a thing of the past.
Today it is possible to deliver a lesson by video. “The classroom should not be about lecturing,” Stevens said. “The classroom should be about problem solving and application, and I think that MOOC’s is a very unique idea.” Technology is the key to innovative learning and fosters communication necessary for collaboration, Stevens said. “When we can make something more applied and students can experiment to discover an answer, that’s a much more valuable learning experience than lecturing,” he said. Allee DeFronzo, a CAS junior, said the technology used in her classes helps her stay on top of her course work. “Technology helps when you can review PowerPoints from class when you can’t get all of the notes from lecture,” she said. “Using the Internet as a resource is also really helpful because you can look up terms you’re not sure about.” School of Management sophomore Elysa Schwarz said BU does a good job making technology available for students with conveniences such as the iPhone BU Bus app, the new tap BU ID cards and the online laundry management. However, Schwarz said the convenience of technology can also make it easier for students to lose focus. “I think technology can make learning things a lot easier, but can also be distracting because it makes multi-tasking easier,” she said, “and it can also be difficult to focus on one thing.”
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Capuano: From Page 1
Grants to $5,500 and directed all funding for the student loan program through the Direct Loan Program, according to his website. “I’m pretty familiar with BU,” Capuano said. “I’m out there quite often. I work with the administration as well as possible.” Capuano said he has advocated improvement to Commonwealth Avenue as well as brought federal funds to BU over the past few years. “There’s been a lot of federal money that goes to BU,” he said. “Mostly research dollars and indirect money to subsidize students.” As a representative of 14 years, Capuano has served on the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, during which time he voted for legislation to increase state funds for infrastructure projects, especially highways. Capuano supports an extension of the Green Line branch of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation
Audubon Circle group members concerned about traffic, parking near proposed children’s hospital Hospital: From Page 1
ganizations from the Fenway and Kenmore area came together to discuss the fate of the proposed Children’s Hospital location. Some community groups gave positive feedback concerning the project. “Any redevelopment of a parking lot is of some benefit to the neighborhood,” said Lilly Jacobson, a community planner for the Fenway Community Development Corporation. “But there are some concerns about the size of the project and parking at the site.” Jacobson said the Fenway CDC and Boston Children’s Hospital have collaborated on programs before. “They’ve been a big partner with us, especially on our Walk To Work program,” she said. “We have also partnered with them so they could offer local jobs at their hospitals to our Fenway residents, which has been really important.” Jacobson said although any development of Beacon Street will
benefit the community, plans by the Children’s Hospital lack affordable housing as a component of the project. “We also had talks with them about developing affordable housing on that site, and we wish that would have happened,” she said. “That would have been our first choice.” Among community groups who were the most vocal at the public meeting held on Nov. 7 was the Audubon Circle, said Kathy Greenough, vice president of the group. “The Children’s Hospital project is within the boundaries of the Audubon Circle neighborhood zoning district,” Greenough said. “Whenever a project is within our boundaries, we’re obviously curious.” Greenough said the Children’s Hospital and BRA put together a task force of people and professionals from various neighborhoods in the area to comment on the proposal. “We definitely spoke the most,” she said. “I don’t know how the
others felt, but there certainly was interest and follow-up on our comments.” Greenough said the Audubon Circle raised concerns regarding traffic and parking impacts and the size of the proposed project. “Members of the Audubon had raised questions about the height and placement of the building, being twice as high as most other buildings in area, and the back of the project coming within 40 feet off a new condominium building located on Miner Street,” Greenough said. Overall, Greenough said she is happy the empty space at 819 Beacon St. will be redeveloped. “The designs we’ve seen so far are preliminary,” Greenough said. “So, right now we can only express concerns with designs we’ve seen, while also knowing that’s not necessarily what’s going to be in their final proposal.” The Children’s Hospital could not be reached for comment in time for print.
Nobody Does it Better
Muse Editor - Marisa Benjamin
Music Editor - Sydney Moyer
Film/TV Editor - Melissa Papalcure
Lifestyle Editor - Gina Curreri
Food Editor - Katie Doyle
A review of Skyfall Josh Stadtner
MUSE staff
t’s a brave new world for James Bond and MI-6 in Sam Mendes’ explosive 23rd edition to the Bond collection, but we expect no less from the man whose directorial debut was American Beauty. In this round, which released on Friday, Bond (Daniel Craig) must retrieve a hard drive containing the identities of all MI-6 agents from a crazed and hell-bent former agent, played by Javier Bardem. To put it simply, Skyfall is the best Bond film to come out in the last 20 years because it injects us with the action of a traditional James Bond and also dares to take us deep into e0motional terrain no other Bond film would think to tread. But after 23 films, how is this franchise still certified fresh? Usually, Bond is regarded as force — tasked with making the difficult decisions no other man can make, or achieving some physical endurance test not even RG3 can achieve (despite what those Gatorade commercials say). Usually those decisions and physical action sequences involve saving the “Bond Girl” or saving the world. And because he’s James Bond, he cleverly figures out a way to have his cake and eat it too, but not without some personal sacrifice to illustrate the ultimate difficulty of leading his exhilarating lifestyle. So there you have it. The precious Bond formula we crave every few years. Because the general outline of each film is rigid, fans usually ask, “Is James Bond his real name or is it a pseudonym coupled with the 007 designation? Is each actor just a face on an enigmatic character?” Skyfall succinctly answers that question with a staunch, “No.” Bond is a vulnerable human personality with a mother and father, just like every other human being in the world. Essentially, executives found a model of character that worked with Sean Connery and except for a subtle nuances, the studio has been trying to recapture that magical charisma
Photo Courtesy Francois Duhame / Sony Pictures Daniel Craig stars alongside Javier Bardem and Judi Dench in the 23rd edition of the James Bond Franchise.
that charmed audiences around the world. However, thanks (in part) to Daniel Craig, the character of Bond received a reboot with a grittier, more wholesome character in 2006’s Casino Royale. Skyfall successfully expands upon this newfound wholesome dimensionality that Quantum of Solace couldn’t wrap its head around. The film also conquers themes involving the pain of getting older in a younger
world, and the effects of alcoholism and sacrifice for the sake of duty. Javier Bardem and Judi Dench (as M) deserve critical acclaim for their respective roles. Bardem captures the viciousness of Heath Ledger’s Joker and the cunning intelligence of Hopkins’ Lecter. He is already in with the top three Bond villains of all time. On the good guys’ side, Dench brings the independent mother-like
qualities of M to life while embracing her subtle vulnerability. Also, we cannot forget the crooning theme song from Adele that rivals the best Bond theme songs from icons like Paul McCartney and Carly Simon. Overall, Skyfall does an excellent job of playing off the old formula while demonstrating an ability to evolve to the new century. This is a mustsee.
Tame Impala blisses-out the Royale Julia Hines
Scattered enthusiasts, charged by the suddenly dimmed stage lights, called out for the Australian-based band. With a good pair of headphones, Tame Impala’s songs wash over you. Playing live Friday night at the Royale, they were a tidal wave. Opening for Tame Impala was The Amazing, a Swedish six-piece that presented a seamlessly layered sound. Their psychedelic effect depended on a tight blend of instrumental parts, with the folky vocals serving as just another piece of the puzzle. Smooth, slightly fuzzy electric guitar played off underlying synth and acoustic. The snare on songs such as “Flashlight” kept a palpable groove going, adding an accented bite to dreamier moments, especially those layered under airy jazz flute. The Amazing’s unique sound got respect from the chilled-out audience. They had a talent for shifting focus from instrument to instrument, so just when you latched on to one rhythm, you would be fed another. The Amazing proceeded with little
MUSE staff
banter, stopping only to say “hello” and “thank you.” They tranquilized the chattering, antsy crowd, but the feeling did not last long after they left the stage and Tame Impala came on. Groans of feedback and a drum loop from multi-instrumentalist Dominic Simper’s synth marked the beginning of the set. Although “Be Above It,” the first track on Tame Impala’s new album Lonerism, was the natural prelude to the performance, technical problems caused the song to feel suspiciously thin. The din of the club seemed to drown out the crucial “Gotta be above it” chant that rumbles throughout the song, neutralizing some of the anticipation that normally teases the guitar entrances. But after some tweaking, the Aussies filled up the room and brought album-quality sound — maybe better. “Solitude is Bliss,” InnerSpeaker’s most popular single, felt like the real opener. Bass and heavy drums drove the verses, and Kevin’s vocals carried the infectious
chorus — “You will never come close to how I feel.” A thousand electrified fans screamed the lyrics into five unshakably mellow faces. The introversion that pervades this song (“There’s a party in my head, and no one is invited”) summed up the mood of the night. For the band, 95 percent of the show was spent with eyes closed, heads down and in a trance. Kevin was the kite string that kept the group tethered, taking care of all the audience interaction. But even he became comically withdrawn, periodically plopping down cross-legged during a jam. At certain peak moments, such as the funky break tucked into “Desire Be Desire Go,” the audience joined them in that headspace. Repetitive riffs and a pulsing, psychedelic backdrop sucked the crowd in –– a sweet spot achieved again during the encore. In contrast, the deep, pacing guitar in “Elephant” sparked some rowdy dancing and crowd-surfing, which lasted for the
rest of the performance. Impala prolonged the release of the closing verse by breaking down into a noisy interlude, sounding completely extraterrestrial. Bassist Nick Allbrook emerged for the encore with an armful of strange, spiny flowers, which he tossed into the crowd. Finally, the fans who had been chanting “Half Full Glass of Wine” for the entire set, launched into a blissful, 15-minute freakout. Jay’s synth filtered down through the guitars’ fluid repetitions, a progression that radiated from the stage. They built steadily to an overwhelming peak of sound, then returned to the bluesy verse riff, ending the show with style. “Last place we were at, we didn’t get half as much love,” said Parker, early into the performance. The statement was difficult to believe in the context of such a great show. But, if we learned anything from Friday night, it’s that Boston really does love Tame Impala.
November 12 2012
The Daily Free Press
The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University 42nd year F Volume 84 F Issue 39
Steph Solis, Editor-in-Chief Sydney L. Shea, Managing Editor Lauren Dezenski, Online Editor Amelia Pak-Harvey, City Editor Emily Overholt, Campus Editor Kevin Dillon, Sports Editor
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Abigail Lin, Photo Editor
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The Daily Free Press (ISSN 1094-7337) is published Monday through Thursday during the academic year except during vacation and exam periods by Back Bay Publishing Co.,Inc., a nonprofit corporation operated by Boston University students. No content can be reproduced without the permission of Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. Copyright © 2010 Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.
MBTA woes
Faced with a growing deficit, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority is poised to increase fares and cut services in 2013, according to an article in The Boston Globe on Sunday. Fare increases and service cuts will be made unless “the state finds a longterm solution to its transportation funding woes,” according to the Globe. Clearly the MBTA’s budget is hemorrhaging. In the fiscal year 2013 — June 2012 to June 2013 — available revenues are “projected to be as much as $185 below operating expenses,” according to a January document on the MBTA’s website. In the hopes of increasing revenue, the MBTA raised bus and subway fares in July. Just a few days before that hike, Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick approved a $49-million bailout. While these steps might have reduced the deficit some, how effective is another fare increase going to be? Rather than increase fares or cut services, the MBTA should make more of an effort to receive
funds from the state, advertisers or other entities. Additionally, if the MBTA is willing to raise fares again, after the issue was such a hot-button topic last year, riders may wonder how many more increases they will face and at what rate. If the MBTA continues to respond to its funding woes with fare hikes, riders may start to avoid the service. Fares must be capped at a certain level or people will not be able to afford its services. Eventually, people could start to forgo the T and opt to drive cars instead as their primary form of transportation. Boston, a major commuter city, cannot handle an increase in automobile ridership. Public transportation needs to remain an affordable option for commuters, students and anyone who relies on its services. The MBTA needs to reevaluate its funding and look toward more assistance from the state, corporations or other entities. Frequent fare increases and service cuts are not permanent or realistic solutions.
Sotomayor on success
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor appeared on Sesame Street to give viewers a lesson on what is and is not a suitable career goal, according to an article in TIME Monday. When the Sesame Street character, Abby, told Sotomayor that she aspired to be a princess, Sotomayor told her that a princess was not a viable career choice and that a career was “something that you train for and prepare for and plan on doing for a long time,” according to TIME. Sotomayor then encouraged Abby to pursue a career in teaching, law, engineering, medicine or science instead. It is encouraging to see Sotomayor, a powerful female, appear on a children’s television show and discuss career goals. Between the lack of strong, female role models in a number of television programs, to the media’s tendency to shape people’s views on what aspirations are appropriate for each gender, American society continues to project gender-biased ideas of what defines success to children. Tuning into
Sotomayor might inspire girls to pursue leadership positions similar to hers. However, it is important that the career that Sotomayor describes is seen as one option, not the only option for children. Whether or not they dream of being princesses, some girls will choose not to pursue certain careers. Those people should not be looked down upon because they do no fit Sotoymayor’s definition of what a career is. Viewers should examine how effective Sotomayor’s appeal is in inspiring children. Despite that very few of the Sesame Street characters are traditional role models — the Cookie Monster indulges in junk food and Oscar lives in a trash can — her comment opens the door to critique other fictional characters. If a princess isn’t a “good role model,” then what other fictional characters might be portrayed as poor role models? It is important to prove to children that they can possess highly professional careers as long as role models stress that those are not their only choices.
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A global perspective ANNE WHITING
’m at Café Vanille, a French patisserietype joint on the corner of Charles and Mt. Vernon Streets in Beacon Hill, sitting with a friend who just got back from visiting family in Leeds and Edinburgh. A man just ordered a croissant with a German accent (I think?), and the couple to my right is speaking Spanish. That’s a fair amount of internationalism for a place that’s half the size of the Warren Towers Starbucks. Epiphany of the day: you don’t need to study abroad to get a taste of the international in Boston. Or in anywhere, for that matter — the States have always been a melting pot of cultures, and globalism’s been a fact of worldly life since Native Americans migrated to Minnesota, the Europeans discovered cinnamon and sugar and Subway introduced Tuscan chicken to the menu. You catch my continental drift. What I’m realizing is that here — and at Boston University in particular — I’ve got the world at my fingertips. When I first arrived at school, I remember the most exciting thing for me was that I heard a different language on what seemed like every street corner. My freshman year dorm floor housed students from Qatar, Venezuela, China, Japan, Pakistan and Canada. Boston University boasts the country’s oldest study abroad program, and international relations is one of the university’s largest majors (and it’s turned out to be a practical field of study for my roommate, who’s now dating a guy from England). My best college friends are from London, Mumbai and Oslo, and other close acquaintances hail from Singapore, Israel, Russia, Uzbekistan, Algeria, Morocco and Iran. The New York Times and International Herald Tribune’s most recent Global Employability Survey has ranked the employability of BU graduates 17th in the world and 10th in the country, right under Princeton University (holler!). Granted, what makes a person employable is subjective and hard to generalize. But if I had to guess, what makes BU students particularly favorable in an increasingly global world is (in addition to our apparently high standards, re: BU is famous for grade deflation) our school’s highly international profile. According to Kenneth Freeman, the dean of the School of Management, global employers look for the “four Cs” when hiring: cultural awareness, communication skills, collaboration and creativity. “They aspire to hire individuals who are sensitive to the impact of cultural differences across countries in the ways business is conducted,” he says. As BU offers a slice of the world (cliché statement — overflow of Terrier Pride — deal with it), it produces global citizens for a global marketplace. I guess learning the “four Cs” is probably easier when you’ve got students from Sweden and Sudan in your classes. No matter how much time I spend cooped up in my apartment, I’m always provided the chance to become well versed in intercultural communication — that is, cross-cultural communication, which arises when an organization
is composed of individuals from different ethnic, social, religious and educational backgrounds and which seeks to understand how people from different counties and cultures interact, communicate with and respond to the world around them. This is key to success on the global platform. You must learn to distinguish cultural nuances. Last spring I worked for an advertising agency in Paris. We called ourselves “cultural communications specialists” because we worked to raise brand profiles internationally. Such expansion necessitates knowledge of different languages and an understanding of how to approach a variety of cultural demographics. I found a BU background to be quite helpful. True, internationalism isn’t everyone’s passion or end goal. There’s something to be said for small-town consistency (I grew up a block away from my grandparents). Last week I was in Somerville with a friend from Germany, at the Burren Irish Pub, drinking Belgian palm ale next to an old man eating bangers and mash. He told us he’d lived in Somerville his entire life. I was impressed. My date, meanwhile, who works for TripAdvisor, was not. “The world is global now,” he said. “You don’t learn anything if you stay in one place with the same people, even if you eat hummus and Thai food and practice yoga.” Access to other places is easy thanks to both StudentUniverse plane ticket prices and the World Wide Web. And he’s right. That’s why I came across the country to a world-class city for school: because I wanted to meet the world — to widen my perspective and learn to approach things differently and accept a number of viewpoints. (So progressive, so romantic.) I learned a lot from a junior year abroad, but on campus alone I’ve been able to do this. On Friday, I pulled myself away from Stephen Akey’s memoir about college to attend a meeting with IMPACT, a thinktank group on campus. I sat eating arepas with students from Ghana and Milan while we Skyped an activist in Venezuela and discussed educational inequalities around the globe. It occurred to me that although we’d all come from different places, have experienced different things and are undoubtedly going in different directions, we’d all come together to a basement in South Campus for the sole aim of hearing and presenting different worldly perspectives. BU’s campus is a little nutshell of International Relations. After four years we’ll all disperse — we’ll go home, or we’ll go forth into the world. But either way, when it comes down to it, no matter where we’ve come from or where we’re going, we’re all students just trying to learn a bit more about the world, and, maybe, start working toward global progress. And if that’s not common ground, I don’t know what is. Anne Whiting is senior in the College of Arts and Sciences and a weekly columnist for The Daily Free Press. She can be reached at
@dailyfreepress @dailyfreepress @dailyfreepress @dailyfreepress
Monday, November 12, 2012
BC holds on in third period despite offensive surge for Terriers Men’s hockey: From page 8
to put away a bouncing puck in front of the net. Then, after BC killed off senior center Pat Mullane’s second penalty and the team’s third, BU took two penalties in quick succession — the first a slash on freshman center Wesley Myron, and the second a trip against junior wing Matt Nieto. The Eagles began the second period with a prolonged 5-on-3 advantage. The Terriers killed off that BC power play as well as two more later in the period. But they could not match BC in the faceoff circle, and
once again they only mustered six shots on netminder Parker Milner in the period, who turned each shot away without much trouble. “The fact that they didn’t score on the 5-on-3, I thought it would give us a big lift, but the second period was more them than it was us, and the third period was much more us than it was them,” Parker said. With their backs against the wall, the Terriers came at Milner with more intensity in the third, firing 15 shots on him after only taking 12 through the first two periods combined. O’Connor stopped BC forward Kevin Hayes on a breakaway just
before the halfway mark of the third, bringing the crowd to its feet. But it was Hayes who scored the Eagles’ all-important second goal shortly afterward. BC came down on a 2-on-1 against BU senior defenseman Sean Escobedo, and Escobedo laid out to block a pass across from Hayes. However, Hayes collected the puck in the corner, threw it back on net and saw it bounce in off O’Connor’s back. “It wasn’t because of a lack of effort, but they both made a bad read and they both looked at each other, instead of one guy taking charge and
Alford, Moran lead Terriers over Boston College Women’s basketball: From page 8
Although BC did not shoot much better than the Terriers (30 percent from the field), the Eagles were in large part helped by the 3-point game. Freshman Nicole Boudreau dropped two of the Eagles’ 3-pointers and senior guard Kerri Shields hit all five of her free throws, allowing BC to have a slim lead of 20–19 after one half. “It was a weird game, that first half,” Alford said. “It wasn’t pretty for either team.” Although junior forward Whitney Turner hit her opening shot on a driving layup to start the second half for BU, things got out of control quickly. The Eagles, led by Shields and forward Katie Zenevitch, went on a 12–2 run, giving them a 32–27 lead going into a timeout early in the half. After the timeout, the Terriers seemed to play like a team on another level. With senior guard Mo Moran running the point, BU went on a run that propelled the team to victory. “We stayed poised on both ends of the floor,” Alford said. “We hit some big shots and made some big shots.” The Terriers shot at a much
higher rate of 47.8 percent, including an improved 45.5 percent from behind the arc after finishing the first half shooting under 30 percent from the field. Although Alford struggled in the early portion of the second half, she picked up the slack and hit some crucial 3-pointers during a 25–4 run by the Terriers. Moran and Agboola played crucial roles in the second half surge, with Moran dishing out key assists, and Agboola going 3-for-4 from the field. However it was not just the offense that propelled the Terriers in the second half, but the defense that helped the BU run. “We had a lot of defensive pressure,” Alford said. “That’s what we pride ourselves on.” The Terrier defense forced BC to turn the ball over seven times in the second half. BU also recorded three blocks in the second half, two from Agboola and one from Turner. “It’s nice to have Rashidat and Whitney behind in the back,” said BU coach Kelly Greenberg, “we really pride ourselves in the halfcourt defense. We also made a lot of adjustments in the second half and I credit our players to do that on the fly in the first game of the year.” Part of the second-half surge
on both the offensive and defensive side of the ball was the spark provided by junior guard Danielle Callahan. The transfer was playing her first game with the Terriers after sitting out all of last season with an injury. The junior hit two key 3-pointers and provided strong defense. With seven seconds remaining in the game, Moran sank a pair of free throws and solidified the victory by putting the Terriers up six. The win not only jumpstarted the season, but it also gave Greenberg her 150th victory as a BU coach. “As Chantell would tell you I’m not a numbers person, but BU has been a special place to me,” Greenberg said. “The players I’ve coached over the years and the current players, that’s what it’s all about.” On Monday the Terriers play another tough non-conference opponent in West Virginia University. “We take [non-conference games] very importantly,” Greenberg said. “Everyone knows I always say that if I take my mom in the backyard and play her I’d want to beat the hell out of her. I don’t care how old she is. I want to win anything we play.”
yelling, ‘I got this guy,’” Parker said of the 2-on-1 that led to the goal. BC sophomore Johnny Gaudreau made it 3–0 shortly afterward when he tapped a pass from senior Pat Mullane into the net from the slot. “Gaudreau can get some gorgeous goals and he’s a terrific player in this league,” Parker said. “We don’t need to have him have a tap-in like that.” The lead proved to be insurmountable, but BU kept it interesting when freshman defenseman Matt Grzelcyk snapped a short-side shot past Milner for his first collegiate goal. BU had a chance to pull within one when BC was called for too
many men on the ice and O’Connor was pulled for an extra attacker. Instead, though, BC center Bill Arnold flipped the puck the length of the ice for an empty-netter that made it 4–1. Right after the empty-netter, a slick passing play led to a goal from sophomore defenseman Alexx Privitera, a slap shot from the point that eluded BC goalie Parker Milner to make it 4–2. It was the first goal of the season for Privitera, who also blocked five shots on the night. “We’ll see them again later on, and this game will make us grow up,” Parker said. “Either way, this game is going to help us.”
Power play fails to score early in loss to No. 1 BC Power play: From page 8
same for BU, as BC cleared the puck four times, while BU went offsides once and did not get a single shot. During BU’s one good chance on the power play, the puck bounced over freshman center Danny O’Regan’s stick in the slot leading to a BC clear. BU coach Jack Parker said the Terriers struggled to get the puck into the offensive zone on the power play because BC had a good defensive strategy in place. “I thought they did a really good job of loading up,” Parker said. “We came up with a three-man swing and they had four men waiting … We had to carry the puck in the zone, and you can’t do that with a three-man swing. Halfway through the second-period we went to a five-man swing and that helped us out with attacking with speed.” The new offensive strategy helped, but it did not produce any results for the Terriers until it was too late. On the Terriers seventh power play — after the score differential was already widened to 4–1 — sophomore defenseman Alexx Privitera fired a slap shot from the point past BC netminder Parker Milner to bring the score to 4–2.
Senior forward Ryan Santana credited the speed of the game for the Terriers’ power-play struggles early on. “It is BU–BC. Things are going to happen a little bit quicker, whether it is BU-Merrimack or any other Hockey East team,” Santana said. “Maybe it was that … Once guys were able to move it around they looked great.” BU’s power play has not been its strong point early on in the season, as it is currently sixth in the league with a 16.1 power-play percentage. That total is even behind the University of Vermont — which is second-to-last in Hockey East in scoring offense — as the Catamounts have a 17.4 percent power-play percentage on the season. The Terriers found some positivity in their special teams play though, as they held BC’s power play scoreless in their six chances. BU’s penalty kill is third in the league with an 87.5 percent success rate. Parker said the penalty kill helped make up for the power-play struggles.
“We got on the power play, and it deflated us and when we killed their power plays off it elated us a little, but not at the same, it wasn’t balanced out,” Parker said.
BU freshmen make youthful, Terriers drop costly errors in loss to Huskies season-opener Freshmen: From page 8
reers in an energized environment that had the relentless Northeastern student section only feet from the court. It was a test for the freshman to see if they could stand the chaotic environment and play their game. Watson, ranked 92nd in his class in ESPN’s Top 100 recruits for college basketball, ran the BU offense for most of the game. Watson played 23 minutes registering four assists and six points. Early on in the game Watson struggled on offense with a few bad passes and difficultly reading the Northeastern defense. “The size and length of players right now are going to hurt [Watson] a little bit,” Jones said. “It’s hard to duplicate in practice because we are not so big and athletic and long. I thought the size
of the zone and him not being able to look over the zone was an issue. “Obviously, this early in the year you are not as good at some things that you want to do, especially offensively. We just have to keep getting better.” Dieudonne played 18 minutes and was a force on the boards, pulling down nine rebounds. He also added seven points. Both Dieudonne and Watson started the game for the Terriers. Coming off the bench, Papale hit two 3-pointers in 20 minutes. Alston also saw some time off the bench and pulled down one rebound for the Terriers. “It’s a young group,” said Jones. “With them you have to keep them upbeat and positive, that’s the big thing. We have some talent, but we are just a young team.”
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in final seconds Men’s basketball: From page 8
With the game entering the final minute, Northeastern trailed by one. They were able to pull ahead by two but a clutch 3-pointer from Thomas put BU back on top. With 10.7 seconds remaining and down by two, Demetrius Pollard took the Huskies fate into his own hands and nailed a dagger from behind the 3-point line with 0.7 seconds remaining. “We wanted to make sure we communicated defensively and that if they took a shot, it was well contested … when [Pollard] got it I thought he was just so open, he’s a good shooter and once it left his hands I just put my head down, it looked good from the start,” Jones said. Unfortunately for BU, the fraction of a second was not enough for the Terriers to recover, and they walked off the court with their heads down as Northeastern students rushed the court in celebration. “We have a game Monday against Canisius on Monday night, we’ve got to learn from the things we didn’t do well tonight,” Jones said. “But I’m proud of the guys, I thought they played hard, they competed.”
Sophomore forward Malik Thomas scored 13 points and grabbed seven rebounds in BU’s season-opening loss to Northeastern.
I don’t care how old she is.
–BU coach Kelly Greenberg on playing basketball against her mother.
Page 8
Heroic Huskies
The Daily Free Press
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The Boston University men’s basketball team lost its season opener to a last-second 3-pointer at Matthews Arena Friday against Northeastern Unviersity. P. 8.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Men’s hockey drops showdown with No. 1 Eagles
BU misses early chances on power play
Terriers lose 4–2 to rival Boston College By Annie Maroon Daily Free Press Staff
The No. 11/12 Boston University men’s hockey team hung close until the third period, but No. 1 Boston College pulled away to a 4–2 win at Agganis Arena on Sunday. Freshman goalie Matt O’Connor kept the Terriers (5–3–0, 4–2–0 Hockey East) down just 1–0 for most of the game, but two quick thirdperiod goals sealed it for the Eagles (8–1–0, 7–1–0 Hockey East). “I thought it was an exciting game to be involved in,” said BU head coach Jack Parker. “It was an exciting game to watch. I was amazed the score was what it was at the end of the second period with all the power plays.” BC opened the scoring less than a minute into the first period. After a faceoff to the right of O’Connor, BC’s Destry Straight took a pass from his left wing Kevin Hayes and slid it past O’Connor. That was the only goal on the board for the next 50 minutes. The Terriers then had three consecutive power plays, but capitalized on none. By far their best chances came on the second one, when junior forward Sahir Gill and freshman forward Danny O’Regan both tried and failed
Men’s hockey, see page 7
By Kevin Dillon Daily Free Press Staff
Freshman defenseman Matt Grzelcyk scored his first career goal in BU’s 4–2 loss to Boston College Sunday.
Boston College men’s hockey captain Pat Mullane argued with the referees twice as he glided to the penalty box in the first period of No. 1 BC’s. 4–2 win over No. 11/12 Boston University Sunday. He earned two of the three penalties the Eagles took in the first frame, which gave BU several chances to tie the game after it fell behind in the first minute. The early power-play opportunities did not help the Terriers though, as they did not capitalize on any of their three chances in the first period or any of their first six chances in the game. “We did not play well on our power play and we made it kind of easy for them to kill it,” said BU coach Jack Parker. “We really struggled and halfway through the game we got it straightened out a little, but we really struggled the first couple.” On BU’s first power play, sophomore forward Matt Nieto had a shot on goal, but the team did not generate any more good scoring chances as BC cleared the puck five times. BU struggled to get the puck across the blue line and the power play set up inside the offensive zone. The second power play was more of the
Power play, see page 7
Greenberg earns 150th career win in 70–62 victory over Boston College By Andrew Battifarano Daily Free Press Staff
On Friday night, the Boston University women’s basketball team did something it hadn’t done in 28 years — it beat Boston College in back-to-back meetings. After defeating the Eagles last year by a score of 70–62, the Terriers (1–0) outlasted Boston College (0–1) again, winning 52–46
on opening night at Case Gymnasium. With the energy of the home crowd behind them, the Terriers looked to jump on the scoreboard quickly. Senior guard Chantell Alford hit a 3-pointer after a pass from junior forward Rashidat Agboola and allowed the Terriers the opening bucket and an early lead. Alford hit her next shot, giving the Terriers the early momentum and a
5–0 lead to start. Although it appeared as if the Terriers had a chance to run away with the game early on, the Eagles rallied, and both teams eventually hit offensive slumps. After starting 2-for-2 from the field, BU’s offense went cold and never seemed to get in rhythm in the first half. The Terriers only shot at a 26.9 percent clip from the
field from the first half and missed seven of their 3-point attempts and only hit 4-of-10 free throws. Also prominent were Alford’s struggles from the field. After hitting her first two jumpers, the senior missed her next five shots of the half, finishing 2-of-7 in the first half of play.
Women’s basketball, see page 7
Northeastern completes comeback, Young BU men’s basketball squad sinks BU 65–64 in season opener shows inexperience in tough loss By Christopher Dela Rosa Daily Free Press Staff
The Boston University men’s basketball team lost its season opener in dramatic fashion at Northeastern University Friday, falling 65–64 thanks to a last-second 3-pointer by Huskies’ guard Demetrius Pollard. Terrier fans saw some new faces on the court to begin the game. Second-year coach Joe Jones started the freshmen Maurice Watson Jr. and Nathan Dieudonne at point guard and power forward, respectively. Friday night’s game started off as any other contest between the Terriers and Huskies with each team scoring after one another. “[It was a] typical BU vs. Northeastern game ... scrappy,” Jones said. With about 10 minutes remaining in the first half, the Terriers began to break away. Junior guard D.J. Irving got the team going with scoring by making a fade-away jump shot from the baseline. Then, it was the sophomore guard Malik Thomas who took over in the first half for the Terriers. After almost losing the lead, Malik Thomas made a layup and then forced a turnover that lead to a slam dunk at the other end to give his team a 31–24 lead with over two minutes remaining in the first half. One thing that hurt BU during the first half was turnovers. Whether it was in the form of
Monday, Nov. 12 No Games Scheduled Rob Gronkowski, Zoltan Mesko and Robert Kraft skyped with astronaut Sunita Williams last Friday...
bad passes or poor ball control, Northeastern knew when the Terriers were about to make mistakes. The Huskies took advantage of this and forced eight BU turnovers in the first half. Three of those turnovers came from Watson Jr. “The size and length of players right now are going to hurt him a little bit until he can get used to it that,” Jones said. “It’s hard to duplicate in practice because we’re not as athletic, big or long. I thought the size with the zone and trying to look over the zone was an issue ... They’re things we’ve got to work on.” Despite these turnovers, BU held onto a 35–26 lead entering the half. Northeastern began the second half on attack mode as they made multiple attempts to close the nine-point gap that carried over. For the rest of the half, the teams exchanged baskets, Northeastern having the edge in baskets, slowly bringing down the lead. Unlike the first half, BU and Northeastern exchanged fouls consistently. Midway through the half, BU was at seven team fouls, which resulted in many free throws for Northeastern. By the late stages of the game, the Terriers had 20 personal fouls causing a plethora of free-throw opportunities. This allowed Northeastern to stay in close until the very end, which was when Northeastern decided to put the pressure on.
The Bottom Line
Tuesday, Nov. 13
Men’s basketball, see page 7
No Games Scheduled ...Mesko later tweeted, jokingly, that she had caught one of his punts at her space station
By Michael Bagarella Daily Free Press Staff
It was a difficult start to the season for the Boston University men’s basketball team, losing a nine-point halftime lead with the final dagger coming in the form of a game winning 3-pointer for Northeastern University guard Demetrius Pollard. The tempo of the first half was fastpaced and frenzied with both teams consistently exchanging baskets. Both BU and Northeastern turned the ball over quite a few times as well. Toward the end of the half BU began pulling away and entered halftime with a nine-point lead, 35–26. At the beginning of the second half Northeastern came out firing and cut the lead to one. After Northeastern made its comeback, BU got into foul trouble most notably at the 14-minute mark in the second half when BU committed four fouls in a span of 33 seconds. Being a young, inexperienced team, BU started straying away from their defensive fundamentals. “All of our defensive principles went out the window in the second half to be honest with you,” said BU coach Joe Jones. “I think having a big lead like that in the first half our guys felt a little loose, felt pretty good and they came out in the second half expecting it to keep rolling our way. But
Wednesday, Nov. 14
No Games Scheduled ...Ironically, Williams had, in fact, caught one of Gronkowski’s spikes from week four.
we learned a valuable lesson that it doesn’t always happen that way.” In the final minutes there were a plethora of lead changes and BU led 64–62 going into the last possession. With 10.7 seconds left in the game Northeastern drew up a play that allowed Pollard to get open and he launched the shot with two seconds left. The shot fell. Northeastern won. The fans stormed the court. Just like that the freshmen for BU had their first taste of college basketball, and it came in the form of a gutwrenching loss. After the game Jones stressed that, regardless of the score and the result of the game, he was proud of the effort and intensity of the team. Additionally, Jones mentioned how each experience is a new one for this young team. The Terriers have no seniors on scholarship, three junior captains and a multitude of freshman and sophomore contributors. For BU, freshman forward Nathan Dieudonne, freshman guard Maurice Watson Jr., freshman guard John Papale and freshman forward Justin Alston were all playing in their first collegiate games. In front of a large crowd of 3,242, the freshman players began their collegiate ca-
Thursday, Nov. 15 W. Hockey vs. Providence, 5 p.m. M. Hockey @ Vermont, 7 p.m. W. Basketball vs. Richmond, 7 p.m.
Freshmen, see page 7
Friday, Nov. 16
M. Basketball vs. George Washington, 1 p.m. Cross Country @ NCAA Championships, All Day