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The Daily Free Press

Year xlii. Volume lxxxiii. Issue XXXX

MIND VS. MATTER BU strives to provide mental health support, page 3.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012 The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University

STRESSED OUT Study examines coping methods for stress, page 5.



FALLING SHORT W. basketball loses to West Virginia U., 57–60, page 8.


Today: Rain/High 59 Tonight: Partly cloudy/Low 45 Tomorrow: 47/35 Data Courtesy of weather.com

Authorities investigate Allston fatal accident involving 21-year-old cyclist By Jasper Craven Daily Free Press Staff

Authorities are investigating the facts surrounding the death of a 21-year-old bicyclist who was struck by a vehicle in Allston Monday night, officials said. “Everybody is still out, and the investigation is still ongoing,” said Neva Coakley, a Boston Police Department spokeswoman. The accident occurred at 6:36 p.m. on the corner of Brighton Avenue and Harvard Av-

enue, Coakley said. CBS Boston and other news outlets reported that the bicyclist was a Boston University student, although BU officials did not confirm this information. MBTA spokesman Joe Pesaturo said the MBTA is looking into whether a Route 57 bus is involved in the incident and that a bus driver has been removed from service during the investigation. He would not confirm whether an MBTA bus struck the victim.

“A Route 57 bus operator has been taken out of service while police investigators work to establish facts in this matter,” Pesaturo said in an email. “He is 58, and he has been with the T for six years.” Pesaturo said the BPD and the District Attorney’s office have taken over the investigation, with Transit Police assisting. Police officers from District 4 in Brighton responded to the accident and upon arrival they observed a male victim that was seriously in-

jured, Coakley said. The victim of the accident was transported to Beth Israel Hospital and was pronounced dead upon arrival. A Boston College graduate student was killed in June after an MBTA bus hit her on Huntington Avenue. In August, BU School of Management alumnus Steve Binnam Ha was hit by a Route 57 bus after witnesses saw him walk across the intersection of Commonwealth Avenue and Babcock Street when the bus had a green light.

African Pres. Center interns explore hands-on IR, foreign policy SG plans debate on Iran sanctions, seeks break buses By Katherine Lynn Daily Free Press Staff

In May, Boston University student Lejla Huskic found herself on a dirt road lined with crumbling one-room houses in a small township in Johannesburg. She met the children living there, who were just learning English, only going to school a few times a week. “I’ve never seen poverty like that before,” Huskic, a College of Arts and Sciences sophomore, said. “It was eye-opening.” Five months later, Huskic still works with the organization that gave her the opportunity to visit the South African town, the African Presidential Center at BU. The APC is an on-campus organization that studies and supports the growth of democracy and free-market reform in Africa. Huskic had the opportunity to meet African heads of state when she traveled to Johannesburg for the African Presidential Roundtable forum for the future of energy in Africa through her internship at the APC. “It was really amazing to be involved in something amazing like that,” Huskic said. “I felt like I played a role in something really cool.” Huskic, one of 18 student interns working at the APC, said she learned about the organization through a friend and applied to become an intern in the spring of her freshman year. “It’s an internship program through BU and we get to work with other colleges that are part of our collaborative and the continent of Africa,” she said. “It’s a base for so many cool networks.” Now in her second semester as an in-

Center, see page 2

By Margaret Waterman Daily Free Press Staff

ferent experiences, different language and a different upbringing and will contribute and bring that perspective with them and helps inform in many instances the discipline they’re studying,” he said. Jordan Sen, an international student from Hong Kong, said he sees how BU is trying to increase its international population. “I went to this conference where President [Robert Brown] was there, and he said he really wanted to increase the number of international students,” Sen, a School of Management junior, said. “It’s surprising to know BU is 13th, though.” Sen said studying in the U.S. will give him a better education all around. “I’m Australian originally, and I was considering it with my family, and they agreed it’s much better to have an education in America rather than Australia,” he said. Sen said he is pleased BU has such a diverse student body. “It’s always nice to know that there’s not a small percentage of people like me,” he said. “It doesn’t feel like I get left out or

Student Government unanimously passed a vote to host a public debate Jan. 31 to educate senators and Boston University students on the sanctions in Iran at their meeting Monday. The debate will draw some of the most staunchly opposed groups on campus together to debate and converse about the issue at hand, said Aditya Rudra, executive vice president of SG. “It’s definitely been an issue that has been a dividing force on this campus and an issue that started well before we were born,” Rudra, a School of Management junior, said. Members of BU Students for Israel and members of the Anti-War Coalition came to an Oct. 15 SG meeting to debate whether the current sanctions in Iran are justified. At the same meeting, SG passed a motion to create a committee to send to activities hosted by both groups. Zach Herbert, College of Engineering junior, said hosting the debate could set a positive precedent for SG. “This is more than just us voting on one thing,” Herbert said. “Other groups might be going to ask us to host these [types of] debates.” SG also heard arguments from a BU’s chapter of Students for Sensible Drug Policy, an international drug policy reform network. KC Mackey, a College of Arts and Sciences senior, said she wants BU to adapt a “good Samaritan policy” that allows students to call for medical help relating to alcohol- and drug-related health issues without facing punitive action. “No students seeking medical assistance for an alcohol- or drug-related emergency will be subject to university disciplinary action due to possession or consumption of alcohol,” Mackey said. Mackey said these are rules that will provide students with the clarity they need to make responsible, life-saving decisions. “They are not policies that are supposed to reward binge drinking,” she said. Mackey said Student Health Services, South Campus RHA and the Off Campus Council are just some groups around campus that support this policy. Mackey also said she hopes BU can incorporate this policy into its Lifebook, which provides rules and guidance on being a member of the BU community. Emily Talley, a sophomore in the School of Education, said this conversation has the potential to be transformative. “You [SSDP] should also consider the things you are really trying to combat here which include underage drinking, intoxication, responsibility,” Talley said in the meeting.

Int’l, see page 2

SG, see page 2


College of Arts and Sciences junior Amrita Singh and other African Presidential Center interns traveled to South Africa in May to host the 2012 Roundtable.

BU has 13th highest int’l-student population in U.S., report states By Chris Lisinski Daily Free Press Staff

Boston University had the 13th highest population of international students among U.S. colleges for the 2011–12 academic year, according to the Institute of International Education. A report, titled Open Doors Data on International Educational Exchanged, released Monday stated BU had 6,041 international students during the 2011–12 academic year. “We’ve always been ranked high in the Open Doors Report,” said BU spokesman Colin Riley. “We have a long history of international students studying at Boston University.” Riley said for many years, BU has had the highest percentage of international students. “We still have a strong percentage,” he said. “We have a diverse representation.” He said students from India and China comprise a significant portion of BU’s international students because the countries have large populations. A number of international students want to study at BU because of its quality of education, Riley said.

“BU has an outstanding reputation internationally as evidenced by the employability study recently released [released Oct. 25 by The New York Times],” he said. “BU graduates who work around the world are highly regarded by employers.” Employers around the world ranked BU graduates 17th in the world in employability. BU was ranked seventh nationally. Riley said BU works to accept students from around the world. “BU has a strong alumni presence in many countries and recruits and regularly visits these countries,” he said. “We have an English-language program, Center for English Language and Orientation Programs, that is also attractive for students who want to pursue American education in the United States who don’t have the language skills for it.” International enrollment in American colleges increased 6 percent from the 2010–11 academic year to a total of 764,495 students. Riley said BU benefits from having a diverse population. “Students who are sitting in the class may be sitting next to someone who has a different cultural background, who has dif-


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Student Government members APC gives students opportunity to take hear updates on Towers space education one step farther, student says SG: From Page 1

Talley said Mackey and her colleagues could make the issue one pertaining to alcohol issues on campus if SSDP were to make it an accountability-based policy. SG also heard updates on the Towers Planning Committee and its plans to repurpose the basement and dining hall of the Towers residence hall. Sophia Wodya, vice president of SG internal affairs and CAS senior, said members have been working with the administration to create a new use for the vacant space. Herbert, president of the BU Residence Hall Association, said there might be two study lounges, a recreation room, a faculty-inresidence, two music rooms, a laundry room for Towers residents and for Bay State Road residences as well as a satellite fitness facility along with some other features. “It’s difficult because there’s

going to be no extra revenue coming in, but there is going to be higher operating expenses for FitRec overall,” said Herbert. “It’s definitely something very likely, and it’s something that something that the entire committee supports.” Caitlin Seele, SMG junior and SG director of advocacy, said SG has made progress in implementing its holiday bus service which will shuttle students to Logan airport for school breaks. Seele said SG received survey results from students saying students were willing to pay around $8 for a ticket. “Realistically, we are thinking of doing the first bus for spring break,” Seele said. “We need time to have a real advertising push because it is so important that we have [enough people].” The buses will be less expenseive than taking a cab and will make stops in front of various dorms and areas on campus, Seele said.

Center: From Page 1

tern, Huskic said she has already had the opportunity to travel to Johannesburg and meet the former president of Zambia, Rupiah Banda. Huskic, a sociology major, said international relations has always been an interest, but she never thought it would lead to interning for the APC. “Once I started the internship, I got so much more knowledge about the continent,” Huskic said. “I feel like being there all this time I am learning about things as they happen, so it’s very real time. I don’t think I have gotten this information about Africa in any of my classes before.” Huskic said Africa is an interesting, up-and-coming area. “They’re still undergoing development — it’s not a very westernized place,” Huskic said. “Researching Africa has been eye-opening. It’s a totally different type of cultural experience.”

Amrita Singh, a CAS junior, said the center appealed to her because she was interested in international relations, especially in Africa. She said the APC has given her the opportunity to become friends with people who have the same passions on BU’s campus. “It [the APC] has definitely helped me situate myself as a BU student,” Singh said. “Sometimes with BU being so big, sometimes I am like, ‘Where are the people that like the things I like?’ It’s nice that I am surrounded by people who I really like being around.” Singh said her experience at APC has educated her and provided her with endless opportunities such as attending the Roundtable conference in Johannesburg. “I can’t really capture the experience that I had there,” she said. “It was definitely a unique experience that helped me grow as a person and as a worker.” Singh said the APC has given

her the opportunity to put her interest in international relations and Africa to use in a practical way. It has also allowed her to see the options she has for her future career. “I will most definitely will be doing something within the continent, but I don’t know exactly where I’m headed,” Singh said. “The center has definitely helped me see what I am passionate about.” Singh said her experience at the APC has helped her to take a step further in her education by interacting in a meaningful way with the type of work she wants to do in the future rather than just reading about it in class. “I totally appreciate being part of an atmosphere where your work and you hours are taken very seriously,” she said. “You’re not just doing stuff to put this on your resume — you’re doing things that are important.”

CAS junior: International students offer different perspectives in Boston U. classroom environment Int’l: From Page 1

anything, there’s a lot of activities that involve international students and a lot of those things that the international students office does help us with incorporating ourselves into the community.” Shannon Almeida from Bombay, India, said BU’s environment was not too different from her home city. “BU is in a city, and I grew up in Bombay, so I was used to that,” Almeida, an SMG junior, said. “I also wanted a really diverse school, and I think BU was a good choice for that. It fit every-

thing that I wanted ... It is also a college city, which is good, since you get to meet a lot of students from other schools.” She said BU benefits from having so many international students. “You understand other cultures — you’re more aware of everything,” she said. Urs Weber, a College of Arts and Sciences junior from Bremen, Germany, said he was not surprised by BU’s ranking. “When I was looking at American colleges and universities while I was in Europe, at the college fairs around Europe,

I lived in Switzerland, England and Spain, and BU was I think the only school from the U.S. that consistently came to all the college fairs in those countries,” he said. Weber said the inclusion of international students helps others to see different viewpoints. “Any sort of diversity always enhances any academic interaction or academic conversation,” he said. “The biggest influence on students in college is interactions they can have with other students.” Amy Gorel contributed to the reporting of this article.

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Campus & City

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Colleges strive to raise awareness of mental health services Q-3 success could have calamitous effects, critics say

By Nicole Leonard Daily Free Press Staff

Larry Kohn, director of development at the Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation, said although many programs for mental health are available through Student Health Services, it is difficult to help people seek the treatment they need, especially students. “The goal to have the culture on campus seeking help for emotional struggle should be as easy as seeking help for a common cold, but it’s not,” he said. “People feel lonely, despair and pain. You walk by them everyday.” In response to the death of Amanda Todd, a 15-year-old Canadian girl who was bullied to the point of suicide, universities such as York University in Toronto are reexamining their mental health programs. BU students and professionals said it is more important than ever to be aware of mental health issues and utilize the resources available to help. College of Arts and Sciences sophomore Rosie Bauder said although there are resources on campus for people who struggle with mental health or behavioral issues, students might not be fully aware

By Alex Diantgikis Daily Free Press Staff


With mental health issues at the forefront of many college students’ minds, Boston University offers a number of services to try to combat such issues.

of them. “[As] college students as a whole, we’re definitely more aware than we were in high school,” she said. “There are so many resources

on [mental health] education, but there might be a lack of education on how to use those resources.” Bauder, who helped organize a suicide-awareness walk with the

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention in April, said it is important to be compassionate when dealing with the issue of suicide,

Health, see page 4

Mass. back to status quo with Warren’s Senate victory, analysts say By Nicole Leonard Daily Free Press Staff

Although Democrats took back a Senate seat with the victory of Sen.-elect Elizabeth Warren after a heated race, political experts said the win represented nothing more than a shift back to the status quo in the Commonwealth. Last Tuesday’s election returned a Massachusetts Senate seat back to Democratic control when Warren triumphed over incumbent Republican Sen. Scott Brown. Warren joins fellow Democrat John Kerry in the Senate for the 113th Congress. In a Commonwealth with about three Democrats to every one Republican, there was a 37-percent increase in Democratic voter turnout for the 2012 election than there was in the 2010 special election. Doug Kriner, a political science professor at Boston University, said the biggest factor in party change for the Senate seat was the unique circumstances that surrounded the 2010 special election after former U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy’s death. “Electorates in midterms are

different from those in presidential election years,” Kriner said. “In special elections, the electorate is even smaller and more skewed demographically.” Brown, who ran on a campaign that promised Independent voice and bipartisan votes for Massachusetts, won the 2010 special election against Democrat Martha Coakley with 52 percent of votes. Peter Ubertaccio, director of the Martin Institute and political science professor at Stonehill College, said Brown’s victory came at a time when Democrats were discouraged by President Barack Obama’s leadership. “Republicans were energized when Brown ran that first campaign,” he said. “It was a lower turnout election, and Democrats were really demoralized. Brown’s campaign was well run, and all things came together at once.” In the 2012 election, Warren won with more than 53 percent of the votes at the same time Obama was reelected for a second presidential term — something Kriner said helped Warren win the seat

over Brown this time around. “The different composition of the electorate coupled with a huge enthusiasm gap helped Brown immensely [in 2010],” he said. “In 2012, the electorate was bigger and more demographically diverse, and Warren benefited from having Obama at the top of the ticket.” “Obama came and spoke that year right before the election, and urged Democrats to go out and vote,” Ubertaccio said. “But people stayed home and that’s significant.” Jerold Duquette, a political science professor at Central Connecticut State University, said news organizations and political analysts were scared to call the race early in Warren’s favor because they feared they would predict incorrectly as they did when Coakley was assumed to win the Senate seat in 2010. “The electorate was light on committed progressives and it was light on regular Democrats who didn’t want to come out in the cold,” he said of Brown’s win in 2010. “Brown was the only race in country, so he got national sup-

port.” Duquette said within a normal election like in 2012, the difference in circumstances did not favor Brown — something that people did not pay attention to when comparing elections. “It was perfect timing for a Republican [in 2010],” he said. “Republicans didn’t even think he would win. He [Brown] gets elected in surprise, so people thought he had a chance at winning [in 2012] because nobody suspected he could do it the first time.” But Duquette said Brown was doomed to fail the Senate race from the moment Warren became his opponent. “She was a viable candidate who could raise money and become nationally recognized and run a national campaign,” he said. “She basically ran an incumbent campaign while he [Brown] ran one like a challenger.” Because Democrats overwhelm Republicans in the majority of Massachusetts and this was a normal election within a presidential

Voting, see page 4

Despite the overwhelming support for medical marijuana by popular vote in Massachusetts, some people in the medical community question marijuana’s healing ability as concerned advocates claim medical marijuana will hurt Massachusetts residents. Massachusetts became the 18th state to legalize medical marijuana on Nov. 6, with 63 percent of voters answering yes to Question 3. The ballot question allows patients with certain medical conditions to have a maximum 60-day supply of the plant, permitting some patients without an access to treatment centers to grow enough plants only for the maximum 60 days. In the days leading to Election Day, many state groups rallied hard against the passage of Question 3, including the Massachusetts Prevention Alliance, the Massachusetts Chief of Police Association and the Massachusetts Medical Society. Heidi Heilman, president of the Massachusetts Prevention Alliance, said the majority of people using medical marijuana in other states are not those with chronic illnesses, but users that get cards for the vague symptom of pain. More than 100,000 medical marijuana card holders, and 95 percent of those fall into that other condition category, underneath pain. The Massachusetts law is currently vague in parameters, Heilman said. “Anyone can get a medical marijuana card at any age, without any approval from parents, and have a lifetime membership to a pot store or to grow at their home,” Heilman said. But proponents of medical legalization said Massachusetts residents would benefit from the law. Bill Downing, spokesman for The Massachusetts Cannabis Reform Coalition, said legalizing marijuana would not open the floodgates for anyone to access the substance. “People think ‘legalize’ and think [of] 5-year-olds going into a soda shop and buying marijuana cigarettes off the shelf,” Downing said. “No, [marijuana’s] not going to be legalized so that all people

Marijuana, see page 4

Street teams raise not only money, but support WHEEL OF FORTUNE By John Ambrosio Daily Free Press Staff

Students hurrying to class along the streets of Boston might see street canvassers as a nuisance, but organizations such as the American Red Cross and Greenpeace reap substantial benefits from street canvassing, also engaging students on college campuses to support their cause. “What we try to do is find the people who are supportive but aren’t yet active and to try to inspire and awaken that activism in them,” said Greenpeace representative Dan Stafford. Tom Fauls, a professor of advertising in BU’s College of Communication, said he is skeptical of the effectiveness of street teams. “The big disadvantage is that it doesn’t scale very well, and it’s

hard to believe that it’s very costeffective,” Fauls said. “In today’s era, I think that your efforts and whatever money you are spending would be much better spent in a social media campaign.” Despite Fauls’s opinion on the potential greater value of social media marketing, teams such as Greenpeace are still able to make an impressive return on investment for the cost of hiring staff. Stafford said Greenpeace employs between 15 and 25 street marketers in Boston, each of whom makes $12 an hour or more once training is completed. The return on investment is about 2-to-1. But Fauls said this type of marketing is probably not lucrative. “It’s difficult for me to believe that it scales well at all because how many people can you really convert

in a situation like that,” he said. “If you could convert one out of every 10 people who stop, that probably is pretty good, but also very low.” However, some of the activist group members said that campaign on campus are less concerned with raising money from students than they are with raising awareness and increasing activism. “Our street team is not only raising awareness of the fact that we need donation in a college area, but it is also raising the awareness that we need volunteers,” said Kat Powers, a spokeswoman for the Red Cross. Stafford said students tend not to be as willing to donate as they are to listen. “In our experience, students tend to have more idealism and

Canvassing, see page 4


College of Communication senior Emma Runquist spins the BUPD wheel in support of the Public Awareness Campaign during Public Safety Week in the George Sherman

Union on Monday.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Medical marijuana legalization in Bay State SSN, Active Minds, SHS could conflict with federal law, BU prof. says offer mental health at BU Marijuana: From Page 3

in all circumstances can buy marijuana. That’s not what we want. ” Heilman said there is no research that ensures marijuana has any medicinal value. “We don’t decide on medicine through popular opinion or voter initiative,” she said. “It’s reckless, and it’s irresponsible in that it puts our public at risk of fraudulent unsafe medicines.” Richard Aghababian, president of Massachusetts Medical Society, said in an email statement that Massachusetts Medical Society does not consider marijuana medicine because it has not been rigorously tested as other drugs. “Above all, the prescribing of drugs by a physician should be based on clinical and medical evidence, not by popular vote,” Aghababian said. There is still some uncertainty over how marijuana prescriptions will be issued in Massachusetts. David Rosenbloom, a Boston University School of Public Health professor, said marijuana is not medicine. “Medicine is a substance which has been shown in randomized controlled trials to have some beneficial effect on some desired health endpoint,” Rosenbloom said. “Mar-

ijuana has never been subjected to that, so marijuana is not medicine.” Rosenbloom said a doctor would never prescribe marijuana because it is still illegal at the federal level. He also said a doctor would not encourage a patient to smoke. “Doctors are not in the business of recommending or writing prescriptions for smoked marijuana,” he said. Heilman said the new law does not state a Massachusetts state physician has to write a prescription, adding another problem to the legislation. “These medical marijuana recommendations could come over the Internet from unscrupulous doctors from other states,” she said. Heilman said in Oregon, one doctor issued over 35 percent of medical marijuana cards over the course of a year. This worked out to be 29 patients a day and $200 a piece for the doctor who was recommending these patients. “This sort of law brings out the worst in doctors,” Heilman said. Heilman said most Massachusetts voters probably had no idea what was in the law in Question 3 and that is why it passed. She said because marijuana is so addictive for people with developing brains, the industry would target and capitalize on young people.

Prof.: Mass. Republicans need to organize better

“We’re going to have a population of people growing up stoned,” she said. “What does that do to our competitive market as a country? What does that do to our economy? What does that do to our social health?” But Downing said many antimarijuana groups propagate false information about marijuana. “Cannabis is actually the safest, most therapeutically active substance known to man,” he said. “The substance has very little to do with the behavior. Addictive behavior has to do with someone’s personality.” Downing said cannabis prohibition creates a $60 billion underground economy, that is untaxed and unregulated, managed only through violence. He also said marijuana use arrests more than 800,000 Americans each year, which weakens the moral impact of the term ‘illegal.’ Douglas Kriner, a professor of political science at Boston University, said the move to legalize marijuana in Massachusetts could possibly conflict with federal law. “Perhaps the most interesting angle to me is one involving the supremacy of federal over state laws,” he said. “States can ‘decriminalize’ various usages of marijuana, but it is still against federal law.”

@dailyfreepress @dailyfreepress foreseeable future. V : From Page 3 Duquette said unless another @dailyfreepress election year, Warren would special election is held for John have had to do something drastic Kerry’s vacated seat, Republicans @dailyfreepress to her reputation and her campaign should not get their prospects up to be in danger of losing to Brown, for regaining that seat. @dailyfreepress “Massachusetts Republicans Duquette said. “Brown would have had to turn haven’t done a good job at orga@dailyfreepress Warren into Cruella De Vil, or she nizing and providing an alternative that’s workable in this state,” would have had to been caught robUbertaccio said. “They need to bet- @dailyfreepress bing a liquor store,” he said. Both Ubertaccio and Duquette ter organize themselves. It’s hard to said Republicans would not regain imagine Republicans successfully @dailyfreepress a Massachusetts Senate seat in the competing for that seat.” @dailyfreepress A ‘LIKE’ GOES A LONG WAY @dailyfreepress @dailyfreepress ‘Like’ The Daily Free Press @dailyfreepress on Facebook! @dailyfreepress @dailyfreepress www.facebook.com/ @dailyfreepress dailyfreepress @dailyfreepress @dailyfreepress Today’s crossword @dailyfreepress solution brought to you by... No-Shavember @dailyfreepress @dailyfreepress @dailyfreepress @dailyfreepress @dailyfreepress @dailyfreepress oting

Health: From Page 3

and that it is preventable. “We kind of read these stories and they don’t really affect us like they should — we’ve kind of been desensitized to it,” she said. “They don’t think that they’re worthy of help, and it’s important that people are aware of this.” Active Minds at BU mailed blank notecards to 8,000 students and told them to anonymously submit their secrets to BU Secret, modeled after Frank Warren’s PostSecret. The organization received about 1,000 cards from BU students who admitted to eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, depression, self-harm, loneliness and other issues, Kohn said. “It was a great thing that we did in the third year of Active Minds at BU,” said Ashley Waters, Active Minds president. “You need to be aware. Active Minds is there for if you feel stressed, you can come in and just talk to someone about it.” Waters, a School of Management junior, said people who are familiar with the struggle against depression, loneliness and suicide need to know that someone will listen to them and the feelings they are experiencing. Waters said in Todd’s case, her passing could have been prevented if someone had encouraged her to seek help for her emotional issues. “If one person said something, like, ‘It’s going to be okay,’ or if someone just stepped up and said,

‘Let’s go to lunch together’ — if she just knew someone was there,” Waters said. The Student Support Network trains students to recognize warning signs for suicide and distress in their peers and teaches them how to encourage these students to get help. “The students were there to try and get them [distressed students] to get help,” Kohn said. “They didn’t give advice, they just listened. You want to be part of a community that notices someone who’s going through a hard time and help them.” Kohn said the top indicators students in the SSN are trained to look for include a decline in grades, emotional deregulation, over-eating or sleeping and vice versa, alcohol or drug consumption, risky sexual behavior and isolation. “Your life is like plates spinning on sticks in a balancing act, where each plate is a part of your life,” he said. “You try to keep them all spinning, but sometimes when a plate begins to wobble, there’s a ripple effect, and the other plates start to wobble too.” The SSN, Active Minds and SHS mental health programs and professionals are available at BU for students who want to talk to a professional or get help for mental and emotional concerns. “If you’re allowed to get the help that you need, then by all means, it should be there,” Bauder said, “but there’s so much we’re unaware of that might prevent getting that help.”

Students say canvassers guilt passersby, disregard timing Canvassing: From Page 3

time than they do money,” Stafford said. While most not-for-profit organizations have their own canvassing branch, some third-party firms have made a career out of providing street marketing teams for non-governmental organizations, political campaigns and social causes. Grassroots Campaigns has worked with LGBT rights, the American Civil Liberties Union and Amnesty International by recruiting and deploying canvassers on their behalves. Grassroots Campaigns aims to increase the public’s social consciousness “by hitting the streets, talking to people and getting them involved,” according to the organization’s website. While certain BU students see the utility of street marketers, a number of them said they do not stop to engage with street team members. “I support them in spirit, but I don’t financially support any of them,” said College of Arts and Sciences sophomore Sarah Kraft. “That’s why I don’t stop [when

approached by a street team member] because in the end I’m not going to benefit from a conversation with them, because I can’t give them money and I already support their cause.” College of Engineering senior Ian Peezick said canvassers attempt to elicit guilt in passersby. “Their strategy is trying to guilt people into giving them money,” Peezick said. “It’s not like the things they’re supporting are bad, but when I walk by them they shouldn’t try to guilt me.” Other students said they are approached by street marketers at entirely the wrong time and are often too busy to stop and chat. “Most of the time it’s during my transition time to class, and it’s very inconvenient,” said CAS sophomore Caroline Eng. Alex Ionescu, a School of Management junior, also said students might be too busy to engage street marketers. “It’s a good way to grab attention, but kind of aggressive just because students are always so busy,” Ionescu said. “They are also always causes that are already on campus and it gets old after a while, even though that isn’t nice to say.”

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Performance Under Pressure Scientists are using an online test to study how people cope with pressure in sports and everday life By Kiera Blessing


Features Staff

veryone has sunken into a stress response when expected to perform, minutes before a test or while competing in a race or making a speech. BBC Lab UK, a website operated by the British Broadcasting Corporation, is conducting a study on how people perform under pressure to see if the same psychological coping methods athletes use to control stress can be used to handle pressure felt from job interviews, tests and other situations. Why It Matters Handling stress is not only important for success in performance, but also for physical health. Prolonged or repetitive stress is harmful as it builds up over time, said Gloria Callard, a biology professor at Boston University. “It’s prolonged stress, chronic stress or multiple stresses that wear out a lot of body processes that are otherwise useful in the short term,” she said. Stress developed as a means of responding to immediate physical threats, such as running away from danger, Callard said. If a man encountered a hungry lion, the man’s blood would leave his stomach and go to his muscles because running away is more important than digestion at the time. “Stress is a response that evolved when man was quite primitive or before there were humans, and now it is maladaptive very often,” Callard said. Stress response never changes, even if the stimulus does, she said. In other words, if an emotional occurrence such as an upcoming exam is the cause of the stress, the body will still react in the same way it does when presented with a vicious predator. Prolonged periods of stress can quite literally destroy the body — in extreme cases, ending in the depletion of body stores such as fats and carbohydrates, Callard said. The BBC experiment sets out not only to test how effective these psychological skills are, but also what emotions are best for pressure performance and how controlling emotions and performance are related— a mystery in the field of psychology. A Complicated Study The website is designed to collect data for major, groundbreaking experiments from around the world. Launched in 2009, it started with the Brain Test Britain experiment, devised to determine if brain training actually works. Since then, a series of major experiments have collected data through BBC Lab UK using online tests and surveys. The worldwide reach of the website allows for scientists to gather much more information from thousands more participants, resulting in more accurate data and conclusions. In return for their time, participants often receive some new information about themselves — in this case, how they handle stress when under pressure. One experiment designed by Professor Andrew Lane of the University of Wolverhampton and Professor Peter Totterdell of the University of Sheffield, according to the BBC, involves an online test called “The Grid.” First, participants are asked a series of questions about their personal lives, experiences with competition in games and sports, ability to control emotions and attitude toward competition, followed by a survey of how the participant feels at the moment. Then, participants play “The Grid,” which consists of a grid of numbers from one to 35, scattered at random, in which the participant must find and click on each number in increasing numerical order. Though the first test is only a race


Students preparing for an exam can learn the most effective way to deal with the pressure by taking an online test.

against the clock, the following tests have a computer “opponent,” complete with a face that allows the participant to determine its mood, who is performing the same task on a similar grid. The opponent’s performance is actually based on the performance of other participants in the study. College of Communication sophomore Hannah Landers said that the game was frightening. It was the competition and audio that she said nearly made the game overwhelming. “The whole heartbeat sound ... I was shutting down. I can’t do this,’” she said. Following the test, participants must rate how much effort they put into a game on a scale of one to 100, followed by how strongly they feel a series of emotions ranging from anxiety to anger to happiness on a scale of one to five. This is repeated multiple times, but participants are asked to use specific coping mechanisms for some of the latter tests, like visualization, self-talk and if-then planning. How to Cope Scientists and psychologists have proposed different ways to cope with stress, according to the BBC. Visualization is the process of envisioning what one wants to happen or feel, according to Sport and Exercise Psychology: Topics in Applied Psychology. Athletes often use this technique to “intend” the result of a race, game or training session in order to embody the feeling of a successful performance and make it a reality. Self-talk, on the other hand, refers to the constant inner conversation people have with themselves day in and day out, according to the Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology. Self-talk can be either negative or positive. Negative thoughts are one of the biggest causes of pre-performance anxiety. Conversely, consistent positive self-talk has been shown to improve performance, as long as the goal is feasible.

If-then planning, according to the British Journal of Social Psychology, incorporates qualities of both visualization and self-talk, to anticipate every possible eventuality and decide a course of action based on each. The scientists, according to the BBC, aim to find whether or not these psychological coping skills help outside the sports realm. College of Arts and Sciences sophomore Paul Riley said he has heard of these techniques and has used all three. Although starting out on exams might be “a little overwhelming,” he is able to handle it, he said. “Once I get into it, it’s usually not a big deal,” he said. Future Use and Application The results of this experiment may be used in the future, according to the BBC, to help students to score better on tests or runners to trim full seconds off their personal records just by using psychological skills like visualization or regulating emotions. College of Fine Arts sophomore Kathryn Potis said she would like to see the experiment results used to help students like herself. “It could be helpful if people are having problems with stress and pressure and stuff like that,” she said. “Maybe organize something for people to teach them the proper methods ... so they could learn how to not be stressed.” COM junior Kyle Huemme, a self-declared non-stressor, said the results of the study will likely be beneficial. “If not for me, then for my friends because I know plenty of people who are stressed,” he said. Those interested in taking the online test and learning about their own stress response can learn more at ssl.bbc. co.uk/labuk.

Want More Science Tuesday?




Novemeber 13, 2012


The Daily Free Press

The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University 42nd year F Volume 84 F Issue 40

Steph Solis, Editor-in-Chief Sydney L. Shea, Managing Editor Lauren Dezenski, Online Editor Emily Overholt, Campus Editor

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Shakti Rovner, Office Manager The Daily Free Press (ISSN 1094-7337) is published Monday through Thursday during the academic year except during vacation and exam periods by Back Bay Publishing Co.,Inc., a nonprofit corporation operated by Boston University students. No content can be reproduced without the permission of Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. Copyright © 2010 Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.

Did you do the reading?

CourseSmart, a company that sells electronic textbooks, is introducing a tool that will enable professors and others to monitor how much time students spend reading and how many notes they make, according to an articyle in The Chronicle of Higher Education Saturday. Sean Devine, the chief executive of CourseSmart, told the Chronicle that students who do not want their data shared would be able to opt of the program, which only makes sense. By the time students have arrived at college, many of them have already developed their own unique reading and note-taking styles. A professor who requires his or her students to share that information would appear to be micromanaging them. Professors should be able to gauge their students’ understanding of course material. However, there are other, less inhibitive and perhaps more useful ways for them to accomplish that. Exams and classroom dis-

cussions can give professors a clear idea of how concepts are landing, while a time code might simply reveal that a student opened his or her book. Not every student interacts with reading material the same way. Some students read more quickly than others or take fewer notes when they read. Some professors might take that information and assume that those students sped through material without understanding it, which might not be the case. Some students absorb information more quickly than others and with fewer notes. While a reading surveillance program might assist students who are not strong readers, it should only be employed upon students’ requests. Really, it falls on the students to decide how they interact with their course material, if at all. Monitoring them seems inhibitive and ineffective. Ultimately, the goal is for students to understand the material. It should not matter how they got there.

Slaughter the school ox?

Lou, a beloved ox at Green Mountain College in Vermont, was quietly euthanized Sunday, according to The Boston Globe. The euthanasia took place amid outrage that Lou and another ox would be slaughtered and served in the campus dining hall. In early October, the college announced its plan to serve the ox’s’ meat “in keeping with its emphasis on sustainable agriculture,” according to the Globe. Lou was euthanized Sunday because he suffered from an injury, not because his meat was going to be served. The college’s decision to euthanize the sickly ox seems appropriate. Veterinarians determined that Lou’s condition “would not improve and that his quality of life would continue to diminish,” according to the Globe. If that is case, then euthanasia seems like the humane choice. However, the college should never have proposed to serve the ox’s meat in the dining hall in the first place. It’s noble that

the college wanted to promote sustainable food practices, but serving a beloved ox’s meat seems inappropriate. Lou lived on the farm for about a decade and had become a symbol of the college’s farm program during that time. Because the school had formed a sort of emotional attachment to the ox, serving its meat to students seems insensitive. No matter how resourceful or practical their intentions were, the college should have taken Lou’s status into account. It will be interesting to see what the school chooses to do with Lou’s work partner, Bill. Following Lou’s death, the college announced that Bill will remain on the farm, where he will “receive care consistent with appropriate livestock practice”, according to an article in The New York Times on Monday. However, that statement seems open-ended. Hopefully in its future dealings with Bill, the college weighs the ox’s status more closely.

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Killing time DAVID FONTANA

t’s all relative, right? Relatively short, that is. I’m talking about time, of course. It’s kind of like that kid who gets picked last to play basketball: the kid’s a little all over the place, doesn’t have a steady rhythm, and when it comes down to it, he is just plain too short. But just like that kid, time eventually grows up, too, and when it does, well, it quickly becomes a crazy power hungry dictator to the helplessness of your “underdeveloped” life. That’s when it really starts paying you back for all those cruel years of being forced to watch sitcoms and do family game night. The dictating is not a pretty sight. Time is such an abstract ideal — that fourth dimension thing. We count it in ticks and sand, shadows and snow, and it’s seemingly everywhere: on every computer screen, every cellphone, in every classroom on everyone’s mind. Yet, somehow, I’ve straight up gone and lost it. But where did it go? Well, I’m not really sure. I checked my hamper, under my bed, in my wallet with all them dolla’ bills. I thought of plunging the toilet but decided that might be taking it too far. I looked outside under the piles of leave but only found melted snow. I checked in my backpack but couldn’t get through the mountain of unfinished papers and readings. I even found my way into the George Sherman Union’s lost and found, but besides a few (100) Terrier Cards, the keys to a Lexus and a textbook on how to properly shape a pie, the place was devoid of time. Time, my fellow readers, has been playing one mean game of hideand-seek, and no matter how long I seem to count it, I never seem to actually find the time to look for it. I think it deserves a good old-fashioned time out. I can see this conversation getting rather complicated. We’ve got so many idioms for time: it’s time to wake up, time to eat, time to get down to business and time for bed. Yet, what happened to time for me? Where did all of that time for recess go? Or for doing nothing? Maybe I spent too much time on my college education. Maybe I did wasteful things from time to time. But how long can I live on borrowed time? When I’m pressed for time, because time is money, can time really heal all wounds? Time sure flies when you’re having fun, and let me tell you, I must be having so much fun that I’m not even aware of it, because time has gone and transformed into some mythological demon bird and straight up left the world behind. It’s flown the coop, and there’s nothing I can do about it. It’ll be the same tomorrow. Since tomorrow never comes, and yesterday never happened, right?

However, there is one alternative, an idea so dastardly, so diabolical, so manically chaotic, it must be true: someone must be killing time! All of it! And if I had to guess who, I’d say it was those rabid, muddy, savage beasts with murder in their eyes and a faint smell of blood and death about them. That’s right, I’m talking about kindergarteners. When in doubt, always blame the kindergarteners. There’s a hole in the ozone layer? I smell ill-potty trained kids. Iran’s got a nuke? Sounds like arts and crafts to me. Petraeus was having an affair? We’ve been foiled by that damn naptime again, people! See, it really puts everything into perspective. Kindergarteners, I find you guilty as charged. So, what do we do next? I can’t simply suggest that we annihilate kindergartners across the globe. It would create havoc. Why, just think of the pure surplus of goods and services we would require. The world would simply erupt in a fiery explosion from our sudden excess of time. No, like all international conflicts in life, this issue must be dealt with delicately, with a firm, but kind of flimsy hand and by a group of people who have absolutely no idea what on earth they could possible do to solve it. I tried the House of Representatives, but they were busy taking in circles (no surprise there). So, I gave the task to the kindergartners. Ha ha! Killing two birds with one bird, that’s what I always say. Their idea: well, it was a mix of giggles, burps and spit bubbles. My translation: Let’s start a Time Drive! We can all wear baseball caps that same “Time Ules” on it and go around door to door asking for small donations of people’s time. “Sounds like fun to us, David!” And I’m not one to leave people out either: we’re collecting tiempo right out of the sky, zeits fresh from your faces, aegs scrambled or boiled, tijd whatever that is! No matter how you say it, we’ll take it from you. If you’ve got too much time on your hands, we’ll be over in a jiffy to help you wash that gook right off. All it takes is a little warm water and a squirt of procrastination, and in no time at all your hands will be time free! Alright folks, we’ll begin tomorrow at the first light of dawn. But if I’m not on time, you guys can just go on ahead without me. My alarm probably didn’t go off, but I’ll be sure to make up for any time I’ve lost. And as for our success, well, only time will tell. David Fontana is a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences and a Fall 2012 columnist for The Daily Free Press. He can be reached at fontad5@bu.edu.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Neff: Heisman trophy does not signify future professional success Neff: From Page 8

sive players are always overlooked when the voting takes place, and even if Te’o and the Irish defense can help lead Notre Dame to a national championship, he’ll still probably be judged crookedly. Braxton Miller isn’t getting too much play because Ohio State won’t be playing any Bowl Games this year after an NCAA ban. The kid is legit. He’s the fourthleading rusher in the Big Ten, making him a big double-threat as far as quarterbacks go. But since Ohio

State is banned, Miller, in effect, is banned from winning the Heisman. Everybody seems obsessed with it, but I truly don’t think it matters who wins the Heisman. Seeing someone do the pose drunk is as impressive as winning the trophy itself. The last really good player to win the Heisman was Reggie Bush in 2005, and it didn’t even count. He had to give back the trophy over allegations that he was given special treatment and prizes for playing at USC. As football shifts to a quarter-

back-driven sport, the Heisman has been awarded to more quarterbacks (10 of the last 11 have been QB). The quarterbacks who’ve won aren’t all they were cracked up to be now in the NFL. Things looked great in Cam Newton’s first year in the NFL, but he hasn’t done anything remarkable this year. He’s thrown eight touchdowns and 10 interceptions this season. Not the big, hyped-up Heisman winner we all remember last year who shattered rookie records. Mark Ingram, the only running back to win it since 2000, won in

2009 and isn’t what he used to be. After leading the Crimson Tide in 2008–09, he ran for almost 500 yards and five touchdowns in his first year with the Saints. This season, he has fallen in the depth chart and only has one touchdown. Sam Bradford? Brutal. The Rams haven’t been good since Kurt Warner and Marshall Faulk were on the team. Bradford isn’t their savior and continues the trend of disappointing Heisman performances in the NFL. Tim Tebow was allegedly Jesus incarnate when he played for Florida. He won the Heisman as a sopho-

more in 2007 and now he’s riding the bench behind the equally awful Mark Sanchez. So who cares who wins the Heisman? It’s just an excuse for an ESPN College Football special. Of the 76 men selected the Heisman Trophy winner, just five have made the Pro Football Hall of Fame. It’s overrated, so don’t buy the hype. Mike Neff is a weekly columnist for the sports section. He can be reached via email at mneff@bu.edu or via Twitter at @mneff2.

Men’s basketball winless after first 2 games Alford steps up, almost leads Terriers to win over WVU Men’s basketball: From Page 8


Junior guard D.J. Irving scored 20 points on Monday.

riers found themselves down by 10 with four minutes to go in the half. Canisius’ 3-point shooting was strong in the first half as it hit seven shots from beyond the arc. Guard Harold Washington, Canisius’ leading scorer last year, led the Golden Griffins with 15 points in the first half including three 3-pointers. Additionally, guard Billy Baron added seven first half points to give Canisius a 38–28 halftime lead. Irving picked his game up in the second half, nailing six shots for BU. But the Terriers still trailed the Golden Griffins. Twelve minutes into the second frame, Canisius opened its largest lead of the night at 57–44. Momentum went back and forth during the middle portion of the second half. The teams exchanged 3-pointers and eventually BU found itself down just seven points with four minutes left. Morris, who was in foul trouble,

struggled to make an impact in the second half for BU. “It’s early in the year,” Jones said. “Dom is a terrific player and I’m sure against George Washington, he will be ready to go.” Late in the second half, freshman guard John Papale found his stroke. He started hitting shots from beyond the arc and, with the help of a clutch three from Irving, brought BU back into the game with only three minutes left. “[Papale is] a terrific shooter,” Jones said. “He’s a tough kid. He’s got a chance to be very, very good and we knew that coming in.” Momentum then swung back in Canisius’ direction and the Golden Griffins kept it for the rest of the game. At the final buzzer, the Terriers had fallen for the second time in as many games on the season. BU’s next game will be its home opener at Case Gym against George Washington University on Saturday Nov. 17 at 1 p.m.

Alford: From Page 8

with Alford’s extended time on the court, caused fatigue that became an obstacle that the Terriers would have to overcome in order to stay competitive in the contest. “You just have to push through it, we knew the game was close throughout,” Alford said. “But it was one of those things that you have to fight through. BU coach Kelly Greenberg also said she noticed the effect fatigue had on the matchup. “It played a part in the game in spots, not a whole lot in long stretches,” Greenberg said. “I thought at one point in the first that they looked tired.” With less than five minutes left in the first, and the Terriers down 24–20, a run sparked by senior guard Mo Moran’s contested layup shifted the momentum to the BU side. The Terriers finished the half leading the

Mountaineers, 33–28. Alford set up senior guard Kristin Sims for a 3-pointer and junior forward Rashidat Agboola for an easy layup for her two assists, just before the end of the frame. In the game’s closing minutes, with the outcome still in the balance, Alford assumed a critical role in the game. She took two free throws with 29 seconds remaining and the Terriers behind 57–55. In a silent gymnasium, Alford stepped to the line as the crowd waited intently and buried both free throws. After a foul and a series of free throws put West Virginia in the lead by three, Alford was given the ball at the foul line. She heaved a shot from midcourt that rattled off the left side of the rim. Alford lay on the court exhausted by the loss. “It was a great game,” Alford said. “Both teams battled back and forth.”

Women’s hockey loses 4–2 without Poulin Terriers fall short of upset, lose to Mountaineers 60–57 Women’s soccer: From Page 8

the Wildcats’ leading point-getter and 13th in Hockey East in points. Just 10 seconds after the powerplay goal, forward Jessica Hitchcock scored to put BU in a 3–0 hole 1:18 into the second period. Durocher said the deficit came as a result of a reliance on talent. “We aren’t being very hard to play against right now,” Durocher said. “We are relying on talent rather than combining the two.” But the Terriers did not go down easily. After 9:20 into the second period, junior defenseman Kaleigh Fratkin got BU on the scoreboard when senior forward Jenelle Kohanchuck and sophomore forward Kayla Tutino broke out into an odd-man rush and Fratkin was there to finish it off. About four minutes later, the Terriers struck again. Senior forward Isabel Menard fed the puck to Lou-

ise Warren, who ripped a shot past goaltender Jenn Gilligan to decrease BU’s deficit to one goal. The assist was Menard’s 15th point of the season, which puts her behind only junior co-captain MariePhilip Poulin (16) for the team lead in points. The goal was Warren’s fourth in two games, continuing her hot streak. “[Warren] is somebody who plays very hard,” Durocher said. “She is a great forechecker, fearless along the walls and going to the net. It all adds up to puck possession for her and her line.” However, Warren’s goal did not spark the comeback that the Terriers were looking for, as they failed to get the equalizer despite having almost a period and a half to do so. One of BU’s best chances at tying the game came midway through the third period. Fratkin forced a turnover and had a breakaway, but her

shot was saved as she was slashed. BU was given a power play, but Fratkin was not awarded a penalty shot. Durocher said he thought the call could have gone either way. “[It was] a bang-bang situation and the ref blew the whistle quick. Some nights the ref blows the whistle slower than other nights,” Durocher said. “Nobody is blaming the officials.” Once the Wildcats iced the game with an empty-net goal late in the third period, the Terriers were defeated, 4–2. Durocher said the team has to improve its effort if it wants to start winning games again. “We gave up a little bit too much because we weren’t hard to play against defensively,” Durocher said. “We have to decide as individuals and as a team whether we want to start playing harder and winning games.”

Women’s basketball: From Page 8

Dunning got to the free throw line, sinking one of two shots before getting the chance to shoot another pair after an offensive rebound. Dunning effectively iced the game when she converted her final two free throws. With less than two seconds remaining in the game, Alford threw up a desperate half-court shot that banged off the rim as time expired. BU finished the second half with a 27.6 field goal percentage, as well as a 33 percent free throw percentage. “It was really intense,” Greenberg said. “Every play was like the last play in the Super Bowl. I just thought that we were extremely tough. I am really, really proud

of them, and I just told them that this is not a moral victory for us, we really felt like we could have won that game, in a lot of ways we should have if we had knocked down our free throws a little bit … We have some things to fix, but again our overall effort was tremendous.” Alford echoed Greenberg’s pride in the team’s effort. “It was a tough one,” Alford said. “We know that West Virginia is a very good team, but we just wanted to go out there and play our basketball, and we were able to do that. We just fell a little short.” The Terriers will end their homestand on Friday with a game against Richmond at Case Gym. Tip-off is set for 7 p.m.

Peters becomes first Terrier to qualify for NCAA Championships since 2003 By Sarah Kirkpatrick Daily Free Press Staff

Going into the fall 2012 season’s cross country NCAA Northeast Regional in New London, Conn., junior Rich Peters was determined to make an impact. By finishing ninth in the men’s 10-kilometer race on Friday and qualifying for the NCAA Championships, he did just that. For a while in the race, there was a bit of uncertainty as to whether Peters would finish high enough to meet the qualifying standard. “There was a significant period in the race where he was not in the right position,” said BU coach Bruce Le-

hane. “He’s a pretty calculating runner, in other words, he’s measuring what has to happen, what he has to do in the race. He was kind of gauging himself by what was going on, and by the time he got to the final 800 meters … with his type of mile speed … he can finish fast. “He just kept himself close enough that when he got near the finish line, he made a strong move and found himself in the right position.” Peters finished with a time of 30:29.8. He finished just 2.8 seconds behind fourth place. Seniors Matt Paulson (28th, 31:07.7) and Robert Gibson (50th, 31:34.1) both finished inside the top-

50 to end their successful BU cross country careers. Lehane praised the seniors on their races. “They did a great job … I was really happy [with their performance],” Lehane said. Freshman Kevin Thomas finished 129th with a time of 32:49.1 in his first Regionals race. Senior Elliot Lehane (156th, 33:18.3) was the Terriers’ final contributor to the score. BU finished ninth out of 34 teams with a score of 372 points. Iona was the overall men’s champion with a team score of 45 points. The ninthplace finish was one place higher than projected and BU also finished

91 points better than any other Amer- Bowen’s performance. ica East team. Stony Brook Univer“Danielle Bowen ran really, resity, the closest America East com- ally, really well,” Lehane added. petitor, finished 15th with 463 points. “When you measure people in terms In the women’s six-kilometer of improvement, and past perforrace, junior Monica Adler finished mance, and obstacles overcome, 41st with a time of 20:59.1 to lead Danielle is one of the people who the Terriers. Junior Danielle Bowen you can point to. (88th, 21:52.1) also finished within “Let’s look at what Danielle has the top 100. done in terms of her progress and Lehane applauded Adler’s perfor- improvement, because she’s runmance, noting her vast improvement. ning almost a minute a mile faster “For the first time in her life, than not much more than a year and [Adler] saw that she could become a a half ago. That’s a testimony to her strong cross country runner,” Lehane spirit and her determination to reach said of Adler’s outstanding season. higher” Along with Adler, Lehane had some positive comments regarding SEE FULL STORY ONLINE


Every play was like the last play of the super bowl. BU women’s basketball coach Kelly Greenberg

Page 8

Tuesday’s Take


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Junior Rich Peters became the first Boston University cross country runner to qualify for the NCAA Championships since 2003 on Friday. P. 7.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Women’s basketball nearly upsets West Virginia

Who cares about Terriers lose to No. the Heisman? 17 WVU 60–57

Mike Neff Who’s going to win the Heisman trophy? That seems like all anybody is talking about after this weekend of college football. A couple of big games, an Alabama loss and all of a sudden, we’re talking about who will win college football’s most coveted prize. There are some interesting candidates out there, so I’ll go through the motions and entertain those of you who care. Let me tell you, it’s a little bit soon to be calling Johnny Manziel anything other than Johnny Manziel. Not Johnny Football, and certainly not Johnny Heisman. First, and foremost, he’s a freshman. No freshman has ever won it. And he won’t. Period. But there’s no question his play this weekend was superb as he led Texas A&M to victory over ‘Bama on Saturday. But to say that qualifies him as a Heisman winner outright is flat-out ridiculous. A guy named Adrian Peterson was a freshman back in 2004 and broke almost every first-year rushing record there is. He still finished second behind quarterback Matt Leinart. Johnny won’t win it this year. Does Alabama’s loss this past weekend eliminate A.J. McCarron from the discussion? I think so. Two interceptions basically cost his team an undefeated season. I think his numbers aren’t the flashiest either. He’s had five games where he hasn’t thrown for more than 200 yards. To win the Heisman, you have to be consistently throwing for at least 200 yards. Quarterback Collin Klein creates all of the offense for Kansas State. He’s racked up 31 total touchdowns this season, but has only thrown 12 of them. The senior quarterback hasn’t proven his arm is the real deal and that could affect his chances. If he increases his passing yards, it could give him a leg up. Linebacker Manti Te’o is the force behind the Irish defense this season. He has 92 tackles, six interceptions, 1.5 sacks and a fumble recovery thus far. But is a defensive player likely to win it? I’m about to graduate college and the last time it happened, I was graduating kindergarten. Charles Woodson won it in 1997. Defen-

Neff see page 7

By Conor Ryan Daily Free Press Staff

By Matthew Fils-Aime Daily Free Press Staff

Despite a career-high 30 points from senior guard Chantell Alford, the Boston University women’s basketball team was defeated by West Virginia University 60–57 in a nail-biter Monday night at Case Gymnasium. With the loss, the Terriers fall to 1–1 on the year while the Mountaineers, who were BU’s highest ranked opponent since 2007, improve to 2–0 on the year. The first half was a back-andforth affair between the Terriers and the Mountaineers. There were three lead changes, and both teams had their own five-point lead in the first half. After a brief 5–0 run by the Terriers, led by the great interior scoring of junior forward Rashidat Agboola and a clutch 3-pointer from senior guard Mo Moran, BU took a 33–28 lead over the heavily favored Mountaineers into halftime. The Terriers boasted an impressive 55.6 field goal percentage in the first half, while the Mountaineers only managed a paltry 27.8 field goal percentage. “We talked a lot about [WVU’s] size and their quickness, and our goal was to really keep them in front,” said BU coach Kelly Greenberg. “’Let’s not let them get layups,’ and I thought that we did a great, great job of that in the first half … We played, man, I was expecting to play a lot of zone tonight, but we came out so strong on our man that I was like ‘the heck with our zone, we’re staying with it and we’re going to keep being aggressive with this team.’” The Terriers continued their

In its first game against a ranked opponent, the Boston University women’s basketball team (1–1) lost to the No. 14 West Virginia University (2–0) at home. During the 60–57 loss, senior guard Chantell Alford rose to the occasion in one of the best games of her collegiate career. Alford contributed 30 points, two assists and nine rebounds in 39 minutes of playing time, besting her former career-high of 29 points. During 2011–12 season, the Terriers took on the Mountaineers in Morgantown, W.V., where Alford played a critical role in the BU offense. She finished the game with 17 points and four rebounds in 27 minutes of play. Alford began the game with a hot hand, dribbling past an opponent on the left side and pulling up for a jump shot along the baseline. She then netted two free throws, scoring the Terriers’ first four points in a physical battle that was extremely tiring for each team. Alford was harassed all game, with a host of defenders attempting to cool off her sharp shooting. She finished the game tying her career high in 3-pointers with six. “It was a tough one, we know that West Virginia is a really good team but we wanted to go out there and play our basketball,” Alford said. “And we were able to do that, we just fell a little bit short at the end, but it was a great game overall.” The Mountaineers’ large, physical defense continued to wear down Alford, along with the rest of the Terrier team. They forced 23 turnovers in the game, four of which came from Alford. The stifling defense, combined

No Games Scheduled LA Lakers hired Mike D’Antoni over Phil Jackson to replace head coach Mike Brown...


Junior guard Chantell Alford scored a team-high 30 points in the Terriers’ 60–57 loss to No. 17 West Virginia. great play in the second, at one point leading by eight points with 12:32 remaining in the game. But an 8–0 run by the Mountaineers tied the game up at 45 apiece with 10:33 remaining. With less than three minutes to go, the Mountaineers had a 57–50 lead. But a 7–0 run by the Terriers was capped by two clutch Alford free throws that tied the game at 57 apiece with only 29 seconds

remaining. “You’re just there on the line by yourself, and you know you have to make it, and it’s just about taking your time and doing what you know how to do,” Alford said about her free throws. “I was just thankful that they went in.” With the final possession of the game, WVU senior center Ayanna

Women’s basketball see page 7

Alford see page 7

Terriers fall to Canisius, BU extends losing streak to lose second straight game 3 in loss to New Hampshire By Michael Bagarella Daily Free Press Staff

In its second game of the 2012–13 season, the Boston University men’s basketball team had a difficult first half against Canisius College and never found rhythm as the Terriers lost to the Golden Griffins, 75–83. “There were a lot of little things in this game that we just didn’t do,” said BU coach Joe Jones. “We have to make the plays late and we have to get bigger contributions from guys that we are dependent on. That’s the bottom line.” Despite the lackluster 5–25 record put up by Canisius during the 2011– 12 season, Jones said he and his team knew better than to expect an easy victory from Monday’s matchup. “They are a much different team than they were last year,” Jones said. “They got three transfers that are all starters, and they got a kid on the bench who was a starter last year and

The Bottom Line

Tuesday, Nov. 13

Alford almost leads BU to upset

Wednesday, Nov. 14

No Games Scheduled ...The Lakers thought hiring D’Antoni in Movember would be a good move because of his impeccable ‘stache...

their second leading scorer. They are a much different team, a very talented team and a better offensive team than Northeastern. They are not what people are going to think. They are a very good offensive team.” Canisius (1–0) started strong, opening the game on an 11–2 run in which it outplayed the Terriers both offensively and defensively. The Terriers (0–2) cut the deficit to four midway through the first half thanks to six points down low from junior forward Dom Morris. The Golden Griffins then went on another run after making BU pay for turning the ball over. They scored 11 points off of Terrier turnovers. Freshman guard Maurice Watson Jr. and junior guard D.J. Irving both had two first half turnovers. Since they were unable score for three minutes and were outrebounded on both ends of the court, the Ter-

Men’s basketball see page 7

Thursday, Nov. 15

No Games Scheduled ...The Lakers will be sure to hire Phil Jackson during all months that are not dedicated to facial hair appreciation.

By Gregory Davis Daily Free Press Staff

The No. 5 Boston University women’s hockey team lost to the University of New Hampshire Friday night in Durham, N.H., and extended its winless streak to three games. BU (7–3–1, 3–2–1 Hockey East) came into the game after a wild matchup against Boston College that ended in a 5–5 tie. It was the second consecutive game the Terriers were unable to come out with a victory over BC. UNH (4–7, 2–2 Hockey East) was having struggles of its own coming into the game, having suffered losses in its last six contests. BU coach Brian Durocher said those losses do not reflect UNH’s skill. “[UNH had] losses to … all teams that have been or were previously or still are in the top 10 or 12 in the country,” Durocher said. “Those are some quality teams they played

Friday, Nov. 16 W. Hockey vs. Providence, 5 p.m. M. Hockey @ Vermont, 7 p.m. W. Basketball vs. Richmond, 7 p.m.

against and they made a good number of them close games.” The Wildcats kept the game close right from puck drop. The game remained scoreless until freshman defenseman Alexis Crossley put the puck past senior goaltender Alissa Fromkin 13:07 into the opening period to get UNH on the board first. The goal was Crossley’s fifth of the season, which ties her for ninth in Hockey East in goals and first on the Wildcats. The score remained 1–0 until early in the second period when junior forward Arielle O’Neill scored a power-play goal to extend UNH’s lead to two. Forward Kristina Lavoie earned her seventh assist of the season on the play, which leads UNH and ranks her seventh in Hockey East, tied with several others. It was also her 10th point of the season, which makes her

Women’s hockey see page 7

Saturday, Nov. 17

M. Basketball vs. George Washington, 1 p.m. Cross Country @ NCAA Championships, All Day

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