The Daily Free Press
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Year xlii. Volume lxxxiii. Issue XXXVIII
Thursday, November 8, 2012 The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University
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Friends, co-workers stand behind hit-and-run victim Question 2 fails
narrowly, opens door to dialogue
By Brian Latimer Daily Free Press Staff
Allston locals are supporting Brenda Wynne, co-owner of Stingray Body Art, as she recovers from a hit-and-run incident on Halloween that left her in the intensive care unit. Wynne, 45, has been moved to Spaulding Rehabilitation in Boston from the ICU as her friends await her recovery. On Halloween afternoon, Wynne stepped into the street near 1430 Commonwealth Ave. in Allston after the light turned and gave her the right of way, said Scott Matalon, co-owner of Stingray Body Art. Wynne was not jaywalking when she was hit. “It’s unthinkable to me that someone could hit someone so obviously and not stop,” Matalon said. “Her hip was broken in multiple places, and her femur broke clean in half — she is banged up really bad.” Wynne is well known among artists and musicians, and “knows all the hipsters and locals,” Matalon said. “She has been a big part of the community her whole life,” he said. Supporters of Wynne can expect to see benefits held at Brighton Music Hall, likely in January when she can attend, Matalon said. “We’re trying to put together a fantastic show for that to raise some money [to] help her pay her regular day-to-day bills and help her eat while she recovers,” he said. “It’s very difficult to be in that position. Imagine [you’re] in your 40s and you’re an owner of a business and having to ask your family for help.” Wynne has been out of Stingray for two years battling a kidney condition, Matalon said.
By Kyle Plantz Daily Free Press Staff
Stingray Body Art employee Chris Debarge said “[drivers] don’t seem to respect red lights anymore” in reaction to owner Brenda Wynee’s hit-and-run injury on Oct. 31.
Just as she began going back to work, the vehicle struck her, he said. “There are a lot of people very angry about this. A lot of people,” he said. “She was very popular. The most insulting part is that the driver left her there to die.” After more than seven years in the same storefront, Matalon said these things happen all the time. “Right on this corner, a little girl got hit in a hit and run. She was okay,” Matalon said. “Last year, a bicyclist got creamed and there was blood all over the street.” Wynne announced on Facebook Tuesday
that she was moved from the ICU to Spaulding Rehabilitation in Boston. “I planned to go visit her in the next few days now that she has been moved,” said Jennifer Robb, 46, her coworker and longtime friend. “She actually just said that she can expect to be walking before spring.” Robb said she has lived and worked with Wynne for more than seven years. In light of Wynne’s accident, Robb said criminals do not seem to think about consequences.
SG e-board hopefuls run unopposed in November election By Margaret Waterman Daily Free Press Staff
Only one slate is registered to run in the November Boston University Student Government election after the current executive board won running unopposed in April, Student Election Commission officials said. Kerry Ford, SEC co-chair and School of Education sophomore, said confusion surrounding election timeline changes and whether or not the election was occurring in November might have caused slates to not run. “There was a lot of confusion with the timeline changes and going back and forth, and that might have deterred some people,” she said. BetterBU, the single slate, announced its candidacy at an official press conference Monday. School of Management junior Aditya Rudra, the current executive vice president, is run-
ning as the slate’s presidential candidate. He is joined by Lauren LaVelle, executive vice presidential candidate and SMG junior, Justin Jones, vice president of finance candidate and SMG junior and Jasmine Miller, vice president of internal affairs candidate and a College of Arts and Sciences freshman. SG voted in October to hold a special election in November. The elected executive board will serve a one-semester term and subsequent boards will serve May to May. The current SG executive board was elected in April after running unopposed. Originally, 30 people expressed interest in running, but in the end only one slate registered to campaign, said Tess McNamara, co-chair of the SEC. “They [the slated candidates] seem to have a good hold on things, but obviously we’re impartial,” she said.
McNamara said that at this point candidates can run as write-in slates, but cannot attend official SEC activities. It is possible for students to campaign without going through the SEC. McNamara said the SEC worked hard to make sure nobody was deterred from running for SG due to the timeline changes. “I have to say that I am so proud of the Student Elections Commission because even with the whole timeline changes and the time crunches we have come out with our events the same way that we planned them from the start,” McNamara said. Rudra said a major obstacle for prospective candidates is that the 2012–13 academic year election cycle is in the middle of the year. “It’s hard to drop your obligations, your other leadership positions and say, ‘I’m going to run for SG,’” he said.
Physician-assisted suicide failed to pass on the Massachusetts ballot by a narrow margin that was too close to call in the early morning hours on Wednesday. Question 2, known as the Massachusetts Death with Dignity Act, was voted down Tuesday by a margin of 2 percent — 51 percent against the measure and 49 percent in support. “To us, it was a validation that people heard and understood our message that this is [an] extremely flawed and confusing ballot initiative,” said Andy Hoglund, spokesman for the Committee Against Physician-Assisted Suicide. Under the proposed act, a patient qualified for physician-assisted suicide would have the mental capability of making health care decisions, have an incurable disease that will cause death within six months and would voluntarily express a wish to die. A physician would have to speak to the patient twice, 15 days apart, to allow him or her to rescind the request and would have the patient sign a form with two witnesses present. The proposed act states the patient would ingest the medicine to cause death in a humane and dignified manner. The patient’s death certificate would list the underlying terminal disease as the cause of death, and physician-assisted suicide would be a voluntary service to which healthcare providers would not have to commit. Hoglund said his organization wants more time to debate the issue and come up with the best solution. “It’s always been our plan that Massachusetts needs a longer conversation about endof-life issues,” he said. “Yesterday’s vote was a great starting point to having that dialogue.” Stephen Crawford, communications director for the Yes on Dignity campaign, said many citizens are disappointed with the results. “I am disappointed that there are people suffering in Massachusetts who were counting on the law being passed,” he said. “Some people called my office today concerned, and we don’t have answers for them.” Crawford said he was impressed with his campaign’s efforts in regard to human rights. “It was very close and people are disappointed by the outcome,” he said. “People are certainly energized that a small grassroots organization made up of people who have a per-
Question 2, see page 2
Voter participation among people under 30 increases in 2012 elections, data shows By Jasper Craven Daily Free Press Staff
Boston University students Molly Saito and Siranush Khachatryan, and recent Boston College graduate Henry Khachatryan await election results at Faneuil Hall Tuesday night.
Recent data suggests that more youth voters turned up at voting booths on Tuesday than in 2008, despite the challenges younger voters face of learning state-specific voting requirements. Nineteen percent of voters younger than 30 cast their ballots in the 2012 election, representing a 1-percent increase from 2008, according to a press release from the Fair Elections Legal Network. “What’s kind of remarkable is that how everybody talked about this enthusiasm gap from 2008 — that youth weren’t as engaged in this election,” said Josh Spaulding, policy manager at the Fair Elections Legal Network. “And the numbers are showing that the youth turned out in record numbers.” Initial returns suggest that between 31 and 32 million people under the age of 30 turned out on Tuesday, Spaulding said.
Several college campuses had record student turnouts on Election Day, according to the press release. The Fair Election Legal Network campaigned in the months leading up to the election, reaching out to universities to educate students about registration deadlines, polling places, early voting policies and absentee ballot information, Spaulding said. The campaign included voter registration drives and social media and public service announcements in college newspapers, he said. Spaulding said youth in certain states faced barriers of regulation that made it difficult to stay on top of registration requirements. “They need the information, and we have a lot more avenues to get young people, particularly students, the information they need to register in the communities and turn out and vote,” Spaulding said.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Yes on Dignity official ‘disappointed’ about Question 2 getting struck down Question 2: From Page 1
sonal experience of someone suffering came within a striking distance of a well financed campaign that bombarded the airways with negative advertisements.” Some Boston University students said they supported the cause and are disheartened to see the bill fail.
“If a person is really ill and it has gotten to the point where they are in so much pain and discomfort and they want to leave this world in a humane way rather than suffer, they should have that right,” said Matt Jamin, a College of Arts and Sciences freshman. Conor Glover, a CAS senior, said
he is unhappy the law did not pass. “It’s unfortunate that what you voted for doesn’t go through,” he said. “It just makes you wonder what it is like for people in that situation and how it might feel for them.” Other students were against the passage of the bill and were glad that it did not pass.
“I am okay with the idea to choose to take those medications under certain circumstances, but not by the methods under the bill,” said School of Management junior Matt Costa. “If medical professionals don’t approve of the bill, that should tell you something.” Kevin Doherty, a CAS freshman,
said even though his grandfather’s cancer treatment lasted a long time, he knew his grandfather valued his whole life. “Even if he was struggling in the end, he enjoyed the life he still had left in the world,” he said. “Everyone deserves the right to live and that right should be available.”
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The Daily Free Press Crossword By Tribune Media Services Across 1 One might read “Mom,” for short 4 Core training muscles 7 Old jet set jet, briefly 10 “Cheers” bartender 13 Green opening 14 Pained expression 16 Trac II successor 17 H-1 in HI, e.g.: Abbr. 18 Dye, usually 19 Docile 20 Do a cobbler’s work 22 *In the netherworld 24 Think the world of 25 Pocket protector contents 26 Clinton was one 27 Ginormous 29 Lets out, maybe 30 Some defensive linemen 31 Storm part 32 Eggs, to Agrippa 33 Lions, on a scoreboard 34 *Use bank “protection” 36 Hist. majors’ degrees 39 Allotment word 40 Coll. dorm overseers 41 1944 invasion city
45 Like some bands 47 Super trendy 49 Hackneyed 50 Lairs 52 Sharp-crested ridge 53 *Place where a driver may be required to stop 55 Cheshire Cat, notably 56 Bat head? 57 Wrap up 59 Savings plan for later yrs. 60 Larger-life link 61 Do over 62 Indian bread 63 Part of CBS: Abbr. 64 Hi-__ graphics 65 Bean holder 66 Antiquity, once Down 1 Cookout site 2 Responded to, as a stoolie’s tip 3 *Climber’s support 4 Concurs 5 Songwriter Jacques 6 Incite to pounce (on) 7 Bun-making site 8 Tugs’ burdens 9 Shore flier 10 Delayed 11 Large wardrobe 12 Star of “I’m No Angel” (1933) 15 Builder of tiny cities 16 Persistently bothered
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38 Ladies of Spain 41 Indian garb 42 Bettor’s concern, which can follow each half of the answers to starred clues 43 Word-for-word 44 Either 2 in 2 + 2 = 4, in math 46 Street boss? 48 Like most wheelchair-accessible
entrances 50 “Inferno” author 51 Reindeer caretakers, traditionally 54 River dam 55 Explorer Hernando de __ 58 Thighs, at times Solution is on Page 7
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Campus & City Column On friendship
I spent the last dozen years of my life in the same cliquish K–12 school before Boston University came along with opportunities that I hoped would put the “fresh” in freshman. For the majority of those years, I had a close group of friends. U n f o r t u n a t e l y, years passed, and some of my friends changed RHEA schools or left OOMMEN the country. During my junior year, my friends and I grew extremely close, and I knew that it was going to be hard to find friends like them in college. In high school, they were my security. It didn’t matter that I didn’t have close friends from elsewhere because only they really knew me. Everyone else I met was just an acquaintance. And so when college came around — the time to meet new people and make new friends — I knew that I was going to have to approach things a little bit differently. This was the first time I had to make friends that really mattered. The last time I had to do that I was in the first grade. I was a social butterfly, but when I turned 13 I decided who I did and didn’t click with. Of course I never resisted people, and I was moderately sociable, but fate was just a key factor that played a role in all of my real friendships. I was never the one to spark anything. Recently, I’ve begun to question whether I have forgotten how to make true friends. I’ve hung out with so many people over the past month, but at different times and for different reasons, and they were never consistent. For example, after I met a few girls for lunch one day, I wondered whether I would see any of them again. At one point I even thought about the next time I met someone, to ask them upfront if they were going to stick around for the next four years. Thankfully, I came to my senses before I did that. I suppose my problem is that I expect too much from absolute strangers and that I look for friends who are exactly like me. I want to become someone that everybody likes, but that might require me to change my interests and personality around new people. If I tried to fit in with everyone, I would miss my old self and hate the things I do because I don’t really mean it. I guess some things remain unanswered and unfulfilled but honestly, I think I’m going to stop overthinking things and let fate work its stuff again. Rhea Oommen is a freshman in the College of Arts and Sciences and a weekly columnist for The Daily Free Press. She can be reached at
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Program helps homeless FROSTY THE SNOWMAN veterans attain housing By Shannon Nargi Daily Free Press Staff
Tackling the problem of homelessness among veterans one city at a time, nonprofit groups working with the City of Boston aim to find housing for veterans and their families. HomeStart Inc., a nonprofit that works to prevent and eliminate homelessness in greater Boston, teamed up with City of Boston officials and the New England Center for Homeless Veterans to implement a program that helps chronically homeless veterans in the city find permanent residencies. Housing vouchers, issued by the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development, are expected to help 80 veterans and their families find homes, said President and CEO of HomeStart Linda Wood-Boyle. “We want to get them into clean and safe neighborhoods, which we are responsible for scoping out,” she said. “We’ve contacted landlords and looked at apartments already and we’re hoping to move forward with that process fairly quickly.” Peter Dougherty, director of homeless programs at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, said the need for housing for homeless veterans is pressing. “Everyone in the country deserves a right to housing, and veterans are a significant proportion of the homeless,” Dougherty said. “We want to help those who have served our country to be able to have a place to come home to every night.” The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban development estimates in 2011 there were 67,000 homeless veterans nationally, while the state of Massachusetts alone had 2,255. Another 1.5 million are considered atrisk for homelessness due to poverty or poor present living conditions. “We see a staggering amount of veterans that are left without homes, particularly those who served in Vietnam,” Dougherty said. “With more military personnel coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan, however, we expect to see a younger generation of homeless veterans in the years to come.” HomeStart decided to pursue a veteran housing project earlier in 2012 after witnessing how many vets
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are affected in the Boston area alone. While the national average might be daunting, Wood-Boyle said, localizing the problem by city is a much more manageable task. “There are countless veterans across the country at this time, and it’s an amount that would be impossible to take care of all at once,” Wood-Boyle said. “If we focus state by state and further down to city by city, it becomes a much easier problem to handle.” Boyle said if cities across the country were to target even a couple hundred veterans to get off the streets, noticeable change would occur. The NECHV collaborated with HomeStart on the program, said NECHV Director of Community Affairs Stephen Cunniff. He said the challenges that veterans face when coming back from service puts them at a unique disadvantage compared to other homeless individuals. “Veterans in particular have been through traumatic, life-changing experiences that they carry back the United States with them,” Cunniff said. “These experiences cause veterans to cope in harmful ways, and if they have no options for housing, then that will only feed things like drug and alcohol abuse as coping mechanisms.” Single males make up the majority of homeless veterans in the U.S., while most housing funds prioritize families and single women with dependents, Cunniff said, and this leaves a large amount of veterans without access to aid. “This program won’t discriminate against any veteran based on their marital or dependent status,” he said. “Everyone is fair game with this.” HomeStart has already been in contact with Boston-area landlords and apartment owners to find available space that can be used in the program, Wood-Boyle said. The organization aims to start getting families and individuals situated in their new homes by the end of the year, she said. “We can’t wait to get started and work to get these vets out of the tough situations they’re in,” WoodBoyle said. “They’ve sacrificed so much for us, and we want to give back to them now.”
Two snowmen are seen outside of the College of Arts and Sciences Wednesday evening.
Study gauges universities with psych., not standardized scores By Kyle Plantz Daily Free Press Staff
Boston University was ranked as the 26th smartest university in a recent study using psychological tests instead of standardized test scores for data. However, some BU professors said they doubt the legitimacy of the study. “All they are really doing is taking information from these online games and plotting it in different ways,” said James Cherry, a psychology professor. The numbers do not provide a comprehensive view of the intelligence of the students, he said. “They are just numbers,” Cherry said. “We don’t know if there is a significant difference between the top score from any other school. There is just no way of knowing whether these are major differences or not.” The study, conducted by Lumosity, analyzed the cognitive performance of students from 403 different colleges, according to the study released Thursday. Daniel Sternberg, data scientist for Lumosity and creator of the ranking, said students logged on to the website and played games in five different cognitive areas to measure their intelligence. “We have 45 training games online in five different areas,” Stern-
berg said. “We measured speed, attention, flexibility, memory and problem solving. We looked at people’s score on the game the first time they tried it and compared it to students across the country.” These scores in each cognitive area were then added together and averaged to get the school’s median grand index number, which determined the ranking of each school, he said. “It is highly correlated to the SAT scores, but it’s not exactly the same because of the different areas we measure,” Sternberg said. “These games are measuring something different than SAT. The SAT is a measure of college success. This is more about core cognitive abilities.” David Somers, a psychology professor at BU, said he does not see a difference in this study measuring cognitive abilities versus other rankings measuring standardized tests. “These are different tests, but they are effectively measuring similar things,” he said. “From a psychologist perspective, they are a step in the right direction, but they haven’t been validated. I am very skeptical of the validity of the test.”
Thursday, November 8, 2012
student’s guide to
Students caught between job opportunities, grad. school costs By Robin Ngai Daily Free Press Staff
With unemployment still unsteady and student loan debt at its highest ever, students are questioning whether the benefits of attending graduate school outweigh the costs. Rebekah Alexander, Boston University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences assistant director of admissions and financial
aid, said despite the cost and job market difficulties, a number of students find graduate school necessary. “More and more people are coming into this school with debt but feeling that they need to get the Ph.D. in order to teach someday in the academic arena,” she said. “It’s [graduate school is] a necessary evil.” The average student loan debt was $26,600 per borrower for
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seniors who graduated in 2011, according to Oct. 18 statistics released by The Institute for College Access & Success. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for bachelor’s degree holders and higher over the age of 25 was 3.8 percent in October, according to a Nov. 2 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics release. The seasonally adjusted national unemployment rate for October was 7.9 percent, accord-
ing to Nov. 7 Bureau of Labor Statistics figures. For the 2012-13 academic year, the tuition for full-time GRS students was $42,400, according to the GRS website. Andrew Linscott, a School of Theology Admissions Officer, said many students benefit from attaining a degree. “A lot of students are applying here to go into professional ordain ministry in which case the credential is actually required for most denominations, so in that sense its a very practical graduate degree,” he said. Linscott said a number of graduate students are attaining a graduate degree to make a change after spending time in the workplace. “We have a significant amount [of students] who are several years out of school, have worked a little bit,” he said. “We also have a lot of second-career folks, people who have been in the job market for anywhere from 10 to 20 years who have decided upon a career change, who are also studying here.” While the post-college employment climate may be difficult, a number of students said a graduate degree will be advantageous. Eric Falde, a third-year biomedical engineering graduate student, said a graduate degree will
help him find a job. “I actually did a co-op during my undergrad and worked at a biotech company for six months,” Falde said. “I saw the not very great jobs that engineers with bachelor’s [degrees] got and that was a final ticker that convinced me that I wanted to go to grad school.” Bekah Heath, a College of Arts and Sciences freshman, said cost is a huge factor but worth the benefit of a graduate degree. “A lot of times people think that having just an undergraduate education is going to get you a job,” she said. “These days it’s just hard enough to get a job with that [undergraduate degree], so I think personally for me it’s very important that I get one [a graduate degree].” Jana Levin, a College of Communication junior, said she does not intend to attend graduate school. “I’m definitely not going to get myself into that much debt at 22 years old,” she said. She said she does not believe graduate school is worth the cost. “A lot of jobs these days, you don’t necessarily need another degree, but they want experience, like internships,” Levin said. “Other than the jobs that are necessary to have graduate school, I don’t really think it’s worth it to come out with a debt like that.”
Thursday, November 8, 2012
graduate school
Students weigh benefits of pursuing accelerated degree programs By Abraham Kalaoun Daily Free Press Staff
Jamie Lim, a Boston University Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences junior, said he applied to the Modular Medical Integrated Curriculum in his sophomore year because he liked the idea of continuing to go to BU for medical school. “I moved around a lot as a kid,” Lim said. “Having the knowledge I’d stay in one city and school for the next six years was really important to me.” Instead of seeking separate undergraduate and graduate degrees, some BU students said they are pursuing the combined bachelor’s and master’s accelerated degree programs. Lim said that while he considered pursuing his undergraduate and graduate degree separately, it would not have been practical given the status of his F-1 Student Visa. “If I were not in this program, I’d have no option to take time off after getting my undergraduate degree,” Lim said. “I’d have to apply for graduate school abroad and come back to the U.S. for interviews.” Monica Tanouye, a College of Arts and Sciences sophomore, said she came to BU as a linguistics and Spanish double major, but soon became interested in economics. “My options were that I could graduate in three years with a dou-
ble major and go abroad all of my junior year, or I could do the accelerated economics masters program,” Tanouye said. “I figured the accelerated masters program would be the best bet for me.” Tanouye said this degree would help strengthen her resume. “Having a masters is always good, especially if I’m going to work in the econ. field or even outside of it,” she said. “Higher education is always a plus.” Another advantage of doing the combined degree economics program is the tuition money saved, Tanouye said. However, she will not be able to diversify her undergraduate experience. “Doing this program, I have no time to do that or study other languages, which I would have liked to do,” Tanouye said. Brianna Rodrigues, a SAR junior in the speech pathology Bachelor of Science, Master of Science combined degree program, said she had to fit all of her requisite courses in her first three years. “You’re also working on your graduate program while your friends are still undergrads,” Rodrigues said. “But one advantage is that you don’t have to take the GREs.” Megan Winderbaum, an academic advisor in the BU political science department, said the program maintains high standards for admission. Its master’s candidates
Students consider whether to pursue degrees through Boston University’s accelerated programs, or to obtain a bachelor’s and master’s degree separately.
study alongside its post-doctorate candidates. “We want to know these undergraduates will be able to hold their own in the classroom with our Ph.D. candidates,” she said. “I don’t think we’ve ever had a problem where a student didn’t measure up to the standards we expect of them.” Kristine Strand, a professor in the SAR Academic Services Center, said the Bachelor of Science, Mas-
ter of Science combined program in speech language pathology is intended for students who know what they want to do early on. “Many students come to college and they aren’t exactly sure what they want to do, so they spend their undergraduate years trying to figure that out,” Strand said. “This is a somewhat accelerated program by about a semester for students who are very focused and directed.”
Jack Dolan, a College of Engineering freshman, said if he were to pursue graduate school he would look outside of BU. “I’ve read that many companies will look on you more highly if you change your graduate school because it reflects you are able to adapt to change,” Dolan said. “Other than that, I’d say it’s probably a good choice for someone interested in getting both degrees at one time.”
11/5/12 2:39 PM
November 8, 2012
The Daily Free Press
The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University
Voting values
42nd year F Volume 84 F Issue 38
Steph Solis, Editor-in-Chief Sydney L. Shea, Managing Editor Lauren Dezenski, Online Editor Amelia Pak-Harvey, City Editor Emily Overholt, Campus Editor Kevin Dillon, Sports Editor
Meaghan Kilroy, Opinion Page Editor
Divya Shankar, Features Editor
Abbie Lin, Photo Editor
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Cheryl Seah, Advertising Manager
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The Daily Free Press (ISSN 1094-7337) is published Monday through Thursday during the academic year except during vacation and exam periods by Back Bay Publishing Co.,Inc., a nonprofit corporation operated by Boston University students. No content can be reproduced without the permission of Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. Copyright © 2010 Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.
Political action in the digital age
Election season has come to a close, and while political activity on Boston University’s campus was prevalent in 2012, it differed from the demonstrations that took place in years past. The decades between the 1970s and the 1990s were tumultuous decades on BU’s campus. In 1972, students protested the Vietnam War and BU’s alleged complicity with the war effort. A decade later, students protested over the Student Activities Office’s decision to prohibit the rock band the Ramones from playing on campus. The following year, students were up in arms again, this time over the university’s decision to prohibit overnight guests. Political Facebook posts or tweets might not be as tangible as protests, but that seems to be the direction student activism is heading in. Rather than form physical protests, BU students spouted their political beliefs on social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter. During the vice presidential and presidential debates, students critiqued the candidates, occasionally pulling a line or two from their debate performances and
analyzing them. Students also liked candidates’ pages or joined groups to proliferate certain views via social media. Perhaps the reason why more students are choosing social media over protests is because social media affords them an opportunity to speak personally on issues. A Facebook post or tweet can be posted by an individual, while an effective protest must be coordinated among several people. Those people must share a common vision and be committed to the protest, not simply jump on the bandwagon. One reason the Occupy movement fizzled out was because it lacked a unified voice, as it advocated for a number of vaguely defined issues pertaining to the 99 percent. Social media also offers a survey of different viewpoints. Some students prefer this, as it exposes them to all sides of an issue. With a protest, only one side is really represented. While social media is less tangible than protests, it is still a worthy and future-forward platform for diffusing one’s political views.
To the Editor: On war To the Editor: Though it may not be news to its victims, recent scientific research suggests that the modern means of warfare are inherently indiscriminate. A recent study published in the Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology found high levels of “public contamination with two well-known neurotoxic metals,” lead and mercury, in the Iraqi cities of Fallujah and Basrah. Many cities in Iraq have seen shocking rises in rates of birth defects, cancers and infant mortality in the postbellum years but Fallujah and Basrah have been extreme cases. With this new study the authors of Metal Contamination and the Epidemic of Congenital Birth Defects in Iraqi Cities provide us with an explanation as to why: “Toxic metals such as mercury (Hg) and Pb are an integral part of war ammunition and are extensively used in the making of bullets and bombs . . . [T]he bombardment of Al Basrah and Fallujah may have exacerbated public exposure to metals, possibly culminating in the current epidemic of birth defects.” Governments may no longer be able to justify war by claiming to have the ability to discriminate between civilians and combatants. Such scientific findings suggest that there are no such things as smart bombs, surgical strikes, strategic bombings or precision guided munitions. Conven-
tional weapons will inevitably contaminate any environment with toxic metals, causing negative health effects in any population living in the vicinity. Recall that the moral imperative to discriminate between civilians and combatants is one of the fundamental principles of just war theory, and it is a major principle in international humanitarian law. If it is, in practice, not possible to discriminate between civilians and combatants, than where does this leave just war theory? As the war in Afghanistan rages on (though we hear little about it in the U.S. these days) and the possibility of war with Iran and intervention in Syria looms in the future, we should remember that there are civilians who live in these countries — not just dictators. One scientific study is never conclusive, but nonetheless, it should give us pause about further military action. Dr. Savabieasfahani, one of the authors of this study, has been invited by the Boston University Anti-War Coalition to speak at BU at 7 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 12 in Sargent. The event is co-sponsored by the Social Justice Student Organizing Committee from the BU School of Public Health and the Justice For Fallujah Project. Ross Caputi Former President of BU Anti-War Coalition
here is a lot of debate on the value of our presidential votes. Among slightly disillusioned college students, the general consensus seems to be that they are not worth enough. Value in this sense is somewhat abstract, but in a society where markets drive politics, you need not wonder about the value of your vote — you can calculate it. According to Abine, an Internet security company, mine was worth $27. The voting scale runs between $20 and $50, so apparently I’m kind of cheap. Campaigns this year combined both real-time online tracking and offline data records to identify the most “influenceable” voters and then spent about 30 percent more on ads that targeted them. Vote value is based on various factors such as the state you live in, voting history, campaign donations, gender, how many Facebook friends you have and the amount of news you read online. While it is obvious why campaigns would want this information, how easy it is to manipulate it makes me uneasy. Americans pride themselves on equality — whether this is truth in practicality or not is another issue — but the sentiment is there. However, it is not outwardly apparent whether or not we are all equally informed by the time we go to stand in the poll lines. Certainly, as my $27 vote implies, some of us are more subject to the misinformation propagated by both parties than are others. Placing a monetary value on a vote, which campaigns do, comes dangerously close to an economization of non-market values. For as long as I’ve been consciously aware of them, election years have always drawn attention to a market presence where it should not belong. While we debate the merits of our political alignments, we often forget to ask what roles markets should be playing in society and if our political values should be subject to those markets. My own opinion is that markets are not as benign as we’d like to think and can prove detrimental to the product for sale. For example, we might ask, if a vote is bought, does it change the nature and the societal value of that vote? With elections, it is difficult to deconstruct what constitutes buying a vote. The confusion for me happens somewhere between a blurred distinction of campaigners as educators or as salesmen. There is a degree of uncertainty when
electing a president, wherein we cannot always anticipate the outcomes of our decisions. This is the human factor, and it is a risk inherent in the process. When we cannot attach probability to outcome we may instead rely on trust. It is therefore the campaigns’ job to gain our trust, and this is why Facebook friends are calculated into the value of your vote. In situations of uncertainty, we may rely on social networks and traditional norms (like who your parents vote for) to inform our decisions. Although these are natural avenues through which we can reduce uncertainty, we must remember that this is an election we are referring to — it isn’t the same as always going to your mother’s hairdresser or buying that brand of lipstick your roommate swears by. If you are a female living in a swing state with more than 100 Facebook friends who will likely vote, your vote is worth $50. This means you were subjected to a lot of political propaganda from both parties in the form of Internet-based advertising. Though I’m sure a lot of us would swear we were not affected by campaign efforts, such an assertion is statistically unlikely. So, if you fit the $50 vote demographic there was likely some individual consequence of all this campaigning. If there was an individual consequence for enough people there was likely a societal consequence as well. Does this devalue democracy? Is a presidency bought worth the same as a presidency won? Although I am very happy with the results of this election, looking back on the past year I wish that political discourse was different. I wish that political advertisements were informative instead of slanderous. I would like to see an election year where candidates are not allowed to concentrate their efforts on a small percentage of the population but have to spend funding equally across states. I wish for a more informed citizenship. What our presidents do in office is monumentally important, but the process by which they get there is what defines us as a democratic society, and we need to guard that better than we have in the past. Arielle Egan is a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences and a Fall 2012 columnist for The Daily Free Press. She can be reached at
I N T E R RO B A N G On Tuesday, President Barack Obama was elected to a second term. So, we here at the ol’ Free Press were wondering whom the schools would invite to their victory parties. • • • • • • •
COM students would invite the Steve Jobs hologram. CGS students would invite Barney. CFA students would invite the Marlboro Man. SMG students would invite Donald Trump. BU Athletics would invite Mike Eruzione. Dean Elmore would invite Louis Armstrong. The FreeP would invite puppies.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Peters, Adler leaders of cross country squad, among top athletes at BU Men’s soccer: From page 8
not have much of an impact on his performance. He is the only member of the BU squad to have received the honor twice. “[The injury] meant coming out for four or five days, and I just had to be careful from there and make sure I didn’t make it worse,” Peters said. “It wasn’t too much of a big deal.” With the Northeast Regional in New London, Conn., approaching on Nov. 9, both are looking to have an impact. “Regionals is going to be very challenging,” Adler said. “We’re hoping to just make a strong show-
ing there. We’re just looking to race pretty well, and have a great last meet.” After placing 49th at 2011’s Northeast Regional, Peters is looking to push even further. “[Last year] was terrible,” Peters said. “I’ve never had a good performance at Regionals. “I’m aiming to qualify as an individual to go to Nationals, which is usually in the top 15 in Regionals ... that’s a big aim for me, and I feel like as long as I step up, I’m safe.” Adler said that she had no doubts about Peters’ ability to achieve such a goal. She was quick to praise her teammate for the success that he
has had already. “Rich ... he’s really one of the top athletes that I think BU has,” Adler said. “He’s just an incredible runner ... He’s really modest about [his success], but he’s determined and works really hard. It’s really a privilege to have someone like him on our team and in our program because it gives us all confidence. “He’s really just an inspiration to all of us. He gives our team so much energy because of his success, and he doesn’t look down on anyone on our team. He’s very encouraging all the time, so I think we all feel really privileged to have him around.”
Peters expressed a similar respect for Adler. “I could tell in the first few weeks that she was a very strong runner,” Peters said of Adler. “I know she’s developed and she had a great indoor season last year and there’s more to come this year. “She’s great, she’s committed and she’s a big part of the team.” Off the track and cross country course, Adler and Peters devote most of their time to ensuring success in their classes. A member of the physical therapy program, Adler spends much of her time learning about injuries and human physiology. Peters, an advertising
major and computer science minor, said that the combination of classes and time spent running leaves very little time for other hobbies. “Running takes up a big part of my time,” Peters said. “Trying to balance academics with running doesn’t leave you with much time.” Despite the time-consuming nature of the sport, neither said that they have any regrets about devoting so much time to it. “[It’s] a sense of achievement, I guess, and just something that I’m committed to,” Peters said. “It’s sort of rewarding when I do well. “I’m happy. I’m happy with where I am.”
Moran, Agboola, Callahan to captain 2012–13 women’s basketball team Women’s basketball: From page 8
Senior captain Mo Moran was second in America East with 4.0 assists per game last season.
Terriers set to bounce back after tough week with BC Women’s hockey: From page 8
“In the last couple of years, they’ve been uncertain in their goaltending. [Vaattovaara] is a true freshman, and she’s played pretty consistently,” Durocher said. “[The Wildcats] didn’t have confidence in their goalie last year, which resulted in them playing hockey and looking back the whole time wondering what was going to happen. With a good goalie, a team is in a much better position.” UNH U-19 National Championships gold medalist freshman defenseman Alexis Crossly, senior forward Kristine horn and junior forward Arielle O’Neill are players Durocher said he will keep an eye on. “UNH is a team that had a couple of down years the last two years. They’re a young team trying to climb back up,” Durocher said. “They’ve
played well against some good competition. “They’re not where they were 10 years ago, but they’re definitely making some steps in the right direction.” Referencing the two most recent games against BC, Durocher said he is most concerned about the tone of BU on the ice. “We need to get back on the ice and have a sound game. The last two weren’t sound games,” Durocher said. “We’ve got to get back to being hard to play against. I give BC some credit, but we need to look at ourselves in the mirror.” Regardless of the contrast between UNH and BU’s records, Durocher said it is too early to determine the outcome of Friday’s game. “If you look at the pieces of the puzzle, I’d like to think we’ve got the firepower and experience,” Durocher said.
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per game and finished second in America East with 4.0 assists per game, was named tri-captain of the team this year. Her fellow captains include junior forward Rashidat Agboola, who ranked second in the conference with 8.8 rebounds per game last season, and junior guard Danielle Callahan, who missed all of last season due to an injury. Other players returning to the team are senior guard Kristen Sims, junior guard Melissa Gallo, junior forward Whitney Turner and sophomore forward Mollie McKendrick. The Terriers are also welcoming four freshman to the team, including guards Katie Poppe, Clodagh Scannell and Dana Theobald, as well as forward Dionna Joynes. “From the get-go, they have great personalities. They have really gelled with the upperclassmen, they work hard and they’re learning
a lot,” Greenberg said. “Fortunately for me, and for them, I don’t think we’re going to need to rely on them early because we have a lot of returning players, which gives them some time to season a little bit, but they’re right on target, we’re very happy with them, and they’re going to have great careers here.” Unfortunately for the Terriers, both senior forward Jacqueline Kuczynski and sophomore guard Troi Melton will miss the entire season due to injuries. The Terriers have quite the challenging schedule this season, as they will face off against 11 teams that won at least 17 games last season, as well as six teams that received bids into the NCAA tournament last year. “It’s crazy,” Greenberg said. “We realize that we are playing some teams that are a lot bigger, more athletic, deeper, which is fine. We do have a nice mix of veteran players ... I am really excited to see
how we respond, especially with our first three games being at home, we don’t get that very often. “We don’t get a [No. 17/22] West Virginia coming into Case Gym a whole lot, so we really see it as an opportunity. If we’re ever going to beat a West Virginia, it’s going to be right here.” The Terriers will open up their season at home against Boston College on Friday at 7 p.m. For Greenberg, this is not the same Boston College team that they defeated last year at Conte Forum. “This year is going to be different,” Greenberg said. “They have a new coaching staff, so we can’t be as prepared because we have no idea what they are going to be doing offensively and defensively. “They’re going to know what we do from tape and stuff, so we’re going into a game being very unfamiliar with their philosophy with their new coach, so we have to be ready for a lot of things.”
Men’s basketball ranked third in preseason poll Men’s basketball: From page 8
sophomore campaign, but he was consistently the team’s most efficient shooter. The small forward finished first on the team in threepoint percentage (39.7 percent) and converted 22-of-23 free throws for an impressive 95.7 free throw percentage. BU’s freshmen are also likely to play a major role on the team. Guard Maurice Watson Jr. was ranked among ESPN’s Top 100 recruits in the nation prior to the start of the preseason. Additionally, John Papale, also a guard, was lauded by ESPN as one of the nation’s top 25 shooters. Jones praised all of his freshmen for their efforts during the preseason.
“Maurice has really been working hard in practice and pushing for some time,” Jones said. “John will probably get some of the most time off the bench for the guards. [Forward] Nathan [Dieudonne] will probably go in for [redshirt sophomore] Malik [Thomas] sometimes, and [forward] Justin Alston will also see some time up front for us.” Jones also commented on the play of Thomas, saying that his role is likely to be much more significant this year, especially as the Terriers test the waters in their first few games of the season. Last season, Thomas played the most minutes (383) out of any of this year’s non-captain returnees,
despite sustaining an injury for the first seven games. The versatile Harlem, N.Y. native has played both the guard and forward positions for the Terriers. He averaged nearly five points and four rebounds per game off the bench in the 2011-12 season. America East preseason polls have BU ranked third behind the University of Vermont and Stony Brook University. Though this ranking is by no means a poor one, Morris said he and his teammates are not concerned with such predictions. “We don’t look into the preseason polls,” Morris said. “That’s for other people’s entertainment. We just want to take it one game at a time.”
BU misses out on postseason, ends year at 12–6 Field hockey: From page 8
16 University of Massachusetts. All three wins came by one goal. It was even more impressive that the much needed victories against Massachusetts and Albany came on the road. Meanwhile BU took Northeastern to double overtime at home and pulled off the big win after junior midfielder Ella Gunson scored to complete a hat trick. Starr said the Terriers played well against No. 5 Syracuse University, No. 7 University of Virginia and No. 4 University of Connecticut. BU hosted all three teams at Jordan Field and fell in very close games. The closest of all three was against UConn on Sept. 30. Starr said she thought the officiating in the game was questionable. In the last minute the Terriers had three corners, providing plenty of opportunities to tie
up the game, but ultimately lost 3–2. What really kept BU from earning the at-large bid this season were the trap games it had during the home stretch. In mid-October, coming off the solid performance against Connecticut and then two victories against the University of Vermont and Maine, the Terriers took their eyes off the prize. On Oct. 14, BU travelled to Hempstead, N.Y. to take on an inferior Hofstra team, but it was shut out 1–0. Following the upset, the Terriers travelled up to Durham, N.H. on Oct. 19 and fell to the Wildcats, 1–0. While the end of the season did not go exactly the way the Terriers wanted it to, there were still plenty of high notes this fall. After joining the team as a walkon a few years ago, senior goalkeeper Jess Maroney blossomed into the
nation’s leading goalie in save percentage (.824). She and sophomore goalkeeper Valentina Cerda Eimbcke split playing time most of the season, but as the end of the season came closer, Starr and her coaching staff made the ultimate decision to name Maroney the full-time starter. The Terriers achieved a milestone when they beat the Stags during their final game at Jordan Field. The victory was the 400th of Starr’s career. Some returning players are goalie Valentina Cerda Eimbcke, leading team scorer Ella Gunson, freshman forward Sofi Laurito and freshman defender Katie Bernatchez. Laurito and Bernatchez both played extremely well during the final few weeks of the season. The Terriers will look to continue what they started this season next year as they open up their new field, New Balance Field.
[Peters is] really just an inspiration to all of us. BU women’s cross country runner Monica Adler.
Page 8
Peters, Adler lead BU cross country
Sports The Daily Free Press
Peters, Adler, see page 7
Thursday, Nov. 8
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Men’s basketball to rely on Irving, Morris By Tyler Lay Daily Free Press Staff
Junior co-captain D.J. Irving led the Boston University men’s basketball team in assists over the past two seasons.
For the second consecutive year, the Boston University men’s basketball team will be forced to begin anew after having graduated the America East Player of the Year. This may be the year that having the Player of the Year on the roster is crucial for the Terriers. Because of BU’s decision to switch to the Patriot League for the 2013–14 season, most of the university’s athletic teams has been banned from the America East postseason tournament. This means the Terriers will have to be regular season conference champions if they wish to have a chance to participate in March Madness. “A goal of ours is definitely to work toward winning a regular season championship,” said BU coach Joe Jones. “It was last year [as well]. We were out by two games last year and we’re going to try to improve on that this year.” With former Terrier guards Darryl Partin and John Holland both getting looks from NBA programs (Holland played on the Oklahoma City Thunder and Miami Heat Summer league teams, whereas Partin has been signed by the Fort Wayne Mad Ants of the NBA D-League),
Jones will be forced to seek new weapons to put up big points for his team. This year’s co-captains are junior guard D.J. Irving, junior forward Dom Morris and junior forward Travis Robinson. Each of them started in at least 27 of BU’s 32 games last year. Morris, who led the team in rebounds last year with 5.9 per game, said his role on the team has tangibly changed since he became a cocaptain. “I have a lot more responsibility than I had when I first started my career here,” Morris said. “Coach rides me a little better ... and when one player makes a mistake, it comes back to the captains.” Perhaps the most significant returning member of the Terrier offense is the six-foot Irving. Irving has led BU in assists during both his freshman and sophomore campaigns (3.9 and 5.4 per game, respectively). The point guard also placed second on the team in scoring last season with 11.4 points per game. He was also on the preseason All-Conference team this year. Robinson played fewer total minutes than his co-captains during his
Men’s basketball, see page 7
Alford, Moran backcourt expected to lead promising BU squad By Conor Ryan Daily Free Press Staff
With the 2012–13 season about to tip off, the Boston University women’s basketball team is primed for another strong year in what will be its final season in the America East. Coming off a season in which
the team finished with a 23–9 record and 15–1 conference record, as well as a bid into the Women’s National Invitational Tournament, BU coach Kelly Greenberg is holding lofty goals for the team this year. “We really want to win more than 23 games,” Greenberg said.
“We want to be undefeated in conference play. They’re very lofty goals … We did a lot of things last year, and we want to do them again.” The Terriers are returning 10 players from last season, led by the dynamic backcourt duo of senior guards Chantell Alford and Mo
Moran. Alford, who led the team with 12.4 points per game last season, will look to win the America East Player of the Year for the a third consecutive year. Moran, who finished second on the team last year with 10.9 points
Women’s basketball, see page 7
Terriers finish season without Women’s hockey to take on slumping New Hampshire trip to NCAA tournament By Christopher Dela Rosa Daily Free Press Staff
Following its big upset against the No. 10 Northeastern Huskies, the No. 18 Boston University field hockey team’s coach Sally Starr spoke about finishing the season with two decisive wins against Fairfield University and Yale University to better its chances of making the NCAA Field Hockey Tournament. The first of those two final games was extremely decisive as the Terriers managed to score six goals in the first half. They won the game in a 6–2 rout in the final game at Jordan Field on Oct. 27. The next day, the Terriers shut out the Bulldogs, 2–0, to close out a great season. “I really felt our last week and a half we played really well,” Starr said following the announcement of this year’s NCAA tournament bracket. Despite finishing the season 12–6 (4–1, America East), the Terriers were unable to secure an at-large bid and were denied a chance to showcase their skills in this year’s tournament. “We had a really good practice
The Bottom Line
No Games Scheduled Critics ponder whether Vikings QB Christian Ponder should ponder over his relationship with Samantha Steele.
but no cigar
The Boston University field hockey team just missed an at-large bid to the NCAA tournament, ending their season at 12–6. P.8.
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By Sarah Kirkpatrick Daily Free Press Staff
Monica Adler and Rich Peters might have had different paths before joining the Boston University cross country team, but there are plenty of similarities in the impact the star juniors have had on the Terriers squad. Adler, a Manchester native, did not begin running until junior high. “I started running back in middle school,” Adler said. “It was one of the only sports teams offered. But I joined, and I had a great coach that got me really excited about the sport and had fun teammates, so I just kind of stuck with it.” Peters began running at a similar age, growing up several thousand miles away in Bristol, England. He started running after seeing the success his brother had in the sport. “I discovered the talent when I was younger,” Peters said. “And from there I just kept going.” Before transferring to BU, Adler competed for Dartmouth College, where she broke the school record in the 1000 meters. She said there were multiple factors in her decision to run as a Terrier, but the welcoming nature of the team played a large role in her choice. “The team was really down to earth and I felt comfortable, which was really important to me,” Adler said. She additionally said that BU coach Bruce Lehane was a factor in her selection. “The coach was really welcoming, and he has a really great record with a lot of athletes,” she said. Peters had similar praise for Lehane. However, he put his primary reason for choosing BU in quite simple terms. “It’s just a cool place to be,” he said. This season, both Peters and Adler have led their respective teams on the path to success. Lehane has continually praised each runner throughout the season, specifically noting that Adler has “broken into a new level of running” this year. Adler attributes her success to putting in extra work in the offseason. “I ran a lot more than I’m used to over the summer,” Adler said. “I kind of tried to push my limits a little more than I have in a while.” A high point in the season occurred on Oct. 7 at the New England Championships where both Peters and Adler were named America East Performers of the Week. Adler placed first in the five-kilometer race with a time of 17:00.79, and Peters returned from a knee injury to take second place with a time of 24:21.04 in the eight-kilometer race. Peters, who also took home Performer of the Week honors after his first-place finish at the University of New Hampshire Invitational on Sept. 14, said the knee injury did
Friday, Nov. 9
W. Basketball vs. Boston College, 7 p.m. M. Basketball @ Northeastern, 7 p.m. W. Hockey @ UNH, 7 p.m. M. Hockey @ Merrimack, 7:30 p.m.
week and the team knew there was a slim chance of making it, but they still worked,” BU coach Starr said. BU’s decision to move many of its teams, including field hockey, from the America East conference to the Patriot League next season, brought some backlash for teams this season. This move led to all BU teams in the America East being banned from its conference tournament at the end of the season. Had the Terriers been allowed to compete in the America East tournament, they would have had a much simpler route to the tournament. By winning the conference tournament they would have earned an automatic bid into the tournament. “I’m disappointed that we did not have the opportunity to compete in the America East championship. Also, when you look at three teams in that draw that we beat this year, and then another three we played very well against, it’s a bittersweet consolation,” Starr said. The three teams that they beat were No. 12 Northeastern University, No. 17 University at Albany and No.
Field hockey, see page 7
Saturday, Nov. 10 W. Rowing @ Foot of the Charles, 8 a.m. W. Tennis @ Harvard Invitational, All Day
By Kira Cole Daily Free Press Staff
At the end of a difficult two-game stretch against No. 7 Boston College, the No. 5 Boston University women’s hockey team has lost the No. 3 ranking it held for four consecutive weeks. Friday they head to Durham, N.H., to face the unranked University of New Hampshire Wildcats. UNH (3–7–0, 1–2–0 Hockey East) is coming into the game Friday off of a six-game losing streak. BU coach Brian Durocher said he attributes UNH’s record to its youth and lack of confidence. “[UNH has] faced really top competition — BC, St. Lawrence, Wisconsin — and they haven’t quite gained the confidence that allows them to win close games,” Durocher said. “Hopefully for us, they will not have gained that confidence by Friday. We’ll get in there and play hard so that we don’t give them the sort of optimism they may need.” In terms of BU’s performance (7– 2–1, 3–1–1 Hockey East), Durocher said he is most confident in its older players and centers.
Sunday, Nov. 11
M. Hockey vs. Boston College, 5 p.m. Wrestling @ Binghamton Open, All Day W. Tennis @ Harvard Invitational, All Day
“When you have three seniors — Jenelle Kohanchuk, Isabel Menard, Jill Cardella —who are highly decorated not only in college hockey, but in the national picture, that’s confidence,” Durocher said. “I always talk about starting with our three centers. Each line has a bell-ringer and gifted player who can steer the ship.” Durocher said he is proud of the juniors, too, including junior cocaptain Marie-Philip Poulin, who has been playing for Team Canada in the Four Nations Cup during the past week. “We have four kids that are in their junior year, so there’s experience throughout the team. Those kids have been around college hockey and in a winning environment,” Durocher said. “UNH is younger and hasn’t been in a winning environment, with maybe the exception of their seniors.” However, Durocher said UNH’s performance may improve once the team becomes comfortable with its new Finnish goalie, freshman Vilma Vaattovaara.
Women’s hockey, see page 7
Monday, Nov. 12 W. Basketball vs. West Virginia, 7 p.m. M. Basketball @ Canisius, 7 p.m.