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The Daily Free Press

Year xli. Volume lxxxii. Issue lxxxiii.

Campus & City

SCHOOL SPOTLIGHT: Occupy turns focus to education page 3

Wednesday, March 7, 2012 The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University Sports MUSE


PERSONAL PRESIDENT: Obama adds Instagram to list of social media accounts



NOT DONE YET: W. basketball gets chance in WNIT

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Weather Today: Sunny, High 56 Tonight: Cloudy, Low 44 Tomorrow: 63/43 Data Courtesy of weather.com

Romney dominates in Mass. primary elections



Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney celebrates his victory in Massachusetts on Tuesday.

Two voters don their complementary “I Voted” stickers at the Boston Public Library Voting Station. Visit dailyfreepress.com for an audio slideshow featuring Super Tuesday voters.

Super Tuesday puts Romney closer to Repub. nod

Bay State voters cast ballots for Romney

By Chris Lisinski Daily Free Press Staff

Amidst chanting of “We want Mitt,” former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney said he promises to restore America, after he won 72.1 percent of the vote in the Commonwealth’s Republican primary election. Romney took the state’s primary election with 38 of the 41 delegates up for grabs in Massachusetts, while former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, of Pennsylvania, took 12 percent of the vote. “We initially started our campaign about nine months ago, not very far from here in a farmhouse in New Hampshire,” Romney said in his speech at the Westin Copley Place in Boston on Tuesday. “It was the start of an effort to restore the promise of America.” Romney said he plans to fix the country in ways the Obama administration has failed to do, especially in terms of unemployment. “To the millions of Americans who look around and can only see jobs they can’t get and bills they can’t pay, I have a message – you have not failed,” he said. “You have a president that has failed you.” The crowd broke out in cheers of “We need Mitt!” in response. Romney said he would cut the deficit and

the size of the government. “I have a plan to deliver more jobs, less debt and smaller government,” he said. “President [Barack] Obama raised the national debt – I will cut that and balance the budget.” Expectations were high in the Hub for Romney, who served as governor of Massachusetts from 2003 to 2007. While governor, Romney helped pass his RomneyCare, or healthcare reform bill, which individually mandated healthcare to all citizens. Since then, he has criticized the national healthcare reform passed under Obama, which also uses an individual mandate system. “[Obama] passed Obamacare, I will repeal Obamacare,” he said. Romney said his experience as a businessman and his success in eliminating the state deficit while governor of Massachusetts make him the most qualified candidate for president. “As president, I will get our economy back on track and get our citizens back to work,” he said. “Unlike President Obama, I actually have the experience to deliver on that promise.” Romney said he would open American lands for the development of energy and instate a 20-percent rate cut for every citizen. Romney also won in Virginia, Idaho, Ohio

Romney, see page 2

By Meg DeMouth Daily Free Press Staff

Many Boston voters accurately predicted former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney would win the Republican primary in the Commonwealth on Super Tuesday. Romney won the state’s primaries with 72.1 percent of the vote on Tuesday. Former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, of Pennsylvania, came in second with 12.1 percent and U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, of Texas, came in third with 9.6 percent. President Barack Obama ran uncontested on the Democratic ballot. Voters at exit polls said the candidates’ economic proposals carry the most weight. If the general election were tomorrow, Boston voter Carrie Catlin said she would vote for Romney because “he has a better chance of improving the economy and Obama hasn’t been able to do it so far.” “He’s got the right set of business skills and people supporting him to be able to effect some changes,” she said. Despite her beliefs that Romney would be a better president than the other Republican hopefuls, Catlin said in this round of voting, she and her husband put her support behind Paul. Standing with her husband just outside of

the voting area in the basement of the Boston Public Library in Copley Square, she called her vote for Paul “a bit of a protest vote against Romney.” Romney did not fulfill his responsibilities as governor of the Commonwealth properly, she said, and “we wanted him to know that people out there don’t just vote for him because he was our governor.” Her husband, Steve Wintermeier, said although he does not agree with all of Paul’s proposed policies, he appreciated Paul’s ability to rise above the arguments “about who’s the true conservative.” Wintermeir said he would vote “for the person for president whose party does not win the U.S. Senate,” adding that the potential one-party rule concerns him. Many Bostonians exiting the polls, however, said they supported specific candidates rather than specific parties, with 72.1 percent of Massachusetts’ voters backing Mitt Romney. “I like his approach, just his general mindset,” said Ward 5 voter Trenton, who asked to keep his last name anonymous. “I just agree with a lot of the kinds of things he would do or has done in the past, either here as gover-

Polls, see page 4

Task force passes proposed New Balance Field, sets completion date for July 2013 By Mary Yatrousis Daily Free Press Staff

The Boston University Community Task Force approved the New Balance Field project at Tuesday’s meeting. Tim Whitney, the project architect, said task force members aim to start the project between late March and late April with the relocation of an underground storm sewer line. The construction of the field, which will begin in July, is expected to be completed by July 2013, Whitney said. BU spokesman Colin Riley said it is critical that the project be completed on time. “It fits in with the academic cycle of the university and our schedule for commencement and activities and move-in, and all those key time frames for the university,” Riley said. Riley also said BU has a good record with completing projects on time. “I have every confidence that this project will be the same as all the others,” Riley said. New Balance Field will include 500 seats, an underground parking garage and some aboveground parking. Whitney said there will

be new sidewalks and an “enhanced street presence.” Michel Hall, the traffic consultant for the project, said the above-ground parking lot will accommodate buses visiting the campus for events. “Buses come in and park on site and not on the street,” Hall said. “This can store up to 10 buses and minimize buses on the streets.” Hall said there would be five parking spots lost with the new parking system, but this would be “virtually no change.” The new field was designated for the field hockey team’s practices and competitions, Whitney said. The field would also be used for intramural and club sports, said a project manager. “It just becomes another part of the university facilities that are available for the university community,” Riley said. Members of the task force and the community voiced their concerns about the project during a question-and-answer portion. Pamela Beale, chairman of the task force, said there are many options for people to get


The Boston University Community Task Force announced on Tuesday that the New Balance Field would be completed in July 2013.

their complaints fixed. She said it is called “construction mitigation.” “There’s a whole team of people from the city of Boston . . . [and] that’s all they do is construction mitigation,” Beale said, adding that

people who have worries can call the mitagators. Erico Lopez, project assistant from the Boston Redevelopment Authority, said the public

Task Force, see page 2


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

D A I L Y F R E E P R E S S The Daily Free Press Crossword By Tribune Media Services Across 1 Start of a thrill-seeker’s mantra 8 More of the mantra 15 Conductor’s nickname 16 European car company with a prancing horse logo 17 Government heavehos 18 “Million Dollar Baby” Oscar winner

38 Sounds of hesitation

42 Rotate, as a camera 43 Casual “I’ll pass” 46 Floor exercise surface 47 “For __ a jolly ...” 48 “Star Wars” saga nickname 49 Corrida shout 50 At the ready

20 Set one’s sights on, with “at”

55 Farmyard female

22 Big ape 23 Artery: Abbr. 24 Poet who won the 1923 Nobel Prize for Literature 25 Juan’s uncle 26 Piles 29 Reuben bread 30 Giant 32 Percentage on a bank sign 34 2007-’08 NBA Rookie of the Year Kevin 35 Trig, e.g. 37 Letter opening

and Vermont on Tuesday. Santorum won in Tennessee, Oklahoma and North Dakota, while former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich won in Georgia. Former Massachusetts Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey, who served with Romney when he was in office, said Romney’s strongest quality was and still is his integrity. “He has shown when he was in office that he is absolutely unbendable in terms of wanting to do the right thing for the people and being a public servant,” she said in an interview with The Daily Free Press. Healey said since Romney was successful as a Republican governor in Massachusetts, which tends to vote liberally, he could potentially have an advantage in the state in the presidential election. “He was able to reach across the

aisle when it was critical to do so and make sure the people of Massachusetts got what they needed,” she said. She said Romney is the best choice for young voters and college students in the 18- to 24-year-old demographic because he will create jobs. “He is going to be the best chance the youngest generation of voters has to make sure they have a future,” she said. Christine Corkery, who attended the election gathering, said she was pleased with the way Romney spoke to supporters. “I thought his speech was great and I am very supportive,” she said. Adam Heilemann, also at the election victory, said it is key for Romney to keep up the image he has to win in November if nominated. If Romney wants to make it to the White House, Heilemann said, he must continue to “be himself.”

Field to include state-of-the-art lighting Task Force: From Page 1

could call him with comments until March 30, when the comment period ends. The new field is set to have stateof-the-art, high quality lighting fixtures, Whitney said. The aim for these high quality lights is to keep the field well lit. The speaker system will also be designed so as not to cause disturbances for the surrounding community, Whitney said. It will be a distributed system with a lot of small

speakers. “[The sound will be] focused close to spectators, away from residential areas,” Whitney said. Beale said the current administration will take care to enhance the student experience. “That’s one of the good things the Master Plan does. It looked around the campus for areas that were underutilized, that could be activated and make a better student experience,” Beale said. “It’s all about really making it a better place to live and be a student.”


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52 Tablet alternative 54 Dungeons & Dragons creatures

Romney: From Page 1

Part Time Writing A small number of part-time writers are needed for the next 2 to 3 months. We need people who can write clearly and honestly to review Boston area businesses. The written reviews will be for places like restaurants, movie theaters, stores, salons/barber shops, and all sorts of other local businesses both big and small. Honest reviews are needed. The pay is $6.50 per business review. It should be 1 to 2 paragraphs long. A bonus will be paid if you reach 25 total reviews. You can work at your own pace and at your own location. But 2 visits to Newton for quick ‘meet and greets’ will be required (you will be compensated.) If you have an example business review you can forward along that would be great. If you are sincerely interested, please respond to Charles at the email listed. I can get you additional informaion at that time. Email ewerber@aya.yale.edu

41 Demure

19 Shoppe sign adjective

Healey: Romney best choice for college kids

57 Kept 58 Bandleader Puente


21 Might

40 Commence

59 Step

4 Bone: Pref.

27 Kitchen spray

43 __ riche

61 __ Mason: asset management giant

5 Mountain West Conference athlete

28 Hoards

44 Fast, to a 15-Across

62 Nabokov’s title professor

6 Deck out

63 Scorch slightly 64 Farmyard female

7 More optimistic 8 Decadent

65 More of the mantra

9 Unlikely class presidents

66 More of the mantra

10 Mine find

67 More of the mantra

11 Hike

Down 1 More of the mantra

12 “Raging Bull” boxer

2 Blamed

13 Shiraz resident

3 “Whatever you say,

14 More of the mantra

30 Root vegetables 31 Collection agcy.? 33 Bygone anesthetic 34 Roman goddess of the hunt 36 Mass reaction, perhaps 37 Era that began in 1957

45 More of the mantra 51 Téa of “Ghost Town” 53 Actress Hayek 56 Left 59 Sound of disapproval 60 German article

38 More of the mantra 39 Like some drying clothes

Solution is on Page 4


Difficulty: Medium

Solution is on Page 4

Campus & City Modern Greek Philosophy

On drama I love drama when they are on stage or on television. In real life, not so much. There are people that love to create drama for themselves and I tend to avoid these people as much as possible. You know the type of person I’m referring to; the person that only asks you how you are doing because they want to share your latest MARIA gossip with GELLEPES others. I know that in return these people will share gossip with me, but really, who cares? Why do any of us need to know the latest goings on of everyone around us? Ignorance is bliss! I understand the joy a gossiper may receive from knowing all about people’s personal lives. Yet I feel like these people lose out on so much more in life. I would never be able to become close friends with someone who is a gossip, nor would I ever be able to have a real conversation with that kind of person. I could talk about trivial things - the weather, homework, or my love of granola, for example - but it can never go further than that. If you can’t keep other people’s lives private I know you will not be able to do the same for me. I also avoid people that always complain. I can’t stand it when people repeat the same script everyday: “My life is so hard. I don’t want to do this. Why do things always happen to me.” Really? Get over yourself. Everyone is entitled to have a day like this once in a while, but if someone is constantly in this state of mind they need to get perspective, and fast. I can’t stand being near these people that spend all of their time complaining about things. If you spend time with these people it will only drain you and that is precisely why I avoid these people. I also can’t understand people that talk about others behind their backs. If I have a problem with people, I confront them face-toface. Yes, this life philosophy could get me into trouble, but I’m fine with that. I would rather not live my life hoping that another person doesn’t find out what I said about them. Rest assured, loyal readers, that if I have a problem with you, you will find out, because I am not going to keep my feelings about you to myself. I will easily pay you a compliment, but I can criticize in equal measure. Honesty is hard for some people, but it is the best policy. I love drama, but in my real life I like to be authentic, and I hope the same is true for you. Maria Gellepes is a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences and a weekly columnist for The Daily Free Press. She can be reached at mg887@bu.edu.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Education takes spotlight in Occupy protests Students give support for Crisis Center By Jen Janiak Daily Free Press Staff

Student protesters said the recent activity among Occupy protesters nationwide does not reflect a new emphasis on education, but rather a possibly more narrow approach to addressing students’ concerns. The Occupy movement resurged Thursday with the National Day of Action for Education. BU Occupies Boston members joined local supporters and protested throughout downtown Boston and at the Massachusetts State House Thursday, said College of Arts and Sciences junior Brandon Wood, a BU Occupies Boston member. Student protesters nationwide took to the streets at the demonstration, especially at colleges in California. “In California, [Occupiers’] actions are really, really amazing,” said Amanda Achin, a University of Massachusetts Boston senior. “They had one high school [that] had a walk out of 250 students, [and] they had a 99-mile march where today students marched to occupy a capitol building.” The demonstration marked one of several set for the spring, though members did not elaborate on their plans. “Student issues are going to be a huge part of the reemergence of Occupy,” said BU Occupies Boston member Kristen Martin in a phone interview.

By Grace Rasmus Daily Free Press Staff


The Occupy movement plans on shifting its focus to education reform.

Martin, a CAS junior, said student debt and similar issues will play a larger role in Occupy protests over the summer and thereafter. “The increasing amount of student debt is obviously on everyone’s mind and that’s the next level,” she said. BU Occupies Boston made educational injustices a priority since it was established in the fall, among the numerous other issues raised by protesters. Wood said Occupy protesters might have narrowed their focus to education for a number of reasons, including a refinement of the protesters’ goals to the change of

seasons. “Maybe we’re just getting better at refining our focus and outreach and really attacking specific issues and refining our general, very broad push for change and getting that done through very specific means,” Wood said in a phone interview. Wood noted the “flexible” nature of Occupy’s strategy. “When the weather improves and it gets warmer outside . . . you’ll start to see some different tactics as well, maybe a return [to] some tactics used early on,” he said.

Occupy, see page 4

CGSA, Union collaborate to finalize plans for ‘Take Back the Night,’ address recent incidents By Madhurya Manohar Daily Free Press Staff

Student Union and the Center for Gender, Sexuality and Activism moved forward with plans for a “Take Back the Night” rally in response to recent alleged sexual assault incidents. The rally is expected to be held on BU Beach on March 30 at 7 p.m. “We just feel that right now is an opportune time to educate and enact change on our campus,” said CGSA representative Kelseanna Smith, a College of Arts and Sciences junior, in an email interview. Smith said the rally will feature keynote speakers, a speak out session, a candlelight vigil for victims and survivors of sexual abuse and a paper mural for people to voice opin-

ions about “rape culture” and recent incidents. The rally is meant to make a statement about sexual violence and promote a no-tolerance policy on rape culture and sexual violence at BU, Smith said. “Take Back the Night is a movement,” Smith said. “The name comes from the idea that many people have felt uncomfortable walking alone at night, that the night is a dangerous time - so the rally is ‘taking it back.’” The plans followed Union’s vote to support the rally at its Feb. 28 meeting, according to a Feb. 29 article in The Daily Free Press. In a Thursday press release, Union stated its support as a way to address the hockey player arrests, “peeping Toms,” the Student Health Services hotline issue, Barstool

Blackout parties and “slut shaming” related to BU. CAS freshman Rea Sowan, a CGSA representative, said women’s sentiments about feeling unsafe walking late at night serves as a testament to the existence of a rape culture. “The vision is to begin with a speak-out with keynote speakers, followed by a march and to end with a range of cathartic activities aimed toward reclamation and empowerment,” Sowan said. Andrew Wasserstein, Union’s director of public relations, said senators voted to support the rally after CGSA members asked. “When students actually see a rally and a community gathering, they’ll

Take Back, see page 4

Some Boston University students expressed support for a recently petitioned on-campus Rape Crisis Center. The Center for Gender, Sexuality and Activism created a petition Monday to establish a rape crisis center on campus. As of Tuesday afternoon, the petition has garnered more than 500 signatures since going live on Monday. The petition states the center would include paid employees for counseling and preventive work, and a budget to do outreach on campus and education programming for students and staff. College of Arts and Sciences freshman Rea Sawan, a CGSA member, said a rape crisis center on campus is essential. “We’re all on the same team,” Sawan said. “We honestly want everyone at BU to be safe and not experience sexual assault, which is something that happens to every one in five college women. It is important for people to identify that this is a danger in our society.” Gina Scaramella, executive director of the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center, said she supports the CGSA looking into campus needs in terms of sexual assault. “It’s great that they’re thinking about what their campus needs,” she said. “I think taking the time to look at all the different kinds of models and the pluses and minuses for each, and what sort of resources and assets exist around BU and in BU . . . is a great way to go.” Victims of sexual assault can go to the crisis hotline, one of the main resources available on BU’s campus. However, CAS junior Kristy Alaura said she called the hotline in the past with no avail. “Even if you’re not calling about rape, it’s still confusing and takes you in circles,” she said. Alaura said she fully supports of the establishment of a rape crisis center on campus. “If we’re not completely comfortable going to the police first, there needs to be something else,” she said. “There definitely needs to be a place where we feel comfortable going and where there are people there to help us and take us down the right avenues.”

Center, see page 4

IQ, intelligence linked to many genetic factors, researchers find By Shayan Banerjee Daily Free Press Staff

Intelligence is influenced by not few, but many genes, according to a recent study from Harvard University, Cornell University and Union College. Over the years, many studies have linked particular genes to differences in intelligence, said Christopher Chabris, a researcher of the study and professor at Union College, in an email. These studies showed that people with a version of a particular gene tend to score a bit higher on IQ tests than people without that version, he said. “Initially, we thought that we would replicate those results – that is, we thought we would find the same associations that those earlier researchers found,” Chabris said.

“But over time, our experiences led us to think that the opposite might be true, that most of those findings might be false positives.” The researchers systematically tested as many of these “IQ genes” as they could by using three large, independent datasets, Chabris said. “Our study is consistent with many recent findings that show that complex traits like intelligence, personality and even height are influenced by probably hundreds or thousands of genes, each of which has a very tiny effect on the behavior,” he said. Associate Professor Kimberly Saudino, director of the Boston University Developmental Behavioral Genetics Laboratory, said the study does not disprove evidence from twin and adoption studies that showed differences in intel-

lectual abilities is “to some extent” related to genes. “What they are saying is that early attempts to identify specific genes have produced what looks to be false positives,” Saudino said in an email. Chabris said there is definitely a strong genetic component to intelligence, but the study shows the actual story is more complex than previously thought. He said social scientists should take into account this complexity in future research and not rely on studies of individual genes. “The problem is that if thousands of genes each explain a tiny fraction of these differences, it will take huge studies with tens or hundreds of thousands of subjects to find them,” Chabris said. Professor V. Scott Solberg,

the associate dean for research at BU’s School of Education, said he stressed other factors that might play a role in understanding human intelligence. “The common belief is that genes set the parameters for one’s potential but that reaching that potential occurs when one is exposed to quality developmental and learning opportunities,” Solberg said in an email. He said the task of creating an environment in which youth could maximize their intellectual potential fell to educators. Professor Hardin Coleman, the dean of BU’s School of Education, said he agreed with the necessity for creating a supportive environment. This study shows humans

IQ, see page 4


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Santorum’s emphasis on social issues ‘dangerous’ Drop in Occupy participation ‘hasn’t been too bad,’ member says Polls: From Page 1

nor of Massachusetts, or in his experiences as CEO of the companies that he’s run.” He said Romney seems to be the most capable of not only defeating Obama, but of maintaining a strong presidency if elected. “He definitely comes off as someone who’s had to make decisions before, as an executive, and so it seems like he tries to gather as much information from people that work for him to make an informed decision,” Trenton said. Mark Lange, a Ward 4 voter, said although he would vote for Romney in the general election, within the Republican Party, “there’s no great feeling of passion for Romney.” “He’ll say anything to get a vote,” he said. “I don’t think he has any convictions.” Lange said he voted for Paul on Tuesday, calling the Texan candidate terrific on economic issues. “His message on the economic issues and on the debt is spot on,” he said. “He understands business cycles – he understands the fool-

Occupy: From Page 3


A sign in front of the Boston Public Library in Copley Square directs Bostonians where to vote for the Republican primary.

ishness of creating money and the danger that that’s going to create.” But Lange also said Paul’s foreign policy stances “scare” him. Santorum does not present much of an alternative, he said. “Santorum pushes all the wrong

buttons for the majority of Americans,” Lange said. “[He’s] not a bad guy, but he’s a career politician – I don’t trust him on the economy and I think he’s . . . dangerous with his emphasis on social issues.”

“I think that the presumed genetic link to intelligence has had an awful effect on education,” Coleman said. “We are organized around the assumption that the ‘able’ or ‘bright’ students will succeed so that failure is a function of a lack of motivation or ability.” Chabris said while other factors such as education influences intelligence, genetics still account for much of the difference. “Our own results found that about 47 percent of the differences among individuals in intelligence can be explained by genetic differences among those individuals,” he said.

Chabris said the study has implications for how research involving genetic links to human traits will be conducted in the short-term future. He said this would involve much larger genetic data sets and scientists who will need to look for how genes might have a very small effect on intelligence. “We need to understand intelligence better,” he said. “[We need] to get a better handle on the biology of cognitive differences so that we can look for genes associated with biological factors rather than just overall IQ scores.”

While BU Occupies Boston put more emphasis on contributing to larger general assemblies and Occupy Boston’s efforts, Martin said educational injustices have always been a focus for the campus group. Martin said Occupy Boston members protested a number of educational issues, including tuition hikes, increasing resegregation of public schools and key funding of public schools and privatization of public colleges. One of the most pertinent issues Occupy Boston addressed was the aftermath of the mortgage lending crisis. “We had the housing bubble and now we’re creating another bubble, and that’s the student debt bubble,” Martin said. “It’s definitely going to be a big issue that Occupy is going to focus on in the next few months.” Students at other Boston-area colleges similarly zoomed in on

education issues, but college funding has always been on the agenda, Occupy members said. Northeastern University freshman Katie Soldau said Northeastern focuses more on student debt and rising tuition costs. “There’s lot more active stuff on college campuses [than in the city], but I don’t think I’d expect it to stay that way once it warms up,” Soldau said in a phone interview. “I definitely think the student group is focused on student issues right now, a lot more than we were in the very beginning.” Achin said the movement has had somewhat of a setback, but the recent activity marked a large step forward for the movement in its goals for education. “We’ve seen a little drop in numbers, but it hasn’t been too bad,” she said. “We have a fairly large group of students who are really dedicated to addressing the issues around education in Boston.”

Rally to feature keynote speakers, IQ research needs much larger genetic data sets, prof says march, ‘cathartic activities’ IQ: From Page 3

have more abstract ideas than actual data when it comes to human intelligence, he said. “The best we can say is that we all have bio-genetics that need to be effectively nurtured in order for us to be effective students and citizens,” Coleman said in an email. Coleman said there has been a disproportionate focus on genes when it comes to human intelligence, which has distracted academic institutions from the ways in which social organization may affect outcomes.

Take Back: From Page 3

get the feeling that what is happening is real and that we’re all here together for the same purpose,” Wasserstein, a College of Communication sophomore, said in a phone interview. Union President Howard Male said the two groups’ prior relationship facilitated Union’s endorsement. “Boston University students do not condone, and will not accept, a culture where sexual assault is permitted, and this was reflected in the Senate’s decision to support this positive community-building, awareness-raising event,” Male, a School of Management and School of Hos-

pitality senior, said. One out of five college women will be sexually assaulted, according to research funded by the National Institute of Justice and the Department of Defense. “That is 1 out of 5 too many,” Sowan said in an email. “It is no secret that a culture of rape exists . . .. Hopefully taking action will show survivors of sexual assault that they are not alone and encourage them to speak up.” Wasserstein said Union is expected to continue to work with the CGSA to finalize the details of the rally and how to best advertise it.

Creation of Rape Crisis Center may be an overreaction Center: From Page 3

Scaramella said while a crisis center could be useful, having a campus-based center could affect victim’s privacy. “Survivors need help navigating the systems on campus, understanding how to make sure their rights are upheld, etc.,” she said. “A campusbased program could do those things really well, but the service part of [crisis counseling] is the hardest to provide with the privacy of the survivor in mind.” The establishment of an on-campus center could also be redundant since BARCC is located at 989 Commonwealth Ave., near BU’s campus, Scaramella said. Eun Kyung Park, a College of Communication freshman, said a rape crisis center on campus would

be a good thing. “It’s better to be safe than sorry,” she said. “With all the things that are happening on campus, why not act to prevent it and protect people rather than not do anything at all?” Mike Cianciotta, a College of General Studies freshman, said a rape crisis center on campus may be an overreaction to the assault cases involving hockey players. “It shouldn’t be established just because a couple of high-profile athletes got in trouble for stories in which no one really knows what happened,” Cianciotta said. He added, “I guess it depends on the actual statistics of rape on campus, but there should be somewhere victims can go to that is always available and well functioning.”


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Instagramming the Campaign With the 2012 Presidential election quickly approaching, President Barack Obama is using Instagram and other forms of social media as a part of his campaign. By Ruth Chan


Features Staff

ith millions of users and a loyal fan base, Instagram is one of the most popular iPhone apps on the market. Not surprisingly, Apple named it the “iPhone App of the Year” for 2011, and early last month Instagram added its most popular member to date: President Barack Obama. For those who are unfamiliar with the app, Instagram is “a fun and quirky way to share your life with friends through a series of pictures,” according to the application’s website. Users take a picture with their iPhone camera, and then choose a vintage filter to turn the photo into an artistic creation. Afterwards, they can share it on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Foursquare, Flickr and Posterous. Obama’s account, which is run by his staff, currently has more than 200,000 followers. Other Instagram users can also share photos with his account using the hashtag #Obama2012. The photos on Obama’s account include pictures of the president himself and Vice President Joe Biden, as well as supporters and snapshots from his campaign trail. OBAMA AND SOCIAL MEDIA: A LOVE AFFAIR

Kriner said he agrees Obama is targeting a specific age group. “Polls that were taken seem to suggest his advantage among young voters is eroding,” he said, “and this is a way to reach back out and to connect in a way that doesn’t cost the president much money.” THE GOOD AND THE BAD Social media seems to be an effective campaigning method because it addresses a large audience in a very cost-effective way. However, some said they feel social media is not a very professional form of communication for Obama. CAS freshman Abby Pelts said while she thinks it is effective, she would rather see Obama’s messages through more legitimate media outlets. “I do think it’s effective, but my personal opinion is it’s [also] unprofessional. No president has ever gone this far with things like these,” Pelts said. “Instead of him being more of a friend, I should see him as a leader. With Twitter, I do have two different sides: Of course it gets to the younger people because I’m on Twitter every day, but at the same time I’d rather see him on the news.” College of Communication graduate student Jimmy Barker said he disagrees. “I actually don’t follow him [on social media], but I can only see positive ramifications for him to spread his message or just to simply remind people to keep his campaign and his push for re-election in their thoughts and their newsfeeds,” he said. Walker also said social media is a good way of reminding people about the president’s message, and it allows Obama to directly get his message across to the general public without it being misinterpreted in any way. “I think that mostly what he is achieving is reminding people that he is around,” Walker said. “Social media is good for him because it allows the White House to directly communicate with people as opposed to having to go through the media where his message can get distorted.”

Obama has had a huge social media presence since his last campaign in 2008. His Facebook page has nearly 25.5 million “likes,” and his Twitter has more than 12 million followers. Holding accounts on Tumblr, Google+ and Flickr, Instagram is Obama’s latest step in helping him gain an even louder voice on the social media circuit. Boston University Assistant Professor of Public Relations Edward Downes said he sees social media as an effective tool for Obama. “I think it’s good for two reasons,” Downes said. “First, because Obama can easily attract the population and the type of people who are predisposed to being receptive to [social media]. Second, he can use this new media with all the advantages it provides and all of a sudden there’s a brand new channel.” However, Downes said he warned against overphoto credit/instagram reliance on new media. The purpose of Obama usObama’s Instagram page allows voters to follow pictures that his staff ing social media so extensively is to pull in votes, A NEW WAY TO CAMPAIGN? takes during the campaign. and Downes said if they are not doing their job then Obama risks losing track of what is important. Social media is quickly changing the way we reKriner asked. “I don’t see any downside to it so why not “The most basic purpose [of using social media] is to ceive information. Similar to the newspaper industry, some be everywhere?” get votes. The question to ask is, ‘Do these media get me are worried the Internet will eventually take over more travotes?’ And if they do, then they’re helpful,” he said. ditional types of media. However, neither Downes nor KriREACHING A YOUNGER DEMOGRAPHIC ner said they see it happening any time soon. SOCIAL MEDIA AS A COSTLESS SOLUTION: “I think it’s already begun to replace traditional media, Demarius Walker, a College of Arts and Sciences junior but to put it in context, it’s just a different format,” Downes and president of BU’s chapter of “Democracy Matters,” Political Science Professor Douglas Kriner said, “Part said. “Yes, you are losing the physical [traditional] media, said social media is a great way for people interested in of the battle in campaign space is trying to subsidize inforbut the information can just go online so you’re not really politics to easily follow politicians. mation for individuals.” losing it.” “It works for political junkies like me who like to folKriner said social media is a great way for Obama to get Kriner said he agrees and said using social media to low the inside movements of a campaign,” Walker said via his message across without using a lot of money. campaign would never replace traditional modes of camemail. “A lot of people are what we call in political science, paigning. College of General Studies sophomore Felicia Aguiar ‘rationally ignorant,’” he said. “If the president can reach “It will increasingly become a presence, but sometimes said Obama’s style of campaigning is effective for the out to individuals and inform them of what he is doing and the efficacy of a technological innovation in campaigning younger demographic. try to build support, social media is a very costless way of can go down over time,” he said. “A method is effective “It’s good if he wants to connect with younger people reaching out that could potentially be helpful. because it’s so new, and people are drawn to it. Once it since everyone is on the Internet now, and if you’re not on “The president is very good at selling Barack Obama, becomes routine, it just becomes more white noise in the the Internet, you’re very behind. It’s a good strategy,” she as he showed us in 2008 – so why not [use social media]?” background.” said.

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March 7, 2012

I’ll try anything once...

The Daily Free Press

The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University 42nd year F Volume 82 F Issue 79

Chelsea Diana, Editor-in-Chief Tim Healey, Managing Editor Steph Solis, Campus Editor

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Kira Cole, Features Editor

Audrey Fain, Ricky Wilson, Photo Editors

Praise Hong, Advertising Manager Kaylee Hill, Layout Editor Valeria Morgan, Office Manager The Daily Free Press (ISSN 1094-7337) is published Monday through Thursday during the academic year except during vacation and exam periods by Back Bay Publishing Co.,Inc., a nonprofit corporation operated by Boston University students. No content can be reproduced without the permission of Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. Copyright © 2010 Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.

Bloomberg billionaires In an age where technology seems omnipotent, we have grown accustomed to being bombarded by instant information. At the touch of a button or a click of a mouse, we have unprecedented access to statistics on anything we can imagine. In addition to archived information, our generation has also bought in to the frenzy of information updated constantly. It’s no longer adequate to know economic statistics on a weekly or monthly basis; we can monitor market fluctuation by the minute. As of Monday, Bloomberg News now makes it possible to get daily updates on the twenty wealthiest people in the world. According to an article published on TIME’s website yesterday, this list will be updated every day to include each individual’s approximate net worth, any daily changes to their assets and annual changes to the same value. If a billionaire’s riches begin to rapidly decrease, the world will be privy to that information. The Bloomberg Billionaires Index is set to steal the spotlight usually reserved for the annual Forbes list published ev-

ery March. While the list does provide an interesting window into the fluctuating values of the rich and powerful, a daily update seems excessive. Transparency in information is generally welcomed, but there is a limit on how one can benefit from stalking rises and falls of the assets of certain people. Since the members of this prestigious list are not opposed to this information being in the public domain, the question of privacy is irrelevant. As long as these statistics are being obtained legally, Bloomberg News is within its right to publish its findings. From the general public’s point of view, the list will only be a consistent reminder of who holds enormous amounts of public and often political influence. Nevertheless, a depressing reality remains that we can identify a select few people are in possession of huge wealth, yet we aren’t advocating for a list promoting those who engage in philanthropy. We’re preoccupied with monitoring who has money, when we should be focusing on how they choose to use these vast reserves of disposable income.

Eradicating assault Identifying sexual assault at Boston University has intensified over the past few weeks. However, pointing out flaws in how BU deals with assault can only suffice for so long. Sooner rather than later, pointing fingers to the administration or to “rape culture” perpetuated on campus is futile. Thankfully, more tangible change seems to be in progress. According to an article published by The Daily Free Press today, a proposal for a Rape Crisis Center on campus is circulating from BU’s Center for Gender, Sexuality and Activism. Since the proposal became public on Monday, more than 500 people have signed a petition to make this plan a reality. Being on an urban campus and considering the sudden influx in attention sexual assault has received, some form of permanent assistance is crucial. However, establishing an independent crisis center that will adequately cope with the sensitivity of these patients is challenging. Before we enter into this proposal in urgency due to the current social climate, it would be wise to take a moment to consider what existing services could be improved. The proposed center would at-

tempt to procure professional staff to deal with crisis counseling and support, as well as run educational programs to draw further awareness to the issue. While these are admirable goals, logistical concerns will arise. The center would have to ensure staff members were available around the clock, including weekends, and victims’ privacy would have to be protected at all times. A more feasible proposal would be increased cooperation with the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center. If we had a thorough review of Student Health Services when dealing with sexual assault and properly considered collaboration with BARCC, BU would be able to meet students’ needs without introducing an entirely new proposal that could take much more time and planning to equip for the future. Establishing a center independent of SHS seems counterproductive; if we already have medical expertise on campus, we should aim to better those services. Having an educational component through CGSA could be an idea to pursue in the future, but in order to eradicate inefficiency and insensitivity toward sexual assault, a faster solution is in order.


Under pressure

y boyfriend and I have been dating for about five months now, and we’re just about ready to make love for the first time. The problem is that we’ve been discussing and planning the night out for all this time, and he’s been disc u s s i n g some pretty advanced maneuvers that I may not be ready for. How can I talk him down to just normal fun? -Basic Training If you want the secret to bad sex, and I’m talking something dry, passionless and awful, you only have to add one thing into the mix: pressure. Pressure comes in many forms, from attempting an advanced position, to having sex for the first time. Any sexual activity should be a positive experience and definitely not a time where one person walks away unfulfilled or feeling as though they’ve been taken advantage of. So how can you avoid adding pressure, but still get your kinky kicks? Well, the trick there is to make sure the discussion of who-gets-what goes both ways, so each person feels as though they are not losing out on any of the fun. Also, there should be a delicate balance between the degrees of difficulty for each position. There is a sliding scale for this, and it should be selfevident that water sports should be treated with more weight than, say, foot worship. (For more on foot worship, see below). In your situation, BT, it really depends on his experience factor. If he’s a virgin, or has limited experience with other girls, he’s probably bluffing in order to make you feel as though he’s some sort of champion sex partner. When the big day happens, he’ll probably wiggle around for all of thirty seconds before finishing in a big ol’ mess. However, if your boyfriend has been around the block, and you feel that his requests are really important to him, you simply need to remind him of one thing:


You are equally as vital to the experience. If you’re ready for some classic, vanilla sex, then that is exactly what he’s going to get, and he should not expect anything more. But, if, in the heat of the moment, you decide you are ready for a little unexpected kink, go for it! Give him something as a bonus, but make it clear that it was just something special for the occasion. I’ve been hooking up with this guy for a while, and we were going along great until he pulled out this random foot thing! This sounds disgusting to me. What should I do? I can’t just stop hooking up with this guy, he’s great in bed! -No Feet for Me As I mentioned above, fetishes and kinks are on a continuum of sorts, and all of us need to be cognizant of the fact that our partners may or may not feel comfortable doing what we need to really get us going. In your case, NFFM, it sounds like you already have a pretty fulfilling relationship with this other guy, so any extra foot stuff would just be icing on the cake. But why not indulge your buddy? After all, as long as you make sure that you have washed and sanitized your feet, there should be no risk for infection or transmission of anything less than sanitary. Oh, I would make sure that my feet don’t have any open cuts or sores, and that your toenails are trimmed and prepped beforehand as well. You don’t want to poke him, or cut the inside of his mouth! As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I had an encounter with a foot fetishist myself, and he basically asked for the same scenario. Personally, I have no problem trying out most basic kinks, so I indulged him. Honestly, it was almost like receiving a free foot massage from someone who really enjoyed his job. We’ve actually met up three times since then, each time with the same lovely massage and the same end result.

Luke Pearson is a weekly columnist for The Daily Free Press. He can be reached at lpsexquestions@gmail.com.

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012


McCARTHY: NCAA tournament offers limitless opportunities for underdog schools McCarthy: From page 8

house Muncie-Central. Despite the vast difference in size and stature, Milan held tight, keeping the score close throughout. Late in the second half, with the game tied, Plump dribbled precious minutes off the clock. Then, just like his big screen counterpart, he calmly cut to his right, planted and sunk the biggest shot in the history of high school basketball. While Bobby Plump solidified his basketball legacy as a mythical figure by winning the 1954 state championship, his career did not end at Milan. In fact, fittingly, he continued making memories in the same place where he had immortalized his name. Butler Fieldhouse was not only the annual site of the Indiana state tournament, but was also the home arena of Butler University. In what can only be seen as a karmic ending to a fate-driven story, Plump went on to star for the Bulldogs over the

course of a sterling four-year career at Butler. In 1997, when the Indiana High School Athletic Association decided to end the one-class tournament system in favor of one that divided the state into four classes, the hypothetical dream died. Not surprisingly, many people – Plump among them – were distraught. In their minds, the opportunity for David to slay Goliath or for Jimmy Chitwood to be reincarnated was no longer possible. Thankfully, some years later, they were reminded that that is not the case. In 2010, Bobby Plump’s alma mater restored his faith in the real life underdog story. Led by young coach Brad Stevens and Indiana-born swingman Gordon Hayward, the modern day Butler Bulldogs made an improbable run through the national tournament. After a two-point victory over Michigan State University in the Final Four, it faced traditional powerhouse

Duke University in the National Championship. With the surviving members of the 1954 Milan team in attendance, including Plump, Butler undoubtedly heard all the Hoosiers’ comparisons. All it could do was hope to enjoy the same outcome. Hanging tight throughout, Butler faced a two-point deficit with seconds remaining. While they got the ball into Hayward’s hands for the last look, his half-court heave missed by inches. To the dismay of everyone outside of Durham, N.C., he was no Bobby Plump. The following year, Butler yet again made a surprising appearance in the championship game, this time losing painfully by double digits to a talent-laden University of Connecticut team. Despite the many Hickory and Milan comparisons, and two chances, Butler did not deliver a championship and its accompanying storybook ending. In many ways, however, this did not

matter. While it did not return to Indianapolis with a trophy and a title, Butler did remind everyone that in a one-class tournament, dreams are tangible. Like the Indiana state tournament before it, the NCAA tournament offers limitless opportunities. In a few weeks, we will undoubtedly be in the midst of yet another captivating March Madness run being made by some small, unheralded and largely unknown school. While it looks like it won’t be Butler this year, there will be a team that beats the odds and attempts to embrace the Milan High mantle. History tells us that much is certain. What remains to be seen, however, is if they have the player capable of knocking down that legend-making shot. Players like Jimmy Chitwood usually only exist on the big screen. But if you take a trip to Indianapolis, Bobby Plump may tell you otherwise.

Agboola and Stewart account for more Four Terriers earn weekly honors than 500 of BU’s rebounds, points Roundup: From page 8

Notebook: From page 8

son earned her a nod on the All-Defensive Team for the first time as well. “I’m so happy for the players who did receive awards, they certainly earned it,” Greenberg said. “[But] I think our loss [Sunday] really kind of showed that it’s not about awards.” Double-double domination All season long, the Terriers’ forwards, senior Caroline Stewart and Agboola, have put up impressive numbers in the categories of rebounding and points, accumulating a high total of double-doubles throughout the season. Agboola leads the team with eight double-doubles on the season, and Stewart added her fourth in Sunday’s game against UMBC with 12 points and 10 boards. BU fell back on its paint players when their guards were failing to put the ball in the net. Stewart and Agboola were both offensive and defensive threats all season, simultaneously stopping opponents from scoring while notching points of their own. The two forwards accounted for more

than 500 rebounds and 500 points this season, providing a spark for the Terriers over and over again. WNIT Tournament Despite losing to UMBC and failing to make it to the America East title game, the Terriers have another shot at victory as they enter the Women’s National Invitation Tournament. By virtue of their regular season first place finish in the America East Conference, the Terriers are guaranteed a spot in the tournament and a second chance for victory in tournament play. While they fell short in the conference tournament, the national tournament offers another opportunity for the Terriers, who are hoping to finish their season on a more positive note after the loss to UMBC. The 64-team bracket will be announced on Monday. The first round of games will begin two days later and will continue through Friday. “We will bounce back,” Greenberg said. “We have a lot of character on our team and we have great leadership.”

Track and Field Assistant Coach of the Year, according to the U.S. Track and Field and Cross Country Coaches Association. Sanders’ athletes contributed 74 of BU’s 151.5 points at the America East Championships Feb. 17 and 18. Sanders, who works with the sprinters, is in his fourth year of coaching at BU. Over at the Reggie Lewis Center in Roxbury, the women’s track and field team placed sixth in the Eastern College Athletic Conference. Sophomore Monica Adler led the Terriers with a win in the mile run. Adler completed the race in a time of 4:46.06. Senior Shelby Walton also placed this weekend, taking second in the 60-meter dash with a time of 7.56 and fifth in the 200-meter dash with a time of 24.35. Junior Allison Barwise finished second in the high jump with a mark of 1.83 meters. Weekly Honors The BU women’s hockey team and lacrosse team both garnered weekly honors on Monday.

Senior captain Jenn Wakefield and freshman forward Kayla Tutino earned the recognition from Hockey East, with Wakefield being named the Player of the Week and Tutino nabbing the Rookie of the Week title. Wakefield scored the game-winning and game-tying goals during the hockey team’s double-overtime win in the Hockey East championship on Sunday, and Tutino had a goal and an assist during the Terriers’ win over Boston College in the semifinal game of the tournament. The lacrosse team also took home two honors this week, with sophomore goaltender Christina Sheridan earning the title of America East Defender of the Week and freshman attack Mallory Collins earning the Rookie of the Week honors. During BU’s first win of the season, a game against George Mason University on Saturday, Sheridan made a season-high 10 saves. She also leads the league with a .458 save percentage and is one of the top conference goaltenders with an average of 9.00 saves per game. Collins took the award for the second straight week after a six-point effort during BU’s win over George Mason. Collins had a career-high five goals and an assist in the win.

Etrasco, Collins lead Terriers with about two-thirds of BU’s goals Lacrosse: From page 8


Junior attack Danielle Etrasco had five goals during BU’s first win of the season against George Mason University.

midterms, I think, is more influential and something we’re really working through.” The Terriers earned their first win of the year in the George Mason game, breaking their two-game losing streak that started the season. The start was BU’s worst beginning to a season since 1998. In the win, junior attack Danielle Etrasco and freshman attack Mallory Collins scored five goals apiece, leading the Terriers’ offense, which scored a seasonhigh 16 goals on the day. The duo of Etrasco and Collins has paced the Terriers all season long, combining for 23 of the Terriers’ 36 total goals this season – almost two-thirds of the total offense. While Collins was not yet at BU when the Terriers topped the Big Green last season, Etrasco was a big part of the 9-7 win over Dartmouth, as she scored a game-high two goals and accounted for one assist. Dartmouth (2-0) will be in search of revenge, as well as its third straight win to begin its season. In its first two games, the Big Green took down America East opponent University of New Hampshire 13-7 before winning a 9-8 decision over Yale on Saturday.

Midfielder Sarah Plumb leads the Big Green offense. She has totaled nine goals and two assists on the season. In the win over Yale, Plumb scored six of the team’s nine goals. BU’s offense is outscoring Dartmouth’s offense on the season, as BU averages 13.33 goals per game compared to Dartmouth’s 12. However, Dartmouth’s defense has not allowed more than eight goals in a game this season, while the least amount of goals BU has allowed in any of their three games has been eight. Robertshaw has yet to decide on her starting goalkeeper for Wednesday’s game, as she tends to leave that decision until game day. While sophomore Christina Sheridan has started all three games of the year, Robertshaw mentioned that junior goalkeeper Kim Elsworth is performing just as well in practice. In her three appearances this season, Sheridan has made 27 saves and has a 9.33 goals against average. “[Sheridan] is playing well and I could see that being the call, but Kim had a great practice today and I expect the same from her tomorrow,” Robertshaw said. “I know both keepers will be ready for Wednesday and I will have 100% confidence in both of them for that game.”

We will bounce back.


-Women’s basketball coach on her expecations for her team in the WNIT.

Page 8

The Gospel

Sports The Daily Free Press

McCarthy, see page 7

W. Lacrosse @ Dartmouth, 3 p.m.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

BU upset in semifinals, get second chance in WNIT By Sam Simmons Daily Free Press Staff


Sophomore forward Rashidat Agboola was named to the AllConference Third Team for the first time in her career.

Despite dominating conference play in the regular season, the Boston University women’s basketball team will not be playing in the conference title game this season after an upset by Women’s the University Basketball of MarylandNotebook B a l t i m o r e Country in the semifinals. The upset marked a huge disappointment for the first-place Terriers (23-8, 15-1 America East), who nearly went undefeated in conference play, losing only to the University at Albany in the team’s 16 regular-season conference games Despite strong play from junior guard Chantell Alford, who was once again showing signs of dominance after a wrist injury affected her for the last few games of the regular season, BU could not secure a victory over the fifthplace Retrievers (17-14, 9-17 America East). The loss was a devastating one for the Terriers who, according to BU coach Kelly Greenberg, did not play up to their normal levels and suffered the consequences. “It was obviously a real disappointing loss for us,” Greenberg said. “They came out more

excited to play than us, and as a coach, that’s just killer. And I really think that that’s something that we can control.” Alford, others earn America East honors For the second season in a row, Alford was named the America East Player of the Year, making her the sixth repeat winner of the award. Alford’s play was dominant all season long, with her best performance being a 28-point effort against the University of Vermont on Feb. 1. Alford was a three-time recipient of the America East Player of the Week award, and averaged 12.1 points per game for the regular season conference winners. During her three years as a Terrier, Alford has scored more than 1,200 points and recorded more 400 rebounds and 200 assists. Alford and junior guard Mo Moran were named to the America East All-Conference First Team. This marked Alford’s second appearance on the squad and Moran’s first. Sophomore forward Rashidat Agboola was named to the AllConference Third Team for the first time in her career. Her strong rebounding throughout the sea-

Notebook, see page 7

Lacrosse looks to overcome Dartmouth for second straight year By Kevin Dillon Daily Free Press Staff

Last season, an unranked Boston University women’s lacrosse team upset then-No. 9/15 Dartmouth College at Nickerson Field 9-7, in what would be arguably the Terriers’ best win of the season. The stage is set for an almost identical matchup again on Wednesday, as BU will travel to

Hanover, N.H., to try to topple a Dartmouth squad that is once again ranked No. 9/15 in the country. “Dartmouth is a strong team, currently ranked around the top10 nationally,” said BU coach Liz Robertshaw. “It’s always a grudge match with us, and we need to go into the game set in our game plan and ready to fight for 60 minutes.” BU (1-2), which won its last

game over George Mason University 16-8 on the road, will play its fourth consecutive away game on Wednesday. The Terriers were supposed to play their home opener last Wednesday against Yale University, but inclement weather forced their game to be postponed. While Robertshaw doesn’t believe that the constant road games propose any issues for her team,

the timing of this stretch during midterms is something she has taken note of. “Travelling isn’t a bad thing because it gets us away from campus and the distractions that come up in the daily life of a student-athlete,” Robertshaw said. “Knowing we’re in the midst of a mentally and physically demanding stretch of games during

Lacrosse, see page 7

Weekly Roundup: Two members of wrestling team qualify for NCAAs By Meredith Perri Daily Free Press Staff

After losing three of its last four meets, the Boston University wrestling team placed fourth during the Colonial Athletic Association championship on Saturday. Two Terriers, junior Kyle Czarnecki and sophomore Kevin Innis, each qualified for NCAAs for the first time in their collegiate careers. After falling in the 174-pound championship to top-seeded Te Edwards of Old Dominion University, Czarnecki won in a true-second match to qualify for the NCAA Championships. Czarnecki defeated Binghamton University’s Caleb Wallace 7-3 in the match. Innis, who lost in the semifinals for the heavyweight bracket, secured his spot in the NCAAs by

The Bottom Line

Wednesday, Mar. 7

takes tumble

The BU men’s and women’s tennis teams are both in the midst of losing streaks, as the men’s team dropped to 0-8 this weekend and the women’s team dropped its third straight, p. 8

[ www.dailyfreepress.com ]

Hoosiers’ dream still lives in March Madness From the very moment moviegoers watched Jimmy Chitwood surge around the picket fence and knock down the midrange jumper to put away the state championship for Hickory High, basketball was seemingly forever cemented as the sport of underdog stories within popular culture. The classic film “Hoosiers,” however, is actually rooted in an improbable true story that proves the sport held that title long before Gene Hackman signed on for the role of fictional coach Norman Dale. For many years, Indiana was one of a few states that adhered to a single state tournament formula for basketANDREW ball. This MCCARTHY meant that all schools, no matter their size or enrollment, competed for one state title. While this format undoubtedly stacked the odds against the smaller, more rural programs, it also allowed for the emergence of David versus Goliath storylines usually reserved for works of fiction. In 1954, one of these reallife screenplays came forward in the form of the team that would serve as the historical basis for Hickory High. The town of Milan, Ind. is a tiny hamlet tucked away in the southeastern corner of the Hoosier state. Despite a paltry enrollment of 161 students, the town had uncharacteristically high hopes for its high school basketball program heading into the 1953-54 season. While some of this bluster was based on the previous year’s surprising semifinal appearance, most of it had been built upon the mystique that surrounded its star player. Schools such as Milan had made noise in state tournaments prior, but none had actually taken the title. Those towns, the rabid locals claimed, did not have Bobby Plump. While the factual record states that there was no seminal town hall moment or will he/won’t he drama leading up to his senior year, Bobby Plump was still every bit the real-life Jimmy Chitwood. Just as Hickory had with its aloof hero, Milan rode Plump to one unlikely win after another, ultimately advancing to the now immortalized championship showdown against urban power-


Thursday, Mar. 8 W. Tennis vs. Yale, 3 p.m. Swimming @ Zone A Diving Championships, TBA

beating Old Dominion’s Matt Tourdot 10-6 in the consolation round. During the third-place match, Innis just barely defeated Hofstra University’s Paul Snyder 3-2. The Terriers earned 34 points to take the fourth-place spot, edging out Drexel University who earned 33.5. Hofstra won the title with 80.5 points.

BU will take on No. 19 Yale University, the third ranked opponent the Terriers have faced in its last four meets, on Thursday.

Both the BU men’s and women’s tennis teams continued their losing streaks this weekend. The men’s team (0-8) continued its eight-game winless streak in a 5-2 loss to the University of Connecticut (3-2), the team’s fourth straight 5-2 loss. Juniors Marcus VanBerkel and

Alex Hallenbeck teamed up to earn BU’s only doubles win of the match, 8-5. Hallenbeck also earned a win in one of BU’s two singles wins. Sophomore Jesse Frieder earned the other singles win. The men’s team will take the next week off before traveling to California for three meets during spring break. Meanwhile, the women’s team (4-3) dropped its third straight contest in a loss to No. 41 Brown University (10-3). The Terriers earned one singles and one doubles win during the meet. Sophomore Leonie-Charlotte Athanasiadis earned BU’s lone singles victory when she defeated Cassandra Herzberg. Athanasiadis also teamed up with junior Jessi Linero for Terriers’ only doubles win.

Friday, Mar. 9

Saturday, Mar. 10

Sunday, Mar. 11


M. Hockey vs. New Hampshire, 7 p.m. Softball @ Northern Iowa, 9:15 a.m. Softball @ Bradley, 11:30 a.m.

M. Hockey vs. New Hampshire, 4 p.m. W. Hockey @ Cornell, 2 p.m. W. Lacrosse vs. Notre Dame, 3 p.m. Softball @ Syracuse, 4:15 p.m.

Track and Field The men’s track and field team had two sprinters place this weekend during the IC4A Championships at the BU Track and Tennis Center. Junior R.J. Page placed fourth with a time of 21.36 in the 200-meter dash. Meanwhile, senior Joel Senick finished third in the 400-meter run with a time of 47.33. The Terriers also received recognition this week when assistant coach Gabe Sanders was named the Northeast Region Men’s Indoor

Roundup, see page 7

M. Hockey vs. New Hampshire, 5 p.m. Softball @ Miami OH, 10:15 a.m. Softball @ Netherlands, 3:30 p.m. Track, NCAA Championships, All Day

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