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The Daily Free Press

Year xli. Volume lxxxii. Issue lxxxxiii.

TXT ME L8R Study suggests class texters learn less, page 3


Tuesday, April 10, 2012 The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University


Research explains link between obesity, genetics, page 5




Etrasco leads lax in offensive categories, page 8


Today: PM Showers, High 62 Tonight: Partly cloudy, low 40 Tomorrow: 56/41 Data Courtesy of weather.com

Be Unleashed slate aims for campaign transparency BPD investigates AEPi after alleged hazing incident By Jen Janiak Daily Free Press Staff

Be Unleashed, a slate for the spring 2012 Boston University Student Union election, hopes to give a voice to students and implement changes on campus, slate members said. “Our goal is to include all student voices,” said Sophia Woyda, a College of Arts and Sciences sophomore. “With four people, we can’t come up with every single idea that will make Boston University an amazing place that makes student life the best it can be.” The Be Unleashed slate includes College of Fine Arts sophomore Dexter McCoy as president, School of Management sophomore Aditya Rudra as executive vice president, Woyda as vice president of internal affairs and SMG freshman D.A. Whatley as vice president of financial affairs. The slate’s platform includes genderneutral housing, increased student input on tuition allocation, a 24-7 study space, a holiday bus system and changes in Union structure. “I think the biggest challenge [in the campaign] is definitely reaching out to as many BU students as possible,” Rudra said. Be Unleashed is campaigning within communities such as Greek Life and multicultural organizations, as well as student activist groups. “There’s a lot of us and there’s a lot of

By Gina Curreri Daily Free Press Staff

individuals who have provided attributed input,” the email said. Task force members are operating confidentially and will not comment on their investigation. David Glover, a graduate student in Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, said he did not like the task force singling out the hockey team for investigation. “I would like them to involve all the Division I sports at this school because I think isolating the hockey team is biased and is not really getting at the actual problem,” he said. “The students [in Division I sports] are not just students, they’re student-athletes and with that comes different privileges.” School of Management junior Ben Feder said the open forums were definitely a

Unaffiliated fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi is under investigation after five Boston University students were found in their underwear and covered in condiments, according to a Boston Police Department report. At 12:20 a.m. Monday morning, BPD responded to 24 Ashford St. to find one alleged victim crying, according to the report obtained by The Daily Free Press. He and the other four were left in the basement shivering after they were reportedly doused them with “condiment-type substances,” including fish sauce, chili sauce, flour and coffee grinds. The victims, whose heads were shaved in some areas, were duct-taped wrist-towrist to form a human chain, the report stated. Officers found victims’ backs were covered in red welts and markings. “It’s serious, it’s troubling and we’re going to investigate it,” said BU spokesman Colin Riley. “They’ll not only have to deal with Boston University, but if Boston Police charges them with anything, then they’re going to have to face that situation as well.” The victims retrieved their clothes, which had been thrown into a big pile. The report stated officers offered them medical attention, which the victims declined. Three alleged suspects tried to flee the house, according to the report. Three other suspects were found lying in bed, pretending to be asleep and others were found hiding in a closet. The report listed that nine suspects declined to comment and later mentioned at least three additional people declined to comment. It is not clear at this time whether or not all of the alleged suspects are BU students. The incident is described in the report as “possible hazing.” Student organizations and individual students found in violation of Massachusetts hazing laws will be subject to university disciplinary actions, according to BU’s hazing policy. Inter-Fraternity Council President Jimmy Czodli said the IFC and BU have not recognized AEPi as a student organization

Hockey, see page 2

Hazing, see page 2


Members of Be Unleashed’s slate campaign on Marsh Plaza last Wednesday. The slate is running in the upcoming Student Union elections.

students and it can be a difficult task [to bring student groups together] but it’s an enjoyable one,” Rudra said. Three students on the slate have experience in Union, but Rudra, who is involved with SMG student government, the Howard Thurman Center and several activist groups on campus, hopes to bring a more activist, social perspective to the group, he

said. Rudra started working with Laurie Pohl, vice president for Enrollment & Student Affairs, to increase student input on tuition allocation, he said. “We really talked about trying to find a way to have the student voice in tuition allocation,” Rudra said. “I think having that

Unleashed, see page 4

Task force to hold community panel, seek public input By Chris Lisinski Daily Free Press Staff

Members of the Boston University Men's Ice Hockey Task Force set plans to hold a public forum to solicit feedback from the community, according to an email sent to students Monday. BU Trustee Jonathan Cole and Provost Jean Morrison, co-chairs of the task force, stated in the email a meeting would take place Wednesday at 4 p.m. In the Sargent Auditorium. Members will listen to input and suggestions, the email said. “Members of the task force will be present at the Open Forums to listen to BU community input on issues that are relevant to the climate and culture of men's hockey,” the email said. A second open forum is set to take place April 23 at 4 p.m. in Room 101 of the Kenmore Classroom Building. Dean of Students Kenneth Elmore will

moderate the sessions, and attendees will be expected to adhere to the guidelines for participation, the email said. The specific guidelines have not been announced at this time. In addition to the open forums, the task force established a website to digitally receive written comments and said they welcomed community members to write letters with any input. “Gathering information from the Boston University community is an essential part of our efforts,” the email said. “Thus, we write to invite members of the BU community to provide relevant information and to describe the ways in which to do so.” The email said anonymous comments were welcome, but comments with attributed information are preferred. “Because the task force may wish to explore a particular matter in more detail, we may seek additional information from

Boston Conservatory to transform warehouse into studios, revitalize Fenway area By Mary Yatrousis Daily Free Press Staff

Boston Conservatory will rebuild a former warehouse at 132 Ipswich St. into dance, music and theater studios, according to the Institutional Master Plan the school submitted to the Boston Redevelopment Authority. “Boston Conservatory’s proposed project . . . would replace an underutilized one-story industrial building with an attractive new addition to the streetscape and bring a new pedestrian presence to the area,” said Boston Redevelopment Authority spokeswoman Melina Schuler in an email. The proposal is expected to revitalize the Fenway area and the Conservatory, university officials said. The Conservatory requires specifically appropriated classrooms, studios and performance spaces for its curriculum. The new building would include those types of necessary spaces, said Boston Conservatory President Richard Ortner in a press release about the project.

“This building project will allow us to address our current needs while making provisions for future possibilities, strengthening our presence in the Fenway community and breathing new life into an area that has long been underutilized,” he said. The school purchased the property for about $5.1 million, using a framework of taxexempt bonds and debt structures provided by MassDevelopment, First Republic Bank and Zions Bank, according to the release. Boston Conservatory sophomore Rory Kitchen said in an email she did not know much about the project, except that it was costly. “I think it’s great that [Boston Conservatory] is expanding. We can always use more space,” Kitchen said. “It will definitely be put to good use.” The Conservatory has planned “extensive neighborhood outreach” to ensure that establishments already in the area, such as Jillian’s Boston and The Lansdowne Pub, understand the impact the new building will have on the

area, Ortner said in the release. “In the Fenway area, any influx of new people would be a positive influence for business around here,” said Michael Scottberg, assistant general manager at La Verdad, a Mexican restaurant just down the road from the site. Business in the area fluctuates with the seasons, he said. “When we have the Red Sox in town it’s a lot busier,” Scottberg said, “but when they’re not in town it tends to decline a little bit, so just that added amount of students around in the area . . . would be a bonus.” Scottberg said the only negative effect of an influx of students would be a potential increase in the number of underage students trying to drink illegally, but it would not be anything the restaurant cannot handle. He said underage drinking is “going to happen either way – we already deal with a large amount of it, so I don’t think there’s going to be a large amount added to it for the weekends.”


The Boston Conservatory plans to renovate a property they own near Fenway Park for an upcoming school expansion.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

BPD will continue AEPi probe Hazing: From Page 1

or fraternity since 1995. “They are in no way, shape or form affiliated with us or the university,” Czodli, a College of Arts and Sciences senior, said. “The fraternities that are affiliated with the university do not condone, participate in or tolerate any form of hazing of any kind, especially the extreme nature that was depicted in that police report.” Czodli said the IFC and the Panhellenic Council have taken measures to distance themselves from AEPi and do not allow events in conjunction with the fraternity. Although BPD notified the BU Police Department and called in officers to assist if needed, BPD will handle the investigation, said

BUPD Captain Robert Molloy. As evidence, police confiscated a gray metal pipe with “BONGZILLA” on the side, the duct-tape around the students’ wrists and a red cup with sardines in it. “It’s very troubling to know that these students are involved,” Riley said. Members of AEPi have also been under investigation for involvement in a hazing incident with the sorority Sigma Delta Tau, Riley said. SDT was suspended indefinitely from Greek Life and is under investigation by BU after sorority members were found intoxicated on the street and transported to the hospital in an alleged hazing incident, according to a March 20 DFP article.

Some students criticize task force Hockey: From Page 1

productive idea. “They’re doing a good job for what they can do,” he said. “Some places might ignore it and pretend it’s not happening, but BU is taking a proactive approach to prevent any further incidents to the best of their abilities.” College of Arts and Sciences sophomore Erin Shibley said she did not believe the task force would work. “I understand they formulated this task force for the reason of looking at rape culture in the hockey team, but I don’t really agree with that,” she said. “I think

The Daily Free Press Crossword By Tribune Media Services Across 1 Stinging flier 5 Unifying idea 10 Let the cat out of the bag 14 Seed cover 15 “Boléro” composer 16 Monetary unit of Cyprus 17 Notion 18 Repeated question in Matthew 19 Dollar dispensers, briefly 20 1978 movie set in a Turkish prison 23 Part of ESL: Abbr. 24 One of a “Great” quintet 25 Evian, e.g. 28 Hotpoint appliances, familiarly 30 Peppery root veggie 35 Volatile situation 39 Because 40 Island feast 41 Peaceful protest

50 Observe narrowly 51 Observe

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52 “Gilligan’s Island” shelters 55 E. Coast border 57 Big name in Danish porcelain


65 Early sibling rivalry victim

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66 Mall booth 67 Cass’s title 68 Scintilla


69 Run off to get hitched 70 Shades of it begin this puzzle’s four longest answers 71 Island garlands 72 “Robinson Crusoe” author

9 Cure-all mixture

31 Eat in style

53 Patterned fabric

10 Yogi or Boo-Boo

32 Machu Picchu architects

54 “SNL” staple

73 Back talk

11 Mandolin relative

Down 1 Caprice

12 Second Amendment subject

2 Car company whose name is Latin for “Hark!”

13 Chief

34 “Siddhartha” author Hermann

21 “Bus Stop” playwright

36 Hamilton-Burr engagement

59 Legendary Himalayan

22 They may be split in soup

37 Greek “H”

60 Sighed word

38 Rhett’s last verb

61 Hockey Hall of Famer Phil, to his fans

3 Winter ride 4 Carpentry smoother 5 Gun activators

43 Sgts. and cpls.

6 Diner hodgepodge dish

44 Real estate units 46 White legumes 48 Escaping, with “on”

that’s stereotyping everyone on the hockey team . . . It’s a waste of time and resources.” She said addressing the problem was men’s hockey coach Jack Parker’s responsibility. While Shibley said she doesn’t agree with the task force’s focus, she still thinks student involvement is important. “I feel like a lot of people or a lot of victims or people who know about things are not going to go forth with accusations or information unless it’s anonymously,” she said. “This is kind of being active in trying to get people to come forward.”

25 Water balloon sound

33 Pastry at a Devonshire tea

42 Pinstriped ALer

26 Marsupial’s pocket

45 Humorist Mort

7 Online party notice

27 Cognizant

8 Curbside payment collector

29 Dermatologist’s concern

47 “Little Women” woman 49 Folded (one’s hand), in poker slang

56 Symbols of gentleness 57 Pool table border 58 Bassoon cousin

62 Festive party 63 Avian Aussies 64 Hamish’s refusals Solution is on Page 4


Difficulty: Medium

Solution is on Page 4

Campus & City

Campus Crime Logs

Cat Nap Snatch By Gina Curreri Daily Free Press Staff

The following reports were taken from the Boston University Police Department crime logs from April 2 to April 9. A student reported his laptop was stolen from him after he fell asleep in the Frederick S. Pardee Management Library at 595 Commonwealth Ave. Police responded to his call April 3 at 5 p.m., but a suspect was not found. The student said he was asleep for a few hours. Free willy Last Friday, police responded to the Tsai Performance Center at 685 Commonwealth Ave. after receiving several calls about a male who is not affiliated with BU. At about 7 p.m., students practicing a dance in the hallway reported to police that the male tried taking his pants down. After students escorted him outside, the male reportedly urinated on the College of Arts and Sciences stairs. Police took the suspect, who was reportedly intoxicated, into custody. He is expected to be summoned to Brighton District Court for indecent exposure. Inside job Officers working detail at 100 Bay State Rd., where the Center for Student Services remains under construction, found graffiti Saturday at 4 a.m. Officers have been stationed overnight at this location for a few weeks because the building has not yet been secured. However, the graffiti was a disparaging remark about another worker and police suspect it came from a worker on site. A suspect was not found. Easy Easter Inside Warren Towers, located at 700 Commonwealth Ave., officers found two students smoking marijuana Sunday at 11:47 a.m. The residents, found in room 809B, were cited for possession of marijuana. Officers seized a pipe with marijuana remnants left in it.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Texting hinders learning, study shows City Councilors

debate legality of self-defense bill in Bay State

By Allie DeAngelis Daily Free Press Staff

College of Communication senior Sana Ali said she usually pays attention in class, but she will text when she has the opportunity. “I have a lot of three hour classes,” she said. “If I focus for the first two hours, I feel like it’s okay to send a text. It’s a reward system for paying attention and staying on task.” A recent study, which will appear in the July 2012 issue of the National Communication Association’s journal “Communication Education” found students who text more in class were less attentive and demonstrated lower grades. Boston University psychology Professor David Somers said the results of the study were not surprising. “It seems pretty obvious to me that students who are distracted in class, by texting or anything else, will get less out of lectures,” Somers said in an email interview. “Multitasking typically leads to impairment of performance of both tasks, unless one of the tasks is very automated.” Students who text in class often perceived themselves as having learned less, according to the study, which surveyed 190 University of Pittsburgh-Bradford students. Those who reported higher levels of self-regulation graded

By Maha Kamal Daily Free Press Staff

The Downtown Boston Business Improvement District Corporation set plans to promote Downtown Crossing and network with retailers at the Global Retail Real Estate Convention in Las Vegas in late May, officials said. BID marketing chief Maria Morelli said in an email interview BID is sending a representative to the convention, running from May 20 to May 23, as part of a collaborative effort with the City of Boston to attract investors. “We serve a critical role because of the considerable research we do to understand the demographics in our trade area and current retail demand in order to develop a retail strategy district wide,” Morelli said. Over the course of the conven-

tached to her phone. However, Wong said she notices a correlation between the characteristics of a class and how frequently people text in it. “A lot of times, in my classes which are more interesting, I see less people texting than in others,” Wong said. “It’s also harder if you’re in a smaller class or in harder classes.” Mounica Donepudi, a CAS junior, said she does not usually text during class. “I don’t get service in a lot of my classrooms,” she said. “Even if I did, I still probably wouldn’t text during class.”

Boston City Council voted unanimously last week to urge the Massachusetts General Court to reject a Florida-style “Stand Your Ground” bill for Massachusetts. In their petition to the council, City Councilors Tito Jackson and Felix Arroyo argued that the bill “An Act Relative to the Common Defense” would be unnecessary in Massachusetts, where state law already protects the use of deadly force as a last resort in self-defense situations. The bill, proposed by state Sen. Stephen Brewer, calls for the state to refrain from arresting or prosecuting any person who uses deadly force out of the belief that an assailant “was about to inflict great bodily injury or death.” “This is a bill that will provide criminal and civil protection for responsible citizens acting in selfdefense or in the defense of another human being,” Brewer said in a statement sent via email to The Daily Free Press. “It is important to note that the bill does not provide any protection to an individual pursuing or chasing after another citizen.”

Texting, see page4

Self-defense, see page4


A study shows that students who text in class generally learn less in their courses.

themselves better and reported learning more. Somers said he is more interested in why students cannot restrain themselves from texting. “I believe that texting, for many people, is something of an addiction,” he said. “Each text message that you receive is a reward. To get that reward you need to send a text message.” Somers said those who text frequently have an expectation of regular “rewards,” and they will unconsciously initiate text conversations to get that reward, which disrupts their focus. College of Arts and Sciences junior Denise Wong said she rarely texts in class and is not very at-

Same-sex marriage legalities spark controversy in Massachusetts By Chris Lisinski Daily Free Press Staff

After 17 plaintiffs fought against the Defense of Marriage Act last week in a Boston federal court of appeals, experts said this sort of case will likely be resolved in the Supreme Court. Passed by Congress in 1996, DOMA denies same-sex couples the same federal benefits heterosexual couples are entitled to, such as survivor benefits under Social Security and joint tax returns. Nathalie Gilfoyle, general counsel for the American Psychological Association, said she filed an amicus curiae brief of scientific data for the court. Although Gilfoyle said she and the APA were not involved in the litigation, they wanted to inform the court of the scientific evidence that exists.

“We are just a friend of the court,” Gilfoyle said. “From our perspective, our goals are just trying to be sure the court has an accurate understanding of what the science really shows.” Homosexuality is a normal expression of sexuality, and samesex couples are equally fit to raise children as heterosexual couples, according to the research presented in the brief. “In fact, the claim that legal recognition of marriage for samesex couples undermines the institution of marriage and harms their children is inconsistent with the scientific evidence,” according to the brief. Research suggests that children of same-sex couples adjust as well as those of heterosexual couples, Gilfoyle said. “Research shows that the fac-

Downtown Crossing to promote more retail business By Samantha Tatro Daily Free Press Staff


tion, BID is expected to take part in presentations for retailers at the convention, as well as network with those whose goods meet demands in the Boston area, Morelli said. The representative will include key statistics and characteristics about Downtown Crossing trade and customer base. The International Council of Shopping Centers will host RECon, the annual global convention for the shopping retail industry, in May. With more than 30,000 retailers and 1,000 businesses attending, RECon is the industry’s largest worldwide convention, Morelli said. “Developers, shopping center professionals, brokers and economic development professionals attend RECon to meet with retailers to attract them to their centers

or districts,” she said. While deals are not necessarily sealed at one convention, Morelli noted, key contacts are made to begin the process of attracting retailers. “Very little has been understood about downtown’s current consumer base, and therefore it has been frustrating for property owners working alone to attract the retailers they want,” Morelli said. “By presenting an accurate picture of our customer base and retail demand, we can better interest retailers who need to be convinced we have the customers they want.” Boston Mayor Thomas Menino has attended the ICSC event in the past, but Morelli said this is the first year a BID representative

Downtown, see page4

tors that positively affect the adjustment of children really don’t depend on the gender of the parents,” she said. “Scientific evidence shows that children of gay and lesbian parents do as well as other children.” Gilfoyle said the plaintiffs presented evidence that homosexuality is a normal expression of human sexuality. “[Research shows] homosexuality is not an illness or a disease,” she said. “Same-sex couples want to have relationships and can benefit from those.” Boston University School of Law Professor Jack Beermann said the Commonwealth of Massachusetts claims DOMA unconstitutionally discriminates against same-sex couples married in state by treating them differently than heterosexual married couples.

“The most common way for a case to get to the Supreme Court is if there’s a split in the circuits,” Beermann said, “which is where different courts of appeals disagree.” The case could potentially be the first step toward an important Supreme Court decision, he said. “This is the sort of case that is pretty likely to get resolved by the Supreme Court, especially if they rule in favor of same-sex marriage,” Beermann said. The Supreme Court can take the case regardless of who wins, he said, because it comes from a federal court. However, they will likely wait for lower appeal court decisions to decide, he said. Beermann said the court can rule in two different ways.

Marriage, see page 4



Members of the Kappa Delta sorority participate in Sigma Chi’s philanthropy event “Derby Days” at the Boston University Beach on Monday.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Gun safety class possibly needed Be Unleashed members unfazed by rumored Self-defense: From Page 3

But Jackson said he deemed the expanded power the bill would grant Massachusetts residents dangerous and easily abused. “Opposing the Common Defense Act is critical because the bill steps away from due process, and it is simply bad public policy,” he said in an email. “We do not live in a city or a state that condones seemingly vigilante-like behavior in the name of self-defense. I believe that claims of self-defense should be determined in the courts.” The bill, which Brewer said he has filed for the past five years on behalf of the Gun Owner’s Action League, comes in light of the recent death of Trayvon Martin, the Florida teenager shot by a local crime watch volunteer, George Zimmerman, who police decided not to prosecute. Martin’s death “is a true tragedy,” Brewer said, adding the bill he proposed for Massachusetts is different than Floida’s “Stand Your Ground” and would not have provided protection to George Zimmerman. Instead, he said, the bill only

seeks to make the definition of lawful defense clearer. “It is a matter of protecting citizens who are acting legally, under a strictly outlined and rigidly defined circumstance,” he said. The bill is currently before the Joint Committee on the Judiciary. Brewer said the committee will give it “a thorough vetting” before it is passed. An official from the Boston Gun and Rifle Association, who asked to remain anonymous, said in Massachusetts, “you have to take a [gun] safety class – and the state values safety,” adding that the club itself stands on the side of safety. “If [the bill] were enacted, it is not clear that it would change very much about the law in Massachusetts,” said Boston University Professor Gerry Leonard, who specializes in American legal history, criminal law and sentencing. “We all already have the right to defend ourselves wherever we are and even to use deadly force in self-defense whenever faced with an imminent threat of deadly force from an attacker.”

contenders, focused on ongoing campaign Unleashed: From Page 1

opportunity for students – to have their voices heard for tuition as well – will create a process. . . . The dialogue needs to be open sooner rather than later.” Whatley, current chairman of the Advocacy Committee, has worked on the gender-neutral housing issue since he joined Union and Warren Towers Residence Hall Association at the start of his freshman year. “I knew it was going to be difficult because this had been [proposed] before and didn’t go through,” Whatley said, “but I wanted a challenge because I knew students wanted genderneutral housing.” Study spaces open 24-7 are important for students so they have somewhere to go at all times, Whatley said. “BU is a very tough academic environment,” he said. “We should have somewhere to go 24 hours a day, seven days a week outside of the dorms, where all

students can have access to it.” Environmental groups on campus noted the holiday bus idea would be a great initiative, Rudra said. “We want to create a bus service for students before major breaks, going to New York City, Philadelphia, maybe New Jersey,” Rudra said. “This way parents don’t have to come pick up their students and take them back.” Despite rumors of a write-in contender, Rudra said the members of Be Unleashed are not taking the unverified write-in slate “Be United” seriously. “I don’t think any of us on Be Unleashed are really paying much attention to it at all,” he said. “We’re focusing on campaigning as much as we can and focusing on bringing student issues to the forefront.” Woyda said the slate could not imagine all the problems students face and finds talking with students inspiring. “It’s a platform to get Union

known as a tool, as a place to go, as a resource for student leadership on campus,” she said. “It’s through personal relationship building, outreach and energy that we get people excited.” The slate is looking to provide on-campus accommodations for international students during short breaks and continue talks with Dining Services to update dining options, Woyda said. Be Unleashed has campaigned in person and through social media, with a Twitter, Facebook and website, despite considering themselves unopposed, Rudra said. “We’re doing everything we possibly can to be transparent and to put our platform out there,” Rudra said. “We can reach students through their personal social networks well and maybe reach others that we can’t meet physically.” Emily Overholt contributed to the reporting of this article.

DOMA could affect fed. benefits Downtown Crossing facelift to get more business Marriage: From Page 3

“One way would be to recognize a broad right in favor of same-sex couples to get married,” Beermann said. “If they do that, it calls into doubt all of the federal and state laws that treat same-sex marriages differently.” The second possible way the court may rule would be much narrower, Beermann said. “If . . . the court decides that the federal government doesn’t have power to do this – if the federal government has to recognize states’ definition of marriage – it has much narrower implications,” Beermann said. “Then it would affect federal benefits, but it wouldn’t affect other states.” The case could lead to states not recognizing same-sex mar-

riages from other states, he said, which would violate the full faith and credit clause of the U.S. Constitution. “The next big question is full faith and credit among the states,” Beermann said. DOMA has a provision not involved in this case that says states are not obligated to recognize same-sex marriage from other states, he said. He said a case questioning full faith and credit would likely follow as a corollary to the decision of this case. Beermann said history has recently shown more gay and lesbian rights being passed into law. “The trend of the law,” he said, “has been to expand the rights of homosexuals toward full equality.”

BU students consider texting while sitting in lecture rude Texting: From Page 3

However, Donepudi said professors do not often feel the need to force their students to pay attention. “In college, you’re expected to do what’s necessary to learn,” she said. “Professors don’t monitor you like they did in high school.” School of Management freshman Wesley Kang said he texts during class despite knowing he should not.

“I think it’s not okay to text in class, but I do it anyways,” he said. “It’s rude. “ Kang said he often texts more in large classes that he finds boring. “I get bored, and if you’re in a large lecture hall, it’s impossible for the teacher to know,” he said. “But if you’re in a discussion where everyone is expected to participate, it’s rude to text.”

Today’s crossword solution brought to you by...


Downtown: From Page 3

will attend. If successful, the convention may be the best thing for Downtown Crossing since the firm Millennium Partners agreed in February to fill the former Filene’s Basement space with a tower. The BID, a nonprofit corporation created in 2010, works to “progressively revitalize downtown through a series of programs and supplemental services,” Morelli said. Downtown Crossing already has a significant amount of customers that potential retailers would find “attractive,” Morelli said. The district has more than 160,000 office workers, more than 3.5 million tourists using the Freedom Trail running

through the center of the district and 100,000 commuters that take public transportation through the district, Morelli said. The area’s success story, Morelli said, is the Macy’s located on Washington Street. In the past year, the store has broken a retail record, “a remarkable feat during an economic recession,” Morelli said. Downtown Crossing has a retail vacancy rate of only 4 percent, Morelli said, but has growing markets. In the past 10 years, thousands of luxury condo-units have emerged from Back Bay to the suburbs, Emerson College and Suffolk University have built thousands of dormitory units and three major theatres have provided evening entertainment, she said.

Downtown Crossing has recently “been experiencing a great deal of momentum,” Morelli said. Since the summer of 2011, half a billion dollars in real estate sales occurred, Morelli said. Washington Street has seen more than $200 million invested in development projects in addition to another $700 million in newly planned developments, she said. “For the first time in its history, downtown is becoming more than a retail and finance center, but a 24/7 neighborhood with a growing residential community and cultural and entertainment center,” Morelli said. “This positive shift marks a new direction for retail, which the BID is working diligently to promote.”


Fitting into Jeans...Based on Genes A gene mutation found in mice may shed light on ways to stop obesity in people. By Christina Janansky


Features Staff

ccording to the World Health Organization, more than one in 10 adults suffers from obesity and more than 2.6 million people die from being obese and overweight every year. In many ways, obesity has become a worldwide epidemic and finding a way to stop it has become crucial. Fortunately, a recent study suggests that a scientific method of minimizing obesity may lie somewhere in the near future. Researchers at the Georgetown University Medical Center have revealed how the mutation of a single gene in mouse studies may explain obesity in humans. The study, which was recently published on Nature Medicine’s website, observed that mice with a certain genetic mutation were unable to recognize the body’s message to discontinue eating. Since the brain’s response to hormones controlling appetite was being blocked, mice with the mutated gene experienced insatiable appetites that led to consequent weight gain. While many factors have been linked to obesity, the “brain-derived neurotrophic factor” gene, also known as the “BDNF” gene, has been linked to severe obesity in animals and in several human studies. Although this mutation is rare in people, researchers believe this discovery “may open up novel strategies to help the brain control body weight” and may eventually lead to a drug that can stimulate the expression of BDNF in humans, according to the report in Nature. HOW THE GENE WORKS

neurons, their next predicament is finding ways to normalize it. Xu and other researchers are investigating ways in which leptin and insulin signals might properly locate the part of the hypothalamus that suppresses appetite. Researchers of the study said there have been several suggestions as to how to do this, but no single strategy has been completely supported. Xu said one method would attempt to produce an additional long-form BDNF transcript using a virus-based gene therapy. However, while this form of gene therapy has been proven safe in other experiments, transporting anything across the brain blood barrier can be difficult. Another strategy that has been suggested involves using a drug capable of stimulating the BDNF gene’s expression in the hypothalamus. While this is the most plausible method, using a drug also presents several issues. Eric Widmaier, a professor of biology at Boston University who has studied weight gain and obesity in mice for more than 15 years, is one researcher who believes this method could be too risky. “This protein is involved in lots of other things and lots of other functions,” said Widmaier. “If you’re going to manipulate it, you run the risk of influencing all of these other body processes.” This protein, Widmaier explained, is found in the kidneys, the prostate gland, and many other tissues other than the brain. It also plays an important role in the central nervous system and altering it could yield a variety of negative consequences. “The only way you’re going to make this work is some sort of regulation of the gene itself,” he photo courtesy/WIKICOMMONS said. “How to do that is really problematic.”

After eating, the body releases two hormones: leptin and insulin. These chemicals then signal a part of the brain that suppresses appetite. However, mice with the BDNF gene mutation cannot properly receive this message. When neurons are unable to pass leptin and insulin signals to the correct part of the brain, mutated mice experience an increased appetite that leads to weight gain. In the study, mice genetically altered to possess A pair of teenagers drink milkshakes. A gene mutation found in mice the BDNF mutation consumed up to 80 percent more could lead researchers to finding ways to help prevent obesity in humans. food than those without the mutation. SO WHEN WILL WE SEE A SOLUTION? In humans, insulin and leptin are released throughfor many years. His research has demonstrated how hormones out the body after eating and signal the brain to discontinue such as leptin and insulin stimulate the synthesis of BDNF in “We have opened the door to both new avenues in basic consumption. When these signals do not reach the correct lo- dendrites to move chemical signals between neurons through research and clinical therapies, which is very exciting,” Xu cation in hypothalamus, the part of the brain responsible for synapses. His data has also shown how the BDNF gene is said. satiety, a person’s appetite will remain ravenous and cause responsible for a variety of other brain functions in mice, such Xu added he and his team have much more research to him or her to overeat. Eventually, this overeating leads to se- as memory and learning. conduct before employing a single method. vere obesity. “It’s certainly not in the near future,” Widmaier said. “If there is a problem with the BDNF gene, neurons can’t Widmaier said finding a single solution anytime in our SOLVING THE PROBLEM talk to each other, and the leptin and insulin signals are inefgeneration is highly unlikely. Despite this, however, Widmaifective, and appetite is not modified,” said the study’s senior Although the BDNF gene has been researched for several er said he agreed that this study is a step ahead. investigator, Baoji Xu, Ph.D., in a Science Daily report. “Perhaps it’s just one more tool that someday they’ll be years, its link to weight control remained unclear until recentXu, who is also an associate professor of pharmacology ly. However, now that scientists know how the BDNF muta- able manipulate and reduce somebody’s appetite and regulate and physiology at Georgetown, has studied the BDNF gene tion affects insulin and leptin chemical signals through brain their weight that way.”

Did You Know? • Obesity affects more than 72 million Americans • Losing as little as 10 percent of body weight can improve your health • Massachussets is ranked 48th in the list of America’s most obese states

Source: yourbariatricsurgeryguide.com


uesday, April


10, 2012

The Daily Free Press

The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University 42nd year F Volume 82 F Issue 95

Steph Solis, Editor-in-Chief Tim Healey, Managing Editor Emily Overholt, Campus Editor

Sydney L. Shea, City Editor

Meredith Perri, Sports Editor

Sofiya Mahdi, Opinion Page Editor

Kira Cole, Features editor

Audrey Fain, Ricky Wilson, Photo Editors

Praise Hong, Advertising Manager Kaylee Hill, Layout Editor Valerie Morgan, Office Manager The Daily Free Press (ISSN 1094-7337) is published Monday through Thursday during the academic year except during vacation and exam periods by Back Bay Publishing Co.,Inc., a nonprofit corporation operated by Boston University students. No content can be reproduced without the permission of Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. Copyright © 2010 Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.

Mystery slate It was slightly disappointing to find out that this year’s Student Union elections would only feature one registered slate, which would run unopposed for election. Be Unleashed has conceived a campaign and an ethos eager to implement change on campus and in Student Union. In a university that boasts thousands of students with a variety of talents, passions and ideas, it seems surprising that more are not motivated to take part in student government. However, a sudden twist in the plot revealed a potential rival. “Be United 2012” emerged as a write-in slate for election. The plot subsequently took another turn, as none of the names mentioned have been confirmed as actual Boston University students. According to an article published in The Daily Free Press Monday, the possibility of the slate being a hoax is more and more plausible. This mystery slate did not engage in any dialogue with the Student Election Commission, and its video campaign does not reveal any faces or live footage. Using social media platforms such as YouTube and Twitter, this alleged “ghost” campaign has an eerie online presence. One tweet to emerge from

“Greg Jones,” the supposed campaign manager, read, “I like how every one has no idea what they’re up against, just wait #SilentThreat @BeUnited2012.” Should this slate be a prank, one cannot help but wonder what the ultimate purpose is of making such an effort to campaign for nothing. Is it an attempt at satire regarding the student political process? Or is it a viable threat that is exploring the more unconventional route of campaigning? Unfortunately, for the student population, we may never know. Those perpetuating this elusive slate could be spending their time advocating real change and reform in student governing bodies and beyond, and instead they remain behind their veil of unverified social media channels. Inevitably, the emergence of such a puzzling set of circumstances reveals that the state of our Union is in need of rejuvenation. Thankfully, progress has been made in numerous areas, maybe most notably in the debate regarding genderneutral housing. However, it remains to be seen how this election will unfold and what it will symbolize for our community, with or without BU’s mystery slate.

Advertising space The Republican primaries have been notorious for political dramatics and fierce exchanges between candidates. As is the apparent norm in politics, finding ways to undercut your opponent has become as important as finding opportunities to bolster your own reputation. However, a recent turn of events indicates that underneath all of that hostility, there still remains an untouched etiquette and morality, albeit for only a brief period of time. According to an article published by The New York Times Sunday, Mitt Romney decided to pull negative advertising that criticized Rick Santorum while he was off the campaign trail and sitting beside his young daughter in a hospital. Bella Santorum was hospitalized with a case of pneumonia and is known to have a chromosomal disorder. She has only just been released, indicating that Santorum will return to campaigning as usual. Given the severity of her illness, Rick Santorum forfeited any campaign engagements for a few days in order to ensure she was being taken care of. Romney’s decision to pull the advertising will definitely be applauded by the media and voters alike because it is a rare instance where political scheming is halted in respect for a family emergency.

While many will assume Romney did this as purely a publicity stunt, perhaps it would not be ill advised to give the former Bay State governor the benefit of the doubt. One would like to believe that a man running for public office has a basic moral foundation, even under such competitive circumstances. Nevertheless, an update on the aforementioned story confirmed that since Santorum is now back on the road, the negative advertising would run once more. This illuminates the fact that so much political advertising is negative that only unusual circumstances warrant a retraction. If the advertising focused on positive media for the candidate and lowered its ratio of ads bashing their rivals, this would produce a much healthier race. Romney has purchased almost $3 billion in television advertising space, and it’s a shame that a good portion of that money will go toward airing ads that criticize his opponents. One cannot solely blame Romney for this, as sinking to these levels in political campaigning is a norm that has been perpetuated by politicians around the globe. Hopefully, this instance of reverting to more positive advertising will lead a precedent for an overall change in attitude.

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On friendship DANY VASQUEZ

an you imagine a lonely world? Masses of people walking down the street and none stop to say hello. Grabbing a cup of coffee with an empty chair in front of you. Sitting in a crowded movie theater and acknowledging no one. There is a fine line between being alone and being lonely. And that line is called friendship. There is a unique breed of human. They are loyal, funny and caring. They know you better than you know yourself. They finish your sentences. They talk to you for hours. Or they sit with you in silence because their company is all you need. We need them more than we will ever admit or understand. They are our best friends. In our lives, we will meet hundreds of people. We will live in and travel to different places. As we grow accustomed to our surroundings, we will make new friends with the people around us. They will be added to the growing list of scrapbook memories, inside jokes and faded photographs. Long after we move away, they remain contacts in our phones, connected through our digital world. This happens so many times it becomes routine. The constantly changing faces of our closest companions become associated with different stages of our lives. The truly remarkable thing happens when one of those faces refuses to change with the others. Instead, it becomes clearer and permanent. That is when you know this friendship is not simply a matter of circumstance. These are the friendships to hold on to. I have barely two decades of experience behind me, and I can hardly recall the different groups I have been a part of throughout the years, made up of the people I swore would be close to me forever. I can count on my fingers the individuals who remain. The years have strengthened us, regardless of distance and time spent apart. Now they are scattered around the country, all

of us working hard to achieve the dreams we once whispered about during sleepovers and birthdays. We may not talk every day. We may go weeks without a single message. But the second their name appears on my screen, it is as if nothing has changed. I like being alone but I don’t fancy being lonely. I appreciate every single friend I have ever had. Whether they were circumstantial or permanent, I never forget the value of trust and loyalty. I never underestimate the comfort that comes from sitting next to a person in silence and still understanding each other completely. Whether it is someone you go to for advice, for laughter, for serious conversation, for help or just to have someone there, a friend is the only answer. New friends, old friends - it doesn’t really matter. It is when you find the ones that stick that something amazing happens. And that certainly does not mean that the others mean anything less. If they made you laugh, took care of you and were there for you, they deserve just as much love and appreciation. An old friend is the best mirror. But those friends were new once too. And when you find that group of people that make you so happy that you just want to call CBS and tell them to make a sitcom featuring your friends, you better never let them go. Never let your friends forget how much they mean to you. There will come a day when you won’t have that chance anymore. Never forget how much you might mean to them. They may not say it often or at all, but never underestimate the fact that you might be just what they need. Dany Vasquez is a sophomore in the College of Communication and a weekly columnist for The Daily Free Press. She can be reached at vasquezd@bu.edu

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Terriers’ success not as simple as Chambers’s prediction Meyer: From Page 8

one for most anyone that tries, especially in such a brief period of time. What has been accomplished by the likes of Gonzaga, Xavier, Butler University and Virginia Commonwealth University, among others, flies in the face of conventional college basketball wisdom. Not only that, but it is also the product of many years and even decades of hard work, diligence and perseverance. Gonzaga is the original bracketbuster to many, the cuddly underdog that has sported the likes of Ronny Turiaf and Adam Morrison in the last decade. But it’s also the same school that, despite measured success and the efforts of players like John Stockton, took decades to make the school’s first NCAA Tournament. Since its appearance in the Big Dance, of course, the Bulldogs have made the tournament every year since 1999, with five Sweet 16’s and one Elite Eight. But the point here is that it took more than 20 years and the work of three coaches for Gonzaga to become, well, Gonzaga. The same anecdote can be applied to any other top mid-major program – these

things take time to build and grow. It’s also something that has to survive turbulence and change, most notably with head coaches. Understandably, if a coach experiences a high level of success at a smaller school, he moves on to bigger and better opportunities. It’s something these mid-majors routinely have to deal with, and many falter when trying to replace an elite coach. But there are some that don’t, and that is the true mark of what differentiates the likes of Gonzaga and Xavier from the rest. Gonzaga replaced Dan Fitzgerald with Dan Monson, then Monson with current coach Mark Few. VCU went from Jeff Capel to Anthony Grant and now to Shaka Smart. Butler went from Barry Collier to Thad Matta to Todd Lickliter to Brad Stevens. Xavier went from Pete Gillen to Skip Prosser to Matta to Sean Miller and now to Chris Mack. It’s a point you probably could have understood after the first couple of examples, but it’s a good one to emphasize – success cannot begin and end with one coach. What we see from these schools is something that transcends the men on the sidelines, and that’s simply having a winning

culture and a supportive administration. Again, not exactly something that can just be created on the spot. It may go without mentioning that there’s a financial component to all of this, as many of these schools stay competitive and elite by ponying up to successful coaches. Both Stevens and Smart were rewarded with contract extensions that pay them north of $1 million a year and coaches like Few aren’t far behind that mark. Taking all of this into consideration, it has to be asked whether BU has any of these necessary characteristics. Frankly, at this moment, it doesn’t. In order for BU to get to that Gonzaga or Xavier level, the head coach will have to be paid more. Chambers made about $250,000 a year, which didn’t even make him the highest paid America East coach. Upping the salary for an accomplished coach is a tall task for an athletic department that already devotes significant resources to the hockey program, but it’s something that would have to be done. Coaching turnover has also proven to be a problem for BU. It hasn’t been a matter of BU failing to attract

top-notch young coaches, because they have, but it’s been that they have never been able to replace them. For all the momentum that was generated at BU under Rick Pitino and Mike Jarvis, it quickly fell flat once they left. And while BU’s been one of the America East’s best teams for seemingly the past 30 years, the Terriers have made the NCAA Tournament just three times since 1991. Programs like Butler, Xavier, Gonzaga and VCU make Elite Eights, Final Fours and even national title games, so it’s hard to get too excited about a program whose claim to fame the last 12 years was losing to Kansas by 19 in the NCAA Tournament. Perhaps for now, then, it’s good to temper expectations for this basketball program. It’s important to remember that Chambers was in the business world before he got into coaching. Just by saying what he did, it doesn’t necessarily mean he felt it could be accomplished in a short period of time. Rather, he was making a sell to a new group of people and he did a damn good job of it, for with that remark, he went from an unknown commod-

ity to the eager and giddy up-andcomer who dreamed of taking BU to mid-major greatness. For now, BU trying to be Gonzaga or Xavier is a far-off fantasy and not something they can accomplish any time soon. I guarantee Joe Jones would acknowledge as much. Instead of aiming to be the next great mid-major, try making the NCAA Tournament in consecutive seasons, something it hasn’t done since joining the America East in 1979. Then go for multiple bids to the Big Dance in a five year period. Then try to win a game. Perhaps then a conversation can begin about the progress of this program and how far it can go. BU has a lot in place to one day become a power program at the midmajor level. It’s an elite school in a major city with a large student population and a top-notch facility in Agganis Arena to sell to recruits. The pieces are undoubtedly in place and the potential is certainly there for BU. But, much like anything ever worth accomplishing in this world, it will take some time before we ever see Chambers’ dream fully come to fruition.

Lacrosse experiences trend of sharper play in second half Lacrosse: From Page 8

nents’ 168 in the first half, whereas in the second that number turns into a 164-144 BU lead. The trend stays true for shots on goal as well, as opponents lead 117-110 in the first, but BU successfully responds with a 134-109 lead in the second. Given how predictable second-half swings have become for the Terriers, Robertshaw said she and her staff have become more agreeable with the pushes. “I think it’s something that, for a brief moment, yes, it does come into my brain saying, ‘What if this is not going to be enough?’” Robertshaw said. “But then we as

a coaching staff have taught ourselves and really have to think, ‘Hey, if this team can get it done, why should we second guess them?’” A return to non-conference games

The next three games for the Terriers are a change of pace. The Terriers will host Boston College on Wednesday, Stony Brook University on Saturday and Canisius College on April 18. The three-game stretch is BU’s longest of the year, while almost doubling the number of games played at home this season. Though the Terriers will face

Men’s crew falls in first dual meet of year Roundup: From Page 8

The Terriers’ Second Varsity team finished the race with a time of 6:21.9, which was trailed by the BU Third Varsity team, which raced at the same time. Northeastern did not race a Third Varsity squad, so BU’s Third Varsity team found itself in last place of the Second Varsity race with a time of 6:31.4 Rounding out the races on the day was the Freshman Eight race, which was the Terrier freshmen’s first dual meet of their careers. The freshman race was the closest of the morning, but once again BU fell short, this time by only 0.8 seconds. Freshman Lauren Harvey coxed the team while classmate Kevin Jones stroked for the young squad. “They learned a lot from it and I think our freshmen are pretty good this year,” Bohrer said. “They don’t have a ton of experience and they made a couple mistakes. . . . It was disappointing but I think they learned a lot from that race.” The crew team will look to bounce back from this early-season loss when it travels to Ha-

nover, N.H., on Saturday in a meet with No. 15 Dartmouth College and Rutgers University. “Dartmouth is a good crew this year and we don’t take anybody lightly,” Bohrer said. “We are going to have to prepare mentally and physically for this race.” Women’s golf The BU women’s golf team finished eighth of nine squads at the Brown University Invitational on Sunday and Monday, totaling a final score of plus-121 for the tournament. Freshman Kristyna Pavlickova was the best Terrier, improving her score by 12 strokes during the second day. Pavlickova shot an 87 in the first round before shooting a 75 in the second and securing her 18th-place finish. Senior Courtney Dampolo was second best on the team and 33rd best in the tournament, as she shot plus-26 over the two days. Like Pavlickova, she improved her score over the two days, jumping from 89 to 81. The team will look to bounce back from this result in the RoarEE Invitational, which starts Friday.

the Seawolves – who currently trail BU in the standings by a half game – in the middle of the stretch, they will also face a team from the Atlantic Coast Conference and a team from the Metro-Atlantic Athletic Conference. Robertshaw denied calling the two games a break from the America East schedule in any way. “I really wouldn’t call playing Boston College a break,” Robertshaw said. “They’re a very good team. “This is a tough week for us. We’re facing two of the toughest opponents we’ve faced since February and March.”


Senior attack Danielle Etrasco

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Hey, if this team can get it done, why should we second guess them? BU Lacrosse coach Liz Robertshaw

Page 8

Ghosts of Editors Past Gonzaga of the East? Not so fast

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Freshman attack Mallory Collins scored five goals in Saturday’s 16-11 win over Albany.

Last season, attack Danielle Etrasco became the Boston University lacrosse team’s most dominant player and most well known figure as a sophomore. She was named the America East Co-Player of the Year, made the International Women’s Lacrosse Coaches Association Northeast First Team and finished near the top of the list in nearly every scoring category in America East. This year, Etrasco leads the Terriers again with 42 goals, 56 points and 78 shots and has started every game. But behind her on the points and scoring list is a new face – freshman attack Mallory Collins, who was named America East Rookie of the Week on April 9. Collins has scored 38 goals for BU and has 44 points and 62 shots. She directly trails Etrasco in all three of those categories. She lacks, however, the same numbers in draw controls and ground balls as the junior. Collins led BU with five goals at the University at Albany on Saturday and has stood out all season long, something BU coach Liz Robertshaw said is a result of her mental and physical skills on the field. “I think part of it is her maturity level on the field,” Robertshaw said. “On the field, she’s a player who reads the game well and plays a lot by instinct, and I think the fact that she has been

able to handle a lot of body contact – teams double-teaming her, putting some extra pressure on her – I think she’s handled it extremely well.” Robertshaw said the team does try to set the freshman up for various plays, but Collins acts on the fly. “It’s interesting,” Robertshaw said. “There are times when we definitely try to set her up for certain looks, in that she’s good at different times – sometimes it’s on the crease, sometimes it’s up high. “I think that she’s done a really nice job of handling balls that some people necessarily wouldn’t catch and be able to finish them.” Learning to live with the second-half surges On Saturday in its game against Albany, the team once again engineered a second-half turnaround, scoring 12 goals in the second half after entering the frame down 9-4 to earn the 16-11 win. It marked the Terriers’ fourth such surge in the past four games, as the second half has proven to be crucial to BU’s victories. The Terriers have shown a second-half trend through their 12 games. In the first half, BU has been outscored 81-62, turning around in the second half to crush opponents 93-53. When it comes to shot totals, BU has taken 155 shots to oppo

Lacrosse see page 7

Weekly Roundup: Poulin helps Canada to 1-1 record By Kevin Dillon and Meredith Perri Daily Free Press Staff

After competing in two games during the preliminary rounds of the International Ice Hockey Federation Women’s World Championship, BU women’s hockey sophomore assistant captain Marie-Philip Poulin has tallied two points, helping the Canadian National team to a 1-1 record. In their first game of the tournament, the Canadians fell to Team USA 9-2 on Saturday. Team USA scored five goals in the first five and a half minutes during the blowout. Poulin had one of Canada’s two goals, which she scored during the second period. Poulin also played a part in Canada’s 3-2 win over Finland on Sunday. The Beauceville, Quebec, native earned an assist on forward Caroline Ouellette’s goal, Canada’s second of the game. Poulin is one of three players representing BU in the tournament. Senior captain Jenn Wakefield and former Terrier defenseman Catherine Ward are also playing for the Canadian National Team.

The Bottom Line

W. Tennis @ Boston College, 2 p.m.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

By Shep Hayes Daily Free Press Staff

Meyer see page 7

Tuesday, April 10

Sophomore assistant captain MariePhilip Poulin has provided two points for Team Canada so far in the IIHF Women’s World Championship, p. 8

Collins, Etrasco lead Terrier offense

By Craig Meyer Daily Free Press Staff

The following column is the fourth in a series of columns written by former Daily Free Press sports editors. Today’s column is written by Craig Meyer, who was the sports editor during the Fall 2011 semester. In life, there are times when you’re so taken aback by something you’ve heard that you’ll never forget it. For some of us, it’s a piece of shocking news, like the death of a loved one or a similar tragedy. It could also be a statement that seemingly comes out of nowhere to grab you by the throat, be it offensive or outrageous in nature. I’ve had my fair share of these moments in my lifetime, with one of them occurring my freshman year here at Boston University in the Agganis Arena Premium Club. It was there – as one of only a few students among a crowd of reporters, family members and BU Athletics officials – that a routine introductory press conference turned into something else entirely, courtesy of Patrick Chambers. “I look at BU basketball like the Gonzaga and Xavier of the Northeast,” the newly-hired Chambers enthusiastically told the crowd. It was a statement that would be bold and ostentatious for any lowmajor coach to utter, let alone one who had never been a head coach at the Division I level, but it undoubtedly set a tone for Chambers’ tenure at BU. Indeed, with Chambers at the helm, BU basketball would be daring. It would be full-throttle and fastpaced. But it would ultimately be built on a false pretense, for what he aimed to accomplish was something far easier said than done, something that can’t simply be accomplished in the matter of a few years or even a single coaching tenure. At the risk of stating the obvious, BU basketball is not on the same level of Gonzaga University, Xavier University or any other elite mid-major program in college basketball. In fact, it’s not even close. This isn’t a shot at the BU program because it’s not one that’s in a bad place. It’s routinely one of the best in the America East Conference and is just a year removed from appearing in the NCAA Tournament. Rather, this is a chance to re-evaluate Chambers’ statement, three years removed from the initial hysteria and excitement that surrounded it. When Chambers said what he did, whether he intended to or not, he set a bar for the Terrier program, not only for his time at BU, but also for the future of the program. It’s an ambitious goal and one that every mid- or lowmajor program should hope for deep down, but it’s an utterly unattainable

Poulin’s Points

The Daily Free Press

Wednesday, April 11 W. Lacrosse vs. Boston College, 4 p.m.

Men’s Crew The No. 12 Boston University men’s crew team lost its first race of the dual season to No. 10 Northeastern University, which took all three races on the Charles River. With the loss in the Varsity Eight race, the Terriers surrendered the Arlett Cup to the Huskies after winning the cup last season. “We were disappointed,” said BU coach Thomas Bohrer. “Overall we know we have a lot we can improve upon for the next race, so we can only put it behind us right now and start working toward next week.” With senior Bobby McGee coxing and sophomore Moritz Franz stroking, BU’s Varsity Eight lineup remained tight with Northeastern for most of the race before falling behind in the final stretch. BU finished the race only 1.7 seconds behind Northeastern, which won with a time of 6:01.5. BU’s Second Varsity unit did not fare much better against Northeastern’s squad, as it lost to the Huskies by 7.7 seconds.

Roundup see page 7

Thursday, April 12 Softball vs. UMass-Amherst, 4 p.m.


Sophomore assistant captain Marie-Philip Poulin has scored two points so far during the IIHF Women’s World Championship.

Friday, April 13 W. Golf @ Roar-EE Invitational, All Day

Saturday, April 14

W. Lacrosse vs. Stony Brook, 1 p.m. Softball @Albany, 1, 3 p.m. M. Tennis @ Hartford, 11 a.m. W. Golf @ Roar-EE Invitational, All Day

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