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The Daily Free Press

Year xlii. Volume lxxxiii. Issue VI

MURRAY UP Chinatown voices concerns to Lt. Gov. Tim Murray, page 3.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012 The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University


New technology will test efficacy of antimalarial drug, page 5.




Men’s soccer ties with Providence, UConn, page 8.


Today: Sunny/High 72 Tomorrow: Clear/Low 49 Wednesday: 79/59 Data Courtesy of weather.com

Vigil remembers students lost in NZ car crash Despite criticism, job stats positive sign, experts say

By Nicole Leonard Daily Free Press Staff

Boston University College of Engineering senior Erik Frazier said was in shock when he received the news that his friend Austin Brashears had died in a car crash while abroad in New Zealand in May. Frazier was one of many who honored the life of Brashears and two other students who died in the car accident at a memorial service Monday evening. “I could fill a library of all the good times we had and only one journal line of the bad,” he said at a memorial service Monday evening. “He was the brother I never had.” BU President Robert Brown spoke to an almost full audience of BU students, officials, family and friends and said the community was “diminished by [the] loss” of ENG junior Brashears, School of Management junior Daniela Lekhno and College of Arts and Sciences sophomore Roch Jauberty. “Each had come here full of talent and rich in promise,” Brown said. “But they will always be young, enduring in our memories and in our hearts.” The three students died May 12 in a car crash in Taupo, New Zealand, while studying abroad. The crash also left five students injured. College of Communication junior Theresa Gombar, who became friends with Jauberty in her freshman year, said she was

By Amelia Pak-Harvey Daily Free Press Staff

“Those schools are not as accepting and they’re not as active in promoting gay rights,” Fleck said. She also said she felt that being in Massachusetts, a liberal state, gave BU a general advantage. “I think it’s a collaboration of the students and the faculty and the entire support network we have here that makes it so accepting,” Fleck said. “The relationships you can develop with the people at the resource center and your professors and TFs is what makes us so special. I have lots of gay and bi friends, and they never feel like they have to hide who they really are here.” Schretzenmayer said the fact that BU is part of a city like Boston, which is very adaptable when it comes to young ideas, is more welcoming. “It’s the point of view of people who choose to come to a school like BU,” he

Although the latest job numbers have sparked criticism nationwide, proving another obstacle for President Barack Obama, experts said August’s unemployment rate is a step in the right direction. The unemployment rate fell to 8.1 percent in August, with 960,000 new jobs nationwide, according to an employment summary the Bureau of Labor Statistics released on Friday. Although the seasonally adjusted rate is a 1-percent decrease from last year, it puts the country back to where it was in April, as unemployment rates wavered between 8.2 and 8.3 percent from May to July. While Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s campaign called the jobs report “a hangover” after the Democratic National Convention’s party, media outlets speculated whether the latest job numbers would hinder Obama’s reelection campaign. But some professionals said the numbers are not as disappointing considering changes since August 2011. “Although recovering jobs has been slow, slower than we would have liked, indeed there are improvements that are tangible,” said Claudia Olivetti, an associate professor of economics at Boston University. “Jobless recovery” is a feature of the past three recessions that people cannot simply blame on Obama’s policies, Olivetti said. “There is this hype that this is really bad, a little bit, but if you compare to what was going on and where we were one year ago, this is substantial improvement,” she said. Massachusetts, which has stayed below the national unemployment rate over the past year, has not been hurt as badly as other states in the recession, experts said. BLS statistics show the unemployment rate for the state increased slightly from 6.0 to 6.1 percent in July. “We have been under the national rate for so long now that I think that it’s not just a coincidence of monthly reporting,” said Greg Bialecki, secretary of the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Economic Development. Although the state’s job numbers will not be released until next week, Bialecki said, Massachusetts can expect for

LGBTQ, see page 4

Jobs, see page 2


Tom Brashears, father of deceased College of Engineering student Austin Brashears, speaks at the service held Monday in the George Sherman Union’s Metcalf Hall for the victims of the crash.

impressed with the turnout at the service. There are times, Gombar said, when she still thinks about her time with Jauberty. “I couldn’t believe that someone so full of life could be so extinguished so quickly,” she said. Pip Stevens, a junior in COM, said she was home over the summer when she found out the news about Jauberty. She could not travel cross-country to attend the funeral

in the summer, so she said she appreciated being able to attend the memorial service upon returning. “I spent the whole summer grieving,” Stevens said. “Having this [service] is really nice. It’s a final moment of closure.” Marsh Chapel University Chaplain Br. Larry Whitney, who conducted most the

Vigil, see page 2

Student groups help LGBTQ students, decrease harassment By Margaret Waterman Daily Free Press Staff

Leaving a small, Republican town in Connecticut for Boston University was a big change for College of Communication junior Chris Schretzenmayer, who found most people to be more open-minded to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer issues. “A lot of people I know, myself included, didn’t come out about their sexuality until they went to college,” Schretzenmayer said. “Coming to a place like BU is a lot different [than my hometown] because you can walk around campus and find people like you. You don’t find opposition to it here.” Some members of the BU community said they have witnessed the results of a study from the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education network, which found that schoolbased resources and support groups have reduced the number of LGBT youths harassed.

Deborah Belle, the director of BU’s Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program, said student organizations have promoted a positive environment on campus. “I know the Center for Gender, Sexuality and Activism has done excellent work,” she said. “I think we have made large strides in our society generally in acknowledging the perfect legitimacy of LGBTQ lifestyles.” The survey, which polled about 9,000 students ages 13 to 20, determined that while eight out of 10 LGBT youths have faced harassment, the amount of hateful language and harassment has decreased overall. Most students said they feel BU is a welcoming, friendly place that works hard to accept people of all sexual orientations, religions and ethnicities. Gretchen Fleck, a junior in the College of Engineering, said BU is a step ahead compared to her friends’ colleges, which are more conservative.

Student Government solicits input, suggestions from students at town hall meeting By Chris Lisinski Daily Free Press Staff

Boston University students voiced goals for and concerns about tuition transparency, gender-neutral facilities and other campus initiatives at Student Government’s Town Hall Meeting Monday night. About 20 students attended the meeting to inform SG of what they would like to see accomplished in the fall semester, including an end to tuition hikes and expand plans for gender-neutral housing. “I think it’s really important that we try to stop the tuition hikes, but in a way that [we avoid] freezing tuition for BU administration to go and fire workers and say it’s students’ fault,” said KC Mackey, a College of Arts and Sciences senior. SG said it is possible for there to be student input on tuition and financial matters. “We want to talk about adding student input from Student Government on how tuition is decided for the year,” said Executive Vice President Aditya Rudra, a School of Manage-

ment junior. “There are universities in the U.S. at which the budgets for the year go forward not just by the board of trustees, but also by their student government.” Rudra said that when the current SG executive board ran for election in the spring, they ran on an ideal that any student working a full-time job should be able to pay tuition. “What that means is that anyone at any level of this society, this economic playing field, would be able to afford a BU tuition,” he said. “We’re saying that this education is not purely restricted for those among the upper echelons of society.” Rudra later clarified this was an ideal and not a realistic short-term goal. Mackey said successful tuition freezes in Toronto and Montreal should serve as examples. Some students said transparency is important for matters involving tuition. “Would an average student at least be able

Town Hall, see page 2


Student Government receives input from the Boston University community in the George Sherman Union’s conference auditorium Monday.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Employers not ready to re-hire because of unclear gov. policies, experts say Jobs: From Page 1

it to be a couple points below the national average. The state has a balanced budget with modest tax increases, Bialecki said, one of many factors that helps Massachusetts stay below the national unemployment rate. The housing bubble also did not affect the Commonwealth as directly as the rest of the country, he said. Bialecki said the high number of college students in the state definitely adds to the economy in a positive way. “These days a lot of the college students who come here and

stay here are starting companies, so that adds to the job mix,” he said. “But the fact that others are coming here and staying here really adds to the reputation of Massachusetts.” Businesses want to locate and expand in Massachusetts because they consider it one of the best places in the nation “to find young talent,” he said. Olivetti also said the high volume of college students attracts firms looking for highly skilled workers. As a state with a more highly educated workforce and more high-skilled intensive set up industries, Massachusetts is better

off than other states, she said. “There are certain industries that are hit more than others,” she said. “In general, industries that use high-skilled workers more intensively have been less affected and are picking up earlier.” Despite the pessimism surrounding the nationwide numbers, Bialecki said 2012 was definitely a better year than 2011. The country is consistently headed in the right direction, he said. “We see this as being in Mass., but also in the U.S. … a positive trend … and we expect a 2013 that is even better,” Bialecki said. But Sylvia Beville, the execu-

tive director of Partnerships for a Skilled Workforce, Inc., said the 96,000 new jobs across the nation is not positive. Beville said the nonprofit, which serves communities people from just outside Greater Boston to central Massachusetts, provides career centers for job search, locates company openings for potential employees and works with employers to develop training programs. “When I talk to people they’re holding back on hiring, and I think that the whole national scene is one reason that we’re seeing such sluggish job growth,” she said. Employers are just not cer-

tain on the election and on some aspects of healthcare reform, she said, and they are not willing to start hiring lots of new people. There is a lack of people with correct skills, she said, and an absence of resources needed to launch full-scale training programs. Beville said many firms are not willing to take on people as a general rule, and when they are they cannot find the proper skilled workers. “We need to generate at least 5,000 jobs a month in order to start to recapture the jobs lost during the recession,” she said, “and we have not done that.”

Students advocate for less severe alcohol penalties Lekhno, victim of NZ crash Town Hall: From Page 1

to see what [SG] is working on, or would that be restricted to Student Government officials?” said College of Engineering sophomore John Griese. Rudra said SG wants to make financial documents more easily accessible to people from a centralized online location. “Another thing we want to work on is making the financial data that is out there available and understood easily,” Rudra said. “For them to understand that information would be empowering for us.” Students said they would like to see certain BU departments centralized such as financial aid and the registrar’s office as dealing with them on important matters can be confusing. “It is kind of labyrinthine the way you don’t know whether you need this [form] or that,” Griese said. Some students said they would like to see medical amenities on

campus based to remove fear of persecution for drug or alcohol abuse. “If you’re trying to save a life, you should not have any fear for being punished for any illegal drugs or underage drinking involved,” Mackey said. SG said they have made progress with gender-neutral housing and the BU administration is discussing it with the trustees, but some students requested genderneutral services beyond housing. “I’m really glad that genderneutral housing is something that is starting to be taken forward, but there are a lot of other gendered things on campus that do need work,” said Julien Jacquelin, a CAS sophomore. Jacquelin said there are no gender-neutral bathrooms easily accessible on campus, which causes problems for students that do not fall within the gender binary. She also said Student Health Services does not consider gender variance urgently enough or provide gender

therapy. “That is something that should be taken care of at BU because it does affect your academic life very heavily,” Jacquelin said. Students said they would like to see their voices heard more and be empowered as a student body, as they feel they have too little power compared to administration. “We need to build student power,” Mackey said. “We shouldn’t be frustrated with these issues when the administration are making sixfigure salaries and they are the ones that have the final say in all these decisions.” SG President Dexter McCoy, a College of Communication junior, said he was pleased with the turnout for the meeting. “I think that tonight went very well,” he said. “Moving forward, hopefully we’ll see those people who were passionate about certain issues take them up and build a coalition for whatever their issues are.”

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Vigil: From Page 1

service, said the university decided to have a ceremony when the BU community was back together on campus and more students could attend. “BU, in spite of being a large university, is a family and a community,” he said. “We got together with everyone for the community to process.” Following Brown was Dean of Students Kenneth Elmore, who recited a quote by Howard Thurman. Students from the College of Fine Art’s School of Music performed. Four close friends of Lekhno spoke at the service, calling her “one of the greatest optimists of the world.” Lekhno, she said, was always concerned with others’ problems as if they were her own. COM senior Sophia Perlstein said although she did not personally know any of the three students

who died, she attended to support her friend that did. “It says something to show your support for your community,” she said. “It [made] me want to come and be part of it.” Tom Brashears, Austin’s father, spoke at the memorial service about his son’s ability to “make lemonade out of anything.” He remembered his son as someone who lived in the moment. When choosing to attend BU, Austin Brashears left it to the flip of the coin. “Tails never fails, Dad. Get your credit card. I’m going to BU,” Tom Brashears remembered his son saying. Tom Brashears wished luck and peace to his son’s friends, colleagues and the students who studied in New Zealand in May. “To the parents of Austin, Roch and Daniela, please know you have our deepest sympathies and are in our hearts,” Brown said.


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Campus & City

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Asian American community lists concerns to Lt. Gov. Tim Murray New master plan lack of bilingual ballots. presented at BRA The Asian American community has been “fighting for many Massachusetts Lt. Gov. Tim years” for bilingual ballots, he public hearing Murray told members of the By Margaret Waterman Daily Free Press Staff

Asian American community he would “support anything that will make it easier for people to vote” on Monday, one of many issues he addressed at a discussion in Chinatown. More than 50 citizens from Chinatown and its surrounding areas attended the discussion at the Asian American Civic Association. Murray addressed members of the Asian American community about housing, education and ballots. “[We are] making sure that seniors and veterans have affordable housing,” Murray said. “It’s about making sure we are building housing near transportation and [providing] educational opportunities.” Murray also discussed education and employment opportunities for residents. He said he is working on “raising efforts across Massachusetts” to get teens and workers better education and employment opportunities. Many citizens in Chinatown said they also concerned about voting rights and bilingual ballots. Henry Yee, co-director of the Chinatown Resident Association, said he was frustrated with the

said. “We don’t want to be doing this for another seven years, and it’s not getting anywhere,” Yee said. Murray said Massachusetts would continue to be a state that “welcomes immigrants” and “celebrates the diversity” of a state that is only strong collectively. “Philosophically, we want to support and encourage anything that will make it easier for people to vote,” Murray said. Jingli Kiger, a Brookline resident with “lots of friends in Chinatown,” told Murray she was concerned about overcrowded schools. She said that she knew children who had to wait to start school because the grade was full. Murray said it could always be a “challenge” with so many children, but he wanted to keep it “manageable” and worked hard to keep and increase state funding of education. Kiger said she feels strongly about the government treating the children of illegal immigrants fairly. “I want them to be treated fairly so they will love the country where they grew up and they would be happy with what they have here,” Kiger said.

By Emily Payne Daily Free Press Staff


Massachusetts Lt. Gov. Tim Murray speaks to residents of Chinatown about concerns of the community at the Asian American Civic Association center Monday night.

Murray said that he was dedicated to improving the diversity in the Massachusetts government. He said he wanted to make sure that the government “can assist in as many ways as possible.” Other citizens such as Andrew Carpentier, a resident of the South End, asked Murray to elaborate on his political perspectives and opinions. “I really wanted to hear the lieutenant governor, particularly on if he had any insights on the Elizabeth Warren campaign,” Carpentier said to The Daily Free Press. Murray, in response, said he supported Warren.

“[People need to consider] that Scott Brown is going to be a vote for Mitch McConnell, a Republican Senator from Kentucky,” Murray said. “[McConnell] has said that his number-one priority is to defeat the president, not solve problems.” There is a lot at stake during this election season, Murray added. Teresa Cheong, the AACA’s development coordinator, told the Free Press that she helped organize the event and spread the word. “The Chinatown residents seldom meet the lieutenant governor and they are eager to meet

Chinatown, see page 4

After Democratic National Convention, Obama may win more voters By Jasper Craven Daily Free Press Staff

After the Democratic National Convention, which featured representatives such as former President Bill Clinton and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino, President Barack Obama may have won over more Americans’ votes, according to a Gallup poll released on Monday. Forty-three percent of Americans said the coverage they witnessed of the DNC made them more likely to vote for Obama, according to the poll. Additionally, Obama’s jobapproval rating now stands at 50 percent, up from 45 percent before the DNC. The percentage of Americans that identify or lean Democratic is up to 48 percent

from 43 percent before the convention. Obama, who is known for his oratory skills, was also rated better in his nomination acceptance speech than Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Forty-three percent of Americans marked Obama’s speech as “excellent” or “good,” according to the Gallup poll. Thirty-eight percent of Americans gave Romney’s speech the same marks. Obama did not perform as well with the American public as he did with his 2008 speech at the DNC in Denver, where he garnered a 58-percent approval rating for his speech, the highest ever recorded in Gallup polls. Obama was slightly overshadowed by Clinton’s keynote speech last Wednesday night.

Clinton’s speech received an “excellent” rating by 34 percent of Americans, a similar appraisal to Obama’s 2008 speech. The public paid slightly more attention to the DNC than the Republican National Convention, Gallup reports. But the RNC generated some big news out of Clint Eastwood’s surprise speech on primetime, in which he spoke to an empty chair as if Obama were sitting in it. Another CNN and ORC International poll released on Monday shows Obama with an 8-percent lead over Romney in registered voters likely to vote for him. As another sign of hope for the incumbent president, Obama’s campaign manager Jim Messina said in an email to supporters on Monday that the Obama campaign

Mass. has 3rd-highest food stamp growth in N.E. By Samantha Tatro Daily Free Press Staff

While food-stamp usage has risen across the nation, Massachusetts landed as one of the top New England states with the highest growth in food-stamp usage, according to an article published in the Federal Reserve Bank’s fall issue of Communities & Banking magazine. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program, also known as SNAP, provides food stamps. The federal program provides food resources for low-income families who meet other qualifying criteria, such as employment and personal resources. “The incentive to work is strong, since SNAP benefits are only reduced by 30 cents for each $1 earned until the eligibility threshold is reached,” wrote Ben Senauer, a professor at the Univeristy of Minnesota in the report.

The food-stamp program in Massachusetts, however, is crucial for residents, he reported. The budgetary cost of the program rose, along with participation, jumped from $30.4 billion in 2007 to $71.8 billion in 2011, Senauer wrote. Massachusetts posted the thirdhighest food-stamp percentage growth rate in New England between 2010 and 2011. The participation growth rate between 2007 and 2011 in Massachusetts was 86.4 percent, while the United States posted 69.9 percent. Rhode Island, however, posted the largest increase, with a 135.7-percent growth rate, according to the article. New Hampshire posted the second-largest increase with an 87.6-percent growth rate. Vermont, Connecticut and Maine followed respectively in their growth

rates. Massachusetts landed in the middle of the six other New England states for total population participating in the food stamp program in 2010, with 11.3 percent of the population enrolled. At that time, Massachusetts was below the national average, 13.1 percent. Vermont topped the list in 2010 with 13.2 percent of the total population participating. Rhode Island was second and posted a 12.4 percent of their total population relying on food stamps. “Rhode Island suffered one of the largest jumps in unemployment nationally, which explains the 135 percent-plus increase in SNAP participation,” the article stated. In 2009, 93 percent of SNAP benefits went to household with incomes

Stamps, see page 4

outraised the Romney campaign in August, with $114 million versus Romney’s $111 million. “After three straight months of getting beat — and not by a small margin — more than 1,170,000 supporters made a donation to close the gap,” Messina said in the email. “We can’t let up for one second.” Members of the Boston University community said Obama would win reelection. “I saw Obama speak at the DNC. I thought he did a good job,” said Caroline Richard, a freshman in the College of General Studies. “He’s a really good speaker and really engaging, which is important, and I especially liked what he said about education and student loans. I think he will win the

Poll, see page 7

The Boston Redevelopment Authority formally presented the fourth Boston University Institutional Master Plan to residents of the surrounding community Monday, informing them of the impending construction. “Boston University does its homework and really communicates with the neighborhood, making sure that their timeline of all the projects has as little effect on the neighborhood and the residents as possible,” said Dan Cuddy, a member of the Brighton Board of Trade and a Brighton resident. About 50 people, including experts, BU employees, residents of BU and the surrounding areas and board members gathered to discuss the plan, filed in August, which covers the university’s projected developments for 2012–22. With a $2.1-billion annual budget, BU is seeking to improve facilities for the 250-degree programs it offers and improve the standard of living for current on-campus residents. As of now, BU has 33,500 students, 3,000 of whom are on the Medical Campus. About 11,000 undergraduates live on campus. “We continue to invest in housing because the students’ preference has changed,” said Gary Nicksa, senior vice president of operations at BU. “Students are looking for more privacy and community space.” New additions planned in the revised 2003 IMP, such as the New Balance Field and the renovation of the former Hillel House to become the new Admissions Reception Center, are already underway. Nicksa said the goal is to “think holistically rather than working on parcel by parcel, building by building.” BU is looking at which renovations will benefit the campus as a whole and bring the nooks and corners of campus to seamlessly unite, he said. “BU has done its due diligence in a really well-thought-out master plan and has been proactive to benefit the student,” Cuddy said. The IMP includes the completion of the third John Hancock Student Village on West Campus. However, this building will not be a high-rise. It will house about 500

IMP, see page 4



College of Arts and Sciences senior Sam Finkelstein prepares to cook at food truck Paris Creperie at St. Marys Street and Commonwealth Avenue.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

More support systems benefit Food stamps rose due to economy, experts say from 14.3 percent in 2009 and the article stated. consecutive annual increase in Without SNAP benefits, which LGBTQ students, survey states at or below the federal povery level, third poverty rate, according to poverty averaged about $134 monthly for Stamps: From Page 3

LGBTQ: From Page 1

said. “Students here have open minds and so there is a network of students that get involved in gaystraight alliances.” The survey’s results suggested LGBT youth who face less harassment at schools have resources such as Gay-Straight Alliances, curriculums with positive representations of LGBT people and culture, faculty who are supportive of LGBT youths and comprehensive anti-bullying policies. Gay-Straight Alliances have made a difference on campus, students said. Kacie Rioux, a College of Arts and Sciences junior, said students generally feel supported at BU. “Student groups like BU’s Spectrum provide support for minority groups,” she said. “I think they bring people with similar backgrounds together and make them realize they’re not alone.” Mary Gianotti, a CAS sopho-

more, said BU’s diversity makes it so accommodating. “When people come from a lot of different backgrounds, they are more likely to be more accepting of other backgrounds,” she said. Gianotti said most college campuses seem very open and accepting. “When you’re in college, you’re usually open to new ideas and accepting new things,” she said. Belle said a mix of institutional changes, including legality of gay marriage and ending of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” with grassroots organizations such as student groups will continue to make the situation better. “I would expect over time [these changes and groups] would encourage people who see others as different in their sexuality to come to see them as entirely normal and fully worthy of respect and if that’s happening this soon then that’s great,” she said.


which is $22,356 annual for a family of four in the fiscal year 2012, according to the article. More than 50 percent went to households in “deep poverty,” less than half of the poverty rate. In Massachusetts, 10.3 percent of individuals were below the poverty level in 2009 and 7 percent of families were below the poverty line in 2009, according to a report by the U.S. National Census Bureau. The official national poverty rate in 2010 was 15.1 percent, an increase

highlights on the United States Census Bureau’s website. “Since 2007, the poverty rate has increased by 2.6 percentage points, from 12.5 percent to 15.1 percent,” according to the website. The increase in food stamps over the recent year is in response to the recent economic downturn, according to the article. “Between [fiscal year] 2007 and [fiscal year] 2011, SNAP participation increased by more than 50 percent in every New England state,” the

every participant, many Americans would have been in a dire situation, according to the article. The article also concluded that the food stamp program has become more critical to low-income residents of New England. “Overall, SNAP benefits to New England households amounted to nearly $2.9 billion in FY 2011,” the article stated. Senauer did not return requests for comment in time for press.

Cummington, Granby streets to receive renovations IMP: From Page 3

students to reach the original plan of 2,100 total beds. Student Village II houses 960 students and Student Village I houses 817 students. The School of Law will be completely renovated and plans are to utilize the space between the building and Mugar Memorial Library. The half-century-old building will be made more efficient and sustainable, bringing classrooms down from the top floors to lower elevator use. Nicksa said plans include new academic buildings between the Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences and Granby

Street. Cummington Street will also receive much-needed improvements to include new research facilities and minimize sub-par classrooms. “We are trying to phase out basement classrooms to bring more of a studio-style learning environment,” he said. The College of Communication will be improved with a possible expansion into the current lawn. The School of Management will expand with plans to possibly use surrounding brownstones, creating some level of connection between the buildings. “If you went to BU and lived in Myles Standish Hall after the university purchased it in the 1940s, you

lived with three people in a suitestyle accommodation with a bathroom,” Nicksa said. “If you go to BU now, you’re living in the same room as your grandparents in the 1940s.” Myles Standish Hall, which has not been touched since its integration into BU, will be renovated over two summers so it will not be out of use for any academic year. BU is planning to take the opportunity for more density in the center of campus, while also providing more green spaces. Erico Lopez, the BRA representative, will be accepting commentary on all matters covered in the IMP until Oct. 15.

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Detecting Drug Deception Researchers look into the effectiveness of anti-malarial drugs By Kimberly Clark


Features Staff

new device developed by a Boston University professor and research team can determine whether or not an antimalarial drug will work. The buzzing of a mosquito is never a welcomed sound. In developed countries, the insects are often the uninvited guests at summer picnics, pool parties and nature outings. The red, itchy bites a mosquito leaves on the skin of its victim will keep the person scratching for days. However, in the underdeveloped tropical and subtropical areas of the world, the sound of a mosquito takes on a more ominous tone. A single bite from a female Anopheles mosquito carrying the malaria parasite is enough to infect a person with the potentially deadly disease. While malaria is treatable, with ineffective anti-malarial drugs running rampant throughout developing countries, a mosquito bite can easily become a death sentence. Muhammad Zaman, associate professor of biomedical engineering at Boston University, has been working to address the problem of ineffective drugs in the developing world. In early 2012, Zaman received a two-year grant for $250,000 from the organization, Saving Lives at Birth, to develop a device with the capability to determine the effectiveness of a drug. “One of the biggest challenges in the developing world is not just the availability of medicines, but the availability of good-quality medicines,” Zaman said. A COSTLY PROBLEM The early stage of malaria manifests as symptoms easily confused with symptoms of the common cold or the flu, according to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention website. A victim will experience the chills, a fever, nausea and sweats. Without the proper treatment and care, the disease can take a dangerous turn and lead to low blood pressure, acute kidney failure, acute respiratory distress syndrome, severe anemia, cerebral malaria and death.

photo courtesy/

Laboratory for Molecular & Cellular Dynamics

A model of the device developed by professor Muhammad Zaman.

Malaria is the fifth-leading cause of death from infectious diseases worldwide and the second leading cause of death from infectious diseases in Africa, following HIV/AIDS, according to the CDC. About one million people who reside in tropical and subtropical areas die from malaria every year.

Many of these deaths could have been prevented if not for, as estimated by the World Health Organization, the 30 to 40 percent of all antimalarial drugs that are currently ineffective. Zaman said the anti-malarial drugs become ineffective for numerous reasons. Counterfeiting, an illegal activity in which the drug may be contaminated or not contain the correct ingredient or the correct dosage, accounts for about one-third of the ineffective antimalarial drugs. However, fewer malicious acts such as poor production, improper storage or a general lack of awareness of the proper procedures involved in handling the drugs and administering them to the patient can result in low quality drugs, Zaman said. Zaman estimates that the cost of these counterfeit or substandard drugs amounts to about $70 billion each year. Even worse, ineffective drugs today can lead to serious ramifications that the future generation will have to address. “The problem is not just immediate financial burden or immediate loss of life or increase of sickness. The effect is very, very long term,” Zaman said. “We start to see resistance against drugs. Our arsenal against deadly drugs starts to shrink, and it’s a problem. It’s one of those white elephants in the room where everybody knows what it is but really nobody pays any attention to addressing this huge, huge challenge.” Many BU students said they are surprised by the extent of this little-known problem. “Here in the United States, we just assume that the drugs we get will work,” said Gabriella Vassil, a sophomore in the School of Management. “But I realize that’s not the case in underdeveloped countries.” “It’s almost scary how easily this topic can be overlooked,” said Kaitlin Walsh, a sophomore in the College of Arts and Sciences. “I think that most people probably don’t even know the problems that ineffective drugs are causing, or at least they think it won’t affect them. But the reality is that this could become a major issue for the entire world.” SIMPLE SOLUTION While current methods of testing the effectiveness of drugs exist, these methods are often too expensive or complicated for developing countries. Having grown up in Pakistan, Zaman is highly aware of the health hardships and needs that people living in developing countries face everyday. “[Developing countries] require simple, affordable, robust and scalable technologies that can solve the problems of people who do not have a dollar a day to live off of,” Zaman said. “Addressing those types of concerns requires creativity and engineering ingenuity. We can have the coolest technology, the best gadget to deliver the drugs and deliver the medicine, but if the drug itself is problematic, if it’s compromised, then it doesn’t do anything,” Zaman and his team designed the device so that it could be easily employed in developing countries, which includes a library of probes that quantify the amount of the drug, the concentration of it and how it should dissolve appropriately. The device itself weighs fewer than 10 lbs. and consists of a pump, some tubing and a small microchip. It will work in tandem with any type of smartphone “that has the

photo courtesy/

Laboratory for Molecular & Cellular Dynamics

Students work in professor Muhammad Zaman’s biomedical engineering lab on malaria research.

capacity to do basic imaging and analysis,” Zaman said. “I think it’s really cool that researchers are developing technologies that work with smartphones,” said Casey Cirillo, a CAS freshman. “It’s so practical because they are relatively simple to use and almost everyone has one.” FURTHER AND FUTURE APPLICATION Zaman said he foresees that the device will have many uses in the future. “We see it being used at multiple levels and multiple angles. We envision it being used for regulatory purposes, to ensure that quality control standards are met across the various levels of supply chains in a given country, in a given developing country,” Zaman said. “They have many cases of poor-quality medicines leading to massive loss of life and financial impact.” Zaman noted that the device could benefit small pharmaceutical companies that wish to ensure that quality control standards are achieved, as well as smaller hospitals and clinics that lack the capabilities and technologies of large scale infrastructure. The device will also be able to test the effectiveness of other types of drugs, such as tuberculosis and other infectious diseases. It is technology such as Zaman’s device that holds the key to improved overall health and fewer preventable deaths worldwide. “It’s great to hear about the cutting-edge technology being developed right here at Boston University,” said Lisa Fredrickson, a junior in CAS. “It makes me extremely proud to be a student here. The work of our professors and students is making a difference.”

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September 11, 2012


The Daily Free Press

The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University 42nd year F Volume 84 F Issue 6

Steph Solis, Editor-in-Chief Sydney L. Shea, Managing Editor Lauren Dezenski, Online Editor

Emily Overholt, Campus Editor

Amelia Pak-Harvey, City Editor

Kevin Dillon, Sports Editor

Meaghan Kilroy, Opinion Page Editor

Divya Shankar, Features Editor

Abbie Lin, Photo Editor

Cheryl Seah, Advertising Manager Elyssa Sternberg, Layout Editor Shakti Rovner, Office Manager The Daily Free Press (ISSN 1094-7337) is published Monday through Thursday during the academic year except during vacation and exam periods by Back Bay Publishing Co.,Inc., a nonprofit corporation operated by Boston University students. No content can be reproduced without the permission of Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. Copyright © 2010 Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.

Gender discrimination Married business partners James Fairbanks and Alain Beret were allegedly denied the opportunity to purchase a property in Northbridge, Mass., because they planned on hosting same-sex weddings there, according to an article in The Boston Globe Monday. The property in question, Oakhurst, was formerly a retreat center affiliated with the Catholic Diocese of Worcester. In June, Fairbanks and Beret learned that the diocese was no longer interested in selling them the property. Afterwards, the couple’s broker received an email by mistake from the chancellor of the diocese, Monsignor Thomas Sullivan, that revealed Sullivan was unwilling to sell the couple the space “because of a potentiality of gay marriages” being held there, said the men to the Globe. However, Sullivan told the Globe the real reason the sale fell through was the couple’s “shaky finances.” He added, though, that it was church policy to deny selling property where masses had been held to developers who planned to celebrate same-sex marriages there, establish an abortion clinic or construct bars and lounges. Beret and Fairbanks are now taking their

case to court. The couple filed a lawsuit against various members of the diocese Monday arguing that they were victims of gender discrimination. Although the property is affiliated with the church, church leaders do not have the right to dictate who can and cannot purchase that space. What do they mean “church policy?” Aren’t they violating the law? It is important to note, however, that minorities have been victims of mortgage discrimination for years. When it comes to the real-estate world, discrimination has and does happen. Nevertheless, it surprising to hear about a case of gender discrimination in a state that has supported gay rights. Just two months ago, Boston Mayor Thomas Menino rejected Chick-Fil-A’s requests to open a location in the city because Dan Cathy the chain’s president, revealed that he was opposed to samesex marriage and that profits fund anti-gay groups. Looking forward, Beret and Fairbank’s case appears strong. Perhaps it will discourage sellers of property from wielding similar restrictions in the future.

Apple vs. Pandora Apple Inc. is planning to create a web radio service similar to Pandora, according to an article in TIME magazine Monday. The service would operate on the company’s desktop computers, as well as the iPhone and iPad, but would exclude Google’s Android mobile devices. While many of us are fans of Apple and would likely give its web radio a try, it is slightly annoying that the company wants to have an Apple everything. Simply put, Apple is releasing the same products as other companies, but tacking on cooler graphics and selling them at higher prices. Lately, the company appears to be exploring products and services beyond its niche, from its plans with TV products, maps and now web radio. Calm down, Apple. You don’t need to control the digital world. It might be at the point where they’re

overextending themselves. Despite Appple’s strengths, the company should continue to focus on one or two key products such as the iPad and iPhone and make them as good as they can be. While many like using Pandora, consumers would likely flock to Apple if it can find a way around Pandora’s limited song skipping and incessant commercials. Will they really provide that much better a service than Pandora? Is it really worth targeting that service? Looking forward, it will be interesting to see what measures Pandora will take, if any, to thwart Apple’s advances. We predict, though, that Apple will win this one in the end. Pandora’s shares did fall 17 percent Friday, after all. Who will Apple encroach on next? Really, only time will tell.

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y MacBook Pro is a pro at many things, but it is especially a pro at scaring the crap out of me. This weekend my MacBook went into cardiac arrest. Everything turned out to be fine. If it hadn’t, I wouldn’t be writing this column right now. Getting there, however, was certainly a production. Some time between leaving class and logging onto Facebook, my laptop took a turn for the worse. I lifted the screen only to find the dreaded beach ball spinning about. After powering down, I powered up … well, I tried to. Instead of my desktop, a file folder with a question mark appeared. Not good. Not good at all. I tucked my MacBook into my backpack and darted to IT services. A man in a red-collared shirt told me that my laptop’s hard drive had crashed. The next few minutes were a blur. “Take it to the IT in Kenmore, there’s nothing we can do with it here,” I thought I heard the man say. Kenmore. Kenmore. I dashed down the street, arms pumping, backpack straps flailing. Once inside the IT office, I shoved my laptop into an employees’ face. “I think my hard drive crashed!” The man, also donning a red-collared shirt, studied my MacBook. “Yeah, it looks like a broken hard drive.” “So it can be fixed?” “Yes.” “How long will it take?” “Two business days, and today’s Fri ... ” I didn’t wait to hear the rest. En route to my dorm, I remembered a CD that I had stumbled upon a few days earlier. The label had said something about rebooting your MacBook’s hard drive. Once inside my room, I looked up phone number for Apple Support guided by the knowledge that I wouldn’t be able to navigate this ship on my own. After talking to a machine for five minutes — I don’t care how technologically advanced Apple thinks it is, sometimes you need to talk to a human being — someone named David came on the line. Quite embarrassingly, I thought I was still talking to a machine so my tone of voice may not have been all that pleasant. Anyway, David spent 30 minutes coaching me on how to reboot my computer using the CD. Unfor-

tunately, it did nothing. Time for me to do what any owner of an ill MacBook would do — hit the Genius Bar. Sidenote: the Genius Bar is Apple’s version of the ER. It is not an actual bar. To my luck, it started pouring rain on my way to the bar. If my laptop wasn’t ruined before, it was now. Once inside Boylston’s Apple store, I was directed to the bar. Problem. It was located on the second floor, and the windy staircase was soaked. Somehow I managed to make it upstairs where an Apple employee clutching an iPad ushered me to a bench. A few moments later I was called over to the bar. The bartender, I mean Apple employee, was very nice. He said he would take my laptop downstairs to be looked at. And so I waited. Now I’m pretty sure that the Apple people didn’t appreciate the fact that I was dripping water all over their fancy floor. The sideways glances and reshuffling of chairs kind of gave it away. Whatever. I grew increasingly bored sitting there so I decided to listen in on my neighbors’ appointments. The man on my right had dropped his MacBook off his bed and was now being told that Apple no longer had the parts to replace it. Gulp. Twenty minutes later the Apple man returned, my MacBook in tow. He was also toting a gigantic cardboard box, which made me extremely nervous. I was prepared for the worst, but all the man did was hand me my laptop and say, “Here ya go.” “Wait, what happened? Is it fixed? What was wrong with it?” “A cable was loose. You’re good to go.” “Thank you. Thank you so, so much.” I wanted to give the man a hug, but then decided others might find it inappropriate. So I just left, cradling my laptop in my arms. Thank you, MacBook, for handling this situation like a pro. Meaghan Kilroy is a junior in the College of Communication and the opinion editor for The Daily Free Press. She can be reached at mkilroy@bu.edu.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Offense sputters in Terriers’ back-to-back west coast losses By Meredith Perri Daily Free Press Staff

With two West Coast teams waiting for them this weekend, the Boston University women’s soccer team anticipated to struggle a bit offensively. What it could not have predicted, however, was that the Terriers would have just two shots on goal the entire weekend. Nonetheless, this was BU’s (3–4–1) reality as it returned to Boston having been shut out in two straight games at the hands of No. 5 Stanford University and Santa Clara University. “We never were frantic,” said BU coach Nancy Feldman. “We got a couple of opportunities. We really needed to focus and execute in those couple of [chances], which we didn’t. “You need to get multiple shots

often to get goals, but sometimes you only need one. We were trying to play for that.” The offensive drought started on Friday when the Terriers took on Stanford (4–1–1), the team that took home the national title last season. While BU had six shots during the game, one in the first half and five in the second, not a single shot was on goal. Meanwhile, the Cardinal had eight shots on goal. “On Friday night we were playing against the defending national champions and the No. 5 team in the country, so we were playing more of a defensive game plan and trying to soak up a little bit of their pressure and counter them,” Feldman said. BU’s defensive tactics were successful, and held Stanford scoreless until the 89th minute

of play. Ultimately, however, BU could not find the back of the net. “We put ourselves in a position to tie or win the game,” Feldman said. “For our team this year and where we’re at … that was pretty much what I felt like we could do.” The same problems mired the Terriers as they made their way to Santa Clara, Calif., to take on the Broncos (3–2–2). Although BU once again could not put a point on the board, they managed to put two shots on goal. The two shots on goal came on two attempts within two minutes of each other during the second half of the game. Junior back Erin Mullen and classmate midfielder Megan McGoldrick forced Bronco goaltender Andi Tostanoski to show off her skills during the 51st and 53rd minute of play, respec-

tively. Tostanoski prevailed, however, and the Terriers remained without a goal on the weekend. Friday’s game served as the first time all season that an opponent shut out the Terriers. BU scored one goal in each of its two losses prior to last weekend. Throughout the brief start to BU’s season, the Terriers have out-scored opponents 12–9, but have had fewer shots on goal with 48 out of their 116 shots coming near the net as opposed to 51 of 119 for opponents. This weekend’s numbers served in direct contrast to the way the Terriers have played the rest of the season. While some might consider the offensive drought a cause for concern, Feldman said that she somewhat expected her team to struggle offensively against the

West Coast teams this weekend. “The number of shots you get and the number of goals you get is very dependent on who you play,” Feldman said. The games against Stanford and Santa Clara — part of the Stanford Nike Invitational — are the only West Coast games on BU’s schedule this season. From this point forward, they will remain on the East Coast, venturing as far south as North Carolina and Maryland, but for the most part remaining in the New England area. “We stick around here and play some of the local teams, no disrespect to them,” she said. “[We’re] not testing ourselves and challenging ourselves. We may get more opportunities to get goals, but I think this is how we get better, sprinkling those games in.”

Madzongwe out for season with torn ACL Sozeri, men’s soccer squad Madzongwe: From Page 8

However, without Madzongwe in the lineup, the Terriers have been forced to use a four-man defensive line, moving a man from the threeman front to the defense. This has also put more pressure on the four defenders, sophomore Sanford Spivey, sophomore James Holler, freshman Jeroen Blugh and redshirt freshman Parker Powell, to step up and help sophomore goalkeeper Nick Thomson against some tough opponents. Spivey, who started all 18 games last season, has been taking over Madzongwe’s role as the vocal leader of the back line. Also taking on the brunt of the load following the injury to Madzongwe is sophomore goalkeeper Nick Thomson, who made 10 saves in the last two games while allow-

ing only two goals. The Cramlington, England, native has made 28 saves on the season, including 16 in the three games the Terriers have played since Madzongwe left the lineup. “I feel bad for [Madzongwe], but he’ll bounce back and the rest of the team is picking it up really well,” Roberts said. “I’m happy with the way the guys have been kind of responding to the situation and taking advantage of their opportunities.” At first glance, BU has struggled without Madzongwe, as its record is 0–2–2 in the past four games. But of those four games, two of them have come against teams ranked No. 1 in the nation during the time of their matchup with BU game. The Terriers lost a close game with University of North Car-

olina at Chapel Hill on Sept. 2 before dueling No. 1/3 University of Connecticut to a draw on Sunday. With Madzongwe gone, both the defense and offense were supposed to have been weakened, giving unbeaten UConn the opportunity to throttle a weakened BU team. However, BU closed its long road trip out strongly, holding the Huskies to a single goal and even notching a goal against preseason Big East Goalkeeper of the Year Andre Blake. Blake had only allowed one goal in his previous four games. “I’m impressed at times with our team and they way we collectively defend and change tactically to be able to be competitive with anybody we’re playing,” Roberts said. “I think that’s a good sign for us, especially last night.”

tie No. 1/3 UConn Sunday Men’s soccer: From Page 8

Friar midfielder/forward Wilder Arboleda in the 59th minute, and the score stayed knotted at one for more than 60 minutes before ending after two overtimes. Roberts said his team controlled the game for the first 30 minutes before Providence took the momentum. The Terriers did not get it back until overtime, according to the coach, and by then it was not enough time to capitalize. Although the Terriers did not record a win, they may have had a bit of a morale victory by limiting a pair of Big East opponents to just a goal apiece while playing

without key defender, junior Kelvin Madzongwe. Madzongwe hurt his knee earlier this month and Roberts said Monday the reigning conference Defender of the Year is done for the season with a torn ACL. Madzongwe will have surgery in about a week. That means he will be absent for the Terriers’ home-opener at Nickerson Field on Thursday, when BU will take on No. 24 Brown University. The Terriers will be looking for some revenge, as last meeting between BU and Brown ended in the Bears shutting out the Terriers 2–0 at Stevenson Field.

Obama likely to win, students say Poll: From Page 3 election over Romney.” College of Arts and Sciences junior Melissa Chisholm said she did not get to watch either of the conventions, but heard the Republican one “was a disaster.” “I’m hoping Obama sticks it out and wins the election,” she said. Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences junior Grace Choi said Obama would win. “I hope he wins because he

needs to complete what he started,” she said. College of Communication freshman Andrew Velichansky said even though the DNC was not perfect, Obama would still win. “Joe Biden gave one of the worst speeches I’ve ever seen by a politician,” he said. “But I don’t think it will hurt Obama’s chances, I still think he’ll win the election.” Hannah Johnson contributed to the reporting of this article.

Meetings between community, high gov. officials not as frequent Chinatown From Page 3

with officials from high ranks for the future developments of the community, as well as to learn more about the state’s affairs as a whole,” Cheong said. Murray said he enjoys meeting people and talking to them. “The farther you go up the political totem pole you have to make a concerted effort to stay in touch,” Murray said to the Free Press. In his address to the community, Murray recommended that college students get involved with politics and employment opportunities.

“We need talented people and we encourage it from all different stripes, and certainly one of the great assets we have in Massachusetts is a lot of bright college students,” Murray said. The Asian American community, Murray said, is a diverse and fast growing community of bright minds. “Being here tonight was a chance to listen and learn about the issues impacting the community and also being able to let them know both substantively and symbolically that the state government wants them to participate and to have access to it,” Murray said to the Free Press.

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He was the guy kind of holding us together. BU coach Neil Roberts on junior defender Kelvin Madzongwe

Page 8



The Daily Free Press

coast woes

The BU women’s soccer team failed to score while only mustering up two shots on goal at the Stanford Nike Inivitational over the weekend. P. 7.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Terriers tie two Big East opponents to end 6-game road trip Men’s soccer ties Providence, UConn

Madzongwe injury will sideline him for season

By Tim Healey Daily Free Press Staff

By Kevin Dillon Daily Free Press Staff

Ali Sozeri may have played less than a third of the game between the Boston University men’s soccer team and No. 1/3 University of Connecticut, but when BU coach Neil Roberts subbed him in, the junior forward certainly made it count. Sozeri scored the a game-tying goal in the second half against the Huskies in Storrs, Conn., Sunday night, and the BU defense and sophomore goalkeeper Nick Thomson made it stand up as the Terriers (1–3–1) salvaged a tie. It was the first time this season the 4–0– 1 Huskies did not beat their opponent. “If it wasn’t for some spectacular plays by their goalkeeper, we might have been able to get out of there with a win,” Roberts said. “It was against a very good team on the road, and the positive thing for me was that we were down a goal in a difficult place to play against one of the top teams in the country, and you don’t give up [more] goals.” UConn took an early 1–0 lead just seconds shy of 30 minutes into the first half when All-American forward Carlos Alvarez found the back of the net from the top right corner of the 18-yard box. BU came back with a vengeance, though, outshooting the Huskies 10–5 in the second half. One of those shots came from Sozeri, who poked in a cross from junior midfielder Derek McCaffrey in the 61st minute. Thomson, who has played every minute of every game for BU in the early going, made five saves in net, including one in the


Last year’s America East Defender of the Year Kelvin Madzongwe tore his ACL during BU’s 3-1 loss to Wake Forest University on Aug. 31 first overtime. “Nick has been playing really well all season long,” Roberts said of his goalie, who has a 1.55 goals-against average. “We kind of let him down as a team because he made the initial save [on UConn’s goal] and we weren’t able to get the rebound and they ended up scoring off of it.” Sozeri, meanwhile, has seen his playing time steadily increase the last three games after losing his starting spot in late August. He got in for just 10 minutes against then–No. 1 University of North Carolina on Sept. 2 and saw it jump to 24 minutes against Providence College on Friday. On Sunday, 34 minutes on the field resulted in Sozeri’s first goal as a Terrier.

“He’s still trying to figure out the pace of Division I and it’s a lot different than what he was used to,” Roberts said of Sozeri, who transferred from Division II Lesley University this year. “[Sunday] was the first day he looked dangerous and was active in front, so I think that’s a good sign for the future for us — and for him.” BU had previously visited and tied Providence by the same score Friday afternoon, though the game had a bit of a flipped script. This time it was the Terriers jumping out ahead thanks to junior midfielder Anthony Ciccone’s first goal of the season in the sixth minute. However, Thomson gave up a goal to

Men’s soccer, see page 7

It is not too often a sophomore wins America East Defensive Player of the Year, but Boston University men’s soccer defender Kelvin Madzongwe accomplished that last season. That achievement would have given him a chance to win the award three times during his collegiate career, something that has not been accomplished since Binghamton defender Graham Munro took home the award three times from 2003 through 2005. But it looks as if that feat is out of Madzongwe’s reach this season, as the junior tore his ACL in the Terriers’ 3–1 loss to Wake Forest University on Aug. 31. BU coach Neil Roberts said the Magwegwe, Zimbabwe, native will have surgery in about a week’s time. “He was a mainstay for us and a team leader as far as his ability as a player and he’s worked extremely hard over the summer, was in great shape and until this young team kind of found themselves — he was the guy kind of holding us together,” Roberts said. The former America East Rookie of the Year missed two games early last season before playing in the next 16 games, scoring one goal on the season. He was named to the America East All-Conference First Team. Madzongwe had already played all 90 minutes in each of the first two games before going down in the 13th minute of the Wake Forest game. Madzongwe’s presence had been instrumental in the defensive formation BU played in its first two games as the team used a three-man back line to shut down thenNo. 11 Boston College.

Madzongwe, see page 7

Women’s soccer shut out twice during weekend on west coast By Tyler Lay Daily Free Press Staff


Senior defender Jessica Morrow.

Despite having suffered a pair of injuries while deep in enemy territory in California, the Boston University women’s soccer team has safely returned home from the Stanford Nike Invitational, able-bodied and eager to return to the win column. BU (3–4–1) dropped 1–0 losses to both No. 5 Stanford University (3–1–1) and Santa Clara University (2–2–2) on Friday and Sunday. BU coach Nancy Feldman said she recognized positive aspects about her team’s collective play, and that she was not wholly unsatisfied with the tough results. “I was very pleased with our performance Friday night,” Feldman said “The kids really played very, very well together and very intelligently and with a lot of composure and confidence given the prestige and the ranking of the Stanford team.” The Terrier-Cardinal matchup was a true gridlock between top-tier forces for nearly the entire 90 minutes of play. The defending NCAA champions proved to be the early aggressor when a pair of shots was fired by Natalie Griffen and Lo’eau LaBonta in the sixth and seventh minute had to be turned aside by junior goalkeeper Andrea Green. In the first half alone, Green made an impressive total of six saves. “The good news is that we didn’t give up a ton of open, uncontested shots,” Feldman said. “But the two or three that we did, Andrea was there to save the day.”

The Bottom Line

Tuesday, Sept. 11

No Games Scheduled For its annual hazing event, the Washington Nationals had its rookies dress like the USA’s olympic gymnastics team...

Wednesday, Sept. 12

No Games Scheduled ...Bryce Harper was finally allowed to live his dream of wasting his entire childhood to train toward becoming an elite athlete.

In the second half, Green tacked on another two saves to come within one of her career high of nine. But with less than two minutes left in the game, Stanford snuck one of its backs, Alina Garciamendez, to the front lines, where the senior central defender struck one just beyond the reach of Green. The Terriers, unable to do any damage with even a single shot on goal in the initial 89 minutes of the battle, failed to close the deficit in the final minute. BU did record six shots in the game, but did not register a single one on target. Junior forward Madison Clemens led the team with two shots on the day. Two days later, the Terriers found themselves fighting on an entirely new, yet equally hostile front, Buck Shaw Stadium at Santa Clara University. BU began the game with a corner kick opportunity exactly one minute into the match, followed by the game’s first shot during the fourth minute. The Terriers failed to capitalize on either early chance and were ultimately outshot by the Broncos 17–9. Only one of the SCU’s shots managed to reach the back of the net, and, like Stanford, the Broncos were unable to do this until the second half. The single goal scored by Santa Clara marked a lone deficiency in an otherwise well-orchestrated defensive approach. Feldman praised the work of one defender in particular — senior Jessica Morrow

Thursday, Sept. 13 Men’s Soccer vs. Brown, 7 p.m.

Friday, Sept. 14

“Jessica Morrow has just been sensational as a center back for us,” Feldman said. “She’s doing a yeoman’s work in the air, winning air-balls … and I think Jess did a really good job in the back third of the field winning air-balls on both corner plays and set pieces. “She’s not the only one, but I think she’s standing out to me as someone who’s really doing a terrific job keeping our back line organized, and that’s really where it starts.” While BU was not held without a shot on goal in this game, the team’s offense did not improve by much. Junior defender Erin Mullen and junior midfielder Megan McGoldrick tallied the only two shots on goal in the game, both of which were stopped by Santa Clara goalkeeper Andi Tostanoski. On the weekend, the Terriers earned far fewer corner kicks than their opponents. Stanford and Santa Clara combined for 13 corner kicks over the weekend to the Terriers four over the two games. The Terriers return to their headquarters at Nickerson Field this Friday, where the team will look to regain its momentum against a much more familiar foe, the Minutewomen of University of Massachusetts. “I think there’s a lot of similarities [between BU and UMass],” Feldman said. “We’re disappointed with last year’s result, and while this is a new team I think the kids that were on the team last year are hoping to have a better performance against them.”

Field Hockey @ William & Mary, 7 p.m. W. Soccer vs. UMass-Amherst, 7 p.m. M. Tennis @ Brown Invitational, All Day Cross Country @ UNH Invitational

Saturday, Sept. 15

Softball @ Providence, 12 p.m. Softball @ Bryant, 2 p.m. M. Tennis @ Brown Invitational, All Day Golf @ Dartmouth Invitational, All Day

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