The Daily Free Press
Year xlii. Volume lxxxiii. Issue XI
Wednesday, September 19, 2012 The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University
LET’S GET PHYSICAL GOOD WILL Larceny drops 26 percent BU bodybuilding on campus since Jan. 2011, club promotes healthy page 3. lifestyles, page 5.
By Amelia Pak-Harvey Daily Free Press Staff
Reductions in the tax rate for the highest-earning individuals and corporations do not spur economic growth, a recent report shows, contradicting the political rhetoric that insists low tax rates for “job creators” are necessary for a healthy economy. A new report released on Friday by the Congressional Research Service found that reductions in the top marginal tax rate and the top capital gains tax rate do not have a significant impact on economic growth. “Changes over the past 65 years in the top marginal tax rate and the top capital gains tax rate do not appear correlated with economic growth,” wrote Thomas Hungerford, a specialist in public finance for the CRS and the author of the report. “Analysis of such data suggests the reduction in the top tax rates have had little association
Mass. Rep. Elizabeth Malia, chair of the joint committee on Mental Health and Substance Abuse, speaks at the 22nd Recovery Month celebration at the Massachussetts State House Tuesday morning.
protected from prosecution when reaching out for help in an overdose emergency. “This language, I believe, will save many lives,” he said. DeLeo said the Fiscal Year 2013 budget also increased substance abuse service by about $2 million to $77.2 million total. DeLeo said he had to attend three funerals within a three-week period of time this summer, each one mourning a young person who overdosed.
with saving, investment or productivity growth.” The findings, which were reached using statistical analysis of the U.S. tax system beginning in 1945, compared the tax rate for the highest income-earners in the 1940s, which was 90 percent, with the present highest tax rate, which was 15 percent. The study then compared the percentage of gross domestic product growth to the marginal tax rates, finding no significant correlation between the two. Hungerford wrote that the top tax rate reductions are, however, associated with an increasing concentration of income for the top income class. “The share of income accruing to the top 0.1 percent of U.S. families increased from 4.2 percent in 1945 to 12.3 percent by 2007,” he said in the report. In an August poll by the Pew Research
Youth want jobs, not protests, survey suggests By Chris Lisinski Daily Free Press Staff
About one year after the beginning of the Occupy movement, a new survey suggests more young Americans would rather snag a job on Wall Street than protest against it. Only 26 percent of surveyed Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 would prefer protesting with Occupy Wall Street, according to a press release distributed on Monday by Generation Opportunity. The release surveyed 1,003 adults between the ages of 18 and 29 from July 27 to July 31. The majority of respondents in the survey said they would prefer working on Wall Street instead. “Amidst their frustrations and disappointments, the overwhelming majority of Millennials view the poor economy and lack of leadership by elected officials as the true sources of their problems — not fellow Americans who work on Wall Street,” said Paul Conway, president of Generation Opportunity, in the release. Young Americans do not see anger as the way to fix the economy, Conway said in the
Today: Partly cloudy/High 69 Tonight: Partly cloudy/Low 49 Tomorrow: 67/49 Data Courtesy of
BU students not concerned about stolen identities By Emily Overholt Daily Free Press Staff
“I don’t know if you realize, but there was a time when I was getting more calls to get people into treatment than I was for getting kids into college,” he said. “That’s why I’m so passionate about this issue. I think you should be as well.” Mass. Lt. Gov. Timothy Murray encouraged the crowd to speak up on recovery opportunities.
Recovery, see page 2
Tax cuts for wealthiest do not stimulate economy, study shows By Jasper Craven Daily Free Press Staff
BU men’s soccer wins against Holy Cross Tuesday page 8.
Hundreds celebrate National Recovery Month at State House Massachusetts House Speaker Robert DeLeo told more than 200 recovering addicts, state officials and high school students that addiction is “the forgotten issue” in politics during the National Recovery Month gathering on Tuesday. “This is the issue that’s really behind so many other issues that we have as a city, as a state, and as a country,” DeLeo said at the celebration at the State House. National Recovery Month was created to raise awareness about the issues still facing the recovery and outreach process. The 22nd recovery month celebration was sponsored in part by the Massachusetts Organization for Addiction Recovery, an organization that helps people with substance abuse in the recovery process. DeLeo said no matter where he goes in the state, addiction is the issue he hears about most often. “It’s an issue that touches everybody,” he said. “I’ve heard countless stories about loved ones and the feat of dependency and addiction.” But this year, the Legislature passed laws that increase awareness of the dangers of prescription drugs, cracks down on prescription drug fraud and increases access to treatment at substance abuse service, he said. DeLeo said 911 callers are also now
press release. “Young Americans reject the cynicism and angry theatrics aimed at those who can create more full-time jobs,” he said. “Instead, they simply want positive solutions that grow the economy and create more opportunity for all Americans.” Boston University College of Arts and Sciences senior Brandon Wood, an organizer for BU Occupies Boston, said anger in the protests was a justifiable reaction to conditions. “Anger and rage have a place,” he said. “All the emotions and responses we got with Occupy were perfectly justified at the beginning, that initial surge. It’s a public display of all the conversations around dinner tables that all Americans have been having.” Wood said the protests were empowering for those who participated. “What was empowering at the beginning of Occupy [Boston] was going into the street [and] having conversations with people
Millenials, see page 2
Center, 58 percent of respondents said wealthier citizens pay too little in taxes. President Barack Obama proposed higher tax rates for those making $250,000 and more in July, but no legislation has been passed. However, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has said in the past that tax hikes choke off economic growth. Sambuddha Ghosh, an assistant professor of economics at Boston University, said in an email that this is a case in which people need to look at the data and see what is actually happening. “One case that the Republican side is often trying to make is that we should not tax the rich more because they would cut back on investment and jobs, to the detriment of the common man,” Ghosh said. Economic theories state that tax hikes will reduce income concentration for the
While identity theft is a major problem nationally, a number of Boston University students said they do not worry about it. “I realize that it could happen easily, but so could a hurricane,” said Kathleen McKay, a College of Arts and Sciences freshman. “There is nothing you can do about either. I think everyone knows how to prevent identity theft.” The U.S. Federal Trade Commission collects more reports of identity theft from those aged 20–29 than any other age range, according to a Reuters report published Thursday. However, BU Police Department Detective Lt. Peter DiDomenica said they only handle about a dozen cases of identity theft a year. “We haven’t really seen that much of it overall, so I would say it’s not a major issue although it does come up occasionally,” he said. “It depends on how broadly you define identity theft. If someone steals a credit card and uses it, that’s technically identity theft, although I think what people think of when they think identity theft is taking over your personality and applying for loans and using your credit.” DiDomenica said very few cases of strict identity theft occur, but larcenies of wallets and purses often end in others using the victim’s credit cards and debit cards. Emillie Ficarra, a College of General Studies freshman, said she does not normally make purchases with credit cards and is cautious, but said there could be more information available for how students can protect themselves. “We could probably use a little more proactive information, such as meetings or even pamphlets, so we can better protect ourselves against the possibility of it happening,” she said. BU separated financial information from student’s information about residences, said BU spokesman Colin Riley. “It’s all preventative, it’s all to make sure that student’s information isn’t compromised but the danger exists,” he said.
Theft, see page 2
Cuts, see page 2
College of General Studies sophomore Brandan Hairston dons a bra as he hands out fliers about breast cancer awareness in front of Marsh Chapel Tuesday afternoon.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Terriers cards deactivated if lost, Emotions hard for recovering, former addict says not in danger, IT employee says Recovery: From Page 1
Theft: From Page 1
Jessica Li, a School of Engineering junior, said in terms of BU ID, she isn’t worried about losing her identity. “Identity theft in my opinion isn’t too common because once you lose a card, most students replace their cards within a couple of days at the most, maybe even one day because they need to use their card for most of everything around campus,” she said. Li, an IT employee for BU, said the Terrier Card Office deactivates lost cards once a student replaces it. DiDomenica said that beyond identity theft the culture of acting as someone else on social media can be a problem as well. “We deal not infrequently with students who have their [social
media] accounts compromised, and it’s not done for financial reasons, but more personal reasons so it becomes a much larger issue because people want to tell the world about themselves,” he said. “So before you put info on the Internet, you have to understand anyone in the world can know this information.” BUPD Captain Robert Molloy said that identity theft is easily preventable as long as students are careful about how they give out information and who they give it to. “Don’t do it over the Internet, don’t give that information over during a telephone call,” he said. “If anyone’s asking for those pieces of information, that should raise your level of suspicion.” Megan Kirk contributed to the reporting of this article.
Raising taxes helps government to reduce U.S. debt, prof. says Cuts: From Page 1
rich, Ghosh said, and that this will force people to cut back on productive economic activities such as purchasing luxury items. Ghosh said the real way to grow the GDP is not through low marginal tax rates, but through innovation and technological changes. “The statistical analysis using multivariate regression does not find that either top tax rate has a statistically significant association with the real GDP growth rate,” he said. Rosella Capella, an assistant professor of political science at BU, said in an email that more tax revenue would be good for the country. She said the recent announcement by the Federal Reserve to engage in quantitative easing
would keep interest rates down, encourage lending and keep U.S. debt costs low. However, when the economy begins to grow, she said, “the Fed will have to choose between raising interest rates to lower inflation or increasing the cost of our debt.” “One way to avoid this problem is by raising taxes,” she said. Capella said a progressive tax system would help fight the rising U.S. debt. “A more balanced budget through increased taxes is definitely in our interest,” Capella said. “Increased tax revenue will allow the U.S. to pay back costly debt sooner at a lower price. In sum, by increasing taxes the U.S. government can avoid relying on a potentially dangerous monetary policy.”
“September is National Recovery Month, and there are celebrations that are taking place all across Massachusetts in cities and towns from Boston to Springfield, from Greenfield to Fall River,” he said. Earlier this year, Murray said he visited the Independence Academy in Brockton, the state’s fourth recovery high school, and had a chance to hear from students. “There’s a palpable sense of relief when you listen to them that what they’ve found in their schools is support, the guidance, the mentorship toward recovery,” he said. Several of these students said without these high schools and opportunities, they think they would be dead, Murray explained. Murray said the Independence Academy at Brockton High School was founded after one fa-
Millennials: From Page 1
chanting about what they’d been really angry about for a long time,” he said. The release referenced previous Generation Opportunity data, which listed the youth unemployment rate at 12.7 percent. The release also stated 76 percent of young Americans think the state of the economy and the lack of jobs are shrinking the American middle class. Woods said the unemployment rate among young people is linked to a preference for a job on Wall Street. “You’re talking about students who just graduated with hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt — of course they would want a job,” he said. “Of course they would want a bunch of money, and that accounts for a large part of that. That just shows the amount of financial stress that young people are already under.” Woods said the Occupy movement declined in popularity and
The Daily Free Press Crossword ACROSS 1 IBM offerings 4 Evil org. in Bond novels 10 GameCube competitor 14 Grown acorn 15 Kiribati’s capital 16 Top choice, slangily 17 Break down 18 Movie category 19 Footnote wd. 20 Hit by singer who died 12/6/88 23 Gullible 24J ordan/Bunny film 27 Entree that serves eight? 30 HBO rival 31 Top pilot 32 Peter and a Wolfe 34 Nabokov novel 35 See 20A 40 Refine, as a skill 41 Ballteam skipper Joe 42 Hobbit ally 43 Gibson or Brooks 46 Twisted wool 50 Enzo’s automobiles 53 Hokkaido port 54 See 20A 57 Osbourne of rock
59 Arctic attire 60 Pose questions 61 Wordsworth work 62 Notably the ‘72 Dolphin defense 63 Peggy or Pinky 64 Cornmeal bread 65 Stylish 66 Byrnes or Hall DOWN 1 Mount __, PA 2 Carson character 3 With natural illumination 4 Big house 5 Austrian physicist Ernst 6 Art Deco artist 7 Train tracks 8 Dives like an eagle 9 “__ and Her Sisters” 10 Case for Scully and Mulder 11 Bette’s title character of ‘62 12 Egg: pref. 13 Signed, kind of 21 Ms. de Carlo 22 Author Umberto 25 Part of DNA 26 Game pieces 28 Swiss canton 29 Male heir 33 E. Bilko’s rank 34 Magic word 35 Actor’s part
keep in mind is that they can do it, no matter what they are going through, as long as they keep pushing forward and “just don’t go back.” Bedard said living in the house, which helps women with substance problems, has its ups and down but has generally been good. “I mean, there are 20 women, so of course it’s crazy at times,” she said, “but if you just keep the focus on yourself and remember what you’re really there for then it’s all worth it in the end.” The hardest part in the recovery process has been her feelings, she said, and the most important thing for loved ones of those in recovery to keep in mind is that it is a slow process. “It’s going to take time — it’s hard,” she said. “It’s not only affecting me — it affects my family no matter what I do, so I need to keep that in mind that it’s hard on them too.”
Lack of jobs shrinks middle class, study suggests By Tribune Media Services
ther, whose son was addicted to OxyContin, spoke up and fought for a recovery high school in the southeast Massachusetts area. “That accomplished high school in Brockton . . . was created by one voice, and that’s why your presence and your voices here are so important,” he said. Students in the state’s recovery high schools also came to speak in front of the crowd about their experience. Other speakers included Rep. Elizabeth Malia, of Jamaica Plain, and Sen. John Keenan, of Quincy, who are chairs of the joint committee on Mental Health and Substance Abuse. Samantha Bedard, a 21-yearold resident at the Faith House in Worcester, told The Daily Free Press she came because it is important to attend these gatherings with other people in recovery to show support. Bedard said the important thing for recovering addicts to
public image partially as a result of its lack of focus. “We needed more concrete directions, we needed more concrete plans,” he said. “We needed instruction, we needed leadership, we needed accountability within our own structures.” The release stated that only 38 percent of young Americans believe politicians reflect their interests. Wood said this is consistent with Occupy protests, as the protests were an expression of anger at greed and manipulation of democracy. “Wall Street corporations — anybody with a whole lot of money — can donate as much as they want to political action committees, [and] that creates that bias,” he said. “They’re able to take the whole machine wherever it wants to go, and it’s that machine that we’re angry against.” But other BU students still said they would prefer to work on Wall Street than occupy it. CAS sophomore Ryan Linehan
said he noticed some problems with the Occupy movement. “It’s good in intent, but it doesn’t necessarily have solid goals or methods of achieving those goals,” he said, “so I wouldn’t agree necessarily with the way they went about Occupy.” Linehan said he still would not particularly prefer a job on Wall Street, as it is not the kind of work he wishes to be doing. CAS sophomore Michelle Hunter said she would rather have the stability of a job, but does not think politicians reflect young Americans’ interests. “The young people aren’t the ones with money right now, and that’s obviously what interests politicians most,” she said. CAS sophomore Matthew Miller said he would much rather have a job on Wall Street. “In essence, my goal to make a ton of money is a pathway to me experiencing the world,” he said. “So, obviously, working on Wall Street is going to get me that money.”
JOBS -- $$ SPERM DONORS WANTED $$ Earn up to $1,200/month and give the gift of family through California Cryobank’s donor program. Convenient Cambridge location. Apply online:
36 Thawed out 37 Boar’s mate 38 __-Magnon 39 Cursor relocator 40 Playboy’s founder, fondly 43 Traveler’s guide 44 Thing to do
45 Certain claim holder 47 Hacienda hot meal 48 Wiped out 49 Immersed 51 Poetic match 52 Boulder 55 Refrain syllables 56 Sweet tubers
57 Antithesis, briefly 58 Menagerie
Solution is on Page 4
Difficulty: Medium
Solution is on Page 4
Campus & City City Crime Logs
The Homeless Attack By Kaneta Zillur & Jasper Craven Daily Free Press Staff
The following crime reports were taken from the Allston-Brighton District D-14 crime logs from Sept 12. to Sept. 17. On Thursday, police responded to a call about a person screaming for help between Brighton Avenue and Harvard Avenue in Allston at about 12:30 a.m. The victim told the officers that he was jumped and robbed by two white males, both about 20 years old, wearing dark clothes. The victim said the two males took his $250 pulsar watch and $120 in cash. The victim said the suspects were homeless and he often saw them on the around Harvard Avenue playing the guitar. The officers searched the area and broadcasted a description of the suspects but were unable to catch them. The victim was later transported to St. Elizabeth’s Hospital. The mighty balloon On Thursday at about 9:30 p.m., an officer responded to a radio call for a vandalism report at 1657 Commonwealth Ave. in Boston. Upon arrival, the victim told the officer that she was driving in her car on Commonwealth Avenue when an object struck her front windshield as she was crossing the area of 1657 Comm. Ave. The object, later identified as a water balloon, was likely thrown from the roof of the building near the scene of the incident. Police found no suspects at the time. Premium rush At about 6:30 a.m. on Thursday, a 59-year-old victim stopped in his red, GMC pickup truck at a stop light at Cambridge Street. The light turned green and the male took a right onto Islington Street. While turning, the male saw the biker cycling at a high rate of speed. The suspect crossed from the bus line onto the sidewalk and crashed into the victim’s car, smashing into the side rear fender and tire. The bicyclist fell to the ground, got up and apologized profusely. Then, refusing to wait for police or give his name, the cyclist said he was fine and biked away. Crazy taxi (passenger) At about 9:15 p.m. Thursday officers responded to an assault and battery incident on Allston Street and Brighton Avenue in Allston. A cab driver told police he picked up a passenger in Copley Square and drove the suspect to Brighton. The passenger requested to go to Harriet Street and while the cab driver was taking the suspect there, the suspect changed his mind, asking to be dropped off at a bar at Harvard Avenue. When the victim drove him there, the suspect then asked instead to go to Harriet Street. While near Allston Street on Brighton Avenue, the suspect refused to pay the driver and jumped out of the cab. The cab driver followed the suspect outside, where the suspect struck the cab driver in the face and fled. The victim refused medical attention when officers arrived.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
BUPD reports show less larceny on campus Noise ordinance proposal targets unruly parties By Amy Gorel Daily Free Press Staff
Larceny is the most common crime on Boston University’s campus, but has been diminishing the past two years, police officials said. However, many students said they are still cautious about leaving their belongings unattended. “If we look at the time period between Sept. 1 and 16, there were 35 larcenies in 2011 and only 18 in 2012,” said BU Police Department Captain Robert Molloy. Larceny, personal property theft, is so common because it is a crime of opportunity, Molloy said. On college campuses, students often leave their bags unattended when getting in line to order food or at the library. “I’m always pretty careful and keep my stuff with me,” said Amir Ali, a College of Arts and Sciences freshman. “Everyone just gets used to carrying things with them all the time in college.” Since January of 2012, only 195 on-campus larcenies were reported to BUPD, 26 percent less than the 263 reported from January to September 2011, Molloy
said. “I definitely see people leave their things out a lot,” said Julia Catalini, a junior in the School of Education. “If you’re only gone for a couple minutes and try to keep it in sight, I don’t see a problem with it.” Catalini said even though she does not often leave her belongings unattended, she usually feels it is safe to do so in buildings on campus. BUPD is pleased with the new bicycle racks installed in public areas because it makes it easier for officers to monitor the racks for suspicious activity, Molloy said. BUPD’s Crime Prevention Program encourages students to register their valuable items such as laptops and bicycles with the police to deter theft and help return the stolen item if it is retrieved. Northeastern University’s Annual Information Report for 2011–12 accounted 55 robberies and 18 burglaries in 2010. “We publish annual reports to inform the students of problem areas that we have on campus,” said Greg Gauthier, a NU Police
By Jasper Craven Daily Free Press Staff
While larceny is common, students can prevent theft by keeping their valuables with them or out of sight.
Department officer. “We’ve done some informational flyers about larcenies of bikes on campus.”
Larceny, see page 4
Campuses not reflecting high U.S. obesity rates By Amy Gorel Daily Free Press Staff
While researchers predict half of Americans will be obese by 2030, a number of students at Boston University said obesity rates on campus do not reflect that trend. “In college, there’s a big push to look good,” said Jeff Gordon, a senior in Metropolitan College. “I go out of my way to be physically active.” Since college students eat primarily in all-you-can-eat dining halls, there is a push to over-eat, said College of Fine Arts junior Eliza Calkins. “This could cause obesity because it’s all you can eat, but it doesn’t seem to be a problem at BU,” she said. The study, “F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America’s Future,” released Tuesday, predicts that as obesity in America grows more prevalent, it will put an economic strain on the already burdened health care system. Rising obesity will cost the U.S. about $66 billion in treatment for illnesses including diabetes, heart disease, cancer,
stroke, hypertension and arthritis, resulting from obesity. The rising rates of obesity are estimated to cost the nation more than $500 billion in “lost economic productivity,” according to the study. “I do think [obesity] is a problem,” Gordon said. “It’s an economic problem and already straining the healthcare system, especially since we’re transitioning into universal healthcare.” Cameron Anstey, a sophomore in the College of Arts and Sciences, said that the nation is going to end up paying for the health repercussions of rising obesity rates. “I don’t want to pay for it,” he said. “I would like to think people would like to be responsible for themselves and our nation.” Gordon said he would be in support of a junk food tax. “If they tax cigarettes and alcohol, they should be able to tax Doritos,” he said. Calkins said many obese people she sees are often eating food that is not expensive, such as chips, carbonated beverages, burgers and fries.
“People who are obese buy cheap food — and spend less money that way,” she said. “Telling them they can’t do that would be tough.” Gordon said that it would be very difficult to motivate the majority of overweight or obese Americans to lose weight, as the study suggests. “We live in a very sedentary society,” he said. “It’s too easy to have all you need without getting off the couch. It’s hard to get people to get in shape. People get pissed when you tell them they’re fat or try to make them do something.” One way to combat obesity in the U.S. would be to encourage more education about healthy diets and eating habits, as well as exercise in elementary schools, Gordon said. The best way to entice people into healthier lifestyles is not to punish their old lifestyles, Calkins said. “I think the best way is to tell them it’s going to be healthier for them,” she said. “Health and
Obesity, see page 4
A proposed Boston city ordinance would crack down on noisy, unruly parties and gatherings with stricter enforcement rules and fines, requiring a penalty some Boston University students said is unreasonable. The public will be able to give its input on the ordinance at a hearing Sept. 25 at Boston City Hall that is open to public comments. Councilor Salvatore LaMattina of East Boston sponsored the ordinance, which was referred to the Committee on Government Operations in August. The ordinance stated that loud parties cause disruptive behavior, leading to sleep disturbances and anxiety. “Excessive and unnecessary noise is a significant threat to the health, safety and quality of life for residents of the City of Boston,” according to the ordinance. The ordinance stated that Boston residents have an inherent right to be “be free from excessive and unnecessary noise.” The ordinance places responsibility on multiple entities that allow disturbing noises to happen. “This ordinance shall permit the city to impose liability on property owners and other responsible persons for the nuisances and harm caused by unruly gatherings on private property,” according to the ordinance. The Boston Police Department keeps a separate telephone line speicfically dedicate for residents who are disturbed by parties, said BPD spokeswoman Cheryl Fiandaca in an email. “In some areas of the city, where there are a lot of students, we do see an increase in complaints regarding loud parties,” she said. The police ask that students be good neighbors and respectful of the community, she said. “Of course we will strictly enforce the law as it relates to underage drinking and disorderly conduct,” she said. If passed, residents who live in the premises, control the building or organize the gathering will be at fault.
Noise, see page 4
BU continues sustainability efforts, strives for LEED certification By Chris Lisinski Daily Free Press Staff
Boston University environmental groups said they will focus on getting more students involved in sustainability efforts on campus and making BU a greener campus. “I think the big goal for this year is really improving campus outreach,” said Dennis Carlberg, director of Sustainability@BU. “In order to do that, we have hired a full-time sustainability outreach coordinator.” Carlberg said the outreach coordinator will have students offer their suggestions and ideas for sustainability efforts, which will make environmental projects easier. “Her responsibility will be to really engage the campus commu-
nity in a more significant way than we’ve been able to do so far,” he said. “We’d very much like to get input from students on how they think we can better engage them and make change on campus.” Alivia Ashenfarb, director of environmental affairs for Student Government, said a coalition of BU environmental groups was formed to increase efficiency and productivity. “The goals of the environmental coalition are to connect the different environmental groups on campus,” Ashenfarb, a College of Arts and Sciences junior, said. “By connecting them at a monthly potluck and through our monthly newsletters, people in one group can know what’s going on in an-
Sustainability, see page 4
Sustainability@BU is seeking LEED certification for 100 Bay State Road, which includes features such as the green roof.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
BUPD presence makes campus Campuses should expect noise, student says down by a neighbor again and apartments or houses over. safe environment, student says again and persistently doesn’t and “Although, people should Noise: From Page 3
Larceny: From Page 3
Tufts University Boston Campus Public Safety’s report for 2011–12 only accounted two burglaries and no other thefts for 2010. The numbers mark a drastic drop from the 16 burglaries reported in 2009 and 25 burglaries in 2008. The spokesman for Tufts could not be reached in time for comment. Ali said he thinks BUPD has a strong presence on campus and that he feels safe. “I’ve never had anything stolen from me on campus, but I’ve only been here two weeks,” he said. Molloy said he suggests that students do not leave bags unattended or to eat with friends so they can keep an eye on their bags. Angelo Catanese, a CAS sophomore, said he has been more cautious since he had four iPods and a wallet stolen from his car in high school.
“Unless I’m gone for only 10 seconds, I try to keep my stuff with me,” he said. CAS sophomore Logan Bernard said he has not seen many unattended belongings in dining halls or the library lately. “Nothing has ever been stolen from me, but when I’m at the library I still try to put my laptop in my backpack if I leave the desk for a few minutes,” Bernard said. Molloy said larceny is a popular campus crime, but that it is also a prevalent offense everywhere else. School of Management sophomore Ka Kiu Leung said he has never had anything stolen from him on campus. He said he leaves his backpack to save a table while he goes into lines at the dining halls or George Sherman Union. “When I see the amount of backpacks left in the area, I feel better about leaving mine out,” he said. Kaneta Zillur contributed to the reporting of this article.
Education could combat obesity among young people, student says Obesity: From Page 1
staying active is the best way to get around obesity. That’s why BU [students] seem so fit — and it keeps you happy, which is also good for the nation.” Anstey said that he thinks BU’s
campus is very healthy compared to other college campuses in the nation. “I think, in general, college can make or break obesity depending on the lifestyle they [students] choose to live here,” he said.
Cleaning Device Study at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
We are currently looking for volunteers for a research study that that is testing a dental cleaning device. This is a four-week study with a total of three visits. Participants must be between 18 and 70 years of age, brush regularly, use floss less than twice a week and be in good general health. There is a total stipend of $75 with completion of all study appointments. There are no clinic or material fees. No dental insurance required. To learn more about this study, or to schedule an appointment to see if you qualify, please contact 617-636-3931. All appointments take place at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, One Kneeland Street, Boston, MA. Today’s crossword solution brought to you by...
Code Brown
The ordinance also addresses underage partying, explicitly prohibiting the consumption of alcoholic beverages at loud gatherings. First-time offenders will receive a $100 fine and a $300 fine will be issued for repeat offenders. “In lieu of issuing a fine, an officer may issue a written warning if the response to the complaint occurs before 10 p.m.,” according to the ordinance. Some Boston University students said the fines are somewhat unfair. Jessica DiCristoforo, a sophomore in the College of Communication, said a $100 fine for a firsttime violation is ridiculous. “If a person is asked to quiet
police have to be brought in, a $100 fine would be adequate for wasting everybody’s time,” she said. But if someone calls the police on another person without first asking them to be quiet, DiCristoforo said, it seems outrageous to charge someone with the fine. College of Arts and Sciences sophomore Conor Heilferty said he could understand why the fines are in place. “Obviously the fines are meant to discourage people from being excessively loud, so as long as the students are aware what the fines are and how much they are, I think the fines are fair,” he said. Heilferty said “excessively loud” describes anything that can be clearly heard two to three
know that they live on a college campus and the noise is basically to be expected,” he said. “I think once the problem becomes an every-weekend kind of thing then it becomes an even bigger problem.” COM sophomore Paul Remy said a fine of $100 for a noise complaint is not fair. “Most of the time when people are being too loud, they aren’t doing it on purpose and sometimes don’t even realize how loud they’re being,” he said. “I think you should be allowed to make noise in an apartment to the point that it isn’t disturbing any neighbors, but I do not think the police should be contacted unless it’s far too loud.”
Officials aim to receive LEED certification for Center for Student Services building Sustainability: From Page 3
other group.” Groups can then share resources and offer input on ideas, she said. “This year, our goal is to use the potluck as a space where students can propose different projects or campaigns that they want to start that everyone can help them with,” Ashenfarb said. Caroline Thompson, associate director of environmental affairs for SG, said her department had been working on the coalition since last year. “Last year in environmental affairs, we started the environmental coalition of connecting all the green groups on campus and helping them start collaborating and sharing ideas,” Thompson, a junior in CAS, said. “This year we really want to continue that momentum and to really start building strong environmentalism on campus.” Ashenfarb said students have already mentioned concerns over lights always being on in the Photonics Center and the Fitness and Recreation Center, sprinkler systems being inefficient and compost. “We’re going to have clear-cut scientific plans, but first we want
to hear from students what we should start first,” she said. “For these projects it’s going to take time, but already we’re thinking about the lighting, we’re thinking about the sprinkler system.” Thompson said environmental affairs is now able to move forward and focus on specific projects with student input and collaboration. “Now we have the tools and the resources we need to start new projects,” she said. Carlberg said Sustainability hopes to increase the number of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certified campus buildings. LEED certification is a system for third-party identification of environmentally friendly buildings, according to the Sustainability website. It provides a framework for practical green solutions. “[LEED certification], I think, is critical, because certified buildings as green buildings really takes the guesswork out of it and makes it clear with a nationally recognized program that we’re actually doing what we say we’re doing,” Carlberg said. “It holds our feet to the fire.” Carlberg said Sustainability is working on getting the new Cen-
ter for Student Services at 100 Bay State Road certified. “We’re going through the process now to get that building LEED certified,” he said. “I will say it will probably be next semester before we know how we did.” Carlberg said he wants to further reduce BU’s carbon footprint this year. “Energy is fundamentally a critical component of our sustainability program, energy efficiency and climate action,” he said. “In other words, reducing our carbon footprint, primarily through energy efficiency projects and fuel conversion projects. So, we’ve been very aggressive in moving from oil to heating all our buildings on gas, which has a much lower carbon footprint.” The Sustainability website states that the organization was able to reduce energy consumption by 6 percent despite a 12 percent campus growth since 2005. Carlberg said he hopes to continue this progress. “We’re making progress, that’s the good news,” he said. “The bad news is that we still have a long way to go, like anybody else. I don’t think we’re really unique in that.”
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Bodybuilders Creating more than just an image By Alyssa Di Rubbo Features Staff
“Quitters never win. Winners never quit.” These are the words that members of the Boston University Bodybuilding & Fitness Club proudly have printed on their T-shirts. Prady Tewarie, a professional bodybuilder and founder of BUBFC, said she is trying to give students the opportunity to experience that. BUBFC was created in the spring as a group focused on motivating people within the BU community to reach their personal training goals, according to organization’s website. By hosting meetings focused on fitness, nutrition, supplementation and technique, the BUBFC serves as a valuable resource for training information, support and motivation for the needs of BU students. MEET THE TEAM Motivated by his passion for bodybuilding, Tewarie, a senior in the College of Arts of Sciences studying political science and film, said he strives to turn the idea of a fitnessminded support system into a lasting community. “Three of my friends and I came up with the idea of creating the BUBFC after we noticed that there was no organization on campus catering to students’ fitness needs,” Tewarie said. And he has come a long way. More than 200 members, ranging from freshmen to graduate students, have signed up for the fall to receive information on the fitness and nutrition services BUBFC offers. Free Zumba classes are now being offered in classrooms in CAS and instructed by a fellow BUBFC member and professional dancer. The club is trying to get their voice heard in the BU community to improve students’ options. For instance, on Twitter, BUBFC wrote, “@ BUDiningService Can we get Greek yogurt [in] the salad bar?” Although Tewarie originally based the club off of his own experience in bodybuilding, by undertaking further research on physical fitness to widen his expertise and by coordinating with professional athletes and certified nutritionists, he said, the BUBFC will provide an appealing option in addition to PDP classes offered to students at FitRec. CELEBRITY TRAINING Not only will members be able to work on their own goals at their own pace, but they will also be introduced to a gym-buddy system. This system will ensure that members will always have someone to turn to for emotional support, as well as someone to work with to exploring different approaches to fitness for each individual, he said. In addition to training together at the Fitness & Recreation Center and meeting for frequent dinners at Chipotle, the club arranges activities for students to mingle with professionals such as the former Mr. Universe Greg Rando, Mr. USA J o s e Raymond, Female Figure and Bodybuilding competitor Lori Steele and National Champion Ron Harris. “I was
excited to learn that these organized clubs exist in colleges because they’re promoting the sport of bodybuilding and fitness and helping to promote its benefits,” Rando, who owns his own gym and personal training business, said. Rando initially worked with the BUBFC during a seminar to promote awareness about the benefits of bodybuilding, where the group raised money for inner-city lifting groups. He said he was then inspired to share his experience with the club. “After the event, I was so encouraged by the turn out and the enthusiasm of the students,” Rando said. “I talked to them about setting aside some time to help individuals in the club by sharing my 20 years of experience in the fitness industry and helping to really educate and express what bodybuilding and fitness has done for me in my life.” Rando said he hopes to inspire the club members and to incorporate health and physical fitness into their lifestyles.
DEDICATED MEMBERS While the club is gaining new members as the new semester starts, a few returning students, Tewarie said, bring something unique to the club and exemplify what makes BUBFC special. This group includes School of Management sophomore Cherie Pereira, CAS junior Edward Ho and Metropolitan College first-year graduate student Lawrence Yu. Cherie Pereira, a native of Mumbai, India, said that not only has the BUBFC provided her with a great support system to help achieve the goals she set for herself upon joining, but it has come to mean much more since then. Like any new college student, Pereira said she wanted to take the notorious “freshman 15” head-on. She was looking to get in shape and find a healthy balance. At first intimidated by the thought of tackling the weight room alone at FitRec, Pereira found that the bonds and friendships she made with other members of the club was the best kind of encouragement and motivation to start — and stick to — her fitness routine and choices towards a healthy lifestyle. “I now follow the Paleo diet, but I didn’t even know what it was until a friend of mine on the e-board introduced it to me,” Pereira said. “If I hadn’t met the people I have and made the changes I’ve made, I don’t know what my life would be like at BU. It wouldn’t be as good as it is right now.” Such enthusiasm is exactly what makes it all worth it for Tewarie, he said. “Cherie had a goal when she came in, and it’s great to see that she’s made so much improvement,” he said. “Now she’s one o f the first ones a t every event, and that makes m e really
happy. I find that inspiring for myself.” LOOKING FORWARD Promoting the positive side to the sport of bodybuilding is what Tewarie said he hopes to accomplish during his last year at BU, and what he hopes will continue to thrive when he passes down the organization to current members of the club’s e-board. “There are a lot of misconceptions and negative connotations about bodybuilding in pop culture,” Tewarie said. “People think bodybuilders are stupid or associate them with steroid abuse. But I’m trying to get away from that image and show the regimented discipline that the sport inspires.” STRENGTH IN NUMBERS Yu, who came to BU from the University of Delaware for his graduate degree, has also found tremendous motivation in the perseverance thriving within the BUBFC community. Looking to meet other people with similar interests to talk to and train with, Yu has found strength in being surrounded by goal-minded individuals who push him to set and reach his own goals. “Prady [Tewarie] has really worked with me and motivated me to train smarter,” he said. “I just came off a back injury a year ago, so if I hadn’t met Prady, I would still be struggling towards recovery.” Providing one-on-one attention to members is one of the goals Tewarie continues to work toward this academic year. “Fitness is a personal thing,” Ho said. “You get involved on your own goals. So we’re just there to help.” As a Boston native and executive-board member of the BUBFC, Ho originally got involved in the club simply by attending one of its weightlifting events that had peaked his interest. But after getting to interact with people who shared his curiosity, and meeting professional lifters, Ho said he grew attached to the concept of the club. “Before the club, there wasn’t really anything fitnessoriented [on campus], so I feel that it’s established something to bring people together,” he said. Pereira said altogether, BUBFC has given her an allaround better perspective on self-confidence. “Last semester I was a freshman, a girl and an international student. You think, I’m going to go and everyone will be fit, and I’ll stand out,” Pereira said. “You would think it’s intimidating, but it’s not at all,” she added. “Everyone is really helpful and approachable. It’s nice to meet other girls that understand.”
Edward Ho, a powerlifter in BUBFC, lifts weights at the USAPL NJ State Championships.
September 19, 2012
Leaving home
The Daily Free Press
The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University 42nd year F Volume 84 F Issue 11
Steph Solis, Editor-in-Chief Sydney L. Shea, Managing Editor Lauren Dezenski, Online Editor Emily Overholt, Campus Editor
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The Daily Free Press (ISSN 1094-7337) is published Monday through Thursday during the academic year except during vacation and exam periods by Back Bay Publishing Co.,Inc., a nonprofit corporation operated by Boston University students. No content can be reproduced without the permission of Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. Copyright © 2010 Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.
Young people forgo cars The number of young Americans buying cars has dropped significantly, according to a CNN article. Within the last five years, the “share of new cars purchased by those aged 18 through 34 has dropped 30 percent,” according to the CNN article. It makes sense that young Americans would opt out of purchasing cars. Cars are expensive, and less young people are stably employed. Add massive student loans to the mix, and young people aren’t so willing to fork over the cash for a set of wheels. Perhaps this also reflects of our country’s growing transportation system. Though everyone would agree that European public transportation is more advanced, ours still functions. There are more forms of public transportation in the U.S. now then there were several years ago, and this growth isn’t limited to the city. Now people living in the suburbs have access to trains or buses that
take them from point A to point B. Cars are no long as important or necessary. That being said, the majority of jobs today are located in the city. Young people are less motivated to move out of the city and into the suburbs because their jobs are located in urban environments. Someone with an ultra urban lifestyle (a person who lives and works in the city), might not view a car as a necessity. Finally, this statistic may reveal something about the efforts of environmentalists. Perhaps more young people are ditching cars for bikes or tennis shoes. A glimpse down any one of Boston’s major streets turns up crowded sidewalks and occupied bike lanes. Looking forward, will the number of car purchased by young Americans continue to drop? It would be interesting to see if the number of cars purchased by these Americans once they enter middle age will drop as well.
Romney misstep? A video of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney speaking to a group of wealthy GOP donors during a private reception in May is generating heat, according to an article in The New York Times Tuesday. In the video, Romney describes to the donors how 47 percent of Americans are “people who pay no income tax” and are “dependent upon government,” according to the Times article. He goes on to say that the same 47 percent will vote for President Barack Obama over him. Mother Jones, a politically liberal magazine, posted portions of the video online Monday afternoon. Shortly after the video went viral, Americans shared their reactions on popular social networking sites and in the comments sections of major online news sites. Romney responded to the video, telling reporters that he was “speaking off the cuff in response to a question,” according to the Times article. First, this incident should serve as a reminder to politicians (and anyone else in
the spotlight), to choose their words wisely, even when those words are exchanged behind closed doors. That being said, should Romney’s speech be generating this much heat? No. Yes, his choice of words was poor. Yes, he made sweeping generalizations about the 47 percent. But the heart of Romney’s message isn’t all that shocking. Our country’s welfare system is incredibly disorganized. People can and do manipulate the system, and yet, they continue to receive check after check after check. Romney is tapping into an idea that a lot of people probably agree with. Looking forward, it will be interesting to see what impact this video will have on the rest of Romney’s campaign. For what it’s worth, a number of the news websites that have reposted the video contain a sensationalized headline. The people visiting those sites should ignore those headlines, actually view the video and decide for themselves what Romney meant.
uring my sophomore year of high school, I spent a semester studying abroad in Israel. It was a struggle trying to integrate myself into Israeli society while also feeling extremely homesick and confused about the situation I was in. The experience was amazing, and if I could I would relive every second of it. When I came home at the beginning of June, I told myself that living and studying abroad had prepared me for the encounters I would run into at college. I repeatedly told myself that if I could live in Israel for four months, then surely I could spend a year away at college. What I didn’t know back then was that I would be living on the opposite side of the country, far from Beverly Drive and Santa Monica Boulevard. While Israel might seem far, Boston feels even farther. I had the heat and pretentious attitudes in Israel that reminded me so much of home. The humidity and cold of Boston are so new and harsh to me. In Los Angeles, I was used to driving any time I needed to get out of the house and there were always parking spaces available for me. In Boston, every time I sit in a car I feel like I am entering a war zone (especially while searching for parking). But the one thing my trip to Israel and my current stay in Boston have in common is the extreme distance. Leaving home is difficult, whether you come from Los Angeles, New York, Mexico City or Paris. When you’re talking on the phone with your parents with a shaky voice, trying to tell them how much you miss them without shedding a tear, it’s hard to imagine that all of your happy and social floor mates are feeling the same way. Even though it’s hard for me to fathom, I take comfort in the fact that most, if not all freshmen have felt the same as me. I find it impossible for any teenager to leave his or her home without feeling some sort of
separation anxiety. But if all of us have felt homesick at one point or another, why does it feel embarrassing to be visibly sad in my dorm? Why do I feel that I need to control my emotions when I talk to my dad or my sister on the phone? Why do I need to hide my tears from my roommate? It’s not a taboo to show your emotions in public, unless they’re negative emotions. If my professor says something rude during a lecture, I could call him out on his comment and get angry in front of the entire class, but I refrain because I wouldn’t want the other students to feel awkward or uncomfortable being around me. If I suddenly felt homesick in my Spanish class, I could easily start bawling and call my dad on my cell phone, but I would be considered an emotional wreck if I acted on those impulses. Acting on negative feelings in public is strongly looked down upon and for a good reason — if we all acted on our angry feelings then every philosophy classroom turn into a war zone, traffic jams would turn violent and unhappy floor mates would be in a constant wrestling match with each other. Yet this repression of emotions makes all of us feel uncomfortable admitting that we are, in fact, sad at times and that we are not as strong as we show ourselves to be. Feeling homesick is as normal as feeling happy over a good grade or angry over an insulting comment. The only difference is the outcome of showing these emotions in public. The reality for everyone is that it’s not easy being away from home, so why does this have to be so embarrassing for us to admit? Rachel Chistyakov is a freshman in the College of Arts and Sciences and a Fall 2012 columnist for The Daily Free Press. She can be reached at
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Terriers Talk Reflections
The Daily Free Press asked students if they would rather work for Wall Street or Occupy Wall Street.
Here’s what some of them said.
“I’m in the middle. It started in Spain, and I’m from Spain. Here it was anti-capitalism, and there it was antipolitics.” -MET senior
“I agree with the 99 percent, but if I was on the Wall Street side I would definitely help.” - COM junior
“I would probably choose Occupy. I’m for equality.”
- CAS junior
“I would probably protest because I’m not going to end up working with Wall Street.” -CGS freshman
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Marasco: College athletes bring more compelling element than pros Marasco: From page 8
meled into oblivion doing the dirty work that coaches don’t want to inflict upon their prized scholarship players. But wouldn’t you know, he made the team. So for those years, he went to practice every day and worked his tail off just to keep his spot on the roster. That means waking up at dawn every day, lifting weights constantly, taking his lumps at practice and spending hours in a film room — all for zero playing time and limited recognition from coaches. Not only did he not get to play on Saturdays, he didn’t get to
travel or dress with the team for their road games. But, he played through his senior year. He dedicated this massive amount of time to football. He didn’t receive any compensation for it. No scholarship. And as noted, recognition is limited for players near the edge of the depth chart. He wanted to get a chance to take the field, but he never knew if it’d come. But just being on the team was good enough for him to keep going. To me, that’s a beautiful thing. And just to add the cherry on top, his senior season, he was given the opportunity to dress
and play in a few games — heartwarming. Mission accomplished. That’s what makes college sports so special. For some, it really is all for the love of the game. Sure, the talent level in pro sports is lightyears ahead of that of college, but what college sports lack in talent they give you back tenfold in passion and desire. Think about any of your favorite films or TV shows — the ones that really tell a fantastic story, the ones that affect you, the ones that move you, the ones that make you laugh or cry. What do they all have in common? The hero has a great desire — something is driving them —
something not easily obtained. There’s a journey. Andy Dufresne wants freedom. Bruce Wayne wants to save his hometown. George VI wants respect. Cobb wants his kids. The Dude wants his rug. Jim Halpert wants Pam. Walter White wants to provide for his family. College sports give us these journeys. They give us these great stories of struggle, desire, and perseverance that exist in the professional realm, but aren’t quite the same. They aren’t quite as raw — quite as beautiful — as they are in the college arena. The antidote for of the short-
comings we find in the professional sports world is found in college athletics. There are no lockouts or holdouts. Players don’t request trades or ask for their contracts to be restructured. They just play. Sure, the elite few will use college as a stepping-stone for the pros, but the vast majority are driven by something else — love. So, when the world seems a little colder, a little darker, and when lockouts get you so frustrated that you just want to stay in your pajamas all day and eat your weight in peanut butter — turn to the joy that is college sports.
BU dominates in first home win of season McGuire comes off bench, Men’s soccer: From page 8
“It was the result of a lot of hard work, which is good to see.” The Terriers did not go back to their usual conservative style of play after the first-half goal. In fact, they continued to attack, playing their most aggressive game of the season so far. Bustamante nearly had his second goal of the game in the 43rd minute when he ripped a shot from inside the box that sent opposing goalie Michael Thompson diving to make the save. BU’s second goal proved to be the most crucial, as it came with only 13 seconds remaining in the first half. Junior forward Ali Sozeri sent a ball towards redshirt freshman forward Mac McGuire, who took it past two defenders down the left side and sent it home for his first collegiate goal. “That second goal at the end of the half, it was tough [for Holy Cross],” Roberts said. “It happened to us against St. John’s. It’s tough in the locker room after that.” After the goal, it was not a surprise that the second half brought
much of the same play from both teams. Holy Cross made a substitution at goalkeeper, subbing in freshman Kevin Wright for Thompson, but neither goalie could stop the relentless pressure of BU’s offense. In the 55th minute, the Terriers scored once again on a tic-tac-toe passing play. After sophomore midfielder Cameron Souri made a fantastic play to keep the ball in the offensive zone, he dribbled down the left side towards the penalty box and left the ball behind him for Ciccone. Ciccone then sent the ball through the box, past a couple of defenders, and right onto the foot of McGuire, who put it in to the left of the goalkeeper. The goal gave BU a 3–0 lead and put McGuire in the team lead for goals this season with two. “It was amazing,” McGuire said. “I mean, I don’t even know what to think right afterward. Just too happy.” However, the Terriers were not done yet. Bustamante hit the post off of a free kick in the 69th
minute, after which the team almost notched its fourth goal of the night as a scrum ensued in the goal crease. In the 80th minute, redshirt freshman Parker Powell made this night a historic one for BU as he tapped the fourth goal of the night, his second of the season, past Wright for a 4–0 BU lead. It was the first time since Oct. 30, 2010, that the Terriers scored four goals in one game. That performance came against the University at Albany and was the same game in which Bustamante scored his last collegiate goal before tonight. “It’s nice to score goals — goals are always good to have,” Roberts said. The game was the only regular-season matchup with a Patriot League opponent the Terriers will have this year. With the blowout victory in favor of BU, the game certainly bodes well for the Terriers in their future conference. “Yeah, I like the Patriot League,” Roberts said with a smile after the game.
scores twice in blow-out win McGuire: From page 8
sus Holy Cross. So far this season McGuire has started only two of eight games while averaging 46 minutes in those games. Additionally, McGuire had only one shot on net entering the Holy Cross game. That being said, coming off the bench does not seem to affect McGuire’s attitude or play. “Even if I’m not starting I’m happy to come off the bench and get solid playing time,” McGuire said. “Wherever the team needs me to come in I’m happy do that — whether I am starting or coming off the bench, it does not matter.” BU coach Neil Roberts praised the hard work and athleticism of the Southlake, Texas, native. “Mac has always got that potential,”Roberts said. “He is a fantastic athlete. He could have played Division 1 football.” In addition to McGuire’s athleticism, Roberts also noted the redshirt freshman’s continued growth and bright future.
“We have been waiting for him to kind of come through and it has been in spurts this year,”Roberts said. “I think this year and next year you are gonna see him keep coming and coming. He’s learning how to play a little bit more, and he’s getting a little more comfortable on the ball. I think the next couple years it’s gonna be fun to watch him.” Roberts also said he believes McGuire’s performance and continued hard work will lead to more playing time as BU will soon start playing America East conference members. McGuire and Powell have been revelations for the team this season, as both redshirt freshmen lead the team in goals with two. For a team that does not have a consistent top scorer at the striker position, the versatility of the two forwards has helped make the Terriers’ offense more dangerous. McGuire and the rest of the men’s soccer team will travel to Hempstead, NY, later this week to play Hofstra University on Saturday, Sept. 22 at 7 p.m..
Field Hockey snaps 2-game losing streak with double-OT road win Field hockey: From page 8
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tum,” Starr said about the team’s attitude going into overtime. “We were in attack mode. We had a lot of shots and near misses in the second half and created a lot of offense, so we felt confident.” The first overtime period went in similar fashion for the Terriers as they took seven more shots and earned two more corners than their opponents, but failed to score. At the start of the second overtime, BU kept their attack mentality going as Ella Gunson got her third assist of the day when she set up freshman forward Rachel Coll for a goal 51 seconds into the period to give Boston a 3–2 lead. “It was about time,” Coll said after the game. “I felt good especially in double overtime.” The three assists on the game doubled Gunson’s assist total on the year, as she now leads the team with six assists. Gunson’s six assists make up two-thirds of the team’s total assists, as only she, Coll, senior midfielder Kiley Allosso and junior midfielder Kat Spring have assists for the Terriers on the year.
While she only converted on one of them, McLeod led the team with four shots on Tuesday. This total added to her teamlead of 34 shots on the season, which is 19 more than van Oosterom’s second-place total. With the win on Tuesday afternoon, the Terriers were able to snap their two-game losing streak that started back when they faced the Orange on Sept. 9. Also, the Terriers and their 6–2 record remain in competition with No. 8 Northeastern University for an at-large bid to the NCAA tournament. BU faces the Huskies on Oct. 21 at Jordan field. Until then though, the Terriers will face a mixture of two nonconference opponents and two America East opponents. The Terriers hope the win on Tuesday can help propel them to a winning streak that at least matches the five-game streak they started the season with. “We feel good,” Starr said. “We needed this game. The win was important, but going into today we needed to play well and win, which is exactly what we did.”
Yeah, I like the Patriot League
BU men’s soccer coach Neil Roberts on the team’s win over The College of the Holy Cross.
Page 8
The Empty Net
For the love of the game
Frank Marasco Surprise, surprise — the NHL entered its fourth lockout in the last 20 years at noon on Saturday, as its collective bargaining agreement expired, driving hockey fans everywhere to buy gallons of rocky road ice cream and dust off their Maroon 5 CDs. The NBA had a lockout-shortened season this past year. The NFL struggled through painful collective bargaining negotiations the previous summer. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that professional sports are first and foremost a business. The truth is, like all business, professional sports are driven by money. And rightfully so — talented, hard-working people deserve to get their money. Pro athletes have short windows for earning, and they’re all trying to get paid as much as they possibly can during those years. And the owners? Hey, they’re running a business. They want maximum revenue — that’s capitalism. So, yeah — it kind of stinks that it’s not solely about the “love of the game” in pro sports, but don’t judge those involved. It’s the way of the world. However, every once in a while, something comes along that defies the “way of the world” — shining upon us as a beacon of optimism and hope. College sports, my friends, is that beacon. A friend of mine recently graduated from the University of Notre Dame. A good football player in high school, but not elite, he was not offered scholarships to play football for major college programs. But he had a lifelong dream that he wished to fulfill. Like Rudy, before him, he wanted to play football for Notre Dame. So, he tried out for the team as a walk-on. Do you know what happens to players who try to walk on to Division I football teams? If you’ve seen Rudy you have an idea. If you haven’t, basically what happens is you get pum-
Marasco, see page 7
No Games Scheduled QB Jay Cutler got mad at tackle J’Marcus Webb last week, because, hey, his leagueleading 4 picks can’t be all his fault.
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scores the goal
Freshman forward Rachel Coll was the hero in Tuesday’s BU field hockey win over UMass when she scored the gamewinning goal in double overtime. P. 8.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Men’s soccer crushes Holy Cross in first home win By Gregory Davis Daily Free Press Contributor
After a streak of five consecutive games in which the Boston University men’s soccer team was unable to come up with a win, the team finally won its first game at home against The College of the Holy Cross on Tuesday by a score of 4–0. The Terriers played some real nail-biters in its five-game winless streak. They played three overtime games, two of which ended in a tie and one of which resulted in a 1–0 defeat. Against No. 1 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, BU came up just short, losing the match 2–1. However, this game against an unranked Holy Cross team was expected to be an easier matchup, as their play throughout this young season would indicate. Coming into the game, Holy Cross was struggling on the defensive side of the ball, allowing an average of two goals per game. The Crusaders’ offense, led by forward Joshua Cintas and his three goals in five games, had better luck, as they averaged 0.75 goals per game. The Terriers knew this matchup was a good opportunity to finally put some balls in the back of the net. It was expected, with the injury to freshman defender Jeroen Blugh in the game against Brown University, that the defense’s ad-
Redshirt freshman Mac McGuire celebrates after scoring his second of two goals in the Terriers’ 4–0 win over The College of the Holy Cross. justment would be a big factor in the match. Blugh was a becoming the focal point of the defense after America East Defender of the Year Kelvin Madzongwe tore his ACL. Sanford Spivey was slated to start at defense in order to replace the injured Blugh. However, the real surprise of the match was how little BU’s defense was tested.
Right from the get-go, the Terriers’ midfielders and forwards consistently controlled the ball. The impressive ball security led to some good scoring chances, including a free kick just outside the penalty box from senior midfielder Michael Bustamante in the 12th minute that sailed just above the cross bar. In the 28th minute, BU’s consistent offensive pressure finally paid dividends, as Bustamante
knocked one into the net off of a cross from junior midfielder Anthony Ciccone. It was the team’s first goal since the team’s Sept. 9 tie with the University of Connecticut and Bustamante’s first since Oct. 30, 2010. BU coach Neil Roberts said it was well deserved. “The first goal we got was a pretty good one,” Roberts said.
Men’s soccer, see page 7
McGuire plays role of unlikely hero with first 2 collegiate goals By Michael Bagarella Daily Free Press Contributor
Scoring multiple goals for the first time this year, the Boston University men’s soccer team beat the visiting College of the Holy Cross 4–0 at Nickerson Field Tuesday night. Leading the scoring category was redshirt freshman Mac McGuire. With fewer than 30 seconds remaining in the first half, McGuire received a pass from junior forward
Ali Sozeri and used his speed to beat the Holy Cross defender and net his first goal as a collegiate athlete. “It was amazing,” Mcguire said after the game. “Especially because it was with 15 seconds left. I thought that really put us in a great position for the second half.” McGuire’s first goal put BU up 2–0 entering the half and marked the first time the Terriers have scored more than one goal in a
game this year. As a team, BU came out firing in the second half and was poised to score another goal. Holy Cross replaced its starting goalkeeper with back-up Kevin Wright in the hope that he would be able to stop the BU offense, but that was not the case. In the 56th minute, with an assist from junior midfielder Anthony Ciccone and a great play from sophomore midfielder Cameron Souri, McGuire scored his second
goal of the game. In addition to giving the team a commanding 3–0 lead in the game, McGuire then led the team in scoring with his two goals (a lead that would be later matched by redshirt freshman forward Parker Powell when he scored his second goal of the season in the 80th minute. McGuire’s two goals made him the unlikely hero in the match ver-
McGuire, see page 7
Field Hockey snaps 2-game losing streak with double-OT win By Chris Dela Rosa Daily Free Press Contributor
After a disappointing 1–0 loss to The College of William & Mary on Friday night, the No. 12 Boston University field hockey team travelled out to Amherst to take on No. 25 University of Massachusetts despite the tough playing conditions. “It was an important game that we needed to get back in the saddle.” said BU coach Sally Starr. The Terriers (6–2) stepped up in the spotlight of the crucial game, using a goal from freshman forward Rachel Coll in the second overtime frame to take a 3–2 win over the Minutewomen (3–5).
The Bottom Line
Wednesday, Sept. 19
The Daily Free Press
Thursday, Sept. 20 W. Soccer @ North Carolina State, 7 p.m.
Within the first minute of the game, it seemed as if the previous two games were going to repeat themselves, with the Terriers on the losing side. In 45 seconds, the Minutewomen took a 1–0 lead. It was not until the 18th minute that the Terriers answered with a goal of their own. Senior forward Nicole Van Oosterom scored the team’s first goal off of a corner with the assist coming from junior midfielder Ella Gunson. “The one thing I really like about this team is the maturity we have. There was plenty of time.” Starr said.
Unfortunately for the Terriers, Massachusetts regained the lead during the 22nd minute when senior Nicole Cordero got a goal past sophomore goalkeeper Valentina Cerda Eimbcke. BU was not going to let the game go to halftime without a fight though. Shortly before halftime, Gunson earned her second assist of the day by setting up senior Jacinda McLeod for a goal, tying the game at 2–2. Going into the second half, it seemed as if the Terriers took the lesson they learned from the loss to No. 2 Syracuse University and went into attack mode in the sec-
ond half. During the final 35 minutes of regulation, BU got the ball across midfield and into Minutewomen territory on several occasions. However, the Terriers were unable to capitalize on any of the opportunities presented. By the end of regulation, the Terriers outshot the Minutewomen 18–8. BU also held a 11–3 advantage when it came to corners. Because of the team’s inability to capitalize in the second half, BU was forced to participate in its fourth overtime game of the season. “I think we had a lot of momen-
Friday, Sept. 21
Saturday, Sept. 22
Sunday, Sept. 23
Softball vs. Boston College, 4 p.m. W. Tennis @ Brown Invitational, All Day
M. Soccer @ Hofstra, 7 p.m. W. Tennis @ Brown Invitational, All Day
Field hockey, see page 7
Field Hockey vs. Virginia, 11 a.m. W. Soccer vs. Albany, 2 p.m. W. Tennis @ Brown Invitational, All Day