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The Daily Free Press

Year xliii. Volume lxxxxviv. Issue XVII

WARREN RISING Unusual spike in Warren elevator complaints, page 3.


Tuesday, October 1, 2013 The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University


Research uses fear conditioning during sleep, page 5.




Field hockey splits weekend series at home, page 8.


Today: Partly cloudy, high 76. Tonight: Clear, low 57. Tomorrow: 82/54. Data Courtesy of weather.com

Only East Boston residents to vote on casino proposal New alumni feel unwanted pressure to donate to BU By Sophia Wedeen Daily Free Press Contributor

In the midst of heated debate, the Boston City Council voted 12 to one on Wednesday denying a citywide vote for the Suffolk Downs casino proposal, leaving the decision only to East Boston residents. “East Boston is the only community that will be most impacted by the casino… through the traffic and noise and pollution and other of the negatives when you go through a development the size of a billiondollar casino,” said City Council President Stephen Murphy. Celeste Myers, a resident of East Boston and co-chair of the activist group No Eastie Casino, said the whole city should not vote on this deal if it only affects certain residents. “Personally, as an East Boston voter, I believe the vote should be ours,” she said. “If I were just thinking of my own, personal, individual preference, I wouldn’t necessarily think that someone across the city should get to vote on my neighborhood. As someone who has to look at this strategically, I don’t see that we gain anything by going citywide.” District Six Councilor Matthew O’Malley said he opposed the East Bostononly vote because the effects of the casino will surpass the confines of the neighborhood. “The direct impact will be much greater on East Boston, there’s no question about

By Rachel Riley Daily Free Press Staff


City Council voted that only citizens living East Boston can vote on a proposal for the Suffolk Downs casino plan.

that,” he said. “However, it’s a city that we live in. It’s not a confederation of neighborhoods. There are some real costs in terms of public safety, in terms of infrastructure, in terms of public health, addiction and the effects on small businesses. This will affect the entire city, not just one neighborhood.” Murphy said the city would receive a $32 million payment to mitigate the costs of the impact the casino will have on East Boston. “We’re getting improvements to Route

1A that they’re paying for privately, we’re getting $19 million towards improvements in East Boston,” he said. “They [East Boston] are getting parks, a senior center and a youth center all coming from casino sources.” Murphy said that the mitigation package also includes costs for excess police and ambulances, as well as programs for people with addiction.

Casino, see page 2

Obamacare to take effect in Mass. amid gov’t. shutdown By Emily Caccam Daily Free Press Contributor

The Affordable Care Act is scheduled to launch into effect Tuesday with the opening of the Health Insurance Marketplace, a state-administered online exchange where individuals and small business can purchase private insurance plans, despite the government shutdown going into effect on the same day. Alec Loftus, communications director at the Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services, said Massachusetts is uniquely positioned with 97 percent of adults and 99 percent of children already covered. “We were the first state to set up a health exchange [Massachusetts Health Connector],” he said. “With a lot of the states that are working to come into compliance with the Affordable Care Act, the main thing they’re doing is working on their exchanges and we’re already way ahead

of the pack when it comes to that because we do have the health connector where people can go and buy subsidized insurance.” Aimed at increasing coverage, decreasing costs and ending patient discrimination, the ACA plans to allow individuals with incomes between 100 and 400 percent of the federal poverty level, who purchase insurance plans through the Health Insurance Exchange, to be eligible for federal subsidies to go towards premium costs. Those who opt out of this care can pay to stay with their private insurance. “Obamacare is an overwhelmingly positive thing for Massachusetts because it helps more people get coverage and it helps people get access to wellness and prevention programs that will save money in the long run for health care systems,” he said. On Sunday, the House of Representatives voted 231 to 192 in favor of delaying Obam-

acare for one year in their version of a spending bill. The Senate rejected their offer and it was sent back to the House for deliberations. The government had until 12:01 a.m. on Tuesday to pass a spending bill. As this did not occur, government agencies have shut down indefinitely. Keith Ericson, professor in the School of Management at Boston University, said despite the government shutdown, it is unlikely Obamacare will be delayed. “It is extremely unlikely that there will be an actual delay in the ACA’s implementation,” he said. “In the very unlikely events that there was a delay in the mandates … the health insurance exchanges would still go live on Oct. 1 and people could buy insurance through them.” Generation Opportunity, a nonprofit youth advocacy organization focused on the effects

Healthcare, see page 4

Despite graduating as recently as 2012 and still struggling to pay off student loan debt, several new alumni report repeatedly being contacted by Boston University officials to donate to the school. BU graduate Kara McGuire said she has received calls from BU employees every night around 7 p.m. for almost two weeks. McGuire, who graduated from the College of Communication in 2012, said she does not answer the calls because she believes BU is soliciting her for donations. “The way I see it, I’m still paying off my student loans,” she said. “It’s only been a year. Any spare money that I have is not going to be donated to the university at this point. Maybe somewhere farther along the line, I’ll try to do that, but right now I’m still making payments to the loan collection department at BU.” Almost every month since she graduated, McGuire said she has received mail items from BU, reminding her what she donated last and how she can make donations to different programs and areas of the school. “At this point, I don’t even open all of them [the mailings],” she said. “If I see something from the Alumni Association, I just choose to ignore it. I’m not going to be sending them a check any time soon.” The university could benefit from scaling back its efforts to obtain donations from younger graduates, McGuire said. “Even those of us [recent graduates] who are fortunate to get work — we’ve got bills to pay, and we’re pretty much all in debt,” she said. “They [BU officials] should know, with how much they charge for tuition.” Vice President for Alumni Relations Steve Hall said student callers contact graduates annually for donations. “Alumni are contacted in a variety of ways, dependent upon what may be the most effective way to discuss their philanthropic support,” Hall said in an email. “At the general level, most alumni receive letters, phone calls or emails asking for their support.” BU contacts all graduates for gifts, Hall said. Alumni donations can be made to almost

Alumni, see page 4

2 BU graduates in recovery process after Somerville home burned down




Houses on Summer Street, Bromfield Road and Laurel Terrace were a part of a string of 18 resident fires in Somerville. By Drew Schwartz Daily Free Press Contributor

On the morning of July 25, Brendan Ryan, a 2011 College of Arts and Sciences graduate, woke up to the jarring sound of smoke alarms. In one of 18 fires that have occurred in Somerville since early July, Ryan’s apartment was completely destroyed. “When I stood up, I could smell the smoke,” Ryan said. “I looked out to the back porch and it was engulfed in flames. All my

roommates were up because everyone was screaming. I ran out, and watched my house burn down. It was a huge fire, it was really terrifying.” Somerville Fire Department Chief Kevin Kelleher said the fire that occurred on July 25 at 19 Calvin St., home of two CAS graduates, Ryan and Daria Whalen, is currently still under investigation. Of the 18 fires that have caused millions of dollars in damage for Somerville residents, four have been declared incendiary, four have been ruled ac-

cidental and 10 are still under investigation. On Thursday, a blaze came through 10 Laurel Terrace. Other affected locations include 313 Summer St. and 85 Bromfield Road. “We’ve pinpointed the point of origin of all of the fires, we just haven’t found the cause of them all,” Kelleher said. “Sometimes it takes a lot of investigation and repeat interviews.” Kelleher said the Somerville Fire Department and the Somerville Police Department

are working in conjunction with state police troopers assigned to the fire marshal’s office, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to trace the cause of these fires. At the time of the fire, Ryan said he quickly collected a backpack to fill, and he picked up an umbrella because he he did not want to get wet standing out on the curb waiting for the fire to subside and for information on the state of his home. Aside from his few clothes and electronics that he grabbed before he evacuated his apartment, Ryan said his other belongings were unsalvageable. “I lost pretty much everything — everything I had,” Ryan said. “I was very jumpy for a week after it [the fire] … I tried not to focus on the stuff I lost. No one got hurt, so I just tried to think about it that way.” Ryan that the experience of fleeing his burning home was surreal. “It’s weird,” Ryan said. “... It was like reflex almost. Instinct takes over in situations

Fires, see page 2


Tuesday, OcTOber 1, 2013

Somerville fire victim ‘did not know how to react’ during blaze East Boston Fires: From Page 1

like that.” Ryan said he was living with Whalen, a fellow CAS 2011 graduate, when the fire occurred. However, she was visiting her parents in Albany, N.Y. at the time. “I got a phone call at 6 a.m. from my boyfriend who was in the apartment saying, ‘Hey, I just wanted to be the first one to tell you that our house is burning down,’”

Whalen said. When Whalen returned to Somerville that following Monday, she went to see the space where her apartment once stood. “I didn’t know how to react or process it at all,” Whalen said. “I was really glad that everybody was okay, but it was still really terrifying to not be able to be there and see what had happened. I wasn’t really able to get closure.” Whalen said since she and Ryan

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do not have homeowners’ or renters’ insurance, they were not compensated for the things they lost in the fire. She said they have received a generous amount of aid from friends, family and the American Red Cross. “The Red Cross helped out a ton, especially right after the fire,” Whalen said. “When I got back on Monday they had an ATM card for me to buy bedding, linens and food and stuff like that. We had a

bunch of friends who offered [and provided] places to stay, which was the biggest thing because we were all homeless for a long time.” Ryan and Whalen said despite enduring the loss of their home, their outlook on Somerville hasn’t changed, and both said they would move back to the area. “I recognize that it [the fire] was a fluke,” Ryan said. “I’m not afraid of the neighborhood.”

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casino could provide $32m Casino: From Page 1

“For me, it’s a no-brainer,” he said. “With the mitigation package there’s going to be a partnership with the existing businesses and they’re going to recreate the world of business within the bounds of a casino … I think it’s a net positive for the city. We’re getting 4,000 jobs, 50 percent of it will be built by Boston residents and economic activity in an area that’s been reserved for gambling for 80 or 90 years now.” Despite the mitigation package, Myers said she believes the casino will have a negative impact on the city. “It will be devastating to the fabric of the city of Boston and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,” she said. “What they’re proposing to do is build this monolithic entity … and its whole purpose is a revenue vacuum, sucking all the money out of our local economy, our tourist economy. The best-case scenario is that there will be the illusion of increased revenues.” Some residents said they understood why people citywide would want to vote, but why only East Boston residents think they should only vote. Chuck Stockbridge, 50, an operations manager with Boston Harbor Cruises, said he believes the casino will benefit the community. “The casino is going to be beneficial for years and years and it’s going to bring in a lot of employment in the area,” he said. “I think the effects of the casino are going to be residual. you’re going to get the influx initially for the construction, and then after that, you’re going to be looking at all the smaller effects for all the businesses in and around the area. They’re going to benefit.” Steve Holt, 31, a freelance journalist in East Boston, said despite the economic benefits, there are a lot of negative consequences that could happen because of the deal. “Statistically, we’ll actually be more likely to know someone who has a gambling addiction than someone who has a job at Suffolk Downs,” he said. “It doesn’t seem like such a good deal when you look at it that way.” Diane O’Hara, 77, resident of East Boston, said the vote should be citywide even though East Boston will be closest to the casino. “Most residents will be happy they don’t have to go to Foxwoods [Casino],” she said. “And the small businesses will profit with everybody coming into town, especially people who didn’t know about the area before … we have restaurants and parks … and with the casino plan, they will hire people from East Boston, hopefully.”

Campus & City Campus Crime Logs Sept. 23 to Sept. 29 By Alyssa Ciofani Daily Free Press Contributor

The following reports were taken from the Boston University Police Department crime logs from Sept. 23 to Sept. 29. Woman verbally assaulted On Tuesday at 1:15 p.m.., a man approached a woman at 590 Commonwealth Ave. and aggressively asked for her personal information, which she refused to give to him. She subsequently reported it to police officers. Man placed under arrest after road rage On Wednesday at 9:58 a.m., a non-affiliate on a bicycle was seen exhibiting extreme road rage toward another vehicle at the intersection of Comm. Ave. and St. Paul St. The man on the bicycle spit on the other vehicle before the police were able to stop him. Police promptly put this man under arrest after officials realized the man already had two active arrest warrants. Student found in possession of marijuana At 270 Babcock St., a student was found using marijuana at 1:39 a.m. on Thursday morning. The student was subsequently cited for possession of drugs. Monk escorted off BU property At 11 a.m. on Wednesday, officers found a self-proclaimed traveling monk who was approaching students at the George Sherman Union at 775 Comm. Ave. Officers warned the monk and asked him to leave and to remain off BU property. Stolen credit card On Thursday at 11 a.m. on 595 Commonwealth Ave., a woman reported her American Express credit card was stolen from her office and used fraudulently after she discovered it had gone missing. Bait bike stolen At 2 p.m. on Thursday, a nonaffiliated individual stole a “bait bike” placed on campus by BUPD officers at 595 Comm. Ave. to try to catch bike thieves. The man was placed under arrest for theft. Police officer assaulted At 500 Beacon St. on Friday, a female police officer was observing an intoxicated man at 3 a.m. when he became violent and assaulted her. After more police arrived for backup, the non-affiliate was taken into custody and was charged with assault. Alcohol confiscated at Warren Towers Officers were called Saturday night at 11:39 p.m. about a party on the 17th floor of Warren Towers. When officers arrived they found five BU students and several bottles of alcohol at the scene. The alcohol was confiscated.


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Unusual amount of elevator issues in Sept. SG to survey student body to gauge needs By Kelsey Newell Daily Free Press Contributor

In the first month of school, Boston University’s Operations and Services Center has received an unusually high number of calls regarding malfunctioning elevators in Warren Towers, said Bill Walter, assistant vice president for Operations and Services. The nature of the calls range from minor adjustments and replacements of parts to entrapments, Walter said. He said there have been 18 complaints in total, and the reports have come in at various times during the day. The incidents do not appear to follow a particular pattern. “Their [mechanics’] response time can vary based on the nature of the call,” Walter said. “Entrapments are the highest priority and, in many cases, the mechanic is on site within minutes of the call. Calls are dispatched immediately by Facilities Operations and Services Center staff to the Otis Mechanics by the university radio system.” Walter said in the first month of the fall semester, his call logs show there have been three calls for Fairfield Tower elevators, eight calls for Marshall Tower elevators and four calls for Shields Tower elevators. He said one person was stuck in a Marshall Tower elevator on Sept. 22, and an unspecified Warren Tower elevator was out of order for more than two days on at least two separate occasions. Walter said the elevators in Warren Towers were originally installed in 1965 and 1966, and frequently inconvenience the 1,800 students who reside in the building. The Fairfield Tower and Marshall Tower passenger elevators were modernized in the mid to late ‘90s, and the Shields Tower passenger elevator was most recently modernized in 2001, Walter said. “The Facilities Management group reviews the condition of the elevator inventory, as well as other

By Rachel Riley Daily Free Press Staff


College of General Studies freshman Hyosoek Kim waits for an elevator Monday afternoon in Marshall Tower B in Warren Towers. Students have raised concerns about the safety of the elevators in Warren Towers after an increased number of elevator breakdowns.

capital equipment, for renewal or replacement,” Walter said. “Scheduled elevator and escalator maintenance is done on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis by licensed elevator mechanics.” Walter said Otis Elevator Company mechanics are located on campus to respond to maintenance or emergency calls in the buildings across BU’s campus. In addition, he said state of Massachusetts officials inspect and test each elevator unit every year. Jenny Huynh, a College of Communication freshman, said the Warren Towers elevators are extremely inefficient and constantly inconvenience her day-to-day schedule. “I have trouble with the elevators every single day,” Huynh said. “It is a huge inconvenience, there’s always at least one not working. I have to plan extra time to get to class because I can’t trust that the elevators will be working properly. The university needs to completely replace the elevators with ones that can adequately cater to the amount of students using them.” Lauren Howard, a College of Arts and Sciences freshman and Warren Towers resident, said since she lives

on one of the top floors of Warren Towers, working elevators are a necessity. She said the poor condition of the elevators and the number of student complaints should be a sign to officials that the elevators need to be replaced. “The management doesn’t pay enough attention to the problems that affect our daily lives — they only pay attention if it’s a big issue that can’t possibly be ignored,” Howard said. “And now they’re shutting down all three B [Marshall] Tower elevators at once ... which is just a bigger ordeal.” Grace Pearson, a COM freshman, said the elevators are mechanically flawed and should be addressed by university officials. “I am very impatient because just waiting for the doors to open and close so slowly delays me when I am trying to get somewhere,” Pearson, a Warren Towers resident, said. Wanli Tan, School of Management freshman, said the elevators are extremely worn down, operate very slowly and make him feel unsafe. “The elevators make me feel insecure,” Tan, a Warren Towers resident, said. “There is always a fear of getting trapped.”

Boston University Student Government will distribute a survey to the student body later this week that will ask students about their perceptions of SG, officials said at the first SG Senate meeting Monday night. “We’re trying to gauge how many people know that Student Government is out there and that they know the types of goals we are trying to reach,” said SG Senior Associate Director of Outreach Briana West. “… We’re trying to make sure that we have an understanding of how many students we’re actually reaching out to.” The survey will be distributed via email on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, as the exact date is yet to be determined. The Outreach department is working with BU’s Residence Hall Association to have resident advisors email the surveys to their residents and advertise the survey on social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter. The survey is also an effort by SG to gather data about the student body’s wants and needs as a whole for the 2013-14 academic year. “We can bring it [the survey results] to the administration and say, ‘this is what we need to do, and this is evidence of what the student body wants,’” West, a Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences senior, said. SG Executive Vice President Richa Kaul said the survey is intended to reach out to different individuals on campus and to gain useful feedback. “It [the survey] is also to gauge the way that Student Government is being viewed so we can improve

SG, see page 4

Mass gov’t. officials attempt to regulate e-cigarette sales By Geoff Paul Daily Free Press Contributor

As a bill to prohibit minors from purchasing electronic cigarettes works its way through the state legislature, Mass. Attorney Gen. Martha Coakley, along with 39 other attorneys general, signed a letter to the Food and Drug Administration asking that e-cigarettes be restricted in the same way as all other tobacco products at the federal level. Mass. Rep. Jeffrey Sanchez, who sponsors the bill to regulate ecigarettes at the state level, said minors should not be allowed to buy them when other illegal products can do similar harm. “Right now, Massachusetts laws are silent on e-cigarettes,” he said. “If a seven-year-old were to go into a 7-11 [convenience store], they could pick up those nice, charminglooking little packages that look like any other candy or anything else that’s usually on a convenience store [shelf]. It’s too accessible … the primary issue is to make sure we don’t create another generation of smokers.” E-cigarettes, which use batteries to vaporize nicotine and come in different flavors, are banned for anyone under 18 in Boston and several other cities in the Commonwealth, but there is no federal or state age restriction on purchasing them. “People, especially kids, are be-

ing led to believe that e-cigarettes are a safe alternative [to other tobacco products], but they are highly addictive and can deliver strong doses of nicotine,” Coakley said in a Sept. 24 press release. “We urge the FDA to act quickly to ensure that these products are regulated to protect the public, and are no longer advertised or sold to youth.” The letter to the FDA, dated Sept 24, was co-sponsored by Coakley and Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine. In it, they argued e-cigarettes appeal to youth while still producing several harmful effects of other tobacco products and should therefore be regulated under the Tobacco Control Act like traditional cigarettes are. The percentage of high school students reporting e-cigarette use in the nation more than doubled between 2011 and 2012 going from 4.7 percent to 10 percent, according to the National Youth Tobacco Survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control. Several residents said they had an issue with companies advertising e-cigarettes to children. Andre Howell, 25 a resident of Avon, said he did not like that companies advertised to children, but understood the financial need for it. “A lot of things with colors might attract a child’s attention,” he said. “I would hope that that’s not the company’s intention, but


Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley signed a federal mandate to regulate e-cigarette use on Sept. 24.

I think that they have to do something to get the product out there. If we’re trying to lower the statistics of everyone dying from it then we need to do everything possible, and banning children from getting e-cigarettes is part of that.” Alex Brizer, 19, a resident of Boston, said he disagreed children were advertising targets at all. “They’re advertising,” he said. “I think if they’re [kids] going to

smoke it, it has nothing to do with the flavors.” Frederica Azor, 20, a telemarketer in Medford, said she had a problem with advertising e-cigarettes to children. “They’re telling ... the younger kids it’s safe for you to smoke it, because it’s safer somehow and you can smoke it anywhere,” she said. “It doesn’t change the fact that it’s a cigarette.”


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Alum: BU should show where donations go SG looks to host mayoral debate Alumni: From Page 1

all areas of the school. He said contributions made by alumni to BU are one of the reasons behind the university’s recent jump in the U.S. News and World Report national college rankings. “In general, recent graduates are giving at a higher participation rate than other alumni,” Hall said. “This speaks to the experience students have while on campus and the value they place on their BU education.” BU College of Arts and Sciences graduate Michelle Drapek, who completed her studies in 2010, said despite the controversy created by the recent mail from BU asking for donations, the university has realistic expectations of recent graduate students. “Maybe they could have taken a little bit of a different direction on the ads, but I think that students also misunderstand the sentiment sometimes,” she said. “…They [BU offi-

cials] understand that it’s not the case that everybody’s in the place to give, but at the same time, I think that they want students to understand the importance of giving back.” Drapek, who worked in Development and Alumni Relations at BU for two years after graduating, said while not every graduate is in a position to give, alumni donations are key for the university’s success. “If you look around at some of the schools that have always had great programs and great reputations, it’s also because they have large endowments and a lot of alumni support,” she said. “It’s important for students to continue to stay engaged with BU.” Matthew Rosenstein, who graduated from CAS in 2000, said he received a postcard from BU last week that stated “Give now and we won’t call you at dinner for a year” with the word “really” as a postscript. While there is nothing wrong

with BU asking graduates for donations, university officials have gone too far with this recent mailing campaign, Rosenstein said. “On the surface, there’s nothing wrong with it [BU asking alumni for donations],” he said. “Of course, BU has to procure funding from a variety of different sources. It’s impossible for them to know any given student’s financial situation.” Officials should also make more of an effort to show alumni what their donations can accomplish, Rosenstein said. “BU is a wonderful place to go to school, but I wouldn’t know if my donation would support students and enrich academic programs, or [if] it would just go to some real estate deal to acquire more property or build new buildings,” Rosenstein said. “To reduce the solicitation of donations to a tweet-length postcard is kind of insulting, lacking in information and not very respectful.”

Resident: ‘political gridlock’ may damage healthcare Healthcare: From Page 1

of economic issues on young adults, started a campaign called “Opt Out1,” designed to highlight alternatives to Obamacare. David Pasch, communications director at Generation Opportunity, said most young people would find a better deal by paying the relatively small penalty and purchasing private insurance. “The whole Obamacare system relies on a younger, poorer generation to subsidize an older, wealthier generation,” he said. “It’s not fair to ask us to pay more than our fair share,

especially when we’re already suffering an effective unemployment rate of 16 percent. It makes more financial sense for most ‘millennials’ to opt out, pay the relatively small penalty and then go buy non-Obamacare insurance on the private market.” Some residents said despite having one of the first healthcare plans in the country, they are worried what consequences the federal healthcare program will have. “All I know is that most people are against it,” said Michael Hussey, 50, resident of Hyde Park. “From what I’ve heard on the news … it’s

not going to fly, nobody likes it. I don’t think it’s going to be good.” Evan Lane, 27, resident of Allston, said he is worried politics will get in the way of a progressive health care plan. “I think universalized healthcare is a positive thing in general, and a lot of large nations have executed a plan that’s been successful,” he said. “I worry that the sort of political gridlock that we have seen over the past 10 years has really made a simple solution almost impossible, and I worry that a lot of egos have gotten in the way.”

at BU after setting date, location SG: From Page 3

on that,” Kaul, a College of Arts and Sciences sophomore, said. “That’s one of our big goals. We can improve on it by accurately representing the student voice over this year.” This year, SG officials scheduled an introductory meeting to go over procedural information. “Having that initial meeting to explain how things are done and to actually help senators understand what their roles are, immediately starts us off on the right foot when real business begins next week,” Kaul said. “We’re trying to be on top of things so we can do our jobs efficiently and effectively and use all of our time wisely.” At the meeting, SG officials reviewed the roles of senators as well as the goals of SG for the school year. Cabinet members were also confirmed. However, SG President Dexter McCoy, a College of Communication senior, was not present. Senate Chair Avi Levy said he wants the Senate to cater to students this year. “I want senators to value their position,” Levy, a CAS junior, said. “… I want senators to feel valued and empowered and inspired to make a big difference on campus and engage constituents.”

With the SG Senate Chair being a new position for this year, Levy said the group will benefit from having a leader whose sole duty is to lead Senate meetings every other Monday night. “With the Senate Chair now, you have a person solely in charge of Senate and making sure everything ... is going smoothly,” Levy said. “… I see that as an improvement from last year, when the Vice President was in charge, because now we don’t have someone who has two responsibilities in two different areas of Student Government.” One initiative SG officials are currently working on is an attempt to hold a mayoral debate at BU between candidates John Connolly and Marty Walsh, said Director of City Affairs Cassandra Shavney. “It’s a very interesting election because the mayor should work for the students and he’s representing those who live here nine out of the 12 months, but most of us aren’t voting for him,” Shavney, a CAS junior, said. “… How is he going to represent us when we’re not voting for him?” SG is still looking for a location and a moderator for the debate, Shavney said. The debate will take place Oct. 10 or Oct. 19 at a currently undecided location.

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Sleeping your troubles away

Researchers at Northwestern University discovered that fear conditioning used during sleep may effectively cure phobias Sanah Faroke


e all know it: Watching scary movies late at night is the worst. After returning home from the theater and closing your eyes, hauntingly real memories of Freddy coming to get you seep into your dreams. Instead of counting sheep, you find yourself counting the seconds until you have to wake up. But fear not — there is good news. A Northwestern University study, published in a Sept. 23 edition of the journal Nature Neuroscience, found that fearful memories can be modified during sleep through fear extinction, ultimately reducing the memory of fear. What a relief! Although the new study is still in its primary stages with a long way to go before being clinically utilized, Katherina Hauner, a postdoctoral fellow at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine who was involved in the study’s research, said she has high hopes for its medical implications. “Whenever a new idea in science is initiated, typically, you test it in a very small group in order to establish some varied principles behind it,” she said. “We hope that someday this idea can be extended to patients, but in order to do that, we would have to extend these results in many directions that would involve many years in additional studies.” ‘Shocking’ discoveries While sleep is considered a period of rest, the brain still works continuously during this time. Sleep is important for a variety of things, including the processing of new memories. These new memories are often comprised of those from emotional events. “We wanted to see if we could take advantage of this period of time when our brains are still working to target and modify a specific memory related to fear,” Hauner said. To prove this theory, Hauner worked in lab run by Jay Gottfried, a professor of neurology at Feinberg and the senior author of the paper. Hauner gathered 15 human subjects who were shocked shortly after seeing pictures of faces while awake. The subjects then associated certain faces with mild electric shock. These mild shocks — which were not painful — were used as a startling stimulus. Because Hauner and her colleagues paired pictures of faces with shocks, subjects began experiencing fear when seeing the pictures alone. This type of research is called fear conditioning. During the process of fear conditioning in this study, the researchers also incorporated an additional stimulus: smell. While awake, subjects were exposed to a particular smell, such as mint or lemon, while also exposed to a certain face. Then, as subjects slept, Hauner ran-

Science Tuesday Editor movie, experiences fear, and then goes to bed right away, memories from the film will be strengthened. But if that same person watches a scary movie, waits a while, and takes time to calm himself or herself down, the memories of working through fear and learning there is nothing to fear will be strengthened instead. Hauner said people cannot control what they fear, but they do have the power to change how and which memories are strengthened in the brain to a certain extent. It is like tricking yourself — eventually you’ll believe it.


The right hippocampus (pictured in the above box) was one of the brain regions that showed significant changes in activity after fear memory reactivation during sleep.

domly chose one of these smells to be presented repeatedly during sleep. When the subjects smelled the odor, they associated the odor with the pictures of the faces and, consequently, the shocks. Hauner said she decided to use smell as a stimulus because subjects cannot look at pictures while sleeping, but the brain can perceive smells while asleep. By using this odor technique, Hauner was able to initiate a process of fear extinction, a process by which continued exposure results in the diminished sensation of fear. This is a standard procedure in this type of research, Hauner said, but is typically performed when subjects are awake. Hauner explain that this is the first time fear extinction is being applied during sleep. During wakefulness, the fear stimulus is presented over and over again and without interruption until the fear response eventually decreases. This research seems like a testament to the popular saying “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” However, in this case, the constant exposure makes you fearless. The results “So you can imagine seeing this face over and over that shocks you,” Hauner said. “When you see the face just once or twice, you’ll be afraid that it will shock you again. But if you see the face 10

times, 20 times, 30 times without any shocks, eventually you won’t be afraid of it anymore. you’ll learn that it’s not a fear-inducing stimulant.” The researchers were not able to scientifically explain if subjects knew they would be shocked while they were asleep because they could not wake up the subjects to ask them if they were afraid. This made it hard to interpret what exactly was going on while the subjects were sleeping. Hauner, however, said she could prove that subjects interpreted the odors they smelled earlier during sleep — their reactions to this decreased. When subjects awoke, Hauner measured their responses to the face pictures and found that the subjects had decreased fear responses, specifically for the face associated with the smell that was presented to them during sleep. Researchers also measured fear through a technique called skin conductance. During this procedure, the researchers placed two small electrodes on the subjects’ bodies to measure small changes in sweat. “We need to make sure that the study was enhanced by repeating the procedure many times,” said Hauner. “This is also a memory that we created in the laboratory by pairing faces with shocks. This wasn’t a preexisting memory, so we need to make sure that this

technique can extend to preexisting memories too.” Hauner said new treatments often start like this, where one study finds an effect, but requires extensive testing and researching over many years. Emotion alteration while asleep Hauner said multiple studies have found that simply sleeping can strengthen emotional responses to events. These studies are different from Hauner’s study, however. Other studies, which often manipulate variables, focus on memories overall rather than just targeting a particular memory. Nothing was manipulated during sleep in the Northwestern study. “There was a study showing that if you are shown some fearful pictures and then you sleep, that that memory for those fearful pictures will be strengthened and your fear response will be strengthened and vice versa,” She said. “There was another study that if you undergo therapy for a fear disorder, then sleep right away as opposed to not, that therapy will be strengthened. you’ll have decreased fear to whatever you were afraid of before compared to if you didn’t sleep right afterwards.” The general area of research shows that whatever one has learned during the day is strengthened during sleep. So, for example, if someone watches a scary

What’s next? Hauner said this study needs to be repeated several more times over the next couple years before researchers can scientifically prove this technique is effective and long lasting. While there was a decrease in fear toward the pictures and the odors, Hauner said the decrease was small — so small that subjects themselves probably would not have noticed it. Several students at Boston University had positive reactions to Hauner’s efforts with fear manipulation. “Sleep shows a lot of promise,” said Maggie Beverly, a junior in Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. “They have to do more studies, but it would be interesting to see where it would go. It could possibly in the future treat people with night terrors or post-traumatic stress disorder.” Burcu Kilinc, a sophomore in the College of Arts and Sciences, said he thinks the study could lead to further research. “It could be beneficial to reduce phobia and discover more about memory and phobia,” he said. “Overall, it’s positive because they can find out more about the memory and could possibly be used instead of techniques like hypnosis.” Haares Mirzan, a sophomore in CAS, agreed with Kilinc in that Hauner’s research could eventually be used as a substitute for other techniques. “It’s a good alternative if you have a phobia and you don’t want to see a therapist, get medication or therapy,” he said. “If they did more research on it, I wouldn’t mind trying it if I had a phobia I wanted to get rid of.” Hauner said if more studies are successfully conducted, then this study may one day be applied to therapy. “Any time we do research on fear, that’s the overall hope, but that doesn’t mean we get there with one study,” she said. “That’s part of the nature of research — you need many studies to make a finding that’s reliable enough to form a treatment that’s administered to patients. Of course, someday we hope to be there, but we’re not there quite yet.”



Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Daily Free Press

The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University 43rd year F Volume 85 F Issue 17

Chris Lisinski, Editor-in-Chief Sofiya Mahdi, Managing Editor

Margaret Waterman, Campus Editor

Kyle Plantz, City Editor

Sarah Kirkpatrick, Sports Editor

Brian Latimer, Opinion Editor

Michelle Jay, Multimedia Editor

Sarah Fisher, Photo Editor

Christina Janansky, Features Editor

Regine Sarah Capungan, Layout Editor

Shakti Rovner, Office Manager The Daily Free Press (ISSN 1094-7337) is published Monday through Thursday during the academic year except during vacation and exam periods by Back Bay Publishing Co.,Inc., a nonprofit corporation operated by Boston University students. No content can be reproduced without the permission of Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. Copyright © 2013 Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.

Great work, solid plan, more money?

Boston University is essentially a small city. There are tens of thousands of people on the campus at any given time. There are almost 3,900 faculty members, more than 30,000 students and 135 acres of campus. BU President Robert Brown has a lot to handle, but also he has a lot of resources. Yesterday, The Daily Free Press reported that Brown received $1,381,264 as compensation for his work in 2011-2012. The previous year, Brown received $1,141,330. That is a $239,934 difference. What is the actual basis of this raise? Is it just that he is doing well for the university? According to BU officials, his “strategic plan” is going, well, as planned, and he is being paid for that success. But students are facing tuition increases of about $2,000 every year, and many may view this money as going straight into Brown’s deep pockets. Brown’s compensation does not come from a special alumni endowment — it comes from the “operating revenue stream” for the university, for which tuition is the main source of money. This spike in his compensation is disrespectful to students and it indicates a lack of prudence on the part of university officials. At a time when students are incurring debts of up to $200,000 just to attend BU, our leader — who was already the highest paid private college president in Massachusetts in 2010 — was awarded a quarter-million dollar raise. Certainly, the man should be acknowledged for his hard work, but such a jump demonstrates a gross insensitivity to the financial plight of almost all of the student body. BU canceled installation of a Taco Bell in the Warren Towers City Convenience that students wanted when the project became too expensive, and the wrestling team is abruptly being cut after the 2013-14 academic year. Yet, the administration found it fair to whitewash Kenmore Square or to purchase the Cummington Mall so that upper-middle class families would be comfortable sending their children here. This is reflective what seems to be a real cutthroat business attitude running BU that we should not support. It’s somewhat offensive to make a ges-

ture like this, even if the president is doing his job properly. This is a move that demonstrates a move toward a cynical, financially oriented way of running the university. There are some components of school that make it a business, but is it justifiable? No. Being a private university does not justify such businesslike behavior. We are still an institute of higher education, and if such an institute is truly dedicated to improving the world and crafting the future, it must put the students first and foremost. Students do not want to pay Brown an extra $250,000 — about four to five students’ entire tuitions — in addition to the president’s $21,000-a-month home that BU requires him to live in. When he sits at home, does he think that every month’s rent paid for by the university is almost half of a full scholarship to BU? We want our money going to new elevators and to funding the wrestling team and, perhaps most of all, to mitigating the obscene — and constantly rising — costs we bear to be here. People outside of Massachusetts acknowledge that Brown is the highest paid president in the state. He does a lot behind of the scenes work, but who on campus has actually seen him other than at matriculation? (Here at The Daily Free Press, only two members of the editorial staff have.) There is absolutely no doubt that Brown is a crucial figure, and we recognize the great work he has done to grow BU. Certainly, he has done good for our school, and it is through his work that we have some of the opportunities that we do. However, he does not need to be compensated in such excess when the economic climate is so harsh (speaking of which, did we mention that BU is soliciting donations from alumni who graduated as recently as 2011 and are thus still in debt?) In a business, we expect large raises for the higher ups and cuts for the employees. In higher education, we deserve a school to look out for us and respect us. There has to be a better way to prove to Brown and his employees that he is doing a good job other than a quarter million dollar raise directly from a general fund built by students.

Girl, 21: Sydney’s book club Sydney L. Shea

I’ve been reading two different books, on and off, for about a year now. One is Hermann Hesse’s “The Glass Bead Game,” and the other is Ross Lockridge Jr.’s “Raintree County.” They are both wonderful books, and I get so caught up in reading them that I sometimes feel the authors wrote them for me specifically. One major issue: this only lasts for about 45 minutes, and then I lose my focus entirely. But now, in my senior year of college, I can barely concentrate enough to complete just one book in under a year. I think about reading in my spare time all day at class, but when the time comes, I have to force myself to get though just one chapter. And never mind reading for class – my brain trails off before I can even finish a sentence. Maybe I’m becoming even duller, or maybe I’m just preoccupied and stressed, but I don’t understand why I can’t seem to become engrossed in books anymore. Browsing bookstores and libraries is one of my favorite things to do, but my attention span is so short that I can just about read the back cover summaries until my interest is lost. The other night I had a good deal of free time after I finished my work and thought it was the perfect opportunity to crack open a book. To set the mood I poured some wine, sipped it, gulped it and then poured some more wine. When I finally began reading, I was too distracted by everything around me to make any significant progress (and my wine was almost gone). So I poured some more and then felt too groggy to even continue trying to read. I don’t know why I believe or listen to other people who say it’s relaxing to drink and read – it’s just frustrating. I also don’t like living vicariously through a book when I could be out there in the world living. I’d rather experience everything around me first hand, than shut everything else out. When I was in London, I began reading Henry James’s “The Portrait of a Lady.” I’d read it on the bus, on the Tube and in Hyde Park, each time thoroughly distracted by my surroundings and unable to go on for even an hour. I took the first opportunity

to stop reading it when James killed off the American halfway through. I’ve tried many other classics, including Vladimir Nabokov’s “Lolita,” but had to stop reading it because I felt like a pedophile (I’d usually have to shower after a paragraph). I’m boring now. My kind of a page-turner is an academic article about narratology, or new breakthroughs in mapping out different strains of ancient Greek particles. Reading things in English is just so overrated. I even edit the FreeP sometimes, just to be cynical. I think I’ve figured it out: my major is the bane of my existence. My brain has to work so hard to concentrate on piecing together sentences in Greek and Latin, so when it has the luxury of reading in my native tongue, it just kind of wanders off into space. It just doesn’t want to focus; it’s smarter than me. Every time I pick up a book, a metaphordetector or some other sinister mechanism in my head is activated, and all I can think about is how certain literary devices are functioning within the plot of the story. I automatically start comparing protagonists to ancient heroes or biblical figures and try to guess how and when they will meet their demise. I also judge other authors way too hard, even though I myself couldn’t produce anything worthy of publishing. “Nice Oedipus reference,” I hear myself saying sarcastically, or, “Wow, the Jesus character died? Who saw that one coming?” I’d like to say I’m a disciplined, focused person who can spend an hour doing boring yoga or meditate in a park all afternoon, but I’m just not. I consider doing homework in advance a form of procrastination when I really should be studying, which shows just how efficient yet messed up I really am. But then again, I always seem to write these columns (800 words) in 30 minutes or less, so maybe I have a different calling … Sydney L. Shea is a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences. She can be reached at slshea@bu.edu.

And so it begins...

le tt e r s @ dai l y f r eepr es s . c o m le tt e r s @ dai l y f r eepr es s . c o m le tt e r s @ dai l y f r eepr es s . c o m S u b mi t a g u e s t col umn and g e t yo u r voi ce he a rd ! le tt e r s @ dai l y f r eepr es s . c o m le tt e r s @ dai l y f r eepr es s . c o m le tt e r s @ dai l y f r eepr es s . c o m

Carlynn Hickenbotham is a freshman in the College of Communication studying journalism. She can be reached at hcarlynn@ bu.edu.

DISCLAIMER: The opinions and ideas expressed by columnists and cartoonists are their own and are not necessarily representative of the opinions of The Daily Free Press.



October 1, 2013

McKay: Benefits outweigh costs in bringing back football at BU McKay: From Page 8

you imagine if they tried to get rid of the hockey program? Most of my close friends from high school are attending colleges that have major football programs. I’ve asked some of them if they enjoy it, and they’ve responded with a resounding, unanimous YES. It’s really not about the quality of the team or the quality of the opponent. Of course, it does help if your school’s team is fantastic. But it’s more about the atmosphere of a football game than it is about the quality of the football itself. In my humble opinion, sitting in the parking lot, tailgating and eventually taking in a game of football are three of the

highest pleasures known to man. Now, you can always do that at a New England Patriots game, if you feel like spending an average of $117.84 per ticket (according to ESPN.com). Now maybe this is just me, but on a student budget, that’s not really a responsible expenditure. I’d rather go see a football game that’s free to students and has a rabid student section cheering the team on. Would it be possible to bring back Boston University’s football team? Is it a good idea? On the surface, it’s difficult to justify. According to journalist James Joyner, who runs the well-known blog “Outside the Beltway,” the extinction of Boston University’s football program led to a $285

million increase in money that the school could use on other sports and facilities in the 12 years following the decision to end football. In fact, most of the budget for the construction of the Fitness and Recreation Center came from this chunk of change. Despite the financial implications of bringing back the BU football team, it definitely could be done. Football is by far the most profitable college sport, much like it is the most profitable professional sport. The revenue that a football team could potentially generate far eclipses the costs of resurrecting the program. Another sport would most likely have to be cut; that’s just an ugly truth. Some tough decisions would have to be made, based on finances.

But wouldn’t it be worth it? Boston University has a football tradition dating back more than a century. The arena on campus, after all, is named after the most famous BU football player, Harry Agganis. Agganis went on to play for the Boston Red Sox (oh yeah, he was great at baseball, too) before dying of a pulmonary embolism at the age of 26. But I don’t think naming rights to an arena is a good enough remembrance of the BU football program. I think that it should be resurrected. Saturdays during the fall should contain maybe a little bit of homework, and a lot of college football. And I’d like to see my school, Boston University, play against the best that the nation has to offer.

BU looks to start winning on road Men’s Soccer: From Page 8

two goals from midfielder Tariq Akeel, his first tallies of the season. The Bears had some tough games during that winless streak including two double-overtime games, which resulted in one tie and one loss. This will be the third game in BU’s fourgame road trip, and the team will be looking for its first win on the road. The Terriers had a four-game home stand in which they finished 3-1, and have a 3-2 overall home record, but they have not been able to replicate their success on the road — so far this season, the Terriers (0-2-1) have not

won away from Nickerson Field. The Terriers’ lack of road success may be attributed to the Terriers’ inexperience, as they only have five seniors on the team. In the game against Navy, the Terriers had seven underclassmen who each played significant portions of the game. Some experience is slowly returning to the Terriers, however, because in the Navy game, BU got one of its prime defenders back in junior defenseman Kelvin Madzongwe. Even though he only played 37 minutes, it is a welcome sight for the Terriers to get back the 2011 American East Defender of the Year as he returns from injury.

Connect with us on Twitter: @DFPsports Aggressive style of play lifts BU over Hofstra Offense: From Page 8

ing quality opportunities. This season, the Terriers have a .563 shot-on-goal percentage to their opponents’ .598, revealing the lack of shooting accuracy and discretion that has resulted in so many close calls and squandered victories. Going into the game against Hofstra (4-7), Starr understood that increasing the quality of scoring chances had to be a point of emphasis. “We really talked a lot about that this morning in our pregame meeting,” Starr said. “And I’m really happy to see a striker score a goal. We actually had a striker film session before the game today just to really show some things that we need to do better in the goalmouth area. “Positioning by our strikers was one thing [we found on the tape]. What I liked yesterday was that we got a lot of shots off and we really attacked on the corners. I think today we just wanted to simplify our corners a little bit and not try anything too fancy.” BU’s style of play changed dramatically in the 3-1 victory over the Pride Sunday. Instead of settling for the shots the Hofstra defense gave them, the Terrier strikers attacked the cage aggressively, creating open shots near the goalmouth. The unit’s efforts paid off in the 49th minute, when freshman forward Amanda Cassera rocketed a laser into the back of the cage, the first goal by a BU forward since the season debut against Ohio University.

“I think that’s going to become a strength as we move through the season,” Starr said. “Getting our strikers in goalscoring spots, having the discipline to be where you need to be, when you need to be there.” With sophomore backer Rachel Coll, the Terriers’ premier inserter, still out with an ankle injury, the young front line must continue to perform in order to maintain the offensive success. “We’re still without [Coll], and I think that’s affecting our attack penalty corner,” Starr said. “She’s normally our inserter. She has a really fast insert, so we’re able to get shots off a little bit quicker.” Sunday’s offensive explosion certainly provides optimism for the remainder of the Terriers’ season, as the inexperienced team continues to mature. It is imperative they sustain the momentum, however, as they resume conference play on the road Friday at College of the Holy Cross. After watching the team make huge strides over the weekend, Starr is confident that her team will be up for the challenges ahead. “I really believe the goals are gonna come as we mature as a team,” Starr said. “We’re starting three young strikers right now, and a young midfield. It’s going to come, and we just need to be patient, we’ve got to stay positive and I really think this team is doing a great job doing that.”


Junior defender Kevin Madzongwe returns from injury for the Terriers as a top defensive contributor.

Fruitema, Cassera goals lift field hockey to victory over struggling Pride squad Field Hockey: From Page 8

season. Hofstra would answer in the 27th minute of play as junior Jonel Boileau, on a fast break, blasted a shot from the top of the circle that was deflected high off a BU stick and in over Eimbcke’s head. The first half came to a close with the score locked at 1-1, but the Terriers broke through again in the 46th minute, with another goal by Fruitema off of a penalty corner, again assisted by Schieb. BU padded its lead three minutes later, when freshman forward Amanda Cassera scored off a rebound, bringing the final score to

3-1. “I’m really happy both games, backto-back games we’ve had dominant performances in the second half,” Starr said. “They’re listening to what we’re talking about. They’re giving suggestions so we were really trying to make some halftime adjustments, and we’re coming out and playing really well in the second half, so I’m really pleased to see that. “We’re a young team,” Starr continued. “I really believe the goals are going to come as we mature as a team … We’ve just got to be patient and we [have to] stay positive, and I think this team is really doing a great job doing that.”

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We’ve just got to be patient and we [have to] stay positive, and I think this team is really doing a great job doing that.

- BU coach Sally Starr on the youth of the field hockey team.

page 8

Foul Shots Bring It Back

Patrick McKay

It’s a Saturday morning in the fall. I roll out of bed, grab something to eat and meet some friends near Nickerson Field. I toss a football around, and maybe grill up some hamburgers and hot dogs outside the gate. The team might not be great, but we all still want to go to the games, right? I wouldn’t miss it for the world. And then, I wake up. Boston University’s football team was established in 1884. 1884! That would make it the 19th oldest football program in the nation (tied with Lehigh University), if the school still had a team. The Terriers played at Nickerson Field as part of the yankee Conference in NCAA Division I-AA football. Between 198093, the team won five conference championships, including an undefeated season in 1993. But just four years after that (admittedly after a 2-25 record from 1995-97) the team was cut by the university. The Boston University football team was a financial casualty. Due to Title IX, which passed in 1972, schools that receive federal funding needed to provide equal opportunities to play sports to both men and women. In short, schools needed to make some tough decisions. If the school had a men’s basketball team but not a women’s team, then they had to start one. Without some serious extra financial support, that means cutting another sport. It’s not as though Boston University wasn’t in compliance with Title IX. However, the university saw a need to redistribute the money given to sports programs. An article from the Bangor Daily News (Bangor, ME) in October 1997 states: “Funds for women’s sports will be increased by $500,000 and 23 scholarships will be added by 1998-99.” The article goes on to state that the extra money would go towards a new athletic facility. Basically, the school decided to take a sport that it had been playing for more than a century, and axed it. They couldn’t have gotten rid of a different sport? Maybe one that didn’t produce copious amounts of revenue for the school? Can

mCKay, see page 7

Tuesday, Oct. 1


Men’s soccer looks to win its first game away from home against Brown University, P.8.

[ www.dailyfreepress.com ]

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Field hockey splits weekend series Offense begins By Judy Cohen Daily Free Press Contributor

In a pair of intense back-toback games, the No. 20 Boston University field hockey team split its weekend homestand against American University and Hofstra University at New Balance Field. The Terriers (6-3, 1-1 Patriot League) faced American (6-3, 2-0 Patriot League) Saturday and Hofstra (4-7) Sunday. Looking to avoid falling behind early, BU came out flying against the Eagles, earning its first two attack penalty corners and registering its first shot in the opening minutes of play. “That had actually been a weakness for us in previous games,” said BU coach Sally Starr. “I think particularly the first five, 10, 15 minutes had been slow starts, we’d been giving up early goals. ‘Right from the start, play smart’ was our motto for this game, and we really wanted to start fast.” As the first half progressed, BU’s level of play seemed to wind down, but the Terriers came back rejuvenated in the second half, earning their sixth penalty corner of the game in the 38th minute and rifling off 17 shots in the second half alone. By the end of regulation, BU would have 12 penalty corners and 21 shots to American’s four and five, respectively. “If you would have told me before the game we would outshoot them 22 to whatever and, in the second half, really out-stat them as significantly as we did, there’s no way I would say that that would happen, so I’m really, really pleased with our performance as a hockey team today,” Starr said. Despite firing a whopping 22 shots, BU was unable to find the back of the net, due, in part, to an impressive 12-save performance by American goalkeeper Ashley Dalisera. It also didn’t help that the Terriers seemed incapable of capitalizing on many of their

to improve in recent games By Justin Pallenik Daily Free Press Contributor

ond half, absolutely dominated, had so many scoring opportunities … We have to look at the tape and figure out where we’re not scoring [and] why we’re not scoring.” And figure it out they did. The Terriers replicated Saturday’s intensity on Sunday afternoon, consistently keeping the pressure on Hofstra and all but silencing its “potent … run and gun” offense, as Starr described it. For the first time in three weeks, it was BU who opened the scoring. After the Terriers earned an attack penalty corner in the 15th minute of the game, senior midfielder Anne Fruitema fired a shot from the top left of the circle off of a feed from senior midfielder Madeleine Hackett and senior backer ysi Schieb to give BU a 1-0 lead with her third goal of the

Following this past weekend’s Saturday and Sunday doubleheader against American University and Hofstra University, the No. 20 Boston University field hockey team may have finally shaken off the scoring woes that have plagued them all season long. The Terriers (6-3, 1-1 Patriot League) opened up the weekend with the underrated Eagles (6-3, 2-0 Patriot League), as both teams eyed a crucial conference win. BU controlled possession the entire 70 minutes, letting loose a seasonhigh 22 shots, including 17 in the second half, in a heartbreaking 1-0 overtime defeat. “It’s a loss, but I feel in every other aspect we played a really tremendous hockey game,” said BU coach Sally Starr. “We, particularly in the second half, absolutely dominated, and we had so many scoring opportunities. Really we have to look at the tape, figure out where we’re not scoring, why we’re not scoring. Is it just great goaltending? Is it not getting lucky? We’re not in the right spots that we’re not finishing off these shots. “We got corners, we got shots, we just didn’t get the goals today.” The Terriers are no strangers to missed opportunities, having outshot opponents 135-97 this season, and having taken 61 corners to opponents’ 46. These lopsided numbers are uncharacteristic of a team with a 6-3 record or a team with six games having been decided by one goal. Despite BU’s apparent dominance on the offensive end, it maintains a flaw that has prevented them from blowing up the scoreboard: they are not generat-

Field HoCKey, see page 7

oFFense, see page 7


Senior midfielder Anne Fruitema had a pair of goals in BU’s 3-1 win over Hofstra University.

opportunities around the cage, sending shots wide, having shots blocked and not always being in the ideal position to score. 70 minutes was not enough time to decide a winner, so the two teams went into overtime, knotted at a score of 0-0. BU had one shot in the overtime period, while American had three, and three was all it took. The Eagles earned an attack penalty corner in the 82nd minute of play and, after a preliminary shot by senior Shelly Montgomery was blocked, scored on a rebound from the right side as midfielder Grace Wilson slipped one past junior goalkeeper Valentina Cerda Eimbcke, effectively ending the game and cementing BU’s third loss of the season into the record books. “It’s a loss, but I feel that in every other aspect we just played a really tremendous hockey game,” Starr said. “We dictated the sec-

Men’s soccer looks to break 3-game winless streak against Brown By Michael Joscelyn Daily Free Press Staff

The Boston University men’s soccer team will look to end its three-game winless streak when it takes on Brown University at Stevenson Field in Providence, R.I., Tuesday night. The Terriers (3-4-1, 0-1 Patriot League) could not capitalize on their 18 shots they had against Navy (4-3-2, 1-0 Patriot League) Saturday night, as they lost by a score of 1-0. This was an important game momentum-wise and also signified the start of Patriot League conference play. Both the Terriers and Navy had the same amount of shots (18) and corner kicks (three), but BU was unable to convert on any of its chances. This has been a recurring theme for the Terriers as of late,

The Bottom Line

M. Soccer @ Brown, 7 p.m.


The Daily Free Press

Wednesday, Oct. 2 W. Soccer vs. Holy Cross, 7 p.m.

as they have been held scoreless in each of their last three games. Scoring goals in general has not been a strong point for the Terriers this season. They currently rank seventh in the Patriot League in shots (96), points (21), goals (seven) and goals per game (0.88). Senior midfielder Anthony Ciccone is currently second in the Patriot League in assists (four) and assists per game (0.5). Even though freshman forward Felix De Bona has not been very active over the past three games due to injury, he still ranks in the top ten of the Patriot League with two goals. The Terriers and the Bears (24-1) have met in each of the last three years with Brown winning all three times. In what was its

first home game of the 2012 season, BU was defeated by the thenNo. 24 Bears by a score of 1-0 in extra time. The goal came at the very beginning of the first half of extra time, when defender Tim Whalen headed the ball past junior goalkeeper Nick Thomson. The Terriers had several shots on goal in that game, but could not connect on any of them. The Terriers will look to provide some offensive firepower Tuesday night to back up the continued sensational play of redshirt freshman goalkeeper Matt Gilbert. Gilbert is tied for second in the Patriot League with 33 saves and a .846 save percentage. He has allowed only one goal over the past two games, including a double-overtime shutout of Har-

vard University last Wednesday, which resulted in a scoreless tie. Brown also has a successful goalie in senior Josh Weiner, who has accumulated 29 saves this year. This is Weiner’s first full season handling starting duties, as he has been a backup in all his previous years at Brown. The Bears also rely on the experienced play of defender Alex Markes, who earned Ivy League Rookie of the Week honors twice in 2011. Markes started all 19 games last season for the Bears and played 18 complete games. Brown ended a five-game winless streak Friday night when it decimated Marist College by a score of 5-0. The Bears received

Thursday, Oct. 3

Friday, Oct. 4

Saturday, Oct. 4

No Events Scheduled It’s the end of the month, and the Raiders have more wins than the Steelers and Giants. Just like we all predicted.

Field Hockey @ Holy Cross, 7 p.m.

men’s soCCer, see page 7

M. Hockey vs. St. Francis Xavier, 7 p.m. W. Soccer vs. Lehigh, 1 p.m. M. Soccer @ Army, 7 p.m.

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