The Daily Free Press
Year xliii. Volume lxxxxviv. Issue XVIII
BIKE BAIT BUPD makes first arrest with GPStracked bike, page 3.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013 The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University
Evergreen program allows older residents to audit BU, page 5.
Men’s soccer falls to Brown on the road, page 8.
Today: Sunny, high 81. Tonight: Clear, low 54 Tomorrow: 77/54.
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Federal gov’t. shutdown leaves Boston agencies closed Mass. Sen. Warren makes student loan reform a priority
Due to the federal government shutdown on Tuesday, various buildings and landmarks in Boston are closed. By Alice Bazerghi Daily Free Press Staff
Closing for the first time in 17 years, the federal government shut down on Tuesday, leaving federally funded agencies in Boston closed and government employees furloughed indefinitely. Kent Portney, professor of political science at Tufts University, said the government shutdown was brought about by the failure of Congress to pass a budget that is due Oct. 1 of each year. A definite budget is necessary for Congress
to operate and pay its bills. “The primary reason [why Congress failed to pass the budget] is that a majority of Republicans in the House of Representatives decided that they would not vote to pass a budget unless Obamacare was defunded or at least delayed,” he said. “Democrats in [the] Senate refused to include this defunding or delay in their version of the budget, so nothing got passed.” The debt ceiling is also looming, with only three weeks until the U.S. will default on its
loans on Oct. 17, adding intensity to the present situation. Some places that have closed on Tuesday include the USS Constitution, Faneuil Hall Visitor Center, Bunker Hill Monument, and John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. John Drew, president and CEO of Action Boston Community Development, said the lapse of funding puts organizations at risk of not being able to provide childcare or even heat to families with low incomes. “The bottom line is that if the government shuts down, and there is no resolution, a lapse of funding occurs, which means we are at risk of [closing] and that is a position no one should be in,” he said. “We can’t rely on [the government] to get the resources necessary to help the people that we serve and that’s … high negligence from whoever in Congress is making this happen.” The ABCD’s Head Start program, which provides working, low-income parents with childcare, will have to close if the shutdown lasts, forcing parents to stay home and lose work and wages. “We have 22,000 children in our Head Start program,” Drew said. “If I can’t get the money from the government to run the program, I have to let the teachers go, and if I let the teachers go, the parents have to stay home with their kids because they don’t have childcare.” Although he is uncertain of just how badly Boston’s economy will be hit, Portney said there is no question that it will be hurt to some extent,
Shutdown, see page 4
Fung Wah, Lucky Star buses could come back to roadways By Sanica Apte Daily Free Press Contributor
Two bus companies, Fung Wah and Lucky Star, which were shut down in the spring due to safety violations, may be back on the road in the coming months, but the federal government shutdown has left the owners unsure of their companies’ futures. Fung Wah and Lucky Star, both who ran buses from Boston to New York City, were ordered by the U.S. Department of Transportation to shut down in February. They had their operating licenses revoked in March and June respectively, by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. After several months of replacing buses and drivers, they now meet federal safety standards, but must get official approval before they can carry passengers. “Safety is our number one priority, and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has taken aggressive efforts to strengthen
passenger carrier safety and enforcement,” said Marissa Padilla, spokeswoman for the FMCSA. “It’s very serious to shut a company down … [and we] will continue to carry out its safety mission and operations [through the government shutdown].” A representative from Fung Wah, who requested anonymity because he could not give exact details, said the company was not certain that the FMCSA would continue to monitor its application during the government shutdown. “We are not open, and because of the government shutdown, our opening is delayed indefinitely,” he said. “We don’t know what is going to happen, or when we will be able to re-open.” A representative for Lucky Star, who also wished to remain anonymous, said they have put in too much effort to be delayed by political gridlock. “We’ve worked really hard to try and get
back on the road, and we’re trying really hard to comply with all regulations,” he said. “We don’t know yet [when we will open] until everything is running back to normal. Things change, and there’s [still] no one here.” Mass. Department of Public Utility started inspections of Fung Wah in February. After finding several cracks and other structural deficiencies, they referred the problem to the FMCSA, who revoked its operating license. FMCSA revoked Lucky Star’s license independently after the incident. Finished with a significant part of the reapplication process, both companies have a “conditional” safety rating, which means they meet most standards, but are not cleared to carry passengers, Padilla said. If they are cleared to be on the road, they would still be inspected regularly, said DPU spokeswoman Mary-Leah Assad.
Buses, see page 2
By Paola Salazar Daily Free Press Staff
As U.S. Senators move toward reforming student loans to lessen debts after graduation, Boston University officials and students remain concerned about the ever-rising cost of higher education. At the Education Writers Association Conference on Higher Education at Northeastern University on Saturday, Mass. Sen. Elizabeth Warren said students should have easier options regarding eliminating student loan debt, BU economics professor Barton Lipman explained. “The original rationale for it [Warren’s proposals] is that student loans are different from house loans,” Lipman said. “If you get a loan to buy a house and don’t repay, then the bank can take your house. This protects the bank in case of default so it makes them willing to charge a lower interest rate.” Warren’s proposals include eliminating government profits from federal student loan programs, refinancing student debt to give students the chance to take advantage of historically low interest rates, and restoring basic consumer protections such as bankruptcy relief, according to a transcript of her remarks Saturday. “Student loans should cost the students no more than what it costs the government to make those loans,” Warren said at the conference. “The point of these programs should be to help our kids get an education, not to tax them for the privilege of borrowing money to go to school.” Lipman said current regulations on student loans give students no other option but to pay them back, even if students have to claim bankruptcy. “If the law were changed, it would likely increase interest rates on students loans … [and] would also mean students have more options for dealing with their debts,” Lipman said. “The real question in terms of effects is: would the net effect of these changes make it easier or harder for students to finance their educations?” However, Vice President for BU Federal Relations Jennifer Grodsky said in an email that less than 1.5 percent of BU graduates default on their federal student loans, which is significantly less than the national average of 13.4 percent. “We are fortunate to be represented by a Senator who shares our passion for making sure
Loans, see page 2
Fed. court approves NIH’s BU biolab risk assessment, paving way for Level 3 research By Rachel Riley Daily Free Press Staff
A Massachusetts federal court ruled Tuesday approving the National Institutes of Health’s risk assessment of the National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories biolab at Boston University. The U.S. District Court of Massachusetts ruled that, despite community concerns, the Final Supplementary Risk Assessment for the biolab accurately reported the likelihood of an accident that might result in public infection is extremely low. “After hearing and a review of the record, the Court finds that the NIH has met its obligation under NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act] to take a hard look at the environmental consequences of its decision to build the biolab in Boston,” the official decision stated. The decision is an important step for the biolab as it helps clear the way for Level 3 research, said NEIDL spokeswoman Ellen Berlin. NEIDL officials have applied to
conduct Level 3 research in the biolab and are currently awaiting a decision from the Boston Public Health Commission. “It [the decision] means we are going to go forward with Level 3 research in pursuing the approval of the Boston Public Health Commission to transfer the existing Level 3 research to the NEIDL,” Berlin said. The case, filed by four residents who live near the biolab, was intended to determine whether the risk assessment was adequate and whether BU’s medical campus was an appropriate site for the biolab, Berlin said. NEIDL hopes to apply to conduct Level 4 research depending on the resolution of a similar case at the state level, Berlin said. A hearing for the case is scheduled for Dec. 11. The lab, if approved for biosafety Level 4, will conduct research on diseases such as SARS, Ebola, 1918 H1N1 influenza, pneumonic plague and anthrax. “In the state court case, the plaintiffs
have challenged the certificate issued by the Massachusetts Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs approving the Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Report submitted by BU,” she said. NEIDL safety practices ensure that researchers are protected and that the biolab is accessible to only authorized personnel, Berlin said. “There are many systems, both safety systems in the laboratories and security systems, that ensure that research at all levels is done safely,” Berlin said. “… At every biosafety level, different pathogens are studied, and there are different precautions taken because the higher the levels, the more you need personal protections and laboratory protections.” Valeda Britton, executive director of communications for BUMC, said the biolab looks forward to moving ahead in Level 3 and Level 4 research.
Biolab, see page 4
A federal court case ruled on Tuesday that the NIH risk assessment of the biolab is correct, allowing the lab to clear a hurdle toward Level 3 research.
Wednesday, OctOber 2, 2013
National debt from student loans is $1.2b loanS: From Page 1
college is accessible and affordable,” Grodsky said. “We look forward to working with the Senator as she addresses higher education policy.” The national debt caused by accumulating loans is approaching $1.2 trillion, making it difficult for recent graduates to pay mounting bills while attempting to settle into their postcollegiate lives, Warren said at the conference. Mariah Stein, a College of Communication junior, said considering the rising cost and demand for higher education, officials should work to make student loans and debt easier to manage. “It’s becoming so much more important to have higher education because in many job environments, they won’t take you nowadays unless you’ve got at least a bachelor’s degree, so I think it shouldn’t be so ridiculously expensive,” Stein said. “If you have to give every penny you have for it, you’re never going to stop having to stress over money.” Anya Golkowski, a College of Arts and Sciences senior, said although many students already have a plan as to how they are going to repay their loans, there are still not many options out there for them to efficiently deal with looming debts. “It’s ridiculous how high it [tuition] is starting to cost,” Golkowski said. “It’s really unfair that the previous generations didn’t have to pay this much for their education. I understand that there are different economic fluctuations and that everything changes according to them, but that’s still not helpful — there are not that many options for people [with debt].” Doruk Uzel, a CAS freshman, said he worries he will spend the rest of life in debt, even though he only took out one loan. “Loans were created to make us suffer and spend the rest of our lives in debt,” Uzel said. “... I have no plans just yet, but all I know is I’ll probably spend the rest of my life paying off this loan.”
Residents skeptical of returning bus companies BuSeS: From Page 1
“We conduct bus inspections every single day of a variety of bus companies” she said. “[We] will continue to do the same, if and when Fung Wah and Lucky Star are back on the road, to ensure public safety.” Some residents said they want Fung Wah and Lucky Star back on the road, despite the previous problems the buses have encountered in the past. Jack Mai, 18, a resident of Boston, said he wants to have the bus
companies back on the road because they were cheap and convenient. “It’s just so much more convenient,” he said. “It’s fifteen dollars. [Other bus companies] are the same price, but the thing is that you have to get tickets like a month in advance, so I think them reopening would be a lot better.” Ben Rabkin, 21, a resident of Allston, said he would not trust the bus services until they prove themselves. “Personally, I wouldn’t take
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The Daily Free Press Crossword By Mirroreyes Internet Services Corp.
ACROSS 1. Begin 6. Resorts 10. Toward sunset 14. Stogie 15. Rope fiber 16. Laugh 17. Without company 18. Hodgepodge 19. Ear-related 20. Belonging to a regiment 22. Not right 23. Half of a pair 24. Unreactive 26. Ethical motive 30. Informal conver sations 32. Convex molding 33. Odontalgia 37. Kind of moss 38. Come up 39. Den 40. Gift 42. Loans 43. Nerds 44. Girdle 45. The color of grass 47. Pull 48. Cooking fat 49. Resolve
56. Every single one 57. Honey insects 58. Hue 59. Initial wager 60. Scallion 61. 3-banded armadillo 62. Dock at a wharf 63. Makes a mistake 64. Harps DOWN 1. Stigma 2. Scrabble piece 3. All excited 4. Hindu princess 5. Vibrating effect 6. Gleamed 7. Fur 8. Dogfish 9. To plunder 10. Middleman 11. Consumer of food 12. Change gears 13. Diplomacy 21. N N N N 25. Greatest possible 26. Brood 27. Baking appliance 28. Street 29. To a complete degree 30. Metal money
one,” he said. “Maybe if they improve their quality in the future, then definitely, if I heard better things.” Yvone McFarland, 56, a teacher who lives in Beverly, said she is not as thrilled to hear Fung Wah and Lucky Star may come back. “I’ve had nieces and nephews that have taken the buses and have felt comfortable on the bus even they didn’t know that they were unsafe,” she said. “I’m kind of worried now and I wonder if they are as safe as they should be.”
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31. Party thrower 33. Journey 34. Tins 35. Conceal 36. At one time (archaic) 38. Willing to comply 41. Tiny 42. Rational
44. Rechewed food 45. Bird poop 46. Odd-numbered page 47. Elephant horns 48. Where two pieces meet 50. Bambi was one 51. Razz 52. Replicate
53. Winglike 54. Ripped 55. Historical periods
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7 2 6 3 5 3 9 4 6 9 1 3 4 5 9 1 6 4 7 3
3 9
4 2
Difficulty: Medium
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C ampus & City Filmmakers to
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
BUPD uses bait bike to arrest first bike thief Mass. Gov. race continue with still wide open for candidates wrestling doc. By Eddy Cao Daily Free Press Contributor
By Rachel Riley Daily Free Press Staff
Two local filmmakers will continue their efforts to document the Boston University wrestling team’s final season, despite failing to meet their fundraising goal by last week’s deadline. Freelance sports writer Michael Abelson said he and his cofilmmaker, Emerson College student Brandon Lavoie, raised about $8,800 of their $25,000 goal via an online fundraising page on www. Their online campaign ended during the last week of September. “We’re not worried about financing,” Abelson said. “This project is going to happen.” Kevin Innis, a captain of the wrestling team, said he appreciates the filmmakers continuing efforts to make the documentary, even though they did not reach their fundraising goal. He said the documentary will be a great experience for the filmmakers as well as for the wrestlers. “It says a lot about the character of the guys making the film,” Innis, a Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences senior, said. “… They feel very compelled to get our story out, and it is a compelling story. It is something that we feel people should know and people should be let in on.” Abelson and Lavoie decided to film the wrestling team’s final season in a documentary titled “It Hurts to Win” after the BU administration abruptly decided to cut the program after the 2013-14 season. Abelson, who graduated from the University of Rhode Island in May, said some parents of wrestling team members are willing to contribute to travel costs. He and Lavoie intend to join the team for several away competitions, including matches in New York, Tennessee and Rhode Island. “We’re still going to five, maybe six, places to follow the team around,” Abelson said. “We’re still planning on traveling as much as we were.” Because the filmmakers don’t have the money they originally hoped to have for the documentary, less money will be spent on production, Abelson said. “We’re just taking the money — and not really cutting — but moving it around,” Abelson said. Abelson and Lavoie have assembled a small team, including an animator and an editor, to help with the documentary. The filmmakers also visited the first preseason practice to get some footage and meet teammates. “They [the team] are a great group of guys, and very talented on the mat,” Abelson said. “It’s already showing through. They’re really starting to get into the swing of the season.” Production will begin within the next few weeks and will continue through the end of the wrestling season, Lavoie, a junior majoring in film production, said. “They are super appreciative of what we’re doing and we’re super appreciative of them letting us in and allowing us to document what they’re going through as a team and to tell their story,” he said.
Documentary, see page 4
After a long series of bike thefts around campus, the Boston University Police Department officials took measures that led them to catch a suspected bike thief on Thursday, said Scott Paré, BUPD deputy chief and deputy director of public safety. BUPD officials recently implemented “bait bikes” at strategic locations around campus in hopes of luring in bike thieves, Paré said. The bait bikes are disguised as regular bikes, but are loaded with GPS trackers and loosely locked on racks. “One of the first thefts took place at 595 [Commonwealth Ave.],” Paré said. “In this case, they [police officers] actually saw the suspect take out a pair of bolt cutters from a backpack and snip the lock. They [the suspect] got on the bike and started pedaling down Commonwealth Ave.” Police officers arrested the individual responsible this theft. Paré said after BUPD officials investigate Thursday’s arrest, they will look at the thief’s criminal history before they decide on the appropriate punishment for the crime. “Obviously, the court always looks at their record when they take
By Sebastian Alamo Daily Free Press Contributor
“We have a fixed shipping rate for online orders,” he said. “We would have to increase shipping rates [if the price change goes through] and possibly lose business or keep rates the same and lose money.” Michael Lemanski, manager of Trident Bookstore and Café on Newbury Street, said his store does not rely as much on online shipping, but still has uses for mail that could potentially be impacted by an increase in first class prices. “Most of our shipping that we do is in store,” he said. “[However,] sometimes people buy books if they travel and we ship to them. We also ship when getting book deliveries or book returns to publishers.” Several citizens said they were unhappy with the prospect of higher prices, but recognized the need for more revenue. Jill Elliss, 58, a resident of Boston, said she noticed more people are turning to online mailing options for banking and bills, but that physical mail is still important. “The Postal Service has been
With the mayoral race in full gear, several Massachusetts officials are beginning to consider running in the gubernatorial race in Nov. 2014, with the exception of U.S. Rep. Michael Capuano, who announced on Thursday that he would not run for Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick’s seat and instead, seek reelection for his representative seat. “After taking time to reflect with my family, I have decided that I will not be a candidate for governor in 2014,” he said in a Thursday statement. “I am truly touched by the support and encouragement I received throughout this process, but believe that I can best serve the Commonwealth in Congress. I will continue to be a strong voice for progressive policies in Washington.” Michael Albano, former Governor Councilor for Capuano’s former Mass. Congressional District 8, said he was disappointed Capuano was no longer running. “I am very disappointed by the decision … he would have been an outstanding governor,” he said. “Charlie Baker is going to be a difficult candidate to beat. While I am optimistic about the Democratic candidates, Capuano would have been a clear front-runner and would have brought some intensity to the race. “ In a recent poll from Public Policy Polling on Sept. 25, Capuano had 21 percent of Democratic primary votes, but with him out of the race, those votes have been shifted between Coakley, who now has 57 percent of votes compared to 41 percent when Capuano was in the race, and Mass. Treasurer Steve Grossman with 10 percent, according to a press release. Although Grossman is not ahead of Coakley in the polls, Joshua Wolf, campaign manager for Grossman, said they plan to focus on Grossman’s experience and proven leadership in strengthening the economy. “It’s a long campaign, we have a full year ahead of us, and we are going to spend that time talking about Treasurer Grossman’s record, proven leadership in strengthening the economy, both as a business owner and as Treasurer of the Commonwealth,” he
USPS, see page 4
Governor, see page 4
Boston University Police Department has placed multiple bait bikes with GPS software around campus to catch students stealing bikes. The first bait bike was stolen Thursday afternoon.
action,” Paré said. “But usually if they have no record, they’ll be put on probation and receive a fine.” Paré said BUPD has increased the bike parking spaces on campus from 1,500 to more than 3,500. Based on the increase of bikes on campus and the success of the first bait bike arrest, BUPD will continue to implement bait bikes as long as bike thefts persist around campus. Wesley Fan, a College of Arts and Sciences junior, said students should
be better educated on how to properly lock up their bikes as well as which locations to avoid. “I have had three bikes stolen, which is now why I longboard,” Fan said. “... I can carry the longboard with me, as opposed to a bike, which, if you just leave it for 10 minutes, could be gone.” Fan said he has spent around $3,000 replacing stolen bikes in the
Bait Bikes, see page 4
USPS propose to increase price of 1st-class stamp By Mina Corpuz Daily Free Press Contributor
Expenses for several Boston businesses may go up next year because the United States Postal Service proposed plans on Sept. 25 to increase in the price of a first-class stamp from 46 cents to 49 cents. The change is estimated to create $2 billion in additional annual revenue, and, if approved, the new rates would go into effect Jan. 26, 2014. This revenue would go towards improving mailing services quality and combating increasing financial loss, according to a Wednesday press release from USPS. “Despite aggressive measures under current law to reduce expenses, the Postal Service is limited in the ways it can adapt to a changing marketplace,” said Melissa Lohnes, spokeswoman for the USPS Greater Boston District, in an email. “A decision to raise prices is never one that the Governors take lightly, and this is particularly true in the current environment where volumes are declining.” Lohnes said stamp prices change
according to inflation, but this increase surpasses that and requires approval by the Postal Regulatory Commission. In a letter to USPS’s customers on Sept. 25, USPS Board of Governors Chairman Mickey Barnett explained the agency’s troubling financial situation as a result of competing mail companies and online mail services. “Under the current laws, the Postal Service simply lacks the authority to fully pursue financially responsible and appropriate strategies for controlling costs and generating new revenue that are far preferable to price increases,” he said. “We are hopeful that legislation [for a better solution] can be enacted this year.” Several Boston businesses said they did not use the Postal Service and had replaced most of the shipping concerns with online services, but those that rely on physical shipping said they were concerned. Bill Johnston, manager of Commonwealth Books in Downtown Crossing, said shipping was crucial for getting online sales to customers.
MBTA to extend Green Line 2 stops into Somerville area By Steven Dufour Daily Free Press Staff
With the approval of its construction contract on Sept. 25, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority can move forward with its Green Line Extension Project to build three more stations. The $393 million contract signed by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation Board of Directors will fund phase two of the threephase extension. The money will pay for the construction of a new Lechmere station and the addition of Union Square and Washington Street stops in Somerville. “This will help us start to repaint the community,” said Somerville Mayor Joseph Curtatone. “Trains unlock so many opportunities. We’ll see more justice for our environment and our residents who have suffered for years. We’ll be able to connect people to academia, jobs and healthcare. We’ll be able to become more multi-
modal. We’ll be able to become healthier. I think the opportunities are limitless.” The project, while mandated to be finished in 2014, is expected to be completed in 2017, according to the GLX project. MassDOT and MBTA spokeswoman Kelly Smith said GLX is mandated by law as a part of the Central Artery Project. The phase two contract was created with the oversight of the Conservation Law Foundation in an effort to make sure plans were environmentally safe. Rafael Mares, CLF staff attorney, said whatever concerns they had for this phase were well addressed by MassDOT. “It’s a great project and we want to get it done as quickly as possible,” he said. “It gets people off the road and it also makes it easier for those without a car,” he said. “Many people don’t have access to those institu-
Green Line, see page 4
The Lechmere stop on the Green Line will be replaced as a part of the $393 million dollar Green Line extension contract.
Wednesday, OctOber 2, 2013
Social Security, Medicaid delayed by gov’t. shutdown Taxes to fund Shutdown: From Page 1
especially with tourist hotspots “Since Boston has a fair number of federal employees who must be furloughed and who will not earn an income during the furlough, consumer spending will likely decline,” Portney said. “There are specific federal services that will be affected, some of which, like national parks, support private businesses. When these facilities close, the supported businesses will suffer.” If the shutdown persists, he said many important benefits such as Social Security and Medicaid will be delayed.
“If the impasse continues, it could conceivably delay receipt of benefit checks, such as veterans’ benefits, Social Security and SSI, as well as payments from the federal government to state governments, such as those for Medicaid, regional transit and many others,” Portney said. U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren said, in a video of her remarks on the House floor, that leaders must have a real conversation about the federal budget because everyone loses when family budgets are tightened due to furloughs and lack of available services. “With millions of people still out
of work and an economic recovery that is still far too fragile,” she said. “Republicans have decided that the single most important issue facing our nation is to change the law so that employers can deny women access birth control coverage. We should be having a real debate about our budget, because we have real problems to solve.” Chris Strang, 42, resident of Kenmore Square, said he thought the House was dealing with the Obamacare debate in the worst way. “I don’t think [shutting down the government] is the appropriate way to address the situation,” he said.
“They are kind of making a mess of things. But part of me wants people to see what idiots they are so that they can vote against them next time. If it’s for a couple days, it won’t have a great impact on our economy, but if it drags out it will.” Drew said putting politics before people is unacceptable. “I find it a height of irresponsibility to have a government, no matter what their reasons, willing to shut it down for political purposes,” he said. “[Even] when they’re going to jeopardize an awful lot of lives in this country.”
Biolab moves toward Level 3 BU bikers consider personal research, aims to reach Level 4 GPS trackers to prevent theft BiolaB: From Page 1
“It is important for Level 4 research to be pursued because we’re really talking about finding treatments, vaccines and diagnostics for those emerging and reemerging diseases,” Britton said. Klare Allen, lead plaintiff of the cases at the state and federal level, said the biolab is unnecessary and puts the Boston community in danger. “We don’t know about it [the research being performed at the lab],” she said. “We don’t know how to deal with it. We can’t handle it. This is Boston’s first time doing this type of research.” Biolab personnel do not have
the expertise or the security systems in place to safely research infectious diseases, Allen said. “The risks are pretty much apparent,” she said. “We’re talking about airborne, infectious, contagious diseases we won’t be able to smell touch or anything else if there’s a release.” Allen’s attorney Mina Makarious of Anderson and Kreiger, L.L.P., said the case at the state level involves the biolab’s compliance under Massachusetts environmental policies. “There’s different standards in each court,” he said. “We’re weighing our options on how to move forward.”
Bait BikeS: From Page 3
past three years. Although he had never heard of the bait bike police strategy, he said after his second bike was stolen, he thought of installing a similar GPS system into his handlebars. Karina Lo, a Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences senior, said the bait bike initiative makes sense given Boston’s recent shift to be more biker-friendly. However, she said the initiative alone will not prevent people from stealing bikes. Lo said rather than installing bait bikes, university officials should consider selling GPS systems to the actual bikers so they can track the location of their bikes themselves. “They [the university] should be making the public aware that you need to lock your bikes properly,”
she said. “You can’t be too cautious … People leave their stuff everywhere … BU’s population is more on the privileged side, so they think, ‘oh my stuff isn’t going to get stolen…’ People take safety for granted.” Justyn Huang, a School of Management junior and frequent biker around the Charles River Campus, said students’ bikes are typically stolen when they are carelessly left on locations such as telephone poles or street signs. He said if students were more wary of where they lock their bikes, fewer thefts would occur around campus. “I put my bike on a bike rack, and I’ve never gotten it stolen,” Huang said. “BU does have a bubble — even though we’re in the middle of the city, people generally feel safe here … which is a good thing, but I think in the real world you can’t be that way.”
Former Gov. Councilor: Mass. has ‘Democratic fatigue’ after Patrick Governor: From Page 3
said. “If you take that message, it will resonate very well among voters.” Samantha Hooper, communications director for the Massachusetts Democratic Party, said she is ready for a good race with all the Democratic candidates in the race. “The Democratic Party has a deep pool of talent, and we are blessed with candidates who will showcase that talent in this election,” she said. Will Ritter, spokesman for the Massachusetts Republican Party, said the party is excited to have such a strong candidate running. “We are really excited for [Charles Baker],” he said. “He ran a good campaign in 2010 against Deval Patrick and he is running again. He is a reformer, he has experience both in the private sector and in government turning around complex organizations, and he wants to do that in the state.”
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Grid n°1917890356 easy
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Ritter said he believes all of the Democratic candidates have flaws that voters will not be able to overlook. “I fully expect that the Democrats will dominate coverage because these are candidates who do not think [Mass. Gov.] Deval Patrick was liberal enough, so we’re going to let that play out and what’s going to happen is you’re going to get someone who is out-of-whack with independent voters,” he said. Albano said this will be one of the closest races he has ever seen. “I believe it is going to be a very close race,” he said. “I have been following races for governor since 1968, and in Massachusetts there is a certain amount of Democratic fatigue after eight years of a governor being in the corner office. No matter who gets the Democratic nomination, Baker is a good candidate, a solid candidate, and it will be a close race.”
Documentary production to begin in next few weeks with wrestling season documentary: From Page 3
“That’s what we were focused on all along, so to have them be accepting of that and welcoming was pretty cool.” Lavoie said he and Abelson’s presence did not distract the team once practice began. “In no way, shape or form has the decision that was made to cut the program after this year change their minds as to what they want to do as a team and the goals they
want to accomplish,” he said. “They are still really focused.” Coach Carl Adams said although he is not involved with the filmmakers’ fundraising efforts, Abelson and Lavoie will work things out in the fundraising department. “They’ll be fine in that regard,” he said. “The bottom line is that sometimes when you do a project like that, it’s just a matter of figuring things out. I wish them the best of luck on the fundraising part.”
Green Line renovations
Green line: From Page 3
tions [through public transportation] that are actually relatively close, and now they’ll be able to.” Smith said funds for the project will be split, with about half coming from state taxes and the other half from federal taxes. Some of the state tax revenue required has already been set aside for the project, and much of the federal money, while not yet available, will be accessible in the future. Mary Ainsley, senior director of design and construction for the Green Line, said the project would go smoothly, and that funding for the project would not become an issue. “We’ve been designing this project since 2011,” she said. “It’s happening now because plans have progressed and enough money has become available. I don’t foresee any problem.” Some residents said adding more stops to the Green Line would help connect Boston to Somerville. “We need more mass transit, and this is a step in the right direction,” said Jed Horwitt, 32, a resident of Brookline. “Our generation doesn’t want the headache of driving. We don’t have the love affair with cars the way the baby boomers did. Our generation is supposed to move past that, so yes, it’s a little expensive, but it’s extremely worth it.” Kasey Cox, 26, a resident of Boston, said the project could help bring more wealth to Somerville. “The parts that don’t have public transportation, here and across the country, they tend not to have as much money,” she said. “[In] places without it, the income seems to generally be lower, so anything we can do to fight that, I’m for it.” Fred Mahoney, 69, a resident of Brighton, said he uses mass transit solely for transportation and the cost of the project was too high, but Boston and Somerville would still be better off with the additional stops. “Everything the MBTA does is too expensive, and it would seem to me this project, like many of their others, could be done much cheaper,” he said. “But it’s very valuable to everybody involved … and if you ask me, it’s about time this happened.”
Resident: USPS helps in sending ‘nostalgic’ letters uSPS: From Page 3
around forever and people are still going to need it,” she said. “Not everyone has a computer or knows how to use one.” Aisha Ayyakad, 22, a resident of Framingham, said the three-cent price increase is reasonable as opposed to a more extreme hike. “We still need that service,” she said. “It has use in sending physical things, but not so much for letters … [USPS will most likely] become like FedEx [Federal Express] just to send packages and confidential documents.” Eb Bartels, 25, a resident of Winchester, said that despite all the problems USPS, he would still pay more to send letters if necessary. “I would prefer to have the Postal Service exist with higher prices than not to exist at all,” she said. “It is for nostalgic people like me who still like to write letters.”
No age limits for learning
Senior citizens hit the books with BU’s Evergreen program Zarah Kavarana Features Staff
itting in a lecture hall in the Kenmore Classroom Building, Neil Glazer listens to the professor discuss the fall of the Ottoman Empire on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. He is taking notes by hand, while the majority of the students in the classroom type on their laptops. Neil is also taking a course on the Cold War on Wednesdays. He spends time doing his homework, catching up on assigned readings, and spending time with his friends and family — especially his three grandchildren. With white, wavy hair and glasses, Glazer, a 74-year-old retired lawyer, commutes to Boston University during the week to attend his classes along with other students over the age of 58 who are part of the Metropolitan College’s Evergreen program. The Evergreen program allows these mature students to audit a variety of classes alongside the undergraduate population at BU, as well as to attend individual lectures on campus to spark engaging discussions. Hundreds of courses in many of the colleges are available to the students in the Evergreen program. They participate in classes and complete the readings just like the other students in the class, but they audit the courses since they are not seeking a degree, said Rebecca Alssid, the program’s director. Certain schools, such as the medical school and law school, do not offer courses for Evergreen members to take. Age is the only requirement to be part of the Evergreen program. Evergreen does not require any specific educational credentials or professional affiliations, making the program accessible to everyone over the age of 58, Alssid said. Participants of the Evergreen program also see benefits beyond the classroom. Alssid said that by offering lecture seminars to this age demographic in the Boston area, Evergreen students are able to keep their minds young and to stay up to date with current events. The Evergreen lecture series begins on Oct. 23 with Best Short Stories with Taline Voskeritchian, Topics in Religious Studies with Anthony Petro, and Looking at Sculpture with Jonathan Ribner. Birth of Evergreen The Evergreen Program was founded in the 1980s under John Silber, former BU president. At the time, few dormitory options were available for students, and they were forced to live in the areas surrounding BU’s campus. The program was a way to give back to the older Boston community for housing the BU students, Alssid said. Since the 1980s, the program has grown enormously and even attracts people from far beyond the Boston area. However, Alssid said one issue with the Evergreen
Thanks to the Metropolitan College’s Evergreen program, senior citizens join undergraduates on BU’s campus and are taking a variety of classes for the love of learning.
program is that it does not attract much ethnic diversity. “I was always hoping that we would have people from communities like the African-American community, the Chinese community or people from Jamaica Plain and the North End,” Alssid said. “I was hoping that they would come, but it’s been very hard to get people to leave those communities. It’s sort of a perfect program, but it needs to have more ethnicity.” The program has changed little through the years because of the great turnout it has had and the reputation it has acquired over the years. “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it,” she said. Today’s Program The only major difference in the program today is the entrance age. Initially the entry age was 65, but Evergreen officials decided to drop the age limit to 58 since people have been retiring earlier in the past decade. Today, participants of the Evergreen progam can be a sponsor or a student, depending on the fee paid. Classes and lectures are free to sponsors of the Evergreen Program, who contribute about $350 to the program each year. Sponsors may take as many courses as they desire, and receive discounts on select seminars in food, wine and the arts, cooking courses and tastings, which are also hosted by MET. Those who do not choose to sponsor the program can pay $175 for an audited course, and about $10 for an individual lecture. A Different Perspective Driving approximately 25 miles from Framingham into Boston, Michal Leis has been taking classes with the Evergreen pro-
gram for five years. This semester, he is taking his 10th class. “As much as taking the classes, I enjoy watching how the professor teaches and how the students react from our view in the balcony, if you will,” Leis said. With a different perspective compared to most undergraduates, who typically range from 18 to 22 years of age, Leis said he could relate to many of the professors who are his age. “I also enjoy the ability essentially to become friendly with the professors simply because we’re age peers with a lot of them,” he said. “We get to know them as friends and not just [as] teacher and student.” Herbert Mark, from Wellesley said he has always been interested in cultivating his mind. “I’m not any better of a student now than I was when I was in college, but coming here stimulates me in my own studies,” he said. The Comeback Kids Born and raised in Boston, Martin Harrison graduated from BU with a bachelor’s degree in economics. After spending his career as a computer programmer and technical writer, he was excited by the idea of taking college classes again without the restrictions of choosing a major. “In my case, I was an economics major,” Harrison said. “I had to take a required number of credits and I didn’t have time to take other courses, but I was interested in science, history and philosophy, and just couldn’t do it. Now the Evergreen Program has given me that chance.” Joe Kebartas, also a Boston native, has been taking courses with the Evergreen program for five years. “It’s a great way to get to know
what the young people are thinking about,” he said. Attending college in the 1960s, Kerbartas spent 36 years working as a psychiatric aid at McLean Hospital in Belmont. “You can see the difference between going to college in the ‘60s and going to college now,” he said. “Back in the ‘60s, the students were much more political and students faced many problems, whereas now, students are much less active in political situations.” Student Body Integration Although there are similar programs at nearby colleges and universities, such as Harvard University and University of Massachusetts-Boston, many people choose BU’s Evergreen programs because of its seamless integration with young BU students, Alssid said. “BU is unique in that it allows participants to attend the same classes as graduates and undergraduates,” Glazer said. “All of the others [universities] offer courses that are peer-taught … but at BU, we’re in contact with terrific people who are doing this for a living as opposed to amateurs. There’s a big difference in rigor and requirements.” Here, people can join knowing that they are going to be treated like regular graduate and undergraduate students. No other program does it quite the same, she said. Each year, about 1,500 people get involved with Evergreen either by becoming sponsors or by taking individual classes. Undergraduate students who have encountered the Evergreen students are supportive of the program. “They just want to learn more,” said Michael Zhu, a College of Engineering junior.
“Learning for the sake of learning is something that we all do,” he said. “It’s a very human thing, and I think that it’s really great.” Sometimes, the Evergreen students are able to share knowledge and perspective gained throughout their lives and careers with the class, which makes it a beneficial program for not only those in the program, but also for the students they take classes with, Alssid said. Bruna Pino, a College of Arts and Sciences freshman, said she looks up to those who want to go back to school after so many years. “I think it’s actually great that they want to take classes at that age and that they’re still interested in learning at that age,” she said. “Props to them.” Glazer, who has taken more than 50 courses in the Evergreen program since his retirement in 2001, said he is always eager to learn more. “I’ve only had a couple of classes I didn’t like,” Glazer said. “I’d say 95 percent of the courses I’ve taken have been enjoyable.” Glazer said his interests have led him to take many courses in the international relations department, particularly those relating to China. “I’ve unfortunately taken all the China courses, and I keep urging them to set up new ones,” he said. In the meantime, he is taking other courses until more on the subject become available. “I’ve just always enjoyed being a student,” the former lawyer said. “This is a very personal thing. I like information. I like to know things. This is just a wonderful way to spend my time. I can pick up The New York Times or The Economist and know what’s going on in the world.”
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
The Urban Park Ranger
The Daily Free Press
The Endless Summer
The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University 43rd year F Volume 85 F Issue 18
Chris Lisinski, Editor-in-Chief Sofiya Mahdi, Managing Editor
Margaret Waterman, Campus Editor
Kyle Plantz, City Editor
Sarah Kirkpatrick, Sports Editor
Brian Latimer, Opinion Editor
Michelle Jay, Multimedia Editor
Sarah Fisher, Photo Editor
Christina Janansky, Features Editor
Regine Sarah Capungan, Layout Editor
Jennifer Ruth
Shakti Rovner, Office Manager The Daily Free Press (ISSN 1094-7337) is published Monday through Thursday during the academic year except during vacation and exam periods by Back Bay Publishing Co.,Inc., a nonprofit corporation operated by Boston University students. No content can be reproduced without the permission of Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. Copyright © 2013 Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.
Violence Against Women Act now a victory for transgender rights, too
U.S. President Barack Obama amended The Violence Against Women Act for the 19th time on March 7, making it the most inclusive it has ever been. Originally, those who identified as LGBTQ were not protected by VAWA. As of Oct. 1, the law began funding hotlines, shelters and other social services for most domestic and dating abuse survivors. Most importantly, the law addresses violent incidents on college campuses. Universities must address domestic violence incidents, sexual assault and violence within personal relationships on campus and must report data of every reported occurrence every year. To put it succinctly, there is now significantly more protection for a wider range of people. Whether a person identifies as transgender, genderqueer or intersex, they are now supported by VAWA. It certainly took long enough. So why is nobody talking about it? Yes, the government shutdown on Tuesday dominated every news outlet still publishing, but why hasn’t Huffington Post GayVoices even mentioned the law going into effect? When the president signed the bill, a few news outlets gave it minimal attention, barely touching on the implications for the benefit for LGB people, let alone for the transgender community. This is representative of a severe lack of discussion about transgender issues. Without an open forum that reaches more people, how is the world going to learn
about gender identity? Thankfully, the federal government recognizes that survivors of domestic violence, regardless of identity, all deserve to have access to the same services to speedy economic, social and emotional recovery. But the bill isn’t perfect. There is another group of people living on American soil still left to fend for themselves. According to statistics from the National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence Against Women, 34 percent of American Indian and Native Alaskan women will be raped in their lifetime and 39 percent will experience domestic violence. Native women are murdered at more than 10 times the national average. Why doesn’t the bill cover them? Borders. Just borders. If a Native American woman, whether cisgender or transgender, calls the police after a sexual assault, the officers cannot just walk onto her tribe’s land. It’s like American police answering a 911 call from Canada. So, again, certain minorities are not afforded the same rights. Safety is, and should be, a priority. Although the law opens doors to thousands of Americans, there still remains one group of people who will not be treated like the dominant social classes. The newest amendment still expands VAWA to more people, and it is a good representation of the productiveness in Congress, despite the tense political climate in the moment. But it still has quite a long way to go.
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Following a projected higher emissions climate change trend, The Northeast Climate Impacts Assessment (NECIA) predicts that Massachusetts will have a climate similar to South Carolina between the years of 2070-2099. If that scares you, then I have some words of optimism — that’s the higher emissions prediction. If that didn’t scare you, then you must be imagining lying out on the pool deck looking down at plastic pink flamingos precariously stuck into the lawn and taking a refreshing sip from your coconut smoothie topped with orange zest and christened by the sunlight. Your house could be your permanent vacation destination, so what’s wrong with that? Think of all the money you could save. I went to South Carolina last March. The temperature, sales tax and happiness levels were soaring sky high. After a couple days, I was ready to call it quits with the hot weather. After all, it wasn’t even spring yet and I was already longing for the revenge of cold weather. Now that I’m typing this in the fall, I have a different mindset. I miss the predictable t-shirt, shorts and flip-flop weather since I often find my outfits clashing with the weather on a daily basis. Why is it hard for our climate to pick one temperature and stick to it? Maybe everlasting summer weather wouldn’t be a bad idea. Spongebob Squarepants taught me something last semester. Yes, you read that correctly. That yellow sponge with clothes and an idiotic laugh actually offered a learning experience for me. Last semester, I watched a short video on YouTube called “The Endless Summer.” In the video, Mr. Krabs opened up the “Krusty Pool” as one of his schemes to make big money. He also planned to create an “endless summer” in order to maximize his business. He attached pumps to the tailpipes of cars and began pumping their emissions into the atmosphere. As the temperature rose, people came flooding in, paying to use the Krusty Pool to escape the heat. After seeing this positive feedback, Spongebob decided to burn tires to produce more emissions. Such a large amount of emissions were pumped into the atmosphere that no one wanted to go to the pool and decided to move northwards due to the extreme heat. The pool dried up as well as Mr. Krabs’ dreams. Let’s put aside the obvious fact that the Krusty Pool sounds extremely unappetizing and let’s look at the facts. The more optimistic lower emissions projection that I mentioned earlier by NECIA predicts that Massachusetts will have a climate similar to West Virginia in 20702099. This entails a 5 to 8 degree Fahrenheit increase in winter temperatures. And if you want me to be really negative, the
high emissions projection predicts an 8 to 12 degrees Fahrenheit increase in winter temperature. To be quite frank, I’d prefer neither. Maybe Spongebob teaches us more than that sea sponges are native to undersea pineapples. He teaches us about an exaggerated version of the future. A version of the future that is completely and feasably avoidable. The problem with us is that we think that we watch “The Endless Summer” and we believe that we are much better than Mr. Krabs. We firmly believe that we aren’t going outside and aimlessly pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. But we are. All of our emissions come from using the technology that has been made available to us. Right? Technically, but we’ve just started an outrageous trend of overusing the technology we feel that we can’t live without. Once we become aware of the implications of our actions, we can do something about it. Climate change is more serious than we realize and my tastebuds agree. Growing up in New England, I’ve grown to know and love the fall weather and a Dunkin’ Donuts pumpkin coffee with a pumpkin donut on the side. It’s not just the time of year that makes it acceptable to indulge in everything that has the word pumpkin tacked on the front of it. It’s the unpredictable weather that makes you want to curl up next to a fire or frolic amongst the foliage. If there was something I could do to make “Endless Autumn” happen, believe me, I’d be the first one to wave my magic wand. The thing is, we are not doomed as many people say we are. After taking environmental classes for my major, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard people say negative things about their faith in humanity. We aren’t that bad. So instead of making you mad about anthropogenic influences on our climate, I want to make you think twice about the environment. There is hope. You might think that the NECIA projections are overdramatic, and you may be right. Climatologists don’t know for sure the severity of our wrongdoings, but they do know that people need to start paying attention to the facts. So what if we won’t be around to see the Commonwealth of Massachusetts have warm temperatures in the 70s year round? I want the future generation to enjoy the fall foliage, pumpkin coffees and apple picking as much as I do. And that must count for something. Jennifer Ruth is a junior in the College of Arts and Sciences studying environmental analysis and policy. She can be reached at
Terrier Talk Reflections
President Robert Brown made almost a quarter-million dollars more in 201112 than in the previous year. The FreeP wanted to hear what students felt about the raise and whether it is deserved. Here’s what some of them said. INTERVIEWS AND PHOTOS BY ALEXANDRA WIMLEY
“[Brown] doesn’t seem like a big presence on campus like the deans, but then again, maybe he has more important things to do.” -CAS junior
“Maybe they could get the money [to raise salaries] from somewhere else.” -COM second-year graduate student
“The funny thing is, people pay a quarter-million to go here. It would be great if they could lower our tuition along with his salary, but still people keep coming here.” -CAS junior
“If the raise was justified by the president’s workload, contribution and input to the university, I would feel good about it, but I would have to know more about what exactly he does to really say.” -CAS freshman
October 2, 2013
Women’s soccer looks to control defense-minded Crusaders Women’s Soccer: From Page 8
As a show of the team’s defensive consistency, the Terriers’ last three wins have all been by a score of 1-0. The Terriers have been even more impressive at home this season, as they are 4-01 while playing in the friendly confines of Nickerson Field and have not allowed a goal in those five games. While the Terriers’ offense has not been a consistent presence so far, they have been scoring timely goals at critical moments, especially from freshman forward Erica Kosienski, who leads the team with three goals on the season, all of which have been game-winners. Despite coming off of the bench, Kosienski has immediately made her presence felt in the conference, as she has captured three Patriot League BRINE Rookie of the Week awards already this season.
So far this year, the Terriers offense has usually gotten off to fast starts, as six of the team’s nine goals this year have come in the first half. Despite this supposed quick start in games, BU coach Nancy Feldman said that she cares more about her team setting the tone than about getting on the board early. “The game is 90 minutes, or it might be 110 minutes,” Feldman said. “… What I’m looking for in my team is that we’re ready to start the game and ready to set the tone of the tempo with our defending, ready to set the tempo with our speed of attack and with our possession and our attack, and that we sustain that throughout the course of the game while we’re also bringing physicality that’s needed.” It has been a frustrating season to say the least for the Crusaders. While goalkeeper Carly McCabe has been great in net this sea-
son with a 0.81 goals-against average, good for fourth in the Patriot League, the Crusaders offense has been downright anemic. Despite averaging 12.7 shots per game, the Crusaders have only scored two goals in 10 games, with those two tallies coming from junior Ally Pasquariello and sophomore Annie Galvin. Holy Cross got its first win of the year on Sept. 21 in its conference opener against Loyola University (Maryland) by a score of 1-0. “They’re 1-1 in the conference, same as us,” Feldman said. “All of their games have been close, they have very good goalkeeping, they don’t let up a lot of goals. Their team defense is a hardworking bunch, but their goalkeeper is one of the best goalkeepers in the league. She’s tough to score on, and that keeps them in games. “They play kind of a possession style, so
there’s purpose to what they do. … They’re a good soccer team.” For Feldman, the biggest key to a Terrier victory Wednesday lies in the team controlling the tempo of the game and maintaining pressure on attack. “I think we have to get in the box, I think we have to penetrate,” Feldman said. “The second is for us to be able to use our speed of play with possession to be able to break down their defense when it’s organized. [We need] to be able to play in and out, to be able to use the switch in the point of attack and to find the holes in the defense. “And then the third is what I thought we did really good against Army. I thought we set the tone with our defending. … We have to bring that every game. When we do that, we have a territorial advantage, we end up playing on their half of the field instead of playing in our half of the field.”
Field hockey to embark on road trip Field Hockey: From Page 8
come out in the second half with a lot more confidence. I don’t think it’s so much what we change tactically at halftime, I just think it’s a team that has a lot of mental stamina and that desire to get the results they’re looking for.” Considering the abundance of close games they have already played this season, the Terriers must continue this aggressive second half trend as they head into more Patriot League play. Terriers Start Road Stretch As the Terriers look ahead, they are greeted with the sobering reality of leaving New Balance Field for an extended period of time. Thus far into the season, the Terriers have played in six home contests to only two on the road. In these home games, they have been quite successful, going 4-2 and maintaining a plus-six goal differential, while this number changes drastically to minustwo when playing away. Over the next two weeks, however, they will play four out of the next six contests on the road. Two out
of these four games will be against Patriot League opponents, giving BU a huge opportunity to gain crucial ground within the conference. The Terriers will need to be wary when they go visit the University of Connecticut in Storrs, Conn., Oct. 13. The No. 2 Huskies (9-0) are playing a stellar brand of field hockey right now, and are one of only two teams left in the entire country to preserve an undefeated record. The upset-minded Terriers are capable of playing with UConn, especially if they can bring their recent offensive momentum to the field. Careful not to look too far ahead, BU is concentrating on picking up an important conference win this Friday at College of the Holy Cross. “Well to be quite honest, the only game we’re focusing on is Holy Cross on Friday,” Paul said. “We don’t look that far ahead, we go game to game. We try and keep our focus on the present time, and what we can do to position ourselves right now for success on Friday night. So we’re really day-to-day, and we keep very grounded in the present because that’s all we can control.”
Sophomore defender McKenzie Hollenbaugh has been pivotal in the backfield and has majorly contributed to BU’s success this season.
Men’s soccer stuck in scoring drought Men’s Soccer: From Page 8
After scoring six goals in three games against Hofstra, Monmouth University and Northeastern University, the Terriers have one goal in the last four contests. The Terriers were outshot by the Bears 17 to 12 and trailed in corner kicks 16 to five.
With their recent struggles, Roberts is looking for the leaders of the Terriers to step up and lead the team past their injuries and offensive issues. “It starts with the older guys, the seniors,” Roberts said. “They’ve got to really step forward and take it by the horns and deal with it.”
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@DFPsports @BOShockeyblog @BUBBallBlog Varapongsittikul, Frieder team up to win No. 1 doubles slot at UConn Invitational Tennis: From Page 8
to Quinnipiac junior Eric Ambrosio 6-2, 6-0. Seniors Chanon Varapongsittikul and Jesse Frieder won the consolation round in each of their singles flights and combined to win the No. 1 doubles flight, defeating pairs from Merrimack, Sacred Heart and UConn with a combined score of 24-15. Sandoval and sophomore Brandon Phan
also reached a doubles final, beating pairs from Quinnipiac and Bryant by identical scores of 8-4 before falling to a UConn duo by a score of 8-3. DeVries and Leelavanich received a first round bye in the C doubles flight and beat a pair from UConn before falling to Quinnipiac in the final. BU will next be in action as it travels to Smithfield, R.I. to take on Bryant.
It starts with the older guys, the seniors. They’ve got to really step forward and take it by the horns and deal with it.
-BU coach neil Roberts on overcoming several key injuries to the men’s soccer team this season.
paGe 8
Sports The Daily Free Press
BETTER LATE THAN NEVER BU field hockey’s success this season comes from solid second-half play, P.8.
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Wednesday, October 2, 2013
BU stumbles again on road in 3-1 loss to Brown Women’s soccer By Joon Lee Daily Free Press Staff
Coming off Saturday’s 1-0 loss at Navy, the Boston University men’s soccer team looked to bounce back against a hot Brown University team Tuesday evening. Instead, the Terriers took a step back in a 3-1 loss against the Bears, the team’s last non-conference game of the season. “[Brown] definitely dominated in the midfield,” said BU coach Neil Roberts. “We made some changes, we had some injuries and moved some guys around and tried something new. It just didn’t work.” Injuries have had a serious impact on the Terriers (3-5-1) in recent weeks, and Roberts said that they are starting to take a toll on the team. “You’ve got to deal with it,” Roberts said. “You’d like to have your team building going forward, but it doesn’t always happen. Injuries we have right now aren’t long injuries. Guys will be back soon. It’s just something that you’ve got to deal with and we’re going to deal with it together. It’s just unfortunate that they are all kind of in the same area.” Junior goalkeeper Nick Thomson allowed a goal from Brown forward Jack Gorab in the second minute of regulation. Following a goal from BU junior forward Dominique Badji, assisted by senior midfielder Vicente Colmenares, in the sixth minute of the game, the Bears (3-4-1) responded with goals from forward Voltaire Escalona in the 19th minute and from freshman forward Nate Pomeroy in the 29th minute. BU created multiple chances to rally back in the second half. The Terriers were awarded a penalty
in the 55th minute. Badji stepped up to the spot and shot toward the right post, but was stopped by Brown goalie Josh Weiner. Sophomore forward Lucas McBride’s attempt in the 61st minute was blocked and sophomore forward Mac McGuire sent a shot wide in the 62nd minute. The Terriers’ last chance came from freshman forward David Asbjornsson, who sent a free kick over the crossbar in the 86th minute. “I thought today, we created a lot of chances, more than what we created all year,” Roberts said. “We didn’t finish, we created the penalty, we didn’t convert the penalty so it’s just a couple of things. We just need to create chances and the goals will come.” Although the Terriers struggled during the night, Roberts was able to take one positive from the loss. “The only positive was in the first half when we came back and tied it up,” Roberts said. “We went to halftime, we were down 3-1 and we wanted to within 10 minutes get a goal. We got the penalty about five to six minutes in so I thought that was good. We’ve got to do better in the midfield. We’ve got to do better defending one-onone. We just didn’t compete today as well as we could have or should have.” Thomson had not played since his start on Sept. 11 against Hofstra University, when he allowed one goal and six saves. Tuesday night against the Bears, Thomson made eight saves on 11 shots on goal. “Nick was ready to go,” Roberts said. “He’s healthy and he’s been training well. I just felt that he was ready to play. He’s a good goalie, he just didn’t get a lot of help today.”
to take on Holy Cross at home By Conor Ryan Daily Free Press Staff
part of the Terriers’ success so far this season by keeping the team in games where the offense has struggled to create opportunities. Roberts said that the team will use both goalies going forward, but would not commit to either receiving the majority of playing time. “It’s just a matter of having two good goalies,” Roberts said. “We just have to make a decision ... depending on what the opponent is like and obviously the two goalies, Gilbert being 6’5 and Nick being a little quicker so it’s just depending on the opponent and so forth.”
The Boston University women’s soccer team will return to Nickerson Field and kick off a three-game homestand Wednesday night as the Terriers face off against College of the Holy Cross in what is the first Patriot League home game for BU. Wednesday’s match will be the fifth meeting between the Terriers (6-3-1, 1-1-0 Patriot League) and the Crusaders (1-6-3, 1-1 Patriot League). BU leads the series with a 3-1-0 advantage, including a 1-0 win on Nov. 8, 2000, which was the Terriers’ first NCAA tournament victory in program history. The Terriers earned their first Patriot League conference win Saturday when they shut out the U.S. Military Academy by a score of 1-0 in West Point, N.Y. Senior goalkeeper Andrea Green was excellent once again in net, recording three saves and earning her fifth shutout of the season. Green has been one of the main reasons why the Terriers are first in the Patriot League in goals allowed per game (0.50), as she is first in the conference and 20th nationally in goals-against average (0.459). Green has been aided by a stout Terrier backfield, led by sophomore defender McKenzie Hollenbaugh and junior defender Kai Miller. In 10 games this year, the BU defense has only allowed five goals and has allowed more than one goal in a game just once.
men’S Soccer, see page 7
women’S Soccer, see page 7
Junior Dominique Badji scored the only goal for BU in Tuesday night’s game against Brown.
Thomson, who has been recovering from offseason surgery, has impressed Roberts in practice. “He’s shown an ability to explode,” Roberts said. “With the surgery that he had, his core wasn’t really strong yet and it’s getting better now. I just thought that he looked good. He could protect himself and he could take of crosses and so forth.” Redshirt freshman goalie Matt Gilbert, who is 24th nationally with his .846 save percentage, sat on the bench after allowing three goals in the last three games to Providence College, Harvard University and the U.S. Naval Academy. Gilbert has been a large
Schieb continues to be strong offensive presence Tennis team successful at UConn By Justin Pallenik Daily Free Press Staff
Looking back as the season hits the halfway point for the No. 20 Boston University field hockey team, the team’s success can largely be attributed to the veteran presence of captain and senior backer Ysi Schieb. She has started all nine games for the Terriers and is one of only three senior starters for BU. Schieb’s experience on the team is emphasized by her savvy play on the field. The anchor of the Terriers’ (6-3, 1-1 Patriot League) backline, Schieb leads a unit that has allowed only 11 goals in its nine games. She does not solely provide defensive stability, though. The BU offense runs through her capable stick from the first minute to the 70th. From the backline, Schieb’s crisp, quick passes allow the Terrier midfielders and forwards to spread out the opposing defense and attack the goalmouth. Perhaps the most underrated aspect of Schieb’s game, however, is her ability to set up the BU at-
morriS, see page 7
tack penalty corner. Schieb is the primary target of the Terrier penalty insert, which has resulted in a team-leading five assists, including two in Sunday’s 3-1 win over Hofstra University. On a squad that starts three freshman forwards, Schieb is doing all that she can from the back to pace the offense. With the team moving into a new conference in this transitional season, the Terrier coaching staff understands the value of Schieb’s leadership. “I think she’s doing a great job as the senior captain,” said associate head coach Tracey Paul. “[She’s] providing a solid role model for the freshmen. She knows how to play hard and also how to be empathetic to their inexperience in playing the college game.” The Second Half Provides the Boost for the Terriers
Over the course of the season, BU’s identity as a second-half team has become more and more clear. Since scoring three first-half goals in the opening 5-1 victory against
The Bottom Line
Wednesday, Oct. 2
W. Soccer vs. Holy Cross, 7 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 3
No Events Scheduled Striving for realism, Greg Oden gets injured during warmups in NBA 2K14 and is unavailable until NBA 2K21.
Ohio University, the initial 35 minutes of play have not been kind to the Terriers, who have scored only twice in that time frame since then. The second half has been a completely different story for the Terriers, however, as they have dominated the period against nearly all opponents the entire season. Not only have they scored nine goals to their opponents’ four in the final 35 minutes this season, they have outshot opponents 74-41 and they have 31 attack penalty corners to opponents’ 22. This consistent second-half explosion has rewarded BU with three key come-frombehind wins — a 2-1 overtime win over the University of Delaware Sept. 2, another 2-1 overtime win against Providence College Sept. 15 and a 2-1 win in regulation against Colgate University. “I think it’s been quite astonishing how we’ve played in the second half of games,” Paul said. “It speaks volumes about the heart and mindset of the team. I think we’re a very resilient team and we get a feel for the rhythm of the game and
Field hockey, see page 7
Friday, Oct. 4 Field Hockey @ Holy Cross, 7 p.m.
The Boston University men’s tennis team continued its successful fall season Sunday with an appearance at the University of Connecticut Invitational in Storrs, Conn. The three-day invitational included players from UConn, Quinnipiac University, University of Hartford, Sacred Heart University, Merrimack College and Bryant University. At the conclusion of the tournament, BU boasted a total of nine finals appearances and five flight titles. BU posted a 20-6 (.769) record in singles play with four athletes, including three freshmen, winning a title in their respective flights. Freshman Mario Sandoval defeated Quinnipiac junior Sebastian Barbero 6-3, 7-6(3) in the No. 4 singles flight, then went on to beat Sacred Heart senior Kevin Budrawich 1-6, 7-5, 10-8 and Bryant junior Josh Rubinstein 6-4, 7-6(2) to capture the win. In the No. 5 singles flight, freshman Jay Leelavanich won matches
against Quinnipiac sophomore Luke Roser 6-0, 6-2, UConn freshman Parker Goldstein 6-3, 6-4 and Bryant sophomore Munir Serin 6-2, 6-3 to emerge victorious in his flight. Junior Emilio Teran beat UConn sophomore Andrew Ginzberg 6-4, 6-3 and Quinnipiac sophomore Allain Grullon 6-3, 6-1 before defeating UConn sophomore Zac McEntee 6-3, 6-0 for the victory. In the No. 7 spot, freshman Lucas Bombonatti defeated Sacred Heart junior Ryan Wennberg 6-0, 6-1 and Bryant freshman Cory DiPaola 6-3, 5-7, 10-4, then beat his teammate, freshman Jake De Vries, 6-3, 7-5 to win his flight. De Vries had beaten Hartford freshman Morgan White 6-1, 6-0 and Qunnipiac freshman Ryoma Haraguchi 6-4, 6-7, 10-7 before falling to Bombonatti in the final round. Sophomore Stefan Lemire reached the final of the No. 3 singles flight, beating Hartford freshman Juan Molina 6-2, 6-2 and Sacred Heart sophomore Matt Dean 6-3, 6-1, but fell in the final round
Saturday, Oct. 5
Sunday, Oct. 6
By Sarah Kirkpatrick Daily Free Press Staff
M. Hockey vs. St. Francis Xavier, 7 p.m. W. Soccer vs. Lehigh, 1 p.m. M. Soccer @ Army, 7 p.m.
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Field Hockey vs. UMass, 3 p.m.