The Daily Free Press
Year xliii. Volume lxxxix. Issue XIX
HEART STOPPER BU-administered heart study threatened by sequester, page 3.
Thursday, October 3, 2013 The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University
MGM-THREE Column: ‘trippy kings’ release self-titled third LP, page 5.
ORIGINS Men’s hockey to play first exhibition against X-Men, page 8.
Today: Partly cloudy, high 77. Tonight: Partly cloudy, low 55. Tomorrow: 73/56. Data Courtesy of
BPD officers could receive 25 percent pay increase Lawyers seeking less restrictions for Marathon suspect By Kaitlin Junod Daily Free Press Contributor
Certain Boston Police Department officers may receive a 25.4 percent pay increase over six years pending approval from Boston City Council, though some city officials believe the increase to be too large given the city’s budget. The award proposal arbitrated by Timothy Buckalew and released by the City of Boston on Friday would raise the pay for members of the Boston Police Patrolman’s Association, which represents 1,447 officers, and would cost $80 million of tax revenue. “The mayor [Boston Mayor Thomas Menino] believes the arbitration decision is too high and is not in the best interest of the city,” said John Guilfoil, spokesman for the mayor’s office. After several negotiation sessions for the award, the city offered a 19.8 percent raise over the same period, according to a fact sheet from Boston’s Office of Labor Relations released on Friday. Boston Police Department officials declined to comment on the raise proposal. The City Council has 30 days to approve or deny the award. Mass. Rep. Martin Walsh and City Councilor John Connolly, who are both mayoral candidates, said the raise was too high because the city could not afford it. Walsh said the terms of the award should still be negotiated further to find a middle ground between the BPPA demands and the city’s budget.
By Kyle Plantz Daily Free Press Staff
The Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association submitted a request to raise several officers’ salaries by 25.4 percent Friday.
“The arbitrator’s award is out of line with the current economic environment and not in the best interests of the taxpayers,” Walsh said in a Monday press release. “The best thing for the City and the police is to get back to the bargaining table and agree to a deal that works for both sides.” Connolly said the police do need a raise, but not as much as they are asking for. “The city can responsibly afford a generous proposal, one that is fair to our police officers,
but not one that will cost us over $80 million,” he said in a Wednesday statement. “I am confident that if the city and the patrolmen’s association come back with a reasonable compromise settlement, the City Council will approve it. But if not, and if this contract is presented to the City Council, I will vote no.” The average earned income of a BPPA member in 2012 was more than $109,847, ac-
BPD, see page 2
Gov’t. shutdown will hit academia if no solution reached By Rachel Riley Daily Free Press Staff
Provided that it does not last much longer, the government shutdown that occurred Tuesday when Congress failed to agree on a federal budget bill will have little impact on Boston University programs, university officials said. “The federal government has issued some information on student aid, for instance,” said BU spokesman Colin Riley. “Essentially, they feel the impact is going to be minimal.” Programs that use multi-year appropriations or mandatory funding, such as Federal Pell Grants and student loans, will continue to operate through the shutdown, according to the U.S. Department of Education’s official contingency plan. “Obligations and payments from these programs may continue, dependent on the length of the lapse,” the plan stated. “Only those grant activities which, if not continued,
would prevent or significantly damage the execution of funded functions … will continue on a limited basis after a lapse of one week and continue through a short-term shutdown.” A shutdown lasting more than one week will have more noticeable effects on educational institutions, the plan stated. “A protracted delay in department obligations and payments beyond one week would severely curtail the cash flow to school districts, colleges and universities, and vocational rehabilitation agencies that depend on the department’s funds to support their services,” the plan stated. Political science professor and chair Graham Wilson said the effects of the shutdown on BU students, as well as citizens of Boston, are unknown at this point. “The short answer is: nobody knows,” Wilson said. “We know some of the obvious things, like if you wanted to visit the U.S.S. Constitution today, you’d be out of luck be-
cause the federal parks are closed.” The extent of the shutdown depends on how far Republicans in Congress are willing to go to prevent Obamacare from coming into effect, Wilson said. “This is another milestone in the decay of the workings of our system of government,” Wilson said. “That decay is partially due to extreme partisanship, and I’d have to say that extreme partisanship is currently coming from the right wing.” Political science professor Douglas Kriner said the current government shutdown is unprecedented because unlike the shutdown under President Bill Clinton 17 years ago, the shutdown is in response to the Affordable Care Act and not solely an issue of the federal budget. “The only way to stop Obamacare from being fully implemented into law is to hold
Shutdown, see page 2
Attorneys for Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev have asked a federal judge to ease restrictions placed on him, claiming the restraints are too harsh and that they hinder his legal team’s ability to prepare his defense in time. “The restrictions on Mr. Tsarnaev leave him in nearly total isolation,” stated a motion filed on Wednesday by his lawyers in the U.S. District Court in South Boston. “He is confined to his cell except for legal visits and very limited access to a small outdoor enclosure, on weekdays, weather permitting. The purported basis for these conditions lies in the crimes he is alleged to have committed prior to arrest, not any behavior during his confinement.” Tsarnaev is being held at a prison medical center in Ayer. Within the Wednesday memo was a document that announced U.S. Attorney Gen. Eric Holder implemented Special Administrative Measures on Tsarnaev on Aug. 27. The measures mean there is a substantial risk that if Tsarnaev communicates with people, it could result in death or serious injury to others. The attorneys said the restrictions are “effectively punitive” and violate the due process guarantee clause in the Constitution. “The negative effects of isolation on detainees are well-documented,” the motion stated. “Indeed, the United Nations identifies longterm solitary confinement as a form of torture. Inmates may not be subjected to unnecessarily harsh and isolating conditions of confinement.” The defense attorneys said there was no factual basis for the restrictions, the ban on non-legal communication with anybody infringes on freedom of speech, and the restriction on group prayer infringes on his freedom of religion, the motion stated. “The government has not made any persuasive showing why these restrictions are necessary, nor has it demonstrated that less restrictive alternatives would not suffice,” the attorneys said in the motion. Tsarnaev, 20, is faced with more than 30 charges for allegedly causing two explosions near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on April 15 with his brother Tamerlan. The explosions killed three people and injured more than 260.
Tsarnaev, see page 2
BMC Master Plan amended to allow changes to Cancer Center, Dowling Building
The Moakley Cancer Center (left) and The Dowling Building (right) will both be affected by proposed amendments to the Boston Medical Center Institutional Master Plan. By Emily Hartwell Daily Free Press Contributor
Boston Medical Center and Boston Redevelopment Authority officials met with community members Wednesday to discuss proposed changes to BMC’s Institutional Master Plan for future development projects. The Institutional Master Plan Amendment,
submitted to the BRA by BMC and the Trustees of Boston University, proposes expansion to the Moakley Cancer Center and the construction of a new inpatient building, energy facility and patient transport bridge, according to the official amendment. “They [the designers of the amendment] are thinking very strategically about the campus,
how to really improve the streetscape and how to make sure that what they need right now is being taken care of,” said BRA Senior Project Manager Sonal Gandhi. “… They’re planning for their future needs, which is exactly what the IMP process is made for.” The 27,800 square foot expansion to the Moakley Cancer Center at 830 Harrison Ave. would house departments displaced by the new inpatient building and would provide for increased outpatient care, the amendment stated. The new impatient building, proposed to be built at the current site of the Dowling Building at 771 Albany St., would consolidate multiple BMC departments, including the emergency department and trauma center, main radiology department and surgical department and interventional procedures, the amendment stated. The 48,000 square foot proposed heating and power Energy Facility would be located east of the existing power plant located at 750 Albany St. The proposed new patient transport bridge would replace the yellow transportation tube
spanning Albany Street, and will enable BMC authorities to transport patients more directly to the emergency department. The BRA and other Boston development organizations contribute to the amendments, Gandhi said. “We do definitely review what is proposed, and a lot of what you see proposed is a result of the comments we received from BRA design staff, planning staff and developing staff from city agencies,” she said. “So, a lot of what you see and what you heard today is a result of the comments received from various professionals across the city.” The BRA will hold an additional public hearing before the amendments are voted on, Gandhi said. Although the date of the vote has not been decided as yet, the comment period for the amendments continues until Nov. 5. The hearings give community a chance to provide their input on proposed changes to the BMC, Gandhi said.
BMC, see page 2
Thursday, October 3, 2013
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U.S. Attorney Gen: Tsarnaev had ‘disposed of key evidence’ Tsarnaev: From Page 1
He is also charged with allegedly killing Massachusetts Institute of Technology Police Department office Sean Collier when he and his brother attempted to escape law enforcement officials after the Federal Bureau of Investigation released their photos on April 18. Tamerlan was killed that night after a shootout with police, and Dzhokhar was captured the next day when he was caught hiding in a boat in Watertown after a prolonged manhunt. Tsarnaev pleaded not guilty to all charges against him during his arraignment on July 10. He could potentially receive the death penalty. Holder claimed Tsarnaev disposed of key evidence after the attack. “Tsarnaev employed operational tradecraft in communicating during the time leading up to the bombing
(including purchasing a dedicated cell phone to communicate with respect to the bombings), and in disposing of evidence after the attack, including discarding a remaining bomb detonator and smashing his cell phones,” the memo stated. Holder also claimed that Tsarnaev told FBI agents after he was arrested that he remained committed to jihad and expressed that he hoped his actions would inspire others to commit acts of violent jihad. Dzhokhar and Tamerlan were directly provoked to detonate the two bombs during the marathon by the death of Anwar Awlaki, who was killed in a U.S. drone strike in Yemen in September 2011, and they used bomb-making instructions from an Al-Qaeda publication called ‘Inspire,’ according to the memo. Prosecutors said if Tsarnaev’s case goes to trial, it could last three to four months, and the defense could expect 85 to 100 witnesses.
Political sci. professor: current gov’t. shutdown‘unprecedented’ Shutdown: From Page 1
the budget and the debt ceiling hostage for it,” Kriner said. BU may stop receiving federal research funding, Kriner said, if the shutdown lasts much longer. “If you’re in the sciences at a university, I think that a lot of the NSF [National Science Foundation] and other types of federal resources are temporarily down,” he said. “The EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] is laying off people, so if you rely on them for data and other sources of information, you’re not going to be able to get it.” Republicans are mainly opposed to Obamacare because it will be expensive for the federal government, Kriner said.
“The administration argues that, according to its projection, in the long run, it [Obamacare] will save money, but those projections are inherently unreliable so there’s a cost issue,” he said. “On the other hand, a lot of ‘Tea Partiers’ say that the individual mandate forcing you to buy coverage is an infringement on personal liberties and freedoms.” Under our current government system, the only way Republicans can change the healthcare situation is to repeal the Affordable Care Act, Kriner said. “The fact is, it [Obamacare] is the law of the land,” Kriner said. “There’s no way for them to use the constitutional methods provided to undo it.”
Residents see BPD raise as tax burden BPD: From Page 1
cording to the fact sheet. BPPA Secretary Patrick Rose said in a Sunday memo to union members that the proposed raise was a reasonable request that cost less money per member than an award deal approved for Boston Fire Department in 2010 that is being paid over five years. “We need to take it upon ourselves to fight for what we are owed,” he said. “Remember, we are the good guys. We are the ones that champion neighborhood sports, we are the coaches, the mentors and alike, we are the ones that support neighborhood groups, organizations and Boston-area families. This is our city and we can’t afford to let outside interests, opinions and local media dictate city policy.” Some residents said giving officers that large of a raise was too much of an additional burden on taxpayers. “They do work hard, and maybe they do need a raise, but 25 percent is just too much,” said Marie Croisetu, 68, a resident of Brookline. “We all have to work to pay [taxes] for that money to go to them. They do very good, but we have to support our own families, too. It’s just too much.” Sean Clarke, 22, a resident of Brighton, said the raise should wait until the city can afford to pay officers more. “It’s a dangerous job, and yeah it’s totally worth what they [police] do, but it [the raise] is just not in the budget right now,” he said. Daniel Coffin, 30, a resident of Boston, said police were due for a raise. “They [police officers] have a dangerous job and their careers don’t typically last as long as other public employees,” he said. “... They’re a valuable service to the city and deserve something.”
Comments on BMC amend. close in Nov. BMC: From Page 1
“The good news is that they [BMC] are letting the neighborhood and the communities know exactly what they’re thinking for the next 10 years,” she said. “So there are no surprises in the next 10 years.” Worcester Square Area Neighborhood Association representative Adrienne Kimball said although she is concerned about disruptions that may be a result of proposed construction projects, the amendments seem to make improvements to Massachusetts Avenue and Albany Street. “Overall, especially with the landscaping and the way the bridge has been designed, they’ve really put a lot of thought and effort into making it a much more pedestrianfriendly project,” she said. BMC Project Director Jane Barry said the amendments take into account the impact construction will have on communities. “I think the amendments are necessary,” she said. “They’re important for the hospital, but I think BMC has done a really careful job planning for its own facility consolidation and its campus planning. At the same time, it [the amendment] is very cognizant of what is important to the neighborhood and to the city.”
Campus & City Column Who’s that column
That hula hoopin’ gal
When I came to Boston University in 2012, the last time I’d ever seen anyone hula hooping was on the asphalt at my elementary school. I was beyond surprised to see a group of kids jamming out with much larger and more colorful hoops than I’d ever seen. Now that I’m writing this column, I finally had a reason to approach them and figure out what they’re all JEMMA about. This week I DOUGLAS interviewed the College of Arts and Sciences senior Rose Kreditor, the creator of the BU Hooping Project. I met Rose at Blue State Coffeehouse, and I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, like a total n00b. Rose, on the other hand, had the most amazing Indian-print harem pants I’ve ever seen. I immediately realized that I was talking to someone infinitely cooler than I’d ever be. “[We] promote flow arts, whether that be hula hooping, poi or flow wands,” she said. “We use flow toys, they’re just different ways to dance.” Now I don’t know how many of you know exactly what flow arts are, and neither did I. Flow arts are dances that encourage just moving to feel good. They often include hoops, poi, or balls attached to ribbons, and flow wands, which look like sticks that float in front of you. Basically, flow arts are like magic. When I think of hula hooping, I imagine shaking hips and plastic circles — that is not what this is at all. Rose showed me a video of her hooping. She was spinning, twirling and stalling. My favorite move is an isolation, which according to Rose is one of the hardest. When she did this, the hoop kept moving and her hand stopped. It was ridiculous. The hoops are also not your general CVS store variety. Rose makes all of the hoops that the club uses with black irrigation tubing. “We wrap grip tape on them, and then people have glitter tape,” she said. “You can’t just do it simply, everyone has to make it pretty. But it’s great.” The Hooping Projects goal is to make flow arts more accessible. They do performances every week. The most visible is the hooping on Marsh Plaza every Wednesday. Rose or other members of the group will bring hoops, and everyone is encouraged to come and play. “We get a lot of LAW [School of Law] graduate students,” Rose said. “I don’t know why, but we do.” The other open function they host is Beginner Hooping Classes on Monday nights. “As a performer, teaching is the best way to learn anything,” she said. “So for me that is so useful.” Rose’s contagious attitude and passion for hooping is clear. “I’m a pretty opinionated and passionate person, so if I like something I want everyone to know about it,” she told me. Next time you’re in Marsh on a Wednesday, pick up a hoop, shake your hips and learn a little about having fun. Check back next week when I talk to another one of BU’s familiar faces. Have a person you think BU should know about? Hit me up! Jemma Douglas is a sophomore in the College of Communication studying journalism. She can be reached at
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Sequester jeopardizes BU-assisted heart study Rising student loan defaults not seen at BU By Trisha Thadani Daily Free Press Staff
While addressing the consequences of the impending government shutdown on Monday, U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren mentioned essential programs that are being jeopardized by sequester budget cuts, such as the Framingham Heart Study, a Boston Universityadministered program. As a result of automatic spending cuts by the federal government, FHS — the nation’s longest running study of cardiovascular disease — lost 40 percent of its funding late this summer, Warren said. “Washington has its priorities all wrong,” Warren said. “There are people across this country who are alive today, in part because of the work that began with this study [FHS] … The next time you think of someone you love who has heart trouble, think about the sequester cutting one of the world’s premier heart research programs.” Warren said FHS has yielded groundbreaking research since its original cohort in 1948. She said the $4 million spending cuts FHS suffered were one of the many poor decisions made by Washington officials regarding sequestration. Hours away from government officials’ inability to settle on a budget on Monday, Warren said Senate Republicans have obstructed the government from finishing
By Trisha Thadani Daily Free Press Staff
U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren spoke Monday against a budget cut that would affect the Framingham Heart Study.
the budget, passing a single appropriations bill, and fixing the sequester. “Scientists and medical researchers in Massachusetts are also getting pounded by the sequester,” Warren said on the U.S. Senate floor. “…They are working on discoveries that will help us in ways we can’t even imagine. Yet, here we are, bluntly hacking away at their funding, delaying their research and cutting off promising new work before it even starts.” More than 15,000 people from three different generations of Framingham residents have participated in FHS since 1948, according to a statement released by FHS officials after the $4 million
budget cuts went into effect. FHS conducts research to identify risk factors and genetic markers for major public health problems such as heart disease, dementia and diabetes. “[FHS is] identified as number four on a list of the top 10 medical advances of the 20th century by The Washington Post,” according to the statement. “FHS comprises a scientific community of committed study volunteers and physician, Ph.D. and biostatistician investigators from academic institutions worldwide.” Due to the significant loss of funding from the federal govern-
Heart Study, see page 4
Harvard-Allston Task Force talks with community By Olivia Deng Daily Free Press Contributor
With only one week left until applications for the HarvardAllston Partnership Fund are due, the Harvard-Allston Task Force held a meeting on Wednesday to talk about Harvard University’s proposed developments in the Allston-Brighton neighborhood. The fund, created by Harvard and the city of Boston with the Allston-Brighton community, invited nonprofits and programs that benefit the area’s residents to apply for six different $100,000 grants to support neighborhood development, culture and education in the area. The applications are due on Oct. 10. “As a community partner, Harvard is actively engaged in educational and enrichment programming,” said Lauren Marshall, senior communications office of
Harvard Public Affairs and Communication at the meeting. “The Harvard-Allston Partnership Fund is an important part of our ongoing commitment to the Allston-Brighton community and our shared effort to improve the local quality of life.” Kevin Casey, associate vice president of Harvard Public Affairs and Communication, said the partnership benefits the entire community. “Having Harvard’s assets be available to all sectors of the Allston community … provides tools for the workforce and education for the kids,” he said. Harvard proposed a new fund at the meeting on Wednesday, the Public Realm Flexible Fund, to spend $28 million on community programming and housing in the Allston-Brighton area. “Tonight, what we are intro-
ducing is a new component to that public realm plan which tries to take into consideration the fact that there will always be new ideas and opportunities for things to come up,” Casey said. “We are proposing to create a Public Realm Flexible Fund, a place where a variety of public realm and open space ideas that have emerged in the conversations of the task force.” The construction also includes a crossing path over Storrow Drive that would enable residents to have safer access across the Charles River. Harvard already has its business school and athletic complex in the Allston area, and is expected to expand and start more projects in the area in late 2013 and early 2014. Priscilla Anderson, a governing board member of the Gardner Pilot Academy in Allston, said she would be disappointed if the com-
Harvard-Allston, see page 4
While the U.S. Department of Education announced on Monday that the default rate on student loans has risen in the past three years, officials said the number of Boston University students defaulting on their student loans has remained relatively low. BU economics professor Kevin Lang said default rates on student loans at lead institutions including BU are considerably lower than those at less elite institutions. “Default rates are very high at for-profit and less selective institutions, including people doing certificate programs and the like,” Lang said. “The default rate for the country as a whole is about a little over 10 percent. So, if you were to do the arithmetic, BU would not be typical [to the national average].” According to the U.S. Department of Education release, the twoyear national default rate rose from 9.1 percent to 10 percent, and the three-year default rate rose from 13.4 percent to 14.7 percent, demonstrating an overall rise in the amount of students unable to pay off their student loans over the past three years. U.S. officials plan to address this rise in loan default by expanding efforts to educate and inform students that they have options when deciding what loans are right for them. “The growing number of students who have defaulted on their federal student loans is troubling,” said U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan in the release. “The department will continue to work with institutions and borrowers to ensure that student debt is affordable. We remain committed to building a shared partnership with states, local governments, institutions and students ... to improve college affordability for millions of students and families.” Lang said default rates on student loans have gone up in the past few years because tuition for higher education has generally risen. He said students are taking out larger loans, which require more payments and pose a greater challenge to graduates. To view the rest of this story, please visit us online at
Mayor Menino chronicles final 100 days in office with transition blog By Hannah Clark Daily Free Press Contributor
Boston Mayor Thomas Menino launched NextBoston, a blog to aid the city’s transition out of his mayoral role on Saturday.
With less than 100 days of his term remaining, Boston Mayor Thomas Menino and his administration launched a daily blog on Saturday, titled NextBoston, in hopes of facilitating a smooth transition for the following mayor. The blog features posts including a finance calendar, information on the importance of recycling contracts and a video explaining what the mayor’s hotline is and its effectiveness in order to give tips to the new mayor and to give insight into the city’s workings for residents. “My team is working hard to try and make this transition as smooth as possible,” Menino said in the introduction video. “This site is part of that work. Our hope is that our city, the best city in the world, doesn’t miss a step. As we begin our
last 100 days, we hope the contents of this site will aid the next team in a successful first 100 days.” John Guilfoil, a spokesman for the mayor’s office, said in the past, a mayoral team would provide the successor with a binder to inform the new mayor of steps in transition process. “We’re going to do the book too … but the blog has a lot of things going for it,” he said. “It’s transparent … it lets people in the city and around the country see how government works in the city and how transition works in the city.” Guilfoil said Menino, with today’s use of technology in mind, decided to create the blog because it allows everyone to see how the city’s government works. “The mayor is very mindful of technol-
Menino Blog, see page 4
Thursday, OcTOber 3, 2013
FHS plans to Allston residents curious to see developments despite concerns retain future exam cycles harvarD-allSton: From Page 3
heart StuDy: From Page 3
ment, 19 staff members were cut from several clinical and administrative areas, according the statement. Additionally, various clinic exams and lab operations were reduced. Prior to the sequester, FHS received its funding from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute and a division of the National Institutes of Health. “We are working with the NHLBI leadership and with other potential funding sources to help sponsor the research, fill the funding gap and thus save these jobs and cover the costs of the previously planned clinical examinations and laboratory studies,” the statement read. Despite planned eliminations of examinations that are also used in ancillary studies, FHS has continued its research and has contacted its participants for future exam cycles, according to the statement. “While this news is disturbing, it is important that we move forward with our research activities, managing grants within the 90 percent of funding provided by NIH,” said Boston University Medical Campus Dean Karen Antman in the statement. “Representatives of the University are in regular communication with federal agencies and legislators, and we will provide updates as they become available.”
munity changed. “I think it will bring a lot more people and a lot more traffic and a lot more businesses and employment,” she said. “I think it’s very possible that the neighborhood could gentrify, and I would be disappointed by that because I love the diversity of the neighborhood.” Some residents of Allston said
they were wary about the intentions of Harvard’s expansion, but want to see how they could improve the area. Barbara Melanson, 53, said she was excited for the improvements in education. “There will be better education for the Gardner School and there will be more things for adults to do,” she said. “We’re on a little island. Everyone forgets about us
over here. It would be nice to partake in things Harvard can offer without being a student at Harvard or working at Harvard.” Tim McHale, 59, said the meeting could have focused on other topics besides the Fund Program. “It [the meeting] was very strong on education and employment,” he said. “However, it was not as strong on housing or open space.”
Len Kelliher, 80, said the expansion would redefine the entire area of Allston-Brighton. “It’s going to be an expensive place to live and limited for the people I care about, my family,” he said. “They [Harvard] are more interested in themselves. They are progressive and doing things that are good in the long run, but it’s not going to be the same quaint town it was.”
Menino’s office intends for blog content to ‘help the next team’ Menino Blog: From Page 3
ogy, and … he wants to make sure the city doesn’t miss a step with the new mayor coming in,” he said. “So as we come to the last 100 days, we just want to make sure we have some content on our site that will help the next team … have a successful first 100 days in office for them.” Deborah Schildkraut, a political science professor at Tufts University, said she was skeptical a blog could really make a difference in terms of the transition. “Most individual voters will have no idea that it’s there and won’t read it, and that people who are most likely to read it are people who are maybe anxious about the political transition,” she said. “Maybe people who had relations with him for organizations or … people who … know about their particular policy area.” However, Schildkraut said including everyday residents in the process is a positive step.
“To the extent that it does provide an opportunity for people who are normally left out of this process to be involved if they want to be … that’s a benefit of opening up the process,” she said. Some residents said they were interested to see how Menino and the new mayor use the blog to inform the public. “It’s cool because it gives transparency to why he did certain things,” said Giuliana Funkhouser, 31, resident of Needham. “It’s an interesting way to wrap up any kind of tenure. If he wants it to be relevant to as many people as possible in this town, and we’re a pretty tech-savvy town, I think it seems like a pretty good medium.” Amanda Houser, 22, resident of Brighton, said the blog is a more modern approach to transitioning. “It’s a good idea, especially for someone else that’s coming in, why not have that information,” she said. “I think a blog is more with-thetimes now than a book. Everyone has access to it, so it’s a good idea.”
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MGMT: Trippy kings release third perfectly bizarre album Ross Hsu
f I met the members of MGMT personally, I would first spit in their faces. Then I would thank them for making such weird music. I suppose I should be more grateful — MGMT is such a massive improvement as an album over 2010’s aimless and depressing Congratulations, which, despite some excellent tunes, was weighed down by terrible production decisions and a track listing from hell. MGMT got the order right this time — their eponymous third album flows from one song to the next with methodical concern for emotional shifts and changes in mood and tone. Nearly every song tees up the next with masterful manipulation of rhythm and key, placing each track either as a continuation or a striking deviation from the direction of its predecessor. The fading outro of “Alien Days” invites the powerful bass-heavy synthesizers of “Cool Song No. 2,” while “Astro-Mancy” seems more like a continuation of “A Good Sadness” than anything else. MGMT ultimately has more hits than flops, but such a binary system is not sufficient enough to analyze the intricacies of the album’s successes and failures. Triumphant tracks such as “Cool Song No. 2,” “Introspection” and “A Good Sadness” are neither clever nor particularly innovative outside of the context of the album. The same could be said for the entire LP — none of the songs are anything special at all, and yet the genius way in which they are arranged makes the album even more enjoyable than Oracular Spectacular at times. Or perhaps MGMT is just gratifying in the
MUSE Staff
MGMT’s Ben Goldwasser and Andrew VanWyngarden perform in their classically off-kilter and trippy style. MGMT released its third album, MGMT, on Sept. 17.
context of its predecessor, an album that is here apologized for. MGMT is an inversion of the problems with Congratulations: The latter is a badly organized album made up of great songs, while the former is a great album made up of mediocre songs. One begins to think that MGMT can only do one at a time. I can imagine the conversation with their producer: “Alright boys, could we try to make good songs and put them in the right order this time around?” Or, perhaps more likely: “Yeah, corral ‘em in there, lock the door. I hate doing this to you lads, but you’re not leaving that room until we have an album recorded — Christ, Andrew, don’t chew the furniture — Ben, you don’t use mallets on a keyboard! What the hell kind of drugs do we have to
give you to make another ‘Electric Feel’!?” All joking aside, it is hard to be frustrated with these trippy kings of the new psychedelic movement considering how majestic and orchestral MGMT is when listened to from front to back. Despite what Oracular Spectacular would have many people believe, MGMT’s strong suit has never been the ability to make danceable and accessible electropop songs. “Kids” and “Time to Pretend” must have been flukes of budding artistry, or perhaps even attempts at being tongue-in-cheek that resulted in lightheartedness not found on their two subsequent releases. No, Ben Goldwasser and Andrew VanWyngarden’s songwriting prowess lies in their penchant
for banally grandiose electronic canvasses of noise. The unsung heroes of all three of their albums have been tracks such as “Of Birds, Moons and Monsters,” “4th Dimensional Transition,” and the epic, if not misguided, “Siberian Breaks.” MGMT takes this trend to its logical extreme. The influence of such wandering power pieces is present on all 10 tracks of the album. Unfortunately, this means that half of the songs that could be — and should be — radio hits that are less than three minutes instead spend an extra minute-and-a-half meandering down completely unrelated psychedelic paths. “Cool Song No. 2,” “Alien Days” and “Your Life is a Lie” all forsake strong conclusions for impotent crawls into the abyss.
The only song that manages to meander correctly is “A Good Sadness,” which, despite following the exact same set of faults already described, is the most emotionally charged track on the record. VanWyngarden’s breathy and nasally vocals solidify it into a component worth listening to, if only for a brief moment. More importantly, “A Good Sadness” is the only song on MGMT offering any proof that VanWyngarden and Goldwasser actually know how to compose electronic music. Its victorious repetition serves as a rhythmic and melodic bedrock that is missing from the rest of the album. Despite all of this grief, MGMT remains infuriatingly enjoyable. The release moves and breathes with an energy that was missing from even the band’s idyllic debut, and it transitions from barbaric noise rock (“Your Life is a Lie”) to thought-provoking melodic landscapes (“Alien Days,” “A Good Sadness”) with a surreal confidence. But my opening statement remains true: MGMT is a band characterized by bursts of genius interspersed with a constant stream of impudent and pretentious drivel. They’re just lucky that the drivel is as fascinating as the genius. On the other hand, they might be just as childish as their music suggests — rowdy animals needing to be poked and prodded to ever create anything on a schedule, outside of the times when it suits their fancy to sit at a keyboard and plunk randomly until a tune presents itself. In which case, MGMT: get it together. Don’t you know that some of us are trying to take you seriously?
Dance Showcase 2013 shines spotlight on BU talent
he Boston University Dance Theater was full of movement Friday and Saturday when BU’s dance program held its Dance Showcase 2013 at the Buick Street theater. The showcase included 10 pieces, four of which were premieres. It featured the work of several experienced choreographers and dancers, some of whom were resident faculty, and others who were guests of the university, including improvisers Jeremy Finch, Liz Roncka and New York dance company Amalgamate. Judith Chaffee, head of the movement department in the School of Theatre, danced in choreographer Lynn Modell’s energetic piece entitled “Another Chair (Dance).” Chaffee described the experience of being in this quintet as a unique milestone because it brought her together with people she had not had the
Adrienne Rube MUSE Staff
chance to work with for a long time, including Micki Taylor-Pinney, current director of the Department of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. “Micki, Lynn and myself were all a part of a dance company called Boston Dance Collective … and we were a prominent dance company in Boston,” Chaffee said. “So to be rehearsing with these wonderful women again was exhilarating. It felt like family.” She also noted that the experience was “very special” because it was her “first time performing in a dance context since 2000.” Chaffee and Pinney are just a couple of examples of the experienced members that performed as a part of the annual BU concert. The pieces that made up the rest of the program matched the level of expression that “Another Chair (Dance)” exquisitely portrayed.
Each work highlighted a different kind of dance, including aerobics, choreographed pieces and improvisational pieces. Naturally, each evoked a different kind of emotion from the general audience. Paula Josa-Jones, a dancer, choreographer, dance therapist and former teacher in the BU Opera Program, performed her own solo entitled “Speak,” a moving piece that made use of dynamic body movements and gestures. “[Josa-Jones] had an outline of what she was doing and knew spatially where she was going, but the movement in between wasn’t necessarily choreographed in the way that [Modell’s] piece was,” Chaffee said. Improvisation was also featured in the premiere of a piece entitled “For Now,” a dance and collaboration by Boston-based dancers Liz Roncka and Jeremy Finch.
Chaffee’s own solo performance, “Don’t Throw It In The W.C.” was similarly improvised and drew on her training in commedia dell’arte, an Italian theater form of improvisation. “How I improvise with the audience is different each time,” Chaffee said. Chaffee said her own theater background has had a clear impact on her work, not only in the pieces that she herself performs or choreographs, but also in the way she teaches dance. “Even when I’m teaching dance technique, I teach more from a sense of internal breath and rhythm than from the shape or from what [the actors] ought to look like,” she said. Chaffee said that her love for dance and theater — and more specifically her passion for teaching movement to actors — grew during her time in graduate school
at Smith College. “I like creating dance and theater and being in on the teaching,” she said. “I love teaching, and I like training dancers. I’m more interested in why they’re doing what they’re doing rather than, say, how many pirouettes they can do.” The showcase highlighted not only the talent of different dancers and dance companies, but also the talent of the faculty. Moreover, the concert raised greater awareness of the professional program BU faculty has created and provides to its students. “The faculty [teaches] these skills,” Chaffee said. “But this is also what the faculty do in their creative lives. It’s almost as if [this Showcase] is why we do what we do ... We’re not trying to make stars. We’re trying to bring out the artistry in each of the students that we have.”
October 3, 2013
The Daily Free Press
The Independent Student Newspaper at Boston University 43rd year F Volume 85 F Issue 19
Chris Lisinski, Editor-in-Chief Sofiya Mahdi, Managing Editor
Margaret Waterman, Campus Editor
Kyle Plantz, City Editor
Sarah Kirkpatrick, Sports Editor
Brian Latimer, Opinion Editor
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Shakti Rovner, Office Manager The Daily Free Press (ISSN 1094-7337) is published Monday through Thursday during the academic year except during vacation and exam periods by Back Bay Publishing Co.,Inc., a nonprofit corporation operated by Boston University students. No content can be reproduced without the permission of Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. Copyright © 2013 Back Bay Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.
The Nobel Peace Prize: no longer noble
Who has a spotless record? Mahatma Gandhi? Nope. According to a Guardian story from January 2010, his misogynistic tendencies have left India one of the most sexually repressed in the world. And a Boston University panel discovered that our alumnus Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. plagiarized passages of his dissertation for his doctoral degree, according to an October 1991 article in The New York Times. While these winners have their flaws, they were still bastions of hope for millions of people. Now, there is a nominee up for the Nobel Peace Prize who has some more major flaws. Members of a Russian group called International Academy of Spiritual Unity and Cooperation of Peoples of the World have nominated Russian President Valdimir V. Putin for the Nobel Peace Prize for his diplomatic efforts in avoided direct military action against Syria. Before we get into the oppressive, domineering and tyrannical environment of killing and jailing LGBTQ activists in Russia, we have to admire Putin’s success. Because of Putin and his outreach to Americans in his Sept. 11 New York Times editorial, he spearheaded the efforts that forced the Syrian government to give up their chemical weapons. Putin stood between U.S. President Barack Obama’s plan to drone strike Syria (as did Congress), and in eventually garnering international support in doing so, he allowed the UN to function as it was intended to. However, at least Gandhi and King did not have a history of sympathizing with oppressive, murderous dictators like Muammar al-Gaddafi. Putin’s one instance of exemplary diplomacy does not erase his horrible record littered with human rights violations. As an ex-KGB agent, Putin, when he was Prime
Minister, crushed his citizens when Chechnya began rebelling against the Kremlin in 1999. He rigged the Russian presidential election in 2011 — apparently 140 percent of Russians voted for him. Then there are those things going on in his country like the obscene suppression of LGBTQ rights just before the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Obviously this man does not deserve a Nobel Peace Prize, and we don’t expect him to get it. But here is the problem: How respectable is the prize anymore? Does it carry the same value it did when King won? Obama won in 2009 for his efforts to end the war in the Middle East. Have the troops been pulled out? Have drones stopped killing civilians daily, however inadvertently? How can a world leader, a politician, win this prize and continue to use violence to solve the world’s problems? The European Union won last year “for over six decades contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe,” according to the official Nobel Prize website. The entire Union won. The world needs a single pinnacle of peaceful advancement to win this prize. It would especially be more uplifting if it were awarded to people not in the international political eye. Why hasn’t an organization providing relief effort in Darfur been recognized or a judge combatting sexual violence won? The Nobel Peace Prize is becoming a popularity award. It’s losing its meaning. To the people awarding the next Nobel Prize, stray away from politicians who made one peaceful move. Remember the figures that put themselves in danger to rid the world of violence.
A Connecticut man was caught on video stuffing a kid and five chickens in the trunk of his car. No, not a toddler, but a goat. We here at the ol’ Free Press were wondering what is the weirdest thing each college would smuggle in their sedans. • SAR: The red meat we don’t get on Make A Difference Monday. • ENG: Everything inside the Imagineering Lab. • SHA: Wine from the wine tasting class. All of the wine. • SMG: Silk Road Armani suits. • SED: Coloring books, paint and wet napkins. • COM: Those really expensive telephoto lenses you can rent in the basement of COM. • BU Athletics: Rhett the Terrier. • The FreeP: AP Style books.
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Life in the left lane
An open love letter to the Grand Old Party SARA Ryan I would like to profess my undying love for the party of the right. Although the 140year age gap may be difficult to overcome, I truly think we can make it work. In this moment, I am certain I have never loved anyone more (except perhaps Orlando Bloom) than I adore you. Thank you for shutting down the federal government, you crazy, ideological conservatives. We liberals sincerely appreciate it. Yes, the rest of the nasty left-leaning media and I have decided to hunker down and collectively blame the Republican Party for the government shutdown, or what Fox News has referred to as a “government slim down.” I must admit I didn’t think John Boehner and his congressional cohorts were actually narrow-minded enough to go through with this plan. However, now that they have, allow me to demonstrate the pure beauty of the federal government closing its doors. First of all, the Republican Party is taking a massive hit in the polls. In a CNN/ ORC poll published Monday, 69 percent of respondents believe that Republicans are acting like — wait for it — “spoiled children.” While U.S. President Barack Obama (47 percent) and the Democrats (58 percent) aren’t doing so hot either, it’s pretty clear who is winning this unpopularity contest, which brings me to my second point. As a lefty looking toward the 2014 midterms, I am hoping for a lasting effect. If this shutdown continues for too much longer, the Republican Party will have bigger issues than a law that has already been passed by Congress and upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. During the last government shutdown that lasted from late 1995 to early 1996, the Republican Party suffered an almost devastating loss. Because of the media’s portrayal of said shutdown, then-U.S. President Bill Clinton’s poll numbers skyrocketed after it finally ended. Additionally, then-Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich earned what is probably the best nickname in the history of American politics: “The Gingrich who Stole Christmas.” This negative portrayal of the Republican Party and its leadership is often credited as a contributing factor to Clinton’s crushing defeat of Senator Robert Dole in the 1996 presidential election. While perhaps this shutdown’s effects won’t be as impactful, it will definitely harm the image of Republicans going into the 2014 midterms. Obama hasn’t had a Democrat-controlled House to work with since the 2010 Tea Party Movement, and I’m sure he would appreciate the
parting gift from Boehner and McConnell. Speaking of our commander-in-chief, he really can’t do much to screw this up, the columnist says to herself, knowing that she is tempting fate. But seriously, Obama really has the easiest job in the federal government right now — you know, minus the millions of federal workers who stayed home because of the shutdown. Unlike the Republicans, he doesn’t have to wrangle Congressmen and Senators to fall into line. He is a single entity in this instance that speaks with one voice from one podium. No one in the Democratic Party is going to be stupid enough (knock on wood) to get in front of a camera and tell the public that Obama is being unreasonable. Conversely, the Republican Party is full of Boehn-heads who are all trying to grab a piece of the media action. That kind of discord and chaos will make it harder to portray a vision of clarity to the American public. Now allow me to tie it back to why this is a love letter. There is nothing I love more than watching the Republican Party dig its own grave, except maybe “Friends.” I really like watching “Friends” (#RossAndRachelForever). By forcing this shutdown because of their desire to repeal Obamacare, the Republicans are playing a dangerous game. There will come a point where people will decide that all of the national parks, the Mars rover and even the IRS auditors are more important than an ideological stand for principles. As the Republicans tear themselves to shreds trying to defund a bill that’s already been approved and funded, America will be rooting against them. This is not how people want this to happen. While there has been criticism of Obamacare, the previously cited CNN/ORC poll found only 34 percent of those surveyed believe repealing the measure should be a higher priority than funding the government. That was before the government actually shutdown. Now that basic government services are no longer available, people might change their minds. If that number goes down, the shutdown support is obviously going to erode pretty quickly. So to conclude my not-so-sappy ode to the oldest and grandest of parties, I want to remind them that if they keep this up, they won’t have political power for much longer. But by all means, keep it up. I would absolutely adore it. Sara Ryan is a freshman in the College of Arts and Sciences studying political science and math. She can be reached at sryan15@
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October 3, 2013
Field hockey to face in-state competition in weekend series Field Hockey: From Page 8
provement and taking advantage of scoring opportunities but at the same time we have to respect Holy Cross’ ability to counter attack.” The Terriers will see their first ranked opponent since losing to No. 9 Boston College Sept. 13th when the take on UMass (7-4). Last season, the two teams faced-off as the Terriers were No. 12 in the nation and the Minutewomen were No 25. The Terriers made the trek up to Amherst that day
and came away with a thrilling 3-2 doubleovertime victory over UMass. The Minutewomen have already played plenty of top-notch and ranked teams, including three teams in the top five in No. 1 University of Maryland, No. 2 University of Connecticut and No. 5 Syracuse University. “UMass is an outstanding hockey team,” Starr said. “They played Maryland and lost but could have won. They’re the real deal. It’s going to be an outstanding challenge. I think our transition defense is going to be key.
“Their offense spreads the field really well and they’re fast. I think in a game like UMass we’re going to have to be more efficient with our goal scoring opportunities.” The Minutewomen offense, which has scored 2.58 goals per game, is led by midfielder Brooke Sabia. In her second season, Sabia has scored 11 goals for UMass and was named the Atlantic-10 Conference CoPlayer of the Week September 2nd. Senior Alexa Sikalis has been a force on the offensive side as well, posting seven assists and one goal for the Minutewomen in her final season.
To be successful this weekend, BU’s offense must overcome its recent scoring struggles. Last weekend the Terriers broke their trend of scoring two goals or fewer – something they had not done since the first game of the season against Ohio University- when they defeated Hofstra University Sunday afternoon by a score of 3-1. “What I like about Sunday is we can use it and see how much we’ve matured since the beginning of the season and how much the team has learned from losses like Northwestern, BC and American,” Starr said.
Fisher’s play boosts Terriers in victory Aggressiveness: From Page 8
Of course, being aggressive is only a small part within Feldman’s mentality. Being sound and playing within a controlled manner is also something that Feldman has stressed toward her players. Feldman cited the play of Fisher, who provided the assist to Krebs’ goal, of what she considers to be a perfect example. “She brings great bite, she’s doing a better job of her touches and [she is] more under control and composed, and she’s bringing her own competitiveness that [she] balances with composure,” Feldman said about Fisher. “When we put those things together, it makes things a lot more effective.” Attacking on defense is important, but Feldman said ball control is as well. One of
the main goals that the team has looked to attain is avoiding turnovers and not allowing the other team to intercept BU’s moves. “Keeping possession of the ball is a big part of how we play,” Feldman said. “So in essence, we have to do one and the other, but it’s hard to put those two together as you’re going fast and furious and you have to be calm and use your technique at the same time.” Yet as Feldman said, in the end success — and in turn, victory — only comes when the players buy in to their methods. “I wouldn’t say want to be dominant in that area — it’s just an attitude. Some of it of is body position, some of it is starting position, footwork, lifting, explosiveness. But a lot of it is attitude. And we make it a priority. We make the players learn the attitude so they can get on the field.”
Men’s lacrosse team prepares for fall play Lacrosse: From Page 8
laou had 24 goals and 12 assists for the club team last season. Senior defenseman Emerson Rogers totaled 34 points, including 21 goals, in three years on the BU club team. Senior midfielder Brad Sauln won 51 faceoffs and had seven goals and six assists last season. These new additions to the roster complement 31 true freshmen and three other
transfers that were announced in July. The 42 lacrosse players will take the field under the direction of BU coach Ryan Polley, who will serve as head coach after 11 years of coaching experience at Yale University and Merrimack College. The new players will see their first action as they play in a fall exhibition games. BU will take part in the Northeast Classic in Braintree Oct. 13 and will host Team England Oct. 23 at Nickerson Field.
Senior forward Madison Clemens had a pair of goals for the Terriers as BU went on to beat Holy Cross by a score of 3-0.
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X-Men will play in 5th preseason game Men’s Hockey: From Page 8
the century. In October 2012, BU beat the University of Toronto 5-0, and in 2011, StFX downed the Terriers, 6-4. If the X-Men are sharper than the home team, it could be because it will be their fifth preseason game. They play in Nova Scotia, Canada, an eight-hour drive from
Boston, Friday night, then at No. 4 Boston College Sunday afternoon. However the game turns out, one thing is certain: Hockey is back. And with it comes a renewed since of optimism for all involved. As Quinn, donning a sly smile, put it, “We’re still undefeated.”
Clemens dazzles as BU beats Holy Cross Women’s Soccer: From Page 8
Goalkeeper Carly McCabe, however, was a bright spot as she made eight saves before being substituted for in the 76th minute. After some stagnant moments in the first half, the Terriers controlled the tempo in the second half while they maintained possession and were able to create several goalscoring opportunities. Clemens converted one of those opportunities into a goal in the 58th minute, her second of the game. Senior midfielder Megan McGoldrick assisted Clemens with a pass, before Clemens caught the Holy Cross defense off guard with a shot from well beyond the 18-yard box. “I just picked the far post and aimed low and hard,” Clemens said. “I think this week we focused on offense a lot more and connecting the forwards.” Feldman said that a major reason for the contrast between the first and second halves
was BU’s toughness in winning 50-50 balls. “We get our players [to win those balls] by keeping track,” Feldman said. “[We won] 49 percent in the first half and 70 percent in the second half. Our goal every game is to win 60 percent. A lot of it is attitude, and we make it a priority.” After the Terrier’s third goal, Feldman made several substitutions. Senior goalkeeper Andrea Green, who has been a key player in BU’s recent games, came out in the 69th minute after only needing to make two saves during the contest. Green was removed for junior goalkeeper Alyssa Parisi, who made her third appearance of the season. “We were able to play into the midfield and we were stronger in separating from them, which gave us more opportunities in the final third [of the field],” Feldman said. “Goals aren’t just going to come, you have to make them happen, and I think we finally did that tonight.”
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We’re still undefeated.
-BU coach David Quinn on the men’s hockey team’s upcoming preseason game
paGe 8
The Daily Free Press
Men’s hockey will host St. Francis Xavier University in an exhibition matchup Saturday, P.8.
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Thursday, October 3, 2013
Field hockey to No. 19 BU to host X-Men in exhibition Men’s lacrosse finalizes 2014 play 2 games 42-man roster over weekend By Tim Healey Daily Free Press Staff
By Christopher Dela Rosa Daily Free Press Staff
This weekend the Boston University field hockey team will have a Massachusetts-focused weekend, as it travels to Worcester for a Friday night bout against the College of the Holy Cross and then will return to Boston Sunday afternoon to take on the No. 13 University of Massachusetts-Amherst at New Balance Field. This will be the first game since the 2010 season that the Terriers (6-3, 1-1 Patriot League) will play a game not as members of the top 20 teams in the NCAA rankings. The drop in these rankings is a result of the Terriers’ 1-0 overtime loss to American University last Saturday. “I don’t really pay attention to that, and I don’t think the girls do either,” said BU coach Sally Starr. “Being in the middle season, it’s irrelevant to the goals we’re trying to set, so it’s a non-factor.” Friday night will be the Crusaders’ (3-6, 0-1 Patriot League) second game against a Patriot League opponent this season. Sept. 21, they traveled to Washington, D.C., and fell to American (6-3, 2-1 Patriot League) by a score of 4-0. The Crusaders’ biggest concern against the Terriers will be getting the ball past a strong defense and goalkeeping, led by senior backer Ysi Schieb and junior goalkeeper Valentina Cerda Eimbcke. Through nine games, Eimbcke boasts a save percentage of .804, averaging 1.17 goals against per game. In the nine games they have played this season, the Crusaders have scored just nine times. Their largest offensive output came against Siena College, in their opening game of the season, when they scored three times. Meanwhile, against Providence College, Harvard University and American, the Crusaders have been shutout 4-0 each time. Forward Molly Feit has done a majority of the scoring damage for Holy Cross, notching three goals this season. The team has also struggled on the defensive side in front of goalies Kat Matchett and Maya Langman. So far this year, the Crusaders have allowed 14.1 shots a game, almost double the amount their offense is taking. The shots have translated into goals, as opponents have averaged 3.11 goals a contest. “We’re really looking for our team to compete for 70 minutes,” Starr said. “Holy Cross is a team that is improving every game. I think we did a good job this past weekend getting quality shots off. I’m looking for continuous im-
FielD hoCkey, see page 7
For the first time since a dramatic loss in the Hockey East Championship in March, the No. 19 Boston University men’s hockey team will take to the ice against another school Saturday, and the result will not mean anything — at least, not explicitly. First-year head coach David Quinn and his Terriers will host St. Francis Xavier University at 7 p.m. at Agganis Arena. The X-Men are a Canadian college team, which are generally a tier or two below their NCAA Division I counterparts, and the game is a mere exhibition, and the score itself is meaningless. What is important is that the coaching staff, led by Quinn and associate head coach Steve Greeley, will get a first look at the 2013-14 Terriers in an environment other than drills or an intrasquad scrimmage. “I’m interested in where our conditioning is,” Quinn said. “To me, there are two things we absolutely want to do — we want to be fast and physical. To me, those are the two things we’re looking for. We’re not going to have a lot of chances to go over systematic things [before the game]. “This week, we’ll at least touch on the things that we’re going to have to have systematically in place Saturday night and we can build off it. For me, I’m really just looking for puck skills, how fast we are and how physical we are.” BU is still captain-less — Quinn said he expects to name
No Events Scheduled Knicks coach Mike Woodson said point guard J.R. Smith needs to grow up...
It will be the first game in scarlet and white for most of BU’s nine-member freshman class, but Quinn may not have the entire roster at his disposal. Senior forward Jake Moscatel, for example, has been out sick for about two weeks, and freshman forward Brendan Collier missed some time last month with a minor injury. Quinn said he expects to dress 13 forwards and seven defensemen, one extra of each. Opening the season against a Canadian collegiate team is nothing new for BU, which has done so most years since the turn of
The Boston University men’s lacrosse team released its final 42-man roster for the 2014 season Wednesday. In addition to the original 34 members announced in July, nine newcomers have been added to the list, including three transfers, one walk-on and five members from the BU club team. A trio of midfielders transfers to BU, including sophomore Jack Cruzan from Providence College, who appeared in five games and recorded two shots for the Friars. Redshirt freshman Patrick Donnelly will join the Terriers from Penn State University, while sophomore Alex Paroda transfers from Mount St. Mary’s College. Paroda had one goal in six games for the Mountaineers. Freshman defenseman Hunter Stein joins the team as the sole rookie walk-on. Stein played two seasons on the varsity lacrosse team at Syosset High School in Syosset, N.Y. Five former club members also made the team as walk-ons. Junior defenseman Evan Herron played two seasons on the Terrier club team, with an assist and five ground balls during the 2013 season. Senior goalkeeper Kyle Lange, who was captain and president of the club team, also made the varsity squad. Junior midfielder Alex Nico-
Men’S hoCkey, see page 7
laCroSSe, see page 7
Sophomore defenseman Matt Grzelcyk will likely be one of the Terriers’ top players this season.
one by the end of the week — but the coach has been impressed by the seniors’ leadership early this semester. The last three weeks of September, BU got on the ice for two hours per week, generally split into three 40-minute sessions. The team was able to start full practices Tuesday. Given those circumstances, BU has not had much time to practice. Lines are still very much up in the air. Special teams will likely be rough around the edges, to say the least. “You may want to close your eyes Saturday night when we get out there and have to kill a penalty,” Quinn said.
Terriers stifle Crusaders 3-0 W. soccer lifted by aggressive play By Alex Rozier Daily Free Press Contributor
The Boston University women’s soccer team dominated College of the Holy Cross Wednesday night in its third Patriot League contest of the season, winning 3-0 over the Crusaders. This victory for the Terriers marks their second in league play as well as their first at home. This loss for the Crusaders (17-3, 1-2 Patriot League) is their second in a row after losing to American University on Saturday. The match’s first goal came in the 27th minute after junior forward Taylor Krebs showed skillful dribbling to beat her defender down the left side and then crossed into the box toward senior forward Madison Clemens. The ball bounced around the six-yard box, but Clemens managed to turn it in and Krebs was credited with the assist. The goal gave the Terriers (7-3-1, 2-1 Patriot League) an early 1-0 advantage. Krebs showed leadership throughout the game, as her accurate passing brought fluidity to the team’s possession, and her aggressive runs into the 18-yard box kept the Crusaders’ defenders alert. Her hard work eventually paid off
The Bottom Line
Thursday, Oct. 3
By Sarah Kirkpatrick Daily Free Press Staff
Friday, Oct. 4 Field Hockey @ Holy Cross, 7 p.m.
in the 31st minute when she fired the ball into the roof of the goal on her first touch off of a cross from Fisher. “[Krebs] is pretty happy,” said BU coach Nancy Feldman. “It’s a great goal. It’s a Taylor Krebs goal: it’s a goal where she’s flying into the box and she beats her defender. It was great one-touch finish.” Feldman said she was also impressed by the work of Fisher, whose partnership with Krebs on the attack was a large part of the Terriers’ success. “[Fisher] brings great bite, she has a great engine, and her touch has been better,” Feldman said. “She’s bringing a fierce competitiveness, and she’s balancing that with a composure on the ball. She’s bringing those together which is making her a lot more effective. There have been a few games where the tide has turned when she’s come on, and this was one of those.” The Crusaders struggled as a team, and had trouble keeping up with the Terriers. Holy Cross registered just five shots, four of which came in the first half.
woMen’S SoCCer, see page 7
Saturday, Oct. 5 W. Soccer vs. Lehigh, 1 p.m. M. Soccer @ Army, 7 p.m. M. Hockey vs. St. Francis Xavier, 7 p.m.
By Mike Chan Daily Free Press Contributor
The Boston University women’s soccer team enjoyed a series of highlights during its 3-0 win against College of the Holy Cross. Wednesday night saw the first goal of the season for junior forward Taylor Krebs, the second multi-goal game in senior forward Madison Clemens’ career and the team earning its fourth consecutive shutout at Nickerson Field this season. For Nancy Feldman and her team, this success stems from the ability to play aggressive, fundamentally sound soccer that has carried BU (7-3-1, 2-1 Patriot League) this year. “One of our goals [against Holy Cross] was to be more aggressive in the final third, and we saw that from start to finish,” Feldman said. “[When] we move better off the ball and we make more unpredictable passes and get a little bit more separation from them, we wear our opponents down.” This dynamic approach has worked wonders for the Terriers’ high-powered offense. BU had three times the amount of shots on goal against the Crusaders (1-7-3, 1-2 Patriot League) and dominat-
Sunday, Oct. 6 Field Hockey vs. UMass, 3 p.m.
ed in virtually all other categories, including corner kicks (9-3) and total shots (17-5). Perhaps this was most evident in the final stretch of the first half, when the Terriers connected for two goals and three total shots under the crusade of Clemens, Krebs, sophomore forward Jenna Fisher and senior midfielder Kylie Strom within a five-minute span. Overall, the Terriers have outshot opponents 61-38, while outscoring teams 6-1 in their last five games, leading to the emergence of rising stars such as Fisher and freshman forward Erica Kosienski. Kosienski had two shots of her own Wednesday night after securing the game-winning goal the week before. “When we accomplish those things, we work stronger and we have more opportunities to work with” Feldman said. “That is a step we have to take in order to score more goals. These things aren’t gonna come out of the blue, and you have to make them happen. You have to be on the edge, and I thought we did that ... tonight, and I haven’t seen that all season.”
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Monday, Oct. 7 No Events Scheduled Smith was spotted soon after around Madison Square Garden poutimg and crying.