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DAILY HELMSMAN Friday 1.24.14


To read about Pellom’s role with the Tigers, see page 4

Vol. 81 No. 060




Independent Student Newspaper of the University of Memphis

Ugly Girls make pretty music

SAC hosts winter events By Hannah Bailey


Williford, drummer Mac McCullar and their most recent addition Riley Condon. Williford, the primary songwriter for the band, said that his lyrics range from college fraternity life to smoking cigarettes. “A lot of the time I’m kind of purposely trying to be as cryptic as possible with my lyrics, and a lot of the time my songs are about

people I don’t like, which is kind of messed up,” Ethan Williford, freshman undeclared major at Rhodes College, said. Since September 2013, the group has been playing in basements and bars around the city, making a name for themselves in Memphis’ underground punk scene. McCullar, the band’s drummer,

describes the band’s genre as lo-fi surf punk and said they always try to make their performance as interesting as possible. “Our shows are always highenergy punk and in the future we’ll probably start wearing dresses and costumes,” McCullar, a sophomore film major at the University of

as the BAC returns to zero, the hangover leaves. Rico Hilger, freshman marketing major, had a terrible hangover experience over the summer before the fall semester of 2013 began. “All I could remember of the night I got a hangover is that I was at a club with a couple of friends celebrating school being out,” Hilger said. “The only thing that was able to jog my memory was a video of me that one of my friends recorded that night.” According to Hilger, he consumed vast amounts of liquor, specifically Ciroc vodka,

throughout the evening. At the time, Hilger did not know of any hangover cures except for sleeping as soon as his headache became terrible. Luckily, by the time morning came, his headache was gone. “Now I know that if I drink too much again, plenty of water and vegetables can help with a hangover,” he said. “Know that I will try and get another hangover so that I can test the two.” Every person is built somewhat differently, and, according to De Fouw, that can make a difference when it comes to alcohol intake.

“The heavier a person is, the more water is present in their body and so the alcohol will be more diluted,” she said. “However, if a man and woman who are the same size drink at the same rate, the woman will get more drunk, because men have more muscle cells, which hold more water and help dilute the alcohol.” Mallory Kreds has been a bartender at RP Tracks for three years. According to her, hangovers are sometimes dependent on what kind of beverage a per-

The Student Activities Committee is hosting Winterfest from Jan. 27 to Jan. 31 with an array of cold weather events. SAC committee members have been planning for the seasoned festival since November of last year and are eager for the fun to begin. “I am super excited because we all tried our best to bring interesting activities to the table that no one has ever seen before,” SAC University Traditions Chair Tiana Scott said. Festivities kick off Monday at 9 a.m. with Cocoa for Commuters and Iceless Ice Skating. Cocoa for Commuters will feature SAC members handing out free cocoa, apple cider and Dunkin’ Donuts Munchkins to passing students at three locations. Tables will be set up between Mitchell Hall and the Administration Building, on Central Avenue between the music and theatre buildings, and on Walker Avenue next to Ball Hall. A synthetic ice skating rink, a solid polymer material used with normal metal-bladed skates, will be set up in the University Center Student Plaza along with hot chocolate and cider from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. “Iceless ice skating is especially great for people who have never ice skated,” Scott said. In the event of rain or extreme cold weather, the ice rink will be placed in the UC River Room. A giant inflatable snow globe, complete with fake snow, will be a prop for students to climb inside and have their photo taken on Tuesday in the Iris Room from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. “Wednesday really gets fun with live karaoke,” Scott said. “Our entertainment chair Devin Gibbs will be preforming.” When asked to comment, Gibbs

see CURE on page 3

see SAC on page 3

photo By aLeXander sWiLLey

Left to right, Ugly Girls’ bassist Riley Condon and guitarist and lead singer Ethan Williford Ugly play a house show in Memphis.

By Samuel Prager

news@dailyhelmsman.com Ugly Girls, a Memphis-based surf-punk trio, is one of the underground scenes newest bands, and the group plans to bring fast, distorted and megaphone equipped music to locals around the city. The band is made up of lead singer and guitarist Ethan

see BAND on page 3

Students test hangover cures

By Karlisha Hayes

news@dailyhelmsman.com For some University of Memphis college students, a night out drinking with friends can lead to a morning of headaches, bloodshot eyes and vomiting. Others, however, use home remedies to make their hangover symptoms disappear. According to University of Memphis health educator Jacqueline De Fouw, it generally takes an hour per drink for a person’s blood alcohol content to return to normal, and usually,

The Daily Helmsman is a “designated public forum.” Students have authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. The Daily Helmsman is pleased to make a maximum of 10 copies of each issue available to a reader for free. Additional copies are $1. Partial printing and distribution costs are provided by an allocation from the Student Activity Fee.

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Tiger Babble


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