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For the sports editor’s opinion on the Tigers’ first win of the season, see page 3

DAILY HELMSMAN Tuesday 10.09.12


Vol. 80 No. 026

Affirmative Action


JET Program



By Kelsie Carter


By Arielle Robinson

news@dailyhelmsman.com The Student Government Association is working on a bill to extend the hours of recreation, dining and studying at the University of Memphis. An overwhelming amount of student participants voted “yes” to a recent survey conducted by SGA president Russell Born and senator Addison Piggott. “We wanted to facilitate a voice for the student body to increase hours for recreation, dining and study time,” Born said. SGA officers put surveys on the doors of students’ dorms. The question asked if students would prefer an extension of hours for the Student Recreation and Fitness Center and dining locations, as well as the creation of a 24/7 study area. “Most campus recreation centers are open until midnight. We want to extend our Rec Center’s closing time instead of 10:30 p.m. to midnight,” Born said. About 400 to 500 students were surveyed and the majority voted “yes” to the extension of hours, according to Born. Piggott, who will propose a bill to the student senate asking that the hours of the various locations be extended, will also produce a cost analysis for a 24/7 study center. Chuck Wigington, restaurant district manager for Aramark, said he couldn’t disclose information on the extension of dining hours at this time. Piggott said he will present the bill to administrators in three weeks. “The Tech Hub in the University Center is great for computers, but the environment is noisy, crowded and hot,” Piggott said. According to Piggott, he wants the first two floors of the Ned R. McWherter Library to stay open. Born hopes that administrators will look over the bill and give it a test drive for the upcoming semester. The SGA has proposed bills in the recent past asking for the permanent extension of hours at dining venues and study places, but has had little luck with the administration approving the requests. n


Student runs for cause

Independent Student Newspaper of the University of Memphis

SGA supports more hours

Calligraphy Demonstration

Photo Courtesy of Jennifer Payne

Senior Jennifer Payne ran in the Bank of America Chicago Marathon on Sunday and made it back for classes Monday morning. Payne began running last year for charity.

Not the father

How many students would run a marathon on Sunday and take an eighthour bus ride back to school for class on Monday? Senior Jennifer Payne ran in the Bank of America Chicago Marathon that began Sunday at 8 a.m. She spent about five hours running and got on a Greyhound bus headed back to Memphis that night. Payne arrived at 7 a.m. and made it to school for her 10:20 a.m. class. “Honestly, I missed a week and a half of school in September for an international trip, so I was just nervous about missing more school,” Payne said. She is enrolled in four classes that total 12 hours of class a week. Payne said to train she does “little runs” before or after class, which are usually between three and eight miles, and a “long run” on Saturday mornings, which can be up to 20 miles. Payne also works about 10 nights a month from midnight to 8 a.m. for the Memphis Rape Crisis Center. She said she is “on call,” so the nights could fall anywhere in the month. “I’m tired sometimes, but I know that if I worked or ran or went to class that I did something productive,” Payne said. Thursday marked the beginning of the “Break Free” campaign that financially supports the International Justice

see MARATHon on page 3

UM Alumus to be featured on Maury

UT Pike member attempts to clear name, plans legal action

By Samantha Esgro

By Michelle Corbet

news@dailyhelmsman.com Marcus Matthews, you are not the father. Maury Povich may not be saying those words when he sits down today with Matthews, a University of Memphis alumnus and director of the regional newspaper The Teen Appeal, but the two will discuss Matthew’s story that concluded just that. Matthews, 32, is filming for the Maury Show in Connecticut today. When Matthews emailed the trailer of his documentary, “I Am Not the Father,” based on his book of narratives from men who were falsely

The Daily Helmsman is a “designated public forum.” Students have authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. The Daily Helmsman is pleased to make a maximum of 10 copies of each issue available to a reader for free. Additional copies are $1. Partial printing and distribution costs are provided by an allocation from the Student Activity Fee.

accused of being a child’s father, to Povich’s public relations team, he got a response within 24 hours. The Maury episode, airing in November, will feature Matthews as a special guest. “I’ll be featured in a segment where we discuss my story, my book and my film,” Matthews said. When Matthews was 17 years old and a senior in high school, he was accused of impregnating his then girlfriend. After taking a DNA test in his freshman semester of college, however, he learned differently.


see MAURY on page 4

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Monday the lights were turned off and the locks were changed at the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity house at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, but the allegations of “butt chugging” remained. Pike members had until 5 p.m. Sunday to vacate the property after last month’s infamous “black out party” involving an alleged alcohol enema led to the suspension of UT’s Pike chapter and the closing of its fraternity house. On Oct. 2, Alexander “Xander” Tiger Babble Opinion Campus Life

2 National 3 Academics 4 Sports

Broughton — the fraternity member who has faced national scrutiny since waking up at the hospital with a blood-alcohol level of nearly 0.45 percent — held an on-campus press conference to deny any such claims of having participated in an alcohol enema. Broughton and his attorney Daniel McGehee of Knoxville, surrounded by nearly 60 UT Pike members, addressed multiple media outlets from the Knoxville area. Broughton made his first public appearance, denied the

see PIKE on page 6 5 6 7

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