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For information on the U of M’s status as a Certified Wildlife Habitat, see page 4


Million Meals Challenge in Memphis By Lisa Babb

news@dailyhelmsman.com Three campuses. Two causes. One competition. The University of Memphis, the University of Mississippi and Mississippi State University are competing in a challenge to fight hunger and ultimately see which school is the most giving. Kroger, Mississippi Food Network and Mid-South Food Bank have teamed up to sponsor The Million Meals Challenge. The three universities involved have committed to raising one million meals to help fight the epidemic of hunger in Mississippi and West Tennessee. “The Million Meals Challenge is an extraordinary opportunity for Kroger to mobilize team rivalry and join forces with the universities in the war on fighting hunger,” said Joe Bell, manager of marketing and public affairs for the Kroger Delta Division. Students, faculty and alumni can donate in three ways: monetary donations can be made at themillionmealschallenge.com, food collection is available at select Kroger stores and a food drive will be held at the last home football game and at men’s basketball games. Individuals and groups can also volunteer to donate their time. “If you look at the true spirit of this campaign, it is working together to raise awareness in our communities of the severity of hunger. Plus, [it] supports the needs of their food banks, the Mid-South Food Bank and the Mississippi Food Network,” Bell said. According to Elisabeth Benson, student coordinator for the project at the U of M, the University is in last place in the competition. “We want to win because this is our last year in Conference USA and we want to leave having shown that we are the most giving campus,” said Benson, who is president of the Nonprofit Leaders Student Association and vice president of Phi Kappa Phi Honors Student Council. n

Thursday 10.11.12




Supreme Court




Vol. 80 No. 028

Independent Student Newspaper of the University of Memphis


Professor farms catfish on campus By Samuel Prager

news@dailyhelmsman.com Everyone knows the University of Memphis is home to a variety of students, the Southern Avenue railroad tracks, the Tiger Den and, of course, Tom the Tiger. Most don’t know, however, that channel catfish call the campus their home as well. Bill Simco, who has come to be known as Dr. Catfish, is a professor of biological sciences and has studied the productivity and culturing of catfish at the University’s Ecological Resource Center for more than 40 years. “I’ve been working on factors that influence the productivity of catfish my whole professional career,” Simco said. “I’ve worked on diet requirements, what factors limit productions, genetics and even produced mono-sex populations of only male catfish.” Upon housing the catfish in the

see CATFISH on page 5

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Colleagues Bill Simco, left, and Joseph Loeb show the catfish they farm at the Ecological Resource Center at the University of Memphis Park Avenue Campus.

Denial of step show space generates accusations

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The Epsilon Kappa chapter of Delta Sigma Theta performs its first step show in two semesters inside the Michael D. Rose Theatre Lecture Hall on Friday after they were unable to reserve a space on the Alumni Mall.

By Michelle Corbet

news@dailyhelmsman.com The Epsilon Kappa Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta tried to host a

The Daily Helmsman is a “designated public forum.” Students have authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. The Daily Helmsman is pleased to make a maximum of 10 copies of each issue available to a reader for free. Additional copies are $1. Partial printing and distribution costs are provided by an allocation from the Student Activity Fee.

step show on the Alumni Mall last Friday but was told by the University of Memphis Scheduling Office that the show would disturb classes in the surrounding buildings and cre-

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ate a fire hazard. Traditionally, National PanHellenic Greeks have hosted step shows by the fountain on the Student Activities Plaza, but the Commuter Tiger Babble Letters to Editor Politics

Student Association already had the space booked. Years ago, before the University Center was built, step shows took place on the Alumni Mall. After the construction of the UC, members from the Dean of Students and the Office of Multicultural Affairs were determined to have step shows take place by the fountain on the Student Activities Plaza, according to Danny Armitage, assistant vice president for Student Affairs. “I don’t know of a policy that says they cannot have it on the Alumni Mall,” he said. “If students are interested in moving them to the previous location, we would have to sit down and talk about it.” When Epsilon Kappa couldn’t secure the Alumni Mall, they settled on the Michael D. Rose Theatre Lecture Hall, which wasn’t large enough for the crowd that showed up Friday. “It was really crowded,” said Epsilon Kappa chapter vice president and senior journalism major Kirstin Cheers. “A lot of people didn’t have seats — they were stand-

2 Tigers’ Tales 3 National 4 Sports

see STEP on page 6 5 6 7

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