DAILY HELMSMAN Wednesday 10.2.13
For information about the start of the rifle team’s season, see page 8
Vol. 81 No. 023
Independent Student Newspaper of the University of Memphis
Former English department chair promoted after investigation
By Margot Pera
news@dailyhelmsman.com This summer, the University of Memphis promoted English department chair Eric Link to assistant dean of the College of Arts and Sciences after accusations by two
English colleagues of bullying and discriminatory behavior. According to a departmental email from M. David Rudd, provost of the University of Memphis, seven tenured English professors filed complaints with Rudd describ-
ing a hostile and toxic work environment that included bullying and prejudicial behavior. Link did not respond to interview requests. In response to these complaints, the provost’s office appointed
Professor Bob Hetherington to conduct a thorough investigation of the department in which he interviewed professors and reviewed policies and financial documents before providing a step-by-step
see COMPlaint on page 4
Brister Street fights to save aging oak tree
photo By NathaNael packard | staff
Current and former university of Memphis students are fighting to save a giant red oak tree from being destroyed during construction on Brister street. the tree has been there for 75 to 100 years and is important to many local residents.
By Joshua Cannon
news@dailyhelmsman.com In the former backyard of Samantha Sharp at 592 Brister St., a colossal red oak towers over the neighborhood, its elongated branches swinging from side to side. Countless leaves flap in the wind and wave to all who pass by on their daily commutes. The tree is taller than a five-story building and flaunts a 15-foot
circumference. Anyone who drives down Southern Avenue is likely to spot the colossal canopy. It is believed to be 75 to 100 years old, but the only way to truly know would be by cutting it down and counting the rings — which is exactly what Sharp, a senior criminal justice major at the University of Memphis, does not want to happen. At the beginning of the year, Rael
The Daily Helmsman is a “designated public forum.” Students have authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. The Daily Helmsman is pleased to make a maximum of 10 copies of each issue available to a reader for free. Additional copies are $1. Partial printing and distribution costs are provided by an allocation from the Student Activity Fee.
Corp. began phase one of the development of new independent student housing that has a tentative completion date for the end of May. Along Southern Avenue, aging apartments were torn down and construction began. Phase two will consist of tearing down properties near Brister Street to create parking lots, one originally being Sharp’s home along with the immaculate red oak tree.
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Sharp sought out the help of current and past students from the University, concerned citizens and the Normal Station Neighborhood Association with an online petition titled “Save The Brister Street Tree” that garnered 106 supporters. Just when Sharp believed that she had “exhausted every avenue” concerning the situation, a proverbial light
see BRisteR on page 4 Tiger Babble Campus Life
2 Tiger Tales 3 Sports
U of M Ranked 3 as Safest Campus Program Aims to Help with 5 Textbook Costs Israel Won’t Let Iran Get 7 Nuclear Arms
Government shutdown affects many
By Omer Yusuf
news@dailyhelmsman.com At midnight Tuesday, the United States government partially shut down after Congress failed to reach an agreement on a new budget by the Sept. 30 deadline. This is not a new occurrence according to Eric Groenendyk, assistant professor in political science at the University of Memphis. “I don’t want to overplay the rarity of the situation, but this is not the first time the government has shut down.” Groenedyk said. While those receiving Social Security and Medicare aid will still receive assistance, as a result of the government shutdown, people cannot visit the Capitol, camp in national parks or visit national monuments. The government shut down twice during the Clinton administration in 1995 and 1996 over the nation’s actual budget. Groenedyk also said that this government shutdown is particularly telling about about the current state of American politics. “There is a very strong division in the Republican Party at the moment,” Groenedyk said. “That does not exist in the Democratic Party.” According to Groenedyk, the division in the Republican Party is not about the budget, but is instead about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare”, which the GOP is threatening to defund. In other words, the government shutdown has much more to do with the Afforable Care Act than what’s in the budget. “The Republican Party is using the budget as a negotiating tool, to negotiate cuts to ‘Obamacare’ even though it has already passed,” Groenedyk said. However, if the governmental shutdown is not resolved, it can led to unprecedented events such as the United States defaulting
see COngRess on page 3 5 8