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DAILY HELMSMAN Friday 10.26.12


For a preview of Saturday’s game, see page 8

They want your blood By Erica Horton

news@dailyhelmsman.com Instead of playing tricks and begging for treats this Halloween, University of Memphis students, faculty and staff can spill some blood to save lives. The U of M and Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity will host a blood drive Tuesday and Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Michael D. Rose Theater. Refreshments will be provided for donors. The event’s slogan — “No Bones About It: Blood Donors Save Lives” — is printed on T-shirts to be given to each donor. Tremaine McKinley, junior Asian studies and international trade major and Lambda Chi philanthropy chair, has been a donor since high school. He said he was nervous the first time he donated blood but once he started, “it wasn’t that big of a deal.” He said the worst side effect he’s ever seen anyone suffer after giving blood is a little light-headedness. “Lifeblood has people trained to [draw blood]. The past few times I did it there were no problems at all,” he said. “You’re just sitting there and letting them do their job, knowing they’ve drawn blood before and its for a good cause — you’re saving a life potentially.” Jeanie Pepper, LifeBlood recruiter and account manager, said the “No Bones About It” slogan was created because of the Halloween holiday. “To me there’s nothing scarier than a blood shortage so I figured that would tie in well with Halloween,” Pepper said. “People can come in costumes if they want to. It’ll be kind of festive.” Pepper said potential donors must be at least 16 years old with parental consent, have a photo ID, eat a good meal before donating and weigh at least 115 pounds. The goal of the University and LifeBlood is to collect one pint from at least 100 people each day. “One donation can save up to three lives and every three minutes in the Mid-South area someone needs blood,” Pepper said. “And all of the blood donations go to our local hospitals.” Lambda Chi President Dixon

see BLOOD on page 5

Vol. 80 No. 034 035

Independent Student Newspaper of the University of Memphis

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Therefore, be it resolved… SGA passes parking, planting, printing bills By Michelle Corbet


photoS by Jonathan JenKinS | StaFF

The Student Government Association passed bills Thursday that aim to allow vehicles to be parked on the grass across from Zach Curlin Parking Garage on the east side of campus and for trees to be planted in honor of former, current and future University of Memphis presidents.

The Student Government Association passed three bills Thursday night that intend to decrease the number of parking tickets handed out, increase the number of pages nursing majors can print and beautify the campus with trees in honor of University of Memphis presidents. These bills have been approved by the student senate, but have to get official approval from the University of Memphis administration to be implemented. Off roadin’ If the administration considers this bill, students will be able to park in the grass outside Parking Lot G off Zach Curlin Street without fear of receiving a parking ticket from Police or Parking Services. Matt Hotz, SGA sergeant at arms and junior economics major, proposed the bill after he first discovered the land on the other side of Zach Curlin did not belong to the University. “I did some research, and my committee chairman told me about it,” he said. He found that Memphis Light, Gas and Water owns the land. Hotz said commuter students who regularly park in the grass have been receiving citations from Parking

see SGA on page 6

Music program to boost tourism in Memphis By Melissa Wray

news@dailyhelmsman.com Graceland and Beale Street might get some stiff competition when it comes to attracting tourists to the city of Memphis. Thanks to the Consortium Memphis Music Town program announced by songwriter and producer David Porter, Memphis’ tourism and music industries could be getting a boost come Dec. 15. The program is an initiative to strengthen the pool of up-and-coming musicians by having them mentored by some of the industry’s greats. Porter hopes this will revive the city’s reputation as a music capital. Mentors for the national program

The Daily Helmsman is a “designated public forum.” Students have authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. The Daily Helmsman is pleased to make a maximum of 10 copies of each issue available to a reader for free. Additional copies are $1. Partial printing and distribution costs are provided by an allocation from the Student Activity Fee.

include Grammy-winning jazz artist Kirk Whalum, rap artist and producer Al Kapone, original Bar-Kays member James Alexander, former Stax Records owner Al Bell and Hi Records owner Boo Mitchell. Dean Deyo, president of the Memphis Music Foundation, said Porter contacted the organization and asked them to serve as mentors for his program. “We have been in total support of the Consortium from the beginning,” Deyo said. “We believe this is a fantastic idea.” He said he plans on submitting the foundation’s best members in hopes of being considered for the Consortium’s music programs.

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“We will also act as a feeder to them, and in reverse. The Consortium will send us some of their artists for additional training or preparation,” he said. Jon Hornyak, senior executive director of the Memphis chapter of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, said he plans to contribute not only his experience as a musician, studio owner and artist manager but also as encouragement to young people who want to pursue a career in music. “I hope the musicians that do enroll in the Consortium gain a better understanding of the level of talent and preparation required to have a shot at being successful in the music business,” he said. Hornyak said he was honored that Tiger Babble Opinion Politics

Porter asked him to be a mentor for the Consortium committee. “David and I have been friends and associates in the music industry for many years,” he said. “He is one of the architects of what is known as the ‘Memphis Sound’.” Another supporter of the Consortium is the University of Memphis. “The best way for students to learn about future career opportunities is to serve as an apprentice under an established professional,” said Randal Rushing, director of the Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music. “I feel our students will be able to learn and profit from our association with [the Consortium,]” he said. n

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