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DAILY HELMSMAN Wednesday 10.9.13


For a look at the upcoming soccer games, see page 7

Vol. 81 No. 027

Independent Student Newspaper of the University of Memphis

Food and Fitness:

Student Health Fair and Fun 3 Run A Day in the Life of a Golf Player



Eco-festival fosters sustainability

A Vital Combination By Omer Yusuf

news@dailyhelmsman.com Every day, students exercise in hopes of improving their health. Depending on what their goal is, they may lose weight or gain muscle mass. However, what they eat before and after exercise could have just as a big of an effect on their bodies as the workout itself. Cody Hughes, a freshman exercise sports and science major, said that what he eats before a workout depends on the the intesity of his exercise. “I take pre-workout supplements to give me an extra boost, but it depends on the intensity level of the workout.” Hughes said. When he first started working out, he started watching what he ate more closely. Once he started exercising five days a week, he started taking in more proteins. “I started taking proteins to help see improvements in my muscle mass,” Hughes said. “In order to see sufficient gains, you have to take in as many grams of protein as your weight. For example if you are 150 pounds, you would have to take in 150 grams of protein.” Livestrong.com, a website whose goal is to help people build their own healthy-living success stories, advises people to eat plenty of complex carbs before their workout, and to eat protein and carbs as soon as you finish the workout. This can be done by drinking a protein shake or eating a whole food meal. Michael Porter, a senior advertising major, said he did not have to change his diet when he first started exercising regularly. “I didn’t have to because I play sports, I workout to better my health.” Porter said. During the week, he said that he would eat nutrition bars, oatmeal, cereal or something that would “sit” well on his stomach.

see FOOD on page 3


The TIGUrS booth was one of many booths at this year’s Tiger Blue Goes Green Fair. The booths informed students about a number of organizations and groups on campus and in the community working to promote sustainability.

By Joey Kachel

news@dailyhelmsman.com Visitors who attended Tiger Blue Goes Green, the University of Memphis’ annual celebration of environmental awareness, were offered foil flowerpots and seed pods of Devil’s Ivy. They were also asked to enter a raffle for a recycled bicycle from the lost and found or one of a handful of folk-art sculptures made from recycled materials. International Business sopho-

more John Burks was one of the students who attended the festival. He felt that the displays shed light on topics most people didn’t consider. “It’s really interesting,” Burks said. “It spreads a lot of awareness that people don’t think about in their daily lives.” The event also featured a special focus on some of the environmentally progressive initiatives currently happening on campus. Features like the Bike Share

program, TIGUrS garden and Memphis Healthy U gave students a first-hand look at what the University is doing to support energy conservation, resources allocation and healthy lifestyles, according to Marian Levy, associate professor and assistant dean of Students and Public Health Practice at the School of Public Health. Several on-campus and offcampus organizations staged exhibits. The School of Public Health displayed their efforts to

fight salmonella across the state representatives from the Ground Water Institute — part of the Herff College of Engineering — explained soil striation and the importance of clean ground water. There, students didn’t have to look far for something to do. In addition to static displays, Midday Moves — part of the Memphis Healthy U fitness initiative — invited attendees to

One in 10 college students has made a plan for suicide, and there are more than 1,000 suicides on college campuses per year, according to a study done by Emory University. It is imperative that the faculty reaches out to students, said Earle Donelson, a staff psychologist with the U of M counseling center. “Being proactive with students who are considering harming themselves is very crucial,” he said. “It is much better to be proactive than to be reactive.” Led by Pam Cogdal and Theresa Okwumabua, Memphis STEPS uses

a similar mentality in their mission to draw attention to faculty, staff and the University community about the seriousness of suicide and the mental and behavioral health problems associated with it. The program has been in motion for three years and, with a student-based research team made of undergraduate and graduate students, has garnered more than 12,000 contacts with students, staff, faculty and the community surrounding the University. After presenting regionally and nationally at conferences, Cogdal and Okwumabua applied

for a grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Through the Center for Counseling Learning and Testing and the Psychological Services Clinic, the STEPS program offers services that educate and train the campus and community. They recently presented at a conference in Nashville and provided a twoday suicide prevention educational program in Memphis. Part of the mission is erasing the stigma that comes along

see ECO-FEST on page 2

Suicide prevention program lends a hand By Joshua Cannon

news@dailyhelmsman.com A college student’s fast-lane lifestyle can be full of unexpected twists and turns. From class to class, students often silently walk past one another without the slightest idea of the burden that could be weighing down other students’ shoulders. For some, the campus may be large and full of many people, but there is still no one to talk to throughout the day. The University of Memphis Suicide Training, Education and Prevention Services program is trying to change that.

The Daily Helmsman is a “designated public forum.” Students have authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. The Daily Helmsman is pleased to make a maximum of 10 copies of each issue available to a reader for free. Additional copies are $1. Partial printing and distribution costs are provided by an allocation from the Student Activity Fee.

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Campus Life National Tiger Tales

3 Crime Log 4 Sports 5

see SUICIDE on page 2 7 7

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