The Tigers lost to Oklahoma State by 21 points. To read full coverage of the game, see Thursday’s issue.
Wednesday 11.20.13
Independent Student Newspaper of the University of Memphis
Vol. 81 No. 049
Punk rock saved their lives How seven Memphians survived a deadly twister By Joshua Cannon
news@dailyhelmsman.com It was mid-afternoon in Peoria, Ill., when our four-door white GMC Suburban and the trailer carrying all of our music equipment was lifted off of the ground and sucked into the middle of a unexpected and devastating twister that swept across the area, leaving six dead and neighborhoods in ruins on Sunday. Just moment’s before, it had been an ordinary day on the road for our band. We played a show the previous night in a local resident’s basement. The next morning, we woke up on a stranger’s floor — a common consequence of touring. We rarely know where we are going to sleep at night. For a punk rock band, touring is much like any other form of traveling — but with many additional surprises, although I’m not sure there is any way we could have been prepared for Sunday morning’s storm. After we drove onto the interstate, the storm’s presence was nearly instantaneous. The rain shot down like machine gun bullets from the sky. Branches broke from trees and flew with hummingbird precision as if they were being guided in a straight line through the air. “Guys, I think we’re about to be in the middle of a tornado,” Calvin Lauber, guitarist, singer and our driver, turned to us and calmly
By Margot Pera
Cash said that the heat is being restored in Wilder Tower before Patterson Hall, because construction has already been completed on the portion of the new line leading into Wilder, but the section from Wilder to Patterson is a bit more complicated. “By installing an isolation valve in the new line between Wilder and Patterson, the contractor will be able to switch Wilder over to
For the first time in 22 years, the University of Memphis will not support a tuition increase for the upcoming academic year. On average, tuition at the University has increased 7.3 percent over the past 10 years. The University sent out an email notifying students, faculty and staff about its plans to hold tuition flat for the 2014-2015 school year. “Ideally, flattening tuition lessens the financial burden on students and ensures higher education will continue,” Provost M. David Rudd said. “A commitment to holding the rate flat is a recognition on our part of the increased financial pressures students face.” Rudd also added that administrators are studying the financial impact of eliminating out-of-state tuition. “We are not cutting any programs at the University, we are just trying to be more efficient and effective in what we do,” Rudd said. “We are making some administrative reductions which we will be talking about more in the coming weeks.” Ricky Kirby, president of the Student Government Association, attributes the steady increase of tuition to the lack of state funding. “It is sort of a double-edged sword,” Kirby said. “Our state funding goes down because our retention rate decreases, but our retention rate decreases because our tuition increases.” Out-of-state full-time undergraduate students currently pay $11,507 per semester, while in-state students pay $4,151, according to the email sent out by the University. The U of M may receive a short burst of revenue from the increase, but in terms of a long-term surge, the increasing rate was doing more harm than good, Kirby said. According to the U of M’s Office of Institutional Research, overall enrollment decreased by 712 students in 2013, with 21,354 students enrolled in the 2012 spring semester to 20,642 in the
see HeaT on page 4
see TUiTiOn on page 3
photo By NathaNael packard | staff
Band member, calvin Lauber, uses the wrecked Suburban to push the trailer out of the middle of the highway after a devastating tornado on Sunday. said as the wind pushed like a tidal wave against the car. Before we could process what was happening, the autumn leaves grew into a chaotic collage of color.
The colossal tornado grabbed our car and trailer before throwing us into the air with featherless effort. “The wind and debris blocked any view of the road I had,” Lauber,
a freshman graphic design major at the University of Memphis, said. “I realized we were in danger right before I lost control. My only
see TWiSTeR on page 3
Patterson Hall left in the cold until Friday By Austin Reynolds
news@dailyhelmsman.com The University of Memphis cut off the heat to two buildings on campus on Tuesday. The office of Dean Hansen, vice president of the Physical Plant, sent an email to the University of Memphis Community on Tuesday announcing that Wilder Tower and Patterson Hall were without heat.
Tuition rate to hold flat for first time in decades
The email stated that the heat was cut off “due to an unforeseen rupture in the steam line.” A contractor was scheduled to repair Wilder Tower’s heat on Tuesday, but Patterson Hall’s heat will be out until at least Friday. The rupture was not caused by construction around campus, but it did bring the issue to light, according to facilities projects manager Pam Cash. “The rupture was not directly related to the construction proj-
The Daily Helmsman is a “designated public forum.” Students have authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. The Daily Helmsman is pleased to make a maximum of 10 copies of each issue available to a reader for free. Additional copies are $1. Partial printing and distribution costs are provided by an allocation from the Student Activity Fee.
ect currently in progress but was discovered in the excavation process for the project,” Cash said. “As the steam line was uncovered, two leaks in one pipe were discovered.” One leak was about two feet deep under a sidewalk, and the other was about eight feet deep. Cash said they don’t know how long the leaks have been there. Prior to the leaks being discovered, the steam line was in the process of being replaced.
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